Daniel Levinson
Daniel Levinson
Daniel Levinson
His theory:
At the center of Levinson's theory is the life structure. This is an underlying pattern of an
individual's life at any given point in time. A person's life structure is shaped mainly by their
social and physical environment, and it primarily involves family and work. Other variables
such as religion, race, and status are often important as well.
In his theory there are two key concepts:
1) the Stable Period - This is the time when a person makes crucial choices in life.
2) the Transitional Period - This is the end of a person's stage and the beginning of a new
one. Life during these transitions can be either rocky or smooth, but the quality and
significance of ones life commitments often change between the beginning and end of a
There are 6 stages of adulthood in Levinson's theory titled "Seasons of a Man's Life":
1) Early adult transition (17-22) - leave adolescence, make preliminary choices for adult life
2) Entering the adult world (22-28) - make initial choices in love, occupation, friendship,
values, lifestyle
3) Age 30 transition (28-33) - changes occur in life structure, either a moderate change or,
more often, a severe and stressful crisis
4) Settling down (33-40) - establish a niche in society, progress on a timetable, in both family
and career accomplishments; are expected to think and behave like a parent so they are facing
more demanding roles and expectations .
5) Mid-life transition (40-45) - life structure comes into question, usually a time of crisis in
the meaning, direction, and value of each person's life. neglected parts of the self (talents,
desires, aspirations) seek expression. Men are seen more as parents than as brothers to
other men who are somewhat younger than them and this message comes as an irritation at
first. Also at this time, men becoming increasingly aware of death and they are reminded of
how short life really is. They become involved in trying to leave a legacy and this usually
forms the core of the second half of his life.
6) Entering middle adulthood (45-50) - choices must be made, a new life structure
formed. person must commit to new tasks.
* Some sources also stated that there was a late adulthood stage during which time a man
spent time reflecting on past achievements and regrets, and making peace with one's self and
others (including God).
** Daniel Levinson later went on to write a book titled Seasons of a Woman's Life.
He argue2s than men go through major life phases. Within these phases are times of stability,
generally lasting about 6-10 years and transitional periods which may last about 4-5
years. The primary task of every stable period is to build a life structure, to make key
choices, form a structure around them and to pursue goals and values within this
structure. This may be a tranquil or stressful times as options are weighed and choices
made. A transitional period terminates existing life structures and creates the possibility for a
new one. "The primary tasks of every transition period are to question and reappraise the
existing structure, to explore the various possibilities for change in self and world, and to
move toward a commitment to crucial choices that form a basis for a new life structure in the
ensuing stable period."
As men complete a development phase called "settling down", they enter into a life period
which Levinson calls "Becoming One's Own Man" (age 36-39). A man becomes a senior
member in his own world, he speaks with his own voice, and he has a greater measure of
authority. He carries the burden of greater responsibilities and pressures. He gives up more
of the "little boy within". Hopefully, he fulfills his "Dream." Many men do not complete
this settling down in terms which are satisfactory to them. They do not achieve their
"Dream", they find themselves trapped in dead end occupations, their marriages are no longer
the Hollywood fantasy of perfection and they enter into Mid-life with unresolved
developmental issues. Others, while quite successful in their lives, still struggle with the new
developmental tasks of mid-life since this is perfectly normal. He will still ask "what have I
done with my life? What do I really get from and give to my wife, family friends, etc.?" He
yearns for a life in which his actual desires, values, talents and aspirations can be
expressed (and often he doesn't know what they are). Much of this developmental turmoil
may be "below the surface" since many men are only marginally aware of their own
disquietude and/or do not communicate what is really happening to others. However, it
breaks through in strange ways and behaviors-- often being precipitated by acute crises or
events in his life. Since clinical depression is a common hallmark of repressed anger,
ambivalence, and unresolved inner turmoil, a typical characteristic of this time in a man's life
is depression which clinically appears far differently in man than women.
A man has several major tasks to work on during this transition. Awareness of this by others
may provide one tool for assistance so that this transition is not too destructive.
He must terminate early adulthood. He has to review and reappraise this era of his life.
He often has to discover who he really his-- not the "self" of social expectations, parental
scripts, corporate environments, etc. He may begin to modify negative elements of his
existing life structure. This may require experimentation and even failures until the
redefinition is clear.
He has to deal with the polarities of his life. There are:
Young/Old--the mid-life male is caught between poles. "Young" symbolizes birth,
growth, possibility, initiation, openness, energy, and potential. "Old" symbolizes
termination, fruition, stability, completion, and death. Young can be heroic, fragile, and
impulsive. Old can be senile, tyrannical, and unconnected. The task of mid-life is to
reintegrate these poles-- to seek new energy for creation but with wisdom and
balance. One of the major problems here can be the inappropriate "quest for
immortality" and all the destructiveness this can lead to. Another aspect of this polarity
is man's quest for a "Legacy"-- what he passes on to the next generation. This may take
the form of satisfaction from children, work with charitable organizations, mentoring,
recognition for professional work etc.
Destruction/Creation--as a man reviews his life, he becomes aware of how
destructiveness everywhere inhibits creativity. He needs to understand the
destructiveness in his own life.. He needs to take responsibility for his own destructive
capabilities. He needs to resolve issues of guilt, ambivalence, old anger, and grief over
lost opportunities. A man's new creativity in middle adulthood comes in part with the
relationship with his own destructiveness and from intensification of the loving, life-
affirming aspects of self.
Masculine/Feminine--these polarities-- strength vs. weakness
Attachment/Separation-- to be attached is to be engaged, involved, rooted, plugged
in. To be separated is to be more deeply involved in one's inner world. Separateness
promotes creative adaptation and inner growth. During the mid-life transition, men need
to reduce their heavy involvement in the external world. To do the work of re-appraisal
and dis-illusionment, he must turn inward. As he leaves the dependencies of his earlier
life (and this may be a very negative and destructive act), he forms a more universal
sense of good and evil driven by his own newly emerging values as opposed to that of the
community. He strives to find a better balance between needs of self and needs of
society. With increased self caring and self awareness comes self development and
Levinson states that as the mid-life transition begins to resolve and reintegration of the Self
occurs, that the man effects changes in three components of the life structure:
The "Dream"--this symbolizes youth, omnipotence, illusion, inspiration, and heroic
drama. At mid-life, this imagery needs to be modulated and the conflicts engendered by
this resolved.
Mentoring--As the man gives up the "Dream", so he also gives up being mentored, He
must accept the loss and disappointment of being ejected from the youthful generation. He
much become the mentor and derive satisfaction from furthering the development of
younger men and women--facilitating their efforts to form and live out their own
Dreams. Mentoring involves altruism, self-rejuvenation, and creativity. The hazards of
inappropriate control, exploitation, jealousy, and excessive involvement are well known.
Marriage--A man may come to recognize that his marriage was flawed from the start. As
he comes to know himself better, he comes to know his wife as a real person. He needs to
either recommitment to his marriage on new terms and, in doing that, accept some
responsibility for his own motivation and character or enter into a new primary
relationship. Obviously issues with the Young/Old polarity create major problems here.