6th South African Armoured Division (Part 5)

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6th South African Armoured Division (Part 5)
6th South African Armoured
Division (Part 5)
By J.C. von Winterbach, Scott Sutherland, Mike Bersiks, Rex
Barret and Barry Cooper.
6th South Africian Armoured Division Part 1...
6th South Africian Armoured Division Part 2...
6th South Africian Armoured Division Part 3...
6th South Africian Armoured Division Part 4...
The Pursuit to the Alps
The 6th South African Armoured Division was re-organising for the pursuit, but a delay was inevitable while US II
Corps adjusted its dispositions. On the evening of 18 April 1945, the 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade
had occupied Mt. Giovule and Mt. Baco without resistance. Reinforced by the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles and with the
SSB temporarily under command this brigade was ordered to secure a bridgehead over the Reno, and continue the
advance until relieved by 11th South African Armoured Brigade. The latter brigade, with the FCity/CTH under
command, was to act as the main thrust of the 6th South African Armoured Division. The 12th South African
Motorized Infantry Brigade with the PAG under command was to support the main thrust. The situation was so fluid
that it proved impossible to adhere to the pre-arranged plans. Four American divisions, and the 6th South African
Armoured Division, were all trying to debouch into the Po Valley west of Bologna, with mines and demolitions blocking
the few available roads. But for the US Fifth Army engineers and staff, the traffic congestion did not become acute,
and the US 34th Infantry Division was able to enter Bologna on 21 April 1945.
The 6th South African Armoured
Division had virtually no more
fighting in the Appenines. The one
aim of the Germans was to get to
the Po River crossings, but left a
considerable number of stragglers
in the mountains, and several
hundred prisoners were picked up
during the thrust down Route 64.
These stragglers seldom showed
any fight. The SSB leading the
advance of 13th South African
Motorized Infantry Brigade reached
the outskirts of Casalecchio on the
evening of 20 April 1945, and then
the 11th South African Armoured
Brigade with the SSB back under
command, passed through on 21
April 1945.
The long bloody struggle in the mountains was over, and the fertile plains of northern Italy lay ahead.
On 21 April 1945, the 6th South African Armoured Division was given the task of leading the advance of US II Corps.
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The advance was to be carried out with the utmost speed and boldness on a broad front. German rearguards and
delaying positions were to be by-passed. Important road centres, stream crossings, etc., to be held until relieved by
the infantry divisions. 11th South African Armoured Brigade was directed through San Giovanni to Finale Nel Emillia
and the 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade to Camposanto. Both brigades were to seize crossings over the
Panaro River. The 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade was to concentrate north of Route 9 in divisional
reserve. The PR was detached from the 11th South African Armoured Brigade command, and was ordered to protect
the 6th South African Armoured Divisions right flank, and contact the British Eighth Army in the vicinity of Bondeno.
The American units under the command of the 11th South African Armoured Brigade had now left.
By-passing Bologna, the tanks of the SSB rumbled off at 10:30 on 21 April 1945. After many weary months the 11th
South African Armoured Brigade had returned to mobile warfare. The tank crews were filled with tremendous
enthusiasm and were determined to make the most of the opportunity. Sweeping up the long straight road to San
Giovanni, the SSB soon started to collect prisoners and stragglers. At 11:00 hours shots were exchanged with enemy
tanks, supported by self-propelled guns and panzershrecks. The SSB was confined to a strip of ground on bothsides
of the road, bounded by a railway line on one flank and a dyke on the other. After a severe fire-fight the SSB tanks
fought their way forward to within 11-miles of San Giovanni, but further progress was barred by a blown bridge. The
SSB knocked out two Panzer IV tanks and PaK40 guns, for a loss of three Shermans disabled. Meanwhile, the
ILH/KimR and A Squadron, SSB struck opposition at Calderara Di Reno to the east of the railway line, and the
village was bombarded by the 4/22 Field Regiment.
A Panzer IV was put out of action and the place was occupied that evening. The 11th South African Armoured
Brigade rounded up 300 prisoners on 21 April 1945, and identifications from many battalions illustrated the confusion
of the retreat. Further to the east the PR reached Longara at nightfall, after meeting considerable opposition from
panzerhrecks and losing two Shermans but they managed to round up 150 prisoners. It had been a successful day for
the South Africans, but the country was badly cut bydykes and canals, and the going was by no means easy.
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San Giovanni was occupied by
American troops on the night
of 21/22 April 1945, and the
advance of the 6th South
African Armoured Division was
resumed on 22 April 1945, on
a two brigade front with the
11th South African Armoured
Brigade advancing on Finale
Nell Emilia while the 12th
South African Motorized
Infantry Brigade advancing on
Camposanto. The 6th South
African Armoured Divisions
orders were to seize the
crossings over the Panaro
River at all costs. The SSB,
with B Company, ILH/KimR
under command, met
considerable opposition just
north of San Giovanni. The
Germans had organised a very
strong anti-tank defence with
guns and Panzers concealed
among houses and hayricks.
B Squadron, SSB, executed a flanking movement, and after severe fighting the Germns withdrew. Another strong
rearguard position was encountered at Decima. B Squadron, SSB, again moved to a flank, while the ILH/KimR
assisted the tanks by taking out Snipers and Panzershrecks. At nightfall the column was still some 5 miles south of
Finale. The SSB claimed the destruction of 7 Panzers, with 8 Shermans and 3 Stuarts being destroyed or disabled.
The WR/DLR with C Squadron, PAG, and one Battery of 1/6 Field Regiment under command, led the advance of
12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade, and moving very fast through San Giovanni and Crevalcore, reached
the outskirts of Camposanto at 12:45. There was no opposition, and progress was not impeded by demolitions or
mines. Endless columns of American marching troops were passed on the road. The Panaro has high banks
overgrown by grass, and the river is unfordable on foot. B Company, WR/DLR, leading the advance, reached the
bridge at Camposanto at about 10:30 and found it intact. Camposanto lay on the northern bank of the Panaro.
American troops had already reached the river, but drew back in the face of heavy small arms fire.
The WR/DLR made an attempt to rush the bridge with
an infantry platoon, but the platoon was driven back by
machine-gun fire along a fixed line. For two hours
nothing was achieved, and it was impossible for the
troops to show themselves without being shot. The
Germans were not able to demolish the bridge from a
distance and tried to send parties on to the bridge to
destroy it. These were driven back by the fire of the
WR/DLR. Finally PAG tanks were brought up to give
supporting fire and artillery concentrations were laid on.
Covered by this fire, three Carriers loaded with troops
rushed the bridge resulting in 46 prisoners taken in
South African Units
RDLI - Royal Durban Light Infantry
NMR - Natal Mounted Rifles
DROR - Duke of Edinburghs Own Rifles
RLI - Rand Light Infantry
RB/RPS - Regiment Botha/Regiment President Steyn
PR - Pretoria Regiment
PAG - Prince Alfreds Guard
SSB - Special Service Battalion
ILH/KimR - Imperial Light Horse/Kimberley Regiment
RNC - Royal Natal Carbineers
FC/CTH - First City/Cape Town Highlanders Regiment
WR/DLR - Witwatersrand/De La Rey Regiment
The WR/DLR had achieved a notable success. On the evening of 22 April 1945, the 12th South African Motorized
Infantry Brigade received orders to hand over Camposanto to an American unit, and to move with all speed along the
south bank of the Panaro to Finale Nell Emillia. The plan was designed to trap considerable enemy forces caught
between the converging US Fifth Army and British Eighth Army, and still south of the Panaro. The German army in
Italy was now in its death-throes. The pace of withdrawal was limited to that of animals and infantry, all the reserves
had been engaged, and Allied aircraft speedily turned the Po crossings into deathtraps. On 21 April, 1945, a British
Eighth Army Armoured column burst out from the Argenta area, and driving along the Reno occupied Reggio
Renaticio that night. Sweeping on in a northwesterly direction the British Eighth Army spearheads reached the
outskirts of Bondeno on the evening of 22 April 1945. A battle of annihilation began between the Panaro and the
Both 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade and 11th South African Armoured Brigade were now directed on
Finale. This small town lay on the northern bank of the Panaro River, and now that Bondeno was lost, the bridges
across the Panaro at Finale were virtually the only escape route for the numerous German forces in the Cento area.
The Panaro was not a formidable obstacle, but its steep banks form an impassable obstacle for vehicles. There were
two bridges at Finale - a stone bridge leading into the town, and a wooden bridge some hundreds of yards to the east.
Although the SSB had halted about 5 miles from Finale on the evening of 22 April 1945, the Germans in that area
had already felt the weight of the 6th South African Armoured Division. On the evening of 22 April the 7/23 Medium
Regiment observed a great numbers of vehicles moving along the roads into Finale, where upon the 7/23 Medium
Regiment and the 4/22 Field Regiment put down a series of concentrations and did tremendous damage.
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The advance of 12th South
African Motorized Infantry
Brigade was led by the RDLI
with B Squadron, PAG under
command. The RDLI column
advanced rapidly along the
south bank of the Panaro, and
by 20:45 on 22 April 1945, the
troops were within a mile of
Finale. Here they struck
against the flank of an enemy
column of vehicles and
Panzers which was moving
into the town. Confused
fighting broke out in the
darkness, and two PAG tanks
were destroyed. But the RDLI
maintained positions within 500
yards of the road, and the
PAG tanks and battalion
mortars fired steadily into the
column. During the
proceedings the stonebridge
was demolished.
The Germans opposing the RDLI then betook themselves to the wooden bridge and crossed the Panaro by this
means with the fighting dying down at dawn, and a patrol of the RDLI entered Finale and found the place clear of the
At 07:05 on 23 April 1945, the 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade received orders to concentrate and
resume the advance through Camposanto to the Po. The RDLI was ordered to relieve the ILH/KimR and the 11th
South African Armoured Brigade was ordered to clear up the Finale area and during the day the SSB, ILH/KimR and
FC/CTH rounded up some 900 prisoners south of the town. The Germans had a number of trenches in the area, and
considerable opposition was encountered from snipers and Spandau posts, but organized resistance broke down
during the day. The utter confusion of the enemy is shown by the fact that prisoners were taken from no less than
eight divisions. During the morning contact was made with Britih 6th Armoured Division.
The road leading into Finale was
choked with vehicles of every
description all jammed together in a
shattered mass. From the bridge over
the canal to the Panaro there was a
solid mass of carts, oxen, mules and
horses followed by trucks, guns towed
and self-propelled and panzers. On the
morning of 24 April 1945, a way had
been bulldozed through the mass with
many of the vehicles still smouldering.
Prisoners stated that the initial block
was caused by fighter-bombers, and
then the artillery took full advantage of
the congestion. German aircraft put in
an appearance on the nights of the
21/22 April and 22/23 April and inflicted
some casualties on the 6th South
African Armoured Division. A Junker
Ju-87 Stuka was shot down by B
Troop of 1/12 Light Anti-Aircraft
On the morning of 23 April 1945, 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade began its drive to the Po. After a
delay of some hours caused by the bridge at Camposanto being blocked by American traffic the WR/DLR crossed the
Panaro at 10:30. The advance was pressed during the afternoon and C Squadron, PAG, which accompanied the
advance guard, got in some effective shooting at disorganised groups. 150 prisoners were collected, but progress was
hampered by American units moving along the roads in the same area. The WR/DLR column harboured some 5 miles
from the Po. During the advance they noted that the northern sky was black with smoke, and that fighter-bombers
were continually overhead.
On the afternoon of 24 April 1945, 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade reached the Po in the Felonica area.
Large numbers of stragglers were trapped on the south bank and the area was littered with guns, panzers, transport,
and war material of all sorts. The WR/DLR rounded up 487 prisoners and the RDLI 250. The latter battalion captured
a complete German hospital and staff. The PR, which was acting in an independent role, also reached the Po River
that day and took 363 prisoners. Opposition was sporadic and unorganised. The 11th South African Armoured Brigade
completed the clearing up of the Finale area on 24 April 1945, while the 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade
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concentrated south of the Panaro ready to support the 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade.
Further to the west 10th US Mountain Division
had crossed the Po River in the San Bennetto
area. On the night of 24/25 April 1945, a RDLI
patrol swam the Po River and reported that the
north bank was only lightly held. This was
fortunate for the Po at this point was over 150
yards broad, and a very difficult obstacle.
Bridging material was not immediately available
but five assault boats were brought up during
the night. A and B Companies, RDLI crossed
the river the next morning and established a
bridgehead against slight opposition. 12th Field
Squadron operated a raft for jeeps, carriers and
10 DUKWs (Amphibious Lorries) to ferry troops
over. 12th South African Motorized Infantry
Brigade Group concentrated on the south bank
to follow up the crossing. More rafts arrived on
26 April 1945, but heavy rain made the banks
of the river soft and muddy and greatly impeded
loading operations.
The crossing of 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade was completed on 27 April 1945. The greater part of
the brigade crossed via ferries, but 240 vehicles were sent over a bridge at Ostiglia.
Wholesale disaster was overtaking the Germans in northern Italy. On 25 April 1945, US 88th Infantry Division made a
remarkable advance from the Ostiglia bridgehead and reached Verona. All lateral communication between the German
forces in the plain was cut, and the retreat of German forces west of the Tyrol was finally closed when US Fifth Army
spearheads took Como on 28 April 1945. The German Army Group C was now a mere skeleton force. All their energy
had been expended south of the Po River and without weapons and ammunition their retreat had become a rout.
Practically all the tanks, assault guns, and heavy anti-tank guns were lost or stranded for lack of fuel and there was
little left of the artillery. In these circumstances it was hopeless for the German command to hold a line along the
Adige, or even to put up a serious defence in the Tyrol. Strong defences had been constructed during the winter east
of the Adige River, but neither troops nor guns were available to hold them.
On 27 April 1945, the RDLI led the advance of 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade to the Adige, and the
river was reached in the Castagnaro area. At 14:20 D Company, RDLI commenced a crossing using a boat supplied
by partisans. These were soon supplemented by American DUKWs, and during the evening the whole battalion
crossed the river, together with a troop for PAG tanks. The crossing was unopposed and a number of stragglers were
collected on the east bank. On the morning of 28 April 1945, the RDLI occupied Boschi, and at this point 12th South
African Motorized Infantry Brigade passed into reserve. 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade with the PR
under command was ordered to take the lead, with 11th South African Armoured Brigade moving in close support.
The task of 6th South African Armoured Division was to maintain contact with the British Eighth Army, and protect the
right flank of the US II Corps.
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On the morning of 28 April 1945, 13th South
African Motorized Infantry Brigade crossed the
Adige near Legnago, on a bridge laid by
American engineers. The NMR/SAAF led the
way without waiting for the PR tanks to cross
the river. No resistance was encountered until
Noventa was reached, some 15 miles from the
Adige. PR tanks were called up and the
advance continued until the head of the column
struck the strong defences of the Venetian Line,
and came under heavy anti-tank fire with one
Sherman destroyed and two Shermans
immobilised. A group of PR tanks moved to
flank the Germans and broke their defences
west of the Legnaro -Vicenza road. Barbed wire
obstacles and anti-tank ditches were not
covered by fire. Pillboxes were found
unoccupied. The 13th South African Motorized
Infantry Brigade continued its drive to the
Bacchiglione River, which was reached that
evening. PR tanks advancing up the main
Vicenza road were held up by a canal and a
blown bridge, and were received with heavy fire.
Accordingly the RNC with PR reconnaissance
tanks under command, were ordered to move to
The RNC collected a number of prisoners but
failed to capture the bridge at this point in the
face of machine-gun fire. The enemy blew the
bridge in the early hours of 29 April 1945.
During the day the US 88th Infantry Division captured Vicenza after stiff fighting and the 2nd New Zealand Division
reached the outskirts of Padua. On the night of 28 April 1945, the 6th South African Armoured Division HQ ordered
the advance to continue on a two brigade front with the 11th South African Armoured Brigade advancing on Treviso
and assisting the Americans in capturing that important town, while the 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade
were to maintain touch with the British Eighth Army and follow a route south of the main Vicenza - Treviso axis. Both
the 11th South African Armoured Brigade and 13th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade succeeded in capturing
bridges across the Bacchiglione. Early on 29 April 1945, carriers of the ILH/KimR occupied Longare and found the
bridge undamaged, while the RNC crossed by a bridge south east of Monte Galdella.
Both brigades drove on to the Brenta against slight opposition. They collected hundreds of prisoners, and reached
Brenta that evening. D Company, RNC was involved in a sharp action at Limena, and the enemys resistance was
not overcome until the battalion mortars and the guns of 15th Field Regiment, RA had been brought into action. A PR
tank was destroyed here. A RNC patrol crossed the Brenta at Curtarolo using a captured raft, and 8th Field Squadron
threw a Bailey bridge over the river during the night of 29/30 April 1945. While reconnoitring the bridging site the
commanding officer and 8th Field Squadron and two other ranks were killed by Panzershreck fire.
11th South African Armoured
Brigade crossed at Curtarolo
on the morning of 30 April
1945, and by nightfall was
within three miles of Treviso.
500 prisoners were collected
during the day, and it was
clear that the war in Italy was
virtually over. The New
Zealanders were in Venice,
and the Americans had taken
Treviso. The 6th South African
Armoured Division
concentrated in the Scorze
area. From there it set off, on
1 May 1945, for Milan, to meet
a threat from a German force.
En route the 6th South African Armoured Division heard of the surrender of the German Armies in Italy.
6th South African Armoured Division casualties in Italy totalled 5176, of which 753 were killed.
Axis Surrender and End of the War
Early on 2 May 1945 the German theatre commander, Generalfeldmarschall A. Kesselring, agreed to Fieldmarshal
H.R.L.G Alexanders surrender terms and broadcast orders to ceasefire. By 3 May 1945, the 6th South African
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Armoured Division was northeast of Milan when General der Panzertruppe Fridolin Rudolf Theodor, Ritter und Edler
von Senger und Etterlin delivered the surrender of the German forces in Italy to Lt. Gen. M.W. Clark in Florence. This
was followed by Winston Churchills announcement of the end of the war in Europe on 8 May 1945.
On 14 May 1945 the whole of 6th South African Armoured Division assembled on the Monza motor racing circuit,
complete with its tanks, artillery and vehicles. A Guard of Honour was formed by the SSB, Maj. Gen. W.H.E. Pooles
first command. As Prime Minister (Field Marshal) J.C Smuts was in San Francisco writing the preamble on Human
Rights for the United Nations Charter, he was represented by the Acting Minister of Defence, Commodore the Hon
F.C. Sturrock who opened with a speech, bringing the 6th South African Armoured Division the thanks of Prime
Minister and the people of South Africa for its part in the victory in Italy.
The Top Brass included
Lieutenant-General Mark Clark
(15th Army Group), General
Lucian King Truscott, Jr. (Fifith
Army) and Lieutenant-General
Willis Dale Crittenberger (IV
US Corps), all three having
had the 6th South African
Armoured Division under their
command during operations
from the Arno to the Alps.
General Sir Pierre Helpperus
Andries van Ryneveld and
Major-General Francois Henry
Frank Theron were the
distinguished South African
Generals present, together with
senior Allied officers, including
The parade was led by the ubiquitous TAC Division HQ Command Jeep with its 2 Star Plate and, as usual, flying the
GOCs pennant which so many men had seen during the year-long trek from Caddino. Maj. Gen. W.H.E Poole stood
smartly at the salute as the battle-worn jeep came abreast of Commodore the Hon F.C. Sturrock. The Air OP pilots
coincided their fly-past with the head of the huge march past. The Command Jeep then broke away, so that Maj. Gen.
W.H.E Poole could join Commodore the Hon F.C. Sturrock at the saluting base. During the proceedings Lt. Gen. M.W
Clark, presumably in his capacity as the senior US Officer in the theatre, decorated Maj. Gen. W.H.E. Poole on behalf
of the President of the United States with the Legion of Merit (Commander), the Highest Award that could be made to
a non-American citizen.
The South African brigades were then deployed to the Swiss and French borders for frontier duties with the 11th
Armoured Brigade along the Swiss border, 13th Motorised Brigade around Turin and 12th Motorised Brigade in the
Aosta Valley contiguous to the Franco-Italian border, which was drawn on the high ground separating the two
countries. On 16 July 1945 the Italian Cremona and Mantova Battle Groups were placed under command of the 6th
South African Armoured Division to assist in these duties, allowing some of the battalions to be withdrawn for
repatriation to South Africa. The two Motorised Brigades were amalgamated and remained responsible for guarding
duties in the province of Imperia until 18 August 1945 while the 11th Armoured Brigade was amalgamated with the
division artillery.
Lt. Gen. M.W. Clark commented on the 6th South African Armoured Divisions achievements during the Spring
Offensive, stating:
One of my visits was to the 6th South African Armoured Division, under a most competent leader, Maj. Gen. W.H.E.
Poole. This unit had previously been shifted to the Fifth Army front, and had performed splendidly under adverse
conditions. It was a battle-wise outfit, bold and aggressive against the enemy and willing to do whatever job was
In fact, after a period of day-and-night fighting, the 6th South African Armoured Division had in an emergency gone
into the line as infantrymen. When the snow stalled their armour they dug in their tanks and used them as artillery to
make up for our shortage of heavy guns... Their attacks against strongly organised German positions were made with
great lan and without regard for casualties. Despite their comparatively small numbers, they never complained about
losses. Neither did Smuts, who made it clear that the Union of South Africa intended to do its part in the War - and it
most certainly did. Enough said!"
Lt. Gen. M.W. Clark Military Memoirs
Helwan Riots
By the beginning of April 1945, it had become obvious that
the war was coming to a close and that the 6th South African
Armoured Division as well as many other South African
troops serving as divisional, corps and army troops would
require transportation back to South Africa for demobilisation.
On 1 May 1945, the Union Defence Force realised that no
plans had yet been made to get all men back and instructions
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were prepared, whereby No. 1 and No. 5 Wings of the SAAF
were to be merged to form No. 4 Group which was to be
used in an Intensified Transport Service/Shuttle Service to
move 5000 troops per month by air commencing 1 July 1945.
A further 15,000 men were to be transported home by sea during the second half of the year, resulting in the
repatriation of 45,000 soldiers by the end of the year.
In addition to the 6th South African Armoured Division and other troops in Italy, there were thousands of recently
released South African prisoners from the 2nd South African Infantry Division who had been captured at the battles of
Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk who had been held in Italy. And this also created problems as their numbers had not been
factored into the demobilisation plans.
The staging depot at Helwan north of Cairo was soon overcrowded and by 20 August 1945, the depot, designed to
hold 5000 men was holding 9000.
An official announcement on 9
August 1945, stated that 3000
5000 men were expected to be
repatriated by sea at the end of
the month, but less than a week
later it was announced that the
expected shipping had been
delayed, and that further
announcements would be made
later. Food was in short supply
and the lack of adequate numbers
of chefs caused extended queues
and delays at meal times. The
standard of discipline deteriorated
further as the men arriving at the
depot were split up alphabetically
by surname, and then according
to their demobilisation categories.
Priority was determined by the length of service in the UDF, The basic principle was First in, first out. All the
members of the UDF were classified in groups ranging from Group A with attestation dates between September 1939
and 30 April 1940 to Group M with attestation dates from 1 January 1945 onwards. White men and women, the Cape
Corps and Indian and Malay Corps, and the Native Military Corps were grouped separately. Demobilisation took place
on an individual basis rather than a unit basis since the whole dispersal depot machinery, which was built up during
the war, was based on a system of individual discharges. This meant that men were grouped together with fellow
soldiers and NCOs whom they did not know and unit structures were lost.
Military personnel within the Union were considered for demobilisation first, with the exception of those personnel
serving in certain key positions and those whose demobilisation depended on the complete demobilisation of
personnel from other theatres of war. The second stage commenced on the arrival of troops from areas elsewhere in
Africa; and the final stage was reached on return of troops from other operations, those held P.O.W. and those on
duties in enemy territory.
Delays in the repatriation process arouse with problems relating to the reconversion of aircraft to passenger planes,
shortages in finding fuel and a general lack of shipping space, created problems in the repatriation of soldiers from
overseas. Some of the soldiers were of the opinion that the whole situation was pretty shocking and some described
the air evacuation scheme as a complete failure. Some soldiers even questioned the sincerity of the government's
promise of a speedy return and their smooth reinstatement into civilian life.
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More changes in the official discharge
policy led to a severe criticism and
delays in finding suitable post-war
employment. Initially, the discharges
were to take place on a FIFO basis
according to the soldier's date of
attestation. However, this changed
when the military authorities
discovered that practically all A and B
groups consisted of officers and
NCO's; and decided to adopt a ratio
scheme of 3 officers, 14 NCO's and
18 other ranks to be discharged in
that order. Consequently, privates
were released before officers who had
a longer service record. This led to
widespread criticism. The soldiers felt
that those who were most likely to be
prejudiced by their return to civilian
life being postponed, should receive
Morale declined even further when it was decided that 500 volunteers would go home as a top priority to assist in the
demobilisation process back in South Africa, their return home irrespective of their demobilisation category. In addition,
all trading rights except those of the NAAFI were controlled by Egyptians; the men felt that they were being exploited
by inflated prices charged by these traders. There was also unhappiness over the two cinemas, when men who had
bought tickets frequently found that they were unable to get in due to lack of space.
A protest meeting was held on 20 August 1945, where a crowd of 1500 men were addressed by various individuals.
As the size of the crowd increased, the meeting became violent. The usually disciplined soldiers became a mob bent
on trashing, looting and burning and their first objectives were the two Egyptian owned cinemas, which were set alight.
The mob then split up and further Egyptian premises, blocks of shops, motor cars, bungalows and book stalls were
set alight. They also set fire to one of their own messes and broke down and looted the NAAFI store.
Maj. Gen. W.H.E. Poole flew in from Italy to address the
troops, promising that immediate steps were to be taken to
speed up the rate of repatriation. To tighten up on discipline
and improve morale at Helwan, the housing of troops on a
unit basis was instituted and a Brigadier was appointed to
command the depot. A public address system was installed
to keep everybody in camp up to date on the latest news and
free outdoor film-shows were implemented. On 26 August
1945,, the Director General Officer - Administration (DGQ-A
Italy and Egypt), appointed a court of enquiry to investigate,
their report detailed the frustration and despondency related
to overcrowding which had been one major contributing
factor, as had the failure of the airlift to repatriate the
published number of troops per day.
The first official statements on 24 and 31 May 1945, declared that the repatriation rate by air would be 500 a day.
From 1 July 1945, this figure was amended to 300 a day. The average daily number of men repatriated during the first
twenty days of July was only 108. The court assessed the total cost of the damage at 22,768,431. Then by 25
January 1946, 10,1676 men had been ferried back to South Africa with the last aircraft leaving Egypt on 26 February
1946, which included Maj. Gen. W.H.E. Poole.
First City/Cape Town Highlanders in the Italian Campaign , 1943-1945 Maj. L.G. Murray (Cape Times, 1945)
Lion with Tusk Guardant - J.F. MacDonald (Salisbury: Southern Rhodesian Government Printer, 1945)
With the 6th Div. An Account of the Activities of the 6th South African Armoured Division in World War II - W.L.
Fielding. (Shuter and Shooter, 1946)
Springbok Record - Harry Klein (The South African Legion Of The British Empire Service League, 1946)
The War History of Southern Rhodesia, 1939-1945, Vol. 1 - J. F. Macdonald (Salisbury: Southern Rhodesian
Government Printer, 1947)
Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939-1945 (2 Vol. Set) - N. Nigel, F. Patrick (Gale and Polden, 1949)
The Saga of the Transvaal Scottish Regiment 1932 - 1950 C. Birkby (Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, 1950)
Carbineer: The History of the Royal Natal Carbineers A.F. Hattersley (Gale and Polden, 1950)
Nulli Secundus. The Record of the Coldstream Guards 1650-1950 - A.G.C. Dawnay and E.R. Hill (For The
Regiment, 1950)
The War History of Southern Rhodesia, 1939-1945, Vol. 2 - J. F. Macdonald (Salisbury: Southern Rhodesian
Government Printer, 1950)
The Coldstream Guards, 1920-1946 - John Howard Michael and Sparrow (Oxford University Press, 1951)
The Dukes. A History of the Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles 1855-1956 A.G. McKenzie (The Regimental Council
of the Duke of Edinburghs Own Rifles, 1956)
History of the Kimberley Regiment 1876-1962 - H.H. Curson (Northern Cape Printers, 1963)
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Nine Flames (South African Engineers) K. Anderson (Purnell and Sons, 1964)
Rand Light Infantry - Major B.G. Simpkins (Howard Timmins, 1965)
Gunners of the Cape: The Story of the Cape Field Artillery N.D. Orpen (C.F.A. Regimental History Committee,
Springboks in Armour: The South African Armoured Cars in World War II - Harry Klein (Purnell and Sons, 1965)
Prince Alfreds Guard 1856 - 1966 - N.D. Orpen (Books of Africa, 1967)
The Durban Light Infantry: Volumes I and II - A.C. Martin (Headquarter Board of the Durban Light Infantry, 1969)
Light Horse Cavalcade: The Imperial Light Horse, 1899-1961 H. Klein (Howard Timmins, 1969)
First City - A Saga of Service R. Griffiths (Howard Timmins, 1970)
The Cape Town Highlanders 1885-1970 N.D. Orpen (Cape Town Highlanders History Committee, 1970)
South African Army Postal Service (1940 1946). Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 2,
No. 6, June 1970).
Notes On The 6th South African Armoured Divisions Postal Unit. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military
Studies (Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1970).
The Official Natal Mounted Rifles History 1854 to 1969 E. Goetzsche (Privately Published, 1971)
The Special Service Battalion, 1933-1973 - W. Otto, J.N. Blatt, J. Ploeger, F.J. Jacobs (South African Defence Force
Documentation Center, 1973)
6th South African Armoured Division In Italy. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 4, No.
2, June 1974).
6th South African Armoured Division In Italy. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 4, No.
3, June 1974).
The Record Of The Coldstream Guards, 1650-1950; 1951-1974 - R. J. Marker, A. G. C. Dawnay, E. R. Hill, E. I.
Windsor Clive (The Coldstream Guards, 1975)
South African Forces World War II, Vol. 5: Victory in Italy South African 6th Armored Division in Italy - N.D. Orpen
(Purnell, 1975).
The History of the Transvaal Horse Artillery, 1904-1974 N.D. Orpen (Transvaal Horse Artillery Regimental Council,
Anti-Aircraft Artillery In The Second World War. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 7,
No. 1, June 1977).
South African Forces World War II, Vol. 6: Eagles Victorious: Operations of the South African Forces over the
Mediterranean and Europe, in Italy, the Balkans and the Aegean, and from Gibraltar and West Africa - H.J. Martin
and Neil Orpen (Cape Town: Purnell, 1977)
South African Forces World War II, Vol. 7: South Africa at War Military and Industrial Organization and Operations in
Connection with the Conduct of the War, 1939-1945 - H.J Martin, N.D. Orpen (Purnell, 1979).
South African Forces World War II, Vol. 8: Salute the Sappers, Part 2 Operations from Alamein through Italy - N.D.
Orpen, H.J. Martin (Johannesburg: Sappers Association, 1982).
The Dukes: A History of the Cape Town Rifles Dukes N.D. Orpen (Cape Town Rifles Dukes Regimental
Council, 1984)
South Africa in World War 2 J. Mervis (Times Media, 1989)
South African Forces In The Second World War. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 19,
No. 3, June 1989).
A Bugle Calls: The Story of the Witwatersrand Rifles and Its Predecessors, 1899-1987 S. Monick (Witwatersrand
Rifles Regimental Council, 1989)
War In Italy: With the South Africans from Taranto to the Alps J. Kros (Ashanti Publishing, 1992)
Ace of Aces: M.St.J.Pattle E.C.R Baker (Crecy Publishing, 1993)
Demobilisation And The Pot-War Employment Of The White Union Defence Forces Soldier. Scientia Militaria, South
African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 23, No. 4, June 1993).
South Africa In World War II, a Pictorial History J. Keene (Human and Rousseau 1995)
Theunissen, Maj. A.B. - Major-General W.H. Evered Poole, CB, CBE, DSO: 1902-1969 Personal Retrospects.
Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies (Vol. 9, No. 5, June 1994).
Second to None: The History of the Coldstream Guards 1650-2000 J. Paget (Pen and Sword Books Ltd; Revised
and new edition, 2000)
Silence on Monte Sole - Jack Olsen (I Books, 2002)
The Scots Guards 1919-1955 D. Erskine (Naval and Military Press, 2009)
Camouflage and Markings of the 6th South African Armoured Division: North Africa and Italy 1943-1945: Part 1:
Armoured Vehicles W. Marshall (Model Centrum Progres, 2010)
Camouflage and Markings of the 6th South African Armoured Division: North Africa and Italy 1943-1945: Part 2:
Wheeled Transport and Artillery W. Marshall (Model Centrum Progres, 2012)
Come Back to Portofino: Through Italy with the 6th South African Armoured Division - James Bourhill (30 Degrees
South Publishers, 2011)
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 1775-1952: A Complete History of the Regiment J.F. OFlaherty (Unpublished
Manuscript, Museum Library Copy)
1:35 Decals: 6th South African Armoured Division in Africa and Italy 1943 - 1945 Starmers Armour
South African Military Police Corps 1939-1946 (http://home.mweb.co.za/re/redcap/1939-46.htm)
British and Commonwealth Orders of Battle (http://www.rothwell.force9.co.uk/index.htm)
British and US Orders of Battle (http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com)
German Order of Battle (www.Axishistory.com) (www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de)
All Photographs provided by the South African Military Museum (http://www.ditsong.org.za/militaryhistory.htm)
6th South African Armoured Division Order Of Battle...
Notes and details on the 6th South African Armoured Division...
German Units & Elements Encountered during 1944 - 1945...

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