1. This document outlines the tariff sheet for demat accounts with Shriram Insight Share Brokers Ltd., including account opening charges, annual maintenance charges, purchase and sale transaction charges, and other fees.
2. For individual Basic Services Demat Accounts (BSDA), there are no annual maintenance charges if the value of holdings does not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs, otherwise regular charges apply.
3. Fees vary depending on whether the account holder is an individual under the regular or BSDA plan, or another entity type.
1. This document outlines the tariff sheet for demat accounts with Shriram Insight Share Brokers Ltd., including account opening charges, annual maintenance charges, purchase and sale transaction charges, and other fees.
2. For individual Basic Services Demat Accounts (BSDA), there are no annual maintenance charges if the value of holdings does not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs, otherwise regular charges apply.
3. Fees vary depending on whether the account holder is an individual under the regular or BSDA plan, or another entity type.
1. This document outlines the tariff sheet for demat accounts with Shriram Insight Share Brokers Ltd., including account opening charges, annual maintenance charges, purchase and sale transaction charges, and other fees.
2. For individual Basic Services Demat Accounts (BSDA), there are no annual maintenance charges if the value of holdings does not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs, otherwise regular charges apply.
3. Fees vary depending on whether the account holder is an individual under the regular or BSDA plan, or another entity type.
1. This document outlines the tariff sheet for demat accounts with Shriram Insight Share Brokers Ltd., including account opening charges, annual maintenance charges, purchase and sale transaction charges, and other fees.
2. For individual Basic Services Demat Accounts (BSDA), there are no annual maintenance charges if the value of holdings does not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs, otherwise regular charges apply.
3. Fees vary depending on whether the account holder is an individual under the regular or BSDA plan, or another entity type.
Sr No. Particulars Individual (Regular) Individual (BSDA) Other than Individual
1. Account Opening Charges NIL NIL NIL 2. Account Maintenance Charges Rs. 290/- for 1st year NIL# Rs. 1000/- p.a. (w.e.f. 01.05.2014) Next year onwards Rs. 12/- p.m. 3. AMC for Clients without email * Rs. 200/- NIL NIL 4. Purchase (Market & Off-market) NIL NIL NIL 5. Sale (Market & Off-market) Transaction with Shriram Insight Rs. 7.25/- (Per ISIN) Rs. 15/- (Per ISIN) Rs. 7.25/- (Per ISIN) Transaction with others 0.04% Min. Rs. 60/- per 0.04% Min. Rs. 60/- per 0.04% Min. Rs. 60/- per transaction (Per ISIN) transaction (Per ISIN) transaction (Per ISIN) 6. Custody Charges NIL NIL NIL 7. Dematerialization Charges Rs. 3/- per certificate Rs. 3/- per certificate Rs. 3/- per certificate 8. Postage per Demat Request Rs. 60/- Rs. 60/- Rs. 60/- 9. Rematerialisation Charges CDSL charges + CDSL charges + CDSL charges + Rs. 100/- per request Rs. 100/- per request Rs. 100/- per request 10. Pledge (Creation/Closure/Invocation) 0.02% of the value of shares 0.02% of the value of shares 0.03% of the value of shares will be charged Separately (Per ISIN) (Min Rs. 25/-) (per ISIN) (Min Rs. 25/-) (per ISIN) (Min Rs. 25/-) 11. Late Transaction (per Instruction) Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/- 12. Settlement Charges for NIL NIL Rs. 500/- p.m. Clearing Member 13. Statutory & Processing charges NIL Rs. 100/- NIL at the time of account opening (w.e.f. 01.01.2013) Late charges would be collected for all instructions received after 4 p.m. for same day execution or execution date as Pay in Date. Any extra transaction statement would be charged @ Rs. 50/- per statement for the first 10 pages; thereafter it would be charged @ Rs. 2/- per page. Additional Delivery Instruction booklet would be charged @ Rs. 100/- per booklet w.e.f. 1.6.2008 containing 10 leaves. Modification of Client Details Rs. 30/- per instance. Additional Client Master Hard Copy postage charges Rs. 30/- per instance. The Fee structure is subject to change in case of any revision of charges by CDSL, any new statutory or other charges shall be introduced by Shriram Insight Share Brokers Ltd. with atleast one month notice. All charges are inclusive of service tax. I/We have agreed to comply with all procedural formalities relating to any services provided under this scheme. I/We have read and understood the terms & conditions under the scheme. Terms and Conditions : Valuation of holding will be calculated at the end of every billing cycle (monthly). The value of securities held in BSDA shall not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs at any point of time. If the value of holding exceeds Rs 2 Lakhs, the charges as applicable to regular Demat Account will be leived. * Clients who have registered their email id, would be issued electronic documents. In case of no email id, additional AMC would be charged, paper documents would be posted. Please tick any one Scheme and should be struck off the scheme not chosen (For Individual only) ? Individual (Regular) ? Individual (BSDA) Value of Holding (Amount ) Annual Maintenance Charges (Rs/-) Upto-50000 NIL 50001-200000 100 p.a. 200001 and above Charges are applicable to regular Demat Account 1. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. #______________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of the A/c Holders :