The newsletter provides information on welcoming new members to the Volunteer Managers Network, encouraging senior volunteering and its benefits, changes to senior programs in the President's budget, recognizing young leaders in poverty challenges, sharing resources on a new website, an upcoming webinar on volunteer administration certification, and future topics for networking coffee breaks.
The newsletter provides information on welcoming new members to the Volunteer Managers Network, encouraging senior volunteering and its benefits, changes to senior programs in the President's budget, recognizing young leaders in poverty challenges, sharing resources on a new website, an upcoming webinar on volunteer administration certification, and future topics for networking coffee breaks.
The newsletter provides information on welcoming new members to the Volunteer Managers Network, encouraging senior volunteering and its benefits, changes to senior programs in the President's budget, recognizing young leaders in poverty challenges, sharing resources on a new website, an upcoming webinar on volunteer administration certification, and future topics for networking coffee breaks.
The newsletter provides information on welcoming new members to the Volunteer Managers Network, encouraging senior volunteering and its benefits, changes to senior programs in the President's budget, recognizing young leaders in poverty challenges, sharing resources on a new website, an upcoming webinar on volunteer administration certification, and future topics for networking coffee breaks.
To: Kristina Asifo Subject: March 2014 VMN Newsletter Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:59:13 PM Home About Donate Catholic Charities USA March 2014 Volunteer Managers Network Newsletter Volunteer Recognition Resource Sharing Professional Development Networking VMN News Welcome New Members! The Volunteer Managers Network Steering Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members: Diane Zbasnik (Cleveland, OH), Dorothy Balser (Dayton, OH) Tiffany Page, (Grand Rapids, MI) and Blair Gladding (Venice, FL). We are thrilled that you are part of our work to reduce poverty in America! We look forward to working with you! Keeping Seniors Active and Engaged through Volunteering Today's older adults are volunteering in big numbers and the results are all positive, especially when it comes to the resulting health benefits. If your clients aren't volunteering already, Molly Carpenter offers plenty of tips on how to encourage them to do so, outlining the many physical and emotional benefits of volunteering. Presidents Budget a Mixed Bag for Senior Programs The Presidents budget outlines a significant reorganization of Senior Corps. The Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program would be incorporated into AmeriCorps. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) grants will be made under the Volunteer Generation Fund, but with two-thirds less funding. It appears that overall funding for Senior Corps programs would be cut by at least $56 million. Additional information can be found here and also by clicking this link. Voices for National Service Washington, DC - Following the release of President Obama's Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal, AnnMaura Connolly, President of Voices for National Service, released this statement on behalf of Voices for National Service: Voices for National Service is a diverse coalition of national service programs, state service commissions and individual champions, who are dedicated to ensuring that Americans of all ages have the opportunity to serve their communities and our country. Founded in 2003, Voices for National Service has built strong bipartisan support among our nation's leaders and helped position national service as a viable policy solution to tackle unmet needs, expand opportunity, and leverage human capital. Volunteer Recognition The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is now accepting nominations for the 2014 Cardinal Bernardin Young Leader Award! This is an annual award given to a Catholic young adult between the age of 18-40 who is actively engaged in challenging unjust structures that keep people trapped in the cycle of poverty in the United States. The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2014. CCHD would appreciate your help in 1) nominating deserving young Catholics that you know 2) getting the word out about the award to your audiences The award recipient will receive a $1,000 cash award and be honored at a reception held J une 11 th in New Orleans at the annual meeting of the United States Catholic Bishops. Nominations are due to the CCHD national office no later than April 30, 2014. Nomination and eligibility information can be found here. CCHD is the U.S. Catholic Churchs response to poverty in the United States. The Campaign puts the gospel and Catholic social teaching into action by supporting low- income and community-based projects through transformative education. Last year, CCHD invested over $9 million in community-based projects across the country. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Genevieve Mougey at or call (202) 541-3372. Resource Sharing The resources from the old Catholic Charities USA webiste have been moved over to a third party website - Scribd. Browse froms, policies and training materials. This morning, attendees from the VMN will be browsing the website, identifying deficits in the library. Professional Development Certification in Volunteer Administration - The "Certified in Volunteer Administration" (CVA) credential is offered for practitioners in volunteer resources management by the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration. J oin Executive Director Katie Campbell as she introduces this professional credentialing program. As a performance-based certification, CVA, is designed to measure an individual's "knowledge- in-use"--the application of knowledge and skills by those with real-life experience in this role. This includes the assessment of a candidate's ability to structure tasks, produce ideas, and solve problems. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 1 from 3 pm 4 pm EST. Click here to Register. Networking Next Coffee Break - Thursday, May 15th, 3 - 4pm EST - Senior Volunteer Programs Spend time with volunteer managers accross the country as we discuss programs that assist seniors and where to recruit volunteers. Use this coffee break to ask questions and share challenges and ideas on how to improve your program. Registration information coming soon! Total Control Panel Login To: From: 2294339296-1276721- salsa3- Message Score: 1 High (60): Pass My Spam Blocking Level: Medium Medium (75): Pass Low (90): Pass Block this sender Block This message was delivered because the content filter score did not exceed your filter level. Future Coffee Break Topics: August Designing a New Volunteer Program November - Volunteer/Employee Relationship VMN News LinkedIn -As you have all heard, the Volunteer Managers Network is transitioning away from the email discussion list and towards the LinkedIn platform. CCUSAs VMN Steering Committee member, Briana Keating will be the point person for the LinkedIn Group. She will be working towards improving the usefulness of the Group. Towards the end of the month, Briana will be hosting a conference call to discuss strategy, brainstorm ideas, and receive feedback on how you would like to see the LinkedIn page utilized. If you would like to be part of the discussion, please send her an email by Monday, March 17th at The VMN LinkedIn Group now has 66 members. J oin today! Newsletter changes - Carol Spiker ("Spike"), a member of the steering committee, is the point person for the newsletter. The newsletter is disseminated on the 15th of each month. If you have articles/information that would benefit the Network, please send them to Spike. Thanks to Lyndon for the resources he sent in for the March newsletter! Catholic Charities USA You are subscribed to this list as You can unsubscribe here.