IDSTroubleshootingGuide ENG
IDSTroubleshootingGuide ENG
IDSTroubleshootingGuide ENG
2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
IDS Troubleshooting Overview
These sections introduce various areas of investigation for troubleshooting the following topics:
0. !ntroduction
1. !DS Fails To Function Properly
2. !DS Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions
3. !DS Compatible Firewalls
+. !DS Cannot Connect to the vCN or the vCN Cannot Be Updated
5. !DS Cannot Connect to the vNN or the vNN Cannot Be Updated
6. Computer Crashes when Powered Up after having Used !DS
7. !DS Can Neither Be !nstalled nor Uninstalled
0. !ntroduction
Acronym Description
!DS !ntegrated Diagnostic Software
vCN vehicle Communication Nodule
vNN vehicle Neasurement Nodule
All firewall information in this document relates to software firewalls. References will use the term
"firewall" in place of the more accurate "software firewall."
1. !DS Fails To Function Properly
Failure of an !DS component to function properly may be attributable to the use of a 3
firewall. The firewall exceptions needed by !DS are set automatically, by !DS, for the standard
Windows Firewall; however, this is not possible for 3
party firewalls. The use of a 3
firewall requires the user to allow the necessary firewall exceptions required by !DS.
After installation of a 3
party firewall any attempt to run an !DS component should cause the
display of a notice (initiated by the 3
party firewall) that the !DS component is requesting
firewall access. The noted exception should be allowed after careful examination to verify the
request is being made by an !DS component. The number of requests will vary depending on the
specific 3
party firewall installed. Some 3
party firewall software will make 10+ requests.
!f a new !DS version is installed, typically, the 3
party firewall packages will prompt the user to
re-allow the necessary exceptions.
See the section "!DS Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions" for a list of the noted
!DS may also fail to function properly if the application is started immediately after powering up
or restarting the computer on which a 3
party firewall is installed. The 3
party firewall must be
allowed to fully initialize under the noted conditions prior to starting !DS. !n general, the 3
firewall should be fully initialized once the associated icon appears in the taskbar.
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 2 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
2. !DS Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions
!n the following table replace the "..." in the file name with the directory where !DS was installed.
For example, "." would be replaced with "C:Program FilesFord Notor Company!DS" for the
default installation directory.
The items in the table have been copied from the Window Firewall Exceptions list as set
programmatically by !DS for the Windows firewall. Application names may vary in 3
firewalls. The file name, however, must match the one specified.
Application Name File Name
Apply !DS Patch ...RuntimePatchApply.exe
C+02 Cable Test Application ...RuntimeprobesC+02.exe
C+03 Cable Test Application ...RuntimeprobesC+03.exe
C+07 Cable Test Application ...RuntimeprobesC+07.exe
C+12 Cable Test Application ...RuntimeprobesC+12.exe
C+13 Cable Test Application ...RuntimeprobesC+13.exe
CodeServer Daemon ...RuntimeCodeServeD.exe
Engineering Feedback ...RuntimeEngineeringFeedback.exe
LvP Check Test Application ...RuntimeLvPCheck.exe
Nanual Update ...RuntimeNanualUpdate.exe
StarBurst .Runtimestarburst.exe
System Diagnostic Application ...RuntimeSystemDiagnostic.exe
System Page ...RuntimeSysPage.exe
Tabman Executable ...RuntimeTabman.exe
TDS Network Configuration ...RuntimeTDSNetConfig.exe
Testman Executable ...Runtimetestman.exe
Update Database ...RuntimeRtdbUpdate.exe
vCL_PC NFC Application EZTech vS6.0 .Runtimevcl_pc.exe
vNN System Diagnostic Application ...RuntimevNN.exe
XNL Registry Daemon ...RuntimeXNLRegistryD.exe
3. !DS Compatible Firewalls
!DS has been tested with the firewalls listed in the table below. !DS components function
properly with all of the listed firewalls when firewall exceptions have been allowed for the
applications noted in the section "!DS Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions." Other 3
firewalls may function equally well with the noted exceptions allowed.
An attempt has been made to rank the listed firewalls for ease-of-setup for use with !DS. This
does not equate in any manner to the firewall capabilities of the products.
Although !DS compatibility has been verified with the product versions listed, applied patches or
new versions of the listed products may not be compatible. Compatibility may also be affected by
new versions of !DS.
One compatibility exception is the Privacy Service component of the NcAfee !nternet Security
Suite package. The Privacy Service component must be uninstalled using the Windows "Add or
Remove Programs" control panel. Disabling the Privacy Service component is not sufficient and
failure to uninstall the Privacy Service component will prevent !DS from functioning properly or
even starting.
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 3 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
Nanufacturer Product Ease-of-Setup
NcAfee NcAfee Personal Firewall Plus Nedium
NcAfee NcAfee !nternet Security Suite Hard
Nicrosoft Windows Firewall Easy
Symantec Norton Personal Firewall Nedium
Symantec Norton !nternet Security Nedium
Symantec Norton !nternet Security AntiSpyware Edition Nedium
Tiny Software Tiny Firewall Hard
Tiny Software Tiny Firewall Professional Nedium
Trend Nicro Trend Nicro PC-cillin !nternet Security Hard
Check Point
ZoneAlarm (Free version) Nedium
Check Point
ZoneAlarm Nedium
Check Point
ZoneAlarm Security Suite Hard
+. !DS Cannot Connect to the vCN or the vCN Cannot Be Updated
Possible causes:
The vCN contains NGS+ v2+.2 (or older).
Solution: !f moving from NGS+ to !DS, please ensure that your vCN contains NGS+ v2+.3 or
newer. The Diagnostic Base Station (DBS) software can be used to update your vCN to NGS+
v2+.3 or newer.
The LAN connection used for vCN connectivity is disabled.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
+. Connect your vCN to your PC. A local area connection will appear in the Network
Connections window.
5. Right-mouse-click on the local area connection. A menu will appear.
6. !f the Enable menu item appears on the menu, click Disable.
7. Click Enable to re-enable the local area connection.
!n some cases, disabling the connection, then re-enabling it will allow the network
connection to be re-established.
The LAN connection used by !DS has an incorrect or blank !P address.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 4 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
+. Right-mouse-click on the Local Area Connection with the Realtek Device Name
(which can be seen in the detailed view). A menu will appear.
5. Highlight Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) in the This connection uses the following
items list box.
6. Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) Properties window
will appear.
7. Ensure that Use the following IP address is clicked.
8. !f the IP address is blank, type in one of the !P addresses below. !f the IP address is
not blank, but is different from any of the !P address below, replace it with one of the !P
addresses below.
9. Ensure that Subnet mask is set to
10. Ensure that Default gateway is blank.
11. Ensure that Preferred DNS server is blank.
12. Ensure that Alternate DNS server is blank.
13. Click OK on all windows.
The LAN connection used for vCN connectivity has TCPf!P filtering enabled.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
+. Right-mouse-click on the Local Area Connection with the Realtek Device Name
(which can be seen in the detailed view). A menu will appear.
5. Highlight Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) in the This connection uses the following
items list box.
6. Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) Properties window
will appear.
7. Click the Advanced button. The Advanced TCPJIP Settings window will appear.
8. Click the Options tab.
9. Select TCPJIP filtering.
10. Click the Properties button.
11. Ensure that Permit All is selected for TCP Ports, UDP Ports, and IP Protocols.
12. Click OK on all windows.
Diagnostic Base Station (DBS) software (used for NGS+) is running.
1. Check if Diagnostic Base Station (DBS) is running. !f DBS is running it should have a
button on the TaskBar at the bottom of your computer screen.
2. Select File menu item on the DBS menu and select Exit.
3. Exit !DS if it is running.
+. Disconnect vCN power.
5. Restart !DS and reattempt vCN connectivity.
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 5 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
Two vCNs are connected to the !DS PC at the same time.
!DS will not function properly if more than one vCN is connected to the !DS PC at the same
time. Please ensure that only one vCN is connected to the !DS PC. Please note that !DS W!LL
function properly when a vCN and a vNN are connected to the !DS PC at the same time.
5. !DS Cannot Connect to the vNN or the vNN Cannot Be Updated
Possible causes:
The LAN connection used for vNN connectivity is disabled.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
+. Connect your vNN to your PC. A local area connection will appear in the Network
Connections window.
5. Right-mouse-click on the local area connection. A menu will appear.
6. !f the Enable menu item appears on the menu, click Disable.
7. Click Enable to re-enable the local area connection.
!n some cases, disabling the connection, then re-enabling it, will allow the network
connection to be re-established.
The LAN connection used by !DS has an incorrect or blank !P address.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
+. Right-mouse-click on the Local Area Connection with the Realtek Device Name
(which can be seen in the detailed view). A menu will appear.
5. Highlight Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) in the "This connection uses the following
items" list box.
6. Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) Properties window
will appear.
7. Ensure that Use the following IP address is clicked.
8. !f the IP address is blank, type in one of the !P addresses below. !f the IP address is
not blank, but is different from any of the !P address below, replace it with one of the !P
addresses below.
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 6 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15.Dec.2008
9. Ensure that Subnet mask is set to
10. Ensure that Default gateway is blank.
11. Ensure that Preferred DNS server is blank.
12. Ensure that Alternate DNS server is blank.
13. Click OK on all windows.
The LAN connection used for vNN connectivity has TCPf!P filtering enabled.
1. Press the Windows Start button.
2. Choose Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Network Connections icon. The Network Connections window will
+. Right-mouse-click on the Local Area Connection with the Realtek Device Name
(which can be seen in the detailed view). A menu will appear.
5. Highlight Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) in the This connection uses the following
items list box.
6. Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol {TCPJIP) Properties window
will appear.
7. Click the Advanced button. The Advanced TCPJIP Settings window will appear.
8. Click the Options tab.
9. Select TCPJIP filtering.
10. Click the Properties button.
11. Ensure that Permit All is selected for TCP Ports, UDP Ports, and IP Protocols.
12. Click OK on all windows.
Diagnostic Base Station (DBS) software (used for NGS+) is running.
1. Check if Diagnostic Base Station (DBS) is running. !f DBS is running it should have a
button on the TaskBar at the bottom of your computer screen.
2. Select File menu item on the DBS menu and select Exit.
3. Exit !DS if it is running.
+. Disconnect vNN power.
5. Restart !DS and reattempt vNN connectivity.
Two vNNs are connected to the !DS PC at the same time.
!DS will not function properly if more than one vNN is connected to the !DS PC at the same
time. Please ensure that only one vNN is connected to the !DS PC. Please note that !DS W!LL
function properly when a vCN and a vNN are connected to the !DS PC at the same time.
6. Computer Crashes when Powered Up after having Used !DS
Possible causes:
IDSTroubleshootingGuide_ENG.doc 7 of 8 Created on: 09.Mar.2007 02:05:00 PM
Modified on: 15. Dec. 2008
Windows XP is known to crash in certain cases if a USB to Ethernet adapter is unplugged while the
computer is hibernating or in stand by mode. Both the vCN and vNN cables contain USB to Ethernet
adapters and are susceptible to this problem. Typical blue screen stop error codes are:
510P 00000006P 000000007 0000006J 0******** 0********)
510P 00000007L 060000005 0I885037l 0******** 0********)
510P 0000000Jl 0600000L0 0I885030P 0******** 0********)
1. !n cases where the computer does not restart automatically, press and hold the power
button for 3 to 5 seconds to reboot.
2. !n cases where the computer restarts automatically, you may be prompted to:
Delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu.
or Continue with system restart.
Select "Delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu." to reboot.
3. Run Microsoft Windows Update ( to install the latest drivers and
software for your system.
7. !DS Can Neither Be !nstalled nor Uninstalled
Possible causes:
A connectivity problem occurred while downloading !DS from the !nternet.
1. Create a folder called "!DS !nstall" on your desktop.
2. Begin the installation of !DS from the website used for Diagnostic Tool Support.
3. Choose the option to Save the setup on my computer and then run the setup.
+. Save the setup on your local machine in the "!DS !nstall" folder.
5. Allow the download of the setup program to complete.
6. Run the !DS installation program when prompted at the conclusion of the download of the
setup program.
End of file
IDS Troubleshoot ing Guide
Trademark Acknowledgements
Ford is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company.
Copyright Information
IDS Troubleshooting Guide
2008 Ford Motor Company All rights reserved
The information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest information available at
the time of printing. Ford Motor Company reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.