Army Aviation Digest - Oct 1985
Army Aviation Digest - Oct 1985
Army Aviation Digest - Oct 1985
2 French
MG Ellis D. Parker
Aviation: The 4th Air
LTC Paul M. Bonnet
First Downtown
Aviation Museum: XV-58
Views From Readers
CPT Donald M.
30 Who Gets How of What? MAJ
E. Weand Jr.
34 ERADCOM 8asis for New Command-
CPT Kaufmann
36 J. Westerhoff
45 Notes: Just the
Back Cover: ATC Action Line: Plan
Cover: Some of the nelllCCDI4ers
French 4th Air Assau It Division.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest (USPS 415-350) is to provide information
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page 10 page 12
page 22
Honorable John O. Marsh Jr.
Secre!tal'V of the Army
General Ellis D. Parker
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Brigadier General Rudolph Ostovich III
Assistant Commandant
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Richard K. Tierney
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Major General Ellis D. Parker
Chief , Army Aviation Branch
EURO/NATO Helicopter Pilot Training
We have many important jobs at Ft. Rucker, and
one of them is conducting European/North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (EURO/N A TO) helicopter pilot
Historically, that training evolved from the first
multinational training project , under the auspices of
the EURO Group founded in 1968. EURO training was
established in 1970 and NATO training in 1971. The
goals were similar, so the two groups became the
EURO/NATO Training Group. They agreed that each
nation would contract with the U.S. Army Aviation
School for initial entry rotary wing training and that
the training group would provide 50 percent of the re-
quired instructor pilots. Norway, Germany, Denmark
and the United States began the project under an agree-
ment signed in October 1975. There are now five NATO
nations that send students to Ft. Rucker for helicopter
pilot training. When they return to their countries, the
helicopter pilots trained at the U.S. Army Aviation Cen-
ter greatly enhance our working relationships with all
members of the EURO/NATO Training Group.
AH-64 Update
We began the first class of the AH-64 aircraft quali-
fication course at Ft. Rucker in August. Its eight stu-
dents-six pilots and two instructor pilots-are bound
for the first unit equipped attack helicopter bat-
talion at Ft. Hood, TX. Also, now in session is IKPT
(Instructor and Key Personnel Training) IV with 32
These classes put us well on the way to achieving our
goal of providing fully trained pilots for the 34 AH-64
attack helicopter battalions the Army will field. How-
ever, as in all new resident training courses, the AH-64
program is having some growing pains. Of interest are
issues concerning combat skills and the Integrated
Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS) helmet.
Combat skills training in the combat mission
simulator (CMS) is scheduled to start in February. That
means Class 86-6, beginning in January, will be the first
to receive combat skills training as part of the sched-
uled program of instruction. About 100 aviators who
will have graduated from previous classes will not have
been taught those skills. However, that can and will be
corrected by using the CMS here or at Binghamton, NY,
or by training in the AH-64 aircraft at Yuma, AZ.
The IHADSS helmet is now available in only medium
and large sizes. That has caused numerous helmet-
fitting problems, resulting in a need for anthropometric
measuring of all prospective AH-64 aviators by local
Aviation medical personnel. Records would be kept at
Military Personnel Center and used in selecting aviators
for AH-64 training. It must be emphasized that these
anthropometric standards would be temporary. Extra-
large helmets are now being developed and should be
v i l b l ~ in about 2 years, at which time the anthropo-
metric selection criteria would be dropped.
It is recognized that there will possibly be other issues
to arise as we learn to reap the maximum benefit from
the new Apache. It is also a surety that solutions will
be found for them, too, so that we can provide superbly
trained AH-64 aviators to the receiving units.
Lieutenant Colonel Paul M. Bonnet
French Army Liaison Officer
Fort Rucker, AL
LIE FRENCH ARMY received its first organic
aircraft in 1943, during the North African Campaign, when
it was reorganized and equipped with U.S. materials. As
in the U.S. Army, each French artillery battalion received
two observation aircraft.
During the Indochina War, helicopters were fi rst used
by the French Army for logistics and transport of the
wounded soldiers.
The year 1954 marked the end of the war in Indochina,
but also the beginning of the Algerian Campaign. During
1955/56 the first air assault operations were executed by
the famous 2d Helicopter Group with the tactical use of
H-21 helicopters combined with close air support fire.
~ ~ w W
ALO A, or Light Aviation and Artillery Observation, be-
came Aviation Ugere de I' Armee de Terre, or Army Avi-
ation, on 22 November 1957.
In 1961, to face the Threat , the first French Army Avia-
tion battalions were organized and then fielded in 1962 at
the division level. Nap-of-the-earth flight was used suc-
cessfully at that time in order to improve the tactical use
of helicopters.
After some years of development and studies, in 1963
the first antitank helicopter, the Alouette III , was fielded
in the 1st Armored Division's Army Aviation battalion.
Army Aviation battalions were reinforced in 1977,
named combat helicopter regiments , and assigned at the
Army corps level.
During the reorganization of the French Army that was
initiated in 1983, an experimental air assault brigade was
formed to prepare for the coming of the 4th Air Assault
Division that was activated on 1 July 1985.
French Army Aviation is not a branch, although this idea
has been discussed for a long time. The commanding gen-
eral who heads French Army Aviation is the Army Chief
of Staff's adviser for concepts and employment. He also
is in charge of personnel management, training and Army
A viation safety.
The personnel strength of French Army Aviation is
580 officers
2,900 noncommissioned officers
3,500 soldiers (enlisted or draftee)
There are about 600 helicopters:
Liaison and observation:
Alouette II.
Alouette III. This is a recent decision as the SS-l1
missile is obsolete.
Gazelle SA-341. A part of these helicopters can be
fitted with a 20 mm gun for support and protection
Gazelle SA-342 M. It is armed with the HOT missile,
which can be fired at 4,000 meters.
Puma SA-330.
SA-342 Gazelle firing an antitank HOT missile.
As a result of the 1983 reorganization of the French
Army, by the summer 1985 , there were the following
major Army Aviation units:
For each of the six Territorial Defense Zones, one
Army Aviation general support group.
For each of the three Army Corps, one Army A via-
tion general support group and one combat helicopter regi-
For the 4th Air Assault Division, three combat
,helicopter regiments and one combat helicopter and sup-
port regiment.
The accompanying article (page 4) examines the
organization and tactical employment of France's 4th Air
Assault Division.
The articles listed on page 7 provide indepth coverage
of the evolution of French Army Aviation to include or-
ganization and airmobile/air assault operations in North
Africa during World War II, the Indochina War and the
Algerian Campaign. Copies of these articles can be ob-
tained by writing to Editor, U.S. Army Aviation Digest,
P.O. Box 699, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000, or by calling
AUTOVON 558-6680 or FTS 533-6680.
We 4
The Anti tank Helicopter Force
L E MAIN LINES of the reor-
ganization of the French Army were
unveiled on 17 June 1983 by Minister
of Defense Mr. Charles Hernu to the
press, to General Rene Imbot, Army
Chief of Staff, and to senior officers.
The reorganization occurred be-
cause of:
The development of advanced
technologies which offer Aviation ca-
pabilities that must be considered.
The necessary reduction of strength
to reduce military expenses.
The need to increase significantly
effectiveness of French Army deter-
rence, and thus change the current or-
ganization of the Army.
Maj or Features of the Reorgani-
The Mechanized and Armored
Forces. The ground forces retain the
same number of divisions, 15, as be-
fore, grouped into 3 Army corps. The
main missions remain essentially un-
changed, both regarding eventual use
in the alliance and also in purely na-
tional u,se. The Second Army Corps
has been reinforced in tanks, and the
Third Army Corps fully redeployed in
the north of France.
Army Tactical Nuclear Forces. They
will be gathered in a great unit, and a
tactical nuclear fire cell will be estab-
lished. This is in preparation for the
coming of the Hades missiles, which
are scheduled to replace the Pluton,
and also to avoid considering these nu-
clear weapons as super field artillery.
The tactical nuclear strike is , in the
French concept, the final warning. If
it does not result in an immediate stop
to the aggression, it would be followed
by a strategic strike against the enemy's
The Rapid Action Force. A rapid ac-
tion force (Force d' Action Rapide or
FAR) has been formed in the event of
an international situation that requires
the French Army to serve French de-
fense policy in Europe or overseas. It.
is necessary to increase and diversify
intervention means as an answer to var-
ious threats from all over the world.
Thus the rapid action force was born.
Formation of the FAR includes three
main units that already existed:
9th Marines Infantry Division,
lith Airborne Division, and
27th Alpine Division.
The FAR also includes two well
armed and highly mobile new units,
which are the 6th Light Armored Di-
vision and 4th Airmobile Division. It
also includes a logistics brigade.
The FAR is intended for action out-
side France, overseas or in Europe when
and where the government so decides.
The commitment of this force in Europe
would clearly presuppose prior prep-
aration with our allies, but any integra-
tion into the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization military structures remains
absolutely excluded.
The implementation of this large unit
was considered as the most significant
recent military development in West-
ern Europe. Within the French Army
itself, the creation of this modern unit
opens new tactics and a new field of
thought. There are many problems to
be solved, such as ; intra-Army coop-
eration, command and logistics. But ,
the greater adaptation of our forces to
the requirements of our times will doubt-
less be a new and exciting experience.
The 4th Air Assault Division.
The 4th Air Assault Division was
created on 1 July 1985. It is a part of
the rapid action force and provides this
unit a strong antitank capability that can
be deployed quickly and with flexibili-
ty . But , for French Army Aviation this
event is a big step in operational en-
gagement. Army Aviation is no longer
a support " Branch" at the Army corps
level. Now it is a maneuverable Branch
used at the operational theater.
However , it should be noted that
each Army corps retains organic for-
mations of Army Aviation: a combat
helicopter regiment and a general sup-
port group. But, the means devoted to
the 4th Air Assault Division represent
about 40 percent of the total inventory
of French operational helicopters.
The first experiments that preceded
the organization of the 4th Air Assault
Division were conducted and present-
ed in September 1984 after the Damo-
cles Exercise. The second experiments
were under the control of the FAR staff
and were completed in July 1985. Most
of them were to study engagements of
the division in both a European scenar-
io and in an overseas operation: The
accent was on logistics and communi-
cations. Another large exercise (Fartel)
has been planned for autumn 1985.
The 4th Air Assault Division, con-
sisting of 6,400 soldiers , 240 helicop-
ters and 1,500 vehicles, has its head-
quarters in Nancy. It includes three
combat helicopter regiments , one com-
bat and support helicopter regiment
and one air assault infantry regiment.
Hal f of the helicopters in the 4th Air
Assault Division are combat helicop-
ters: 90 antitank and 30 fire support and
protection helicopters. The others are:
10 light helicopters, 30 scout helicop-
ters and 84 utility helicopters .
The 4th Air Assault Division incor-
porates an instantaneous firing power
of 360 antitank HOT missiles and 48
antitank Milan missiles.
The Combat Helicopter Regiment.
The key components of the 4th Air As-
sault Division are the combat helicop-
ter regiments. Their composition dif-
fers slightly from that which existed
until now and they are judged to be
heavy . The regiments include 6 com-
panies of 10 helicopters each:
One scout company.
One company of fire support and
Three antitank hel icopter com-
One utility company, dedicated for
the logistical support of the regiment.
The regiment has a strength of about
800 soldiers, of whom 50 are officers
and 350 are noncommissioned offi-
The Support and Combat Regiment.
This regiment includes all the units
needed for general support and a heli-
copter battalion with 1 light helicop-
ter company for general use and 5 utili -
ty helicopter companies with 50 utili-
The SA330 Puma 18 a troop and cargo tnmlPOrt
helicopter and also sling load ,such _ th fu bladder.
ty helicopters. As the strength of this
regiment could exceed more than
2,000 soldiers, in a normal situation it
may be split into two regiments . One
would be a pure utility helicopter regi-
ment and the second dedicated to logis-
tics support.
The Infantry Regiment. This regi-
ment has 1,400 soldiers in 1 general
and support company , 1 scout com-
pany, 1 air defense company, 3 air as-
sault companies (which will represent
48 Milan missile posts already night
capable), and 1 engineer company.
The Damocles Field Exercise.
Purposes. This exercise took place
in the east of France. It conducted the
first experiments that determined the
requirements needed to organize the
4th Air Assault Division and to define
the ability and the conditions for the use
of this large unit. Damocles also con-
ducted tests to determine:
How to engage an antitank heli-
copter force as far as 200 miles from
its assembly area.
How the division could provide,
in a short period of time, a strong and
significant action that would stop
enemy armored forces.
To test tactical mobil ity, validation
of how to fight , and logistic support in
engagements 200 miles from bases.
During Damocles the experimental
air assault brigade, with 3 combat heli-
copter regiments , was opposed by an
armored division including 1,300 ve-
hicles, 232 tanks and 15 helicopters.
Tactical Situation. Two Army corps
are facing the "enemy" Army attack-
ing in a southerly direction. The first
echelon is stopped. Then the enemy en-
gages his second echelon while an ar-
mored division is threatening in a di-
rection that is not screened. To face this
threat the 4th Air Assault Division and
the 6th Light Armored Division are put
Troops airlifted by this SA-330 Puma.
to the disposition (operational control)
of the 1st Army. It is decided to engage
the 4th Division in the south of Gray
from an operational assembly area to
stop the enemy armored division's
movement toward St. Dizier-Vesoul ,
preceding the action of the 6th Ar-
mored Division.
The Action. During the night of 12
and 13 September 1984, the 4th Divi-
sion, after 200 miles of night flight, ar-
rived at its operational deployment
area. The division could be engaged
after it reestablished communications
with the rapid action force head-
quarters and completed its refueling.
To counter the action of the enemy
armored division, the 4th Division
commander used hi s infantry regiment
and combat helicopter regiments to
strike a significant blow just before the
6th Light Armored Divisionjoined the
fight. The action was with the support
of the tactical Air Force.
Lessons (The Concept of Use). As
the spearhead of the FAR, the air as-
sault division fought from the third di-
mension without any ground con-
straints. The air assault division must
be used quickly, far from its base and
against moving enemy armor. It en-
gages the tanks with antitank helicop-
ters at the chosen moment and place,
by fast and repeated actions. Its mis-
sion is to destroy or stop the enemy but
not to seize or keep the ground. It is
a strike force. To follow up the action
of the air assault division there is a
ground component that fights at the
pace of the helicopter. The air assault
division, even without tactical air sup-
port , can attack the enemy alone , prior
to action of armored and mechanized
To summarize, the 4th Air Assault
Divi sion can:
Fight quickly, strongly and far
away, and
Destroy tanks from the third di-
mension when and where it chooses,
alone, or in combined arms operations
with Air Force tactical air support and
a light armored division, or injoint op-
erations with our allies .
The Structure. To get all the advan-
tages of its helicopters' fi repower , the
air assault division needs to be:
Informed by radars , scout helicop-
ters and ground scout units.
Used to counter the action of
enemy helicopters, air attacks by em-
ploying short-range ground-to-air mis-
siles and the commandos' actions by
a security unit.
In command of its regiments.
Communications for command post
helicopters must be provided by a light
signal company. The ai r assault divi-
sion also has the capability to be linked
to the " Rita" System in order to be in
communication with the FAR or with
an Army corps commander.
To keep its mobility and logistics,
the air assault division must make ex-
tensive use of its utility helicopter bat-
talion and heavy support means.
The Capacities. The 4th Air Assault
Division can:
Destroy an armored division.
Fight at 200 miles from its as-
sembly area 24 hours after receiving
its orders.
After a first engagement it can dis-
engage from the enemy and intervene
on short notice in another direction
about 100 mil es from the first encount-
But some deficiencies reduce these
Points To Improve And Resolve.
Deficienci es. The abilities of the 4th
Air Assault Division are reduced by
Lack of all weather capabilities;
however , most of the deployments are
planned using tactical instrument flight
rules .
Vulnerability of communicat ions
to electronic warfare.
Meager intell igenc e gathering
The limitations listed above will be
reduced as thi s new equipment be-
comes available:
Night vision goggles,
VIVIANE for the Gazelle,
Self-navigation Doppler ,
New support and protection heli-
copter, pi anned for 1992,
New antitank helicopter with a
fire and forget missile, planned
for 1996,
ORCHIDEE to get intelligence
i ndepth , and
Means of communi cation will be
hardened against electronic war-
f n ~
Loglstics. However arduous logis-
tics problems may be, they can be
solved either by the air assault divi-
sion itself, with the support of the lo-
gist ics brigade of the FAR, or by any
Army corps .
Conditions Of Engagement. When
the rapid action force is assigned as re-
inforcement to the 1 st Army there are
relatively few problems. But when the
forces are employed autonomously
while responding to a crisis situation,
problems will become considerably
more difficult. Maintaining good
liaison and conditions of operational
control requires a great deal of flex-
ibility from all sides. Adjustments will
be necessary , and they will require a
significant degree of attention from
Conclusion. Many high ranking
French observers have stated that the
new air assault division will be a hi ghly
effective weapon for seizing the in-
itiative and combating emergencies.
The 4th Air Assault Division has been
described as a most significant and
strategic innovation. It also gives birth
to new air assault operational concepts
and has important qualities such as
power, speed and multimission capa-
bility. These are the qualities needed
by the rapid action force, and they
make the air assault division an effec-
ti ve spearhead.
The air assault division with its an-
titank helicopters is by its multimission
capability, flexibility , quick reaction
capability and heavy antitank fire-
power (400 missiles that can be fired
instantaneously) , the real and total
answer to the need of the FAR strate-
gic mission. The 4th Air Assault Divi-
sion makes it possible to intervene in
a moment and at the place chosen by
the President , Chief of the French
State. JIC'
The SA-342 Gazelle can be armed with antitank HOT missiles.
The SA-341 Gazelle is armed with a 20 mm gun.
Previous Aviation Digest articles on French Army Aviation:
"French Turbi ne Powered Helicopters," May 1959.
"French Army Aviation," May 1960.
"Aviation In The French Army," September 1972.
"French Airmobility," March 1975.
" French Army Aviation," December 1978.
" Aviation In The French Army," August 1980.
" From Balloon To Black Hawk," June 1981 . (French
expeditionary force, pages 42, 43).
B eH
On 12 April 1985, the Fort Rucker Officers
Club played host to some 750 guests who
attended the first Army Aviation ball to
celebrate the Army Aviation Branch's sec-
ond birthday.
Major John E. Pack
Commander, D Company
Aviation Training Brigade
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
HE BREECH slammed closed on the howit-
zers, and suddenly, the still night air was disturbed by the
loud reports of cannon fire. As the scent of smoke and
powder escaped into the twilight, lightning danced harm-
lessly across the horizon .
This scene could have been captured from a distant bat-
tlefield that knew the anger of a war a long time ago. But
the cannons were fired in tribute rather than in anger. The
date was 12 April 1985. The place was the U.S. Army Avi-
ation Center at Ft. Rucker , AL. The tribute and celebra-
tion were for the Aviation Branch's second birthday.
In February 1985, Ft. Rucker 's commander , Major
General Ellis D. Parker , directed that a special celebra-
tion occur on the birthday of the Aviation Branch. Ft.
Rucker 's Aviation Training Brigade, commanded by Colo-
onel Haspard R. Murphy , was tasked to plan and prepare
the festivities. Lieutenant Colonel C. S. Ivie, commander
of the brigade's 7th Battalion, and his executive officer,
Major Gary Greening, served as key project officers for
the event. They presented the initial plans to the command-
ing general in early March and recommended that, "Army
Aviation- An Appointment With Destiny," be adopted as
the theme.
Major General Parker approved the plans , and all fur-
ther preparations were designed to enhance the significance
of the theme . It soon became apparent that Ft. Rucker not
only intended to celebrate the birthday of the Army's
newest branch, but also to acknowledge the evolution of
Army Aviation and the sacrifice of its early pioneers.
On the evening of 12 April more than 750 guests gathered
in the Ft. Rucker Officers Club to participate in the birth-
day celebration. The club was at maximum capacity. In
fact, closed circuit television had to be used in the less ac-
cessible areas ofthe club so that each guest could view the
program in the center of the main ballroom. At about 1830
hours, the guests were escorted outside to a reviewing stand
on the north edge of the parade field. Barely visible in the
shadows on the parade field were several aircraft that were
chronologically displayed as well as numerous soldiers
dressed in historic uniforms. Together , they were used to
look back through time at Army Aviation's beginnings .
A huge floodlight pierced the darkness and illuminated
a civil war balloon with a lone observer peering cautious-
ly into the night. The cannons fired repeatedly, and the
observer strained to view their effect. Then the strong voice
of the narrator said proudly across the public address sys-
tem, " I am Army Aviation. "
The lights continued to illuminate one aircraft at a time,
from the L-4 Cub to the AH-64 Apache. Each time that
an aircraft or its crew were drawn from darkness by the
well aimed lights, the narrator related that chapter of Army
A viation history by detailing the contributions of the war
machines and those who flew them.
The audience grew more attentive as the lights revealed
an OH-13 Sioux helicopter with MEDEV AC litters
strapped to its landing gear. Beside the helicopter lay a
wounded soldier who was receiving treatment from an
Army nurse. The scene seemed all too real as the music
from the famed television series, M.A.S.H., played soft-
ly in the background. Then the lights illuminated a UH-l
Huey, an AH-l Cobra and an OH-58 Kiowa in rapid suc-
cession. At the same time, the narrator referred to the cam-
paigns that the air cavalry fought in the Republic of
The lights removed the darkness from an aviator wear-
ing a two-piece Nomex flight suit , his face barely visible
under the brim ofa " trooper's" hat. The narrator's voice
slowed in pace. The music from Simon and Garfunkel's
"Sounds of Silence" beckoned the names of countless avi-
ators who are now gone, but will never be forgotten. Some
members of the audience, obviously reflecting on this
troubled time, were visibly moved by the narration. Names
such as Pleiku, DaNang and Saigon stirred the memories
of the past with reverence and respect.
But the history of Army Aviation, as told on the Avia-
tion Center parade field , was not yet complete. The nar-
row beams of the lights shifted from the aging aircraft of
the past to an inventory of sophisticated weaponry and ad-
vanced technology. The UH-60 Black Hawk, the CH-47D
Chinook and the AH -64 Apache helicopters each moved
to center stage as the challenges for tomorrow were
The entire presentation lasted only 50 minutes, but it was
indeed an impressive event. Doctor Herbert P. LePore,
Army Aviation Branch historian, wrote the script. Sergeant
First Class James A. a r k ~ r of the 4th Aviation Training
Battalion provided the outstanding narration.
The guests then moved back into the Officers Club where
dinner was served to the music of the 98th Army Band com-
bo. The club itself was a beautiful setting, decorated with
ivy and spring flowers in the Army Aviation Branch
colors-blue and orange. The officers wives of the 7th
A viation Training Battalion created the picturesque sur-
roundings according to the guidance of Mrs. Barbara Mur-
phy and Mrs. Linda Ivie.
Following the dinner, Major General Parker intro-
duced the guest speaker, a true pioneer of Army Aviation
in airmobile and air assault combat operations. Lieuten-
ant General Harry W. O. Kinnard (USA, Retired) com-
manded the 11 th Air Assault Division (Test) in 1964 and
in 1965. As its commander, he' took the newly formed 1st
Cavalry Division (Airmobile) into battle in Vietnam.
He spoke from the best perspective of all-experience.
Lieutenant General Kinnard related to the audience
how he had at first opposed the formation of an Aviation
Branch, and had reservations about its contribution to
the readiness of this Nation. It was especially gratifying
to the aviators of Ft. Rucker to hear Lieutenant General
Kinnard say his opinion had been changed. He cited the
significant progress the Aviation Branch has made
since its inception as more than enough reason to never
again doubt its worth.
The evening proved to be a resounding success. Plans
have already been made for a similar celebration to occur
each year. When Secretary of the Army, John O. Marsh,
] r. , officiall y designated Aviation as a branch on 12 April
1983, the challenge for the future was officially accepted.
That challenge is for the Aviation Branch to step forward
and stand shoulder to shoulder with the other combat arms
branches as well as with the Army's other branches; to step
forward and to provide its soldiers the best hardware,
materiel , training and tactical doctrine that the union of
Army Aviation leaders and American industry can possibly
provide; to step forward and fulfIll its destiny as America's
edge on tomorrow's battlefield.
The first Army Aviation Branch Anniversary Ball com-
memorated the Secretary of the Army's approval of the
branch as one of the most important events in Army A via-
tion history. ~
The Indianapolis Downtown Heliport, one of four facilities in
the FAA's newall-weather public heliport program.
ministration's National Prototype
Demonstration Heliport Program rep-
resents a crowning achievement, then
the new Indianapolis Heliport is the
jewel in that crown. Selected as one of
four sites for an all-weather public hel-
iport-along with New York, New Or-
leans and Los Angeles-the Indianapo-
lis facility is deservedly a model for the
Nation, and perhaps the world.
"The facility is as remarkable and
as modern as Indianapolis itself, " said
James M. Brown, president oflndian-
apolis Heliport Corporation (IHC) and
a former U.S. Army captain who com-
pleted two tours in Vietnam as a heli-
copter pilot and as a helicopter unit
The heliport is a sparkling $5.8-
million facility set on a 5. 5-acre site in
the heart of Indiana's capital city. A
IO,OOO-galion fuel farm provides the
basis for 24-hour fuel sales to both
civilian and military helicopter opera-
tors. Indianapolis Heliport provides
many services and does not charge
landing fees. "We'll accept Govern-
ment credit cards for military fuel
sales," Brown said.
There are two approach paths to the
heliport's touchdown pad-one from
the south-southwest over the Conrail
tracks, the other from the east, which
will be aided by a precision approach
indicator that will provide three visual
glideslopes: shallow, normal and steep.
It will be aided in 1986 by a microwave
landing system. The touchdown pad
also has omnidirectional sequential
strobes indicating approach paths.
Edge lights augment pad lighting and
their intensity can be controlled from
the approaching helicopter by tuning
123 .05 and keying the comm trans-
The touchdown pad is a 60-foot -
diameter concrete circle surrounded
by a I5-foot-wide asphalt ring. There
are rings of lights placed in the con-
crete and in the asphalt. A curving 24-
foot-wide concrete taxiway, with
lighted centerline, leads from the
touchdown pad to the ramp area.
When visitors enter the IHC's lob-
by, the first thing they are likely to en-
counter in the central three-story
atrium is a small brass plaque that
. "Dedicated to the helicopter
aircrewmen of Vietnam and Korea
whose sacrifices and professional-
ism helped achieve modern rotary
wing Aviation."
Rising above this memorial will be a
6-foot-tall bronze statue clothed in a
flight suit and equipment ofthe era, but
devoid of unit insignia or any indica-
tion of rank. The Indianapolis Down-
town Heliport is dedicated to this
nameless helicopter aircrewman. The
American Legion, both locally and na-
tionally, participated in this dedication,
which is indicated by the Legion's em-
blem on the plaque.
To one side of this unique center-
piece is a "control counter ," behind
which IHC employees can control
lighting, communications and paging
systems, all gates and doors, televi-
sion-surveillance cameras, and more.
The facility is completely fenced and
constantly manned. Five security
cameras keep watch, and two motion
detectors in the hangar bays reinforce
their visual sweeps. (By having such
a high level of security, IHC expects
military helicopters will soon be per-
mitted to remain overnight.)
At the control counter, pilots can
consult AWOS, the Automated Weath-
er Observing System, whose cathode
ray tube display reports the wind's di-
rection and speed (including gusts), the
temperature, dew point, altimeter set-
ting, precipitation, visibility (indica-
tions to 5 miles) and cloud height (lay-
ers up to 5,000 feet: scattered, broken
or overcast).
The 10,000-gallon fiberglass fuel
storage tank and all the appropriate
plumbing is located below ground.
IHC can provide hot refueling to those
who request it, and the ramp-service
fuel truck has a split tank allowing it
to carry both Jet A and 1 OO-octane low
The company recently won an an-
nual contract to fuel transient military
helicopters and to accept Government
credit cards, guaranteeing military
pilots the lowest possible prices. As a
requirement of this contract, the facil-
ity must meet all military fueling
specifications and it must be inspect-
ABOVE: The circular pad in the lower
right corner is a takeoff and landing
pOint. This view was taken in April 1985.
The Indianapolis Downtown Heliport is
one of four facilities in the FAA's new
all-weather public heliport program.
BELOW: The main vehicle gate onto the
ramp area after completio n.
October 1985-
cash and pledges
c l \ r ~ AviatioTt
This is a series about the Army Aviation Museum Foundation fund
drive. Currently, plans call for building a modern complex to house
your Army Aviation Museum. Since last month additional donations
have been received. However, we still have a ways to go, as the
barometer above shows. If you would like to help "build" the Army
Aviation Museum's new home, you are invited to send a tax deduc-
tible contribution to: The Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Box
610, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000. If you desire additional information
call Mr. Ed Brown at (205) 598-2508.
A Look At What's In Your Museum
In November 1961, the U.S. Army
Transportation Research Command
ordered two prototype research air-
craft to flight test the "fan-in-wing"
concept. Originally designated VZ-ll,
the Ryan Company designed and
built two aircraft under the designation XV -SA. Due to the loss of
one of the prototypes and damage to the other, Ryan subsequently
rebuilt and modified the XV -SA designating it XV -SB.
Preliminary flight tests on the XV-SB began on 24 June 1968, after
which it was donated to the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffitt
Field, CA, for use in the aeronautical research programs. Upon com-
pletion of these programs, it was turned over to the National Air
and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institute. Since 1984, the XV-SB
has been on loan to the U.S. Army Aviation Museum for display.
Hardly a day passes when you aren't re-
minded of an old axiom, "We train to be
ready for combat. " Most everyone recalls
the poster of the ghost soldier, around
whose hapless form were the words ,
TRAINING. " Ours is a serious business ,
and it certainly behooves each of us to be
ready for the eventuality of war.
Emergency procedures training (EPT)
has gone through an evolution of late; no
question. The driving force behind this
evolution is doubtless, the almightly dol-
lar. Yes, it makes good sense to save
money, UNLESS someone in the future has
to pay for the savings in blood.
If one postulates that it will be in com-
bat, not peacetime , when the frequency of
engine failures, hydraulic malfunctions,
tail rotor problems, and etc. peaks, it should
be apparent that touchdown EPT should be
reinstituted. Any veteran of the Vietnam
War will attest that many crewmens' lives
were saved as a result of the comprehen-
sive training in emergency procedures
they ' d received. It is for obvious reasons
that said failures will happen more fre-
quently , and for equally obvious reasons
our seemingly half-hearted efforts to train
crews in EPT will be manifested in higher
casualty rates and concurrent equipment
losses. Whereas, a properly trained crew
might bring the " sick bird" home for re-
pair, so it and they can fight another day;
the crews we are training today might not.
Imagine the impact on combat supply lines;
a commander would task those likely
strained resource lines for a full crew and
a new helicopter in one case. In the other
case perhaps he' d only need request a hy-
draulic line or tail rotor gearbox. This is the
critical time when money invested in good
training will pay off like a prime insurance
policy. The payoff in this case might be as
simple as the difference in victory and
While it may not be true today, the time
is coming when the bulk of the aviator force
is lacking the confidence and expertise once
possessed by Army aviators, in handling
in-flight emergencies. When the last of the
"Vietnam Era" pilots (and those that fol-
lowed in the 5 or so years after) are gone,
the aviator force may be devoid of pilots
that can confidently handle an emergen-
cy situation to its ultimate conclusion,
It is widely held that people in general
are not confident about doing tasks with
which they are not familiar. I submit to you
that pilots are people too, and the above ra-
tionale would certainly hold true for them
as well. Most of the Army's instructor
pilots recognize this to be a bad situation
at best and most all of them would like to
see us return to the more thorough train-
ing conducted before the moratorium. The
younger, less experienced pilots are start-
ing to get the message that they are expend-
able . It would seem that morale is being
dealt a blow it can scarcely afford to ab-
sorb these days.
All of this has come about when we as
crewmen are tasked with more missions,
many of which are more complex and di-
verse, and are performed under conditions
that are sometimes less than ideal. We are
expected to be "tactically and technically
proficient," and strive to be so. Technical
proficiency would undeniably include be-
ing able to handle in-flight emergencies to
a safe landing. Thousands of us are quietly
asking the powers that be, to let us once
again train toward this end .
While most aviators will admit that what
we currently have in the way ofEPT is bet-
ter than nothing at all, most feel the train-
ing falls short of its desired goals. If this
is the case, something must be done to rec-
tify the shortcomings of our current emer-
gency procedures training program. This
will cost money, but we can pay now for
the training or we'll surely pay for it later.
CW3 Robert M. Miller
3/498th Medical Company (AA)
Ft. Stewart, G A
The Aviation Digest has received the fol-
lowing response to CW3 Miller's letter from
the Directorate of Evaluation and Stan-
dardization at the Aviation Center.
There must be a balance between
aviator technical and tactical training.
A vailable training resources such as
training time, flight hours, aircraft avail-
ability, and personnel are limited. The
tactical training was suffering due to the
inordinate amount of time and resources
being spent on technical training. The
1983 Aviation Policy Committee decid-
ed to eliminate touchdown emergency
procedures in an effort to balance the
training resources. United States Army
Europe submitted the issue before the
Aviation Policy Committee, questioning
the validity of touchdown autorotation
training when lost personnel, equipment
and training was compared to the de-
rived benefits. Another point made was
that our newer and more sophisticated
equipment failed far less than the older
equipment. Also, since this type of train-
ing was not within the tactical flight en-
velope, there was little merit to using the
aircrew training manual (ATM) condi-
tions of 90 knots, 1,000 feet or 50 feet
above ground level. Supporting evidence
by Army Research Institute (ARI), the
Directorate of Evaluation and Standard-
ization and the U.S. Army Safety Center
has shown a significant increase in air-
craft availability and no apparent crit-
ical degradation of aviator skills.
The AH-IS (MC) was the test bed,
since autorotations had been eliminated
9 months prior to the policy committee's
decision. The maintenance for armament
and airframe repairs improved 25 per-
cent, and the overall system maintenance
improved 32 percent. ARI studied the de-
gradation of aviator skills through a
number of tests. One of the most signifi-
cant showed that aviators who had not
flown for as many as 10 years and as few
as 1 year still were fairly close in achiev-
ing the ATM standards for touchdown
emergency procedures training.
In the final analysis ofthe 1983 Avia-
tion Policy Committee, the decision to eli-
minate EPT in all helicopters (except
hovering autorotations) except during
qualification training at training bases
and selected major Army command
(MAC OM) areas was made by 24 of the
26 MACOM commanders and/or A via-
tion officers and Department of the
Army representatives. They also made
the decision to review this issue in fiscal
year 1985, and every subsequent year to
bring the issue before the policy commit-
tee for review. General John A. Wick-
ham Jr., Chief of Staff of the Army,
supported this decision. Quantifiable
justification as to why the EPTs need to
be reinstated has not been forthcoming
in light of air land battle doctrine tactics
and advances in simulation since Viet-
nam. The need to train EPTs to a higher
proficiency level at the training base
has been recognized.
Army Aviation's priorities have been
realigned to do the job they were de-
signed to do-move across the battlefield
with greater speed and mobility and de-
liver a higher volume of fire than any
other member of the combined arms
team. EPT is but a part of that job. Our
aviators need to be trained in the tactical
skills that will keep them alive so they do
not blunder into situations where both
aircraft and pilot are lost. If we can quan-
tify why we need EPT and can ac-
complish the tactical mission then EPT
will be reinstated. In the meantime, the
Aviation Center will continue to train
student pilots in how to recognize and re-
act to in-flight emergencies in o r ~ r to
balance emergency training with the tac-
tical training they receive in the unit.
Agreed, confidence in handling in-flight
emergencies is achieved only by training
for those emergencies in as realistic con-
ditions as possible. Our pilots are not ex-
pendable, as you stated; they are the
assets with which we will fight and win
the next battle.
I just received the May 1985 issue and
I am appalled by the picture on the front
cover. Here we are, now a viable combat
arm, and we continue on with the depic-
tion of Aviation of old. Tell me, what
MOPP level is our "Aviation soldier" in?
No doubt it is one coming out in a new FM
21-2! Farther into the issue are more pic-
tures of soldiers wearing only a protective
mask without other MOPP gear and with
their sleeves rolled up! No doubt the heat
had something to do with the training en-
We need to train our young soldiers in
the ways of war: realistically, even if it is
uncomfortable. If it is too hot to wear
MOPP, then MOPPtraining should not be
done. Do it when the weather is conducive
to training properly. Let us not compromise
our training this way.
I would hope to see more articles about
enlisted training, both in common and mili-
tary occupational specialty peculiar tasks.
We can become the best combat arm of the
Army. Let's do it!
SSG (P) John C. Collins
Technical Inspector
Additional duties are a part of every of-
ficer's career at one time or another in
Army Aviation., They range in a wide ar-
ray such as motor officer, supply officer,
arms room officer, unit fire marshal and
many more. Did anyone ever really wonder
what the purpose of an additional duty was?
I'm sure most people would answer ,
"Well, it is a good character builder. " Or,
some might consider it as paying your dues.
Officers fresh out of flight school are a
little naive when they think they will spend
most of their time flying or doing flying
related tasks . This is not necessarily the
case. Additional duties are omnipresent and
can serve as a good building block for lead-
ership. Sure, some are not as important as
others, but they do serve the unit and the
Being an executive officer in an air cav-
alry unit, I serve as the " keeper" of addi-
tional duties. As a young lieutenant, and
now junior captain, I have had the chance
to perform many additional duties in my
short time. In my opinion, additional duties
provide the young officer a chance to be
exposed to the different functional areas of
a unit as well as a squadron. Only through
exposure can you really learn how the
pieces of the puzzle fit together.
The puzzle, of course, is "command."
We all strive for it and we are rated con-
stantly on our leadership potential. It is not
surprising to see officers who are pretty
senior, looking for answers to questions
that you figured they would or should
know. It happens every day. Only through
exposure can a person really hope to ac-
quire knowledge. With thi s logic one
would conclude that additional duties do
serve a meaningful purpose .
A problem today is that many leaders are
not as sure ofthemselves as the people they
lead would like them to be. One of the ways
to try and help solve this problem is to take
a closer look at additional duties and how
they are being performed. Remember any-
one can be the light fixture control officer,
but not anyone can balance a troop budget
of about $500,000.
CPT Thomas M. Sullivan
B Trp, 2-10 ACS
Ft. Ord, CA
The Aviation Digest has received a
number of letters commenting on the
article, "Identifying High-Risk Aviator
Behavior." Because of space limitations
the following representative letter is be-
ing published along with an Aviation
Center editorial note.
In an attempt to try and save the Army
some paper, I am compelled to respond to
[the Aviation Center, Director of Evalua-
tion and Standardization] the article from
the April [1985] issue entitled, "Identify-
ing High-Risk A viator Behavior. " We al-
ready have the tools to identify the high-
risk aviator. All we need to do is apply
First , let's examine the solution pro-
posed [in the article]. A restricted file kept
on aviators by commanders at the 05 (lieu-
tenant colonel) and above level would have
to be administered by safety and standard-
ization personnel . This situation would
give new meaning to the term, "safety and
standards," and further define the gap be-
tween the aviator and the commander and
his safety and standardization personnel as
well as his safety and standards program.
I am surprised that [the article] didn't sug-
gest arm bands for safety and standards per-
sonnel with the logo "ABC Enforcement. "
As I alluded to earlier and as [the arti-
cle] pointed out , the tools to reduce acci-
dents already exist. They are recruiting, of-
ficer candidate school, the warrant officer
flight program, the flying evaluation board,
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
actions , the officer efficiency report (OER)
system and so forth . Tracking the high-risk
aviator can be done with the OER system.
When a championship football team be-
gins to flounder, the coaches do not solve
the problem by adding another trick play.
The answer is found in the basics of block-
ing and tackling, coupled with precise,
crisp execution of offensive and defensive
plays. In the case of Army Aviation the
basics begin at the Aviation Center. This
is the first point where we have the oppor-
tunity to el iminate the" high-risk aviator. ' ,
As a flight commander and head of the Stan-
dardization Branch at Lowe Division (Ft.
Rucker, AL), I fought endlessly to have
poor performing students eliminated. Un-
fortunately, too many poor performers
were retained by the system, plowed back,
and are now accident statistics or accidents
waiting to happen. The command structure
and decisionmakers at the A viation Center
must carefully analyze the well documented
gradeslips prepared by the instructor pilots
and make a conscious effort to increase the
washout rate at the initial entry rotary wing
student level. After we clean up the basics,
let's apply those other tools that already
The trees are already suffering from acid
rain. Why saddle them with having to pro-
vide materials to create another paper
monster that won't solve the Aviation ac-
cident problem? Good sense and proper ap-
plication of the existing system will.
CPT Gary S. Fowler
210th Combat Aviation Battalion
APO Miami
The Aviation Digest has received the
following response to Captain Fowler's let-
ter from the Directorate of Evaluation and
Standardization at the Aviation Center:
Several factors must be considered
in determining aviator behavioral char-
acteristics. Background information
from the U.S. Army Safety Center, at Ft.
Rucker, AL, helped determine some of
the criteria. Human error accidents
make up 80 percent of all Class A acci-
dents; the OER and flying evaluation
board (FEB), for a variety of reasons,
have proven to be ineffective in chang-
ing marginal behavior. However, both
are very effective in eliminating the iden-
tified high-risk aviator.
Of the human error accident factors,
40 percent of those are "willful viola-
tions." There is a greater proportion of
human error factors than any other cate-
gory, for example, judgment factors. An
independent panel of aviators deter-
mined for the Safety Center "willful vio-
lation" when there was clear evidence the
aviator ignored the approved procedures
or rules. If it was not clearly "willful
violation, " it was categorized under one
.of the other factors.
The OER and FEB are used as long-
term management tools for personnel
and are used after-the-fact. Each has its
salient points, but currently there is no
system which will allow the gaining com-
mander the capability to review the past
performance of his newly assigned avia-
tors. The gaining commander has no im-
mediate access to this information, and
it can take years for OERs and UCMJ
actions to remove the aviator from flight
The proposed tracking system will
be used somewhat the same as a counsel-
ing session. The system will track the
problem aviator, potential problem
aviator and the good a viator. This
system is administered by the com-
mander only in assessing the individual's
behavior and not by the safety and stan-
dardization personnel. Legal ramifica-
tions will not allow a commander to put
something into an aviator's file without
an appeal process. There is also a review
period of an aviator's file to ensure the
material is both accurate and up-to-
date. The aviator is offered a rebuttal
if he believes the data to be incorrect.
The tracking system is a permanent au-
dit trail to show a trend and correct any
shortcomings aviators may be experi-
encing before they damage their or their
unit's safety record. On the other hand,
if an aviator does not respond to correc-
tion, this is also the means to remove
him or her from the cockpit. These are
not new ways to eliminate aviators from
the cockpit but more efficient ways to
manage a valuable resource for which
the commander is responsible.
Currently at the Aviation Center
there is a more stringent policy toward
identifying those students who would be
classified as a high-risk, both on and off
the flight line, and these students are be-
ing eliminated. Tighter standards for
those students to maintain the proper
skills are being implemented with the
new flight training guides. Standards are
being more easily identified for both the
student and the instructor pilot. These
standards are more clearly defined and
objective and will take much ofthe guess
work out of the evaluation process. This,
in turn, will give clear guidance whether
or not the student met the criteria.
During the May 1985 Safety In-Pro-
cess Review, Army Chief of Staff, Gen-
eral John a. Wickham Jr., stated his
position on safety quite clearly. Com-
manders are the safety officers, and
unless they get involved safety is not go-
ing to happen. If the boss is involved,
that attitude will permeate the troops.
Then everyone becomes a "safety of-
ficer." The next major point the Chief
of Staff brought up is that we have failed
to produce a sense of responsibility and
to fix accountability. Once again, the
commander's attitude toward safety will
affect troops. With Air Force and Navy
records the lowest they have been, and
the Army's the highest it has ever been,
General Wickham is adamant about get-
ting everyone involved in safety. All
commanders must be proactive and be
aggressive toward their safety programs
to conserve both our materiel resources
and save lives.
Brigadier Generals
Army Aviation's position as a leader on
the combined arms team is strengthened by
the President's nomination of eight aviators
for promotion to brigadier general. This is
the largest number to be so honored at one
time in the branch's 28-month history.
Congratulations are extended to Colonels
David J. Allen, William H. Forster,
David L. Funk, Lynn C. Hooper, Samuel
A. Leffler, Caryl G. Marsh, William C.
Page Jr. and John D. Robinson.
These officers are on the list of 63 names
that was sent to the Senate for confirma-
tion. Ofthat total, Army Aviation has 12.6
percent. That is a clear indication of the
outstanding records the Army's aviators
have achieved.
In the June 1985 issue, "VHIRP Clari-
fied , " page 41 , 7400.2 "Special Military
Operations," should have read 7610.4
"Special Military Operations. "
Also in the June 1985 issue, "From the
Ground Up, " page 34, the second
paragraph, the eighth line, should have
read, area in which the attack crews can
drop down into just ...
Articles from the Aviation Digest requested in these letters have been mailed. Readers can obtain copies of material
printed in any issue by writing to: Editor, U.S. Army Aviation Digest, P.O. Box 699, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000.
The three traditional areas of piloting-knowledge, skill and experlence-
may not be enough. People are starting to look at a fourth dimension of pilot
training, which you could call airman declsion-making
~ ~
u. .. , IIfm alnl
~ n t
Much of the information quoted in this article was intended for the general aviation community. However, the
question "Can we teach pilot judgment?" is one being asked increasingly in the commercial aviation environment
and the military services.
aviation accidents in which
pilot error is a cause or a
factor is a major concern in the
general and commercial aviation
communities as well as to all the
military services. With as many as
80 to 90 percent of all aviation ac-
cidents being attributed to pilot er-
ror, it is easy to see why finding
ways to prevent these accidents
must receive high priority.
Statistics show that cognitive
judgment errors cause more than
half of all civil aviation fatalities.
This finding has forced the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) and
its counterparts in other countries
to develop training and measure-
ment tools for pilot judgment. Pilot
judgment was also one of the
topics discussed at the Second
Symposium on Aviation Psychology
held at Ohio State University in
Columbus, Ohio, in April 1983.
Knowledge, skill and judgment
are the three basic elements that
every safe pilot must possess. It
has always been assumed that
knowledge and skill could be im-
parted by proper training and
reliably evaluated through testing.
Judgment, however, until very
recently, was considered to be
something that good pilots
somehow possessed innately or
perhaps acquired as a by-product
of years of flying experience. In any
case, proper judgment was con-
sidered a virtue and was ignored in
conventional flight training because
it seemed that it could be neither
taught, measured, nor modified.
Behavioral research now sug-
gests, however, that judgment is,
indeed, a learnable behavior.
Preliminary tests both in this coun-
try and in Canada have overwhelm-
ingly substantiated this premise. It
follows, therefore, that because
judgment may be a learned
behavior, it can be altered through
Some recent attempts have been
made to produce educational
materials related to judgment. In
1978, the FAA, Gates Learjet Cor-
poration and the General Aviation
Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
developed an audiovisual presenta-
tion entitled "Pilot Prerogatives."
This presentation explains how
pilots should exercise their
prerogatives in dealing with air traf-
fic controllers and in interacting
with others in flight-safety-related
situations. In 1981, Transport
Canada developed a motion picture
entitled "Pressing the Weather,"
which deals with the way pilots'
emotions often fatally overrule their
better judgment in weather en-
counters. Probably of more
significance to the military aviation
community are recent efforts to
develop judgment training programs.
With the increasing complexity of
single-pilot aircraft, the U.S. Air
Force realized that traditional train-
ing might not prepare such pilots to
make complex emergency deci-
sions. Situational Emergency Train-
ing (SET) is an Air Force program
designed to teach judgment to the
pilot. SET requires the pilot to
maintain control of the aircraft while
assessing the relevant dimensions
of an emergency and analyzing the
situation, the n to take proper
countermeasures and land as soon
as practical thereafter.
A 1976 University of Illinois study
for the FAA Research and Develop-
ment Service concluded that pilot
judgment could be effectively
taught and evaluated. About 2
18. Weislogel. "Judgment Daze," The Aviation Consumer, November 1,1984, pp. 13-14.
2G. S. Livack. "Pilot Judgment Training-Past, Present, and Future," Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Aviation
Psychology, April 25-28, 1983, Department of Aviation, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 353-362.
years after the study was com-
pleted, the FAA contracted with
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Universi-
ty (ERAU) to develop training
materials for student and instructor
One of the reasons that this type
of training was so long in coming
was that there was no agreement
on or even a definition of pilot judg-
ment. Judgment implies and in-
volves: problem solving, conflict
resolution, and prescriptive action
(or response). Everyone used the
term pilot judgment, but it had
many subjective meanings. Before
developing the basic concepts of
the training, ERAU defined "pilot
judgment" in terms they felt could
be operationalized and then
judgment is the mental
process by which the pilot recognizes,
and evaluates i nformation
regarding himself. the aircraft and
" the outside environment. The final
step in the process is to make a
decision pertaining to the safe
operation of the aircraftand to
implement the deCision in a timely
Pilot judgment may involve one or
a combination of the three informa-
tion subject areas:
The pilot-his health, competen-
cy in a situation, level of fatigue
and other factors that may affect
his performance.
The aircraft-its airworthiness,
powerplant and equipment, as well
as performance criteria such as
weight, balance and runway
The environment-weather,
takeoff conditions, airfield altitude
and temperature as well as outside
information such as weather brief-
ings, air traffic control instructions
and other considerations.
The FAA's Jack Parrish agrees
with the ERAU operational defini-
tion of pilot judgment. He considers
it especially appropriate since it
provides a practical concept of
judgment. The definition really has
three parts: (1) information process-
ing, (2) decision making and (3) im-
plementation or execution. The
strength of this definition lies in its
suggestion that if judgment is to be
taught successfully, it should not be
separated from the learning proc-
ess; on the contrary, it should be
integrated into the process.
Piecemeal or add-on training
segments labeled "judgment train-
ing" will not be successful. In Par-
rish's opinion, what is needed is an
approach that requires that pilot
performance be tested and graded
in the three areas outlined above.
When this is done, pilots will ac-
quire judgment skills along with
learning the required psychomotor
Stacy Weislogel, chairman of the
Aviation Department of Ohio State
University, acknowledges that a
pilot must know both his aircraft
and the environment in which he
flies it. But Weislogel sees knowing
oneself as the toughest of the
three. "There's a very high risk
when the pilot's perception of his
own skill is higher than his actual
skill level," he says. "All too often
accident files show that a pilot is
brought down not by a failure of
knowledge or skill, but of
When developing its training pro-
gram, ERAU produced training
manuals on pilot judgment and con-
ducted one month of training using
a homogenous group of initial flight
course students at ERAU. A limited
study conducted to evaluate the
training showed some promising
results. During observation flights,
students who received judgment
training exhibited significantly better
in-flight judgment than students
who had not received such training.
The students who were involved
in the experiment expressed strong,
positive attitudes about the benefits
of the training program. A substan-
tial majority reported that they
would pay greater attention to judg-
ment concepts in their future flying.
They also recommended that judg-
ment training material be made part
of the required studies for a private
pilot's license.
In 1982, Transport Canada asked
the FAA for help in developing a
student pilot judgment training pro-
gram. The FAA gave them ERAU
training materials, which they used
to further validate the training using
an unbiased group. (NOTE: Almost
all the test subjects involved in the
ERAU and Canadian studies were
highly motivated teenage males
enrolled in an intensive aviation
training program.)
The Transport Canada evaluation
showed pilots who received judg-
ment training as part of their pilot
training curriculum made correct
decisions in 83 percent of the judg-
ment situations as compared to 43
percent for pilots who did not
receive the training. Transport
Canada is doing further research to
establish whether judgment skills,
once learned, will deteriorate over
General aviation manufacturers
have offered to assist in the FAA
program through GAMA. Training
manuals will be refined and tested
with a more diverse student popula-
tion from the FAA's Eastern
Region. The purpose of the
research is to determine if pilot
judgment behavior can be modified
by a formal judgment training pro-
gram as part of an overall basic
private pilot curriculum.
A proposed multi-element na-
tional pilot training program would
3J. I. Berlin. "Improving Pilot Judgment," U.S. Army Aviation Digest, February 1983, pp. 16-19.
4G. De Bagheera-Buch . "Pilot Judgment Training Validation Experiment," Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Aviation
Psychology, April 25-28, 1983, Department of Aviation, Ohio State University, Columbus,Ohio, pp. 307-316.
involve four major types of activities
that would include the following
judgment training items:
Education-Nonregulatory infor-
mation items that would not be part
of any licensing or rating process.
Examples include material
presented at future FAA accident
prevention seminars and advisory
circulars. The program would be
designed to both educate pilots
about judgment and motivate them
to participate in such a training
Training-Items to provide
specific information and judgment
skills required for a particular
license or rating. This activity would
also apply to recurrent and
refresher training required for pilots
under federal aviation regulations.
These activities could include
materials for ground and flight train-
ing for the various licenses or
Certification-Items to assure that
the applicant possesses and can
demonstrate judgment appropriate
to the certificate or rating sought.
This testing could include written
tests, oral quizzes, and simulator or
in-flight evaluations.
Rehabilitation-Items designed to
provide remedial measures for
aviators who have been involved in
an accident, incident or violation
the investigating official feels were
r e l t ~ d to poor judgment. These
measures could be imposed either
in lieu of or in conjunction with
punitive actions. The remedial
measures could include consulta-
tion and retraining.
Materials would be designed for
various pilot audiences. The initial
target audiences would be student
pilots, flight instructors, private
commercial and instrument-rated
pilots and mUlti-engine and mUlti-
crew pilots. Future audiences would
include helicopter pilots and pilots
engaged in agricultural operations.
One of the people studying the
teaching of pilot judgment is Dick
Jensen, a Ph.D. in psychology in
the Aviation Department at Ohio
State University. Jensen says there
are two basic aspects of pilot judg-
ment. First is the intellectual part,
the pilot's knowledge, his basic
problem-solving and analytical
skills, and his ability to process in-
formation. The second aspect of
judgment is motivation. Regardless
of a pilot's knowledge and problem-
solving and analytical skills, if he
isn't motivated to use them, or has
subverted motivation, the right deci-
sions won't get made. An example
of subverted motivation is the pilot
who is highly motivated to get
home who says "to hell with the
weather," and makes his decision
According to Jensen, a pilot's
motivation is determined by his per-
sonality and attitudes. "There's no
way we're going to change a pilot's
personality through training, but we
can change his attitudes," Jensen
says. "The key to teaching judg-
ment is to put the student in a posi-
tion where he must respond." To
do that, Jensen believes computer
games or a programmed text are
effective teaching tools because the
SA. S. Jensen. "Judgment Daze," Aviation Consumer, November 1,1984, pp. 13-14.
student has to respond to a
theoretical situation. In Jensen's
opinion, a lecture is useless in
teaching pilot judgment.
During development of a pilot
judgment training program, ERAU
researchers examined several con-
cepts, including the concept of a
poor judgment behavior chain.
There are three subconcepts in-
volved in the chain:
1. One decision based on poor
judgment increases the probability
that the same process will be used
and another poor decision will
follow. Since decisions are made
on information about the pilot
himself, his abilities, the aircraft
and the environment, the pilot is
more likely to make a poor decision
if the input factors are not accurate.
One poor decision based on faulty
judgment provides an erroneous bit
of information which the pilot must
consider when making subsequent
2. As the poor judgment/decision
chain grows, alternatives for safe
flight decrease. When a pilot
selects one of several alternatives,
he loses the option to select the re-
maining alternatives. For example,
if he makes a poor decision to fly
through a hazardous weather area,
his option to circumnavigate the
weather is lost once severe weather
is encountered.
3. The longer the poor judg-
ment/decision chain becomes and
the more often poor judgment is
used, the more probable it is that
disaster will occur. As the chain
grows longer, fewer and fewer alter-
natives for safe flight are available
to the pilot. As the alternatives
become fewer, the chances
become greater that an accident
will occur.
James R. Greenwood of the
Gates Learjet Corporation agrees
that if the pilot's information about
himself, his abilities, his aircraft or
his environment is incorrect, he is
more likely to make a poor deci-
sion. And poor decisions based on
faulty judgment often multiply. They
decrease the alternatives for safe
flight and increase the probability of
disaster. In other words, one poor
decision can quickly lead to
another, until something irrevocable
and catastrophic occurs.
Greenwood believes that judg-
ment and discipline are the recipe
for survival. "In flying, more so
than in any other field of endeavor,
good judgment and self-discipline
are vital to effective human per-
formance. Judgment and discipline
are more critical to the safety of
flight than any other quality, in-
cluding skill and knowledge. Judg-
ment is perhaps the most difficult
element of flight training to teach.
Some people question whether it
can be taught at all. Personally, I
believe it can, provided the in-
dividual is well disciplined with
respect to the accepted standards
of ethical, moral and social codes
of behavior. Discipline controls our
conduct. It molds and perfects our
mental faculties and our moral
character. These two personal
character traits-judgment and
diSCipline-interact almost constant-
ly as we go about our daily lives. "6
There are no final answers on
teaching pilot judgment or on the
best means for doing it. Walter H.
Gunn, Ph.D., has 39 years of ex-
perience as an airline pilot. Gunn,
now with the Kansas University
Medical Center, is in clinical
research as a psychologist. He
agrees with Greenwood particularly
on the importance of discipline. In
discussing pilot judgment, he dif-
ferentiates between state which is a
temporary and trait which is a fairly
The longer the poor
judgment/decision chain
becomes and the more often
poor judgment is used, the
more probable it is that
disaster will occur.
permanent (genetic) part of per-
sonality. These basic, underlying
traits pretty much determine
behavior, he says, and seem to be
related to a person's overall ability
to resolve problems. Gunn has
reservations about whether just
anyone can be taught judgment. He
does believe that people can be
trained but that it will be more ef-
fective with concrete examples-
supported by more abstract
This article does not mean to im-
ply that pilot judgment training that
is appropriate for a beginner would
be equally appropriate for an ex-
perienced Army aviator. It is impor-
tant, however, to know that pilot or
crew error ; :counts for a large
percentage l Army Aviation ac-
cidents. Poo, judgment is one of
the problem areas that contributes
to that large percentage.
Decisions made by pilots do not
normally take place in cir-
cumstances where alternatives can
be thoroughly examined and a
calculated decision made. This
results from a lack of "sufficient
and relevant" information, a prob-
lem inherent to man since first
taking flight. Instead, the judgment
process often takes place in a fast-
moving aircraft in circumstances
where indecision or a bad decision
can commit the aircraft to an ir-
revocable cou rse of action.
We ensure that Army pilots ac-
quire the knowledge and flying
skills they need. But'we might not
be providing as much as we could
to enable them to judge which ac-
tion is the best course to take. If a
mechanical defect were responsible
for 80 to 90 percent of our aircraft
aCCidents, how much time and
money would we spend to correct
it? If judgment training can reduce
the number of pilot-error accidents
caused by poor judgment, we owe
Army aviators our best efforts to
find out what to do and then to do
A Canadian Air Force axiom
describes judgment this way: "A
superior pilot is one who stays out
of trouble by using superior judg-
ment to avoid situations that might
damn well require the use of his
superior skill."
Our superior Army pilots deserve
whatever tools we can give them to
provide that superior judgment so
that they can avoid situations where
their skills, no matter how superior
they are, might not be enough.
. 'f'jIote: An exportable :
entitled "Dynamics
'mmunication 8', ,
: >, > .
by Deifattment hI
Systerits,U. S. Army Aviati..: ' .. r.
Tnegackage has been dist,ritJrited to '
, Army, Army Reserve and
Guard Aviation units.
Dan Lindse i'*' AV 558--
6. J. R. Greenwood. "Judgment and Discipline: Recipe for Survival," Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Aviation
Psychology, April 25-28, 1983, Department of Aviation, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 393-400.
OCTOBER 1985 19
Personal Equipment And Rescue/survival Lowdovvn
Sergeant Nyleen Mullally
Women in ALSE
The Army National Guard (ARNG) Aviation Support
Facility, St. Paul, MN, announces this late tidbit of interest:
Sergeant Nyleen Mullally (above) of that organization, is
their first full-time Aviation life support equipment (ALSE)
technician/specialist. She had been previously employed
as a technician at the Army Aviation Support Facility,
Rapid City, SD, and for 4 years worked in production con-
trol, flight operations and ALSE (South Dakota was one
ofthe first states to initiate an active ALSE program in the
Army National Guard). She has been in the ARNG for
some 10 years and has been her unit's ALSE specialist for
the last 3 years.
SGT Mullally is a graduate of the ALSE School (AS!
Q-2) Course at Ft. Eustis, V A, and the first distinguished
female graduate. She also has been through the ALSE
Specialist Course at the Aviation Western Region A via-
tion Life Support/Safety Survival School, Camp
Wythecombe, OR. SGT Mullally comes well qualified in
ALSE and is looking forward to building a solid ALSE pro-
gram for the Minnesota Army National Guard.
Personnel Losses and Gains
Major General Aaron Lilley, commander, Ft. Eustis,
VA, who opened the door for ALSE training and was
a very strong supporter of this critical area recently retired.
We wish him and his family the very best now and for the
Captain Greta L. Weaver has departed for Ft. Rucker,
AL, and will attend the advanced course. She was able to
do a lot for ALSE while she was here and will continue
to be a strong ALSE supporter.
Mr. Tommy Vaughn, whom we will all miss, recently
retired on disability. He certainly was a strong asset to this
office. Mr. Harlyn H. Hubbs is now associated with this
office and was recently promoted to the grade of
GS-346-13, as the senior logistics management specialist.
He comes extremely well qualified and has a broad
background in logistics, maintenance, programing, fund-
ing and materiel management.
Mr. James "Jim" Dittmer continues in his official
capacity with this office and recently was given the respon-
sibility as Army representative for the tri-services oxygen
standardization mission.
Mr. Douglas' 'Boone" Hopkins has joined this office
and was promoted to GS-346-12. Boone has an interesting
background in ALSE, having served with the Navy in that
role for many years. All-in-all, we will be able to do much
more for you users. Holler if you need help-we'll cer-
tainly respond to your questions.
Mr. Marvin Venhaus, GS-345-12, program analyst, has
transferred to this office from the Plans, Programs and
Budget Division of the former Systems Management
Mr. Art Miskimon, chief, ALSE, Ft. Eustis, recently
made the CW4list. A lot of other "plus actions" are tak-
ing place and we are elated to finally see the results of our
early efforts in ALSE.
Iodine Water Purification Tablet 8 MG 50S
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) testing revealed
that the following medical materiel was tested and found
to be suitable for issue and use provided the unit has a good
wax closure and shows no sign of physical deterioration:
national stock number (NSN) 6850-00-985-7166, manu-
facturer lot number-Wisconsin Pharmacal, all lots manu-
factured after December 1980. NOTE: Cite DPSC Proj-
ect No. 0850569ZZ as authority. Shelf life expansion
studies by FDA indicate that materiel manufactured by
Wisconsin Pharmacal is serviceable for at least 60 months
(5 years). Activities will remark materiel with a new re-
test date calculated by adding 5 years to date manufactured
appearing on the bottle for only those units with a good
wax closure and no rusting of metal caps. Message num-
ber R 181921 Z JUL 85. Above information will be con-
firmed by U.S. Army Medical Materiel Activity in De-
partment of the Army Supply Bulletin 8-75 series.
ALSE Notes of Interest
Training for ALSE system personnel continues to be con-
ducted in a formal school which is established at Ft. Eustis.
Other ALSE training courses are conducted worldwide by
U.S. Army Forces Command, Training and Doctrine
Command, Army National Guard, Army Reserve and
Army Materiel Command (AMC) activities. A recent ad-
dition to these courses is the search and rescue and sur-
vival course conducted by the Sixth Army, Oregon Na-
tional Guard.
Aviation Safety and ALSE standardization field visits
are continuing throughout both the continental and overseas
continental United States. Strong emphasis is placed on
Army Regulation (AR) 95-17, "The ALSE System Pro-
gram." This important regulation has had a "plus" im-
pact on the Army.
PRC-90-1 product improvement proposal action has
been taken and funds have been MIPRD (military interde-
partmental purchase request) to the Air Force, the execu-
tive service. Follow-up action continues.
A military occupational specialty (MOS) Manhour Re-
quirement Criteria Study was conducted for ALSE MOSs
and is to be presented to Military Personnel Center
sometime in October 1985; results look very favorable.
Follow-on action is to determine a skill identifier for war-
rant and officer personnel in order to enhance the ALSE
system program.
A number of Aviation units are taking action to establish
ALSE shops, some are consolidating ALSE maintenance
and repair and all are emphasizing inspection of this criti-
cal equipment.
TM (PRELIMINARY) 55-1680-352-23&P, "Aviation
Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual Including Re-
pair Parts and Special Tools List for the Aircraft Modular
Survival System," has been drafted for review and the
ALSE School, Ft. Eustis, will be part of the review action.
A new Aviation-oriented mask specifically designed to
meet the needs of AH -64 aircrews (and potentially the needs
of all Army aviators) is also compatible with other Army
aircraft weapon sighting systems and night vision goggles.
The mask provides liquid intake, valsalva, antifogging, bet-
ter comfort, improved vision and can be effectively worn
with and without a helmet. The development phase hru; been
accelerated to less than 3 years and the mask is now
undergoing intensive field readiness action.
The AMC product manager-ALSE is continuing in the
executive role to ensure adequate and safe ALSE protec-
tive equipment at the lowest possible cost be provided the
Army aviator and all aircrew personnel.
Controlled Drugs/Substances
Inspection procedures are identified in Change 1, AR
40-61. The regulation was coordinated with the Army
Surgeon General's Office and gives the ALSE users good
information in this area. A brief summary of the impor-
tance of diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate
tablets, NSN 6505-00-118-1914, could really save your
day if you ever find yourself in a survival situation. These
tablets are more commonly known as antidiarrhea tablets,
but I guess all of you knew that anyway .
These tablets are part of your SRU-21/P vest, tropical
kit, NSN 846-00-177 -4819. Why are we talking about this
area? Because the antidiarrhea tablets are a controlled sub-
stance and are not issued with your SRU-211P vest. Much
difficulty is sometimes encountered in obtaining these tab-
lets from your medical support facilities. You are Autho-
rized to Have These Tablets and They Should be a Part of
your SRU-21 /P Survival Vest on Every Flight You Make.
Take AR 40-61 to your medical facility when you at-
tempt to obtain your antidiarrhea tablets and you should
have no problem. But, be sure to follow the procedures
for authorized controlled drugs and abide by the rules not
only to control them but also to ensure their proper dis-
posal. Be Cenain that You Turn These Controlled Drugs/
Substances in to the Proper Medical Facility, Obtain a Re-
ceipt with Accurate Identification and Retain the Receipt
for Future Inspector General Inspections. A copy of the
receipt also should be furnished to your ALSE control of-
ficial for your protection. .....,I
If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue/survival gear, write PEARL, AMC Project Officer, ATTN: AMCPO-
ALSE, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798 or call AUTO VON 693-1218/9 or CommerciaI314-263-1218/9.
Staff Sergeant Jesse Watson secures the practice load in-
side the aircraft cabin area. As noncommissioned officer in
charge of crash rescue and hoist operations, he ensures that
flight medics perform safely and professionally, and meet
the rigid standards set by the School of Aviation Medicine.
Captain Donald M. Maciejewski
u.s. Army Aeromedical Activity
Fort Rucker, AL
aeromedical evacuation team is some-
one we normally refer to as "the good
ole Doc. " Yes, that medic who rode
in the cabin of that UH-l Huey or
UH-60 Black Hawk was often the
reason soldiers evacuated from the
battlefield arrived at a field medical
facility alive and in stable condition.
We have come to depend on these
highly trained medical crewmembers:
in rough times, and they have contin-
ued to prove themselves in every situ-
ation. Where did they get all that good
training? How did they know what to
do in that mass casualty situation?
What usually happened to new flight
medics upon arrival to their units was
that in most cases the medics were
, 'adopted" by senior noncommis-
sioned officers and trained on the job.
This usually sufficed; but, there was
a distinct lack of standardization
among the widespread medical evacu-
ation (MEDEV AC) units.
To promote standardized training in
the Army Medical Department (see
"Separate, But Not Apart-AMEDD
Aviation" in the September 1985
issue of the Aviation Digest) and to en-
sure that flight medics received the
best training possible, the commander
and staff of the U.S. Army Aeromedi-
cal Activity designed a program of in-
struction to prepare enlisted medics to
function effectively as aircrewmem-
bers. The program was to integrate
thoughtful lecture material with prac-
tical application. It was designed to
train medics in a standardized fashion.
As the Army Aeromedical Activity
made room for the new U. S. Army
School of Aviation Medicine (USA-
SAM) at the Aviation Center, Ft.
Rucker, AL, things began to happen.
Although in its infancy, USASAM
began the Flight Medical Aidman
Course in July 1983. The course has
grown and matured into one of the most
demanding and professional in the Army
Medical Department. This 4-week
course is an intense, practical teaching
curriculum designed to train Anny
medics to function as Aviation medical
specialists. Figure 1 (page 24) lists the
subject areas of interest. Let's take a
closer look at each of the major sub-
ject areas.
Core Subjects. Upon arrival at
USASAM, students are required to pass
the Anny physical fitness test and meet
the height and weight requirements out-
lined in Anny Regulation (AR) 600-9.
This demanding Flight Medical Aidman
Course requires that students be in ex-
cellent physical condition. The prospec-
tive flight medic will be exposed to a
number of Aviation related subjects.
From the first day of class, students
learn via lecture and perfonnance-
oriented trammg. Classes about the
history of Aviation medicine, safety and
crash rescue procedures are artfully
combined with hands-on sessions dedi-
cated to hoist training, ejection seat
qualification and helicopter dunker train-
ing. The flight medic is constantly
challenged by both written and practical
Additional subjects contained in the
core curriculum are targeted at Aviation
service specific areas such as aircraft
forms and records, accident investiga-
tion and air ambulance familiarization.
The knowledge gained during the first
phase of the course gives students firm
foundatiens upon which to build. The
course is designed so that medical per-
sonnel from widely divergent back-
grounds can successfully perfonn in the
aeromedical environment when graduat-
ed. After successfully completing the
core subjects block, students begin more
specific Aviation medicine study in the
aeromedical subjects area.
Aeromedical Subjects. As the name
indicates, here students learn specifics
related to medical problems associated
with Aviation. Students explore the
many anomalies associated with the
physiological effects of altitude, how
gravitational forces affect the human
body, and different types of spatial
disorientation and sensory illusions that
may occur in flight. Additionally, de-
tailed discussion is reserved for topics
such as stress and fatigue, disorienta-
tion and the effects of noise on
The learning experience is greatly in-
tensified during the altitude chamber in-
doctrination. Flight medics are able to
closely associate classroom principles
with their personal hypoxia symptoms
during their chamber "flight." Simple
motor tests, such as writing one's name
and putting together a simple puzzle, be-
come complex when the body is de-
prived of oxygen.
Following the chamber experience,
students are versed in the fundamentals
of Aviation medicine and the Aviation
life support system. They find this por-
tion of the course is highly mteresting
and mentally stimulating. It prepares
flight medic candidates for further de-
tailed aeromedical study.
Medical Subjects. Taught ex-
clusively by the excellent staff of flight
surgeons at the School of Aviation
Medicine, this final portion of the
course centers on medical problems,
illnesses, injuries, and their treatment
and cure. The relationship between the
flight surgeon and the aviator is dis-
cussed in depth.
Procedures tor release from grounding
and temporary restrictions due to ex-
ogenous factors are topics with which
the flight medic must be thoroughly
familiar. Medical subjects such as
ophthalmology and diseases of the ex-
ternal eye concentrate on the prognosis,
treatment, and cause or origin of eye in-
juries and affliction. Major systems
studies include respiration, the car-
diovascular system, psychiatric disorders
and emergency medical treatment.
At this point in the course, the flight
medic candidates are able to correlate
course material presented at the begin-
ning of the course with that discussed
during the final phase. The end product
is a highly trained, medically knowl-
edgeable and physically fit enlisted
Putting It All Together. In addition
to the numerous opportunities for prac-
tical application of course subject mat-
ter, flight medic candidates are chal-
lenged in many different combat and
peacetime scenarios. As vital members
of MEDEV AC teams, the students be-
come proficient in requesting an air
evacuation, in marshalling and loading
aircraft and in preparing a landing zone.
During the last week of the course,
a grand scale simulated mass casualty
exercise tests the students' abilities to
apply medical knowledge and tasks
while quickly thinking "on their feet."
This exercise incorporates a great deal
FIGURE 1 : Flight Medical Aidman Curriculum
- History of Aviation Medicine
- Aeromedical Evacuation
- Rotary Wing Aircraft Briefing
- Fixed Wing Aircraft Briefing
- Crash Rescue Helicopter Indoctrination
- Crash Rescue Procedures
- Ejection Seat Training
- Helicopter Dunker Training
- Aviation Medicine in the Nuclear,
Biological and Chemical Environment
- Ground Safety
- Aircraft Accident Investigation
- In-Flight Care
- Air Ambulance Familiarization
- In-Flight Safety
- Chemistry of Fire
- Aircraft Forms and Records
- Aircraft Avionics
- Aircraft Marshalling, Loading and Unloading
- Aircraft Maintenance Procedures
- UH-60 Litter Kit
- Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic
- Hoist Training
- Night Vision
- Altitude Physiology
- G-Forces
- Disorientation and Sensory Illusions of Flight
- Motion Sickness: Drugs and the Flyer
- Altitude Chamber Indoctrination
- Noise in Army Aircraft
- Stress and Fatigue
- Aviation Medicine
- Aviation Life Support Equipment
- Responsibilities of the Flight Surgeon
- Introduction to Otorhinolaryngology
- Opthalmology
- Tonometry
- Color Vision
- Diseases of the External Eye
- Ocular Injuries
- Cardiovascular Injuries
- Respiratory System
- Electrocardiography
- Psychiatric Disorders in Flying Personnel
- Maxillofacial Injuries
- Aviation Toxicology
- IVs and Cut Downs
As he guides the pilot over the
target, a flight medic prepares to
lower a practice load during
daytime hoist training. This
valuable hands-on exercise
enables medics to become
pinpoint precise in conducting
lifesaving hoist missions. Hoist
training is also conducted at
night to build confidence and
perfect technique.
FIGURE 2: Prerequisites for attending
the Flight Medic Course
- Candidates must be in the grade PFC to SSG,
- Military occupational specialty (MOS) 91 A or 91 B (with at least 1 year
working in the MOS). After successful completion of the course
graduates are awarded the F suffix to their MOS,
- GT Score of 95 or above,
- Must be able to pass the Army physical fitness test with a minimum
score of 180 points.
- Must meet height and weight requirements in accordance with AR
- Must have at least 9 months remaining on active duty after completion
of the course.
- Must have a current Class III flight physical.
- Volunteer for aerial flight duty.
Service members who wish to apply must submit a DA Form 4187
(Personnel Action) and a copy of DA Forms 2, 2-1 and current
Class III flight physical. Use section IV, Remarks, DA 4187 to in-
dicate each of the specific prerequisites outlined above that the
candidate meets. Application should be forwarded to: Commander,
U. S. Army Medical Department Personnel Support Agency, ATTN:
SGPE-EDE, 1900 Half Street SW, Washington, DC 20324-2000. Ap-
plication must be received at AMEDDPERSA not later than 60 days
prior to class starting date.
of material and it is run entirely by the
students. Course instructors and evalu-
ators serve as graders and lead the post
exercise critique.
It is exciting to see students calling
in MEDEVAC helicopters and actual-
ly performing triage (assigning priori-
ties) and sorting patients. Some situ-
ations require use of the high perfor-
mance hoist while others test student
judgment, use of the communica-
tions-electronics operation instruc-
tions, and radio communications and
procedures. By the end of the exer-
cise, the highly trained finished prod-
ucts are quite a sight to see!
These graduates of the Flight
Medical Aidman Course are the best!
We can be sure they will perform as
they have in past crises: bravely, pro-
fessionally and without hesitation, to
conserve the fighting strength.
If you are wondering how to enroll
one of your hard-charging 91As or
91Bs, figure 2 lists the criteria for at-
tendance at the Flight Medical Aid-
man Course. Currently, the course is
offered four times a year at the U.S.
Army School of Aviation Medicine.
,The maximum number of available
positions in each class is 30, but there
is an increase projected in fiscal year
'" tional Survey Program (AOSP) enc::onrtD8
qnalprocedures and programed tools for
analyzingi ." .. jon provided by you, the members of the
traffic field (Army specialty or military
.. 0ccupational ,SpeCialty). This month you may be selected tQ.fiJI '
ouf a ,questionnaire. for AOSP. It is imperative that you take toUI"
. 'time filling:out
Valuable information
,. ';f . ' " : . . . ,"
. from these questionnaires ,that will affect ,our future jotS'in the
'air ' traffic control business. ' ..
. You say you have been filling out for
'years and haven't seen any change. ,WelJ; Jimes do change, and
it is felt that you will be seeing lots in the near
future; maybe not al/ because of the s. " : but the data
collected will pla'y a large part in it. ,,:'
So take your time, make yourans .. unt 'anct be a part of
the new air traffic control. You do wiJI be
analyzed and very used.
u.s. ARMY
Directorate of Evaluation/Standardization
Aircraft Survivability Equipment
Aviator proficiency in the use of aircraft sur-
vivability equipment continues to be a Department
of the Army area of interest and is a mandatory stan-
dardization task in most aircrew training manuals.
Visits to the field indicate a continuing weakness
in the SIF/IFF (selective identification feature/iden-
tification, friend or foe) features of the APX-72 and
APX-l00 transponders. Technical Manual (TM)
11-5895-1199-12, published 10 July 1984, contains
detailed information on the description, operation and
preflight checks of this equipment. This publication
should be available in all Aviation units that have
aircraft with these transponders installed. Confusion
with the procedure used to retain the MODE 4 code
when the aircraft is shut down continues to exist
among aviators. TM 11-5895-1199-12, page 53,
describes the procedure as follows:
1. Set the CODE HOLD switch to the ON position.
2. Check that IFF CODE HOLD indicator lamp
is lit.
3. Momentarily set CODE switch to HOLD posi-
tion, then release.
4. Set CODE switch to CODE A or B, as
5. Set MASTER SWITCH to OFF position.
One item of confusion for aviators seems to be the
purpose of the CODE HOLD toggle switch. This
switch is located in different positions in different
aircraft. In aircraft with compressible and/or retract-
able landing gear (e.g., U-21, OH-6, CH-47 and
UH-60), the switch built into the landing gear
mechanism performs this function. For other aircraft
(e.g., OH-58, UH-l and AH-IG), the CODE HOLD
toggle switch arms the electrical HOLD circuit of
the transponder MODE 4. When this switch is placed
in the "ON" or "HOLD" position, the IFF CODE
HOLD light should illuminate. (Note: On the
OH-58A and C and the UH-l, this is a "press to
test" type light located near the switch. On AH-IS
Production, ECAS and Modernized, it is a green ad-
visory light on the caution segment panel.) The
CODE HOLD switch arms only the CODE HOLD
circuit. To hold the MODE 4 code, the code KNOB
on' the transponder must now be placed in the
"HOLD" position momentarily. Note that for a
UH-60, CH -47, U-21, etc., steps 1 and 2 above do
not apply as the circuit is automatically armed when
the aircraft is on the ground.
The IFF caution light on the caution segment panel
will illuminate to indicate the following MODE 4
operation malfunctions:
1. A transponder failure to reply to a valid MODE
4 interrogation.
2. A defective computer.
3. Computer codes zeroized.
In summary, to hold the MODE 4 codes in the
computer on shutdown, place the CODE HOLD tog-
gle switch in the "HOLD" or "ON" position (if
your aircraft is equipped with one), check that the
CODE HOLD light is illuminated (only on aircraft
equipped with a CODE HOLD toggle switch),
momentarily place the CODE KNOB on the
transponder to the "HOLD" position, then return
it to "A" or "B" as required and set the master
switch to OFF.
As an item of interest, if your unit is experienc-
ing a high failure rate of KY -28s, check to see if
pilots are using the zeroize switch on the control head
to zeroize the code at the end of the day. If so, this
could be the cause of the problem. Chapter 3 of the
OH-58A dash 10 contains the following infonnation:
ZEROIZE SWITCH-Placed in "ON" position
during emergency situations to neutralize and make
inoperative the associated TSEC/KY -28 equipment.
Note: DO NOT place the ZEROIZE switch to the
"ON" position unless a crash or capture is imminent.
Other aircraft operators manuals contain similar
information. Pilots should be aware of the need to
use this method to ZEROIZE the code for emergen-
cies only and not for normal operations. gfJJr--I
DES welcomes your inquiries and requests to focus attention on an area of major importance. Write to us at:
Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center, ATTN: A TZQ-ES, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000; or call us at AUTOVON
558-3504, FTS 533-3504 or commercial 205-255-3504. After duty hours call Ft. Rucker Hotline, AUTO VON
558-6487 or 205-255-6487 and leave a message.
The August issue contained an error in the article "Skyregs
Review" by Mr. Barry Schiff (reprinted from AOPA). In figure 1 , page
21, the distance from clouds for 1 ,200 feet AGL or less regardless of
MSL altitude should have shown the same as for above 1 ,200 feet
AGL but less than 10,000 feet MSL: 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above
and 2,000 feet horizontal. The "clear of clouds" applies only to
uncontrolled airspace, as is shown in figure 3, page 25.
u.s. Army Class A Aviation Flight Mishaps
Flying Hours Total Cost
Rate Fatalities
(in millions)
FY 85 (to 11 October) 2 46,665 4.29 0 $2.3
FY 86 UR 11 October) 1 45,887 2.18 0 $0.9
Airborne Warning and Control System-
Army Voice Operating Procedures
ONE OF THE Air-Land Forces Application Agen-
cy's (ALFA's) several current projects is publication of
voice operating procedures between the Air Force's air-
borne warning and control system (A WACS) and Army
The goal of this project is to provide standardized voice
procedures to pass early warning and other information
from AWACS to appropriate
Army units when no data
link has been established
between AWACS and Army
air defense artillery units
through the Air Force's
ground tactical air
control system (T ACS).
This is particularly impor-
tant early in a contingency,
when there may be no element
of the ground T ACS established
and no Army high and medium altitude air
defense artillery units with their organic surveillance and
tracking radars.
Obviously, AWACS would have much needed informa-
tion to pass to Army maneuver units and short-range air
. defense units in the presence of an enemy air threat.
Interest in procedures for AWACS-Army voice com-
munication is not completely new. In 1982 representatives
of the 552d Airborne Warning and Control (A WAC) Wing,
the xvm Airborne Corps, the 11 th Air Defense Artillery
(ADA) Brigade and Headquarters, Readiness Command
(REDCOM) drafted such a set of procedures. Although
these were used periodically during exercises, the proce-
dures were neither formally published nor validated and,
therefore, not well known.
Frustration over the lack of publication of the procedures,
as well as a lack of progress in the overall area of A W ACS-
Army interoperability, prompted
the Army liaison officer at the
552d A W AC Wing (now
28th Air Division), LTC
Paul McCaulley, to push
for an Army-Air Force
agreement. On 27 De-
cember 1983, the Depart-
ment of the Army Deputy
Chief of Staff for Military
Operations (DA/DCSOPS)
and the Air Force/Executive
Officer signed the memorandum of
agreement (MOA) on Joint Army-Air Force operations and
plans for the AWACS. The MOA provided the basis for
an Army-Air Force joint working group to address short-
and long-term interoperability issues. One noted issue was
lack of standardized voice operating procedures. Subse-
quently, the Tactical Air Command (T AC)-Training and
Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Joint Actions Steering
Committee tasked ALFA to manage the project to stan-
dardize and publish these procedures.
Lieutenant Colonel John W. Hardy
TAC-TRADOC Air-Land Forces Application Agency
Langley Air Force Base, VA
ALFA will keep the standardized voice operating pro-
cedures as simple as possible. Although the focus will be
on contingency operations , the procedures can be adapted
to established theaters of operations in cases when existing
data links might fail. ALF A' s pamphlet will establish an
Army area of interest for airborne early warning, track
reporting formats (in line with current Joint Chiefs of Staff
Publication 12), and voice radio net structure. The draft
TAC-TRADOC-REDCOM pamphlet has been staffed with
major commands worldwide, approved and is expected
to be published next month.
Mindful that the voice procedures are only a back-up to
the more desirable data link capability, the Army goal re-
mains a direct data link capability from AWACS to Army
air defense artillery and, possibly, to maneuver units as
well. This direct data link would employ the joint tactical
information distribution system, and would replace the cur-
rent data link system which depends upon vulnerable,
ground, point-to-point communications.
A larger issue, only recently recognized, is that the Army
has never formally established an operational concept of
how AWACS can support and assist the Army, and has
not identified any materiel requirements generated by such
a concept. For example, we see ways that A WACS data
can complement the Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition
Radar System data, especially in helicopter detection. This
issue now has the attention of general officers at DAI
DCSOPS and at HQ TRADOC. We expect to see prog-
ress soon in definition of this operational concept.
NOTE: The following ALFA articles published in the
Aviation Digest can be obtained by writing to Aviation
Digest, P. O. Box 699, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000, or by
calling AUTOVON 558-6680 or FTS 533-6680:
"ALFA Agency," March 1985
"Joint Attack of the Second Echelon, " April 1985
"Joint Tactical Deception," May 1985
"Joint-Rear Battle, " June 1985
"Joint Application of Firepower (J-Fire), " July 1985
E-3A Sentry
with airborne
warning and control
system. (AWACS)
Who Gets How Many Of What ?
by Major Arnold E. Weand Jr.
The Aviation Dlgestthanks the Army Logistician and the
author for permission to reprint this article.
N EVER BEFORE in the history of the peacetime
Army has such an expansive equipment and organization
modernization program been undertaken. Numerous new
and product-improved weapons have been integrated into
Army units, and many more will be integrated in the next
5 years. This affects the total Army-the Active Army
and the Reserve Components. Each component will be re-
ceiving new and different systems. Because we usually
thinkooly of major systems such as the Ml tank and Persh-
ing II, we fail to realize that virtually every branch of the
Army is acquiring new equipment. Each weapon system
has numerous support equipment items, many components,
and much test, measurement and diagnostic equipment
(TMDE). Currently the Army has more than 2,113 items
undergoing the documentation process to enter Army units.
Each of these new items may require new or revised mili-
tary occupational specialties (MOSs), additional skill iden-
tifiers (ASIs) , tables of organization and equipment
(TOEs), and modification TOEs. A documentation prob-
lem clearly exists, and will continue to exist, just by sheer
numbers. Numerous improvements and revisions to the
documentation system have been made within the past 12
to 18 months. Improvements will continue to be made un-
til the modernization-documentation system is able to keep
up to date. One of the key ways to improve the process
is have the people, like you, who influence but don't work
the system, understand the documentation development
process and how they can affect it.
The means by which requirements for new equipment
and associated personnel entering the Army are document-
ed are the basis of issue plan (BOIP) and qualitative and
quantitative personnel requirements information, common-
ly referred to simply as " the QQPRI." The TOE docu-
ments these changes. Information from the BOIP, QQPRI
and TOE is used to modernize Army organizations; the
Organization Documents Directorate of the Office of the
Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments, Army
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), is respon-
sible for the process.
How do the BOIP and QQPRI fit into the acquisition cy-
cle? It is first necessary to understand that a BOIP is for
an item, not a system; for example, the Bradley infantry
fighting vehicle has 23 different BOIPs. Near milestone
I of the life cycle management model (the process by which
the Army currently develops and acquires new equipment),
TRADOC, as the combat developer, enters into an agree-
ment with the materiel developer. The Army Materiel
Command (AMC) is the primary materiel developer, but
the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Information Systems
Command, Office of the Surgeon General, Intelligence and
Security Command, Computer Systems Selection and Ac-
quisition Agency, and Defense Communications Agency
can also function in a materiel developer role.
The approval of the letter of agreement permits the ma-
teriel developer to enter into milestone I of the acquisition
cycle. During the period between milestones I and II, the
developmental item is identified, the operational and or-
ganizational plan is updated, TMDE is identified, and mili-
tary use of the item is validated. Using this information,
the TRADOC proponent prepares and staffs the draft ma-
teriel requirements documents, after which the materiel
development command or project manager requests the de-
velopmental line item number and prepares the tentative
BOIP feeder data. The BOIP feeder data include the known
associated support items of equipment (ASIOE) and com-
ponents. The tentative BOIP feeder data are provided to
the new equipment training branch or division of the ap-
propriate materiel readiness command, which uses it to de-
velop the QQPRI. The completed documents are forwarded
to the Army Equipment Authorization Review Activity
(EARA), an agency of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Sup-
ply, Maintenance and Transportation, Headquarters,
T he EARA reviews all BOIP feeder data and QQPRl
for AMC and also provides quality control. The review
is for completeness, conformity to the requirements docu-
ment, inclusion of other key agencies' input (such as that
of the TMDE activity at Lexington, KY), and assurance
that both documents address the same ASIOE and compo-
nents. The EARA marries the two documents and forwards
them to TRADOC as a package.
Arrival at TRADOC signals the start of the BOIP de-
velopment process. When the BOIP feeder data and QQPRI
are received at TRADOC, a BOIP number is assigned and
the BOIP feeder data are entered by remote terminal into
the Univac 1180 computer located at the TRADOC Data
Processing Field Office, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
An equipment and manpower analyst reviews both the
BOIP and the QQPRI and forwards them to the proponent
school for development. Information copies are sent to the
integrating centers and other interested schools. The or-
ganization branch of the school's combat development
directorate is responsible for developing the complete
A key element in the process is the operational
and organizational concept, used to determine the basis of
issue (who gets it) and employment (where and how it will
be used) . Another part of the develoment is the assessment
ofthe new item's training impact. The training communi-
ty at each school addresses the impact of new equipment
on individual training and identifies new skills that must
be taught during MOS-producing courses. The proponent
school is responsible for coordinating with other interest-
ed schools (any school that has an MOS or should have
an MOS included in the QQPRI) and incorporating their
comments into the BOIP and QQPRI. Once the proponent
school has received and incorporated the comments and
training impact from the other schools, it returns the
package to TRADOC through its integrating center. Both
the school and center look for aspects of doctrine and train-
ing that affect support equipment and personnel require-
The integrating centers-the Combined Arms Center,
Ft. Leavenworth; the Logistics Center, Ft. Lee, V A; and
the Soldier Support Center, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN-
are responsible for resolving any disputes that may have
occurred among their schools during the development pro-
cess. The Training Support Center, Ft. Eustis, VA, is also
an integrating center, but for training devices only.
Once TRADOC has received the BOIP from the centers,
hard copies ofthe BOIP are produced and forwarded along
with the BOIP feeder data (and QQPRI if a new MOS or
ASI is envisioned) to all user major Army commands
(MACOMs) to solicit their input. The MACOMs get a first
look at an item up to 8 years before fielding (in the case
of a tentative BOIP), and not later than 30 months before
fielding (for a finalJ0IP). This allows the MACOM to
program for people and materiel resources or new con-
struction requirements and to start developing a distribu-
tion plan for the command.
During the MACOM staffing cycle, TRADOC conducts
its internal staffing. The BOIP branch provides the BOIP,
QQPRI, training impact, and school and center input to
the systems training directorate within the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Training and to the TRADOC system staff of-
ficer in the appropriate hardware directorate within TRA-
DOC headquarters. This staffing gives planners a final look
at these documents to ensure that the operational and or-
ganizational concepts and doctrine specified by the school
and center are in consonance with the latest TRADOC doc-
'T he same documents used for internal staffing,
plus any comments resulting from internal staffing, and
a resources cost report, called an impact report, are for-
warded to the Soldier Support Center's National Capital
Region for a proposed M OS decision. The Capital Region
is a TRADOC activity that has the expertise to perform
a detailed MOS analysis and to assess the impact of a new
item or system upon MOSs and career fields. The Capital
Region, in close coordination with the Office of the Depu-
ty Chief of Staff for Personnel, the Military Personnel
Center and, if civilian man-hours are involved, the Civilian
Personnel Center, develops and returns the proposed MOS
decision to TRADOC.
After all TRADOC staffing is completed, the BOIP nor-
mally undergoes a computer-completed automated update
to ensure the TOEs contained in the BOIP file are the same
as those contained in the current TOE master file. Addi-
tionally, a final review is conducted by the TRADOC re-
view board, which provides the final quality assurance
check. The board revalidates requirements to ensure that
only minimum essential wartime requirements are includ-
ed. The board determines if the basis of issue reflected in
the BOIP is supported by the operational and organizational
plan and materiel requirements document. The board also
determines if consolidation at higher units will eliminate
dual capabilities.
Then TRADOC takes the documents used for Soldier
Support Center-National Capital Region staffing, adds the
proposed MOS decision and requirements document, and
forwards the package to the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff
for Operations and Plans, who is responsible for staffing
the BOIP package. The Force Develoments and Require-
ments Division staffs the BOIP package within the Army
Staff, soliciting comments and recommendations on the
BOIP-proposed MOS decision and QQPRI. Based on the
comments and recommendations received, the materiel re-
quirements document is approved and the BOIP is approved
with any directed changes. The division returns the ap-
proval along with publication instructions and the final
MOS decision to TRADOC. After the BOIP is Army-
approved, it continues to be updated semiannually to en-
sure correctness until the division directs TRADOC to ap-
ply the BOIP to TOEs.
One should note that the process described is the same
for either a tentative or a final BOIP. The tentative BOIP
'Glosary of terms
Associated support item of equipment
...... end item dedicated to the op-
eration, transB9rtation o!
a BOIP item. The ASIOE's are li$ted on
BOIP of they support. Each ASIOE
has its owniL.IN and isseparatelydocument-
ed into the TOE: for example, fora shelter-
mounted radio, the shelter, the truck the
shelter is :mounted on, and the generator
that provides the power are allASIOE'S for
the radio:
Basis--bf-issue 'pilin (BOIP)-A
document tailored to each materiel item. It
des'cribesthe number of principal and sup-
port items required for each organizational
element and lists the other equipment and
personnel changes to the organization that
are required to operate and sUPl?9rt the
BOIP item. The BOIP reflects themi'nimum
wartime requirements for person-
neland equipment, but it is not a require-
ments document, fielding or distribution
plan, or redistribution plan for the displaced
items. A BOIP is either tentative or final and
always has a related QQPRI. Currently,
BOIP's reflect level 1 requirements, but they
Will be modified in the future to show levels
1, 2 and 3'personnel requirements.
Line item number (LIN)-A unique num-
ber assigned to an item for documentation
and control purposes. A new item under de-
velopme,nt has the developmental line item
number Z LIN.
(MOC) win-
dow.-:A,' timeframe (such as 1 January-
31 March and 1 July-30 September) dur-
jng which the major commands and instal-
lations can submit changes to their TOE's
and tables of distribution and allowances
(TDA.' s) to the HQDA data base, the Army
authofization :documents system.
Materiel development command (MOC)
-Any product-oriented command within
the Army Materiel Command (AMC): for ex-
ample, Army Natick Research and Devel-
opment Center is product-oriented for food
and clothing.
v Materiel readiness (MRC)-A
functional area command within AMC:JQr
example, the Army Communications and
Electronics Command is functionally
oriented for electronics
Mllltirjoccupationai specialty (MOS)-
An alpha-numeric code that identifies the
skills for which a soldier has been trained.
and prioritization tethe program-objective
memorandum development.
Program AMC pro-
ponent agency for the development and ac-
quisition of a system.
Qualitative and quantitative personnel
requirements information (QQPRI)-A
document that lists the "MOS(,s), , skills,
tasks, and knowledge required to operate
and support the new ite'X';, along with the
estimated time required';'to maintain it. It
also lists the number of direct operators and
descriptive titles of duty positions for the
operators and maintainers as well as in-
dividual duties and tasks. If a new MOS is
required, it will contain a recommended
MOS from which personnel can be ob-
tained along with the required knowledge,
skills, abilities, and physical-mental quali-
Modification table of organization and Select Committee (SELCOM)-A com-
equipment (MTOE)-A modified version of mittee made up of Army staff agency heads
a TOE that provides, in a single document, and chaired by the Vice Chief of Staff; the
both requirements and authorizations of ', committee integrates the Army planning,
personnel and equipment needed to per- ' programing, pudgeting, and execution
forman assigned mission in a specific geo- system.
graphical or operational environment. Even
if an MTOE requires no modification from Table of organization and equipment
the TOE, it will provide additional informa.: (TOE)-An HQDA-approved requirements
tion, such as level of organiza- document that identifies a specific-type Or-
tion, unit deSignation, and effective date.
Program,developrnent increment
age (POIP)-A document that
. fordability, supportability, tradeoff analysis,
ganization's mission and the minimum es-
sential personnel and equipment required
to accomplish that mission in war. The pro-
for this docyment is the Army Train-
ing and Doctrine Comand.
is initiated with the letter of agreement at milestone I, and
the tentative BOIP package (BOIP, QQPRI and require-
ments document) must be Army-approved before enter-
ing into milestone II. Between milestone II and milestone
III, the same process is repeated for the final BOIP. The
final BOIP package must be Army-approved before enter-
ing into production. The final step required to get the
BOIP into TOEs is accomplished by TRADOC through
the consolidated TOE update (CTU), which is published
twice each year, in April and October.
T he recent documentation modernization study
chaired by the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army has made
several significant changes in how this is done. The major
changes are-
The BOIP is kept in a separate file and added to the
TOE after all distribution of the equipment has been com-
pleted. This is known as the "living TOE concept. " This
means the total unit requirement for equipment and asso-
ciated personnel is the TOE plus all ensuing BOIPs. The
MACOMs that develop TOEs for individual units will add
the BOIPs to the MTOEs as the equipment is distributed.
Doctrinal implications of establishing TOE levels
based solely on lO-percent manpower decrements are
A TOE' 'telephone book" containing TOEs in various
configurations is to be developed. The listing is arrived
at by applying different mission-essential equipment
Published in October 1983, CTU 8310 has now been es-
tablished as the data base for all future changes. In April
1984, TRADOC began working on the publication of three
files for the CTU. The first file contains the base TOE up-
date with administration changes. The second contains all
substantive changes (changes in quantity of people or equip-
ment). And the third contains all Army-approved BOIPs
not contained in the TOE fIle. As part of this effort to make
MTOEs more closely resemble the TOEs, TOEs for new
units such as the light infantry division will be developed
based on equipment on hand or expected to be on hand at
the time the unit is activated. The BOIPs for equipment
and associated personnel are available at the time BOIPs
are added to MTOEs .
At the same time, the Department of the Army is estab-
lishing resources for the BOIP for the third file. This is
being accomplished through a program development in-
crement package (PDIP) , which identifies and justifies the
changes caused by the application of the BOIP and links
the personnel and materiel resources needed to accomplish
the application. The PDIP bridges the gap between the pro-
gram objective memorandum and the budget. The PDIP
may encompass Active and Reserve Component combat,
combat support and combat service support units. It will
align strength authorizations with strength requirements,
implement the general officer steering committee and the
select committee decisions, and allow MACOMs to mod-
ernize the units they designate.
The MAC OMs will then take the resources identified
by the PDIP and budgeted for in the program budget guid-
ance and modernize the applicable units during the man-
agement -of-change window.
This process allows the units to maintain the specified
readiness level by adding equipment and making the per-
sonnel changes over a period of time.
The BOIP-development process is lengthy and involves
numerous players. The leadtime required for timely
documentation of items into units is 39 months. The ma-
teriel developer must provide the BOIP feeder data and
QQPRI to TRADOC not later than 39 months before the
first unit-equipped date. After receiving the necessary data
and information, TRADOC has 8 months to develop the
BOIP, and Headquarters, Department of the Army has 1
month to approve it. Then TRADOC must enter the BOIP
in the Army-approved BOIP file 24 months before the first
unit-equipped date. A 6-month management window is re-
quired because BOIPs are developed continuously but
applied to consolidated TOE-updates only twice a year. If
a new weapon system is introduced that will require a new
type of unit (such as the Pershing II or MLRS), that unit
TOE must be developed in conjunction with the BOIP.
The management and planning benefits derived from this
system are many. Department of the Army headquarters
can effectively plan for new equipment, training ofthe re-
quired operators and maintainers, and the new units to sup-
port current national defense policies. The MACOMs have
influence on the BOIP and can use it, once approved, for
future planning for both materiel and manpower require-
ments. The system works, the process is thorough and con-
tinual improvements will be made to ensure the Army in
the field is equipped with the most modem weapon systems
and has assigned the personnel to operate and maintain
Major Arnold E. Weand Jr. , is a manpower and equipment analyst as-
signed to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments,
Headquarters , Anny Training and Doctrine Command, Ft. Monroe, VA.
Weand is a graduate of the Transportation Officer Advanced Course and
the Anny Command and General StaffColiege and holds a master 's degree
in systems management from Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne ,
Basis for New Command-
This is the sixth, and final, article in the series about the
Electronics Research and Development Command
(ERADCOM). Previous articles have examined its subordinate
laboratories and activities and the contributions they make to
Army Aviation. This article briefly discusses the
reorganization of ERADCOM into the Laboratory Command.
This reorganization was first announced on 25 April 1985
with an implementation date of 1 October 1985.
Captain (P) Greg Kaufmann
ERADCOM Flight Test Activity
Naval Air Engineering Center
Lakehurst, NJ
OVER THE PAST 6 months,
the Electronics Research and Develop-
ment Command (ERADCOM) contri-
butions to Army Aviation have been
delineated by examining the functions
of the various laboratories, activities
and program managers that composed
ERADCOM. Now that you, the read-
er, have a good grasp of the ERAD-
COM structure-forget it! ERAD-
COM no longer exists.
On 25 April 1985, after this series
had its inception, the Department of
the Army announced the results of a
comprehensive review and evaluation
aimed at improving the effectiveness
of the Army Materiel Command
(AMC) research and development ef-
fort. The actions identified to be ac-
complished are designed to improve
the quality, productivity and effective-
ness of the laboratory system to im-
prove support for the Army's readiness
and force modernization program.
A main result of this study was a rec-
ommendation for a major restructur-
ing effort within USAMC, to be ac-
complished in two phases. The first is
covered in this article.
ERADCOM, headquartered at
Adelphi, MD, has been converted, in
place, to form the nucleus of a new
command-the U.S. Army Laboratory
Command (LABCOM). Selected
USAMC functions and responsibilities
have been consolidated with LAB-
COM. Also, LABCOM does not in-
clude a number ofthe elements which
originally belonged to ERADCOM.
LABCOM does include the follow-
ing ex-ERADCOM organizations:
Harry Diamond Laboratories
Electronics Technology and De-
vices Laboratory (ETDL).
Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory
Office of Missile Electronic War-
fare (OMEW).
The following organizations round
Army Materiels and Mechanics
Research Center (AMMRC), Water-
town, MA.
Ballistic Research Laboratory
(BRL) and the Human Engineering
Laboratory (HEL), Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD.
Army Research Office (ARO),
Research Triangle Park, NC.
The old ERADCOM elements which
did not remain under LABCOM are:
Combat Surveillance and Target
Acquisition Laboratory, the Electronic
Warfare Laboratory and the Technical
Support Activity, all located at Ft.
Monmouth, NJ.
Night V ision and Electro-Optics
Laboratory and Flight Test Detach-
ment, Ft. Belvoir, VA.
Signals Warfare Laboratory, Vint
Hill Farm Station, VA.
ERADCOM Flight Test Activity
and Naval Air Engineering Center at
Lakehurst, NJ.
Selected ERADCOM program
managers and elements. These organi-
zations were transferred to the Com-
munications-Electronics Command
(CECOM), Ft. Monmouth.
Army officials stressed that these
changes were internal, in-place organi-
zational realignments involving no
geographic relocations and said, "No
adverse personnel impacts are antici-
pated. "
The LABCOM mission is to manage
the AMC's technical base and to focus
on those technologies that exhibit a
promise to address the battlefield defi-
ciencies of the next century. The new
command will improve the effective-
ness of the AM C research and develop-
ment effort and provide support for the
Army's readiness and force moderni-
zation program.
The new LABCOM will recommend
total technology investment strategy
for AMC and coordinate all technology
base efforts through technology dem-
onstrations to ensure an integrated
AMC effort.
The new CECOM organization in-
corporating the transferred ERAD-
COM elements had not been finalized
at this writing. While the new LAB-
COM reorganization will not include
any major reorganization and integra-
tion of units, CECOM is pursuing an
organizational structure which will en-
tail the consolidation and integration of
both existing CECOM and ERAD-
COM elements. Major General Robert
D. Morgan, commander, CECOM
and Ft. Monmouth, cited as major ob-
jectives of the realignment: improved
development and readiness of intelli-
gence electronic warfare systems; re-
structured matrix support; and in-
creased flexibility, productivity and
management of the Army command
and control system program.
The important thing to remember is
that even though the reorganization has
already taken place (effective date 1
October 1985), the basic functions and
responsibilities of the various elements
discussed in the previous articles still
remain the same. Only the parent com-
mand has changed. If you have any
questions about the reorganization or
how to contact any of the laboratories
affected by the change, feel free to con-
tact the Flight Test Activity at AUTO-
VON 624-211612117. ,? -"
Previously published articles in 1985
about ERADCOM:
April: Introduction:
the Critical Combat Edge
"Atmospheric Sciences
Laboratory' ,
May: "ERADCOM-Flight Test
July: "ERADCOM-Night
Vision and Electro-Optics
Laboratory and the Flight
Test Detachment"
August: "ERADCOM-Electronic
Warfare Laboratory and
Signal Warfare
Laboratory' ,
September: "ERADCOM-The Rest
of the Family"
Copies of these articles can be ob-
tained by writing to Editor, Aviation
Digest, P. O. Box 699, Ft. Rucker,
AL 36362-5000, or by calling AUTO-
VON 558-6680; FTS 533-6680.
While this series
was being prepared,
CPT(P) Greg
Kaufmann was
assigned to the
Test Activity as the
plans and training
officer. He is
currently assigned to the Student
Detachment at Ft. Benjamin Harrison
while pursuing his MA at the University of
Pennsylvania. He received a BA from
Niagara University and is a graduate of the
USACGSC. ASSignments have been with
the 101 st Aviation Battalion (AH) and the
229th Attack Helicopter Battalion, both at
Ft. Campbell, KY, and the 222nd Combat
Aviation Battalion at Ft. Wainwright, AK.
CPT Kaufmann is a Senior Aviator and is
both fixed and rotary wing rated.
ABOUT 50 MILES due south
of the' Big Apple, next to the Jersey
shores, you can find an organization
that has a major impact on what the
aviator sees in the cockpit. The Army's
A vionics Research and Development
Activity (A VRADA), a part of the
Aviation Systems Command, is locat-
ed at Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Headquartered in a long, two-story,
World War II vintage "temporary"
building, A VRADA is important to
Army Aviation because it is a leader
Major (P) Cornelius J. Westerhoff
Avionics Research and Development Activity
Fort Monmouth, NJ
in the development of the avionics
of tomorrow. Just 20 years old,
AVRADA was born in 1965 as the
A vionics Laboratory and assigned to
the U.S. Army Electronics Command.
In 1977, A VRADA was reorganized,
renamed and assigned to its current
A VRADA is unique because it is in-
volved in every step of the aircraft
development process from basic re-
search to the fielding of equipment.
Most research and development organ-
izations within the Department of De-
fense, and even in industry, transfer
technological discoveries to other or-
ganizations that actually complete the
development into a product you can
Because of A VRAD A's unique abil-
ity to respond throughout the entire
development cycle, it can react quick-
ly to new requirements. An example
of such a response was demonstrated
numerous times during the Vietnam
era. Mr. Bob Riehlman, an engineer
who has been with A VRADA a long
time, made several trips to Vietnam
in the course of following up on A V-
RADA equipment.
"AVRADA did a lot of work in air
traffic control during the Vietnam
War ," Mr. Riehlman said. "A V -
RADA civilians spent a great deal of
time ensuring that the equipment oper-
ated successfully. The Vietnam climate
was as much an enemy to some of our
equipment as were the enemy ground
forces. " Quick reaction programs
were formed to meet emergency re-
quirements in Vietnam. Some were so
successful that they were later desig-
nated as Anny standard equipment.
A VRADA 's ability to respond to
emergency requirements that cannot
wait for the normal cycle of equip-
ment development was also evident
in Grenada. A unique communica-
tions vehicle, developed by A V-
RADA, saw service during that con-
Although most of its developed
equipment finds its way into service
through the normal development pro-
cess, AVRADA takes pride in being
able to respond to field requirements
in the' 'middle of the night," if need
A VRADA 's dedication to its mis-
sion is best expressed by Mr. Dave
Gaggin, AVRADA's deputy direc-
tor: "Our mission is to provide sol-
diers in the field the equipment they
need with the performance they need,
and at a cost the Anny can afford. "
Avionics development is an exciting,
dynamic process. The miracle of elec-
tronics sometimes appears to have no
limits. The impact of this rapidly mov-
ing technology affects all of us in some
way, both at work and at home. Air-
craft design has certainly been affected
dramatically. The cockpits of the
Army's newest aircraft , such as the
UH-60 Black Hawk, AH-64 Apache,
and soon the OH-58D Kiowa, reveal
major electronic improvements over
the UH-l Huey and the OH-58. Such
changes are the result of years of de-
velopment and engineering-work in
which A VRADA is proud to have been
a major contributor.
A VRADA engineers have worked
in about every major Aviation elec-
tronics program during the past sev-
eral decades . Probably the best
known to aviators is the ANI ASN-128
Doppler Navigation System.
The simple question, "What is avi-
onics?" is frequently asked of Colo-
nel Darrold Garrison, commander of
the Avionics Research and Develop-
ment Activity. As with most simple
questions the answer is not clear cut.
, , Avionics means different things to
different people," Colonel Garrison
said. "A few years ago it was de-
scribed as 'electronics applied to aero-
nautics,' but in the Army we have
limited it somewhat. Electronics can
now be found in weapon systems, sur-
vivability equipment, engine controls
and a host of other systems that are not
really avionics.
, , Avionics in the Army means pri-
marily the big three of communica-
tions, navigation and identification, or
CNI as it is often called. It also takes
in controls and displays, the integra-
tion of these systems, environmental
sensing, and command and control, ' ,
Colonel Garrison said.
A VRADA is dedicated to provid-
ing the Army Aviation team with the
equipment it needs to fight and win. It
does that with an organization of about
245 civilian and military people. The
organization is divided into eight divi-
sions and three offices.
The Avionics Laboratory, often
called the "Tech Base," is where the
development of future avionics begins-
avionics that playa major part in pro-
viding tomorrow's Anny aviators with
the electronic edge to win the battle.
Navigation Division
This division has enjoyed some high-
ly successful programs . It evolved the
program which eventually resulted in
the fielding of the ANI ASN-128 Dop-
pler Navigation System. A smaller and
lighter version, the ANI ASN-137, is
being fielded in the OH -58D Army
Helicopter Improvement Program
One of the most interesting naviga-
tion programs involves the use oflasers
to replace the mechanical gyros now
found in every aircraft. The device,
called a Ring Laser Gyro, uses a laser
beam reflected in a triangular pattern
to detect aircraft movement by resul-
tant changes in the angle of the laser
beam. Using lasers promises much bet-
ter accuracies than are possible with
current mechanically gimballed gyros,
and also should be enormously more
dependable. With a bit of luck and
more hard work A VRADA may make
it possible for you to never have to fly
a partial panel again! That's worth
waiting for.
Another program for improving navi-
gational accuracies involves a complex
network of satellites and is called the
Global Positioning System (GPS). The
GPS program is a large, multiservice
effort which also involves the civilian
sector. A VRADA supplies technical
expertise to the Joint Service Project
Office and is responsible for ensuring
A ring laser gyro promises
enormous improvements in the
reliability of gyroscopes.
Avionics r\esearch and
Devebpment ActiVity
that the GPS receivers will operate in
Army aircraft.
GPS will be remarkably accurate,
giving aviators position information
with only a few feet of error regardless
of distance flown or the time spent in
the air. The best news is that it does not
require manual updating-quite an im-
provement over the Doppler. There is
a drawback, so don't throw Dopplers
away yet. GPS is dependent on signals
of satellites for position information.
Those signals are not very strong and
could possibly be jammed by enemy
transmitters. Also, it is now fairly well
accepted that even satellites are not im-
mune to direct attack.
A viation electronics always has been
somewhat unique in that very little avi-
onics has found application for use out-
side of Aviation. Because electronics
is becoming more and more common
in all areas of a modem combat force,
the work that is being done in avionics
technology is also becoming more use-
ful to other members of the combat
team. For example, aircraft naviga-
tional equipment always has been too
expensive and essentially too inaccu-
rate to be of any real use to ground ve-
hicles. When you are navigating by
1 :50,000 maps at speeds ofless than 30
knots per hour, you need accuracies
measured in feet, not in nautical miles.
Besides not being accurate enough,
the cost of aircraft navigation systems
is so high that it would cost more than
the ground vehicle itself, usually by
several factors, if it were installed. The
Navigation Division has been actively
working to change that and to provide
modem Aviation electronics technol-
ogy for the navigational needs of the
ground soldier. Today there are sys-
tems that are extremely accurate, light
in weight and affordable enough to find
a home in a ground vehicle. This is a
very untraditional area for an avionics
developer to be involved in, but fre-
quently it is by breaking the traditional
methods of thinking that progress is
Receive synchronized signals from satellites.
Measure approximate range and Doppler to each satellite.
Compute three coordinates of user position and user clock bias,
and determine velocity.
Command, Control and Communi-
cations (C3) Drvision
The command and control of A via-
tion forces is one of the most difficult
challenges the Army faces. Front-line
aircraft usually operate at very low al-
titudes and must be able to move long
distances quickly. It's not unusual for
an operations officer to end a team on
a mission and not hear from it again
until it returns. In future conflicts
it will probably be essential to move
forces quickly and change fuel and
arming points regularly. Maintaining
communications with forward operat-
ing Aviation teams and platoons is crit-
ical to the flow of the battle. The C3
Division of A VRADA is performing
extensive work in areas that will
enhance the air battle captains' ability
to command and control their forces.
Among the most novel programs in
the communications side of the division
is one which will let aircrewmembers
:alk directly to their flight instruments.
[f that sounds a bit bizarre, remember
that Hollywood has been doing that
with a car for several years.
~ A VRADA the program is called
Voice Interactive Avionics or VIA.
Project engineers are investigating the
technology of computer speech recog-
nizers and voice synthesizers. As home
computer owners probably know, it is
not difficult to get a computer to gen-
erate a human sounding voice. It is dif-
ficult, however , to get a computer to
recognize your voice and the exact
words you are saying. At least it is dif-
ficult to do that with almost 100 per-
cent accuracy in the high noise envi-
ronment of a cockpit and with an avia-
tor who is sometimes calm, sometimes
excited and sometimes screaming.
The idea behind VIA is to provide
aviators with another means to access
their instruments and flight systems . If
aviators can tell their radios to tune
another frequency or their Doppler to
switch to another waypoint, it relieves
them ofhaving to let go of the controls
or even look up a frequency. This is
one of the ways the Army hopes to
make the single pilot cockpit a reality .
Replacing the copilot with a computer
and a synthetic voice sounds interest-
ing, but don't expect the electronic co-
pilot to help pitch your tent !
The world of the integrated circuit
and the silicon chip has dramatically
affected the development of avionics.
A program called Integrated Com-
munication, Navigation, Identification
and Avionics, or ICNIA, is develop-
ing an avionics suite that is radically
different from the way avionics have
been traditionally designed.
Today each Army Aviation radio is
an independent, unique system. An
ultrahigh frequency radio, for exam-
ple, is a totally independent box in an
chamber is
used to test
conducted by
the Voice
Laboratory on
tions between
man and
instrument panel, or a box remoted to
the avionics bay. The only thing it has
in common with other radios is that it
gets current from the same source. The
idea behind rCNIA is to combi ne all of
those radios that function in commu-
nications navigation and identification
(transponder) and build a si ngle ' 'super
radio." Radios, regardless of what fre-
quency range they operate in, have cer-
tain components in common. ICNIA
will take those common components
and time-share those among the di f-
ferent radios.
Don ' t get the wrong idea from rime-
sharing of radio components. Any-
body who ever sat behind a computer
terminal on a time-sharing mode
knows the frustration of waiting for
the cursor to move because the com-
puter is overloaded. Obviously you
can't wait for your transmission to go
into a holding pattern while your
ICNIA computer is figuring out your
Doppler position. ICNIA will depend
on very high speed computer process-
ing which will perform all of those
functions in real time, or fast enough
so that you won't know the difference.
The reasons for ICNIA are many. It
promises a dramatic savings in the size
and weight of an avionics suite; an es-
sential improvement for tomorrow's
lightweight , all composite aircraft.
More than that, it also promises a re-
markable increase in the availability of
electronic systems because the com-
puter can reconfigure a given suite.
That means the system can actually
adjust itself so that if you lose one
radio it can access other parts of the
system to give it back to you. You
may have to do without something
else for awhile, such as another radio
or navigation system, but with ICNIA
you may be able to choose what you
can do without, and when.
One of the questions always asked
when the ICNIA program is presented
is, " What happens if I take a round
through the ICNIA system; do I lose
everything?" Actually the ICNIA sys-
tem will not be packaged in a single
box, but will be scattered in various
locations throughout the airframe. It
will not rely on a single computer, but
will have backup systems to ensure its
reliability. ICNIA promises Army avi-
ators the very latest in electronic tech-
nology for the cockpit. Its total poten-
tial is still a matter of conjecture.
Research and Technology Division
Every Aviation unit has a couple of
aviators whose proudest possession is
an enormous map, carefully covered
with acetate and folded in a secret
method known only to them and the
oldest standardization instructor pilot
on post. Unfortunately, those maps are
Avionics r<.esearch and
Development Activity
Integrated circuits and silicon chips are being used In the Integrated
Communication, Navigation, Identification and Avionics program.
great for the local flying area, but pro-
vide little help on deployments. AV-
RADA's Research and Technology
Division is conducting extensive re-
search in the use of color displays for
use in the cockpit to provide you with
an electronic map. The potential bene-
fits are much greater than eliminating
the paper map. After all, you will be
carrying that paper for a long time, not
just as a backup, but also as a means
to briefthe ground commander and so
on. Instead the electronic map will let
you do things that truly seem like sci-
ence fiction. By software manipulation
you will be able to "tip" the map so
that you can view the horizon as it ac-
tually looks from the cockpit. That's
called a perspective view and is prob-
ably one of the most unique potential
features of a digital map. Soon you will
have a display ofthe terrain as it real-
ly looks, not as the copilot thinks it
should look based on a "careful" study
of contour lines.
Other features of the digital map in-
clude being able to display only the in-
formation you desire. In other words,
you can call up only terrain data and
roads, or contour data plus streams and
so on. In that way you eliminate ex-
traneous information you really don' t
need and also clean up the display . You
will have the ability to overlay friend-
ly and enemy information and have it
removed or called up as you desire.
Grease pencil lines will no longer ob-
scure other important information, or
be inadvertantly lost because you sat
on your map case.
Another impressive feature of the
electronic map is the ability for infor-
mation to be updated through data links
from the ground or other aircraft. Your
unit operations can plan a mission, or
update enemy situations and transmit
those to your map while you are en
route. Additionally, you will be able
to mark updated information on your
electronic display and then transfer that
Providing the aviator with a map display is one of AVRADA's most interesting
to the unit operations people for their
John Respass, a branch chief in the
Research and Technology Division,
notes that, "The first flight demonstra-
tion of the digital map in an (OH-58D)
AHIP will be accomplished sometime
in 1986 in preparation for the Very In-
telligent Surveillance and Target Ac-
quisition Program. We believe that the
digital map will prove a major ad-
vancement in the way the aviator re-
ceives and uses combat information."
A VRADA is developing a mission
planning station to allow aviators or
operations personnel to plan a mission,
enter the information into a storage
device such as a cassette and then trans-
fer that data to your aircraft. The elec-
tronic map and mission planning sta-
tion will not only shorten the turn-
around time at the forward arming and
refueling point, but they also will be a
vast improvement in the way you get
and use mission information.
h ~ digital map promises major im-
provements in battle information man-
agement and display and may evolve
into an accurate, self-contained naviga-
tional device. By comparing terrain
below the aircraft with stored terrain
data it promises extremely high accur-
aciesin position information, and does
so as a self-contained system requiring
no manual updates or dependence on
external radio signals which may be
jammed or eliminated by enemy ac-
tion. If this system sounds something
like the way a cruise missile finds its
way around, it should because it is the
same principle. What is not the same
is how Army Aviation uses and dis-
plays the information, which is why the
digital map is still in the research stage.
Dr . Barbara Bernabe, a psychologist
working in the Research and Technol-
ogy Division, is investigating the
human factors issues of the symbology
which will be displayed on the digital
map. Determining what the symbology
should be or how it should appear on
the screen is not as straightforward as
it may seem. There are numerous con-
siderations when one goes from a pa-
per map to an electronic display.
Dr. Bernabe explains, "We need to
find out how shape and color codes can
be combined on a digital map display.
The symbology on a digital display
cannot exactly duplicate a standard
paper map because of the inherent limi-
tations in color cathode ray tubes. Col-
or shading for representing slope
changes of the terrain is also a part of
our study. How many different shades
and how they combine with other col-
or codes will determine the amount of
information that can be displayed. "
System Architecture and
Engineering Division
When the avionics laboratory devel-
ops a new technique or a new device
it must have a way of determining if
it will work in an aircraft. The System
Architecture and Engineering Division
provides the means to make the prod-
uct fit the cockpit requirements. The
division has two facilities to test new
systems. One is a cockpit simulator and
the other is a UH-60, which has been
extensively modified to serve as a plat-
form for avionics research. The air-
craft provides AVRADA with an avi-
onics test bed facility which is not du-
plicated anywhere else. Following a
currently ongoing major renovation,
the aircraft will be the only totally dig-
ital aircraft in the Army's inventory.
The division also is involved in its
own research efforts. Not merely wait-
ing for the other laboratory divisions
to develop products for testing and
modification, it is deeply involved in
designing a computer for tomorrow's
The need for onboard computers and
processors has leaped dramatically
with the development of the latest
Army aircraft such as the AH -64 and
the AHIP. The trend in sophisticated
electronics systems is growing and
along with that comes the need for
some powerful, fast processors. The
amount of processing and the speed at
which it must occur is rising dramati-
cally. It is one of the ironies of the com-
puter age that we have become so ac-
customed to the rapid turnover of com-
puter technology that our expectations
of what computers can do is turning
over faster than the technology! An as-
sociated problem is that while you may
read about a host of dramatic discover-
ies in somebody' s silicon valley, it is
a long way from some laboratory dem-
onstration to an actual, proven and
workable system ready for installation
in a cockpit. AVRADA' s System Ar-
chitecture and Engineering Division is
working to ensure laboratory efforts
find a way into your cockpit.
Flight Testing
When all is said and done the only
way to find out if something is going
to work is to place it in an aircraft and
see. To do that A VRADA calls on both
assigned aviators and the Engineering
Flight Test Activity (EFT A) located at
the Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering
Center, Lakehurst, NJ. History buffs
may note that A VRADA 's evaluation
flights begin just a few steps from where
the dirigible' 'Hindenburg" came to its
fiery end some 50 years ago . EFTA be-
longs to the Communications-Elec-
tronics Command.
EFTA is the primary agency respon-
sible for conducting the flight evalua-
tions of airborne electronic systems. It
boasts an impressive array of aircraft
to support flight testing. Among the
most unusual is the Army's only re-
maining operational UH -1 B. This air-
craft is particularly unique because it
contains some highly sophisticated avi-
onics. Equipped with a fully coupled
autopilot it can takeoff, fly a designated
route and land to a hover at a predeter-
mined location, and do so entirely
hands-off! EFTA provides AVRADA
and other electronics developers with
an unparalleled capability to conduct
Army Aviation electronics research
and development.
AvioniCS and
Development Activity
Although the only " 8 " model left on active duty, this is one of
AVRADA ' s most sophisticated test aircraft.
Avionics Systems Integration
Av ionics does not include all of the
electron ics found on an ai r craft.
Weapon systems , ni ght vision sys-
tems , flight cont rols , laser devices
and so on are all part of the aircraft
electronics, but are not really consid-
ered avionics. The problem is that it is
becoming more and more difficult to
separate the systems into neat , inde-
pendent packages because as technol-
ogy advances, electronic devices be-
come more and more dependent on
each other. This process is known as
"integration" and is the title of an-
other of A VRADA 's divisions.
Mr. Larry Youngblood, chiefofthe
Aviation Integration Division, ex-
plains: "The aircraft of tomorrow, in
the Army' case the Light Helicopter
Family, will be heavily dependent on
electronics. Almost everything the
pilot sees, does and even talks to will
be electronically linked and operated.
Because all of the aircraft electronics
will be linked through software and a
standard data bus, it will become more
and more difficult to decide where one
system stops and the other takes over .
In other words, we really don't know
how the software in one system may
affect something else on the aircraft. "
Computer Software and
Army Aviation
Software is the heart of the avionics
being developed for your aircraft. It is
probably another of the ironies of tech-
nology that while the development of
electronic hardware seems to
along somewhere at the speed of light ,
the software which makes it all tick is
plodding along at the hor e and buggy
pace. Software is like an iceberg; fre-
quently what you see as the work that
needs to be done is probably only a
tenth of what is really required.
One of the reasons that software is
critical to tomorrow' aircraft is
because of the linking of individual
electronic systems on what is called a
standard data bus. This data bus is
nothing more than a pair of wires to
which all of the aircraft electronic
systems are connected and on which in-
formation is sent from one system to
another . The advantage of thi s type of
a bus is that it eliminates the huge wir-
ing bundles you can find on any of the
older aircraft today . Over the years
those wiring bundles magically acquire
about a dozen splices per foot which
results in all kinds of unpredictable
electronic " bugs. "
A two wire data bus can be dupli cat-
ed several time giving you redundan-
cy , something you clearly don ' t have
with today 's wiring bundl es . It wi ll be
like duplicating that enormous wiring
bundle several times, but at a tiny frac-
tion of the weight. For all of the sys-
tems to u e the same pair of wires , or
optical fibe rs as they ma y eventually
be, each system sends its data through
a computer called a bus controller ,
which serves as the traffic cop direct-
ing the flow of information . Each bit
of information has a tag attached which
tell s the controll er where it is going.
It is software that makes thi s system
operate, but with all of the different,
electronically integrated systems oper-
ating on a common data bus, the soft-
ware written for one sys tem may af-
fect another system in a way you did
not predict. Without tight software
controls , a software glitch could devel-
op which dumps your rocket pods
when you key your frequency modu-
lated radio. Obviously the Army must
have a system and procedure for en-
suring that software is developed prop-
erly and maintained succe sfull y.
Several years ago it became obvious
that computer processors were going
to find their way into about every piece
of hardware the Army owns. It also
became obvious that the Army was go-
ing to have to deal with the problem of
maintaining and modifying oftware.
Software , just like hardware, needs
periodic maintenance and modifica-
tion. To get a handle on that , the Army
established software support centers in
each of the major research and devel-
opment centers. The Aviation Systems
Command establ ished its software sup-
port center in A VRADA. Officiall y
known as the Post Deployment Soft-
ware Support Center, this organization
is working to control and support the
software in avionics systems.
The job of keeping track of system
software in Aviation is difficult be-
cause of the large number of computer
processor used in electronics systems
as well as the considerable number of
languages in which they are pro-
gramed. For exampJe, the AH-64 con-
tains some 14 different processors
which have been programed in 11 dif-
ferent computer languages . As compu-
ter processors continue to be developed
it appears that thi s trend may not sub-
side. A major effort is ongoing to e -
tabli sh a single Department of Defense
computer language, known as Ada,
which will reduce th proliferation of
computer languages. But , total com-
puter standardization is a long way
from reality and will not happen soon.
Software control , development , main-
tenance, etc., is a major chall enge for
the Army and the rest of the services.
It is something that is sometimes hard
to define as it is somewhat intangible.
Whil e it is easy to visuali ze a rotor
bl ade or a tu rbine engine , soft ware is
usuaUy defined in terms of " lines of
code." Regardl ess of how difficult thi s
task may be it is becoming clear that
software support and maintenance is as
big a part of Army Aviation as the
maintenance hangar.
Getting the Equipment to You
While research of new technologies
is both challenging and interesting,
A VRADA has dedicated a number of
senior engineers to the development
process, which is where the real payoff
of the research takes place. The leap
between the research and the develop-
ment processes is no smalljump. You
can appreciate the difficulties involved
between di scovery and final produc-
tion if you read any ofthe more popular
science magazines. Having been a
fai thful reader of a number of them for
many years, I have always bee n
amazed at how the wonderful gad-
gets portrayed on the covers never
seem to get to the marketplace. (I'm
AVRADA' s tactical avionics system simulator is used for numerous avionics
projects including display technology.
still waiting for the engine that runs
on water.) Fortunately A VRADA has
enjoyed success moving from re-
search to development and on to field-
ing. This movement may not always
be the fastest, but A VRADA does
move through the cycle with reason-
able regularity.
Systems Management Division
This division is responsible for get-
ting systems to the field. Some of the
programs the division is working on
Integrated Inertial Navigation Sys-
tem (llNS). This is a navigational sys-
tem developed for special electronic
aircraft missions. Locating the enemy
by electronic surveillance is only effec-
tive if you know precisely where you
are in reference to the enemy's loca-
tion. On the ground that is not a dif-
ficult problem. In a rapidly moving air-
craft that's a major problem. When a
surveillance aircraft intercepts an
enemy electronic signal it must almost
instantaneously fix its own position in
order to calculate the enemy transmit-
ter's location. The IINS was designed
to provide the aircraft location to with-
in extremely high tolerances. Installed
in a UH-60, the IINS is a self-contained
navigator with performance that far
outperforms that of its cousin, the
Tactical Microwave Landing Sys-
tem. The Air Force is the lead service
for the development of the military ver-
sion of a microwave landing system.
A microwave system has several ad-
vantages over the current instrument
landing system and the ground con-
trolled approach in that it should prove
more reliable, more transportable and
provide the aviator a choice of ap-
proach angles, and even approach di -
Other programs include work to
make radio panel compatible with
night vision goggles and preliminary
planning for a UH-60 command and
control console.
AVRADA is a growing partner of
the Army Aviation Branch. To suc-
cessfully fly combat missions, future
Army aircraft will be extensively de-
pendent on electronics , which will ac-
count for the single largest investment
in the development of new combat air-
craft. A VRADA stands ready to as-
sume its increasing role to 'provide
Army aviators with the competitive
edge and the excellence needed to win
on the battlefield.
LEFT: Research is always
vital to eliminate what
some call the "cockpit real
estate problem."
Tactical Avionics System
Simulator is used for
display technology.
the Facts
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u.s. Army Information Systems Command
Flight Plan Filing Procedures
THE AERONAUTICAL Services Office is continually
being asked questions by Anny aviators concerning ap-
propriate flight plan flling procedures.
The following questions are among the more frequently
asked; they are followed with the answer:
When departing from an airfield where flight to a
NAV AID, intersection or latitude/longitudinal fix is not possi-
ble, can a pilot file direct to an airway and list the next
NA V AIDIjix along the intended route or flight ?
Yes. However, if the departure airfield (ABC) is not
adapted in the ARTCC computer for the desired airway
route ABC VI XYZ, the flight plan wilJ be rejected. The
ARTCC computer adaption data base is subject to change
every 90 days. While we do not anticipate a need for chang-
ing the adaption status of a specific airport every 90 days,
those adaption determinations are made by the individual
ARTCCs and they are based, in part, on frequency of use.
Since pilots have no way of knowing the adaption status
of an airfield, except from previous experience, they can
assure computer acceptance by filing from the airfield to
a point defined by a FIX/RADIAL/DISTANCE that has
l ~ ~ d y been adapted in the center's computer. This should
be the point at which the pilot intends to intercept the air-
way, then direct to the next fix along the airway. Airfield
ABC is not adapted on VI XYZ; therefore, the filed route
would read:
ABC XYZ270030 XYZ.
If pilots wish to be cleared via the airway, between the
FIX/RADIAL/DISTANCE that has been adapted and the
next airway fix, they should make the request in the remarks
section of the flight plan:
Requested clearance via V 1 between XYZ270030 and
The limited capabilities of the present computers do not
allow them to adapt random FIX/RADIAL/ DISTANCE
fixes along an airway. However , with the implementation
of the advanced automation HOST computers, it will be
possible to adapt every mile along an airway as an airway
fix. This would eliminate the need for the remarks section
entry and allow for the following type entry:
Another question that keeps resurfacing is, should the
two-letter identifier be used in lieu of the five-letter fix name
whenfiling to an LOM?
About 5 years ago, several FAA regions had computer
programs that were totally different. In one region, our
aviators were told to use the two-letter identifier, and in
others they were told to use the five-letter fix name. The
problem of two-letter versus five-letter identifiers shouJd no
longer exist. If the LOM is adapted, the five-letter fix name
is appropriate.
Evidently, all IAFs are not contained in the ARTCC
computer program, and because of this situations have
occurred that caused problems for both Army operations
personnel and aviators. In one instance, an aviator filed
to an IAF that was not in the computer and the tie-in FSS
notified base operations to have him return from the flight
line andfile properly. It is our understanding that FSS pro-
cedures are established to resolve problems of this nature.
When aflight plan is rejected by the computer, aren't there
certain checks and procedures established to make it work?
All fixes (IAFs, LOMs, etc.) are not adapted by the
ARTCCs. The present computer is limited in capacity to
4,000 total fixes , thereby causing the centers to make a
priority determination. If a flying unit incurs a consistent
problem because a specific fix is not adapted, it should re-
quest that the ARTCC elevate the priority of that fix and
adapt it in their computer. It is not our intent to cause pilots
to alter their flight because of computer adaptation.
Whenever the route of flight must be altered for computer
acceptance, the remarks section of the flight plan should
clearly state the pilot's desires.
There have been several occasions when stopover flight
plans were closed out at the end of the first leg. In the ma-
jority of the cases, this was caused by personnel not follow-
ing established procedures. These problems will continue
to plague us until we upgrade our computer sy tern.
However, we believe they are limited in scope and can be
resolved in the interim by a cooperative effort at the local
level between the pilots, the FSS personnel and the
Readers are encouraged to address matters concerning air traffic control to: Director, USAATCA
Aeronautical Services Office, Cameron Stlltion, Alexandria, VA 22304-5050.