Bài Tập Thông Tin Di Động
Bài Tập Thông Tin Di Động
Bài Tập Thông Tin Di Động
Chng 5:
5.1 Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies received from a
stationary GSM transmitter that has a center frequency of exactly 1950.000000
MHz, assuming that the receiver is traveling at speeds of: (a) 1 km/hr; (b) 5
km/hr; (c) 100 km/hr; and (d) 1000 km/hr.
5.2 Describe all the physical circumstances that relate to a stationary transmitter and
a moving receiver such that the Doppler shift at the receiver is equal to: (a) 0 Hz;
(b) fdmax; (c) fdmax; and (d) fdmax/2
5.3 Using first principles from linear system theory and the definition of the complex
envelope, prove thatFigure 5.3 is correct. That is, prove that for bandpass signals
x(t) and y(t), Equation (5.9) is indeed valid. This is the key principle used in
simulation and DSP.
5.4 Draw a block diagram of a binary spread spectrum sliding correlator multipath
measurement system. Explain in words how it is used to measure power delay
a. If the transmitter chip period is 10 ns, the PN sequence has length 1023,
and a 6 GHz carrier is used at the transmitter, find the time between
maximal correlation and the slide factor if the receiver uses a PN sequence
clock that is 30 kHz slower than the transmitter.
b. If an oscilloscope is used to display one complete cycle of the PN sequence
(that is, if two successive maximal correlation peaks are to be displayed on
the oscilloscope), and if 10 divisions are provided on the oscilloscope time
axis, what is the most appropriate sweep setting (in seconds/division) to
be used?
c. What is the required IF passband bandwidth for this system? How is this
much better than a direct pulse system with similar time resolution?
5.5 Given that the coherence bandwidth is approximated by Equation (5.39), show
that a flat fading channel occurs when Ts 10 . Hint: Note that Bc is an RF
bandwidth, and assume that Ts is the reciprocal of the baseband signal
5.6 If a particular modulation provides suitable BER performance whenever /Ts
0.1 determine the smallest symbol period Ts (and thus the greatest symbol rate)
that may be sent through RF channels shown inFigure P5.6, without using an
Figure P5.6. Two channel responses for Problem 5.6.
5.7 If a baseband binary message with a bit rate R
= 100 kbps is modulated by an RF
carrier using BPSK, answer the following:
a. Find the range of values required for the rms delay spread of the
channel such that the received signal is a flat-fading signal.
b. If the modulation carrier frequency is 5.8 GHz, what is the coherence
time of the channel, assuming a vehicle speed of 30 miles per hour?
c. For your answer in (b), is the channel fast or slow fading?
d. Given your answer in (b), how many bits are sent while the channel
appears static?
e. A CDMA Rake receiver is able to exploit multipath when the channel is
(circle all that apply)
a. flat;
b. slow;
c. fast;
d. frequency selective
5.8 For the power delay profiles in Figure P5.6, estimate the 90% correlation and 50%
correlation coherence bandwidths.
5.9 Approximately how large can the rms delay spread be in order for a binary
modulated signal with a bit rate of 25 kbps to operate without an equalizer? What
about an 8-PSK system with a bit rate of 75 kbps?
5.10 Given that a Rayleigh-faded mobile radio signal has a level crossing rate
of , find the value of for which Nr is a maximum.
5.12 The fading characteristics of a CW carrier in an urban area are to be measured.
The following assumptions are made:
1. The mobile receiver uses a simple vertical monopole.
2. Large-scale fading due to path loss is ignored.
3. The mobile has no line-of-sight path to the base station.
4. The pdf of the received signal follows a Rayleigh distribution.
a. Derive the ratio of the desired signal level to the rms signal
level that maximizes the level crossing rate. Express your
answer in dB.
b. Assuming the maximum velocity of the mobile is 50 km/hr,
and the carrier frequency is 900 MHz, determine the
maximum number of times the signal envelope will fade
below the level found in (a) during a 1 minute test.
c. How long, on average, will each fade in (b) last?
5.13 A vehicle receives a 900 MHz transmission while traveling at a constant velocity
for 10 s. The average fade duration for a signal level 10 dB below the rms level is
1 ms. How far does the vehicle travel during the 10 s interval? How many fades
does the signal undergo at the rms threshold level during a 10 s interval? Assume
that the local mean remains constant during travel.
5.14 An automobile moves with velocity v(t) shown in Figure P5.14. The received
mobile signal experiences multipath Rayleigh fading on a 900 MHz CW carrier.
What is the average crossing rate and fade duration over the 100 s interval?
Assume = 0.1 and ignore large-scale fading effects.
5.15 For a mobile receiver operating at frequency of 860 MHz and moving at 100 km/hr
a. sketch the Doppler spectrum if a CW signal is transmitted and indicate
the maximum and minimum frequencies
b. calculate the level crossing rate and average fade duration if = 20
5.16 For the following digital wireless systems, estimate the maximum rms delay
spread for which no equalizer is required at the receiver (neglect channel coding,
antenna diversity, or use of extremely low power levels).
System RF Data Rate Modulation
USDC 48.6 kbps /4DQPSK
GSM 270.833 kbps GMSK
DECT 1152 kbps GMSK
5.17 In the Clarke and Gans model for small-scale fading, the E-field of the vertically
polarized signal is given by
5.18 Derive the RF Doppler spectrum for a 5/8 vertical monopole receiving a CW
signal using the models by Clarke and Gans. Plot the RF Doppler spectrum and the
corresponding baseband spectrum out of an envelope detector. Assume isotropic
scattering and unit average received power.
5.19 Show that the magnitude (envelope) of the sum of two independent identically
distributed complex (quadrature) Gaussian sources is Rayleigh distributed.
Assume that the Gaussian sources are zero mean and have unit variance.
5.20 Design a Rayleigh fading simulator: Write a MATLAB program that simulates
Rayleigh fading, using the frequency domain method described in Figure 5.24.
Assume the maximum Doppler frequency is 200 Hz. Confirm that the level
crossing rates and average fade durations of your simulated waveforms agree
with Example 5.8. Explain any discrepancies you observed in your simulated
outputs. Turn in printouts of your source code, waveform samples, and other
pertinent results.
5.21 How would you convert your simulation of Problem 5.20 into a Ricean fading
simulator? You do not need to actually do it, just comment on specifics.
5.22 Using the method described in Chapter 5, generate a time sequence of 8192
sample values of a Rayleigh fading signal for
a. f
= 20 Hz, and
b. f
= 200 Hz.
5.23 Generate 100 sample functions of fading data described in Problem 5.22, and
compare the simulated and theoretical values of the resulting CDF of the data set.
Using your data, find RRMS, NR, and for = 1, 0.1, and 0.01. Do your
simulations agree with theory? They should!
5.24 Recreate the plots of the CDFs shown in Figure 5.17, starting with the pdfs for
Rayleigh, Ricean, and log-normal distributions.
5.25 Plot the probability density function and the CDF for a Ricean distribution having
(a) K = 10 dB and (b) K= 3 dB. The abscissa of the CDF plot should be labeled in
dB relative to the median signal level for both plots. Note that the median value
for a Ricean distribution changes as K changes.
5.26 Based on your answer in Problem 5.25, if the median RSSI is 70 dBm, what is
the likelihood that a signal greater than 80 dBm will be received in a Ricean
fading channel having (a) K = 10 dB, and (b) K= 3 dB?
5.27 The local average power delay profile in a particular environment is found to be
5.28 A local spatial average of a power delay profile measured at 900 MHz is shown
in Figure P5.28.
a. Determine
the rms
spread and
excess delay
for the
b. Determine
excess delay
(20 dB).
c. If the
channel is to
be used
with a
requires an
the symbol
duration T is
less than 10
RF symbol
rate that
can be
requiring an
d. If a mobile
traveling at
30 km/hr
receives a
through the
the time
over which
the channel
(or at least
5.29 A flat Rayleigh fading signal at 6 GHz is received by a mobile
traveling at 80 km/hr.
a. Determine the number of positive-going zero crossings
about the rms value that occur over a 5 s interval.
b. Determine the average duration of a fade below the rms
c. Determine the average duration of a fade at a level of 20
dB below the rms value.
5.30 For each of the three scenarios below, decide if the received signal
is best described as undergoing fast fading, frequency selective
fading, or flat fading.
a. A binary modulation has a data rate of 500 kbps, f
= 1
GHz and a typical urban radio channel is used.
b. A binary modulation has a data rate of 5 kbps, f
= 1 GHz
and a typical urban radio channel is used to provide
communications to cars moving on a highway.
c. A binary modulation has a data rate of 10 bps, f
= 1 GHz
and a typical urban radio channel is used to provide
communications to cars moving on a highway.
5.31 Using computer simulation, create a Rayleigh fading simulator that
has three independent Rayleigh fading multipath components, each
having variable multipath time delay and average power. Then
convolve a random binary bit stream through your simulator and
observe the time waveforms of the output stream. You may wish to
use several samples for each bit (seven is a good number). Observe
the effects of multipath spread as you vary the bit period and time
delay of the channel.
5.32 Based on concepts taught in this chapter, propose methods that
could be used by a base station to determine the vehicular speed of
a mobile user. Such methods are useful for handoff algorithms.
5.33 From the shape factor theory described in Section 5.8, describe the
physical significance of angular spread, , and determine two
examples of p() that produce: (a) = 1; (b) = 0.
5.34 Using Equation (5.117), determine the coherence distance D
each of the four p() examples you found in Problem 5.33. Note
that you must assume a particular direction of travel. Assume =
10 cm. How does the direction of travel, relative to the arriving
multipath, impact D
? Explore by proposing four different directions
of travel for each of the four p() functions and determine D
each case.
Chng 6:
6.1 A frequency modulated wave has an angular carrier frequency
= 5000 rad/sec
and a modulation index of 10. Compute the bandwidth and the upper and lower
sideband frequencies if the modulating signal m(t) = 20cos(5t).
6.2 A 2 MHz carrier with an amplitude of 4 V is frequency modulated by a modulating
signal m(t) = sin(1000t). The amplitude of the modulating signal is 2 V and the
peak frequency deviation was found to be 1 kHz. If the amplitude and frequency
of the modulating signal are increased to 8 V and 2 kHz respectively, write an
expression for the new modulated signal.
6.3 If f
= 440 MHz and vehicles travel at a maximum speed of 80 mph, determine the
proper spectrum allocation of voice and tone signals for a TTIB system.
6.4 If f
= 12 kHz and W = 4 kHz, determine the modulation index for an FM
transmitter. These are parameters for the AMPS standard.
6.5 For AMPS FM transmissions, if the SNR
= 10 dB, determine the SNR
of the FM
detector. If SNR
is increased by 10 dB, what is the corresponding increase in
SNR out of the detector?
6.6 Prove that for an FM signal, a quadrature detector is able to detect the message
6.7 Design a quadrature detector for an IF frequency of 70 MHz, assuming a 200 kHz
IF passband. Pick reasonable circuit values and plot the amplitude and phase
response about the IF center frequency.
6.8 Using computer simulation, demonstrate that an FM signal can be demodulated
using (a) slope detection and (b) a zero-crossing detector.
a. Generate and plot the time waveform for a binary baseband
communication system which sends the bit string 1, 0, 1 through an
ideal channel, where a raised cosine rolloff filter response is used
having = 1/2. Assume the symbol rate is 50 kbps, and use a
truncation time of 6 symbols.
b. Illustrate the ideal sampling points of the waveform.
c. If a receiver has a timing jitter of 10
seconds, what is the difference
in detected voltage as compared to ideal voltage at each sample point?
6.10 Verify that the BPSK receiver shown in Figure 6.23 is able to recover a digital
message m(t).
6.11 Plot the BER vs. E
performance for BPSK, DPSK, QPSK, and noncoherent FSK
in additive Gaussian white noise. List advantages and disadvantages of each
modulation method from the mobile communications standpoint.
6.12 Assume a binary bit stream is to be modulated on an RF carrier. If the baseband
bit stream has a data rate of 1 Megabit per second, then:
a. What is the first-zero crossing bandwidth of the RF spectrum if simple
rectangular pulses are used, assuming BPSK is used?
b. What is the absolute bandwidth of the RF spectrum if raised cosine
rolloff pulses are used, for = 1? Assume BPSK is used.
c. What is the absolute bandwidth of the RF spectrum if raised cosine
rolloff pulses are used, for = 1/3? Assume BPSK is used.
d. If a timing jitter of 10
seconds exists at the receiver and raised cosine
rolloff pulses are used, will the detector experience intersymbol
interference from the adjacent symbols? Explain.
e. If GMSK modulation is to be generated as shown and a 3 dB bandwidth
of 500 kHz is used for the Gaussian low pass filter, what is the proper
choice for the FM peak frequency deviation, F?
f. For GMSK modulation using BT 0.5, how many spectral sidelobes
6.13 If a mobile radio link operates with 30 dB SNR and uses a 200 kHz channel, find
the theoretic maximum data capacity possible. How does your answer compare to
what is offered by the GSM standard, which operates at a channel rate of
270.8333 kbps?
6.14 Compare the channel spectral efficiencies of IS-54, GSM, PDC, and IS-95. What
are the theoretical spectral efficiencies for each of these standards if they operate
at 20 dB SNR?
6.15 Design a raised cosine rolloff filter for T
= 1/24300 s and = 0.35. Write
expressions for, and plot, the impulse response and the frequency response of the
filter. If this filter were used for 30 kHz RF channels, what percentage of the total
radiated energy would fall out-of-band? Computer simulation or numerical
analysis may be used to determine results.
6.16 Design a Gaussian pulse-shaping filter with BT = 0.5 for a symbol rate of 19.2
kbps. Write expressions for, and plot, the impulse response and frequency
response of the filter. If this filter were used to produce GMSK in 30 kHz RF
channels, what percentage of the total radiated energy would fall out-of-band?
Repeat for the case of BT = 0.2, and BT = 0.75. Computer simulation or numerical
analysis may be used to determine results.
6.17 GMSK Computer Simulation: Recreate Table 6.3 and Figure 6.41 using
computer simulation. Simply apply a random NRZ binary waveform through a
Gaussian pulseshaped filter and then FM modulate, as in Figure 6.42. Be sure to
include all documented source code, and clearly label all axes and document and
display the PSD and spectral occupancy in relation to R
for varying values of BT.
6.18 Derive Equation (6.106) for an MSK signal.
6.19 Generate the binary message 01100101 through MSK transmitter and receiver
shown in Figure 6.39 and Figure 6.40. Sketch the waveshapes at the inputs,
outputs, and through the system. Also plot the PSD of the output. Computer
simulation may be used.
6.20 If 63 users share a CDMA system, and each user has a processing gain of 511,
determine the average probability of error for each user. What assumptions have
you made in determining your result?
6.21 For Problem 6.20, determine the percentage increase in the number of users if
the probability of error is allowed to increase by an order of magnitude.
6.22 In IS-95 CDMA, assume K = 20 users share the same 1.25 MHz channel. The chip
rate for each user is 1.2288 Mcps and each user has a baseband data rate of 13
kbps. If a maximum E
of 7.8 dB is provided for each user and the PN code
lengths are 32,678 chips (2
), find the bit error probability for a user. What is the
processing gain of IS-95?
6.23 Assume that a synchronous frequency hopping multiple access system is used.
Binary frequency shift keying having a bit error probability of
a. In a DSSS multiple user system, how many simultaneous users may
be supported such that an average bit error rate of less than 103 is
maintained for each user? Assume all users employ power control such
that the received powers of each user are maintained at an
average E
= 10 dB, and assume each user has a PN code that is
produced from an 11-bit shift register.
b. Using your answer in (a), what is the resulting average Probability of
Error for a user if one more simultaneous user is added? Would this be
noticeable to all the other users? Why or why not?
6.25 A FHSS system uses 50 kHz channels over a continuous 20 MHz spectrum. Fast
frequency hopping is used, where two hops occur for each bit. If binary FSK is the
modulation method used in this system, determine (a) the number of hops per
second if each user transmits at 25 kbps; (b) the probability of error for a single
user operating at an E
= 20 dB; (c) the probability of error for a user
operating at E
= 20 dB with 20 other FHSS users which are independently
frequency hopped; (d) the probability of error for a user operating at E
= 20
dB with 200 other FHSS users which are independently frequency hopped.
6.26 A frequency hopping WLAN system is proposed for Bluetooth, using binary FSK.
Assume fifty 1-MHz channels are available, andK devices are to be connected in
the same room. If an E
of 20 dB can be supplied to each user, plot the
average probability of errors as a function of the number of devices,
where K ranges from 1 to 100. What would you deem to be the maximum
acceptable number of devices?
6.27 Simulate a GMSK signal and verify that the Gaussian filter bandwidth has a major
impact on the spectral shape of the signal. Plot spectral shapes for (a) BT = 0.2,
(b) BT = 0.5, and (c) BT = 1.
6.28 Compare the BER and RF bandwidth of a GMSK signal operating in additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN) for the following BT values: (a) 0.25, (b) 0.5, (c) 1, (d) 5.
Discuss the practical advantages and disadvantages of these cases.
6.29 Demonstrate mathematically that a /4 QPSK data stream may be detected using
an FM receiver (Hint: consider how an FM receiver responds to phase changes.)
6.30 Using Equation (6.153), determine the probability of error, as a function
of E
, for 4-ary QAM, 16-ary QAM, and 64-ary QAM. Plot E
vs. BER for 4
QAM, 16 QAM, and 64 QAM on the same plot, and compare your results with BPSK
and non-coherent orthogonal FSK on the plot.
a. Given that binary DPSK modulation has a bit error probability of
6.33 Demonstrate mathematically that a /4 QPSK signal can be detected using the IF
and baseband differential detection circuits described in Chapter 6.
6.34 Using the expression for probability of error in a flat-fading channel, find the
average probability of error for DPSK if a channel has an exponential SNR
probability density of p(x) = e
for x > 0.
6.35 Determine the necessary E
in order to detect DPSK with an average BER of
for a (a) Rayleigh fading channel, (b) Ricean fading channel, with K = 6 dB, 7
6.36 Determine the necessary E
in order to detect BPSK with an average BER of
for a (a) Rayleigh fading channel, (b) Ricean fading channel, with K = 6 dB, 7
Chng 9:
9.1 The GSM TDMA system uses a 270.833 kbps data rate to support eight users per
frame. (a) What is the raw data rate provided for each user? (b) If guard time,
ramp-up time, and synchronization bits occupy 10.1 kbps, determine the traffic
efficiency for each user.
9.2 The US Digital Cellular TDMA system uses a 48.6 kbps data rate to support three
users per frame. Each user occupies two of the six time slots per frame. What is
the raw data rate provided for each user?
9.3 For problem 9.2, assume each reverse channel frame contains six time slots with
324 bits per time slot, and within each time slot, assume there are six guard bits,
six bits reserved for ramp-up, 28 synchronization bits, 12 control channel bits, 12
bits for supervisory control signals, and 260 data bits. (a) Determine the frame
efficiency for the US Digital Cellular standard. (b) If half-rate speech coding is
used, then six users may be supported within a frame. Determine the raw data
rate and frame efficiency for users with half-rate speech coding.
9.4 The Pacific Digital Cellular (PDC) TDMA system uses a 42.0 kbps data rate to
support 3 uses per frame. Each user occupies two of the six time slots per frame.
(a) What is the raw data rate provided for each user? (b) If the frame efficiency is
80% and the frame duration is 6.667 ms, determine the number of information
bits sent to each user per frame. (c) If half-rate speech coding is used, six users
per frame are accommodated. Determine the number of information bits provided
for each user per frame. (d) What is the information data rate per user in half-rate
9.5 Assume that a nonlinear amplifier is used to broadcast FDMA transmissions for the
US AMPS standard. If control channel 352 and voice channel 360 are
simultaneously transmitted by a base station, determine all cellular channels on
the forward link that might carry interference due to intermodulation.
9.6 If a paging system transmits at 931.9375 MHz, and a cellular base station
broadcasts on AMPS control channel 318, and both antennas are co-located on the
same broadcast tower, determine the cellular channels (if any) that may contain
intermodulation interference, if detected by a receiver with a nonlinear amplifier.
In what practical situations might intermodulation of this type be produced?
9.7 In an unslotted ALOHA system the packet arrival times form a Poisson process
having a rate of 10
packets/sec. If the bit rate is 10 Mbps and there are 1000
bits/packet, find (a) the normalized throughput of the system, and (b) the number
of bits per packet that will maximize the throughput.
9.8 Repeat problem 9.7 for a slotted ALOHA system.
9.9 Determine the propagation delay in packet transmission units if a 19.2 kbps
channel data rate is used and each packet contains 256 bits. Assume a line-of-
sight radio path exists for a user 10 km away from the transmitter. If slotted
ALOHA is to be used, what is the best choice for the number of bits/packet for this
system (assuming that 10 km is the maximum distance between the transmitter
and receiver)?
9.10 Determine the number of analog channels per cell for the case of n = 3
propagation path loss, where the minimum acceptable C/I = 14 dB. What is the
appropriate cluster size for the system? Assume the channel bandwidth is 30 kHz
and the total spectrum allocation is 20 MHz.
9.11 Repeat problem 9.10 for the cases where n = 2 and n = 4.
9.12 In an omnidirectional (single-cell, single-sector) CDMA cellular system, E
= 20
dB is required for each user. If 100 users, each with a baseband data rate of 13
kbps, are to be accommodated, determine the minimum channel bit rate of the
spread spectrum chip sequence. Ignore voice activity considerations.
9.13 Repeat problem 9.12 for the case where voice activity is considered and is equal
to 40%.
9.14 Repeat problem 9.12 for the case of a tri-sectored CDMA system. Include the
effects of voice activity, where it is assumed that each user is active 40% of the
9.15 Using the geometry shown in Section 9.7.2, verify Equations
(9.47) and (9.48).
9.16 Using simulation which assumes 1000 users are uniformly distributed throughout
the inner and outer sectors of the first ring cell of Figure 9.14, verify the values
given in Table 9.4 for R = 2 km and d
= 100 m for n = 2, 3, and 4.
9.17 In a single-cell CDMA system using spatial division multiple access (SDMA),
determine the number of simultaneous users that can be supported at an average
probability of error of 10
when a processing gain of R
= 511 is used. Assume
10 dB gain beam patterns may be formed and that perfect power control is used.
Neglect voice activity.
9.18 Repeat problem 9.17 for the case where voice activity of 40% is considered.
9.19 A CDMA cellular system uses SDMA, and multiple cells are used, where each cell
shares the same radio channel. Consider propagation path loss exponents of n =
2, 3, and 4, and determine the number of simultaneous users that can be
supported at an average probability of error of 10
. Assume K = 511 and 6 dB of
directionality is provided by the base station for each user.
9.20 Using the concentric cellular geometry, determine recursive expressions for the
two weighting factors for the equivalent hexagonal geometry for the second layer
and all subsequent layer cells.
9.21 Simulate reverse channel interference in a one-cell reuse CDMA system. To do
this, consider seven hexagonal cells and assume each one has equal area of 10
. Randomly place 30 users in each cell, and assume that d
= 1 m is the close-
in reference distance for propagation and n = 4 is the path loss exponent. If
power control is used for the 30 in-cell users, find
a. the received in-cell interference power
b. the received out-of-cell interference power
c. the frequency reuse factor
9.22 Repeat the simulation of problem 9.21 using n = 3, and find new answers for
(a), (b), and (c).
Chng 11:
11.1 Of the following air interface standards, identify all that are digital, analog, TDMA,
and CDMA: GSM, AMPS, ETACS, IS-95, IS-136, DECT.
11.2 Which of the following is NOT true of GSM? Check all that apply.
a. The uplink and downlink channels are separated by 45 MHz.
b. There are eight half-rate users in one timeslot.
c. The peak frequency deviation of the GSM modulator is an integer
multiple of the GSM data rate.
d. GSM uses a constant envelope modulation.
11.3 List all the cellular systems that do not support Mobile Assisted Handoff.
11.4 What is the cut-off frequency of the baseband, Gaussian, pulse-shaping filter used
in the GSM system?
11.5 The FCC allocated an additional 10 MHz spectrum for cellular services in 1989.
How many additional channels can be accommodated in this bandwidth for each of
the cellular standards?
11.6 The IS-95 system uses a rate 1/2 convolutional encoding in the forward channel
and a rate 1/3 convolutional coding in the reverse channel. What were the reasons
for doing so?
11.7 Which of the following is NOT true of the IS-95 system?
a. No hard limits on capacity.
b. Soft handoff possible.
c. Uses slow frequency hopping.
d. The number of channels that can be accommodated in the forward and
reverse links are different.
11.8 How are different channels within the forward link in an IS-95 system identified?
11.9 What is the spectral efficiency of the GMSK modulation scheme used in GSM?
11.10 Which of the following systems is solely based on Frequency Division Multiple
Access (FDMA)?
b. CT2
d. GSM
11.11 Which cellular system uses the most bandwidth efficient modulation?
11.12 Which cellular systems do not use a constant envelope modulation scheme?
11.13 What were the reasons for choosing /4 DQPSK modulation scheme for USDC
against DQPSK?
11.14 How many full-rate physical channels per cell can a GSM system accommodate?
11.15 Which of the following is a blank-and-burst channel in the AMPS system?
a. Paging Channel (PC)
b. Reverse Voice Channel (RVC)
c. Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH)
d. Fast Associated Control Channel (FACCH)
11.16 Compute the modulation index of the FM modulator used in the AMPS system.
11.17 Digital cellular systems use convolutional coding for error protection as opposed to
block coding. The primary reason for doing so is
a. Convolutional coding performs better under Rayleigh fading conditions.
b. Convolutional coders are more robust to burst errors.
c. Convolutional coding is less complex when compared to block coding.
d. Real time soft-decision decoding algorithms which improve performance
are available for decoding convolutional codes.
11.18 Which of the following systems is based on a microcell architecture?
a. GSM
d. IS-95
11.19 What is the maximum data rate at which a user can transmit data on a DECT
11.20 How many full-rate users can a USDC system accommodate in a single AMPS
11.21 What is the maximum fade slope (in dB/s) which can be compensated for by the
reverse power control subchannel in the IS-95 CDMA system?
11.22 In the normal GSM time slot of Figure 11.9, why would the 26 equalizer training
bits be placed in the middle of the frame rather than at the beginning? What is the
reason for having an 8.25 bit guard period after the data bursts?
11.23 Compare the number of omnidirectional cells required to cover a 1000 sq. km area
using GSM at 800 MHz and DCS-1900 at 1900 MHz. Assume the sensitivity of both
the GSM and the DCS-1900 receivers equal 104 dBm. Assume equal transmitter
power and antenna gains for the two systems.
11.24 Compare the number of omnidirectional cells required to cover a 1000 sq. km area
using DCS-1900 and IS-95. Assume equal transmitter powers and antenna gains.
11.25 How would the cell coverage radius be affected by the system loading for each of
the following technologies: AMPS, IS-95 CDMA, and IS-54 TDMA?
11.26 What mechanisms would cause breakdown in the reverse link of an IS-95 CDMA
systems as the number of users in a sector approaches the theoretical limit?
11.27 For what reasons would the PACS version for the unlicensed PCS band use TDD
instead of FDD?
11.28 What is likely to happen to a DECT system if it is deployed outdoors in an
environment where significant multipath could occur? Explain your answer and
provide a qualitative analysis.
11.29 Draw the allocation of bits in a USDC half-rate time slot. Then answer the
a. What is the channel data rate for the USDC air interface?
b. How many user bits are there in each USDC time slot?
c. What is the time duration for each USDC frame?
d. Using the definition of frame efficiency in the text determine the frame
efficiency for USDC.
11.30 Consider an AMPS or ETACS system.
a. List the possible SAT tones in AMPS.
b. Why would the ST tone be useful to a service provider?
c. List at least five ways a cellular phone call may be terminated. How
could a carrier distinguish between these?
11.31 For a full-rate USDC system, consider how the data is allocated between channels.
a. What is the gross RF data rate?
b. What is the gross RF data rate for the SACCH?
c. What is the gross RF data rate for the CDDVC?
d. What is the gross data rate for synchronization, ramp-up, and guard
e. Verify that your answers in (b)(d) add up to your answer in (a).
f. What is the end-user data rate provided in full-rate USDC?
11.32 Prove that the GSM system allocates gross RF data rate of 33.854 kbps/user.
Show this by summing up the individual user data rates for
a. the speech coder
b. speech error protection
d. guard time, ramp-up, and synchronization
11.33 Compute the longest time over which a mobile station would have to wait in order
to determine the frame number being transmitted by a GSM base station.