NOJA-508-02 Modbus Protocol Implementation
NOJA-508-02 Modbus Protocol Implementation
NOJA-508-02 Modbus Protocol Implementation
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NOJA Power Switchgear Pty Ltd 2010
3 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
The MODBUS Protocol is a messaging structure developed by Modicon in 1979, used to establish master-
slave/client-server communication between intelligent devices. It is a de facto standard, truly open and the most
widely used network protocol in the industrial manufacturing environment.
The purpose of this document is to describe the specific implementation of the Modicon Modbus protocol on the
Recloser Control Cubicle RC-01E(S).
This document, in conjunction with the Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide (PI-MBUS-300) and the
MODBUS Application Protocol Specification V1.1, published by Modicon, Inc., provides complete information on
how to communicate with the RC-01ES via Modbus
This document describes the Modbus points list available in firmware versions S02.03.04-6802 and above.
The RC-01ES supports the Modbus protocol. Modbus can be assigned to either the RS485 or RS232 port and
supports transmit/receive data rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400 and 19200 baud. Half-duplex
or full-duplex connections can be used on the RS-485 port. RC-01ES is always slave and supports only RTU
(binary) mode.
Valid slave device addresses are in the range of 0 247 decimal. The individual slave devices are assigned
addresses in the range of 1 247. A master addresses a slave by placing the slave address in the address field
of the message. When the slave sends its response, it places its own address in this address field of the
response to let the master know which slave is responding.
This Modbus implementation supports broadcast message receiving on address 0.
THE RC-01ES supports communication on a Modbus network using RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) mode, each
8bit byte in a message contains two 4bit hexadecimal characters. The main advantage of this mode is that its
greater character density allows better data throughput than ASCII for the same baud rate. Each message must
be transmitted in a continuous stream.
Supports format for each byte in RTU mode is:
Coding System:
8bit binary, hexadecimal 09, AF
Two hexadecimal characters contained in each 8bit field of the message
Bits per Byte:
1 start bit
8 data bits, least significant bit sent first
1 stop bit
Error Check Field:
Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)
Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop
Fig. 4.1 Transfer in RTU mode
Modbus Protocol Implementation 4
User Manual
The listing below shows the function codes supported by this Modbus implementation. Codes are listed in
decimal. Yes indicates that the function is supported. No indicates that it is not supported.
Table 5.1 Supported function codes
Code Name Supported
01 Read Coil Status Yes
02 Read Input Status Yes
03 Read Holding Registers Yes
04 Read Input Registers Yes
05 Force Single Coil Yes
06 Preset Single Register Yes
07 Read Exception Status No
08 Diagnostics No
09 Program 484 No
10 Poll 484 No
11 Fetch Comm. Event Ctr. No
12 Fetch Comm. Event Log No
13 Program Controller No
14 Poll Controller No
15 Force Multiple Coils Yes
16 Preset Multiple Registers Yes
17 Report Slave ID No
18 Program 884/M84 No
19 Reset Comm. Link No
20 Read General Reference No
21 Write General Reference No
22 Mask Write 4X Register No
23 Read/Write 4X Registers No
24 Read FIFO Queue No
5 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
5.1 Function 01 Read Coil Status
5.1.1 Description
Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs (0X references, coils) in the slave.
Broadcast is not supported.
The query message specifies the starting coil and quantity of coils to be read.
Coils are addressed starting at zero: coils 116 are addressed as 015.
Table 5.2 - 0X references, output coils
Address Settings Description
00001 Trip Trip (Note: A Trip operation is also possible when the control mode is set to local)
00002 Close Close
00003 On (Grp1) Switch Group1 On
00004 On (Grp2) Switch Group2 On
00005 On (Grp3) Switch Group3 On
00006 On (Grp4) Switch Group4 On
00007 On (Prot) Switch protection On
00008 Off (Prot) Switch protection Off
00009 On (EF) Switch earth fault overcurrent element On
00010 Off (EF) Switch earth fault overcurrent element Off
00011 On (SEF) Switch sensitive earth fault element On
00012 Off (SEF) Switch sensitive earth fault element Off
00013 On (AR) Switch autoreclosing element On
00014 Off (AR) Switch autoreclosing element Off
00015 On (LL) Switch live line element On
00016 Off (LL) Switch live line element Off
00017 On (CLP) Switch cold load pickup element On
00018 Off (CLP) Switch cold load pickup element Off
00019 On (UV) Switch undervoltage element On
00020 Off (UV) Switch undervoltage element Off
00021 On (UF) Switch underfrequency load shed element On
00022 Off (UF) Switch underfrequency load shed element Off
00023 On (ABR) Switch ABR element On
00024 Off (ABR) Switch ABR element Off
On/Off (IO1,
Outputs 1-6)
Switch IO1 Module (Outputs 1-6) On/Off
On/Off (IO2,
Outputs 1-6)
Switch IO2 Module (Outputs 1-6) On/Off
00037 Reserved
00048 Reserved
NOTE: Reserved This coil is always 0.
The coil status in the response message is packed as one coil per bit of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 =
ON; 0 = OFF.
Modbus Protocol Implementation 6
User Manual
5.2 Function 02 Read Input Status
5.2.1 Description
Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete inputs (1X references) in the slave.
Broadcast is not supported.
The query message specifies the starting coil and quantity of coils to be read.
Coils are addressed starting at zero: coils 116 are addressed as 015.
Table 5.3 - 1X references, input coils
Address Settings Description
10001 Lockout All AR OCEF, AR SEF, AR SEF, ABR elements are set in O1 state
10002 Remote Off Control mode is set Local
10003 Local Control Control mode is set Local
10004 AR initiated
Any of AR OCEF, AR SEF, AR UV or ABR elements set in one of O2, O3 or O4
10005 Prot initiated Logical OR of AR initiated and Pickup signals
Group 1 Trip Group 1 was active during ANY of protection trips
Group 2 Trip Group 2 was active during ANY of protection trips
Group 3 Trip Group 3 was active during ANY of protection trips
Group 4 Trip Group 4 was active during ANY of protection trips
10010 Pickup
Pickup output of any of OC1+, OC2+, OC3+, OC1-, OC2-, OC3-, EF1+, EF2+,
EF3+, EF1-, EF2-, EF3-, SEF+, SEF-, EFLL, OCLL, UF, UV1, UV2, UV3 elements
10011 P(OC1+) Pickup output of OC1+ activated
10012 P(OC2+) Pickup output of OC2+ activated
10013 P(OC3+) Pickup output of OC3+ activated
10014 P(OC1-) Pickup output of OC1- activated
10015 P(OC2-) Pickup output of OC2- activated
10016 P(OC3-) Pickup output of OC3- activated
10017 P(OCLL) Pickup output of OCLL activated
10018 P(EF1+) Pickup output of EF1+ activated
10019 P(EF2+) Pickup output of EF2+ activated
10020 P(EF3+) Pickup output of EF3+ activated
10021 P(EF1-) Pickup output of EF1- activated
10022 P(EF2-) Pickup output of EF2- activated
10023 P(EF3-) Pickup output of EF3- activated
10024 P(EFLL) Pickup output of EFLL activated
10025 P(SEF+) Pickup output of SEF+ activated
10026 P(SEF-) Pickup output of SEF- activated
10027 P(UV1) Pickup output of UV1 activated
10028 P(UV2) Pickup output of UV2 activated
10029 P(UV3) Pickup output of UV3 activated
10030 P(UF) Pickup output of UF activated
10031 P(Uabc>) Pickup output of Uabc> activated
10032 P(Urst>) Pickup output of Urst> activated
10033 P(Uabc<) Pickup output of Uabc< activated
10034 P(Urst<) Pickup output of Urst< activated
Open PS=0 irrespective to source
10036 Open (Prot)
Open due to OC1+, OC2+, OC3+, OC1-, OC2-, OC3-, EF1+, EF2+, EF3+, EF1-,
EF2-, EF3-, SEF+, SEF-, EFLL, OCLL, UF, UV1, UV2 or UV3 tripping
7 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
Address Settings Description
10037 Open (OC1+) Open due to OC1+ tripping
10038 Open (OC2+) Open due to OC2+ tripping
10039 Open (OC3+) Open due to OC3+ tripping
10040 Open (OC1-) Open due to OC1- tripping
10041 Open (OC2-) Open due to OC2- tripping
10042 Open (OC3-) Open due to OC3- tripping
10043 Open (OCLL) Open due to OCLL tripping
10044 Open (EF1+) Open due to EF1+ tripping
10045 Open (EF2+) Open due to EF2+ tripping
10046 Open (EF3+) Open due to EF3+ tripping
10047 Open (EF1-) Open due to EF1- tripping
10048 Open (EF2-) Open due to EF2- tripping
10049 Open (EF3-) Open due to EF3- tripping
10050 Open (EFLL) Open due to EFLL tripping
10051 Open (SEF+) Open due to SEF+ tripping
10052 Open (SEF-) Open due to SEF- tripping
10053 Open (UV1) Open due to UV1 tripping
10054 Open (UV2) Open due to UV2 tripping
10055 Open (UV3) Open due to UV3 tripping
10056 Open (UF) Open due to UF tripping
10057 Open (Remote) Open due to SCADA or I/O control signal
10058 Open (SCADA) Open due to SCADA control signal
10059 Open (I/O) Open due to I/O control signal
10060 Open (Local) Open due to MMI, PC control signal or manual tripping
10061 Open (MMI) Open due to MMI control signal
10062 Open (PC) Open due to PC control signal
10063 Open (Manual) Open due to manual tripping (no origin discovered)
10064 Alarm
Alarm output of any of OC1+, OC1-, EF1+, EF1-, SEF+, SEF-, UF, UV1, UV2, UV3
elements activated
10065 A(OC1+) Alarm output of OC1+ activated
10066 A(OC1-) Alarm output of OC1- activated
10067 A(EF1+) Alarm output of EF1+ activated
10068 A(EF1-) Alarm output of EF1- activated
10069 A(SEF+) Alarm output of SEF+ activated
10070 A(SEF-) Alarm output of SEF- activated
10071 A(UV1) Alarm output of UV1 activated
10072 A(UV2) Alarm output of UV2 activated
10073 A(UV3) Alarm output of UV3 activated
10074 A (UF) Alarm output of UF activated
10075 Closed PS=1 irrespective to origin
10076 Closed (AR) Closed due to AR OCEF, AR SEF, AR UV, ABR control signal
10077 Closed (AR OCEF) Closed due to AR OCEF reclosing
Modbus Protocol Implementation 8
User Manual
Address Settings Description
10078 Closed (AR SEF) Closed due to AR SEF reclosing
10079 Closed (AR UV) Closed due to AR UV reclosing
10080 Closed (ABR) Closed due to ABR closing
10081 Closed (Remote) Closed due to SCADA or I/O control signal
10082 Closed (SCADA) Closed due to SCADA control signal
10083 Closed (I/O) Closed due to I/O control signal
10084 Closed (Local) Closed due to MMI, PC control signal or undefined closed
10085 Closed (MMI) Closed due to MMI control signal
10086 Closed (PC) Close due to PC control signal
10087 Closed (undef) Closed state recognized after On (Power) or servicing
10088 Prot On Protection is switched on
10089 Group1 On Active Group 1
10090 Group2 On Active Group 2
10091 Group3 On Active Group 3
10092 Group4 On Active Group 4
10093 EF On Earth overcurrent element is switched on
10094 SEF On Sensitive Earth fault element is switched on
10095 UV On Undervoltage element is switched on
10096 UF On Underfrequency element is switched on
10097 CLP On Cold load pickup element is switched on
10098 LL On Live line element is switched on
10099 AR On OC/EF, UV, SEF reclosing and ABR are switched on
10100 ABR On Automatic backfeed restoration is switched on
10101 Malfunction Any malfunction signal activated
10102 Ext load SC External load short circuit found
10103 Driver SC Driver short circuit found
10104 T
sensor fault T
sensor fault found
10105 OSM coil SC OSM coil short circuit found
10106 Excessive T
Opening time (including driver registration time) exceeds 60ms: within 60ms after
activation of T(E) control signal PS has been deactivated. "Excessive To" signal is
deactivated when PS is deactivated or when C(E) control signal is activated.
10107 Excessive T
Closing time (including driver recognition time) exceeds 100ms: within 100ms after
activation of C(E) control signal PS has not been deactivated. "Excessive Tc" signal
is deactivated when PS is activated or when T(E) control signal is activated.
10108 MPM fault Internal fault of main processing module found
10109 Driver comms err No response from driver
10110 PSM comms error No response from PSM (Power Supply Module)
10111 RTC comms error No response from real time clock
10112 T
comms error No response from MPM temperature sensor
10113 I/O1 comms error No response from I/O1
10114 I/O2 comms error No response from I/O2
10115 Bus comms error Bus comms error
9 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
Address Settings Description
10116 I/O1 fault I/O1 internal fault found
10117 I/O2 fault I/O2 internal fault found
10118 Warning Any warning signal activated
10119 Standby UPS controller set into wake up state
10120 Battery supply UPS is set into Battery supply mode
10121 AC supply UPS is set into AC supply mode
10122 Driver not ready Driver is not ready to execute next control signal
10123 Memory error Corrupted memory cell found
10124 OSM coil isolated OSM coil open circuit found
IO Modules
IO1 Inputs 1 - 6 IO1 Inputs1-6 signals activated
IO2 Inputs 1 - 6 IO2 Inputs 1-6 signals activated
IO1 Outputs 1 - 6 IO1 Outputs 1 - 6 signals activated
IO2 Outputs 1 6 IO2 Outputs 1 - 6 signals activated
10149 Open (AutoABR) Open due to AutoABR tripping
10150 Closed (AutoABR) Closed due to AutoABR reclosing
10151 Reserved
10160 Reserved
NOTE 1: Reserved This coil is always 0. The coil status in the response message is packed as one coil per bit
of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 = ON; 0 = OFF.
NOTE 2: The following conditions are necessary to perform control of IO Modules from SCADA:
- IO mode is enabled in I/O settings;
- IO Output# has Type equal to Disable in I/O settings;
- IO faults are absent.
Modbus Protocol Implementation 10
User Manual
5.3 Function 03 Read Holding Registers
5.3.1 Description
Read the binary contents of holding registers (4X references) in the slave.
Broadcast is not supported.
The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of registers to be read. Registers are addressed
starting at zero: registers 116 are addressed as 015.
5.3.2 Reading/writing of double-word (32-bits) values
Values single and three-phase total and reactive energy related to forward and reverse power flow directions are
stored in the 32- bit words.
Double-word (32-bits) values are divided into two parts, a suffix "_Lo" (low-order word) or "_Hi" (high-order
Table 5.4 - 4X references, output registers
Address Settings Description
Data and time
40001 Data and time Data and time Lo
40002 Data and time Data and time Hi
NOTE: Date and time are established in the seconds beginning from 1997.
11 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
5.4 Function 04 Read Input Registers
5.4.1 Description
Read the binary contents of input registers (3X references) in the slave.
Broadcast is not supported.
The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of registers to be read. Registers are addressed
starting at zero: registers 116 are addressed as 015.
5.4.2 Reading/writing of double-word (32-bits) values
Values single and three-phase total and reactive energy related to forward and reverse power flow directions are
stored in the 32- bit words.
Double-word (32-bits) values are divided into two parts, a suffix "_Lo" (low-order word) or "_Hi" (high-order
Table 5.5 - 3X references, input registers
Address Settings Description
Phase currents
30001 Ia Phase currents Ia
30002 Ib Phase currents Ib
30003 Ic Phase currents Ic
30004 In Zero sequence current
Phase to earth voltages
30005 Ua Phase to earth voltages Ua
30006 Ub Phase to earth voltages Ub
30007 Uc Phase to earth voltages Uc
30008 Ur Phase to earth voltages Ur
30009 Us Phase to earth voltages Us
30010 Ut Phase to earth voltages Ut
Line to line voltages
30011 Uab Line to line voltages Uab
30012 Ubc Line to line voltages Ubc
30013 Uca Line to line voltages Uca
30014 Urs Line to line voltages Urs
30015 Ust Line to line voltages Ust
30016 Utr Line to line voltages Utr
Single and three phase total, active and reactive power
30017 A kVA A kVA
30018 B kVA B kVA
30019 C kVA C kVA
30020 A kW A kW
30021 B kW B kW
30022 C kW C kW
30023 A kVAr A kVAr
30024 B kVAr B kVAr
30025 C kVAr C kVAr
30026 KVA KVA
30027 KVAr KVAr
30028 KW KW
Single and three phase total and reactive energy related
to forward and reverse power flow directions
30029 A+kVA*h A+kVA*h_Hi
Modbus Protocol Implementation 12
User Manual
Address Settings Description
30030 A+kVA*h A+kVA*h_Lo
30031 B+kVA*h B+kVA*h_Hi
30032 B+kVA*h B+kVA*h_Lo
30033 C+kVA*h C+kVA*h_Hi
30034 C+kVA*h C+kVA*h_Lo
30035 A+kVAr*h A+kVAr*h_Hi
30036 A+kVAr*h A+kVAr*h_Lo
30037 B+kVAr*h B+kVAr*h_Hi
30038 B+kVAr*h B+kVAr*h_Lo
30039 C+kVAr*h C+kVAr*h_Hi
30040 C+kVAr*h C+kVAr*h_Lo
30041 +kVA*h +kVA*h_Hi
30042 +kVA*h +kVA*h_Lo
30043 +kVAr*h +kVAr*h_Hi
30044 +kVAr*h +kVAr*h_Lo
30045 A-kVA*h A-kVA*h_Hi
30046 A-kVA*h A-kVA*h_Lo
30047 B-kVA*h B-kVA*h_Hi
30048 B-kVA*h B-kVA*h_Lo
30049 C-kVA*h C-kVA*h_Hi
30050 C-kVA*h C-kVA*h_Lo
30051 A-kVAr*h A-kVAr*h_Hi
30052 A-kVAr*h A-kVAr*h_Lo
30053 B-kVAr*h B-kVAr*h_Hi
30054 B-kVAr*h B-kVAr*h_Lo
30055 C-kVAr*h C-kVAr*h_Hi
30056 C-kVAr*h C-kVAr*h_Lo
30057 -kVA*h -kVA*h_Hi
30058 -kVA*h -kVA*h_Lo
30059 -kVAr*h -kVAr*h_Hi
30060 -kVAr*h -kVAr*h_Lo
Frequency from ABC and RST
30061 Fabc Fabc
30062 Frst Frst
Phase sequence from ABC and RST sides
30063 ABC/ACB/? ABC/ACB/?
30064 RST/RTS/? RST/RTS/?
OC, EF, SEF power flow direction
30065 OC OC
30066 EF EF
30067 SEF SEF
Single phase and three phase power factor
30068 3phase 3phase
13 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
Address Settings Description
30069 A phase A phase
30070 B phase B phase
30071 C phase C phase
Lifetime counters
30072 CO Total CO Total
30073 Mech.wear,% Mech.wear,%
30074 Contact wear,% Contact wear,%
Fault counters
30075 OC A trips OC A trips
30076 OC B trips OC B trips
30077 OC C trips OC C trips
30078 EF trips EF trips
30079 SEF trips SEF trips
30080 UV trips UV trips
30081 UF trips UF trips
30082 Inmax Trip Maximum In current prior to any OCEF elements trip
30083 Iamax Trip Maximum phase A current prior to any OCEF element trip
30084 Ibmax Trip Maximum phase B current prior to any OCEF element trip
30085 Icmax Trip Maximum phase C current prior to any OCEF element trip
30086 UVmin Trip Minimum voltage prior to any UV elements trip
30087 UFmin Trip Minimum frequency prior to UF element trip
Modbus Protocol Implementation 14
User Manual
Table 5.6 Measured value
Measured value Register and Designation
Phase currents,
Iamax, Ibmax, Icmax Trip
Register Description
30001 Ia
30002 Ib
30003 Ic
07000A 1A
Phase to earth voltages
Register Description
30005 Ua
30006 Ub
30007 Uc
30008 Ur
30009 Us
30010 Ut
018kV 1V
Line to line voltages
Register Description
30011 Uab
30012 Ubc
30013 Uca
30014 Urs
30015 Ust
30016 Uta
0-30kV 1V
Zero sequence current,
Inmax Trip
Register Description
30004 In
07000A 1A
Single and three phase total,
active and reactive power
Register Description
30017 A kVA
30018 B kVA
30019 C kVA
30020 A kW
30021 B kW
30022 C kW
30023 A kVAr
30024 B kVAr
30025 C kVAr
30026 KVA
30027 KVAr
30028 KW
065535 1
15 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
Measured value Register and Designation
Single and three phase total and
reactive energy related to
forward and reverse power flow
Register Description
30029-30030 A+kVA*h
30031-30032 B+kVA*h
30033-30034 C+kVA*h
30035-30036 A+kVAr*h
30037-30038 B+kVAr*h
30039-30040 C+kVAr*h
30041-30042 +kVA*h
30043-30044 +kVAr*h
30045-30046 A-kVA*h
30047-30048 B-kVA*h
30049-30050 C-kVA*h
30051-30052 A-kVAr*h
30053-30054 B-kVAr*h
30055-30056 C-kVAr*h
30057-30058 -kVA*h
30059-30060 -kVAr*h
0999999999 1
Frequency from ABC and RST
recloser sides
(see NOTE 1, 2)
Register Description
30061 Fabc
30062 Frst
4565 Hz 0.01Hz
Phase sequence from ABC and
RST sides
Phase seq.
0x00 ACB(RTS)
0x01 ABC(RST)
0x02 ?
OC, EF, SEF power flow direction
0x00 +
0x01 -
0x02 ?
Single phase and three phase
power factor
(see NOTE 2, 3)
Power factor: 3phase, A phase, B phase, C phase 01 0.001
NOTE 1: In order to obtain the value of frequency in Hz the value obtained from Modbus must be multiplied by
NOTE 2: If a situation occurs where it is not possible to conduct the calculation of power factor or frequency then
Modbus returns value equal 0x7FFF.
NOTE 3: In order to obtain power factor the value obtained from Modbus must be multiplied by 0.001.
Modbus Protocol Implementation 16
User Manual
5.5 Function 05 Force Single Coil
5.5.1 Description
Forces a single coil (0X reference) to either ON or OFF. When broadcast, the function forces the same coil
reference in all attached slaves.
If an error occurs in the processing of a broadcast request, the exception response is not formed.
The setting of coils does not occur with the appearance of exception.
The list of coils is given in Table 5.2.
NOTE 1: The setting of coil in 0 will not result in any changes in the RC-01E(S).
NOTE 2: The setting of "Reserved" coil in 0 or 1 will not result in any changes in the RC-01E(S).
5.6 Function 06 Preset Single Register
5.6.1 Description
Presets a value into a single holding register (4X reference). When broadcast, the function presets the same
register reference in all attached slaves.
If there is an error in the processing of a broadcast request, the exception response is not formed.
The list of coils is given in Table 5.4.
5.7 Function 15 (0F Hex) Force Multiple Coils
5.7.1 Description
Forces each coil (0X reference) in a sequence of coils to either ON or OFF. When broadcast, the function forces
the same coil references in all attached slaves.
If there is an error in the processing of a broadcast request, the exception response is not formed.
The setting of coils does not occur with the appearance of exception.
The list of coils is given in Table 5.2.
NOTE 1: The setting of coil in 0 doesnt affect the protection algorithms in the RC-01E(S).
NOTE 2: The setting of "Reserved" coil in 0 or 1 will not result in any changes in the RC-01E(S).
5.8 Function 16 (10 Hex) Preset Multiple Registers
5.8.1 Description
Presets values into a sequence of holding registers (4X references). When broadcast, the function presets the
same register references in all attached slaves.
If there is an error in the processing of a broadcast request, the exception response is not formed.
The list of coils is given in Table 5.4.
17 Modbus Protocol Implementation
User Manual
The exception response message has two fields that differentiate it from a normal response:
Function Code Field: In a normal response, the server echoes the function code of the original request in the
function code field of the response. All function codes have a mostsignificant bit (MSB) of 0 (their values are all
below 80 hexadecimal). In an exception response, the server sets the MSB of the function code to 1. This makes
the function code value in an exception response exactly 80 hexadecimal higher than the value would be for a
normal response.
With the function codes MSB set, the client's application program can recognize the exception response and
can examine the data field for the exception code.
Data Field: In a normal response, the server may return data or statistics in the data field (any information that
was requested in the request). In an exception response, the server returns an exception code in the data field,
defining the server condition that caused the exception.
This Modbus implementation returns three types of errors; they are given in table 5.1. The complete list of
possible errors are documented in the PI-MBUS-300 document.
Table 6.1 - MODBUS Exception Codes
MODBUS Exception Codes
Code Name Meaning
01 ILLEGAL FUNCTION The function code received in the query is not an allowable action
for the slave. If a Poll Program Complete command was issued, this
code indicates that no program function preceded it.
This error can arise with the demand of the non supported function
The data address received in the query is not an allowable address
for the slave.
This error can arise in such a case when a nonexistent data object
address is used in the request.
A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value
for the slave.
This error can arise during an attempt to set values at the moment
when the RC-01E(S) is set in the Remote Off (Local) mode.
04 SLAVE DEVICE FAILURE An unrecoverable error occurred while the slave was attempting to
perform the requested action.