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Summer internship Project
(A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of bachelor of business administration, under Utkal University)
Prepared by:
anish mahapatra
!oll no: "#$%$U"&"'"$
Under the guidance of
Internal Guide:
External Guide:
!ashmi !anjan Pani(rahi MR P.K. BAL
)aculty )inance , A*+, -)./ 0U,,A01 A!1.,+23
-))+0., -!+**A
Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
.4,.!2A5 0.!,+)+0A,.
+2,.!2A5 0.!,+)+0A,.
MANAGEMENT & IT do hereb de!"are that th#s Su$$er Internsh#% Pro&e!t on
67U8.!* P!.0.P,+-2 !.3A!/+23 P!.5U209 -) -)./ +0. 0!.A'
sub$#tted b $e under the e(terna" )u#dan!e of MR P.K. BAL,*OMFE+
MIL, PRO+-CT MAR,ETING INCHARGE. and Interna" )u#dan!e of Mr/
!A*9+ !A2:A2 PA2+3!A9+, Fa!u"t #n F#nan!e, ASMIT/
Th#s Pro&e!t re%ort #s an Or#)#na" P#e!e of 0or1 done b $e and as far as $
1no0"ed)e #s !on!erned #t has not been sub$#tted to another un#2ers#t or
%ub"#shed #n an 0here %r#or to #t/
A2+*9 A9APA,!A
!-55 2-;
77A <
I a$ than1fu" to OMFE+ MAR,RTING OFFICE, for )#2#n) $e an o%%ortun#t
to 0or1 #n the#r estee$ed or)an#3at#on/ I a$ honored to s#n!ere" than1 != 7=
+*9!A *MAR,ETING MANEGER., -)./ 0U,,A01 A!1.,+23
-))+0., 0ho )a2e $e an o%%ortun#t to 0or1 under su!h an estee$ed
or)an#3at#on and for e(%ress#n) h#s fa#th and !onf#den!e #n $e b ass#)n#n) th#s
I a$ a"so 2er )ratefu" to ! P=1= 7A5 0ho a"0as su%%orts us #n the
or)an#3at#on& a"" the asso!#ates 0ho su%%orts us for do#n) the %ro&e!t #n the
I a$ a"so )ratefu" to our )u#de Mr/ Rash$# Ran&an Pan#)rah# Fa!u"t of ASMIT,
0hose !ont#nuous and 2a"uab"e )u#dan!e !an ne2er be for)otten and 0#thout
0ho$, th#s stud !ou"d not ha2e )ot th#s %resent sha%e/
As the outset I e(%ress $ dee% sense of )rat#tude to our Hon4b"e +#re!tor,
ASMIT& to the !ourse !oord#nator of 55A for )#2#n) $e %er$#ss#on to under)o
th#s tra#n#n) %ro)ra$$e/
F#na"" I a$ than1fu" to a"" the fa!u"t $e$bers & fr#ends 0ho su%%orted $e for
do#n) the %ro&e!t
A2+*9 A9APA,!A
77A <
Cha%ter Sub&e!t Pa)e no
6 Introdu!t#on
Co$%an %rof#"e
E(e!ut#2e su$$ar
Ob&e!t#2e of the stud
S!o%e of the stud
+ata sour!e and $ethodo"o)
Co""e!t#on of Pr#$ar data
Co""e!t#on of se!ondar data
: Genera" %rof#"e of the !o$%an
Produ!t 1no0"ed)e
O$fed #!e<!rea$
> +ata ana"s#s and Inter%retat#on ?:
; F#nd#n)s
S0ot Ana"s#s
The industries form the backbone of the countries. Today many industries
have emerged into light giving employment and financial support to the
countrys economy. !mong these" small scale industries have came up
#ith a boom. Today they support to large group people in villages
increasing their standard of living. $n advanced countries" dairying is a
separate industry but in $ndia it is considered as a part of agriculture
#astages to feed animals and animals #aste in turn as a source of fuel
and fertili%er.
The &rissa milk federation '&()*+, came into e-istence in the year 1./01
1./1 in the second phase of operation flood programmed. 2ith the
financial assistance of $ndian corporation technical kno#1ho# of national
dairy development board and due patronage of the state government to
replicate 3u4arats famous and pattern of $ndian dairy co1operatives. This
is their system" at the village level1there are milk producers co1operative
societies" at the district level there are milk unions and at the state level
there is milk federation" #hich is an overseeing body. &nly four districts
have been taken up under this programmed so far e.g. 5uttack" 6uri"
+henkanal" and 7eon4har. 8ubse9uently the scope of federation further
e-panded to the district like 3an4am" 8ambalpur" 8undergarh and
$n the field of marketing of milk" milk products and other products" &()*+
is playing a vital role. $t gives employment to any village farmers" milkman
and also give them good return on their production. $t supplies around 1"
00"000 liters of milk daily. *-cept marketing the milk and milk products"
&()*+ also marketing their agro products like 7andhamala haldi po#der"
mustard seed" and horticulture products like s9uash" 4am" tomato sauce"
pickle etc.
The &rissa 8tate 5o1operative (ilk 6roducers )ederation ;td. '&()*+,
started in 1./0. $ts affiliated to +istrict 5o1operative (ilk 6roducers <nion
and =undreds of village (ilk 6roducers 5o1operative 8ocieties provide a
three tier cooperative organi%ational setup for milk enlarge scale &()*+
is organi%ing marketing facilities for #hatever milk is produced in >illages
and hence to give the farmers and incentive to produce more milk. The
)armer producer is paid on the basis of 9uality of milk i.e. t#o a-is milk
pricing 8tructure based on fat '3hee, and 8olid not fat 'cheese, contain of
milk. &()*+ has seven dairy plants at :hubanes#ar" ?ourkela"
8ambalpur" :alasore" +henkanal" 7eon4har" and @eypore to process milk
received from appro-imately 11lakh farmers through 10 chilling centers of
+istrict (ilk 6roducers <nion. <nder the brand A&()*+A these dairies are
involved in processing of milk 6roducts in various packing si%es for
marketing the same inside and outside the state &f &rissa. &()*+ as a
brand name has become an integral part its e-istence. Thus its
effectiveness as a co1operative organi%ation in handling rural milk
6rocurement" processing and marketing has been proved beyond doubt in
the state of &rissa. &()*+ is providing good" fresh pasteuri%ed"
homogeni%ed and vitamini%ed 5lean milk" both toned and double toned in
hygienic polythene sachets of half liter !nd one liter to the consumer at
reasonable price from their modern hygienic dairy 6lants. &()*+ is
practicing high ethical standards in its business. &()*+ milk and (ilk
products are very nutritive" tasteful" delicious" digestive" and adds to
satiety. $t is 8#eet and appeti%ing and can be consumed directly. The
chilled &()*+ milk helps in prevention of hyper acidity" stomach disorders
and eye ailments. $t is also good for :rain development of gro#ing
!s per the survey conducted #ith &()*+" the details on distribution
channel" margins allo#ed to distributors and retailers" the product mi-" the
fast moving and slo# moving products #ere obtained. &()*+ has t#o
distribution channels B direct distribution to their booth and though the
distributors to the retailers. &()*+ distributes its products through
distributors to the retailers. They allo# a margin of about 15C to 20C to
the retailers #hereas /Cto 10C to its distributors. The 5ompany does not
indulge in promotion schemes for its e-isting and fast moving brands.
=o#ever" for ne# brands they have promotion schemes. (a-imum
revenue is generated from curd. )ast moving products are milk" ghee and
curd" and slo# moving brands are flavored milk" cold coffee and +elight
@uice. &()*+ has a replacement policy for damaged goods provided it is
#ithin the e-piry date. The #hole process of replacement takes about 20
days. <sually distributors of &()*+ dont keep the stock #ith them. They
directly take products from the company and distribute to the retailers as
per the advance orders received 5omparing &()*+ #ith !mul" the latter
has only one channel of distribution B distributor to the retailers. The profit
margin for the distributor is .C and for retailers it is 7.5C. !mulspray
generates ma-imum revenue and it is also the fast moving brand of !mul.
1. To kno# #hich type of distribution channel is follo#ed by &()*+ for
marketing their ice cream product.
2. To test the effectiveness of distribution channel of &()*+ ice cream
products in 5uttack city.
3. To kno# #hether customers are getting the products from retailers in
proper time or not.
4. To kno# #hether &()*+ is able to cover the total market through
the channel of distribution.
5. To help the firm to carry uninterrupted manufacturing that the
channel #ill take care of sales.
6. To determine ho# much cost is involved in distribution channel"
#hich is follo#ed by &()*+D
7. To study #hether there is channel conflict bet#een channel
:uyers behavior of omfed icecream product covers the manufacturers"
2holesalers" retailers and customers etc and my study mainly cover the
geographical area of 5uttack city of &rissa only. $ have collected the data
from different retail outlets and this collection of data is done through
personal intervie# method by making some 9uestionnaires. The study is
mainly concerned #ith &mfed 5ompany in finding out the distribution of
omfed icecream products in 5uttack market in present market scenario.
2hile deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the
study" the researcher should keep in mind t#o types of data1E primary and
secondary data. The primary data are those #hich are collected fresh and
for the first time" and thus happen to be original in character. The
secondary data" on the other hand are those #hich have already been
collected by someone else and #hich have already been passed through
statistical process.
2e can obtain the primary data either through observation or through
direct communication #ith respondents in one form or another or through
personal intervie#s. 6rimary data can be collected either through
e-periment or through survey. $f the researcher conducts an e-periment"
he observes some 9uantitative measurements" or the data" #ith the help of
#hich he e-amines the truth contained in his hypothesis. :ut in case of a
survey" data can be collected by any one or more of follo#ing #aysE1
1. By obs!"#$%o&
This method implies the collection of information by #ay of investigators
o#n observation" #ithout intervie#ing the respondents. The information
obtained relates to #hat is currently happening and is not complicated by
either the past behavior or future intentions or attitudes of respondents
.This method is no doubt an e-pensive method and the information
provided by this method is also very limited. !s such this method is not
suitable in in9uiries #here large samples are concerned.
'. T(!o)*( +!so&#, %&$!"%-
The investigator follo#s a rigid procedure and seeks ans#ers to a set of
pre1conceived 9uestions through personal intervie#s. This method of
collecting data is usually carried out in a structured #ay #here output
depends upon the ability of the intervie#er to a large e-tent.
.. T(!o)*( $,+(o& %&$!"%-s
This method of collecting information involves contacting the
respondents on telephone itself. This is not a very #idely used method
but it plays an important role in industrial surveys in developed regions"
particularly" #hen the survey has to be accomplished in a very limited
/. By 0#%,%&* o1 2)s$%o&&#%!s
The researcher and respondents do come in contact #ith each other if
this method of survey is adopted. Fuestionnaires are mailed to the
respondents #ith a re9uest to return after completing the same. $t is the
most e-tensively used method in various economic and business
surveys. :efore applying this method" usually a pilot study for testing
the 9uestionnaire is conducted #hich reveals #eaknesses" if any of the
9uestionnaireD Fuestionnaire to be used must be prepared very
carefully so that it may prove to be effective in collecting the relevant
3. T(!o)*( s4(5),s
<nder this method the enumerators are appointed and given training.
They are provided #ith schedules containing relevant 9uestions. These
enumerators go to respondents #ith these schedules. +ata are
collected by filling up the schedules by enumerators on the basis of
replies given by respondents. (uch depends upon the capability of
enumerators so far as this method is concerned. 8ome occasional field
checks on the #ork of enumerators may ensure sincere #ork.
8econdary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to
the data #hich have already been collected and analy%ed by someone
else. 2hen the researcher utili%es secondary data" then he has to look
into various sources from #here he can obtain them. $n this case he is
certainly not confronted #ith the problems that are usually associated
#ith the collection of original data. 8econdary data may either be
published data or unpublished data. <sually published data are
available in
>arious publications of the central" state or local governments.
>arious publications of foreign govt. or of international bodies and
their subsidiary organi%ations.
Technical and trade 4ournals.
:ooks" maga%ines" ne#spapers.
?eports and publications of various associations connected #ith
business and industry" banks" stock e-changes" etc.
?eports prepared by research scholars" universities" economist
6ublic records and statistics" historical documents" and other
sources of published information.
T( so)!4s o1 )&+)b,%s(5 5#$# #! 0#&y
They may be found in diaries" letters" unpublished biographies and
auto biographies and also may be available #ith scholar and research
#orkers" trade associations" labor bureaus and other publicGprivate
individuals and organi%ation.
The &rissa state co1operative milk producers federation ;td. '&()*+,
#as started on 26
@anuary 1./1" under operation flood1$$ program. The
main ob4ective of starting this federation" the &rissa state government has
some effort in organi%ing the diary sector" by encouraging the formation of
village milk producers co1operative societies at village level in the
undivided districts of 5uttack" puri" dhenkanal H keon4har and
subse9uently e-panded to the district of sambalpur" gan4am under $I+&1
82$88 pro4ect. &()*+ started its milk marketing in the t#in city of
5uttack H :hubanes#ar. Then #ith the e-pansion of market for
pasteuri%ed milk" ne# dairy plant #as established at 5handrasekharpur"
:hubanes#ar H at ?ourkela. The plant capacity of :hubanes#ar #as
60"000 litersGday #hich is no# e-panded to 3 lakhs litersGday. 8imilarly" the
plant capacity of ?ourkela #as 30"000 litersGday #hich is no# e-panded to
60"000 litersGday. Then 8ambalpur dairy #as established in the year 1..0
#ith the handling capacity of 10"000 litersGday #hich is no# e-panded to
30"000 litersGday. !ll these dairy plant are commissioned by the national
dairy development board'I++:,.The success story of &()*+ from
1./112012 gives birth many dairy plants to the &rissa state for improving
the socio1economic condition of poor village milk producers farmers. Io#
&()*+ organi%ation is a leading dairy development and implementing
agency under government co1operative sector and operating &()*+ dairy
plants at :alasore 30"000 litersGday ';6+," :erhampur 30"000;6+"
+henkanal 20"000 ;6+" 7eon4har 20"000 ;6+"Tirtol 10"000 ;6+" @aipur
10"000 ;6+" 7oraput 10"000 ;6+" :habanipatana 10"000 ;6+" H
5handes#ar 5000 ;6+.
To be a leading milk producing organi%ation at international level of
efficiency #ith #idest and satisfied customer base" ma-imi%ing #ealth of
stakeholders H contributing to the state economy.
!dvancement of dairying" encouraging and educating people" through
mutual participation.
5ontinuous endeavor to increase productivity H per capita
To promote clean milk production and distribution #ith state1of1art
5ustomer satisfaction #ith reliable" uninterrupted services and
9uality products.
To foster a performance oriented culture encouraging innovation.
To promote a congenial #ork climate encouraging employees to
participate and contribute for organi%ational gro#th.
To be a learning organi%ation and responsive to changing
5ontinuous up gradation of skills H competence of employees H their
career advancement.
To enrich 9uality of life of people and preserve ecological balance.
T( M#&#*0&$ o1 O01578
The &rissa state co1operative milk producers federation ;td. is controlled
by a board of directors #hich consists of all affiliated milk unions" three
nominees of 3ovt. of &rissa" a nominee from national dairy development
board and managing director of omfed. The chairman of :&+ is elected
amongst the members of the board. The post of chairman of the federation
is honorary H govt. nominee.
To carry out activities for promoting production" procurement"
6rocessing and marketing of milk H milk products for economic
development of the rural farming community.
+evelopment and e-pansion of such allied activities as may be conducive
for the promotion of dairy industry. $mprovement and protection of milk
animals and economic betterment of those engaged in milk production. $n
particular and #ithout pre4udice to the generality of the foregoing ob4ective"
the federation mayE1
6urchase and Gor erect building" plant" machinery and other ancillary
ob4ects to carry out business.
8tudy problems of mutual interest related to procurement"
M#!9$%&* o1 5#%!y #&5 #,,%5 +!o5)4$s.
6urchase commodities from the members of other sources #ithout
affecting the interest of the members" process"
(anufacture" distribute and sell them same" arrange to
manufactureGpurchase and distribute balanced cattle feed and for the
purpose to set up milk collection and chilling centers" milk processing
plants" product factories etc" in any of the district covered under its area of
6rovide veterinary aid and artificial insemination services and to undertake
animal husbandry activities so as to improve animal health care disease
control facilities.
!dvice" guide and assists the milk union in all respects of management"
supervision audit functions.
?ender technical" administrative" financial and other necessary assistance
to the member unions and enter into collaboration agreement #ith
someone" if the need arises.
!dvise the member unions on price fi-ations" public relation and allied
!s per the norms of operation programmer" &()*+ is the implementing
agency of this program in &rissa. <nder the operation flood1$$ programmer"
the re9uired funds released to the district milk unions through &()*+" for
the different activities such as milk processing" manpo#er operation flood1
$$" the national dairy development board 'I++:, directly reimbursed the
funds to milk union" on the basis of federation on the funds utili%ation
reports submitted by the representative district unions.
!part from I++:" &()*+ is receiving financial assistance from the govt.
of &rissa" as grant1in1aid and share capital. !s on 31
march" 1..7"
&()*+ has received ?s.125/..2 lacs as grant1in1aid for different activities
and ?s./0 lacs as share capital from govt. of &rissa.
$n 1../1.." ?s.56 lacs from govt. of &rissa to#ards grant1in1aid and
?s.541.77 lacs from govt. of $ndia to#ards &rissa #omen diary pro4ect H
then under $++ $>H> 3ovt. of $ndia provide financial assistance to &()*+
for dairy development in the state.
The principal activities of omfed can be divided into the follo#ing
1. &rgani%ation of !nand pattern
2. &peration flood programmer in &rissa
3. 6rocurement of milk.
4. Technical inputs
5. 2omens dairy pro4ect
6. $++ pro4ect
7. 6rocessing and marketing
/. &mfed products
.. Training
A&#&5 +#$$!&
The !nand pattern is the successful formula first adopted by 7aira district
co1op. milk producers union ltd '!(<;,.This is to be collectively procure"
process and market their surplus milk. This is a three tier system Bthe
village society 'concerned mainly #ith the primary producers and collection
of milk,"the district milk union'looking after milk procurement" chilling and
supply of technical inputs like artificial insemination" animal health care"
supply of balanced cattle feed H fodder" trainingGe-tension etc., and the
milk federation looks after processing and marketing of milk H milk
products" central technical input activities etc for milk yield enhancement of
the animals of milk producers. $n the traditional system" the farmers did not
o#n the processing and marketing facilities. (iddlemen could dictate the
term of the trade against the primary producers" by offering a lo#er price
for their milk and against the consumer by offering lo#er 9uality.
(iddlemen interest in providing technical inputs to enhance milk
production #as missing. !nand pattern is a system that is collectively
o#ned" operated and controlled by the farmers. $t ensures a fair price to
the farmer and high 9uality milk and milk products to the consumers. $n
short" the !nand pattern means the utili%ation of resources in most
profitable manner at grass1root level. The ma-imi%ation of profit and
production through co1operative effort is the hallmark of !nand pattern.
! board of directors #ho get elected in the follo#ing manner manages the
milk union" 12 are elected farmer representatives
! nominee of financing institution 'I++:,
! nominee of milk federation '&()*+,
3eneral (anager of milk union as the *-1officio secretary.
!t present" collector is the chairmen of milk union. 3eneral (anager is the
chief business officer of the union #ho in turn appoints other managerial"
technical H staff employees. This board frames milk unions policies
regarding milk procurement and supply" fund management etc" #here as
the general manager looks after the day1to1day operation under the
guidance and direction of board. *very society is continuously guided"
supervised" and controlled by the union so that it remains efficient" strong
and viable. There is a continuous and concurrent audit of all the societies
on a 9uality basis to ensure a clean milk business.
The federation is managed by a board of directors elected in the follo#ing
1. Three are 3overnment of &rissa nominees.
2. &ne from the financing agency.
3. The selected chairman of the affiliated milk unions.
4. The chairman of the federation is to be elected by the board of
directors. The federation looks after processing and marketing of
milk H milk products.
1. O+!#$%o& 1,oo5 II
The operation flood $$ program #hich #as launched under the national
dairy development board 'I++:, implemented in the state of &rissa from
1./1" initially covering four districts i.e. 5uttack" +henkanal" 7eon4har"
6uri. The &rissa state co1operative milk producers federation came into
being from the year 1./01/1"after taking over the 6hulnakhara dairy and
the functioning started from 26
@anuary 1./1.This follo#ed an agreement
signed on 30
may 1.7. bet#een the govt. of &rissa the $ndian dairy
corporation for implementation of operation flood pro4ect $$ by the govt. of
$ndia" the state government" the $ndian dairy corporation" the national dairy
development board and the milk producers co1operatives" #ith assistance
from the international development association. This #as later buttressed
by a guaranteed deed dated 05.0..1./1 given by the forest" fisheries and
animal husbandry department on behalf of the state government" then
$ndian dairy corporation for financial assistance to be received as per the
loans1cum1grant agreements by the &rissa milk federation from $ndian
dairy corporation. The operation flood $$ program ended on 30.0..1./7
The operation flood $$$ program is implemented in operation flood districts
of the state from &ctober 1./7.<nder this program the sambalpur district is
included from august 1./..*-pansion of :hubanes#ar dairy from 60"000
lpd to75"000lpdJe-pansion of Tirtol milk chilling centre from 10"000lpd to
20"000lpd Ja ne# chilling plant #ith a capacity of 20"000 lpd at Iimapara
'6uri, in place of 4000 lpd unitJ strengthening of cattle feed plant at
?adhadamodarpur'5uttack, are some of the ma4or pro4ects taken up under
the operation flood program $$$. )or this purpose" a letter of understanding
bet#een state government" represented then by forest" fisheries" and
animal husbandry department and the national dairy development board"
as successor of the erst#hile $ndian dairy corporation #as signed on
27.0/.1.//" specifying the parameters for implementing the operation
flood $$$ program. The ;on1cum1grant agreement bet#een the national
dairy development board and &rissa milk federation as #ell as the
concerned district milk unions for the financial assistance under operation
flood $$$ has been e-ecuted. The state govt. guarantee on behalf of the
&rissa milk federation and district milk unions as the letter of
understanding to I++: has been e-ecuted on 05.05.1..2.
The milk is collected from the village based milk producers through the
village dairy co1operative societies. The farmers of society villages bring
their surplus milk to the society" #here it is tested" 9uantified and the value
of the milk is being fi-ed. !gain from the society level the milk being lifted
to nearest chilling plant #here it is chilled to 5c and the same milk after
chilling is transported to the nearest dairy for processing" packaging" and
marketing. !fter marketing of milk H milk products" the reali%ation is routed
back the producers once in 10 days in the same manner. This organi%ation
establishes linkage from producers to consumers.
6rocurement of milk depends upon its production. $f the production of milk
is enhanced" the surplus of milk #ill be higher" and the procurement #ill be
increased. The production of milk depends upon the productivity of the
milk animals and productivity of animal depends upon its breeding"
feeding" health care and maintenance. 8o to enhance milk procurement"
different programs are being organi%ed in the society level and the milk
producers getting the facilities at their doorsteps" are called the technical
input programs.
The population of crossbred milk animals in our state is very small. )or
better productivity good 9uality milk animals are essential. 8o 350 dairy co1
operative societies provided #ith artificial insemination facilities" out of
#hich 1/ centers are cluster centers. The society secretaries have been
trained as inseminators by &()*+. )or this service" the li9uid nitrogen"
fro%en semen and all the accessories are being supplied to the societies
free of cost.
Iational technology mission on dairy developmentE1Iational technology
mission #as formulated by I++: and #as implemented in 5 operation
flood districts. $ts main aim #as to co1ordinate among various functionaries
#ho #ere engaged in strengthening of rural farmers. >eterinary
dispensaries #ere e9uipped #ith breeding facilities and these dispensaries
became the nerve centre of rural milk producers. The different programs
Co7o+!#$%" 5",o+0&$ +!o*!#00
The program is being formulated by I++:. $ts main #as to inculcate co1
operative spirit in the rural milk farmers to manage their o#n business.
I&5o7s-%ss +!o:4$
$ndo1s#iss pro4ect #as a bilateral program bet#een govt. of $ndia and
s#iss govt. #hich is no# under implementation in 3an4am and 3a4apati
district. $ts main aim is to improve the productivity of animal and to provide
round the year marketing facilities at the door step of the farmer.
5reating conditions in #hich #omen can discover themselves as
active participants in the developmental process.
To bring about economic e9uality and social 4ustice by focusing
attention on and imparting training to#ards poor #omen.
To enable active participation of poor 85G8T rural #omen in their
o#n village economy.
To provide employment for poor rural #omen through activities
linked #ith income generation to generate grass1root level
To empo#er #omen to be able to move into positions of decision
making H po#er.
To train #omen in dairy management" calf rearing" animal
management" fodder development" literacy program H first aid to
rural population.
To develop linkages bet#een #omen dairy co1operative scheme
'2+58, and other concerned agencies. To bring about health
a#areness in the area by e-posing the #omen members to the
intensive need based educational programs #ith the help of
To make optimum utili%ation of #omen platform for coordinating
health department activities for purpose of #omen child
immuni%ation and family #elfare activities.
To utili%e the #omen gathering for interactive learning by #ay of
adult education" e-perience collaboration H sharpening through
out#ard e-posure.
To use the #omen dairy platform as a spring board to introduce
#omen related activities i.e. sanitation" :io1gas plant" smokeless
1. O!*#&%=#$%o& o1 ;o0& D#%!y Co7o+!#$%"s
There is a provision of organi%ing 60 #omen dairy co1operatives in
three year i.e." 20 societies in each year. The target is for covering 50
members in each society.
'. S)++o!$ *%"& $o #4( ;DCS #$ o&478
(ilk testing e9uipments 01set H stationeries ?s.2500.00
(anagerial subsidy ?s.4000.00
>eterinary first aid kit H medicine ?s.3000.00
!nimal travis to each 2+58 01 no. ?s.3000.00
!nimal travis to each 2+58 01 no. ?s.6000.00
)urniture'1 steel almirah"02 chairs"H 01table, ?s.6000.00
Total ?s.24"500.00
.. S)++o!$ >$&55 $o #4( -o0& 00b! o1 ;DCS -%$(%&
# y#!78
16roviding free artificial insemination facility at village level
16roviding free fodder minikits and root slips to the members.
16roviding free animal health check up camp every month at society level.
The re9uired medicine given on 50C subsidy.
16roviding calf feed to the calf bet#een the age group of 12124 months to
the e-tent of ?s.1000 per calf.
1 6roviding &()*+ balanced cattle feed 150 kgK?s.2 during the dry
period of cattle.
1 6roviding financial assistance for stra# treatment #ith urea K ?s.250 per
(T of <8T.
1 6roviding deforming medicine for 2 calvesGco# on 50C subsidy K ?s.60
per member.
1>accine for 02 animals per member on 50C cost basis K ?s.40 per
1<ndertaking members insurance in group insurance scheme to the e-tent
of ?s.10" 000.00
1To undertake insurance of calf in formal H permanent total disability '6T+,
coverage in master policy on 50C subsidy basis.
1To undertake insurance of co# on normal H 6T+ coverage for 3 years on
payment of 50C subsidy.
/. D%11!&$ $!#%&%&* +!o*!#0s )&5!$#9& %& O;DP78
'$,The #omen secretary of the 2+58 is given 15 days training on society
management" the artificial insemination training is given to the !$ #orker
for 30 days at &()*+ training H demonstration centre.
'ii,To enlighten the #omen in the field of co# rearing" more thrust is given
for imparting training on dairy animal management. The training is
highlighted on ho# to identify good 9uality co#" proper feeding" breeding H
management of co# H calf" milk rate" 9uality of milk etc. 3eneral idea
about animal disease H their first aid. The members are residing in the
training hostel and imparted training in the training centre. The resource
people from various faculties are invited as guest lecturers.
'iii,The members are given 03 days training on fodder cultivation H animal
health program. The trainees are imparted to gather kno#ledge regarding
benefit of fodder cultivation" types of fodder" method of fodder cultivation
#ith field visit of fodder museum. The training also given for general
disease of animal and its treatment" the training is designed as animal
husbandry H fodder development.
'iv,The #oman dairy society is managed by managing committee consists
of 0. members in the committee. These members are given training about
the society" its formation" function" :y1la#" right and duties of members
and managing committee procedure of conducting election H management
of society in best #ay. The 03 days program is designed named
management committee members training. This training is imparted at
training centre" 8ilisuan.
'v,The members are given training importance of #omen in society" the
position of #omen" rights of #omen" population control" and legal help to
#omen in case of distress" do#ry act" child care" immuni%ation" nutrition"
food H drinking #ater. The training is being imparted through voluntary
organi%ation e-pert in that field. The program is designed as general
a#areness" legal literacy H health education training.
'vi,The #omen members are given 02 days training at society level ho# to
form the society. :enefits of formation of the society" imparting kno#ledge
in the sphere of mobili%ation" immuni%ation H child care" kno#ledge about
pollution" plantation H sericulture" kno#ledge about various development
program of government and their implication in increasing the socio1
economic status of #omen. The training is designed as #omen education
'vii,To organi%e #omen dairy society" the preliminary training is given to
male persons of village. The male persons are convinced about the
formation of #omen dairy co1operatives and its benefits. Then the #omen
dairy society is formed. The program is designed as male orientation
'$,5onsidering the less no. of co#s in the district" the provision is kept for
financing of co#.?s.5000 is given to the #omen beneficiaryGmember as
margin money for purchase of co#. $t is given an interest free loan. The
beneficiary purchases the co# from the approved supplier of &()*+ the
rest amount is borne by the beneficiary. The margin money is recovered in
installments K ?s.450 per month from milk bill.
'ii,The flood and cyclone affected people of !nandpur #omen society
membersJ ?s.10" 000 is given per member for purchase of co#. The
members have to repay ?s.5000 #ithout any interest K ?s.600 per month
and rest ?s.5000 is given as subsidy.
'iii,)or financing co#s under s#arna4ayantee gramya s#aro4gar yo4na
'838L, the self help groups are being formed at society level. The
beneficiary of belo# poverty line ':6;, category and above poverty line
'!6;, category #ill be given co#s as per the state government guidelines.
The subsidy component depends upon the individual H group finance. The
finance shall be done through banks.
1The milk union is conducting survey to organi%e society #here surplus
milk product of minimum 30G40 liter of milk is there. 6rocuring the milk both
morning H evening. The cost of milk is paid to the society in every 10 days.
The cost of milk is being paid on seasonal basis to the producers.
A"!#* +!%4E1
7g fat 7g 8I) 6er liter.
)lush price'@une"@uly"!ug"8ept, .1.50 61.17 ..00
Iormal price'!pr"(ay"&ct"Iov"+ec, .4.50 63.17 ..25
;ean price'@an")eb"(arch, 100.50 67.50 ../0
1&n the basis of fat as #ell 8I) contents in the milk" the milk rate is paid
accordingly. The average milk 9uality is presently 4.2C fat H /.2C 8I)
#hich is procured from the societies.
1The milk is being pasteuri%ed H packed in poly pack in 500gm after
receiving from the societies at plant. !fter meeting the local market
demand" the rest of the milk sold to :hubanes#ar dairy. The milk is
standardi%ed as toned milk having 3.0C fat H /.5C 8I) H double toned
milk having 1.5C H ..0C 8I) H marketed through retail outlets.
1The milk union is manufacturing :utter milk" s#eet curd" plain
curd" paneer H selling through agents. The different 9uality of
product is sold at different price in the market.
Co&s)0! +!%4 ARs.B
:utter milk 300ml pack 4.00
6lain curd 200gm pack /.00
8#eet curd 100gm pack 6.00
6lain curd 500gm pack 15.00
6lain curd bulk supplyG7g 25.00
6aneerG7g 110.00
3hee 1.0 7g 1/5.00
3hee 500 gm ./.00
3hee 200 gm 42.00
3hee 100 gm 22.00
3hee 50 gm 10.50
3hee looseG7g'for temple sale only, 15/.00

The price of butter milk cost rs 4.00'300 ml, and the price of plain curd
200gm cost ?s/.00.the price of s#eet curd 100 gm pack cost nearly ?s
6.00 and the price of plain curd 500 gm cost ?s15.00.the price of plain
curd of 500gm and plain curd bulk pack cost ?s 25.00.the price of paneer
1 kg cost nearly ?s 110.00. 1 kg of ghee cost ?s 1/5.00.the price of ghee
'500 gm, cost ?s ./.00. The price of 100 and 200 gm of ghee cost ?s 42
and 22 respectively. The price of 50 gm of ghee cost nearly ?s10.50 and
the price of loose ghee per kg cost ?s 15/.00.
The &rissa state co1operative milk producers #as started on 20
@anuary" 1./1" under the operation flood1$$ program. The main ob4ective of
starting this federation #as to develop the dairy industry as an organi%ed
sector in &rissa. *very morning and evening" the society is buying the
surplus milk from the member producer. The producer is paid for the milk
daily. The payment is making on the basis of fat and 8I) 'solid not fat,
content in the milk. This type of pricing is called t#o a-is pricing. !fter the
collection" the milk is transported to the nearest chilling plants of the district
milk union through vehicle engaged by the union or by the head load.
*-penditure related to milk transportation from society to chilling plants
borne by milk union. The procured of milk collected by milk union
transported to chilling centers in milk cans and again tested society #ise
and to society are paid as per the 9uality and 9uantity of milk generally the
milk bill payment of society are made in 10 days intervals by the respective
milk union. The procured milk from society chilled in the milk chilling
centers located in different place and then the chilled milk is transported to
the dairy plants to dairy through insulated road tankers. The transportation
e-penses are borne by federation. The milk received at the dairy dock
again tested and milk bill is prepared on the basis of the fat H 8I) content
of the milk
To ensure favored temperatures of the milk" there are 14 chilling centers
installed in the undivided 5 operation flood districts of &rissa
'i.e.cuttack"dhenkanal"keon4har"puri H sambalpur,.&ut of these keon4har
milk union are supplying their surplus chilled milk to &mfed. The 5uttack
milk union and puri milk union are supplying their chilled milk to
:hubanes#ar" #hich o#ned by &mfed.
(ilk having different 9uality and 9uantity is received at dairies mi-ed
together and stored in the milk tank in a specific temperature. Then vitamin
M! is added to the milk as per govt. rule. &ut of the processed market milk
'toned milk" double toned milk, is produced and packed in an automatic
poly pack machine in half liter attractive poly packs and sent to market.
The urban consumer is the last point of the milk flo# system of operation
flood program. The first point is the rural milk producer" #ho produces milk.
Thus omfed not only plays a vital role to link both the points through its
activities but also channeli%e cores of rupees from urban sector to rural
sector in this system. &ut of the five flood districts" only +henkanal H
7eon4har milk unions market milk through their respective dairies in the
brand name of N&mfedO. The +henkanal milk union markets its milk" in
to#ns like +henkanal"Talcher"Ialco Iagar"and !nugul etc.7eon4har milk
union markets milk in to#ns like 7eon4har"@oda":arbil"!nandpur etc and
supply surplus milk to &mfed. 3enerally milks are being marketed by
&mfed" from its dairies by its authori%ed retailers in different to#ns of the
&mfed has three categories of productsE
1. (ilk H (ilk products
2. =orticulture products
3. 7andhamala organic turmeric
1. Milk & Milk products-:
$n this category" omfed has ten different products in its bag. They are as
per the follo#ingE1
A#BTo&5 0%,978
6acking si%e 1 literGhalf liter sachet unit liter (.?.6 '?s., 13.50
+escription1E To prepare the toned milk" milk is heated to .00c for 15
seconds. $t is homogeni%ed to break fat globules to small 8i%e. Then
vitamin is added to milk. !fter pasteuri%ation and homogeni%ation it is
cooled to 40c and stored in silos for packing. Toned milk contains 3.0C fat
and /.5C 8I) 'other solids but not fat,. &mfed sells /0"000 liters of toned
AbBDo)b, $o&5 0%,978
6acking si%e 1 literGhalf liter sachet unit liter (.?.6 '?s., 12.00
+escription1E To prepare the double toned milk" milk is heated to .00c for
15 seconds. $t is homogeni%ed to break fat globules to small si%e. Then
vitamin N!O is added to milk. !fter pasteuri%ation and homogeni%ation it is
cooled to 40c and stored in silos for packing. +ouble Toned milk contains
1.5C fat and ..0C 8I) 'other solids but not fat,.$t is good for infants and
elderly people due to fat and high proteins. &mfed sells 30"000 liters of
double toned milkGday.
A4BF),, 4!#0 0%,978
6acking si%e 1 literGhalf liter sachet unit liter (.?.6 '?s., 15.00
+escription1E To prepare the double toned milk" milk is heated to .00c for
15 seconds. $t is homogeni%ed to break fat globules to small si%e. Then
vitamin is added to milk. !fter pasteuri%ation and homogeni%ation it is
cooled to 40c and stored in silos for packing. )ull cream milk contains
4.2C fat and /.7C 8I) 'other solids but not fat,.$t is good for children due
to high fat content 'energy,.)ull cream milk is available in #eightsE 500ml.
A5BS-$&5 1,#"o!5 0%,978
6acking si%e bottle 200ml.<nit1(?6 '?s., 7.00
+escription1E $t is prepared from double toned milk fat '1.5C only, by
adding sugar and cardamom flavor. Then it is filled in 200 ml cleaned
bottle and sterili%ed in sterili%er for 30 minutes. The self life of the bottle is
3 months at room temperature. The flavored milk is available in 200 ml.
&ne crate of 8)( is 24 bottles. &mfed sells 400"000 bottles per annum.
ABP,#%& 4)!578
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., /G200gm H ?s 15G500gm.
To prepare the plain curd" ra# milk is mi-ed #ith skimmed milk po#der.
Then it is heated to .00c and then cooled to 500c to add a specially
prepared curd culture. Then it is limed in 200 grams and 500 grams pack
cups and incubated at 420c for 4 hours. Then it is stored #ith transportive
refrigerated condition. The self life in refrigerated condition is 7 days. 6lain
curd is available in #eightsE1500gm" 200gm.6roduction has started since
last one year. &mfed sells 50"000 kgs of plain curd per annum. $t contains
fat '1.5Conly,.
A1BS-$ 4)!578
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., 6G100gm cup.
To prepare the s#eet curd" ra# milk is mi-ed #ith skimmed milk po#der.
Then it is heated to .00c and then cooled to 500c to add a specially
prepared curd culture. Then it is limed in 100 grams plastic cups and
incubated at 420c for 4 hours. Then it is stored #ith transportive
refrigerated condition. 8#eet curd is available in #eights of 100gms and
packing si%e is of 10 kg cartoon. &mfed sells 20" 00"000 cups per year. $t
is a highly delicious H popular product of omfed for all ages of human
being. (arketing has started in 2est :engal cities recently.
A*BT#b, b)$$!78
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., 63G500gm H ?s.13G200gm.
The cream separated from milk is converted to Table butter by
pasteuri%ing the cream and churning cream in a churner. 8alt and annatto
color is added during churning. Then the :utter is packed. :utter is
available in #eightsE1100gm" 500gm.&mfed sells 6000kgs of Table :utter
per year.
A(BP)! *(78
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s.,11.50G50gm pouch.
The surplus fat available in the milk is separated during 6asteuri%ation.
Then the cream separated is boiled in ghee vat at 1200c to remove
moisture to make pure ghee. 6ure ghee contains ....C clarified co# fats.
AIBCo- G(78
The surplus fat available in the milk is separated during pasteuri%ation.
Then the cream separated is boiled in ghee vat at 1200c to remove
moisture to make ghee. 3hee contains ....C clarified co# fats. 3hee is
available in #eightsE11kg" 500gms" 200gms" 100gms.&mfed supplies co#
ghee for kotha bhoga of 8hree @agannath temple" puri.
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., 1/5G1kg 'poly 4ar,
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., ./G500gm 'poly 4ar,
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., 42G200gm 'poly 4ar,
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s., 22G100gm 'poly 4ar, H
'?s., 2260G1kg of tin.
A:BB)$$! 0%,978
Tasty" salted" hygienically processed and packed butter milk is e-tremely
#ell accepted as a summer drink #hich is also much cheaper and healthier
than any other soft drinks. :utter milk is available in 300 ml pack.
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s, 4G300ml sachet.
A#BP%49,786ickle is prepared from fruits" oil" molasses" spices" salt" class1
$$ preservative and acetic acid. 2e produce pickles of mango" lemon H
mi-ed fruits. ;emon" mango and mi-ed pickle are available in #eightsE1
400gm H 200gm bottle.
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s, 140G1 kg glass bottle.
AbBTo0#$o s#)478
Tomato sauce is prepared from fresh tomatoes" sugar" spices and
condiments" salt" class1$$ preservative and acetic acid. Tomato sauce is
available in #eightsE1500gm H 200gm bottle.
A(BC(%,% s#)478
5hili sauce is prepared from fresh green chili" sugar" spices and
condiments" salt" class1$$ preservative and acetic acid. $t is highly delicious"
tasty and popular #ith typical flavor of green farm fresh chilly. 5hili sauce
is available in #eightsE1500gm H 200gm bottle.
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s, 32G500gm glass bottle.
6acking si%e unit (?6 '?s, 17G200gm glass bottle.
&rissa 5( inaugurates &mfedPs ne# ice1cream plant
(onday" !ugust 16" 2010
:hubanes#arE &rissa 5hief (inister Iaveen 6atnaik on (onday
inaugurates ne# ice1cream plant of &mfed built at a cost of ?s 4 corer.
2ith this the state1o#ned &rissa 8tate 5o1operative (ilk 6roducers
)ederation '&mfed, enters into ice1cream market.
&mfed 5(+ 8uresh (ohapatra said the capacity of the ice1cream plant is
6"000 liters and it also has an $talian free%er. (oreover" 3"000 liters of milk
#ould be used to produce ice1creams at the plant. &mfed ice1creams
#ould be available in four flavorsQ>anilla" stra#berry" chocolate and
&mfed authorities are upbeat that their ne# venture #ould be a success
despite stiff competition in the ice1cream segment. &mfed ice1creams
#ould be initially available for the consumers of the t#in cities of 5uttack
and :hubanes#ar and reach out to other parts of the state subse9uently.

8ailent features of omfed ice1cream plant at :hubanes#ar dairy"
5handrasekharpur" and :hubanes#ar.
The &rissa state cooperative milk producers federation ltd. 'omfed, is an
ape- dairy cooperative society registered under &rissa cooperative society
act 1.62 and came into being in the year 1./0.
This is an organi%ation of 30 years old. 8ince then it has come across
many ups and do#ns and as on today 46/4 societies have been organi%ed
enrolling 2.50 lakhs farmer members and daily average milk collection is 4
lakh kgs. The present turnover is members as milk price. &n average
The agriculture deptt.of 3ovt of odisha has sanctioned an icecream plant
#ith an approved cost of rs 3../ cores" out of #hich agriculture deptt.
<nder rkvy has sanctioned rs 1... crores. The pro4ect period is from 200.1
10 to 2011112. The sailent features of icecream plant are as follo#sE
Iame &mfed icecream plant
;ocationE :hubanes#ar dairy" 5handrasekhar
5apacityE 6000 liters per day
Total e-penditureE ?s3../ cores
8ources of fundE ?s 1... cores'50C rkvy" govt. of
&rissa, rs1... cores'50C omfed
o#n sources,
6eriod of the pro4ectE 200.110 to 2011112
Type of productE :utter scotch" vanilla" stra#berry"
Type of packE 8mall pack" bulk pack" family pack"
candy" cup and cone
The milk procurement of omfed is in increasing trend #ith a gro#th rate of
17C. +uring flush" milk procurement goes up to 4.30 lakhs kgs. 6er day.
To cover up the surplus milk procurement our po#der plant is taking care
of leaving a balance of around of 10000litres of milk per day as surplus.
This surplus can only be profitably used through production of icecream.
The icecream plant #ill be an additional feather to the cap of omfed. The
additional profit generated #ould be passed on to the farmers as price
difference. The icecream market is no# dominated by the big players both
in cooperative and corporate sector. &mfed icecream aims to capture at
least 50C of the market in the state #ithin a period of 2 years since it has
established marketing channel throughout the state.
6resently icecream #ill come in various fragrances like vanilla" stra#berryJ
butterscotch.thyis fragrances #ill be available in cone" cups and candy.
6resently it #ill be marketed in :hubanes#ar and 5uttack #hich #ill
e-tend to other areas in due course.
&mfeds assurance to its lakhs of satisfied customers in providing premium
product NicecreamO is soon going to be fulfilled. The plant has successfully
started the trail production and commercial launching #ill be made by the
humble chief minister of odisha on 16.0/.2010. $t is e-pected that this
venture #ill improve the brand image of omfed futher.
Theoretical aspect of the study
!#areness of need
$nformation search
Define needs
Explore solutions
Identity alternative service supplier
Evolution of alternatives service suppliers
Review documentation(e.g.,advertisement,brochures,websites)
onsult with other people (e.g., family, friends, others)
Re!uest service from chosen supplier
Initial self#service.
$ervice delivery
Evaluation of service performance
%wareness of needs
A#BT( s,,%&* 4o&4+$
Target market consumer needs integrated marketing profit through
customer satisfaction
ABB T( 0#!9$%&* 4o&4+$
?egion to embrace marketing conceptE
11the marketing concept hold that the key to achieving organi%ation goals
consist of target markets and delivering the delivering the desired
satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
21it start #ill define market focuses on customer needs coordinations all
the activities that #ill affect customer and produce profits by satisfying
31the key company task to attract and retain customers.
41customer are attracted through competitively superior offering and
retained through satisfaction.
51marketing task is to develop a superior offering and retained through
61 Today many companies are moving beyond the marketing concept to
the customer concept.
71companies are no# shaping separate offers services and message to
the individual customers.
/1the companies collect information on each customers past transaction
demographic" psychographics" media and distribution preference.
.1company hopes to achieve profitable gro#th through capturing a large of
each customers loyalty and focusing on life time value.
101customer relationship marketing and customer lifetime value by
managing life time sales.
8ome companies offer to deliver a constantly needed products and regular
basis at lo#er price per unit because it #ill capture the customers
business for a long period.
ACBT( 4)s$o0! 4o&4+$87
8trong consumer bondE
5ompany that #ant to form strong customer bond need to attend the
follo#ing basisE
11get cross departmental participation in planning and managing the
customer satisfaction and pretension process"
21 $ntegrating the voice of the customer in the target market.
31create superior service and e-periences for the target market.
41organi%e and make accessible a database of information on individual
customer needs" preferences" contacts purchase fre9uency and
51 (ake it easy for the customer to reach appropriate company personnel
and e-press their needs" perception and complaints.
61run a#ard programs recogni%ing outstanding employees.
71today companies are recogni%ing the importance of satisfying and
retaining customer. 8atisfied customers constitute the companies
relationship capital.
/1 the average company losses 10 percent of its customer each year.
There are t#o #ays to strengthen customer retentionE &ne is erect high
s#itching barrier. 5ustomers are less inclined to s#itch to another supplier
#hen this #ould involve high capital cost" high search cost or" loss of loyal
customer discount.
The better approach is to deliver high customer satisfaction. This makes it
harder to competitor to offer 4ust lo#er price or s#itching inducement. This
is creating strange customer relationship management. '5rm,.
5rm1 customer relationship management evolution sho#s thatE
!#areness1 focus1 satisfaction1 value1 loyalty
5ustomer satisfaction1 increase customer loyalty
5ustomer profitability1 increase revenue per customer
(arket share 1 measure market penetration
)inancial analysis B ?oi ?evenue and profit margin1 comparative figure
analysis 5ost saving.
Data analysis and interpretation
$ divided these 100 samples i.e." 100 customers in three different
groups. These groups named as young age" middle age" old age.
The ages Rbet#een 15 to 35 R are termed as young age group.
The ages Rbet#een 36 to 55R are termed as middle age group.
The ages bet#een 56 to 75 and on#ards are termed as old age group.
Sample analysis:-
1. 2hich age group prefers or buys more of these Romfed icecream
!ge group )re9uency
Loung age'15135, 56
(iddle age'36155, 34
&ld age'56175on#ards, 10

$t is found that out of 50 retailers in 5uttack city" young age group i.e."
age bet#een 15135 is consuming appro-imately 56C. (iddle age group
i.e." age bet#een 36155 is consuming appro-imately 34C and old age
group is consuming appro-imately 10C. The young age group is buying
more omfed icecream product.
21purchase or buying of omfed icecream product on the basis
&n the basis )re9uency
?egularly 15C
&ccasionally 10C
8easonally 20C

$t is found that out of 50 retailers" in cuttact city 15C respondent or
customers are regularly buying &()*+ icecream products" 10C
customers are occasionally buying &()*+ icecream products" 20C
customers are seasonally purchasing &()*+ icecream especially in
summer season" customers are demanded more the &()*+ icecream
products.35C customers are purchasing in the festive seasons and
20C customers are purchasing in the other purpose that means in
marriage purpose.
31 ?egular purchaser of &()*+ icecream product for the purpose of
'out of 42C regular purchaser of &()*+ icecream product,
consumption fre9uency 6ercentage
)amily consumption 22 56C
5 10C
5onsumption #ith
7 12C
(arriage purpose / 22C
$t is found that out of 50 retailers appro-imately 56C respondents are
buying for family consumptions" 10C respondents are buying for the
personal consumption" 12C respondents are buying for consumption
#ith friends and 22C respondents are buying for marriage purpose" in
5uttack city.
41 5ause of purchasing or buying &()*+ icecream products.
5ause of buying 6ercentage of the customers
3ood taste and 9uality" also
economical price.
&rissaRs govt .product 20C
*asily available and good
behavior of sellers
6repared food and easy to use 12C
$t is found that out of 50 retailers in 5uttack city" 60C customers are
buying &()*+ icecream products due to good taste and 9uality" also
economical price" 20C customers are buying due to govt. &rgani%ation"
and 12C respondents are purchasing because of prepared food and to
use" lastly" /C customers purchase because of easily available and
good behavior of seller at outlet.
51price of the &()*+ icecream product"
=igh 10
*conomical 60
;o# 5
;ittle bit high but affordable 25
$t is estimated that out of 50 respondents or retailers in 5uttack city"
appro-imately" 60C respondents are said that the price of the product is
economical" 25C respondents are said that the price of the price of the
product is little bit of affordable" 10C respondents are said that the price
of the product is high" and lastly 5C respondents are said that the price
is lo#.
61 8ources of purchasing or from #here the respondents are buying the
&()*+ icecream productsE
sources Ccustomers
&()*+ outlet 53C
?etailer 22C
:eetle shop 14C
3rocery shop 11C
:y analy%ing the data #e see that appro-imately more than 50 C' i.e."
53C, of the customers are purchasing the &()*+ icecream from &()*+
outlet no#" 22C are purchasing the products from the retailer" and 14C
customers are purchasing the product.
71reason for prefer this place
place 6ercentage
Iear to home 52C
3ood behavior and better service 30C
6rovide fresh product 10C
Iearer to #ork place 05C
&ther place 03C
2e analysis from the data that the customers are more prefer to the shop
#hich is near to their home" 52C customers like to buy the products from
various shop because this shop is nearer to their home " and another 30C
customer choose this place because of good customer behavior and better
service " and 10C customers prefer due to fresh products and 5C
customers are choose because this shop is nearer to their #ork place and
3C customers are prefer due other reason i.e." personal attachment " any
relation #ith the shopkeeper etc.
/1 )actor influencing to buy the &()*+ icecream products.
factors 6ercentage
3ood packaging and better service 45C
?easonable price and also good
taste and 9uality
)aith on the company due to the
6roduct are little durable and
6repared food and easy to serve 25C
)amily and friends also
:y analy%ing the data #e see that appro-imately 45C customers are
influenced" to buy the &()*+ icecream" by good packaging and better
service. 60C customers are influenced by reasonable price and also good
taste and 9uality. 50C customers are influenced by the faith on the
company because the company is a govt. &rgani%ation also it is an old
company C customers are influenced by the little durability of the product"
that reason the products are more hygienic.
.1the seasons in #hich the customers buy or purchase more.
season 6ercentage
summer 70C
!ll seasons 30C
$t is found that out of100 respondents buy or purchase in summer
seasons" especially icecream are consumed more in this seasons. 30C of
the customers buy or purchase in all the seasons. !ll the icecream
products are purchased by customers throughout the year or all seasons
but in summer the icecream product are sold more.
8mall pack '50 ml,
flavors 5elesty icecream &mfed icecream
>ery vanilla ?s 5.00 ?s 5.00
8tra#berry ?s 5.00 ?s 5.00
:utter scotch ?s 5.00 ?s /.00
chocolate ?s 7.00 ?s /.00
The price of various flavors icecream namely very vanilla and stra#berry
flavors are nearly same. The price of both the flavors is rs 5.00 each. :ut
the price of other t#o flavors varies namely celesty and omfed icecream"
#hich includes rs rs 5.00 and rs /.00 each for butter scotch flavor and rs
7.00 and rs /.00 each for chocolate flavor.
)amily packE
flavors 5elesty icecream &mfed icecream
>anilla ?s 40.00 ?s 35.00
8tra#berry ?s 40.00 ?s 35.00
:lack currant ?s 60.00 rs 40.00
(ainly in the family pack there are three types namely vanilla" stra#berry
and black currant. The price of vanilla flavor 'celesty icecream, cost rs
40.00 and omfed icecream cost rs 35.00. The price of stra#berry flavors of
celesty icecream cost rs 40.00 and omfed icecream cost rs 35.00. The
price of black currant 'celesty icecream, cost rs 60.00 and omfed icecream
cost rs 40.00.
;arge pack '100 ml,
flavors 5elesty icecream &mfed icecream
>ery vanilla ?s 10.00 ?s 10.00
8tra#berry ?s 10.00 ?s 10.00
:utter scotch ?s 15.00 ?s 15.00
chocolate ?s 15.00 ?s 15.00
There is a very little difference bet#een the price of celesty and
omfed icecream. >ery vanilla flavor icecream cost nearly the same as both
the icecream are concerned. 8ame is the situation #ith the stra#berry
flavor too. The butter scotch and chocolate flavor cost same as ?s.15.00
$n order to study the marketing mi- strategy and buying behavior of the
customers to#ards &()*+ icecream products in 5uttack city a survey has
undertaken. )or #hich 100 respondents from various areas in 5uttack city
are intervie#ed.
)rom the 3 #eek of market survey the researcher found the follo#ingsE
11 Io# a1days" customers are more conscious #hile buying a product.
!t the time purchasing of icecream product the customers are more
serious. &()*+ satisfies the customers in all respects. Iot only
people of 5uttack but also people of &rissa have reason for #hich
the sales of the icecream product #ill increase day by day.
21 Loung age group is predominated over middle and old age group. $n
different areas of the 5uttack city the young age group i.e15135 is
buying and consuming more icecream products i.e. 43C" as
compare to middle and old age group" and their ratios are 3/C and
31 $n my survey the 42C of the customers are regularly buying the
&mfed icecream products" and also out of 100 respondents 5/C of
the customers are buying or purchasing the icecream products for
the purpose of family consumption.
41 The main competitors of omfed icecream products are celesty"
frostee" and amul respectively.
51 !s compare to other brands the 9uality and taste of omfed icecream
products are much better and incomparable.
61 The price of omfed icecream products is very economical and easily
affordable by any group of the customers.
71 &ut of 100 customers 70C of the customers are buying or
purchasing the products easily. )or that reason the customers
satisfaction rate is increased day by day.
/1 The icecream products are little durable that #hy the products are
more hygienic than other brands product.
.1 &ut of 100 respondents or customers 20C customers are brand loyal
for the organi%ationJ the rate is also increasing rapidly for the
effective marketing strategy taken by &mfed.
The &mfed company is more than 20 years old and also this
company is a govt." undertaking company" hence people or the
customers have a faith on this company and also the company tries
to provide better and hygienic products to the customers.
101&mfed al#ays try to maintain better 9uality so that customers are
satisfied in all respects. That is the reason the product are little durable '5
to 10 days,. The company also producing less so that every customer gets
product and even one of the customers are dissatisfied.
111Io# people are thinking that rather go for a local icecream product or
#hy not go for a branded product at an affordable price.
The company should pay more emphasis on 9uality as customers are
9uality oriented.
The company should not fi- the price more than #hat prevailing in
the marketJ rather the company should fi- less than that.
The company should pay attention to#ards attractive packaging as
per the customer re9uirement.
The company should pay more attention to#ards the taste and
preference of the customers.
The company should have proper product diversification so that it
#ould meet the customer needs.
The company should have good distribution channel.
The company should pay more attention to#ards the various
economical classes of people.
S-o$ #&#,ys%s8
8#ot analysis is a simple frame#ork for generating strategic alternative
from a situation analysis. $t is applicable to either the corporate level or the
business unit level and fre9uently appears in marketing plans. 8#ot stands
for strength" #eakness" opportunities and threats.
:rand image to the company.
(arket share of the company.
The staffs of the company are very cooperative.
&perational capacity of the company.
&ld company.
5ustomer faith on the company" because of &rissas govt.
undertaki/ng company.
Taste of the some products is not good.
=igh demand lo# supply.
6oor feedback from the retailer.
8ome of the demanded products are not coming regularly.
8uddenly increase the price of the product.
;ess advertisement.
3iving more offer to the retailer.
5ustomer satisfactions through better service and good 9uality and
taste of the products.
6rofit margin #ill be good by adopting update and aggressive
marketing strategy.
6roducts #ill spread in village area.
5ompetitors may come #ith ne# strategy.
*-ternal problem may affect company image.
:reaking of &()*+ monopoly outlets.
(arket demand very seasonal
+ear 8irG(adam
$ am a ::! student of !8($T. $ am doing a market study
on product a#areness and product modification about various $ce 5ream
products. $ #ould like to kno# your vie#s" suggestions and e-perience #ith
this ice cream product. $ shall be highly obligation if you spare some time
for the completion of this 9uestionnaire. !ll the information #ill be kept
secret and #ill be used only for academic purpose.
112hich age group prefers more of this &()*+ $ce creamD
'c, 56175
212hat is the fre9uency of buying &()*+ $ce creamD
'a, ?egular
'b, &ccasionally
'c, 8easonally
'd, )unctional occasion
312hat are the purposes of use &()*+ $ce 5reamD
'a, )amily consumption
'b,6ersonal consumption
'c, 5onsumption #ith friends
'd,(arriage purpose
41reason of preference &()*+ $ce creamD
'a, 3ood taste and 9uality" also economical price
'b,&rissaRs 3ovt .product
'c, *asily available and good behavior of sellers
'd,6repared food and easy to use
51=o# do you perceive the price of &()*+ $ce creamD
'a, =igh
'b, *conomical
'c, ;o#
'd, ;ittle bit high but affordable
612her does the availability of &()*+ $ce creamD
'a, &()*+ outlet
'b, ?etailer
'c, :eetle shop
'd, 3rocery shop
71?esons of preference of placeD
'a, Iear to home
'b, 3ood behavior and better service
'c, 6rovide fresh product
'd, Iearer to #ork place
/1#hat are the factors influencing of &()*+ $ce 5reamD
'a, 3ood packaging and better service
'b, ?easonable price and also good taste and 9uality
'c, )aith on the company due to the govt.orgn
'd, 6roduct are little durable and hygienic
.1$n #hich season you prefer $ce 5ream or time of consumptionD
'a, summer
'b, !ll seasons
The conclusion is one of the most important aspects of any #ork. 8o far
this #ork is concerned the conclusion is derived from the study.
The present day customer accords more importance to the 9uality of the
service" #hen compared to the cost to the service. The present day
customers are also very much 9uality and taste conscious. The present
day customers are also very much 9uality and taste conscious. The
present day customers have no time and also search for good service.
Io# the customers live in a kno#ledgeable society" #here many media of
kno#ledge provide them #ith information.
The company should spend large amount on advertisement and good
marketing to stabili%e the products in the market. The price of the products
must be reasonable as compare to other brands" #hich makes an
additional interest to buy the product. $t is a benefit for the company to tie
up #ith the 5uttack municipal corporation to open an &()*+ outlet in
every chhak.
The company also spent on advertises #hich makes a#are of the
products. T>" ne#spaper" maga%ine are the best media to reach the
$f the price reasonable" the service is better" the 9uality of the product is
good also the taste is fine" and the products are hygienic then the every
level of the customers prefer for the product.
&nce the customers having faith on the products and also the company
then the customers are al#ays consume these products.
11 (arketing management"
:y 6hilip kotler
21 ! te-t book of marketing management"
:y ra4an sa-ena.
31 8tatistical methods"
:y s.c.gupta.
41 ?esearch methodology
:y 5.?. kothari
51 &()*+ ne#s
61 2ebsitesE

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