1 Mae Fah Luang University International Conference 2012
1 Mae Fah Luang University International Conference 2012
1 Mae Fah Luang University International Conference 2012
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Chemical compositions of ASS304 and FSS430 used in this study are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Chemical composition (wt.%) of stainless steels used in this study
Materials C Cr Ni Si Mo Mn Fe
ASS304 0.07 18.36 7.92 0.42 0.11 0.93 Bal.
FSS430 0.05 16.79 0.25 0.30 0.02 0.33 Bal.
The ASS304 and FSS430 sheets size of 25 mm 300 mm 3 mm were joined by tungsten
inert gas welding (TIG) process without filler. Welding current and arc voltage used were
98 A and 10 V correspondingly. Welding speed was constant at 2 m/s. After joining, it was
cut into small pieces with a dimension of 50 mm 10 mm 3 mm. To study the effect of
post weld heat treatment (PWHT) on intergranular corrosion susceptibility, the as-welded
samples were aged at 800
C, 900
C and 1100
C for 10, 24 and 48 hours followed by different
cooling procedure: air cooling (AC) and water quenching (WQ). Afterwards, they were
ground and polished down to 1 m followed by chemical etching to reveal their
microstructures. Micro-hardness measurements were also achieved on cross-section of as-
welded and aged samples to define weld zone (WZ), heat-affected zone (HAZ) and base
metal (BM) along the welds. Intergranular corrosion susceptibility expressed in term of
Degree of Sensitization (DOS) was determined by Double Loop Electrochemical
Potentiokinetic Reactivation (DLEPR) method according to ASTM G 108. The
measurements were performed in a mixture solution of 0.5 M H
and 0.001M KSCN at a
scan rate of 2.5 mV/s using micro-electrochemical cell with a testing area of 1.1 square-
millimeters as shown in Figure 1. The reference and counter electrodes used were Ag/AgCl
electrode and Pt wire respectively. During performing DLEPR, the specimen was anodically
polarized from open circuit potential (OCP) to +300 mV to form passive film afterwards it
was reversely scanned to damage the corrosion susceptible area. Degree of Sensitization is a
percentage of I
, where the maximum current density of reverse scan and anodic scan are
defined as I
and I
correspondingly. If DOS value is not more than 1%, it is defined as non-
sensitized condition. DLEPR was performed at least 3 measurements at each zone along the
welds. The damaged or attacked area after performing DLEPR was examined by SEM.
Figure 1 Micro-electrochemical cell used in this study
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Figure 4 Morphologies after performing DLEPR at (a) base metal ASS 304 (b) HAZ ASS
304 (c) weld zone (d) HAZ FSS 430 and (e) base metal FSS 430 of the weld heat-treated at
C for 10 hrs followed by air cooling
Intergranular corrosion susceptibility of welds after heat treatment at 1100
Temperature of 1100
C is a sensitization temperature of FSS430 and a heat treatment
temperature to reduce IGC of ASS304. From Table 2 DOS of ASS304 both at BM and HAZ
were less than 1% (0.02% 0.07%) that agreed with their gentle attack morphologies in
Figure 5 (a) and (b). Since this temperature is not a sensitization temperature of ASS304, IGC
did not take place at BM. At HAZ where IGC was susceptible in as-welded condition, after
PWHT at 1100
C Cr
at grain boundaries dissolved (Stansbury et. al 2000; Jones 1997)
then IGC was not susceptible anymore. At WZ after PWHT at high temperature of 1100
recrystallization and the formation of new phase possibly occurred as illustrated in Figure 5
(c). This phenomenon probably induced chemical compositions homogenization and
reduction in corrosion that supported by DOS value of 0.03%. For HAZ of FSS430 (Figure 5
(d)), martensite phase around grain boundaries that found in as-welded and 800
welds disappeared. It is possible that PWHT at this temperature could dissolve martensite
phase and promote the diffusivity of metal from metal carbide particles to replenish metal-
depleted zone simultaneously. In case of BM, IGC was more predominant than pitting
corrosion because this temperature is a sensitization temperature of FSS430. However, pitting
corrosion within grains reduced that caused from the fulfilment of metal-depleted zone
around carbide precipitates similar to that happened at HAZ.
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Figure 5 Morphologies after performing DLEPR at (a) base metal ASS 304 (b) HAZ ASS
304 (c) weld zone (d) HAZ FSS 430 (e) base metal FSS 430 of the weld heat-treated at
C for 24 hrs followed by water quenching
Intergranular corrosion susceptibility of welds after heat treatment at 900
Temperature of 900
C is neither a sensitization temperature of ASS304 nor FSS430.
Morphology of BM ASS304 in Figure 6 (a) presented that IGC was not found that
corresponded to low DOS value. At HAZ in Figure 6 (b), PWHT at temperature of 900
could successfully reduce IGC (DOS = 0.06%) because chromium diffusion was allowed to
replenish chromium-depleted zone at grain boundaries. PWHT followed by water quenching
could reduce IGC effectively since rapid cooling capably suppressed the formation of new
chromium carbide. The heat treatment period did not likely affect IGC susceptibility that
noted by similar DOS values. Microstructure at WZ in Figure 6 (c) was similar to that of
C-PWHT welds. However, the attack at WZ after 900
C-24hrs- PWHT was rarely found
as the diffusivity of metal was promoted. At HAZ of FSS430 in Figure 6 (d), martensite
phase disappeared similar to PWHT at 1100
C. It is implied that martensite phase dissolved
since this temperature. However, pitting corrosion within grains was still observed but in
smaller amount than that of as-welded condition. This occurrence probably resulted from
partially replenishment of metal-depleted zone around metal carbide particles. Furthermore
heat treatment at 900
C did not allow the formation of new Cr
; thus, IGC was not
susceptible. By the reason mentioned, DOS of this area caused from pitting corrosion rather
than IGC. At BM in Figure 6 (e), pitting corrosion after PWHT at 900
C was less than that of
as-welded condition because of replenishment of metal-depleted zone by heat treatment.
However, cooling procedure and heat treatment period did not significantly affect IGC
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6. McGuire M (2008) Stainless Steels for Design Engineers. ASM International. The
United States of America: 69-122.
7. George G, Shaikh H (2002) Introduction to Austenitic Stainless Steels. Narosa
Publishing House. India: 1-36.
8. Sidhom H, Amadou T, Braham C (2010) Evaluation by The Double Loop
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Intergranular Corrosion Susceptibility. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
41(2): 3136-3150.