Chord Mastery
Chord Mastery
Chord Mastery
By Claude Johnson
Welcome to Chord Mastery We !rote th"s e#$oo% &or you' so you can e()and
your chordal %no!led*e' your chordal +oca$ulary' and ho)e&ully so you can
"m)ro+e as a *u"tar )layer "n !hate+er style you choose
There are , ca+eats - !ould l"%e to )resent to you $e&ore !e d"+e "nto the mater"al
."rstly' learn"n* chords $y themsel+es !"ll not ma%e you a !hole let $etter /ust $y
themsel+es The real )ath to $ecome a *ood )layer "n any *"+en style "s !ell to
learn that style!
That "s !hy' a&ter you *o throu*h th"s $oo%' - recommend you chec% out the l"n%s at the
end to some style-specific DVD courses
Secondly' the ma/or"ty o& e(ot"c and ad+anced chords are $est su"ted &or a /a00 conte(t
Most other &orms o& mus"c' such as roc%' )o)' $lues' or metal' rely on )r"mar"ly s"m)ler
chords' althou*h there are many e(ce)t"ons
There are 1 sect"ons to the mater"al -n the &"rst sect"on' - !"ll sho! you $as"c' common
chords "n the o)en )os"t"on -& you ha+e some e()er"ence' most o& these !"ll $e &am"l"ar
-n the second sect"on' - !"ll sho! you mo+a$le sha)es so you can )lay chords all o+er
the nec% These are hel)&ul to learn to master your &ret$oard %no!led*e
These are "ncluded as se)erate e#$oo%s &or you
The th"rd sect"on 2th"s document3 "s $y &ar the most e(c"t"n* Here' - !"ll co+er the
ad+anced chords and ho! to use them "n a mus"cal conte(t
Th"s "s 4OT one o& those $oo%s !here you must start at the $e*"nn"n* and )roceed
slo!ly and care&ully You can de&"n"tely &eel &ree to /um) around to any )a*e you l"%e
and cherry )"c% anyth"n* that loo%s "nterest"n*
Don5t try to learn "t all "n one n"*ht' or e+en &eel that you must learn all the chords here
-& you !ant to ma%e a ser"ous study o& "t' you can Ho!e+er' an e6ually +al"d a))roach
"s to use th"s $oo% as a re&erence *u"de o+er a lon* )er"od o& t"me' and /ust &l") to a
ne! )a*e !hene+er you !ant to learn someth"n* ne! Just ha+e &un !"th "t7
O%' no! !e5re at the *ood stu&& -& you5+e $een )lay"n* *u"tar a l"ttle !h"le' the &"rst
$onus e$oo% 218 )o!er&ul s"m)le chords3 !"ll $e elementary &or you The second $oo%
2)lay"n* chords all o+er the nec%3 "s &a"rly common %no!led*e as !ell Ho!e+er' th"s
th"rd document del+es "nto the most ad+anced *u"tar chords Th"s "s really the heart o&
th"s learn"n* )roduct
- tr"ed to des"*n th"s $oo% to $e $oth com)rehens"+e and com)act at the same t"me
We %no! that the most com)l"cated chords are &ound "n /a00 *u"tar So' a&ter an
e(haust"+e study o& /a00 standards' - came u) !"th 9: ad+anced chord ty)es Th"s
co+ers nearly e+ery )oss"$le chord you !"ll e+er see "n mus"c
By co+er"n* all these d"&&erent chord ty)es' !e ha+e a com)rehens"+e study o& chords
.or each one' - try to )ro+"de the one or t!o most common and use&ul +o"c"n*s o& these
chords' alon* !"th a mus"cal e(am)le Th"s ma%es "t com)act and )ract"cal
Advanced Chord #1: The 9 Chord
; Chords are the ne(t lo*"cal ste) a&ter < chords $ecause o& the e(tra d"aton"c tone that "s
stac%ed on to)
Ty)"cally' on the *u"tar' !e lea+e out the &"&th de*ree o& the note o& ad+anced chords ' to
ma%e "t eas"er to )lay -n mus"c' !e only really need the 1
and the <
de*ree to ca)ture
the essent"al character"st"c sound o& a chord
We can usually lea+e out the &"&th de*ree' and somet"mes !e can e+en lea+e out the root
"& necessary More on rootless chords later
Here5s the most commonly used +o"c"n*=
O& course' !e should also $e com&orta$le mo+"n* th"s chord to the lo!er or h"*her
W"th all these chords' there are many' MA4Y other )oss"$le +o"c"n*s' so
&eel &ree to create your o!n
Here5s another use&ul +o"c"n*= Just ta%e your normal Dom< $arre chord and add your
)"n%y on the to) E str"n* to *et the n"nth -n th"s +o"c"n* you !ould $e *ett"n* all :
tones > root' th"rd' &"&th' se+enth' and n"nth
4o!' !"th each chord' - !"ll sho! you ho! "t "s used "n a mus"cal conte(t
One o& the cool !ays - l"%e to use ; chords' "s to com$"ne them !"th ma/or chords &or a
&un%y +am) Chec% out th"s C; to C ma/or )ro*ress"on=
Advanced Chord #2: The 9sus Chord
Sus)ended chords are a n"ce +ar"ety o& chords W"th sus)ended chords' you are *o"n*
!"th a &ourth "nter+al' "nstead o& a ma/or th"rd So a sus)ended chord' conta"ns root'
&ourth' and &"&th
- !"ll sho! you an e(am)le o& a )ure sus)ended chord a $"t later
Th"s e(am)le &ocuses on the ;sus chord' !h"ch "s essent"ally a ; chord' $ut !e are us"n*
the &ourth "nstead o& the th"rd here
A*a"n' as !"th the last e(am)le' !e can o&ten om"t the &"&th de*ree
One "nterest"n* th"n* that ha))ens here' "s that !hen !e use the trad"t"onal ; chord
sha)e on the m"ddle ? str"n*s' and ra"se the th"rd' !e *et e+ery note on the same &ret
By the !ay' somet"mes a sus chord !"ll also $e la$led sus?
There are many !ays to use th"s chord Try com$"n"n* th"s chord !"th ma/or < chords
Here5s an e(am)le=
Advanced Chord #3: The Major 9 Chord
Here5s another e(ot"c chord that sounds a$solutely
$eaut"&ul -t5s the Ma/or ; chord
-t has the !arm' lo+"n* 6ual"ty o& the Ma/or < chord'
$ut $ecause "t5s a ; chord' "t ta%es on a ne! s)ec"al
Here5s , use&ul +o"c"n*s=
."rst' our m"ddle ? str"n*s +o"c"n*=
Th"s sha)e "s &"n*ered !"th the m"ddle &"n*er on the A str"n*' the &"rst &"n*er on the D
str"n*' the )"n%y on the @ str"n* and the r"n* &"n*er on the B str"n*
-t "s easy to *et con&used !"th the Dom< sha)e !here the )"n%y "s on the D str"n* and
&"rst &"n*er on the @ str"n* "n the same &ret )os"t"on' so )ract"ce th"s one care&ully7
Also not"ce that th"s same sha)e can $e mo+ed u) to the h"*hest &our str"n*s and you
ha+e your normal ; chord
O%' here5s another use&ul !ay to )lay the ma/or; chord=
Th"s "s l"%e a ma/or < chord $ut you5re h"tt"n* the n"nth on the h"*h E str"n*
- use my thum$ to &ret the lo! E str"n*' then m"ddle &"n*er' r"n* &"n*er' "nde( &"n*er' and
)"n%y on the ne(t str"n*s res)ect"+ely
Aet me sho! you the ne(t ad+anced chord and then -5ll *"+e you an e(am)le o& ho! to
use "t
Advanced Chord #4: The minor9 chord.
O%' no! !e are add"n* the ; to a m"nor< chord
-5ll *"+e you the same , %"nds o& +o"c"n*s !e5+e $een !or%"n* !"th= One on the m"ddle
&our str"n*s' and one as a $arre chord us"n* all s"( str"n*s .eel &ree to come u) !"th
your o!n +o"c"n*s' such as us"n* the lo! ? str"n*s or the h"*h ? str"n*s
Th"s )art"cular +o"c"n*' - ha+e n"c%named the Ra"ny Day chord -t /ust has that &eel to
"t Try mo+"n* "t u) and do!n the &ret$oard to *et some "nterest"n* &eel"n*
The other +o"c"n* - !ant to sho! you' "s the M"n< $arre chord !"th the ;
added !"th
your )"n%y on the h"*h E str"n*=
Here5s a short cadence us"n* th"s chord &orm !"th m"nor ; ' dom;' and ma/or ;=
Advanced Chord #5: The 6 chord
The ne(t chord "s the 9 chord' or somet"mes called Ma/or9 Th"s conta"ns the root' th"rd'
&"&th' and s"(th
Here "s one my &a+or"te +o"c"n*s=
- use my m"ddle &"n*er on the lo! E str"n*' my "nde( &"n*er to $arre the ne(t
t!o str"n*s A4D mute the @ str"n*' and the r"n* &"n*er to h"t the B str"n*
The mut"n* )art m"*ht ta%e a $"t o& )ract"ce $ut once you *et "t' "ts &rea%"n easy =#3
One n"ce th"n* a$out th"s )art"cular +o"c"n*' 2as"de &rom "ts *reat sound3' "s that you
mo+e "t u) one set o& str"n*s and the &"n*er"n* doesn5t chan*e at all
- *uess that "s true a$out any chord )layed on the lo! E' A' D' and B str"n*s .unny
ho! that !or%s ehB
Th"s chord !as a &a+or"te o& the Beatles and also !or%s *reat as an end"n* chord
A s"m)le !ay to hear !hat -5m tal%"n* a$out "s to )lay a --#C#- )ro*ress"on' such as
Dm<' @<' Cma/<' $ut su$st"tute a ma/or 9 "n )lace o& the ma/or <' l"%e th"s=
Advanced Chord #6: The #9b5 Chord
4o! !e are start"n* to *et "nto the &am"ly o& chords %no!n as altered chords' !h"ch
*enerally means !e are ra"s"n* or &latt"n* the ;
' andDor ra"s"n* or &latt"n* the :
And let5s see ho! "t !or%s "n a mus"cal conte(tH
Advanced Chord #4!: Major 9 #5
Th"s "s a ma/or chord !"th ma/or <
' ;
and a shar) :
-t !or%s *reat &or connect"n* to
the relat"+e m"nor' e(am)le= Dma/;#: to Bm; O%' the structure "s= root' ma/or 1
' shar)
' ma/or <
and ;
4o! let5s see ho! to )lay "t=
Here "s a mus"cal e(am)le &or you=
Advanced Chord #41: Minor 7 b5 add 11
Th"s "s a m"nor chord !"th a &lat :
' a m"nor < and a GG
The chord m<$: "s one o& the
most common chords "n all %"nd o& mus"c' and "t5s *reat &or trans"t"on"n* to dom"nant
Also "t5s a *reat su$st"tute &or the m"nor < chord "n the -- C - )ro*ress"on Here5s a
+o"c"n* you can use !"th a )art"al $arre and stretch"n* u) !"th your )"n%y to h"t that
h"*h note
W"th any o& these chords' )lease &eel &ree to create your o!n +o"c"n*s' &"n*er"n*s' and
e(am)les That5s !here you5ll really ha+e &un e()lor"n*7
O& course' as al!ays' - )ro+"de someth"n* to *et you started Chec% "t out=
Advanced Chord #42: %us4 add9
Th"s "s a sus)ended chord !"th the add o& a ;
-t sounds really *reat =3
Aet5s ta%e a loo% at the chord structure= root' a ?
' )er&ect :
and a ma/or ;