This document outlines procedures for creating a culture of thinking in the classroom:
1. The teacher models thinking by verbalizing questions and connections when learning new information.
2. Time is scheduled for students to express their thinking about new topics before learning new material.
3. Visible Thinking Routines from Project Zero are used to cultivate thinking skills and deepen learning.
4. Thinking is captured visually by organizing ideas on posters and displays instead of just completed work.
5. Students reflect on thinking and strategies that help or hinder understanding.
This document outlines procedures for creating a culture of thinking in the classroom:
1. The teacher models thinking by verbalizing questions and connections when learning new information.
2. Time is scheduled for students to express their thinking about new topics before learning new material.
3. Visible Thinking Routines from Project Zero are used to cultivate thinking skills and deepen learning.
4. Thinking is captured visually by organizing ideas on posters and displays instead of just completed work.
5. Students reflect on thinking and strategies that help or hinder understanding.
This document outlines procedures for creating a culture of thinking in the classroom:
1. The teacher models thinking by verbalizing questions and connections when learning new information.
2. Time is scheduled for students to express their thinking about new topics before learning new material.
3. Visible Thinking Routines from Project Zero are used to cultivate thinking skills and deepen learning.
4. Thinking is captured visually by organizing ideas on posters and displays instead of just completed work.
5. Students reflect on thinking and strategies that help or hinder understanding.
This document outlines procedures for creating a culture of thinking in the classroom:
1. The teacher models thinking by verbalizing questions and connections when learning new information.
2. Time is scheduled for students to express their thinking about new topics before learning new material.
3. Visible Thinking Routines from Project Zero are used to cultivate thinking skills and deepen learning.
4. Thinking is captured visually by organizing ideas on posters and displays instead of just completed work.
5. Students reflect on thinking and strategies that help or hinder understanding.
Modeling thinking To do this, I verbalized questions, connections or thoughts I had as I came across new information. Sometimes, in listening to a talk or watching a video, I scribbled my thoughts on a board nearby so that students could see how my mind was thinking about what I was hearing. Frequently, when I researched something on the Internet, I talked through the process of coming across a new piece of information and connecting it to something I already knew or asking more questions to drive my research deeper into the subject.
Establishing time for thinking Rather than diving into new material related to class projects, I scheduled in time to allow students to express their thinking about the material prior to learning anything new. Sometimes we posted wonderings around the new topic and sometimes connections we had to the topic. Throughout projects too, we stopped frequently and took time to discuss what new thoughts were popping up for us around what we were learning. This way, students could share out their thinking, and I encouraged the practice of working with new ideas, rather than just memorizing them.
Making thinking visible through the use of Harvards Project Zero Visible Thinking Routines (Appendix D) These activity helped to cultivate students' thinking skills and dispositions and deepen content learning. The routine is a straightforward list of steps for students to follow that encourages deeper understanding of a topic.
Capturing thinking in visual displays around the classroom. This involved deliberately organizing thinking on paper to help students visualize what was happening in our minds. Rather than just sharing out ideas, we often wrote them on posters using various graphic organizers to arrange our thoughts. Then instead of completed work displayed in the classroom, the walls were filled with our brainwork dumped on paper.
Reflecting on thinking At various times throughout the year, we had discussions or reflected on paper about thinking and how certain strategies helped or hindered our understanding of new ideas. For example, we had a conversation about the purpose of questioning to develop an understanding of this thinking technique and it revealed current ideas or myths my students had around thinking that I then worked to encourage or dispel.