Parameter List For BSC6900

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Parameter ID Parameter Name MML Command

ABCDownQuality Downlink Quality Threshold in Assigning Better Cell SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)

ABCUpQuality Uplink Quality Threshold in Assigning Better Cell SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
ABCWaitMaxTime Maximum Better Cell Assigning Duration SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
ABISFCEN SDCCH Congestion Flow Control Allowed SET GCELLCCCH(Optional)
AbisFCTimer1 Abis Flow Control Timer 1 SET BSCTMR(Optional)
AbisFCTimer2 Abis Flow Control Timer 2 SET BSCTMR(Optional)
ABISIDLETSALLOC Abis Idle TS Allocate Strategy SET BTSOTHPARA(Optional)
AbisJamThreshold2StartLsAbis Jam Rate for BTS Local Switch SET BSSLS(Optional)
ABISTSFREETM Timer of Releasing Abis Timeslot SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
AbisVer Abis Interface Tag SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
ABLASTTIME Duration of BTS Collecting AB[100 Millisecond] ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
AbnormalMosThreshold Abnormal Voice MOS Threshold SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
ACCBURST Access Burst Type SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
ACCCTRLEN Access Control Allowed SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
ACCCTRLPY Access Control Policy SET GCELLCCBASIC(Mandatory)
ACCESSOPTILAY Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ACCINDEX Access Control Policy IndexADD BSCACCCTRLP(Mandatory)
AccStaServiceType PS Initial Access Service Type SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
ACCWPOS Starting Point of the Access Control Window ADD BSCACCCTRLP(Optional)
ACCWSIZE Access Control Window Size ADD BSCACCCTRLP(Optional)
ACCWSP Sliding Speed of the Access Control Window ADD BSCACCCTRLP(Optional)
ACFC Address and control field compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional)
ACFC Support Address and Control Field Compress ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
ACOOPERATPAGINGSWITCH A Interface Paging Co-ordination Switch SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ACS Additional Reselect Parameter Indication SET GCELLIDLEAD(Optional)
ACTL2REEST Activate L2 Re-establishment SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
ACTTIME Valid Time of BTS Resource Activation ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
ACVLTHD AC Voltage Lower Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
ACVOLALARMH AC Overvoltage Alarm Threshold SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
ACVOLALARML AC Undervoltage Alarm Threshold SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
ACVUTHD AC Voltage Upper Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
ADAPTASSIGNMENTFLOWAssignment Procedure in Intra-Cell HO Allowed SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
ADDR Communication Address SET BTSFMUABP(Optional) SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDATUBP(Optional) SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
AddTransBwInt Sub-Link Bandwidth Request Interval When Not Congested SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AddTransBwNum Bandwidth for Secondary Link When Not Congested SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ADEF External Alarm Customer Definition Switch SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
ADLDACT Auto Download Active Function Switch SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Optional)
ADMSTAT Administrative State SET GCELLADMSTAT(Mandatory)
ADMSTAT Administrative State SET GTRXADMSTAT(Mandatory)
ADMSTAT Administrative State SET GTRXCHANADMSTAT(Mandatory)
ADTET Offset Time Adjustment End Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
ADTLOD Load Threshold of Offset Adjustment ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
ADTON Offset Time Adjustment Switch ADD AISSCFG(Mandatory)
ADTST Offset Time Adjustment Start Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
ADVALMMGRULETP Advanced Alarm Management Rule Type ADD BTSALMMGMRULE(Mandatory)
AEC_Echo_Path_Delay AEC Echo Path Delay SET TCPARA(Optional)
AEC_Echo_Return_Loss AEC Echo Return Loss SET TCPARA(Optional)
AEC_Nlp_Gate AEC Nlp Gate SET TCPARA(Optional)
AEC_Path_Delay AEC Path Delay SET TCPARA(Optional)
AEC_Switch AEC Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
AECDetectThreshold AEC Detect Threshold SET TCPARA(Optional)
AECDetectTime AEC Detect Time SET TCPARA(Optional)
AID Alarm ID SET ALMPORT(Mandatory)
AID Alarm ID SET ALMLVL(Mandatory) SET ALMSHLD(Mandatory) SET BOXRPT(Mandatory)
AIDST Alarm Select Type ADD OBJALMSHLD(Optional)
AIDST Alarm Select Type ADD BTSOBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)
AInterMsgTrace A Interface Msg [End2end User Tracing] SET OTHSOFTPARA(Mandatory)
AINTFFCDISCOSEN A IF FC Discard Other Service Enable SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCEN A Interface Flow Control Enable SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCMETHOD A Interface Flow Control Method SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE1 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 1 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE2 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 2 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE3 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 3 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE4 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 4 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE5 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 5 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AINTFFCRSRATE6 A IF FC Service Rate in Level 6 SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
AIPCSDSRVRDNDLEV CSD Service Redundancy Level SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
ALC_Fix_Gain ALC Fix Gain SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Fix_Target_Level ALC Fix Target Level SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Max_Gain ALC Max Gain SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Max_Target_Level ALC Max Target Level SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Min_Target_Level ALC Min Target Level SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Mode ALC Mode SET TCPARA(Optional)
ALC_Switch ALC Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
AllBw Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
ALLOCDIFFTRX Resource Reallocation to Different Trx SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ALLOWEDMEASRPTMISSEDNUM Allowed Measure Report Missed Number SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
ALLTSTYPE Timeslot Type ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
ALLTSTYPE Timeslot Type ADD PBE1T1(Optional)
ALMD0 Feed Tri. 0 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMD1 Feed Tri. 1 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMD2 Feed Tri. 2 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMD3 Feed Tri. 3 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMD4 Feed Tri. 4 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMD5 Feed Tri. 5 TMA Low Current Alarm Threhold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
ALMDISACDUR Alarm Disappear Accumulate Duration ADD BTSALMMGMRULE(Mandatory)
ALMOCACDUR Alarm Occurrence Accumulate Duration ADD BTSALMMGMRULE(Mandatory)
AlmOccurAccuTimeHThd Alarm Occur Accumulative Time Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
AlmOccurAccuTimeLThd Alarm Clear Accumulative Time Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
AlmOccurTimesHThd Alarm Occur Times Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
AlmOccurTimesLThd Alarm Clear Times Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
ALMPARACFGFLAG Alarm Parameter Configuration Enabled SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
ALMTP Alarm Type EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ALTIDECI Antenna Altitude Decimal Part SET GCELLLCS(Optional)
ALTITUDE GPS antenna altitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
ALTITUDE Antenna Altitude Int Part SET GCELLLCS(Optional)
ALTITUDEIMP GPS antenna altitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
ALVL Alarm Severity EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ALVL Alarm Severity SET ALMLVL(Mandatory) SET ALMSCRN(Mandatory) SET ENVALMPARA(Optional)
AMPC0 Feed Tri. 0 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMPC1 Feed Tri. 1 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMPC2 Feed Tri. 2 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMPC3 Feed Tri. 3 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMPC4 Feed Tri. 4 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMPC5 Feed Tri. 5 TMA Configuration SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
AMRDADTHAW AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
AMRDLQHTHRED AMR DL Qual. Upper Threshold SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRDLQLTHRED AMR DL Qual. Lower Threshold SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRDLQUAFTLEN AMR Filter Length for DL Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRMAXSTEP0 AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRMAXSTEP1 AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRMAXSTEP2 AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRMRCOMPREG AMR MR. Compensation Allowed SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRQUALSTEP AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRUADTHAW AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
AMRULQHTHRED AMR UL Qual. Upper Threshold SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AMRULQUAFTLEN AMR Filter Length for UL Qual SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
AN19 MAX Retrans Reset Circle Msg on A-I SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
AN4 MAX Reset Mesg Retransmission on A-I SET AITFOTHPARA(Optional)
ANC_Max_Gain ANC Max Gain SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANC_Switch ANC Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANC_Target_SNR ANC Target SNR SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANGLE RET Antenna Tilt Angle SET BTSANTANGLE(Mandatory)
ANI Adjacent Node ID ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory)
ANI Adjacent node ID ADD IPMUX(Mandatory) ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory)
ANM Alarm Name SET ENVALMPARA(Optional)
ANR_Mode ANR Mode SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANR_Noise_Reduction_Level ANR Noise Reduction Level SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANR_Noise_Target_Level ANR Noise Target Level SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANR_Switch ANR Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
ANTAANGLE Antenna Azimuth Angle SET GCELLLCS(Optional)
ANTIERRFLAG E1T1 anti-error switch ADD MPGRP(Optional)
AntiTheftAllow Burglar Alarm Auto Clear Permit SET BTSTHEFTALM(Optional)
ANTPASSNO Sub-Location Group Antenna Pass No. ADD BTSBINDLOCGRP(Optional)
APN A interface port No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
APP Application type ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
APPTYPE Application Type ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
AqmM AQM N Update Interval SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmMaxTh AQM Maximum ThresholdSET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmMinTh AQM Congestion Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmNinit AQM Packet Discard Initial Interval SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmNLowerBound AQM Packet Discard Interval Lower Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmNUpBound AQM Packet Discard Interval Upper Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmSwitch AQM Switch SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AqmTarTh AQM Target Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
AreaCode Area Code SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
AREAFLAG Area flag CMP BRDAREA(Optional) LOD PATCH(Optional)
AREAFLAG Area flag LOD BRD(Optional) SYN BRDAREA(Optional)
AREDISTHD Abnormal Release Threshold SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
ARELBASE Abnormal Release Statistic Base SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
ARELWTHD Abnormal Warn ThresholdSET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
ARPRETRY ARP packet resend times STR IPCHK(Optional)
ARPTIMEOUT ARP packet time-out[100ms] STR IPCHK(Optional)
ASN A interface slot No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
ASN A interface slot No. ADD ATERSL(Optional) ADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
ASRN A interface subrack No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
ASS Event Type EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ASS Event Type SET ENVALMPARA(Optional)
AssignBetterCellEn Assigning Better Cell Allowed SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
ASSLOADJUDGEEN Assignment Cell Load Judge Enable SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
ASSOLRXLEVOFFSET Assign to Overlayer RxLev Offset SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
ASSORXUCN Associated RXU Board CNSET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
ASSORXUSN Associated RXU Board SN SET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
ASSThres Absolute Signal Strength Threshold SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
AT1 T1 SET BSCTMR(Optional)
AT13 T13 -s SET BSCAITFTMR(Optional)
AT17 T17 -s SET BSCAITFTMR(Optional)
AT18 T18 -s SET BSCAITFTMR(Optional)
AT19 T19 SET BSCTMR(Optional)
AT20 T20 SET BSCTMR(Optional)
AT4 T4 -s SET BSCAITFTMR(Optional)
ATCBHOEN Concentric Circles ATCB HO Allowed SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
ATCBHYST Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
ATCBTHRED Distance Between Boundaries of Subcells SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
Ater8KSw Switch of 8K on Ater SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
AterCongHRFlag HR Allocation Flag SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
AterCongstRatio Congestion Ratio on Ater Resource SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
ATERIDX Ater connection path indexADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory) ADD ATERCONPATH(Optional) ADD ATERSL(Mandatory) ADD ATERCONSL(Mandatory) ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
AterJamThreshold2StartLs Ater Jam Rate for BSC Local Switch SET BSSLS(Optional)
ATERMASK Ater Mask ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) ADD ATERSL(Mandatory) ADD ATERCONSL(Mandatory)
ATEROMLFLAG Whether or not for OML ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
ATERPIDX Ater Connection Path Index ADD ATEROML(Mandatory)
ATERSLID Ater Signaling Channel ID ADD ATERSL(Optional) ADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
ATERTRANSMODE Ater Interface Transfer Mode SET BSCBASIC(Mandatory)
ATN Antenna Tributary No. STR BTSVSWRTST(Optional)
ATSMASK A interface timeslot mask ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
ATT Attach-detach Allowed SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
ATTENFACTOR1 Antenna Tributary 1 FactorSET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
ATTENFACTOR2 Antenna Tributary 2 FactorSET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
AUSTOP Loop time[min] SET E1T1LOP(Optional)
AUSTOP Test time[min] STR E1T1TST(Optional)
AUTHMODE Authentication Mode SET SSLAUTHMODE(Mandatory)
AUTHMODE Validate mode ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
AUTHMODE Validate mode ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHMODE Validate Mode ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHNAME Validate user name ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
AUTHNAME Validate user name ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHNAME Validate User Name ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHPWD Validate password ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
AUTHPWD Validate password ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHPWD Validate Password ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
AUTHTYPE Validate protocol type ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
AUTHTYPE Validate protocol type ADD MPGRP(Optional)
AUTHTYPE Validate Protocol Type ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
AUTO Auto negotiation SET ETHPORT(Optional)
AUTOADDSRCON Add inter-subrack path automatically ADD BRD(Optional)
AUTOADJULTHHYSTF Auto Adjust UL TH and Hysteresis [F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
AUTOADJULTHHYSTH Auto Adjust UL TH and Hysteresis [H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
AutoGetBtsLogFlag Support Auto Obtaining of BTS Logs SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
AUTONEG Automatic Negotiation Mode SET BTSETHPORT(Optional)
AUTOTYPE Work Mode for Auto Download Activation SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Optional)
AUTOULKSW Auto Unlock Switch LCK SCHTSK(Optional)
AutoUnlockTime Auto Unlock Time SET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
AUTYPE Administration unit type SET OPT(Optional)
AVer A Interface Tag SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
AVOL Alarm level SET ALMPORT(Optional)
B1B2SDTHRD B1B2 signal degraded threshold SET OPT(Optional)
B1B2SFTHRD B1B2 signal fail threshold SET OPT(Optional)
B3SDTHRD B3 signal degrade threshold SET OPT(Optional)
B3SFTHRD B3 signal fail threshold SET OPT(Optional)
BACK8KCLKSW1 Switch of backplane LINE1SET CLK(Optional)
BACK8KCLKSW2 Switch of backplane LINE2SET CLK(Optional)
BackupPath Backup Path BKP LOGDB(Optional)
BACKUPPATH Path of Backup File BKP DB(Optional)
BADQUALDISCTHRES Bad Quality Disconnection Threshold SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
bAdvEstDlTbf Support Advance Downlink TBF Establishment SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
BAKDEVTAB BTS Interface Board Bar Code 2 ADD BTSESN(Optional)
BAKIP Backup port IP address STR IPCHK(Optional)
BAKMASK Backup port mask STR IPCHK(Optional)
BAKPWRSAVMETHOD Backup Power Saving Method SET BTSBAKPWR(Mandatory)
BAKPWRSAVPOLICY Backup Power Saving Policy SET BTSBAKPWR(Optional)
BANDINDICATOR1900 High Band Indicator of Cell 1900 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
BANDINDICATOR850 High Band Indicator of Cell 850 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
BANDINDICATOR900 High Band Indicator of Cell 900 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
BANTIME Forbidden time after MAX Times SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
BARCODLST Cabinet Bar Code List SET BTSRACKBC(Mandatory)
BASEBTSID Reference BTS Index ADD AISSCFG(Mandatory)
BASETEMPERATURE Temperature Basis for Compensation SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BASETEMPERATURE Temperature Basis for Compensation SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
BATTENABLEDIN Battery Configuration Enabled SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
BBAPSRVPN BBAP service listening port No. SET SCTPSRVPORT(Optional)
BBDIF Up Down Balance Basic Difference SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
BC Battery Capcity SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BCCONGESTRESALMBOUND BC Congestion Restore Alarm Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
BCID BC Identifier STR FRPORTLOOP(Mandatory) BLK BC(Mandatory) ADD BC(Mandatory) ADD NSVC(Mandatory)
BCLC Battery Current Limiting Coefficient SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BCV Boost-Charging Voltage SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BE Battery Configuration Enabled SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BEARP1PRIWEIGHT BestEffort-ARP1 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BEARP2PRIWEIGHT BestEffort-ARP2 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BEARP3PRIWEIGHT BestEffort-ARP3 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BEARTYPE DSP bear type ADD N7DPC(Mandatory)
BEATSENDINGDIS Interval for Sending Heartbeat SET GBSCREDGRP(Optional)
BETTERCELLHOEN Better Cell Handover Enable SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
BFDDETECTCOUNT Detect multiplier of BFD packet STR IPCHK(Optional)
BFDSN BFD Session No. ADD BTSBFD(Mandatory) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Mandatory)
BFRANGE Up Down Balance Floating Range SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
BHPREPOLICY Switchback Policy of Baseband FH Mutual Aid SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional)
BITOFFSET In Frame Bit Offset [1/8 bit] SET BTSEXCURSION(Mandatory) SET BSCSYNCOFF(Mandatory)
BKGARP1PRIWEIGHT Background-ARP1 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BKGARP2PRIWEIGHT Background-ARP2 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BKGARP3PRIWEIGHT Background-ARP3 Priority Weight SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
BLKFILTERSW Alarm switch of blinking filter SET ALMBLKSW(Optional)
BLKPRD Alarm blink threshold SET ALMBLKPARA(Optional)
BLKSTATPRD Observing time window of statistical alarm SET ALMBLKSW(Optional)
BLKSTATSW Switch of statistics blinking alarm SET ALMBLKSW(Optional)
BMTCFCTimerLen Timer Length of BM-TC Flow Control SET BSCTMR(Optional)
BOXFLG To Alarm Box Flag SET BOXRPT(Mandatory)
BP1 Position of Break Point 1 SET BTSBREAKPOINT(Optional)
BP2 Position of Break Point 2 SET BTSBREAKPOINT(Optional)
BRDCLASS Board Class STR BKP(Mandatory)
BRDCLASS Board Class SET FCSW(Mandatory) SET FCCPUTHD(Mandatory) SET FCMSGQTHD(Mandatory)
BRDCLASS Board Class SET CPUTHD(Mandatory)
BRDCLASS Board Class ADD BRD(Mandatory)
BRDNO Board No. STR BTSLOG(Mandatory)
BRDRXBW Receive Bandwidth ADD BTSBRDCAP(Mandatory) ADD BTSRXUBRD(Optional)
BRDSWTYPE BTS Board Software Type LOD BTSSW(Mandatory)
BRDTXBW Forward Bandwidth ADD BTSBRDCAP(Mandatory) ADD BTSRXUBRD(Optional)
BRDTYPE Board Type ADD BRD(Optional)
BRDTYPE Board type. SET ETHPORT(Mandatory)
BRDTYPE Board type ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
BRDTYPE Board type ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
BRDTYPE Board type ADD MPLNK(Mandatory)
BrdType Board Type ADD BTSBRDCAP(Mandatory)
BRDTYPE Board Type STR BTSLOG(Mandatory)
BREAKTIME Ring II Wait Time Before Switch SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
BS Backup Style BKP LOGDB(Optional)
BSCDynSwitchTrxPAAllow Allow Dynamic Shutdown of TRX by BSC SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
BSCFLAG BSC Flag BLK ACIC(Mandatory) ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
BSCGATHET BSC Offset Information Collection End Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
BSCGATHST BSC Offset Information Collection Start Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
BSCINCHPRD BSC Fine Tuning Period ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
BscLsStartMode Options for BSC Local Switch SET BSSLS(Optional)
BSCNAME External BSC Name ADD EXTBSC(Mandatory)
BSCPMA Preemption Allowed SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCPMAIRAHO Preemption Allowed During Intra-BSC Handover SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCPRICLASS eMLPP Multi-Priority Classes Allowed SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCQAD Queue Allowed SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCQADIRAHO Queuing Allowed During Intra-BSC Handover SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA1 Reserved parameter 1 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA10 Reserved parameter 10 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA11 Reserved parameter 11 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA12 Reserved parameter 12 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA13 Reserved parameter 13 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA14 Reserved parameter 14 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA15 Reserved parameter 15 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA16 Reserved parameter 16 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA17 Reserved parameter 17 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA18 Reserved parameter 18 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA19 Reserved parameter 19 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA2 Reserved parameter 2 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA20 Reserved parameter 20 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA21 Reserved parameter 21 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA22 Reserved parameter 22 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA23 Reserved parameter 23 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA24 Reserved parameter 24 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA25 Reserved parameter 25 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA26 Reserved parameter 26 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA27 Reserved parameter 27 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA28 Reserved parameter 28 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA29 Reserved parameter 29 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA3 Reserved parameter 3 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA4 Reserved parameter 4 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA5 Reserved parameter 5 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA6 Reserved parameter 6 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA7 Reserved parameter 7 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA8 Reserved parameter 8 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCRESERVEDPARA9 Reserved parameter 9 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
BSCSYMOFF BSC Symbol Offset SET BSCAISS(Mandatory)
BSCTID ID of BSC in TC Pool ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory) ADD ATERSL(Mandatory) ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
BSCTID ID of a BSC in TC Pool SET BSCBASIC(Mandatory)
BSPAMFRAMS Multi-Frames in a Cycle on the Paging CH SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
BSPBCCHBLKS Number of PBCCH Blocks ADD GCELL(Optional)
BSPRACHBLKS Number of PRACH Blocks ADD GCELL(Optional)
BssLsGenMode BSS Local Switching General Strategy SET BSSLS(Optional)
BSSLSMSCCOOP MSC-Collaborated BSS Local Switching ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
BT Board type SET CLK(Mandatory)
BT Board type CON PATCH(Mandatory)
BT Board type LOD PATCH(Mandatory) LOD BRD(Mandatory)
BT Board type SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) SET E1T1(Mandatory)
BT Board type LOP E1T1(Mandatory)
BT Board type STR E1T1TST(Mandatory)
BT Board type SET OPT(Mandatory)
BT Board Type SET COPTLNK(Mandatory)
BT Board Type ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory)
BT Board type CHK E1T1CRS(Mandatory)
BT Board Type ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
BT Board Type ADD BTSBRD(Mandatory)
BT Board Type ADD BTSRXUBRD(Mandatory)
BT Board Type ADD BTSTRXBRD(Mandatory)
BTCFLAG BM/TC config flag ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
BTCFLAG BM/TC config flag ADD ATERSL(Mandatory)
BTSadjust Adjust Voltage SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
BTSCOMTYPE BTS Communication Type SET BTSIP(Optional)
BTSCOMTYPE BTS Communication Type IMP BTSIPPARA(Mandatory)
BTSDESC BTS Description ADD BTS(Optional)
BTSID Site Index ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory)
BTSIDLST BTS Index List LOD BTSSW(Mandatory) LOD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) CON BTSPATCH(Mandatory)
BTSIDX Site Index Collect ADD BTSOP(Mandatory)
BtsLsStartMode Options for BTS Local Switch SET BSSLS(Optional)
BTSSWVER BTS Software Version LOD BTSSW(Mandatory)
BTSTRCMPRATE Transmission Compression Ratio SET BTSTRCMPR(Mandatory)
BTSTYPE BTS Type ADD BTS(Mandatory) SET BTSALM(Mandatory)
BTSWTR Time for Waiting to Restore ADD BTSBFD(Optional)
BTYPE Battery Type SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
BUILDTIME Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
BVCI PTP BVC Identifier ADD PTPBVC(Mandatory) BLK PTPBVC(Mandatory)
BVCTF BVC Flow Control Timer SET BSSGPPARA(Optional)
BWADJ Auto adjust bandwidth switch ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory)
BWDCONGBW Backward congestion remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDCONGCLRTH Backward congestion clear remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDCONGTH Backward congestion remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDOVLDCLRRSVBW Backward overload congestion clear remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDOVLDCLRTH Backward overload congestion clear remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDOVLDRSVBW Backward overload congestion remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDOVLDTH Backward overload congestion remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDRESVHOTH Backward handover reserved ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWDRSVHOBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
BWMAXRATIO Max bandwidth estimate ratio [%] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
BWMODE Bandwidth Mode ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
BWRTPTH Load Control algorithm BandWidth THD[%] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
BWTHD Up Down Balance Alarm Threshold SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
BYCELLTYPE Cell Index Type ADD NCELL(Mandatory) COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
C31HYST GPRS Cell Reselect Hysteresis Applied to C31 Criterion SET GCELLRESELECTPARA(Optional)
C32QUAL Exceptional Rule for GPRS Reselect Offset SET GCELLRESELECTPARA(Optional)
CABINETDESC Cabinet Description ADD BTSCABINET(Optional)
CABLST Cabinet List SET BTSRACKBC(Mandatory)
CABT Is remote cabinet ADD CAB(Mandatory)
CALLRESTABDIS Call Reestablishment Forbidden SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
CALVAL Calibration Value SET BTSCLKPARA(Mandatory)
CAPCOVEROPTSWITCH Capacity and Coverage Optimize Switch SET BTSAUTOPLANCFG(Optional)
CARDFREATTR Card Frequency Attribute ADD BTSBRD(Optional)
CARRYT The bearing type of the logic port ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
CARRYT Carry port type STR IPCHK(Optional)
CBA Cell Bar Access SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
CbNonMsgTimer Cb No Message Disconnection Timer SET BSCTMR(Optional)
CBQ Cell Bar Qualify SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
CBS Consent burst size [Byte] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
CbShakeHandTimer Cell Broadcast Handshake Timer SET BSCTMR(Optional)
CCAEnableSta Certificate Chain File Enabled State SET CERTFILE(Optional)
CDRTTRYFBDTHRES Cell Directed Retry Forbidden Threshold SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
CELL1800OFF 1800 Reporting Offset SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
CELL1800THRED 1800 Reporting ThresholdSET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
CELL2GBA1TAG 2GBA1 Input Tag SET GCELL2GBA1(Mandatory)
CELL900OFF 900 Reporting Offset SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
CELL900THRED 900 Reporting Threshold SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
CELLEQUCHGVOL Even Charging Voltage SET BTSPMUBP(Optional)
CELLEQUCHGVOL Even Charging Voltage SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLFLOATCHGVOL Float Charging Voltage SET BTSPMUBP(Optional)
CELLFLOATCHGVOL Float Charging Voltage SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLID Cell Index SET GMRSCOPE(Mandatory)
CELLID Cell Index ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
CELLIDLST Cell List STR NCS(Mandatory)
CELLIDTYPE Cell Index Type SET FHO(Mandatory)
CELLINEXTP Cell Inner/Extra Property ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
CELLLAYER Layer of the cell ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
CELLLIST Cell Index List ADD GSMSCB(Optional)
CellListOptionSend Cell List Send Flag in ASS CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CELLOPPWRGRP Cell Operator Power GroupSET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
CELLOVERCVGTALTH Cell Over Coverage TA Threshold SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
CELLPWROFFEN Battery Power-off Allowed State SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLPWROFFVOL Battery Power-off VoltageSET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLRESELSTRATEGY 2G/3G Cell Reselection Strategy SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
CELLTEMP1ALARMH High Temp Alarm Assembled Battery1 SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLTEMP1ALARML Low Temp Alarm Assembled Battery1 SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLTEMP1THRESHOLDH Upper Assembled Battery 1 Temp SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLTEMP1THRESHOLDL Lower Assembled Battery1 TEMP Measure SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLTEMPCOMPENABLEDBattery Temperature Compensated Configure Enabled SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
CELLWEAKCVGTALTH Cell Weak Coverage TA Threshold SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
CENDTHD Congestion End ThresholdSET GTRXFC(Optional)
CertChain Certificate Chain File NameSET CERTFILE(Mandatory)
CFGFLAG Board Parameter Configuration Enabled SET BTSFMUABP(Mandatory) SET BTSNFCBBP(Mandatory) SET BTSPMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSAPMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDATUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDEMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDHEUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDOMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDPMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSDTMUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSPSUFP(Mandatory) SET BTSDDPUBP(Mandatory) SET BTSUSCUBP(Mandatory)
CFGFLAG Carry Flag SET BTSIP(Optional)
CFGMODE BTS Configuration Mode SET BTSAUTOPLANCFG(Mandatory)
CFGSW Configure switch IMP BTSIPPARA(Mandatory) IMP BTSVLAN(Mandatory) IMP BTSDEVIP(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
CFLAG Board Parameter Configuration Enabled SET BTSCABPARA(Mandatory)
CFLAG Board Parameter Configuration Enabled SET BTSPOWERTYPE(Mandatory)
CFM Confirm Password ADD OP(Mandatory)
CG Command Group ADD CCG(Mandatory) SET CCGN(Mandatory)
CG Command Group ADD OP(Optional)
CGET Congestion End ThresholdADD ATERSL(Optional) ADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
CGET Congestion End ThresholdADD PBSL(Optional)
CGN Command Group Name SET CCGN(Optional)
CGN Cabinet Group No. SET BTSIDLETS(Mandatory)
CGST Congestion Start ThresholdADD ATERSL(Optional)
CGST Congestion Start ThresholdADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
CGST Congestion Start ThresholdADD PBSL(Optional)
CHAINNCELLTYPE Chain Neighbour Cell TypeADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
CHANFAULTALMPDCHTHPDCH Available Threshold of Channel Failure SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
CHANFAULTALMSWITCH Monitoring Alarm Switch for Channel Failure SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
CHANFAULTALMTCHTH TCH Available Threshold of Channel Failure SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
CHANNELRATECODE Channel Rate Type Decode Expand SET AITFOTHPARA(Optional)
CHANPDOUTTIME PDCH Out-of-Synchronization Period SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
CHECKCOUNT Ping Check Timeout Counts ADD IPPATH(Optional)
CheckingBTSConnection Auto Check of BTS Connection Port SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChkModA ANT_A ALD Current Detection Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
ChkModB ANT_B ALD Current Detection Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
CHKN Check Index STR IPCHK(Optional)
CHKN Check Index ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory)
CHKOFFTIMES Check Times for Off SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
CHKONTIMES Check Times for On SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
CHKSUMRX Calculate checksum when receive message ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
CHKSUMTX Calculate checksum when send message ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
CHKSUMTYPE Checksum arithmetic ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
CHKTYPE Check type STR IPCHK(Mandatory)
CHLDURATH Duration<hour> STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
CHNNO Channel No. SET TCPLYVOICE(Mandatory)
CHNO Channel No. SET FHO(Mandatory) SET GTRXCHANHOP(Mandatory) SET GTRXCHAN(Mandatory) SET GTRXCHANADMSTAT(Mandatory) STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
CHNTSTTYPE Channel Test Type STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
ChosenChInAssCmp ChosenCh Send Flag in ASS CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenChInHoPerform ChosenCh Send Flag in HO Perform SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenChInHoReqAck ChosenCh Send Flag in HO REQ ACK SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenEncrypAlgInCiphCmp ChosenEncrypAlg Send Flag in Cipher CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenEncrypAlgInHoPerform ChosenEncrypAlg Send Flag in HO Perform SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenEncrypAloInAssCmpChosenEncrypAlg Send Flag in ASS CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ChosenEncrypAloInHoReqAck ChosenEncrypAlg Send Flag in HO REQ ACK SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CHPWRINSUFFALLOWED Channel Assign Allow for Insuff Power SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
CHTYPE Channel Type SET GTRXCHAN(Optional)
CicDMuteDifCnt Number of Different Frames in CIC One-Way Mute Detection SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CicDMutePeriod CIC Downlink One-Way Mute Detection Period SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CicDMuteSwitch CIC Downlink One-Way Mute Detection Switch SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CicDMuteThre CIC Downlink One-Way Mute Detection Threshold SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CicDMuteTime CIC Downlink One-Way Mute Detection Duration SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CicPoolInAssFail CIC Pool Send Flag in ASS Fail SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CicPoolInHoFail CIC Pool Send Flag in HO Fail SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CicPoolListInAssFail CIC Pool List Send Flag in ASS Fail SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CicPoolListInHoFail CIC Pool List Send Flag in HO Fail SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CicPoolSendFlagInAssCmpCIC Pool Send Flag in ASS CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CicPoolSendFlagInHoAck CIC Pool Send Flag in HO REQ ACK SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CIR Bandwidth [64kbps] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
CLASS11DTM Support Class11 DTM SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
CLASSMARKQUERY Classmark Enquiry With 3G Request SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
CLEARTHD Error clear threshold ADD MPGRP(Optional)
CLKTYPE Clock board type SET CLKTYPE(Mandatory)
ClkType Clock Type SET BTSCLK(Mandatory)
ClrDelay Clear Command Delay Time SET BTSTHEFTALM(Optional)
CLRFLG Alarm Cleared Flag EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ClrInterval Clear Command Time Interval SET BTSTHEFTALM(Optional)
CMD Command Name EXP LOG(Optional)
CMD Command Name ADD CCG(Mandatory)
CMDSEQ Command Sequence ADD SUBCMD(Mandatory)
CN Cabinet No. ADD CAB(Mandatory)
CN Cabinet No. ADD BTSBFD(Optional) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Optional)
CN Cabinet No. OPR BTSBRDPWR(Mandatory)
CNT Records to Return EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
CNT Cabinet Type SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
CNT Cabinet Type SET BTSDPMUBP(Mandatory)
CNTL Counts Limit SET LOGLIMIT(Optional)
CNTRISTHRD Upper count threshold of raised fault SET ALMBLKPARA(Optional)
CNTSTLTHRD Lower count threshold of raised fault SET ALMBLKPARA(Optional)
CODE Code ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
COLDSET Refrigeration Equipment SET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
COLTYPE Collection Type COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
COMMACC Common Access Control Class SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
Complicacy Password Complexity SET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
COMPRS BTS Transfer Compression Rate SET BTSBWPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD0 Recover threshold of queue 0 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD1 Recover threshold of queue 1 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD2 Recover threshold of queue 2 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD3 Recover threshold of queue 3 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD4 Recover threshold of queue 4 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGCLRTHD5 Recover threshold of queue 5 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD0 Congestion threshold of queue 0 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD1 Congestion threshold of queue 1 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD2 Congestion threshold of queue 2 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD3 Congestion threshold of queue 3 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD4 Congestion threshold of queue 4 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONGTHD5 Congestion threshold of queue 5 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
CONHOEN Concentric Circles HO Allowed SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
CONNPWR Connect power monitoring board ADD SUBRACK(Optional)
CONNTYPE Connection Type SET CONNTYPE(Mandatory)
CONNTYPE Connection Type ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
CONTHOMININTV Min Interval for Consecutive HOs SET GCELLHOCTRL(Optional)
CONTINTV Interval for Consecutive HO Jud. SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
CONTPING Continue ping or not PING IP(Optional)
Count Send PKT Count PING MAC(Optional) PING BTSCFM(Optional)
CPRIDURATS Duration Second STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
CPS Allow Dynamic Shutdown of TRX SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
CRC4CHK CRC4 Check Switch SET BTSCRC4(Mandatory)
CRH Cell Reselect Hysteresis Parameters SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
CRL Certificate Revocation List File Name SET CERTFILE(Mandatory)
CRLEnableSta Certificate Revocation List File State SET CERTFILE(Optional)
CRMSGRESENDINT Channel Release Resend Interval SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
CRMSGRESENDNUM Channel Release Resend Number SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
CRO Cell Reselect Offset SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
CROCALTMTHRD Cross Call Detect Time Threshold SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
CROSSIPFLAG Cross IP address available flag ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
CSADDTINFO CHR Supplementary Info Output Control SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSBQTHR Bad Speech Quality Rate Threshold SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSCLTERMABNORM Abnormal Call End Output Control SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSDATADL GSM CS data service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
CSDATAPATH CS data path ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
CSDATAPRI CS data priority ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
CSDATAUL GSM CS data service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
CSDSP CS Data Service PRI ADD GCELL(Optional)
CSHOINFO CHR Handover Information Output SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSMRBFCLR Output MR Before Call Release SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSMRBFHO Output MR Before Handover SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSRCDSW CHR Function Switch SET GCSCHRCTRL(Mandatory)
CSTARTTHD Congestion Start ThresholdSET GTRXFC(Optional)
CSTRAFTYPE Service Type of CHR Output SET GCSCHRCTRL(Optional)
CSVOICEDL GSM CS voice service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
CSVOICEPATH CS voice path ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
CSVOICEPRI CS voice priority ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
CSVOICEUL GSM CS voice service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
CSVSP CS Voice Service PRI ADD GCELL(Optional)
CSW Self-healing Switch for Ethernet Adapter Traffic Monitoring SET SLFSLVSW(Optional)
CT1 Timer alignment ready ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT2 Timer not aligned ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT3 Timer aligned ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT4E Timer emergency proving ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT4N Timer normal proving ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT5 Timer sending SIB ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT6 Timer remote congestion ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT7 Timer excessive delay of acknowledgement ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CT9 Timer interval of resending FISU ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
CTHD Critical threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
CTHD Critical threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
CTRLACKTYPE Control Acknowledge TypeSET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
CTRLPORTCN Control Port Cabinet No. ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
CTRLPORTNO Control Port No. ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
CTRLPORTSN Control Port Slot No. ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
CTRLPORTSRN Control Port Subrack No. ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
CTRLSN Control Plane Slot No. SET BTSCTRL(Mandatory)
CTRLSRN Control Plane Subrack No.SET BTSCTRL(Mandatory)
CTRLSW CM Control Enable SwitchSET CMCTRLSW(Mandatory)
CurChannelInHoRqd HO_RQD Current Channel SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
CYCLE Period of New File Generation[min] SET GCSFILE(Optional)
DATAFILE Data file UPD JTGCPLD(Mandatory)
DATE Date Limit ADD OP(Optional)
DATE Date SET TIME(Optional)
DateRangeIndex Prohib DynShutdown TRX DateRangeIdx ADD BSCDSTPADATE(Mandatory)
DBD Dead Band SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
DBFREQBCCHIUO BCCH IUO of Double Frequency Cell ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
DBLFREQADJCID Same Group Cell Index ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
DBLFREQADJCNAME Same Group Cell Name ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
DBLFREQADJIDTYPE Same Group Cell Index Type ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
DCLACN DC Low Voltage Alarm Cabinet No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
DCLAPN DC Low Voltage Alarm Port No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
DCLASN DC Low Voltage Alarm Slot No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
DCLASRN DC Low Voltage Alarm Subrack No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
DCVLTHD DC Voltage Lower Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
DCVOLALARMH DC Overvoltage Alarm Threshold SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
DCVOLALARML DC Under Voltage Alarm Threshold SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
DCVUTHD DC Voltage Upper Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
DefaultDynPdchPreTranNum Number of Dynamic Channel Pre-Converted SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
DENO Destination entity No. ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD M3RT(Mandatory) ADD M3LKS(Mandatory)
DESC Description ADD OP(Optional)
DESTEALSET Anti-theft Equipment SET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
DESTIP Destination IP address PING IP(Mandatory)
DESTIP Destination IP address TRC IPADDR(Mandatory)
DESTIP Destination IP address ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory)
DESTNODE Transport Link Type ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
DESTSN Peer Slot No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
DESTSRN Peer Subrack No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
DESTSSN Peer Subsystem No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
DESTTRXID Destination Main BCCH TRX ID MOV BCCH(Mandatory)
DETECTFRAMEPERIOD Period of Mute Detect Class2 TRAU Frame SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DETECTMULT Detect Period ADD BTSBFD(Optional)
DETECTSWITCH Switch for Abis Timeslot Detection SET BTSABISTROP(Mandatory)
DEVIP Borrowed device IP address ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
DEVTYPE Device IP Address Type ADD DEVIP(Mandatory)
DFTPORTSWT The Type of FTP Server Command Port SET FTPSSRV(Mandatory)
DGPSPERIOD DGPS data report period[min] ADD GPS(Optional)
DINM Date in Month ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
DINW Date in Week ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
DIR Directory DLD LICENSE(Mandatory) ULD LICENSE(Mandatory)
DIR File Directory DLD RETANTCFG(Optional) DLD BTSPATCH(Optional) ULD BTSLOG(Optional) DLD BTSSW(Optional)
DirectedRetryAssFailSendEnable Directed Retry AssFail Send Enable SET AITFOTHPARA(Optional)
DisconnectHandoverProtectTimer Disconnect Handover Protect Timer SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
DIVERT16QAMDELAY Diversity Transmitter 16QAM Delay SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
DIVERT32QAMDELAY Diversity Transmitter 32QAM Delay SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
DIVERT8PSKDELAY Diversity Transmitter 8PSK Delay SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
DivSwitch Four Diversity Receiver SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
DLCI The Identifier of Data Link Connection ADD NSVC(Mandatory)
DLDCSPT Support Downlink Dual-Carrier SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
DlGprsTbfExpandOp Downlink GPRS TBF Window Expansion Optimization SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
DLHYSTF1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTF2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTF3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTH1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTH2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTH3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTWB1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLHYSTWB2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DlLdrThrd2GCell 2G Cell DL Basic Congest Thred SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
DLLTFERLOWTH Downlink Long-term FER Lower Threshold SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLLTFERTGT Downlink Long-term FER Target SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLLTFERUPTH Downlink Long-term FER Upper Threshold SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLLTTHADJFA Downlink Threshold Adjust Factor SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DlOlcThrd2GCell 2G Cell DL Overload Congest Thred SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
DLPREDLEND DL MR. Number PredictedSET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
DLQUAFILTLEN Filter Length for DL Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
DLQUALBADTRIG DL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
DLTESTRESENDINT Download Test Resend Interval SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
DLTESTRESENDNUM Download Test Resend Number SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
DLTHF1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHF2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHF3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHH1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHH2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th2[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHH3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHWB1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DLTHWB2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th2[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
DNDEFAULTCS Downlink Default CS Type SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNFIXCS Downlink Fixed CS Type SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNSENDSMDIS Short Message Downlink Disabled SET GCELLCCAD(Optional)
DNTHDCSDEGRADE1 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS1 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNTHDCSDEGRADE2 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS2 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNTHDCSDEGRADE3 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS4 to CS3 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNTHDCSUPGRADE1 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS1 to CS2 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNTHDCSUPGRADE2 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS3 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DNTHDCSUPGRADE3 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS4 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
DOOR_ENGINE_MASK Enable Door Status Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional)
DPC DSP code[Whole Number]ADD N7DPC(Mandatory)
DPCDNF DSP code[Divided Number] ADD N7DPC(Mandatory)
DPCGIDX DPC Group Index BLK ACIC(Mandatory)
DPCGIDX DPC Group Index ADD AE1T1(Optional)
DPCGIDX DPC Group Index ADD GCNNODE(Mandatory)
DPCT DSP type ADD N7DPC(Mandatory)
DPX DSP index ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory) ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD GCNNODE(Mandatory) ADD GEXTSMLC(Mandatory)
DRHOLEVRANGE Directed Retry Handover Level Range ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
DROPCTRLCONNFAILHOACCFAIL Drop Optimize Conn Fail[HO access fail] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLCONNFAILOM Drop Optimize Conn Fail[OM intervention] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLCONNFAILOTHER Drop Optimize Conn Fail[other] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLCONNFAILRLFAIL Drop Optimize Conn Fail[radio link fail] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLCONNFAILRRNOTAVL Drop Optimize Conn Fail[resource not available] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLEQUIPFAIL Drop Optimize Equipment Failure SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLERRINDDMRSPDrop Optimize Err Ind[unsolicited DM response] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLERRINDSEQERRDrop Optimize Err Ind[sequence error] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLERRINDT200 Drop Optimize Err Ind[T200 timeout] SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLFORCHOFAIL Drop Optimize Forced Handover Failure SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLINBSCHO Drop Optimize Into-BSC Handover Timeout SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLINTRABSCOUTHO Drop Optimize Intra-BSC Handover Timeout SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLINTRACELLHO Drop Optimize Intra-Cell Handover Timeout SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLNOMR Drop Optimize No MR for Long Time SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLOUTBSCHOT8 Drop Optimize Out-BSC Handover Timeout SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLRELIND Drop Optimize Release Indication SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPCTRLRESCHK Drop Optimize Resource Check SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD0 Packet discard threshold of queue 0 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD1 Packet discard threshold of queue 1 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD2 Packet discard threshold of queue 2 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD3 Packet discard threshold of queue 3 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD4 Packet discard threshold of queue 4 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPKTTHD5 Packet discard threshold of queue 5 [ms] ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
DROPPWRINTERVAL Drop Power Time Interval[T3] SET BTSBAKPWR(Optional)
DRYSET Dehumidification Equipment SET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
DS1 E1T1 port No. ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
DS1 E1T1 port No. ADD MPLNK(Optional)
DSCP Differentiated Service Codepoint ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) SET PHBMAP(Mandatory)
DSCP Differentiated services code point PING IP(Optional)
DSCP Differentiated Service Codepoint SET DSCPMAP(Mandatory)
DST DaylightSave SET TZ(Optional)
DSTF Destination File Name ULD BTSDEVFILE(Mandatory)
DSTIP Destination IP address ADD IPRT(Mandatory)
DSTIP Destination IP Address ADD BTSBFD(Mandatory)
DSTIP Destination IP Address ADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
DSTMASK Destination address mask ADD IPRT(Mandatory)
DSTMASK Destination Address MaskADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
DSTPORTNO Destination port No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)
DSTTSMASK Destination timeslot mask ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)
DTLOADTHRED Directed Retry Load Access Threshold SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
DUMMYBITRANDSWITCHDummy Bit Randomization Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
DURATH Duration<Hour> STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
DURATH Duration Hour STR TRXBURSTTST(Mandatory)
DURATM Duration<minute> STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
DURATS Duration<s> STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
DWNDYNCHNTRANLEV Downlink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
DWNINTEN DL Signal Strength Limit ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
DYNCHFREETM Timer of Releasing Idle Dynamic Channel SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
DYNCHNPREEMPTLEV Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
DYNCHTRANRESLEV Reservation Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
DYNOpenTrxPower Allow Dynamic Shutdown of TRX SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
DYNPBTSUPPORTED Dynamic Transmission Div Supported SET GCELLCHMGBASIC(Optional)
E1SLCTTMU Transmission Board Type STR TRANSPERFTST(Mandatory)
E1T1PN E1/T1 port No. SET COPTLNK(Optional)
E1T1PN E1/T1 Port No. SET BTSCLK(Mandatory)
E1T1PORTNO Backboard E1/T1 Port No. ADD BTSTOPCONFIG(Mandatory)
E1T1TYPE E1/T1 Type SET BTSCLK(Mandatory)
ECHOIP Check IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
ECNOOFF Ec/No Offset ADD G3GNCELL(Optional)
ECNOTHRES Ec/No Threshold for Layer Of 3G Cell ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
ECSN End Serial No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ED End Date ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
ED End Date EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ED End Date STA ALMLOG(Optional)
EDATE End Date STR BTSLOG(Optional)
EDAY End date SET TZ(Mandatory)
EDBLASTTIME Number of Satisfactory Measurements SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
EDBSTATTIME Total Number of Measurements SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
EDBSYSFLOWLEV Subcell HO Allowed Flow Control Level SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
EDGELAST Handover Algorithm II Edge HO Valid Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
EDGELAST1 Handover Algorithm I Edge HO Valid Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
EDGESTAT Handover Algorithm II Edge HO Watch Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
EDGESTAT1 Handover Algorithm I Edge HO Watch Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
EFTIMMFLAG Effect Immediately Flag SET BTSLOADCTRL(Mandatory)
EM EndType SET TZ(Mandatory)
EMCPRILV Priority of Emergency Call SET GCELLCCAD(Optional)
EMERGENCY Emergency verification ADD MTP3LKS(Optional)
EMITTHD Error emit threshold ADD MPGRP(Optional)
EMONTH End month SET TZ(Mandatory)
EMSIP EMS IP Address ADD EMSIP(Mandatory)
ENABLE Fallback Function Enable SET BTSFALLBACK(Optional)
ENABLED TMA Power Supply EnabledSET BTSTMA(Mandatory)
ENCRY Encryption Algorithm SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
ENCRYMODE Transport Encrypted ModeSET FTPSSRV(Optional)
ENCRYMODE The Encrypted Mode SET FTPSCLT(Optional)
End2EndTraceState Support End-to-end User Tracing Function SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
ENDAID End Alarm ID EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
EndDayDSTPA Prohibit Power Saving End Day ADD BSCDSTPADATE(Mandatory)
ENDHEATTEMP Heater Shutdown Temperature SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
EndMonthDSTPA Prohibit Power Saving End Month ADD BSCDSTPADATE(Mandatory)
EndTimeTACloseTrxPA Time When the Function Is Disabled SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
ENDTS End TS BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
ENDTS End TS BLK AE1T1(Mandatory)
ENDTS End Timeslot NO. SET BTSFORBIDTS(Mandatory)
ENF Status SET SCHTSKSW(Mandatory)
ENF Subtask Status ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
ENGOVERLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell General OverLoad Thred SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ENIUO Enhanced Concentric Allowed ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
ENLDHOPRD Load Classification HO Period SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ENLDHOSTP Load Classification HO StepSET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ENLOWLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell Low Load Thred SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ENPREEMPTTRANSADMT Transmission Resource Preempting Support SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
ENQUETRANSADMT Transmission Resource Queuing Support SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
ENSOVERLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell Serious OverLoad Thred SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
ENTITYT Local entity type ADD M3LE(Mandatory)
ENTITYT Destination entity type ADD M3DE(Mandatory)
EPLCSwitch EPLC Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
ERCODE Return Code EXP LOG(Optional)
ERGCALLDIS Emergent Call Disable SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
ERRALARMTHD Error-frame alarm threshold SET ETHPORT(Optional) ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional)
ERRDETECTSW Error-frame detect switch SET ETHPORT(Optional) ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional)
ESSN End Sync Serial No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ESTTIME Ring II Rotating Penalty Time SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
ET EndTime SET TZ(Mandatory)
ET End Time EXP LOG(Optional)
ET End Time ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
ET Execute Type RUN BATCHFILE(Optional)
ET End Time COL LOG(Optional)
ET End Time EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ET End Time STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ET End Time ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
ETD End Date ADD OP(Mandatory)
ETIME End Time STR BTSLOG(Optional)
ETP Log Type EXP LOG(Optional)
ETT End Time ADD OP(Mandatory)
EWEEK End week SET TZ(Mandatory)
EWSEQ End week sequence SET TZ(Mandatory)
EX_ANO1_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO1_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO1_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO1_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO1_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO2_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO2_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO2_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO2_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO2_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO3_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO3_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO3_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO3_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO3_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO4_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO4_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO4_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO4_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
EX_ANO4_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
EXCACC Exclusive Access SET GCELLSERVPARA(Optional)
EXCEPFRAMETHRES Exceptional Frame Threshold of Mute Detect Class1 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
EXTADJCELLID BSC Adjacent Cell Index ADD EXTNCELL(Mandatory)
EXTCELLTHRENH Extended Cell Throughput Enhancement SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
EXTFlag Extended Switch of Input Alarm SET BTSALM(Optional)
EXTMEASORD Extension Measurement Command SET GCELLEXTMSRPARA(Optional)
EXTTP Cell Extension Type ADD GCELL(Optional)
EXTUTBFNODATA Not Send Dummy Message with Extended Uplink TBF SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
FACCHSENDNOTMSGINDFACCH Send Notification Msg Indication SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
FANADJUSTCOMMAND0 Continuous adjustment command SET FANSPEED(Optional)
FANADJUSTCOMMAND1 Discrete adjustment command SET FANSPEED(Optional)
FANADJUSTCOMMAND2 Duty ratio adjustment command SET FANSPEED(Optional)
FANADJUSTMODE Fan adjustment mode SET FANSPEED(Optional)
FANSPEEDMODE Speed adjustment mode SET FANSPEED(Mandatory)
FANTYPE FanBox Type LOD FAN(Mandatory)
FaultDetectSwitch Fault Detect Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
FC Physical layer flow control switch SET ETHPORT(Optional)
FC Flow Control SET BTSETHPORT(Optional)
FCETHD Flow Control End Threshold SET GTRXFC(Optional)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index SET ETHPORT(Mandatory)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD MPGRP(Optional)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Mandatory)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD ETHTRK(Optional)
FCINDEX Flow control parameter index SET BSCABISPRIMAP(Mandatory)
FCN Cabinet No. of Parent BTS ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
FCN Cabinet No. of Father BTS ADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
FCSTHD Flow Control Start Threshold SET GTRXFC(Optional)
FCSTYPE CRC check mode ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
FCSTYPE CRC check mode ADD MPLNK(Optional)
FCSW Flow control switch SET FCSW(Mandatory)
FCV Float-Charging Voltage SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
FDDDIVERSITY Diversity Indication SET GCELLIDLEFDDBA1(Mandatory)
FDWINDOW Fast judgement window SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
FILE File Name EXP LOG(Optional)
FILE Target File Path ZIP FILE(Mandatory)
FileName File Name BKP LOGDB(Optional)
FILETYPE Log File Type EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
FIN Final EXP LOG(Optional)
FINESTEPPCALLOWED 0.2dB Power Control Enable SET GCELLPWR3(Optional)
FIRESET Fire-extinguishing Equipment SET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
FlashAlmClrThd Flash Alarm Clear Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
FlashAlmOccurThd Flash Alarm Occur Threshold SET BTSALMFLASHTHD(Optional)
FlashFilterEn Flash Filter Enable SET BTSALMFLASHTW(Optional)
FlashStatisAlmClrTW Flash Statistic Alarm Clear Time Window SET BTSALMFLASHTW(Optional)
FlashStatisAlmOccurTW Flash Statistic Alarm Raise Time Window SET BTSALMFLASHTW(Optional)
FLEXABISMODE Flex Abis Mode ADD BTS(Optional)
FLEXMAIO Start Flex MAIO Switch ADD GCELL(Optional)
FlowCountPeriodTicks Flux Measurement Period SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch SET ETHPORT(Optional)
FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch ADD MPGRP(Optional)
FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch ADD ETHTRK(Optional)
FLTPARAA1 Filter Parameter A1 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA2 Filter Parameter A2 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA3 Filter Parameter A3 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA4 Filter Parameter A4 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA5 Filter Parameter A5 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA6 Filter Parameter A6 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA7 Filter Parameter A7 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAA8 Filter Parameter A8 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FLTPARAB Filter Parameter B SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional)
FN File Name EXP ELABEL(Optional)
FN File Name DLD LICENSE(Mandatory) ULD LICENSE(Mandatory)
FN File Name EXP DEVFILE(Optional)
FN File Name EXP CFGMML(Optional) BKP DB(Optional) RTR DB(Mandatory) EXP GCELLTEMPLATE(Optional)
FN File Name CHK DATA2LIC(Optional) RVK LICENSE(Optional)
FN File Name DLD RETANTCFG(Mandatory) EXP BTSDEVFILE(Optional) LOD RETANTCFG(Mandatory) ULD BTSLOG(Mandatory) DLD BTSSW(Mandatory)
FN File Name DLD BTSPATCH(Optional)
FORBIDNO7FLASHDISC Anti DPC Intermittent Disconnect Timer ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
Force_Limit_Time Force Limit Time SET TCPARA(Optional)
Force2Phase Force MS Two-phase Access SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
FPN Dest Father BTS Port No. ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
FPN Dest Father BTS Port No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
FPTIMER Maximum Delay Time[ms] ADD IPMUX(Optional)
FRAGSIZE MP flake size ADD MPGRP(Optional)
FREQ Time Mode EXP LOG(Mandatory)
FREQ Time Mode ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
FREQ Frequency ADD GTRX(Mandatory)
FREQ1 Frequency 1 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ10 Frequency 10 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ11 Frequency 11 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ12 Frequency 12 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ13 Frequency 13 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ14 Frequency 14 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ15 Frequency 15 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ16 Frequency 16 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ17 Frequency 17 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ18 Frequency 18 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ19 Frequency 19 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ2 Frequency 2 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ20 Frequency 20 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ21 Frequency 21 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ22 Frequency 22 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ23 Frequency 23 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ24 Frequency 24 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ25 Frequency 25 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ26 Frequency 26 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ27 Frequency 27 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ28 Frequency 28 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ29 Frequency 29 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ3 Frequency 3 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ30 Frequency 30 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ31 Frequency 31 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ32 Frequency 32 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ33 Frequency 33 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ34 Frequency 34 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ35 Frequency 35 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ36 Frequency 36 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ37 Frequency 37 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ38 Frequency 38 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ39 Frequency 39 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ4 Frequency 4 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ40 Frequency 40 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ41 Frequency 41 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ42 Frequency 42 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ43 Frequency 43 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ44 Frequency 44 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ45 Frequency 45 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ46 Frequency 46 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ47 Frequency 47 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ48 Frequency 48 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ49 Frequency 49 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ5 Frequency 5 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ50 Frequency 50 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ51 Frequency 51 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ52 Frequency 52 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ53 Frequency 53 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ54 Frequency 54 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ55 Frequency 55 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ56 Frequency 56 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ57 Frequency 57 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ58 Frequency 58 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ59 Frequency 59 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ6 Frequency 6 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ60 Frequency 60 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ61 Frequency 61 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ62 Frequency 62 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ63 Frequency 63 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ64 Frequency 64 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ7 Frequency 7 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ8 Frequency 8 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQ9 Frequency 9 ADD GCELLFREQ(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional)
FREQADJ Frequency Adjust Switch SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
FREQADJVALUE Frequency Adjust Value SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
FREQBAND Frequency Band Attribute ADD BTSANTFEEDERBRD(Optional)
FREQREUSEMODE Frequency Reuse Mode SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
FREQS Frequency List STR NCS(Mandatory)
FREQSCANRLSTTYPE Frequency Scan Result Type SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
FSN Slot No. of Father BTS ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
FSN Slot No. of Father BTS ADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
FSRN Subrack No. of Parent BTSADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
FSRN Subrack No. of Father BTSADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
FT File Type EXP LOG(Optional)
FTI Factor table index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory)
FTI Factor table index ADD TRMFACTOR(Mandatory)
FTI Factor table index SET BSCABISPRIMAP(Mandatory)
FWDCONGBW Forward congestion remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDCONGCLRTH Forward congestion clear remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDCONGTH Forward congestion remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDOVLDCLRRSVBW Forward overload congestion clear remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDOVLDCLRTH Forward overload congestion clear remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDOVLDRSVBW Forward overload congestion remain bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDOVLDTH Forward overload congestion remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDRESVHOTH Forward handover reserved ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
FWDRSVHOBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
G2G3GLdBlcDeltaThrd CS 2G 3G Load Balance Delta Threshold SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
G2GLoadAdjustCoeff 2G Load Adjustment Coefficient SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
G711_Mode G711 Mode SET TCPARA(Optional)
GATHET Offset Information Collection End Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
GATHLOD Load Threshold of Offset Collection ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
GATHON Offset Information Collection Switch ADD AISSCFG(Mandatory)
GATHST Offset Information Collection Start Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
GCChk Group Call Check SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
GCSCHNASSULCHNEN VGCS Channel Assign in Channel Enable SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
GLOBALROUTESW Global route management switch SET GLOBALROUTESW(Mandatory)
GMSKDELAY Diversity Transmitter GMSK Delay SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
GPRSCHPRI PDCH Channel Priority Type SET GTRXCHAN(Optional)
GPRSHCSTHR Threshold of HCS Signal Strength SET GCELLSERVPARA(Optional)
GPSPERIOD GPS data report period ADD GPS(Optional)
GROUPINDEX BSC Node Redundancy Group Index SET GBSCREDGRP(Mandatory)
GROUPNAME BSC Node Redundancy Group Name SET GBSCREDGRP(Optional)
GRPID Transport Resource Group No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) SET BTSIP(Mandatory)
GRPT Transport Resource Group Type ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
GS Geography Scope SET GCELLSBC(Optional) ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
GUARDTYPE ICMP type which will be guarded ADD ICMPGUARD(Mandatory)
GWIP BTS Security Gateway IP Address SET BTSIP(Optional)
HalfRateDataSupport Support Half Rate Data Service SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
HAVETT1 Antenna Tributary 1 Flag SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
HAVETT2 Antenna Tributary 2 Flag SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
HBINTER Heartbeat interval ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
HCN Head Cabinet No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
HIERPWRPARA1 Hierarchical Power Para1 SET BTSBAT(Optional)
HIERPWRPARA2 Hierarchical Power Para2 SET BTSBAT(Optional)
HiFreqBandSupport Support High Frequency Band SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
HIGHLEVPREEM Highest-Priority MSs Rapid Preemption SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
HISPRIOALLOW History Record Priority Allowed SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
HISTORYPWDNUM Maximum History Password Numbers SET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
HOALGOPERMLAY Pref. Subcell in HO of Intra-BSC SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
HOBTWNOTHOPALLOW Handover Between Operators Allow ADD GCNOPERATOR(Optional)
HOCDCMINDWPWR Min DL Level on Candidate Cell SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
HOCDCMINUPPWR Min UL Level on Candidate Cell SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
HOCELLIDTYPE Specify Index of Cell Handover to SET FHO(Mandatory)
HOCELLNAME Cell Name of Handover toSET FHO(Mandatory)
HODIRFORECASTEN Handover Direction Forecast Enable SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HODIRLASTTIME Handover Direction Forecast Last Times SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HODIRSTATIME Handover Direction Forecast Statistic Times SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HODOWNTRIGE Quick Handover Down Trigger Level SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HODURT3G FDD 3G Better Cell HO Valid Time ADD G3GNCELL(Optional)
HODURT3GTDD TDD 3G Better Cell HO Valid Time ADD G3GNCELL(Optional)
HOECNOTH3G Ec/No Threshold for Better 3G Cell HO SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional)
HOLASTTIME Quick Handover Last TimeADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
HOMOD Handover Scope SET FHO(Mandatory)
HOOFFSET Quick Handover Offset ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HOOLRXLEVOFFSET Handover to Overlayer RxLev Offset SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
HOPOWERBOOST Power Boost before HO Enabled or Not SET GCELLOTHBASIC(Optional)
HOPRETH2G HO Preference Threshold for 2G Cell SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional) SET GCELLHOUTRANTDD(Optional)
HopSingleFreqOptSwitch Hop Group Single Freq Optimization SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
HOPUNISHVALUE Quick Handover Punish Value ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HoSdcchSpeechVer Speech VER in SDCCH HO REQ ACK SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
HOSTAT3G FDD 3G Better Cell HO Watch Time ADD G3GNCELL(Optional)
HOSTAT3GTDD TDD 3G Better Cell HO Watch Time ADD G3GNCELL(Optional)
HOSTATICTIME Quick Handover Static Time ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
HOSTTYPE The host type of signalling point ADD OPC(Optional)
HOTHRES Inter-layer HO Threshold ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
HOUPTRIGE Quick Handover Up Trigger Level SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
HPANTMODE Cell Antenna Hopping SET GCELLHOPANT(Optional)
HPN Head Port No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
HPRIOR Highest Priority SET GCELLCHMGBASIC(Optional)
HPVFLAG Hierarchical Power-off Config. Enabled SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
HPVTHD Load Power-off Voltage SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
HRATESPT Support Half Rate SET GCELLCCCH(Optional)
HSN Head Slot No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
HSNSW HSN Modification Switch ADD GCELL(Optional)
HSRN Head Subrack No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
HT Hop Type ADD BTSBFD(Mandatory)
HTCP High Temperature Critical Point SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
HTDO High Temperature Delta Tout SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
HTSDF High Temperature Shutdown Flag SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
HUM_MASK Enable Humidity Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional)
HUM_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Humidity Alarm ADD EMU(Optional)
HUM_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Humidity Alarm ADD EMU(Optional)
HUMALAMRTHRESHOLDHUpper Threshold of Humidity Alarm SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
HUMALAMRTHRESHOLDHUpper Threshold of Humidity Alarm SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
HUMALAMRTHRESHOLDLLower Threshold of Humidity Alarm SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
HUMALAMRTHRESHOLDLLower Threshold of Humidity Alarm SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
HYSON Hysteresis for On SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
IARXTMR Inactive RX timer SET SCCPTMR(Optional)
IASUSLCTTMU Transmission Board Type STR TRANSPERFTST(Mandatory)
IATXTMR Inactive TX timer SET SCCPTMR(Optional)
ICF Intelligent Control Flag SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
ICMPPKGLEN ICMP packet Length ADD IPPATH(Optional)
ID Task ID ADD SCHTSK(Mandatory) SET SCHTSKSW(Optional) ADD SUBTSK(Optional) ADD SUBCMD(Optional)
ID Task ID STR SCHTSK(Optional)
ID Index ADD BTSBRDCAP(Mandatory)
Idle_Code Idle Code SET TCPARA(Optional)
IDLECODE Idle code SET E1T1LOP(Optional)
IDTYPE Index Type ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
IDX Semipermanent Link IndexADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
IDXTYPE Index Type SET MSTOCELL(Mandatory) TST SNDRSI(Mandatory) TST UPDMSRAC(Mandatory)
IFNO Outgoing Interface No. ADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
IFOFFSETHIG Positive or Minus Offset SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
IFOFFSETLOW Indication Offset SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
IFREPPRO Report Process Flag STR BTSLOG(Optional) ULD BTSLOG(Optional)
IGNOREMRNUM Ignore Measurement Report Number SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
IMMASSCBB Immediate Assignment Optimized SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
IMMASSDLSHIFT Move Immediate Assignment Down to BTS SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
IMMASSEN TCH Immediate Assignment SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
IMMASSTAALLOW TA Pref. of Imme-Assign Allowed SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
IMMASSTATHRES TA Threshold of Imme-Assign Pref SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
IMMFNAD Immediate Initial Adjust After Site Reset Enable ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
INCHLOD Fine Tuning Threshold ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
INCHPRD Fine Tuning Period in BSC ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
INCLUDEANG Included Angle SET GCELLLCS(Optional)
INCN In Port Cabinet No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
INDEN3 Independent E1 Port 3 SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
INFOEXCHGLIST Info Exchange Content ADD GNRNC(Mandatory)
INFRA_RED_MASK Infrared alarm switch ADD EMU(Optional)
INNASSOPTEN OL Subcell Assignment Optimization SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
INNCELLID BSC Inner Cell Index ADD EXTNCELL(Mandatory)
INNLOADHOEN Load HO of OL Subcell to UL Subcell SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
INNLOADHOPERI OL Subcell Load Diversity HO Period SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
INPN In BSC Port No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
INPUTMD Latitude and Longitude Input Mode SET GCELLLCS(Optional)
INSN In BSC Slot No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
INSN In Port Slot No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
INSRN In BSC Subrack No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
INSRN In Port Subrack No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Optional)
INT Broadcast Interval ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
INTELEVHOHYST Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
INTERBANDSTATALGO Interfere Band Stat Algorithm Type SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
INTERCELLHYST Inter-cell HO Hysteresis ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
INTERFHOEN Interference HO Allowed SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
INTERFPRIALLOW Interf. Priority Allowed SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
INTERFTHRES0 Interference Band Threshold 0 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERFTHRES1 Interference Band Threshold 1 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERFTHRES2 Interference Band Threshold 2 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERFTHRES3 Interference Band Threshold 3 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERFTHRES4 Interference Band Threshold 4 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERFTHRES5 Interference Band Threshold 5 SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
INTERIORSYNCTMR BSC Interior Clock Synchronize Protect Time ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
INTERPERIOD Interference Calculation Period SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
InterRatCsServiceLoadHoThrd Inter-RAT CS Service HO Load Threshold SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRatIurgInBscHoEn Allow Incoming BSC Handover at Iur-g SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoEcNoBandWidth Inter-RAT Load HO Bandwidth [EcNo] SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoEcNoStartInter-RAT Load HO EcNo at Start Point SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoEcNoStepInter-RAT Hierarchy Load HO Step [EcNo] SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoRSCPBandWidth Inter-RAT Load HO Bandwidth [RSCP] SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoRSCPStartInter-RAT Load HO RSCP at Start Point SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRATLoadHoRSCPStepInter-RAT Hierarchy Load HO Step [RSCP] SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
InterRatServiceLoadHoSwitch Allow Inter-RAT Load HO in Access State SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
INTERVAL Relative Time EXP LOG(Optional)
IntRATLoadHOEcNoThr Inter-RAT Load HO EcNo Threshold SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
IntRATLoadHoPeriod Inter-RAT Hierarchical Load HO Period SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
INTSN In BSC Start Timeslot No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
INTV Time Interval ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
INTV OMU Automatic Switchover Interval SET ASWPARA(Mandatory)
IP IP Address ADD XPUVLAN(Mandatory)
IP IP Address EXP LOG(Optional) ADD SNTPSRVINFO(Mandatory) DLD LICENSE(Mandatory) ULD LICENSE(Mandatory)
IP Local IP Address ADD NSVLLOCAL(Mandatory)
IP Remote IP Address ADD NSVLREMOTE(Mandatory)
IP Physical IP SET BTSETHPORT(Optional) IMP BTSDEVIP(Optional)
IP FTPServer IP DLD RETANTCFG(Mandatory) ULD BTSDEVFILE(Mandatory) DLD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) ULD BTSLOG(Mandatory) DLD BTSSW(Mandatory)
IPADDR Local IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
IPADDR IP address ADD DEVIP(Mandatory)
IPADDR Local IP address ADD ETHIP(Mandatory)
IPADDR Packet source IP address ADD ICMPGUARD(Mandatory)
IPADDR Next Hop IP address. ADD VLANID(Mandatory)
IPADDR Local IP address ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory)
IPADDR1 IP Address1 ADD SGSN(Mandatory)
IPADDR1 Master Clock Server IP Address SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
IPADDR2 IP Address2 ADD SGSN(Optional)
IPADDR2 Slave Clock Server IP Address SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
IPADDR3 IP Address3 ADD SGSN(Optional)
IPADDR4 IP Address4 ADD SGSN(Optional)
IPEAAT IP Frame Error Alarm Threshold SET BTSETHPORT(Optional) ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
IPEADT IP Frame Error Alarm Clearance Threshold SET BTSETHPORT(Optional) ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
IPHC Head compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
IPHC Head compress ADD MPGRP(Optional)
IPINDEX IP address index ADD ETHIP(Mandatory)
IPINDEX IP address index ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory)
ISCHAINNCELL Chain Neighbor Cell ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
ISCLKREDUCY Clock Server Redundancy SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
ISCLKREDUCYBAK Clock Server Redundancy SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
ISCONFIGTHD Configure Check Thresholds or Not ADD BTSRXUBRD(Optional)
ISEDGESUPPORT EDGE Support in External Neighbour Cell ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
ISFIRSTCLASS Is First Class Transport Resource Group ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
ISGPRSSUPPORT GPRS Support in External Neighbour Cell ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
IsMainBSC Is Main BSC SET BSCBASIC(Mandatory)
ISNC2SUPPORT NC2 Support in External Neighbour Cell ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
ISNCMODE Subnetwork Configure Mode ADD NSE(Optional)
ISSPTDEMUS Demu Configure Information SET BTSENVALM(Mandatory)
IsSupportTcPool Is Support Tc Pool SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
ISTCBRD TC board ADD BRD(Mandatory)
ISTMPCTRL DHEU Temperature Control SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
ISTRANCABCON Tran. Cabinet Configured SET BTSPSUFP(Optional)
ITFT Interface Type ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) ADD TRMMAP(Mandatory)
ITFType Interface Type ADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
IUO Concentric Attribute SET GTRXIUO(Mandatory)
IUOCHNTRAN Dynamic Channel Conversion Parameter of Concentric Cell SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
IUOTP Cell IUO Type ADD GCELL(Optional)
J0ALMSWITCH J0 trace mismatch alarm switch SET OPT(Optional)
J0BYTE_FORMAT J0 Byte Format SET OPT(Mandatory)
J0RXVALUE J0 expected incept value SET OPT(Optional)
J0TXVALUE J0 transmit value SET OPT(Optional)
J0TYPE J0 type SET OPT(Optional)
J1ALMSWITCH J1 trace mismatch alarm switch SET OPT(Optional)
J1BYTE_FORMAT J1 Byte Format SET OPT(Mandatory)
J1RXVALUE J1 expected incept value SET OPT(Optional)
J1TXVALUE J1 transmit value SET OPT(Optional)
J1TYPE J1 type SET OPT(Optional)
J2ALMSWITCH J2 mismatch alarm switch SET COPTLNK(Optional)
J2BYTE_FORMAT J2 Byte Format SET COPTLNK(Optional)
J2MODE J2 length SET COPTLNK(Optional)
J2RXVALUE J2 expected incept value SET COPTLNK(Optional)
J2TXVALUE J2 transmit value SET COPTLNK(Optional)
JAUTOADD Automatic Append J Byte SET OPT(Optional) SET COPTLNK(Optional)
JBF LAPD Jitter Buffer AlgorithmSET BTSJBF(Mandatory)
JITBUFSWITCH Jitter Buffer switch SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
K2MODE K2 Mode SET MSP(Optional)
KEEPALIVE Keep-alive timer length[S] ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Optional)
LACPMODE Aggregation Mode ADD ETHTRK(Mandatory)
LATIDECI Latitude Decimal Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATIDEGREE Latitude Degree Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATIINT Latitude Int Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATIMINUTE Latitude Minute Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATISECONDDECI Latitude Second Decimal Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATISECONDINT Latitude Second Int Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LATITUDE GPS antenna latitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
LATITUDESEC GPS antenna latitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
LATPRD Delay measure period [100ms] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LATSUSTM Delay adjust suspend period [LATTH] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LATTH Rate down threshold for delay [ms] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LATUDK average delay down filter mantissa ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LATUPK average delay up filter mantissa ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LAYER Layer of The Cell SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
LAYER Layer of the cell ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
LAYHOLOADTH Inter-Layer HO Load Threshold SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
LBCongestProtect1 Lb Congestion Protection Timer 1 ADD GEXTSMLC(Optional)
LBCongestProtect2 Lb Congestion Protection Timer 2 ADD GEXTSMLC(Optional)
LDRFOUH LDR Fourth SET LDR(Optional)
LDRFST LDR First SET LDR(Optional)
LDRSND LDR Second SET LDR(Optional)
LENO Local entity No. ADD M3LE(Mandatory) ADD M3DE(Mandatory)
LEVEL Log Level EXP LOG(Optional)
LEVEL Log Level COL LOG(Optional)
LEVEL Alarm Mask Switch SET ALMML(Mandatory)
Level MD LEVEL ADD ETHMD(Optional)
LEVHOHYST Inter-layer HO Hysteresis SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
LEVLAST Layer HO Valid Time ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
LEVSTAT Layer HO Watch Time ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
LGCAPPTYPE Logical function type ADD BRD(Optional)
LGCAPPTYPE Logical function type CON PATCH(Optional) LOD PATCH(Optional) LOD BRD(Optional)
LGCAPPTYPE Logic function type ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
LGCUSAGETYPE Application type of POUc_TDM ADD BRD(Optional)
LGIDX PbSL Logical Index ADD PBSL(Optional)
LHUMTHD Lower Humidity ThresholdSET BTSEXD(Optional)
LICALMCTHD Alarm occur threshold SET LICALMTHD(Mandatory)
LICALMRTHD Alarm recover threshold SET LICALMTHD(Mandatory)
LINKNO Link No. LOP LAPDLNK(Mandatory)
LKTATE Link rate type ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
LL Lower Limit SET ALMPORT(Optional)
LL Lower Limit SET BTSENVALMPORT(Optional)
LLCN Channel No. SET E1T1LOP(Optional)
LNA1 LNA Threshold1 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
LNA2 LNA Threshold2 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
LNKNUMMODE Tributary Numbering SET OPT(Optional)
LNKRATE Semipermanent Link Rate ADD SEMILINK(Optional)
LNKREDFLAG Initial bearing traffic active tag ADD M3LNK(Optional)
LNKSLSMASK Signalling link mask ADD MTP3LKS(Optional)
LNKSLSMASK Signalling link mask ADD M3LKS(Optional)
LoadAccThres Load handover Load Accept Threshold ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
LOADBALANCEALG MSC Pool Load Balancing Algorithm Select ADD GCNOPERATOR(Optional)
LOADCURRENTDIV Load Current Shunt Coefficient SET BTSPMUBP(Optional)
LOADHOAD Enhanced Load HO Allowed SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
LoadHoEn Load Handover Support SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
LoadHoEnExt2G Load Handover Support ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
LoadHoEnExt3G Load Handover Support ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
LOADHOUSRRATIO HO Ratio of Enhanced Load HO Algorithm SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
LOADPWROFFEN Load Power-off Allowed State SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
LOADRESELALLOW Cell Load Reselection Allowed SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
LOADRESELMAXRXLEV Load Reselect Level Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
LOADRESELRXTHRSH Load Reselection Receive Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
LOADRESELSTARTTHRSH Load Reselection Start Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
LOADSHAREALLOW Balance Traffic Allowed SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
LOADSTATYPE Type of Cell Load Calculation SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
LOADTHSW TRM Load Threshold switchSET BSCABISPRIMAP(Optional)
LOCALIP Local IP address ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
LOCALIP Local IP address ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
LOCALIP Local IP Address ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory)
LOCALIP Local IP Address ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
LOCGRPNO Location Group No. ADD BTSLOCGRP(Mandatory) ADD BTSRXU2LOCGRP(Mandatory) SWP BTSLOCGRP(Mandatory)
LOCGRPNO Location Group No. ADD BTSOBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)
LOCINFOKEY Filter of Location Information EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
LOCIP1 First local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
LOCIP2 Second local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
LOCKST Set Locked/Unlock SET OPLOCK(Mandatory)
LOCPN Local SCTP port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
LODCTRL Board Start Load Control. SET LODCTRL(Mandatory)
LODMODE Loading Mode LOD BTSSW(Optional) LOD BTSPATCH(Optional)
LOGCTHD Log control threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
LOGCTHD Log control threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
LOGPORTFLAG Logic Port Flag ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
LOGPORTNO Logic Port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
LOGPORTSN Logic Port Slot No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
LOGRTHD Log restore threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
LOGRTHD Log restore threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
LOGSW Log control switch SET FCSW(Optional)
LOGTYPE Log File Type COL LOG(Mandatory)
LOGTYPE Log Type STR BTSLOG(Mandatory) ULD BTSLOG(Mandatory)
LONGIDECI Longitude Decimal Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGIDEGREE Longitude Degree Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGIINT Longitude Int Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGIMINUTE Longitude Minute Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGISECONDDECI Longitude Second Decimal Part SET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGISECONDINT Longitude Second Int PartSET GCELLLCS(Mandatory)
LONGITUDE GPS antenna longitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
LONGITUDESEC GPS antenna longitude ADD GPS(Mandatory)
LoopLevel Loop Level STR BTSTST(Optional)
LOOPMODE Loopback Type STR FRPORTLOOP(Mandatory)
LOOPSW Loop Detect Switch SET E1T1(Optional)
LOOPTYPE Loop type LOP LAPDLNK(Mandatory)
LOPDIR Loop Direction STR CALLRESLOP(Mandatory)
LOPLOC Loop Position STR CALLRESLOP(Mandatory)
LOPT Loop type SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory)
LOPT Loop type. SET OPTLOP(Mandatory)
LOSTSUSTM Suspend times after bandwidth adjusted ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LOWLEVSUBRESPREEMPTFLG Low-level Sublink Resource Preempt Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
LOWNOISESWH Diversity LNA Bypass Permitted SET GCELLOTHBASIC(Optional)
LOWTEMPLOADPWROFF Low Temperature StartLoadPower-off Allowed State SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
LOWTEMPLOADPWROFF Low Temperature StartLoadPower-off Allowed State SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
LPN IP Logic Port No. ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
LPN Logic port No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
LPN Logic port No. SET BTSIP(Mandatory)
LPNSN IP Logic Port Slot No. ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
LPNTYPE Type of the logic port ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory)
LQCMODE Link Quality Control ModeSET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional)
LSDF Load Shutdown Flag SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
LSDV Load Shutdown Voltage SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
LSRTRD LDR Third SET LDR(Optional)
LSTCMD Whether Include List Command EXP LOG(Optional)
LstFormat Result list format CMP TBLDATA(Optional)
LT Load type LOD BRD(Optional)
LT Log Type SET LOGLIMIT(Mandatory)
LT Log Type EXP LOG(Mandatory)
LTCP Low Temperature Critical Point SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
LTEMTHD Lower Temperature Threshold SET BTSEXD(Optional)
LTFERLOWTH Uplink Long-term FER Lower Threshold SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
LTFERTGT Uplink Long-term FER Target SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
LTFERUPTH Uplink Long-term FER Upper Threshold SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
LTTHADJFA Uplink Threshold Adjust Factor SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
LVDS252DSPNUM Number of DSPs with 252 LVDS Links SET DSPLVDSMODE(Mandatory)
Lvl1Vswr Lvl1 Vswr SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
Lvl2Vswr Lvl2 Vswr SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
LVSDF Low Voltage Shutdown Flag SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
M3UASRVPN M3UA service listening port No. SET SCTPSRVPORT(Optional)
MAC MAC Address ADD XPUVLAN(Mandatory)
MACEAAT MAC Frame Error Alarm Threshold SET BTSETHPORT(Optional)
MACEADT MAC Frame Error Alarm Clearance Threshold SET BTSETHPORT(Optional)
MAIDX MA Index ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) PING MAC(Mandatory) TRC MAC(Mandatory)
MAINBCCHPWDTACTCHENPower Derating Active Channel Enabled SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
MAINDEVTAB BTS Interface Board Bar Code 1 ADD BTSESN(Mandatory)
MAINPORTNO Main Port No ADD BTS(Optional)
MainVer Main Version No.of TMU SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Mandatory)
MAJORALMUP0 Feed Tri. 0 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MAJORALMUP1 Feed Tri. 1 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MAJORALMUP2 Feed Tri. 2 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MAJORALMUP3 Feed Tri. 3 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MAJORALMUP4 Feed Tri. 4 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MAJORALMUP5 Feed Tri. 5 TMA Over Critical Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MANAME MA Name ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) PING BTSCFM(Mandatory) TRC BTSCFM(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet mask ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet mask ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet mask ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD EMSIP(Mandatory)
MASK Packet source mask ADD ICMPGUARD(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet mask ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet Mask ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory)
MASK Subnet Mask ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
MASTERIPADDR Master Clock Server IP Address ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
MASTERIPADDR Clock Server IP Address 1 SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
MAXADJPCVAL MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
MAXASSOCRETR Association max retrans ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
MAXBW Max bandwidth [64kbps] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
MAXCNTNUM MAX Consecutive HO Times SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
MaxDlAssRetryTimes Retry Times of Downlink TBF Reassignment SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
MaxDlEstRetryNum Retry Times of Downlink TBF Establishment SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
MAXFRAMELEN Maximum Frame Length[byte] ADD IPMUX(Optional)
MAXLOADBTSNUM Max BTS Num of Parallel Software Load SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
MAXMFLEN PPP mux max mux-frame length ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
MAXMFLEN PPP mux max mux-frame length ADD MPGRP(Optional)
MaxMissTimes Maximum Retry Times SET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
MAXNUM Max Alarm Log Number SET ALMCAPACITY(Optional)
MAXOUTPUTPOWER Diesel Max Output Power SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
MAXPATHRETR Path max retrans ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
MaxPbLinkChkNum Pb Link Check Max TimeOut Number SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
MAXPDCHNUM Maximum Number of PDCH SET GTRXBASE(Optional)
MAXPDCHRATE Maximum Rate Threshold of PDCHs in a Cell SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
MaxPollingRetryTimes Retry Times of Downlink TBF Polling SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
MAXRESEND Max Resend Times of Phy.Info. SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
MAXRETRANS1 Max Retransmissions for Radio Priority 1 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
MAXRETRANS2 Max Retransmissions for Radio Priority 2 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
MAXRETRANS3 Max Retransmissions for Radio Priority 3 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
MAXRETRANS4 Max Retransmissions for Radio Priority 4 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
MAXSFLEN PPP mux max sub-frame length ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
MAXSFLEN PPP mux max sub-frame length ADD MPGRP(Optional)
MAXSTEP0 MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 0 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
MAXSTEP1 MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 1 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
MAXSTEP2 MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 2 SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
MAXTIME Maximum time for posaveSTR POSAVE(Optional)
MAXTSOCP Maximum Number of Occupied Abis Timeslots SET GTRXBASE(Optional)
MBFDLOCALIP Multi hop BFD detect local ip STR IPCHK(Mandatory)
MBR Multi-band report SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
MBTSID Second BTS Index COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
MCELLID Second Cell Index ADD NCELL(Mandatory) COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
MCELLNAME Second Cell Name ADD NCELL(Mandatory) COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
MCN Cabinet No. of Management Board SET BTSFMUABP(Optional) SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDATUBP(Optional) SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
MCSTANDARD GSM Multi Carrier BTS Standard SET BTSPSUFP(Optional)
MDName MD NAME ADD ETHMD(Mandatory) PING BTSCFM(Mandatory) TRC BTSCFM(Mandatory)
MEASORDER Allow MR Command or not SET GCELLPSI1(Optional)
MEASPERIOD Measurement Period ADD GNRNC(Mandatory)
MHF MP/MC list head option ADD MPGRP(Optional)
MHF MP/MC List Head Option ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
MINACCRXLEV Cell Reselection Level Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
MINBW Min bandwidth [64kbps] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
MINECNOTHRES Min Ec/No threshold ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
MINOFFSET Min Access Level Offset ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
MinorAlmThdA ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MinorAlmThdB ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP0 Feed Tri. 0 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP1 Feed Tri. 1 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP2 Feed Tri. 2 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP3 Feed Tri. 3 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP4 Feed Tri. 4 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MINORALMUP5 Feed Tri. 5 TMA Over Warning Alarm Threshold SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MinorClrThdA ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MinorClrThdB ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MINPWRLEVDIRTRY Min Power Level For Directed Retry SET GCELLHOCTRL(Optional)
MINRXINT Min interval of BFD packet receive [ms] STR IPCHK(Optional)
MINRXINTERVAL Minimum RX Interval ADD BTSBFD(Optional)
MINTXINT Min interval of BFD packet send [ms] STR IPCHK(Optional)
MINTXINTERVAL Minimum TX Interval ADD BTSBFD(Optional)
MIRRORSPN Mirror Source Port No. STR ETHMIRRORPORT(Mandatory)
MODE System clock working mode SET CLKMODE(Mandatory)
MODE Signalling link mode ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
MODE Configure Mode SET QUICKCFG(Mandatory)
MODE Mode after Switchover SWP MBSCMODE(Mandatory) CHK MODEDATA(Mandatory)
MODE File Output Mode SET GCSFILE(Mandatory)
MODE Backup mode SET MSP(Optional)
MODE Check mode STR IPCHK(Optional)
MODE0 Feed Tri. 0 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MODE1 Feed Tri. 1 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MODE2 Feed Tri. 2 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MODE3 Feed Tri. 3 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MODE4 Feed Tri. 4 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MODE5 Feed Tri. 5 Alarm Mode SET BTSDATUBP(Optional)
MOVESPEEDTHRES Quick Move Speed Threshold SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
MPGRPEAAT MP Group Frame Error Alarm Threshold ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
MPGRPEADT MP Group Frame Error Alarm Clearance Threshold ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
MPGRPN MP Group No. ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory)
MPMODE Multiplexing Mode ADD BTS(Optional)
MPTYPE MP type ADD MPGRP(Optional)
MPUSLOT MPU Slot No. SET MPUBIND(Mandatory) ADD BRD(Mandatory)
MPUSUBRACK MPU Subrack No. SET MPUBIND(Mandatory) ADD BRD(Mandatory)
MRCOMPREG MR. Compensation Allowed SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
MRPREPROCFREQ Sent Freq.of preprocessed MR SET GCELLHOCTRL(Optional)
MRRUATTENFACTOR1 Antenna Tributary 1 FactorSET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MRRUATTENFACTOR2 Antenna Tributary 2 FactorSET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
MRSCOPESWITCH MR Collection Scope Switch SET GMRSCOPE(Mandatory)
MRSWITCH MR Collection Control Switch SET GMRCTRL(Mandatory)
MRU Max Receive Unit ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPLNK(Optional)
MS Number of MSs ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
MSCAPABLESTATSWITCH MS Capability Statistic Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
MSCCAP MSC Available Capability<K User number> ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
MSCSTATUE MSC Administrable State ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs1Prefix Number for BSC 1 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs10 Prefix Number for BSC 10 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs2Prefix Number for BSC 2 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs3Prefix Number for BSC 3 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs4Prefix Number for BSC 4 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs5Prefix Number for BSC 5 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs6Prefix Number for BSC 6 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs7Prefix Number for BSC 7 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs8Prefix Number for BSC 8 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBscLs9Prefix Number for BSC 9 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs1Prefix Number for BTS 1 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs10 Prefix Number for BTS 10 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs2Prefix Number for BTS 2 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs3Prefix Number for BTS 3 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs4Prefix Number for BTS 4 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs5Prefix Number for BTS 5 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs6Prefix Number for BTS 6 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs7Prefix Number for BTS 7 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs8Prefix Number for BTS 8 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnPrfxList2StartBtsLs9Prefix Number for BTS 9 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs1 Avoid Number for BSC 1 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs10 Avoid Number for BSC 10 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs2 Avoid Number for BSC 2 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs3 Avoid Number for BSC 3 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs4 Avoid Number for BSC 4 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs5 Avoid Number for BSC 5 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs6 Avoid Number for BSC 6 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs7 Avoid Number for BSC 7 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs8 Avoid Number for BSC 8 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBscLs9 Avoid Number for BSC 9 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs1 Avoid Number for BTS 1 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs10 Avoid Number for BTS 10 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs2 Avoid Number for BTS 2 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs3 Avoid Number for BTS 3 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs4 Avoid Number for BTS 4 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs5 Avoid Number for BTS 5 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs6 Avoid Number for BTS 6 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs7 Avoid Number for BTS 7 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs8 Avoid Number for BTS 8 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MsisdnSegList2AvoidBtsLs9 Avoid Number for BTS 9 SET BSSLS(Optional)
MSPCMD MSP Control Command SET MSPCMD(Mandatory)
MSRN Subrack No. of Management Board SET BTSFMUABP(Optional) SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDATUBP(Optional) SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
MSRXMIN Min DL level on candidate Cell ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
MSRXQUALSTATTHRSH MS Rx Quality Statistic Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
MSTF MS Flow Control Timer SET BSSGPPARA(Optional)
MSTSERVACTDELAY Master Service Active Delay SET GBSCREDGRP(Optional)
MSTXPWRMAX Maximum TX Power for Access PCH SET GCELLSERVPARA(Optional)
MSW Self-healing Switch for Memory Overload SET SLFSLVSW(Optional)
MTHD Method CHK E1T1CRS(Mandatory)
MTP2LNKN MTP2 link No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
MTRLGY Metrology ADD GPS(Optional)
MTU MTU value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
MTVT Hierarchical Power Supply Para.<0.1v> SET BTSBAT(Optional)
MUTECHECKCLASS1PERIOD Period of Mute Detect Class1 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
MUTECHECKPEIROD Period of Mute Detect Class2 SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
MUTEFORBITCALLTMINTVAL Access Prohibited Upon One-Way Audio SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
MUTERELCALLEN Forced Call Release Upon Failed Handover in One-Way Audio SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
MUXTIME PPP mux framing out-time[us] ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
MUXTIME PPP mux framing out-time[us] ADD MPGRP(Optional)
MWTRXNO Min Quantity of Working TRXs SET BTSCABPARA(Optional)
MYDISCRIMINATOR My discriminator of BFD STR IPCHK(Optional)
N200 N200 SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
N200ESTAB N200 of Establish SET GCELLCCTMR(Optional)
N200FFULL N200 of FACCH/Full Rate SET GCELLCCTMR(Optional)
N200FHALF N200 of FACCH/Half Rate SET GCELLCCTMR(Optional)
N200REL N200 of Release SET GCELLCCTMR(Optional)
N3101 Maximum Value of N3101SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional)
N3103 Maximum Value of N3103SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional)
N3105 Maximum Value of N3105SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional)
N391 Parameter of DTE [N391] ADD BC(Optional)
N392 Parameter of DTE [N392] ADD BC(Optional)
N393 Parameter of DTE [N393] ADD BC(Optional)
NAME OSP name ADD OPC(Mandatory)
NAME DSP name ADD N7DPC(Mandatory)
NAME Signalling Route name ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory)
NAME Signalling link set name ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory)
NAME Signalling link name ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
NAME Adjacent Node Name ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory)
NAME Local entity name ADD M3LE(Mandatory)
NAME Destination entity name ADD M3DE(Mandatory)
NAME M3UA route name ADD M3RT(Mandatory)
NAME M3UA Signalling link set name ADD M3LKS(Mandatory)
NAME M3UA Signaling link nameADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
NAME PCU Name ADD PCU(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELL1ID Neighbor 2G Cell 1 Index ADD GIBCAPNCGRP(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELL1NAME Neighbor 2G Cell 1 Name ADD GIBCAPNCGRP(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELL2ID Neighbor 2G Cell 2 Index ADD GIBCAPNCGRP(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELL2NAME Neighbor 2G Cell 2 Name ADD GIBCAPNCGRP(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELLID Neighbor 2G Cell Index ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBR2GNCELLNAME Neighbor 2G Cell Name ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBR3GNCELLID Neighbor Cell Index ADD G3GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBR3GNCELLNAME Neighbor Cell Name ADD G3GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBRCI Neighbour Cell CI ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBRLAC Neighbour Cell LAC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBRMCC Neighbour Cell MCC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBRMNC Neighbour Cell MNC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
NBRSPT64 Support 64 Neighbour Cells SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
NC2LoadResel NC2 Load Reselection Switch SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
NC2SPT Support NC2 SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
NCELLFILTER Neighbor Cell Filter Length MR Number SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres0 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 0 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres1 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 1 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres2 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 2 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres3 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 3 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres4 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 4 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres5 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 5 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres6 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 6 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NcellInterFLevelThres7 NeighborCell Interfere Level Thresh 7 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NCO Network Control Mode SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
NEIGHBOR Adjacent flag ADD N7DPC(Optional)
NEXTHOP Forward Route Address ADD OMUIPRT(Mandatory)
NEXTHOP Forward route address ADD IPRT(Mandatory)
NEXTHOP Forward route address ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory)
NEXTHOP Forward Route Address ADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
NI Network ID ADD OPC(Mandatory)
NM Download file name DLD TCFILE(Mandatory)
NMO Network Operation Mode SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
NMSACN No Mains Supply Alarm Cabinet No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
NMSAPN No Mains Supply Alarm Port No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
NMSASN No Mains Supply Alarm Slot No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
NMSASRN No Mains Supply Alarm Subrack No. SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
NO1M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.1 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO1M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.1 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO2M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.2 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO2M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.2 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO3M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.3 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO3M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.3 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO4M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.4 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO4M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.4 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO5M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.5 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO5M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.5 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO6M48ALMTHDDOWN Lower limit of No.6 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NO6M48ALMTHDUP Upper limit of No.6 input -48V[-V] SET PWRPARA(Optional)
NODET Adjacent Node Type ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory)
NormalCurDurA A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
NormalCurDurB B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
NORMALRESELALLOW Cell Normal Reselection Allowed SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
NORTHD Normal Work TEMP Threshold SET BTSCABPARA(Optional)
NOTRASP Statistical Period of No-traffic SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
NQUERIES Number of TRACERT Packages Per TTL TRC IPADDR(Optional)
NRofFDDCellFlag Support NR_of_FDD_cells Writing SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
NSEI NSE Identifier ADD NSE(Mandatory) ADD NSVC(Mandatory) ADD NSVLLOCAL(Mandatory) ADD NSVLREMOTE(Mandatory) ADD PTPBVC(Mandatory) BLK PTPBVC(Mandatory)
NSVCI NSVC Identifier ADD NSVC(Mandatory)
NSVCIDX NSVC Index ADD NSVC(Mandatory) BLK NSVC(Mandatory)
NTDI Normal Temperature Delta Tin SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
NTDO Normal Temperature Delta Tout SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
OAMFLOWBW OAM flow min bandwidth[%] SET ETHPORT(Optional)
OAMFLOWBW OAM flow min bandwidth[%] ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
OAMFLOWBW OAM flow min bandwidth[%] ADD MPGRP(Optional)
OAMFLOWBW OAM flow min bandwidth[%] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
OAMFLOWBW OAM flow min bandwidth[%] ADD ETHTRK(Optional)
OAMMINBWKEY OAM flow min bandwidth switch SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
OBJIDX Object Index ADD GPSCHRUSER(Optional)
OBJTP Object Type ADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)
OBJTYPE Object Type SET FHO(Mandatory)
OccupyStreamingSwitch Preempt Switch of Streaming Resource SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
OmlDetectTime OML Lapd Link Detect Time SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
OMLESLDL BTS OML&ESL Average Down-bandwidth SET BTSBWPARA(Mandatory)
OMLESLUL BTS OML&ESL Average Up-bandwidth SET BTSBWPARA(Mandatory)
OMUIP OMU External Network Virtual IP ADD EMSIP(Optional)
OMUMASK OMU External Network Mask ADD EMSIP(Optional)
OP Operator EXP LOG(Optional) ADD OP(Mandatory) ULK USR(Mandatory) ADD BTSOP(Mandatory)
OPCIDX OPC Index BLK ACIC(Mandatory) ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
OperatorType Operator Type ADD GCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)
OPINDEX Operator Index ADD GCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)
OPMODE Operate mode UPD JTGCPLD(Mandatory)
OPMODE Operation Mode BLK ACIC(Mandatory)
OPMODE Operation Mode BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
OPMODE Operation Mode BLK AE1T1(Mandatory)
OPMODE Operation Mode BLK PBCIC(Mandatory)
OPNAME Operator Name ADD GCNNODE(Mandatory) ADD GCNOPERATOR(Mandatory) ADD GCELL(Optional) ADD GEXTSMLC(Mandatory) ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional) ADD NSE(Mandatory) ADD SGSNNODE(Mandatory) ADD NRISGSNMAP(Mandatory) ADD PCU(Mandatory)
OPTILAYER Assign Optimum Layer SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
OPTILEVTHRES Assign-optimum-level Threshold SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
OPTITATHRES TA Threshold of Assignment Pref SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
OPTL TRX Priority SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
OPTM Optical interface standard SET OPT(Optional)
OPTP Operation Type SWP BTSBRD(Mandatory)
OPTYPE Operate Type SET BTSFORBIDTS(Mandatory)
ORIPORT Originally E1/T1 Port No. ADD BTSTOPCONFIG(Mandatory)
OT Operation type CON PATCH(Optional) LOD PATCH(Optional)
OTHMODNUM Number of Other-RAT Modules SET BTSOTHPARA(Optional)
OTOURECEIVETH OtoU HO Received Level Threshold SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
OUTASSOPTEN UL Subcell Assignment Optimization SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
OutBscLoadHoEn Inter BSC Load Information Allowed SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
OUTGENOVERLDTHRED UL Subcell General Overload Threshold SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
OUTLOADHOPERIOD UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
OUTPN Out BSC Port No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
OUTPUT0 Cannel 0 Digital Control Signal Level SET BTSDTMUBP(Optional)
OUTPUT1 Cannel 1 Digital Control Signal Level SET BTSDTMUBP(Optional)
OUTPUT2 Cannel 2 Digital Control Signal Level SET BTSDTMUBP(Optional)
OUTPUT3 Cannel 3 Digital Control Signal Level SET BTSDTMUBP(Optional)
OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED UL Subcell Serious Overload Threshold SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional)
OUTSERVICEALM Cell Out-of-Service Alarm Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
OUTSN Out BSC Slot No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
OUTSN Load Outlet Slot No. ADD ABISLOADSHARE(Mandatory)
OUTSRN Out BSC Subrack No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
OutSysLoadHoEn Allow Inter-RAT Load HO in Connect State SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
OUTSYSSERVICEHOEN Service Based Handover Switch SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
OUTTIMER Load Info Timeout Timer ADD GNRNC(Optional)
OUTTSN Out BSC Start Timeslot No. ADD SEMILINK(Mandatory)
OverCurAlmThdA ANT_A ALD Over Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurAlmThdB ANT_B ALD Over Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurAlmThdRET RET ALD Over Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurClrThdA ANT_A ALD Over Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurClrThdB ANT_B ALD Over Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurClrThdRET RET ALD Over Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurDurA A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OverCurDurB B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
OVERLOADINTV Overload Indication PeriodSET GCELLCCCH(Optional)
OVERTHD Derating TEMP Threshold SET BTSCABPARA(Optional)
P11 CPU Usage for Critical Paging FC SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
P12 CPU Usage for Major Paging FC SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
P13 CPU Usage for Minor Paging FC SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
P14 CPU Usage for Slight Paging FC SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
PaAdjVol PA Intelligent Adjust Voltage SET BTSOTHPARA(Optional)
PAGINGAVGCAPACITYINPERIOD Average Paging Message Number In Period SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
PAOPTILEVEL Priority of Shut Down TRXSET GTRXDEV(Optional)
PatchNo Patch No. SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Mandatory)
PatchNo1 Patch Number SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Mandatory)
PATHCHK IP path check flag ADD IPPATH(Optional)
PATHLOSS Path Loss of Different Frequency Band SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional)
PATHT IP path type ADD IPPATH(Optional)
PATTYPE Patch type CON PATCH(Optional) LOD PATCH(Optional)
PbMtnMsgReSend MAX Retrans Maintenance Msg on Pb-I SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
PCUNO PCU No. ADD PBE1T1(Mandatory)
PDCHDWNLEV PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
PDCHUPLEV PDCH Uplink Multiplex Threshold SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
PEERIP Peer IP address ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
PEERIP Peer IP address ADD MPGRP(Mandatory)
PEERIP Peer IP address STR IPCHK(Mandatory)
PEERIP Peer IP Address ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory)
PEERIP Peer IP Address ADD BTSMPGRP(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPGRP(Mandatory)
PEERIP1 First destination IP addressADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
PEERIP2 Second destination IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
PEERIPADDR Peer IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
PEERMASK Peer subnet mask ADD IPPATH(Optional)
PEERPN Destination SCTP port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
PENALTYLASTTM Cell Penalty Duration SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
PERIOD Ping Check Period ADD IPPATH(Optional)
PERIOD Measurement Period STR NCS(Mandatory)
PFC Protocal field compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
PFC Protocol field compress ADD MPGRP(Optional)
PFC Support Protocol Field Compress ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) ADD BTSMPGRP(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSMPGRP(Optional)
PFCSUP PFC Support ADD NSE(Optional)
PGCLASSIFINGALLOWED Paging Message Classifying Allowed SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
PGMAXMSGNUMINPERIODMax CS Paging Message Num in Period SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
PGSTATPERIOD Paging Statistical Period SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
PHB Per-Hop Behavior SET PHBMAP(Mandatory)
PI Cell Reselect Parameters Indication SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
PKPEnableSta Private Key Password Enabled State SET CERTFILE(Optional)
PKTLEN Packet Length STR FRPORTLOOP(Mandatory)
PKTSIZE Size of packet PING IP(Optional)
PL1 Persistence Level 1 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
PL16QAM 16QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
PL2 Persistence Level 2 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
PL3 Persistence Level 3 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
PL32QAM 32QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
PL4 Persistence Level 4 SET GCELLPRACH(Optional)
PLPRD Packet lost measure period [100ms] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
PLTH Packet discard threshold[0.001] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
PMCTHD Performance monitor control threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
PMCTHD Performance monitor control threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
PMI Interval for Sending Cell Paging Package SET GCELLSOFT(Mandatory)
PMNUM Number of Cell Pagings in One Package SET GCELLSOFT(Mandatory)
PMOAFLAG Cell Paging Package SwitchSET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
PMRTHD Performance monitor restore threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
PMRTHD Performance monitor restore threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
PMSW Performance monitoring flow control switch SET FCSW(Optional)
PN Port No. SET SCUPORT(Optional)
PN Port No. SET ALMPORT(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET XPUPORT(Optional)
PN Port No ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
PN Port No ADD AE1T1(Mandatory) BLK AE1T1(Mandatory)
PN BM Port No BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD PBE1T1(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET E1T1LOP(Optional)
PN Port No. LOP E1T1(Optional) SET E1T1(Optional)
PN Port No. STR E1T1TST(Optional)
PN Port No. SET OPTLOP(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET OPT(Optional)
PN Port No. SET COPTLNK(Optional)
PN Port No. SET ETHPORT(Optional) ADD ETHREDPORT(Mandatory) ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory)
PN Physics port No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
PN Port No. STR IPCHK(Optional) STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Mandatory)
PN Port No. STR FRPORTLOOP(Optional)
PN Port No. CHK E1T1CRS(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD BC(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD PBSL(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET BTSOMLTS(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
PN Port No. SET BTSETHPORT(Mandatory) IMP BTSDEVIP(Mandatory)
PN Port No. ADD BTSETHLCMEP(Mandatory)
PN Port No. STR BTSTST(Optional)
POCDELAY Transmission Delay of POC Service SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional)
PODECTHRES Power Output Reduction Threshold SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
POERRTHRES Power Output Error Threshold SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
POINTDESINFO Rollback Point DescriptionADD ROLLBACKPOINT(Optional)
POINTNAME Rollback Point Name BEG ROLLBACK(Mandatory) BEG FORWARD(Mandatory) ADD ROLLBACKPOINT(Mandatory)
Port Destination Port ADD FTPSCLTDPORT(Mandatory)
PORTNUM DXX Port Number ADD DXX(Optional)
PortSwitch Panel Port Switch SET XPUPORT(Mandatory)
PORTTYPE Port Type ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory)
POS2QUATER 2Quater Message Transmission Channel SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
POT Patch Operation Type LOD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) CON BTSPATCH(Mandatory)
POWER Rated Power SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
POWER_RELAY1 Switch for Relay 1 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWER_RELAY2 Switch for Relay 2 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWER_RELAY3 Switch for Relay 3 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWER_RELAY4 Switch for Relay 4 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWER_RELAY5 Switch for Relay 5 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWER_RELAY6 Switch for Relay 6 ADD EMU(Optional)
POWERCURRENTDIV Battery Shunt Coefficient SET BTSPMUBP(Optional)
POWERREDUCE16QAM 16QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
POWERREDUCE32QAM 32QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
POWERTYPE Cabinet Power System Type SET BTSPOWERTYPE(Optional)
POWL Power Level SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
POWT Power Type SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
PPPEAAT PPP Frame Error Alarm Threshold ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional)
PPPEADT PPP Frame Error Alarm Clearance Threshold ADD BTSPPPLNK(Optional) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Optional)
PPPLNKN PPP sub-link No. ADD MPLNK(Optional)
PQNUM Priority queue number ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional)
PREEMFORHONOTREL Preempted Call Not Released After Handover Failure SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
PREEMFORHOPDCH PDCH Preemption Allowed During Handover Due to Preemption SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
PREEMPTIONPERMIT Emergency Call Preemption Permitted SET GCELLCCAD(Optional)
PREMRSAMPLE Preprocess MR Sample Ratio SET GMRCTRL(Optional)
PRI Route Priority ADD BTSIPRT(Optional) IMP BTSIPRT(Optional)
PRIACCTHR Packet Access Priority SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
PRIFCEN Support Priority Based Flow Control SET BSCFCPARA(Optional)
PRINTCTHD Print control threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
PRINTCTHD Print control threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
PRINTRTHD Print restore threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
PRINTRTHD Print restore threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
PRINTSW Print Flow control switch SET FCSW(Optional)
PRIOR Cell Priority ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
PRIORITY Route priority ADD MTP3RT(Optional) ADD M3RT(Optional)
PRIORITY Signalling link priority ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) ADD M3LNK(Optional)
PRIORITY Priority ADD IPRT(Mandatory)
PRIVATEPROBEFST Preferential Customized Detection Type SET BTSOTHPARA(Mandatory)
PRIVATEPROBENUM Number of Customized Detection Types SET BTSOTHPARA(Mandatory)
PRIVATEPROBESND Subsidiary Customized Detection Type SET BTSOTHPARA(Mandatory)
PrivKey Private Key File Name SET CERTFILE(Optional)
PROBESEQ BTS Port Detection Sequence SET BTSOTHPARA(Optional)
PROT SS7 protocol type ADD N7DPC(Optional)
PROT Frame Relay Protocol TypeADD BC(Optional)
PROTECTDELAYTIME Protection Delay for Detection SET BTSABISTROP(Optional)
PROTECTTIME Dyn. Turning Off Cell Protection Time SET GCELLDYNTURNOFF(Optional)
ProtectTimeTrxPowerOn TRX Power-on Protection Time SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
PS Port select SET E1T1(Optional) CHK E1T1CRS(Mandatory)
PS Port select SET OPT(Optional)
PS Port select SET COPTLNK(Mandatory)
PSDATADL GSM PS data service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
PSDATAUL GSM PS data service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional)
PSHOSUP PS Handover Support ADD NSE(Optional)
PSHPRIDATAPRI PS high PRI data priority ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
PSHPSP PS High PRI Service PRI ADD GCELL(Optional)
PSI1RPT PSI1 Repetition Period SET GCELLPSI1(Optional)
PSISTATUSIND Support PSI Status Message SET GCELLPSI1(Optional)
PSLPRIDATAPRI PS low PRI data priority ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
PSU0 DPSU 0 Configured SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU1 DPSU 1 Configured SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU2 DPSU 2 Configured SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
PSU2 DPSU 2 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU3 DPSU 3 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU4 DPSU 4 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU5 DPSU 5 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU6 DPSU 6 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSU7 DPSU 7 Configured SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
PSW Self-healing Switch for OMU Process SET SLFSLVSW(Optional)
PT Port Type SET ALMPORT(Mandatory)
PT Cell Reselect Penalty Time SET GCELLIDLEAD(Optional)
PT Subnet Protocol Type ADD NSE(Mandatory)
PTCODE Line code SET E1T1(Optional)
PTRXT Frame receive Structure SET E1T1(Optional)
PTTXT Frame send Structure SET E1T1(Optional)
PTTYPE Frame Structure SET E1T1(Optional)
PTYPE Port type SET ETHPORT(Mandatory)
PTYPE Power System Type SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
PubCert Certificate File Name SET CERTFILE(Optional)
PV Patch Version LOD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) CON BTSPATCH(Mandatory)
PVCUSERATETIMER PVC Utilization Report Period Timer SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
PWD Private Key Password SET CERTFILE(Mandatory)
PWD Password ADD OP(Mandatory) DLD LICENSE(Mandatory) ULD LICENSE(Mandatory)
PWD User Password DLD RETANTCFG(Mandatory) ULD BTSDEVFILE(Mandatory) DLD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) ULD BTSLOG(Mandatory) DLD BTSSW(Mandatory)
PwdMinLen Minimum Password LengthSET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
PWL Power Level STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
PWRALMSSW1 First Alarm Switch SET PWRALMSW(Optional)
PWRALMSSW2 Second Alarm Switch SET PWRALMSW(Optional)
PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN III Power Control Optimized Enable SET GCELLPWR3(Optional)
PWRCTRLSW Power Control Switch SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional)
PWRDIV Power Deviation SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional)
PWRDIVIND Power Deviation IndicationSET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional)
PWRLOCATION Location Group Power Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
PWRPRIORALLOW Power Priority Allowed SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
PWRSPNR Power Finetune SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
PwrSwitchA ANT_A ALD Power Switch SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
PwrSwitchB ANT_B ALD Power Switch SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
PwrSwitchRET RET ALD Power Switch SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
Q0MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 0 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
Q1MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 1 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
Q2MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 2 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
Q3MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 3 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
Q4MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 4 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)
QCI Qsearch C Initial SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional)
QCKSTATCNT MS Fast-moving Watch Cells SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
QCKTIMETH MS Fast-moving Time Threshold SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
QCKTRUECNT MS Fast-moving Valid CellsSET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
QLENSD Filter Length for TCH Qual.SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
QLENSI Filter Length for SDCCH Qual. SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
QTRUDNPWRLASTTIME Qtru Down Power Inadequate Last Time SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
QTRUDNPWRSTATTIME Qtru Down Power Inadequate Stat Time SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
QTRUPWRSHARE Multi-Density TRX Power Sharing SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
QUALOFFTIMES Qualified Times for Off SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
QUALONTIMES Qualified Times for On SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
QUALSTEP MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
QUERYCMAFTERINBSCHOQuery Classmark after In-BSC HO Enabled SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
QUICKHOEN Quick Handover Enable SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional)
R0AuxDev SubRack0 Auxiliary Equipment SET BTSAUXEQP(Optional)
R0BatAllow SubRack0 Storage Battery Config Permit SET BTSBAT(Optional)
R0BatCap SubRack0 Storage Battery Capacity SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R0BatCoeff SubRack0 Storage Battery Coefficient SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R0BatType SubRack0 Storage Battery Type SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R1AuxDev SubRack1 Auxiliary Equipment SET BTSAUXEQP(Optional)
R1BatAllow SubRack1 Storage Battery Config Permit SET BTSBAT(Optional)
R1BatCap SubRack1 Storage Battery Capacity SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R1BatCoeff SubRack1 Storage Battery Coefficient SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R1BatType SubRack1 Storage Battery Type SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R2AuxDev SubRack2 Auxiliary Equipment SET BTSAUXEQP(Optional)
R2BatAllow SubRack2 Storage Battery Config Permit SET BTSBAT(Optional)
R2BatCap SubRack2 Storage Battery Capacity SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R2BatCoeff SubRack2 Storage Battery Coefficient SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
R2BatType SubRack2 Storage Battery Type SET BTSBAT(Mandatory)
RA Route Area ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
RA Routing Area SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
RACHLDAVERSLOT Average RACH Load Timeslot Number SET GCELLCCCH(Optional)
RACOLOR Routing Area Color Code SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
RANERRTHRED Random Access Error Threshold SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional)
RARESELECTHYST Accessorial Hysteresis of Cell Selection SET GCELLRESELECTPARA(Optional)
RBPTYPE Type of Rollback Point BEG FORWARD(Mandatory)
RCDT Result Recording Type RUN BATCHFILE(Optional)
RCN1 First RXU Chain No. CBN BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
RCN2 Second RXU Chain No. CBN BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
RCVMD Receive Mode SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
RDC Rate down coefficient [%] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
REASSFREQBAND Frequency Band of Reassign SET GCELLCCAD(Optional)
RecordDiscardedPagingInfoFlag Record Discarded Paging Msg SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
RECOVERTHD Decrease rate alarm recover threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
RED Backup ADD BRD(Mandatory)
ReduceTransBwInt Interval to Reduce Transmission Bandwidth when Congested SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ReduceTransBwNum Number of Transmission Bandwidth to Reduce when Congested SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
REF2MCLK2SRC Port for LINE2 SET CLK(Optional)
REF2MCLK2SRCBAK Back-up port for LINE2 SET CLK(Optional)
REF2MCLKSRC Port for LINE1 SET CLK(Optional)
REF2MCLKSRCBAK Back-up port for LINE1 SET CLK(Optional)
REF2MCLKSW1 Switch of panel 2M BITS1 SET CLK(Optional)
REF2MCLKSW2 Switch of panel 2M BITS2 SET CLK(Optional)
REFUSELOCALCLK Use SGSN clock source SET CLK(Optional)
REGION Region Information SET BTSLSW(Optional)
REINITTBL Reinitialize Neighbour Cell Table ADD AISSCFG(Mandatory)
RELATEDCN Associated Board CN SET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
RELATEDFCUENABLED Extend Connection Configuration Enabled SET BTSDFCUBP(Optional)
RELATEDMODFUNC Associated Board FunctionSET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
RELATEDSN Associated Board SN SET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
RELATEDSRN Associated Board SRN SET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
RELATEDTRACK Cascading Tributary SET BTSDFCUBP(Optional)
REMARK Route use description ADD IPRT(Mandatory)
REP Repeat ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
ResCheckAllowed ResCheckAllowed SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
RESELHYST Cell Reselection HysteresisSET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
RESELINTERVAL Cell Reselect Interval SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
RESELWATCHPERIOD Normal Cell Reselection Watch Period SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
RESELWORSENLEVTHRSHNormal Cell Reselection Worsen Level Threshold SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
ReservedDynPdchPreTranNum Number of Reserved Dynamic Channel SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
ReservedIdleCh Reserved TCH Number for PA Turning On SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
ResetAlmDelaySwitch BTS Reset Alarm Delay Switch SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
ResetAlmDelayTime BTS Reset Alarm Delay Time SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
RESETINTERVAL Reset Interval of Account Lock Counter SET PWDPOLICY(Optional)
RESID Reason TST SNDRSI(Mandatory)
RespReqSel Response on Out-BSC HO Req SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
REST Resume Broken Downloads Flag DLD LICENSE(Optional) ULD LICENSE(Optional)
RESTARTTMR Sub-protocol negotiate out time[S] ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
RESTARTTMR Sub-protocol negotiate out time[S] ADD MPLNK(Optional)
RESTYPE Alarm Restore Type EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
RESUMETIMER Resume Timer ADD GNRNC(Optional)
REVCHANNUM Reserved Channel NumberSET GCELLCHMGBASIC(Optional)
RFRESINDPRD Radio Resource Report Period SET GCELLCCCH(Optional)
RFT Execute Interval ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
RFUCFGBYSLOT Configure RFU by Slot ADD BTS(Optional)
RIMSUP RIM Support ADD NSE(Optional)
RLCN Channel No. SET E1T1LOP(Optional)
RLT Radio Link Timeout SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
RMTTCATERTRANSMODE Remote TC Subrack Ater Transmission Mode SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
RNCINDEX Neighboring RNC Index ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
RNCINDEX Neighboring RNC Index ADD GNRNC(Mandatory) ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
RNCNAME Neighboring RNC Name ADD GNRNC(Mandatory)
RootCert Root Certificate File NameSET CERTFILE(Optional)
RPTPERIODI Cell Reselection MR Period in Packet Idle Mode SET GCELLNWCTRLMSRPARA(Optional)
RPTPERIODT Cell Reselection MR Period in Packet Transfer Mode SET GCELLNWCTRLMSRPARA(Optional)
RPTTHD Decrease rate alarm report threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
RPTVOICE Report Speech Quality SET GCELLOTHBASIC(Optional)
RSCGRPN Rscgrp No. ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
RSCMNGMODE Resource Management Mode ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
RSCMNGMODE Resource management mode ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
RSCPTHRES RSCP Threshold for Layer of 3G Cell ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional)
RSDSRC RSD alarm source SET OPT(Optional)
RSFSRC RSF alarm source SET OPT(Optional)
RSLDL BTS RSL Average Down-bandwidth SET BTSBWPARA(Mandatory)
RSLUL BTS RSL Average Up-bandwidth SET BTSBWPARA(Mandatory)
RSNDES Lock Reason LCK CMCTRL(Mandatory)
RSSThres Relative Signal Strength Threshold SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
RSTDESFILE Reset file UPD JTGCPLD(Mandatory)
RSTF Result File Name RUN BATCHFILE(Optional)
RSTFUN Restart switch ADD OPC(Optional)
RSVDPARA1 Reserved Parameter 1 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA10 Reserved Parameter 10 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA2 Reserved Parameter 2 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA3 Reserved Parameter 3 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA4 Reserved Parameter 4 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA5 Reserved Parameter 5 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA6 Reserved Parameter 6 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA7 Reserved Parameter 7 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA8 Reserved Parameter 8 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RSVDPARA9 Reserved Parameter 9 SET TRANSPATCHPARA(Optional)
RsvIdleChanNum Reserve Idle Channel Number SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
RT Revertive type SET MSP(Optional)
RTCONTEXT Routing Context ADD M3LE(Optional) ADD M3DE(Optional)
RTDEST Destination Network Address ADD OMUIPRT(Mandatory)
RTDESTMASK Destination Address MaskADD OMUIPRT(Mandatory)
RTIDX Route Index ADD BTSIPRT(Optional) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
RTOALPHA RTO alpha value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
RTOBETA RTO beta value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
RTOINIT RTO initial value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
RTOMAX RTO max value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
RTOMIN RTO min value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
RTPSWITCH Measure Link Delay SwitchSET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
RTTYPE Route Type ADD BTSIPRT(Mandatory) IMP BTSIPRT(Mandatory)
RUS Rate up step [kbps] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
RUSPRD Rate up step adjust period [PLPRD] ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
RXBW Backward Bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
RxBw Backward Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
RXLEVACCMIN Minimum Receiving level for Access SET GCELLSERVPARA(Optional)
RXLEVOFF Interfere HO Qual. Thresh Offset for AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL1 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 1 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL10 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 10 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL11 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 11 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL12 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 12 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL2 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 2 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL3 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 3 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL4 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 4 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL5 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 5 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL6 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 6 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL7 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 7 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL8 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 8 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXQUAL9 Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 9 for Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional)
RXUPOS RXU Chain Position SET BTSRXUBP(Mandatory)
RXUPOS RXU Board Position ADD BTSRXUBRD(Mandatory)
S1SWITCH S1 value setting switch SET OPT(Optional)
S1VALUE S1 Value SET OPT(Optional)
SAADIS Special Analog Alarm Enabled SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional)
SAAF Special Analog Alarm FlagSET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
SaGsmrMsc Trunking MSC ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
SAICTHREDAPDTVALUE Power Control Threshold Adjust for SAIC SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
SAICTHREDAPDTVALUE Power Control threshold Adjust for SAIC SET GCELLPWR3(Optional)
SALOG Special Analog Alarm Enabled SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
SAS Special Alarm Switcher SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
SASE Special Alarm Switch Enabled SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional)
SASV Special Alarm Switch Valid Vol. Level SET BTSDEMUBP(Optional)
SAVEENABLED Energy Saving Support SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
SBAF Special Bool Alarm Flag SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
SBTSID First BTS Index COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
SCELLFILTER Serving Cell Filter Length MR Number SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
SCELLID First Cell Index ADD NCELL(Mandatory) COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
SCELLNAME First Cell Name ADD NCELL(Mandatory) COL SYNCINFO(Mandatory)
SCHEME Coding Scheme SET GCELLSBC(Optional) ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
SCHNNO Sub Channel No. STR BTSTST(Optional)
SCMD Command String ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory) ADD SUBCMD(Mandatory)
SCPIDX Subrack Communication Path Index ADD SRCONPATH(Optional)
SCRAMBLE Scrambling Code or Cell Parameter Id ADD GEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) SET GCELLHOFDDBA2(Mandatory)
SCSN Start Serial No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
SCTPLNKN SCTP link No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory) ADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
SD Start Date ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
SD Start Date EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
SD Start Date STA ALMLOG(Optional)
SD Alarm Log Saved Time SET ALMCAPACITY(Optional)
SDALMTHD SD Alarm Threshold SET MSP(Optional)
SDATE Start Date STR BTSLOG(Optional)
SDAY Start date SET TZ(Mandatory)
SDCCHWaitMREn Waiting for MR on SDCCH Switch SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
SDCCHWaitMRTimeLen Duration for Waiting MR on SDCCH SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
SDDYN SDCCH Dynamic Allocation Allowed SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
SDENABLE SD Enable SET MSP(Optional)
SDFLAG Shut Down Enabled SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
SDPUNTIME Penalty Time on Fast Moving HO ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
SDPUNVAL Penalty on Fast Moving HOADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)
SDSFPRI SDSF Priority SET MSP(Optional)
SDT Shutdown Temperature SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
SDTMWDALMDIS Sliding Time Window Alarm Disappear ADD BTSALMMGMRULE(Mandatory)
SDTMWDALMOC Sliding Time Window Alarm Occurrence ADD BTSALMMGMRULE(Mandatory)
SDV Shutdown Voltage SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
Send2QuterFlag Support Sent 2QUATER SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SendBssInvokeTrace Spt BSS Invoke Trace Rpt[end2end user trace] SET OTHSOFTPARA(Mandatory)
SENDCMAFTERINBSCHO Send Classmark ENQ Result to MSC Enabled SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
SendConfusionToMSC Sent Confusion Message to MSC SET AITFOTHPARA(Optional)
SENDDOWNLINKMESSAGESend Downlink Message after Hanging up SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SENDFACCHNOTPRI Send FACCH Notification Priority SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
SENDSI2TERFLAG Send System Information 2ter SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SENDSI5TERFLAG Send System Information 5ter SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SendUtranECSCFlag Send 3G Class Flag SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SEPARATEPOS Separate Position SPT BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
SEPERATEMODE Separate Mode ADD BTS(Optional)
SERCMDPORT The Command Port of FTP Server SET FTPSSRV(Mandatory)
SERDATAPORT The Source Date Port of FTP Server SET FTPSSRV(Mandatory)
SERIALNO Device Serial No. ADD BTSRETANT(Mandatory)
ServerIP FTP Server IP Address ADD FTPSCLTDPORT(Mandatory)
ServiceMode Service mode SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SERVICEMODE Service Type ADD BTS(Optional)
ServiceName Service Name EXP LOG(Optional)
SERVICETYPE Service Type SET BTSVLAN(Mandatory) IMP BTSVLAN(Mandatory)
SETHUMPARAENABLED Environment Humidity Configure Enabled SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional) SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
SGSNCAP Configure Capacity<K User Number> ADD SGSNNODE(Optional)
SGSNR Protocol Version Supported by SGSN SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
SHARESN Load Sharing Slot No. ADD ABISLOADSHARE(Mandatory)
SHLDFLG Shield Flag SET ALMSHLD(Mandatory)
SI2TerSwitch SI 2ter Switch SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SIGLAST Signal Strength Duration Times ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
SIGLKSX Signalling link set index ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
SIGLKSX Signalling link set index ADD M3RT(Mandatory) ADD M3LKS(Mandatory) ADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
SIGLNKID Signaling link ID ADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
SIGLW Signaling Load Weight ADD NSVLLOCAL(Optional)
SIGLW Signaling Load Weight ADD NSVLREMOTE(Optional)
SIGOBS Signal Strength Observation Times ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
SIGSLC Signalling link code ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
SilenceTicksOfResReq Interval Between Resource Request SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn1Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 1 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn10 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 10 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn11 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 11 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn12 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 12 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn13 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 13 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn14 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 14 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn15 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 15 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn16 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 16 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn17 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 17 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn18 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 18 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn19 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 19 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn2Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 2 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn20 Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 20 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn3Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 3 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn4Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 4 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn5Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 5 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn6Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 6 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn7Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 7 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn8Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 8 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SinglePassExcludeMsisdn9Single Pass Exclude MSISDN Number 9 SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SIPADDR Source IP address PING IP(Mandatory)
SIPADDR Source IP address TRC IPADDR(Optional)
SITES Sites COL LOG(Optional)
SLAVEIPADDR Clock Server IP Address 2 SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
SLSMASK Signalling route mask ADD N7DPC(Optional)
SLVSERVACTDELAY Slave Service Active Delay SET GBSCREDGRP(Optional)
SM StartType SET TZ(Mandatory)
SMOKE_MASK Enable Smoke Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional)
SMONTH Start month SET TZ(Mandatory)
SMWINDOW Filter window SET FCCPUTHD(Optional) SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
SN Slot No. SWP BRD(Mandatory) STR BKP(Mandatory) CMP BRDAREA(Optional) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) SET CLK(Mandatory) UPD JTGCPLD(Mandatory) SET XPUPORT(Mandatory) ADD XPUVLAN(Mandatory) SET MPUBIND(Mandatory) SET DPUBRDTYPE(Mandatory) SET TCTYPE(Mandatory) ADD BRD(Mandatory) LOD BRD(Optional) SYN BRDAREA(Optional) CMP TBLDATA(Mandatory) SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory) SET BFDPROTOSW(Mandatory) STR FRPORTLOOP(Mandatory) ADD BC(Mandatory) ADD NSVC(Mandatory) ADD NSVLLOCAL(Mandatory) SET PSCELLTODSP(Mandatory) SET DSPLVDSMODE(Mandatory) ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. DLD TCFILE(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
SN Slot No SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory) ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
SN BM Slot No BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. BLK AE1T1(Mandatory) ADD PBE1T1(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
SN Slot No. ADD OBJALMSHLD(Optional)
SN Slot No. SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) LOP E1T1(Mandatory) STR E1T1TST(Mandatory) SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) PING IP(Mandatory) TRC IPADDR(Mandatory) SET QUEUEMAP(Mandatory) SET E1T1(Mandatory) ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory) ADD DEVIP(Mandatory) ADD IPRT(Mandatory) SET OPT(Mandatory) SET COPTLNK(Mandatory) SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) ADD ICMPGUARD(Mandatory) STR IPCHK(Mandatory) ADD VLANID(Mandatory) ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory) ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) ADD ETHMD(Mandatory) ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) PING MAC(Mandatory) STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Mandatory) TRC MAC(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) STR ETHMIRRORPORT(Mandatory) BLK BC(Mandatory) CHK E1T1CRS(Mandatory) SET BTSIP(Mandatory)
SN Main Board Logic slot No. SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD ETHREDPORT(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD GCBSADDR(Mandatory) SET TCPLYVOICE(Mandatory) SET TCPARA(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD BTSBFD(Optional) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Optional)
SN Slot No. ADD NSE(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD PBSL(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
SN Slot No. OPR BTSBRDPWR(Mandatory)
SNDMD Send Mode SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
SndRcvMode DRRU Sending Receiving Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SndRcvMode1 DRFU Sending Receiving Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SndRcvMode2 MRRU/GRRU Sending Receiving Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SndRcvMode3 MRFU/GRFU Sending Receiving Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SndRcvMode4 BTS3900E Sending Receiving Mode SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SP Sync Period SET SNTPCLTPARA(Mandatory)
SPC OSP code[Whole Number]ADD OPC(Optional)
SPCBITS OSP code bits ADD OPC(Mandatory)
SPCDNF OSP code[Divided Number] ADD OPC(Optional)
SPCIC Start PCIC ADD PBE1T1(Mandatory)
SPDF Signal point data format ADD OPC(Optional) ADD N7DPC(Optional)
SPECACC Special Access Control Class SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional)
SPECIALSWITCH Special Alarm Switch SET BTSFMUABP(Optional)
SPECIALSWITCHERLEVEL Special Alarm Valid Level Configuration SET BTSFMUABP(Optional)
SpeechAlmPeriod One-Way Mute Alarm Reporting Period SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SpeechVerInAssCmp Speech VER Send Flag in ASS CMP SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
SpeechVerinHoPerform Speech VER Send Flag in HO Perform SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
SpeechVerInHoReqAck SpeechVerSend Flag in HO REQ ACK SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
SpeechVerInHoRqd HO_RQD Speech VER SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
SPEEDPUNISH Penalty on MS Fast Moving HO SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
SPEEDPUNISHT Penalty Time on Fast Moving HO SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
SpprtCB Support Cell Broadcast ADD GCNOPERATOR(Optional)
SPTCOMMMEAS Allow Common Measurement at Iur-g ADD GNRNC(Optional)
SPTINFOEXCHG Allow Info Exchange at Iur-g ADD GNRNC(Optional)
SPTINTERRATINBSCPSHO Support In Inter-RAT Inter-cell PS Handover SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
SPTNACCResGuarantee Support NACC Resource Guarantee SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
SptPaging Support Paging Message from Trunking MSC ADD GCNNODE(Optional)
SptPbLapdCheck Support Pb Lapd Check SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SptPbResCheck Support Pb Resource Check SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SptPbSglPassCheck Support Pb Single Pass Check SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SptPCICCheck Support PCIC Check SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SptRanSharing Support RAN Sharing SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SPTREDUCELATENCY Support Reduced Latency Capability SET GCELLGPRS(Optional)
SPTSHARING RanSharing Support SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
SPTSTATEFWL Support State Firewall SET FTPSCLT(Optional)
SPX OSP index ADD OPC(Mandatory) ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) ADD M3LE(Mandatory)
SRANMODE Is Support Normalized Data Configuration ADD BTS(Mandatory)
SRANMODE Is Support SingleRAN Mode ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
SRANMODE Is Support SingleRAN Mode ADD BTSCABINET(Optional)
SRC2GNCELLID Source Cell Index ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory) ADD GIBCAPNCGRP(Mandatory)
SRC3GNCELLID Source Cell Index ADD G3GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRC3GNCELLNAME Source Cell Name ADD G3GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRCCI Source Cell CI ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRCF Source File Name RUN BATCHFILE(Mandatory)
SRCGRD Clock source priority SET CLKMODE(Mandatory)
SRCGRD Clock source priority ADD CLKSRC(Mandatory)
SRCHOCTRLSWITCH Current HO CTRL Algorithm in Source Cell ADD G2GNCELL(Optional)
SRCIP Source IP Address ADD BTSBFD(Mandatory)
SRCLAC Source Cell LAC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRCMCC Source Cell MCC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRCMNC Source Cell MNC ADD G2GNCELL(Mandatory)
SRCPORTNO Source port No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)
SRCT Clock source type ADD CLKSRC(Mandatory)
SRCTSMASK Source timeslot mask ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. SWP BRD(Mandatory) STR BKP(Mandatory) CMP BRDAREA(Optional) ULD LOGTOOMU(Mandatory) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) SET PWRALMSW(Mandatory) SET PWRPARA(Mandatory) SET FANSPEED(Mandatory) SET SCUPORT(Mandatory) UPD JTGCPLD(Mandatory) ADD EMU(Mandatory) SET ALMPORT(Mandatory) DLD TCFILE(Mandatory) SET XPUPORT(Mandatory) ADD XPUVLAN(Mandatory) SET MPUBIND(Mandatory) LOD FAN(Optional) SET DPUBRDTYPE(Mandatory) SET TCTYPE(Mandatory) ADD BRD(Mandatory) LOD BRD(Optional) CMP BRDVER(Optional) SYN BRDAREA(Optional) COL FAMLOG(Mandatory) CMP LICENSE(Optional) FMT DATA(Optional) CMP TBLDATA(Mandatory) SET CFGDATAINEFFECTIVE(Mandatory) SET CFGDATAEFFECTIVE(Optional) SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) LOP E1T1(Mandatory) STR E1T1TST(Mandatory) SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) PING IP(Mandatory) TRC IPADDR(Mandatory) SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory) SET QUEUEMAP(Mandatory) SET E1T1(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory) ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory) ADD DEVIP(Mandatory) ADD IPRT(Mandatory) SET OPT(Mandatory) SET COPTLNK(Mandatory) SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD
SRN Subrack No. ADD SUBRACK(Mandatory) SET CLK(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) ADD ATERE1T1(Mandatory) ADD AE1T1(Mandatory) BLK AE1T1(Mandatory) ADD ABISLOADSHARE(Mandatory) ADD PBE1T1(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD M3LNK(Mandatory)
SRN BM Subrack No BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No COL LOG(Optional)
SRN Subrack No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional) ADD OBJALMSHLD(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD ETHMD(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) STR ETHMIRRORPORT(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD GCBSADDR(Mandatory) SET TCPLYVOICE(Mandatory) SET TCPARA(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD BTSBFD(Optional) ADD BTSIPRTBIND(Optional)
SRN Subrack No. ADD NSE(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD PBSL(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
SRN Subrack No. OPR BTSBRDPWR(Mandatory)
SRN1 Subrack 1 No ADD SRCONPATH(Mandatory)
SRN2 Subrack 2 No ADD SRCONPATH(Mandatory)
SRName Subrack name ADD SUBRACK(Mandatory)
SRNO Tributary No. SET BTSTMA(Mandatory)
SRT Subrack type SET CLK(Mandatory)
SRTORD Sort Order EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
SRVLW User Data Load Weight ADD NSVLLOCAL(Optional)
SRVLW User Data Load Weight ADD NSVLREMOTE(Optional)
SRVPRIPOLICY Service Priority Policy SET BTSPSUFP(Optional)
SSCPUAVEUSAGEALMTHDCPU occupancy alarm clearance threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional)
SSCPUMAXUSAGEALMTHDCPU occupancy alarm threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional)
SSDSPAVEUSAGEALMTHDDSP occupancy alarm clearance threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional)
SSDSPMAXUSAGEALMTHDDSP occupancy alarm threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional)
SSLENSD Filter Length for TCH LevelSET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
SSLENSI Filter Length for SDCCH Level SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
SSN Subsystem No. STR BKP(Optional) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) ADD XPUVLAN(Mandatory) LOD BRD(Optional) CMP TBLDATA(Mandatory)
SSN Subsystem No. ADD GIURGCONN(Mandatory)
SSSN Start Sync Serial No. EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ST StartTime SET TZ(Mandatory)
ST Start Time EXP LOG(Optional)
ST Start Time ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
ST Start Time COL LOG(Optional)
ST Start Time EXP ALMLOG(Optional)
ST Start Time STA ALMLOG(Optional)
ST Start Time ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
STARTAID Start Alarm ID EXP ALMLOG(Optional) STA ALMLOG(Optional)
StartDayDSTPA Prohibit Power Saving Start Day ADD BSCDSTPADATE(Mandatory)
STARTHEATTEMP Heater Startup Temperature SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
StartMonthDSTPA Prohibit Power Saving Start Month ADD BSCDSTPADATE(Mandatory)
STARTSUBTS Start Sub Timeslot No. SET BTSFORBIDTS(Optional)
STARTTIME Fallback Start Time SET BTSFALLBACK(Optional)
StartTimeTACloseTrxPA Time When the Function Is Enabled SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
STARTTS Start TS BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
STARTTS Start TS BLK AE1T1(Mandatory)
STARTTS Start Timeslot No. SET BTSFORBIDTS(Mandatory)
STC Smart Temperature Control SET BTSFMUABP(Optional)
STC Smart Temperature Control SET BTSNFCBBP(Optional)
STCIC Start CIC ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
STCN Out Port Cabinet No. ADD BTSMONITORTS(Optional)
STD Start Date ADD OP(Mandatory)
STEP Measurement Step STR NCS(Mandatory)
STFLG Satellite flag ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
STIME Start Time STR BTSLOG(Optional)
STOPSI5SWITCH Stop Send SI 5/5bis/5ter after Encrypt SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
STOPTIME Fallback Stop Time SET BTSFALLBACK(Optional)
STP STP function switch ADD N7DPC(Optional)
STSN Out Port Slot No. ADD BTSMONITORTS(Optional)
STSRN Out Port Subrack No. ADD BTSMONITORTS(Optional)
STSUBTS Out-BTS Sub Timeslot No. ADD BTSMONITORTS(Mandatory)
STT Start Time ADD OP(Mandatory)
STTS Out-BTS Timeslot No. ADD BTSMONITORTS(Mandatory)
SUBBSCTID ID of slave BSC in TC Pool BLK ACIC(Mandatory)
SUBBSCTID ID of slave BSC in TC Pool ADD AE1T1(Mandatory)
SUBCMD Command Parameter STR BTSLOG(Optional)
SUBFRAMELEN Max subframe length[byte] ADD IPMUX(Optional)
SUBID Subtask ID ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory) ADD SUBCMD(Mandatory)
SUBNET Subnet No SET SUBNET(Mandatory)
SUBRESPREEMPTFLG Sublink Resources Preemption Switch SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
SUBTS Sub Timeslot No. SET BTSOMLTS(Mandatory)
SubVer Sub-Version No.of TMU SET BTSAUTODLDACTINFO(Mandatory)
SupportApplyUsedCic Support Apply Used A Cic SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
SUPPORTBAKCLK2SRC Use Back-up port for LINE2SET CLK(Optional)
SUPPORTBAKCLKSRC Use Back-up port for LINE1SET CLK(Optional)
SUPPORTDL5TS Support High Multislot Class SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
SupportIpSpanBtsLSwitch Support FE/GE SPAN BTS Local Switch SET BSSLS(Optional)
SupportTFOCodecOptimize Support TFO Codec Optimize SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SupptCellList SupptCellList ADD GNRNC(Optional)
SVRIP Server IP ADD NSE(Mandatory)
SVRPORT Server UDP Port ADD NSE(Mandatory)
SW Switch SET ALMPORT(Optional)
SW OMU Automatic Switchover Switch SET ASWPARA(Mandatory)
SW Switch SET OBJAUTHSW(Mandatory)
SW Power Switch OPR BTSBRDPWR(Mandatory)
SWEEK Start week SET TZ(Mandatory)
Switch Port switch SET SCUPORT(Mandatory)
SWITCH Self-healing Switch SET SLFSLVSW(Mandatory)
SWITCH Grace Protection Period Switch SET LICENSECTRL(Mandatory)
SWITCH Bfd Protocol Switch SET BFDPROTOSW(Mandatory)
SWITCH Alarm Parameter Configuration Enabled SET BTSALMPORT(Mandatory)
SWITCHBACKFLAG Switch primary IP address flag ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
SWITCHBACKHBNUM Switch back HB number ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
SwitchParameter1 SwitchParameter1 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter10 SwitchParameter10 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter2 SwitchParameter2 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter3 SwitchParameter3 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter4 SwitchParameter4 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter5 SwitchParameter5 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter6 SwitchParameter6 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter7 SwitchParameter7 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter8 SwitchParameter8 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SwitchParameter9 SwitchParameter9 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional)
SWOP Set Enable/Disable SET OPSW(Mandatory)
SWSEQ Start week sequence SET TZ(Mandatory)
SYNCCASE Sync case ADD GEXT3GCELL(Mandatory)
SYNCMETHOD Site Synchronization Method SET BTSOTHPARA(Optional)
SYNMODE Clock Synchronization Mode SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Mandatory)
SYNTIMEDAY Days of Inter Sync Period SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Optional)
SYNTIMEHOUR Hours of Inter Sync PeriodSET BTSIPCLKPARA(Optional)
SYNTIMEMIN Minutes of Inter Sync Period SET BTSIPCLKPARA(Optional)
SYSCONTACT Contact mode of the manufacturer SET SYS(Optional)
SYSDESC System description SET SYS(Optional)
SYSFLOWLEV System Flux Threshold for Load HO SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
SYSLOCATION System Location SET SYS(Optional)
SysMsg10Allowed Send System Message 10 Allow SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
SYSSERVICES System services SET SYS(Optional)
T1 Time1 CHG BTSPTUSHKTM(Optional)
T10TMR Signalling route set test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T12TMR Uninhibit ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T13TMR Force uninhibit timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T14TMR Inhibition ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T17TMR Link realignment timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T1TMR Time-control changeover timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T2 Time2 CHG BTSPTUSHKTM(Optional)
T200 T200 SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
T203 T203 SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
T22TMR Local inhibit test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T23TMR Remote inhibit test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T2TMR Changeover ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T3 Time3 CHG BTSPTUSHKTM(Optional)
T3105 T3105 SET GCELLHOAD(Optional)
T3115 T3115 SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
T3168 T3168 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
T3192 T3192 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional)
T3212 T3212 SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional)
T391 Parameter of DTE [T391] ADD BC(Optional)
T3TMR Time-control changeback timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T4TMR Changeover ACK first attempt timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T5TMR Changeover ACK second attempt timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
T8TMR Transmission prohibited inhibition timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
TALKERINFINT Talker Info Interval SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
TB Output Segment No EXP DEVFILE(Optional)
TB Output Segment No. EXP BTSDEVFILE(Optional)
TBS Try Switching Duration Time SET BTSOMLBACKUP(Optional)
TBS Ring I Try Rotating Duration Time SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
TC Test code ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
TCC Temperature Compensation Coefficient SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
TCCRCAllowed TC CRC Allowed SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
TCHAJFLAG TCH Rate Adjust Allow SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
TCHDROPSTATDLQUAL DL Quality Threshold for TCH Call Drop SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
TCHDROPSTATULQUAL UL Quality Threshold for TCH Call Drop SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional)
TCHTRIBUSYUNDERLAYTHR Tch Traffic Busy Underlay Threshold SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
TCHTRICBUSYOVERLAYTHR Tch Traffic Busy Overlay Threshold SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
TCLEN Test code length ADD MTP3LNK(Optional)
TCMODE TC mode ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory)
TCN Tail Cabinet No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory) CBN BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
TCTYPE The type of TC resource SET TCTYPE(Mandatory)
TDMCONGCLRTH Congestion clear remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
TDMCONGTH Congestion remain ratio ADD TRMLOADTH(Optional)
TDMN1 Subrack 1 TDM Port No ADD SRCONPATH(Mandatory)
TDMN2 Subrack 2 TDM Port No ADD SRCONPATH(Mandatory)
TEMP_MASK Enable Temperature Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional)
TEMP_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Temperature Alarm ADD EMU(Optional)
TEMP_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Temperature Alarm ADD EMU(Optional)
TEMPCOMPENSATECOEF Coefficient of Temp Compensation SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
TEMPLATEDESC Cell Template Description SAV GCELLTEMPLATE(Optional)
TEMPOFLOWTEMPLOADPWROFF Low Temperature Start Load Power Off Temp. SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
TEMPOFLOWTEMPLOADPWROFF Low Temperature Start Load Poweroff Temp. SET BTSDPMUBP(Optional)
TER2INDICATOR TER Indicator of System Information 3 SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional)
TEXT Content of Message ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
TFOOptSwitch TFO Option Switch SET TCPARA(Optional)
TFREQ Test Frequency STR BTSVSWRTST(Optional)
TG Target OMU SWP OMUAREA(Mandatory)
TGWPEERSRN TGW Trans Subrack No. ADD TGWIP(Mandatory)
THDOFF Volt Threshold for Off SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
THDON Volt Threshold for On SET BTSAIRCON(Optional)
THTYPE Threshold type ADD TRMLOADTH(Mandatory)
TIME Time Limit ADD OP(Optional)
TIME Time SET TIME(Optional)
TIMEOTOUFAILPUN Penalty Time after OtoU HO Fail SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
TIMEOUT Reply Time-Out[ms] PING IP(Optional)
TIMEOUT Reply Time-Out[ms] TRC IPADDR(Optional)
Timeout Time Out PING MAC(Optional) PING BTSCFM(Optional)
TIMEOUT Time Out TRC MAC(Optional) TRC BTSCFM(Optional)
TIMEPUNISH Quick Handover Punish Time ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOFAST(Optional)
TIMES Number of ping packets PING IP(Optional)
TIMESLOTVOLADJALLOWVoltage Adjust Based Timeslots Allowed SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional)
TIMEUTOOFAILPUN Penalty Time after UtoO HO Fail SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
TIWAITMSCMSG Receive MSC Configuration Message Timer ADD GCNOPERATOR(Optional)
TL Time Limit SET LOGLIMIT(Optional)
TLT Tout Limit SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
TLTHD Temperature Alarm Lower Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
TLTHD Temperature Alarm Lower Threshold SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
TM Execute Time ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
TM1 Execute Time 1 ADD SUBTSK(Mandatory)
TM2 Execute Time 2 ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
TM3 Execute Time 3 ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
TM4 Execute Time 4 ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
TM5 Execute Time 5 ADD SUBTSK(Optional)
TMLEN Time Length STR FRPORTLOOP(Mandatory)
TMRBADQUALDISCSTAT Timer for Bad Quality DISC Statistic SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
TMRISTHRD Upper time threshold of raised fault SET ALMBLKPARA(Optional)
TMSTLTHRD Lower time threshold of raised fault SET ALMBLKPARA(Optional)
TMT1TMR Signalling link test ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
TMT2TMR Signalling link repeat test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional)
TNAME Data Table CMP TBLDATA(Optional)
TNMODE Transmission Mode ADD ATERSL(Optional) ADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
TNMODE Transmission Mode ADD PBE1T1(Optional)
TO AdjustMethod SET TZ(Mandatory)
TO Cell Reselect Temporary Offset SET GCELLIDLEAD(Optional)
TP Log Type COL FAMLOG(Mandatory)
TQHO Into-BSC HO REQ Queue Timer SET GCELLTMR(Optional)
TRACECTHD Debug tracking control threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
TRACECTHD Debug tracking control threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
TRACERTHD Debug tracking restore threshold SET FCCPUTHD(Optional)
TRACERTHD Debug tracking restore threshold SET FCMSGQTHD(Optional)
TRACESW Debug Flow control switchSET FCSW(Optional)
TrafficClassDlCoefficient DL Priority Decision Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
TrafficClassUlCoefficient UL Priority Decision Threshold SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
TRAMODE Traffic mode ADD M3LKS(Optional)
TransMode Transmission Mode SET BTSTRANS(Mandatory)
TRANSSN Load Transmitting Slot No.ADD ABISLOADSHARE(Mandatory)
TRANST Transport Type ADD IPPATH(Optional)
TRANST Transport Type ADD TRMMAP(Optional)
TRANST Transport Type ADD TRMLOADTH(Mandatory)
TRANSTYPE BTS Transmission Type SET BTSBWPARA(Mandatory)
TRANSTYPE0 E1 Port 0 Set Optical Transmission Mode SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
TRANSTYPE1 E1 Port 1 Set Optical Transmission Mode SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
TRANSTYPE2 E1 Port 2 Set Optical Transmission Mode SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
TRANSTYPE3 E1 Port 3 Set Optical Transmission Mode SET BTSDOMUBP(Optional)
TRESEL Cell Reselection Forbidden Time SET GCELLRESELECTPARA(Optional)
TRKLNKPN Trunk Link No. ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory)
TRKLNKSN Trunk Link Slot No. ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory)
TRKN Trunk No. ADD ETHTRK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD IPPATH(Optional)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD RSCGRP(Optional)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD TRMLOADTH(Mandatory)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD PPPLNK(Optional)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD MPGRP(Optional)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
TRMLOADTHINDEX TRM load threshold index SET BSCABISPRIMAP(Mandatory)
TRMMAPSW Transport Resource Mapping switch SET BSCABISPRIMAP(Optional)
TRUNKN The Trunk group No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
TRUNKN Trunk group No. STR IPCHK(Optional)
TRUNKN Trunk No. ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory)
TRXDURATS Duration Second STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
TrxNum TRX Number ADD BTSBRDCAP(Mandatory) ADD BTSRXUBRD(Optional)
TRXPN Sub-Location Group TRX Board Pass No. ADD BTSBINDLOCGRP(Mandatory)
TRXPRIALLOW Allocation TRX Priority Allowed SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
TS Time Slot BLK ATERE1T1(Mandatory)
TS Time Slot BLK AE1T1(Mandatory)
TS time slot No. LOP E1T1(Mandatory) STR E1T1TST(Optional)
TS Bearing Timeslot ADD BC(Mandatory)
TS Time Slot NO. SET BTSOMLTS(Mandatory)
TSBITMAP Bearing time slot ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory)
TSBITMAP Bearing time slot ADD MPLNK(Mandatory)
TSBITMAP Bearing Time Slot ADD BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD BTSMPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSPPPLNK(Mandatory) IMP BTSMPLNK(Mandatory)
TSCROSSX Time slot cross index ADD TSCROSS(Optional)
TSDURAT Duration * 10 minutes STR TRANSPERFTST(Mandatory)
TSIDX Timeslot Index ADD BTSMONITORTS(Optional)
TSKN Task Name ADD SCHTSK(Mandatory) SET SCHTSKSW(Optional) ADD SUBTSK(Optional) ADD SUBCMD(Optional) STR SCHTSK(Optional)
TSMASK Timeslot Mask ADD ATEROML(Mandatory)
TSNO Timeslot No. ADD PBSL(Mandatory)
TSPRIORITY Timeslot Priority SET GTRXCHAN(Optional)
TSPWRRESERVE Timeslot Power Reserve SET GTRXDEV(Optional)
TSRN Tail Subrack No. ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory) CBN BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
TSTMODE Test Mode STR BTSTST(Mandatory)
TsTurningOffEnable Allow Turning Off Time Slot SET BSCDSTPA(Optional)
TT Topo Type ADD BTSRXUCHAIN(Mandatory)
TTL Time to Live PING IP(Optional)
TUTHD Temperature Alarm Upper Threshold SET BTSAPMUBP(Optional)
TUTHD Temperature Alarm Upper Threshold SET BTSDHEUBP(Optional)
TWFCMCHIDLE Observation Cell Channel Reservation Timer ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
TWFCMTRXIDLE Observation Cell TRX Reservation Timer ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
TWFCSCHIDLE Serving Cell TCHF Reservation Timer ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
TWFRRMRSP Information Collection Response Timer ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
TWFSYNCACK BTS Reserved Resource Activation Timer ADD AISSCFG(Optional)
TXAOPER1 Assigned Power of Pass A Operators 1 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXAOPER2 Assigned Power of Pass A Operators 2 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXAOPER3 Assigned Power of Pass A Operators 3 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXAOPER4 Assigned Power of Pass A Operators 4 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXBOPER1 Assigned Power of Pass B Operators 1 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXBOPER2 Assigned Power of Pass B Operators 2 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXBOPER3 Assigned Power of Pass B Operators 3 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXBOPER4 Assigned Power of Pass B Operators 4 SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
TXBW Forward Bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Mandatory)
TxBw Forward Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
TXINT Interval of send[ms] PING IP(Optional)
TYPE Subrack Type ADD SUBRACK(Mandatory)
TYPE Finish Type RUN BATCHFILE(Mandatory)
TYPE Freq. Band ADD GCELL(Mandatory)
TYPE Freq. Band ADD BTSAUTOPLAN(Mandatory)
TYPE Cabinet Type ADD BTSCABINET(Optional)
U0GEN Up0 Power Attenuation Factor SET BTSANTFEEDERCONNECT(Optional)
U0TOW Up0 Tower-Top Amplifier Flag SET BTSANTFEEDERCONNECT(Optional)
U1GEN Up1 Power Attenuation Factor SET BTSANTFEEDERCONNECT(Optional)
U1TOW Up1 Tower-Top Amplifier Flag SET BTSANTFEEDERCONNECT(Optional)
ucCSPrefCallReestPrio CS Preferred Call Reestablish Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefCSEmergCallPrio CS Preferred CS Emergency Call Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefCSOrgCallPrio CS Preferred CS MOC Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefCSTermCallPrio CS Preferred CS MTC Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefInBscHoPrio CS Preferred Into-BSC HO Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefIntraBscHoPrio CS Preferred Intra-BSC HO Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefOtherPrio CS Preferred Other Service Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefPSPrio CS Preferred PS Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefSupplePrio CS Preferred Supplement Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefVBSPrio CS Preferred VBS Priority SET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCSPrefVGCSPrio CS Preferred VGCS PrioritySET CSABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucCtrlOfCicIE Controlling of CIC IE In BSS Map Messages SET MSGSOFTPARA(Optional)
ucPSPrefCallReestPrio PS Preferred Call Reestablish Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefCSEmergCallPrio PS Preferred CS Emergency Call Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefCSOrgCallPrio PS Preferred CS Original Call Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefCSTermCallPrio PS Preferred CS Terminated Call Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefInBscHoPrio PS Preferred In Handover Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefIntraBscHoPrio PS Preferred Intra Handover Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefOtherPrio PS Preferred Other Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefPSPrio PS Preferred PS Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefSupplePrio PS Preferred Supplement Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefVBSPrio PS Preferred VBS Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucPSPrefVGCSPrio PS Preferred VGCS Service Priority SET PSPREFABISCONGCTRL(Optional)
ucSpeechVerOptiInHo Speech Ver Change Optimize in Handover SET AITFOTHPARA(Optional)
UDPPN Local UDP Port No. ADD NSVLLOCAL(Mandatory)
UDPPN Remote UDP Port No. ADD NSVLREMOTE(Mandatory)
UG Operator Level ADD OP(Optional)
UHUMTHD Upper Humidity ThresholdSET BTSEXD(Optional)
UINTTIME Unit time[ms] STR E1T1TST(Optional)
UL Upper Limit SET ALMPORT(Optional)
UL Upper Limit SET BTSENVALMPORT(Optional)
ULDATAFWDTMR Timer for UL Data ForwardSET GCELLTMR(Optional)
ulDlAckFreq RRBP Frequency for GPRS Downlink TBF SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ulEgprsDlAckFreq RRBP Frequency for EGPRS Downlink TBF SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ulEgprsUlAckFreq ACK Frequency for EGPRS Uplink TBF SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
ULHYSTF1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTF2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTF3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTH1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTH2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTH3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTWB1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULHYSTWB2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
UlLdrThrd2GCell 2G Cell UL Basic Congest Thred SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
UlOlcThrd2GCell 2G Cell UL Overload Congest Thred SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional)
ULPREDLEND UL MR. Number PredictedSET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
ULQUAFILTLEN Filter Length for UL Qual. SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
ULQUALBADTRIG UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold SET GCELLPWR2(Optional)
ULTHF1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHF2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHF3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHH1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHH2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHH3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[H] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHWB1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ULTHWB2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[WB] SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional)
ulUlAckFreq ACK Frequency for GPRS Uplink TBF SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
UMCROSSTALKOPTALLOWED Um Interface Crosstalk Optimization Allowed SET GCELLSOFT(Optional)
UmVer Um Interface Tag SET BSCBASIC(Optional)
UNBA Support Balance SET E1T1(Optional)
UnderCurAlmThdA ANT_A ALD Under Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UnderCurAlmThdB ANT_B ALD Under Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UnderCurAlmThdRET RET ALD Under Current Occur Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UnderCurClrThdA ANT_A ALD Under Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UnderCurClrThdB ANT_B ALD Under Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UnderCurClrThdRET RET ALD Under Current Clear Threshold SET BTSRXUBP(Optional)
UPBTSID Dest Father BTS Index ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
UPBTSIDTYPE Dest Father Index Type ADD BTSCONNECT(Mandatory)
UPDATE Update ADD GSMSCB(Mandatory)
UPDEFAULTCS Uplink Default CS Type SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPDYNCHNTRANLEV Uplink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional)
UPFIXCS Uplink Fixed CS Type SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPPERGRPID Upper Class Transport Resource Group No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory)
UPPERLP The Upper logic port number ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional)
UPRXLEVLASTTIME Duration of Uplink Received Level Differ SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
UPRXLEVSMOOTHPARA Smooth Factor of Uplink Received Level SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
UPRXLEVSTATICTIME Observe Time of UL RX Level Difference SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional)
UPSENDSMDIS Short Message Uplink Disabled SET GCELLCCAD(Optional)
UPTBFRELDELAY Release Delay of Non-extended Uplink TBF SET GCELLPRIVATEOPTPARA(Optional)
UPTHDCSDEGRADE1 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS1 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPTHDCSDEGRADE2 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS2 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPTHDCSDEGRADE3 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS4 to CS3 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPTHDCSUPGRADE1 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS1 to CS2 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPTHDCSUPGRADE2 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS3 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
UPTHDCSUPGRADE3 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS4 SET GCELLPSCS(Optional)
URGENTRESELALLOW Cell Urgent Reselection Allowed SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional)
USFGRAN4BLK Support USF Granularity 4 Switch SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional)
USR User Name of FTP Server DLD LICENSE(Mandatory) ULD LICENSE(Mandatory)
USR FTPServer User DLD RETANTCFG(Mandatory) ULD BTSDEVFILE(Mandatory) DLD BTSPATCH(Mandatory) ULD BTSLOG(Mandatory) DLD BTSSW(Mandatory)
USTBGNTIME Energy Saving Start Time[HH:MM] SET BTSDOMUBP(Mandatory)
USTENDTIME Energy Saving End Time[HH:MM] SET BTSDOMUBP(Mandatory)
UTEMTHD Upper Temperature Threshold SET BTSEXD(Optional)
UTOOFAILMAXTIME MaxRetry Time after UtoO Fail SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
UTOORECTH UtoO HO Received Level Threshold SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional)
VGCSMAXNUM Maximum Number of Channels for VGCS SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
VGCSPREEMPT Channel Allocation Strategy for VGCS SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
VGCSRSRVNUM Reserved Number of Channels for VGCS SET GCELLGSMR(Optional)
VLANFLAG1 VLANID Flag of First Local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
VLANFlAG2 VLANID Flag of Second Local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Optional)
VLANID1 VLAN ID of First Local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
VLANID2 VLAN ID of Second Local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)
VOL24_MASK Enable Alarm Reporting for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VOL24_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Alarm for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VOL24_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Alarm for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VOL48_MASK Enable Alarm Reporting for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VOL48_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Alarm for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VOL48_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Alarm for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional)
VSWRENABLED Standing Wave Alarm CFG Enabled SET BTSDFCUBP(Optional)
VSWRTHRES1 Standing Wave Radio Alarm Threshold SET BTSDFCUBP(Optional) SET BTSDDPUBP(Optional)
VSWRTHRES2 Serious VSW Alarm Threshold SET BTSDFCUBP(Optional) SET BTSDDPUBP(Optional)
WaitMSLocationResponseTimer of MS Location Response from MS ADD GEXTSMLC(Optional)
WaitSMLCLocationResponse Timer of MS Location Response from SMLC ADD GEXTSMLC(Optional)
WARMSET Heating Equipment SET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
WATER_MASK Enable Water Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional)
WEEK Week Limit ADD OP(Optional)
WETSET Humidification EquipmentSET BTSOUTPUT(Optional)
WHETHERAFFECTSWAP Whether affect the port swapping STR IPCHK(Optional)
WK Week ADD OP(Mandatory)
WKMODE Work mode ADD M3LKS(Optional)
WLAETIME End Time of WLA DetectionSET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
WLAFLAG Wireless Link Alarm Critical Permit SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
WLARP WLA Prompting Recover Period SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
WLASTIME Begin Time of WLA Detection SET GTRXRLALM(Optional)
WLNKALMFLAG Wireless Link Alarm Flag SET GTRXRLALM(Mandatory)
WORKAREA Work Area Flag FMT DATA(Optional)
WORKMODE Work Mode SET E1T1(Optional)
WORKMODE Work Mode ADD BTS(Optional)
WS Window Size ADD ATERSL(Optional) ADD ATERCONSL(Optional)
WTBS Wait Time before OML Switch SET BTSOMLBACKUP(Optional)
WTBS Ring I Wait Time Before Switch SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional)
WTRT WTR Time[Sec] SET MSP(Optional)
ZONET TimeZone SET TZ(Optional)
Meaning Feature Name Value Type GUI Value Range
Downlink quality level threshold for the MS to be assigned with a channel of the better cell. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~70
Uplink quality level threshold for the MS to be assigned with a channel of the better cell. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~70
The maximum duration for the BSC to select the best cell according to MRs in the MS assigning procedure. The BSC assigns the channel of the serving cell to the MS if the best cell is not selected within the duration specified by this parameter. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 10~80
Whether to enable the BTS to support bypass function. HDLC BTS and IP BTS do not support this parameter. Abis Bypass Enumeration Type TRUE(Support), FALSE(Not Support)
Whether to permit Abis flow control. The flow control function helps in better call management. If congestion occurs, the system lightens its load by rejecting some services or prolonging the time for service requests. The Abis flow control is used to lighten the system load caused by Abis flows. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Used along with "Abis Flow Control Timer 2" to control the change in cell flow control levels.When the flow control level in the cell changes, the values of MS MAX Retrans and Tx-integer in the system information are changed accordingly. When immediate assignment fails, the BSC6900 starts T1 and T2. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~255
Used along with "Abis Flow Control Timer 1" to control the change in cell flow control levels.When the flow control level in the cell changes, the values of MS MAX Retrans and Tx-integer in the system information are changed accordingly. When immediate assignment fails, the BSC6900 starts T1 and T2. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~255
This parameter controls the strategy for idle timeslot selection and optimization by the PS channels. EGPRS Enumeration Type IDLETSALLOC_0(Any idle timeslots under the same site), IDLETSALLOC_1(Idle timeslots on same E1 primary link preferred), IDLETSALLOC_2(Idle timeslots on same E1 primary link only), IDLETSALLOC_3(Idle timeslots on same 64K primary link only)
This parameter controls whether the strategy for timeslot configuration and optimization is started. When this parameter is set to ON, the bundled idle timeslots for the PS channel should be allocated to the same 64 kbit/s timeslot as the primary link. When this parameter is set to OFF, the idle channels are allocated randomly in the transport pool of a site. EGPRS Enumeration Type CLOSE(CLOSE), OPEN(OPEN)
Threshold for enabling the BTS local switching. When the congestion rate at the Abis interface exceeds this threshold, the BTS local switching is enabled. BTS Local Switch Interval Type 0~100
This parameter specifies whether to enable the Abis resource adjustment TCHH function. It specifies whether the TCHH is preferentially allocated to the MS by the BSC6900, when Abis resources are insufficient. If the Abis resource load is greater than "Flex Abis Prior Choose Load Thred" or "Fix Abis Prior Choose Abis Load Thred" when the parameter is set to "YES", the BSC6900 preferentially allocates the TCHH to the MS. Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Interval between detection of the Abis timeslot being in idle state and releasing of the Abis timeslot. When channels are idle, the timer is started. When the timer is expires, the Abis timeslot is released. When all the TBFs on the channel are released, the Abis timeslot is not released at once. Instead, the timer is started when the channels are idle. Before the timer expires, if new service request is received and the Abis timeslot is occupied, then the timer is stopped; otherwise, the timeslot is released after the timer expires. When "Number of Dynamic Channel Pre-Converted" is greater than 0, the Abis timeslots are not released after the static PDCH and pre-converted PDCH are idle. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 10~3600
Phase tag for GSM protocols that the Abis interface supports Configuration Management Enumeration Type GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus
Duration available for the BTS to collect the AB after the TRX or channel is activated. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~255
Mean opinion score (threshold) for judging an abnormal call. The BTS computes the MOS of a call periodically and reports the call MOS to the BSC in custom measurement reports. According to the call MOS, the BSC checks whether the call is normal. If the call MOS is less than this threshold, the BSC considers the call abnormal and records the abnormity in the call history record (CHR). To prevent the impact of a decimal fraction, set this parameter to the product of 50 and the actual MOS. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~250
Access pulse type of the PRACH, uplink PTCCH and packet control acknowledge message of the MS. 8bit: 8 bit pulse access mode; 11bit: 11 bit pulse access mode. Access Enumeration Type 8BIT(8BIT), 11BIT(11BIT)
Access control class of the MS Access Interval Type 0~65535
When the cell supports Repeated This parameter specifies whether the access control function is enabled in a cell. When the function is enabled, the BSC determines which MSs in the cell to be connected to the network by sending the ACC classes through system messages according to the specified policy in Access Control Policy. Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies the index of the access control policy that is used in a cell. Interval Type 0~31
Subcell preferred during the incoming inter-BSC handover to the concentric cell. In the case of incoming inter-BSC handover to the concentric cell, the channels in this subcell are preferred. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
This parameter specifies the index of an access control (ACC) policy. It is used to identify an ACC policy. Interval Type 0~31
Whether the initial service is uplink, downlink or neutral Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type ULPRIORITY(Uplink Priority), NEUTRAL(Neutral Priority), DLPRIORITY(Downlink Priority)
This parameter is used to specify the starting point of the ACC sliding window in an access control policy. Interval Type 0~9
This parameter is used to specify the ACC sliding window size in an access control policy. MSs of the ACC access classes that are specified in the sliding window are not allowed to access the network. Interval Type 1~10
This parameter is used to specify the sliding speed of the ACC sliding window in an access control policy. Interval Type 15~7200
Whether to compress the address and control fields. If this parameter is set to ENABLE, the address and control area compression is enabled. If this parameter is set to DISABLE, the address and control area compression is disabled. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type Disable(Disable), Enable(Enable)
A flag bit indicates Whether to support the compression of the address and control fields. Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether to receive the CS paging request from A interface when the MS uses a PS service. This parameter is used to control the paging collaboration function of A interface of the entire BSC. This parameter specifies whether to forward the paging message of the A interface from the circuit domain to the PS domain . BSS Paging Coordination Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Used for notifying MSs where to retrieve relevant parameters during cell reselection. The default value of this parameter is 0 in system message 3 and, has no special significance. In system message 4, if the value of this parameter is 0, it means that the MSs must retrieve the PI parameters and other parameters relevant to cell reselection and the parameters relevant to C2 calculation from the remaining bytes of system message 4.If the value is 1, it means that the MS must retrieve the parameters from the remaining bytes of system message 7 or 8. Basic Cell Re-selection System Information Sending Enumeration Type COMPUL0(Compulsory 0), COMPUL1(Compulsory 1), FLEX(Flexible)
Active coding set (ACS)[F], indicates a set of full-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use. AMR FR TFO Bit Field Type 4_75KBIT/S~0 5_15KBIT/S~1 5_90KBIT/S~2 6_70KBIT/S~3 7_40KBIT/S~4 7_95KBIT/S~5 10_2KBIT/S~6 12_2KBIT/S
Active coding set (ACS)[H], indicates set of half-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use. AMR HR TFO Bit Field Type 4_75KBIT/S~0 5_15KBIT/S~1 5_90KBIT/S~2 6_70KBIT/S~3 7_40KBIT/S~4 7_95KBIT/S
Active coding set (ACS)[WB], indicates a set of wide-band coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use. WB AMR TFO Bit Field Type 6_60KBIT/S, 8_85KBIT/S, 12_65KBIT/S
Whether to activate the function of L2 re-establishment. If this function is activated, the BSC starts the attempt of L2 re-establishment when the BSC receives an ERR IND message reported by the BTS in a conversation of MSs. If the L2 re-establishment succeeds, the conversation continues; otherwise, a call drop occurs. Call Control Handover Re-establishment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Valid duration of the reserved TRX or timeslot Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~255
AC voltage alarm lower threshold. When the input AC voltage is lower than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal AC is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 60~300
The BTS reports an alarm if the AC voltage exceeds the value of this parameter. O&M of BTS Interval Type 610~3000
The BTS reports an alarm if the AC voltage is lower than the value of this parameter. O&M of BTS Interval Type 600~2990
The BTS reports an alarm if the AC voltage exceeds the value of the AC voltage alarm upper threshold. When the input AC voltage is higher than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal AC is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter must be the same as the value of the parameter in other modes. O&M of BTS Interval Type 60~300
Whether to hand over an MS to another channel during an intra-cell handover through the assignment process HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Communication address of the CBUS3 on the bus 485. The configuration of this parameter must be consistent with the actual physical connection. Otherwise, the board may not work properly. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Interval for requesting the bandwidth for the secondary link when the system is not in congestion state GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~50
Bandwidth requested each time for the secondary link when the system is not in congestion state GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~768
Whether to enable each AC RRU external alarm port's customer definition switch. "0" indicates that the external alarm port's customer definition switch is disabled and this port is not defined by customor but by vendor, and "1" indicates that the external alarm port's customer definition switch is enabled. It does not take effect to DC RRU, whose external alarm ports are always defined by customer. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type PORT0_CDEF, PORT1_CDEF
The destination signaling point (DSP) of the adjacent BSC must be an Iur-g DSP. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~16777215
Whether to adjust the BTS offset manually or automatically Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type BYMANUAL(By Manual), BYAUTO(By Auto)
Mode of dynamically adjusting the EGPRS uplink encoding scheme. Value 0 indicates dynamic adjustment of EGPRS uplink coding scheme is not supported; value 1 indicates that the uplink coding scheme is adjusted according to downlink quality measurements reported by MS; value 2 indicates that the uplink coding scheme is adjusted according to uplink quality measurements reported by BTS. Dynamically Adjusting the Uplink MCS Coding Enumeration Type 0(Not support dynamic adjustment), 1(According to downlink quality measurements reported by MS), 2(According to uplink quality measurements reported by BTS)
This parameter specifies whether to enable automatic auto-loading and auto-activation of the BTS software. If this parameter is set to Yes, the BTS software is automatically loaded and activated when the BTS is initialized or a board is added; the TMU software is automatically loaded and activated when the BTS is initialized or BSC starts checking res. If this parameter is set to Yes, the BTS software fails to be forcibly loaded and activated. If this parameter is set to No, the BTS software can be successfully forcibly loaded and activated. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
This parameter specifies the automatic load mode of the BTS software. If this parameter is set to common download, common loading is performed on the OML/EML, and the link is not extended. If this parameter is set to quick download(without traffic), quick loading can be performed on the dynamically extended link besides the OML/EML. This may affect the services in the cell. If this parameter is set to quick download(reserve BCCH Trx traffic), quick loading can be performed on the dynamically extended link besides the OML/EML. This should not affect the services on the main BCCH TRX of the cell. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type COMMON_DLD(Common Download), QUICK_DLD1(Quick Download No Traffic), QUICK_DLD2(Quick Download Reserve BCCH)
Administrative state of a cell O&M of BTS Enumeration Type LOCK(Lock), UNLOCK(Unlock), SHUTDOWN(Shutdown)
Administrative state of the TRX O&M of BTS Enumeration Type Lock(Lock), Unlock(Unlock), Shutdown(Shutdown)
Administrative state of the channel O&M of BTS Enumeration Type Lock(Lock), Unlock(Unlock), Shutdown(Shutdown)
End time for adjusting the offset time Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Cell load threshold for adjusting the offset time. If the load threshold is exceeded, the offset time is not adjusted. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~100
Offset Time Adjustment Switch Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Start time for adjusting the offset time Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Advanced alarm management rule type Faulty Management Enumeration Type RATIORULE(Ratio Rule)
This parameter specifies the software version 1 that is automatically loaded and activated. The version of the BTS software stored on the OMU must be consistent with this version number. Otherwise, a software version inconsistency alarm is reported. An example of the version format is as follows: BTS3000V100R008C11SPC003. This parameter can be set to only a BTS software version or a cold patch version. You can use either of the following methods to query the version number of the BTS software or the cold patch. Method 1: If the BTS software or the cold patch is downloaded to the OMU through the MML command DLD BTSSW, you can run the MML command LST BTSSW to obtain the number of the version to be loaded according to the returned result. Method 2: If the BTS software version or the cold patch is not downloaded to the OMU, you can decompress the BTS software package or cold patch package. Then, check the vercfg.xml file in the level-1 directory of the compressed package. The value after the label "SoftwareVersio O&M of BTS String Type None
This parameter specifies the software version 2 that is automatically loaded and activated. The BTS software stored on the OMU must be consistent with this version number. Otherwise, the software version inconsistency alarm may be reported. An example of the version format is as follows: BTS3000V100R008C11SPC003. This parameter can be set to only a BTS software version or a cold patch version. You can use either of the following methods to query the version number of the BTS software or the cold patch. Method 1: If the BTS software or the cold patch is downloaded to the OMU through the MML command DLD BTSSW, you can run the MML command LST BTSSW to obtain the number of the version to be loaded according to the returned result. Method 2: If the BTS software version or the cold patch is not downloaded to the OMU, you can decompress the BTS software package or cold patch package. Then, check the vercfg.xml file in the level-1 directory of the compressed package. The value after the label "SoftwareVersion" is th O&M of BTS String Type None
If the echo path is traced, the echo is judged and controlled according to the trace result of the echo path parameters. Otherwise, the echo is judged and controlled according to the recommended value. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 0~600
This parameter is used for echo judgment and control when the echo parameters are not traced. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 0~60
If the local input voltage is lower than the value of this parameter and the remote end transmits the voice signal, the AEC function uses the comfort noise to replace the minor echo. In this case, the speech signals at low level may also be cut. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type -60~-35,0
Extra delay due to the transmission line. This parameter should be set according to the actual conditions and is applicable to satellite transmission. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 0~1000
This parameter is used to determine whether there are speech signals at the local end. If the local SNR is lower than the value of this parameter, echo control is not performed. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 0~15
This parameter indicates whether the acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) functional switch is on or off. Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Threshold for detecting the AEC performance Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 10~100
Time for detecting the AEC performance Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Interval Type 1~10
Counter for radio link failures during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". AMR Wireless Link Timer Enumeration Type 4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times
Number of SACCH multiframes during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". AMR Wireless Link Timer Interval Type 0~63
GPS receiver ID BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~65534
GPS receiver type. BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type BSC(BSC)
Counter for radio link failures during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". AMR Wireless Link Timer Enumeration Type 4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times
Number of SACCH multiframes during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". AMR Wireless Link Timer Interval Type 0~63
Alarm ID Faulty Management Interval Type 65334~65383
Alarm ID Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
Identifier of the alarm. This parameter uniquely identifies an alarm. Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
Identifier of the alarm. This parameter uniquely identifies an alarm. Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
Identifier of the alarm. This parameter uniquely identifies an alarm. Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
Alarm ID O&M of BTS Interval Type 65033~65533
Alarm ID Faulty Management String Type None
Delay time for mutual-aid detection on a cell after the cell is initialized. When the cell initialization has just finished, the cell is in an unstable state. Mutual-aid detection at this time may cause a wrong decision. Therefore, this parameter is used for specifying proper delay. TRX Cooperation Interval Type 1~60
Type of alarm selection Faulty Management Enumeration Type ALL(All), ONEBYONE(One by One)
Alarm selection mode Faulty Management Enumeration Type ALL(all), ONEBYONE(one by one)
Whether to trace A-interface messages during end-to-end user tracing. The end-to-end tracing is conducted throughout the network. The A-interface tracing results can be obtained from the MSC or BSC. End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow flow control for the location update services during the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
whether to allow flow control for the mobile-originated services during the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow flow control for the mobile-terminated services during the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow flow control for the other services including emergency call, call re-establish, and LMU services during the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the A interface flow control mechanism in the BSC6900 GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Flow control method used by the BSC6900. Flow control method at the Abis interface: When receiving a channel request message, the BSC6900 begins flow control on the call according to the flow control level of the A interface. Flow control method at the A interface: When establishing an SCCP connection, the BSC6900 begins flow control according to the flow control level of the A interface and releases part of the call. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ABIS(Abis), A(A)
Rate of discarded services in level 1 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Rate of discarded services in level 2 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Rate of discarded services in level 3 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Rate of discarded services in level 4 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Rate of discarded services in level 5 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Rate of discarded services in level 6 of the A interface flow control GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
CSD(Circuit Switched Data) service redundancy level, which is configured to decrease the data loss rate during transmission in A over IP mode. A over IP Enumeration Type NO(Not Supported), R3(Only R3 Supported), R2(Only R2 Supported), R2ANDR3(R2 And R3 Supported)
Fixed gain value in fixed gain mode Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type -12~12
Target level in fixed level mode Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type -23~-4
This parameter restrains the maximum gain to the input signal. It is valid only when "ALC Mode" is "FIXEDLEVEL" or "ADAPTIVE". If the parameter is set to a small value, it may affect the conformance to the target level. Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type 3~12
Maximum target level in adaptive ALC mode Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type -23~-4
Mimumum target level in adaptive ALC mode Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type -23~-4
ALC level control mode Automatic Level Control (ALC) Enumeration Type FIXEDLEVEL(Fixed level mode), ADAPTIVE(Adaptive mode), FIXEDGAIN(Fixed gain mode)
Whether to enable the adaptive level control (ALC) function Automatic Level Control (ALC) Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Retry times after the timer for the reply from the peer expires during the NSVC live test. If the reply is not received after the system resends the message according to retry times, the NSVC is regarded as faulty. Gb Over FR Interval Type 5~15
Duration of the timer to wait for the reply from the peer during the NSVC live test Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~255
Specifies the bandwidth occupied when the " transmission resource group type " is IP and the " bandwidth mode " is HALF_DUPLEX. IP QOS Interval Type 0~4000000
Whether to reassign the TBF for a different Trx GPRS Enumeration Type NOTALLOW(Not Allow), ALLOW(Allow)
When this parameter is set to ON, the GMM/SM signaling service is assigned only one PDCH; otherwise, the GMM/SM signaling service is assigned one or more PDCHs as required. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Maximum ratio of the number of AMR half rate channels to the total number of channels in a cell. When the resource allocation principle is determined by the BSC, no AMR half rate channel can be further assigned if the ratio of the number of AMR half rate channels to the total number of channels in the cell is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the resource allocation principle is not determined by the BSC, radio resource allocation does not depend on the setting of this parameter. Total number of channels = number of half rate channels + number of full rate channels x 2 Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
Whether to allow EDA multiplex. "Not Allow": the TBF of the EDA cannot be multiplexed with other TBR; "Allow": the TBF of the EDA can be multiplexed with other TBF. EDA(Extended Dynamic Allocation) Enumeration Type NOTALLOW(Not Allow), ALLOW(Allow)
Number of allowed measure report missed. If the number of allowed measure report missed exceeds this value, the previous measure report is invalid. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~16
Maximum ratio of the number of half rate channels to the total number of channels in a cell. When the resource allocation principle is determined by the BSC, no half rate channel can be further assigned if the ratio of the number of half rate channels to the total number of channels in the cell is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the resource allocation principle is not determined by the BSC, radio resource allocation does not depend on the setting of this parameter. Total number of channels = number of half rate channels + number of full rate channels x 2 Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
Value ALLCIC indicates that all E1/T1 timeslots on the A interface must be set with the start CIC. Value ALLNULL indicates that all E1/T1 timeslots on the A interface can be set with the value NULL. A Interface Circuit Management Enumeration Type ALLCIC(Set all Timeslots CIC), ALLNULL(Set all Timeslots Null)
Value ALLCIC indicates that all E1/T1 timeslots on the PB interface must be set with the start CIC. Value ALLNULL indicates that all E1/T1 timeslots on the PB interface can be set with the value NULL. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ALLCIC(Set all Timeslots CIC), ALLNULL(Set all Timeslots Null)
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 0 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 1 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 2 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 3 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 4 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
If the feed current of the TMA on tributary 5 is smaller than the value of this parameter, the TMA Low Temperature alarm is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Accumulated alarm clearance failure duration.Threshold for the accumulated duration in which the alarm persists. If the accumulated duration exceeds this threshold, an alarm is cleared. Otherwise, the alarm persists. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65535
Whether the configuration of alarm parameters is allowed. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter must be the same as the value of the parameter in other modes. Faulty Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
ID of the intermittent alarm. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65534
Alarm ID Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65535
If the input current of the antenna feeder is smaller than the value of this parameter, an alarm related to the GPS antenna is reported. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~15
If the input current of the antenna feeder is greater than the value of this parameter and "GPS or RGPS" is set to "GPS", an alarm related to the GPS antenna is reported. Faulty Management Interval Type 45~155
If the input current of the antenna feeder is greater than the value of this parameter and "GPS or RGPS" is set to "RGPS", an alarm related to the RGPS antenna is reported. Faulty Management Interval Type 125~175
Accumulated alarm occurrence duration.Threshold for the accumulated duration in which the alarm persists. If the accumulated duration exceeds this threshold, an alarm is generated. Otherwise, no alarm is generated. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65535
Alarm Occur Accumulative Time refers to the percentage of the alarm occurrence accumulative time to "Flash Statis Alarm Raise Time Window". If the alarm occurrence accumulative duration is greater than the parameter value, the BTS fault statistical alarm is reported. For example, if the parameter value is 60, it indicates that Alarm Occur Accumulative Time = "Flash Statis Alarm Raise Time Window" x 60%. If the parameter value is 0, no statistics is collected. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~100
Alarm Clear Accumulative Time refers to the percentage of the alarm clearance accumulative time to "Flash Statis Alarm Clear Time Window". If the alarm clearance accumulative duration is greater than this threshold, the BTS fault statistical alarm is cleared. For example, if the parameter value is 30, it indicates that Alarm Clear Accumulative Time = "Flash Statis Alarm Clear Time Window" x 30%. If the parameter value is 0, no statistics is collected. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~100
If the number of alarm flashes exceeds the value of this parameter within the time specified by "Flash Statis Alarm Raise Time Window", the BTS Statistical Alarm is generated. If this parameter is set to 0, the statistics of the BTS alarm flashes is not collected. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~250
If the number of alarm flashes is smaller than the value of this parameter within the time specified by "Flash Statis Alarm Clear Time Window", the BTS Statistical Alarm is cleared. If this parameter is set to 0, the statistics of the BTS alarm flashes is not collected. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~250
Whether the configuration of alarm parameters is allowed. The value "YES" indicates that the configuration is allowed, and the value "NO" indicates that the configuration is not allowed. Faulty Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Type of the alarm. The alarm can be a fault alarm or an event alarm. Faulty Management Enumeration Type flt(Fault), evt(Event), all(All)
It is used to perform open loop power control. Alpha parameter is used by the MS to calculate the output power PCH of the uplink PDCH. This parameter is used to set the reduced class of the Tx power of the MS, in correspondence with the path loss, when the GPRS dynamic power control is enabled. Power Control Enumeration Type 0(0.0), 1(0.1), 2(0.2), 3(0.3), 4(0.4), 5(0.5), 6(0.6), 7(0.7), 8(0.8), 9(0.9), 10(1.0)
Decimal part of the antenna altitude BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~9
Height of the specified GSP receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type -1000~10000
Integer part of the antenna altitude BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~6553
Height of the specified GSP receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type -3281~32810
Alarm severity. One or more severities can be selected. By default, all severities are selected. Faulty Management Bit Field Type Critical, Major, Minor, Warning
Alarm severity. One or more severities can be selected. By default, all severities are selected. Faulty Management Enumeration Type Critical(Critical), Major(Major), Minor(Minor), Warning(Warning)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 0 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 1 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 2 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 3 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 4 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to supply power to the TMA on tributary 5 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Maximum degree by which the BSC can control the power of the AMR BTS dynamically AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~16
Whether to enable the III power control algorithm for AMR calls. If enabled, power control is performed on AMR calls. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type OFF(Not Allowed), ON(Allowed)
Whether to enable the adaptive adjustment function of AMR downlink threshold. After this function is enabled, the BTS estimates the long-term voice quality (indicated by the long-term FER(frame erase ratio)) and compares the estimated result with the specified target voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current AMR handover threshold may not be the best for the current radio conditions. In this case, the BSC6900 adjust threshold adaptively according to the relation between the estimated voice quality and the target voice quality. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~20
Number of downlink AMR measurement reports that the BSC predicts. The BSC takes a while to confirm the power control effect of a power control command. Thus, the BSC makes a power control decision based on a measurement report that lags behind the changes in the receive level and quality instead of reflecting the real-time radio environment. As a result, the power control is late. To prevent late power control to a certain degree, the power control algorithm involves a measurement report prediction filter. The BSC can sample several downlink measurement reports in a short time and filter them according to a specific weight to predict future N measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number N. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~3
Quality level threshold for decreasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR DL Qual. Upper Threshold", the BSC decreases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level - "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
Quality level threshold for increasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than "AMR DL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~20
During downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
During downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR DL Qual Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Upper threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level is greater than this threshold, a power decrease is computed. Then, the power is decreased by the least of the power decrease, maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the received signal quality belongs, and "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power decrease = downlink received signal level - ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", and "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Lower threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is computed. Then, the power is increased by the least of the power increase, "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV", and "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power increase = ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 - downlink received signal level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the algorithm for the load-based AMR handover between full rate and half rate HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
With "F-H Ho Period" and the duration for triggering handover from full rate to half rate, this parameter determines the current ATCB offset by which to choose the MSs to undergo handover from full rate to half rate. ATCB offset = (duration for triggering handover from full rate to half rate/"F-H Ho Period" + 1) x "AMR F-H Ho ATCB Adjust Step" HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
ATCB threshold for the AMR handover from full rate to half rate. If the ATCB of an AMR full rate call is equal to or greater than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from full rate to half rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
With "F-H Ho Period" and the duration for triggering handover from full rate to half rate, this parameter determines the current path loss offset by which to choose the MSs to undergo handover from full rate to half rate. Path loss offset = (duration for triggering handover from full rate to half rate/"F-H Ho Period" + 1) x "AMR F-H Ho Pathloss Adjust Step" HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Path loss threshold for the AMR handover from full rate to half rate. If the path loss of an AMR full rate call is equal to or less than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from full rate to half rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Quality threshold for the AMR handover from full rate to half rate. If the uplink and downlink receive quality levels of an AMR full rate call are equal to or less than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from full rate to half rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~7
Load threshold for the AMR handover from full rate to half rate. If the cell load is greater than this threshold, the AMR full rate calls are handed over to half rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
ATCB threshold for the AMR handover from half rate to full rate. If the ATCB of an AMR half rate call is less than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from half rate to full rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Path loss threshold for the AMR handover from half rate to full rate. If the path loss of an AMR half rate call is greater than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from half rate to full rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Whether to enable the algorithm for the uplink and downlink receive quality based AMR handover from half rate to full rate HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Quality threshold for the AMR handover from half rate to full rate. If the receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is greater than this threshold, the AMR call is handed over from half rate to full rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~7
Load threshold for the AMR handover from half rate to full rate. If the cell load is less than this threshold, the AMR half rate calls are handed over to full rate. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
Maximum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal quality AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~32
Maximum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 0. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~30
Maximum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 1. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~30
Maximum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 2. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~30
Maximum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal level AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~32
Whether to enable the compensation of AMR measurement reports in Huawei power control algorithm generation II If this parameter is set to YES, Huawei power control algorithm generation II puts a currently received measurement report into the measurement report compensation queue. Then, the algorithm records the change in the transmit power based on the MS/BTS power in the measurement report. According to the power change, the algorithm compensates the received signal level in a history measurement report after measurement report interpolation. Before making a power control decision, the BSC samples and weights the received signal level and quality in several history measurement reports. The MS/BTS transmit power may vary over these measurement reports. To ensure the accuracy of the received signal level and quality to be weighted, the power control algorithm needs to compensate the received signal level and quality in the history measurement reports where the transmit power differs from the current transmit p AMR Power Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Minimum interval between two consecutive AMR power control commands AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~15
Maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to received signal quality AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~4
Number of levels by which the BTS increases the power of an SACCH frame. This parameter is used for SACCH power control. When sending an SACCH frame, the BTS increases the power of the SACCH frame by this specified number of levels. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~15
Whether to enable the BSC to assign AMR half rate channels preferentially according to the channel types allowed by the MSC and the current TCH seizure ratio of the cell.When this parameter is set to OFF, the load of the serving cell will not be considered in a handover from an AMR full-rate channel to an AMR half-rate channel. AMR HR Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Load threshold for assigning half rate channels preferentially. If the current TCH seizure ratio of the cell is greater than this threshold, AMR half rate channels are assigned preferentially. AMR HR Interval Type 0~99
Whether to enable the adaptive adjustment function of AMR uplink threshold. After this function is enabled, the BTS estimates the long-term voice quality (indicated by the long-term FER(frame erase rate)) and compares the estimated result with the specified target voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current AMR handover threshold may not be the best for the current radio conditions. In this case, the BSC uses the relevant algorithm to adjust the adaptive threshold according to the relation between the estimated voice quality and the target voice quality. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~20
Number of uplink AMR measurement reports that the BSC predicts. The BSC takes a while to confirm the power control effect of a power control command. Thus, the BSC makes a power control decision based on a measurement report that lags behind the changes in the receive level and quality instead of reflecting the real-time radio environment. As a result, the power control is late. To prevent late power control to a certain degree, the power control algorithm involves a measurement report prediction filter. The BSC can sample several downlink measurement reports in a short time and then weigh them to predict future N measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number N. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~3
Quality level threshold for decreasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR ULQual. Upper Threshold", the BTS decreases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level - "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BTS does not adjust the transmit power. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
Quality level threshold for increasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than "AMR UL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BTS increases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BTS does not adjust the transmit power. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. AMR Power Control Interval Type 1~20
During uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~7
During uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Upper threshold for uplink AMR signal strength If the uplink received AMR signal level is greater than this threshold, a power decrease is computed. Then, the power is decreased by the least of the power decrease, maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the received signal quality belongs, and "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power decrease = uplink received signal level - ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", and "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Lower threshold for uplink AMR signal strength. If the uplink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is computed. Then, the power is increased by the least of the power increase, "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV", and "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power increase = ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 - uplink received signal level. AMR Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Maximum number of retransmissions of the A-interface circuit reset message. When an A-interface circuit of the BSC is reset, the BSC sends the reset message to the MSC and starts a timer. If the BSC fails to receive the A-interface circuit reset response message from the MSC before the timer expires, the BSC retransmits the A-interface circuit reset message. This parameter specifies the maximum number of retransmissions of the A-interface circuit reset message. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
Maximum number of times of resending a reset message at the A interface. When the BSC6900 is reset, the BSC6900 sends a reset message to the MSC and starts a timer. If the timer expires when the BSC6900 waits for a response message, the BSC6900 resends the reset message and restarts a timer. If the timer expires again and the times of resending the reset message are less than the value of this parameter, the BSC6900 continues resending the reset message. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
Maximum gain to the signals from the remote end. If the parameter is set to a small value, the target SNR may be restrained when the signal arrives at the local end. Automatic Noise Compensation (ANC) Interval Type 3~30
Whether to enable the adaptive noise cancel (ANC) function Automatic Noise Compensation (ANC) Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
The system adjusts the remote input so that the ratio of the remote signal to the local noise is above the value of this parameter. Automatic Noise Compensation (ANC) Interval Type 10~30
Tilt angle of the RET antenna, it is accurate to one place of decimal, for example, the tilt can be 7.7 degree. Remote Electrical Tilt String Type None
Uniquely identifies an adjacent node Abis over IP A over IP IP QOS Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~4599
Adjacent node identifier of this IP path None Interval Type 0~4599
New name of the alarm Faulty Management String Type None
ANR mode Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR) Enumeration Type MODE0(Mode 0), MODE1(Mode 1), MODE2(Mode 2)
This parameter determines the noise depression degree. A large absolute value of this parameter corresponds to a strong depression. Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR) Interval Type -32~0
ANR target noise level Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR) Interval Type -64~0
Whether to enable the adaptive noise restrain (ANR) function Automatic Noise Restraint (ANR) Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Size of the azimuth angle of the cell antenna BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~360
Length of the feeder cable. The GPS satellite card is connected to the antenna through feeder cables. The transmission delay on the feeder cable can be calculated on the basis of the length of the feeder cable, thus increasing the timing accuracy of the satellite card. BTS GPS Synchronization BTS/NodeB Clock Interval Type 0~1000
Power supply switch of the GPS antenna feeder BTS GPS Synchronization BTS/NodeB Clock Enumeration Type SENDPOWER(Send Power), NOPOWER(No Power)
E1T1 anti-error switch. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Whether to enable the BTS to clear the burglar alarm automatically O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of the antenna Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~35
Number of the antenna feeder channel mapped to the RXU O&M of BTS Enumeration Type A(A), B(B)
Antenna pass No. of the RXU of a sub-location group. The parameter is configured only when the MRRU or GRRU is used in the sub-location group. Multi-site Cell Enumeration Type A(A), B(B)
Antenna pass number of the downlink tributary O&M of BTS Enumeration Type A(A), B(B), NULL(NULL)
Number of a port on the A interface board A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~335
Upper layer application type of the SCTP link. The upper layer application type of A and LB interface is M3UA. In the BSC disaster tolerance, the application type is BBAP in the case of the communication between the primary and secondary BSC. A over IP Enumeration Type M3UA(M3UA), BBAP(BBAP)
Application type of the semi-permanent link Semi-Permanent Connection Enumeration Type MTP2(MTP2), OTHER(OTHER), TCSTM1(TCSTM1)
Update frequency of the value N (packet drop interval), indicating that the packet drop interval is updated after N packets are transmitted. PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Upper length threshold of the TBF buffer queue. If the length of the TBF buffer queue exceeds this threshold, whether the packets are discarded is determined according to the packet discarding policy. PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Congestion threshold of the TBF buffer queue. If the congestion level in the TBF buffer queue exceeds this threshold, whether the packets are discarded actively is determined according to the packet discarding policy. PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Initial value of the interval (indicated by N) at which the packets in the TBF buffer queue are discarded. The value N indicates the frequency of discarding the packets in the TBF buffer queue. The greater the value N, the lower the frequency of discarding packets, and the smaller the number of discarded packets within a certain period. The smaller the value N, the greater the number of discarded packets. PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Lower threshold of the interval for discarding the packets in the TBF buffer queue, that is, the minimum value of N (packet drop interval). PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Upper threshold of the interval for discarding the packets in the TBF buffer queue, that is, the maximum value of N (packet drop interval). PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
AQM switch PS Active Package Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Target threshold of the TBF buffer queue PS Active Package Management Interval Type 1~65535
Local area code, for example, 021 for Shanghai Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Area flag BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type PRIMARY(Primary Area), STANDBY(Standby Area), ALL(Primary and Standby Area)
Area flag BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type PRIMARY(Primary), STANDBY(Standby)
Threshold for reporting the recovery alarm for the abnormal release alarm. If the percentage of the abnormal channel releases is equal to or less than this threshold, the recovery alarm for the abnormal release alarm is reported. That is, the abnormal release alarm is cleared. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~80
Release statistics base for subchannels. This parameter indicates the number of times that a subchannel is activated. In a timeslot, the release statistics base, B, multiplied by the number of channels, N, is the channel release sum, S. If the percentage of the abnormal channel releases in the latest S channel releases exceeds the Abnormal Warn Threshold, the abnormal release alarm is reported. If the percentage of the abnormal channel releases in the latest S channel releases is equal to or less than the Abnormal Release Threshold, the recovery alarm for the abnormal release alarm is reported. That is, the abnormal release alarm is cleared. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 5~126
Threshold for reporting the abnormal release alarm. In a timeslot, the release statistics base, B, multiplied by the number of channels, N, is the channel release sum, S. If the percentage of the abnormal channel releases in the latest S channel releases exceeds this threshold, the abnormal release alarm is reported. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 5~100
Retransmission times upon ARP timeout. When the ARP request times exceeds the retransmission time without a response, the ARP/BFD detection failure alarm is reported. This may trigger the port or board switchover. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 3~10
ARP packet timeout time Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 3~10
Number of the slot where the A interface board is located A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the A interface board is located A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~27
Number of the subrack where the A interface board is located A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~11
Network management type of the alarm. By default, all network management types are selected. Faulty Management Bit Field Type power, env, sig, trunk, hardware, software, run, comm, service, handle
Network management type of the alarm. By default, all network management types are selected. Faulty Management Enumeration Type power(Power System), env(Environment System), sig(Signaling System), trunk(Trunk System), hardware(Hardware System), software(Software System), run(Running System), comm(Communication System), service(QoS), handle(Processing Error)
Switch for assigning the channel of a better cell to the MS during MS access. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
When this parameter is set to ENABLE, if the cell supports direct retry and the current cell load is equal to or larger than the value of "Cell direct retry forbidden threshold" in "SET GCELLOTHEXT" during the assignment, the BSC6900 continues with the direct retry procedure. When this parameter is set to DISABLE, the current call applies for channels in its own cells. If the application fails, it continues with the direct retry procedure. Direct Retry Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Offset relative to the level threshold for determining whether to assign a channel in the overlaid subcell Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~61
Number of the cabinet where the associated RXU board is installed. This parameter is valid for DRRU, MRRU, GRRU, or BTS3900E board in the remote monitoring subrack of the DBS3036, DBS3900 GSM, or BTS3900E GSM. The associated RXU board cannot be associated with other boards such as DEMU, APMU, or DTCU. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62,255
Number of the cabinet where the associated RXU board is installed. This parameter is valid for DRRU, MRRU, GRRU, or BTS3900E board in the remote monitoring subrack of the DBS3036, DBS3900 GSM, or BTS3900E GSM. The associated RXU board cannot be associated with other boards such as DEMU, APMU, or DTCU. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Number of the slot where the associated RXU board is installed. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23,255
Number of the slot where the associated RXU board is installed. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the subrack where the associated RXU board is installed. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Number of the subrack where the associated RXU board is installed. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Absolute level threshold for automatic optimization of neighbor cells and frequencies. The measurement results in measurement reports are screened and counted according to this threshold. If the signal strength of a neighbor cell in a measurement report is greater than this threshold, the relevant traffic statistics counter is incremented by one. 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~63
After the BSC6900 delivers an assignment command, the T3107 timer starts. If the BSC6900 receives an assignment complete message within the scheduled time, the T3107 timer stops. If the timer expires, the BSC6900 sends an assignment failure message. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 500~60000
Timer for waiting for a single A-interface circuit blocking or unblocking answer. The BSC6900 starts this T1 timer after sending a single A-interface circuit blocking or unblocking message. If the BSC6900 does not receive a blocking or unblocking answer from the MSC before this timer expires for the first time, the BSC6900 resends the single A-interface circuit blocking or unblocking message to the MSC. If the timer expires for the second time, the BSC6900 reports an alarm for BSC circuit blocking or unblocking failure. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~300
MSC reset protection timer, that is, interval between the time when the BSC6900 receives an MSC reset message and the time when the BSC6900 answer to the MSC. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~300
T17 timer. When receiving an MSC overload message or a single point congestion message for the first time, the BSC6900 increases the level of the A interface flow control and starts the T17 and T18 timers at the same time. Timers T17 and T18 are set for adjusting the flow control level over the A interface. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 1~300
T18 timer. When receiving an MSC overload message or a single point congestion message for the first time, the BSC6900 increases the level of the A interface flow control and starts the T17 and T18 timers at the same time. Timers T17 and T18 are set for adjusting the flow control level over the A interface. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 1~300
Timer for waiting for an A-interface circuit reset answer. The BSC6900 starts this timer after sending an A-interface circuit reset message. When this timer expires for the first time, the BSC6900 resends the circuit reset message to the MSC. If this timer expires for the second time, the BSC6900 reports an alarm for BSC circuit resetting failure. O&M of BSC A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~300
Timer for waiting for an A-interface circuit group blocking or unblocking answer. After sending a CIC group blocking/unblocking message over the A interface, the BSC6900 starts the timer T20. If the BSC6900 fails to receive a response from the MSC before the first expiry of T20, the BSC6900 resends the CIC group blocking/unblocking message. If no response is received before the second expiry of T20, the system reports the BSC Unable to Block Group Circuits or BSC Unable to Unblock Group Circuits alarm. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~300
Timer for waiting for an A-interface reset answer A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~300
Whether to enable the ATCB handover algorithm for the concentric cell. According to the neighbor cell signal, the ATCB handover algorithm determines the coverage of the overlaid subcell and balances the load between the overlaid subcell, underlaid subcell, and neighbor cell. Therefore, the algorithm helps to decrease the interference, to improve the conversation quality, and to achieve aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid subcell. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(Close), YES(Open)
Hysteresis in the distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell and the boundary of the underlaid subcell. This parameter helps to adjust "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells" and thus to prevent ping-pong handover between the overlaid and underlaid subcells. Assume that the signal strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) - SS(n) < "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells" - "Distance Hysteresis Between Boudaries", the MS is handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
Distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell and the boundary of the underlaid subcell. This parameter specifies the difference between the coverage of the overlaid subcell and the coverage of the underlaid subcell in the concentric cell or dual-frequency network scenario. The boundaries of the overlaid and underlaid subcells are determined according to the relative value between the signal strength of the serving cell and the signal strength of the neighbor cell. Assume that the signal strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) = SS(n), the MS is on the boundary of the underlaid subcell. If SS(s) - SS(n) > "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells", the MS is in the coverage of the overlaid subcell. In the tight BCCH handover algorithm, this parameter specifies the difference between the coverage of the TRX that carries the BCCH and the coverage of the TRX that does not carry the BCCH. The relevant computation is the same as the preceding Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the BSC to use a 8 kbit/s timeslot to transmit 8 kbit/s data at the Ater interface Flex Ater Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the BSC to assign half rate channels preferentially when the Ater interface is congested Flex Ater Enumeration Type Close(Close), Open(Open)
Threshold for considering the Ater interface, if congested, the BSC determines whether to assign full or half rate channels preferentially according to the congestion situations at the Ater interface. If the Ater resource usage exceeds this parameter, the Ater interface is considered congested. Flex Ater Interval Type 80~100
Index of an Ater connection path O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~254
Threshold for enabling the BSC local switching. When the congestion rate at the Ater interface exceeds this threshold, the function is enabled. BSC Local Switch Interval Type 0~100
Ater interface timeslot mask O&M of BSC Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Whether to configure the Ater OML link used for the TC subrack for the port. If it is actually configured and you specify that it is not configured, the TC subrack fails to start. If it is not configured and you specify that it is already configured, crosstalk occurs on the timeslot over the port. Semi-Permanent Connection Enumeration Type NO, YES
Ater maintenance link index Configuration Management Interval Type 0~1
Ater connection path index,The index is set through the ADD ATERCONPATH command. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~254
Indentifies an Ater signaling channel O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~2047
Transport mode of the Ater interface. The Ater interface can be in TDM or in IP transport mode. Ater Compression Transmission Enumeration Type TDM(TDM), IP(IP)
Number of the RF port on the RF front-end board of the BTS. The number is unique in a board. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type A(Tributary A), B(Tributary B), ALL(All Tributary)
A interface timeslot mask A Interface Protocol Process Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Attach-detach Allowed (ATT). If this parameter is set to YES, when an MS is powered off, the network does not process any call connection for the MS as a called party. In this way, the network processing time and resources are saved. IMSI Detach Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
TMA attenuation factor of antenna tributary 1 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~15
TMA attenuation factor of antenna tributary 2 O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~15
It specifies the loopback duration. None Interval Type 1~65535
It specifies the test duration. None Interval Type 1~60
SSL authentication mode of the peer certificate Security Management Enumeration Type NONE(Verify None), PEER(Verify Peer Certificate)
Validation mode of the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type SERVER(SERVER), CLIENT(CLIENT)
Validation mode of the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type SERVER(SERVER), CLIENT(CLIENT)
Validation mode of the PPP or MLPPP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type SERVER(Server), CLIENT(Client)
Username to validate, for the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Username to validate, for the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Username to validate, for the PPP or MLPPP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Password to validate, upon PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Password to validate, upon PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Password to validate, upon PPP or MLPPP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 String Type None
Type of validation protocol for the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO_V(NO_V), PAP_V(PAP_V), CHAP_V(CHAP_V)
Type of validation protocol for the PPP or MP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO_V(NO_V), PAP_V(PAP_V), CHAP_V(CHAP_V)
Type of the validation protocol for the PPP or MLPPP link negotiation Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO_V(No Validate), PAP_V(PAP Validate), CHAP_V(CHAP Validate)
Whether the self-negotiation mode is adopted 1. When the FG2 board is used and the port type is GE, the self-negotiation mode must be adopted. 2. If the self-negotiation mode is adopted, the FE port rate, working mode and flow control mode must be in accordance with the negotiation result. If the self-negotiation mode is not adopted, the FE port rate, working mode and flow control mode must be specified. Make sure that the specified attributes are the same as that of the peer. Otherwise, transmission failure must be incurred. 3. If the self-negotiation mode is adopted on the local system, the peer must use the self-negotiation mode. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Enumeration Type ENABLE, DISABLE
Whether inter-subrack path can be added automatically Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to allow automatic adjustment for the uplink threshold and hysteresis of full rate AMR call rates AMR FR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow automatic adjustment for the uplink threshold and hysteresis of half rate AMR call rates AMR HR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the BSC to obtain BTS logs automatically O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the auto-negotiation mode Abis over IP Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
The parameter specifies the work mode for the automatic download and activation of the BTS software. BTS Software Auto DL and ACT indicates that the BTS boards are downloaded and activated as required. TMU Software Auto ACT indicates that only the TMU/DTMU/GTMU software is activated. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTSAUTODLDACT(BTS Software Auto DL and ACT), TMUAUTOACT(TMU Software Auto ACT)
Auto unlock switch Security Management Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Duration of time after which the locked user is unlocked automatically Security Management Interval Type 1~65535
optical adaptation type between high-order path and multiplex section. None Enumeration Type AU4(AU4), AU3(AU3)
Phase tag for GSM protocols supported by the A interface. The value of this parameter is chosen according to the A interface phase tag provided by the MSC. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus
Alarm level for a digital port Faulty Management Enumeration Type LOW(LOW), HIGH(HIGH)
Alarm level. It is valid for the digital port. Faulty Management Enumeration Type LOW(LOW), HIGH(HIGH)
Threshold of B1 and B2 signal degrade. This parameter specifies the generation threshold and the recovery threshold of the B1B2 signal degradation threshold in SDH frames at the optical port. None Enumeration Type O1E3_R1E4(OCCUR:1E-3, RECOVERY:1E-4), O1E4_R1E5(OCCUR:1E-4, RECOVERY:1E-5), O1E5_R1E6(OCCUR:1E-5, RECOVERY:1E-6), O1E6_R1E7(OCCUR:1E-6, RECOVERY:1E-7), O1E7_R1E8(OCCUR:1E-7, RECOVERY:1E-8), O1E8_R1E9(OCCUR:1E-8, RECOVERY:1E-9), O1E9_R1E10(OCCUR:1E-9, RECOVERY:1E-10), O1E10_R1E11(OCCUR:1E-10, RECOVERY:1E-11), O1E11_R1E12(OCCUR:1E-11, RECOVERY:1E-12)
Threshold of B1 and B2 signal failure. This parameter specifies the generation threshold and the recovery threshold of the B1B2 signal failure threshold in SDH frames at the optical port. None Enumeration Type O1E3_R1E4(OCCUR:1E-3, RECOVERY:1E-4), O1E4_R1E5(OCCUR:1E-4, RECOVERY:1E-5), O1E5_R1E6(OCCUR:1E-5, RECOVERY:1E-6), O1E6_R1E7(OCCUR:1E-6, RECOVERY:1E-7), O1E7_R1E8(OCCUR:1E-7, RECOVERY:1E-8), O1E8_R1E9(OCCUR:1E-8, RECOVERY:1E-9), O1E9_R1E10(OCCUR:1E-9, RECOVERY:1E-10), O1E10_R1E11(OCCUR:1E-10, RECOVERY:1E-11), O1E11_R1E12(OCCUR:1E-11, RECOVERY:1E-12)
Threshold of B3 signal degrade. This parameter specifies the generation threshold and the recovery threshold of the B3 signal degradation threshold in SDH frames at the optical port. None Enumeration Type O1E4_R1E5(OCCUR:1E-4, RECOVERY:1E-5), O1E5_R1E6(OCCUR:1E-5, RECOVERY:1E-6), O1E6_R1E7(OCCUR:1E-6, RECOVERY:1E-7), O1E7_R1E8(OCCUR:1E-7, RECOVERY:1E-8), O1E8_R1E9(OCCUR:1E-8, RECOVERY:1E-9), O1E9_R1E10(OCCUR:1E-9, RECOVERY:1E-10), O1E10_R1E11(OCCUR:1E-10, RECOVERY:1E-11)
Threshold of B3 signal failure. This parameter specifies the generation threshold and the recovery threshold of the B3 signal failure threshold in SDH frames at the optical port. None Enumeration Type O1E4_R1E5(OCCUR:1E-4, RECOVERY:1E-5), O1E5_R1E6(OCCUR:1E-5, RECOVERY:1E-6), O1E6_R1E7(OCCUR:1E-6, RECOVERY:1E-7), O1E7_R1E8(OCCUR:1E-7, RECOVERY:1E-8), O1E8_R1E9(OCCUR:1E-8, RECOVERY:1E-9), O1E9_R1E10(OCCUR:1E-9, RECOVERY:1E-10), O1E10_R1E11(OCCUR:1E-10, RECOVERY:1E-11)
Switch of backplane LINE1BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Switch of backplane LINE2BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Directory for saving the backup file O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Path (complete path) of the backup file Configuration Management String Type None
Quality threshold for determining that a call is disconnected because of poor quality. If the uplink quality or downlink quality in the measurement reports during the period of "Timer for Bad Quality DISC Statistic" is higher than the value of this parameter before the call is disconnected, you can infer that the call disconnection is due to poor quality. This parameter can be used to calculate the number of call disconnections due to poor quality. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~70
Whether the downlink TBF can be established in advance. Downlink TBF establishment in advance indicates that the downlink TBF is established immediately after the MS establishes the uplink TBF rather than establishing the downlink TBF after the SGSN sends the data block. GPRS Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), LOCALTLLI(Local TLLI Opt), ALLTLLI(All TLLI Opt)
Bar code 2 of the interface board of the BTS. This parameter is the electronic serial number of the standby PTU board. An electronic serial number uniquely identifies an PTU board. This parameter is set before delivery. None String Type None
IP address of the backup port IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
Mask of the backup port IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
This parameter specifies the method of saving the BTS backup power. When this parameter is set to "Turn off TRX", the BSC preferentially shuts down some TRXs when the BTS experiences a power failure. When this parameter is set to "Reduce Backup Power", the BSC saves the power according to the configured "Backup Power Saving Policy" when the BTS experiences a power failure. Active Backup Power Control Enumeration Type BYTRX(Turn off TRX), BYPWR(Reduce Backup Power)
This parameter specifies the backup power saving policy of the BTS. When this parameter is set to "Cover Priority", the BTS shuts down some TRXs, waits for a certain period of time, and then decreases the power of the BCCH TRX. When this parameter is set to "Capability Priority", the BTS decreases the power of the BCCH TRX, waits for a certain period of time, and then shuts down some TRXs. When this parameter is set to "Saving Priority", the BTS shuts down some TRXs and meanwhile decreases the power of the BCCH TRX. Active Backup Power Control Enumeration Type BYCOVER(Cover Priority), BYCAP(Capability Priority), BYSAVING(Saving Priority)
Whether the cells at the 1900 frequency support high frequency 1900 Multi-band Sharing One BSC Interval Type 0~1
Whether the cells at the 850 frequency support high frequency 1900 Multi-band Sharing One BSC Interval Type 0~1
Whether the cells at the 900 frequency support high frequency 1900 Multi-band Sharing One BSC Interval Type 0~1
Duration in which intra-cell handover is forbidden after the number of consecutive intra-cell handovers reaches the maximum. Intra-cell handover can be conducted again only after this duration. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~200
List of bar codes of all the cabinets in the BTS O&M of BTS String Type None
The reference BTS must support the Um interface software synchronization. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~2047
Number of the temperature sensor corresponding to a battery group. You can choose sensor 1 (Battery1Temp) or sensor 2 (Battery2Temp). If you choose sensor 1, the system automatically uses sensor 1 to control the temperature of the battery group and performs temperature compensation, high temperature protection, and overtemperature alarm accordingly. The system handling principles are the same if you choose sensor 2. For the EPS4815 boards, this parameter can only be configured as "Battery1Temp". In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type Battery1Temp(Battery 1 Temperature), Battery2Temp(Battery 2 Temperature)
Number of the temperature sensor corresponding to a battery group. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type Battery1Temp(Battery 1 Temperature), Battery2Temp(Battery 2 Temperature)
Battery capacity. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 30~1000
Whether the configuration of external battery is allowed. The value "YES" indicates that the external battery can be configured, and the value "NO" indicates that the external battery cannot be configured. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Allowed percentage of the battery discharging. After the AC power supply is cut and the power of the battery is discharged by the value of this parameter, the diesel engine is started to supply the power. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~90
Battery type. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO_BAT(No Storage Battery), INSIDE_BAT(Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_BAT(Outside Storage Battery)
Number of the BBAP service listening port BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1024~65535
Reference difference between uplink and downlink levels. This parameter works with "Up Down Balance Floating Range" to count uplink-downlink imbalances. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~254
Battery capacity. The battery capacity should be set according to the vendor specification. If it is improperly configured, the battery life may be shortened. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5000
Base station color code (BCC) of a cell, provided by the network planning department. It is used for differentiating the neighboring cells using the same BCCH frequency. A BCC and a network color code (NCC) compose a base station identity code (BSIC). Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
Base station color code (BCC) of a cell, provided by the network planning department. It is used for differentiating the neighboring cells using the same BCCH frequency. A BCC and a network color code (NCC) compose a base station identity code (BSIC). Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
BTS color code. It uniquely identifies different BTSs that are adjacent and use the same TRX. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
BCCH frequency of the cellConfiguration Management Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency of the BCCH TRX Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency hopping mode of the TRX that carries the BCCH Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type NO_Hop(No hop), Hop(Hop)
Threshold for reporting the BC congestion alarm. When the BC congestion level exceeds the threshold, the BC congestion alarm is reported. Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~100
Threshold for clearing the BC congestion alarm. When the BC congestion level is below the threshold, the BC congestion alarm is cleared. Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~100
DSCP corresponding to the background service Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
Identifies one BC at the Gb interface board. The BCID's value range of PEUa board is 0~255 and that of POUc board is 0~511. Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~511
Current limit coefficient of the battery. The maximum charging current equals the value of "Battery Current Limiting Coefficient" multiplexed by "Battery Capacity". If the charging current is 5 A higher than the maximum charging current, the overcharge alarm is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 5~25
Boost-Charging Voltage. See the vendor specification for the setting of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 433~576
Whether the configuration of external battery is allowed. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
ARP1 priority in the BE service. ARP1 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
ARP2 priority in the BE service. ARP2 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
ARP3 priority in the BE service. ARP3 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
DSP bearer type. MTP3: indicates that the lower layer bearer is the MTP3 used in ATM/TDM scenario; M3UA: indicates that the lower layer bearer is the M3UA used in IP scenario; MTP3_M3UA: indicates that the lower layer bearer is the MTP3 and M3UA used in ATM/TDM/IP scenario. A Interface Protocol Process STP (Signaling Transport Point) Enumeration Type MTP3(MTP3), M3UA(M3UA), MTP3_M3UA(MTP3 and M3UA)
Time interval for sending a handshake message between BSC6900s. The parameter checks whether the communication among BSCs in a redundancy group is normal. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~60
Average period for sending the measurement report over the EGPRS channel EGPRS Interval Type 0~10
Number of UTRAN TDD cells that should be included in measurement report GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~3
This parameter specifies whether to allow 3G better cell handover algorithm. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the algorithm for the handover to a better cell HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better cell due to interference are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better cell due to interference are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Timeout times of the BFD packet. If several consecutive BFD packets are not received, the BFD session is set to the DOWN state. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 3~10
BFD Session No. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 1~2
Allowed fluctuation of the difference between uplink and downlink levels relative to the reference difference. If the difference between uplink and downlink levels is outside the fluctuation range, the uplink and downlink are considered imbalanced. For example, assume that the Up Down Balance Basic Difference is set to 8 and that the Up Down Balance Floating Range is set to 30. If the difference between uplink and downlink levels is greater than 38 (= 8 + 30) or less than -22 (= 8 - 30), the uplink and downlink are considered imbalanced. If the difference between uplink and downlink levels is between -22 and 38, the uplink and downlink are considered balanced. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 10~254
Mutual-aid changeback policy of baseband frequency hopping (FH). If multiple TRXs in a baseband FH group are faulty and changeback is needed after mutual aid of the baseband FH TRXs occurs: If you choose ALL, mutual-aid changeback is implemented after all the TRXs in the FH group recover; if you choose PART, as long as any of the faulty TRXs recovers, it is changed back at once and added to the FH group. TRX Cooperation Enumeration Type ALL(All), PART(Part)
Bit offset in the frame of the BTS clock Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type -10000~10000
ARP1 priority in the Background service. ARP1 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
ARP2 priority in the Background service. ARP2 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
ARP3 priority in the Background service. ARP3 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Base Station Controller alarm blink filter switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Alarm blink filter threshold. When the interval between the generation and clearance of an alarm is equal to or smaller than the alarm blink filter threshold, the alarm is filtered and not reported to the NMS. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65534
Measurement period of filtered Base Station Controller alarms Faulty Management Interval Type 60~65534
Switch controlling whether to perform statistics of Base Station Controller alarms Faulty Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Retry times after the peer response timer expires during NSVC blocking Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~6
Duration of the peer response timer during NSVC blocking Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~120
Number of the port in the BM subrack where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~335
Number of the slot in the BM subrack where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Number of the BM subrack where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~11
Duration of the flow control protection timer enabled during the flow control between the TCS and the MPS/EPS subracks GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~5000
Whether to use the device IP address as the local IP address. When this parameter is set to "YES", the device IP address is used as the local IP address of the PPP link. When this parameter is set to "NO", the device IP address is not used as the local IP address of the PPP link. In this case, you need to reconfigure the local IP address of the PPP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to report the alarm to the alarm box Faulty Management Enumeration Type nonrpt(Not Report), rpt(Report)
Position of break point 1 in an RXU chain. The number of break points must not be greater than the number of RXU boards in the RXU chain. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 0(0), 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), NULL(NULL)
Position of break point 2 in an RXU chain. The number of break points must not be greater than the number of RXU boards in the RXU chain. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 0(0), 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), NULL(NULL)
Whether to enable the bad quality (BQ) handover algorithm. Whether to trigger BQ handover depends on the uplink and downlink transmit quality (measured by using BER). If the uplink or downlink BQ exceeds the BQ handover threshold, emergency BQ handover is triggered. The possible causes of BER increase (or quality degradation) include too low signal power and channel interference. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for emergency BQ handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" - "downlink level of the serving cell (after power control compensation)") > ("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - "BQ HO Margin" + 64), the BQ handover to the neighbor cell is triggered. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~127
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for emergency BQ handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
Classes of boards classified according to function modules Configuration Management Enumeration Type SCU, GCU, XPU, INT, TNU
Classes of boards classified according to function modules Configuration Management Enumeration Type SCU, GCU, XPU, DPU, INT, TNU
Classes of boards classified according to function modules Configuration Management Enumeration Type SCU, GCU, MPU, GCP, DPU, INT, TNU
Classes of boards classified according to function modules Configuration Management Enumeration Type INT, DPU, XPU, TNU, OMU, SAU
Number of the board O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~72
Number of the RF front-end board in the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~47
Upper threshold of total receive bandwidth of a board. The difference of maximum frequency and minimum frequency of TRXs on a board is converted into a bandwidth. Then the bandwidth is compared with the value of this parameter. For example, if this parameter is set to 250, the total receive bandwidth cannot exceed 25 MHz. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1000
Upper threshold of total transmit bandwidth of the same transmit channel of a board. The differences of maximum frequency and minimum frequency of the TRXs that have the same antenna path No. on a board are converted into bandwidths. Then the bandwidths are compared with the value of this parameter. For example, if this parameter is set to 150, the total transmit bandwidth cannot exceed 15 MHz. All the carriers on a TRX module that is not configured with antenna path No. are considered to be on the same transmit channel. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1000
Type of the board Configuration Management Enumeration Type DPUa, DPUc
Type of the board Configuration Management Enumeration Type PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa, OMUa, OMUb, SAUa
Board type None Enumeration Type FG2a, GOUa, FG2c, GOUc
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc
Type of RXU board. Together with the "Power Class" parameter, this parameter serves as an index field and uniquely determines an entry of verification threshold of the transmit bandwidth, receive bandwidth, and number of TRXs of an RXU board. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type MRRU, GRRU, MRFU, GRFU, BTS3900E
To avoid intermittent blinking, the switchover cannot be performed over a certain period of time when the OML is disconnected. That period of time is specified as ring II wait time before switch. Fast Ring Network Switch Interval Type 0~255
Contents of a cell broadcast message Simplified Cell Broadcast Any Type None
Time interval for a cell broadcast message Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 2~3600
Backup mode of the log. If "ENTIRE" is selected, all logs in the current database are backed up. If "INCREMENTAL" is selected, the logs generated after last backup are backed up. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type ENTIRE(Entire Backup), INCREMENTAL(Incremental Backup)
BS-AG-BLKS-RES, indicating the number of the CCCH message blocks reserved for the AGCH. After the CCCHs are configured, the value of this parameter indicates the actual seizure rates of the AGCHs and the PCHs over the CCCHs. Radio Common Channel Management Location Updating Paging Interval Type 0~7
DPC of the external BSC, which is used for inter-BSC communication. This parameter can be represented in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary. By default, this parameter is represented in decimal. To represent this parameter in hexadecimal, precede this parameter value with H'. To represent this parameter in binary, precede this parameter value with B'. A over IP Interval Type 1~16777215
This parameter specifies whether to enable the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
It indicates whether the A interface E1/T1 is the primary BSC6900 or secondary BSC6900. A Interface Circuit Management TC Pool Enumeration Type MAINBSC(MAIN BSC), SUBBSC(SUB BSC)
Gateway IP address of the BSC6900. When the BSC provides the function of simple cell broadcast, the BSC6900 sends cell broadcast messages through this IP address defined by this parameter. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) IP Address Type None
End time for collecting the inter-BSC offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Start time for collecting the inter-BSC offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Uniquely identifies a BSC in the TC pool Ater Compression Transmission IP QOS TC Pool Interval Type 0~15
ID of the BSC that controls the external 2G neighbor cell Configuration Management Interval Type 0~15
Period for fine tuning the BTS clock between BSCs Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 5~60
IP address of the BSC6900. If the connection mode of the BSC6900 and the CBC is to lead cables out of the PIU, the value of this parameter must be the same as the preset IP address of the PIU port. If the connection mode is to lead cables out of the XPU panel, the value of this parameter must be the same as the preset IP address of the XPU panel. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) IP Address Type None
IP address of an interface board on the BSC6900 side Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Conditions for enabling the function of BSC local switching. UNCONDITIONALSTART: The function of BSC local switching is enabled without restriction. ATERCONGESTS: The function of BSC local switching is enabled when the congestion rate of the Ater interface exceeds the value of "Ater Cong Thres for BSC LocalSwitch". PREFIXNUMBER: The function of BSC local switching is enabled when the leading digits of the calling or called MSISDN are the preset value of "Prefix Number for BSC (1-10)". BSC Local Switch Enumeration Type UNCONDITIONALSTART(Unconditional Start), ATERCONGESTS(Start When Ater Congests), PREFIXNUMBER(Start by Prefix Number)
Unique name of the external BSC Connection Inter BSC over IP String Type None
Whether to allow high-priority calls to preempt the radio resources of low-priority calls when radio resources are insufficient. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow the call during an intra-BSC emergency handover to preempt the radio resources of low-priority calls in the target cell. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
In-BSC6900 port No. of the monitoring timeslot Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~335
Port number used for the communication between the BSC6900 and the CBC Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 0~65535
Whether to allow the eMLPP priorities to be classified into two types: high priority and normal priority. If this parameter is set to YES, then during the resource preemption, the priorities of all the services are compared, and the resources are assigned to the services with a higher priority. If this parameter is set to NO, then during the resource preemption, all the services with an eMLPP priority greater than 2 are considered to have the same priority, and the resources are assigned equally. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow calls to queue for radio resources when radio resources are insufficient. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow the service during an intra-BSC emergency handover to queue for radio resources in the target cell. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Reserved parameter 1 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 10 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 11 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 12 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 13 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 14 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 15 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 16 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 17 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 18 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 19 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 2 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 20 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 21 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 22 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 23 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 24 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 25 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 26 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 27 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 28 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 29 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 3 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 4 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 5 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Reserved parameter 6 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 7 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 8 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4294967295
Reserved parameter 9 that is effective at the BSC level Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
In-BSC6900 slot No. of the monitoring timeslot Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~27
In-BSC6900 subrack No. of the monitoring timeslot Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~11
In-BSC6900 sub-timeslot No. of the monitoring timeslot. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 64 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 32 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0 or 4. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 16 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0, 2, 4, or 6. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 8 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from any value among 0 to 7. Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~7
When the BTS clock is adjusted, the offset is added to obtain better network performance. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~2500
ID of the BSC at the other end of the link. In non-TC pool scenario, this parameter specifies the ID of the primary BSC. In TC pool scenario, this parameter specifies the ID of the BSC that is at the other end of the link. TC Pool Interval Type 0~15
ID of slave BSC in TC Pool TC Pool Interval Type 1~15
In-BSC6900 timeslot No. of the monitoring timeslot Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 1~31
This parameter is used to set the parameter BS_CV_MAX for MS countdown. This parameter is used for the MS to calculate the CV. This parameter also determines the duration of the timer T3198. When the MS sends one uplink RLC data block, the receiving state of this data block is set to Pending and the timer T3198 is started. If the MS receives the packet uplink acknowledge before the timer T3198 expires, the MS updates the receiving state of each uplink RLC data block according to the bit map in the message. If the timer T3198 of the RLC data block in the Pending state expires, the MS sets the receiving state of this data block to Nack and retransmits the data bloc. GPRS Interval Type 0~15
Whether to enable the BTS to transfer BTS/MS power class to the BSC Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of PAGCH blocks Configuration Management Interval Type 0~12
Number of multiframes in a cycle on a paging sub-channel. In fact, this parameter specifies the number of paging sub-channels that a paging channel in a cell is divided into. In an actual network, an MS does not listen to other paging sub-channels but its belonging paging sub-channel only. Refer to GSM Rec. 05.02 and GSM Rec. 05.08. The larger the value of this parameter, the more the number of the paging sub-channels in a cell, and the fewer the number of the users belonging to each paging sub-channel. In this case, the mean uptime of the MS battery can be prolonged. Refer to the computing mode of paging group in GSM 05.02 of GSM Standards. The larger the value of this parameter, however, the larger the time delay of a paging message in a space segment. Thus, the average service performance of the system lowers. Based on the principle of ensuring that overload does not occur to paging channels, you must set this parameter to a value as small as possible. You must regularly measure the overload conditions of Paging Radio Common Channel Management Enumeration Type 2_M_PERIOD(2 Multiframe Period), 3_M_PERIOD(3 Multiframe Period), 4_M_PERIOD(4 Multiframe Period), 5_M_PERIOD(5 Multiframe Period), 6_M_PERIOD(6 Multiframe Period), 7_M_PERIOD(7 Multiframe Period), 8_M_PERIOD(8 Multiframe Period), 9_M_PERIOD(9 Multiframe Period)
Number of PBCCH blocks Configuration Management Interval Type 1~4
Number of PRACH blocks Configuration Management Interval Type 0~12
General strategy of the BSS local switching, which includes the BSC local switching and the BTS local switching. The two functions cannot be enabled at the same time. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch Enumeration Type NEITHERSTART(Neither Start), BTSPRIORITY(BTS Priority), BSCPRIORITY(BSC Priority), BTSONLY(BTS Only), BSCONLY(BSC Only)
Type of the BSS local switching with the cooperation of the MSC. NONSUPPORT: When performing local switching, the BSS need not determine whether the MSC allows an MS to be involved in local switching. BASIC: Assignment request messages and handover request messages sent by the MSC contain a flag indicating whether to allow an MS for local switching. The BSS must identify this flag when performing local switching. ENHANCED: Assignment request messages and handover request messages sent by the MSC contain a flag indicating whether to allow an MS for local switching. The BSS must identify this flag when performing local switching. In addition, when the BSS enables or stops local switching, the BSS sends a local switching enabled or stopped message to the MSC. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch Enumeration Type NONSUPPORT(Not Support), BASIC(Basic Fun), ENHANCED(Enhanced Fun)
Whether to support the paging function of the CS domain of the A interface. Yes: the MS can be called upon paging request on the A interface when handling the PS service; No: the MS cannot be called upon paging request on the A interface when handling the PS service. This parameter is valid only when the "A Interface Paging Co-ordination Switch" in "SET BSCPSSOFTPARA" is set to "Open". BSS Paging Coordination BSS Paging Coordination Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Type of the board BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type PEUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc
Type of the board BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa
Type of the board BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa, ALL
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc, EIUa, OIUa
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc, EIUa
Board type None Enumeration Type PEUa, POUc, EIUa, OIUa
Board type None Enumeration Type POUc, OIUa
Board type None Enumeration Type POUc, OIUa
Board type None Enumeration Type FG2a, GOUa, FG2c, GOUc, POUc
Board type None Enumeration Type EIUa
Type of the board that controls the RET antenna. 1. DATU: It may represent the DATU or the DATM and is applicable to the BTS3012, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, BTS3006C, and BTS3002E. 2. GATM: It is applicable to the BTS3900 GSM, BTS3900A GSM, BTS3036, and BTS3036A. 3. RXU:DRRU,MRRU,MRFU,GRRU,GRFU,BTS3900E support the RET antenna connect directly. Remote Electrical Tilt Enumeration Type DATU(DATU), GATM(GATM), DRRU(DRRU), MRRU(MRRU), MRFU(MRFU), GRFU(GRFU), GRRU(GRRU), BTS3900E(BTS3900E)
Type of the newly added RXU board O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DRRU(DRRU), DRFU(DRFU), MRRU(MRRU), XRRU(XRRU), MRFU(MRFU), GRFU(GRFU), GRRU(GRRU), XRFU(XRFU), BTS3900E(BTS3900E)
The configuration flag specifies the operation is on the BM or TC. Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing TC Pool Enumeration Type CFGBM(BM), CFGTC(TC)
Identifies the BM subrack or TC subrack of the BSC. When this parameter is set to "CFGBM", a BM signaling link is added. When this parameter is set to "GFGTC", a TC signaling link is added. Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Enumeration Type CFGBM(BM), CFGTC(TC)
This parameter specifies whether to enable the TRX Working Voltage Adjustment feature. When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 supports the feature where the power amplifier can use different working voltages in different TRX modulation modes. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Bard code of BTS BBU board. O&M of BTS String Type None
Communication type of a BTS Abis over IP Enumeration Type LOGICIP(Logic IP), PORTIP(Port IP), PPP/MP(PPP/MP)
Communication type of a BTS Abis over IP Enumeration Type LOGICIP(Logic IP), PORTIP(Port IP), PPP/MP(PPP/MP)
Peer equipment type of the BTS. This parameter indicates whether to connect the BTS to the BSC6900 or cascade the BTS to another BTS. O&M of BTS String Type None
BTS detection switch. If the parameter is set to "CLOSE", the function of detecting the BTS is disabled. If the parameter is set to "OPEN", the function of detecting the BTS is enabled. When the function of detecting the BTS is enabled, the BSC6900 performs addressing according to the BTS IP address and sends the UDP packet carrying the VLANID to the BTS. Abis over IP Enumeration Type CLOSE(CLOSE), OPEN(OPEN)
BTS index of the adjacent node to be added. The parameter is valid only when Adjacent node type is set to Abis. IP QOS Interval Type 0~2047
Index of the BTS, uniquely identifying a BTS in a BSC6900. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Index of the BTS running the command O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Number of the BTS connected to the BSC. The number is unique in a BSC Abis Transmission Optimization Interval Type 0~2047
List of BTS indexes. You can specify multiple BTSs,separated by "&" and "&&". For example, "1&2&3&4&5" or "1&&5". O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Whether to collect offset information by BTS index or BTS name Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type BYIDX(By BTS Index), BYNAME(By BTS Name)
Index type of the BTS. BYNAME: query by BTS name; BYID: query by BTS index. Remote Electrical Tilt Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Base station index, 65535 indicate all base stations. Security Management Interval Type 0~2047,65535
IP address of a BTS. When "BTS Com Type" is set to "LOGICIP", the value of the parameter is the IP address of the BTS. When "BTS Com Type" is set to "PORTIP", the value of the parameter is the IP address of the BTS ethernet port. When "BTS Com Type" is set to "PPPLNK" or "MPGRP", the value of the parameter is the local IP address of the BTS PPP link or BTS MLPPP group. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Conditions for enabling the function of BTS local switching. UNCONDITIONALSTART: The function of BTS local switching is enabled without restriction. ABISCONGESTS: The function of BTS local switching is enabled when the congestion rate of the Abis interface exceeds the value of "Abis Cong Thres for BTS LocalSwitch". PREFIXNUMBER: The function of BTS local switching is enabled when the leading digits of the calling or called MSISDN are the preset value of "Prefix Number for BTS (1-10)". BTS Local Switch Enumeration Type UNCONDITIONALSTART(Unconditional Start), ABISCONGESTS(Start When Abis Congests), PREFIXNUMBER(Start by Prefix Number)
Subnet mask of BTS. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Whether to enable the BTS to preprocess measurement reports. This parameter determines where to conduct power control. Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type BSC_Preprocessing(BSC preprocessing), BTS_Preprocessing(BTS preprocessing)
Name of the BTS, uniquely identifying a BTS in a BSC6900. This parameter cannot contain , ; = " ' more than two (include two) %, more than two (include two) space, more than three (include three) +. O&M of BTS String Type None
Connect BSC BTS Name.It is unique in one BSC.This parameter cannot contain ? | : < > " @ # ! % ^ & * . [ ] / \ \\ '. Abis Transmission Optimization String Type None
List of BTS names. You can specify multiple BTSs, separated by "&". For example, "Name1&Name2". O&M of BTS String Type None
If the parameter is set to "ON", all the Ping packets are sent. If the parameter is set to "OFF", all the Ping packets are discarded. Abis over IP Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
This parameter specifies whether the BSC is allowed to shut down the BCCH TRX that is configured as "Shut Down Enabled" to save power after the BSC receives a power failure message from the BTS. When this parameter is set to Yes, the BSC shuts down all the TRXs that are configured as "Shut Down Enabled", including the BCCH TRX, after receiving a power failure message from the BTS. When this parameter is set to No, the BSC shuts down only the non-BCCH TRXs that are configured as "Shut Down Enabled" after receiving a power failure message from the BTS. Active Backup Power Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum degree by which the BSC can control the power of the BTS dynamically Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~16
Whether to specify "Power Control threshold Adjust for SAIC" in the MML command "SET GCELLPWR3" Network Support SAIC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Software version number of the BTS O&M of BTS String Type None
Transmission compression ratio of a BTS. 1. Modifying the settings of "Transfers Compress Rate" may change the bandwidth required by the BTS. That is, the current bandwidth may be excessive or insufficient. If the bandwidth is insufficient, more secondary links should be added or timeslots should be rearranged. 2. The greater the "Transfers Compress Rate" is, the smaller the compression rate is and the greater the required bandwidth is. 3. The user can get the actual value through multiplying the value of this parameter by 0.01. The default value of this parameter is 100, which means no compression. Abis Transmission Optimization Interval Type 1~250
Type of the BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS30, BTS312, BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A, BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, DBS3900_GSM, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM, BTS3900L_GSM
Type of the BTS Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type BTS3900B_GSM(BTS3900B GSM), BTS3900E_GSM(BTS3900E GSM)
Type of the BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS3012(BTS3012), BTS3006C(BTS3006C), BTS3002E(BTS3002E), BTS3012AE(BTS3012AE), BTS3012_II(BTS3012_II), DBS3900_GSM(DBS3900 GSM), BTS3900_GSM(BTS3900 GSM), BTS3900A_GSM(BTS3900A GSM), DBS3036(DBS3036), BTS3036(BTS3036), BTS3036A(BTS3036A), BTS3900L_GSM(BTS3900L GSM), BTS3900B_GSM(BTS3900B GSM), BTS3900E_GSM(BTS3900E GSM)
Time for which the BTS waits to restore a BFD session IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~1000000
Type of TRX loopback testBTS Test Function Enumeration Type BIULOOP(BIU Loopback Test), TRXSELFTEST(TRX Self Loopback Test)
Battery type. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO_BAT(No Storage Battery), INSIDE_BAT(Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_BAT(Outside Storage Battery)
If the OML is not established at one port after a period of time, the OML switches to another port and tries to connect to this port. That period of time is called ring II rotating duration time. Fast Ring Network Switch Interval Type 10~255
Whether to enable the data binding function A over IP Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Identifies a unique PTP BVC with NSE Gb Interface Function Interval Type 2~65534
The BSSGP virtual connection identifier. It is used to identify multiple BVCs that multiplexes the NS-VC. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 2~65534
Duration of BVC flow control timer F. A cell sends the flow control message at the interval specified by this timer. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~3000
Switch for adjusting the dynamical bandwidth of the logical port. If this switch is turned on, the system adjusts the dynamical bandwidth of the logical port according to the transmission quality of the link monitored by the IPPM. After this switch is turned on, the IPPM function must be activated on the IPPATH of this logical port. For details about the IPPM, see the description of the command "ACT IPPM". IP QOS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward congestion alarm is emitted and backward congestion control is striggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared and backward congestion control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared and backward congestion control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the ratio of available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward congestion alarm is emitted and backward congestion control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward overload congestion alarm is cleared and backward overload control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward overload congestion alarm is cleared and backward overload control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward overload congestion alarm is emitted and backward overload control is triggerd. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward overload congestion alarm is emitted and backward overload control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Ratio of reserved backward bandwidth for handover user IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Reserved backward bandwidth for handover user IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
Maximum ratio of the estimated bottleneck bandwidth IP QOS Interval Type 100~1000
Bandwidth mode IP QOS Enumeration Type FULL_DUPLEX(Full Duplex), HALF_DUPLEX(Half Duplex)
Threshold of bandwidth change based on the load control algorithm. When the system detects that the change of the available bandwidth exceeds this threshold through the IPPM, the system starts adjusting the bandwidth of the logical port. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Threshold for reporting the uplink-downlink imbalance alarm. If the percentage of the uplink-downlink imbalance measurement reports in the total valid measurement reports is equal to or greater than this threshold, the uplink-downlink imbalance alarm is reported. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 20~100
Index type. The value can be BYIDX or BYNAME. Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYIDX(By Cell Index), BYNAME(By Cell Name)
Whether the reselection hysteresis parameter is applied to the C31 criterion GPRS Enumeration Type C31NOTUSE(Not Use c31 standard), C31STANDARD(Use c31 standard)
Whether GPRS cell reselection offset is used for C32 calculation during cell reselection. If this parameter is set to 1, then only the positive hysteresis of the neighoring cell is used in C32 calculation. GPRS Interval Type 0~1
Descriptive information of the BTS cabinet O&M of BTS String Type None
List of all the cabinet numbers in the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~8
Whether the added cabinet is a remote cabinet Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to allow call re-establishment. Burst interference or blind spots due to high buildings may lead to a radio link failure. If a call drop is caused by such a failure, the MS can start call re-establishment to resume the conversation. Call Reestablishment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Calibration value of the clock O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~4095
Whether an MS uses the calculated value as the final receive level value. The calculated receive level value is the measured receive level value minus the receive level value obtained from the BCCH TRX timeslots. This parameter is a cell option in system messages 3 and 6. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the capacity and coverage of the BTS to be automatically optimized according to the actual situation of the incumbent network. Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Card Frequency Attribute O&M of BTS Enumeration Type GSM900(GSM900), DCS1800(DCS1800), GSM850(GSM850), PCS1900(PCS1900)
Whether to indicate that the IP Path is carried on the IP logic port or resource group. NULL indicate the IP Path is carried on the physics port. IP QOS Enumeration Type NULL(NULL), IPLGCPORT(IP Logic Port), RSCGRP(Resource Group)
Bearer type of the logical port IP QOS Enumeration Type ETHER, IPLOGICPORT, TRUNK, PPP, MP
Port type of the SBFD/ARP bearer None Enumeration Type ETHPORT, TRUNK
Used together with "Cell Bar Qualify" to decide the priority status of a cell. Refer to GSM Rec. 04.08. Cell Bar Qualify Cell Bar Access Cell selection priority Cell reselection priority NO NO Normal Normal NO YES Prohibited Prohibited YES NO Low Normal YES YES Low Normal Basic Cell Selection Basic Cell Re-selection Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Uniquely identifying a cell broadcast center (CBC) Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 0~3
IP address of a CBC Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) IP Address Type None
CBC interface parameter, whose setting should be adjusted according to the actual situations. The value of this parameter must be translated into binary digits. The following describes each bit of the value: Bit 0: phase flag. The value 0 indicates phase II+; the value 1 indicates phase II. Bit 1: message type flag. The value 0 indicates little-endian; the value 1 indicates big-endian. Bit 2: whether to carry the number of cells in the cell-list information element. The value 0 indicates that the number of cells is not carried in the cell list information element; the value 1 indicates that the number of cells is carried in the cell list information element. Bit 3: whether to carry a recovery indication. The value 0 indicates the recovery indication is not carried in the restart-indication message; the value 1 indicates that the recovery indication is carried in the restart-indication message. Bit 4: whether the bsc supports repetitive message references. The value 0 indicates that the bsc supports repetitive Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 0~63
Port number at the CBC side in the communication with the BSC6900 Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 0~65535
Duration of no cell broadcast message at the Cb interface. If the BSC6900 does not receive any message from the CBC during the preset value of this parameter, the BSC6900 considers that the connection with the CBC has been broken and reestablishes a connection. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 5~180
Used together with "Cell Bar Access" to decide the priority status of a cell. See GSM Rec. 0408. This parameter does not affect cell reselection but cell selection only. Cell Bar Qualify Cell Bar Access Cell selection priority Cell reselection priority NO NO Normal Normal NO YES Prohibited Prohibited YES NO Low Normal YES YES Low Normal Basic Cell Selection Location Updating Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum burst size (MBS)IP QOS Interval Type 4500~32767
Timer interval for sending handshake messages. According to the value of this parameter, the BSC6900 regularly sends the CBC a handshake message to decide whether the communication between the BSC6900 and the CBC is normal. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Interval Type 1~5
Number of enhanced measurement reports (EMRs) sampled for averaging the CV_BEP on the SDCCH. Averaging the CV_BEP in multiple EMRs helps to prevent the incomprehensiveness of a single EMR. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
Number of enhanced measurement reports (EMRs) sampled for averaging the CV_BEP on the TCH. Averaging the CV_BEP in multiple EMRs helps to prevent the incomprehensiveness of a single EMR. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
Country code, for example, 86 for China Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Whether to enable the certificate chain DISABLE: indicating that the certificate chain is disabled ENABLE: indicating that the certificate chain is enabled Security Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disabled), ENABLE(Enabled)
Time interval for sending overload messages, used for the BTS to notify the BSC6900 of the load over a specific CCCH timeslot. See GSM Rec. 0508. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 0~255
This parameter is used by the BTS to inform the BSC of the load on a CCCH timeslot, that is, the load of the access requests on the RACH and the load of all the messages (such as paging messages and packet immediate assignment messages) on the PCH. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58. If the load on a CCCH timeslot exceeds the value of this parameter, the BTS periodically sends the CCCH overload message to the BSC. The interval for sending the CCCH overload message is "CCCH Load Indication Period". Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 20~100
DSCP corresponding to the session service Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
Transmission period of the CCM packet in the MA Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type 10, 100, 1000
Threshold of forbidding directed retry for cells. When the value of "Assignment Cell Load Judge Enable" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC" is ENABLE, if cells support directed retry and the current cell load is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter, the BSC allocates a channel to an MS through the process of directed retry. Direct Retry Interval Type 0~100
Offset of the measurement report of the cells at the 1800 MHz frequency. Before cells are sequenced by priority, according to frequencies, the value of this parameter must be added to the receive level value in the measurement report of the cells at the 1800 MHz frequency. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 7: 42 dB GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Threshold of the measurement report of the cells at the 1800 MHz frequency. When the receive level value in the measurement report of the cells at the 1800 MHz frequency exceeds the value of this parameter, the report takes effect. After being filtered, the measurement report is used for priority sequencing of cells. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 6: 36 dB 7: positive infinity GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
BCCH frequency of a 2G neighbor cell that MSs can measure in idle mode. Recording the BCCH frequencies of 2G neighbor cells that MSs can measure in idle mode, the BA1 table is sent in System Information 2, 2bis, and 2ter. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~1023
Whether to generate the 2G BA1 table automatically according to neighbor cell relations or to input the 2G BA1 table manually. Recording the BCCH frequencies of 2G neighbor cells that MSs can measure in idle mode, the BA1 table is sent in System Information 2, 2bis, and 2ter. Configuration Management Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), MANU(Manu)
BCCH frequency of a 2G neighbor cell that MSs can measure in dedicated mode. Recording the BCCH frequencies of 2G neighbor cells that MSs can measure in dedicated mode, the BA2 table is sent in System Information 5, 5bis, and 5ter. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~1023
This parameter indicate whether to generate the 2G BA2 table automatically according to neighbor cell relations or to input the 2G BA2 table manually. Recording the BCCH frequencies of 2G neighbor cells that MSs can measure in dedicated mode, the BA2 table is sent in System Information 5, 5bis, and 5ter. Configuration Management Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), MANU(Manu)
Timeslot power attenuation level of the EDGE TRX in 8PSK. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50, each of which corresponds to an attenuation of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 8PSK, the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. Power Control Interval Type 0~50
Offset applied to the receive level of a GSM900 cell in the measurement report before prioritizing cells by frequency bands. Before cells are sequenced by priority, according to frequencies, the value of this parameter must be added to the receive level value in the measurement report of the cells at the 900 MHz frequency. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 7: 42 dB GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Threshold of the measurement report of the cells at the 900 MHz frequency. The measurement report is valid only when the receive level in the measurement report of the GSM900 cell exceeds this threshold. After being filtered, the measurement report is used for prioritizing the cells. The value 7 means infinite: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 6: 36 dB 7: positive infinity GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Whether the cell can be added to the reselected candidate cell list. If this parameter is set to "NoPermit", the cell cannot be reselected as the candidate cell for handover. If this parameter is set to "Permit", the cell can be reselected as the candidate cell for handover. System Information Sending GPRS Enumeration Type Permit(Permit Cell Access), NoPermit(Prohibit Cell Access)
If the coverage type of a cell is outdoor coverage, the BTS detects whether the standing wave alarm is generated only when the forward power is greater than 35 dBm. If the coverage type of a cell is indoor coverage, the BTS detects whether the standing wave radio alarm is generated only when the forward power is greater than 30 dBm. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OUTDOOR_CELL(Outdoor Cell), INDOOR_CELL(Indoor Cell)
Even charging voltage of the battery. The battery is charged at the voltage as specified by this parameter. O&M of BTS Interval Type 240~289
Even charging voltage of the battery. The battery is charged at the voltage as specified by this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 433~576
Float charging voltage of the battery. The battery is charged at the voltage as specified by this parameter. O&M of BTS Interval Type 240~289
Float charging voltage of the battery. The battery is charged at the voltage as specified by this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 432~575
Index of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC6900 Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
ID of the cell. The cell ID cannot conflict with other cell IDs in the BSC. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Index of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~2047
Index of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC6900 Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047,65535
Index of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC6900 Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Cell Index O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
List of the user-defined neighbor cells to be measured. This parameter is represented as a character string where the IDs of the cells to be measured are separated by &, such as 1&2&5. 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization String Type None
Index type of a cell when this command is executed Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYNAME(By name), BYID(By index)
Index type of the cell Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index type of the cell. BYNAME: query by cell name; BYID: query by cell index. Remote Electrical Tilt Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
This parameter specifies whether a cell is the OL subcell or the UL subcell. This parameter is applied to the enhanced dualband cell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type Inner(Inner), Extra(Extra)
Layer of the cell. If the layer of the cell is lower, it is more likely that a handover to the cell will be triggered. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type 1, 2, 3, 4
List of cell indexes. All cell indexes are combined as a character string, separated by "&". For example, 1&2&5. Configuration Management String Type None
Whether an assignment complete message contains a cell list. According to GSM Rec. 08.08, during a channel assignment, an assignment complete message contains a cell list only when the cell of the MS changes. For the MSCs of some vendors, however, assignment complete messages must contain cell lists. To meet such a requirement, the value of this parameter must be YES. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum number of SDCCHs in the cell. Before converting a TCH into an SDCCH, the BSC compares the number of SDCCHs after the conversion in the cell with "Cell SDCCH Channel Maximum". If the number of SDCCHs after the conversion in the cell exceeds this parameter, the BSC does not convert the TCH into an SDCCH. SDCCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~255
Name of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC6900 Configuration Management String Type None
Name of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC MBSC Load Balancing String Type None
Name of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC6900 O&M of BTS String Type None
List of cell names. All cell names are combined as a character string, separated by "&". For example, cell1&cell2&cell5. The cell name should not contain the following characters: ? | : < > " @ # ! % ^ & * . [ ] / \ \\ ' Configuration Management String Type None
Power of each passage on the MRRU in the cell. When multiple operators are configured on an MRRU, the parameter specifies the power of each operator on the MRRU. RAN Sharing Enumeration Type OP1(Operator 1), OP2(Operator 2), OP3(Operator 3), OP4(Operator 4), NONE(Not Shared)
Threshold of the downlink receive level of an over-coverage cell. If the downlink level of a cell is higher than the value of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is greater than the value of "Cell Over Coverage TA Threshold" in more than 20% measurement reports, the cell is defined as an over-coverage cell. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~63
Threshold of the TA of an over-coverage cell. If the downlink level of a cell is higher than the value of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is greater than the value of "Cell Over Coverage TA Threshold" in more than 20% measurement reports, the cell is defined as an over-coverage cell. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~63
Maximum number of reported paging overload messages in the cell. If the BSC allows the flow control on the re-paging messages, and the number of the reported paging overload messages exceeds the value of this parameter, the BSC determines that the cell is in PCH overload state. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 1~20
Whether to allow the power-off of the battery. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Battery power-off voltage. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 350~553
This parameter specifies whether a 2G cell or 3G cell is selected in the inter-RAT cell reselection procedure. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type 2G(Preference for 2G Cell), 3G(Preference for 3G Cell)
The number of times that the downlink transmission quality of the MS is lower than the transmission quality threshold of the MS ("EDGE GMSK Quality Threshold", "EDGE 8PSK Quality Threshold", or "GPRS Quality Threshold" by TBF type) is calculated accumulatively. When the rate of the accumulated value to the number of received measurement reports on the downlink transmission quality (Packet Downlink Ack/Nack message) is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter, the emergency reselection is triggered. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~100
Information about the cell scenario. It needs to be sent to the BTS. Based on the information, the BTS optimizes the allocation of resources. Uplink EGPRS2-A Downlink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type COMMON(COMMON), MULTIPATH(MULTIPATH), INDOOR(INDOOR), HIGHWAY(HIGHWAY)
This parameter specifies whether to allow a mobile phone to preferentially camp on a 3G cell after a call is terminated in the areas covered by both the GSM network and the UMTS network. Fast 3G Reselection at 2G CS Call Release Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
The BTS reports an alarm if the temperature of battery group 1 exceeds the value of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 400~790
The BTS reports an alarm if the temperature of battery group 1 is lower than the value of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -190~50
Upper limit of the temperature measured by the temperature sensor of the battery group 1. If the measured value is greater than the value of this parameter, the value of this parameter is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1000
Lower limit of the temperature measured by the temperature sensor of the battery group 1. If the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter, the value of this parameter is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -500~0
Whether to allow the configuration of parameters related to the temperature compensation of the battery group In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Threshold of the downlink receive level of an weak-coverage cell. If the downlink level of a cell is lower than the value of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is smaller than the value of "Cell Weak Coverage TA Threshold" in more than 30% measurement reports, the cell is defined as an weak-coverage cell. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~63
Threshold of the TA of an weak-coverage cell. If the downlink level of a cell is lower than the value of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is smaller than the value of "Cell Weak Coverage TA Threshold" in more than 30% measurement reports, the cell is defined as an weak-coverage cell. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~63
Threshold for stopping LAPD link congestion control. This parameter cannot be set too small. If this parameter is set too small, the congestion control duration is too long, and thus the transmission capability of signaling links cannot be fully used. The difference between the congestion start and end thresholds cannot be too small. If the difference is too small, congestion control may be started frequently on signaling links. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 20~90
Name of the certificate chain file Security Management String Type None
Whether to allow the configuration of alarm parameters. The value "YES" indicates that the configuration is allowed, and the value "NO" indicates that the configuration is not allowed. If the parameter is set to "YES", all the other parameters are reset to the default values in this command. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Indicates whether the IP path is carried on the IP logic port or the resource group. IP QOS Enumeration Type NULL(NULL), IPLGCPORT(IP Logic Port), RSCGRP(Resource Group)
BTS configuration modes include auto plan mode and normal mode. In auto plan mode, the user can enable the auto planning algorithms and auto optimization algorithms according to the BTS type. In normal mode, the auto planning algorithms and auto optimization algorithms are disabled. Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type AUTO(AUTOPLAN), NORMAL(NORMAL)
Configuration Switch. For this command, when Configuration Switch is set to "ENABLE", the other parameters can be configured. When Configuration Switch is set to "DISABLE", all the configuration which was imported by this command is deleted. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Whether to enable the board parameters to be configured. If this parameter is set to "YES", the user can set board parameters of the BTS cabinet. Otherwise, the user cannot set the board parameters. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the board parameters to be configured. If this parameter is set to "YES", the user can set the cabinet power type. Otherwise, the user cannot set the cabinet power type. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Confirm password. The confirm password is required to ensure that a correct password is entered. O&M of BSC Security Management Password Type None
Customized command group to be processed O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type G_15, G_16, G_17, G_18, G_19, G_20, G_21, G_22, G_23, G_24, G_25, G_26, G_27, G_28, G_29, G_30, G_31
This parameter is valid only when the operator belongs to the custom level. O&M of BSC Security Management Bit Field Type G_0~0 G_1~1 G_2~2 G_3~3 G_4~4 G_5~5 G_6~6 G_7~7 G_8~8 G_9~9 G_10~10 G_11~11 G_12~12 G_13~13 G_14~14 G_15~15 G_16~16 G_17~17 G_18~18 G_19~19 G_20~20 G_21~21 G_22~22 G_23~23 G_24~24 G_25~25 G_26~26 G_27~27 G_28~28 G_29~29 G_30~30 G_31
Congestion end threshold. If the congestion end threshold is large, the congestion control ends earlier. As a result, the congestion control effect is poor. The work of the Ater signaling link is deteriorated. O&M of BSC Interval Type 20~90
Congestion end threshold. If the congestion end threshold is large, the congestion control ends earlier. As a result, the congestion control effect is poor. The work status of the Ater signaling link is deteriorated. O&M of BSC Interval Type 20~90
If the parameter is set to 1, it indicates that the CGI and RAC data is generated through automatic planning. If the parameter is set to 0, it indicates that the data needs to be manually entered. PICO Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Name of the command group. You can define the name. O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Number of the cabinet group where the idle timeslot is located. GPRS Interval Type 0~2
Congestion start threshold. If congestion start threshold is set to a large value, there will be a time lag in the congestion control and the work of the signaling link gets deteriorated. The interval between congestion start threshold and congestion end threshold should not be too small. Otherwise, the work of the signaling link is unstable. The congestion control will start frequently. O&M of BSC Interval Type 30~100
Congestion start threshold. If congestion start threshold is set to a large value, there will be a time lag in the congestion control and the work of the signaling link gets deteriorated. The interval between congestion start threshold and congestion end threshold should not be too small. Otherwise, the work of the signaling link is unstable. The congestion control will start frequently. O&M of BSC Interval Type 30~100
Congestion start threshold. If congestion start threshold is set to a large value, there will be a time lag in the congestion control and, the work of the signaling link gets deteriorated. The interval between congestion start threshold and congestion end threshold should not be too small. Otherwise, the work of the signaling link is unstable. The congestion control would start frequently. O&M of BSC Interval Type 30~100
This parameter indicates the geographical relationship between the neighboring cell and the serving cell. In the BSC6900, if direction A is selected, then the reverse direction is B. Chain Cell Handover Enumeration Type QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_A(QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_A), QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_B(QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_B)
Combination type of chains. "CHAINTORING" indicates that one chain changes to a ring, and "COMBINECHAINS" indicates that two chains are combined into one ring. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type CHAINTORING(ChainToRing), COMBINECHAINS(CombineChains)
Channel assignment priority of the cell If this parameter is set to CAPABILITY, the factors are listed as follows in a descending order of priority: capacity factors, quality factors, PS cooperation factors, and management factors. If this parameter is set to QUALITY, the factors are listed as follows in a descending order of priority: quality factors, capacity factors, PS cooperation factors, and management factors. If this parameter is set to PSRELATIVELY, the factors are listed as follows in a descending order of priority: capacity factors, PS cooperation factors, quality factors, and management factors. If this parameter is set to PSABSOLUTELY, the factors are listed as follows in a descending order of priority: PS cooperation factors, capacity factors, quality factors, and management factors. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type CAPABILITY(Capability preferred), QUALITY(Quality preferred), PSRELATIVELY(PS relatively preferred), PSABSOLUTELY(PS absolutely preferred)
This parameter specifies the proportion of available PDCHs in a cell. When the proportion of available PDCHs in the cell is lower than this threshold, the BSC generates an alarm. When the proportion of available PDCHs in the cell is higher than or equal to this threshold, the BSC generates a recovery alarm. None Interval Type 0~100
This parameter determines whether to activate the function of monitoring the failure of logical channels in a cell. When this function is activated and the proportion of faulty logical channels in the cell exceeds a predefined threshold, the BSC generates an alarm. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
This parameter specifies the proportion of available TCHs in a cell. When the proportion of available TCHs in the cell is lower than this threshold, the BSC generates an alarm. When the proportion of available TCHs in the cell is higher than or equal to this threshold, the BSC generates a recovery alarm. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~100
Message Identifier of a simple cell broadcast message. This is a key parameter for adding a simple cell broadcast message. You can use "DSP GSMSCB" to query and obtain the value of this parameter. Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 0~65535
Whether to measure the channel interference during channel assignment. If this parameter is set to NO, the BSC does not measure the channel interference or send an interference indication during channel assignment. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC measures the channel interference during channel assignment. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When the value of this parameter is YES, if the assignment request message sent by the MSC contains the channel rate type indicating the support of both full and half rates, and contains the speech version indicating the selection of full rate speech version only or half rate speech version only, the BSC decodes the channel rate type into the selection of full rate only or half rate only when decoding the assignment request message. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter is used to check whether the Abis timeslot for the PDCH is faulty. When the out-of-synchronization period of the PDCH primary link exceeds the value of this parameter, the Abis timeslot for the PDCH is regarded as faulty. None Interval Type 1~64
Number of ping check timeouts. The parameter indicates the number of timeout record failures. IP QOS Interval Type 1~5
Whether to enable the BSC to check automatically whether a BTS is connected to a proper E1 port in the EIUa. If a BTS is connected to an E1 port configured for another BTS in the EIUa, the BTS cannot be reset automatically after the BTS is initialized. Thus, the data configurations on the BTS side differ from the data configurations on the BSC side. Tree Topology Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Alarm mode of the ANT_A tributary of an RXU board. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. When the parameter is set to 1, "ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Th", "ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Th", "A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration", and "A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration" cannot be configured. When the parameter is set to 2, "A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration", and "A ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration" cannot be configured. When the parameter is set to 3, "ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Th", and "ANT_A ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Th" cannot be configured. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode 1), MODE2(Mode 2), MODE3(Mode 3)
Alarm mode of the ANT_B tributary of an RXU board. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. When the parameter is set to 1, "ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Th", "ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Th", "B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration", and "B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration" cannot be configured. When the parameter is set to 2, "B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm Over-Cur Duration", and "B ALD Cur-Minor Alarm N-Cur Duration" cannot be configured. When the parameter is set to 3, "ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Occur Th", and "ANT_B ALD Current Minor Alarm Clear Th" cannot be configured. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode 1), MODE2(Mode 2), MODE3(Mode 3)
Detection index. The index is a unique value ranging from 0 to 511 if it is not specified. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~511
Detection index IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~511
Total number of times that the BTS checks whether to switch off the air conditioner O&M of BTS Interval Type 5~20
Total number of times that the BTS checks whether to switch on the air conditioner O&M of BTS Interval Type 5~20
Whether to perform checksum when receiving message A over IP Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to perform checksum when sending message A over IP Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Checksum arithmetic type. According to the RFC4960, the ALDER32 algorithm is not applicable to the SCTP checksum. The CRC32 is recommended. A over IP Enumeration Type ALDER32(ALDER32), CRC32(CRC32)
Type of the detection that is performed between the BSC and the gateway. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Enumeration Type SBFD, ARP, MBFD
Duration BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~12
Number of the channel in the TRX Configuration Management Interval Type 1~7
Timeslot for playing soundO&M of BSC Interval Type 0~169
Number of the channel in the TRX Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
Type of channel loopback test BTS Test Function Enumeration Type TRXRFSELFLOOP(TRX RF Self Loopback Test), BIULOOP(BIU Loopback Test), BTSSPEECHLOOP(BTS Speech Loopback Test), TRXSPEECHLOOP(TRX Speech Loopback Test)
Channel type of the timeslot on the TRX. The channel type of timeslot 0 must not be set, because the combined BCCH is configured by default. The channel type of other timeslots can be set to full-rate TCH or half-rate TCH. Configuration Management Enumeration Type FULLTCH(FULLTCH), HALFTCH(HALFTCH)
Whether an assignment complete message contains the information element of Chosen Channel A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether a handover perform message contains the information element of Chosen Channel A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an HO REQ ACK message contains the information element of Chosen Channel A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an encryption complete message contains the information element of Chosen Encryption Algorithm A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether a handover performed message contains the information element of Chosen Encryption Algorithm A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an assignment complete message contains the information element of Chosen Encryption Algorithm A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an HO REQ ACK message contains the information element of Chosen Encryption Algorithm A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NOSENDING(Force NO Sending), SYSTEMOPT(System Optimization), SENDING(Force Sending)
Whether to allow a multi-density TRX board, that uses the dynamic power sharing algorithm to assign channels, to assign a channel to an MS when the remaining power on the multi-density TRX board is less than the power required by the MS. If this parameter is set to YES, a multi-density TRX board that uses the dynamic power sharing algorithm to assign channels cannot assign a channel to an MS when the remaining power on the multi-density TRX board is less than the power required by the MS.If this parameter is set to NO, a multi-density TRX board that uses the dynamic power sharing algorithm to assign channels can assign a channel to an MS when the remaining power on the multi-density TRX board is less than the power required by the MS. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter indicates whether to collect CHR logs for a specified object. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Maximum number of allowable CS domain channel request messages within the value of "CHAN REQ Statistical Period" GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~800
Average number of allowable PS domain channel request messages within the value of "CHAN REQ Statistical Period" GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~800
Statistic period of the arrival rate of channel request messages. Within the preset value of this parameter, the BSC6900 counts the number of channel request messages. Once the current total number of times exceeds the value of the allowable number of channel request messages of CPU0 within the statistic period, the BSC begins to discard subsequent channel request messages until the current time reaches a new "CHAN REQ Statistical Period". GSM Flow Control Interval Type 100~600000
Type and function of the channel Combined BCCH+7TCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+6TCH Main BCCH+2SDCCH/8+5TCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+extended BCCH (BCH)+5TCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+extended BCCH (BCH)+TCH+extended BCCH (BCH)+3TCH The BCCHs in a cell need to be configured according to the number of channels in the cell and the paging capacity in the location area. The main and combined BCCHs shall always be configured in timeslot 0. An extended BCCH can be configured only in timeslot 2, 4, or 6. If an extended BCCH is configured, the CCCH parameter in the system message data needs to be configured accordingly. For example, if an extended BCCH is configured in timeslot 2, the CCCH parameter in the system message data needs to be configured as two uncombined CCCHs. To enable cell broadcast in a cell, add a CBCH to the cell during the radio channel configuration. In the case of SDCCH/8 cell broadcast, set this parameter to SDCCH_CBCH. You can change a TCH into SDCCH+CBCH or the original SDCCH into SDCCH+CBCH. In the case of S Configuration Management Enumeration Type TCHFR(TCH Full Rate), TCHHR(TCH Half Rate), SDCCH8(SDCCH8), MBCCH(Main BCCH), CBCCH(Combined BCCH), BCH(BCH), BCCH_CBCH(BCCH+CBCH), SDCCH_CBCH(SDCCH+CBCH), PBCCH_PDTCH(PBCCH+PDTCH), PCCCH_PDTCH(PCCCH+PDTCH), PDTCH(PDTCH), DPDCH(Dynamic PDCH)
Identity code of a cell, A cell is a wireless coverage area identified by a base station identity code and a global cell identification. Can be input in hexadecimal format. The hexadecimal format is H'****, for example, H'1214. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Cell identity code. The cell is a radio coverage area that is identified by the BTS identity code and global cell identity code. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Indicates the A interface CIC. When operation mode is set to OPC index, DPC group index, BSC ID, or CIC, the parameter is mandatory. The parameter supports multiple values. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
Indicates the Pb interface CIC. If the search object mode is set to search by the specified No., the parameter is mandatory. The parameter supports multiple values. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~65535
The TC DSP compares neighboring speech frame samples after the CIC downlink one-way mute detection is enabled. When the number of times with different results exceeds the value of this parameter, it is regarded that no one-way mute event occurs for the current call. Otherwise, it is regarded that a one-way mute event occurs for the current call. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~160
This parameter indicates the period of completing a CIC downlink one-way mute detection of each port. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~12
This parameter determines whether the CIC downlink one-way mute detection is enabled. A Interface Circuit Management Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
This parameter indicates the proportion of one-way mute CICs in all available CICs over a port. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~100
If one-way mute frames occur for the duration greater than "CIC Downlink One-Way Mute Detection Duration", then it is regarded that a one-way mute event occurs for the current call. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~60
Whether an assignment failure message contains the information element of Circuit Pool. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an HO FAIL message contains the the information element of Circuit Pool. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an assignment failure message contains the the information element of Circuit Pool List. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NOTSENDING(Not sending), SENDINGPRO(sending according to protocol), SENDING(unconditionally sending)
Whether an HO FAIL message contains the the information element of Circuit Pool List. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NOTSENDING(Not sending), SENDINGPRO(sending according to protocol), SENDING(unconditionally sending)
Whether an assignment complete message contains the information element of Circuit Pool. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an HO REQ ACK message contains the information element of Circuit Pool. The default value of the circuit pool is 27. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Bandwidth of the logical port IP QOS Interval Type 1~1562
This parameter specifies the estimated carrier-to-interference ratio of a new call. It is used for the Huawei power control algorithm III to calculate the power of the call. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~22
Slot number of the BSC6900 board that is connecteds to the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~27
Subrack number of the BSC6900 board that is connected to the DXX O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~11
Whether the cell supports the MS with the DTM multi-timeslot capability of class 11 Class11 DTM Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether to enable the BSC to include the 3G classmark information element in the Classmark Request message that the BSC forwards from the MSC to an MS Call Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Error clear threshold. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type ERR_PFM_1E6(RECOVERY:1E-6), ERR_PFM_5E6(RECOVERY:5E-6), ERR_PFM_1E5(RECOVERY:1E-5), ERR_PFM_5E5(RECOVERY:5E-5), ERR_PFM_1E4(RECOVERY:1E-4), ERR_PFM_5E4(RECOVERY:5E-4), ERR_PFM_1E3(RECOVERY:1E-3)
Clock mode O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INCLK(Internal Clock), BSCCLK(Trace BSC Clock), EXCLK(External Synchro Clock), IPCLK(IP Clock), TRANSCLK(Trace Trans Clock), GPSCLK(Trace GPS Clock), UMCLK(Um Clock), PEERCLK(PEER Clock)
Type of the clock protocol for the IP clock server O&M of BTS Enumeration Type HW_DEFINED(Huawei User-defined), PTP(PTP Protocol)
Type of the clock board BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type GCUa, GCGa
Clock mode of the BTS. If this parameter is set to INT_CLK, the BTS does not track any external clock. The internal high precision clock works in free-run mode. If this parameter is set to TRCBSC_CLK, the BTS tracks the clock signals received from the BSC. If this parameter is set to EXCLK, the BTS tracks the clock signals received from the external input clock. If this parameter is set to IP_TIME, the BTS shakes hands through the IP network with the IP clock server for synchronization. If this parameter is set to IP_TRANSFER, the BTS extracts the clock from an E1 when there is not an IP clock after the BTS upgrades the transmission mode from E1 transmission to IP transmission. If this parameter is set to TRCGPS_CLK, the BTS extracts the clock through the DGPS from the GPS. If this parameter is set to UM_CLK, the BTS keeps pace with the signals broadcast on the downlink main BCCH of a neighboring BTS. If this parameter is set to PEER_CLK, the multimode BTS(GSM) keeps pace with the signals that the other mode BTS/NodeB Clock Enumeration Type INT_CLK(Internal Clock), TRCBSC_CLK(Trace BSC Clock), EXTSYN_CLK(External Sync clock), IP_TIME(IP Clock), IP_TRANSFER(Trace Transport Clock), TRCGPS_CLK(Trace GPS Clock), UM_CLK(Um Clock), PEER_CLK(Peer Clock)
Delay for which the BTS waits to run the burglar alarm clearance command after reporting the burglar alarm O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Whether the alarm to be queried is cleared. You can select "cleared" or "uncleared", or both of them. By default, both of them are selected. Faulty Management Bit Field Type cleared, uncleared
Interval at which the BTS runs the burglar alarm clearance command automatically O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Name of the command to be queried. You can select one or more commands. O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
You can select one or more commands. O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Sequence number of the command string of the scheduled subtask. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~19
Number of the cabinet Configuration Management Interval Type 1~3
Number of the cabinet O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Number of the cabinet IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~62
Number of the cabinet where the port is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Number of the cabinet O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Number of the cabinet. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0
Time delay in the detection of core network interface failure. Within the preset value of this parameter, the BSC6900 continuously detects core network interface failures and then releases the management right of service objects. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~60
Used to uniquely identify an MSC MSC Pool Interval Type 0~4095
Uniquely identifies a node of SGSN, with the specified operator name SGSN Pool Interval Type 0~4095
Index of an MSC. It is used in storing and querying the MSC attributes MSC Pool Interval Type 0~31
Index of the operator License Management Interval Type 0~3
Policy of the BSC6900 for judging whether the interface status of the core network is normal. If the value is NONE, the BSC6900 does not change the service management right. If the value is AINTFBLOCK, the BSC6900 releases the service management right when detecting disconnection at the A interface. BSC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type NONE(None), AINTFBLOCK(AInterf Block)
Number of returned alarm records. By default, all records can be returned in each query. Faulty Management Interval Type 1~150000
Type of the cabinet. The slot and subrack arrangements in a cabinet vary according to the cabinet type. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A
Type of the BTS cabinet where the DMPU is installed O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS3012(BTS3012), BTS3012AE(BTS3012AE), BTS3006C(BTS3006C), BTS3012_II(BTS3012 II), BTS3002E(BTS3002E), DBS3900_GSM(DBS3900 GSM), BTS3900_GSM(BTS3900 GSM), BTS3900A_GSM(BTS3900A GSM), DBS3036(DBS3036), BTS3036(BTS3036), BTS3036A(BTS3036A), BTS3900_GSM_6RFC(BTS3900 GSM 6RFC), BTS3900A_GSM_6RFC(BTS3900A GSM 6RFC), BTS3036_6RFC(BTS3036 6RFC), BTS3036A_6RFC(BTS3036A 6RFC)
Maximum number of records allowed in the operation log O&M of BSC Security Management Interval Type 10000~50000
Assume that this threshold is not 0. When the accumulated number of alarm blink times exceeds the threshold, the alarm is reported. For querying the alarm blink measurement period, see "LST ALMBLKSW". For setting the alarm blink measurement period, see "SET ALMBLKSW". Faulty Management Interval Type 0~250
Assume that this threshold is not 0. When the number of alarm blink times is smaller than the threshold, the alarm is reported. For querying the alarm blink measurement period, see "LST ALMBLKSW". For setting the alarm blink measurement period, see "SET ALMBLKSW". Faulty Management Interval Type 0~250
Whether to adjust the candidate cell queue to give priority to intra-BSC/MSC handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of a simple cell broadcast message. You can run "DSP GSMSCB" to query and obtain the information. The value of this parameter cannot be 0. This parameter, "Geography Scope", and "Update" uniquely decide a cell broadcast message. Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 1~1023
Whether to start the refrigeration equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
Whether to collect offset information by the BTS or cell Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type BYSITE(By Site), BYCELL(By Cell)
Combined loss used to estimate the downlink power during assignment Active Power Control Interval Type 0~100
Level of common access control, used for load control, allowing or forbidding the access of some users of common access levels Radio Common Channel Management Location Updating IMSI Detach Bit Field Type L0_FORBID, L1_FORBID, L2_FORBID, L3_FORBID, L4_FORBID, L5_FORBID, L6_FORBID, L7_FORBID, L8_FORBID, L9_FORBID
Complexity of the password Security Management Bit Field Type LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, DIGIT, SPECIALCHARACTER
BTS compress rate. O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~100
Whether the BSC that controls the external cell and the local BSC belong to the same MSC HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Index type of the BTS connected to BSC O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 0 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 1 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 2 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 3 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 4 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 5 is less than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is canceled. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 0 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 1 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 2 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 3 is more than or equals to or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 4 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 5 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, flow control is triggered. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
Whether to enable the concentric cell handover algorithm. The concentric cell handover helps to achieve wide coverage in the underlaid subcell and aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid subcell and to improve the system capacity and conversation quality. The concentric cell handover can be classified into two types: handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell and handover from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of the port through which the DXX is connected to the BSC6900 Tree Topology Interval Type 0~335
Whether to connect the power monitoring board Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Type of the connection between the NE and EMS or LMT. The connection can be a plain connection or SSL encryption connection. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type ALL(ALL Type), ONLY_SSL(Only SSL Connection)
Whether the Iur-g common connection is established between the BSC and a co-BSC6900 RNC or an external RNC. MBSC Load Balancing Enumeration Type INNER(Internal RNC), EXTERNAL(External RNC)
Minimum interval between the two consecutive handover decisions of an MS. The BSC cannot make a handover decision during the minimum interval. To avoid frequent handover events in the cell, the BSC starts a timer after delivering a handover command to an MS. The BSC allows the MS to make a second handover decision only after the timer expires. This parameter specifies the duration of the timer. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~60
The twice intra-cell handover events during this interval are considered consecutive handover events. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~200
Whether to perform the PING operation continuously. When the continuous PING operation is performed, the system sends the PING packets to the specified IP address. You can stop the PING operation by using CTRL + Q. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Transmitted packets 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 1~28
Duration for starting the CPRI Loop test BTS Test Function Interval Type 1~60
This parameter specifies whether to allow the BSC6900 to enable or disable the power amplifier of a TRX based on the traffic volume. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
CPU number on a board Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
Whether to enable the BTS to support CRC4 check O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On), NOTSUPPORT(Not Support)
Cell reselection hysteresis. This is one of the parameters used for deciding whether to reselect cells in different location areas. This parameter can avoid the increase of network signaling traffic due to frequent location update and reduce the risk of losing paging messages. Basic Cell Re-selection Location Updating Paging Enumeration Type 0dB, 2dB, 4dB, 6dB, 8dB, 10dB, 12dB, 14dB
Name of the certificate revocation list file Security Management String Type None
Whether to enable the certificate revocation list DISABLE: indicating that the certificate revocation list is disabled ENABLE: indicating that the certificate revocation list is enabled Security Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Time interval for the BTS resending a channel release message Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 1~255
Number of times the BTS resends a channel release message Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 1~255
Cell Reselect Offset (CRO), indicating a correction of the C2. Proper setting of this parameter can reduce the number of handover times, helpful for assigning an MS to a better cell. In a special case that the PT is 31, the larger the CRO value is, the lower the possibility of handing over an MS to the cell. Generally, do not set the CRO to a value larger than 25 dB. The CRO with a too large value will cause uncertain states in a network. The CRO values of the cells with different priorities in a network are almost the same. Refer to GSM Rec. 05.08 and GSM Rec. 04.08. The setting of this parameter affects only the MSs supporting the protocol of GSM Phase 2 or a later version. Basic Cell Re-selection Interval Type 0~63
Threshold of the time for crosstalk detection. Within the threshold, if the call flag continuously appearing in the code stream is different from the one saved in a transcoder (TC) or a BTS, the TC or the BTS considers that a crosstalk occurs and sends a message to the BSC6900. Upon receiving such a message, the BSC6900 host board records in a log the information about the current call, including the information about the Abis interface, Ater interface, BTS, cell, TRX, channel, and TC. The crosstalk detection function helps locate the cause of a crosstalk. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~255
The field indicates whether the cross-connect path is available. When the cross-path is available, a maximum of four IP paths exists. The four IP paths are the IP path between the first local IP address and the first peer IP address, the IP path between the first local IP address and the second peer IP address, the IP path between the second local IP address and the first peer IP address, and the IP path between the second local IP address and the second peer IP address. When the cross-path is unavailable, a maximum of two IP paths exists. The two IP paths are the IP path between the first local IP address and the first peer IP address and the IP path between the second local IP address and the second peer IP address. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type UNAVAILABLE(UNAVAILABLE), AVAILABLE(AVAILABLE)
Output range of the supplementary information contained in the CHR in common user mode. Multiple options can be selected at the same time. O&M of BSC Bit Field Type VOICEINF, MR, CALLAPPENDINF, CALLINNERINF
Rate threshold of bad speech quality in common user mode. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~100
Whether MR is contained in the CHRs in specified user mode O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
Whether the information about the specified abnormal call end is contained in the CHRs in common user mode. O&M of BSC Bit Field Type RESINSUFF, UMABNORM, TRAFFREJECT, MSCREL, MSCDISCON, BADQUALITY
GSM CS data service downlink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
CS data path IP QOS Enumeration Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF
CS data priority IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
GSM CS data service uplink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Priority of the CS data service. The parameter is used for BSC6900 flow control. The smaller the value of this parameter, the higher the priority. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~7
Whether handover information is contained in the CHRs in common user mode O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
Whether the MR before call release is contained in the CHRs in common user mode. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
Whether the MR before handover is contained in the CHRs in common user mode. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), MRHOFAIL(Preferentially Output MR of HO Failure), MRHOLATEST(Preferentially Output MR of Latest HO)
CHR output mode. In common user mode, the CHRs of all the MSs specified by "CHR Output Range" are output. In specified user mode, the CHR of a specific MS, which is specified by running the ADD GCSCHRUSER command, is output. These two modes can co-exist and they do not affect each other. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type COMMONUSRM(Common User Mode), SPECUSRM(Specified User Mode)
Area in which CHRs need to be output in common user mode. If this parameter is set to "Output All Records "in Cells, you need to run the SET GCSCHRSCOPE command to specify the cells whose CHRs are to be output O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ABNORMREC(Output Abnormal Records in BSC), ALLBSCREC(Output All Records in BSC), ALLCELLREC(Output All Records in Cells)
Whether to output the call history record (CHR) O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Type of signaling contained in CHRs O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ALL(Output All), AINTF(Output A Interface Signaling), ABISINTF(Output Abis Interface Signaling)
Threshold for starting LAPD link congestion control. This parameter cannot be set too high. If this parameter is set too high, the signaling link may be congested before congestion control is started. The congestion start and end thresholds cannot be set too low. If they are set too low, congestion control may be started frequently on the signaling link. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Type of the service whose CHR need to be output O&M of BSC Bit Field Type LU, SMS, CALL
GSM CS voice service downlink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Whether speech information is contained in the CHRs in specified user mode. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
CS voice path IP QOS Enumeration Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF
CS voice priority IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
GSM CS voice service uplink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Priority of a speech service in the CS domain. The parameter is used for BSC6900 flow control. The smaller the value of this parameter, the higher the priority. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~7
Self-healing switch for the Ethernet adapter traffic monitoring None Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Timer alignment ready. Timer T1 is started after the MTP2 link enters the Aligned Ready state. If one end of the MTP2 link receives an FISU or MSU message from the peer end within the period of time defined by T1, the MTP2 link enters the In-service state. In other cases, T1 expires, and the MTP2 link is considered as broken. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 150000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 40000~50000
Timer not aligned. Timer T2 is started at the time that the MTP2 link is set up and begins to transmit the SIO message. If one end of the MTP2 link receives an SIO, SIN, or SIE message from the peer end with the period of time defined by T2, the MTP2 link enters the next state. In other cases, T2 expires, and the MTP2 link setup fails. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 130000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 5000~150000
Timer aligned. Timer T3 is started at the time that the MTP2 link enters the aligned state and starts to transmit SIN (normal alignment) or SIE (emergency alignment) message. If one end of the MTP2 link receives an SIN or SIE message from the peer end with the period of time defined by T3, the MTP2 link enters the next state. In other cases, T3 expires, and the MTP2 link setup fails. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 1000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1000~2000
Timer emergency proving. The two ends of the MTP2 link exchange messages after entering the emergency verification state. Each end verifies the correctness of the messages sent from the peer end. If the error rate of the messages reaches the threshold specified by the protocol, the MTP2 link is considered unavailable. The link verification can be performed for five times to prevent the possibility of accidentally high error rate. If the error rate reaches the specified threshold in all five verifications, the MTP2 link setup fails. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 500. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 400~600
Timer normal proving. The two ends of the MTP2 link exchange messages after entering the normal verification state. Each end verifies the correctness of the messages sent from the peer end. If the error rate of the messages reaches the threshold specified by the protocol, the MTP2 link is considered unavailable. The link verification can be performed for five times to prevent the possibility of accidentally high error rate. If the error rate reaches the specified threshold in all five verifications, the MTP2 link setup fails. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 30000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 7500~9500
Timer sending SIB. If one end of the MTP2 link detects congestion, it sends SIB indications to the peer end at an interval specified by timer T5. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 100. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 80~120
Timer remote congestion. A link is considered broken when the remote congestion duration exceeds the value specified by timer T6. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 5000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 3000~6000
Timer excessive delay acknowledgement. A link is considered broken if one end of the link does not receive a verification message from the peer end within the period of time defined by timer T7 after sending a message. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 2000. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 500~2000
Timer interval of resending FISU. Timer T9 specifies the interval at which the BSC sends the FISU frames. That is, the BSC sends an FISU frame every N (N indicates the period of time defined by T9) when the MTP2 link is idle. This parameter only applies to the 64 kbit/s links. For the 2 Mbit/s links, the value of this timer is always 10. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~100
Critical threshold of CPU usage. When the CPU usage in "Fast judgement window" reaches or exceeds the threshold, all active flow control functions are implemented. Otherwise, the corresponding flow control mechanism is used. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Critical threshold of packet queue usage. When the packet queue usage reaches or exceeds the threshold, all active flow control functions are implemented. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
DPC of the control BSC Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~16777215
Format of the control acknowledge message of the MS. Four access bursts are used to obtain timing advance without sending polling message; RLC/MAC control block is used to obtain timing advance after sending polling message. GPRS Enumeration Type 4BURST(4Burst), RLC/MAC(RLC/MAC)
Control Flag O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(Cancel Control Flag), YES(Set Control Flag)
Number of the cabinet which controls RET antenna. Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~62
ControlPort No. of RET antenna. The number of RET antenna which connect to same feed tributary cannot be more than 6.For GATM boards, the valid value ranges from 0 to 5. For RXU boards, the valid value ranges from 0 to 2. Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~5
Number of the slot where the board controlling the RET antenna is located. For SingleRAN BTSs, the valid value ranges from 0 to 5. For non-SingleRAN BTSs, the valid value ranges from 0 to 23. Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~23
Number of the subrack where the BTS board is located Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~254
Slot number of the MPU Subsystem for the centralized management of the resources IP QOS Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
Number of the BSC6900 slot where the XPU of the control plane is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~27,255
Number of the BSC6900 subrack where the XPU of the control plane is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~11,255
Configuration rollback control switch that is used to specify whether to support the configuration rollback function Configuration Management Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Whether an HO_RQD message contains the Current Channel A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
C-version number of the BTS software O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~99
Period of new file generation. None Interval Type 10~255
This is the data file for upgrading board. The data file names of different boards are different. BSC/RNC Software Management String Type None
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging the signal quality on a speech/data channel. Averaging the signal quality in multiple measurement reports helps to avoid a sharp signal quality drop due to Rayleigh fading and to ensure the comprehensiveness of a handover decision. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging the signal strength on a speech/data channel. Averaging the signal strength in multiple measurement reports helps to avoid a sharp signal level drop due to Rayleigh fading and to ensure the comprehensiveness of a handover decision. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Data service supported by the BSC6900. You can set this parameter according to actual requirements. G3 Fax (TS61, TS62) 14.4kbit/s Circuit Switched Data Bearer Service Bit Field Type NT14_5K~0 NT12K~1 NT6K~2 T14_4K~3 T9_6K~4 T4_8K~5 T2_4K~6 T1_2K~7 T600_BITS~8 T1200_75
Whether to limit the operation date of the operator O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type NOLIMIT(No Limit), LIMIT(Limit)
Date O&M of BSC Compound Type YEAR, MONTH, DAY
Unique number of the date range during which to disable the BSC from shutting down the TRX dynamically TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 1~12
Date when the TMU board software is released O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~31
Temperature error allowed when the temperature control system adjusts the temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~30
Whether the primary BCCH is configured on the inner or extra part of an intelligent underlay-overlay (IUO) cell Co-BCCH Cell Enumeration Type Inner(Inner), Extra(Extra)
Index of a same group cell in an enhanced dual band network Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~2047
Name of a same group cell in an enhanced dual band network Enhanced Dual-Band Network String Type None
Index type of a same group cell in an enhanced dual band network Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
DC Lowvoltage Alarm Cabinet No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
DC Lowvoltage Alarm Port No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
DC Lowvoltage Alarm Slot No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
DC Lowvoltage Alarm Subrack No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
DC voltage alarm lower threshold. When the busbar output voltage is lower than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal busbar voltage is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 350~556
The BTS reports an alarm if the DC voltage exceeds the value of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 580~600
The BTS reports an alarm if the DC voltage is lower than the value of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 433~555
DC voltage alarm upper threshold. When the busbar output voltage is higher than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal busbar voltage is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 580~600
This parameter specifies the default pre-converted PDCHs in the dynamic transferable channel pool. When this parameter is greater than 0, three sub-links are bound to the static PDCH and pre-converted PDCH in a cell by default. The pre-converted PDCH can be preempted. You can set "Number of Reserved Dynamic Channel" as required when you expect the pre-converted PDCH not to be preempted. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~32
Timer for delaying a connection release. This parameter is used for delaying the channel deactivation after the active signaling link is broken. The purpose is to reserve some time for the disconnection that may be repeated. After receiving a REL IND message sent by the BTS, the BSC6900 starts the timer. When the timer expires, the BSC6900 stops the timer and sends the BTS an RF CHAN REL message. Call Control Interval Type 500~60000
The destination entity number uniquely identifies a destination entity. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~186
Description of the operator account O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Whether to start the anti-theft equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
Destination IP address None IP Address Type None
Destination IP address None IP Address Type None
Destination IP address None IP Address Type None
Identifies a maintenance point in the maintenance group None Interval Type 1~1000
Type of the object the BTS is connected to Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type BSC, BTS
Type of the object the BTS is connected to. Value range: BTS, BSC6900, and DXX O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS, BSC, DXX, OTHER
Slot No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established to the co-BSC6900 RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~27
Subrack No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established to the co-BSC6900 RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~11
No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established to the co-BSC6900 RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~7
ID of the TRX that carries the destination main BCCH Configuration Management Interval Type 0~3071
Interval for sending test TRAU frames in the period of class-2 mute detection.Test TRAU frame is sent at the specified interval till the peer end responds or the timer of "Period of Mute Detection Class 2" expires. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~255
Maximum number of periods in which the local end does not receive BFD packets from the peer end. If the number of periods in which the local end does not receive BFD packets from the peer end reaches this parameter, the BTS reports a BFD session fail. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 3~10
Switch for Abis Timeslot Detection O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Name of the RET antenna Remote Electrical Tilt String Type None
Number of the RET antenna. Remote Electrical Tilt Interval Type 0~35
Device IP address of the interface board used by the PPP link. None IP Address Type None
Device IP Address Type None Enumeration Type LOGIC_IP(Logical IP Address)
Downlink frequency of the external 3G cell GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~16383
Number of the slot where the DFCB is installed O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the subrack where the DFCB is installed O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
The default DPC corresponds to the CN of the primary operator. When only one DPC is configured, this parameter must be set to "YES", indicating that all the calls for the operator are accessed through the CN identified by the DPC. When multiple DPCs are configured, this parameter also determines the DPC that allows the generation of ESN. In this case, the parameter is set to "YES" for this DPC while the value for other DPCs is "NO". For the CN of a secondary operator, this parameter must be set to "YES" when only one DPC is configured. This indicates that all the calls for the secondary operator are accessed through the CN. When multiple DPCs are configured, this parameter is invalid. MSC Pool Enumeration Type NO(Not Default DPC), YES(Default DPC)
Whether to use the customized port DEFAULTPORT: indicating that the FTP server uses the default port 21 as a command port and port 20 as a data port to provide FTP services CUSTOMPORT: indicating that the FTP server uses the customized port to provide FTP services O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type DEFAULTPORT(Default 21 Port), CUSTOMPORT(Custom Port)
Period for reporting differential GPS data BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 1~60
This parameter indicates the IP Address of DHCP Relay Gateway. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
DHCP Relay ID None Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the diesel engine save switch O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Whether to allow an MS to report the classmark and whether to hand over the MS from the SDCCH in the frequency band for the main BCCH to the SDCCH in a different frequency band according to the classmark SDCCH Handover Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Day in the month on which the command can be executed. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type MON_1(No.1), MON_2(No.2), MON_3(No.3), MON_4(No.4), MON_5(No.5), MON_6(No.6), MON_7(No.7), MON_8(No.8), MON_9(No.9), MON_10(No.10), MON_11(No.11), MON_12(No.12), MON_13(No.13), MON_14(No.14), MON_15(No.15), MON_16(No.16), MON_17(No.17), MON_18(No.18), MON_19(No.19), MON_20(No.20), MON_21(No.21), MON_22(No.22), MON_23(No.23), MON_24(No.24), MON_25(No.25), MON_26(No.26), MON_27(No.27), MON_28(No.28), MON_29(No.29), MON_30(No.30), MON_31(No.31)
Day in the week on which the command can be executed. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday)
The relative path in the working path of the FTP user in the FTP server O&M of BSC License Management String Type None
Directory of the software to be downloaded O&M of BTS String Type None
Whether the BSC sends an Assignment Fail message with the cause value of directed retry to the MSC before the BSC initiates a directed retry procedure Direct Retry Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable a directed retry. The directed retry is to hand over an MS to a neighboring cell in the same procedure as the handover. The directed retry is an emergency measure applicable to abnormal traffic peaks in some areas of a radio network. You should not use the directed retry as a major means of solving traffic congestion. If the directed retry always occurs in some areas of a network, consider adjusting the sector and TRX configuration and the network layout. Direct Retry Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether a cell is a repeater. With simpler functions than a BTS, a repeater is a coverage extension device of a BTS. It is applied to widely-stretched areas or indoor areas to solve the dead zone problem of BTS coverage. Using repeaters cannot increase the traffic capacity of a network but improve the coverage only. Because the BTS coverage increases, however, the total traffic improves accordingly. The setting of this parameter has effects on handovers. Repeaters use the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) due to a greater distance between them. Therefore, handovers between repeaters are asynchronous. Synchronous handovers will fail. HUAWEI I Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Timer to control the duration in which the BSC prevents the handover of an MS from which the BSC receives the Disconnect message. If the MS is handed over to a new cell after the MS sends the Disconnect message, the MS cannot receive the Release Acknowledgement message from the original cell. Thus, the MS cannot be disconnected. To protect from such a disconnection failure, the BSC does not hand over the MS within the duration of this timer after the BSC receives the Disconnect message from the MS. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~15
Whether to activate transmit diversity on the common channel of a 3G cell GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Delay of transmit diversity when 16QAM is used. Generally, the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. The fading conditions vary with the MS location; therefore, MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. In addition, the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. To avoid the preceding cases, the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 16QAM respectively. Only the double-transceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. For the BTSs of other types, this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. Downlink EGPRS2-A Interval Type 4~32
Delay of transmit diversity when 32QAM is used. Generally, the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. The fading conditions vary with the MS location; therefore, MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. In addition, the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. To avoid the preceding cases, the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 32QAM respectively. Only the double-transceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. For the BTSs of other types, this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. Downlink EGPRS2-A Interval Type 4~32
Delay of transmit diversity when 8PSK is used. Generally, the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. The fading conditions vary with the MS location; therefore, MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. In addition, the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. Therefore, the time delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be separately set for GMSK and 8PSK. Only the double-transceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. For the BTSs of other types, this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. EGPRS Interval Type 4~32
Whether to support transmitting diversity or four diversity receiving Transmit Diversity Enumeration Type N0(No), YES(Yes)
Minimum interval between two consecutive downlink power control commands HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~255
If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR full rate call is greater than this parameter, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR full rate call is smaller than this parameter, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is greater than this parameter, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is smaller than this parameter, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
ID of the data link connection of the NSVC. It is an interworking parameter which must be consistent on the BSC and the peer. Gb Over FR Interval Type 16~1007
If the ratio of downlink flux to uplink flux is greater than or equal to the threshold during the fast flux measurement, the downlink services takes priority. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 1~255
Whether the cell supports DLDC Dual Carriers in Downlink Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Threshold for downlink edge handover. If the downlink receive level remains less than this threshold for a period of time, the edge handover is triggered. If the PBGT handover algorithm is enabled, this threshold can be decreased accordingly. If the PBGT handover algorithm is disabled, over-coverage, co-channel interference, and adjacent channel interference may occur when this threshold is set improperly. In addition, to ensure uplink-downlink balance, this threshold needs to be adjusted according to the handover performance statistics and actual network performance. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Filter adjustment factor for downlink power control. Setting this parameter high helps to smooth the filtered values and to reduce the impact of poor measurement reports on the filtered values. Setting this parameter low helps to draw the filtered values close to the actual values and to heighten the power control effect. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~10
Upper quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III on a full rate call. If the downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Lower quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III on a full rate call. If the downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is smaller than this threshold, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Expanded size of the GPRS RLC window. This parameter is used to expand the size of the GRPS RLC window. The expanded window size breaks the restrictions of 64 defined in the protocol and reduces the probability of GRPS RLC window stopping. GPRS Interval Type 0~127
Upper quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III on a half rate call. If the downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Lower quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III on a half rate call. If the downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is smallter than this threshold, the call needs to undergo Huawei power control generation III. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Adjustment hysteresis 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (wide band). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~15
Adjustment hysteresis 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (wide band). According to a certain algorithm and the radio quality indication (RQI) in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the active coding set (ACS). Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~15
Threshold for determining whether downlink interference exists. If the downlink level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Level Threshold" and the downlink quality level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Qual.Threshold", downlink interference exists. The value range 0 to 63 is mapped to the range -110 dBm to -47 dBm. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Threshold for determining whether downlink interference exists. If the downlink level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Level Threshold" and the downlink quality level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Qual.Threshold", downlink interference exists. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
When the downlink load of a cell is larger than the value of this parameter and is smaller than "2G Cell DL Overload Congest Thred", the downlink of the cell is in the basic congestion status. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~100
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink signal strength. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
Lower voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR downlink handover threshold. The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the value of Downlink Long-term FER Target. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Target value of the voice quality automatically adjusted through the downlink threshold of AMR handover AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Upper voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover downlink threshold. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Factor of downlink threshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relation between the threshold adjustment value and the logarithmic FER. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Maximum step by which to decrease downlink power according to signal strength HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Maximum step by which to increase downlink power according to signal strength HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
When the downlink load of a cell is greater than the value, the downlink of the cell is in the overload congestion status. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~100
Number of downlink measurement reports that the BSC predicts. The BSC takes a while to confirm the power control effect of a power control command. Thus, the BSC makes a power control decision based on a measurement report that lags behind the changes in the receive level and quality instead of reflecting the real-time radio environment. As a result, the power control is late. To prevent late power control to a certain degree, the power control algorithm involves a measurement report prediction filter. The BSC can sample several downlink measurement reports in a short time and then weigh them to predict future N measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number N. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~3
Quality level threshold for decreasing downlink signal power. If the BTS transmits signals at a quality level less than this threshold, the BSC decreases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level - "MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
Quality level threshold for increasing downlink signal power. If the BTS transmits signals at a quality level greater than this threshold, the BSC increases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level + "MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink signal quality. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
During downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "DL Qual, bad Trig Threshold", "DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "DL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
During downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "DL Qual, bad Trig Threshold", "DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "DL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Downlink quality threshold for emergency handover. This parameter is represented as the product of 10 and a quality level that ranges from 0 to 7. The emergency handover can be triggered only when the downlink receive quality of an MS is greater(indicate bad quality) than this threshold. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Downlink quality limit for emergency handover in an AMR full rate call. The value of this parameter corresponds to the quality levels (0 to 7) multiplied by 10. An emergency handover can be triggered only when the downlink reception quality of an MS is higher than the value of this parameter, which indicates a poor quality. AMR FR HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~70
Downlink quality limit for emergency handover in an AMR half rate call. The value of this parameter corresponds to the quality levels (0 to 7) multiplied by 10. An emergency handover can be triggered only when the downlink reception quality of an MS is higher than the value of this parameter, which indicates a poor quality. AMR HR HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~70
This parameter specifies the downlink signal strength factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the downlink power control step. The downlink signal strength factor is a coefficient indicating how much the signal strength is considered during the calculation of the downlink power control step. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~10
Length of the exponential filter for downlink signal strength. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to filter the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~19
Upper receive level threshold for downlink power control. If the downlink receive level is greater than this threshold, the power of the downlink signal needs to be decreased. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Lower receive level threshold for downlink power control. If the downlink receive level is smaller than this threshold, the power of the uplink signal needs to be increased. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Length of the slide window filter for downlink signal strength. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to filter the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
This parameter specifies the downlink quality level factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the downlink power control step. The downlink quality level factor is a coefficient indicating how much the quality level is considered during the calculation of the downlink power control step. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~10
Length of the exponential filter for downlink signal quality. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to filter the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~19
Length of the slide window filter for downlink signal quality. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to filter the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
A power control step cannot exceed the step computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor". HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
A power control step cannot exceed the step computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor". HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
Upper threshold for downlink signal strength If the downlink received signal level is greater than this threshold, a power decrease is computed. Then, the power is decreased by the least of the power decrease, maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the received signal quality belongs, and "MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power decrease = downlink received signal level - ("DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 0", "MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 1", and "MAX Down Adj.Value Qual.Zone 2" according to the quality zone. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Lower threshold for downlink signal strength If the downlink received signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is computed. Then, the power is increased by the least of the power increase, "MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV", and "MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.". Power increase = ("DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 - downlink received signal level Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Time interval between sending of the Packet Uplink Ack/Nack message and setup of the DL TBF. After receiving the Packet Uplink Ack/Nack message (FAI = 1), the MS releases the UL TBF and starts to monitor CCCH. In this case, if the MS receives the downlink assignment message before being handed over to the CCCH, the MS fails to respond to the downlink assignment message. Therefore, a delay is required for establishing DL TBF, to avoid such a situation. That is, the DL TBF will not be set up immediately after the Packet Uplink Ack/Nack message (FAI = 1) is sent. In this way, the MS can respond to the downlink assignment message properly. Extended Uplink TBF Interval Type 0~300
Interval for resending downlink test messages Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~255
Number of times of the BSC6900 resending downlink test messages after the downlink test function is enabled. If the BSC6900 does not receive any response message from the MS at the preset interval, the BSC6900 releases the relevant voice group call service (VGCS) channel. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 1~255
Adjustment threshold 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). The adjustment thresholds and the hysteresis of coding rate must meet the following conditions: AMR Coding Rate (n) < AMR Coding Rate (n + 1), n = 1 or 2; [AMR Coding Rate (n) + AMR Coding Rate adj.hyst (n)] < [AMR Coding Rate (n + 1) + AMR Coding Rate adj.hyst (n + 1)], n = 1 or 2. AMR FR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (wide band). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Adjustment threshold 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (wide band). According to a certain algorithm and the RQI in the call measurement report, the MS and the BTS automatically adjust the current speech coding and decoding rate. The adjustment threshold of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be deducted by analogy. There may be multiple coding rates in the ACS. Therefore, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between every two adjacent coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
MDU board number when the antenna pass of downlink tributary A is selected O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
MDU board number when the antenna pass of downlink tributary B is selected O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Clock domain required by the slave side in the 1588V2 protocol. This parameter is valid when the 1588CLK type is configured. Clock over IP support 1588V2 Interval Type 0~255
Coding scheme of the default GPRS downlink. Dynamic adjustment coding: the coding scheme used during initial access transmission. If the downlink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. Coding Scheme Enumeration Type CS1(CS1), CS2(CS2), CS3(CS3), CS4(CS4)
Default coding scheme of the downlink EDGE link. If the downlink adopts the dynamic adjustment coding scheme, this parameter can be used to set the coding scheme for transmission during initial access. If the downlink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. EGPRS Coding Scheme EGPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), MCS9(MCS9)
Default coding scheme used on the downlink EGPRS2-A link. If the downlink uses the dynamic coding scheme, this parameter specifies the coding scheme that is used for the transmission in initial access. If the downlink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. Downlink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), DAS5(DAS5), DAS6(DAS6), DAS7(DAS7), DAS8(DAS8), DAS9(DAS9), DAS10(DAS10), DAS11(DAS11), DAS12(DAS12)
Fixed coding scheme that is used on the downlink EGPRS2-A link. If the downlink uses the fixed coding scheme, this parameter can be set MSC1-4, MSC7-8 or DAS5-12.. If the downlink uses the dynamic coding scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIXED. Downlink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), DAS5(DAS5), DAS6(DAS6), DAS7(DAS7), DAS8(DAS8), DAS9(DAS9), DAS10(DAS10), DAS11(DAS11), DAS12(DAS12), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
Adjustment mode of the downlink GPRS link coding scheme. If the fixed coding scheme is used, this parameter is set to a value ranging from CS1 to CS4. If the dynamic coding scheme is used, this parameter is set to UNFIXED. GPRS Coding Scheme GPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type CS1(CS1), CS2(CS2), CS3(CS3), CS4(CS4), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
Coding scheme of the downlink EDGE link. If the downlink uses the fixed coding scheme, this parameter is set to a value ranging from MCS1 to MCS9. If the downlink uses the dynamic adjustment coding scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIXED. EGPRS Coding Scheme EGPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), MCS9(MCS9), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
Whether to allow BTS power control Enhanced Power Control Algorithm HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to prohibit sending point-to-point short messages. If necessary, this parameter is used for controlling whether to send downlink short messages from a specific cell so as to ensure sufficient radio channel resources for normal calls. Point To Point Short Message Service (TS21, TS22) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Delay of releasing the downlink TBF. After the last downlink RLC data block is transmitted on the network side and all the transmitted downlink data blocks are received, the MS is not informed to stop this downlink TBF. Instead, the state of the last data block is forcibly set to "not received" and the RRBP flag of the last data block is retransmitted continuously so that the downlink TBF is not released. During the downlink delay release, if the upper layer of the network side needs to transmit downlink data, the downlink RLC block for unpacking can be transmitted in the downlink TBF for delay release. The state of the downlink TBF is changed from delay releasing to downlink transmitting. In addition, the MS must respond to the Packet Downlink Ack/Nack message through the uplink data block of the RRBP to exchange messages with the network side. When the MS needs to send data, the MS can send the uplink request to the network sides through the Packet Downlink Ack/Nack with the channel request description. If GPRS Interval Type 0~5000
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink TBF is changed from CS2 to CS1. When the downlink TBF retransmission rate is greater than or equals to this value, the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS2 to CS1. Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS3 to CS2. When the TBF retransmission rate is greater than or equals to this value, the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS3 to CS2. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink TBF is changed from CS4 to CS3. When the downlink TBF Retransmission rate is greater than or equals to this value, the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS4 to CS3. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink TBF is changed from CS1 to CS2. When the TBF retransmission rate is less than or equals to this value, the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS1 to CS2. Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS2 to CS3. When the downlink TBF retransmission rate is less than or equals to CS2 to CS1, the coding mode of the TBF is changed from CS2 to CS3. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS4. When the downlink TBF retransmission rate is less than or equals to this value, the coding mode of the downlink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS4. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Door status alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Dual-antenna gain used to estimate the downlink power during assignment Active Power Control Interval Type 0~255
As an integer, the DSP code can be expressed by a decimal digit or a hexadecimal digit. If the DSP code is expressed by a hexadecimal digit, H' is added before the number. A Interface Protocol Process STP (Signaling Transport Point) Interval Type 1~16777215
DSP code expressed in the format of segments 8-8-8 A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
As a key field for identifying the block of A interface CIC status, it indicates the DPC group index of the circuit ID of the A interface to be blocked. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~31
Index of the DPC group. see "ADD GCNNODE" command. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~31
Index of a DPC group. When multiple DPCs or one DPC serves as a logical entity, this logical entity is called a DPC group. When the MSC pool function is activated, the user plane resources on the A interface are shared among the MSCs in the pool, and thus load balancing is achieved. MSC Pool Interval Type 0~31
DSP type. STP: indicates the signaling transfer point. A: indicates the signaling point of the A interface control signaling plane. IUR_G: indicates the signaling point of the base station controller that is connected to the BSC. LB: indicates the signaling point of the LB interface. A Interface Protocol Process STP (Signaling Transport Point) Enumeration Type STP(STP), A(A), IUR_G(IUR_G), LB(LB)
The DSP index uniquely identifies a DSP. A Interface Protocol Process A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~186
Iur-g DPC index of a neighboring RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~182
Maximum signal level difference between the neighbor cell and the serving cell for triggering directed retry HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~128
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from Abis territorial link fault. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure (handover access failure). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure, operation and maintenance (OM) intervention. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from a connection failure except for handover access failure, OM intervention, radio link failure, and unavailability of radio resources. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure (radio link failure). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure (unavailability of radio resources). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from equipment fault. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication (unsolicited DM response). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication (sequence error). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication (T200 timeout). The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from forced handover failure. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from incoming-BSC handover timeout. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from outgoing internal inter-cell handover timeout. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from intra-cell handover timeout. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from no MS measurement reports for a long time. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from outgoing-BSC handover timeout. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from release indications. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from resource check. The value 0 means "optimize" and 1 means "not optimize". If the value of this parameter is 0, the call drops resulting from this cause are not brought into the statistics of call drops. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 0 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 0 are discarded. None Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 1 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 1 are discarded. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 2 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 2 are discarded. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 3 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 3 are discarded. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 4 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 4 are discarded. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
If the duration for buffering the data in queue 5 is more than or equals to the value of this parameter, the subsequent packets added to queue 5 are discarded. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 10~150
This parameter specifies the interval at which the power of a TRX is continually decreased. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 1~60
This parameter specifies the delay time before decreasing the power of the TRXs. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 0~12
This parameter specifies the step by which the power of a TRX is decreased at a time. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 2~10
Whether to support the discontinuous reception mechanism (DRX). To reduce the power consumption, the DRX is introduced into the GSM Specification. MSs supporting the DRX can consume less power to receive interested broadcast messages. This prolongs the service time of MS batteries. BSCs supporting the DRX must send scheduling messages to MSs so that the MSs can use the DRX function. The period occupied by broadcast messages that are contained in a scheduling message is called a scheduling period. In the sending sequence, a scheduling message contain the description of each short message to be broadcasted and the position of each broadcast message in the scheduling period. Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Duration of the timer for entering the DRX mode. DRX is the parameter in the cell broadcast message. It indicates non-continuous receiving mode. When the MS is switched from the packet transmission mode to the idle mode, the MS needs to maintain the none DRX mode for a moment. After the TBF is released, in the period when the MS is in non-DRX mode, the MS monitors all the CCCH blocks and the BSC stores the context of the MS. The reservation duration is determined by the minimum value of DRX_Timer_Max and NON_DRX_TIMER. The parameter NON_DRX_TIMER is negotiated with the SGSN during GPRS attaching of the MS. Normally, this value is greater than that of DRX_TIMER_MAX. Therefore, the value of DRX_TIMER_MAX is used. 0: switch to the DRX mode immediately; 1: switch to the DRX mode in one second. Value n indicates that the MS enters the DRX mode n seconds later. Discontinuous Reception (DRX) Enumeration Type 0(0), 1(1), 2(2), 4(4), 8(8), 16(16), 32(32), 64(64)
Whether to start the dehumidification equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
Number of the E1T1 port for bearing the PPP link None Interval Type 0~335
Number of the E1T1 port for bearing the PPP link Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~335
The DSCP is a field of the IP data packet. It is used to assign the differentiated service to the communication networks. The DSCP code is used to label each data packet on the network and allocate the corresponding service levels. In the same network environment, the larger the DSCP is, the higher the priority is. A over IP Interval Type 0~63
Service code of the PING command, used to identify the PING command Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~63
Differentiated service code is used to identify the service priority of the user. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~63
DSCP to be contained in the header of an IP packet. According to this parameter, the router provides differentiated services for packet streams. If this parameter is greater, the service level is higher. This parameter is valid only when the transport type is set to IP. IP QOS Interval Type 0~63
Duration for recovering all the DSPs. This timer is started when the first DSP is recovered. When all the DSPs of the local subrack are recovered or the timer expires, the timer is stopped. The cells are distributed on the recovered DSPs. GPRS Interval Type 1~3600
Number of the DSP. If you do not specify this parameter, all DSPs are specified. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~27
Meanings:DSP No. Value range:0~21 Content:none Recommended value(default value):none Configuration Management Interval Type 0~21
Number of the DSP where the alarm is generated Faulty Management Interval Type 0~27
Number of the DSP in the DPU board Configuration Management Interval Type 0~21
Target DSP number GPRS Interval Type 0~21
This parameter specifies the value of the timer set to wait the fault recovery before the cell redistribution on the DSP. When a fault is detected on a DSP, this timer starts. If the fault is recovered before the timer expires, the cells on the DSP are not be redistributed. Otherwise, the cell redistribution is triggered after the timer expires. GPRS Interval Type 0~30
Whether daylight saving time has to be used Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Name of the destination file O&M of BTS String Type None
Destination IP address None IP Address Type None
Destination IP address of BFD Session. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
Destination IP address Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Subnet mask None IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of BTS Route. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Destination of timeslot cross None Interval Type 0~335
Target timeslot mask None Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Threshold of the load in the target cell for the directed retry. Only a cell whose load is lower than or equal to this threshold can be selected as a candicate target cell. Direct Retry Interval Type 0~100
Type of the DRX supporting the VGCS service. An MS reads the NCH only when a new notification message of group call arrives. This helps save power of the MS. This parameter is mandatory for a SAGEM MS. Public Voice Group Call Service Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Downlink TRX index number of the newly added board O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~12
Index number of the downlink tributary O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), 7(7), 8(8), 9(9), 10(10), 11(11), 12(12)
TRX board pass number connected with the downlink tributary O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1
TRX board pass number connected with the downlink tributary O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1,255
Number of the slot where the TRX board that connects to downlink tributary is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the slot where the TRX board that connects to downlink tributary is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23,255
Number of the subrack where the TRX board that connects to downlink tributary is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~53
Number of the subrack where the TRX board that connects to downlink tributary is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~53,255
Whether a BTS randomizes the dummy bits in all the signaling messages that the BTS sends to an MS. That is, dummy bits are randomized rather than filled on the basis of 0x2B. A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
The duplex mode of FE port is duplex or half-duplex. Abis over IP Enumeration Type FULL(FULL), HALF(HALF)
Duration for starting the BTS test BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~12
Duration for starting the TRX idle timeslot test BTS Test Function Interval Type 1~24
Duration for starting the BTS test BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~59
Duration for starting the TRX idle timeslot test BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~59
Downlink multiplex threshold of dynamic channel conversion. When the subscriber number on the channel reaches the value (threshold/10), the dynamic channel conversion is triggered. We recommand that the value of "Downlink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion" should be less than "PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold" for triggering converting dynamic channel in time and reducing PDCH multiplex. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 10~80
An MS can be used to test the Um interface software synchronization only when the DL signal strength after the power control compensation in the test cell and the observed cell is higher than this limit. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~63
Number of a DXX. It is unique in one BSC6900 and uniquely identifies a DXX. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Number of a DXX. It is unique in one BSC6900 and uniquely identifies a DXX. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~2047
Number of the upper DXX port O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~15
Time to wait for releasing the dynamic channel after the TBF on the dynamic channel is released. When all the TBFs on the channel are released, the dynamic channel is not released at once. Instead, the timer is started when the channels are idle. Before the timer expires, if new service request is received, the dynamic channel is still occupied and timer is stopped; otherwise, the dynamic channel is released after the timer expired. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 10~3600
Mode of preempting the dynamic channel for the CS domain and PS domain. Only the channel configured in the TCH/F mode can be preempted. "Preempt all dynamic TCHFs" indicates the circuit domain can preempt all the dynamic channels. "No preempt of CCHs" indicates the circuit domain can preempt all the dynamic channels except the CCHs. "No preempt of service TCHF" indicates the circuit domain cannot preempt all the dynamic channels of bearer services. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type LEVEL0(Preempt all dynamic TCHFs), LEVEL1(No preempt of CCHs), LEVEL2(No preempt of service TCHF)
Number of full-rate TCHs reserved for the CS domain. This parameter is valid only when "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" is set to LEVEL1 or LEVEL2. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~8
This parameter specifies whether to allow the BSC6900 to enable the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature on a cell. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the cell to support dynamic transmit diversity or dynamic PBT Dynamic Transmit DiversityEnumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not Support), DDIVERSITY(DDIVERSITY), DPBT(DPBT)
Duration for the test in E1 mode O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~60
Number of the E1 port. For the BTS3012, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II and the UTRP board in SingleRAN BTSs, the number can be a value from 0 to 7. For other BTSs, the number can be a value from 0 to 3. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~7
Number of the E1 port on the BTS connected to the BSC. Abis Transmission Optimization Interval Type 0~31
E1/T1 port number None Interval Type 0~83
Number of the E1/T1 port from which the BTS extracts the transport clock. This parameter is valid only when the clock type is set to IP_TRANSFER. BTS/NodeB Clock Interval Type 0~7
Number of the port extended by the backboard TOP communication mechanism of the BTS. The TOP relation can be configured between the port on the BTS board panel and the port on the BTS backplane, thus extending the ports. This function is used for the configuration of the multi-mode base station. The range 16-19 indicates the number of the E1/T1 port on the backplane of the primary BBU and the range 24-27 indicates the number of the E1/T1 port on the backplane of the secondary BBU. A BBU supports only the E1 port numbered from 16 to 19 on the backplane. IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Interval Type 16~19
Type of the E1/T1 from which the BTS extracts the transport clock. This parameter is valid only when the clock type is set to IP_TRANSFER. BTS/NodeB Clock Enumeration Type E1(E1), T1(T1)
Peer IP address to be checked. The input address (CHKIPADDR) must be the address (regardless of the network segment address or host address of the peer address) in the network segment specified by the (PEERIPADDR, PEERMASK). IP QOS IP Address Type None
As a performance counter for 3G cells, Ec/No indicates the ratio of the energy per received chip to the spectral noise power density. If the Ec/No of a 3G neighbor cell is greater than "HOECNOTH3G" plus this parameter, the neighbor cell is listed in the candidate cell queue. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~49
Threshold for determining the layer of the 3G neighbor cell. If the Ec/No of the 3G neighbor cell is less than this threshold, the neighbor cell is set to the lowest layer (layer 5). GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~49
The early classmark sending control (ECSC) parameter specifies whether the MSs in a cell use early classmark sending. After a successful immediate assignment, the MS sends additional classmark information to the network as early as possible. The additional classmark information mainly contains the CM3 (classmark 3) information. The CM3 (classmark 3) information contains the frequency band support capability of the MS (used for the future channel assignment), power information about each frequency band supported by the MS (used for the handover between different frequency bands), and encryption capability of the MS. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
End serial number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~2147483646
Date when the scheduled task is stopped O&M of BSC Compound Type year, month, date
End date of the alarm record. By default, the end date is 2037-12-31. Faulty Management Compound Type year, month, day
End date of the alarm record. By default, the end date is 2037-12-31. Faulty Management Compound Type year, month, day
End date O&M of BTS Compound Type year, month, day
End date of the daylight saving time Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Interval Type 1~31
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover between the subcells of an enhanced dual-frequency network are met during P of N measurements, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 1~255
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover between the subcells of an enhanced dual-frequency network are met during P of N measurements, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 1~255
If the current system flow control level is greater than this parameter, the handover between the underlaid and overlaid subcells due to low or high load in the underlaid subcell is not allowed. System flux thresholds correspond to the system flux obtained based on message packets, CPU load, and FID queuing load. The system flux level is the current flux control level of the system. 0-11: There are 12 flow control levels. Where, 0 indicates the lowest level and 11 indicates the highest level. The handover performed over the maximum threshold may have tremendous impacts on the system. Thus, this parameter should not be set to a higher value. 1) The flow control level algorithm for the assigned system messages: [(Average Message Usage - Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold)/(Inner Flow Control Discard All Threshold - Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold) x 100]/10+1 (round-down for division operation). If the value is smaller than Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold, Level 0 is used. If the Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~11
Whether the current cell supports EDGE EGPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
According to the P/N rule, if a neighbor cell meets the conditions for selecting the neighbor cell for edge handover in P of N measurement reports, the edge handover to the neighbor cell is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if a neighbor cell meets the conditions for selecting the neighbor cell for edge handover in P of N measurement reports, the edge handover to the neighbor cell is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for edge handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for edge handover are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for edge handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for edge handover are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 1~32
Effect Immediately Flag(reserve) O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(Effect Later), YES(Effect Immediately)
Whether to support the 11-bit EGPRS access request 11-Bit EGPRS Access Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the current cell supports EGPRS2-A Uplink EGPRS2-A Downlink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Used for EDGE 8PSK transmission quality statistics. If MEAN_BEP is less than or equals to this threshold, the transmission quality is regarded to be deteriorated. MEAN_BEP indicates the average error code rate in one measurement report period. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~31
Used for EDGE GMSK transmission quality statistics. If MEAN_BEP is less than or equals to this threshold, the transmission quality is regarded deteriorated. MEAN_BEP indicates the average error code rate in one measurement report period. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~31
Type of the end date. "WEEK" indicates that the end date is a weekday. "DATE" indicates that the end date is a month day. "DATEWEEK" indicates the end date is expressed by a combination of weekday and month day. Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type DATE(Input with date), WEEK(Input with week), DATEWEEK(Input with date and week)
Priority level of an emergency call. If this parameter is set to 15, the functions of reserving TCHs for emergency calls and preempting TCHs are not enabled. If the two functions need to be enabled, set this parameter to a value from 1 to 14. If the value of "Emergency Call Preemption Permitted" is ON, this parameter can also be used for TCH preemption. The value 1 means the highest priority and 14 means the lowest. Emergency Call Service (TS12) Guaranteed Emergency Call Interval Type 1~15
Whether to verify the centralized signaling link in the case of the link establishment. ON: emergency verification, that is, the verification is not required. OFF: non emergency verification, that is, the verification is required during the establishment of a signaling link in a link set. Through verification, the stable operation state of a signaling link can be ensured. You are advised to use the normal verification. That is, the emergency verification switch is set to OFF. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Error emit threshold. None Enumeration Type ERR_PFM_5E6(OCCUR:5E-6), ERR_PFM_1E5(OCCUR:1E-5), ERR_PFM_5E5(OCCUR:5E-5), ERR_PFM_1E4(OCCUR:1E-4), ERR_PFM_5E4(OCCUR:5E-4), ERR_PFM_1E3(OCCUR:1E-3), ERR_PFM_5E3(OCCUR:5E-3)
Differentiated service code of the specified EML Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~63
Whether to allow the function of enhanced multi-level precedence and preemption (eMLPP). With the eMLPP function enabled, the network can use different policies such as queuing, preemption, or directed retry based on the priorities of different calls when network resources are occupied. If this parameter is set to YES, when preemption occurs, the MS with the lowest priority initiates a handover, and the MS with a higher priority seizes the idle channel after a handover. If this parameter is set to NO, an MS with a lower priority releases the channel, the MS with a higher priority seizes the idle channel after the release. The eMLPP has up to seven priorities: A, B, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The two highest priorities A and B are internally reserved for local use only. Priorities 0 to 4 can be subscribed by MSs for global use.After the operator configures eMLPP priority mapping (consisting of 14 priority levels) on the MSC, the MSC sends a message containing the mapping to the BSC. The BSC then performs queuing and p Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Indicating whether the eMLPP function is enabled in a cell and indicating the eMLPP priority of the cell. From high to low, the priorities are A, B, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and No Priority. No Priority is the lowest. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NoPriority(No Priority), Priority4(Priority 4), Priority3(Priority3), Priority2(Priority 2), Priority1(Priority 1), Priority0(Priority 0), PriorityB(Priority B), PriorityA(Priority A)
Whether to include the eMLPP Priority information element in the Paging Command message over the Abis interface when "Allow eMLPP" is set to YES and the eMLPP flag in the Bitmap information element of the Paging message received from the MSC is 1 Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Service priority of the specified EML Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~7
Service priority of the extension maintenance link (EML).0 is the highest priority. IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Specified EML Vlan Id O&M of BTS Interval Type 2~4094
Month on which DST endsSupport of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type JAN(January), FEB(February), MAR(March), APR(April), MAY(May), JUN(June), JUL(July), AUG(August), SEP(September), OCT(October), NOV(November), DEC(December)
IP address of the NE management system O&M of BTS IP Address Type None
Whether to enable the fallback function for the BTS Group Call Reliability Enhancing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the power supply of the TMA O&M of BTS Enumeration Type ENABLED(Enabled), DISABLED(Disabled)
Encryption algorithm supported by the BSS side A5/1 and A5/2 Ciphering Algorithm A5/3 Ciphering Algorithm Bit Field Type A5/0~0 A5/1~1 A5/2~2 A5/3~3 A5/4~4 A5/5~5 A5/6~6 A5/7
Encryption mode used when the NE serves as the FTP client AUTO: indicating that the FTP client automatically selects the encryption mode PLAINTEXT: indicating that the plain text mode is used forcibly. ENCRYPTED: indicating that the encrypted mode is used forcibly. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type AUTO(Automatic), PLAINTEXT(Plain Text), ENCRYPTED(SSL Encrypted)
Encryption mode supported when the NE serves as the FTP server AUTO: indicating that the FTP client automatically selects the encryption mode PLAINTEXT: indicating that the plain text mode is used forcibly. ENCRYPTED: indicating that the encrypted mode is used forcibly. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), PLAINTEXT(Plain Text), ENCRYPTED(SSL Encrypte)
Whether to enable end-to-end user tracing for the BSC. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC starts end-to-end user tracing after the BSC receives the MSC Invoke Trace or BSS Invoke Trace message from the MSC. End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
End number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
It indicates the end CIC of the A interface CIC segment. When operation mode is set to OPC index, DPC group index, BSC ID, or CIC, the parameter is mandatory. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
It indicates the end CIC of the Pb interface CIC segment. If the search object mode is set to search by the specified range, the parameter is mandatory. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~65535
This parameter specifies the end date of a period during which the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature is disabled. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 1~31
If the ambient temperature reaches the value of this parameter, the heater is shut down. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -990~400
This parameter specifies the end month of a period during which the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature is disabled. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type JAN(Jan.), FEB(Feb.), MAR(Mar.), APR(Apr.), MAY(May), JUN(Jun.), JUL(Jul.), AUG(Aug.), SEP(Sep), OCT(Oct.), NOV(Nov.), DEC(Dec)
Number of the end sub-timeslot O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 0(0), 2(2), 4(4), 6(6)
This parameter specifies the time for dynamically disabling the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature each day. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Compound Type hour, min
It indicates the end CIC of the Ater interface CIC segment. Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Interval Type 8~255
It indicates the end CIC of the A interface CIC segment. When Operation mode is set to subrack No., slot No., port No., or CIC, the parameter is mandatory. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~31
Number of the end timeslot O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~31
Status of the scheduled task. This parameter determines whether to start the scheduled task. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type DISABLED(Prohibit to Use), ENABLED(Available)
Status of the scheduled subtask to be added O&M of BSC Enumeration Type DISABLED(Prohibit to Use), ENABLED(Available)
If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater than this threshold, certain calls in the underlaid subcell are handed over to the overlaid subcell to balance the traffic between the overlaid and underlaid subcells. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~100
Whether to support PS downlink MAC back pressures in GSM. When the buffer is overflowed, the L2 transmission rate is limited if "User Plane DL Flow Ctrl Switch" is "ON". Thus, the data blocks are not lost. If "User Plane DL Flow Ctrl Switch" is "OFF", the L2 transmission rate is not limited. In this case, the loss of data blocks may occur. When "User Plane DL Flow Ctrl Switch" is set to "ON", the LDR needs to be disabled through the "SET LDR" command. 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Whether to enable the enhanced concentric cell algorithm in a concentric cell. If a cell supports the enhanced concentric cell function, when an overlaid-to-underlaid handover or an underlaid-to-overlaid handover is decided, the MS compares the receive level value respectively with the values of "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold" and "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold" in "SET GCELLHOIUO" to decide whether to trigger an enhanced concentric cell handover. If the cell does not support the enhanced concentric cell function, the MS compares the actual receive level value with the threshold of receive level to decide whether to trigger a concentric cell handover. In addition, when an underlaid-to-overlaid handover is decided, the underlay cell load is considered. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
If all the calls in the overlaid subcell are handed over to the underlaid subcell when the channel seizure ratio of the underlaid subcell is less than "En Iuo Out Cell Low Load Thred", the BSC load increases sharply. In this case, the target subcell may be congested and drop calls. To avoid such a problem, the hierarchical load-based handover algorithm is used to hand over the calls from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid cell level by level. This parameter specifies the period of the handover at each hierarchy level. Concentric Cell Interval Type 1~255
Signal level step for the hierarchical load-based handover from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
If the load of the underlaid subcell is less than this threshold, certain calls in the overlaid subcell are handed over to the underlaid subcell to balance the traffic between the overlaid and underlaid subcells. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~100
When this parameter is set to "ON", if there are no available Abis transmission resources, a high-priority user can preempt the transmission resources of a low-priority user. If the preemption succeeds, a call drop occurs at the low-priority user. IP QOS Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
When this parameter is set to "ON", if there are no available Abis transmission resources, the BSC6900 starts the queuing procedure for the services to wait for available transmission resources. IP QOS Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater than this threshold, the period of the load-based handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell, "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods", is decreased by "MOD Step LEN of UL Load HO Period" every second to accelerate the handover. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~100
Whether to enable the cell to centralize two busy half rate TCHs in different timeslots into one timeslot through handover and then to combine the two idle half rate TCHs in the other timeslot into one full rate TCH dynamically Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Type of the M3UA local entity. For details about the ASP and IPSP, see RFC4666. M3UA_ASP: suggested to use when there is a signaling transfer point (STP) between the local entity and the destination entity M3UA_IPSP: suggested to use when there is no signaling transfer point (STP) between the local entity and the destination entity A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type M3UA_ASP(M3UA_ASP), M3UA_IPSP(M3UA_IPSP)
Type of the destination entity. For details, see RFC4666. M3UA_ASP: suggested to use when there is a signaling transfer point (STP) between the local entity and the destination entity M3UA_IPSP: suggested to use when there is no signaling transfer point (STP) between the local entity and the destination entity M3UA_SS7SP: suggested to use when the destination entity is a narrowband signaling point M3UA_SP: represents all types of the destination entity A over IP Enumeration Type M3UA_SGP(M3UA SGP), M3UA_IPSP(M3UA IPSP), M3UA_SS7SP(M3UA SS7SP), M3UA_SP(M3UA SP)
Initial signal level used to compute the handover zone for an MS during the hierarchical load-based handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell of the enhanced concentric cell Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the enhanced packet loss concealment (EPLC) function Enhancement Packet Loss Concealment(EPLC) Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Return code of the command. If this parameter is specified, only the corresponding record is displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the return code is not considered. O&M of BSC Security Management Interval Type 1~4294967295
Whether to disable emergency calls. For the MSs of access levels 0 to 9, if the value of this parameter is NO, emergency calls are enabled. For the MSs of access levels 11 to 15, emergency calls are disabled only when the relevant access control bit is set to 0 and this parameter is set to YES. Emergency Call Service (TS12) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Error-frame alarm threshold Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type O1E3_R5E4(OCCUR:1E-3, RECOVERY:5E-4), O5E4_R1E4(OCCUR:5E-4, RECOVERY:1E-4), O1E4_R5E5(OCCUR:1E-4, RECOVERY:5E-5), O5E5_R1E5(OCCUR:5E-5, RECOVERY:1E-5), O1E5_R5E6(OCCUR:1E-5, RECOVERY:5E-6), O5E6_R1E6(OCCUR:5E-6, RECOVERY:1E-6)
Error-frame detect switch Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Differentiated service code of the specified ESL None Interval Type 0~63
Service priority of the ESL None Interval Type 0~7
Priority of a service running over an extended signaling link (ESL). ESLs are used for more reliably transmitting important signaling messages.0 is the highest priority. IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Specified ESL Vlan Id O&M of BTS Interval Type 2~4094
End synchronization number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~2147483646
Timer for the BSC waiting for an Establish Indication message after sending an Immediate Assignment message. If T3101 expires before the BSC receives an Establish Indication message, the BSS releases the seized SDCCH. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 500~60000
Whether to add the TA value to a complete layer-3 message to provide the LCS function on the A interface Simple Mode LCS(Cell ID + TA) Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
When the OML is switched to a port where the connection is successfully established, the switchover cannot be performed over a certain period of time, which is specified as ring II rotating penalty time. In this manner, frequent switchover between the ports due to intermittent blinking can be avoided. Fast Ring Network Switch Interval Type 0~255
End time of DST Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Compound Type HOUR, MIN, SEC
The operation time of the log record is prior to this time. If this parameter is not specified, the end time is not limited. O&M of BSC Compound Type year, month, date, hour, min, sec
Time when the scheduled subtask is stopped. If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
Execution mode of the commands 1. ONE_BY_ONE: indicating that the commands are executed one by one according to the execution sequence. Only one command can be executed once. 2. PARALLEL: indicating that multiple commands are executed in parallel. Multiple commands can be executed once. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ONE_BY_ONE(Execute One by One), PARALLEL(Parallel Execute)
The operation time of the log record is prior to this time. If this parameter is not specified, the end time is not limited. O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type year, month, date, hour, min, sec
End time of the alarm record. By default, the end time is 23:59:59. Faulty Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
End time of the alarm record. By default, the end time is 23:59:59. Faulty Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
End date and time of a broadcast message. This is a key parameter for identifying a simple cell broadcast message. You can use "DSP GSMSCB" to query and obtain the value of this parameter. Simplified Cell Broadcast Compound Type year, month, day, hour, min, sec
End date of the user operation. Input format: YYYY&MM&DD O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type year, month, day
End time O&M of BTS Compound Type hour, min, sec
Type of the log to be queried. The result is displayed by the specified type. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type LOGINEVENT(Login Event), MANAGEEVENT(Management Event), AUTHEVENT(Authentication Event), OTHEREVENT(Other Event)
End time of the user operation. The input format of this parameter is HH&MM&SS. O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
Weekday on which DST ends Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday)
Sequence of the end week of DST Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type FIRST(First), SECOND(Second), THIRD(Third), FOURTH(Fourth), LAST(Last)
Upper limit of extended output analog signal 1. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of extended output analog signal 1. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Sensor type of extended analog signal 1 Faulty Management Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current)
Maximum measurement range of extended analog signal 1. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Minimum measurement range of extended analog signal 1. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Upper limit of extended output analog signal 2. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of extended output analog signal 2. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Sensor type of extended analog signal 2 Faulty Management Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current)
Maximum measurement range of extended analog signal 2. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Minimum measurement range of extended analog signal 2. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Upper limit of extended output analog signal 3. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of extended output analog signal 3. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Sensor type of extended analog signal 3 Faulty Management Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current)
Maximum measurement range of extended analog signal 3. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Minimum measurement range of extended analog signal 3. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Upper limit of extended output analog signal 4. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of extended output analog signal 4. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Sensor type of extended analog signal 4 Faulty Management Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current)
Maximum measurement range of extended analog signal 4. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Minimum measurement range of extended analog signal 4. If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of this parameter is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of this parameter is A. Faulty Management String Type None
Whether it is a SoLSA exclusive access cell. If it is a SoLSA exclusive access cell, only the MS subscribing the Localised Service Area (LSA) can access this cell. GPRS Enumeration Type NoExclusive(NoExclusive), Exclusive(Exclusive)
Threshold for the rate of the number of bad frames to the total number of TRAU frames. If the bad frame rate exceeds this threshold within the "Period of Mute Detection Class1", mute speech may be detected. The setting of "Mute Detection Class 2 Switch" determines whether to perform the class-2 mute detection. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~100
Received signal strength at an MS expected in power forecast, which helps to compute the initial transmit power of the BTS Active Power Control Interval Type 0~63
Received signal strength at the BTS expected in power forecast, which helps to compute the initial transmit power of an MS Active Power Control Interval Type 0~63
ID of the cell. The cell ID cannot conflict with other cell IDs in the BSC6900. The cells in the BSC are numbered sequentially. Configuration Management Interval Type 2048~5047
Name of the cell O&M of BTS String Type None
ID of the cell. The cell ID cannot conflict with other cell IDs in the BSC. The cells in the BSC are numbered sequentially. Configuration Management Interval Type 5048~8047
Name of the cell O&M of BTS String Type None
Index of the cell in the adjacent BSC Configuration Management Interval Type 2048~5047
Name of the cell in the adjacent BSC Configuration Management String Type None
Whether to support the downlink throughput enhancement function of the dual timeslot cell. When this switch is turned on, the system can allocate the packet downlink channel of the odd number timeslot of dual timeslot bearer of the dual timeslot cell. Extended Cell Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Whether to enable alarm extension input for the BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the network requires an MS to send an extension measurement report Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type EM0(EM0), EM1(EM1)
Time interval between two extension measurement reports Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type 60sec(60sec), 120sec(120sec), 240sec(240sec), 480sec(480sec), 960sec(960sec), 1920sec(1920sec), 3840sec(3840sec), 7680sec(7680sec)
Type of an extension measurement report. There are three types of extension measurement reports: type 1, type 2, and type 3. Type 1: No matter whether the BSIC was decoded, the MS sends the network a measurement report on the six strongest TRXs. The measurement report contains the received signal level and the decoded BSIC. Type 2: The MS sends the network a measurement report on the six strongest TRXs. For the six carriers, the BSIC must be decoded successfully and the NCC specified by NCC_PERMITTED is carried. The measurement report contains the received signal level and the decoded BSIC. Type 3: The MS does not need to decode the BSIC for the TRXs that the measurement report concerns. The measurement report contains the received signal level and the interference measurement of one of the concerned TRXs. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type TYPE1(TYPE1), TYPE2(TYPE2), TYPE3(TYPE3)
Whether a cell is an extension cell. A double-timeslot extension cell regards an additional TDMA frame as access delay extension. In theory, the supported TA value is 219, that is, a time delay of about 120 kilometers. Extended Cell Enumeration Type Normal_cell(Normal cell), DualTS_ExtCell(Double Timeslot Extension Cell)
Whether to send the Dummy message during the deactivated period of the extended uplink TBF Extended Uplink TBF Enumeration Type SEND(SEND), NOTSEND(NOTSEND)
Interval of sending a paging message or notification message on the FACCH. Messages on the FACCH are sent in the mode of speech frame stealing. A large number of consecutive stolen speech frames may affect the voice quality and even lead to no voice. Therefore, the BTS must control the time interval of sending a paging or notification message on the FACCH for the purpose of reducing the impact on the voice quality. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~255
Whether to allow sending notification messages on the FACCH. If the value of this parameter is YES, an MS engaged in a point-to-point call can receive a notification message for a group call. You can interrupt the existing call and join the group call. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow sending paging messages on the FACCH. If the value of this parameter is YES, an MS can receive a paging message on the group call channel. You can leave the group call and respond to the paging message. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Activation factor switch O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
If this parameter is set to ON, the BSC assigns the channels in the TRXs of the cell in a polling manner. Therefore, each TRX has an even chance to be used. In this way, the connection between the TRX and the RF can be checked without manual dialing tests. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Penalty signal level imposed on a target cell to which the handover fails due to congestion or poor radio quality. This penalty helps to prevent the MS from making a second handover attempt to the target cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Continuous speed adjustment Configuration Management Enumeration Type PLUS_1(Current FanSpeed Plus 1), MINUS_1(Current FanSpeed Minus 1)
Discrete speed adjustmentConfiguration Management Enumeration Type HIGH_SPEED, LOW_SPEED
Duty ratio-based speed adjustment Configuration Management Interval Type 55~100
Fan adjustment mode Configuration Management Enumeration Type CONTINUOUS(Continuous), DISCRETE(Discrete), DUTY_RATIO(Duty Ratio)
Type of the fan Configuration Management Enumeration Type NORMAL_FAN(Normal Fan), IND_FAN(Independent Fan)
Fan adjustment mode Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO_SPEED_ADJUSTMENT(No Speed Adjustment), HW_AUTO_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL(Auto Temperature Control), SPECIFY_RATE(Specify Rate), SOFTWARE_CONTROL(Software Control)
Type of the fan box Configuration Management Enumeration Type IND_FAN(Independent Fan), NORMAL_FAN(Normal Fan)
After a channel request message is received, the type of the channel needs to be specified. In this case, if the threshold of the load on the TCH in the current cell is smaller than the Fast Call Setup TCH Usage Threshold and the request message is not issued during location update or paging, a TCH is preferentially assigned. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~100
Ring II function switch. The parameter should be set to "YES" when the ring II function is enabled. Fast Ring Network Switch Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the memory self-check and self-healing function O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether to send and process the flow control frame on the physical layer. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
If the parameter is set to "YES", it indicates that some data packets are discarded to ensure the basic functions of the BTS are not affected when the FE port is overloaded. After the port is not overloaded, the flow control is stopped. Abis over IP Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Threshold for stopping RSL flow control. If the occupancy of the LAPD queue is less than this threshold, the BSC6900 stops flow control. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
Flow control parameter index None Interval Type 0~1999
Flow control parameter index None Interval Type 0~1999
Flow control parameter index Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~1999
Flow control parameter index None Interval Type 0~1999
Flow control parameter index None Interval Type 10~1999
Flow control parameter index 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Interval Type 0~1999
Flow control parameter index None Interval Type 2~1999
Cabinet No. of the parent BTS Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 0~62
Cabinet No. for the port of the father BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Threshold for starting RSL flow control. If the occupancy of the LAPD queue is greater than this threshold, the BSC6900 starts flow control. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~100
CRC verification mode of PPP link. Link aggregation Enumeration Type None(None), 16bit(16bit), 32bit(32bit)
CRC verification mode of MP link. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type None(None), 16bit(16bit), 32bit(32bit)
Flow control switch. Other switches are valid only when "Flow control switch" is "ON". GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ON, OFF
Float charging voltage. Float charging compensates the discharged capacity of the battery so that the battery can be charged to full voltage indefinitely. The value of this parameter is slightly lower than the even charging voltage. See the vendor specification for the setting of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 432~575
Input mode of the BA lists. AUTO: In this mode, the system fills in the BA1 and BA2 lists according to neighboring relations of cells. MANU: In this mode, you can maintain the BA tables by yourself. If the neighboring relations of cells are changed, for example, after a neighboring cell is added or deleted, you must maintain the BA1 and BA2 lists by yourself. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), MANU(Manu)
This parameter indicate whether to generate the FDD BA2 table automatically according to neighbor cell relations or to input the FDD BA2 table manually Configuration Management Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), MANU(Manu)
Offset of a FDD cell report. When the priority of a 3G cell is sequenced, the value of this parameter be added to the receive level of the 3G cell in the measurement report. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 7: 42 dB GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Threshold of a FDD cell report. When the receive level value in the measurement report of a 3G cell exceeds the value of this parameter, the measurement report takes effect. After the valid measurement report is filtered, the 3G cell joins the cell priority sequence. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 6: 36 dB 7: positive infinity GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Diversity indication of a 3G cell. This parameter indicates whether the transmit diversity mode on the common channel in a cell is activated.0 means No,1 means Yes. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~1
Downlink frequency number that an MS in the connected mode retrieves from the 3G neighboring cell list. The numbers are sent through system message 2QUATER/MI. The value ranges of frequency numbers vary with corresponding band reporting. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~16383
Minimum Ec/No of the 3G FDD cell candidate GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~49
Number of UTRAN FDD cells that should be included in measurement report GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~3
This parameter specifies one of the parameters for FDD cell reselection. A FDD cell becomes a candidate cell if all the following conditions are met for five consecutive seconds: 1.Receive level of the FDD cell > Average receive level of the current serving cell + "FDD Q offset"; The FDD cell meets the following condition in the case of any neighboring 2G cell: Receive level of the FDD cell > Receive level of any neighboring 2G cell + "FDD Q offset"; 2. Ec/No of the FDD cell > "FDD Qmin" - "FDD Qmin Offset"; 3. Receive level of the FDD cell > "RSCP Threshold"; If multiple FDD cells meet the preceding conditions, the MS reselects the cell with the strongest receive level. See 3GPP TSs 45.008 and 25.304. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: -20 dB, 1: -6 dB, 2: -18 dB, 3: -8 dB, 4: -16 dB, 5: -10 dB, 6: -14 dB, 7: -12 dB. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
Offset of the minimum threshold for Ec/No during a FDD cell reselection. A FDD cell becomes a candidate cell if all the following conditions are met for five consecutive seconds: 1.Receive level of the FDD cell > Average receive level of the current serving cell + "FDD Q offset"; The FDD cell meets the following condition in the case of any neighboring 2G cell: Receive level of the FDD cell > Receive level of any neighboring 2G cell + "FDD Q offset"; 2. Ec/No of the FDD cell > "FDD Qmin" - "FDD Qmin Offset"; 3. Receive level of the FDD cell > "RSCP Threshold"; If multiple FDD cells meet the preceding conditions, the MS reselects the cell with the strongest receive level. See 3GPP TSs 45.008 and 25.304. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
This parameter specifies one of the thresholds of the signal level for 3G cell reselection. A FDD cell becomes a candidate cell if all the following conditions are met for five consecutive seconds: 1.Receive level of the FDD cell > Average receive level of the current serving cell + "FDD Q offset"; The FDD cell meets the following condition in the case of any neighboring 2G cell: Receive level of the FDD cell > Receive level of any neighboring 2G cell + "FDD Q offset"; 2. Ec/No of the FDD cell > "FDD Qmin" - "FDD Qmin Offset"; 3. Receive level of the FDD cell > "RSCP Threshold"; If multiple FDD cells meet the preceding conditions, the MS reselects the cell with the strongest receive level. See 3GPP TSs 45.008 and 25.304. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: - (always select a cell if acceptable) 1: -28 dB, 2: -24 dB, ... 15: 28 dB. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
This parameter specifies whether Ec/No or RSCP is used for the measurement report on a FDD cell. Ec/No stands for the signal-to-noise ratio. RSCP stands for the received signal code power. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type RSCP(RSCP), EcN0(Ec/N0)
Minimum level threshold of UTRAN cell reselection. During the cell reselection decision from a GSM cell to a FDD cell, this parameter is used to calculate the RSCP threshold of the target cell. A FDD cell becomes a candidate cell if all the following conditions are met for five consecutive seconds: 1.Receive level of the FDD cell > Average receive level of the current serving cell + "FDD Q offset"; The FDD cell meets the following condition in the case of any neighboring 2G cell: Receive level of the FDD cell > Receive level of any neighboring 2G cell + "FDD Q offset"; 2. Ec/No of the FDD cell > "FDD Qmin" - "FDD Qmin Offset"; 3. Receive level of the FDD cell > "RSCP Threshold"; If multiple FDD cells meet the preceding conditions, the MS reselects the cell with the strongest receive level. See 3GPP TSs 45.008 and 25.304. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
Minimum RSCP of the 3G FDD cell candidate GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
Scrambling code of a 3G cell, used for distinguishing MSs or cells. Scrambling codes are used after spreading. Therefore, the bandwidth of a signal is not changed. Instead, signals from different sources are differentiated. Scrambling prevents multiple transmitters from using the same code word for spreading. On the uplink, the scrambling function is used for differentiating MSs. On the downlink, the function is used for differentiating cells. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~511
Number of CPU usage sampling times for fast judgment. The value of this parameter must be of half size of "Filter window" or smaller. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 1~1000
Whether the BTS reports the frame erase ratio in a measurement report or preprocessed measurement report Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the FER carried in the measurement report (MR) received is lower than or equal to "FER threshold 1", the value of "FER 0 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. If the FER in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 1" but meanwhile lower than or equal to "FER threshold 2", the value of "FER 1 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 2" but meanwhile lower than "FER threshold 3", the value of "FER 2 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 3" but meanwhile lower than "FER threshold 4", the value of "FER 3 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 4" but meanwhile lower than "FER threshold 5", the value of "FER 4 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 5" but meanwhile lower than "FER threshold 6", the value of "FER 5 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 6" but meanwhile lower than "FER threshold 7", the value of "FER 6 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
If the FER carried in the MR received is greater than "FER threshold 7", the value of "FER 7 and Quality Level N" is incremented by one. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Interval Type 0~1000
This parameter specifies the frequency hopping mode of a cell. When this parameter is set to "NO_FH", all the TRXs of the cell do not join in frequency hopping. When this parameter is set to "BaseBand_FH", the cell is in baseband frequency hopping mode. In this case, there can be TRXs that do not join in frequency hopping on the cell. When this parameter is set to "RF_FH", the cell is in RF frequency hopping mode. In this case, there can be TRXs that do not join in frequency hopping on the cell. When this parameter is set to "Hybrid_FH", the cell is in hybrid frequency hopping. In this case, some TRXs on the cell must join in baseband frequency hopping, some cells on the cell must join in RF frequency hopping, and some cells on the cell must not join in frequency hopping. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type NO_FH(No frequency hopping), BaseBand_FH(Baseband frequency hopping), RF_FH(RF frequency hopping), Hybrid_FH(Hybrid frequency hopping)
The name of the file cannot contain the path and suffix. The suffix is automatically added. The name of the file is composed of English letters, numerals, and common symbols, and the characters (@, #, !, %, ^, &, *, [, ], /, \, ', and ") cannot appear in the name of the file. O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Path of the target file O&M of BSC BSC/RNC Software Management String Type None
Name of the backup file. The file name is composed of English letters, numerals, and common symbols, and the characters (@, #, !, %, ^, &, *, [, ], /, \, ', and ") cannot appear in the file name. O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Path to save the exported file. The path must be a valid path on the OMU server. If the OMU runs the LINUX system, the input path must start with the symbol "/" or "\", for example, "/mml". If the OMU runs the WINDOWS system, the input path can be a full path (for example, "D:\mml") or a relative path (for example, "/mml"). If the relative path is used, the root directory is same as that of the OMU installation directory. That is, if the OMU software is installed in disk D, the exported file is saved in "D:/mml". Configuration Management String Type None
Type of the alarm log file to be exported O&M of BSC Faulty Management Enumeration Type txt(.txt File), csv(.csv File)
Maximum number of former values when the receive level of the serving cell or the receive level of the neighbor cell is filtered. The greater the value, the greater the weight of the former receive levels; otherwise, the greater the weight of the later receive levels. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~32
Execution result. If you select "FALSE", only the records of failed operations are displayed. If you select "TRUE", only the records of successful operations are displayed. If this parameter is not specified, all the records are displayed. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type FALSE(Failed), TRUE(Succeeded)
Whether to enable 0.2 dB downlink power control. This power control function improves the power control precision. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to start the fire-extinguishing equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
This parameter specifies the static Abis resource load threshold. If the static Abis resource load is less than the static Abis resource load threshold, the TCHF is preferentially allocated. Otherwise, whether the TCHF or the TCHH should be preferentially allocated is determined by the dynamic Abis resource load. Flex Abis Interval Type 0~100
Time threshold for delaying the report of a clear alarm. If the alarm recurs within the time specified by this parameter after it is cleared, the clear alarm is not reported. Otherwise, the clear alarm is reported. If this parameter is set to 0, the clear alarm is reported immediately when the alarm is cleared. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65534
Time threshold for delaying the report of an alarm. If the alarm is cleared within the time specified by this parameter, the alarm is not reported. Otherwise, the alarm is reported. If this parameter is set to 0, the alarm is reported immediately when the alarm occurs. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65534
Whether to enable the filtering of the intermittent alarms. If the value of this parameter is "DISABLE", "Flash Statis Alarm Raise Time Window" and "Flash Statis Alarm Clear Time" are invalid. Faulty Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Time window for observing the clearance of the intermittent alarms. In this time window, the BTS statistical alarm is cleared if the occurrence of the intermittent alarm meets the related threshold. Faulty Management Interval Type 60~65534
Time window for observing the intermittent alarms generated during the statistical period. In this time window, the BTS statistical alarm is reported if the occurrence of the intermittent alarm meets the related threshold. Faulty Management Interval Type 60~65534
Service timeslot assignment mode for the BTS. If this parameter is set to FIX_16K_ABIS, the BSC6900 assigns a fixed Abis transmission timeslot to a TCH. If this parameter is set to FLEX_ABIS, the BSC6900 assigns an Abis transmission timeslot dynamically to a TCH (except the static PDCH) to increase the resource utilization. If this parameter is set to SEMI_ABIS, the BTS to which a TCH belongs assigns a fixed Abis transmission timeslot to the TCH while the upper-level BTS set to FLEX_ABIS assigns an Abis transmission timeslot dynamically to the TCH. This mode applies where old and new BTSs are cascaded. HDLC and IP BTS is not support this parameter. Flex Abis Enumeration Type FIX_16K_ABIS(Fix Abis), FLEX_ABIS(Flex Abis), SEMI_ABIS(Semisolid Abis)
Whether to enable the function of Flex mobile allocation index offset (MAIO). In the tight frequency reuse case of the GSM system, adjacent-channel interference and co-channel interference easily occur between channels. If the frequency hopping function and the Flex MAIO function are enabled in a cell, adjacent-channel or co-channel interference between channels can be reduced partially. Flex MAIO Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether to enable the function of the Flex training sequence code (TSC). If the value of this parameter is ON and the BTS supports the Flex TSC function, the BSS dynamically allocates TSCs to hopping frequencies for improving the security of calls. A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization Soft-Synchronized Network Flex MAIO Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Period of collecting the traffic statistics Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 0~65535
Fast flux measurement period. The ratio of the uplink flux to the downlink flux is calculated at the interval specified by this parameter to determine the current service priority type. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 0~65535
Port flow control switch None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Link flow control switch None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Link flow control switch None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Logical port flow control switch Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Port flow control switch None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Specified port flow control switch IP QOS 2G/3G Co-Transmission Resources Management on MBSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + ... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover, the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. In the formula, A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~20
Trend of the received signal level of the cell during a period. This parameter helps to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. If this parameter is higher, a more rapid signal level drop is required to trigger the handover due to rapid signal level drop. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~200
This parameter determines whether the BSC transfers the LLC PDUs in the buffer to the target cell or discards these LLC PDUs in the buffer when receiving the FLUSH-LL message from the SGSN. GPRS Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Maximum transmit power level of MSs. As one of the cell reselection parameters in system message 3, this parameter is used to control the transmit power of MSs. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.05. In a GSM900 cell, the maximum power control level of an MS ranges from 0 to 19, corresponding respectively to the following values (unit: dBm): 43, 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, and 5.Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level 5 (corresponding to 33 dBm). The minimum transmit power supported by an MS is level 19 (corresponding to 5 dBm). Other transmit power levels are reserved for high-power MSs. In a GSM1800 or GSM1900 cell, the maximum power control level of an MS ranges from 0 to 31, corresponding respectively to the following values (unit: dBm): 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 34, and 32. Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level 0 (corresponding to 30 dBm). T Radio Common Channel Management System Information Sending Interval Type 0~19
Type of the FMUA board O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INDOOR(Indoor), OUTDOOR(Outdoor)
Name of the electronic label file Inventory Management String Type None
Name of the file O&M of BSC BSC/RNC Software Management String Type None
Name of the file O&M of BSC String Type None
Name of the file. The following special characters are not allowed in the file name: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, (, ), &, and $. Configuration Management String Type None
Name of the specified file. By default, the file is in the OMU active-area path \ftp\license folder. License Management String Type None
File name of the software to be downloaded O&M of BTS String Type None
File name of the software to be downloaded.The file name must be with the extension of *.zip.If you do not enter the file name, all the valid files in the directory are downloaded. These valid files are extracted from the patch package. O&M of BTS String Type None
Switch specifying whether to allow the downlink EGPRS TBF and the uplink GPRS TBF to share the same channel. On: allow the downlink EGPRS TBF and the uplink GPRS TBF to share the same channel; Off: prohibit the downlink EGPRS TBF and the uplink GPRS TBF sharing the same channel. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment EGPRS Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type OPEN(Open), CLOSE(Close)
Length of the timer for determining the intermittent disconnection of the SS7 link to the DPC. When the time of SS7 link disconnection exceeds the period specified by the timer, the BSC performs corresponding operations, including clearing the calls carried on the disconnected link. Otherwise, the system does not perform any operation. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~300
Time limit for restraining the noise level Automatic Level Control (ALC) Interval Type 0~30
Whether the forced phase-2 access is allowed for the MSs GPRS Enumeration Type Close(Close), Open(Open)
Whether to forcibly enable the EFR function. When this parameter is set to YES, if both the MS and the BSC6900 support the enhanced full rate (EFR), the BSC6900 forcibly enables the EFR function even if the MSC does not support the function. Call Control Enhanced Full Rate Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an MS is forced to send a Handover Access message, which is indicated by an information element in the handover command. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Port No. of the father BTS connected with the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~31
Number of the port for the destination father BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Maximum time of delay for multiplexing. This parameter is used for the system to send the multiplexed data. If the time for buffering the data exceeds this value, the system does not wait for the multiplexing of other packets. In this way, the overlong delay can be prevented. None Interval Type 1~30
Whether to generate the frequency and BSIC by using the automatic optimization algorithm Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
If this switch is on, it indicates that the frequency and BSIC are generated automatically. If this switch is off, it indicates that the data must be configured manually. PICO Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
If this switch is on, it indicates that the frequency and BSIC are generated automatically. If this switch is off, it indicates that the data must be configured manually. Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
MP segment size,the length of packet should be bigger or equel with it. Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Interval Type 128~1024
Frame offset of the BTS clock Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type -2715647~2715647
Frame offset. The frame offset technology arranges the frame numbers of different cells under the same BTS to be different from one another by one frame offset. Thus, the FCH and SCH signals of neighboring cells do not appear in the same frame, which is helpful for the coding of an MS. If the value of this parameter is 0, the cell is not offset. If the value is 255, this parameter is not sent. If the parameter is set to a value except for 0 and 255, the handover of the cell must be changed from the synchronous mode to the asynchronous mode. For BTS3001C, BTS3X, BTS3002C, and double-transceiver BTSs, the frame offset can be predicted according to the value of this parameter. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~255
Whether the downlink discontinuous transmission (DTX) function is enabled for full rate (FR) calls. This function is also restricted by the DTX switch in the MSC. If the MSC allows the downlink DTX for calls and the value of this parameter(FRDLDTX) is YES, the downlink DTX is enabled for FR calls of cells. Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Downlink AMR FR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Time mode used when the log is exported. "ONTIME" indicates the time between two exact time. "RELATIVE_T" indicates the time before the current time. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type ONTIME(Fixed Time), RELATIVE_T(Relative Time)
Based on different requirements, you can set different time points for the scheduled task. Seven time modes are available: 1. ONTIME: When this parameter is set to "ONTIME", the command is executed once only at the specified time point. 2. DAILY_T: When this parameter is set to "DAILY_T", the command is executed every day. You can also set up to five time points for executing the command in the day. The default execution interval is one day. 3. DAILY_C: When this parameter is set to "DAILY_C", the command is executed every day. You can set the start time and end time in the day in which the command is executed. You can also set the time interval for executing the command in the day. The default execution interval is one day and the default time interval is 30 minutes. 4. WEEKLY_T: When this parameter is set to "WEEKLY_T", the command is executed every week. You can set the day in which the command is executed. You can also set up to five time points for executing the command in the day. The default O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ONTIME(Fixed Time), DAILY_T(Day Based Scheduling), DAILY_C(Day Based Duration), WEEKLY_T(Week Based Scheduling), WEEKLY_C(Week Based Duration), MONTHLY_T(Month Based Scheduling), MONTHLY_C(Month Based Duration)
Frequency of the TRX Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 1 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 10 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 11 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 12 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 13 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 14 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 15 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 16 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 17 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 18 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 19 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 2 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 20 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 21 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 22 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 23 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 24 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 25 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 26 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 27 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 28 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 29 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 3 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 30 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 31 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 32 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 33 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 34 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 35 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 36 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 37 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 38 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 39 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 4 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 40 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 41 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 42 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 43 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 44 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 45 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 46 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 47 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 48 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 49 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 5 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 50 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 51 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 52 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 53 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 54 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 55 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 56 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 57 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 58 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 59 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 6 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 60 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 61 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 62 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 63 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 64 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 7 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 8 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency 9 Frequency Band Interval Type 0~1023
Whether to enable the automatic frequency correction algorithm. This parameter is used for the fast-moving handover algorithm. If the parameter is set to YES, the BTS calculates the speed at which an MS leaves or approaches it, and sends the BSC6900 the calculated speed in an uplink measurement report. AFC(Automatic Frequency Correction) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Frequency correction parameter. Used for the fast-moving handover algorithm, the value of this parameter must be translated into a binary number. The value consists of 16 bit. The most significant bit indicates whether the parameter is valid. Bits 14 to 8 indicate the level threshold. Bits 7 to 0 indicate the threshold of the bit error ratio (BER). The BSC6900 sends this parameter to the BTS, which adjusts the frequency of an MS according to the value of this parameter. AFC(Automatic Frequency Correction) Interval Type 0~65535
Frequency band types of the board This parameter is only applicable to the DDPU/DFCU/DFCB/DCOM/DDPM/DCBM. The frequency band types for the DTRU, QTRU, DRRU, DRFU, GRRU, MRRU, GRFU, and MRFU cannot be configured and thus are calculated based on the selected frequencies such as GSM900, DSC1800, PCS1900,and GSM850. The parameter value for the other board types is set to 0xFF. Configuration Management Enumeration Type PGSM900(PGSM900), EGSML25(EGSM<L25>), EGSM35M(EGSM<35M>), RGSML25(RGSM<L25>), GSM900_RGSM39M(GSM900_RGSM<39M>), DCS1800(DCS1800), PCS1900(PCS1900), GSM850(GSM850), EGSM24M(EGSM<24M>), DCS1800_L(DCS1800<L50M>), DCS1800_H(DCS1800<H50M>)
Threshold for load sharing in the 900 MHz frequency band. Assume that an MS supports multiple sub-bands in the 900 MHz frequency band. If the cell load is equal to or less than this threshold, the BSC does not consider the priority levels of the P-GSM, E-GSM, and R-GSM sub-bands during channel assignment. If the cell load is greater than this threshold, the BSC assigns channels according to the priority levels of the P-GSM, E-GSM, and R-GSM sub-bands. That is, if the MS supports the P-GSM, E-GSM, and R-GSM sub-bands and the cell is configured with the TRXs in the P-GSM, E-GSM, and R-GSM sub-bands, the BSC assigns the channels in the TRXs of the R-GSM sub-band preferentially. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
List of frequency bands Cell Frequency Scan Interval Type 0~1023
Frequency multiplexing mode in the TRX. To enable a loose frequency multiplexing mode such as 4x3 multiplexing, set this parameter to LOOSE. To enable a tight frequency multiplexing mode such as 1x3 or 1x1, set this parameter to TIGHT. Configuration Management Enumeration Type LOOSE(Loose), TIGHT(Tight)
List of the frequencies to be measured. This parameter is represented as a character string where the IDs of the TRXs to be measured are separated by &, such as 1&124&956. 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization String Type None
Type of a scanning result in the period from the start of a frequency scanning task to the reporting of the scanning result. Frequency scanning refers to the scanning of an uplink receive level of a cell frequency. The scanning result reflects the strength of frequency signals received by the cell. Cell Frequency Scan Enumeration Type MainDiversity(MainDiversity), MaximumMeanValue(MaximumMeanValue)
Whether to enable the edge handover algorithm. When an MS makes a call at the edge of a cell, the call may drop if the received signal level is too low. To avoid such a call drop, the edge handover algorithm is involved. When the uplink signal level of the serving cell is less than "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold" or the downlink signal level of the serving cell is less than "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold", the edge handover is triggered. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for FR calls. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08. Uplink DTX is not restricted by the MSC. Shall_Use:An MS will use uplink DTX if it supports uplink DTX. May_Use:An MS will determine whether to use uplink DTX if both the cell and MS support uplink DTX. Shall_NOT_Use:DTX will not be used. Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Uplink AMR FR Enumeration Type May_Use(May Use), Shall_Use(Shall Use), Shall_NOT_Use(Shall not Use)
Slot No. of the father BTS Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 0~23
Slot No. for the port of the father BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Subrack No. of the father BTS Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 0~255
Subrack No. for the port of the father BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Type of the file used for saving exported logs O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type TXT(Plain Text Type), CSV(CSV Type)
Activation factor table index IP QOS Interval Type 0~33
Activation factor table index IP QOS Interval Type 1~33
Activation factor table index None Interval Type 0~33
ATCB difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Duration of the handover from full rate to half rate. If the cell load is greater than the preset threshold, the calls that meet the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are handed over from full rate to half rate in this duration. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~600
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Path loss difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Period of the handover from full rate to half rate. If the cell load is greater than the preset threshold, the calls that meet the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are handed over in "H-F Ho Duration". This parameter specifies the bandwidth to be handed over at each hierarchy level. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~600
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward congestion alarm is emitted and forward congestion control is striggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared and forward congestion control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared and forward congestion control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the ratio of available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward congestion alarm is emitted and forward congestion control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward overload congestion alarm is cleared and forward overload control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward overload congestion alarm is cleared and forward overload control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward overload congestion alarm is emitted and forward overload control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the ratio of available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward overload congestion alarm is emitted and forward overload control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Ratio of reserved forward bandwidth for handover user IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Reserved forward bandwidth for handover user IP QOS Interval Type 0~200000
If the load balance between a 2G cell and a 3G cell is greater than the threshold, load balance is triggered. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~200
Coefficient used to modulate the load level of a 2G system so that the load level of the 2G system can be compared with that of a 3G system. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~100
G711 Mode. A/U law configuration, 0-A law (default), 1-U law A over IP Enumeration Type A0, U1
Expected signal receiving strength on the BTS side when GPRS dynamic power control is implemented Power Control Interval Type 0~31
End time for collecting the offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Cell load threshold for collecting the offset information. If the load threshold is exceeded, the offset information is not collected. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~100
Whether to collect the offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Start time for collecting the offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Compound Type hour, min
Obtains the QoS parameter from the Aggregate BSS QoS Profile (ABQP) of packet flow context (PFC) when the MS and the network support the PFC; obtains the QoS parameter from the uplink request originated by the MS or the DL UNITDATA of the SGSN. GBR: guaranteed bit rate. Streaming QoS(GBR) Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support)
This parameter specifies whether to enable the VGCS/VBS check function. If the BSS works abnormally, the BTS may periodically send notification messages even if VGCS/VBS is over. In this case, an MS responds continuously but cannot access this VGCS/VBS TCH. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Format of the geographic coordinates. The values include "DEG" and "SEC". BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type DEG(DEG), SEC(SEC)
Whether the assignment of channels in overlaid subcells is enabled for the VGCS service in the case of underlaid subcell congestion. Generally, only the channels in underlaid subcells can be assigned to the VGCS service. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether direct preemption of the channels of other services is enabled for the VGCS service. If the value of this parameter is NO, a handover is performed for the call whose channel is preempted. If the value is YES, calls on the preempted channel are directly released. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Global routing management switch. If this switch is turned on, the IP addresses in the controlled range cannot be in the same network segment. None Enumeration Type OFF(Disable the golbal route management), ON(Enable the golbal route management)
Delay of transmit diversity when GMSK is used. Generally, the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. In this case, the transmit diversity can obtain the gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. The fading degrees, however, vary with environments. For a fixed delay, different UEs may obtain different gains. In addition, a fixed delay may have negative impacts on some codes of the EDGE service. Therefore, the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 8PSK respectively. GPRS Interval Type 4~32
Whether the current cell supports GPRS System Information Sending GPRS Enumeration Type NO(Not support), SupportAsInnPcu(Support as built-in PCU), SupportAsExtPcu(Support as external Pcu)
Whether the currently cell supports the GPRS GPRS Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), SupportAsInnPcu(Support As Inner Pcu), SupportAsExtPcu(Support As Outer Pcu)
Hysteresis value of the cell in the same routing area. When the MS in the ready state reselects a cell, if the original cell and the target cell are in the same routing area, the C2 values of the two cells at the border of the cell are quite different due to radio channel fading. As a result, the MS frequently reselects cells. Frequent cell reselection can lead to increase of signaling traffic, inefficient use of radio resources, decrease of MS data transmission rate, and thus reducing the network service quality. The cell reselection hysteresis parameter is introduced. The signal level of the adjacent cell in the same area must be greater than that of the local cell. The difference of the signal level must be greater than the value of the cell reselection hysteresis parameter. Otherwise, the MS cannot reselect a cell. The greater the GPRS cell reselection hysteresis value, the harder to start cell reselection. GPRS Enumeration Type 0dB(0dB), 2dB(2dB), 4dB(4dB), 6dB(6dB), 8dB(8dB), 10dB(10dB), 12dB(12dB), 14dB(14dB)
EGPRS priority type of the channel If this parameter is set to GPRS, the EDGE MSs cannot use this channel. If this parameter is set to EGPRSNORCH, the GPRS and EDGE MSs can use this channel at the same priority. If this parameter is set to EGPRSPRICH, the EDGE MSs have the priority to use this channel. If this parameter is set to EGPRSSPECH, only the EDGE MSs can use this channel. If this parameter is set to NONGPRS, this parameter becomes invalid. EGPRS Enumeration Type GPRS(GPRS Channel), EGPRSNORCH(EGPRS Normal Channel), EGPRSPRICH(EGPRS Priority Channel), EGPRSSPECH(EGPRS Special Channel), NONGPRS(Non-GPRS Channel)
Threshold of hierarchical cell structure (HCS) signal strength. The MS calculates the C31 according to the signal strength and its threshold and selects the adjacent cell during cell reselection. GPRS Enumeration Type DB110(-110dB), DB108(-108dB), DB106(-106dB), DB104(-104dB), DB102(-102dB), DB100(-100dB), DB98(-98dB), DB96(-96dB), DB94(-94dB), DB92(-92dB), DB90(-90dB), DB88(-88dB), DB86(-86dB), DB84(-84dB), DB82(-82dB), DB80(-80dB), DB78(-78dB), DB76(-76dB), DB74(-74dB), DB72(-72dB), DB70(-70dB), DB68(-68dB), DB66(-66dB), DB64(-64dB), DB62(-62dB), DB60(-60dB), DB58(-58dB), DB56(-56dB), DB54(-54dB), DB52(-52dB), DB50(-50dB), DB48(-48dB), nouse(no use)
Timer used when the MS calculates the C2 (used to evaluate the channel quality during cell reselection). The time information is transmitted in the system message of each cell. GPRS Enumeration Type 10sec(10sec), 20sec(20sec), 30sec(30sec), 40sec(40sec), 50sec(50sec), 60sec(60sec), 70sec(70sec), 80sec(80sec), 90sec(90sec), 100sec(100sec), 110sec(110sec), 120sec(120sec), 130sec(130sec), 140sec(140sec), 150sec(150sec), 160sec(160sec), 170sec(170sec), 180sec(180sec), 190sec(190sec), 200sec(200sec), 210sec(210sec), 220sec(220sec), 230sec(230sec), 240sec(240sec), 250sec(250sec), 260sec(260sec), 270sec(270sec), 280sec(280sec), 290sec(290sec), 300sec(300sec), 310sec(310sec), 320sec(320sec), nouse(no use)
Used for the GPRS transmission quality statistics. When the transmission quality threshold is exceeded, the transmission quality is regarded deteriorated. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~7
This parameter is used to prevent repeated cell reselection of a fast moving MS. The MS does not select this cell when the duration of maintaining the BCCH signal channel strength does not reach the penalty time. GPRS Enumeration Type 0db(0db), 10db(10db), 20db(20db), 30db(30db), 40db(40db), 50db(50db), 60db(60db), infinity(infinity), nouse(no use)
Synchronization clock adopted when two satellite cards are used together. GPS:Trace GPS only. GLONASS:Trace GLONASS only. GPSGlonass:Trace GPS and GLONASS. BTS GPS Synchronization BTS/NodeB Clock Enumeration Type GPS(GPS), GLONASS(Glonass), GPSGlonass(GPSGlonass)
Period for reporting GPS data BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 1~60
Whether to allow hierarchical access and to reserve resources for high-priority MSs Resource Reservation Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of the VGCS call that the BTS originates in the timeslot in the TRX in fallback mode. This parameter is represented in decimal, such as 10000569. If this parameter is set to 100000000, the channel is not configured with any fixed group call. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 0~100000000
Number of the VGCS call that the BTS originates in the timeslot in the TRX in fallback mode. This parameter is represented in decimal, such as 10000569. If this parameter is set to 100000000, the channel is not configured with any fixed group call. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 0~100000000
Index of the BSC Node Redundancy Group. It identifies a BSC redundancy group. The BSC node redundancy is a function through which two BSCs form a redundancy group. The two BSCs in a redundancy group work in 1+1 load sharing mode. When one BSC in a redundancy group is faulty or all the signaling links on the A interface are faulty, the other BSC in this group takes over the voice and data services. In this manner, the reliability and robustness of the network are improved, the service disruption time due to BSC failure is reduced, and the quality of service (QoS) is improved. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~65534
Name of the BSC Node Redundancy Group BSC Node Redundancy String Type None
Maximum number of secondary links that are released in batches when the Abis resource preemption occurs on the Abis interface Flex Abis Interval Type 0~512
Transport resource group number IP QOS Interval Type 0~2047
Type of the transport resource group IP QOS Enumeration Type IP(IP)
Geographical coverage of a simple cell broadcast message. You can run "DSP GSMSCB" to query and obtain the information. This parameter, "Code", and "Update" uniquely specify a cell broadcast message. Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type LAC_CI(CELL IMME), PLMN(ALL), LAC(LAC), CI(CELL)
Ratio of bandwidth occupied by the CS service in the GSM IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Standard priority for GSM CS(Circuit Switched) high-priprity MSs. 15 is the highest priority. IP QOS Interval Type 1~15
Number of neighboring cells that meet the following conditions: If "MBR" is indicated in a system message, the MS reports the number of neighboring cells at each frequency band. If the MS reports the number of neighboring cells at the same frequency band of the serving cell, it can report a maximum of the value of this parameter. These neighboring cells must meet the following requirements: 1. The receive levels of the neighboring cells must be higher than "900 Reporting Threshold" or "1800 Reporting Threshold". 2. The BSIC of a neighboring cell must be valid. 3. The signals of the neighboring cells must be the strongest among all the neighboring cells at the same frequency band. Multi-band Sharing One BSC Interval Type 0~3
Whether to support the cell reselection from the GSM network to the TD network in the packet transmission mode GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
When the BTS is accessed from the public network, the BTS security network IP address must be configured. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
IP address of the BTS security gateway. This parameter needs to be configured when the BTS connects to the BSC6900 through the public network. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Whether to support CS half rate data services Half Rate Speech Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
ATCB difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Duration of the handover from half rate to full rate. If the cell load is less than the preset threshold, the calls that meet the conditions for the handover from half rate to full rate are handed over from half rate to full rate in this duration. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~600
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover from half rate to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Path loss difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover from half rate to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Whether the tower-top amplifier is installed on antenna tributary 1. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the tower-top amplifier is installed on antenna tributary 2. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Heartbeat interval when the SCTP server is idle A over IP Interval Type 1000~600000
Number of the cabinet where the main board of the RXU chain or ring is located. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a different micro cell due to fast movement are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a different micro cell due to fast movement are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
Threshold for interrupting the power supply to the TRXs. If the BTS works with the battery power supply, when the battery voltage is less than this threshold, the BTS interrupts the power supply to the TRXs to protect the lower-level BTSs from being affected. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~65535
Threshold for interrupting the power supply to the TMU. If the BTS works with the battery power supply, when the battery voltage is less than this threshold, the BTS interrupts the power supply to the TMU. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~65535
Type of a high frequency type supported by the BSC6900, Frequencies on DCS1800: 512-885 Frequencies on PCS1900: 512-810 Frequency Band Enumeration Type DCS1800, PCS1900
Full rate TCHs are assigned preferentially to the MSs with priority levels equal to or less than this threshold, except when the MSs request only half or full rate TCHs. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Interval Type 1~14
This parameter specifies whether the MS with priority level 1 directly releases the preempted call. When this parameter is set to Yes, the access delay of MSs with high priorities is ensured and the access rate of MSs with high priorities is increased, but the preempted call drops. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the priority-based channel assignment algorithm Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable load power-off against high temperature O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to consider history priority records during channel assignment. If this parameter is set to YES, the history priority records are considered. If this parameter is set to NO, the history priority records are not considered. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum History Password Numbers. Security Management Interval Type 1~10
Whether the cell supports the MS with the DTM multi-timeslot capability HMC DTM Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether to assign a channel in the overlaid or underlaid subcell in the case of the intra-BSC incoming handover to the concentric cell. If this parameter is set to SysOpt, the measured BCCH of the target cell is included in the intra-BSC inter-cell handover request message. Then, the BSC compares the measured value with "RX_LEV Threshold" to choose the preferred subcell. During this course, the BSC does not consider "RX_LEV Hysteresis". If this parameter is set to OSubcell, a channel in the overlaid subcell is assigned preferentially. If this parameter is set to USubcell, a channel in the underlaid subcell is assigned preferentially. If this parameter is set to NoPrefer, a channel is assigned simply according to channel assignment algorithms. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type SysOpt(System optimization), OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Whether to allow handover between different operators. If the BSC6900 supports RAN sharing, MSs in a cell of this operator can be handed over to a cell of other operators, or vice versa. RAN Sharing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the downlink received signal level of a neighbor cell is greater than "Min DL Level on Candidate Cell" plus "Min Access Level Offset", the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for handover. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
If the uplink received signal level of a neighbor cell is greater than "Min UL Level on Candidate Cell" plus "Min Access Level Offset", the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for handover. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Type of indexing the target cell O&M of BSC Enumeration Type BYCELLNAME(By cell name), BYCGI(By CGI)
Unique name of the target cell O&M of BSC String Type None
Whether to use handover algorithm generation 1 or 2 currently HUAWEI I Handover Enumeration Type HOALGORITHM1(Handover algorithm I), HOALGORITHM2(Handover algorithm II)
Handover direction forcast switch. When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 can forecast the handover direction of the call in fast handover so that the best target cell can be selected for handover. Chain Cell Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter indicates P in the P/N rule for MS handover direction forcast. P/N rule: Among N handovers, the MS is handed over to Class B chain neighboring cell for successively P times, then the BSC6900 determines that the MS is moving to the Class B chain neighboring cell. Chain Cell Handover Interval Type 0~16
This parameter indicates N in the P/N rule for MS handover direction forcast. P/N rule: Among N handovers, the MS is handed over to Class B chain neighboring cell for successively P times, then the BSC6900 determines that the MS is moving to the Class B chain neighboring cell. Chain Cell Handover Interval Type 0~16
Fast handover can be triggered only when the downlink level of the serving cell is less than this parameter. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 0~63
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better 3G cell are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better 3G cell are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
The 3G better cell handover can be triggered only when the Ec/No of a neighboring 3G cell is greater than this threshold for a period of time. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~49
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for fast handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number P. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 1~32
Type of handover in terms of connection transfer between channels or between cells O&M of BSC Enumeration Type FREE(Free), INCELL(Intra-cell), OUTCELL(Outgoing cell), OUTST(Outgoing site), OUTBSC(Outgoing BSC), OUTSYS(Outgoing system), SPCELL(Specified cell)
Fast handover can be triggered only when the path loss difference between the serving cell and a neighbor cell on the chain is equal to or greater than this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~127
If the cell is an enhanced concentric cell, this parameter with the current downlink received signal level and "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold" determines whether to assign a channel in the underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell handover. If the cell is an ordinary concentric cell, this parameter with the current downlink received signal level, "RX_LEV Threshold", and "RX_LEV Hysteresis" determines whether to assign a channel in the underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell handover. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~61
This parameter specifies whether a 2G cell or to a 3G cell is preferentially selected as the target cell for handover. When this parameter is set to Pre_2G_Cell, the BSC preferentially selects a 2G candidate cell as the target cell for handover. When this parameter is set to Pre_3G_Cell, the BSC preferentially selects a 3G candidate cell as the target cell for handover. When this parameter is set to Pre_2G_CellThres, the BSC preferentially selects a neighboring 3G cell as the handover target cell if the receive level of the neighboring 2G cell that ranks the first in the candidate cell list is equal to or smaller than "HO Preference Threshold for 2G Cell". Otherwise, the BSC preferentially sel HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type Pre_2G_Cell(Preference for 2G cell), Pre_3G_Cell(Preference for 3G cell), Pre_2G_CellThres(Preference 2G cell by thresh)
An MS cannot be handed over from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell in this duration after the MS is handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell successfully. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~255
Index of the frequency hopping data, used for a TRX to locate the frequency hopping sequence Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Interval Type 0~63
Logical number of the MA group IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Implementation mode of frequency hopping Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type BaseBand_FH(BaseBand FH), RF_FH(RF FH)
Whether to enable power boost before handover. When the receive level of an MS drops rapidly, a handover occurs. In this case, the BSC6900 cannot adjust the transmit power of the MS and the BTS in time. The MS may fail to receive a handover command, thus leading to a call drop. If the value of this parameter is YES (StartUp), the transmit power of the BTS is adjusted to the maximum before the BSC6900 sends a handover command to the MS. In addition, the transmit power of the BTS is not adjusted during the handover for the purpose of ensuring the success of the handover. BTS power lift for handover Enumeration Type NO(Not StartUp), YES(StartUp), NONE(None)
If the receive level of the neighboring 2G cell that ranks the first in the candidate cell list is equal to or smaller than this threshold, the BSC preferentially selects a neighboring 3G cell as the handover target cell. Otherwise, the BSC preferentially selects a neighboring 2G cell as the handover target cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
If this parameter is set to ON, the channel on a single frequency of an MA group is allocated to an MS with the non-FH attribute. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Hoping sequence number (HSN) of a hopping antenna group. If the value of this parameter is 0, the services over a TRX are adjusted to other TRXs in the hopping antenna group in sequence. If this parameter is set to a value from 1 to 63, the services over a TRX are adjusted to other TRXs in the hopping antenna group in a pseudo-random manner, that is a disciplinary random manner. Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~63
TRX index that a hopping antenna index corresponds to. A hopping antenna enables signals of multiple TRXs to switch between several antennas instead of fixing an antenna for a TRX. This reduces the effect of Rayleigh fading on signals of some frequencies. Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~23
Frequency hopping mode of the TRX. Frequency hopping assists in interference averaging and frequency diversity. If this parameter is set to RF_FH, the TX and RX parts of the TRX take part in the frequency hopping. In this case, the number of hopping frequencies can exceed the number of TRXs in the cell. If this parameter is set to BaseBand_FH, each transmitter works at a fixed frequency. That is, the TX part does not take part in the frequency hopping. The baseband signals are switched for the frequency-hopping transmission. The RX part, however, takes part in the frequency hopping. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type NO_FH(No Frequency Hopping), BaseBand_FH(Baseband Frequency Hopping), RF_FH(RF Frequency Hopping)
To avoid ping-pong handover, the received signal of the original serving cell is decreased by "Quick handover punish value" in "Quick handover punish time" after fast handover succeeds. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Time for reserving the handover reference for one of the two BSCs that collect the offset information Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
The 3G better cell handover is triggered only when the RSCP of a neighboring 3G cell is greater than this threshold for a period of time. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
Whether an HO REQ ACK message contains the information element Speech Version during an SDCCH handover. If a signaling channel handover between BSCs fails, the value of this parameter may need to be adjusted. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better 3G cell are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for the handover to a better 3G cell are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
According to the P/N rule, if the conditions for fast handover are met in P of N measurement reports, the handover is triggered. This parameter specifies the number N. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 1~32
Indicates the host type of the signalling point. When the BSC node redundancy feature is enabled, the primary BSC and the secondary BSC each must be configured with a signaling point coded in the same mode. The host type of the signaling point of the primary BSC is set to "PRIMHOST", and the host type of the signaling point of the secondary BSC is set to "SLAVEHOST". When the BSC node redundancy feature is disabled, the host type of the signaling point of the BSC is set to "SINGLEHOST". BSC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type SINGLEHOST(SINGLEHOST), PRIMHOST(PRIMHOST), SLAVEHOST(SLAVEHOST)
Host type of an IP BTS BSC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type SINGLEHOST(Single Host), PRIMHOST(Primary Host), SLAVEHOST(Slave Host)
Handover threshold during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" - "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis"; Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO Threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" - 64. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Fast handover can be triggered only when the uplink signal level of the serving cell is less than this parameter. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the TRX to support antenna hopping In a GSM cell, the BCCH broadcasts the frequency, frame number, system information, and paging group. If an MS is in an unfavorable position or the antenna of the main TRX that carries the BCCH fails, the MS receives poor broadcast control signals or even cannot receive any broadcast control message from the BCCH. To avoid such a problem, the antenna hopping function is involved. With this function, the messages transmitted in the main TRX that carries the BCCH are also transmitted on the antennas of all the other TRXs in the cell in turn. This helps the MSs receive quality broadcast control data. This function can be configured only for dual-frequency BTSs. If this parameter is set to NONE, the BTS does not support antenna hopping. Antenna Frequency Hopping Enumeration Type NO_HPANT(No), YES_HPANT(Yes), NONE(None)
Whether to enable the TRX to support antenna hopping In a GSM cell, the BCCH broadcasts the frequency, frame number, system information, and paging group. If an MS is in an unfavorable position or the antenna of the main TRX that carries the BCCH fails, the MS receives poor broadcast control signals or even cannot receive any broadcast control message from the BCCH. To avoid such as problem, the antenna hopping function is involved. With this function, the messages transmitted in the main TRX that carries the BCCH are also transmitted on the antennas of all the other TRXs in the cell in turn. This helps the MSs receive quality broadcast control data. This function can be configured only for dual-frequency BTSs. Antenna Frequency Hopping Enumeration Type NO_HPANT(No), YES_HPANT(Yes)
The number of the optical port of the main board in the RXU chain or ring. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5
Maximum priority level of an MS that can use reserved channel resources. If the priority level of an MS is greater than this parameter, the MS is considered a low-priority MS. If the priority of an MS is equal to or less than this threshold, the MS is considered a high-priority MS. Resource Reservation Interval Type 1~14
Whether to enable the configuration of power system parameters. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS BTS Power Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Load power-off voltage threshold. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS BTS Power Management Interval Type 350~556
This parameter determines whether the BSC6900 supports new establishment causes of an MS in the initial access request. This parameter does not affect the half-rate function of cells. Half Rate Speech System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the downlink DTX function is enabled for half rate (HR) calls. This function is also restricted by the DTX switch in the MSC. If the MSC allows the downlink DTX for calls and the value of this parameter(HRDLDTX) is YES, the downlink DTX is enabled for HR calls of cells. Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Downlink Half Rate Speech AMR HR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the BSC to assign half or full rate channels to MSs according to the channel seizure ratio in the overlaid and underlaid subcells Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for HR calls. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08. Uplink DTX is not restricted by the MSC. Shall_Use:An MS will use uplink DTX if it supports uplink DTX. May_Use:An MS will determine whether to use uplink DTX if both the cell and MS support uplink DTX. Shall_NOT_Use:DTX will not be used. Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Uplink Half Rate Speech AMR HR Enumeration Type May_Use(May Use), Shall_Use(Shall Use), Shall_NOT_Use(Shall not Use)
Hopping sequence number (HSN), indicating 64 types of frequency hopping sequences. If this parameter is set to 0, the frequency hopping is performed in sequence. If this parameter is set to a value from 1 to 63, the frequency hopping is performed in a pseudo-random manner, that is a disciplinary random manner. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Interval Type 0~63
Number of the slot where the main board of the RXU chain or ring is located. The slot No. is unique in the same BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Whether dynamic use of HSNs is enabled. If the functions of frequency hopping and Flex MAIO are enabled in a cell and the value of this parameter is ON, adjacent-channel interference between channels can be reduced. Flex MAIO Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Number of the subrack where the main board of the RXU chain or ring is located. The subrack No. is unique in the same BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Hop Type. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Enumeration Type SBFD(SINGLE_HOP), MBFD(MULTI_HOP)
If the ambient temperature is higher than "High Temperature Critical Point", the temperature control system controls the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -99~70
If the outlet temperature is higher than "High Temperature Critical Point" and the difference between the outlet temperature and ambient temperature reaches the value of this parameter, the temperature control system controls the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~30
Whether to enable battery power-off against high temperature. Faulty Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Humidity alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Upper limit of humidity. When the humidity exceeds the upper limit, a humidity alarm is reported. Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of humidity. When the humidity is lower than the lower limit, a humidity alarm is reported. Faulty Management String Type None
When the ambient humidity of the APMU is greater than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an overhigh ambient humidity alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~1000
When the ambient humidity is greater than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an overhigh ambient humidity alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~1000
When the ambient humidity of the APMU is less than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an overlow ambient humidity alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~1000
When the ambient humidity is less than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an overlow ambient humidity alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~1000
Delay for which the BTS waits to switch on the air conditioner O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~30
This timer is started after a connection is established successfully. If a detection message is not received when this timer expires, the connection will be released. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 180~1260
Duration in IASU mode BTS Test Function Interval Type 1~60
Port number in IASU mode. For the BTS3002C, the port number cannot be set to "E1PORT3". O&M of BTS Enumeration Type E1PORT0(E1 PORT0), E1PORT1(E1 PORT1), E1PORT2(E1 PORT2), E1PORT3(E1 PORT3), OPTICALPORT0(OPTICAL PORT0), OPTICALPORT1(OPTICAL PORT1)
Type of the transmission board in IASU mode O&M of BTS Enumeration Type MAINDOMU(MAIN DOMU), SLAVEDOMU1(SLAVE DOMU1), SLAVEDOMU2(SLAVE DOMU2)
This timer is started after a connection is established successfully. When this timer expires, a detection message will be sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 60~600
Minimum C/I ratio that IBCA AMR FR services allow. An idle channel can be assigned to such a service only when the C/I ratio of the idle channel is greater than this threshold. In addition, a new call associated with such a service can be established only when the call does not decrease the C/I ratio of the established calls to a value less than this threshold. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
Minimum C/I ratio that IBCA AMR HR services allow. An idle channel can be assigned to such a service only when the C/I ratio of the idle channel is greater than this threshold. In addition, a new call associated with such a service can be established only when the call does not decrease the C/I ratio of the established calls to a value less than this threshold. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
Whether to enable the IBCA algorithm IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Length of the timer for a new call to wait for the measurement report (MR) on the signaling channel when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during assignment. If this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled during assignment. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~20
Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging path loss. A single measurement report may not reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 1~4
When the IBCA algorithm is enabled, this parameter is used to calculate the actual soft blocking threshold of an existing call. The formula is as follows: Actual soft blocking threshold of an existing call = Configured soft blocking threshold of an existing call - IBCA Set-up Call Soft Block Threshold Offset. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~14
When the IBCA algorithm is enabled, this parameter is used to calculate the target CIR of an existing call. The formula is as follows: Target CIR of an existing call = Target CIR in use + Target CIR Offset of IBCA Set-Up Call. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~14
Difference between uplink and downlink path losses, which is used to estimate the downlink path loss of a call when the downlink path loss cannot be computed directly according to a measurement report. This parameter is configured according to the combined loss and hierarchical dual-antenna gain (3 dB) of the BTS. "IBCA Downlink Path Loss Offset" = combined loss of BTS + hierarchical dual-antenna gain of BTS (3 dB) IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Whether to measure the IBCA neighbor cells of the serving cell dynamically. If the dynamic measurement is enabled, when a call uses a channel, the BSC sends the SACCH Modify message to modify the frequencies in the BA2 table in System Information 5, 5bis, and 5ter to the frequencies at which the IBCA neighbor cells operate. Thus, the call measures and reports only these frequencies to the BSC6900. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Length of the timer for a call to measure the path loss in the neighboring cell with strong interference of the target cell. The call to be handed over needs to measure the path loss before initiating the handover to the target cell when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during the emergency handover. When this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled in the emergency handover, and the parameter "Wait Time for Valid MRs in IBCA HO" is invalid. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~20
Whether the IBCA flexible TSC function is enabled. When this parameter is set to NO, the flexible TSC function is disabled and the configured TSC is used. When the BTS supports Flex TSC and this parameter is set to YES, the flexible TSC function is enabled. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type OFF(Not Allowed), ON(Allowed)
Whether the IBCA forced BTS synchronization is allowed. When this parameter is set to YES, the synchronization procedure is performed even though the BTSs are insynchronous. When this parameter is set to NO, the existing procedure, either the synchronization procedure or the out-of-synchronization procedure, is performed as required. Note that the synchronization status of the IBCA neighboring cells is determined by the internal software parameters of the IBCA neighboring cells, that is, if this parameter in IBCA neighboring cells is set to YES, the IBCA neighboring cells are considered to be always synchronous; otherwise, the IBCA neighboring cells are considered to be out of synchronization. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type OFF(Not Allowed), ON(Allowed)
Minimum C/I ratio that IBCA FR/EFR services allow. An idle channel can be assigned to such a service only when the C/I ratio of the idle channel is greater than this threshold. In addition, a new call associated with such a service can be established only when the call does not decrease the C/I ratio of the established calls to a value less than this threshold. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
Length of the timer for a call to wait for other valid MRs after receiving the first valid MR of the target cell if dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during handover. When this parameter is set to 0, the call does not wait for other MRs after receiving the first MR of the target cell. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~20
Minimum C/I ratio that IBCA HR services allow. An idle channel can be assigned to such a service only when the C/I ratio of the idle channel is greater than this threshold. In addition, a new call associated with such a service can be established only when the call does not decrease the C/I ratio of the established calls to a value less than this threshold. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
In the ICDM matrix algorithm, the signal strength (0-63) is divided into 10 levels. The signal strength that is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter is at the initial level. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~31
Whether to enable the ICDM algorithm for the cell. The ICDM algorithm helps to improve the precision in estimating the path loss of an IBCA neighbor cell and to increase the efficiency of the IBCA algorithm. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Period of information exchange between the BSC boards. The information helps to estimate the C/I ratio for the IBCA algorithm. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 2~600
Adds a specified offset to the downlink target receive level when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of a BTS in the IBCA function IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Adds a specified offset to the uplink target receive level when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of an MS in the IBCA function IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Adds a specified offset to the downlink target receive quality when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of a BTS in the IBCA function IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~22
Adds a specified offset to the uplink target receive quality when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of an MS in the IBCA function IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~22
In an IUO cell (or a CoBCCH cell), the path loss of an MS to the serving cell or a neighboring cell measured on the underlay is used together with this parameter to estimate the path loss on the overlay. IUO path loss compensation = Combiner insert loss difference + Path loss difference due to the use of different antennas + Path loss difference due to different frequency selectivity. This value is calculated based on the IUO level values measured by field engineers. When different antennas are used by the overlay and underlay, the level must be measured at multiple locations. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Determines the MAIO selection method for each timeslot. The Optimal MAIO policy selects the optimal MAIO being evaluated, while the Random MAIO policy randomly selects a MAIO out of qualified MAIOs. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type 0(Max. optimized MAIO), 1(Randomization MAIO)
The IBCA interference evaluation process only considers the interference of the strongest N existing calls on the newly-established call being evaluated. This parameter corresponds to the above-mentioned N. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 5~40
Indicates whether this neighboring cell is the IBCA neighboring cell of the serving cell. That is, when a cell is configured as the neighboring cell of the serving cell, whether the IBCA algorithm considers the interference between the serving cell and the neighboring cell. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Estimates the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. When a consecutive "IBCA Non Measurement Ncell Stat. Num" measurement reports cover less than six neighboring cells (or the number of the reported neighboring cells is smaller than that of the actually configured neighboring cells), this parameter is used to estimate the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. The estimated value is "IBCA Pathloss Est of Non. MR Ncell". Otherwise, the signal strength of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells is the signal strength of the measured neighboring cells (including non-IBCA neighboring cells) subtracted by "IBCA RxLev Offset". IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
When the IBCA algorithm is enabled, this parameter is used to calculate the target CIR of a new call. The formula is as follows: Target CIR of a new call = Target CIR in use + Target CIR Offset of IBCA New Call IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~30
Length of the timer for a call to measure the path loss in the neighboring cell with strong interference of the target cell. The call to be handed over needs to measure the path loss before initiating the handover to the target cell when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during the normal handover. When this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled in the normal handover, and the parameter "Wait Time for Valid MRs in IBCA HO" is invalid. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~20
Estimates the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. When a consecutive "IBCA Non Measurement Ncell Stat. Num" measurement reports cover less than six neighboring cells (or the number of the reported neighboring cells is smaller than that of the actually configured neighboring cells), this parameter is used to estimate the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. The estimated value is "IBCA Pathloss Est of Non. MR Ncell". Otherwise, the signal strength of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells is the signal strength of the measured neighboring cells (including non-IBCA neighboring cells) subtracted by "IBCA RxLev Offset". IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~16
When the IBCA algorithm is enabled and the HSN is not 0, the IBCA priority and the SDCCH/PDCH priority are divided by this corrected factor respectively to reduce the weight of IBCA priority. In addition, the priority of the interference band is considered. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Specifies a period during which the inter-BSC information exchange must be completed. The information is mainly used by IBCA for C/I ratio estimation. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 2~600
When the path loss of an MS to a neighboring cell cannot be measured based on the existing measurement results, it is estimated based on the path loss of the MS to the serving cell plus the IBCA path loss offset. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~50
Considers the influence of history path loss information during the calculation of the ICDM algorithm path loss. The smaller the filtering coefficient, the smaller the influence of history path loss; on the other hand, the larger the filtering coefficient, the larger the influence of history path loss. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~10
Estimates the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. When a consecutive "IBCA Non Measurement Ncell Stat. Num" measurement reports cover less than six neighboring cells (or the number of the reported neighboring cells is smaller than that of the actually configured neighboring cells), this parameter is used to estimate the receive level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells. The estimated value is "IBCA Pathloss Est of Non. MR Ncell". Otherwise, the signal strength of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells is the signal strength of the measured neighboring cells (including non-IBCA neighboring cells) subtracted by "IBCA RxLev Offset". IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Use this parameter when the path loss of an MS to serving cells cannot be measured based on the existing measurement results IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~160
MSs that support SAIC can tolerate a lower carrier-to-interference ratio. This variable indicates the downward adjustment step of the soft blocking threshold of SAIC MSs. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
Whether to deny the access of a call when none of the MAIO evaluation results meets the C/I ratio requirement of the call during channel assignment IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the handover of the calls on the single channels is allowed (single channels are the two half-rate sub-channels on a timeslot, in which only one is in the occupied state) when single channels are to be adjusted to a full-rate channel. When this parameter is set to ON, the handover of the calls on the single channels is allowed; if this parameter is set to OFF, the handover of the calls on the single channels is not allowed. This parameter is valid only when the IBCA algorithm is enabled and full rate is preferred for the newly established call. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type OFF(Not Allowed), ON(Allowed)
Whether a MAIO meets the access requirement. When the C/I ratio of a MAIO is higher than this threshold, the MAIO can be assigned to the call being processed. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable the IBCA algorithm for the overlay and underlay of an IUO cell IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(Disabled in OL and UL subcell), UNDER(Enabled in UL subcell), INNER( Enabled in OL subcell), YES(Enabled in OL and UL subcell)
Whether a single IBCA MS can dynamically measure the neighboring cells. When this parameter is set to YES, the neighboring cells where "IBCA Dynamic Measure Neighbor Cell Flag" is set to YES are dynamically measured. Dynamic measurement on neighboring cells is mutually exclusive to directed retry. When this parameter is set to YES, it is recommended that "Direct Retry" be set to NO. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
The lowest C/I ratio that can be tolerated by IBCA WAMR FR. The C/I ratio of an idle channel must be larger than this parameter. Otherwise, it cannot be assigned. In addition, the system does not allow a newly-established call causing the C/I ratio of existing calls to be lower than this parameter. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~23
This parameter is used to enable the Intelligent Combiner Bypass (ICB) function on the BCCH TRX of a cell. This parameter specifies whether to allow the cell to enable the ICB function. When this parameter is set to YES, the TCHs on the non-BCCH TRX are preferentially assigned. In this way, the largest possible number of idle TCHs is reserved on the BCCH TRX, and thus the BCCH TRX enters the ICB mode. Intelligent Combiner Bypass Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES), NULL(NULL)
Whether to enable the intelligent control of the diesel engine. If this parameter is set to ENABLE, the PMU will control the diesel engine automatically according to the settings of the parameters to save the energy. This parameter is set to ENABLE by default. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
ICMP packet length. It is the total length of the ICMP packet containing the IP header. IP QOS Interval Type 44~1024
DSCP corresponding to the interaction service with the THP level of PRIORITY1 Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
DSCP corresponding to the interaction service with the THP level of PRIORITY2 Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
DSCP corresponding to the interaction service with the THP level of PRIORITY3 Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
Number of the scheduled task O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~30
Number of the scheduled task O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~30,100~32767
Threshold index. This parameter uniquely identifies the verification threshold of the transmit bandwidth (specified by "Forward Bandwidth"), receive bandwidth (specified by "Receive Bandwidth"), and number of TRXs (specified by "TRX Number") of TRX boards of a type in one power mode (specified by "power class"). O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~65535
This parameter indicates the idle code of the A interface. It is used for the interconnection of the A interfaces. A over IP Interval Type 0~255
IDLE code None Interval Type 0~255
When the number of idle SDCCH channels in a cell is smaller than or equal to this parameter, the system searches for available TCHs and transforms them into SDCCH channels. SDCCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~63
Index type O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYIDX(By Index), BYNAME(By Name)
BTS index type None Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Type of an index Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index type Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYNAME(By name), BYID(By index), BYCGI(By CGI)
Type of an index MBSC Load Balancing Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Subscribers can specify the cell according to the index or the name. Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index type of the BTS. BYNAME: query by BTS name; BYID: query by BTS index. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index type. BYNAME: query by name; BYID: query by index. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index of the semipermanent link Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~255
Support the index based on the TLLI and IMSI mode Configuration Management Enumeration Type BYTLLI(By TLLI), BYIMSI(By IMSI)
Index type, supporting the index based on the cell and BSC mode. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type BYCELL(By Cell), BYBSC(By BSC)
Whether the handshake mechanism is enabled at the Cb interface. Currently, the BSC6900 and the CBC communications through the TCP/IP protocol. Thus, the BSC6900 may not detect communication link disconnection in some cases. The handshake mechanism is used for checking whether a communication link is normal. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Enumeration Type YES(Yes), NO(No)
Number of the outgoing interface of a link O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~15
Whether to set the middle frequency offset to positive offset or minus offset O&M of BTS Enumeration Type Positive(Positive), Minus(Minus)
Indication offset in the middle frequency offset configuration O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~125
Whether to report the progress. "NO" indicates that the progress is not reported. "YES" indicates that the progress is reported. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(Not Report), YES(Need Report)
Number of invalid measurement reports allowed when the BSC6900 filters the measurement reports. When the number of received measurement reports is no larger than this parameter, the BSC does not perform filtering or make quick handover judgment. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 0~32
Value of an IMEI O&M of BSC String Type None
Timer for the BSC6900 waiting for a CC message after sending a CR message. If the timer expires, the seized SDCCH is released. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1000~30000
The channel activation and immediate assignment messages are sent at the same time to accelerate the signaling processing, thus increasing the response speed of the network. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
This parameter specifies whether to support the takeover of the packet immediate assignment by the BTS. It is relative to the uplink immediate assignment. To improve the access rate of the MS, the BSS allocates the uplink TBF resources to the BTS in advance. The BTS sends the immediate assignment message to the MS through the resources allocated by the BSC. When receiving the immediate assignment message, the MS can send the data block. The BTS needs to send the assistant channel request to the BSC. When receiving the request, the BSC sends the immediate assignment request to the BTS to complete the TDF setup flow. Packet Assignment Taken Over by the BTS Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support)
Whether to allow immediate TCH assignment. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC can assign a TCH immediately when there is no available SDCCH for a channel request. If this parameter is set to NO, the BSC can assign only an SDCCH when processing a channel access request. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum time delay in resending an immediate assignment message. Within the period specified by this parameter, an immediate assignment message can be dispatched and retransmitted. Otherwise, the message is not dispatched or retransmitted. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~254
Maximum number of retransmissions of an immediate assignment message. When the value of this parameter is reached, the immediate assignment message is not retransmitted even if the value of "Max Delay of Imm_Ass Retransmit" is not exceeded. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 1~5
Whether the BSC6900 sends immediate assignment retransmission parameters to the BTS Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to assign channels according to the access_delay value in channel request messages during immediate channel assignment Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When the access_delay value in the channel request message is smaller than this parameter, the overlay channels are assigned preferentially; otherwise, the underlay channels are assigned preferentially. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
Whether to adjust the offset time immediately after the BTS is reset Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Timer carried by the Wait Indication information element when the BSC6900 sends an immediate assignment reject message to an MS. After the MS receives the immediate assignment reject message, the MS reattempts to access the network after the timer expires. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~255
Value of an IMSI O&M of BSC String Type None
International mobile subscriber identity of the MS. IMSI containing the number 0 to 9. GPRS String Type None
Timer for the BSC6900 waiting for a handover complete message after sending a handover request acknowledgment message in 2G/3G handover or inter-BSC handover. If the timer expires, a Clear REQ message is reported. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 500~60000
Threshold for fine tuning the BTS clock. If the offset of the BTS clock is smaller than the threshold, no fine tuning is performed. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~8
Fine tuning period in the BSC Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~30
Included angle formed by the major lobe azimuths of the antennas in two cells under one BTS. A major lobe azimuth is measured from the due north to the direction of the cell antenna in a clockwise rotation. BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~360
Number of the in-port cabinet on a BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Whether to separate E1 from other optical fibers for the use of other devices. If this parameter is set to YES, other BTSs can connect to the BSC6900 through the independent E1 port 3 of the BTS3006C/BTS3002E. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for intra-cell F-H handovers is met for P seconds during N seconds, an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 1~32
The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for intra-cell F-H handovers is met for P seconds during N seconds, an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 1~32
Information exchange content to be supported MBSC Load Balancing Bit Field Type CELLCAPCLASS, NACCRELATED
Infrared alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
For an AMR call, if the currently occupied channel is a full rate channel and the value of the Radio Quality Indication (RQI) in measurement report divided by 2 is always higher than the threshold set by this parameter, an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~39
For an AMR call, if the currently occupied channel is a half rate channel and the value of the Radio Quality Indication (RQI) in measurement report divided by 2 is always lower than the threshold set by this parameter, an intra-cell H-F handover is triggered. AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~39
Power overload threshold for triggering incoming handover to the TRX under the prerequisite that the power amplifier of the TRX provides the maximum output power. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~50
Initial coding mode used for full rate AMR calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG, and the BSC obtains the initial coding mode according to protocols. That is, the BSC does not obtain the initial coding mode according to parameter configuration. AMR FR Interval Type 0~3
Initial coding mode used for half rate AMR calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG, and the BSC obtains the initial coding mode according to protocols. That is, the BSC does not obtain the initial coding mode according to parameter configuration. AMR HR Interval Type 0~3
Initial coding mode used for broadband AMR calls. The three values 0, 1 and 2 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG, and the BSC obtains the initial coding mode according to protocols. That is, the BSC does not obtain the initial coding mode according to parameter configuration. WB AMR Interval Type 0~2
Specifies the timeslot mask in BSC6900 Semi-Permanent Connection Bit Field Type TS0, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Whether to assign channel requests in the overlay subcell to the underlay subcell according to "UL Subcell Lower Load Threshold". If the load of the underlay subcell is lower than "UL Subcell Lower Load Threshold", incoming calls in the overlay subcell will be preferentially assigned to the underlay subcell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow underlay-to-overlay edge handovers Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Index of the cell in the BSCConfiguration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Name of the cell in the BSCConfiguration Management String Type None
Whether to allow underlay-to-overlay load handovers Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Overlay-to-underlay load handovers are performed by levels. This parameter indicates the duration of each level. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 1~255
Level step during overlay-to-underlay hierarchical load handovers Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
In an enhanced dual-band network, if the load of the overlay subcell is higher than this parameter, the system cannot initiate an underlay-to-overlay handover. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~100
Incoming BSC6900 port number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~335
Number of a BTS port O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
In-port number of a DXX O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~15
Mode of inputting the latitude and longitude of a cell location BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Enumeration Type Degree(Degree), D_min_sec(Degree Minute Second)
Whether to allow inter-BSC SDCCH handovers SDCCH Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Incoming BSC6900 slot number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~27
Number of the in-port slot on a BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Incoming BSC6900 subrack number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~11
Number of the in-port subrack on a BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Time interval for sending a simple cell broadcast message Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 2~3600
Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~127
Type of an interference band statistics algorithm used when the frequency scanning function is enabled. The interference band statistics algorithm I uses pair average, and the interference band statistics algorithm II uses linear average. Cell Frequency Scan Enumeration Type INTBANI(INTBANI), INTBANII(INTBANII)
Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells, This value is used to suppress ping-pong handovers between cells. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~127
Specifies an interval between two consecutive interference handovers HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
The triggering of interference handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
The triggering of interference handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
Whether to allow the interference handover algorithm. Interference handovers are triggered when the receive level is higher than the receive threshold while the transmit quality is lower than the interference handover quality threshold, that is, when the MSs are subject to all kinds of radio interferences. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to consider interference priorities during channel assignment Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Threshold used for interference measurement. The BSS measures the uplink quality of the radio channels occupied by MSs, and calculates and reports the interference on each of the idle channels. This helps the BSC6900 to assign channels. According to the strength of interference signals, the interference signals are classified into five interference levels. The values of these levels are called interference band thresholds. The BTS determines the current interference level based on these thresholds, and then reports a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The BSC6900 compares the busy and idle channels reported in the measurement report and in the radio resource indication message to determine whether to perform a handover. The interference band statistics result provides reference for threshold setting and interference analysis. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08 and GSM Rec. 08.58. TRX Management Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 48~115
Value of the timer for synchronization between BSCs. If a BSC fails to synchronize with the control BSC before the timer expires, the BSC starts to synchronize the BTSs under its control. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~60
Period during which interference levels are averaged. The interference levels on idle channels are averaged before the BTS sends a radio resource indication message to the BSC6900. The averaging result is used for classifying the interference levels on idle channels into five interference bands. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.08, 08.58, and 12.21. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 1~31
This parameter specifies whether the reselection from 2G cells to 3G cells is allowed. 2G/3G Cell Reselection Based on MS State Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Threshold for setting the flag of accepting inter-RAT CS service handover of a 2G cell GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~100
This parameter specifies whether the handover from 3G cells to 2G cells is allowed. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to reserve resources for the incoming BSC handover on the Iur-g interface MBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Width of load band [EcNo] during the inter-RAT hierarchical load-based handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~49
Initial EcNo value of the inter-RAT load-based handover band GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~49
Step of changing the EcNo value during the inter-RAT hierarchical load-based handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~49
Width of load band [RSCP] during the inter-RAT hierarchical load-based handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~91
Initial RSCP value of the inter-RAT load-based handover band GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~91
Step of changing the RSCP value during the inter-RAT hierarchical load-based handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~91
This parameter specifies whether the handover from 2G cells to 3G cells is allowed. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When this parameter is set to Service-based, the inter-RAT handover is triggered on the basis of the service distribution. In this case, the target cell is selected according to the traffic load. When this parameter is set to Load-based, the inter-RAT handover is triggered on the basis of the load balance. In this case, the target cell is selected according to the traffic load on the target cell and the load difference between 2G and 3G cells. When this parameter is set to Dynamic Service/Load based, the target cell is dynamically selected by using the service-based algorithm or the load-based algorithm according to the traffic load on the cell. When this parameter is set to CN Service-based, the inter-RAT handover decision is mad GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Enumeration Type Service-based(Service-based), Load-based(Load-based), Dynamic-based(Dynamic Service/Load-based), CnService-based(CN Service-based), OFF(OFF)
Time span before the command is executed. The logs generated within the time span are to be exported. O&M of BSC Security Management Interval Type 1~240
Interval for sending packets to test Ethernet OAM loop None Interval Type 1~10
Frequency index of the interference measurement in type 3 of an extension measurement report Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~31
Lower threshold of the overlay level during underlay-to-overlay handovers. When the receive level of an MS is higher than this threshold, the MS can be switched to the overlay subcell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
The timer is used to set the time when the BSC6900 waits for an Internal Handover Command message after a Internal Handover Required message is reported in an internal BSC handover when A interface is IP. If the timer expires, the internal BSC handover fails. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 500~60000
Timer started after the BSC6900 delivers a handover command in an intra-BSC inter-cell handover. If the BSC6900 receives a handover complete message before this timer expires, the timer stops. If this timer expires, the BSC6900 considers the handover as failed. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 500~60000
Whether to allow AMR handovers. This parameter has no impact on dynamic non-AMR F-H handovers. AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether the intra-cell handover is enabled. Note: A forced intra-cell handover is not subject to this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Timer started after the BSC6900 delivers a handover command in an intra-BSC intra-cell handover. If the BSC6900 receives a handover complete message before this timer expires, the timer stops. If this timer expires, the BSC6900 considers the handover as failed. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 500~60000
Whether it is an RNC under the same MBIC in GU mode MBSC Load Balancing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Minimum Ec/No value of a 3G cell during the load-based GSM-to-UMTS handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~49
When the load of a cell is greater than or equal to Load HO Threshold, all the calls in the serving cell send handover requests simultaneously. Thus, the load on the CPU increases rapidly. In some cases, the cell is congested and call drops might occur. Therefore, the BSC adopts the hierarchical load handover algorithm to control the number of calls to be handed over at each level. This parameter specifies the duration for performing the load-based handover at each level. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~255
Minimum RSCP value of a 3G cell during the load-based GSM-to-UMTS handover GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~91
Incoming BSC6900 start timeslot number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~255
Number of a DXX In-timeslot O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~31
Interval for executing the scheduled subtask. If the time mode is set to "DAILY_C", "WEEKLY_C", or "MONTHLY_C", you should set this parameter. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~1440
Automatic switchover interval. This parameter needs to be set only when "OMU automatic switchover switch" is set to "ON". The minimum automatic switchover interval is 30 days and the maximum automatic switchover interval is 1024 days. O&M of BSC Interval Type 30~1024
Whether a measurement report can contain the information about a cell with an invalid BSIC. The cell with an invalid BSIC is an unconfigured neighboring cell. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
IP address Configuration Management IP Address Type None
IP address of the server O&M of BSC License Management IP Address Type None
IP address of the local NSVL Gb over IP IP Address Type None
IP address of the remote NSVL Gb over IP IP Address Type None
IP address of a BTS port. It cannot be the same as any IP address configured in the BSC6900. Abis over IP IP Address Type None
IP address of the FTP server. When the FTPServer.exe file is downloaded through the FTP Tool button on the LMT, the address of the FTP server is the same as that of the LMT client. O&M of BTS IP Address Type None
The local IP address must be the configured IP address (including the IP address and port address of the interface board). IP QOS IP Address Type None
IP address of the board Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on MBSC Side IP Address Type None
Local IP address of the Ethernet port IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on MBSC Side IP Address Type None
Source IP address of the packet for preventing the ICMP attack None IP Address Type None
IP address of the next hopNone IP Address Type None
Local IP address of the aggregation group None IP Address Type None
IP address of the router Gb over IP IP Address Type None
First IP address of the SGSNGb over IP IP Address Type None
It must be the valid address of the A, B, or C type and cannot be the broadcast address or network address. Clock over IP IP Address Type None
Second IP address of the SGSN Gb over IP IP Address Type None
It must be the valid address of the A, B, or C type and cannot be the broadcast address or network address. Clock over IP IP Address Type None
Third IP address of the SGSN Gb over IP IP Address Type None
Fourth IP address of the SGSN Gb over IP IP Address Type None
When the number of error frames on the IP layer reaches the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is generated. Ethernet OAM Interval Type 0~100
When the number of error frames on the IP layer decreases to the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is cleared. Ethernet OAM Interval Type 0~100
Whether to compress the packet headers Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type No_HC(No_HC), UDP/IP_HC(UDP/IP_HC), RTP/UDP/IP_HC(RTP/UDP/IP_HC)
Whether to compress the IP header of a MP group Link aggregation Enumeration Type No_HC(No_HC), UDP/IP_HC(UDP/IP_HC), RTP/UDP/IP_HC(RTP/UDP/IP_HC)
IP address index of the Ethernet port Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~5
IP address index of the aggregation group Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~5
IP packet multiplex index None Interval Type 0~12999
Type of the physical IP transmission medium Abis over IP Enumeration Type IP_OVER_FE/GE, IP_OVER_E1
Type of IP physical transmission cable medium, E1 or FE/GE. Abis over IP Enumeration Type IP_OVER_FE/GE(IP_OVER_FE/GE), IP_OVER_E1(IP_OVER_E1)
Whether to enable the heater. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the BSC is a reference BSC Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the cell is a chain neighboring cell. The parameter is used in the quick handover algorithm. Quick handover aims to increase the handover success rate of an MS moving at a high speed and to ensure the call continuity and low call drop rate. Quick handover applies to the scenario where an MS moves fast along an urban backbone road, a selected route, or a high-speed railroad. The target cell must be a chain neighboring cell. Chain Cell Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to support clock server redundancy configuration Clock over IP Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support Reducy), SUPPORT(Support Reducy)
Whether to support clock server redundancy configuration Clock over IP Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support Reducy), SUPPORT(Support Reducy)
Whether to enable the BTS to support ring networking. IP BTS does not support this parameter. Ring Topology Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When this parameter is set to Yes, the board-level verification threshold is used, including the following parameters: Forward Bandwidth, Receive Bandwidth, Power Class, and TRX Number. When this parameter is set to No, the BSC-level verification threshold specified by the parameters in the "ADD BTSBRDCAP" or "MOD BTSBRDCAP" commands is used. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
A service support attribute of a cell, that is, whether an external GSM cell supports EDGE EGPRS Enumeration Type NO(Not support), YES(Support)
Whether to indicate the first class transport resource group IP QOS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
A service support attribute of a cell, that is, whether an external GSM cell supports GPRS GPRS Enumeration Type NO(Not support), YES(Support)
Whether to enable the TRX to carry the main BCCH in the cell Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether a BSC in the TC pool is the primary BSC TC Pool Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether this location group is the main location group. If the value is Yes, this location group is the main location group. If the value is No, this location group is the slave location group. Multi-site Cell Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
A service support attribute of a cell, that is, whether an external GSM cell supports NC2 Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type NO(Not support), YES(Support)
Configuration mode of the IP subnetwork. Static configuration: fixed local NSVL and remote NSVL parameters through manual configuration; Dynamic configuration: the NSVL parameter obtained through negotiation between the BSC and the SGSN after the local NSVL and SGSN service point are configured manually. Gb over IP Enumeration Type STATIC(Static), DYNAMIC(Dynamic)
Whether it is QOSPATH None Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the Um interface software synchronization between BSCs is supported Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether multiple DEMUs are configured O&M of BTS Enumeration Type YES(Configure), NO(Not Configure)
ISSUPERBTS Abis Transmission Backup Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the BTS to support local switching If the BTS supports local switching, when the calling and called MSs are both within the BTS or BTS group, the voice signals are looped back to the MSs within the BTS or BTS group instead of being sent over the Abis interface to the BSC and MSC. In this way, the Abis resources between the convergence BTS and the BSC are released and saved. BTS Local Switch Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to support the TC pool function. The TC Pool feature is implemented by connecting the maim processing subracks (MPSs) and extended processing subracks (EPSs) in multiple BSC6900s to the transcoder subracks (TCSs) of one BSC6900. In this manner, all the involved BSC6900s share the TC resources, and the shared TC resources form a TC Pool. The TC Pool feature is applicable to only the BSC6900s whose "Service mode " is set to SEPARATE. TC Pool Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether it is a TC board.If the board is for the TC subrack, set the parameter to YES. If the board is not for the TC subrack, set the parameter to NO. Configuration Management Enumeration Type YES(YES), NO(NO)
Whether the subrack is a remote main TC subrack Configuration Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to control the temperature difference between the air inlet and air outlet and that between the air outlet and ambient by the temperature control system. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to configure the transmission cabinet. The BTS uses this parameter to calculate the number of TRXs to be shut down. O&M of BTS Intelligent Shutdown of TRX Due to PSU Failure Enumeration Type NOT_CONFIG(NOT CONFIGURED), CONFIG(CONFIGURED)
Number of a row to be changed in a BA list Configuration Management Interval Type 1~64
Reserved parameter for cells. There are 30 parameters of this type, which can be used as new parameters in later versions. Configuration Management Interval Type 1~30
Used for parameter control Configuration Management Enumeration Type TRUE(Support), FALSE(Not Support)
Value of a reserved parameter for cells Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Type of the adjacent nodeIP QOS Enumeration Type ABIS(Abis Interface), A(A Interface), ATER(ATER Interface), IUR_G(IUR_G Interface)
Type of the interface. This is determined by the type of the protocol currently used by the BTS. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link protocol. Multilink PPP (MP) is a bandwidth-on-demand protocol that binds multiple links together according to PPP (also called link aggregation). IP QOS Enumeration Type PPP(PPP), MP(MP)
Concentric cell attributes of TRX. If the cell where a TRX is located is configured as a concentric cell, set this parameter to OVERLAID or UNDERLAID as required. If the cell where a TRX is located is not configured as a concentric cell, the default value of this parameter is NONE. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type OVERLAID(Overlaid Subcell), UNDERLAID(Underlaid Subcell), NONE(None)
Conversion policy of the dynamic channel of the concentric cell PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Concentric Cell Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type CONVERT0(Only convert at UL), CONVERT1(Only convert at OL), CONVERT2(UL first and convert allowed), CONVERT3(OL first and convert allowed)
The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. Concentric Cell Interval Type 1~32
The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. Concentric Cell Interval Type 1~32
Whether a cell is a normal cell, concentric cell, or enhanced dual band network cell. In a concentric cell, the coverage areas of different TRXs form concentric circles of different radiuses. Owing to different coverage areas of the overlaid and underlaid parts, the two parts can be logically regarded as two cells. With many channels, the overlaid part is the major traffic bearer layer, recruiting most MSs in its coverage area. The underlaid part is used for coverage, providing services for the areas that the overlaid part cannot cover. The underlaid part covers the overlaid part, and thus the underlaid part can also share some traffic. An enhanced dual band network is amelioration to the existing dual band network. In such a network, two cells physically with a collocation site but different coverage areas form a cell group logically, namely, an inner cell and an extra cell. Channel resource sharing and cell load balancing is realized in the two cells through the algorithm of enhanced dual band network. Concentric Cell Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type Normal_cell(Normal Cell), Concentric_cell(Concentric Cell), EDB_cell(Enhanced Double Frequency Cell)
Switch for the J0 tracing mark mismatching alarm Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Byte display format of J0 Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Enumeration Type Hexadecimal(Hex decimal), Character_String(Character String)
Expected receiving value of J0. J0 byte, also called the trace byte of the regenerator section on the optical port (RTIM), is one of the optical port interconnection parameters. The BSC receives the peer J0 byte continuously. None String Type None
Sending value of J0. J0 byte, also called the trace byte of the regenerator section on the optical port (RTIM), is one of the optical port interconnection parameters that is continuously transmitted to the peer end. This parameter enables the peer end to check whether it is connected to the local end continuously. None String Type None
J0 type None Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byte
Switch for the J1 tracing mark mismatching alarm None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Byte display format of J1 None Enumeration Type Hexadecimal(Hex decimal), Character_String(Character String)
Expected receiving value of J1. J1 byte, also called the trace byte of the high-order path on the optical port, is one of the optical port interconnection parameters. The local end continuously receives the peer J1 byte. None String Type None
Sending value of J1. J1 byte, also called the trace byte of the high-order path on the optical port, is one of the optical port interconnection parameters transmitted to the peer end continuously. This parameter enables the peer end to check whether it is connected to the local end continuously. None String Type None
J1 type None Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byte
Switch for the J2 tracing mark mismatching alarm None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Byte display format of J2 None Enumeration Type Hexadecimal(Hex decimal), Character_String(Character String)
Byte length of J2 None Enumeration Type NULL, 1BYTE, 16BYTE, 64BYTE
Expected receiving value of J2 None String Type None
Sending value of J2 None String Type None
A zero or a space used to fill in the J byte of the optical port based on the J byte of the peer equipment. If the J bytes are inconsistent, an alarm related to J byte mismatch will be reported and the negotiation of the optical port may fail, thus leading to deterioration of the services. None Enumeration Type ZERO(zero), SPACE(space)
Whether to enable the LAPD Jitter Buffer algorithm. This algorithm adds a buffering adaptation layer under the LAPD layer at the receiving end. The function at this layer is to delay the I frame (first received, last sent) currently received. If an I frame is received within the delayed duration, the frame is sent to the LAPD layer. In this way, the frame disorder is avoided. Abis Transmission Optimization Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Default receive delay of the PS Jitter Buffer on the BTS. A greater value of this parameter indicates a longer end-to-end delay for the PS service. Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation Interval Type 1~255
Whether the LAPD Jitter Buffer is enabled on the BSC side Abis over IP Enumeration Type DENY(Deny), ALLOW(Allow)
Determines whether the last three bits of K2 indicates the single end and the dual end None Enumeration Type NOT-INDICATE-END(NOT-INDICATE-END), INDICATE-END(INDICATE-END)
K offset used in K sequencing. To reduce ping-pong handovers, the system performs K sorting based on the downlink receive level of the candidate cells. But before doing that, the system subtracts "K Bias" from the actual downlink receive level of the candidate cells. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Duration of the PPP/MP link keep-alive timer None Interval Type 1~30
Location area code (LAC). MSs can freely move in the local location area with no need of location update. Reasonable local allocation can effectively lighten the signaling load and improve the call completion rate. Can be input in hexadecimal format. The hexadecimal format is H'****, for example, H'1214. Configuration Management Interval Type 1~65533,65535
Location area code (LAC). The MS can move within the local location area without location update. The reasonable classification of the location area is very important for reducing the signaling load and improving the put-through rate. Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Interval Type 1~65533,65535
Aggregation mode. When this parameter is set to static aggregation, the LACP protocol is activated; otherwise, the LACP protocol is deactivated. Board Switchover Enumeration Type STATIC_LACP, MANUAL_AGGREGATION
Decimal value when the latitude where a cell is located is indicated in the format of degree BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) String Type None
Decimal value when the longitude where a cell is located is indicated in the format of degree BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~90
Integer value when the latitude where a cell is located is indicated in the format of degree BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~90
Value of the minute part when the latitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~59
Decimal value of the second part when the latitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~9
Integer value of the second part when the latitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~59
Longitude of the GPS receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type -90000000~90000000
Longitude of the GPS receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock String Type None
Delay statistics period. This parameter indicates the period to collect the statistics information about the link transmission delay. Note that the unit of this parameter is 100 milliseconds. The actual delay statistics period is the value of this parameter multiplied by 100 milliseconds. Link aggregation Interval Type 1~100
Number of delay adjustment suspension periods. This parameter specifies the delay statistics periods in which the bandwidth is not adjusted when the bandwidth adjustment function of the logical port is triggered due to the change of the link transmission delay. This parameter can be used to control the rate of the bandwidth adjustment at the logical port. None Interval Type 0~100
Bandwidth reduction delay threshold. This parameter is used to trigger the function of bandwidth reduction at the logical port when the link delay exceeds the value of this parameter. IP QOS Interval Type 0~10000
Average delay reduction filtering index IP QOS Interval Type 0~15
Average delay increase filtering index IP QOS Interval Type 0~15
Layer where a cell is located. The network designed by Huawei has four layers: Umbrella (layer 4), Macro (layer 3), Micro (layer 2), and Pico(layer 1). Each layer can be set with 16 priorities. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type 1, 2, 3, 4
A network basically consists of four layers, namely, Umbrella, Macro, Micro, and Pico. Cell priorities influence the sorting of neighboring cells during handovers as well as handover algorithms including PBGT and inter-layer handovers. For example, PBGT handovers can only occur among cells on a same layer and of a same priority level. If you assign different layers and priorities to a 1800-M cell and a 900-M cell, PBGT handovers from the 1800-M cell to the 900-M cell will not occur. This causes slow handovers even when the receive quality is good. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type 1, 2, 3, 4
When the load of the serving cell reaches the threshold, the inter-layer handover algorithm takes effect. Through configuration of the parameter, the handover to a lower-layer cell for load-sharing is performed only when the load of the serving cell reaches a certain level. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~100
Timer of increasing the Lb flow control level when the BSC receives an SMLC congestion indication. If the BSC receives another SMLC congestion indication before the timer expires, the flow control level remains unchanged. None Interval Type 0~300
Timer of decreasing the Lb flow control level. If no SMLC congestion indication is received within the valid period of the timer, the BSC decreases the flow control level by one until the flow control level is decreased to 0. None Interval Type 0~300
Fourth action taken for load control Abis over IP Flex Abis Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), PSDOWN(PS Downspeeding), AMRC(AMRC), CSPH(CS Preference TCHH), CSFHHO(CS TCHF-TCHH HO)
First action taken for load control Abis over IP Flex Abis Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), PSDOWN(PS Downspeeding), AMRC(AMRC), CSPH(CS Preference TCHH), CSFHHO(CS TCHF-TCHH HO)
Second action taken for load control Abis over IP Flex Abis Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), PSDOWN(PS Downspeeding), AMRC(AMRC), CSPH(CS Preference TCHH), CSFHHO(CS TCHF-TCHH HO)
The local entity number uniquely identifies a local entity. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~186
Level of the log O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type CRITICAL(Critical), MAJOR(Major), MINOR(Minor)
Log level to be collected. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type INFO(Information Level), WARN(Warn Level), ERR(Error Level), AST(Assert Level)
Alarm mask switch None Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Class of the maintenance domain IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Whether to support the reporting of the main diversity level Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support), NONE(Invalid)
Whether to allow inter-layer and inter-level handovers. The inter-layer and inter-level handover algorithm is achieved through the setting of different layers and priorities for cells, which switches traffic to cells of a higher precedence (decided by "Layer of the cell" and "Cell priority" together). HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different layers or of different priorities. This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong handovers. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" - "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis"; Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" - 64. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
The triggering of inter-layer handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for inter-layer handovers is met for a consecutive P seconds during N seconds, an inter-layer handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
The triggering of inter-layer handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for inter-layer handovers is met for a consecutive P seconds during N seconds, an inter-layer handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Logical function type of the board OAM:Operation And Maintenance Process TDM_Switching:TDM switching process GCP:All the GCP subsystems are configured as CPUS to act as the control plane processing subsystems for GSM BSC RGCP:Subsystem 0 of RGCP is configured as the MPU subsystem to act as the resource management subsystem. The other seven subsystems are configured as CPUS to act as the control plane processing subsystems for GSM BSC MCP: Mathematics Computing Process, which includes Interference Based Channel Allocation (IBCA) GTC:GSM BSC TC Process GPCU:GSM BSC PCU Process IP:GOUc/IP IP over GE Optical interface,GOUa/IP IP over GE Optical interface,PEUa/IP IP over E1/T1/J1 interface,FG2c/IP IP over FE/GE interface,FG2a/IP IP over FE/GE interface(not support GbIP),POUc/IP IP over channelized Optical STM-1/OC-3 interface FR:PEUa/FR Frame Relay over E1/T1/J1 interface HDLC:PEUa/HDLC Packet over E1/T1/J1 interface TDM:POUc/TDM channelized Optical STM-1/OC-3 interface GbIP:FG2a/GbIP GSM BSC Gb IP interfac Configuration Management Enumeration Type OAM, TDM_Switching, GCP, RGCP, MCP, GTC, GPCU, IP, FR, HDLC, TDM, GbIP, Abis_TDM, Ater_TDM, Pb_TDM, A_TDM, Abis_IP, SAU
Logical function type of the board TDM_Switching:TDM switching process GCP:All the GCP subsystems are configured as CPUS to act as the control plane processing subsystems for GSM BSC RGCP:Subsystem 0 of RGCP is configured as the MPU subsystem to act as the resource management subsystem. The other subsystems are configured as CPUS to act as the control plane processing subsystems for GSM BSC MCP: Mathematics Computing Process, which includes Interference Based Channel Allocation (IBCA) GTC:GSM BSC TC Process GPCU:GSM BSC PCU Process IP:GOUc/IP IP over GE Optical interface,GOUa/IP IP over GE Optical interface,PEUa/IP IP over E1/T1/J1 interface,FG2c/IP IP over FE/GE interface(not support GbIP),FG2a/IP IP over FE/GE interface,POUc/IP IP over channelized Optical STM-1/OC-3 interface,POUa/IP IP over channelized Optical STM-1/OC-3 interface,UOIa/IP IP over Unchannelized Optical STM-1/OC-3 interface FR:PEUa/FR Frame Relay over E1/T1/J1 interface HDLC:PEUa/HDLC Packet over E1/T1/J1 interface TDM:POUc/TDM channel Configuration Management Enumeration Type TDM_Switching, GCP, RGCP, MCP, GTC, GPCU, IP, FR, HDLC, TDM, GbIP, Abis_TDM, Ater_TDM, Pb_TDM, A_TDM, Abis_IP
Logical function type Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type IP, Abis_IP
Application type of the POUc_TDM board Configuration Management Enumeration Type A/Gb, Abis/Ater/Pb/Gb
The Logical Index of PB signaling link O&M of BSC Interval Type 5120~5375
Lower humidity threshold for the environment alarm box to report an alarm indicating that the ambient humidity is too low. If the ambient humidity of the BTS is lower than this threshold, the environment alarm box reports the alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in this mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~99
The occur threshold of 20258 alarm,you can set it from 90% to 99% Faulty Management Interval Type 90~99
The recover threshold of 20258 alarm,you can set it from 90% to 99% Faulty Management Interval Type 70~95
Key field used to identify one LAPD link O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~17407
Type of the parameters to be displayed when a cell template is queried. The value "DIFFERENCE" indicates that the parameters in the cell template that are different from those in the default template are displayed. The value "ALL" indicates that all the parameters in the cell template are displayed. None Enumeration Type DIFFERENCE, ALL
Rate type of the designated link A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type 64K(64Kbit/s), 2M(2Mbit/s)
Lower limit for triggering an alarm Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of an alarm. It is valid for the analog port. Configuration Management String Type None
The loopback channel number when the port loopback mode is set to single channel local loopback Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31)
Upper threshold of the low noise amplifier. When the working voltage of the low noise amplifier attenuator in the RXU board is smaller than this value, an alarm is reported by the BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~40
Lower threshold of the low noise amplifier. When the working voltage of the low noise amplifier attenuator in the RXU board is greater than this value, an alarm is reported by the BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 40~80
Optical port tributary numbering method. This parameter indicates the sequence of tributaries in an SDH frame. If the sequences of tributaries at both optical ports differ from each other, some E1 links will be disconnected. The sequences of optical port tributaries for three modes are as follows: ALCATEL_MODE:(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63) HUAWEI_MODE:(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,43,46,49,52,55,58,61,2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,44,47,50,53,56,59,62,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57,60,63) LUCENT_MODE:(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,2,5,8,11,14,17,20,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,43,46,49,52,55,58,61,44,47,50,53,56,59,62,45,48,51,54,57,60,63) None Enumeration Type LUCENT_MODE, HUAWEI_MODE, ALCATEL_MODE
Rate of the semipermanent link Semi-Permanent Connection Enumeration Type 8K(8Kbit/s), 16K(16Kbit/s), 32K(32Kbit/s), 64K(64Kbit/s), 2M(2Mbit/s)
Initial bearing tag of the M3UA link. This parameter can be set to either active mode or standby mode. For details about the relevant bearer tag, see the the parameter "Traffic mode" of the "ADD M3LKS". A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type M3UA_MASTER_MOD(M3UA_MASTER_MOD), M3UA_SLAVE_MOD(M3UA_SLAVE_MOD)
Link load sharing. In the value, the number of 1s (represented by n) determines the maximum number (2^n) of links for the load sharing. For example, B0000 indicates that up to one link is used for the load sharing, B0001 and B1000 indicate that up to two links are used for the load sharing. The additional links are not used for the load sharing. The AND operation between this value and " signaling route mask " in the N7DPC is equal to 0. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type B0000(B0000), B0001(B0001), B0010(B0010), B0011(B0011), B0100(B0100), B0101(B0101), B0110(B0110), B0111(B0111), B1000(B1000), B1001(B1001), B1010(B1010), B1011(B1011), B1100(B1100), B1101(B1101), B1110(B1110), B1111(B1111)
Signaling link mask corresponding to the M3UA link set. It is used for the M3UA link load sharing. It is valid only when the working mode of the signaling link set is set to load sharing. In the value, the number of 1s (represented by n) determines the maximum number (2^n) of links for the load sharing. For example, B0000 indicates that up to one link is used for the load sharing, B0001 and B1000 indicate that up to two links are used for the load sharing. The additional links are not used for the load sharing. The AND operation between this value and " signaling route mask " in the "ADD N7DPC" is equal to 0. A over IP Enumeration Type B0000(B0000), B0001(B0001), B0010(B0010), B0011(B0011), B0100(B0100), B0101(B0101), B0110(B0110), B0111(B0111), B1000(B1000), B1001(B1001), B1010(B1010), B1011(B1011), B1100(B1100), B1101(B1101), B1110(B1110), B1111(B1111)
If the load of a cell is lower than the value of this parameter, the cell can admit the users handed over from other cells with higher load. Otherwise, the cell rejects such users. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
Type of load balancing algorithm of the MSC Pool. Generally, the BSC6900 chooses an MSC according to the obtained network resource indication (NRI). In some cases, however, the BSC6900 cannot do so. Instead, the BSC6900 chooses a target MSC according to a load balancing algorithm. MSC Pool Enumeration Type RANDOMALG(Random Algorithm), OTHERALG(MS ID Algorithm)
Intervals that the BSC broadcasts a cell's traffic load to its neighbor cells. The uplink load and downlink load indicate the traffic situation of a cell. The uplink load = number of uplink TBFs carried on all PDCHs in a cell / total number of PDCHs in a cell x ("PDCH Uplink Multiplex Threshold"/10) x 100%. The downlink load = number of downlink TBFs carried on all PDCHs in a cell / total number of PDCHs in a cell x ("PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold"/10) x 100%. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 1~10
Load current shunt coefficient O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1000
This parameter specifies whether to use the load handover or the enhanced load handover. HUAWEI I Handover Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
This parameter specifies whether a traffic load-sharing handover is enabled. The load handover helps to reduce cell congestion, improve success rate of channel assignment, and balance the traffic load among cells, thus improving the network performance. The load handover is used as an emergency measure instead of a primary measure to adjust abnormal traffic burst in partial areas. If load handovers occur frequently in a partial area, the cell and TRX configuration of BTSs and the network layout should be adjusted. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Indicates that if a 2G neighboring cell supports load handovers, the BSC adds the load information of the local cells in the signaling procedures related to this neighboring cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Indicates that if a 3G neighboring cell supports load handovers, the BSC adds the load information of the local cells in the signaling procedures related to this neighboring cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the path loss in the serving cell minus that in a handover candidate cell is not smaller than the parameter value, the handover to the candidate cell is allowed. The parameter loosens the requirement of the PBGT handover threshold when the load of the serving cell reaches a certain level. Some traffic that could not be handed over to a neighboring cell through the PBGT handover can be handed over now. The value "0" indicates that the enhanced load handover to the neighboring cell is not allowed. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~127
After a load handover succeeds, the BSC punishes the former serving cell during "Penalty Time on Load HO" by subtracting "Penalty Value on Load HO" from the receive level of the former serving cell, thus avoiding ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
After a load handover succeeds, the BSC punishes the former serving cell during "Penalty Time on Load HO" by subtracting "Penalty Value on Load HO" from the receive level of the former serving cell, thus avoiding ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
When the load of a cell reaches or exceeds "Load HO Threshold", all the calls that are using this cell as the serving cell generate handover requests at the same time, which will suddenly increase the load of the processor. Under some circumstances, congestion occurs in the cell, which will result in call drop. To solve this problem, the BSC uses the hierarchical load handover algorithm to control the number of users included in each level of handovers. This parameter indicates the duration of each handover level. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~255
In hierarchical load handovers, starting from "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold", a "Load HO Step Level" is added to the upper handover threshold after every "Load HO Step Period". In this way, all the calls in the current serving cell whose receive level is in the range "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" to "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" + "Load HO Bandwidth" are switched to other cells. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~63
This parameter specifies the ratio of the MSs that simultaneously perform a load handover. You can enlarge the ratio to accelerate the handover to a neighboring cell for load sharing. Too large a ratio, however, causes the neighboring cell to be congested. When a neighboring cell is congested, you need to reduce the ratio to a reasonable value. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 1~16
In the handover algorithm of the first generation, load handovers can be performed only when the receive level of the current serving cell is in the range "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" to "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" + "Load HO Bandwidth". In the handover algorithm of the second generation, load handovers can be performed only when the level difference between the neighboring cell and the serving cell is between "Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" - "Load HO Bandwidth" and "Inter-cell HO Hysteresis". HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Whether to enable load power-off. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to allow the cell load reselection. If this parameter is set to PERMIT and "NC2 Load Reselection Switch" is set to Support, the load of the target cell is involved in the algorithm for NC2 cell reselection. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type FORBID(Forbid), PERMIT(Permit)
Threshold for allowing the MS to reselect a cell during load reelection. When the receive level of the serving cell is lower than this threshold, the load reselection is triggered. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~63
When the uplink load or downlink load of the target cell is lower than this threshold, it can accept the MSs from the serving cell due to load reselection. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 0~100
When the uplink load or downlink load of the cell exceeds this threshold, the load reselection decision is made. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~100
If this parameter is set to YES, the channel assignment algorithm II randomly selects the start range for channel traversal; otherwise, the algorithm selects the channel next to the channel assigned last time as the start point of channel traversal. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether the dynamic PDCHs that have been converted into the PDCHs are considered during the calculation of the current cell load. HUAWEI I Handover Enumeration Type NOTSTADYNPDCH(Not count dynamic PDCH), DYNPDCHASOCCUPY(Count dynamic PDCH(Occupy)), DYNPDCHASIDLE(Count dynamic PDCH(Idle))
TRM load threshold switchNone Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Local BSC identity. It identifies a BSC. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~65534
Local IP address of PPP link. The IP address of the PPP link on the BSC side. None IP Address Type None
Local IP address of the MP group O&M of BTS IP Address Type None
Local IP address of BTS PPP Link. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Local IP address of BTS MLPPP Group. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Identifies a local NSVL Gb over IP Interval Type 0~1023
Identifies the local port of the router. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting at the SGSN side. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~1
Number of the location group under the BTS. It is unique for each BTS. Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~35
Number of a location group Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~35
The value of this parameter can include one or two conditions. "&" is used to concatenate the conditions, and the records are obtained when the two conditions are matched. Conditions are written in the format of "name : value". "name" is the key of location information, "value" is the value of location information. Both "name" and "value" are case sensitive. For example: 1. If you need to obtain all the alarms regarding the subrack 0, set lockeyinfo to "Subrack No : 0". For example: 2. If you need to obtain all the alarms regarding the slot 8 in subrack 0, set lockeyinfo to "Subrack No : 0&Slot No : 8". Faulty Management String Type None
Identifies the first local IP address that communicates with the peer end. When it is set to 0, it is invalid. This IP address must be first configured on the corresponding interface board. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Identifies the second local IP address that communicates with the peer end. When it is set to 0, it is invalid. This IP address must be first configured on the corresponding interface board. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Whether to lock all the non-default local accounts O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type OFF(Unlock), ON(Lock)
Local SCTP port number A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1024~65535
Board start load control Configuration Management Enumeration Type LFB(Load from OMU and write flash), CL(Consult Load)
Mode of software loadingO&M of BTS Enumeration Type NORMMODE(Normal Mode), RAPMODENOSERV(Rapid Mode<No service>), RAPMODERESSERV(Rapid Mode<Reserve BCCH trx>)
CPU usage threshold for log flow control. When the average CPU usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, log flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for log flow control. When the average packet queue usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, log flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Whether the SCTP is bound to a logical port. For details, see "ADD IPLOGICPORT". None Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Logical port No. bound by the SCTP. For details, see the parameter "Logic port No." of the "ADD IPLOGICPORT". None Interval Type 0~988
Logical port slot No. bound by the SCTP. For details, see the parameter "Slot No." of the "ADD IPLOGICPORT". None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
CPU usage threshold for recovery from log flow control. When the average CPU usage of sliding windows is lower than the threshold, log flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for recovery from log flow control. When the average packet queue usage of smooth windows is lower than the threshold, log flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Whether to control the log flow GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ON, OFF
Type of the log. "COMLOG" indicates a common log. "CMPLOG" indicates a compressed log. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type COMLOG(Common Log), CMPLOG(Compress Log)
Decimal value when the longitude where a cell is located is indicated in the format of degree BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) String Type None
Value of the degree part when the latitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~180
Integer value when the longitude where a cell is located is indicated in the format of degree BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~180
Value of the minute part when the longitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~59
Decimal value of the second part when the longitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~9
Integer value of the second part when the longitude is indicated in the format of degree_minute_second BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Interval Type 0~59
Latitude of the GP receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type -180000000~180000000
Latitude of the GPS receiver antenna BSC/RNC Clock String Type None
Loop level Configuration Management Interval Type 1~3
Loop type 1. Local loop:Make loop test on the local board at system side, while the system platform will send test frames. 2. Remote loop:The remote-loop will be made by the device on the other side of the local board. In this case, the local board don't need to make loop opertation except sending test frames. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type BYLOCAL(By Local Loop), BYREMOTE(By Remote Loop)
Loop Detect Switch Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Loopback type of LAPD link O&M of BSC Enumeration Type LOOPTYPE_TDM(Line Loop), LOOP_TYPE_LVDS(LVDS Loop), LOOPTYPE_MCC(MCC Loop)
When the load of an SDCCH on the TRX that is in loose frequency reuse and is in the compatible band of the BCCH is lower than this threshold, the SDCCH is preferably allocated. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~100
Direction of an external voice loop O&M of BSC Enumeration Type MSC(MSC Direction), MS(MS Direction)
Loopback point. There are 14 loopback points. Whether a loopback point is available depends on the subrack configuration mode in the BSS and the transmission mode of each interface. The details are as follows: NSS Interface Unit: indicates the A interface board in various configuration modes, such as BM/TC separated, BM/TC combined, and A over IP. NSS TC(Near Abis Interface): indicates the TX/RX point on the DSP in the TC subrack on the Abis interface side. The loopback point is available only in BM/TC separated configuration mode. NSS TC(Near A Interface): indicates the TX/RX point on the DSP in the TC subrack on the A interface side. The loopback point is available only in BM/TC separated configuration mode. NSS TNU(Near Abis Interface): indicates the data switching point on the TNUa board in the TC subrack on the Abis interface. The loopback point is available only when the Ater interface uses the TDM transmission in BM/TC separated configuration mode. NSS TNU(Near A Interface): indicates the data switchin O&M of BSC Enumeration Type NSSAINTF(NSS Interface Unit), NSSTCTOABIS(NSS TC(Near Abis Interface)), NSSTCTOA(NSS TC(Near A Interface)), NSSTNUTOABIS(NSS TNU(Near Abis Interface)), NSSTNUTOA(NSS TNU(Near A Interface)), NSSATERINTF(NSS Ater Interface Unit), BSSATERINTF(BSS Ater Interface Unit), BSSTCTOABIS(BSS TC(Near Abis Interface)), BSSTCTOA(BSS TC(Near A Interface)), BSSTNUTOABIS(BSS TNU(Near Abis Interface)), BSSTNUTOA(BSS TNU(Near A Interface)), BSSABISINTF(BSS Interface Unit), BTSTMU(TMU/PTU), BTSTRUDSP(TRU DSP)
Loopback type No loop: Cancel loop back Remote loop: Remote loop back Line remote loop: Remote loop back Local loop: Local loop back Payload loop: Remote Loop back on all E1/T1 port time slots except TS0 Single channel local loop: Local Loop back on a specified TS Single channel remote loop: Remote loop back on a specified TS None Enumeration Type NO_LOOP(No loop), REMOTE_LOOP(Remote loop), LINE_REM_LOOP(Line remote loop), LOCAL_LOOP(Local loop), PAYLOAD_LOOP(payload loop), SIN_CHN_LOC(single channel local loop), SIN_CHN_REM(single channel remote loop)
Time of an external voice loop O&M of BSC Interval Type 60~600
Number of suspension periods after the bandwidth adjustment is performed based on the packet drop ratio. This parameter specifies the delay statistics periods in which the bandwidth is not adjusted when the bandwidth adjustment function of the logical port is triggered due to the change of the packet drop ratio. This parameter can be used to control the rate of the bandwidth adjustment at the logical port. None Interval Type 1~100
Whether to permit the preemption of lower-level sublink resources. If the value of this parameter is YES, a CS domain service can preempt the sublink resources of the PS domain services on the lower-level BTS of the cascaded BTSs when the CS domain service fails to preempt the sublink of the corresponding level. Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
The CS services are preferred. This parameter indicates that the CS services are permitted to preempt the dynamic Abis resources on the sublink of the current level site. Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to permit the low noise amplifier (LNA) bypass O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether to assign overlay channels in an IUO cell based on the receive level conditions Concentric Cell Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether to power off the TRX in the case of overlow temperature of the BTS cabinet. If this parameter is set to "Yes", the BTS powers off the TRX and reports a "Load Power Off Alarm" to protect the TRX in the case of overlow temperature of the BTS cabinet. When the cabinet temperature returns to 0 celsius degree, the BTS powers on the TRX, and the alarm disappears. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to power off the TRX of a BTS when the temperature of the BTS cabinet is too low. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Loopback mode O&M of BTS Enumeration Type E1(E1 Loopback), TIMESLOT(Timeslot Loopback)
Number of the IP logical port that carries the IP path IP QOS Interval Type 0~988
Logical port number None Interval Type 0~988,1024~1535
Logical port number None Interval Type 0~988,1024~1535
Number of the IP logical port that carries the IP path IP QOS Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Type of logical port None Enumeration Type Hub(Hub), Leaf(Leaf)
It is applicable to the radio transmission environment to improve the link quality. Link adaptation (LA) indicates adjusting the coding mode of the channel dynamically according to the transmission quality of the link. The link transmission quality is measured by the 8PSK MEAN BEP and 8PSK CV BEP in the Packet EGPRS Downlink Ack/Nack message sent by the MS. The network side determines the coding mode for data transmission according to the radio measurement report sent by the MS. The cell with the good transmission quality on the air interface is set to the LA mode. Increment redundancy (IR) mode requires the network side retransmit the data block with different punching codes and the MS store the historical error information. The data block is retransmitted through cooperated error correction function. With the IR mode, the transmission quality on the air interface of the cell can be improved. However, the MS must support this IR mode. The cell with the dissatisfied transmission quality on the air interface i EGPRS Enumeration Type IR(IR), LA(LA)
Whether to enable power shutdown upon low voltage of the battery. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Load power-off voltage threshold. If "Load Shutdown Flag" is set to "Enable" and the load voltage is lower than the value of this parameter, the load is automatically powered off. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 350~556
Third action taken for load control Abis over IP Flex Abis Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), PSDOWN(PS Downspeeding), AMRC(AMRC), CSPH(CS Preference TCHH), CSFHHO(CS TCHF-TCHH HO)
Whether to include the list command O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type EXCLUDE(Exclude List Command), INCLUDE(Include List Command)
Query results can be displayed vertically or horizontally Configuration Management Enumeration Type HORIZONTAL(HORIZONTAL), VERTICAL(VERTICAL)
Format of the result list Configuration Management Enumeration Type HORIZONTAL(HORIZONTAL), VERTICAL(VERTICAL)
Loading type BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type APPLICATION(Application Program), SCNDCPU_PROG(Secondary Thread Program), BOOTROM(BOOTROM Program), DATA(Data file), DSP(DSP Program), FAN(Fan Program)
Type of the log O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type OPTLOG(Operation Log), SECLOG(Security Log)
Type of the log O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type OPTLOG(Operation Log), SECLOG(Security Log)
Temperature control threshold for low temperature. When the ambient temperature is less than "Low Temperature Critical Point", the temperature control system needs to control the temperature difference between the air inlet and air outlet, and that between the air inlet and ambient temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~70
Lower temperature threshold for the environment alarm box to report an alarm indicating that the ambient temperature is too low. If the ambient temperature of the BTS is lower than this threshold, the environment alarm box reports the alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in this mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~99
Lower voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold;The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the value of Uplink Long-term FER Target. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Target voice quality value associated with the automatic adjustment of the uplink threshold of AMR handover AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Upper voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Factor of uplink threshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relation between the threshold adjustment value and the logarithmic FER. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Interval Type 2~255
Number of DSPs, each of which carries 252 LVDS links on the DPUd or DPUb board. If this parameter is set to 0, every DSP carries 192 LVDS links by default. Interval Type 0~12
The level 1 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) threshold. When the VSWR is higher than this parameter, the TRX will report a level-1 VSWR alarm. At this time, the BTS can provide services but its coverage rate decreases. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 14(1.4), 15(1.5), 16(1.6), 18(1.8), 20(2.0), 22(2.2), 24(2.4), 26(2.6), 28(2.8), 30(3.0), 33(3.3), 36(3.6), 88(8.8)
The level 2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) threshold. When the VSWR is higher than this parameter, the TRX will report a level-2 VSWR alarm. At this time, the BTS disables power amplification and fails to provide services. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 18(1.8), 20(2.0), 22(2.2), 24(2.4), 26(2.6), 28(2.8), 30(3.0), 32(3.2), 35(3.5), 38(3.8), 41(4.1), 45(4.5), 88(8.8)
Whether "Shutdown Voltage" is valid. In multi-mode base station scenario, the value of this parameter in different modes must be the same for the same multi-mode base station. O&M of BTS BTS Power Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Number of the M3UA service listening port A over IP Interval Type 1024~65535
MAC address of the VLANConfiguration Management Interval Type 0~8191
When the number of error frames on the MAC layer reaches the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is generated. Ethernet OAM Interval Type 0~100
When the number of error frames on the MAC layer decreases to the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is cleared. Ethernet OAM Interval Type 0~100
Coding mode in which an ARFCN is sent to an MS during an assignment or handover. If the parameter is set to CA_MA, an ARFCN is indicated through the CA and MA information contained in an assignment or handover command. If the parameter is set to Frequency_List, an ARFCN is indicated through the Frequency List information contained in an assignment or handover command. If this parameter is set to OPTIMIZED_CA_MA, the assignment command carries only the MA but not the CA when a cell works on only one frequency band, and the assignment command carries both the MA and CA if the cell works on more than one frequency band. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type CA_MA(CA+MA), Frequency_List(Frequency List), OPTIMIZED_CA_MA(Optimized CA+MA)
Identifies a maintenance group. Maintenance group: maintenance alliance (MA), which is a component of the maintenance domain (MD). Maintenance domain is an Ethernet or a component of an Ethernet in which the connectivity failure management is performed. The maintenance domain is uniformly managed by one ISP. One MD can be divided into one or more maintenance group. None Interval Type 0~499
When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 is allowed to reduce the transmit power of the non-BCCH timeslots on the BCCH TRX. Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether to enable the Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization feature. Generally, the BCCH TRX transmits signals at the maximum transmit power. When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 is allowed to reduce the transmit power of the non-BCCH idle timeslots on the BCCH TRX. Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies the end time of the period during which the power of the non-BCCH timeslots on the BCCH TRX is derated. Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization Compound Type hour, min
This parameter specifies the range of power derating over the non-BCCH timeslots on the BCCH TRX. Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization Interval Type 0~15
This parameter specifies the start time of the period during which the power of the non-BCCH timeslots on the BCCH TRX is derated. Enhanced BCCH Power Consumption Optimization Compound Type hour, min
Bar code 1 of the interface board of the BTS. This parameter is the electronic serial number of the active PTU board. An electronic serial number uniquely identifies an PTU board. This parameter is set before delivery. Ethernet OAM String Type None
Bar code 1 of the BTS interface board Abis over IP String Type None
Number of main location group. Each cell contains only one main location group. Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~35
Number of the port to which the active OML of the BTS is connected Tree Topology Interval Type 0~1
Main version No. of the TMU board software. It is configured according to the actual situation. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~9999
Mobile allocation index offset 1. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 10. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 11. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 12. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 2. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 3. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 4. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 5. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 6. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 7. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 8. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Mobile allocation index offset 9. Start frequency number, which is the number of the frequency where frequency hopping starts IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~11
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 0. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, a TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 1. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 2. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 3. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 4. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Critical alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 5. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current critical alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Name of the MA O&M of BTS String Type None
Name of the maintenance association. Ethernet OAM Configuration Management String Type None
Subnet mask corresponding to the local IP address of the PPP link None IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the MP group in BSC. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the boardEthernet OAM IP Address Type None
Mask of the source IP network segment of the packet against the ICMP attack None IP Address Type None
Subnet mask None IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the CBC Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) IP Address Type None
IP subnet mask of a BTS port Abis over IP IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of BTS PPP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of BTS MLPPP Group. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
IP address of the main clock server. It must be a legal A/B/C type address but not a broadcast address or network address. Clock over IP IP Address Type None
It must be the valid address of the A, B, or C type and cannot be the broadcast address or network address. Clock over IP IP Address Type None
Step of upward power adjustment according to the quality of the received signals Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~32
If the number of the association retransmissions exceeds this value, the parameter is deleted automatically. The value must be greater than Path max retrans. A over IP Interval Type 0~254
Maximum bandwidth for dynamic adjustment at the logical port IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Link aggregation Interval Type 1~1562
Number of consecutive intra-cell handovers allowed in a cell. When the interval between two intra-cell handovers is lower than a certain time threshold, these two intra-cell handovers are considered consecutive. When a certain number of intra-cell handovers occur consecutively, intra-cell handovers will be disallowed in the cell for a certain period of time. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~20
Maximum number of attempts to resend the downlink assignment messages GPRS Interval Type 0~5
Number of attempts to re-establish the downlink TBF GPRS Interval Type 0~5
This parameter specifies the largest step of each TRX power reduction. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 0~20
Maximum number of TRXs that can be configured for one cell. For the BTS3900B GSM, when the "Frequency and BSIC Plan Switch" is ON, the "Maximum TRX Number" (one or two, one by default) can be selected. For the BTS3900E GSM, when the "Capacity and Coverage Optimize Switch" is OFF, the "Maximum TRX Number" (one or two, one by default) can be selected. Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning PICO Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 1~2
Maximum number of TRXs that can be configured for one cell. For the BTS3900B GSM, when the "Frequency and BSIC Plan Switch" is ON, the "Maximum TRX Number" (one or two, one by default) can be selected. For the BTS3900E GSM, when the "Capacity and Coverage Optimize Switch" is OFF, the "Maximum TRX Number" (one or two, one by default) can be selected. Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Interval Type 1~2
Maximum multiplexing frame length. IP QOS Interval Type 24~1031
Maximum number of BTSs that are allowed to concurrently download software under a BSC O&M of BTS Interval Type 50~200
The value of this parameter cannot be less than the maximum PPPMUX sub-frame length (MUXMAXSFL). This parameter can be associated with the maximum segment length of the MP to control whether to segment the multiplexed MP. To enable the PPPMUX, the number of sub-frames must be more than or equal to 2. The following condition must be met: wMuxMaxSfL <= ( wMuxMfl-8 )/2. Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Interval Type 1~1500
Maximum length of the PPP multiplexing frame Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~1500
Maximum number of retries when the user logs in Security Management Interval Type 1~255
Maximum capacity for storing the alarm log Faulty Management Interval Type 10000~150000
Maximum output power of the diesel O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~1000
If the number of the path retransmissions exceeds this value, the parameter is deleted automatically. The value must be smaller than Association max retrans. A over IP Interval Type 0~254
Retransmission times of Pb link check (LapdCheck) messages. When a BSC sends a Pb link check message to an external PCU and fails to receive a response from the external PCU, it retransmits the message. This parameter indicates the maximum times for the PB link check message to be transmitted. GPRS Interval Type 0~100
Maximum number of PDCHs that can be assigned in the TRX PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~8
Maximum value of the PDCH ratio in a cell. The number of available TCHs and PDCHs in a cell is set to a fixed value. The PDCH ratio is: Number of available PDCHs/(Number of available TCHFs + Number of available static PDCHs). This parameter is used to restrict the PDCH ratio. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 0~100
Maximum number of attempts to resend the polling messages GPRS Interval Type 0~5
Expire Prompt Dates. Security Management Interval Type 1~255
Maximum current coefficient when the battery is charged. When the battery is charged, the maximum current can be 0.01 to 0.99 times of the capacity of the battery cabinet. That is, the charge coefficient is 0.01-0.99. For example, if the capacity of the battery cabinet is 200 A and the charge coefficient is 0.15, the maximum charge current for the battery cabinet is 30 A. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 1C(0.01C), 2C(0.02C), 3C(0.03C), 4C(0.04C), 5C(0.05C), 6C(0.06C), 7C(0.07C), 8C(0.08C), 9C(0.09C), 10C(0.10C), 11C(0.11C), 12C(0.12C), 13C(0.13C), 14C(0.14C), 15C(0.15C), 16C(0.16C), 17C(0.17C), 18C(0.18C), 19C(0.19C), 20C(0.20C), 21C(0.21C), 22C(0.22C), 23C(0.23C), 24C(0.24C), 25C(0.25C), 26C(0.26C), 27C(0.27C), 28C(0.28C), 29C(0.29C), 30C(0.30C), 31C(0.31C), 32C(0.32C), 33C(0.33C), 34C(0.34C), 35C(0.35C), 36C(0.36C), 37C(0.37C), 38C(0.38C), 39C(0.39C), 40C(0.40C), 41C(0.41C), 42C(0.42C), 43C(0.43C), 44C(0.44C), 45C(0.45C), 46C(0.46C), 47C(0.47C), 48C(0.48C), 49C(0.49C), 50C(0.50C), 51C(0.51C), 52C(0.52C), 53C(0.53C), 54C(0.54C), 55C(0.55C), 56C(0.56C), 57C(0.57C), 58C(0.58C), 59C(0.59C), 60C(0.60C), 61C(0.61C), 62C(0.62C), 63C(0.63C), 64C(0.64C), 65C(0.65C), 66C(0.66C), 67C(0.67C), 68C(0.68C), 69C(0.69C), 70C(0.70C), 71C(0.71C), 72C(0.72C), 73C(0.73C), 74C(0.74C), 75C(0.75C), 76C(0.76C), 77C(0.77C), 78C(0.78C), 79C(0.79C), 80C(0.80C), 81C(0.81C), 82C(0.82C), 83C(0.83C), 84C(0.84C), 85C(0.85C), 86C(0.86C), 8
Maximum current coefficient when the battery is charged. When the battery is charged, the maximum current can be 0.05 to 0.25 times of the capacity of the battery cabinet. That is, the charge coefficient is 0.05-0.25. For example, if the capacity of the battery cabinet is 200 A and the charge coefficient is 0.15, the maximum charge current for the battery cabinet is 30 A. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 5C(0.05C), 7C(0.07C), 10C(0.10C), 12C(0.12C), 15C(0.15C), 18C(0.18C), 20C(0.2C), 22C(0.22C), 25C(0.25C)
Maximum times for a Physical Information message to be transmitted. When the retransmission times exceeds this parameter and the BTS still cannot receive any correct SAMB frame from the MS, the BTS sends a connection failure message (including the handover failure information) to the BSC, which releases the assigned channel and stops timer T3105 after receiving this message. In a non-synchronized handover, an MS keeps sending Handover Access Burst messages (usually, the value of timer T3124 is 320 ms) to the network. When detecting these messages, the BTS returns a Physical Information message to the MS through the main DCCH (FACCH) channel, starts timer T3105, and sends a MSG_ABIS_HO_DETECT message to the BSC. The BTS includes the information of different physical layers in the Physical Information message, thus ensuring correct traffic transmission for the MS. If the timer timeouts before a SAMB frame is received from the MS, the BTS retransmits the Physical Information message to the MS. For details, se HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~255
Maximum retransmission for radio priority 1. The 2bit Radio Priority message carried by the MS in the Packet Channel Request message has four levels of priorities. Level 1 is the highest priority, and level 4 is the lowest priority. Access Enumeration Type 1_Times(1_Times), 2_Times(2_Times), 4_Times(4_Times), 7_Times(7_Times)
Maximum retransmission for radio priority 2. The 2bit Radio Priority message carried by the MS in the Packet Channel Request message has four levels of priorities. Level 1 is the highest priority, and level 4 is the lowest priority. Access Enumeration Type 1_Times(1_Times), 2_Times(2_Times), 4_Times(4_Times), 7_Times(7_Times)
Maximum retransmission for radio priority 3. The 2bit Radio Priority message carried by the MS in the Packet Channel Request message has four levels of priorities. Level 1 is the highest priority, and level 4 is the lowest priority. Access Enumeration Type 1_Times(1_Times), 2_Times(2_Times), 4_Times(4_Times), 7_Times(7_Times)
Maximum retransmission for radio priority 4. The 2bit Radio Priority message carried by the MS in the Packet Channel Request message has four levels of priorities. Level 1 is the highest priority, and level 4 is the lowest priority. Access Enumeration Type 1_Times(1_Times), 2_Times(2_Times), 4_Times(4_Times), 7_Times(7_Times)
Maximum PPPMUX sub-frame length. If the PPP frame length is larger than this value, the PPPMUX multiplexing is performed. The value of this parameter cannot be larger than the maximum multiplexed frame length wMuxMfl. To enable the PPPMUX, the number of sub-frames must be more than or equal to 2. The following condition must be met: wMuxMaxSfL <= ( wMuxMfl-8 )/2 Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~746
Maximum length of the PPP multiplexing frame Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~746
Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones according to the quality of the receive signals. When the power is downwardly adjusted according to the level, the maximum downward adjustment step can vary according to the quality of the received signals. This parameter specifies the maximum step of downward power adjustment when the quality of the received signals falls into quality zone 0. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~30
Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones according to the quality of the receive signals. When the power is downwardly adjusted according to the level, the maximum downward adjustment step can vary according to the quality of the received signals. This parameter specifies the maximum step of downward power adjustment when the quality of the received signals falls into quality zone 1. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~30
Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones according to the quality of the receive signals. When the power is downwardly adjusted according to the level, the maximum downward adjustment step can vary according to the quality of the received signals. This parameter specifies the maximum step of downward power adjustment when the quality of the received signals falls into quality zone 2. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~30
This parameter specifies the actual coverage area of a cell. After receiving the channel request message or handover access message, the BTS determines whether the channel assignment or handover is performed in the cell by comparing the TA and the value of this parameter. The value of this parameter is determined by that of "Cell Extension Type" in the "ADD GCELL" command. Adjustment of Adaptive Timing Advance Extended Cell Interval Type 0~255
Number of measurement reports (MRs) used for averaging the time advance before the call drops Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~31
Whether to initiate a forcible call drop when the time advance exceeds "MAX TA Drop Call Threshold" Radio Dedicated Channel Management Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether the time advance after filtering exceeds the threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, a forcible call drop is initiated. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~255
Maximum positioning time. BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 1~24
Maximum number of (16 kbit/s) Abis timeslots that the PDCHs can use in the TRX Flex Abis Interval Type 0~32
Maximum TTL value of the sent TRACERT packet None Interval Type 2~255
Step of upward power adjustment according to the quality of the received signals Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~32
Maximum Valid Dates. Security Management Interval Type 1~999
Detection index. The index is a unique value ranging from 0 to 31 if it is not specified. None Interval Type 0~511
Local IP address for multi-hop BFD IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
Used for requesting the MS to report the measurement information of neighboring cells in multiple frequency bands. This parameter is carried in the system information 2ter and 5ter. Multi-band Sharing One BSC System Information Sending Interval Type 0~3
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on a signaling channel used to measure the MEAN_BEP value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on a voice channel used to measure the MEAN_BEP value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
Number of the BTS. The BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~2047
Name of the BTS. The BTS is named uniquely in a BSC. Soft-Synchronized Network String Type None
Mobile country code. This parameter identifies the country where a mobile subscriber is located, for example, the Chinese MCC is 460. Configuration Management String Type None
Local mobile country code (MCC). It is used to identify the country that the mobile subscriber belongs to. For example, the MCC of China is 460. Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning String Type None
Number of MC priorities. This parameter is valid when the MP group type is MC. None Interval Type 4,8
Number of MC priority levels. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 4,8
Number of the cell. The cell is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Name of cell 2 O&M of BTS String Type None
Cabinet No. of the management board. The management board refers to the TMU or RXU that directly communicates with the board. The configuration of this parameter must be consistent with the actual physical connection. Otherwise, the board may not work properly. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
If the MCPA Optimization Switch is turned on, the MCPA priority update mode is adjusted. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Standard for the GSM multi-carrier BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type CLASS0(Class0), CLASS1(Class1), CLASS2(Class2)
Identifies a maintenance domain None Interval Type 0~7
Level of the maintenance domain.The priority of the maintenance domain ranks from 0 to 7 from low to high. Ethernet OAM Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
name of the MD Ethernet OAM String Type None
Name of the maintenance domain. Ethernet OAM Configuration Management String Type None
Whether to allow the MS to the send the PS measurement report to the network side Packet System InformationEnumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Common measurement period GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~5
Type of the measurement report (MR) reported by the MS Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type EnhMeasReport(Enhanced Measurement Report), ComMeasReport(Common Measurement Report)
Identifies a maintenance point in the maintenance alliance A maintenance point is an edge node of the MA. Ethernet OAM Interval Type 1~1000
Identifies a maintenance end point (MEP) of a maintenance association. Ethernet OAM Configuration Management Interval Type 1~8191
The type of the maintenance point added to the maintenance group. LocalMep indicates a local maintenance point and RemoteMep indicates a remote maintenance point. Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type LocalMep(LocalMep), RemoteMep(RemoteMep)
MP/MC sequence header option Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type LONG(LONG), SHORT(SHORT)
Frame encapsulation format supported by MP/MC. Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type LONG(Long List Head), SHORT(Short List Head)
Minimum receive level for a neighbor cell to become a candidate cell during cell reselection. When the receive level of the serving cell is lower than the value of this parameter, it indicates that the normal cell reselection level is bad. In this case, the parameter value is used for the calculation of the times of the occurrence of bad normal cell reselection level. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~63
Minimum bandwidth for dynamic adjustment at the logical port Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~1562
Selects 3G candidate cells. If the measured value of a 3G neighboring cell is lower than this threshold, the 3G neighboring cell will be removed from among the 3G candidate cells. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~49
Minimum receive level offset. An MS can be handed over to a neighboring cell only when the downlink level of the neighboring cell is greater than the sum of "Min DL level on candidate Cell" and the value of this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Threshold for triggering prompt alarm clearance when the ANT_A tributary antenna current is too heavy. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Prompt Alarm clearance is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Threshold for triggering prompt alarm clearance when the ANT_B tributary antenna current is too heavy. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Prompt Alarm clearance is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 0. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, a TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 1. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 2. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 3. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 4. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Warning alarm threshold against excessive TMA feed current of feed tributary 5. When the actual current is greater than the specified value, the TMA feed current warning alarm is generated. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 0~2000
Threshold for triggering prompt alarm clearance when the ANT_A tributary antenna current is too heavy. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Prompt Alarm clearance is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Threshold for triggering prompt alarm clearance when the ANT_B tributary antenna current is too heavy. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Prompt Alarm clearance is triggered. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
In a direct retry, when the receive level of a neighboring cell is no smaller than this parameter, the neighboring cell can be a candidate cell for the direct retry. The parameter is invalid in handover algorithm II. Direct Retry Interval Type 0~63
Minimum time required for a TCH to transform to a SDCCH and then transform back to a TCH SDCCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 60~3600
Selects 3G candidate cells. If the measured value of a 3G neighboring cell is lower than this threshold, the 3G neighboring cell will be removed from among the 3G candidate cells. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
Minimum interval at which two BFD packets are received. None Interval Type 10~1000
Minimum interval at which the BTS receives BFD packets IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 10~1000
Minimum interval between sent BFD packets IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 10~1000
Minimum interval at which the BTS sends BFD packets IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 10~1000
Mirror destination Ethernet port number IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~11
Mirror Ethernet port number None Interval Type 0~11
Mirror type None Enumeration Type UP(upstream mirror), DOWN(downstream mirror)
Mobile network code. This parameter identifies the public land mobile network (PLMN) to which a mobile subscriber belongs. Configuration Management String Type None
Mobile network code (MNC). It is used to identify the PLMN that the mobile subscriber belongs to. Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning String Type None
Usage threshold of the CPU for calling access. If the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the calling access request is transferred to other CPU for processing. If the value of this parameter is less than "Share in CPU Rate", the parameter "Share in CPU Rate", "MOC Access CPU Rate" and "MTC Access CPU Rate" will be changed to the Recommended value automatically. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Working mode of the system clock. Working modes of the system clock are as follows: (1) MANUAL: In this mode, you must specify a clock source and prevent the switching of the clock source. (2) AUTO: In this mode, you do not need to specify a clock source and the system automatically selects the clock source with the highest priority. (3) FREE: In this mode, the crystal oscillator of board is used. BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type MANUAL(Manual Handover), AUTO(Auto Handover), FREE(Free-run)
SCTP link work mode. Server mode: BSC6900 starts the listening and waits for the peer to send the SCTP-INIT message. Client mode: BSC6900 actively sends the SCTP-INIT message. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type SERVER(SERVER MOD), CLIENT(CLIENT MOD)
Configuration mode Configuration Management Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Working mode after switchover Configuration Management Enumeration Type GO(GSM), UO(UMTS), GU(GSM and UMTS)
Mode of file output. None Enumeration Type FIXED(File of a Fixed Size), CYCLE(Periodical Generation of New File)
Backup mode of the switch protection group None Enumeration Type MODE1(1:1 Protection Switching), MODE2(1+1 Unidirectional Protection Switching), MODE3(1+1 Bidirectional Protection Switching), MODE4(Y Line)
Working mode of a port. When this parameter is set to CHECK_ON_STANDBY_PORT, the connectivity check is performed on the standby port. When this parameter is set to CHECK_ON_INDEPENDENT_PORT, the connectivity check is performed on the independent port. When this parameter is set to CHECK_ON_PRIMARY_PORT, the connectivity check is performed on the active port. Board Switchover Enumeration Type CHECK_ON_INDEPENDENT_PORT, CHECK_ON_PRIMARY_PORT, CHECK_ON_STANDBY_PORT
Alarm mode of feed tributary 0. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Alarm mode of feed tributary 1. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Alarm mode of feed tributary 2. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Alarm mode of feed tributary 3. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Alarm mode of feed tributary 4. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Alarm mode of feed tributary 5. There are three alarm modes. Alarm mode 1 has only one type of alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 2 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The alarm current is fixed and greater than the normal working current. Alarm mode 3 has two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. The warning alarm current is periodical pulse current, while the critical alarm current is fixed. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type MODE1(Mode1), MODE2(Mode2), MODE3(Mode3)
Monitoring period O&M of BTS Reporting the Temperature List of the BTS Equipment Room Enumeration Type 30MINS(30 Minutes), 60MINS(60 Minutes), 120MINS(120 Minutes), 240MINS(240 Minutes)
Monitoring duration O&M of BTS Reporting the Temperature List of the BTS Equipment Room Interval Type 1~1440
Month when the TMU board software is released O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~12
A quick handover can be initiated only if the rate of an MS is higher than this parameter during a certain period of time. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 0~600
When the number of error frames on the MP group reaches the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is generated. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~100
When the number of error frames on the MP group decreases to the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is cleared. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~100
MP group number Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~167
MP group number None Interval Type 0~167
Number of an MLPPP group on a BTS. It is unique in a BTS. The scope of the number of th MLPPP group in the BTS3900 series is 0~1. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~3
Timeslot multiplexing mode at the Abis interface of the BTS. The BTS supports two multiplexing modes: statistical multiplexing on a 64 kbit/s timeslot and physical multiplexing on a 16 kbit/s timeslot. The first mode is further classified into the following six types: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, and 6:1. A BTS supports the following six types of timeslot objects: OML: operation and maintenance link of the BTS. Each BTS has only one OML. In the case of statistical multiplexing on a 64 kbit/s timeslot, the OML works at 64 kbit/s. In this case, the OML can be multiplexed only with the signaling links in the same cabinet group of the BTS. In the case of physical multiplexing on a 16 kbit/s timeslot, the OML works at 16 kbit/s. In this case, the OML uses a 16 kbit/s timeslot. ESL: extended signaling link of the BTS. If the BTS supports Flex Abis, in the case of statistical multiplexing on a 64 kbit/s timeslot, a 64 kbit/s timeslot needs to be assigned to the ESL. In this case, the ESL is always multiplexed with the LAPD Multiplexing at Abis Interface Enumeration Type MODE1_1, MODE2_1, MODE3_1, MODE4_1, MODE5_1, MODE6_1, MODE16K
Number of the serial port where the board is located. The management board refers to the TMU or RXU that directly communicates with the board. The configuration of this parameter must be consistent with the actual physical connection. Otherwise, the board may not work properly. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1
Is Support MCPPP. Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
MP type Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type MLPPP, MCPPP
Number of the slot where the MPU subsystem is located Configuration Management Interval Type 0~27
Number of the subrack where the MPU subsystem is located Configuration Management Interval Type 0~11
Whether power control algorithm II allows measurement report compensation. When making a power control decision, the BSC retrieves a certain number of history measurement reports and performs weighted filtering on the receive level values and receive quality values in these reports, which may be obtained when different transmit powers were used by BTSs or MSs. To ensure that correct receive level values and receive quality values are used in filtering, you must compensate the receive level values and receive quality values in history measurement reports obtained when transmit powers different than the current one were used. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the number of measurement reports lost consecutively is no larger than this value, linear interpolation is performed for the values in the lost measurement reports based on the values in the two measurement reports preceding and following the lost measurement reports. Otherwise, the lost measurement reports will be discarded, and the value will be recalculated when new measurement reports arrive. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~31
When the number of the lost measurement reports exceeds this parameter during a power control period, the power control stops. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~255
Frequency at which the BTSs submit pre-processed measurement reports to the BSC Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type NOreport(Do not report), Twice_ps(Twice every second), Once_ps(Once every second), Once_2s(Once every two second), Once_4s(Once every four second)
Attenuation factor for the TMA of antenna tributary 1 O&M of BTS Interval Type 4~30
Attenuation factor for the TMA of antenna tributary 2 O&M of BTS Interval Type 4~30
Switch of measurement report collection within a specified scope. If the specified scope is a site, the switch applies to all the cells at the site; if the specified scope is a cell, the switch applies to the cell only. The switch of measurement report collection within a specified scope last configured takes effect. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
The control switch of measurement report collection includes OFF (do not collect), ON_WITH_SDCCH (collect measurement reports for SDCCHs and TCHs), and ON_WITHOUT_SDCCH (collect measurement reports for TCHs only). O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON_WITH_SDCCH(On with SDCCH), ON_WITHOUT_SDCCH(On without SDCCH)
Maximum length of a received packet. The value of this parameter is negotiated at both ends of a communication. Abis over IP Interval Type 128~1500
Number of MSs used when the offset information is collected Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~16
Whether to collect the information about the MSs of different capabilities in a cell. This parameter has no impact on services.If this parameter is set to ON, measurement of MS capability per cell is started. Call Control Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Available capacity of the MSC. This parameter is valid only when the MSC pool function is enabled. It is set according to the actual capacity of the MSC. MSC Pool Interval Type 0~65535
Number of bits occupied by the Network Resource Identifier in the TMSI. NRI specifies a CN node in the MSC pool. MSC Pool Interval Type 1~10
Special NRI(Network Resource Identifier) that is coded together with common NRIs. This parameter is used to indicate that the BSC routes the service initiated by the MS to the MSC in non OFFLOAD state. MSC Pool Interval Type 0~1023
Whether to enable the MSC pool function on the BSC6900. The MSC pool function enables up to 32 MSCs to provide services for mobile subscribers in a BSC6900. With the MSC pool function, one BSC6900 can be connected to multiple MSCs and the services in the BSC6900 are shared to each MSC in all MSC pools. MSC Pool Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Administrative state of the MSC. This parameter is valid only when the MSC pool function is enabled. It is set according to the actual operating state of the MSC. A call accesses the MSC only when this parameter is set to NORMAL. MSC Pool Enumeration Type OFFLOAD(Offload), NORMAL(Normal), UNAVAIL(Unavailable)
Protocol version of the MSC that is connected to the BSC6900. The supported signaling varies with the protocol versions. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type R98_or_below(R98 or below), R99_or_above(R99 or above)
Call reestablishment timer Call Reestablishment Interval Type 5000~40000
MSISDN value O&M of BSC String Type None
MSISDN prefix 1. When matching the call specified by the mobile number, the BSC6900 adds the MSISDN prefix 1 according to the value of this parameter. For example, when the value of this parameter is 123 and the mobile number to be matched is 456, the call matching is considered successful if the corresponding MSISDN is 123456. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch String Type None
MSISDN prefix 2. When matching the call specified by the mobile number, the BSC6900 adds the MSISDN prefix 2 according to the value of this parameter. For example, when the value of this parameter is 123 and the mobile number to be matched is 456, the call matching is considered successful if the corresponding MSISDN is 123456. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch String Type None
MSISDN prefix 3. When matching the call specified by the mobile number, the BSC6900 adds the MSISDN prefix 3 according to the value of this parameter. For example, when the value of this parameter is 123 and the mobile number to be matched is 456, the call matching is considered successful if the corresponding MSISDN is 123456. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch String Type None
MSISDN prefix 4. When matching the call specified by the mobile number, the BSC6900 adds the MSISDN prefix 4 according to the value of this parameter. For example, when the value of this parameter is 123 and the mobile number to be matched is 456, the call matching is considered successful if the corresponding MSISDN is 123456. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch String Type None
MSISDN prefix 5. When matching the call specified by the mobile number, the BSC6900 adds the MSISDN prefix 5 according to the value of this parameter. For example, when the value of this parameter is 123 and the mobile number to be matched is 456, the call matching is considered successful if the corresponding MSISDN is 123456. BSC Local Switch BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If "Options for BSC Local Switch" is set to PREFIXNUMBER, and the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is enabled. For example, if two numbers 135 and 139 are set in the list, and the first three digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are 135 or 139, the BSC local switching function is enabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BSC local switching function is disabled. BSC Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
If the first digits in the MSISDN of the called or calling are the same as the value of this parameter, the BTS local switching function is disabled. BTS Local Switch String Type None
Whether to enable "Triggering the quick PBGT algorithm only when an MS is far from the BTS" Fast Move Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum number of Channel Request messages that can be sent by an MS in an immediate assignment procedure. After the MS initiates the immediate assignment procedure, it always listens to the messages on the BCCH and all the common control channels (CCCHs) in the CCCH group to which the MS belongs. If the MS does not receive Immediate Assignment or Immediate Assignment Extend messages, it retransmits Channel Request messages at a specified interval. If the downlink quality is poor, the MS may send SABM frames to the BTS multiple times. Radio Common Channel Management Location Updating Paging Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type 1_Times(1_Times), 2_Times(2_Times), 4_Times(4_Times), 7_Times(7_Times)
Control command of the MSP switchover protection group Board Switchover Enumeration Type CLEAR(Cleared), LOP(Lockout of Protection), FS(Forcibly switchover working link to protection link), MS(Manual switchover from working link to protection link), EXERS(Exercisely switch working link to protection link)
Threshold of the MS Receiver Diversity (MSRD) mode MSRD Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), MCS9(MCS9)
PDCH Downlink multiplex threshold in the Mobile Station Receiver Diversity (MSRD) mode. When this parameter is set to "80", the MS does not adopt the MSRD mode. When the number of the TBF on the PDCH that is assigned to the MS exceeds this parameter or the coding rate of the PDCH is smaller than the threshold of the coding rate in MSRD mode, the MS is required to adopt the MSRD mode. MSRD Interval Type 10~80
Number of the subrack where the board is located. The management board refers to the TMU or RXU that directly communicates with the board. The configuration of this parameter must be consistent with the actual physical connection. Otherwise, the board may not work properly. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
The M criteria supports setting minimum values for the downlink receive level of neighboring cells. The M criteria is met only when , Estimated downlink level of neighboring cells >= ("Min DL level on candidate Cell" + "Min Access Level Offset") Estimated uplink level of neighboring cells >= ("Min UL level on candidate Cell" + "Min Access Level Offset") HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
When the number of received measurement reports on the downlink transmission quality (Packet Downlink Ack/Nack message) is greater than or equal to this threshold, emergency reselection decision is made. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~255
Duration of the flow control timer F of the MS. The MS sends the flow control message according to this duration. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~3000
If no handshake message is received from the peer within the delay, the master service is activated. A master service object provides services at the local BSC and its configuration data is backed up at the peer BSC. A master service object provides services at the peer BSC only when the local BSC is faulty or when all the signaling links on the A interface of the local BSC are faulty. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~600
Maximum TX power for the MS to access the PCH GPRS Interval Type 0~31
Switch for the self-healing of the OMU when the OMU process memory is overloaded None Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Usage threshold of the CPU for called access. If the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the called access request is transferred to other CPU for processing.If the value of this parameter is less than "Share in CPU Rate", the parameter "Share in CPU Rate", "MOC Access CPU Rate" and "MTC Access CPU Rate" will be changed to the Recommended value automatically. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Detection method None Enumeration Type ALARM_METHOD(Alarm method), LOOP_METHOD(Loop method)
Identify an MTP2 link A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~63
Metric system. The values of this parameter include "MET" and "IMP". None Enumeration Type MET(Metric), IMP(Imperial)
Maximum transport unit A over IP Interval Type 500~1500
Maximum transmission unit Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 256~1650
Maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted or received on a FE port. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~1500
Bus voltage of the battery rack of the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 190~240
Multi-band point report value, including "report six cells with the strongest signal at each frequency point", "report one cell with the strongest signal at each frequency point","report two cells with the strongest signal at each frequency point", and "report three cells with the strongest signal at each frequency point". GPRS Enumeration Type REPORT6(Report six), REPORT1(Report one), REPORT2(Report two), REPORT3(Report three)
Period of performing class-1 mute detection. If the bad frame rate reaches "Bad Frame Threshold of Mute Detection Class 1" within the period specified by this parameter, mute speech may be detected. The setting of "Mute Detection Class 2 Switch" determines whether to perform the class-2 mute detection. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~255
Whether the one-way audio problem is checked in class-2 detection. In this manner, the one-way audio problems found in class-1 are checked to ensure the accuracy. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Period of performing the class-2 mute detection. After the BTS or TC initiates a class-2 mute detection request, the class-2 mute detection fails if there is no response and no test TRAU frame is received by the end of the period specified by this parameter; if the class-2 mute detection response is received but no correct test TRAU frame is received, mute speech is detected; if the class-2 mute detection response and the expected test TRAU frame are received, the speech channel is considered to be normal. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~10
Time for prohibiting the call from accessing the corresponding channel where one-way audio is detected on the Abis interface. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~15
Whether to forcibly release a call after the forced handover fails in the case of one-way audio on the Abis interface O&M of BSC Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Maximum time waiting for multiplexing Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~1500
Frame timeout duration of the PPP multiplexing group None Interval Type 1~1500
IP packet multiplexing typeAbis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Enumeration Type UDPMUX, ABISMUX, ATERMUX
Minimum number of reserved working status TRXs of the cabinet O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~12
BFD local description markAbis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Interval Type 1~512
System parameter in the LAPD protocol. The value of this parameter specifies the maximum number of times when a frame is retransmitted. Ring Topology Interval Type 1~3
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame. For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 5~254
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame on the FACCH (a full-rate channel). For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 34~254
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame on the FACCH (a half-rate channel). For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 29~254
Whether the BSC6900 sends the LAPDm N200 parameter to the BTS. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC sends the LAPDm N200 parameter. If this parameter is set to NO, the BSC6900 does not send the LAPDm N200 parameter. Radio Link Management Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame during the multi-frame release. For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 5~254
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame on the SACCH. For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 5~254
Error control is performed on the I frame sent over the LAPDm layer between the BTS and MS. If the MS detects errors in an I frame, the BTS should resend the I frame. This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the I frame on the SDCCH. For the function of N200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 23~254
Maximum value of the N3101 counter. In the dynamic uplink allocation mode, the network side enables multiple MSs to share the same uplink channel through the USF value in the downlink data block. After the network side allocates the USF to the uplink TBF (the uplink TBF is set up successfully), N3101 is started. The network side waits for the RLC uplink data block sent by the MS. If the RLC uplink data block sent by the MS is valid, N3101 is reset. Otherwise, the value of N3101 is increased on the network side. When this counter is overflowed, the current uplink TBF is released abnormally. GPRS Interval Type 8~30
Maximum value of the N3101 counter. When the uplink transmission ends, if the network side receives the last RLC data block, the network side sends an FAI=1 uplink packet acknowledged/unacknowledged message and starts N3103. If the packet control acknowledgement message is not received in the specified time, N3103 is increased on the network side and the uplink packet acknowledged/unacknowledged message is retransmitted. When this counter is overflowed, the timer T3169 is started. After this timer expires, the current TBF is released abnormally. GPRS Interval Type 2~5
Maximum value of the N3105 counter. After the downlink TBF is set up successfully, the N3105 is started on the network side. After the downlink RLC data block is added with the RRBP domain on the network side, the valid packet acknowledged message responded by the MS is received in the uplink RLC data block in the RRBP domain. In this case, N3105 is reset. Otherwise, the value of N3105 is increased and the downlink data block of the RRBP is retransmitted. When N3105 is overflowed, T3195 is started. After the timer T3195 expires, the current TBF is released abnormally. GPRS Dynamically Adjusting the RRBP Frequency Interval Type 3~10
Counter on the DTE side. After BC link integrity is verified according to "Parameter of DTE [N391]", the global state query request is originated on the DTE side. Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~255
Counter on the DTE side, recording the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]". After BC link integrity is verified according to "Parameter of DTE [N392]", the BC link state is restored. That is: if the BC link state on the DTE side is failure, and the system is found normal in the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N392]" out of the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]", the BC link state is switched to the normal state. If the BC link state operates normally on the DTE side, and the system is found faulty in the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N392]" out of the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]", the BC link state is switched to the faulty state. "Parameter of DTE [N392]" must be smaller than "Parameter of DTE [N393]". Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~10
Counter on the DTE side, recording the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]". After BC link integrity is verified according to "Parameter of DTE [N392]", the BC link state is restored. That is: if the BC link state on the DTE side is failure, and the system is found normal in the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N392]" out of the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]", the BC link state is switched to the normal state. If the BC link state operates normally on the DTE side, and the system is found faulty in the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N392]" out of the checking times "Parameter of DTE [N393]", the BC link state is switched to the faulty state. "Parameter of DTE [N393]" must be greater than "Parameter of DTE [N392]". Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~10
Whether to support the network assisted cell change (NACC). The NACC is used in the network control modes NC0, NC1 or NC2. The NACC enables the network to notify the MS of the system information of the neighboring cell when the MS is in the packet transmission state. In this way, the MS can reselect a cell in a shorter time. Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) PS Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Name of the OSP A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Name of the DSP A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Name of an MTP3 route A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Name of the signalling link set A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Name of the MTP3 link A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Name of the adjacent nodeIP QOS String Type None
Local entity name. The local entity name must be unique. A over IP String Type None
Name of the destination entity A over IP String Type None
The M3UA route names and the M3UA routes are in the one-to-one matching relation. A over IP String Type None
Name of the M3UA link set. The name of the M3UA signalling link set must be unique. A over IP String Type None
M3UA signaling link name. The M3UA link names and the M3UA links are in the one-to-one matching relation. A over IP String Type None
Name of the PCU GPRS String Type None
Whether to preferentially allocate loose multiplexing frequencies to non-AMR users Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Filter consistent of the collision signal strength of power control. When sampling must be performed (NAVGI) times before the MS obtains the efficient measurement signal. Power Control Interval Type 0~15
Whether to enable the Tandem Free Operation (TFO) function on the BTS through a CHANNEL ACTIVATION or MODE MODIFY message. This parameter specifies whether to enable the Tandem Free Operation (TFO) function. If the voice quality of an ongoing MS-to-MS call is bad, the TFO function can be enabled to improve end-to-end voice quality. The TFO function cannot be used to improve the voice quality of an MS-to-PSTN call. AMR FR AMR HR TFO Enhanced Full Rate TC Pool Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Uniform number of neighboring cell 1 index within a BSC6900, which uniquely identifies a cell and is in the range 0 to 5047. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~5047
Name of neighboring GSM cell 1 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) String Type None
Index of neighboring GSM cell 2. Uniform number of a cell index within a BSC6900, which uniquely identifies a cell and is in the range 0 to 5047. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~5047
Name of neighboring GSM cell 2 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) String Type None
Uniform number of a cell index within a BSC6900 , which uniquely identifies a cell. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~5047
Name of a cell Configuration Management String Type None
Uniform number of a neighboring cell index within a BSC, which uniquely identifies a cell. The value range of the index of a 3G external cell is 5048 to 8047. Configuration Management Interval Type 5048~8047
Name of a neighboring cell Configuration Management String Type None
When this switch is on, it indicates that the data of the adjacent cell is generated automatically. When this switch is off, it indicates that these data must be configured manually. PICO Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Cell ID of a neighboring cell Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Local Area Code (LAC) of a neighboring cell Configuration Management Interval Type 1~65533,65535
Mobile Country Code (MCC) of a neighboring cell Configuration Management String Type None
Mobile Network Code (MNC) of a neighboring cell Configuration Management String Type None
Whether the PCU of the cell supports the 64 neighboring cells. This parameter determines the capability of reporting the number of the neighboring cells of the BSC in the NACC and NC2 function. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to involve the load of the target cell in the algorithm for NC2 cell reselection. If this parameter is set to Support, the load of the target cell is involved in the algorithm for NC2 cell reselection. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type NotSupport(Not Support), Support(Support)
Whether to support the network control 2 (NC2). The NC2 enables the network side to control the cell reselection for the MS when the MS reports the measurement report of the local cell and the neighboring cell.When this parameter is set to "YES" and "Network Control Mode" in "SET GCELLPSBASE" is set to "NC2", the network side can control the cell reselection for the MS. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) PS Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Network color code that is provided by the telecom operator. The NCC is used to identify networks from area to area. The NCC is unique nationwide. The BCC and the NCC form the BSIC. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
Network color code. It is used to uniquely identify different public land mobile network (PLMN) of the adjacent country. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~7
A set of NCCs of the cells to be measured by the MS. This parameter is an information element (IE) in the system information type 2 and 6 messages. If a bit of the value of this parameter is set to 1, the MS reports the corresponding measurement report to the BTS. The value of this parameter has a byte (eight bits). Each bit maps with an NCC (0~7) and the most significant bit corresponds to NCC 7. If bit N is 0, the MS does not measure the cell level of NCC N. Basic Cell Selection Basic Cell Re-selection System Information Sending Bit Field Type SELECTION0_PERM, SELECTION1_PERM, SELECTION2_PERM, SELECTION3_PERM, SELECTION4_PERM, SELECTION5_PERM, SELECTION6_PERM, SELECTION7_PERM
NCC bitmap of the measurement report sent by the MS. The MS reports only the NCC bitmap of the BSIC and the cell measurement report that matches the bitmap. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 0~255
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of neighboring cell information. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 1~20
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of neighboring cell signal strength. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 0 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 1 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 2 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 3 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 4 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 5 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 6 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Neighboring cell interference level threshold 7 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
Number of blocks occupied by the NCH in the group call service Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~7
Number of the start block occupied by the NCH in the group call service Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~7
Network control mode for cell reselection of the MS. There are three modes. NC0: normal MS control. The MS shall perform autonomous cell re-selection. NC1: MS control with measurement reports. The MS shall send measurement reports to the network and the MS shall perform autonomous cell re-selection. NC2: network control. The MS shall send measurement reports to the network . The MS shall only perform autonomous cell re-selection when the reselection is triggered by a downlink signaling failure or a random access failure.When this parameter is set to NC2 and "Support NC2" in "SET GCELLGPRS" is set to "YES", the network side can control the cell reselection for the MS. Networking Control Mode GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability PS Handover System Information Sending Enumeration Type NC0(NC0), NC1(NC1), NC2(NC2)
The DSP and OSP are in the associated mode or non associated mode. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(NO_DIRECT_CONNECT), YES(DIRECT_CONNECT)
IP address mask of the VLAN Configuration Management IP Address Type None
Minimum interval between two consecutive emergency handovers performed by an MS. During this interval, no emergency handover is allowed. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~60
IP address of the next hopNone IP Address Type None
Next hop None IP Address Type None
Next hop None IP Address Type None
IP address of the next hopAbis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Network ID A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type INT(INT), INTB(INTB), NAT(NAT), NATB(NATB)
Name of the file to be downloaded. The file name must be complete and does not contain a wildcard. BSC/RNC Software Management String Type None
This parameter is related to the paging channel of the system. There are three network operation modes: network operation mode I, network operation mode II, and network operation mode III. Network operation mode I is used when the system is configured with the Gs interface. Network operation mode II is used when the system is not configured with the Gs interface and the PCCCH is not configured. Network operation mode III is used when the system is not configured with the Gs interface and the PCCCH is configured. Network Operation Mode Support DTM Enumeration Type NMOI(Network Operation Mode I), NMOII(Network Operation Mode II), NMOIII(Network Operation Mode III)
No Mains Supply Alarm Cabinet No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
No Mains Supply Alarm Port No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
No Mains Supply Alarm Slot No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
No Mains Supply Alarm Subrack No. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Lower limit of input voltage 1 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 1 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Lower limit of input voltage 2 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 2 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Lower limit of input voltage 3 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 3 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Lower limit of input voltage 4 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 4 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Lower limit of input voltage 5 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 5 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Lower limit of input voltage 6 Faulty Management Interval Type 40~45
Upper limit of input voltage 6 Faulty Management Interval Type 55~59
Whether to allow non-AMR voice F-H handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Decides the offset of the current ATCB together with other two parameters: "F-H Ho Period" and period of triggering a F-H handover, thus selecting target users for F-H handovers. ATCB offset = (Period of triggering a F-H handover / "F-H Ho Period" + 1) * "Non-AMR F-H Ho ATCB Adjust Step". HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
When the ATCB value of non-AMR full rate voice is no smaller than this parameter, the condition for non-AMR F-H handovers is met. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Decides the current path cost offset together with other two parameters: "F-H Ho Period" and period of triggering a F-H handover, thus selecting target users for F-H handovers. Path cost offset = (Period of triggering a F-H handover / "F-H Ho Period" + 1) * "Non-AMR F-H Ho Pathloss Adjust Step". HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
When the path loss value of non-AMR full rate voice is no larger than this parameter, the condition for non-AMR F-H handovers is met. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Quality threshold for non-AMR F-H handovers. When the uplink receive quality and downlink receive quality of a user are both smaller than this parameter, a F-H handover is triggered for the user. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~7
When the load of a cell is no smaller than this threshold, non-AMR F-H handovers are triggered in the cell. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
When the ATCB value of non-AMR half rate voice is no larger than this threshold, the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers is met. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
When the path loss value of non-AMR half rate voice is no smaller than this threshold, the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers is met. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Whether to trigger non-AMR H-F handovers according to the uplink and downlink receive quality HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Quality threshold for non-AMR H-F handovers. When the receive quality of a user is no smaller than this parameter, the user meets the condition for H-F handovers. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~7
When the load of a cell is no larger than this threshold, non-AMR H-F handovers are triggered in the cell. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
Type of the adjacent nodeAter Compression Transmission IP QOS TC Pool Enumeration Type ABIS(Abis Interface), A(A Interface), BSC(Ater Interface on BSC), TC(Ater Interface on TC), IUR_G(IUR_G Interface)
Decisions of no-downlink measurement report handovers can be made only when the number of consecutive no-downlink measurement reports in the current call is no larger than this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~64
Whether to enable the no-downlink measurement report handover algorithm HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When a certain number of no-downlink measurement reports are received consecutively and the uplink receive quality is no smaller than this parameter, no-downlink measurement report emergency handovers are triggered. No-downlink measurement report emergency handovers choose the inter-cell handover mode preferentially; however, if no candidate cells are available and intra-cell handover is enabled in the current cell, intra-cell handovers are triggered. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Normal output capacity of the battery group in specific discharging conditions (such as discharge rate, temperature, and final voltage). Generally, the parameter is based on 10-hour discharge rate. O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~1000
Whether to enable the III power control algorithm for Non-AMR calls. If enabled, power control is performed on Non-AMR calls. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type OFF(Not Allowed), ON(Allowed)
Period when the cell is in the non-DRX state Networking Control ModeEnumeration Type NODRX(NODRX), 0.24sec(0.24sec), 0.48sec(0.48sec), 0.72sec(0.72sec), 0.96sec(0.96sec), 1.20sec(1.20sec), 1.44sec(1.44sec), 1.92sec(1.92sec)
When the ANT_A tributary antenna current abnormally check mode is set to Mode 3, the parameter ALD Current Prompt Alarm is checked by periodical pulse. The periodical pulse consists of antenna over-current duration and normal current duration. This parameter is the ANT_A tributary antenna normal current duration. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 100~10000
When the ANT_B tributary antenna current abnormally check mode is set to Mode 3, the parameter ALD Current Prompt Alarm is checked by periodical pulse. The periodical pulse consists of antenna over-current duration and normal current duration. This parameter is the ANT_B tributary antenna normal current duration. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 100~10000
Whether to allow the cell normal reselection. If this parameter is set to PERMIT and "NC2 Load Reselection Switch" is set to Support, the load of the target cell is involved in the algorithm for NC2 cell reselection. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type FORBID(Forbid), PERMIT(Permit)
Normal work temperature threshold of the cabinet O&M of BTS Interval Type 400~700
Whether to discard paging messages without TMSIs and all-cell paging messages that considerably increase the load on the BSC system GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Maximum number of measurement periods in which there is no traffic. If the number of measurement periods in which there is no traffic reaches this parameter, the BTS reports an alarm indicating that there is no traffic. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 1~255
If the BTS works in fallback mode and uplink VGCS connection is idle for a period specified by this parameter, the BTS disables the VGCS connection automatically. This parameter is valid only for user-originated VGCS calls and is invalid for fixed VGCS calls. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 10~255
Number of TRACERT packets sent to each TTL None Interval Type 1~10
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on a signaling channel used to filter the NBR_RCVD_BLOCKS value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on a service channel used to filter the NBR_RCVD_BLOCKS value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
Network resource indication that specifies a CN node in the MSC pool MSC Pool SGSN Pool Interval Type 0~1023
Identifies the mapping relation from the NRI to the SGSN uniquely with the operator name SGSN Pool Interval Type 0~1023
Controls the values of the FDD_Indic0 field, the NR_OF_FDD_CELLS field, and the FDD_Cellinformation field in 2quater and MI when 3G neighboring cells with scrambling code 0 are present. When this parameter is set to YES, FDD_Indic0 is set to 1, the NR_OF_FDD_CELLS count does not include cells with scrambling code 0, and FDD_Cellinformation also does not include cells with scrambling code 0; When this parameter is set to NO, FDD_Indic0 is set to 1, the NR_OF_FDD_CELLS count includes cells with scrambling code 0, and FDD_Cellinformation also includes cells with scrambling code 0. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Identifies a unique NSE Gb Interface Function Interval Type 0~65534
The identifier of a network service entity (NSE).An NSE manages a group of NSVCs. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 0~65534
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports received on signaling channels used for the filtering of neighboring cell signal strength. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Whether the cell is located in the south latitude or north latitude BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type North_latitude(North latitude), South_latitude(South latitude)
NSVC ID, identifies a unique NSVC. This ID must be negotiated with the peer SGSN. Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~65534
NSVC index, identifies a unique NSVC. Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~1023
If the inlet temperature is between "High Temperature Critical Point" and "Low Temperature Critical Point" and the difference between the inlet temperature and the ambient temperature reaches the value of this parameter, the temperature control system controls the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures as well as the difference between the inlet temperature and the ambient temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~30
If the outlet temperature is between "High Temperature Critical Point" and "Low Temperature Critical Point" and the difference between the outlet temperature and the inlet temperature reaches the value of this parameter, the temperature control system controls the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures as well as the difference between the inlet temperature and the ambient temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~30
Number of retransmissions of the VGCS UPLINK GRANT message Public Voice Group Call Service Interval Type 1~255
Ratio of the minimum guarantee bandwidth of the OAM stream to the port bandwidth Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~100
Minimum guarantee bandwidth of the OAM stream Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~100
Minimum guarantee bandwidth of the OAM stream Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~100
Minimum guarantee bandwidth of the OAM stream IP QOS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~100
Ratio of the minimum guarantee bandwidth of the OAM stream to the port bandwidth O&M of BTS Link aggregation Interval Type 0~100
DSCP value of the OAM stream. The data of the OAM stream are not added to queues 0 to 5 for transmission. Instead, the data of the OAM stream is added to the dedicated queue. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~63
Minimum guarantee bandwidth switch of the OAM stream O&M of BTS Link aggregation Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Operation object Remote Electrical Tilt Enumeration Type SITE(SITE), CELL(CELL), BOARD(BOARD)
Type of the object BTS Test Function Enumeration Type BYCELL(By CELL), BYTRX(By TRX)
Index of object O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~499
This parameter indicates the object index. None Interval Type 0~499
Shield type of the alarm. "ALL" indicates one shield type instead of all types. Faulty Management Enumeration Type ALL(Shield by Alarm ID), BOARD(Shield by Board), PORT(Shield by Port), DSP(Shield by DSP)
Type of the alarm shield object Faulty Management Enumeration Type BTS(BTS), CELL(CELL), LOC(LOC), BOARD(BOARD), PORT(PORT)
Object index types used when commands are executed Configuration Management Enumeration Type CELL(Cell), TRX(TRX), CHN(Channel)
When the PDCHs are insufficient, the streaming service with high priority can preempt the PDCHs that are seized by the streaming service with low priority. After the PDCH resource preemption, the streaming service with low priority initiates the QoS negotiation with the SGSN. If the QoS negotiation fails, or if all the PDCHs are preempted, then the streaming service with low priority is disrupted. Streaming QoS(GBR) Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay handovers Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether to configure the backup OML. When YES is configured in the BTS, an OML is configured in timeslot 31 of port 0 and port 1 respectively. The links are established on the two ports in turn after the BTS is reset. Once the OML is established on a port, it is always used unless the BTS is reset or the OML is disconnected. If the established OML is disconnected, the BTS automatically switches the OML over to another port to re-establish the OML. OML Backup Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If OML Detection Switch is set to OFF, then the OML timeslot automatic detection is not supported. In this case, the OML is carried on the default timeslots. If OML Detection Switch is set to ON, then the OML timeslot automatic detection is supported. In this case, you can run the "SET BTSOMLTS" command to allocate the OML to the specified timeslots. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
This parameter specifies the detecting time of Abis-Bypass site OML when it is broken. Abis Bypass Interval Type 4~255
Differentiated service code of the specified OML O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~63
The summation of average down-bandwidth of OML&ESL link in BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~256
The summation of average up-bandwidth of OML&ESL link in BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~256
Service priority of the specified OML None Interval Type 0~7
Priority of services on the OML. The operation and maintenance link (OML) is used to transfer the OM information between the BSC6900 and BTS. This parameter indicates the priority of services on the OML.0 is the highest priority. IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Specified OML Vlan Id O&M of BTS Interval Type 2~4094
Size of the OML/ESL/EML Downlink LAPD window Abis over IP Interval Type 0~96
External virtual IP address of the OMU O&M of BTS IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the OMU in the external network O&M of BTS IP Address Type None
Account of the operator O&M of BSC Security Management String Type None
Code of the original signaling point (OSP) in the signaling network. In the signaling network, each signaling point is identified by a signaling point code. Configuration Management RAN Sharing Interval Type 1~16777215
Code of the signaling point of the local office in the signaling network. In the signaling network, each signaling point has a corresponding signaling point code. O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~16777215
Uniquely identifies an OSP. see "ADD OPC" command. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~4
Primary operator or secondary operator. Primary operator is an operator that provides equipment, whereas secondary operator is an operator that leases equipment. RAN Sharing Enumeration Type PRIM(Primary Operator), SEC(Secondary Operator)
Index of the operator. This parameter uniquely identifies an operator. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~3
Operator index set to which the CBC belongs RAN Sharing Bit Field Type OPINDEX0, OPINDEX1, OPINDEX2, OPINDEX3
In the normal mode, if the board cannot be reset, no operation is performed. In the force mode, if the board cannot be reset, the operation is performed by force. BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type NORMAL(Normal), FORCE(Force)
It is one key filed of identifying A interface CIC status and indicates the alignment mode of A interface circuit. A Interface Circuit Management Enumeration Type BYCICRANGE(BY CIC RANGE), BYCICVALUE(BY CIC VALUE)
It is one key filed of identifying Ater interface timeslot status and indicates the alignment mode of Ater interface circuit. Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Enumeration Type BYTSRANGE(BY TS RANGE), BYTSVALUE(BY TS VALUE)
It is one key filed of identifying A interface timeslot status and indicates the alignment mode of A interface circuit. A Interface Circuit Management Enumeration Type BYTSRANGE(BY TS RANGE), BYTSVALUE(BY TS VALUE)
It is one key filed of identifying Pb interface CIC status and indicates the Pb interface CIC. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type BYCICRANGE(BY CIC RANGE), BYCICVALUE(BY CIC VALUE)
Name of the operator. This parameter uniquely identifies an operator RAN Sharing String Type None
Channel assignment policies used when TCHs are assigned in an IUO cell: SysOpt: The system selects the preferentially-assigned service layer and assigns channels according to the measurement reports on SDCCHs; USubcell: preferentially assigns the TCHs on the underlay; OSubcell: preferentially assigns the TCHs on the overlay; NoPrefer: use the normal channel assignment algorithm to assign channels. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type SysOpt(System optimization), OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Preferentially assigns channels on the overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold" and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the underlay to ensure successful channel assignment. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
Preferentially assigns channels on the overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold" and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the underlay to ensure successful channel assignment. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
This parameter specifies the TRX priority in channel assignment. The smaller this parameter is, the higher the TRX priority is. For two TRXs with other conditions identical, channels on the TRX with higher priority are preferentially assigned. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type L0(Level0), L1(Level1), L2(Level2), L3(Level3), L4(Level4), L5(Level5), L6(Level6), L7(Level7)
Optical interface standard O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SDH, SONET
The operation type can be "FORBID" or "RESTORE". O&M of BTS Enumeration Type FORBID(Forbid), RESTORE(Restore)
Iur-g signaling point index of an internal RNC in GU mode MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~4
If "Port Type" is set to "TOPEXTOUTPORT", this parameter determines the extended E1/T1 port through which the timeslots on the source E1/T1 port are used by other boards. If "Port Type" is set to "TOPEXTINPORT", this parameter is set 255. IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Interval Type 0~7
Operation type of the command. BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type One_touch(execute on all boards in all subracks), Step_by_Step
Ordinary frequency. Multiple frequencies are separated by "&". For example, "22&33&44&55" are allocated to TRXs in ascending order. Frequency Band String Type None
This parameter indicates the total number of hardware modules, excluding those of GSM. EGPRS Interval Type 0~36
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas in an enhanced IUO cell. The underlay and overlay areas are decided by "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "RX_QUAL Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
Whether to assign channel requests initiated in the underlay subcell to the overlay or underlay subcells according to "UL Subcell General Overload Threshold". If the load of the underlay is higher than "UL Subcell General Overload Threshold", incoming calls in the underlay subcell will be preferentially assigned to the overlay subcell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
The timer is used to set the time when the BSC6900 waits for a handover success message after a handover command is sent in an outgoing BSC handover. If the timer expires, the outgoing BSC handover fails. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 500~60000
The timer is used to set the time when the BSC6900 waits for an HO REQ ACK message after a Handover Request message is reported in an outgoing BSC handover. If the timer expires, the outgoing BSC handover fails. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 500~60000
Whether to use external 2G neighboring cells as the target cells of load handovers HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When the load of the underlay subcell is higher than this parameter, some of the calls in the underlay subcell will be switched to the overlay subcell, and channels in the overlay subcell will be preferentially assigned to calls initiated in the underlay subcell as well. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~100
Power overload threshold for triggering outgoing handover from the TRX under the prerequisite that the power amplifier of the TRX provides the maximum output power. If the power overload exceeds this threshold, the TRX triggers outgoing handover for lack of power. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~50
Lower threshold of the overlay level during overlay-to-underlay handovers. When the receive level of an MS is higher than this threshold, the MS can be switched to the underlay subcell. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay load handovers. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the underlay load is higher than "UL Subcell Serious Overload Threshold", the underlay-to-overlay handover period subtracts a value that equals this threshold from "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods" every second. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 1~255
When the load of the underlay subcell exceeds "UL Subcell General Overload Threshold", all the calls that are using this cell as the serving cell generate handover requests at the same time, which will suddenly increase the load of the BSC and possibly cause congestion in the overlay subcell, thus causing the handovers to fail. To solve this problem, the BSC uses the hierarchical load handover algorithm to gradually switch some of the calls in the underlay subcell to the overlay subcell. This parameter indicates the duration of each handover level. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 1~255
Level step during underlay-to-overlay hierarchical load handovers Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~63
When the load of the underlay subcell is lower than this parameter, some of the calls in the overlay subcell will be switched to the underlay subcell, and channels in the underlay subcell will be preferentially assigned to channel requests initiated in the overlay subcell as well. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~100
Specifies the timeslot mask out BSC6900 Semi-Permanent Connection Bit Field Type TS0, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Outgoing BSC6900 port number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~335
Number of the outgoing port of the DXX O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~15
Number of the outgoing timeslot of the DXX O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~31
Level of the accessed alarm signal. If the alarm signal has high level, this parameter should be set to 0. Otherwise, it should be set to 1. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type HIGH(High), LOW(Low)
Level of the accessed alarm signal. If the alarm signal has high level, this parameter should be set to 0. Otherwise, it should be set to 1. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type HIGH(High), LOW(Low)
Level of the accessed alarm signal. If the alarm signal has high level, this parameter should be set to 0. Otherwise, it should be set to 1. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type HIGH(High), LOW(Low)
Level of the accessed alarm signal. If the alarm signal has high level, this parameter should be set to 0. Otherwise, it should be set to 1. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type HIGH(High), LOW(Low)
Output power of the location group. For a location group that consists of MRRU or GRRU boards, the default output power is 15W. For a location group that consists of DRRU boards, the default output power varies with frequency bands. That is, when the frequency band is 850M/900M, the default output power is 18W; when the frequency band is 1800M/1900M, the default output power is 15W. Multi-site Cell Interval Type 10~2000
Output power of the location group Multi-site Cell Interval Type 300~530
Output power unit of the location group Multi-site Cell Enumeration Type 0_1dB(0.1dB), 0_1W(0.1W)
When the load of the underlay subcell is higher than this parameter, the underlay-to-overlay load handover period subtracts a period that equals "Step Length of UL Subcell Load HO" from "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods" every second, thus increasing the load handover speed. Enhanced Dual-Band Network Interval Type 0~100
Whether to report a cell out-of-service alarm after a cell is out of service O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Outgoing BSC6900 slot number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~27
Slot number of the load outlet interface board O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~27
Outgoing BSC6900 subrack number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~11
This parameter specifies whether to allow the inter-RAT load handover in connection mode (after the assignment is complete). GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When the Service Handover field in an ASS REQ message is 0, a direct retry process targeted at a 3G network is initiated. If the direct retry fails, the system decides whether to re-assign channels for the current call based on this parameter. GSM/WCDMA Service Based Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
When this parameter is set to Open, the BSS decides whether to hand over the current service to the 3G network according to the contents of the "Service Handover" information element in the ASS REQ and HO REQ messages. GSM/WCDMA Service Based Handover Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Validity period for the BSC to keep the load information about a 3G neighboring cell on the RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 1~60
Outgoing BSC6900 start timeslot number Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~255
Abnormally alarm raise threshold triggered by too heavy current of the ANT_A tributary antenna. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 0. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm raise threshold triggered by too heavy current of the ANT_B tributary antenna. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 0. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm raise threshold triggered by too heavy current of the RET tributary antenna. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 0. Faulty Management Interval Type 10~3500
Clearance threshold for the alarm triggered when the ANT_A tributary antenna is over current. When the actual current is below this threshold, the ALD Current Abnormal Alarm is cleared. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm clearance threshold triggered by too heavy current of the ANT_B tributary antenna. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm clearance is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 0. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Clearance threshold for the alarm triggered when the RET tributary antenna is over current. When the actual current is below this threshold, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is cleared. Faulty Management Interval Type 10~3500
When the ANT_A tributary antenna current abnormally check mode is set to Mode 3, the parameter ALD Current Prompt Alarm is checked by periodical pulse. The periodical pulse consists of antenna over-current duration and normal current duration. This parameter is the ANT_A tributary antenna over-current duration. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 100~10000
When the ANT_B tributary antenna current abnormally check mode is set to Mode 3, the parameter ALD Current Prompt Alarm is checked by periodical pulse. The periodical pulse consists of antenna over-current duration and normal current duration. This parameter is the ANT_B tributary antenna over-current duration. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 100~10000
Interval for the BTS transmitting overload messages to the BSC6900. This parameter is used to control the reporting frequency of overload messages by the channel and TRX. The overload can be the TRX processor overload, downlink CCCH overload, or AGCH overload. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 1~255
Temperature threshold of the derating function of the cabinet O&M of BTS Interval Type 400~700
Threshold for critical flow control. When the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the CPUS performs critical flow control for paging messages. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Threshold for major flow control. When the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the CPUS performs major flow control for paging messages. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Threshold for minor flow control. When the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the CPUS performs minor flow control for paging messages. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Threshold for slight flow control. When the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the CPUS performs slight flow control for paging messages. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
This parameter specifies whether the multi-carrier transceiver unit supports the Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation feature. When this parameter is set to YES, the multi-carrier transceiver unit automatically regulates its working voltage according to the power requirements of a service. When this parameter is set to NO, the multi-carrier transceiver unit works at a fixed working voltage.This parameter applies only to BTS3036, BTS3036A, DBS3036, BTS3900 GSM, BTS3900L GSM, BTS3900A GSM, DBS3900 GSM, BTS3900E base stations. For other base stations, this parameter is not displayed and cannot be configured (the fixed value is Null). Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to support the function of moving the packet assignment down to the BTS. To improve the access speed of the MS, after the packet assignment is moved down to the BTS, the BSC reserves the uplink resources for the BTS. The BTS obtains the channel request of the MB by analyzing the downlink acknowledgement message sent by the MS. Then the BTS allocates the reserved uplink resources to the MS to move the packet assignment to the BTS. Packet Assignment Taken Over by the BTS Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support)
Average number of paging messages allowed in a cell in a period GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~65535
Lifetime of a paging message in the paging queue of the BTS. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting of timer T3113 at the core network; otherwise, the efficiency of paging scheduling over the Um interface is reduced. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value one to two seconds shorter than timer T3113. The units of this parameter is 250 ms.The actually effective rang of this parameter is 8 to 80 or 255. The corresponding value is N multiplied by 250 milliseconds when this parameter is set to a value N. The calculation rules are as follows: 1) When the parameter value is smaller than 8, the BTS calculates the lifetime of a paging message as 8 multiplied by 250 milliseconds, which is 2 seconds. 2) When the parameter value is between 8 and 80, the BTS calculates the lifetime of a paging message as N multiplied by 250 milliseconds. For example, when the parameter value is 60, lifetime of a paging message is 15 seconds. 3) When the parameter value is between 81 and 254, the Paging Interval Type 0~255
Maximum number of paging messages allowed in a cell in a period GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~65535
For the BTS, this parameter is used to determine paging retransmissions. This parameter and the number of paging times configured in the MSC determine the number of paging retransmissions. The total number of paging times is approximately equal to the value of this parameter multiplied by the number of paging times configured in the MSC. Paging Interval Type 1~8
This parameter sets the PAN_DEC value used by the counter N3102 of the MS. When the timer T3182 of the MS expires, the N3102 reduces the value of PAN_DEC. 0: the value of PAN_DEC is 0; 7: the value of PAN_DEC is 7; Value N indicates that PAN_DEC is N; Not use: this parameter is not used. GPRS Enumeration Type Pan_0(0), Pan_1(1), Pan_2(2), Pan_3(3), Pan_4(4), Pan_5(5), Pan_6(6), Pan_7(7), 255(not use)
This parameter sets the PAN_INC value used by the counter N3102 of the MS. When receiving the packet uplink acknowledged or unacknowledged message sent by the network (V(S) or V(A) increases), the MS increases the count (PAN_INC) of the counter N3102. 0: the value of PAN_INC is 0; 7: the value of PAN_INC is 7; Value N indicates that PAN_DEC is N; Not use: this parameter is not used. GPRS Enumeration Type Pan_0(0), Pan_1(1), Pan_2(2), Pan_3(3), Pan_4(4), Pan_5(5), Pan_6(6), Pan_7(7), 255(not use)
RAN_MAX value, the maximum value of the N3102. 4: the value of PAN_MAX is 4; 32: the value of PAN_MAX is 32. Value N indicates that PAN_DEC is N; Not use: this parameter is not used. GPRS Enumeration Type Pan_4(4), Pan_8(8), Pan_12(12), Pan_16(16), Pan_20(20), Pan_24(24), Pan_28(28), Pan_32(32), 255(not use)
Priority level at which the BSC shuts down the power amplifier of the TRX when the intelligent shutdown function is enabled. If this parameter is set smaller, the priority level is higher, the power amplifier of the TRX is shut down later. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type L0(Level0), L1(Level1), L2(Level2), L3(Level3), L4(Level4), L5(Level5), L6(Level6), L7(Level7)
Patch number of the TMU board software O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~9999
Patch number of the TMU board software O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~99
IP path check flag IP QOS Enumeration Type ENABLED(Enabled), DISABLED(Disabled)
Uniquely identifies an IP path Abis over IP A over IP IP QOS Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~65535
IP path ID,Identifying an IP path. None Interval Type 0~65535
Transmission loss difference between radio frequencies on different bands Active Power Control Interval Type 0~255
Whether to perform path loss-based sorting in a better cell handover algorithm HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Type of the IP path Abis over IP A over IP IP QOS Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type QoS(QoS), BE(BE), AF11(AF11), AF12(AF12), AF13(AF13), AF21(AF21), AF22(AF22), AF23(AF23), AF31(AF31), AF32(AF32), AF33(AF33), AF41(AF41), AF42(AF42), AF43(AF43), EF(EF)
Patch type BSC/RNC Software Management Enumeration Type MAINCPU_PATCH(Main programme patch), DSP_PATCH(DSP programme patch), UCODE_PATCH(Marcrocode patch)
BTS power attenuation on the measured PBCCH Power Control Enumeration Type DB0(0dB), DB2(-2dB), DB4(-4dB), DB6(-6dB), DB8(-8dB), DB10(-10dB), DB12(-12dB), DB14(-14dB), DB16(-16dB), DB18(-18dB), DB20(-20dB), DB22(-22dB), DB24(-24dB), DB26(-26dB), DB28(-28dB), DB30(-30dB)
Whether to use the PBGT handover algorithm. PBGT handovers are based on path loss. The PBGT handover algorithm searches in real time for cells that have lower path loss and meet certain system requirements, and decides whether to perform the handovers. To avoid ping-pong handovers, PBGT handovers can occur only on TCHs and among cells on a same layer and a same priority level. HUAWEI I Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
The triggering of PBGT handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for PBGT handovers is met for a consecutive P seconds during N seconds, a PBGT handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 1~32
PBGT handovers to a neighboring cell are allowed only when the downlink level difference between the neighboring cell and the serving cell is larger than this parameter. When the value of this parameter is smaller than 64, handovers to a neighboring cell with a lower level than the current serving cell are allowed. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~127
The triggering of PBGT handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when the condition for PBGT handovers is met for a consecutive P seconds during N seconds, a PBGT handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 1~32
Maximum times for an external PCU to retransmit a PB interface maintenance message. When the PCU fails to receive a response to a PB interface maintenance message before the timer timeouts, it retransmits the PB interface maintenance message to the BSC. GPRS Interval Type 0~65535
Minimum interval between two consecutive power control commands Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~15
Channel used for the measured receiving power. It is used to set the measured receiving power level of the channel and control the power of the uplink. Power Control Enumeration Type BCCH(BCCH), PDCH(PDCH)
It is one key filed of identifying Pb interface CIC status and indicates the PCU No. corresponding to the Pb interface CIC. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~31
PCU number, identifying a unique PCU. GPRS Interval Type 0~31
Port number of the E1/T1 of the Pb interface O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~31
Number of the PCU to which the current cell belongs GPRS Interval Type 0~31
Whether the PCU supports the PREEMPT_ABIS_LINK message. If the BTS supports the FLEXABIS function, the CS service can preempt the timeslots on the Abis interface used by the PS service. After the preemption occurs, the BSC6900 sends a PREEMPT_ABIS_LINK message to the PCU if the PCU can process the message. O&M of BTS Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
PDCH downlink multiplex threshold, Indicating the maximum TBFs on the downlink PDCH (parameter value/10).We recommand that the value of "Downlink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion" should be less than "PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold" for triggering converting dynamic channel in time and reducing PDCH multiplex. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 10~160
This parameter specifies whether to enable the Power Optimization Based on Channel Type feature. The working voltage of the TRX varies with the modulation mode of the channel. When this parameter is set to YES, the TRX adopts the working voltage according to the modulation mode of the dynamic PDCH. Power Optimization Based on Channel Type Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter must be used together with "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" in the following conditions: 1. When "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" is set to "No preempt of service TCHF" and "PDCH Reforming" is set to "Yes", the channels for the CS service is released if the CS service fails to be switched to another channel. 2: When "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" is set to "Preempt all dynamic TCHFs" or "No preempt of CCHs" and "PDCH Reforming" is set to "Yes", the CS service is switched to the original channel if the CS service fails to be switched to another channel. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
PDCH uplink multiplex threshold, indicating the maximum TBFs on the uplink PDCH (parameter value/10). We recommand that the value of "Uplink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion" should be less than "PDCH Uplink Multiplex Threshold" for triggering converting dynamic channel in time and reducing PDCH multiplex. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 10~70
Pending timer of the M3UA link set A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~10
Peer BSC ID. It identifies a BSC. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~65534
ID of the peer BSC6900 Abis over IP Interval Type 0~65534
IP address of the peer BSC6900 on the homing BSC6900 side Abis over IP BSC Node Redundancy IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the port IP address at the peer BSC6900. Abis over IP BSC Node Redundancy IP Address Type None
Identifier of the peer BTS on the homing BSC6900 side Abis over IP BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 0~2047
Peer IP address of the PPP link. The IP address of the PPP link on the peer side of the BSC. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Peer IP address of the MP group. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Detects the IP address of the gateway IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
IP address of the peer end of BTS PPP Link. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
IP address of the peer end of BTS MLPPP Group. Abis IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
First destination IP address. The invalid value is 0. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Second destination IP address. The invalid value is 0. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
The peer IP address should not be the same as the local address. IP QOS IP Address Type None
Subnet mask of the peer IPAbis over IP A over IP IP QOS Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 IP Address Type None
Destination SCTP port number A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1024~65535
Peer Software Version O&M of BTS String Type None
Whether to punish the target cell when a handover fails or to punish the current serving cell when a handover is of more TA or bad quality. After a handover fails due to congestion of the target cell, the system needs to punish the target cell to prevent the MS from attempting to switch to the target cell again. Ping-pong handovers can easily occur when handovers are of more TA or bad quality. In these cases, the system needs to punish the current serving cells. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Penalty duration for cell reselection. Cell penalty can be performed only in this duration. When this parameter is set to a greater value, the MS cannot reselect a cell for a longer time in the case of reselection failure or reselection due to load. The penalty timer is shorter when this parameter is set to a smaller value. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~255
When the cell reselection failure message is received or the load cell reselection is initiated, the "Cell Penalty Level" is subtracted from the receive level of the target cell to avoid that cell reselection failure occurs repeatedly or that multiple MSs are reselected to the same target cell. This parameter is valid only within "Cell Penalty Duration". Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~63
Timer of penalty on a neighboring cell when a handover fails due to faults of data configuration. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Ping check period of IP Path IP QOS Interval Type 1~60
Measurement period for each frequency group 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 1~48
Compression flag of the PPP link protocol domain Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type Disable(Disable), Enable(Enable)
Compression flag of the PPP link protocol domain Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type Disable(Disable), Enable(Enable)
Whether to compress the protocol field of the PPP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to support packet flow context (PFC). The PFC flow is used to control the QoS of the packet service of the MS. Streaming QoS(GBR) Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
Whether to support the paging message classification function: 0,close; 1,paging message classification flow control; 2,re-paging flow control. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~2
Maximum number of paging messages that the BSC6900 can process over the A interface within a measurement period GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~1000
Maximum number of PS paging messages that the BSC6900 can process within a "Paging Statistical Period". GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~2000
Measurement period for calculating the arrival rate of paging messages GSM Flow Control Interval Type 100~600000
Value of the per-hop behavior (PHB) IP QOS Enumeration Type BE(BE), AF11(AF11), AF12(AF12), AF13(AF13), AF21(AF21), AF22(AF22), AF23(AF23), AF31(AF31), AF32(AF32), AF33(AF33), AF41(AF41), AF42(AF42), AF43(AF43), EF(EF)
PHB type of the IPMUX to be enabled Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Bit Field Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF
Cell Reselect Parameters Indication (PI), sent on the broadcast channel, indicates whether "Cell Reselect Offset", "Cell Reselect Temporary Offset" in the "SET GCELLIDLEAD" command, and "Cell Reselect Penalty Time" are used. Basic Cell Re-selection System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the private key password DISABLE: indicating that the private key password is disabled ENABLE: indicating that the private key password is enabled Security Management Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disabled), ENABLE(Enabled)
Indicates the number of the packets for remote loopback test of the OAM in the Ethernet Ethernet OAM Interval Type 5~64
Indicates the length of the packets for the remote loopback test of the OAM in the Ethernet Ethernet OAM Interval Type 64~1024
Loopback packet length None Interval Type 2~1500
Maximum multiplexing frame length. The length of the multiplexed packet must not exceed the maximum multiplexing frame length. If the length of the multiplexed packet exceeds the maximum multiplexing frame length, the packet is transferred without being added with new subframes. The frame length refers to the payload, excluding the IP/UDP header. Abis MUX Interval Type 24~1031
Whether the cell supports the PACKET SI STATUS flow. In the PACKET SI STATUS flow, the MS sends the Packet PSI/SI Status message to indicate that the MS has stored the system message. The network side sends the Packet Serving Cell Data message to notify the MS of the system message not stored. Packet SI Status Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Indicates the size of the PING packet, neither IP header nor ICMP header is included. None Interval Type 20~1500
Sent packet size Ethernet OAM Interval Type 95~512
Persistence level 1 of the radio access priority. During MS access, the access priority of the MS is set. If the priority of the MS is higher than the access priority of the MS, the cell allows the access of the MS. Otherwise, the cell rejects the access of the MS. The value "no use" indicates this parameter is not used. Access Enumeration Type 0_level(0_level), 1_level(1_level), 2_level(2_level), 3_level(3_level), 4_level(4_level), 5_level(5_level), 6_level(6_level), 7_level(7_level), 8_level(8_level), 9_level(9_level), 10_level(10_level), 11_level(11_level), 12_level(12_level), 13_level(13_level), 14_level(14_level), 16_level(16_level), nouse(no use)
Power attenuation level of all the other timeslots of the BCCH except for timeslot 7 in 16QAM. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 16QAM, the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. EGPRS Interval Type 0~50
Persistence level 2 of the radio access priority. During MS access, the access priority of the MS is set. If the priority of the MS is higher than the access priority of the MS, the cell allows the access of the MS. Otherwise, the cell rejects the access of the MS. The value "no use" indicates this parameter is not used. Access Enumeration Type 0_level(0_level), 1_level(1_level), 2_level(2_level), 3_level(3_level), 4_level(4_level), 5_level(5_level), 6_level(6_level), 7_level(7_level), 8_level(8_level), 9_level(9_level), 10_level(10_level), 11_level(11_level), 12_level(12_level), 13_level(13_level), 14_level(14_level), 16_level(16_level), nouse(no use)
Persistence level 3 of the radio access priority. During MS access, the access priority of the MS is set. If the priority of the MS is higher than the access priority of the MS, the cell allows the access of the MS. Otherwise, the cell rejects the access of the MS. The value "no use" indicates this parameter is not used. Access Enumeration Type 0_level(0_level), 1_level(1_level), 2_level(2_level), 3_level(3_level), 4_level(4_level), 5_level(5_level), 6_level(6_level), 7_level(7_level), 8_level(8_level), 9_level(9_level), 10_level(10_level), 11_level(11_level), 12_level(12_level), 13_level(13_level), 14_level(14_level), 16_level(16_level), nouse(no use)
Power attenuation level of all the other timeslots of the BCCH except for timeslot 7 in 32QAM. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 32QAM, the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. EGPRS Interval Type 0~50
Persistence level 4 of the radio access priority. During MS access, the access priority of the MS is set. If the priority of the MS is higher than the access priority of the MS, the cell allows the access of the MS. Otherwise, the cell rejects the access of the MS. The value "no use" indicates this parameter is not used. Access Enumeration Type 0_level(0_level), 1_level(1_level), 2_level(2_level), 3_level(3_level), 4_level(4_level), 5_level(5_level), 6_level(6_level), 7_level(7_level), 8_level(8_level), 9_level(9_level), 10_level(10_level), 11_level(11_level), 12_level(12_level), 13_level(13_level), 14_level(14_level), 16_level(16_level), nouse(no use)
Power attenuation level of the EDGE TRX. There are 50 power attenuation levels. At each level, the power is attenuated by 0.2 dB. The spectrum requirements are met only when the power of an EDGE transceiver for transmitting 8PSK signals is lower than the average power for GMSK modulation. EGPRS Interval Type 0~50
Statistics period of the packet drop ratio. This parameter indicates the period for collecting the statistics information about the packet drop ratio. Note that the unit of this parameter is 100 milliseconds. The actual delay statistics period is the value of this parameter multiplied by 100 milliseconds. IP QOS Interval Type 1~100
Packet drop ratio threshold for speed reduction. When the packet drop ratio exceeds the value of this parameter, the rate of the logical port is reduced. Note that the unit of this parameter is a thousand to one. IP QOS Interval Type 0~1000
Point at which to play sound O&M of BSC Enumeration Type A(A Interface), ABIS(Abis Interface)
Whether to enable sound playing O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Duration of sound playing. If this parameter is set to 0, the sound is played repeatedly. If this parameter exceeds the duration of the record file, the void sound is played for the exceeding part. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~600
CPU usage threshold for performance monitoring. When the average CPU usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, performance monitoring is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for performance monitoring. When the average packet queue usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, performance monitoring is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Interval for sending cell paging group packets when Paging Messages Optimize at Abis Interface is enabled Paging Interval Type 1~8
Number of cell paging group packets when Paging Messages Optimize at Abis Interface is enabled Paging Interval Type 2~15
Whether to enable Paging Messages Optimize at Abis Interface. The BSC6900 combines multiple paging messages to a cell paging package and then sends the package to the BTS. The package reduces header overhead and thus reducing the load on the Abis link. Paging Enumeration Type CLOSE(Forced turn-off), OPEN(Forced turn-on), AUTO(Self-adaptive)
CPU usage threshold for recovery from performance monitoring. When the average CPU usage of sliding windows is lower than the threshold, performance monitoring is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for recovery from performance monitoring. When the packet queue usage of sliding windows is lower than the threshold, performance monitoring is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Whether to monitor the RRM performance GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ON, OFF
Number of the port Configuration Management Interval Type 0~11
Port No. of environment alarm Faulty Management Interval Type 1~32
Port No. of the XPU board. If you do not specify this parameter, all ports of the XPU board are queried. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~3
Number of the E1/T1 port on the Ater interface board. E1 mode: 0~31 (EIU), 0~62(OIU), 0~251(POUc). T1 mode: 0~31(EIU), 0~83(OIU), 0~335(POUc). Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Interval Type 0~335
Port number A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~335
It is one key field of identifying the block of the Ater timeslot and indicates the port No. of the Ater interface timeslot. None Interval Type 0~335
Port number of the E1/T1 of the Pb interface O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~335
Number of the port where the alarm is generated, only the ports for data transmission are supported, such as E1/T1 port, channelized optical port tributary, optical port, and Ethernet port Faulty Management Interval Type 0~335
Indicates the port number for running this command. None Interval Type 0~7
E1/T1 port number None Interval Type 0~335
E1/T1 port number None Interval Type 0~335
E1/T1 port number None Interval Type 0~335
Indicates the port number for running this command. None Interval Type 0~7
Port number Board Switchover Interval Type 0~11
Port number None Interval Type 0~7
Port number None Interval Type 0~7
Ethernet port None Interval Type 0~11
FE/GE port number None Interval Type 0~11
Ethernet port IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~11
Port number None Interval Type 0~335
E1/T1 port number None Interval Type 0~31
Port number Gb Over FR Interval Type 0~335
Port number of Pb signaling link O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~335
Port No. of the BSC6900 board connected with the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~355
Alarm port number Faulty Management Interval Type 0~255
Number of the port on the BTS side O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the port on the BTS side O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the port through which the BTS is connected to the BSC6900 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~335
Number of the FE or GE port O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1
Number of the Ethernet port. The number must be consistent with that of the port carrying the FE connection of the IP BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1
Port number O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Maximum transmission delay of the POC service (push to talk over cellular). The transmission delay of the POC service must be relatively small. The network side must support the function of detecting the POC service type and reduce the delay through related processing to meet the POC service requirement. For the POC service received by the network side, Transfer Delay in the ABQP must be lower than the transmission threshold of the POC service. PoC QoS Interval Type 250~650
Maximum bandwidth of the POC service (push to talk over cellular). The transmission delay of the POC service must be relatively small. The network side must support the function of detecting the POC service type and reduce the delay through related processing to meet the POC service requirement. For the POC service received by the network side, GbrValue in the ABQP must be lower than the maximum bandwidth of the POC service. PoC QoS Interval Type 6~120
Minimum bandwidth of the POC service (push to talk over cellular). The transmission delay of the POC service must be relatively small. The network side must support the function of detecting the POC service type and reduce the delay through related processing to meet the POC service requirement. For the POC service received by the network side, GbrValue in the ABQP must be larger than the minimum bandwidth of the POC service. PoC QoS Interval Type 6~120
Whether to support the push to talk over cellular (POC) service PoC QoS Enumeration Type NotSupport(Not Support), Support(Support)
This parameter specifies a condition for generating a BTS alarm. When the output power of a TRX of a transmitter is lower than a fixed level, an error is generated. This parameter and "Power output error threshold" indicate the two thresholds of the error. If this parameter is set to a large value, the error is small. The value range is 0 to 9, indicating -10 dB to -1 dB. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~9
This parameter specifies a condition for generating a BTS alarm. When the output power of a TRX of a transmitter is lower than a fixed level, an error is generated. This parameter and "Power output reduction threshold" indicate the two thresholds of the error. If this parameter is set to a large value, the error is small. The value range is 0 to 9, indicating -10 dB to -1 dB. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~9
Description of the rollback point Configuration Management String Type None
Name of the rollback pointConfiguration Management String Type None
This port is provided by the FTP server to be visited by the FTP client. O&M of BSC Interval Type 21~65535
Number of the port where to set up the link after the BTS ring is swapped. If this parameter is set to 0, the BTS works on a forward ring. If this parameter is set to 1, the BTS works on a backward ring. Ring Topology Interval Type 0~1
Number of the port where to set up the link after the main and backup OMLs of the BTS are swapped OML Backup Interval Type 0~1
Number of the DXX port O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~15
Maximum number of ports on the DXX O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~16
Port protocol type None Enumeration Type IP, HDLC
Whether to enable the panel port of the XPU board Configuration Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Indicates the type of the physical port used by the local maintenance point in the maintenance group. FE indicates the FE port and TRUNK indicates the aggregation group. Ethernet OAM Enumeration Type ETHER, TRUNK
Type of the port. If this parameter is set to "TOPEXTOUTPORT", the local E1/T1 ports are used to extend the transmission of other boards. That is, the timeslots on the source E1/T1 port are used by other boards through the extended E1/T1 port. If this parameter is set to "TOPEXTINPORT", the local E1/T1 ports are used to extend the transmission of local boards. That is, the local boards can obtain the timeslots from other boards through the extended E1/T1 port. IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Enumeration Type TOPEXTOUTPORT(TOP Extended Out Port), TOPEXTINPORT(TOP Extended In Port)
Whether to transmit the 2Quater message on the BCCH Norm channel or the BCCH Ext channel 2G/3G Cell Reselection Based on MS State Enumeration Type BCCHNorm(BCCHNorm), BCCHExt(BCCHExt)
Type of the patch operation O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYBTSTYPE(By BTS Type), BYBTS(By BTS)
Rated maximum output power of the diesel engine. Refer to the rated output power described on the diesel engine label. O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~1000
Relay switch 1 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Relay switch 2 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Relay switch 3 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Relay switch 4 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Relay switch 5 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Relay switch 6 Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Battery current shunt coefficient O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1000
Power attenuation level of timeslot 7 of the BCCH in 16QAM. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 16QAM, the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. Downlink EGPRS2-A Interval Type 0~50
Power attenuation level of timeslot 7 of the BCCH in 32QAM. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 32QAM, the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. Downlink EGPRS2-A Interval Type 0~50
Power type managed by the PMU O&M of BTS Enumeration Type POWER_48_24(48/24 Power Module), POWER_240_24(240/24 Power Module)
Type of the power supply system of the cabinet O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 220VAC(220V AC), N48VDC(-48V DC), P24VDC(+24V DC)
This parameter specifies the transmit power level of the TRX. The greater this parameter is, the smaller the transmit power is. When this parameter is set to "0", the transmit power level of the TRX is the greatest. Each time this parameter increases by one level, the transmit power reduces by 2 dB. For different types of BTSs, the value range of this parameter is different. BTS3X: 0-10 BTS3001C: 0-13 BTS3002C: 0-10 Double-transceiver BTSs (BTS3012,BTS3012AE,BTS3006C): 0-10 DBS3900 GSM, BTS3900 GSM, BTS3900A GSM: 0-10. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~13
This parameter specifies the maximum transmit power supported by the power amplifier of the TRX. The macro BTS and the mini BTS support different power levels. Configuration Management Enumeration Type 80W(80W), 63W(63W), 60W(60W), 55W(55W), 50W(50W), 45W(45W), 40W(40W), 31W(31W), 30W(30W), 27W(27W), 26W(26W), 25W(25W), 24W(24W), 21W(21W), 20W(20W), 19W(19W), 18W(18W), 17W(17W), 16W(16W), 15W(15W), 14W(14W), 13_3W(13.3W), 13W(13W), 12_5W(12.5W), 12W(12W), 11_5W(11.5W), 11W(11W), 10W(10W), 9_5W(9.5W), 9W(9W), 8_5W(8.5W), 8W(8W), 7_5W(7.5W), 7W(7W), 6_5W(6.5W), 6W(6W), 5_5W(5.5W), 5W(5W), 4_5W(4.5W), 4W(4W), 3_7W(3.7W), 3_1W(3.1W), 3W(3W), 2_5W(2.5W), 2W(2W), 200mW(200mW), DEFAULT(Default)
When the number of error frames on the PPP layer reaches the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is generated. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~100
When the number of error frames on the PPP layer decreases to the value of this parameter, the frame error alarm is cleared. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~100
PPP link number of BSC. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~499
PPP link number Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~499
PPP link number None Interval Type 0~499
Number of a BTS PPP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~15
Whether to enable the PPP frame multiplexing function. If this parameter is set to ENABLE, the PPP frame multiplexing function is enabled. If this parameter is set to DISABLE, the PPP frame multiplexing function is disabled. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Enumeration Type Disable(Disable), Enable(Enable)
This parameter applies to the FG2a and GOUa boards. For the FG2c, GOUc, or POUc board, this parameter is always set to 2. None Interval Type 0~5
This parameter specifies whether the preempted call is released after the handover failure. If this parameter is set to No, MSs with high priorities can access the network preferentially, but the preempted call drops; if this parameter is set to Yes, the preempted call is not released. In this case, the access requests from MSs with high priorities initiate the queuing procedure or the calls fail. Therefore, the access rate of MS with high priorities is decreased. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether to preempt PDCHs when no TCH is available during the handover of the preempted call. When this parameter is set to Yes, the call drop rate of the preempted call is decreased, but the rate of PS services is affected. Enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption(EMLPP) Enumeration Type NOT_ALLOWED(Not Allowed), ALLOWED(Allowed)
If this parameter is set to ON, the BSC initiates a TCHF preemption when receiving a link establishment indication from an MS in an emergency call. Emergency Call Service (TS12) Guaranteed Emergency Call Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Sampling rate of pre-processed measurement reports. Pre-processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 1~255
Priority of a route. A smaller value of this parameter indicates a higher priority. The BTS preferentially selects the route with a high priority to transfer information. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~255
Access priority of the MS that is allowed to access the cell. The MS sends the packet channel request containing the 2-bit radio priority message. The priority of the 2-bit radio priority message ranges from 1 to 4 in descending order. During the MS access, the BSC compares the radio priority in the channel request with the parameter setting of the cell. If the radio priority equals to the parameter setting of the cell, the BSC sets up the TBF for the channel request. System Information Sending GPRS Enumeration Type 0(No packet access), 3(Packet access of level 1), 4(Packet access of levels 1-2), 5(Packet access of levels 1-3), 6(Packet access of level 1-4)
This parameter specifies whether to support flow control based on priority. When this parameter is set to on, the system preferentially admits the calls initiated by VIP users. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the BTSs send the original measurement reports to the BSC after pre-processing them. When this parameter is set to YES, the BTSs sends the original and pre-processed measurement reports to the BSC. Pre-processing of Measurement Report Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Printing control threshold. If the CPU usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, printing flow control is triggered on the serial port. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Printing control threshold. When the packet queue usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, printing flow control is triggered on the serial port. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Printing control threshold. If the CPU usage of sliding windows is lower than the threshold, printing flow control on the serial port is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Printing control threshold. When the packet queue usage of sliding windows is lower than the threshold, printing flow control on the serial port is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Whether to control the printing flow on the serial port GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ON, OFF
This parameter controls handover between cells at the same layer. Generally, the cells at the same layer are set with the same priority. If the cells at the same layer have different priorities, a cell with a smaller priority value has a higher priority. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type PRIOR-1(Priority-1), PRIOR-2(Priority-2), PRIOR-3(Priority-3), PRIOR-4(Priority-4), PRIOR-5(Priority-5), PRIOR-6(Priority-6), PRIOR-7(Priority-7), PRIOR-8(Priority-8), PRIOR-9(Priority-9), PRIOR-10(Priority-10), PRIOR-11(Priority-11), PRIOR-12(Priority-12), PRIOR-13(Priority-13), PRIOR-14(Priority-14), PRIOR-15(Priority-15), PRIOR-16(Priority-16)
This parameter controls the handovers among cells on a same layer. A smaller priority value indicates a higher priority. Cells with higher priorities are preferentially selected as the handover target cells. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type Prior-1, Prior-2, Prior-3, Prior-4, Prior-5, Prior-6, Prior-7, Prior-8, Prior-9, Prior-10, Prior-11, Prior-12, Prior-13, Prior-14, Prior-15, Prior-16
If the static Abis resource load is greater than the value of "Fix Abis Prior Choose Abis Load Thred" and the dynamic Abis resource load is greater than the value of this parameter, the half-rate channel is preferred. Otherwise, the full-rate channel is preferred. Flex Abis Interval Type 0~100
Priority of the hierarchical cell structure (HCS). 0: indicates the lowest priority; 7: indicates the highest priority. GPRS Enumeration Type 0(0), 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), 7(7), nouse(no use)
Route priority. The highest priority is represented by 0. A Interface Protocol Process A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~99
Priority of the signaling link. 0 indicates the highest priority. A low-priority link carries services only when the high-priority link is faulty. A Interface Protocol Process A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~99
Route priority. The boards FG2a, GOUa, UOIa(IP), FG2c, and GOUc support the configuration of routes with different priorities. Suppose two or more routes are configured and their addresses and masks are the same, and the addresses of the next hops and priorities. These routes can be configured in the active and standby mode. When the route with higher priority is available and only this route is valid, the system switches to the route with lower priority once the route with higher priority fails. None Enumeration Type HIGH, LOW
Preferential customized detection type when the customized sequence is used for port detection. Abis over IP Enumeration Type TDME1_O(TDM E1 0 Port), TDME1_1(TDM E1 1 Port), FE_E(FE Electric Port), FE_O(FE Optical Port), IPOE(IP over E1)
Number of customized detection types involved when the customized sequence is used for port detection. Abis over IP Enumeration Type 1(1), 2(2)
Subsidiary customized detection type when the customized sequence is used for port detection. This parameter is valid only when Number of Customized Detection Types is set to 2. Abis over IP Enumeration Type TDME1_O(TDM E1 0 Port), TDME1_1(TDM E1 1 Port), FE_E(FE Electric Port), FE_O(FE Optical Port), IPOE(IP over E1)
Name of the private key file Security Management String Type None
Port detection sequence used during BTS startup. Abis over IP Enumeration Type DEFAULT(Default Sequence), CUSTOMIZDE(Customized Sequence), DISABLE(DISABLE)
Identifies the DSP protocol type, including ITUT(International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector), ANSI(American National Standards Institute), and TTC(Telecommunication Technology Committee (Japan)). A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type ITUT(ITUT), ANSI(ANSI), TTC(TTC)
Protocol type of the trunk frame. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting at the SGSN side. Gb Over FR Enumeration Type Q933(Q933), ANSI(Ansi)
The transmission resource in the Abis timeslot is considered as faulty only when the BTS detects that the Abis timeslot is faulty in the delay. The transmission resource in the Abis timeslot is considered as normal when the BTS detects the Abis timeslot is normal. O&M of BTS Interval Type 5~300
This parameter specifies a period of time during which a cell cannot be enabled or disabled to prevent frequent cell enabling or disabling operations. That is, after a cell is enabled, it cannot be disabled within the period of time specified by this parameter; after a cell is disabled, it cannot be enabled within the period of time specified by this parameter. Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 0~255
This parameter is set to prevent the BSC from frequently enabling or disabling the TRX. After a TRX is powered on, the BSC is not allowed to disable the TRX within the period of time specified by this parameter. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 60~3600
Port selection None Enumeration Type ALL(Select all ports), SINGLE(Select one port)
Port selection None Enumeration Type ALL(Select all ports), SINGLE(Select one port)
Port selection None Enumeration Type ALL(Select all E1/T1 ports), PORT(Select all E1/T1 ports of one channelized optical port), SINGLE(Select one E1/T1 port)
This parameter indicates whether to include Abis interface messages in PS CHR logs. None Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
This parameter indicates whether to include Gb interface messages in PS CHR logs. None Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
This parameter indicates whether to include internal information in PS CHR logs. The internal information is the basic user information, including user type, MS mulitple timeslot capability, cause for TBF abnormal release, and service type. None Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
This parameter indicates whether to include internal messages in PS CHR logs. The messages are generated in service data flow and transmitted between internal moudles, including uplink/downlink resource request, uplink/downlink resource indication, uplink/downlink resource rejection, TS indication, TS rejection, and PDU removal indication. None Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
This parameter indicates whether to include Um interface messages in PS CHR logs. None Enumeration Type OFF(Not Output), ON(Output)
GSM PS data service downlink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
GSM PS data service uplink factor IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Whether to support PS Handover(PS HO). The PS HO is used to reduce the interval of the cell reselection of the MS. PS Handover Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
PS high PRI data path None Enumeration Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF
PS high PRI data priority None Interval Type 0~7
Priority for PS services over the Abis interface in IP, IP over E1, or HDLC mode when PS preferred. When "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" is set to "No preempt of service TCHF" through the "SET GCELLPSCHM" command, PS services are assigned with a high priority. If "PS High PRI Service PRI" is set to a great value, the priority for PS services becomes low. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~7
Period for sending the packet message PSI. If the period is too long, the message PSI cannot be obtained in realtime. If the period is too short, the message PSI is broadcast frequently, which occupies too much system resources. System Information Sending Packet System Information Interval Type 1~16
Whether the BSC supports the state message PSI. The state message PSI refers to PSI STATUS. Packet System InformationEnumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
PS low PRI data path IP QOS Enumeration Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF
PS low PRI data priority IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Priority for PS services over the Abis interface in IP, IP over E1, or HDLC mode when CS preferred. When "Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel" is set to "Preempt all dynamic TCHFs" or "No preempt of CCHs" through the "SET GCELLPSCHM" command, CS services are assigned with a high priority. If "PS Low PRI Service PRI" is set to a great value, the priority for PS services becomes low. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~7
Threshold of the receive level for triggering the handover of the PS services from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
This parameter indicates the mode of exporting PS CHR logs. When the parameter is set to &quot;Common User Mode&quot;, the PS CHR logs of a specified cell are exported (the command is "SET GPSCHRSCOPE"); when the parameter is set to &quot;Specified User Mode&quot;, the PS CHR logs of a specified MS are exported (the command is "ADD GPSCHRUSER"). The two modes can coexist without affecting each other. None Enumeration Type COMMONUSRM(Common User Mode), SPECUSRM(Specified User Mode)
This parameter specifies the level threshold for the random access of the MS. If the receive level of the RACH burst in the PS domain is smaller than the value of PS RACH Min.Access Level, the BTS regards this access as an invalid one and no decoding is performed. If the receive level of the RACH burst is greater than the value of PS RACH Min. Access Level, the BTS considers that an access request exists on this timeslot, and determines together with the value of "Random Access Error Threshold" whether the RACH access is valid. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type -121~-104
Minimum voltage level for accessing PS services of the location group Multi-site Cell Interval Type -121~-104
This parameter indicates whether to record PS CHR logs. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Maximum number of messages in the statistical period for the arrival of PS resource requests GSM Flow Control Interval Type 10~10000
Statistical period for the arrival of PS resource requests GSM Flow Control Interval Type 100~600000
Whether to enable the DPSU0 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU1 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU2 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU2 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU3 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU4 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU5 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU6 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the DPSU7 to supply power for the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Threshold of the receive level for triggering the handover of the PS services from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
This parameter specifies whether the BTS is allowed to enable the PSU Smart Control feature. When this parameter is set to YES, the BTS automatically enables or disables the PSU according to the traffic volume to improve the efficiency of the PSU. When this parameter is set to NO, the PSUs of the BTS are all working. The following types of BTS support the PSU Smart Control feature: BTS3012AE BTS3900A, BTS3900, DBS3900, and BTS3900L: support the PSU Smart Control feature through the matching APM30. PSU Smart Control Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Switch for the self-healing of the OMU processes None Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Port type of environment alarm Faulty Management Enumeration Type BOOL(BOOL), VALUE(VALUE)
Number of the port that provides the time information on the SNTP server O&M of BSC Interval Type 123~65534
Cell Reselect Penalty Time (PT) is used to ensure the safety and validity of cell reselection because it helps to avoid frequent cell reselection. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08 and 04.08. Basic Cell Re-selection Interval Type 0~31
Subnet protocol type Gb Interface Function Enumeration Type GB_OVER_FR(Gb over FR), GB_OVER_IP(Gb over IP)
Alarm port type Faulty Management Enumeration Type BOOL(BOOL), VALUE(VALUE)
Line coding method None Enumeration Type B8ZS(B8ZS), HDB3(HDB3), AMI(AMI), AMI_ZCS(AMI_ZCS)
Number of a BTS HDLC path. It is unique in one [BTS]. Abis Transmission Optimization Interval Type 0~15
Ethernet port type None Enumeration Type FE, GE
Power system type. When the PMU is installed on the rack, you can select the custom power system type. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type APM100(APM100), APM200(APM200), APM30(APM30), EPS4890(EPS4890), EPS4815(EPS4815), SC48200(SC48200), CUSTOM(CUSTOM)
Name of the certificate fileSecurity Management String Type None
This parameter specifies the patch version loaded to the BTS. This parameter can be set to only a hot patch version. You can use either of the following methods to query the version number of the BTS hot patch. Method 1: If the BTS hot patch is downloaded to the OMU through the MML command DLD BTSPATCH, you can run the MML command LST BTSPATCH to obtain the number of the hot patch package and the hot patch version according to the returned result. Method 2: If the BTS hot patch is not downloaded to the OMU, you can decompress the BTS hot patch package. Then, check the patchcfg.xml file in the level-1 directory of the compressed package. The value after the label "PatchVersion" is the software version. O&M of BTS String Type None
Number of the patch version O&M of BTS String Type None
Period timer of PVC utilization report. This timer is started during initialization. When the timer expires, the PVC utilization information is reported. Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~65535
Private key password Security Management Password Type None
Password O&M of BSC Security Management Password Type None
User password for the FTP server. When the FTPServer.exe file downloaded through the LMT is installed, the user password is admin. O&M of BTS Password Type None
Minimum length of the user password Security Management Interval Type 6~32
Power level O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~31
First alarm switch of power distribution monitoring board Faulty Management Bit Field Type BIT0, BIT1, BIT6, BIT7, BIT8, BIT9, BIT14, BIT15, BIT16, BIT17, BIT22, BIT23, BIT24, BIT25, BIT29, BIT30, BIT31
Second alarm switch of power distribution monitoring board Faulty Management Bit Field Type BIT0, BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4, BIT5, BIT6, BIT7, BIT8, BIT9, BIT10, BIT11, BIT12
Whether to allow active power control. If this parameter is set to YES, the system performs power forecast in the process of initial access assignment or service channel activation during intra-BSC handovers, and sends the forecast initial power information to the BTSs through channel activation messages. In this way, the MSs and BTSs can adjust the transmit power. If this parameter is set to NO, the system does not perform power forecast, and the MSs and BTSs choose the maximum transmit power. Active Power Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the optimized power control algorithm III HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable power control algorithm II or power control algorithm III Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type PWR2(Power control II), PWR3(Power controlIII)
If a class 3 MS on the DCS1800 band does not receive the original power command after random access, the power that the MS uses is the MS maximum transmit power level plus the power calculated from the power deviation. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 0~3
The MS does not receive the original power command after random access. This parameter indicates whether the power deviation is added to the class 3 MS on the DCS1800 band on the basis of the maximum MS transmit power. Radio Common Channel Management Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the power amplifier for all location groups. 0x01 indicates that the TRX power amplifier is enabled for all location groups. 0x00 indicates that the TRX power amplifier is enabled for the current location group. Multi-site Cell Enumeration Type OnlyCurPwrLoc(Only Current Working Location TRXes be Turned On), ALLPwrLoc(All Location TRXes be Turned On)
GSM multi-carrier base station standard. Together with the "Board Type" parameter, this parameter serves as an index field and uniquely determines an entry of verification threshold of the transmit bandwidth, receive bandwidth, and number of TRXs of an RXU board. This parameter is not used in the "MOD BTSRXUBRD" command now. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type CLASS0(Class0), CLASS1(Class1), CLASS2(Class2)
Time interval between the time when the BTS detects that the external power supply is shut down and the time when the backup power decrease function is started. This parameter is valid in the BTSs that supports the backup power decrease function. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 0~720
When this parameter is set to YES, The BSC6900 preferentially uses the TRX with good power-saving performance according to the TRX power priority reported by the BTS. Smaller priority value indicates better power saving quality. If the priority is of a great value, the BTS closes TRXs late. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Finetune of the TRX power. During the static finetune of the TRX power, the BSC adjusts the TRX power at a step of 0.2 dB. In some scenarios, the losses vary depending on the tributaries where the power is combined, and the power difference before and after the power output is not an integral multiple of 2 dB. As a result, the cabinet-top output power cannot be adjusted at a step of 2 dB, and the TRX output power cannot be consistent with the cabinet-top output power. Therefore, this parameter provides a smaller step that can adjust the cabinet-top output power. Configuration Management Enumeration Type DB0(0.0dB), DB2(-0.2dB), DB4(-0.4dB), DB6(-0.6dB), DB8(-0.8dB), DB10(-1.0dB), DB12(-1.2dB), DB14(-1.4dB), DB16(-1.6dB), DB18(-1.8dB), Default(Default)
When the ANT_A tributary antenna power switch is ON, it is allowed to configure related parameters of the ANT_A tributary. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
When the ANT_B tributary antenna power switch is ON, it is allowed to configure related parameters of the ANT_B tributary. O&M of BTS Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
When the RET tributary antenna power switch is ON, it is allowed to configure related parameters of the RET tributary. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Minimum DSCP of queue 0. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that "Min DSCP of queue 0" <= DSCP <= 63 is added to queue 0. None Interval Type 0~63
Minimum DSCP of queue 1. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that "Min DSCP of queue 1" <= DSCP < "Min DSCP of queue 0" is added to queue 1. None Interval Type 0~63
Minimum DSCP of queue 2. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that "Min DSCP of queue 2" <= DSCP < "Min DSCP of queue 1" is added to queue 2. None Interval Type 0~63
Minimum DSCP of queue 3. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that "Min DSCP of queue 3" <= DSCP < "Min DSCP of queue 2" is added to queue 3. None Interval Type 0~63
Minimum DSCP of queue 4. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that "Min DSCP of queue 4" <= DSCP < "Min DSCP of queue 3" is added to queue 4. The IP packets with DSCP in a relation that 0 <= DSCP < "Min DSCP of queue 4" is added to queue 5. None Interval Type 0~63
This parameter specifies the threshold of the signal level for cell reselection in connection mode before ""Qsearch C"" is obtained. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type Use_Qsearch_I(Use Qsearch_I), Always(Always)
Whether to enable the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. The fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm enables fast moving MSs to switch over to macro-cells, thus reducing the handover times. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter is used in the P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly passes through N out of P micro-cells lately, the BSC enables the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~10
A time threshold determined based on the radius of a cell and the moving speed of an MS. If the MS crosses the cell in a time period shorter than this threshold, the BSC concludes that the MS quickly passes through the cell. Otherwise, it concludes that the MS slowly passes the cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
This parameter is used in the P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly passes through N out of P micro-cells lately, the BSC enables the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~10
This parameter specifies the level threshold for cell reselection in idle mode. In idle mode, if the signal level of the serving cell is below [0, 7] or above [8, 15], the MS starts to search for 3G cells. For example, if this parameter is set to 5 and if the signal level of the serving cell is lower than 5, the MS starts to search for 3G cells; if this parameter is set to 10 and if the signal level of the serving cell is above 10, then the MS starts to search for 3G cells. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: -98 dBm 1: -94 dBm 2: -90 dBm 3: GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of the signal quality on service or data channels. This parameter is used to determine whether interferences exist on channels. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of the signal quality on signaling channels. This parameter is used to determine whether interferences exist on channels. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Whether to support QoC optimization. The GSN equipment for the GPRS provides flexible QoS mechanisms for different subscribers. The QoS level is also set during subscription. The QoS control parameters include: service priority, reliability level, delay level, and data throughput level. During QoS negotiation, the MS can apply for one value for each QoS attribute. When receiving the request from the MS, the network must allocate a QoS level to each attribute for each QoS document. The network provides related resources for the negotiated QoS document. QoS ARP&THP Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support)
This parameter specifies one threshold of the signal level for cell reselection in packet transfer mode. In packet transfer mode, if the signal level of the serving cell is below [0, 7] or above [8, 15], the MS starts to search for 3G cells. For example, if this parameter is set to 5 and if the signal level of the serving cell is lower than 5, the MS starts to search for 3G cells; if this parameter is set to 10 and if the signal level of the serving cell is above 10, then the MS starts to search for 3G cells. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: -98 dBm GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
In connection mode, if the signal level is below [0-7] or above [8-15], the MS starts to search for 3G cells. For example, if this parameter is set to 5 and if the signal level of the serving cell is lower than 5, the MS starts to search for 3G cells; if this parameter is set to 10 and if the signal level of the serving cell is above 10, then the MS starts to search for 3G cells. 0: -98 dBm 1: -94 dBm ... 6: -74 dBm 7: (always) 8: -78 dBm 9: -74 dBm ... 14: -54 dBm 15: Positive infinity (never) GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
This parameter is used to avoid allocating the calls whose signal strengths differ greatly to the same timeslot. The BSC measures the signal merge conditions on each timeslot every 0.5 seconds. If the difference between the highest signal strength and the lowest signal strength on a timeslot is greater than the value of "UL Signal Strength Difference Threshold", it regards it as a signal merge event. If N signal merge events are consecutively detected among P times of measurements, the forcible intra-cell handover is triggered to switch the call with the highest signal strength to another timeslot in the cell. Here, N indicates "UL Signal Strength Difference Detections", P indicates "UL Signal Strength Difference Maintains". HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(Close), YES(Open)
The P/N criteria is used to determine low downlink power for multi-density carriers. If the downlink power of a multi-density carrier remains low during a consecutive P seconds out of N seconds, the downlink power of the multi-density carrier is considered low. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
The P/N criteria is used to determine low downlink power for multi-density carriers. If the downlink power of a multi-density carrier remains low during a consecutive P seconds out of N seconds, the downlink power of the multi-density carrier is considered low. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
Whether to use the statistical multiplexing algorithm for multi-density power Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NONE(None), DYNAMIC(Dynamic power sharing)
Maximum number of times that the BTS finds that the air conditioner needs to be switched off. If the number of times that the BTS finds that the air conditioner needs to be switched off in the "CHKOFFTIMES" checks reaches this parameter, the BTS switches off the air conditioner. O&M of BTS Interval Type 3~20
Maximum number of times that the BTS finds that the air conditioner needs to be switched on. If the number of times that the BTS finds that the air conditioner needs to be switched on in the "CHKONTIMES" checks reaches this parameter, the BTS switches on the air conditioner. O&M of BTS Interval Type 3~20
Step of downward power adjustment according to the quality of the received signals Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~4
Whether to query the classmark of the call in an incoming BSC handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow the fast handover algorithm Fast Move Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Auxiliary devices of rack 0. This parameter contains eight bits. The eight bits, from the most significant bit to the least significant bit, indicate whether to install a voltage stabilizer, internal battery, transmission power supply, temperature control unit, auxiliary device 5, auxiliary device 6, auxiliary device 7, and auxiliary device 8. When a bit is set to 1, the relevant auxiliary device is installed. When a bit is set to 0, the relevant auxiliary device is not installed. For example, if this parameter is set to 10000000, rack 0 is configured with an auxiliary voltage stabilizer. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7
Whether to configure a battery rack for rack 0 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Capacity of the battery rack configured for rack 0 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_100AH(100AH Inside Storage Battery), INSIDE_50AH(50AH Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_300AH(300AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_400AH(400AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_500AH(500AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_650AH(650AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_200AH(200AH Outside Storage Battery)
Ratio of the maximum charging current of the battery pack configured for rack 0 to the capacity of the battery pack. For example, assume that the battery pack has a capacity of 200 AH. If this parameter is set to 0.15C, the maximum charging current of the battery pack is 30 A (= 0.15 x 200). O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 007C(0.07C), 010C(0.10C), 015C(0.15C)
Type of the battery rack configured for rack 0 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_BATTERY(Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_BATTERY(Outside Storage Battery)
Auxiliary devices of rack 1. This parameter contains eight bits. The eight bits, from the most significant bit to the least significant bit, indicate whether to install a voltage stabilizer, internal battery, transmission power supply, temperature control unit, auxiliary device 5, auxiliary device 6, auxiliary device 7, and auxiliary device 8. When a bit is set to 1, the relevant auxiliary device is installed. When a bit is set to 0, the relevant auxiliary device is not installed. For example, if this parameter is set to 10000000, rack 1 is configured with an auxiliary voltage stabilizer. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7
Whether to configure a battery rack for rack 1 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Capacity of the battery rack configured for rack 1 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_100AH(100AH Inside Storage Battery), INSIDE_50AH(50AH Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_300AH(300AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_400AH(400AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_500AH(500AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_650AH(650AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_200AH(200AH Outside Storage Battery)
Ratio of the maximum charging current of the battery pack configured for rack 1 to the capacity of the battery pack. For example, assume that the battery pack has a capacity of 200 AH. If this parameter is set to 0.15C, the maximum charging current of the battery pack is 30 A (= 0.15 x 200). O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 007C(0.07C), 010C(0.10C), 015C(0.15C)
Type of the battery rack configured for rack 1 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_BATTERY(Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_BATTERY(Outside Storage Battery)
Auxiliary devices of rack 2. This parameter contains eight bits. The eight bits, from the most significant bit to the least significant bit, indicate whether to install a voltage stabilizer, internal battery, transmission power supply, temperature control unit, auxiliary device 5, auxiliary device 6, auxiliary device 7, and auxiliary device 8. When a bit is set to 1, the relevant auxiliary device is installed. When a bit is set to 0, the relevant auxiliary device is not installed. For example, if this parameter is set to 10000000, rack 2 is configured with an auxiliary voltage stabilizer. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7
Whether to configure a battery rack for rack 2 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Capacity of the battery rack configured for rack 2 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_100AH(100AH Inside Storage Battery), INSIDE_50AH(50AH Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_300AH(300AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_400AH(400AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_500AH(500AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_650AH(650AH Outside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_200AH(200AH Outside Storage Battery)
Ratio of the maximum charging current of the battery pack configured for rack 2 to the capacity of the battery pack. For example, assume that the battery pack has a capacity of 200 AH. If this parameter is set to 0.15C, the maximum charging current of the battery pack is 30 A (= 0.15 x 200). O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 007C(0.07C), 010C(0.10C), 015C(0.15C)
Type of the battery rack configured for rack 2 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INSIDE_BATTERY(Inside Storage Battery), OUTSIDE_BATTERY(Outside Storage Battery)
The NS performs location management based on routing areas during GPRS packet services. Each routing area has a routing area identifier, which is broadcast as a system message. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~255
The NS performs location management based on routing areas during GPRS packet services. Each routing area has a routing area identifier. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~255
Identifies the routing area of the current cell GPRS Interval Type 0~255
Route area of the current cell Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 0~255
Route area of the current cell Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Interval Type 0~255
Route area of the current cell Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Interval Type 0~255
This parameter specifies the level threshold for the random access of the MS. If the receive level of the RACH burst in the CS domain is smaller than the value of CS RACH Min.Access Level, the BTS regards this access as an invalid one and no decoding is performed. If the receive level of the RACH burst is greater than the value of CS RACH Min. Access Level, the BTS considers that an access request exists on this timeslot, and determines together with the value of "Random Access Error Threshold" whether the RACH access is valid. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type -121~-104
Level threshold of the MS random access for the BTS to determine the RACH busy state. When the receive level of the random access burst timeslot is greater than this threshold, the BTS considers that the timeslot is busy. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
Number of RACH burst timeslots in a RACH load measurement. The value of this parameter indicates the interval during which the BSC6900 determines whether an RACH timeslot is busy. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 0~65535
Minimum voltage level for accessing CS services of the location group Multi-site Cell Interval Type -121~-104
Routing area color code of the GPRS cell System Information Sending GPRS Interval Type 0~7
Whether to allow the MS to access another cell GPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Correlation threshold of the training sequence for the random access. As defined in the GSM recommendation, the system can determine whether the received signals are random access signals of the MS and calculate the TA value by checking the correlation of the 41-bit training sequence. Random Access Error Threshold Number of Correct Bits in the 41-Bit Training Sequence 90-100 33 101-120 34 121-140 35 141-160 36 161-175 37 176-195 38 196-221 39 222-243 40 244-250 41 0-89 or 251-255 38. Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 0~255
Hysteresis of cell selection in different routing area. When a standby or ready MS starts cell reselection, if the original cell and the target cell are in the different routing area, the signal level of the neighboring cell must be greater that of the current cell. Their difference must be larger than the specified hysteresis. Otherwise the MS cannot start cell reselection. The larger the hysteresis of GPRS cell selection, the harder to start cell reselection. GPRS Enumeration Type 0dB(0dB), 2dB(2dB), 4dB(4dB), 6dB(6dB), 8dB(8dB), 10dB(10dB), 12dB(12dB), 14dB(14dB), nouse(no use)
Port rate of the IP interface board Abis over IP Enumeration Type 10M(10M), 100M(100M), AUTO(Auto)
Switch for controlling the AMR rate. Value 0 indicates that C/I is used to control the AMR rate. Value 1 indicates that BER is used to control the AMR rate. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment WB AMR Enumeration Type ALG1(Algorithm I), ALG2(Algorithm II), NONE(None)
This parameter specifies whether the RATSCCH function is enabled during the call establishment procedure. RATSCCH is used to dynamically reconfigure the rate set of AMR while on a call. This parameter maps the versions of base stations. AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment TFO Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Original measurement report sampling rate (for each call, one out of four measurement reports is collected) Processing of Measurement Report Interval Type 1~255
LASTRBP indicates the last rollback point. The system automatically takes the position where the current configuration command is executed as the rollback point, and the user does not need to specify a rollback point. APPOINTRBP indicates the rollback point specified by the user. Configuration Management Enumeration Type LASTRBP(last rollbackpoint), APPOINTRBP(appointed rollbackpoint)
Type of recording the execution result 1. REC_ALL: indicating that the execution results of all the commands are recorded no matter whether the commands are executed successfully. 2. REC_ERR: indicating that only the execution results of failed commands are recorded. 3. REC_NON: indicating that the execution results of all the commands are not recorded no matter whether the commands are executed successfully. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type REC_ALL(Record All), REC_ERR(Record Errors), REC_NON(Record None)
Number of the RXU chain or ring. The value scope is 0~11 for Non-SingleRAN BTS and 0~249 for SingleRAN BTS. The RXU chain No. is unique in the same BTS. A maximum of 12 RXU chains can be configured in one BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
The first RXU chain number when combining two RXU chains to be one RXU ring. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
The second RXU chain number when combining two RXU chains to be one RXU ring. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
RF receive mode of the TRX. The BTS3012, BTS3012AE, BTS3012II, BTS3006C, and BTS3002E do not support Main Diversity. The DBS3900 GSM and BTS3900 GSM support Four Diversity Receiver and Main Diversity. Configuration Management Enumeration Type INDEPENDENT(Independent Receiver), DIVIDING(Dividing Receiver), FOURDIVERSITY(Four Diversity Receiver), MAINDIVERSITY(Main Diversity), NONE(None)
Speed reduction efficient of the logical port. When detecting link congestion through IPPM, the system reduces the bandwidth rate of the logical port by using the value of the bandwidth multiplied by this parameter. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Whether to allow the reassignment function TCH Re-assignment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to re-assign the radio channels on a different band or on the same band. This can help minimize the decrease in service quality due to interference, faulty TRX paths, or faulty project constructions. TCH Re-assignment Enumeration Type Same_Band(Same Band), Diff_Band(Different Band)
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. Speech Version of this call is AMRFR. If "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell AMR FR Interval Type 0~70
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. Speech Version of this call is AMRHR. If "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell AMR HR Interval Type 0~70
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
Whether to use the downlink receive level as a condition in IUO handover decision Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
With traffic control enabled, the BSC discards some paging messages. This parameter specifies whether to record detailed information of paging messages discarded by the BSC in the commissioning logs. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Speed reduction alarm recovery threshold IP QOS Interval Type 20~99
One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. Speech Version of this call isn't AMR. If "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~70
Whether to use the downlink receive quality as a condition in IUO handover decision Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to back up the data of the board Configuration Management Enumeration Type YES(YES), NO(NO)
Interval for releasing the secondary links in the congestion state GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~50
Secondary link bandwidth that is released each time in the congestion state GSM Flow Control Interval Type 0~768
Port for output LINE2(The actual value range may differ on the LMT ) BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~31
Back-up port for output LINE2(The actual value range may differ on the LMT ) BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~31
Port for output LINE1(The actual value range may differ on the LMT ) BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~31
Back-up port for output LINE(The actual value range may differ on the LMT ) BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 0~31
Switch of panel BITS1(2M)BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Switch of panel BITS2(2M)BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Whether to use SGSN clock source.Only the Gb interface board needs to set this parameter. If the SGSN clock and the MSC clock have different clock sources, the MSC clock must use the clock source of the SGSN clock. If the two clocks use the same clock source, this parameter does not need to be set. BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Region information of the IP BTS configured with local switching. Local switching can be performed between only the BTSs that have the same region information. BTS Local Switch Interval Type 0~95
Absolute time of re-homing BSC Node Redundancy Compound Type hour, min, sec
Delay time of re-homing BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~3600
Policy type of re-homing BSC Node Redundancy Enumeration Type REHOSTRIGHTNOW(ReHostRightNow), REHOSTDELAY(ReHostDelay), REHOSTWHEN(ReHostWhen)
Whether to re-initialize the neighboring cell pair for software synchronization Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Cabinet number of the associated module. The associated two MRFUs or GRFUs must be in the same cell. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Whether to enable the configuration of the "Extend Connection" attribute. The "Extend Connection" attribute describes the cascading relationship of the DFCB, which helps the DFCU perform the six-in-one function. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Function to be performed by two associated modules O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), POWERSHARING(Power Sharing Between Boards), RF_FH(RF Frequency Hopping Between Boards)
Slot number of the associated module O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Subrack number of the associated module O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~255
Tributary Number of the DFCB that is cascaded to the DFCU. The "Extend Connection" attribute describes the cascading relationship of the DFCB, which helps the DFCU perform the six-in-one function. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type A(A), B(B), NONE(NONE)
Remark IP QOS String Type None
Purpose description of the route record None String Type None
Remote NSVL ID of the Gb IP route Gb over IP Interval Type 0~1023
A key parameter that indicates how many times the BSC6900 broadcasts cell messages. You can obtain the cell broadcast times by running the "DSP GSMSCB" command. The value 0 indicates no repeat. Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 0~65535
When the cell supports Repeated Downlink FACCH, the BTS enables the repeated transmission of FACCH frames if the measured downlink quality is higher than "Repeated Downlink FACCH Threshold". Robust Air Interface Signalling Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the cell supports the Repeated Downlink FACCH function and the measured downlink quality is lower than the downlink quality threshold, the BTS enables the repeated transmission of FACCH frames. Robust Air Interface Signalling Interval Type 0~7
When the cell supports Repeated Downlink SACCH, the BTS enables the repeated transmission of SACCH frames if the measured downlink quality is higher than the downlink quality threshold. Robust Air Interface Signalling Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to reserve the binding of the alarm ID and the alarm port Faulty Management Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to perform resource checks on the resource usage system and resource management system. Resource checks can prevent resource hanging in case of anomalies. Resource checks cover channel resources, transmit resources, and BSC resources. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Indicating that during cell reselection, the level of the target cell should meet the following condition: Level of target cell > [MAX (level of serving cell, "Cell Reselection Level Threshold") + "Cell Reselection Hysteresis"]. In this way, ping-pong handovers do not occur. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 0~63
NC2 cell reselection interval in the same cell Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 1~10
The number of received Packet Measurement Report messages on the receive level of the serving cell is measured continuously. When the statistical value is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter, the normal reselection decision is made. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 1~32
If the number of times when the receive level of the serving cell within "Normal Cell Reselection Watch Period" is lower than "Cell Reselection Level Threshold" is greater than the value of this parameter, the normal cell reselection is triggered. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Interval Type 1~32
This parameter specifies the number of the reserved PDCHs that are not used for channel converstion in the dynamic transferable channel pool. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Interval Type 0~8
This parameter specifies the number of idle channels that should be reserved on a cell after the TRX is shut down. When the number of idle channels on a cell is smaller than this threshold, the BSC6900 enables a TRX. This parameter is used to prevent the impact enabling or disabling delay on the efficiency of channel assignment on the cell that is enabled with the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 0~16
Whether to withhold link breakdown alarms in case of BTS resets due to data configurations O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If OML links break down after BTS resets caused by data configurations and recover within the period specified by this parameter, configuration reset alarms are reported; If OML links fail to recover within the period specified by this parameter, OML link breakdown alarms are reported. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~65535
Interval for resetting the counter when the user fails to log in Security Management Interval Type 1~60
Retry times after the peer response timer expires during NSVC reset GPRS Interval Type 1~255
The waiting time from BTS detect OML disconnect to BTS reset. Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation Interval Type 1~15
Duration of the peer response timer during NSVC reset GPRS Interval Type 1~120
Reason for activating the radio status procedure Gb Interface Function Enumeration Type MSLOST(RADIO_STS_MS_LOST), QUALITYBAD(RADIO_STS_QUALITY_BAD), CELLRESELECT(RADIO_STS_CELL_RESELECT)
Whether the HO RQD messages sent by the BSC to an MSC carry response request cells. Response request cells are optional. They are used to inform the MSC whether it needs to return HO REJECT messages when HO RQD messages fail to trigger handovers. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to resume broken download O&M of BSC License Management Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Duration of the PPP/MP link restart timer Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 2~5
Duration of the PPP/MP link restart timer Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 2~5
Restoration type of the alarm Faulty Management Bit Field Type Noneed, Manually, Reset, Normally, Correlative, Configuration, Expired
Time for the BSC to initiate the common measurement or information exchange procedure after this procedure fails MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~86400
While assigning channels, the BSC ensures that the sum of the number of channels occupied by high-priority users and the number of idle channels reserved for high-priority users is no smaller than this parameter. Every time the BSC assigns channels to a user whose priority is lower than "Highest Priority", it checks whether the sum of the number of channels occupied by users of "Highest Priority" and the number of idle channels is larger than the number of the reserved channels. If yes, the BSC normally assigns channels for the user; if not, the BSC does not assign a TCHF. Resource Reservation Interval Type 0~190
Maximum number of levels that the BTS RF power decreases. This parameter is used to control the decrease in the BTS RF power. If the value is too large, the BTS power decreases too much. If the value is too small, the BTS power decreases less and the power decrease effect is not good. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~21
Interval for sending the radio resource indication messages. The TRX reports the interference level for each of the channels that have been idle for the whole measurement period. This parameter is used by a BTS to inform the BSC6900 of the interference levels on idle channels of a TRX. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58 and 08.08. Radio Dedicated Channel Management System Information Sending Interval Type 0~255
Interval for executing the scheduled subtask The unit is determined according to the time mode. 1. If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T" or "DAILY_C", the unit is day. 2. If the time mode is set to "WEEKLY_T" or "WEEKLY_C", the unit is week. 3. If the time mode is set to "MONTHLY_T" or "MONTHLY_C", the unit is month. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~100
1. This parameter specifies whether to configure the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU by slot or link. 2. When setting the BTS to support the configuration of the RFU by slot, set this parameter to "YES". When setting the BTS not to support the configuration of the RFU by slot, set this parameter to "NO". 3. If this parameter is set to "YES", you must enter the numbers of the subrack and slot where the new board is located. If you need to specify the CPRI connection relations (SFP port number and cascading level) based on a rule that is different from the cabinet mapping rule specified by the system, the parameters "RXU Chain Head Port No." and "Insert RXU Position" must be specified. 4. If this parameter is set to "NO", you must set "TRX Board No.", "RFU Link No." and "RXU Chain Head Port No.". O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Satellite card protocol that is enabled to communicate with the satellite card connecting to the DGPS. If "RGPS" is specified, it indicates that the RGPS satellite card protocol is enabled to communicate with the satellite card connecting to the DGPS. If "GPS" is specified, it indicates that the GPS satellite card protocol is enabled to communicate with the satellite card connecting to the DGPS. BTS GPS Synchronization Enumeration Type RGPS(RGPS), GPS(GPS)
Whether to support RAN information management (RIM). IN the RIM procedure, RANs(Radio Access Network) can exchange messages through the core network. Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
The loopback channel number when the port loopback mode is set to TDM remote loopback None Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Time for disconnecting a call when the MS fails to decode the SACCH. Once a dedicated channel is assigned to the MS, the counter S is enabled and the initial value is set to this parameter value. Each time an SACCH message is not decoded, the counter S decreases by 1. Each time an SACCH message is correctly decoded, the counter S increases by 2. When the counter S is equal to 0, the downlink radio link is considered as failed. Therefore, when the voice or data quality is degraded to an unacceptable situation and it cannot be improved through power control or channel handover, the connection is to be re-established or released. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Enumeration Type 4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times
Transmission mode on the Ater interface of the remote TC subrack. The meaning of values is as follows: STANDALONETC: not converged MASTERINPOOLTC: control subrack for TC convergence SLAVEINPOOLTC: non-control subrack for TC convergence Ater Compression Transmission Enumeration Type STANDALONETC(Stand Alone TC ), MASTERINPOOLTC(Master in Pool TC), SLAVEINPOOLTC(Slave in Pool TC)
RNC ID of a 3G external cell. The value of this parameter must be consistent with the data configuration at the RNC. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~4095
Internal index of a neighboring RNC. This parameter is set to 255 when the neighboring RNC that serves the 3G external neighbor is not configured. You can use the "LST GNRNC" command to check whether the neighboring RNC is configured. MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~16,255
Internal index of a neighboring RNC MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~16
Name of a neighboring RNC. The name is used to uniquely identify a neighboring RNC. MBSC Load Balancing String Type None
Name of the root certificate file Security Management String Type None
Identifies a router uniquelyGb over IP Interval Type 1~100
Router port number. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting at the SGSN side. Gb over IP Interval Type 1~100
Whether to allow the BTS to report the downlink voice quality index (VQI). The VQI is used to indicate voice quality. It is calculated on the basis of BER, FER, and frame stealing. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable), UNSUPPORT(Unsupport)
Cell reselection measurement report period in packet idle mode Networking Control ModeEnumeration Type 0.48sec(0.48sec), 0.96sec(0.96sec), 1.92sec(1.92sec), 3.84sec(3.84sec), 7.68sec(7.68sec), 15.36sec(15.36sec), 30.72sec(30.72sec), 61.44sec(61.44sec)
Cell reselection measurement report period in packet transmission mode Networking Control Mode GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type 0.48sec(0.48sec), 0.96sec(0.96sec), 1.92sec(1.92sec), 3.84sec(3.84sec), 7.68sec(7.68sec), 15.36sec(15.36sec), 30.72sec(30.72sec), 61.44sec(61.44sec)
Speed reduction alarm report threshold IP QOS Interval Type 20~99
Whether to allow the BTS to report the voice quality index (VQI). If this parameter is set to Report, the BTS reports the VQI. The BSC6900 collects the traffic statistics on a per VQI basis. There are 11 levels of speech quality. If the level is lower, the speech quality is better. The traffic related to AMR and non-AMR is measured separately, and thus the speech quality is monitored. Voice Quality Index (Uplink VQI) Enumeration Type NO(Not report), YES(Report), NONE(None)
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on signaling channels used to filter the REP_QUANT value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
For the purpose of accurately reflecting the radio environment of a network, filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of enhanced measurement reports received on voice channels used to filter the REP_QUANT value. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Interval Type 0~31
Resource group number of the PATH IP QOS Interval Type 0~2047
The parameter indicates whether the resource group is shared or is used by a specific telecom carrier. None Enumeration Type SHARE(SHARE)
Resource management mode. The logical port working in the SHARE mode can be shared by multiple carriers. The logical port working in the EXCLUSIVE mode can be used by only one carrier. IP QOS Enumeration Type SHARE, EXCLUSIVE
Timer for punishing the neighboring cells when handover failures occur due to resource-related causes, such as resources being insufficient HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
This parameter adjusts "Min RSCP threshold" to enable the selection of 3G candidate cells based on cell priorities GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
This parameter determines the layers of 3G neighboring cells. If the measured value of a 3G neighboring cell is lower than this threshold, the 3G neighboring cell is positioned at the bottom layer, that is, layer 4. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
RSD alarm triggering source None Enumeration Type BASIS_OF_B1, BASIS_OF_B2
RSF alarm triggering source None Enumeration Type BASIS_OF_B1, BASIS_OF_B2
Used for calculating C2. The MS with a large value can be assigned with high access priority. GPRS Enumeration Type MINUS_52db(-52db), MINUS_48db(-48db), MINUS_44db(-44db), MINUS_40db(-40db), MINUS_36db(-36db), MINUS_32db(-32db), MINUS_28db(-28db), MINUS_24db(-24db), MINUS_20db(-20db), MINUS_16db(-16db), MINUS_12db(-12db), MINUS_10db(-10db), MINUS_8db(-8db), MINUS_6db(-6db), MINUS_4db(-4db), MINUS_2db(-2db), Zerodb(0db), 2db(2db), 4db(4db), 6db(6db), 8db(8db), 10db(10db), 12db(12db), 16db(16db), 20db(20db), 24db(24db), 28db(28db), 32db(32db), 36db(36db), 40db(40db), 44db(44db), 48db(48db), nouse(no use)
Average down-bandwidth of RSL link in BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~64
Differentiated service code of the specified RSL O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~63
RSL service priority O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~7
Average up-bandwidth of RSL link in BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~64
Specified RSL Vlan Id O&M of BTS Interval Type 2~4094
Size of the RSL LAPD window Abis over IP Interval Type 0~96
Reason for locking the configuration and management control rights Configuration Management Enumeration Type COMMISSIONING(Commissioning), UPGRADE(Upgrade), RESTORE(Restore)
Threshold of the level difference between a neighboring cell and the serving cell, based on which the BSC filters the measured values in the measurement reports and collects traffic statistics during automatic neighboring cell optimization and automatic frequency optimization. The filtering results and collected traffic statistics are later submitted to NaStar for analysis. When a measurement report shows that the signal strength difference between a neighboring cell and the serving cell is larger than ("Relative Signal Strength Threshold" - 64), related traffic statistics will be collected. 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 0~127
This is the description file for resetting the board. The reset file names of different boards are different. BSC/RNC Software Management String Type None
Name of the result file generated after the command is executed. If this parameter is not specified, the name of the result file is automatically generated in the format of BATCH_RST_YYYYMMDDHHNNSSmmm. The result file is located in the ftp directory in the main area of the OMU, and you should not add the path when entering the name. The flag of the main area can be queried through the "LST OMUAREA" command. The characters (@, #, !, %, ^, &, *, [, ], /, \, ', and ") cannot appear in the file name. O&M of BSC String Type None
Whether to enable the restart function A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Timer Abis IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 1~65535
Maximum number of TCH channels reserved for emergency call users Emergency Call Service (TS12) Interval Type 0~190
Parameter 1 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 10 reserved for future use. None Interval Type 0~4294967295
Parameter 2 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 3 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 4 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 5 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 6 reserved for future use. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Parameter 7 reserved for future use. None Interval Type 0~4294967295
Parameter 8 reserved for future use. None Interval Type 0~4294967295
Parameter 9 reserved for future use. None Interval Type 0~4294967295
Number of reserved idle channels. If this parameter is set too small, the TRX may be frequently enabled/disabled; if this parameter is set too large, idle TRX will not be timely closed. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 0~3
Recovery mode of the MSP protection group Board Switchover Enumeration Type NON-REVERTIVE(NON-REVERTIVE), REVERTIVE(REVERTIVE)
Routing context. The routing context identifies a specified route. If the routing context is to be configured, its value must be negotiated between the two ends. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~4294967295
Ratio of the RTCP path bandwidth to the A interface bandwidth. According to the Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP), the BSC6900 and the MSC negotiate the bandwidth occupation rate of the user plane on the A interface, that is, the bandwidth occupied by the data packets generated during the negotiation. A over IP Interval Type 1~5
Whether to enable the real-time transport control protocol (RTCP) function. The BSC6900 and the MSC negotiate whether and how to compress the data over the A interface according to the RTCP. The setting of this parameter on the BSC6900 side must be consistent with that on the MSC side. This parameter is valid only when IP transmission is used over the A interface. A over IP Enumeration Type OFF(Close), ON(Open)
Destination IP address None IP Address Type None
Routing mask None IP Address Type None
Index of a route. The index is unique in a BTS. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
It is used to calculate the round-trip time of the protocol stack and the RTO value. The value must be smaller than "RTOBETA". In the case of the fixed value of the "RTOBETA", the larger the value is, the less the link delay sensitivity is. A over IP Interval Type 0~100
It is used to calculate the round-trip time of the protocol stack and the RTO value. The value must be greater than "RTOALPHA". In the case of the fixed value of the "RTOALPHA", the larger the value is, the less the link delay sensitivity is. A over IP Interval Type 0~100
When the "RTOMIN" and "RTPMAX" parameters are set to fixed values, the larger the value is, the longer the check of the link is. A over IP Interval Type 500~60000
When the "RTOMIN" parameter is set to a fixed value, the larger the value is, the longer the check of the link is. A over IP Interval Type 500~60000
When the "RTOMAX" parameter is set to a fixed value, the larger the value is, the longer the check of the link is. A over IP Interval Type 500~60000
Whether to measure the delay on the link between the BTSs that serve the calling MS and the called MS respectively AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Maximum number of RTTI TBFs that can be multiplexed on the PDCH. A PDCH can be assigned when the number of RTTI TBFs on it is smaller than the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only when its value is smaller than or equal to "MSRD PDCH DL Multiplexing Threshold". Latency Reduction Streaming QoS(GBR) QoS ARP&THP PoC QoS Conversational QoS Radio Common Channel Management Latency Reduction Streaming QoS(GBR) QoS ARP&THP PoC QoS Conversational QoS Radio Common Channel Management Interval Type 10~80
Type of the route. When the BTS does not support IP over E1, the parameter Route Type needs to be set to NEXTHOP(Next Hop). When the BTS supports IP over E1, the parameter Route Type needs to be set to OUTIF(Out Interface) because the packets at the data link layer are encapsulated according to Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and the peer IP address is unknown. The benefit of setting Route Type to OUTIF(Out Interface) is that the configuration of the route needs not to be changed after the peer IP address is changed. Abis over IP Enumeration Type NEXTHOP(Next Hop), OUTIF(Out Interface)
Logical port speed increase step. When detecting the available bandwidth increase through IPPM, the system increases the bandwidth of the logical port by using this parameter. IP QOS Interval Type 0~1000
Bandwidth increase step adjustment period. This parameter indicates the period to increase the bandwidth of the logical port. Note that the actual bandwidth increase step adjustment period is the packet drop ratio Statistics period multiplied by this parameter value. IP QOS Interval Type 1~100
R-version number of the BTS software O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~999
Receive bandwidth of IP path IP QOS Interval Type 1~3000000
Receive bandwidth IP QOS Interval Type 0~4000000
Minimum receiving power level for the MS in the cell to access the system GPRS Interval Type 0~63
For AMR FR voice services, a fixed amount of offset is added to the corresponding grade of the received signal quality for the interference handover of non-AMR FR voice services. AMR FR HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~70
Minimum received signal level of the MS. This level is reported in the system information. This parameter specifies the minimum receive level of an MS to access the BSS. For details. see GSM Rec. 05.08. The value of this parameter ranges from 0 to 63 (corresponding to -110 dBm to -47 dBm). System Information Sending Interval Type 0~63
Whether to use the emergency handover algorithm in case the receive level of the MSs drops rapidly, thus preventing call drops. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
Number of the RXU chain to which the RXU belongs O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
Number of the RXU chain. The RXU chain No. is unique in one BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
Number of the RXU chain where the board is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~249
Index type of the RXU O&M of BTS Enumeration Type RXUNAME(By RXU Name), RXUPOS(By RXU Position No), SRNSN(By Subrack No)
Type of the RXU board index O&M of BTS Enumeration Type RXUNAME(RXUName), RXUPOS(RXUPOS), SRNSN(SRNSN)
Name of the RXU O&M of BTS String Type None
Name of the RXU board. The RXU name is unique in one BTS. O&M of BTS String Type None
Name of an RXU O&M of BTS String Type None
Position number of the RXU on the RXU chain O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~6
Position No. of the RXU board on the RXU chain O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~6
Position of the RXU board on an RXU chain O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~6
Type of the RXU board O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DRRU(DRRU), DRFU(DRFU), MRRU(MRRU), MRFU(MRFU), GRFU(GRFU), GRRU(GRRU), BTS3900E(BTS3900E)
Whether to enable the switch to set the S1 value. S1 byte, also called the synchronization status byte, is one of the optical connection parameters. None Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
S1 sending value. It is a synchronization status byte used by the local end to examine the quality of the received clock signals before the local end switches to a clock source with higher quality. The smaller the value of S1 is, the lower the clock quality is. None Interval Type 0~15
Whether to enable the special analog alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Remote EAC Maintenance Faulty Management Bit Field Type 48VDISABLE, RES0, RES1, RES2, TSDISABLED, HSDISABLED, RES3, RES4
The value of this parameter consists of 32 bits, each of which determines whether to enable the corresponding special analog alarm. "0" indicates that the alarm is enabled, and "1" indicates that the alarm is disabled. When an item is selected, the corresponding analog alarm switch is disabled. The available items are BT1_DISABLE, AH_DISABLE, AT1_DISABLE, AT2_DISABLE, and BT2_DISABLE. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type BT1_DISABLE, AH_DISABLE, AT1_DISABLE, AT2_DISABLE, BT2_DISABLE
Whether the MSC independently processes the trunking services. When this parameter is set to YES, the MSC independently processes the trunking services, that is, the trunking services are processed only by this MSC. Public Voice Group Call Service Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether an MS supports the SAIC function. Single Antenna Interference Cancellation (SAIC) is used to reduce the impact of interference on the reception of downlink signals through a signal processing technology. An MS enabled with SAIC has improved ability of anti-interference. After SAIC is enabled, the thresholds for BTS/MS Power Control are adjusted to improve the radio performance of the BSS. Network Support SAIC Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Adjustment step of the downlink signal quality threshold in power control algorithm II for MSs that support SAIC. The network side uses a lower downlink signal quality threshold for SAIC-supported MSs in power control, thus lowering the transmit power of the corresponding BTS and reducing the interferences in the whole network. Network Support SAIC Interval Type 0~2
Adjustment step of the downlink received signal level threshold in power control algorithm III for MSs that support SAIC. The network side uses a lower downlink signal quality threshold for SAIC-supported MSs in power control, thus lowering the transmit power of the corresponding BTS and reducing the interferences in the whole network. Network Support SAIC Interval Type 0~4
The value of this parameter consists of five bits, which determines whether to enable the alarms. "0" indicates that the analog alarm is enabled, and "1" indicates that the analog alarm is disabled. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Bit Field Type T1_DISABLE, ET_DISABLE, ET1_DISABLE, ET2_DISABLE, T2_DISABLE
Index of a cell with the same coverage as the current cell Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 0~2047
Index type used when the command is executed Dynamic Cell Power Off Enumeration Type BYNAME(By name), BYID(By index)
The BSC6900 checks the load of the same coverage cell of the target cell once a minute. When the number of times in which the load of the same coverage cell is lower than "Same Coverage Cell Load Threshold" is equal to the value of this parameter, the target cell is disabled. Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 1~16
A cell that can be disabled is allowed to be disabled only when the load of the same coverage cell is lower than this threshold for a period. Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 0~100
Name of the same coverage cell Dynamic Cell Power Off String Type None
This parameter is used by the BTS to inform the BSC6900 of radio link connection failure. When the BTS receives the SACCH measurement report from the MS, the counter for determining whether a radio link is faulty is set to the value of this parameter. Each time the BTS fails to decode the SACCH measurement report sent by the MS, the counter decreases by 1. If the BTS successfully decodes the SACCH measurement report, the counter increases by 2. When the value of this parameter is 0, the BTS regards the radio link as faulty. The BTS sends a connection failure indication message to the BSC6900. The number of SACCH multi-frames and the radio link failure counter in the system message specify the radio link failure time on the uplink and that on the downlink respectively. The judgment standard is whether the measurement report in SACCH is correctly decoded. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
The value of this parameter consists of three bits, which determines whether to enable the alarms. "0" indicates that the alarm is enabled, and "1" indicates that the alarm is disabled. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Bit Field Type WATER_IMMERSED, SMOG, GM_DISABLE
Whether to enable the special alarm switch. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Remote EAC Maintenance Faulty Management Bit Field Type WIDISABLE, SMDISABLE, IMDISABLE, GMDISABLE
Level specifications of special Boolean value alarms. Two specifications are available: high level and low level. By default, only alarms of the door status sensor are low level, and alarms of the water sensor, smoke sensor, and infrared sensor are high level. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Remote EAC Maintenance Faulty Management Bit Field Type WILOW, SMLOW, IMLOW, GMLOW
Whether to enable the energy saving function of the TRX for the BTS3002E. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the special Boolean alarms, that is, water sensor alarm (bit 0), smog sensor alarm (bit 1), and door sensor alarm (bit 2). All the Boolean alarms are enabled by default. "0" indicates that the alarm is enabled, and "1" indicates that the alarm is disabled.The available items are WS_DISABLE, SS_DISABLE, and GS_DISABLE~2. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Bit Field Type WS_DISABLE, SS_DISABLE, GS_DISABLE
Number of the BTS. The BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~2047
Name of the BTS. The BTS is named uniquely in a BSC. Soft-Synchronized Network String Type None
This parameter indicates that when the MS reports the EMR, it adds the value of this parameter to the received signal level, and then converts the result into the RXLEV value. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08. If the SCALE_Order reported by the MS is 10 dBm, level values 0-63 map with -100 dBm to -37 dBm. If the SCALE_Order reported by the MS is 0 dBm, level values 0-63 map with -110 dBm to -47 dBm. If the SCALE_Order reported by the MS is Automatic, the MS chooses the least SCALE while ensuring that the MS can report the most strong level. Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Enumeration Type ADD0dB(+0dB), ADD10dB(+10dB), Automatic(Automatic)
DSCP corresponding to the streaming service Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
When the network receives measurement reports, in consideration of the accuracy of a single measurement report, the measurement values in certain measurement reports are filtered to represent the radio operating environment. The parameter specifies the number of measurement reports used for filtering measurement information of the serving cell. Fast Move Handover Interval Type 1~20
Number of the cell where the TRX reside. The cell is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Name of cell 1 O&M of BTS String Type None
A key parameter that indicates the coding scheme of a simple cell broadcast message Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type GERMAN(GERMAN), ENGLISH(ENGLISH), ITALIAN(ITALIAN), FRENCH(FRENCH), SPANISH(SPANISH), DUTCH(DUTCH), SWEDISH(SWEDISH), DANISH(DANISH), PORTUGUESE(PORTUGUESE), FINNISH(FINNISH), NORWEGIAN(NORWEGIAN), GREEK(GREEK), TURKISH(TURKISH), HUNGARIAN(HUNGARIAN), POLISH(POLISH), GB2312(GB2312), KOI8-R(Cyrillic KOI8-R), KOI8-U(Cyrillic KOI8-U), KOI8(Cyrillic KOI8), WINDOWS-1251(Cyrillic Windows), ASMO_449(Arabic ASMO), WINDOWS-1256(Arabic Windows), WINDOWS-874(Thai Windows), WINDOWS-1253(Greek Windows), WINDOWS-1254(Turkish Windows), WINDOWS-1255(Hebrew Windows), WINDOWS-1257(Baltic Windows), WINDOWS-1250(Eastern European Windows), WINDOWS-1252(Western European Windows), BINARY(BINARY), UCS2(UCS2), RCS-1(Reserved Code Scheme 1), RCS-2(Reserved Code Scheme 2), RCS-3(Reserved Code Scheme 3), RCS-4(Reserved Code Scheme 4), RCS-5(Reserved Code Scheme 5)
Number of the sub-channel O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1
Command string of the scheduled subtask. This command can be only a service command, and the system command cannot be added to the scheduled subtask. O&M of BSC Any Type None
Type of querying used to set the measurement report collection scope. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type BYBTSID(By BTS ID), BYCELLID(By Cell ID)
Indicates the index of the inter-subrack connection path O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~23
Scrambling code of a 3G cell. The scrambling code is used to differentiate terminals or cells. It is used after spread spectrum. Therefore, it does not change the bandwidth of signals, but only distinguishes the signals from different sources. Through scrambling, multiple transceivers can use the same codes for spread spectrum. Scrambling is used to distinguish terminals on the uplink and to distinguish cells on the downlink. GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~511
Start serial number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~2147483646
SCTP link number of XPU board. This number identifies an SCTP link uniquely. A over IP A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~1199
Date when the scheduled task is started O&M of BSC Compound Type year, month, date
Start date of the alarm record. By default, the start date is 2000-01-01. Faulty Management Compound Type year, month, day
Start date of the alarm record. By default, the start date is 2000-01-01. Faulty Management Compound Type year, month, day
Maximum number of days for storing history alarms Faulty Management Interval Type 7~90
SD alarm triggering threshold Board Switchover Enumeration Type 1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9
Start date O&M of BTS Compound Type year, month, day
Start date of the daylight saving time (DST) Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Interval Type 1~31
Number of SDCCH channels. Rules for SDCCH channel allocation: 1. Allocate channels 1 and 3 of main frequency B preferentially. 2. Allocate channels 1, 3, 5, and 7 according to the physical position order of the frequencies. Thus, the maximum number of SDCCH channels is (actual number of frequencies - 1) *4+2. Configuration Management Interval Type 1~191
Whether a call must camp on the SDCCH for a specific duration before being assigned with a traffic channel. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Duration for a call camping on the SDCCH before being assigned with a traffic channel. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Interval Type 0~100
Level threshold for measuring the number of call drops on SDCCH. When call drop occurs on the SDCCH, the BSC6900 determines whether the downlink receive level is lower than this threshold. If the downlink receive level is lower than this threshold and the TA is smaller than the TA threshold of the serving cell, the number of call drops on SDCCH (receive level) is incremented by one. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
Quality threshold for measuring the number of call drops on SDCCH. When call drop occurs on the SDCCH, the BSC6900 determines whether the downlink quality level multiplied by 10 is higher than this threshold. If all the following four conditions are met, the number of call drops on SDCCH (receive quality) is incremented by one. First, the downlink quality level multiplied by 10 is higher than this threshold. Second, the TA is smaller than the TA threshold of the serving cell. Third, the uplink level is higher than "UL Level Threshold for SDCCH Call Drop". Finally, the downlink level is lower than "DL Level Threshold for SDCCH Call Drop". Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~70
Level threshold for measuring the number of call drops on SDCCH. When call drop occurs on the SDCCH, the BSC6900 determines whether the uplink receive level is lower than this threshold. If the uplink receive level is lower than this threshold and the TA is smaller than the TA threshold of the serving cell, the number of call drops on SDCCH (receive level) is incremented by one. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
Quality threshold for measuring the number of call drops on SDCCH. When call drop occurs on the SDCCH, the BSC6900 determines whether the uplink quality level multiplied by 10 is higher than this threshold. If all the following four conditions are met, the number of call drops on SDCCH (receive quality) is incremented by one. First, the uplink quality level multiplied by 10 is higher than this threshold. Second, the TA is smaller than the TA threshold of the serving cell. Third, the uplink level is higher than "UL Level Threshold for SDCCH Call Drop". Finally, the downlink level is lower than "DL Level Threshold for SDCCH Call Drop". Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~70
Whether to allow SDCCH dynamic allocation, that is, whether to allow dynamic conversion between TCHs and SDCCHs. SDCCH Dynamic Adjustment Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Enable SD Board Switchover Enumeration Type DISABLE, ENABLE
Whether to enable the SDCCH quick handover test function. If this parameter is set to Yes, the BSC6900 initiates intra-cell SDCCH handover as soon as the MSC issues an encrypted command to the MS. Thus, the forwarding encrypted signaling can be transmitted and received on a new signaling channel. In this way, the network security is improved. A5/3 Ciphering AlgorithmEnumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
This parameter specifies whether the BSC6900 automatically shuts down the power amplifier of the TRX to save power when the BTS is powered by batteries after a power failure. Active Backup Power Control Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
After a new SDCCH is assigned to an MS, the MS can be handed over to another channel only if the time during which the MS occupies the SDCCH is longer than the period specified by this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~60
Maximum number of discarded MRs allowed on the SDCCH in a power control period HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~5
Period in which level penalty is performed on the neighboring cells of the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. The neighboring cells must be located at the Macro, Micro, or Pico layer other than the Umbrella layer. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Level value of the penalty that is performed on the neighboring cells of the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. The neighboring cells must be located at the Macro, Micro, or Pico layer other than the Umbrella layer. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
DSCP corresponding to the signaling Gb over IP Interval Type 0~63
Specifies the SF and SD event priority Board Switchover Enumeration Type HIGH(HIGH), LOW(LOW)
High temperature threshold for triggering power shutdown of the battery. If the power shutdown upon battery high temperature is enabled and the battery temperature is higher than the value of this parameter, the battery is automatically powered off. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS BTS Power Management Interval Type 40~70
Sliding time window for collecting statistics on the alarms that disappear in a specified period of time.Sampling time window. In the period specified by this parameter, the duration in which the alarm persists is accumulated. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65535
Sliding time window for collecting statistics on the alarms that occur in a specified period of time.This parameter is similar to the sampling time window. In the period specified by this parameter, the duration in which the alarm persists is accumulated. Faulty Management Interval Type 0~65535
Low voltage threshold for triggering power shutdown of the battery. If the power shutdown upon low voltage is enabled and the load voltage is lower than the value of this parameter, the battery is automatically powered off. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 350~556
Whether to allow the MS to search for a 3G cell when the BSIC must be decoded Enhanced Measurement Report(EMR) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Self Software Version O&M of BTS String Type None
This parameter specifies whether the SI Type 3 message contains the 2QUATER indicator. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to report BSS INVOKE TRACE message. When the parameter is set to YES, the BSC sends a BSS INVOKE TRACE message to the MSC if receiving an MSC INVOKE TRACE or BSS INVOKE TRACE message from MSC in the case of an outgoing BSC handover. If the BSC does not receive the message, the BSC does not send a BSS INVOKE TRACE message to the MSC. End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to report the classmark queried by the BSC6900 to the MSC HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to send a CONFUSION message to the MSC. This parameter specifies whether to send a message carrying fault location information to the MSC if the BSC receives a message that cannot be decoded over the A interface. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If this parameter is set to No, the BSC responds with an SAPI N'Reject message against the DL short message after hangup. Point To Point Short Message Service (TS21, TS22) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Priority of the notification message transmission on the FACCH. From high to low, the priorities are A, B, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and No Priority. No Priority is the lowest. When the priority of the group call is higher than or equal to the value specified by this parameter, the notification message is sent on the FACCH. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NoPriority(No Priority), Priority4(Priority 4), Priority3(Priority3), Priority2(Priority 2), Priority1(Priority 1), Priority0(Priority 0), PriorityB(Priority B), PriorityA(Priority A)
Priority of the paging message transmission on the FACCH. From high to low, the priorities are A, B, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and No Priority. No Priority is the lowest. When the priority of the group call is higher than the value specified by this parameter, the paging message is sent on the FACCH. Group Call EMLPP Enumeration Type NoPriority(No Priority), Priority4(Priority 4), Priority3(Priority3), Priority2(Priority 2), Priority1(Priority 1), Priority0(Priority 0), PriorityB(Priority B), PriorityA(Priority A)
The time for BTS reset. Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Regulation Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the BSC sends the System Information Type 2ter message. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the BSC sends the System Information Type 5ter message. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether the SI Type 3 message contains the 3G Early Classmark Sending Restriction field. The 3G Early Classmark Sending Restriction field is used to notify the MS of whether the early classmark message contains the 3G classmark message. This parameter is valid for dual-mode MSs and is invalid for single-mode MSs. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Split position on the RXU chain O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~6
Whether to enable the BTS to support the separation between the physical and logical. Whether the BTS supports the separate mode. When a BTS is in separate mode, the physical boards are separate from the logical TRXs, that is, a physical board may exist without being configured with any logical TRX. When a BTS is in non-separate mode, a one-to-one mapping exists between the physical board and the logical TRX. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SUPPORT(Support), UNSUPPORT(Not Support)
Number of the command listening port of the server. You should not use any port number occupied by other applications. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1024~65535
Number of the data port of the server in active mode. You should not use any port number occupied by other applications. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1024~65535
Delivery serial number of the RET antenna Remote Electrical Tilt String Type None
IP address of the FTP server to be visited by the FTP client O&M of BSC IP Address Type None
Service mode of the BSC6900. This parameter specifies configuration mode of subracks. A over IP TC Pool Enumeration Type SEPARATE(Separate), TOGETHER(Together), AIP(AIP)
Service bearer mode of the BTS Abis over IP Enumeration Type TDM, HDLC, HDLC_HubBTS, IP
Service bearer mode of the BTS PICO Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type TDM, HDLC, IP
Name of the command function O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type SYSTEM(System Command), CONFIG(Configuration Management), MAINTAIN(Maintenance Management), STAT(Statistic Measurement), ALARM(Alarm Management)
Service type of the BTS. The QoS processing depends on the DSCP, VLAN ID, and VLAN priority that vary according to the service type. Abis over IP Enumeration Type OML(OML), RSL(RSL), EML(EML), ESL(ESL), CSVOICE(CS Voice), CSDATA(CS Data), PSHIGHPRI(PS High PRI), PSLOWPRI(PS Low PRI), OTHERDATA(Other Data)
Whether to enable the diesel engine parameters to be configured O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the environment temperature alarm parameters of the APMU to be configured. The APMU of the APM30 type does not support this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the environment temperature parameters to be configured. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the environment humidity alarm parameters of the board to be configured. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Number of the SFP port. If the switching relation is added on the SFP port, it indicates that the SFP port is used to connect the BBU and no RXU chain or ring can be configured on the port. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5
Available capacity of the SGSN SGSN Pool Interval Type 0~65535
Name of the SGSN Configuration Management String Type None
Length of the NRI(Network Resource Identifier) or NULL-NRI. The length determines the maximum value of the NRI and NULL-NRI. SGSN Pool Interval Type 1~10
Special NRI(Network Resource Identifier). Each SGSN pool has one NULL-NRI. When the NRI value in the TLLI of the MS uplink/downlink service data equals NULL-NRI, the BSC6900 reselects an SGSN for the MS. SGSN Pool Interval Type 0~1023
Whether to enable the SGSN pool function. With SGSN pool, a BSC6900 is connected to multiple SGSNs in the pool, and load balancing and resource sharing between these SGSNs are allowed. In this manner, the PS services are processed by the SGSNs in the SGSN pool in the most efficient way. This reduces inter-MSC handovers and node redundancy backup. SGSN Pool Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Protocol version supported by the SGSN GPRS Enumeration Type 0( Release 98 or older), 1(Release 99 onwards)
Administrative state of the SGSN. The value "ALLOW" indicates that the SGSN can handle the PS services normally. The value "UNISTALL" indicates that the SGSN does not permit new PS services to access the network and the ongoing PS services are not affected. The value "DENY" indicates that the SGSN denies all PS services. SGSN Pool Enumeration Type UNISTALL(Uninstall), ALLOW(Allow), DENY(Deny)
Usage threshold of the CPU for call access from other CPU. If the usage of the CPU exceeds the threshold, the call access request is discarded. If the value of this parameter is greater than "MOC Access CPU Rate" or "MTC Access CPU Rate", the parameter "Share in CPU Rate", "MOC Access CPU Rate" and "MTC Access CPU Rate" will be changed to the Recommended value automatically. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Slot number of the load sharing interface board O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~27
Whether to allow sharing RAN Sharing Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Shield flag of the alarm Faulty Management Enumeration Type unshielded(Unshielded), shielded(Shielded)
This parameter specifies the delay time before shutting down the TRXs when the BTS experiences a power failure. Active Backup Power Control Interval Type 0~12
Whether the BSC sends a System Information Type 2ter message to a non-dualband cell. When the parameter is set to YES, the cell does not send the System Information Type 2ter message if the cell is not configured with inter-frequency neighboring cells. If the cell is configured with inter-frequency neighboring cells, the cell sends the System Information Type 2ter message. When the parameter is set to NO and "Send System Information 2ter " is set to YES, the cell sends the System Information Type 2ter message. Otherwise, the cell does not send the message. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable a handover between signaling channels HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of times that the downlink signal strength exceeds the threshold Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~10
Uniquely identifies a signaling link set A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~186
Uniquely identifies a signaling link set A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~186
ID of an M3UA link in the specified link set A over IP Interval Type 0~15
Signaling local weight over the local NSVL. When this parameter is set to a larger value, the NS is more likely to select this IP point according to the load sharing function of the NSVC link of the IP network, if the NS sends a signaling message. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~255
Signaling local weight over the remote NSVL. When this parameter is set to a larger value, the NS is more likely to select this IP point according to the load sharing function of the NSVC link of the IP network, if the NS sends a signaling message. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~255
Priority of the signaling service.0 is the highest priority. IP QOS Interval Type 0~7
Number of times that the downlink signal is measured Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~10
Number of measurement reports used for averaging the signal quality of signaling channels. This parameter helps avoid sharp drop of signal levels caused by Raileigh fading and to ensure correct handover decisions. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
ID of an MTP3 link in a specified link set A Interface Protocol Process Local Multiple Signaling Points Interval Type 0~15
Number of measurement reports used for averaging the signal strength of signaling channels. This parameter helps avoid sharp drop of signal levels caused by Raileigh fading and to ensure correct handover decisions. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Minimum interval between the successful TBF establishment and the first initiation of the Packet Timeslot Reconfiguration procedure Load Sharing Interval Type 0~65535
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 1. One-way audio means that only one party in a call can hear the voice. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 10. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 11. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 12. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 13. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 14. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 15. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 16. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 17. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 18. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 19. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 2. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 20. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 3. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 4. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 5. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 6. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 7. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 8. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Single pass exclude MSISDN number 9. Certain numbers, such as the premium rate number, are not used for the single pass check. The number is stored in character string. O&M of BSC String Type None
Source IP address None IP Address Type None
Source IP address None IP Address Type None
Log of which site need to be collected. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~65535
Zone where the BTS synchronizes with other BTSs. Only two BTSs with the same synchronization zone can be synchronized in a synchronization task. Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~255
The IP address must be a valid class A, B, or C address, and it cannot be a broadcast address or network address. Clock over IP IP Address Type None
No. of the location group under the BTS. The location group No. is unique for each BTS. Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~35
Self-loop type. The precautions are as follows: 1. If the self-loop type is set to "E1SELFLOOP" and the BTS type is BTS3002C, BTS3001C, or BTS3001CP, the transmission board type can be set to only "Active TMU/MMU/IOMU/DOMU". If the BTS type is BTS3006C or BTS3002E, the transmission board type cannot be set to "Active/Standby TMU". 2. If the self-loop type is set to "IASUSELFLOOP", only 3002C, 3006C, 3002E support IASU self loop type, and when the BTS type is BTS3002C, the transmission board type can be set to only "Active DOMU". BTS Test Function Enumeration Type E1SELFLOOP(E1 Self Loopback), IASUSELFLOOP(IASU Self Loopback)
Signaling route load sharing. In the value, the number of 1s (represented by n) determines the maximum number (2) of routes for the load sharing. For example, B0000 indicates that up to one route is used for the load sharing, B0001 and B1000 indicate that up to two routes are used for the load sharing. The additional routes are not used for the load sharing. The AND operation between this value and " signaling link mask " in the link set is equal to 0. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type B0000(B0000), B0001(B0001), B0010(B0010), B0011(B0011), B0100(B0100), B0101(B0101), B0110(B0110), B0111(B0111), B1000(B1000), B1001(B1001), B1010(B1010), B1011(B1011), B1100(B1100), B1101(B1101), B1110(B1110), B1111(B1111)
If no handshake message is received from the peer within the delay, the slave service is activated. A slave service object provides services at the peer BSC and its configuration data is backed up at the local BSC. A slave service object provides services at the local BSC only when the peer BSC is faulty or when all the signaling links on the A interface of the peer BSC are faulty. BSC Node Redundancy Interval Type 1~600
Type of the start date. "WEEK" indicates that the start date is a weekday. "DATE" indicates that the start date is a month day. "DATEWEEK" indicates the start date is expressed by a combination of weekday and month day. Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type DATE(Input with date), WEEK(Input with week), DATEWEEK(Input with date and week)
Index of the SMLC None Interval Type 0~3
Whether the built-in SMLC or external SMLC is used in the BSS. None Enumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not Support), INNER(Inner), OUTER(Outer)
Smog alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Month in which DST startsSupport of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type JAN(January), FEB(February), MAR(March), APR(April), MAY(May), JUN(June), JUL(July), AUG(August), SEP(September), OCT(October), NOV(November), DEC(December)
Number of CPU usage samples involved in the calculation of the average CPU usage in the sliding window GSM Flow Control Interval Type 2~2000
Number of the slot Configuration Management Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot Configuration Management Interval Type 0~3,8~27
Number of the slot where the XPU board is located None Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
Number of the slot where the XPU board is located A over IP Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
Number of the slot None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
A key field used to identify the Ater timeslot and indicate the number of the Ater interface timeslot None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Number of the slot O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the alarm is generated Faulty Management Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the alarm is generated, the number of the slot where the OMU board is positioned is not supported Faulty Management Interval Type 0~27
Indicates the slot number for running this command None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Slot number for running this command None Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
Number of the slot. The subrack number and slot number uniquely identify a board. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~27
Slot No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the BTS board is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the slot where the BTS board is located IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~23
Slot number of the XPU board bound to the NSE Configuration Management Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
Slot number of board to which Pb signaling link belongs O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the port is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Slot number of the BSC6900 board that is connected to the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~27
Number of the slot where the BTS board is located. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~7
RF send mode of the TRX. The BTS3006C and BTS3002E do not support Wide Band Combining, Power Booster Technology, DPBT, or Transmitter Independent or Combining. The DBS3900 GSM GRRU does not support Wide Band Combining, Transmitter Independent or Combining, Power Booster Technology, or DPBT. The BTS3900 GSM and BTS3900A GSM do not support Transmitter Independent or Wide Band Combining. Configuration Management Enumeration Type NOCOMB(No Combination), PBT(PBT), WBANDCOMB(Wideband Combination), DIVERSITY(Transmit Diversity), DDIVERSITY(Dynamic Transmit Diversity), DPBT(DPBT), DTIC(Transmit Independency or Combination), NONE(none)
The connection mode between the DRRU and the antenna. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SGL_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), SGLDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 2RX]), DOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 2RX]), DOUBLEFOUR_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 4RX]), DOUBLESINGLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLEDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 2RX])
The connection mode between the DRFU and the antenna. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SGL_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), SGLDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 2RX]), DOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 2RX]), DOUBLEFOUR_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 4RX]), DOUBLESINGLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLEDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 2RX])
The connection mode between the MRRU/GRRU and the antenna. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SGL_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), SGLDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 2RX]), DOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 2RX]), DOUBLEFOUR_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 4RX]), DOUBLESINGLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLEDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 2RX])
The connection mode between the MRFU/GRFU and the antenna. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SGL_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), SGLDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 2RX]), DOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 2RX]), DOUBLEFOUR_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[2TX + 4RX]), DOUBLESINGLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLEDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 2RX])
The connection mode between the BTS3900E and the antenna. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SGL_ANTENNA(Single Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLESINGLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 1RX]), DOUBLEDOUBLE_ANTENNA(Double Feeder[1TX + 2RX])
Synchronization period of the SNTP client service O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~60
As an integer, the OSP code can be expressed by a decimal digit or a hexadecimal digit. If the OSP code is expressed by a hexadecimal digit, H' is added before the number. 14-Digit Signaling Point Code A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~16777215
Number of bits contained in the signaling point code 14-Digit Signaling Point Code A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type BIT14(BIT14), BIT16(BIT16), BIT24(BIT24)
OSP code expressed in the form of segments 8-8-8, see the parameter "Signal point data format" of the "ADD OPC" 14-Digit Signaling Point Code A Interface Protocol Process String Type None
Start CIC of the E1/T1 of the Pb interface O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~65535
Data format of the specified signaling point. When this parameter is set to "WNF", the SPC is expressed in the form of an integer number. When this parameter is set to "NDF", the SPC is expressed in three segments. The number of bits included in each segment depends on the setting of the signaling point code bits parameter. When the signaling point code bits parameter is set to "BIT14", the number of bits included in each segment is 3, 8, and 3. When the signaling point code bits parameter is set to "BIT16", the number of bits included in each segment is 4, 8, and 4. When the signaling point code bits parameter is set to "BIT24", the number of bits included in each segment is 8, 8, and 8. Assume that the signaling point code bits parameter is set to "BIT14" and the SPC is expressed in three segments 5-7-2. You can perform the following steps to convert this SPC to an integer: 1. Convert the value in each segment to a binary number and fill 0s into a segment if the number of bits included in that segment do A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type WNF(Whole Number Format), DNF(Divided Number Format)
This parameter is used for load control. It determines whether the users of special access class are allowed to access the network. Value 1 indicates that access is not allowed. Value 0 indicates that access is allowed. Radio Common Channel Management Location Updating IMSI Detach Bit Field Type L11_FORBID, L12_FORBID, L13_FORBID, L14_FORBID, L15_FORBID
The value of this parameter consists of seven bits. Each bit determines whether to enable the one-way Boolean alarm. "0" indicates that the one-way Boolean alarm is enabled, and "1" indicates that the one-way Boolean alarm is disabled. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Bit Field Type ET_DISABLE0, ET_DISABLE1, SMDISABLE, WIDISABLE, GMDISABLE, ARRESTER1, ARRESTER2
The value of this parameter consists of five bits. Each bit determines whether the one-way Boolean alarm is triggered by low level or high level. "0" indicates that the alarm is triggered by high level, and "1" indicates that the alarm is triggered by low level. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Bit Field Type SMDISABLE, WIDISABLE, GMDISABLE, ARRESTER1, ARRESTER2
If the number of one-way mute events exceeds the value of "Speech Channel Alarm Threshold" within this period, then the BSC reports the Speech Channel alarm. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~12
Whether to contain the information element of Speech_Ver in the Assignment Complete message A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to contain the information element of Speech_Ver in the Handover Perform message A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to contain the information element of Speech_Ver in the HO_REQ_ACK message A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to contain the information element of Speech Ver in the HO_RQD message A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Speech version mode that the BTS uses for the VGCS call number in the timeslot in the TRX in fallback mode Group Call Reliability Enhancing Enumeration Type PSMODE(Protocol Standard Mode), VGCSMODE(VGCS Mode)
Speech version mode that the BTS uses for the VGCS call number in the timeslot in the TRX in fallback mode Group Call Reliability Enhancing Enumeration Type PSMODE(Protocol Standard Mode), VGCSMODE(VGCS Mode)
Speech version configured on the TRX timeslot when the BTS works in fallback mode. When "CHNTYPE" of the TRX timeslot is set to "FULLTCH", value 0 of this parameter indicates FR and value 1 indicates EFR; when "CHNTYPE" of the TRX timeslot is set to "HALFRCH", this parameter is invalid. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Enumeration Type FR(FR), EFR(EFR)
Rate over the GE electrical port. When this parameter is set to 1000M, the GE electrical port performs negotiation at the rate of 1000 Mbit/s. If, however, the negotiation result is not 1000 Mbit/s, the negotiation fails. When this parameter is set to AUTO, the GE electrical port performs auto negotiation, and the negotiation result can be either 100 Mbit/s or 1000 Mbit/s. None Enumeration Type 1000M(1000M), AUTO(AUTO)
Level value of the penalty that is performed on the neighboring cells of the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. The neighboring cells must be located at the Macro, Micro, or Pico layer other than the Umbrella layer. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Period in which penalty is performed on the neighboring cells of the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. The neighboring cells must be located at the Macro, Micro, or Pico layer but not the Umbrella layer. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Whether to support SPLIT_PG_CYCLE on CCCH. The parameter SPLIT_PG_CYCLE is used to define the DRX period. You can specify whether the paging group based on SPLIT_PG_CYCLE is supported on CCCH for the BTS and the MS. Yes: the paging group based on SPLIT_PG_CYCLE is supported on CCCH. No: the paging group based on SPLIT_PG_CYCLE is not supported on CCCH. System Information Sending Discontinuous Reception (DRX) Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
This parameter specifies whether the BSC6900 supports the cell broadcast function and whether the BSC6900 supports simple cell broadcast or standard cell broadcast. If the BSC6900 supports standard cell broadcast, the BSC6900 should be connected to the CBC. Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Enumeration Type NOTSPPRTBC(NotSupport CB), SPPRTSTANDARD(SupportStandard CB), SPPRTSIMPLE(SupportSimple CB)
Whether to support the common bidirectional measurement procedure on the Iur-g interface. MBSC Load Balancing Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
Whether to support the bidirectional information exchange procedure on the Iur-g interface. MBSC Load Balancing Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
Whether to support In Inter-RAT Inter-cell PS Handover. The MS in the UMTS cell can be handed over to the BSC local cell through PS handover algorithm. PS Handover Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether support Out Inter-RAT Inter-Cell PS Handover. The MS in the BSC local cell can be handed over to the UMTS cell through PS handover algorithm. PS Handover Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether the function of Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) resource guarantee is allowed. In NC2 or NACC cell reselection, if this parameter is set to YES, dynamic channels are requested in the target cell. Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the BSC forwards the paging message from the trunking MSC to the MS. When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC forwards the paging message from the trunking MSC to the MS and forwards the corresponding paging response from the MS to the trunking MSC. Public Voice Group Call Service Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the layer 3 check mechanism on the LAPD links. If the PCU_BSC_LAPD_CHECK_ACK message cannot be received on one Pb link, the Pb link is in single pass mode. Send another two PCU_BSC_LAPD_CHECK_ACK messages. If the PCU_BSC_LAPD_CHECK_ACK message is still not received on the Pb link, set the Pb link to fault state and report the ONE PBSL Link. GPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the enhanced resource check on the Pb interface. The introduction of enhanced resource check is to improve the efficiency of resource checking and define the dependencies of resource status. The external PCU initiates the enhanced resource check. The resources to be checked, consisting of the cell resources, channel resources, and PCIC resources, are provided in list form in the check message, thus reducing the number of messages on the Pb interface and improving the efficiency of checking. The external PCU sends the check message to the BSC. The BSC divides the check message into three independent check messages, each containing one type of resource to be checked, and sends the check message to the corresponding module for resource checking. GPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the single pass check function on the Pb links between the BSC and the external PCU. When the Pb link is in single pass mode, a corresponding alarm is reported to the maintenance terminal, and the Pb link is set to broken link state or the priority of the Pb link is lowered. GPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the PCIC check function on the Pb links between the BSC and the external PCU. When the configuration of the PCIC of the BSC is inconsistent with that of the external PCU, a corresponding alarm is reported to the maintenance terminal, the Pb interface circuit with inconsistent configurations at two ends are blocked, and the priority of the Pb link is lowered. GPRS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to support RAN Sharing.RAN sharing refers to the technique that the GBSS equipment is categorized into multiple logical GBSS equipment, thus operators can share the GBSS equipment to cover the same area. RAN Sharing Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Cell supports reduced latency capability. This parameter is used to reduce the latency during the transmission, thus improving the user experience for conversational services. Latency Reduction Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
whether the main operator enables the RanSharing function. If the RanSharing function is enabled, one to three co-operators can be configured to share the BSS. RAN Sharing Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether the FTP client supports the state firewall O&M of BSC Enumeration Type YES(Support), NO(Not Support)
Uniquely identifies an OSPA Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 0~4
Whether a base station supports normalized data configuration. Normalized data configuration means that the cabinets, subracks, slots, transmission ports, and user-defined alarm ports of a base station under a multi-mode BSC use the same numbering schemes, and that the boards of the base station are uniformly named. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SUPPORT(Support), NOT_SUPPORT(Not Support)
Whether the data configuration of the SingleRAN BTS supports normalized SingleRAN mode. Normalized SingleRAN mode means that the rules of defining cabinet number, subrack number, and slot number of the SingleRAN BTS are normalized. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SUPPORT(Support), NOT_SUPPORT(Not Support)
Whether the data configuration of the SingleRAN BTS supports normalized SingleRAN mode. Normalized SingleRAN mode means that the rules of defining cabinet number, subrack number, and slot number of the SingleRAN BTS are normalized. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type SUPPORT(Support SRAN), NOT_SUPPORT(Not Support)
A cell Index must be unique in one BSC6900 . It is used to uniquely identify a cell. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~2047
Name of a cell Configuration Management String Type None
A source cell index must be unique in one BSC. It is used to uniquely identify a source cell. The value of this parameter ranges from 0 to 2047. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~2047
Name of a source cell Configuration Management String Type None
Source cell ID Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
The batch file to be executed: The content of the batch file consists of service commands to be executed in batches. The source file is located in the FTP subdirectory of the OMU installation directory, and you should not add the path when entering the name. The characters (@, #, !, %, ^, &, *, /, ., [, ], \, :, ?, ', ", <, >, and |) cannot appear in the file name. O&M of BSC String Type None
Priority of the clock sourceBSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 1~4
Priority of the clock source. There are four priorities (in descending order): 1, 2, 3, 4. BSC/RNC Clock Interval Type 1~4
Whether the currently used handover algorithm in the source cell is HO Algorithm I or HO Algorithm II HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type HOALGORITHM1(Handover algorithm I), HOALGORITHM2(Handover algorithm II)
Source IP address of BFD Session. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD IP Address Type None
Local area code (LAC) of the source cell Configuration Management Interval Type 1~65533,65535
Mobile country code (MCC) of the source cell Configuration Management String Type None
Identifies a maintenance point in the maintenance group None Interval Type 1~1000
Mobile network code (MNC) of the source cell Configuration Management String Type None
Source of timeslot cross None Interval Type 0~335
Type of the clock source. BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type BITS1-2MHZ(2MHZ Building Integrated Timing Supply system 1), BITS2-2MHZ(2MHZ Building Integrated Timing Supply system 2), BITS1-2MBPS(2MBPS Building Integrated Timing Supply system 1), BITS2-2MBPS(2MBPS Building Integrated Timing Supply system 2), 8KHZ(8KHZ), GPS(Globe Positioning System), LINE1_8KHZ(8KHZ line1), LINE2_8KHZ(8KHZ line2), BITS1-T1BPS(T1BPS Building Integrated Timing Supply system 1), BITS2-T1BPS(T1BPS Building Integrated Timing Supply system 2)
Source timeslot mask None Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Number of the subrack Configuration Management Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack Configuration Management Interval Type 1~11
Number of the subrack where the XPU board is located None Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack None Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack A over IP Interval Type 0~11
It is one key field of identifying the Ater timeslot and indicates the subrack No. of the Ater interface timeslot. None Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack None Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack where the indicator alarm to be queried is generated Faulty Management Interval Type 0~11
The subrack number for running this command None Interval Type 0~11
The subrack number uniquely identifies a subrack. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~11
Subrack No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack where the BTS board is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Number of the subrack where the BTS board is located IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~254
Subrack number of the XPU board bound to the NSE Configuration Management Interval Type 0~11
Subrack number of board to which Pb signaling link belongs O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack where the port is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Subrack number of the BSC6900 board that is connected to the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack where the BTS board is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0
Number of the subrack at one end of the inter-subrack connection channel O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~11
Number of the subrack at the other end of the inter-subrack connection channel O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~11
Name of the subrack to be added Configuration Management String Type None
Number of the tributary O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5
Type of the subrack BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type MPS, EPS, TCS
Sequence of alarm recordsFaulty Management Enumeration Type DES(Descent), ASC(Ascent)
Traffic local weight over the local NSVL. When this parameter is set to a large value, the NS is more likely to select this IP point according to the load sharing function of the NSVC link of the IP network, if the NS sends a data message. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~255
Traffic local weight over the remote NSVL. When this parameter is set to a larger value, the NS is more likely to select this IP point according to the load sharing function of the NSVC link of the IP network, if the NS sends a data message. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~255
The parameter specifies which type of service TRXs should be preferentially processed when the PSU is faulty. O&M of BTS Intelligent Shutdown of TRX Due to PSU Failure Enumeration Type GSM_PRIOR(GSM Traffic Prior), UMTS_PRIOR(UMTS Traffic Prior)
Service type of the IP interface board. The service type can be CS speech, CS data, PS high priority, or PS low priority. IP QOS Enumeration Type CSVOICE(CS Voice), CSDATA(CS Data), PSHIGHPRI(PS High PRI), PSLOWPRI(PS Low PRI)
After a handover due to bad quality is successful, the penalty on the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after BQ HO": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after BQ HO", to prevent ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
CPU usage alarm clearance threshold Faulty Management Interval Type 20~99
CPU usage alarm threshold. When the CPU usage exceeds the threshold, a CPU usage alarm is reported. "CPU occupancy alarm clearance threshold" is smaller than "CPU occupancy alarm threshold". Faulty Management Interval Type 30~100
DSP usage alarm clearance threshold. When the DSP usage is lower than the threshold, the DSP usage alarm is cleared. Faulty Management Interval Type 20~99
DSP usage alarm threshold. When the DSP usage exceeds the threshold, a DSP usage alarm is reported. "DSP occupancy alarm clearance threshold" is smaller than "DSP occupancy alarm threshold". Faulty Management Interval Type 30~100
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of successive measurement reports that are used to determine the signal strength on traffic/data channels. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. The parameter specifies the number of successive measurement reports that are used to determine the signal strength on signaling channel. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~32
Number of the subsystemConfiguration Management Interval Type 0~7
No. of the subsystem where the Iur-g common connection is established MBSC Load Balancing Interval Type 0~7
Start synchronization number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~2147483646
After the time advancing handover is successful, the penalty on the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after TA HO": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after TA HO", to prevent ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Start of DST Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Compound Type HOUR, MIN, SEC
The operation time of the log record should be after this time. If this parameter is not specified, the start time is not limited. O&M of BSC Compound Type year, month, date, hour, min, sec
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
The operation time of the log record should be after this time. If this parameter is not specified, the start time is not limited. O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type year, month, date, hour, min, sec
Start time of the alarm record. By default, the start time is 00:00:00. Faulty Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
Start time of the alarm record. By default, the start time is 00:00:00. Faulty Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
A key parameter that indicates the date and time when the BSC6900 broadcasts cell messages Simplified Cell Broadcast Compound Type year, month, day, hour, min, sec
Start number of the alarm record Faulty Management Interval Type 1~65535
Whether to preferentially use the variable bitmap code when encoding the frequency in the System Information and encoding the FH frequency in the assignment or handover command Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter indicates whether the arrival of channel request messages is controlled. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
It indicates the start CIC of the A interface CIC segment. When operation mode is set to OPC index, DPC group index, BSC ID, or CIC, the parameter is mandatory. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
It indicates the start CIC of the Pb interface CIC segment. If the search object mode is set to search by the specified range, the parameter is mandatory. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~65535
This parameter specifies the start date of a period during which the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature is disabled. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Interval Type 1~31
When the environment temperature reaches the specified value of this parameter, the heater is started. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -990~400
This parameter specifies the start month of a period during which the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature is disabled. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Enumeration Type JAN(Jan.), FEB(Feb.), MAR(Mar.), APR(Apr.), MAY(May), JUN(Jun.), JUL(Jul.), AUG(Aug.), SEP(Sep), OCT(Oct.), NOV(Nov.), DEC(Dec)
This parameter indicates whether the arrival of paging messages are controlled. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter indicates whether the arrival of PS resource request messages is controlled. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of the start sub-timeslot O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 0(0), 2(2), 4(4), 6(6)
Time for which the BTS waits to start the fallback function after the OML is interrupted. With this parameter, the BTS does not start the fallback function when the OML is interrupted transiently. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 60~600
This parameter specifies the start time for dynamically enabling the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature each day. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown Compound Type hour, min
It indicates the start CIC of the Ater interface CIC segment. Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Interval Type 8~255
It indicates the start CIC of the A interface CIC segment. When Operation mode is set to subrack number, slot number, port number, or CIC, the parameter is mandatory. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~31
Number of the start timeslot O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~31
Whether to enable the smart temperature control mechanism of the FMUA. Smart temperature control refers to the mechanism adopted by the FMUA to adjust the fan speed, and thus to regulate the temperature according to the environment temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Whether to enable the smart temperature control mechanism of the NFCB. Smart temperature control refers to the mechanism adopted by the NFCB to adjust the fan speed, and thus to regulate the temperature according to the environment temperature. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type DISABLED(Disabled), ENABLED(Enabled)
Number of the start CIC. The C/C of each E1/T1 timeslot can be calculated on the basis of this parameter. Assume that the start CIC is 100, the CIC of the E1 timeslots on the A interface will automatically be set to 100, 101, 102, 103, and so on. Assume that the CIC of an E1 timeslot is 65535, the CICs of all successive E1 timeslots are all 65535. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 0~65535
Number of the cabinet where the outgoing port of the BTS is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Start date. The input format is YYYY&MM&DD. O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type year, month, day
Number of frequencies measured in each group (excluding the frequencies in the original BA table). 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Interval Type 1~32
Satellite flag A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Start time O&M of BTS Compound Type hour, min, sec
Whether to enable the EICC algorithm. Enhanced Interference Rejection Combining combines the signals received by multiple antennas to obtain better signals. EICC is mainly used in high traffic network where tight frequency reuse is in place. EICC Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether the sending of system information 5, 5bis, and 5ter can be stopped on the SACCH on the SDCCH after the BTS issues a ciphering command. A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Time for which the BTS waits to stop the fallback function after the OML is set up. With this parameter, the BTS does not stop the fallback function when the OML is set up transiently. Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 60~300
Whether to enable the signaling point with the signaling transfer function A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Number of the outgoing port of the BTS where the monitoring timeslot is located Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~23
Start time of frequency scanning Cell Frequency Scan Compound Type hour, min, sec
Number of the slot where the outgoing port of the BTS is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Number of the subrack where the outgoing port of the BTS is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Number of the sub-timeslot on the outgoing port of the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~7
Start time. The input format is HH&MM&SS. O&M of BSC Security Management Compound Type hour, min, sec
Number of the timeslot on the outgoing port of the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~31
Type of the BTS. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS30(BTS30), BTS312(BTS312), BTS3001C(BTS3001C), BTS3001CP(BTS3001CP), BTS3002C(BTS3002C), BTS3012A(BTS3012A), BTS3006A(BTS3006A), BTS3012(BTS3012), BTS3006C(BTS3006C), BTS3002E(BTS3002E), BTS3012AE(BTS3012AE), BTS3012_II(BTS3012 II), DBS3900_GSM(DBS3900 GSM), BTS3900_GSM(BTS3900 GSM), BTS3900A_GSM(BTS3900A GSM), DBS3036(DBS3036), BTS3036(BTS3036), BTS3036A(BTS3036A), BTS3900L_GSM(BTS3900L GSM), BTS3900B_GSM(BTS3900B GSM), BTS3900E_GSM(BTS3900E GSM)
ID of the BSC in the TC pool where an A interface circuit is blocked or unblocked TC Pool Interval Type 1~15
ID of the BSC in the TC pool to which an A interface E1/T1 is added TC Pool Interval Type 1~15
Command string that is transparently transmitted to the BTS O&M of BTS String Type None
Maximum sub-frame length. This parameter indicates the maximum sub-frame length for multiplexing. If the length of a sub-frame exceeds this value, the sub-frame is not multiplexed. Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Interval Type 16~1023
Maximum sub-frame length. The data stream to be multiplexed on the same multiplexing channel must be of the same type, and the length of the packet before multiplexing cannot exceed the maximum subframe length. If the length of a packet exceeds the maximum subframe length, the packet is transmitted without being multiplexed. Abis MUX Interval Type 16~1023
Number of the scheduled subtask O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~50
Subnet Number in a BSC None Interval Type 1~124,128~189
This parameter specifies whether the CS services preempt the sublink resources of PS services. Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to allow the CS services to preempt the sublink resources of PS services when the Abis resources are congested Flex Abis Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Number of the sub-timeslot on the port O&M of BSC Enumeration Type 0(0), 2(2), 4(4), 6(6)
Sub-version No. of the TMU board. It is configured according to the actual situation. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~65535
Whether the CIC circuits in use on the A interface can be assigned. When this parameter is set to YES and the MSC assigns new calls to an ongoing A interface circuit, the original calls (that are occupying the circuit) are released, and the circuit is used by the new calls. When this parameter is set to NO and the MSC assigns new calls to the ongoing A interface circuit, the new calls are rejected, and the original calls are not affected. A Interface Circuit Management Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to use Back-up port for LINE2 BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to use Back-up port for LINE1 BSC/RNC Clock Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to add a simple cell broadcast message for broadcasting the cell name. This parameter is only used for control broadcasting cell name, not used for control CB service. Simplified Cell Broadcast Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to support the high multislot class. High multislot class function enables a single MS to be allocated with a maximum of five timeslots on the uplink or downlink, thus improving the uplink or downlink throughput of a single MS. The BSS supports the MS with high multislot classes from 30 to 34. A maximum of five timeslots on the downlink can be assigned to an MS. If an MS is of the high multislot class 34, a maximum of five timeslots on the uplink can be allocated to the MS. Thus, the uplink and downlink throughput is increased by 25%.The total number of timeslots on the uplink and downlink cannot exceed six. That is, if five timeslots on the downlink are allocated to the MS, then only one timeslot on the uplink can be allocated to the MS. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment MS High multislot classes Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether to support dual transfer mode (DTM). The DTM allows an MS to use the circuit switching service and the packet switching service at the same time. This function must be supported by the network side. If "Cell Extension Type" in the "ADD GCELL" command or "MOD GCELL" command is set to "Double Timeslot Extension Cell" for a cell, the parameter cannot be set to "SUPPORT". DTM Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether to support EDA. Extended dynamic allocation (EDA) enables the MS to be allocated with more timeslots on the uplink, thus improving the uplink rate and helping to transmit large amounts of data on the uplink. PDCH Dynamic Adjustment EDA(Extended Dynamic Allocation) Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether to support the enhanced DTM function. Comparing to the DTM, the enhanced DTM improves the CS setup and release. During the CS service setup, the PS service is not interrupted. DTM Enumeration Type UNSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
Whether the FE/GE BTS supports inter-BTS local switching BTS Local Switch Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Support intracell handover to change the active speech version, then can increase the usage of TFO(Tandem Free Operation) to improve the speech quality. TFO Enumeration Type NO(Not Support), YES(Support)
Whether to support the cell list in the common measurement messages over the Iur-g interface. When this parameter is set to YES, the local BSC can handle the load information of the cells in the cell list carried in the received common measurement messages. In addition, the BSC can carry the load information of the cells in the cell list in the sent common measurement messages, such as the common measurement report, common measurement initialization response, common measurement initialization failure, and common measurement failure indication. MBSC Handover based on Load Enhancement Enumeration Type NO(No Support), YES(Support)
Minimum timeslots between two successive channel requests. After sending the access request, if the MS does not receive the response message after waiting for the minimum timeslots between two successive channel requests, the MS resends the access request. Access Enumeration Type T_12(12), T_15(15), T_20(20), T_30(30), T_41(41), T_55(55), T_76(76), T_109(109), T_163(163), T_217(217)
Server IP address used on the SGSN side in the IP subnet dynamic configuration procedure Gb over IP IP Address Type None
Server UDP port number used on the SGSN side in the IP subnet dynamic configuration procedure Gb over IP Interval Type 0~65535
Operating state of the environment alarm port Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(CLOSE), OPEN(OPEN)
If this parameter is set to "ON", you must set "OMU automatic switchover interval". Otherwise, "OMU automatic switchover interval" is not displayed. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ON, OFF
Switch for authenticating objects. When the switch is enabled, the BSC system authenticates the BTS objects of the user; when the switch is disabled, the BSC system does not authenticate the BTS objects. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Whether to enable the alarm port O&M of BTS Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Power switch state. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Weekday on which DST starts Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday)
State of the panel port switch Configuration Management Enumeration Type CLOSE, OPEN
Switch for the OMU self-healing None Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Grace Protection Period Switch determines whether to enter the grace protection period. License Management Enumeration Type ON(ON), OFF(OFF)
Turn on or turn off the BFD protocol switch IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Enumeration Type BFD_OFF(OFF), BFD_ON(ON)
Whether to enable the board parameters to be configured. If this parameter is set to "YES", the user can set board parameters of the BTS. Otherwise, the user cannot set the board parameters. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the 3ah function on the BTS port. AMR FR AMR HR TFO Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
The field indicates whether the primary path can be switched back when it is available. A over IP Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
The association is smoothly switched over to the primary path after the number of heartbeat responses is received. A over IP Interval Type 1~254
Set patch switch parameter1 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter10 O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~4294967295
Set patch switch parameter2 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter3 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter4 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter5 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter6 O&M of BSC Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Set patch switch parameter7 O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~4294967295
Set patch switch parameter8 O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~4294967295
Set patch switch parameter9 O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~4294967295
Number of the switching port. If "Link Attribute" is set to "BBU", the switching port must be configured. The value ranges from 3 to 5. O&M of BTS Interval Type 3~5
Whether to enable the local user management function O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Sequence of the start week of DST Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type FIRST(First), SECOND(Second), THIRD(Third), FOURTH(Fourth), LAST(Last)
Symbol offset of the BTS set manually. After the offset information of the BTS is collected, the symbol offset is adjusted. Adjustment value = Collected symbol offset relative to the reference BTS - (BTS symbol offset + BSC symbol offset). Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~2500
Synchronization status. This parameter is used to identify different 3G cells. This parameter should be same with the configuration of 3G cells. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type SyncCase1(Sync case 1), SyncCase2(Sync case 2)
Site synchronization method. AISS stands for the air-interface soft synchronization method, and GPS stands for the GPS synchronization method. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type AISS(Air Interface Software Sync), GPS(GPS Synchronization)
Synchronization mode of the IP clock Clock over IP Enumeration Type CONSYN(Consecutive Synchronizing), INTERSYN(Intermittent Synchronizing)
Interim synchronization period (in days). The BTS can re-initiate the synchronization only after the period. Clock over IP Interval Type 1~7
Interim synchronization period (in hours). The BTS can re-initiate the synchronization only after the period. Clock over IP Interval Type 0~23
Interim synchronization period (in minutes). The BTS can re-initiate the synchronization only after the period. Clock over IP Interval Type 0~59
Contact way of the Base Station Controller supplier Configuration Management String Type None
Description of the Base Station Controller Configuration Management String Type None
System flux thresholds correspond to the system flux obtained based on message packets, CPU load, and FID queuing load. The system flux level is the current flux control level of the system. 0-11: There are 12 flow control levels. Where, 0 indicates the lowest level and 11 indicates the highest level. A load handover is allowed only when the system flux is lower than the value of this parameter. The handover performed over the maximum threshold may have tremendous impacts on the system. Thus, this parameter should not be set to a higher value. 1) The flow control level algorithm for the assigned system messages: [(Average Message Usage - Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold)/(Inner Flow Control Discard All Threshold - Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold) x 100]/10+1 (round-down for division operation). If the value is smaller than Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold, Level 0 is used. If the value is equal to or greater than Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold, the level is calcula HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0,8~11
Location of the Base Station Controller Configuration Management String Type None
Whether sending the system information type 10 message on the VGCS/VBS TCH is allowed. For detailed information, see the 3GPP TS 44.018 9.1.50. Public Voice Group Call Service Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Name of the Base Station Controller of Network Element Configuration Management String Type None
Services provided by the Base Station Controller Configuration Management String Type None
Timer T1, specifying the duration of monitoring the BVC blocking (unblocking) procedure. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~30000
Value of the first timer for the PTU handshake Abis over IP Interval Type 1~60
When the reception of a TFP causes unavailability of a route, this timer is started to regularly check whether the route is recovered. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 30000~60000
This timer is a protection timer waiting for an uninhibit acknowledgement message (LUA) from the peer end after an uninhibit message (LUN) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1500
This timer is a protection timer waiting for a force uninhibit acknowledgement message (LUA) from the peer end after a force uninhibit message (LFU) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1500
This timer is a protection timer waiting for an inhibition acknowledgement message (LIA) from the peer end after an inhibition message (LIN) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 2000~3000
This timer is started when a link fails to be started. The restart of the link is initiated after this timer expires. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1500
When a normal changeover cannot be initiated, services will be changed over to an alternative link after this timer expires to avoid disorder of data. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1200
Timer T2, specifying the duration of monitoring the procedure of resetting SIG BVC and PTP BVC. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~120000
Value of the second timer for the PTU handshake Abis over IP Interval Type 1~60
Timer in the LAPD protocol. The value of the timer indicates the time when the LAPD link waits for the response or acknowledgement frame after sending the command frame. Ring Topology Interval Type 6~240
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 used for the FACCH/TCHF over the Um interface. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 used for the FACCH/TCHH over the Um interface. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 used for the SACCH over the Um interface when the TCH supports SAPI3 services. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 used for the SACCH on the SDCCH. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 used for the SACCH over the Um interface when the TCH supports SAPI0 services. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the timeout value of timer T200 used for the SDCCH over the Um interface. T200 prevents the data link layer from deadlock during data transmission. The data link layer transforms the physical link that is vulnerable to errors into a sequential non-error data link. The entities at the two ends of this data link use the acknowledgement retransmission mechanism. Each message must be confirmed by the peer end. In unknown cases, both ends are waiting if a message is lost. At this time, the deadlock of the system occurs. Therefore, the transmit end must establish a timer. When the timer expires, the transmit end regards that the receive end does not receive the message and then the transmit end retransmits the message. The number of retransmissions is determined by N200. T200 and the N200 ensure that the data link layer sequentially transmits data and that the transmission is free from errors. Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
This parameter specifies the expiry value of timer T200 when the SDCCH supports SAPI3 services. For the function of timer T200 and the effect of the parameter, see the description of "T200 SDCCH". Radio Link Management Interval Type 1~255
Timer in the LAPD protocol. The value of the timer indicates the maximum duration for no frame exchange in the LAPD link. Fast Ring Network Switch Interval Type 1~10
After a local link is inhibited, this timer is started to regularly check the management states at both ends of the link. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 180000~360000
After a remote link is inhibited, this timer is started to regularly check the management states at both ends of the link. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 180000~360000
This timer is a protection timer waiting for an extended changeover acknowledgement message (XCA) from the peer end after an extended changeover order message (XCO) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1400~2000
Timer T3. T3 is started after the message SUSPEND is received on the BSC side. T3 is stopped after the message SUSPEND ACK is received. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~10000
Value of the third timer for the PTU handshake Abis over IP Interval Type 1~60
When the BTS sends physical information to the MS, the BTS starts the timer T3105.If the timer T3105 expires before the BTS receives the SAMB frame from MS, the BTS resends physical information to the MS and restarts the timer T3105. The maximum times for resending physical information is "Max Resend Times of Phy.Info.". For details, see GSM Rec. 04.08 and 08.58. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Timer for retransmitting the VGCS UPLINK GRANT message Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 1~255
T3168 is used to set the maximum duration for the MS to wait for the uplink assignment message. After the MS originates the uplink TBF setup request by sending the packet resource request or the channel request in the packet uplink acknowledge message, the timer T3168 is started to wait for the packet uplink assignment message on the network side. If the MS receives the packet uplink assignment message before T3168 expires, T3168 is reset. Otherwise, the MS originates the packet access request for four times. Then the MS regards this as the TBF setup failure. GPRS Enumeration Type 500ms(500ms), 1000ms(1000ms), 1500ms(1500ms), 2000ms(2000ms), 2500ms(2500ms), 3000ms(3000ms), 3500ms(3500ms), 4000ms(4000ms)
Duration of releasing the TBF after the MS receives the last data block. When the MS receives the RLC data block containing the flag identifying the last data block and confirms that all the RLC data blocks in the TBF are received, the MS sends the packet downlink acknowledge message containing the last flag acknowledgement and the timer T3192 is started. If the timer T3192 expires, the MS releases the TBF related resources and starts monitoring the paging channel. During TBF releasing, if the MS is the half duplex mode and receives the packet uplink assignment, the MS responds this command. During TBF releasing, if the MS is the half duplex mode and receives no packet uplink assignment message, the MS enters the packet idle mode. If the MS is in the dual transmission mode, the MS enters the special mode. GPRS Enumeration Type 0ms(0ms), 80ms(80ms), 120ms(120ms), 160ms(160ms), 200ms(200ms), 500ms(500ms), 1000ms(1000ms), 1500ms(1500ms)
This parameter specifies the length of the timer for periodic location update. Location Updating Interval Type 0~255
Timer on the DTE side, specifying the duration of acknowledging the sending BC link integrity. Gb Over FR Interval Type 5~30
When a normal changeback cannot be initiated, services will be changed back to a normal link only after this timer expires to avoid disorder of data. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1200
Timer T4. T3 is started after the message v is received on the BSC side. T4 is stopped after the message RESUME ACK is received. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~10000
This timer is a protection timer waiting for a changeback acknowledgement message (CBA) from the peer end after the first changeback declaration (CBD) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1200
Timer T5. When the downlink TBF is set up, if the BSC side does not receive the valid RACAP, the BSC originates the radio access capability update flow and the timer T5 is started. After receiving the core network response, the timer is stopped. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~30000
This timer is a protection timer waiting for a changeback acknowledgement message (CBA) from the peer end after the second changeback declaration (CBD) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1200
Timer T6. The BSC sends the SGSN request to download the BSS PFC. When the QoS parameter is obtained, the timer is started. After the message CREATE_BSS_PFC is received, the timer is stopped. After the timer expires, the request is sent to start the procedure of downloading the BSS PFC. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~10000
Timer T8. The BSC sends the SGSN request to download the BSS PFC. When the QoS parameter is obtained, the timer is started. After the message MODIFY_BSS_PFC_ACK is received, the timer is stopped. After the timer expires, the request is sent to start the procedure of downloading the BSS PFC. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~10000
This timer is started when a transmission prohibited message (TFP) is sent. The TFP will not be sent any more during the running of this timer. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 800~1200
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the TA. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Whether the TA is used as a decisive condition for the concentric cell handover Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Whether to enable the time advance (TA) handover. The TA handover determines whether the timing advance (TA) is higher than the predefined TA threshold. When the TA is higher than the predefined TA threshold, a TA handover is triggered. The TA is calculated based on the distance between the MS and the BTS. The longer the distance is, the greater the TA value is. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, "TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON, "TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a TA handover. That is, the TA handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N measurement reports meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to P in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
An emergency handover is triggered when TA is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
This parameter specifies the interval of broadcasting the speech data of the talker on the downlink group call channel that is controlled by the BTS. When the parameter is set to 0, the BTS (instead of the BSC6900) performs the broadcasting with the default interval 5s. Talker Identification Interval Type 0~255
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the TA on the signaling channel. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~31
Unique identifier of the Um interface software synchronization task Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 0~7
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a TA handover. That is, the TA handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N measurement reports meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to N in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, "TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON, "TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
Filter period of the signal strength in the packet transmission mode of the MS. The MS in the packet transmission mode measures the downlink signal strength. This parameter is used to calculate the Cn value of the MS output power. This parameter specifies the relation between Cn and Cn-1. Power Control Interval Type 0~25
Filter period of the signal strength in the packet idle mode of the MS. The MS in the packet idle mode measures the downlink signal strength. This parameter is used to calculate the Cn value of the MS output power. This parameter specifies the relation between Cn and Cn-1. Power Control Interval Type 0~25
Number of the output segment 1: Segment 1 describes the basic information of the equipment. 2: Segment 2 describes the connection information. 3: Segment 3 describes the module information. 4: Segment 4 describes the configuration information. 5: Segment 5 describes the information of the peer equipment. 6: Segment 6 describes the version information of the host. 7: Segment 7 describes the cabinet information. 8: Segment 8 describes the subrack information. 9: Segment 9 describes the board information and electronic label information of the Flash. 10: Segment 10 describes the slot information. 11: Segment 11 describes the port information. 12: Segment 12 describes the antenna information. O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~12
Output Segment No. 1: Segment 1 describes the basic information of the equipment. 2: Segment 2 describes the connection information. 3: Segment 3 describes the module information. 4: Segment 4 describes the configuration information. 5: Segment 5 describes the information of the peer equipment. 6: Segment 6 describes the version information of the host. 7: Segment 7 describes the cabinet information. 8: Segment 8 describes the subrack information. 9: Segment 9 describes the board information and electronic label information of the Flash. 10: Segment 10 describes the slot information. 11: Segment 11 describes the port information. 12: Segment 12 describes the antenna information. O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~12
Maximum time in which the BTS attempts to set up the OML after swapping the main and backup OMLs. If the BTS fails to set up the OML within this time, the BTS swaps the main and backup OMLs again. OML Backup Interval Type 30~300
The BTS repeatedly attempts to connect to port 0 or port 1 after the switchover. If the connection on one port fails within the time specified by this parameter, the BTS tries to connect to another port. Ring Topology Interval Type 60~300
Test code for the MTP3 link. After the successful test, the link can be used for carrying signaling services. If the test fails, the MTP3 periodically sends the fault locating command until the operation is successful. When the link is deleted or deactivated, the system stops to send the fault locating command. The default value is 170. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~254
Timer Tc, specifying the interval for the BVC and MS to send flow control messages. When this parameter is set to a smaller value, the BVC and the MS send flow control messages in a shorter time, which allows the SGSN can use the latest flow control parameter to improve the transmission performance. When the BVC and MS send flow control messages, certain bandwidth is required. If this parameter is set to a too small value, the transmission performance is reduced. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the realtime flow control mechanism of the Gb interface cannot handle the current situation properly. This can reduce the transmission performance and provide more bandwidth. Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1000~10000
Temperature compensation coefficient. This parameter defines the charging voltage increase or decrease unit of each battery when the ambient temperature of the battery varies with the reference temperature regulated by the vendor by 1 degree Celsius. See the vendor specification for the setting of this parameter. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~500
This parameter specifies the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) switch, which can be set to On or Off. The value of this parameter determines whether check is performed on the TRAU frame between the BSC6900 and the BTS. O&M of BSC TC Pool Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether to allow the cell to dynamically change a channel from full rate to half rate or from half rate to full rate. If this parameter is set to YES, the conversion is allowed; if the parameter is set to NO, the conversion is not allowed and the changed channel is restored to the previous rate mode. In addition, this parameter helps to determine the channel assignment priority. The channels in a TRX that does not allow dynamic adjustment take priority. Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
If the current channel seizure ratio reaches or exceeds this value, the half-rate TCH is assigned preferentially; otherwise, the full-rate TCH is assigned preferentially. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the DL FER carried in the last MR is greater than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1000
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the downlink level carried in the last MR is lower than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the downlink quality carried in the last MR is greater than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~70
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the UL FER carried in the last MR is greater than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~1000
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the uplink level carried in the last MR is lower than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~63
When a call drops on the TCH, the corresponding TCH call drop counter is incremented by one if the uplink quality carried in the last MR is greater than the value of this parameter. Radio Dedicated Channel Management Interval Type 0~70
After a new TCH is assigned to an MS, the MS can be handed over to another channel only if the time during which the MS occupies the TCH is longer than the period specified by this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~60
Maximum number of discarded MRs allowed on the TCH in a power control period HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~10
Whether the TCH rate type uses the MSC strategy or BSC strategy. When this parameter is set to NO and the MSC policy is used, the BSC preferentially selects full-rate or half-rate channels based on the rate type carried by the MSC in the assignment or incoming BSC handover request. When this parameter is set to YES and the BSC policy is used, the BSC preferentially selects full-rate or half-rate channels based on the internal load. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies the interval at which the speech service on a TCH is handed over. A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization Interval Type 1~600
This parameter specifies whether to perform periodic intra-cell handover for speech services on TCH. A5/1 Encryption Flow Optimization Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Threshold for determining that the underlaid subcell is busy. The BSC assigns channels in the underlaid subcell to the MS in a concentric cell. When "Allow Rate Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell Load" is set to YES, half-rate channels are assigned if the channel seizure ratio in the underlaid subcell exceeds the value of this parameter, and full-rate channels are assigned if the channel seizure ratio in the underlaid subcell does not exceed the value of this parameter. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~100
The BSC assigns channels in the overlaid subcell to the MS in a concentric cell. If the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is greater than the value of this parameter, half-rate channels are assigned. Otherwise, full-rate channels are assigned. Channel seizure ratio = (Num. of busy TCHF + Num. of busy TCHH/2)/(Num. of available TCHF + Num. of available TCHH /2) x 100%. This parameter is valid for the concentric cell. When the "Allow Rate Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell Load" is set to Yes, the "TCH Traffic Busy Threshold (%)" is invalid for the concentric cell. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~100
Test code length of the signaling link. By default, the value is 10. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 1~15
Mode of TC. SEPERATE_PRINCIPAL: Specifies that the MTP3 link is configured for the primary BSC in the case of BM/TC separated configuration mode. SEPERATE_SUBORDINATE: Specifies that the MTP3 link is configured for the slave BSC in the case of BM/TC separated configuration mode. TOGETHER: Specifies that the MTP3 link is configured in the case of BM/TC combined configuration mode. SEPERATE_BSC_INTERFACE: Specifies that the MTP3 link is configured for the primary BSC in the case of BM/TC separated configuration mode and that the MTP3 link is carried on the Ater interface board. A Interface Protocol Process Enumeration Type SEPERATE_PRINCIPAL(Principal BSC), SEPERATE_SUBORDINATE(Subordinate BSC), TOGETHER(BSC/TC Together), SEPERATE_BSC_INTERFACE(BSC Interface)
Whether to enable the class-1 mute detection. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
Number of the cabinet where the main board of the RXU ring is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~62
Number of the TC port where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~335
If you enable the TC pool function when configuring the basic information of the BSC6900, you need to enter the TC Pool ID. The ID must be unique in the entire network. TC Pool Interval Type 0~4095
Number of the TC slot where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Number of the TC subrack where one end of the ATER connection channel is located None Interval Type 0~11
The type of TC resource GTC: TC resources that support normal voice coding/decoding and packet conversion UTC: TC resources that support only the optimized handover on the Iur-g interface ITC: TC resources that support only the dual-stack function on the A interface Configuration Management Enumeration Type GTC(GTC), UTC(UTC), ITC(ITC)
Input mode of the BA table. In auto mode, the system fills in the BA1 and BA2 tables based on the adjacent relation of cells. In manual mode, the user maintains the BA table. If the adjacent relation of cells is modified, for example, a neighboring cell is added or a cell is deleted, the user needs to maintain the BA1 and BA2 tables. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), Manual(Manual)
Whether the FDD BA2 table is generated automatically according to the neighboring relation or typed manually. Configuration Management Enumeration Type AUTO(Auto), Manual(Manual)
When the priority of a TDD cell is ranked, the value of this parameter is added to the receive level of the TDD cell in the measurement report. The values of this parameter correspond to the following decibel values: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 7: 42 dB GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
A TDD cell can become a candidate cell only when the average receive level of the TDD cell is greater than the TDD Cell Reselect Diversity of the serving cell. The value of this parameter corresponds to the following decibel value: 0: negative infinity 1: -28 dB 2: -24 dB ... 15: 28 dB GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~15
Threshold for determining whether the MR about a TDD cell is valid. The measurement report is valid if the receive level of the TDD cell in the measurement report is greater than the value of this parameter. After the valid measurement report is filtered, the TDD cell joins in the cell prioritization. The value of this parameter corresponds to the following decibel value: 0: 0 dB 1: 6 dB ... 6: 36 dB 7: positive infinity GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~7
This parameter specifies whether to activate the diversity mode on the common channel of a 3G cell. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~1
Downlink frequency of frequency 1 in table 3GBA2. This parameter indicates the detected downlink frequency in the 3G adjacent cell list in speech. The parameter is delivered in the system information 2QUTER/MI. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~16383
This parameter specifies whether the TDD MI system information optimized function is enabled. When this parameter is set to NO and "TDD System Information Optimized Allowed" is set to YES, the MI system information issued in the TDD scenario does not carry neighboring cell scrambling codes. In other scenarios, the MI system information carries neighboring cell scrambling codes. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies whether to send the system information MI which contains the 3G neighboring cell information in the TDD neighboring cell. The value YES(YES) indicates that the MI is sent, and the value NO(NO) indicates that the MI is not sent. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Minimum RSCP quality threshold that the TDD 3G candidate cell must reach GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~63
TDD cell parameter ID. The ID is used to distinguish terminals or cells. This parameter is used after spread spectrum. Therefore, it does not change the bandwidth of signals, but only distinguishes the signals from different sources. Through scrambling, multiple transceivers can use the same codes for spread spectrum. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~127
Cell parameter ID of a TDD cell. The cell parameter ID distinguishes between MSs or cells. It is used after spread spectrum. Therefore, it distinguishes between the signals from different sources, but not the changes in the bandwidth of signals. Through scrambling, multiple transceivers can use the same codes for spread spectrum. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~127
This parameter specifies whether to optimize the system information 2Quater and MI of the TDD neighboring cell. That is, to add an FDD neighboring cell information before the TDD neighboring cell information to solve the compatibility problem of some dual-mode MSs. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
SyncCase in the TDDBA1 table. This parameter determines the synchronization status. Value 0 indicates Sync case 1 and value 1 indicates Sync case 2. This parameter is used to identify different 3G cells. GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Interval Type 0~1
If the ratio of available TDM bandwidth is greater than this value, congestion control is stopped. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
If the ratio of available TDM bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, congestion control is triggered. IP QOS Interval Type 0~100
Each subrack has six TDM port numbers, ranging from 0 to 5. Subrack 1 TDM Port No. refers to the TDM port number on subrack 1 of the inter-subrack connection.. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~5
Each subrack has six TDM numbers, ranging from 0 to 5. Subrack 2 TDM Port No. refers to the TDM number on subrack 2 of the inter-subrack connection. O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~5
Terminal endpoint ID of the Pb signaling link O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~127
Temperature alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Upper limit of temperatureFaulty Management String Type None
Lower limit of temperatureFaulty Management String Type None
When the environment temperature of the APMU is greater than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an alarm. For the APMU of the non-EPS4815 type, the minimum value of the parameter is -490. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -500~1000
When the environment temperature is greater than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -490~1000
When the environment temperature of the APMU is less than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an alarm. For the APMU of the non-EPS4815 type, the maximum value of the parameter is 990. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -500~1000
When the environment temperature is less than the value of this parameter, the BTS reports an alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. Faulty Management Interval Type -500~990
Change value of the floating charge voltage of the storage battery when the temperature of the storage battery changes by 1 degree Celsius. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5000
Description of a cell template. Configuration Management String Type None
This parameter specifies the index number of a cell template. Each template is numbered uniquely in a BSC6900. Configuration Management Interval Type 1~65535
This parameter specifies the index number of a cell template. Each template is numbered uniquely in a BSC6900. Configuration Management Interval Type 32768~65535
Name of a cell template, uniquely identifying a cell template in a BSC6900. Configuration Management String Type None
When the temperature of the BTS cabinet is greater than the value of this parameter, the TRX is powered off. O&M of BTS BTS Power Management Interval Type 50~70
TRX power-off temperature threshold. If the temperature of the BTS cabinet is less than the value of this parameter while "Low Temperature Startup Allowed" is set to "Yes", the TRX is powered off. O&M of BTS Interval Type -400~0
TRX power-off temperature threshold. If the temperature of the BTS cabinet is less than the value of this parameter while "Low Temperature Startup Allowed" is set to "Yes", the TRX is powered off. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -400~0
Whether the System Information Type 3 message carries TER indication. System Information Sending Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Duration of the timer for starting the IP path status test on the Gb interface Gb Interface Function Interval Type 1~255
Content of the cell broadcast message Simplified Cell Broadcast Any Type None
AEC is an important measure to improve the speech quality. If the AEC works for a consecutive time that is longer than the value of this parameter, the TFO function is closed to provide a better speech quality. TFO Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
In the VSWR test, the TRX transmits signals at a default frequency. You can specify the frequency used for the test. BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~1023
This parameter indicates start frame number of the BTS. It is used to keep synchronization between the BTS and MS after the BTS is re-initialized. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~65535
Target OMU O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ACTIVE(Active OMU), STANDBY(Standby OMU)
TGW ID None Interval Type 0~255
This parameter indicates the address of the operation and maintenance console for TGW. None IP Address Type None
This parameter indicates the mask of the operation and maintenance console for TGW. None IP Address Type None
Slot number of the BSC6900 interface board interworking with TGW. None Interval Type 0~5,8~27
Subrack number of the BSC6900 interface board interworking with TGW. None Interval Type 0~11
Timer Th. After receiving the MS flow control message, the SGSN uses the values of the updated Bmax and R based on the interval set by this timer. When this parameter is set to a smaller value, the SGSN can use the flow control parameter in a shorter time. In this way, the data can be transferred according to the most suitable flow control parameters, which can improve the transmission performance. When this parameter is set to a greater value, the SGSN uses the flow control parameter in a longer time. GPRS Interval Type 5000~60000
Voltage threshold for switching off the air conditioner. If the power supply voltage is less than this threshold, the air conditioner needs to be switched off to decrease the impact on the BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 220~280
Voltage threshold for switching on the air conditioner. This parameter assumes that the air conditioner is switched off. If the power supply voltage is greater than this threshold, the air conditioner needs to be switched on to ensure that the BTS runs properly. O&M of BTS Interval Type 220~280
Combination of the THP1 and ARP1 priority in the Interactive service. THP1-ARP1 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP1 and ARP2 priority in the Interactive service. THP1-ARP2 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP1 and ARP3 priority in the Interactive service. THP1-ARP3 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP2 and ARP1 priority in the Interactive service. THP2-ARP1 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP2 and ARP2 priority in the Interactive service. THP2-ARP2 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP2 and ARP3 priority in the Interactive service. THP2-ARP3 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP3 and ARP1 priority in the Interactive service. THP3-ARP1 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP3 and ARP2 priority in the Interactive service. THP3-ARP2 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Combination of the THP3 and ARP3 priority in the Interactive service. THP3-ARP3 priority weight determines the number of the budget blocks and the block scheduling priority. QoS ARP&THP Interval Type 1~10
Load balance threshold type. It indicates the threshold calculation mode. IP QOS Enumeration Type PERCENTAGE(Percentage), BANDWIDTH(Band Width)
This parameter specifies the timer set to wait for a private message from the SGSN. SGSN Pool Interval Type 1~15
During channel assignment, the assignment of channels on the BCCH TRXs depends on the uplink receive level, quality, and non-BCCH load. The TCHs are preferentially assigned on the BCCH TRXs if the following conditions are met: 1. The uplink receive level after filtering is higher than "Level Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 2. The uplink receive quality level after filtering is lower than "Quality Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 3. The non-BCCH load is higher than "Intracell Non Main BCCH Load Threshold of TIGHT BCCH". BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 0~63
During channel assignment, the assignment of channels on the BCCH TRXs depends on the uplink receive level, quality, and non-BCCH load. The TCHs are preferentially assigned on the BCCH TRXs if the following conditions are met: 1. The uplink receive level after filtering is higher than "Level Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 2. The uplink receive quality level after filtering is lower than "Quality Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 3. The non-BCCH load is higher than "Intracell Non Main BCCH Load Threshold of TIGHT BCCH". BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 0~7
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a TIGHT BCCH handover. That is, the TIGHT BCCH handover can be triggered only if P seconds among N seconds meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to P in the P/N criterion. BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 1~32
During channel assignment, the assignment of channels on the BCCH TRXs depends on the uplink receive level, quality, and non-BCCH load. The TCHs are preferentially assigned on the BCCH TRXs if the following conditions are met: 1. The uplink receive level after filtering is higher than "Level Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 2. The uplink receive quality level after filtering is lower than "Quality Thresh. for Assigning Main BCCH Carrier Channel Under TIGHT BCCH". 3. The non-BCCH load is higher than "Intracell Non Main BCCH Load Threshold of TIGHT BCCH". BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 0~100
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a TIGHTBCCH handover. That is, the TIGHTBCCH handover can be triggered only if P seconds among N seconds meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to N in the P/N criterion. BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 1~32
When an intra-cell TIGHT BCCH handover needs to be performed (handover from the non-BCCH to BCCH), the downlink receive quality must be smaller than the value of this parameter. BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Interval Type 0~7
Whether to enable the BCCH aggressive frequency reuse algorithm BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
If the SDCCH load on the TRXs of the compatible BCCH in loose frequency reuse pattern is greater than the "IBCA Loose Trx SDCCH Load Threshold", and when the uplink receive level from the MS to the BTS is greater than the threshold, the SDCCHs on the TRXs of the compatible non-BCCH are preferentially assigned. Otherwise, the SDCCHs on the TRXs of the compatible BCCH are preferentially assigned. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~63
IMSI paging timer. After enabling the MSC pool function, the BSC6900 receives from the MSC the paging message attached with the IMSI. Then, the BSC6900 records the relation between the IMSI and the MSC SP and starts the timer with predefined length. If the BSC6900 receives a response message with the IMSI before the timer expires, the BSC6900 locates the destination MSC based on the IMSI and MSC SP, and routes the current paging to the MSC. If the BSC does not receive a response when the timer expires, the BSC6900 clears the relation information between the IMSI and MSC SP. MSC Pool Interval Type 3~15
Whether to limit the operation time of the operator O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type NOLIMIT(No Limit), LIMIT(Limit)
Time O&M of BSC Compound Type HOUR, MIN, SEC
Duration of frequency scanning Cell Frequency Scan Interval Type 0,5~1440
Within the preset time, no AMR FR-to-HR handover is allowed if the previous FR-to-HR handover fails due to channel unavailability or channel mismatch. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
After a handover due to bad quality is successful, the penalty on the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after BQ HO": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after BQ HO", to prevent ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
After an OL subcell to UL subcell handover of an MS fails, the MS does not perform OL subell-UL subcell handovers within the value of the parameter. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
Indicates the timeout time of the PING packet Ethernet OAM Interval Type 200~10000
Timeout time for waiting for the TRACERT packet response Ethernet OAM Interval Type 1~65535
Timeout time Ethernet OAM Interval Type 1~3
Indicates the timeout time of the CFM link tracing detection Ethernet OAM Interval Type 1~10
Longest waiting time for multiplexing When the multiplexed packet is no longer added with new data and the timer expires, the multiplexed packet is transmitted directly. This parameter is determined by the number of multiplexed packets. When the number of multiplexed packets increases, the value of this parameter increases. Abis MUX Interval Type 1~20
After the fast handover is successful, the penalty on the original serving cell is performed within the "Quick handover punish time": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Quick handover punish value", to prevent ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Indicates the times of sending PING packets None Interval Type 1~1024
This parameter determines whether the dynamic voltage adjustment function is enabled on the basis of the number of timeslots. If this parameter is set to YES, the power consumption of base stations is reduced. This parameter maps the versions of base stations. If the parameter is set to NULL, base stations do not support this function. Power Optimization Based on Channel Type Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes), NULL(Null)
After the time advancing handover is successful, the penalty on the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after TA HO": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after TA HO", to prevent ping-pong handovers. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
After an UL subcell to OL subcell handover of an MS fails, the MS does not perform UL subcell to OL subcell handovers within the value of the parameter. Concentric Cell Interval Type 10~255
This parameter indicates the queue timer for assignment. When the BSC6900 receives an assignment request and no channel is available for assignment, the BSC6900 starts the queuing procedure and the timer. If the channel request is successful before the timer expires, the timer stops. If the timer expires, the channel assignment fails. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
If the BSC6900 receives the configuration data about all the connected MSCs before the timer expires, the BSC6900 concludes that the configuration data is valid. MSC Pool Interval Type 1~15
When the operation time of the OMU exceeds the value specified by this parameter, some records are deleted from the operation log. O&M of BSC Security Management Interval Type 7~365
Temporary logical link ID in the decimal format GPRS Interval Type 0~4294967295
Lowest expected value of the air outlet temperature. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~70
Temperature alarm lower threshold. If the temperature of the battery is lower than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal temperature is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -19~5
When the internal temperature of the BTS reaches the Temperature Alarm Lower Threshold, it reports a low temperature alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~99
When the time mode is set to "ONTIME", you should set this parameter. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. This parameter specifies the first execution time in the day in which the scheduled task is executed. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. This parameter specifies the second execution time in the day in which the scheduled task is executed. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. This parameter specifies the third execution time in the day in which the scheduled task is executed. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. This parameter specifies the fourth execution time in the day in which the scheduled task is executed. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
If the time mode is set to "DAILY_T", "WEEKLY_T", or "MONTHLY_T", you should set this parameter. This parameter specifies the fifth execution time in the day in which the scheduled task is executed. O&M of BSC Compound Type hour, min
TRMMAP index IP QOS Interval Type 14~163
Index of the traffic mapping used by the current adjacent node's gold user. None Interval Type 0~163
Loopback time length None Interval Type 1~120
This parameter is valid to DRFU only. When this parameter is set to NON_FDR(NON_FDR), only the VSWR of the point where the VSWR on the antenna path is maximum (hereinafter referred to as fault point) is reported. When this parameter is set to FDR(FDR), both the VSWR of the fault point and the distance from the fault point to the port on top of the cabinet are reported. BTS Test Function Enumeration Type NON_FDR(NON_FDR), FDR(FDR)
Duration time for determining that a call is hung up because of poor quality. If the uplink quality or downlink quality in the measurement reports during the period of Timer for "Bad Quality DISC Statistic" is higher than the value of "Bad Quality Disconnection Threshold" before the call is disconnected, you can infer that the call disconnection is due to poor quality. This parameter can be used to calculate the number of call disconnections due to poor quality. Call Control Interval Type 2~4
Maximum rate of the accumulated alarm blink duration to the alarm blink measurement period. Assume this threshold is not 0. When the rate of accumulated alarm blink duration exceeds the threshold, an alarm is reported. For querying the alarm blink measurement period, see "LST ALMBLKSW". For setting the alarm blink measurement period, see "SET ALMBLKSW". Faulty Management Interval Type 0~100
TMSI of the MS O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~4294967294
Minimum rate of the accumulated alarm blink duration to the alarm blink measurement period. Assume this threshold is not 0. When the rate of accumulated alarm blink duration is lower than the threshold, an alarm is reported. For querying the alarm blink measurement period, see "LST ALMBLKSW". For setting the alarm blink measurement period, see "SET ALMBLKSW". Faulty Management Interval Type 0~100
This timer is a protection timer waiting for a signalling link test acknowledgement message (SLTA) from the peer end after a signalling link test message (SLTM) is sent to the peer end. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 8000~12000
This timer is used to send the signalling link test messages (SLTM) to the peer end regularly. A Interface Protocol Process Interval Type 30000~90000
The Ater signaling link operates in the terrestrial transmission or satellite transmission mode. In the areas such as desert and lake where the terrestrial transmission is difficult, the satellite transmission can be used. Satellite Transmission over Ater Interface Enumeration Type TRRS(Terrestrial Transmission), SATEL(Satellite Transmission)
E1 transmission type of the Pb interface. The terrestrial transmission or satellite transmission can be selected. In the areas such as desert and lake where the terrestrial transmission is difficult, the satellite transmission can be used. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type TRRS(Terrestrial Transmission), SATEL(Satellite Transmission)
Offset to DST, namely, the adjustment to time. Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Interval Type -120~-1,1~120
Cell Reselect Temporary Offset (TO) indicates the temporary correction of C2. This parameter is valid only within the value specified by "Cell Reselect Penalty Time". For details, see GSM Rec. 05.08 and 04.08. This parameter applies to only GSM Phase II MSs. Basic Cell Re-selection Interval Type 0~7
Number of the cabinet where the board is located IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Interval Type 0~62
Number of the slot where the board is located IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Interval Type 0~23
Number of the subrack where the board is located IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Interval Type 0~254
Type of the host log to be collected. If this parameter is set to NORMAL, the text log in the \common\fam\famlog directory of the OMU installation path is collected and saved in the \common\fam\famlog directory of the OMU installation path. If this parameter is set to FORMAT, the binary log in the \common\fam\famlogfmt directory of the OMU installation path is collected and saved in the \common\fam\famlogfmt directory of the OMU installation path. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type NORMAL(TXT FORMAT), FORMAT(BIN FORMAT)
Number of the optical port where the main board of the RXU ring is located. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~5
Length of the timer that is started to wait for a channel requested by an incoming BSC handover request message. When the MSC allows the queuing of incoming BSC handover requests, the BSC6900 starts the queuing procedure and the timer if no channel is available for assignment. If the channel request is successful before the timer expires, the timer stops. If the timer expires, the incoming BSC handover fails. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~30
CPU usage threshold for debugging tracing flow control. When the average CPU usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, debugging tracing flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for debugging tracing flow control. When the average packet queue usage of sliding windows reaches or exceeds the threshold, debugging tracing flow control is triggered. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
CPU usage threshold for recovery from debugging tracing flow control. When the average CPU usage of smooth windows is lower than the threshold, debugging tracing flow control is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Packet queue usage threshold for recovery from debugging tracing flow control. When the average packet queue usage of smooth windows is lower than the threshold, debugging tracing flow control is stopped. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 30~100
Whether to control the debugging tracing flow GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type ON, OFF
Threshold for determining whether the uplink service is preferred. Within the "Flux Measurement Period", if the ratio of the downlink LLC PDU flux and uplink LLC PDU flux is higher than the threshold, the service type of the MS is uplink preferred. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 1~255
Threshold for determining whether the uplink service is preferred. Within the "Flux Measurement Period", if the ratio of the uplink LLC PDU flux and downlink LLC PDU flux is higher than the threshold, the service type of the MS is uplink preferred. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 1~255
Traffic mode of the M3UA link set. At present, only the active/standby and load sharing mode is available. If the M3UA links in the link set work in overriding mode, only one link in the link set works in the active mode, and all other links work in the standby mode. In this case, only the active link carries traffic, and the standby links do not carry any traffic. When the active link is faulty, the standby link with the highest priority is automatically activated to take over as the active link. If the M3UA links in the link set work in load-sharing mode, all the M3UA links in the link set work in active mode and carry traffic. A over IP Enumeration Type M3UA_OVERRIDE_MOD(Active/Standby Mode), M3UA_LOADSHARE_MOD(Load Sharing Mode)
This parameter specifies the data transmission mode between the BTS and the BSC6900. The license control modes are different in different transmission modes. Terrestrial Transmission: The data between the BTS and the BSC6900 is transmitted through the E1 or fiber. This transmission mode has a short delay and is not controlled by the license. Satellite Transmission: The data between the BTS and the BSC6900 is transmitted through the satellite. This transmission mode has a long delay and is controlled by the license. Terrestrial and Satellite: In normal cases, the terrestrial transmission mode is used. When the terrestrial transmission is faulty, the satellite transmission mode is used. This transmission mode is controlled by the license. Satellite Transmission over Abis Interface Enumeration Type TER_TRANS(Terrestrial Transmission), SAT_TRANS(Satellite Transmission), TER_AND_SAT_TRANS(Terrestrial and Satellite)
Slot number of the transparently transmitting interface board O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~27
Transport type of the adjacent node to which the path belongs. IP QOS Enumeration Type IP(IP)
Transport type IP QOS Enumeration Type IP(IP), HDLC(HDLC)
Transport type IP QOS Enumeration Type IP(IP), HDLC(HDLC), TDM(TDM)
Transmission type of the BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type IP, HDLC, TDM
Transmission Type Abis over IP Enumeration Type HDLC, IP
Whether to configure the optical transmission mode for E1 port 0 of the BTS3006C/BTS3002E. If the optical transmission mode is configured, the BSC6900 can connect to the BTS through optical fibers. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to configure the optical transmission mode for E1 port 1 of the BTS3006C/BTS3002E. If the optical transmission mode is configured, the BSC6900 can connect to the BTS through optical fibers. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to configure the optical transmission mode for E1 port 2 of the BTS3006C/BTS3002E . If the optical transmission mode is configured, the BSC6900 can connect to the BTS through optical fibers. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to configure the optical transmission mode for E1 port 3 of the BTS3006C/BTS3002E. If the optical transmission mode is configured, the BSC6900 can connect to the BTS through optical fibers. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to enable the limit of the tracing range O&M of BTS Enumeration Type ENABLE(Enable Trace Range Limit), DISABLE(Disable Trace Range Limit)
Forbidden time of cell reselection GPRS Enumeration Type 5sec(5sec), 10sec(10sec), 15sec(15sec), 20sec(20sec), 30sec(30sec), 60sec(60sec), 120sec(120sec), 300sec(300sec), nouse(no use)
The load handover is triggered when the traffic load in a cell is greater than the value of this parameter. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~100
Port number of the aggregation member Link aggregation Interval Type 0~11
Slot number of the aggregation member Link aggregation Interval Type 0~5,8~27
aggregation group number Link aggregation Interval Type 0~11
Specified TRMMAP index of the user panel O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~163
TRM load threshold index. The TRM load threshold must be configured. IP QOS Interval Type 0~199
TRM load threshold index None Interval Type 0~199
TRM load threshold index. It is the unique ID of the load threshold. None Interval Type 10~199
TRM load threshold index Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~199
TRM load threshold index Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 0~199
TRM load threshold index IP QOS Interval Type 0~199
TRM load threshold index None Interval Type 0~199
Transmission resources mapping switch O&M of BTS Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON)
Trunk group number of the logical port None Interval Type 0~11
TRUNK group number IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Interval Type 0~11
TRUNK group number Ethernet OAM Interval Type 0~11
Whether TRX mutual aid is enabled for the BSC6900. TRX mutual aid is classified into main BCCH mutual aid and baseband frequency hopping (FH) mutual aid. If main BCCH mutual aid is enabled, the BSC6900 can switch a faulty main BCCH TRX over to a functional TRX in the cell. When the original main BCCH TRX recovers, it can be switched back based on the parameter setting. If baseband FH mutual aid is enabled, the BSC6900 can remove a faulty TRX from the baseband FH group to ensure the proper FH. The removed TRX will not participate in frequency hopping. When the removed TRX recovers, the BSC6900 determines whether to switch the TRX back to the baseband FH group according to the value of the "Switchback Policy of Baseband FH Mutual Aid" parameter. If the parameter is set to TRXAid_NotAllow, TRX mutual aid is not allowed. If the parameter is set to AllowReForbid, TRX mutual aid is allowed, but TRX switchback is not allowed. If the parameter is set to AllowReImmed, TRX mutual aid is allowed, and the faulty TRX is s TRX Cooperation Enumeration Type TRXAid_NotAllow(TRX Aiding Not Allowed), AllowReForbid(Allowed & Recover Forbidden), AllowReImmed(Allowed & Recover Immediately), AllowReCheckRes(Allowed & Recover When Chk Res)
Duration BTS Test Function Interval Type 5~10
Frequency hopping index of the channel in the TRX Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Interval Type 0~63,255
Index of a TRX, uniquely identifying a TRX in a BSC6900. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~3071
The ID of TRX added in the main location group, the TRX ID must be globally unique. The same TRX cannot be bound by the TRX boards in a same location group for multiple times. Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 1 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 10 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 11 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 12 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 13 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 14 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 15 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 16 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 17 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 18 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 19 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 2 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 20 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 21 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 22 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 23 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 24 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 3 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 4 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 5 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 6 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 7 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 8 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
Index of TRX 9 Antenna Frequency Hopping Interval Type 0~3071
List of IDs of carriers for frequency hopping. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) String Type None
List of TRX indexes. You can specify one TRX index or more TRX indexes, for example, 1 or 0&1&2&&5 in the same BTS. BTS Test Function Interval Type 0~3071
Mobile allocation index offset (MAIO) of the channel in the TRX Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Interval Type 0~63
Number of a TRX in a BTS. The number of a TRX is unique in a BTS. Configuration Management Interval Type 0~71
Allowed number of TRXs bound to a board. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~8
Number of the channel bound to the TRX on the TRX board. TRX Pass No. of the DTRU/DRRU/BTS3900B of the BTS in separate mode must be 0 or 1; TRX Pass No. of the QTRU/MRFU/GRFU/BTS3900E of the BTS in separate mode must be 0 to 5; TRX Pass No. of the GRRU/MRRU of the BTS in separate mode should in 0 to 7. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~7
TRX board pass number in the sub-location group to which the TRX of the main location group is bound Multi-site Cell Interval Type 0~7
This parameter specifies whether the TRX priority is considered during channel assignment. When the parameter is set to YES, the smaller the parameter "TRX Priority" in the command "SET GTRXDEV" is, the higher priority the TRX is. Under other conditions, channels are preferentially allocated from high-priority TRXs. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Type of the TRX board bound to the TRX O&M of BTS Enumeration Type TRX(TRX), TRU(TRU/DTRU), QTRU(QTRU), DRRU(DRRU), DRFU(DRFU), MRRU(MRRU), MRFU(MRFU), GRFU(GRFU), GRRU(GRRU), BTS3900B(BTS3900B), BTS3900E(BTS3900E)
It indicates the Ater interface timeslot number Ater Interface 4:1 Multiplexing Interval Type 8~255
It indicates the A interface timeslot number. The parameter supports multiple values. A Interface Circuit Management Interval Type 1~31
Timeslot number None Enumeration Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31)
Timesolt of bearing channels Gb Over FR Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Number of the timeslot on the port O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~31
Bearer E1/T1 port timeslot of PPP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Bearer E1/T1 port timeslot of MP link. Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Timeslot of the E1/T1 link carrying the PPP link. The timeslot of an E1 port cannot be used by different PPP links. Abis IP over E1/T1 Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
The TSC is short for the Training Sequence Code. The TSC must be the same as the BCC. The delay equalization is performed by using the specified TSC when the MS or BTS receives the signal. The demodulation cannot be received because the delay equalization cannot be performed for the signals with same frequency using different TSCs. This can effectively prevent incorrectly invalid reception, and prevent the co-channel interference. Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) Interval Type 0~7
Number of idle timeslots. You can configure up to 128 idle timeslots for the BTS at a time. A BTS can be configured with up to 512 idle timeslots. GPRS Flex Abis Interval Type 0~512
Whether to allow TSC planning. If this parameter is set to No, the TSC values in all MA groups of the cell cannot be modified. In this case, the TSC values are automatically refreshed to the BCC values of the cell. Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Timeslot cross index None Interval Type 0~65535
Duration in timeslot modeBTS Test Function Interval Type 1~144
Index of the monitoring timeslot. The index is unique in a BTS. Semi-Permanent Connection Interval Type 0~127
Name of the scheduled task. O&M of BSC String Type None
Time slots for Ater operation and maintenance. These time slots are provided by the ports connected to the Ater connection path. Configuration Management Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
The 64 kbit/s timeslots on the port are numbered from 1 to 31. IP-Based 2G/3G Co-Transmission on Base Station Side Bit Field Type TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31
Number of the slot where the main board of the RXU ring is located. The slot No. is unique in the same BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23
Timeslot number of Pb signaling link O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~31
Assignment priority level of the channel. If this parameter is less, the assignment priority level of the channel is higher. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
Maximum degree by which the output power of the multi-density TRX board can exceed the maximum output power within a short time Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Interval Type 0~50
Fast flux measurement duration. Normal flux measurement is performed after the fast flux measurement lasts over the period specified by this parameter. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 0~65535
Whether to enable fast flux detection. When this parameter is set to Open, fast timeslot adjustment is possible after the TBF is set up. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Enumeration Type Close(Close), Open(Open)
Rate of the monitoring timeslot Semi-Permanent Connection Enumeration Type 8K(8K), 16K(16K), 32K(32K), 64K(64K)
Number of the subrack where the main board of the RXU ring is located. The subrack No. is unique in the same BTS. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~254
Test mode BTS Test Function Enumeration Type TRXLOOPBACK(TRX Loopback Test), CHLLOOPBACK(Channel Loopback Test), CHLCODEC(Speech codec Test), CPRILOOPBACK(CPRI Loopback Test)
Test timeslot O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~31
Type of battery test BTS Test Function Enumeration Type SIMPLETEST(Simple Test), MANUALTEST(Manual Test)
Test Type. PIM:passive intermodulation test. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type PIM(Passive Intermodulation Test)
This parameter specifies whether to allow the BTS to enable the TRX Intelligent Shutdown on Timeslot Level feature. When this parameter is set to YES and the BTS supports this feature, the BTS will periodically report the number of times that the TRX is shut down on the timeslot level. TRX Power Amplifier Intelligent Shutdown on Timeslot Level Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
RXU topology type, that is, RXU ring topology or RXU chain topology. In the case of the ring topology, the optical ports of the head and tail boards must be specified. In the case of the chain topology, only the optical port of the head board must be specified. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type CHAIN(Chain), RING(Ring)
TTL(Time to Live) of the PING packet None Interval Type 1~255
Indicates the live time of the packet for CFM link tracing detection None Interval Type 1~128
If the number of channels (including PDCH and TCH) occupied on a cell that can be disabled is lower than this threshold, the procedure for disabling the cell can be triggered. Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 0~8
This parameter specifies the end time of a period during which the cell is disabled. Dynamic Cell Power Off Compound Type HOUR, MINUTE
This parameter specifies the start time of a period during which the cell is disabled. Dynamic Cell Power Off Compound Type HOUR, MINUTE
This parameter specifies whether to enable the Dynamic Cell Power Off feature. When this parameter is set to ENABLE, the BSC can disable the cell within the period of time specified by "TURNOFFCELLSTRTIME" and "TURNOFFCELLSTPTIME"; When this parameter is set to DISABLE, the BSC will never disable the cell; When this parameter is set to SLEEP, the BSC will disable the cell unconditionally within "TURNOFFCELLSTRTIME" and "TURNOFFCELLSTPTIME",and enable the cell unconditionally within the other time.Currently, this parameter can be set to SLEEPING only for the BTS3900E. For other base stations, this parameter cannot be set to SLEEPING. Dynamic Cell Power Off Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable), SLEEPING(Sleeping)
When the load of the same coverage cell is higher than this threshold for a period, the disabled cell is enabled. Dynamic Cell Power Off Interval Type 0~100
Temperature alarm upper threshold. If the temperature of the battery is higher than the value of this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal temperature is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 40~79
Temperature upper threshold of the cabinet. When the cabinet temperature is higher than this parameter, an alarm indicating the abnormal cabinet temperature is reported. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~99
Value of the timer for reserving the channels in the observed cell Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for reserving the TRXs in the observed cell Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for reserving the TCHFs in the serving cell Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for waiting for the response to information collection Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for searching for the MS Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for activating the reserved resources of the BTS Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Value of the timer for waiting for the synchronization report from the BTS Soft-Synchronized Network Interval Type 1~60
Tx-integer (T for short). This parameter specifies the number of timeslots between two transmissions when an MS sends multiple consecutive channel requests. The access algorithm is defined in GSM Rec. 04.08 to reduce the collisions on the RACH and improve the efficiency of the RACH. The algorithm specifies three parameters: Tx-integer (T for short), maximum number of retransmissions (RET), and S related to channel combination. This parameter works with the configuration of the CCCH to determine the parameter S. The relations between this parameter and the configuration of the CCCH are as follows: When this parameter is set to 3, 8, 14, or 50, S is 55 if the CCCH and SDCCH do not share a physical channel. When this parameter is set to 3, 8, 14, or 50, S is 41 if the CCCH and SDCCH share a physical channel. When this parameter is set to 4, 9, or 6, S is 76 if the CCCH and SDCCH do not share a physical channel. When this parameter is set to 4, 9, or 6, S is 52 if the CCCH and SDCCH share a physical channel. When Radio Common Channel Management Location Updating Enumeration Type TX_3(3), TX_4(4), TX_5(5), TX_6(6), TX_7(7), TX_8(8), TX_9(9), TX_10(10), TX_11(11), TX_12(12), TX_14(14), TX_16(16), TX_20(20), TX_25(25), TX_32(32), TX_50(50)
The maximum power that operators 1 can use on pass A of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 2 can use on pass A of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 3 can use on pass A of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 4 can use on pass A of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 1 can use on pass B of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 2 can use on pass B of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 3 can use on pass B of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
The maximum power that operators 4 can use on pass B of MRRU board. RAN Sharing Interval Type 0~10000
Transmit bandwidth of IP path IP QOS Interval Type 1~3000000
Transmit bandwidth IP QOS Interval Type 0~4000000
Indicates the interval between the two sent PING packets None Interval Type 200~10000
Extension transmission timeslots of random access. This parameter determines the interval of sending another channel request after the MS fails to request a channel. Access Enumeration Type T_2(2), T_3(3), T_4(4), T_5(5), T_6(6), T_7(7), T_8(8), T_9(9), T_10(10), T_12(12), T_14(14), T_16(16), T_20(20), T_25(25), T_32(32), T_50(50)
Type of the subrack Configuration Management Enumeration Type EPS, TCS
Explanation of the finish type of the batch commands 1. ANY_ERR_RETURN: If there is a command whose execution fails, the execution of the batch commands is stopped and the execution of the file fails. 2. ALL_END_RETURN: If all commands in the batch file are executed in one operation, the execution of the file is successful no matter whether there is execution failure in the process. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type ANY_ERR_RETURN(Stop at Error), ALL_END_RETURN(Stop at End)
This parameter specifies the frequency band of new cells. Each new cell can be allocated frequencies of only one frequency band. Once the frequency band is selected, it cannot be changed. GSM900: The cell supports GSM900 frequency band. DCS1800: The cell supports DCS1800 frequency band. GSM900_DCS1800: The cell supports GSM900 and DCS1800 frequency bands. GSM850: The cell supports GSM850 frequency band. GSM850_DCS1800: The cell supports GSM850 and DCS1800 frequency bands. PCS1900: The cell supports PCS1900 frequency band. GSM850_PCS1900: The cell supports GSM850 and PCS1900 frequency bands. Frequency Band Enumeration Type GSM900, DCS1800, GSM900_DCS1800, GSM850, PCS1900, GSM850_1800, GSM850_1900
Type of the PCU GPRS Enumeration Type OUTER(External PCU), INNER(Built-in PCU)
Frequency band to which the newly added cell belongs. Only one frequency band can be selected as the frequency band of each new cell and it cannot be changed after the selection. To modify the frequency band of the new cell, you must delete the cell and then add it again. Compact BTS Automatic Configuration and Planning Enumeration Type GSM900, DCS1800, GSM850, PCS1900
Type of a cabinet O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BTS30(BTS30), BTS312(BTS312), BTS3001C(BTS3001C), BTS3001CP(BTS3001CP), BTS3002C(BTS3002C), BTS3012A(BTS3012A), BTS3006A(BTS3006A), BTS3012(BTS3012), BTS3006C(BTS3006C), BTS3002E(BTS3002E), BTS3012AE(BTS3012AE), BTS3012_II(BTS3012 II), DBS3900_GSM(DBS3900 GSM), BTS3900_GSM(BTS3900 GSM), BTS3900A_GSM(BTS3900A GSM), DBS3036(DBS3036), BTS3036(BTS3036), BTS3036A(BTS3036A), BTS3900B_GSM(BTS3900B GSM), BTS3900E_GSM(BTS3900E GSM), BTS3900_GSM_6RFC(BTS3900 GSM 6RFC), BTS3900A_GSM_6RFC(BTS3900A GSM 6RFC), BTS3036_6RFC(BTS3036 6RFC), BTS3036A_6RFC(BTS3036A 6RFC), APM30(APM30), TMC(TMC), BBC(BBC), APM100(APM100), APM200(APM200), PS4890(PS4890), OMB(OMB), RFC-6(RFC-6), BTS3900(BTS3900), BTS3900L(BTS3900L), BTS3900AL(BTS3900AL), BTS3900AS(BTS3900AS), BTS3900B(BTS3900B), BTS3900E(BTS3900E), VIRTUAL(VIRTUAL)
Cell type. Currently, the fast BTS construction is available for only GSM900 and DCS1800 cells. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type GSM900(GSM900), DCS1800(DCS1800)
Power attenuation factor of uplink tributary 0 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~15
Whether there is a TMA on uplink tributary 0 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Index of uplink tributary 0. Each uplink tributary can be configured with a maximum of 12 TRXs. This parameter indicates the serial number of a TRX on the uplink tributary. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), 7(7), 8(8), 9(9), 10(10), 11(11), 12(12)
TRX board pass number connected to uplink tributary 0 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1,255
Number of the slot where the TRX board that connects to uplink tributary 0 is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23,255
Number of the subrack where the TRX board that connects to uplink tributary 0 is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~53,255
Power attenuation factor of uplink tributary 1 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~15
Whether there is a TMA on uplink tributary 1 O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Index of uplink tributary 1. Each uplink tributary can connect to a maximum of 12 TRXs. This parameter indicates the serial number of a TRX on the uplink tributary. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6), 7(7), 8(8), 9(9), 10(10), 11(11), 12(12)
TRX board pass number connected to uplink tributary 1 O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~1,255
Number of the slot where the TRX board that connects to uplink tributary 1 is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~23,255
Number of the subrack where the TRX board that connects to uplink tributary 1 is located O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~53,255
Service priority of call reestablishment when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Service priority of the CS emergency call when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Service priority of the CS MS-originated call when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Service priority of the CS MS-terminated call when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Service priority of the incoming BSC handover when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Service priority of the intra-BSC handover when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Priority of other services when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
PS service priority when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Priority of supplementary services when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
VBS service priority when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
VGCS service priority when CS services are preferred. This parameter is used for the flow control in the case of Abis over IP/HDLC. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
In A over IP, if the parameter is set to ON, the circuit IE in the A interface extended signaling must be processed in the same way as that in A over non-IP. Otherwise, the A interface extended signaling cannot carry circuit-type IE. A over IP Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
Whether the BSC selects the TCHs on the link that reports an RAI alarm. Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Reestablish service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
CS emergency call service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
CS original call service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
CS terminated call service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
BSC handover service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
BSC intra handover service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Other service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
PS service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
Supplement service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
VBS service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
VGCS service priority of a PS preferred call Abis over IP Interval Type 0~15
In case of intra-BSC, if this parameter is set to ON, the same channel type and voice version as those of the original channel are selected. A over IP Enumeration Type OFF(Off), ON(On)
UDP multiplexing mode of the receiving party. The mode that does not support the function of compressing the RTP header indicates that the receiving party supports the UDP MUX RTP header but not the function of compressing the RTP header. The mode that supports the function of compressing the RTP header indicates that the receiving party supports both the UDP MUX RTP header and the function of compressing the RTP header. Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Enumeration Type NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP
UDP multiplexing mode of the sending party. If the mode that does not support the function of compressing the RTP header indicates that the sending party supports the UDP MUX RTP header but not the function of compressing the RTP header. The mode that supports the function of compressing the RTP header indicates that the sending party supports both the UDP MUX RTP header and the function of compressing the RTP header. Abis MUX UDP MUX for A Transmission Enumeration Type NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP
UDP port number of the local NSVL. When "Subnet Protocol Type" of NSE is "Gb over IP" and "Subnetwork Configure Mode" is "Static", the setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting at the SGSN side. Gb over IP Interval Type 1214~2001,2005~3783,3786~4783,4785~65000
UDP port number of the remote NSVL. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the setting at the SGSN side. Gb over IP Interval Type 0~65535
Group to which the operator belongs. This parameter is used to limit the right of the operator. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type Administrators(Administrator), Operators(Operator), Users(User), Guests(Guest), Customs(Custom)
Upper humidity threshold for the environment alarm box to report an alarm indicating that the ambient humidity is too high. If the ambient humidity of the BTS is higher than this threshold, the environment alarm box reports the alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~99
Used to identify the uplink access message from the MS. The value 64 is invalid. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~64
Unit time for the error code ratio test None Interval Type 300~1000
Upper limit for triggering an alarm Faulty Management String Type None
Upper limit of the alarm. This parameter is valid for the analog port. Faulty Management String Type None
Minimum interval between two consecutive uplink power control commands HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~255
Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a UL BQ handover. That is, the UL BQ handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N measurement reports meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to P in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~8
The P/N criterion must be met for triggering a UL BQ handover. That is, the UL BQ handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N measurement reports meet the triggering conditions. This parameter corresponds to N in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~8
If the ratio of uplink flux to downlink flux is greater than or equal to the threshold during the fast flux measurement, the uplink services takes priority. Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 1~255
Duration for uplink data transmission on the original channel if the TC resources are changed before and after the handover O&M of BSC Interval Type 0~240
Number of downlink GRPS TBF RLC blocks sent before RRBP field is sent RLC Mode Interval Type 1~64
If the UL receive level remains lower than the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold" for a period, the edge handover is triggered. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Number of downlink GRPS TBF RLC blocks sent before RRBP field is sent RLC Mode Interval Type 1~64
Period of acknowledging the EGPRS TBF RLC uplink data block RLC Mode Interval Type 1~64
Filter adjustment factor for uplink power control. If this parameter is set to a large value, the filtered values become smooth, thus reducing the impact of poor measurement reports on the filtered values. If this parameter is set to a small value, the filter values are close to the actual ones and thus the power control speed is increased. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~10
Current call is a full-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is a full-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is a half-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Current call is a half-rate call, and when the uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~15
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~15
When the uplink load of a cell is larger than the value of this parameter and is smaller than "2G Cell UL Overload Congest Thred", the uplink of the cell is in the basic congestion status. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~100
When the network receives measurement reports, in consideration of the accuracy of a single measurement report, the measurement values in certain measurement reports are filtered to represent the radio operating environment. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the uplink signal strength. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
Maximum permissible adjustment step when the BSC decreases the uplink transmit power HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
Maximum permissible adjustment step when the BSC increases the uplink transmit power HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~30
When the uplink load of a cell is greater than the value, the uplink of the cell is in the overload congestion status. GSM/WCDMA Load Based Handover Interval Type 1~100
After the BSC delivers the power control command, it should wait for a certain period before affirming the effect of the power control. Therefore, the MR that power control decision is based on cannot accurately reflect the radio environment during the power adjustment, but misses the latest changes of the receive level and receive quality of the MS. Thus, the power adjustment is delayed. To compensate the delay of power adjustment, the power control algorithm implements the prediction and filtering function. In other words, the BSC samples several uplink measurement reports, performs weighted filtering, and predicts N measurement reports from the current time onwards in a short period. This parameter determines the number of uplink measurement reports predicted by the BSC. In other words, the value of this parameter equals to the previous number N. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~3
The MS transmit power is decreased only when the quality level of the MS transmit signal is smaller than the value of the parameter. If (the uplink receive level - MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual) is smaller than "UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the MS transmit power is not adjusted. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
The MS transmit power is increased only when the quality level of the MS transmit signal is greater than the value of the parameter. If (the uplink receive level + MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual) is greater than "UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the MS transmit power is not adjusted. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the uplink signal quality. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
In the case of power control, when the uplink receive quality is not smaller than "UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold", the actual "UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff". Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~7
In the case of power control, when the uplink receive quality is not smaller than "UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold", the actual "UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff". Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
An emergency handover due to bad quality is triggered when the uplink receive quality is not smaller than "UL Qual. Threshold". HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
The value of this parameter corresponds to multiplying quality level 0 to 7 by 10. An emergency handover can be triggered only when the uplink receive quality of the MS is greater than the value of this parameter. AMR FR HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~70
The value of this parameter corresponds to multiplying quality level 0 to 7 by 10. An emergency handover can be triggered only when the uplink receive quality of the MS is greater than the value of this parameter. AMR HR HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover Interval Type 0~70
This parameter specifies the uplink signal strength factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the uplink power control step. The uplink signal strength factor is a coefficient indicating how much the signal strength is considered during the calculation of the uplink power control step. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~10
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for exponent filtering of the uplink signal strength. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~19
When the uplink receive level reaches the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
When the uplink receive level is lower than the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for slide-window filtering of the uplink signal strength. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
This parameter specifies the uplink quality level factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the uplink power control step. The uplink quality level factor is a coefficient indicating how much the quality level is considered during the calculation of the uplink power control step. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~10
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for exponent filtering of the uplink signal quality. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~19
When the network receives measurement reports, the measurement values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio operating environment for the sake of accuracy. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for slide-window filtering of the uplink signal quality. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 1~20
Signal strength factor for the protective limitation on calculating the uplink power control adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of the signal strength protection factor and the signal quality protection factor. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
Signal strength factor for the protective limitation on calculating the uplink power control adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of the signal strength protection factor and the signal quality protection factor. HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~100
When the uplink receive level reaches the threshold, Huawei II power control is performed. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
When the uplink receive level is below the threshold, Huawei II power control is performed. Enhanced Power Control Algorithm Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR FR WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. AMR HR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Based on the RQI in the call measurement report, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the threshold of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the neighboring coding rates. WB AMR Interval Type 0~63
Whether a UL subcell to OL subcell handover is allowed Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Number of uplink GRPS TBF RLC blocks sent before an acknowledgement is required RLC Mode Interval Type 1~64
Whether the crosstalk optimization function over the Um interface is allowed. If this parameter is set to YES when call drops occur on the Um interface, this function can avoid crosstalk due to very early assignment of the channel that is not released. If this parameter is set to YES and the ongoing service is speech service, the BSC also sends the Channel Release message to the MS and starts the timer T3109 when a call drop occurs upon the reception of the Conn Fail or Err Ind message reported by the MS. O&M of BSC Enumeration Type NO(Not Allowed), YES(Allowed)
Timer of penalty on a neighboring cell when a handover fails due to faults of air interface connection. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~255
Phase tag for GSM protocols that the Um interface supports Configuration Management Enumeration Type GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus
Whether to support the balanced mode or the unbalanced mode. When this parameter is set to YES, you can set the DIP switches on the interface boards. You do not need to set the DIP switches by turning them inwards or outwards. In this case, an interface board can be made to work in E1_UNBA, E1_BA, or T1 mode. When this parameter is set to NO, you cannot set the DIP switches on the interface boards. You must set the DIP switches by turning them inwards or outwards. In this case, an interface board can be made to work in E1 or T1 mode. None Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Retry times after the peer response timer expires during NSVC unblocking Gb Over FR Interval Type 1~6
Abnormally alarm triggering threshold when the ANT_A tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm triggering threshold when the ANT_B tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm triggering threshold when the RET tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is lower than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm is triggered with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm clearance triggering threshold when the ANT_A tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm disappears with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm clearance triggering threshold when the ANT_B tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm disappears with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Connection with TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) Interval Type 10~3500
Abnormally alarm clearance triggering threshold when the RET tributary antenna current is too light. When the actual current is higher than the configured value, the ALD Current Abnormally Alarm disappears with the corresponding alarm tributary No. of 1. Faulty Management Interval Type 10~3500
Index of upper-level BTS connected to the BTS O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Number of the upper-level BTS. The number is unique in a BSC6900. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~2047
Index type of upper-level BTS connected to the BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Index type of the upper-level BTS O&M of BTS Enumeration Type BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index)
Name of the upper-level BTS connected to the BTS. The BTS name is unique within a same BSC6900. This parameter cannot contain , ; = " ' more than two (include two) %, more than two (include two) space, more than three (include three) +. O&M of BTS String Type None
Name of the upper-level BTS. The name is unique in a BSC6900. The invalid characters (\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, and #) cannot appear in the name. O&M of BTS String Type None
Update code for a simple cell broadcast message. This parameter together with "Code" uniquely identifies a cell broadcast message. Simplified Cell Broadcast Interval Type 0~15
Default coding scheme of the uplink GPRS link. If the uplink adopts the dynamic adjustment coding scheme, this parameter can be used to set the coding scheme for transmission during initial access. If the uplink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. GPRS Coding Scheme GPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type CS1(CS1), CS2(CS2), CS3(CS3), CS4(CS4)
Default coding scheme of the uplink EDGE link. If the uplink adopts the dynamic adjustment coding scheme, this parameter can be used to set the coding scheme for transmission during initial access. If the uplink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. EGPRS Coding Scheme EGPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), MCS9(MCS9)
Uplink multiplex threshold of dynamic channel conversion. When the subscriber number on the channel reaches the value (threshold/10), the dynamic channel conversion application is triggered. We recommand that the value of "Uplink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic Channel Conversion" should be less than "PDCH Uplink Multiplex Threshold" for triggering converting dynamic channel in time and reducing PDCH multiplex. GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels GPRS PDCH Dynamic Adjustment Load Sharing Adaptive Adjustment of Uplink and Downlink Channels Interval Type 10~70
Default coding scheme used on the uplink EGPRS2-A link. If the uplink uses the dynamic coding scheme, this parameter specifies the coding scheme that is used for the transmission in initial access. If the uplink uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed coding scheme. Uplink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), UAS7(UAS7), UAS8(UAS8), UAS9(UAS9), UAS10(UAS10), UAS11(UAS11)
Fixed coding scheme that is used on the uplink EGPRS2-A link. If the uplink uses the fixed coding scheme, this parameter can be set to any one in MCS1-6 and UAS7-11. If the uplink uses the dynamic coding scheme, this parameter can be set to UNFIXED. Uplink EGPRS2-A Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), UAS7(UAS7), UAS8(UAS8), UAS9(UAS9), UAS10(UAS10), UAS11(UAS11), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
Inactive period of extended uplink TBF. After the network side receives the last uplink RLC data block (CountValue=0) of the MS supporting the extended uplink TBF, the uplink TBF is not released immediately. Instead, the uplink TBF is set to the inactive state. In the inactive period, if the MS needs to transmit the uplink RLC data block, the MS can use the inactive uplink TBF without rebuilding a new uplink TBF. This inactive uplink TBF is switched to the active state automatically. At the end of the inactive period, if the MS does not transmit the uplink RLC data block, the network side sends the message Packet Uplink Ack/Nack to notify the MS of releasing the uplink TBF. When the uplink TBF is inactive, the downlink TBF can be established according to this uplink TBF. 0: disable the function of the extended uplink TBF (this function can be disabled on the BSC side). Extended Uplink TBF Interval Type 0~5000
Adjustment mode of the uplink GPRS link coding scheme. If the fixed coding scheme is used, this parameter is a value ranging from CS1 to CS4. If the dynamic coding scheme is used, this parameter is set to UNFIXED. GPRS Coding Scheme GPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type CS1(CS1), CS2(CS2), CS3(CS3), CS4(CS4), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
Coding scheme of the uplink EDGE link. If the uplink uses the fixed coding scheme, this parameter is set to a value ranging from MCS1 to MCS9. If the uplink uses the dynamic adjustment coding scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIXED. EGPRS Coding Scheme EGPRS Coding Scheme Enumeration Type MCS1(MCS1), MCS2(MCS2), MCS3(MCS3), MCS4(MCS4), MCS5(MCS5), MCS6(MCS6), MCS7(MCS7), MCS8(MCS8), MCS9(MCS9), UNFIXED(UNFIXED)
One of the thresholds to determine whether the uplink interference exists. If the uplink level is not smaller than "Interf.of UL Level Threshold" and the uplink quality of the channel is not less than "Interf.of UL Qual. Threshold", the uplink interference exists. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~70
One of the thresholds to determine whether the uplink interference exists. If the uplink level is not smaller than "Interf.of UL Level Threshold" and the uplink quality of the channel is not less than "Interf.of UL Qual. Threshold", the uplink interference exists. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 0~63
Maximum time in which a user uses the uplink of its VGCS call continuously when the BTS works in fallback mode Group Call Reliability Enhancing Interval Type 10~255
Size of the OML/ESL/EML Uplink LAPD Window Abis over IP Interval Type 0~96
Whether to allow MS power control Enhanced Power Control Algorithm HUAWEI III Power Control Algorithm Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Upper class transport resource group No. It is valid only when " Is First Class Transport Resource Group " is set to NO. IP QOS Interval Type 0~2047
Upper number of the logical port None Interval Type 512~1535
If the difference between uplink receive levels of calls within the same timeslot is greater than "Offset of the difference between uplink received levels" for P seconds among N seconds, the call with weak uplink receive level within the timeslot will be handed over to another timeslot. This parameter corresponds to P in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
After the existing uplink receive level, uplink receive level after the previous optimization, and the value of this parameter are weight-averaged, the uplink receive level after the optimization at this time is obtained and used for determing the difference between the uplink receive levels. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~10
If the difference between uplink receive levels of calls within the same timeslot is greater than "Offset of the difference between uplink received levels" for P seconds among N seconds, the call with weak uplink receive level within the timeslot will be handed over to another timeslot. This parameter corresponds to N in the P/N criterion. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Interval Type 1~16
This parameter specifies whether the transmission of point-to-point short messages is disabled. If necessary, the transmission of the uplink short messages in a specific cell can be disabled so that sufficient radio channels can be seized by normal calls. Point To Point Short Message Service (TS21, TS22) Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Delay of releasing the non-extended uplink TBF. After receiving the last uplink RLC data block (CountValue=0), the network side sends the message Packet Uplink Ack/Nack with FAI=1 to notify the MS of releasing the uplink TBF. After this parameter is set, the network side notifies the MS of releasing this TBF after specified delay. In this way, the downlink TBF can be established on the unreleased uplink TBF. This uplink TBF is automatically released when the downlink TBF is established or when the delay duration exceeds the time set by the uplink non-extended TBF. If this parameter is set to 0, the release delay of non-extended TBF is disabled. Extended Uplink TBF Interval Type 0~300
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS2 to CS1. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is greater than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS2 to CS1. Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS2. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is greater than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS2. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS4 to CS3. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is greater than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS4 to CS3. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS1 to CS2. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is less than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS1 to CS2. Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS2 to CS3. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is less than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS2 to CS3. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS4. When the retransmission rate of the uplink TBF is less than or equal to this threshold, the coding mode of the uplink TBF is changed from CS3 to CS4. CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme CS-3/CS-4 Coding Scheme Interval Type 0~64
Whether to allow cell urgent reselection. If this parameter is set to PERMIT and [NC2 Load Reselection Switch is set to Support, the load of the target cell is involved in the algorithm for NC2 cell reselection. Network-Controlled Cell Reselection (NC2) Enumeration Type FORBID(Forbid), PERMIT(Permit)
Mode of querying the information on an MS O&M of BSC Enumeration Type BYTMSI(By TMSI), BYIMSI(By IMSI), BYMSISDN(By MSISDN), BYIMEI(By IMEI)
Whether to support USF granularity 4 GPRS Enumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not Support), SUPPORT(Support)
User name of the FTP server O&M of BSC License Management String Type None
User name for the FTP server. When the FTPServer.exe file downloaded through the LMT is installed, the user name is admin. O&M of BTS String Type None
Start time when the TRX energy saving function is enabled for the BTS3002E. O&M of BTS Compound Type HOUR, MINUTE
End time when the TRX energy saving function is enabled for the BTS3002E. O&M of BTS Compound Type HOUR, MINUTE
Upper temperature threshold for the environment alarm box to report an alarm indicating that the ambient temperature is too high. If the ambient temperature of the BTS is higher than this threshold, the environment alarm box reports the alarm. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in this mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Interval Type -99~99
When a UL subcell-OL subcel handover decision is performed to a call, the BSC determines whether the number of handover failures reaches the "MaxRetry Time after UtoO Fail". If the number reaches the threshold, the UL subcell to OL subcell handover is prohibited. Otherwise, the UL subcell to OL subcell handover is allowed. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~8
After an MS performs a OL subcell to UL subcell handover successfully, the MS cannot be handed over to the OL subcell again within the value of the parameter. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~255
One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OL subcell and of the UL subcell. "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold", "ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL subcell. Concentric Cell Interval Type 0~63
When this parameter is set to YES, the existing call is performed in the OL subcell, and "OL to UL HO Allowed" is set to YES, an OL subcell to UL subcell handover is triggered if the traffic volume in the UL subcell is smaller than "En Iuo Out Cell Low Load Thred". If the existing call is performed in the UL subcell, a UL subcell to OL subcell handover is triggered, and "UL to OL HO Allowed" is set to YES, the timer is started and the calls in the UL subcell are hierarchically handed over to the OL subcell if the traffic volume in the UL subcell reaches "En Iuo Out Cell General OverLoad Thred". Otherwise, if the traffic volume in the UL subcell is smaller than "En Iuo Out Cell General OverLoad Thred", the timer stops, and hierarchical handovers are not performed. If this parameter is set to NO, the traffic volume in the UL subcell is not taken into account for triggering the UL subcell to OL subcell handover or the OL subcell to UL subcell handover in an enhanced concentric cell. Concentric Cell Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Hierarchical handover period of the load handover from the UL subcell to the OL subcell. If the channel seizure ratio of the UL subcell is greater than the UL subcell general overload threshold, all the calls in the cell send handover requests at the same time and the load on the BSC increases in a short time. Thus, congestion may occur in the target cell and call drops may be caused. Through the hierarchical load handover algorithm, the calls in the cell are handed over to the OL subcell by level. This parameter indicates the duration for which each each level of handover lasts. Concentric Cell Interval Type 1~255
Hierarchical level step of the load handover from the UL subcell to the OL subcell Concentric Cell Interval Type 1~63
This parameter specifies the type of a 3G cell. A cell type can be Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) or Time Division Duplex (TDD). GSM/WCDMA Interoperability GSM/TD-SCDMA Interoperability Enumeration Type FDD(FDD), TDD(TDD)
Vendor code of the RET antenna O&M of BTS String Type None
This parameter is used to limit the maximum number of channels that can be used by the VGCS in a cell. This prevents too many channels in the cell from being occupied by the VGCS and thus prevents public network services from being affected. When this parameter is set to 255, the maximum number is not limited. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~190,255
This parameter specifies whether the preemption of channels between public network services and the VGCS is allowed when preemption conditions are met. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Enumeration Type No_Priority(No Priority),Public_Network_First(Public Network First),VGCS_First(No Priority),Public_Network_First(Public Network First),VGCS_First(VGCS First)
This parameter is used to reserve a certain number of channels in a cell for the Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) to use directly. The specified channels are unavailable to public network services. Public Voice Group Call Service Public Voice Broadcast Service Interval Type 0~190
This parameter specifies the usage threshold of the CPU for VIP user calls that can be admitted. When the usage of a CPU is greater than this threshold, the new service requests from VIP users are transferred to another CPU for processing. When the usage of all CPUs is greater than this threshold, all new service requests are rejected. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
Is VIP Cell.The parameter is used for BSC6900 flow control. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
This parameter specifies the eMLPP priority value corresponding to the VIP call. When the eMLPP(Enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption service) priority value of a user is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter, the user is a VIP user. GSM Flow Control Enumeration Type NONE(None), LEVEL4(User Level 4), LEVEL3(User Level 3), LEVEL2(User Level 2), LEVEL1(User Level 1), LEVEL0(User Level 0), LEVELB(User Level B), LEVELA(User Level A)
This parameter specifies the usage threshold of the CPU for VIP user calls that are transferred from other CPUs. When the usage of a CPU is greater than this threshold, the VIP service requests transferred from other CPUs are directly discarded. GSM Flow Control Interval Type 50~95
If the parameter is set to Disable, the added IP path is not configured with the VLAN ID. If the parameter is set to Enable, the added IP path is configured with the VLAN ID. IP QOS Enumeration Type DISABLE(Disable), ENABLE(Enable)
Specified Vlan enabling flag None Enumeration Type DISABLE, ENABLE
VLANID flag of first local IP address None Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
VLANID Flag of second Local IP address None Enumeration Type DISABLE(DISABLE), ENABLE(ENABLE)
VLANID of the IP address of the specified next hop Abis IP over E1/T1 A IP over E1/T1 Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN of the MA in the MDEthernet OAM Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN ID of the service typeAbis over IP Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN to which the maintenance association belongs in the maintenance domain. Ethernet OAM Configuration Management Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN ID of first Local IP address None Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN ID of second Local IP address None Interval Type 2~4094
VLAN priority None Interval Type 0~7
VLAN priority level of the service type. This parameter helps to determine the packet service priority level at the data link layer on the Ethernet. If this parameter is set to 0, the service type has the highest VLAN priority level. If this parameter is set to 7, the service type has the lowest VLAN priority level. Abis over IP Interval Type 0~7
VLAN switch for the service type Abis over IP Enumeration Type NO(N0), YES(Yes)
Speech version supported by a cell Configuration Management Bit Field Type FULL_RATE_VER1, FULL_RATE_VER2, FULL_RATE_VER3, HALF_RATE_VER1, HALF_RATE_VER2, HALF_RATE_VER3, FULL_RATE_VER5
24V voltage alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Upper limit for triggering a 24 V voltage sensor alarm Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit for triggering a 24 V voltage sensor alarm Faulty Management String Type None
48V voltage alarm switch Faulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Upper limit for triggering a 48V voltage sensor alarm Faulty Management String Type None
Lower limit for triggering a 48V voltage sensor alarm Faulty Management String Type None
Whether to enable the standing wave alarm parameters to be configured Faulty Management Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
This parameter specifies a condition for generating a BTS alarm. This parameter together with "VSWR TRX error threshold" is used to detect whether the antenna system connected to the TRX is faulty. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~12
Filtering times of serious standing wave alarms Faulty Management Interval Type 1~30
Standing wave alarm threshold. When the VSWR is greater than the value of this parameter, the TRX reports a standing wave alarm. Faulty Management Enumeration Type 14(1.4), 15(1.5), 16(1.6), 18(1.8), 20(2.0), 22(2.2), 24(2.4), 26(2.6), 28(2.8), 30(3.0), 33(3.3), 36(3.6), 88(8.8)
Serious standing wave alarm threshold. When the VSWR is greater than the value of this parameter, the TRX reports a serious standing wave alarm. Faulty Management Enumeration Type 18(1.8), 20(2.0), 22(2.2), 24(2.4), 26(2.6), 28(2.8), 30(3.0), 32(3.2), 35(3.5), 38(3.8), 41(4.1), 45(4.5), 88(8.8)
This parameter specifies a condition for generating a BTS alarm. This parameter together with "VSWR TRX unadjusted threshold" are used to check whether the antenna system connecting to the TRX is faulty. If the value of this parameter is smaller, the error is smaller. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~12
V-version number of the BTS software O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~999
This timer is used to set the time of waiting for a ReleaseIndication message after a ChannelRelease message is sent. If the timer expires, the channel is deactivated. Call Control Interval Type 4000~33000
When the BSC6900 sends a ChannelRelease message and the current call uses the AMRFR encoding mode, the timer T3109 (AMRFR) is started. If the BSC6900 receives the ReleaseIndication message before the T3109 (AMRFR) timer expires, the timer T3109 (AMRFR) is stopped. If the timer T3109 (AMRFR) expires, the BSC6900 deactivates the channel. AMR FR Interval Type 3000~34000
When the BSC sends a ChannelRelease message and the current call uses the AMRHR encoding mode, the timer T3109 (AMRHR) is started. If the BSC receives the ReleaseIndication message before the T3109 (AMRHR) timer expires, the timer T3109 (AMRHR) is stopped. If the timer T3109 (AMRHR) expires, the BSC deactivates the channel. AMR HR Interval Type 3000~34000
Timer of waiting for the MS's response to the location measurement request sent from the BSC. If the BSC does not receive the measurement information reported by the MS before the timer expires, then the MS location fails. None Interval Type 0~1000
The TCHs reserved for the emergency call are assigned to the user during the service assignment. If the TCHs are not assigned to the emergency call within a period, the TCHs are released from the reservation queue. Emergency Call Service (TS12) Guaranteed Emergency Call Interval Type 1~30
When the dynamic PDCH needs to use MAIO of the SDCCH, the SDCCH is not allowed to be assigned to new calls within the value of the parameter. After the timer expires, check whether the SDCCH is idle. If the SDCCH is idle, MAIO of the SDCCH is allowed to be preempted. If the channel is not idle, the MAIO is not allowed to be preempted. IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation) Interval Type 0~60
Timer of waiting for the SMLC's response to the MS location request sent from the MSC. If the SMLC does not send any response to the MS location request before the timer expires, then the MS location fails. In this case, the BSC sends a Perform Location Abort message to the SMLC for stopping the MS location and sends an MS location failure indication to the MSC. None Interval Type 0~1000
Whether to start the heating equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
Water sensor alarm switchFaulty Management Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open)
Whether to limit the operation weekday of the operator. If the weekday needs to be limited, see the description of "Week". O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type NOLIMIT(No Limit), LIMIT(Limit)
This parameter is used to select the location of a cell, east or west longitude. BSS-Based LCS (Cell ID + TA) Soft-Synchronized Network Enumeration Type East_Longitude(East Longitude), West_Longitude(West Longitude)
Whether to start the humidification equipment of the BTS. In multi-mode scenario, the value of this parameter in one mode must be the same as the value of the corresponding parameter in another mode. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type INACTIVE(Inactive), ACTIVE(Active)
Whether to trigger an active/standby port switchover. If this parameter is set to YES, an active/standby port switchover is triggered when a fault is detected on the active port. If this parameter is set to NO, an active/standby port switchover is not triggered when a fault is detected on the active port. IP Fault Detection Based on BFD Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES)
Whether to start the dynamic adjustment of the LAPD window. If this parameter is set to ALLOW, the LAPD transmit and receive window is enlarged when the delay is increased, which improves the transmission efficiency of LAPD but consuming more buffer resources in the memory of the LAPD. Abis over IP Enumeration Type DENY(Deny), ALLOW(Allow)
You can select multiple weekdays. O&M of BSC Security Management Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday)
Working mode of the M3UA link set, including M3UA_ASP and M3UA_IPSP. For details about the ASP and IPSP, see the RFC4666. A over IP Enumeration Type M3UA_ASP(M3UA_ASP), M3UA_IPSP(M3UA_IPSP)
Time when the BTS stops checking for a radio link alarm. If this time is up, the BTS stops checking for or reporting a radio link alarm until the next alarm detection start time is up. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~24
Whether to enable the BTS to report a major radio link alarm. If this parameter is set to YES, the BTS reports a major radio link alarm when a radio link warning is not cleared within "WLARP". If this parameter is set to NO, the BTS does not report any major radio link alarm. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Period for clearing a radio link warning. If a radio link warning is cleared within this period, the BTS reports the recovery alarm for the warning. If a radio link warning is not cleared within this period, the BTS determines whether to report a major radio link alarm according to "WLAFLAG". O&M of BTS Interval Type 1~255
Time when the BTS starts to check for a radio link alarm. If this time is up, the BTS starts to check for and report a radio link alarm. O&M of BTS Interval Type 0~24
Whether to enable the BSC to deliver radio link alarm parameters to the BTS. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC delivers the radio link alarm parameters to the BTS. If this parameter is set to NO, the BSC does not deliver the radio link alarm parameters to the BTS. O&M of BTS Enumeration Type NO(No), YES(Yes)
Flag of the work area to be formatted Configuration Management Enumeration Type Active(Format active area), Standby(Format standby area)
Working mode of the RXU board O&M of BTS Enumeration Type GSM_AND_UMTS(GSM AND UMTS), UMTS(UMTS), GSM(GSM)
Work mode of subrack Configuration Management Enumeration Type GO(GSM Only)
Working mode. E1: The E1 system is recommended by the IUT-T. E1 carries signals at 2.048 Mbit/s. G.703 defines the electrical specification and G.704 defines the frame format for E1 telecommunication lines. The E1 system is used in Europe and China. T1: The T1 system is recommended by the ANSI and widely used in the North America. T1 carries signals at 1.544 Mbit/s. E1_BA: A circuit that uses two wires to transmit the same but contra-directional signals. The 120-ohm E1 line and 100-ohm T1 line are typical balanced circuits. The balanced circuit must use the balanced cable, that is, twisted-pair cable consisting of two wires. E1_UNBA: A circuit that uses one transmission signal cable and one common grounding cable to transmit signals. The 75-ohm E1 line is a typical unbalanced circuit. The unbalanced circuit must use the unbalanced cable, that is, coaxial cable. None Enumeration Type E1_UNBA(E1 Unbalance), E1_BA(E1 Balance), T1(T1), E1(E1)
BTS port working mode. This parameter must be consistent with that of the peer. Work mode of a BTS. A BTS can work in the following modes: E1: The E1 system is recommended by the ITU-T. E1 carries signals at 2.048 Mbit/s. G.703 defines the electrical specification and G.704 defines the frame format for E1 telecommunication lines. The E1 system is used in Europe and China. T1: The T1 system is recommended by the ANSI and widely used in the North America. T1 carries signals at 1.544 Mbit/s. If "DESTNODE" of the BTS is set to BSC, BTS, or DXX, the setting of "WORKMODE" of the BTS port must be the same as that of the BSC interface board. The operator needn't set "WORKMODE" of the BTS port, it is automatically set to the same value as that of the BSC interface board. If "DESTNODE" of the BTS is set to OTHER, for example, TGW(Transmission Gateway), "WORKMODE" of the BTS port must be set to E1(E1) or T1(T1), according to the physical connection. The setting of the E1/T1 DIP switch of the BTS must match the settin O&M of BTS Enumeration Type E1(E1), T1(T1)
Window size of the Ater signaling link O&M of BSC Interval Type 1~127
Time for which the BTS waits to swap the OML after the OML is interrupted. With this parameter, the BTS does not swap the OML when the OML is interrupted transiently. OML Backup Interval Type 30~300
Waiting time before establishing a link in the reverse direction after the transmission of a BTS is disrupted Ring Topology Interval Type 60~300
Wait to restore time Board Switchover Interval Type 30~60000
Time zone Support of Daylight Saving Time Configuration Management Enumeration Type GMT-1200(GMT-12:00), GMT-1100(GMT-11:00), GMT-1000(GMT-10:00), GMT-0930(GMT-09:30), GMT-0900(GMT-09:00), GMT-0800(GMT-08:00), GMT-0700(GMT-07:00), GMT-0600(GMT-06:00), GMT-0500(GMT-05:00), GMT-0430(GMT-04:30), GMT-0400(GMT-04:00), GMT-0330(GMT-03:30), GMT-0300(GMT-03:00), GMT-0200(GMT-02:00), GMT-0100(GMT-01:00), GMT(GMT), GMT+0100(GMT+01:00), GMT+0200(GMT+02:00), GMT+0300(GMT+03:00), GMT+0330(GMT+03:30), GMT+0400(GMT+04:00), GMT+0430(GMT+04:30), GMT+0500(GMT+05:00), GMT+0530(GMT+05:30), GMT+0545(GMT+05:45), GMT+0600(GMT+06:00), GMT+0630(GMT+06:30), GMT+0700(GMT+07:00), GMT+0800(GMT+08:00), GMT+0845(GMT+08:45), GMT+0900(GMT+09:00), GMT+0930(GMT+09:30), GMT+1000(GMT+10:00), GMT+1030(GMT+10:30), GMT+1100(GMT+11:00), GMT+1130(GMT+11:30), GMT+1200(GMT+12:00), GMT+1245(GMT+12:45), GMT+1300(GMT+13:00), GMT+1400(GMT+14:00)
Actual Value Range Unit Default Value Recommended Value
0~70 None 50 50
0~70 None 50 50
1~8, step:0.1 s 40 40
10~255 s 30 30
10~255 s 60 60
0~100 per cent 90 90
10~3600 s 15 15
GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus None GSM_PHASE_2 It is recommended that the value of this parameter is the same as that for "A Interface Tag".
1~255 None 40 40
0~250 None 100 100
8BIT, 11BIT None 8BIT 8BIT
0~65535 None 0 0
0~31 None None None
OSubcell, USubcell, NoPrefer None Usubcell Usubcell
0~31 None None None
0~9 None 0 0
1~10 None 2 2
15~7200 s 120 120
Disable, Enable None Enable Enable
4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S, 10_2KBIT/S, 12_2KBIT/S None 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/S-0&12_2KBIT/S-1 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/S-0&12_2KBIT/S-1
4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S None 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0
0~7 None 6_60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1 6_60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1
1~255 min 10 10
60~300 V 180 180
61.0~300.0 (step: 0.1) V 2800 2800
60.0~299.0 (step: 0.1) V 1800 1800
60~300 V 280 280
0~254 None None None
0~50 ms 0 0
0~768 None 2 2
1~16777215 None None None
0, 1, 2 None 2 2
Lock, Unlock, Shutdown None UNLOCK UNLOCK
Lock, Unlock, Shutdown None Unlock Unlock
Lock, Unlock, Shutdown None Unlock Unlock
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
0~100 None 10 10
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
RATIORULE None None None
1~51 characters None None None
1~51 characters None None None
0~600 ms 400 400
0~60 dB 20 20
-60~-35, 0 dBm -50 -50
0~1000 ms 0 0
0~15 dB 6 6
10~100 None 20 20
1~10 s 4 4
1920~30720, step:480 ms 64_Times 64_Times
0~30240, step:480 ms 48 48
0~65534 None None None
BSC None None None
1920~30720, step:480 ms 52_Times 52_Times
0~30240, step:480 ms 32 32
65334~65383 None None None
1~65535 None None None
1~65535 None None None
1~65535 None None None
1~65535 None None None
65033~65533 None None None
1~1024 characters None None None
1~60 min 15 15
ALL, ONEBYONE None None None
ALL, ONEBYONE None None None
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~100 per cent 10 10
0~100 per cent 10 10
0~100 per cent 10 10
NO, R3, R2, R2ANDR3 None NO NO
-12~12 dB 0 0
-23~-4 dBm -18 -18
3~12 dB 6 6
-23~-4 dBm -4 -4
-23~-4 dBm -23 -23
5~15 None 5 5
1~255 s 3 3
0~4000000 kbit/s None None
0~100 per cent 100 100
0~16 None 4 4
0~100 per cent 100 100
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~2000 mA 30 30
0~65535 s None None
0~65534 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~15 mA 10 10
45~155 mA 100 100
125~175 mA 150 150
0~65535 s None None
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~250 None 0 0
0~250 None 0 0
flt, evt, all None all all
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10None 6 6
0~0.9, step:0.1 m 0 0
-1000~10000 m None None
0~6553 m 40 40
-3281~32810 feet None None
Critical, Major, Minor, Warning None None None
Critical, Major, Minor, Warning None None None
2~32, step:2 dB 16 16
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~3 None 0 0
0~7 None 0 0
0~7 None 3 3
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~7 None 2 2
0~63 dB 8 8
0~63 dB 33 33
0~63 dB 25 25
0~255 dB 2 2
0~255 dB 20 20
0~255 dB 1 1
0~255 dB 100 100
0~7 None 0 0
0~100 per cent 75 75
0~255 dB 4 4
0~255 dB 108 108
0~7 None 3 3
0~100 per cent 15 15
0~32 dB 8 8
0~30 dB 2 2
0~30 dB 0 0
0~30 dB 0 0
0~32 dB 8 8
480~7200, step:480 ms 3 3
0~4 dB 4 4
0~15 None 0 0
0~99 per cent 55 55
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~3 None 0 0
0~7 None 0 0
0~7 None 3 3
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~7 None 3 3
0~63 dB 6 6
0~63 dB 30 30
0~63 dB 18 18
0~65535 None 2 2
0~65535 None 2 2
3~30 dB 6 6
10~30 dB 12 12
1~5 characters None None None
0~4599 None None None
0~4599 None None None
1~100 characters None None None
-32~0 dB -13 -13
-64~0 dB -48 -48
0~360 degree 360 None
0~1000 m 0 0
0~35 None None None
A, B None None None
A, B None None None
0~335 None None None
M3UA, BBAP None None None
MTP2, OTHER, TCSTM1 None None None
1~65535 packet 20 20
1~65535 bit 1024 1024
1~65535 bit 256 256
1~65535 packet 20 20
1~65535 packet 10 10
1~65535 packet 20 20
1~65535 bit 384 384
0~65535 None 0 None
0~80 per cent 50 50
5~126 None 100 100
5~100 per cent 100 100
3~10 None 3 3
3~10 ms 3 3
0~27 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
power, env, sig, trunk, hardware, software, run, comm, service, handle None None None
power, env, sig, trunk, hardware, software, run, comm, service, handle None None None
0~61 dB 35 35
0~62, 255 None None None
0~62 None None None
0~23, 255 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~63 dB 30 30
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
1~300 s 30 30
1~300 s 60 60
1~300 s 30 30
1~300 s 60 60
1~300 s 30 30
1~300 s 30 30
1~300 s 20 20
0~63 dB 2 2
0~63 dB 10 10
Close, Open None Open Open
80~100 per cent 85 85
0~254 None None None
0~100 per cent 90 90
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
NO, YES None None None
0~1 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~2047 None None None
A, B, ALL None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~15 dB 0 0
0~15 dB 0 0
1~65535 min None 60
1~60 min 1 1
NONE, PEER None None None
1~63 characters None None None
1~63 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~15 characters None None None
1~15 characters None None None
1~16 characters None None None
NO, YES None YES None
OFF, ON None ON None
1~65535 min None None
AU4, AU3 None None AU4
GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus None GSM_PHASE_2 GSM_PHASE_2 is recommended in common scenarios. If AMR services, inter-RAT handover, eMLPP, or A over IP mode needs to be supported, "GSM_PHASE_2Plus" is recommended.
O1E3_R1E4, O1E4_R1E5, O1E5_R1E6, O1E6_R1E7, O1E7_R1E8, O1E8_R1E9, O1E9_R1E10, O1E10_R1E11, O1E11_R1E12 None None None
O1E3_R1E4, O1E4_R1E5, O1E5_R1E6, O1E6_R1E7, O1E7_R1E8, O1E8_R1E9, O1E9_R1E10, O1E10_R1E11, O1E11_R1E12 None None None
O1E4_R1E5, O1E5_R1E6, O1E6_R1E7, O1E7_R1E8, O1E8_R1E9, O1E9_R1E10, O1E10_R1E11 None None None
O1E4_R1E5, O1E5_R1E6, O1E6_R1E7, O1E7_R1E8, O1E8_R1E9, O1E9_R1E10, O1E10_R1E11 None None None
OFF, ON None OFF None
OFF, ON None OFF None
0~200 characters None None None
0~128 characters None None None
0~70 None 55 55
1~64 characters None None None None None None None None None
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
1~200 s 20 20
1~80 characters None None None
0~2047 None None None
Battery1Temp, Battery2Temp None Battery1Temp For EPS4815 boards, the value of this parameter is always "Battery1Temp".
Battery1Temp, Battery2Temp None Battery1Temp Battery1Temp
30~1000 Ah 50 50
0~90 per cent 50 50
1024~65535 None 58000 58000
0~254 None 8 8
0~5000 Ah 36 36
0~7 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
NO_Hop, Hop None None None
0~100 per cent 80 80
0~100 per cent 60 60
0~63 None 14 14
0~511 None None None
5~25 per cent 15 If "Power System Type" is "APM30", the recommended value is "7". For other Power System Type, the recommended value is "15".
43.3~57.6 (step: 0.1) V 565 565
1~10 None 8 8
1~10 None 4 4
1~10 None 2 2
MTP3, M3UA, MTP3_M3UANone None None
1~60 s 1 1
0~10 None 5 5
0~3 None 1 1
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
3~10 None 3 3
1~2 None None None
10~254 None 30 30
-10000~10000 None None None
1~10 None 4 4
1~10 None 2 2
1~10 None 1 1
0~65534 s 0 None
60~65534 s 900 None
1~6 None 4 4
1~120 s 10 10
0~335 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~5000 s 1000 1000
NO, YES None None NO
nonrpt, rpt None None None
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, NULL None NULL NULL
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, NULL None NULL NULL
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 1 1
0~127 dB 69 69
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 1 1
SCU, GCU, XPU, INT, TNU None None None
SCU, GCU, XPU, DPU, INT, TNU None None None
SCU, GCU, MPU, GCP, DPU, INT, TNU None None None
INT, DPU, XPU, TNU, OMU, SAU None None None
0~72 None None None
0~47 None None None
0~100000 (step: 100) kbit/s None None
0~100000 (step: 100) kbit/s None None
DPUa, DPUc None None None
PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa, OMUa, OMUb, SAUa None None None
FG2a, GOUa, FG2c, GOUc None None None
PEUa, POUc None None None
PEUa, POUc None None None
PEUa, POUc None None None
MRRU, GRRU, MRFU, GRFU, BTS3900E None None None
0~255 s 0 0
1~80 characters None Cell name None
2~3600 s 60 60
0~7 None 1 1
1~16777215 None None None
MAINBSC, SUBBSC None None None None None None
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
0~15 None None None
0~15 None None None
5~60 d 5 5 None None None None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~335 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 0 0
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~2500 None None None
0~15 None None None
1~15 None None None
1~31 None None None
0~15 None 10 10
0~12 None 4 4
940~4230, step: 470 ms 2_M_PERIOD 2_M_PERIOD
1~4 None 1 1
0~12 None 1 1
PEUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc None None None
SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa None None None
SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, PEUa, FG2a, GOUa, EIUa, OIUa, POUc, FG2c, GOUc, XPUa, XPUb, DPUa, DPUb, DPUc, DPUd, TNUa, ALL None None None
PEUa, POUc, EIUa, OIUa None None None
PEUa, POUc, EIUa None None None
PEUa, POUc, EIUa, OIUa None None None
POUc, OIUa None None None
POUc, OIUa None None None
FG2a, GOUa, FG2c, GOUc, POUc None None None
EIUa None None None
CFGBM, CFGTC None None None
CFGBM, CFGTC None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~64 characters None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
BYIDX, BYNAME None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
0~2047, 65535 None None None None None None
BSC_Preprocessing, BTS_Preprocessing None BTS_Preprocessing BTS_Preprocessing
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~2048 characters None None None
2~32, step:2 dB 16 16
1~256 characters None None None
1~250 None None None
BTS30, BTS312, BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A, BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, DBS3900_GSM, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM, BTS3900L_GSM None None None
BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM None None None
BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, DBS3900_GSM, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900L_GSM, BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM None None None
0~1000000 s 3 3
10~255 s 60 60
2~65534 None None None
2~65534 None None None
1000~3000 ms 1000 1000
OFF, ON None None None
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 20 20
0~100 per cent 15 15
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 1 1
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
100~1000 per cent 120 120
0~100 per cent 25 25
20~100 per cent 80 80
BYIDX, BYNAME None None None
0~1 None 0 0
1~200 characters None None None
0~8 None None None
NO, YES None None None
NO, YES None YES If this parameter is set to NO, the average call drop rate decreases. This setting is applicable in suburbs or urban areas with poor coverage. Call reestablishment, however, may take a long time. Therefore, the subscriber may hang up the phone before the call is re-established. Generally, the recommended value is YES.
0~4095 None None None
OFF, ON None None None
GSM900, DCS1800, GSM850, PCS1900 None GSM900 GSM900
NO, YES None NO The CBA function applies to special scenarios. If this parameter is set to YES and "Cell Bar Qualify" is set to no, only handovers are allowed in a cell, and direct access of an MS is not allowed. This condition applies to a dual-network coverage cell. For a common cell, this parameter should be set to NO.
0~3 None None None None None None
0~63 None 30 30
0~65535 None None None
5~180 s 15 15
4500~32767 byte 4500 4500
1~5 s 3 3
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 6 6
0~65535 None 86 None
0~255 s 15 15
20~100 per cent 80 80
0~63 None 46 46
10, 100, 1000 ms 1000 1000
0~100 per cent 90 90
0~42, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~36, Positive infinity, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~1023 None None None
AUTO, MANU None None None
0~1023 None None None
AUTO, MANU None None None
0~50 None 0 0
0~42, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~36, Positive infinity, step: 6 dB 0 0
Permit, NoPermit None Permit Permit
24.0~28.9 (step: 0.1) V 283 283
43.3~57.6 (step: 0.1) V 565 565
24.0~28.9 (step: 0.1) V 268 268
43.2~57.5 (step: 0.1) V 535 535
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047, 65535 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
1~32768 characters None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
Inner, Extra None None None
1, 2, 3, 4 None 3 3
0~5000 characters None None None
0~255 None 80 80
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~5000 characters None None None
OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, NONE None 255 255
0~63 dB 30 30
0~63 None 1 1
1~20 None 4 4
35.0~55.3 (step: 0.1) V 430 430
2G, 3G None 2G 2G
0~100 per cent 30 30
40.0~79.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 500 500
-19.0~5.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius -100 -100
0.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 800 800
-50.0~0.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius -200 -200
0~63 dB 20 20
0~63 None 1 1
20~90 per cent 80 80
0~200 characters None None None
NO, YES None None None
AUTO, NORMAL None None None
NO, YES None None None
NO, YES None None None
1~32 characters None None None
G_15, G_16, G_17, G_18, G_19, G_20, G_21, G_22, G_23, G_24, G_25, G_26, G_27, G_28, G_29, G_30, G_31 None None None
G_0, G_1, G_2, G_3, G_4, G_5, G_6, G_7, G_8, G_9, G_10, G_11, G_12, G_13, G_14, G_15, G_16, G_17, G_18, G_19, G_20, G_21, G_22, G_23, G_24, G_25, G_26, G_27, G_28, G_29, G_30, G_31 None None None
20~90 None 80 80
20~90 None 80 80
OFF, ON None None None
1~32 characters None None None
0~2 None None None
30~100 None 90 90
30~100 None 90 90
30~100 None 90 90
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 100 100
0~65535 None None None
1~64 s 10 10
1~5 None 5 5
0~511 None None None
0~511 None None None
5~20 None 10 10
5~20 None 10 10
ALDER32, CRC32 None CRC32 CRC32
SBFD, ARP, MBFD None None None
0~12 h None None
1~7 None None None
0~169 None None None
0~7 None None None
10~800 None 100 100
10~800 None 200 200
100~600000 ms 1000 1000
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~160 frame 0 0
1~12, step: 5 min 3 3
1~100 per cent 80 80
1~60 s 5 5
64~100000, step:64 kbit/s None None
0~22 dB 22 22
0~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
GCUa, GCGa None GCUa None
0~255 s 255 255
cleared, uncleared None None None
0~255 s 255 255
1~200 characters None None None
0~128 characters None None None
0~19 None None None
1~3 None None None
0~62 None None None
0~62 None 0 0
0~62 None None None
0~62 None None None
0 None None None
1~60 s 30 30
0~4095 None None None
0~4095 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~3 None None None
1~150000 None None None
BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A None None None
BTS3012, BTS3012AE, BTS3006C, BTS3012_II, BTS3002E, DBS3900_GSM, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900_GSM_6RFC, BTS3900A_GSM_6RFC, BTS3036_6RFC, BTS3036A_6RFC None None None
10000~50000 None None None
0~250 None 0 None
0~250 None 0 None
1~1023 None None None
0~10, step:0.1 dB 45 45
1~100 None 100 100
BYNAME, BYID None None None
10~150 ms 15 IP/HDLC:15
10~150 ms 15 IP/HDLC:15
10~150 ms 15 IP/HDLC:15
10~150 ms 15 IP/HDLC:15
10~150 ms 25 25
10~150 ms 25 25
10~150 ms 25 IP/HDLC:25
10~150 ms 25 IP/HDLC:25
10~150 ms 25 IP/HDLC:25
10~150 ms 25 IP/HDLC:25
10~150 ms 50 50
10~150 ms 50 50
0~335 None None None
ALL, ONLY_SSL None None None
0~60 s 4 4
1~200 s 6 6
1~28 None 5 5
1~60 s None None
0~7 None None None
0dB, 2dB, 4dB, 6dB, 8dB, 10dB, 12dB, 14dB dB 6dB 6dB
0~200 characters None None None
10~2550, step: 10 ms 10 10
1~255 None 3 3
0~126, step: 2 dB 0 0
1~255 None 255 255
0~100 None 5 5
0~100 per cent 100 100
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None When the interface type is Abis, transmission type is IP, the parameter is AF43; When the interface type is A, Ater or Iur-g, the parameter is AF43.
0~7 None None When the interface type is Abis and transmission type is HDLC, the parameter is 1.
0~100 per cent 100 100
0~7 None 5 5
OFF, ON None None ON
30~100 per cent 90 90
0~100 per cent 50 50
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None When the interface type is Abis, transmission type is IP, the parameter is EF; When the interface type is A, Ater or Iur-g, the parameter is EF.
0~7 None None When the interface type is Abis and transmission type is HDLC, the parameter is 1.
0~100 per cent 50 50
0~7 None 3 3
ON, OFF None None ON
40000~50000 ms 45000 45000
5000~150000 ms 30000 30000
1000~2000 ms 1300 1300
400~600 ms 500 500
7500~9500 ms 8200 8200
80~120 ms 100 100
3000~6000 ms 5000 5000
500~2000 ms 1500 1500
1~100 ms 100 100
30~100 per cent 95 95
30~100 per cent 95 85
1~16777215 None None None
YES, NO None None None
0~62 None None None
0~5 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~254 None None None
0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 None None None
0~27, 255 None None None
0~11, 255 None None None
ON, OFF None None OFF
0~99 None None None
10~255 min 30 None
1~63 character None None None
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 4 4
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 4 4
NT14_5K, NT12K, NT6K, T14_4K, T9_6K, T4_8K, T2_4K, T1_2K, T600_BITS, T1200_75 None NT14_5K-0&NT12K-1&NT6K-1&T14_4K-0&T9_6K-1&T4_8K-1&T2_4K-1&T1_2K-0&T600_BITS-0&T1200_75-0 NT14_5K-0&NT12K-1&NT6K-1&T14_4K-0&T9_6K-1&T4_8K-1&T2_4K-1&T1_2K-0&T600_BITS-0&T1200_75-0
2000-1-1~2099-12-31 None None None
1~12 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~30 degree Celsius 2 2
Inner, Extra None None If the coverage area in the underlaid subcell is large and tight frequency reuse is used in the overlaid subcell, the recommended value is Inner. If the coverage areas in the overlaid and underlaid subcells are similar and tight frequency reuse is used on the BCCH, the recommended value is Extra.
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
35.0~55.6 (step: 0.1) V None If "Power System Type" is "SC48200", the recommended value is "470". For Power System Type, the recommended value is "450".
58.0~60.0 (step: 0.1) V 580 580
43.3~55.5 (step: 0.1) V 450 450
58.0~60.0 (step: 0.1) V 580 580
0~32 None 0 0
500~60000 ms 1000 1000
0~186 None None None
1~110 characters None None None
INACTIVE, ACTIVE None INACTIVE INACTIVE None None None None None None None None None
1~1000 None None None
BSC, BTS None None None
BTS, BSC, DXX, OTHER None None None
0~27 None None None
{0~11} None None None
0~7 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~255 s None 2
3~10 None 3 3
OFF, ON None None OFF
0~50 characters None None None
0~35 None None None None None None
LOGIC_IP None None None
0~16383 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~254 None None None
1~60 min 1 1 None None None
0~63 None None None
MON_1~MON_31 None None None
SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT None None None
1~128 characters None None None
1~256 characters None None None
0~15 s 3 3
NO, YES None None None
0.5~4, step: 1/8 bit 4 4
0.5~4, step: 1/8 bit 4 4
0.5~4, step: 1/8 bit 4 4
N0, YES None N0 N0
TCH:480~122400, step:480; SDCCH:470~119850, step:470 ms 3 3
1~30 dB 14 14
1~30 dB 14 14
1~30 dB 16 16
1~30 dB 16 16
16~1007 None None None
1~255 None 5 5
0~63 dB 20 The recommended value is 20 when HUAWEI I Handover is used; The recommended value is 15 when HUAWEI II Handover is used.
1~10 None 3 3
1~30 dB 16 16
1~30 dB 16 16
0~127 None 0 0
1~30 dB 18 18
1~30 dB 18 18
0~15 None 2 2
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 4 4
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 2 2
0~15 None 2 2
0~63 dB 35 35
0~70 None 40 40
1~100 None 90 90
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
2~255 None 2 2
2~255 None 8 The recommended value is 8 when DTX is disabled. The recommended value is 14 when DTX is enabled.
2~255 None 60 60
2~255 None 2 2
1~30 dB 4 4
1~30 dB 8 8
1~100 None 100 100
0~3 None 0 0
0~7 None 0 0
0~7 None 2 2
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~7 None 2 2
0~63 dB 10 10
0~70 None 55 55
0~70 None 60 60
0~70 None 55 55
0~10 None 3 3
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 3 3
0~63 dB 20 20
0~63 dB 20 20
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 1 1
0~10 None 6 6
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 3 3
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 1 1
0~100 None 5 5
0~100 None 55 55
0~63 dB 45 45
0~63 dB 28 28
0~300 ms 140 140
0~255 s 0 0
1~255 None 5 5
0~63 dB 12 12
0~63 dB 17 17
0~63 dB 25 25
0~63 dB 23 23
0~63 dB 31 31
0~63 dB 63 63
0~63 dB 12 12
0~63 dB 18 18
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4 None CS2 CS2
MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS7, MCS8, DAS5, , DAS6, DAS7, DAS8, DAS9, DAS10, DAS11, DAS12 None DAS6 DAS6
0~5000 ms 2400 2400
0~64 per cent 10 10
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 2 2
0~64 per cent 2 2
0~25.5, step:0.1 dB 30 30
1~16383(BIT14), 1~65535(BIT16), 1~16777215(BIT24) None None None
1~11 characters None None None
0~31 None None None
0~31 None 0 0
0~31 None None None
STP, A, IUR_G, LB None None None
0~186 None None None
0~182 None None None
0~128 dB 72 72
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
0~1 None 1 1
10~150 ms 60 IP/HDLC:60
10~150 ms 60 IP/HDLC:60
10~150 ms 60 IP/HDLC:60
10~150 ms 60 IP/HDLC:60
10~150 ms 80 80
10~150 ms 80 80
1~60 min 10 10
0~12 h 3 3
2~10 dB 2 2
0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 s 4 4
0~335 None None None
0~31(PEUa), 0~251(E1 of POUc), 0~335(T1 of POUc) None None None
0~63 None 48 48
0~63 None 0 0
0~63 None None None
0~63 None 0 0
1~3600 s 180 180
0~27 None None None
0 to 21 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~21 None None None
0~21 None None None
0~30 s 15 15
YES, NO None NO None
1~128 characters None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
0~335 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~100 per cent 85 85
1~12 None None None
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 None None None
0, 1 None None None
0~1, 255 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~23, 255 None None None
0~53 None None None
0~53, 255 None None None
0~12 h None None
1~24 h None None
0~59 min None None
0~59 s None None
10~80 None 20 20
0~63 None 20 20
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
0~15 None None None
10~3600 s 20 20
0~8 None 2 2
1~60 min None None
0~7 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~83 None None None
0~7 None None None
16~19 None None None
E1, T1 None None None None None None
0~49 dB 3 3
0~49 dB 30 30
NO, YES None YES 1. For a 900/1800 MHz Co-BCCH cell, it is recommended that this parameter be set to Yes. 2. For a 1800 MHz cell in the dual-band network, it is recommended that this parameter be set to Yes. For other cells in the dual-band network, it is recommended that this parameter be set to No. 3. When the A5/4-7 encryption algorithm is used, it is recommended that this parameter be set to Yes. 4. When frequencies of the extended frequency band exist on a 900 MHz cell, it is recommended that this parameter be set to Yes.
1~2147483646 None 2147483646 2147483646
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
2000-01-01~2050-12-31 None None None
1~31 d None None
1~255 s 4 4
1~255 s 5 5
0~11 None 10 10
NO, YES None NO None
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 1 1
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 1 1
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
YES, NO None None None
NO, YES None NO None
0~31 None 16 16
0~31 None 7 7
1~15 None 15 15
0~63 None None None
NoPriority, Priority4, Priority3, Priority2, Priority1, Priority0, PriorityB, PriorityA None Priority4 Priority4
0~7 None None None
0~7 None 7 7
2~4094 None None None
JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC None None None None None None
A5/0, A5/1, A5/2, A5/3, A5/4, A5/5, A5/6, A5/7 None A5/0-1&A5/1-0&A5/2-0&A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/5-0&A5/6-0&A5/7-0 A5/0-1&A5/1-0&A5/2-0&A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/5-0&A5/6-0&A5/7-0
1~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
1~31 None None None
-99.0~40.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 0 0
0, 2, 4, 6 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
8~255 None None None
1~31, step:8 None None None
1~31 None None None
0~100 per cent 70 70
1~255 s 5 5
0~63 dB 5 5
0~100 per cent 20 20
0~100 per cent 80 80
NO, YES None YES None
M3UA_ASP, M3UA_IPSP None None None
0~63 dB 63 63
1~4294967295 None None None
O1E3_R5E4, O5E4_R1E4, O1E4_R5E5, O5E5_R1E5, O1E5_R5E6, O5E6_R1E6 None O5E4_R1E4 O5E4_R1E4
0~63 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None 0 0
2~4094 None None None
1~2147483646 None 2147483646 2147483646
500~60000 ms 3000 3000
0~255 s 0 0
HOUR, MIN, SEC None None None
2000-1-1 00:00:00~2037-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
2000-1-1 00:00:00~2037-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
1970-1-1 00:00:00~2538-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT None None None
1~9 characters V or A 0.02 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.004 None
1~9 characters V or A 100 None
1~9 characters V or A 0 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.02 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.004 None
1~9 characters V or A 100 None
1~9 characters V or A 0 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.02 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.004 None
1~9 characters V or A 100 None
1~9 characters V or A 0 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.02 None
1~9 characters V or A 0.004 None
1~9 characters V or A 100 None
1~9 characters V or A 0 None
NoExclusive, Exclusive None NoExclusive NoExclusive
0~100 per cent None 25
0~63 dB 30 30
0~63 dB 30 30
2048~5047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
5048~8047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
2048~5047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
EM0, EM1 None EM0 EM0
60sec, 120sec, 240sec, 480sec, 960sec, 1920sec, 3840sec, 7680sec s 60sec 60sec
Normal_cell, DualTst_ExtCell None Normal_cell Normal_cell
0~12750, step: 50 ms 8 8
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None OFF None
0~63 dB 30 30
PLUS_1, MINUS_1 None None None
55~100 None None None
0~100 per cent 0 0
OFF, ON None None None
0~100 per cent 55 75
0~1999 None None None
0~1999 None 0 0
0~1999 None 0 0
0~1999 None 0 0
10~1999 None None None
0~1999 None 0 0
2~1999 None None None
0~62 None None None
0~62 None None None
0~100 per cent 85 85
None, 16bit, 32bit None 16bit 16bit
None, 16bit, 32bit None 16bit 16bit
ON, OFF None ON None
43.2~57.5 (step: 0.1) V 535 535
AUTO, MANU None None None
AUTO, MANU None None None
0~42, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~36, Positive infinity, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~1 None None None
0~16383 None None None
0~49 dB 10 10
0~3 None 2 2
-20, -6, -18, -8, -16, -10, -14, -12 dB 0 0
0~7 dB 0 0
Negative infinity, -28~28, step: 4 dB 8 8
-114~-84, step: 2 dBm 6 6
0~63 None 10 10
0~511 None None None
1~1000 None 4 4
NO, YES None NO For the double-transceiver BTS and NGBTS, the default value is NO; for other BTS, this parameter is invalid.
0~1000 per mill 2 2
0~1000 per mill 4 4
0~1000 per mill 8 8
0~1000 per mill 16 16
0~1000 per mill 32 32
0~1000 per mill 64 64
0~1000 per mill 128 128
NO_FH, BaseBand_FH, RF_FH, Hybrid_FH None NO_FH NO_FH
1~128 characters None None None
1~200 characters None None None
0~200 characters None None None
0~128 characters None None None
txt, csv None csv csv
0~32 None 6 6
FALSE, TRUE None None None
0~100 per cent 80 80
0~65534 s 0 0
0~65534 s 0 0
60~65534 s 900 900
60~65534 s 900 900
OFF, ON None OFF When tight frequency reuse is used, the recommended value is ON.
0~65535 ms 4500 4500
0~65535 ms 1000 1000
OFF, ON None None ON
OFF, ON None None None
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~20 None 10 10
0~200 None 0 0
0~19 None 5 5
0~128 characters None None None
1~100 characters None None None
1~128 characters None None None
0~128 characters None None None
0~100 characters None None none
1~256 characters None None None
1~256 characters None None None
1~300 s 15 15
0~30 s 0 0
Close, Open None Close Close
0~31 None None None
0~23 None None None
1~30 ms 2 2
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
128~1024 byte 256 None
-2715647~2715647 None None None
0~255 None 0 0
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~65535 None 36671 36671
PGSM900, EGSML25, EGSM35M, RGSML25, GSM900_RGSM39M, DCS1800, PCS1900, GSM850, EGSM24M, DCS1800_L, DCS1800_H None None None
0~100 per cent 25 25
0~1023 None None None
1~800 characters None None None
MainDiversity, MaximumMeanValue None MaximumMeanValue MaximumMeanValue
May_Use, Shall_Use, Shall_NOT_Use None Shall_Use Shall_Use
0~23 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~33 None None None
1~33 None None None
0~33 None None None
0~255 dB 20 20
0~600 s 5 5
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0~255 dB 10 10
0~600 s 1 1
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 20 20
0~100 per cent 15 15
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 1 1
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~200000 kbit/s 0 0
-100~100 per cent 110 110
0~100 None 10 10
A0, U1 None A0 A0
0~31 None 12 12
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
0~100 None 40 40
OFF, ON None None ON
hour{0~23} min{0~59} None None None
OFF, ON None None None
0.5~4, step: 1/8 bit 20 20
NO, SupportAsInnPcu, SupportAsExtPcu None NO None
NO, SupportAsInnPcu, SupportAsExtPcu None NO NO
0dB, 2dB, 4dB, 6dB, 8dB, 10dB, 12dB, 14dB dB 2dB 2dB
DB110, DB108, DB106, DB104, DB102, DB100, DB98, DB96, DB94, DB92, DB90, DB88, DB86, DB84, DB82, DB80, DB78, DB76, DB74, DB72, DB70, DB68, DB66, DB64, DB62, DB60, DB58, DB56, DB54, DB52, DB50, DB48, no use dB DB110 DB110
10sec, 20sec, 30sec, 40sec, 50sec, 60sec, 70sec, 80sec, 90sec, 100sec, 110sec, 120sec, 130sec, 140sec, 150sec, 160sec, 170sec, 180sec, 190sec, 200sec, 210sec, 220sec, 230sec, 240sec, 250sec, 260sec, 270sec, 280sec, 290sec, 300sec, 310sec, 320sec, no use s 10sec 10sec
0~7 None 5 5
0db, 10db, 20db, 30db, 40db, 50db, 60db, infinity, no use dB 10db 10db
1~60 min 10 10
0~100000000 None None None
0~100000000 None None None
0~65534 None None None
1~20 characters None None None
0~512 None 0 0
0~2047 None None None
IP None None None
0~100 per cent 80 80
1~15 None 10 10
0~3 None 3 3
0~255 dB 20 20
0~600 s 5 5
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0~255 dB 10 10
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
1000~600000 None None 1000(application type is M3UA), 5000(application type is BBAP)
0~62 None None None
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 2 2
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 3 3
0~65535 None 65535 None
0~65535 None 65535 None
DCS1800, PCS1900 None DCS1800 DCS1800
1~14 None 1 1
1~10 d None None
SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell, NoPrefer None SysOpt SysOpt
0~63 dB 10 10
0~63 dB 0 0
1~64 characters None None None
0~16 None 3 3
0~16 None 3 3
0~63 dB 50 50
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 8 8
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 8 8
0~49 dB 35 35
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 3 3
0~127 dB 68 68
0~61 dB 32 32
Pre_2G_Cell, Pre_3G_Cell, Pre_2G_CellThres None Pre_2G_CellThres Pre_2G_CellThres
0~255 s 5 5
0~63 None None None
0~63 None None None
BaseBand_FH, RF_FH None None None
0~63 dB 25 25
0~63 None 0 0
0~23 None None None
NO_FH, BaseBand_FH, RF_FH None NO_FH NO_FH
0~63 dB 63 63
1~60 min 15 15
0~63 dB 50 50
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 10 10
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 10 10
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0~63 dB 25 25
0~63 dB 50 50
0~5 None None None
1~14 None 1 1
35.0~55.6 (step: 0.1) V 440 440
May_Use, Shall_Use, Shall_NOT_Use None Shall_Use Shall_Use
0~63 None 0 0
0~23 None None None
0~254 None None None
SBFD, MBFD None None None
-99~70 degree Celsius 40 40
0~30 degree Celsius None None
1~9 characters per cent 80 None
1~9 characters per cent 10 None
0.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) None 1000 If "Power System Type" is "SC48200", the recommended value is "900". For other types of Power System, the recommended value is "1000".
0.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) None 800 800
0.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) None 0 If "Power System Type" is "SC48200", the recommended value is "100". For other types of Power System, the recommended value is "0".
0.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) None 100 100
1~30 min 15 15
180~1260 s 720 720
1~60 min None None
60~600 s 90 90
0~23 dB 4 4
0~23 dB 10 10
0~10, Step: 0.5 s 4 4
TCH:480~1920, step:480; SDCCH:470~1880, step:470 ms 4 4
0~14 dB 0 0
0~14 dB 4 4
0~63 dB 7 7
NO, YES None NO Set this parameter to YES for the neighboring cell with co-channel interference and the neighboring cell that may cause interference; set this parameter to NO for other neighboring cells.
0~10, Step: 0.5 s 0 0
0~23 dB 10 10
0~10, Step: 0.5 s 2 2
0~23 dB 13 13
0~31 dB 10 10
2~600 s 4 4
0~63 dB 0 0
0~63 dB 0 0
0~22 dB 0 0
0~22 dB 0 0
0~63 dB 4 4
0, 1 None 0 0
5~40 None 20 20
0~63 dB 0 0
0~30 dB 7 7
0~10, Step: 0.5 s 5 5
0~16 None 4 4
0~63 None 0 0
2~600 s 8 8
0~50 dB 15 It is recommended that you set the path loss offset of layer 1 neighboring cells of the serving cell to 15 dB and that of other neighboring cells to 25 dB.
0~10 None 6 6
0~63 dB 4 4
0~160 dB 110 110
0~23 dB 1 1
0~63 None 20 20
0~23 dB 5 5
DISABLE, ENABLE None ENABLE For SingleRAN BTS, the recommended value is "ENABLE". For other types of BTS, the recommended value is "DISABLE".
44~1024 byte 64 64
0~63 None 22 22
0~63 None 20 20
0~63 None 18 18
1~30 None None None
1~30, 100~32767 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~255 None 84 84
0~255 None None None
0~63 None 2 2
BYIDX, BYNAME None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
0~255 None None None
BYCELL, BYBSC None None None
0~3071 None None None
Positive, Minus None Positive Positive
0~125 None 0 0
0~32 None 1 1
1~15 characters None None None
1000~30000 ms 5000 5000
0~254 ms 4 4
1~5 None 2 2
0~255 bit 0 0
0~255 s 10 10
1~15 characters None None None
1~15 characters None None None
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
0~8 bit 4 4
1~30 d 3 3
0~360 degree 360 360
0~62 None None None
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 8 8
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 10 10
0~39 None 25 25
0~39 None 12 12
0~50 W 8 8
0~3 None 1 1
0~3 None 0 0
0~2 None 2 2
TS0, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~255 s 10 10
0~63 dB 5 5
0~100 per cent 90 90
0~335 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~15 None None None
Degree, D_min_sec None Degree Degree
0~27 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~254 None None None
2~3600 s None 60
0~127 dB 67 67
0~127 dB 68 In densely populated urban areas, the recommended value is 68; in the suburbs, the recommended value is 72.
0~255 s 15 15
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 2 2
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 3 3
48~115 None 110 110
48~115 None 105 105
48~115 None 98 98
48~115 None 92 92
48~115 None 87 87
48~115 None 85 85
0~60 d 3 3
480~14880, step: 480 ms 20 20
1~100 None 80 80
1~49 dB 20 20
0~49 dB 49 49
1~49 dB 5 5
1~91 dB 60 60
0~91 dB 91 91
1~91 dB 10 10
{0~4} None OFF OFF
1~240 h 72 72
1~10 s 1 1
0~31 None 1 1
0~63 dB 30 30
500~60000 ms None None
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
NO, YES None NO In the hot-spot areas, densely populated urban areas, urban areas, suburbs, and rural areas, the recommended value is YES; in the high-speed circumstances, the recommended value is NO.
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
NO, YES None None None
0~49 dB 25 25
1~255 s 10 10
0~91 dB 30 30
0~255 None None None
0~31 None None None
1~1440 min 30 None
30~1024 d None None
NO, YES None NO NO None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
0~100 per cent 10 10
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~5 None None None
0~5 None None None
0~12999 None None None
IP_OVER_FE/GE, IP_OVER_E1 None None None
NO, YES None None NO
NO, YES None None None
NO, YES None None None
NO, YES None None None
NO, YES None None None
YES, NO None None None
YES, NO None None None
1~64 None None None
1~30 None None None
TRUE, FALSE None None None
0~65535 None 65535 65535
ABIS, A, ATER, IUR_G None None None
PPP, MP None None None
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 8 8
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 10 10
Normal_cell, Concentric_cell, EDB_cell None Normal_cell Normal_cell
OFF, ON None None OFF
Hexadecimal, Character_String None Character_String Character_String
0~124 characters None None SBS 155
0~124 characters None None SBS 155
NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byte None None 16byte
OFF, ON None None OFF
Hexadecimal, Character_String none Character_String Character_String
0~124 characters None None SBS 155
0~124 characters None None SBS 155
NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byte None None 16byte
OFF, ON None None OFF
Hexadecimal, Character_String None None None
NULL, 1BYTE, 16BYTE, 64BYTE None None None
0~64 characters None None None
0~64 characters None None None
1~255, (step: 20) ms None None
DENY, ALLOW None DENY When the disorder phenomenon is severe in the IP network, the recommended value is ALLOW; when there is no or little disordered packets, you are recommended to set this parameter to DENY to avoid extra transmission delay.
0~63 dB 0 0
1~30 s 2 2
1~65533, 65535 None None None
1~65533, 65535 None None None
1~5 characters degree None None
0~90 degree None None
0~90 degree None None
0~59 minute None None
0~9 second None None
0~59 second None None
-90~90, step: 0.000001 degree None None
-90:00:00.000~90:00:00.000 SEC None None
100~10000, step:100 ms 2 2
0~100 None 4 4
0~10000 ms 25 25
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 8 8
1, 2, 3, 4 None 3 3
1, 2, 3, 4 None 3 3
0~100 None 0 0
0~300 s 20 20
0~300 s 30 30
0~186 None None None
INFO, WARN, ERR, AST None None None
ON, OFF None None ON
0~7 None 0 0
0~63 dB 2 2
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
OAM, TDM_Switching, GCP, RGCP, MCP, GTC, GPCU, IP, FR, HDLC, TDM, GbIP, Abis_TDM, Ater_TDM, Pb_TDM, A_TDM, Abis_IP, SAU None None None
TDM_Switching, GCP, RGCP, MCP, GTC, GPCU, IP, FR, HDLC, TDM, GbIP, Abis_TDM, Ater_TDM, Pb_TDM, A_TDM, Abis_IP None None None
IP, Abis_IP None None None
A/Gb, Abis/Ater/Pb/Gb None None None
5120~5375 None None None
0~99 None 10 10
90~99 per cent 90 90
70~95 per cent 70 70
0~17407 None None None
64K, 2M bit/s 64K 64K
0~9 characters None 10 None
1~8 characters None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~40 V 35 35
40~80 V 45 45
8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 2M None None None
B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 None B1111 B1111
B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 None B1111 B1111
0~100 per cent 80 80
1~10 s 4 4
0~1000 None 100 100
-64dB ~ 63dB None 0 0
0~255 s 10 10
0~63 dB 63 63
1~255 s 10 10
1~63 dB 5 5
1~16 None 3 3
0~63 dB 25 25
0~63 None 40 40
0~100 per cent 60 60
0~100 per cent 85 85
OFF, ON None None None
0~65534 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~35 None None None
0~35 None None None
1~200 characters None None None None None None None None None
1024~65535 None None None
LFB, CL None None None
30~100 per cent 90 95
30~100 per cent 90 80
NO, YES None None None
0~988 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
30~100 per cent 80 85
30~100 per cent 80 70
1~5 characters degree None None
0~180 degree None None
0~180 degree None None
0~59 minute None None
0~9 second None None
0~59 second None None
-180~180, step: 0.000001 degree None None
-180:00:00.000~180:00:00.000 SEC None None
1~3 None None None
OFF, ON None None ON
0~100 per cent 80 80
MSC, MS None None None
60~600 s 180 180
1~100 None 1 1
OFF, ON None OFF You are advised to disable this function in the co-BCCH cell with the inter-site distance not more than 1500m.
NO, YES None NO For EPS4815 boards, the value of this parameter is set to "NO".
E1, TIMESLOT None None None
0~988 None None None
FG2a/GOUa board:0~119;FG2c board:0~489, 512~767;GOUc board:0~499, 512~767;POUc(IP)board:0~988, 1024~1535 None None None
FG2a/GOUa/UOIa(IP) board:0~119;FG2c board:0~489, 512~767;GOUc board:0~499, 512~767;POUc(IP) board:0~988, 1024~1535 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
Hub, Leaf None None None
35.0~55.6 (step: 0.1) V None If "Power System Type" is "SC48200", the recommended value is "475". For other Power System Type of APMU boards, the recommended value is "440".
-99~70 degree Celsius 0 0
-99~99 degree Celsius -1 -1
2~255 None 2 2
2~255 None 8 8
2~255 None 60 60
2~255 None 2 2
0~12 None 0 0
14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 88 None 20 20
18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 41, 45, 88 None 30 30
DISABLE, ENABLE None ENABLE For EPS4815, the recommended value is "DISABLE". For other types of APMU boards, the recommended value is "ENABLE".
1024~65535 None 2905 2905
0~8191 None None None
0~100 per cent None 10
0~100 per cent None 5
0~499 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
0~3, Step:0.2 dB 0 0
00:00~23:59 None 0:00 None
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~35 None None None
0~1 None 0 0
0~9999 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
1~20 characters None None None
1~20 characters None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
0~32 dB 8 8
0~254 None None 4(application type is M3UA), 10(application type is BBAP)
64~100000, step:64 kbit/s None None
1~20 None 3 3
0~5 None 2 2
0~5 None 1 1
0~20 dB 10 10
1~2 None 1 1
1~2 None 1 1
24~1031 byte 1031 1031
50~200 None 100 100
1~1500 byte 256 256
1~1500 None None None
1~255 None None None
10000~150000 None None None
100~100000 (step: 100) W 125 125
0~254 None None 2(application type is M3UA), 5(application type is BBAP)
0~100 None 3 3
0~8 None 8 8
0~100 per cent 30 30
0~5 None 5 5
1~255 d None None
1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9C, 10C, 11C, 12C, 13C, 14C, 15C, 16C, 17C, 18C, 19C, 20C, 21C, 22C, 23C, 24C, 25C, 26C, 27C, 28C, 29C, 30C, 31C, 32C, 33C, 34C, 35C, 36C, 37C, 38C, 39C, 40C, 41C, 42C, 43C, 44C, 45C, 46C, 47C, 48C, 49C, 50C, 51C, 52C, 53C, 54C, 55C, 56C, 57C, 58C, 59C, 60C, 61C, 62C, 63C, 64C, 65C, 66C, 67C, 68C, 69C, 70C, 71C, 72C, 73C, 74C, 75C, 76C, 77C, 78C, 79C, 80C, 81C, 82C, 83C, 84C, 85C, 86C, 87C, 88C, 89C, 90C, 91C, 92C, 93C, 94C, 95C, 96C, 97C, 98C, 99C None 15C 15C
5C, 7C, 10C, 12C, 15C, 18C, 20C, 22C, 25C None 15C 15C
1~255 None 30 30
1_Times, 2_Times, 4_Times, 7_Times None 7_Times 7_Times
1_Times, 2_Times, 4_Times, 7_Times None 7_Times 7_Times
1_Times, 2_Times, 4_Times, 7_Times None 7_Times 7_Times
1_Times, 2_Times, 4_Times, 7_Times None 7_Times 7_Times
1~746 byte 64 64
1~746 None None None
0~30 dB 2 2
0~30 dB 0 0
0~30 dB 0 0
0~255 None 62 In Normal cell,the recommended value is 62;in Double Timeslot Extension Cell,the recommended value is 219.
0~31 None 20 20
0~255 None 255 255
1~24 h 12 12
0~32 None 32 32
2~255 None 16 16
0~32 dB 8 8
1~999 d None None
0~511 None None None None None None
0~3 None 0 If the traffic volume on each frequency band is even and there is no special requirements for the frequency band, the recommended value is 0; if the traffic volume on each frequency band is significantly uneven and a frequency band is preferred for an MS, the recommended value is 3; if traffic volume on each frequency band is not extremely uneven, the recommended value is 1 or 2. For details, see the GSM Rec. 05. 08.
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 6 6
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
3 digit None None None
1~3 characters None None None
4, 8 None None None
4(Use two bytes to present MC priority number, 4 classes), 8(Use four bytes to present MC priority number, 8 classes) None 8 8
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~62 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None 0 0
1~20 characters None None None
1~20 characters None None None
1~5 s 3 3
EnhMeasReport, ComMeasReport None ComMeasReport ComMeasReport
1~1000 None None None
1~8191 None None None
LocalMep, RemoteMep None None None
0~63 None 15 15
64~100000, step:64 kbit/s None None
0~49 dB 10 10
0~63 dB 0 0
10~3500 mA 170 170
10~3500 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
0~2000 mA 170 170
10~3500 mA 140 140
10~3500 mA 140 140
0~63 dB 16 16
60~3600 s 60 60
0~63 dB 10 10
10~1000 ms 100 100
10~1000 ms 100 100
10~1000 ms 100 100
10~1000 ms 100 100
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
UP, DOWN None None None
2~3 digit None None None
1~64 characters None None None
50~95 per cent 80 80
OFF, ON None None OFF
GO, UO, GU None None None
FIXED, CYCLE None None None
MODE1, MODE2, MODE3, MODE4 None None None
30MINS, 60MINS, 120MINS, 240MINS None None None
1~1440 h None None
0~12 None None None
0~600 m/s 35 35
0~100 per cent 10 10
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~31(PEUa), 0~167(POUc)None None None
0~167 None None None
0~3 None None None
MODE1_1, MODE2_1, MODE3_1, MODE4_1, MODE5_1, MODE6_1, MODE16K None MODE4_1 MODE4_1
0~1 None None If "BTS Type" is "BTS3900E_GSM", the recommended value is "0".
0~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~31 None 4 4
1~255 None 5 5
NOreport, Twice_ps, Once_ps, Once_2s, Once_4s None Once_ps Once_ps
4~30 dB 4 4
4~30 dB 4 4
128~1500 None 1500 1500
1~16 None 3 3
0~65535 None 1800 1800
1~10 None 1 1
0~1023 None 0 0
R98_or_below, R99_or_above None R98_or_below None
5000~40000 ms 15000 15000
1~32 characters None None None
1~10 characters None None None
1~10 characters None None None
1~10 characters None None None
1~10 characters None None None
1~10 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1_Times, 2_Times, 4_Times, 7_Times None 4_Times 4_Times
CLEAR, LOP, FS, MS, EXERS, None None None
10~80 None 40 40
0~254 None None None
0~63 dB 10 10
0~255 None 200 200
1000~3000 ms 1000 1000
1~600 s 45 45
0~31 None 2 2
ON, OFF None None ON
50~95 per cent 85 85
0~31(EIUa/OIUa), 0~63(POUc) None None None
500~1500 None 800 800
256~1650 byte None 1500
0~1500 byte 1500 If "MTU" is set to a value smaller than 576, the DHCP procedure may fail when the BTS tries to retrieve the IP address, and thus the BTS cannot work. The recommended value of this parameter is 1500. Do not modify it unless in special scenarios, for example, at the bottom layer where the number of MTU is limited.
19.0~24.0, step:0.1 V 225 225
0~255 s None 5
0~10 s None 4
0~15 min 0 0
1~1500 ls 1000 1000
1~1500 ls None None
0~12 None 6 6
1~16(FG2a/GOUa), 1~512(FG2c/GOUc) None None None
1~3 None 3 When the transmission quality is good, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 0; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 12; "T203" = 1; and "N200" = 3. When the transmission quality is bad, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 30; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 24; "T203" = 3; and "N200" = 3.
5~254 None 5 5
34~254 None 34 34
29~254 None 29 29
5~254 None 5 5
5~254 None 5 5
23~254 None 23 23
8~30 None 20 20
2~5 None 3 3
3~10 None 10 10
1~255 None 6 6
1~10 None 3 3
1~10 None 4 4
NO, YES None NO None
1~49 characters None None None
1~49 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~49 characters None None None
1~49 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~49 characters None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~50 characters None None None
0~15 None 2 2
0~5047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~5047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~5047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
5048~8047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
OFF, ON None None None
0~65535 None None None
1~65533, 65535 None None None
1~3 characters None None None
1~3 characters None None None
NO, YES None NO None
NO, YES None NO None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~255 None 1 1
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 4 4
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 4 4
0~127 dB 0 0
0~127 dB 60 60
0~127 dB 64 64
0~127 dB 68 68
0~127 dB 72 72
0~127 dB 74 74
0~127 dB 76 76
0~127 dB 80 80
0~7 None 0 0
0~7 None 0 0
NC0, NC1, NC2 None NC0 NC0
NO, YES None YES YES None None None
0~60 s 4 4 None None None None None None None None None None None None
INT, INTB, NAT, NATB None None None
1~62 characters None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
40~45 V 43 None
55~59 V 57 None
0~255 dB 2 2
0~255 dB 30 30
0~255 dB 1 1
0~255 dB 95 95
0~7 None 0 0
0~100 per cent 85 85
0~255 dB 14 14
0~255 dB 103 103
0~7 None 2 2
0~100 per cent 25 25
ABIS, A, BSC, TC, IUR_G None None None
0~64 None 8 8
0~70 None 50 50
1~1000 Ah 100 100
NODRX, 0.24sec, 0.48sec, 0.72sec, 0.96sec, 1.20sec, 1.44sec, 1.92sec s 0.24sec 0.24sec
100~10000 ms 2500 2500
100~10000 ms 2500 2500
40.0~70.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 500 500
5~1275, step:5 min 48 48
10~255 s 30 30
1~10 None 3 3
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 6 6
0~1023 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~65534 None None None
0~65534 None None None
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
North_latitude, South_latitude None None None
0~65534 None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~30 degree Celsius 9 9
0~30 degree Celsius 16 16
1~255 None 10 10
0~100 per cent None None
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~100 per cent 0 0
0~63 None None None
OFF, ON None None None
SITE, CELL, BOARD None None None
BYCELL, BYTRX None None None
0~499 None None None
0~499 None None None
ALL, BOARD, PORT, DSP None None None
CELL, TRX, CHN None None None
OFF, ON None None OFF
4~255 s 10 10
0~63 None None None
0~256 kbit/s 64 64
0~256 kbit/s 64 64
0~7 None None None
0~7 None 1 1
2~4094 None None None
0~96 None 1 1 None None None None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~16777215 None None None
1~16777215 None None None
0~4 None None None
PRIM, SEC None None None
0~3 None None None
NORMAL, FORCE None None None
0~255 characters None None None
SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell, NoPrefer None SysOpt SysOpt
0~63 dB 35 35
0~255 bit 63 63
L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7None L0 L0
SDH, SONET None None None
0~4 None None None
0~7 None None None
One_touch, Step_by_Step None Step_by_Step Step_by_Step
1~200 characters None None None
0~36 None 0 0
0~63 dB 20 20
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
500~60000 ms 10000 10000
0~100 per cent 80 80
0~50 W 15 15
0~63 dB 25 25
1~255 s 1 1
1~255 s 5 5
0~63 dB 5 5
0~100 per cent 50 50
TS0, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~15 None None None
0~31 None None None
1.0~200.0 (step: 0.1) W None None
30.0~53.0 (step: 0.1) dB None None
0.1dB, 0.1W None None None
0~100 per cent 90 90
0~27 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
1~60 s 15 15
0~255 None None None
10~3500 mA 320 320
10~3500 mA 320 320
10~3500 mA 185 185
10~3500 mA 280 280
10~3500 mA 280 280
10~3500 mA 155 155
100~10000 ms 1500 1500
100~10000 ms 1500 1500
1~255 s 15 15
40.0~70.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 580 580
50~95 per cent 90 90
50~95 per cent 85 85
50~95 per cent 80 80
50~95 per cent 75 75
10~65535 None 180 180
0~255 ms 255 255
10~65535 None 220 220
1~8 None 4 4
Pan_0, Pan_1, Pan_2, Pan_3, Pan_4, Pan_5, Pan_6, Pan_7, 255 None Pan_1 Pan_1
Pan_0, Pan_1, Pan_2, Pan_3, Pan_4, Pan_5, Pan_6, Pan_7, 255 None Pan_2 Pan_2
Pan_4, Pan_8, Pan_12, Pan_16, Pan_20, Pan_24, Pan_28, Pan_32, 255 None Pan_20 Pan_20
L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7None L0 L0
0~9999 None None None
0~99 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~25.5, step:0.1 dB 79 79
QoS, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None QoS
DB0, DB2, DB4, DB6, DB8, DB10, DB12, DB14, DB16, DB18, DB20, DB22, DB24, DB26, DB28, DB30 dB DB2 DB2
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0~127 dB 68 In densely populated urban areas, the recommended value is 68; in the suburbs, the recommended value is 72.
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
0~65535 None 2 2
TCH:480~7200, step:480; SDCCH:470~7050, step:470 ms 3 3
0~31 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~31 None None None
10~160 None 80 80
10~70 None 70 70
1~10 s 5 5
0~65534 None None None
0~65534 None None None None None None None None None
0~2047 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
1024~65535 None None None
1~63 characters None None None
0~255 s 10 10
0~63 None 30 30
0~255 s 255 255
1~60 s 5 5
15~720, step:15 min None 5
Disable, Enable None Enable Enable
Disable, Enable None Enable Enable
0~2 None 2 2
10~1000 None 660 660
10~2000 None 660 660
100~600000 ms 1000 1000
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None None
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, , AF43, EF None None None
5~64 None 10 10
64~1024 byte 128 128
2~1500 byte None None
24~1031 byte 1031 1031
NO, YES None NO None
20~1500 byte 56 56
95~512 byte 128 128
0_level, 1_level, 2_level, 3_level, 4_level, 5_level, 6_level, 7_level, 8_level, 9_level, 10_level, 11_level, 12_level, 13_level, 14_level, 16_level, no use None 12_level 12_level
0~10, step:0.2 dB 0 0
0_level, 1_level, 2_level, 3_level, 4_level, 5_level, 6_level, 7_level, 8_level, 9_level, 10_level, 11_level, 12_level, 13_level, 14_level, 16_level, no use None 13_level 13_level
0_level, 1_level, 2_level, 3_level, 4_level, 5_level, 6_level, 7_level, 8_level, 9_level, 10_level, 11_level, 12_level, 13_level, 14_level, 16_level, no use None 14_level 14_level
0~10, step:0.2 dB 0 0
0_level, 1_level, 2_level, 3_level, 4_level, 5_level, 6_level, 7_level, 8_level, 9_level, 10_level, 11_level, 12_level, 13_level, 14_level, 16_level, no use None 16_level 16_level
0~10, step:0.2 dB 0 0
100~10000, step:100 ms 10 10
0~1, step:0.001 None 30 30
A, ABIS None None None
OFF, ON None None None
0~600 s None None
30~100 per cent 60 60
30~100 per cent 60 67
50~400, step: 50 ms 2 2
2~15 None 5 5
30~100 per cent 50 50
30~100 per cent 50 62
0~11 None None None
1~32 None None None
0~3 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~31(PEUa/EIUa), 0~62(E1 of OIUa), 0~83(T1 of OIUa), 0~251(E1 of POUc), 0~335(T1 of POUc) None None None
0~31(PEUa/EIUa), 0~62(E1 of OIUa), 0~83(T1 of OIUa), 0~251(E1 of POUc), 0~335(T1 of POUc) None None None
0~31(PEUa/EIUa), 0~62(E1 of OIUa), 0~83(T1 of OIUa), 0~251(E1 of POUc), 0~335(T1 of POUc) None None None
0~7 None None None
0~11 None None None
0(OIUa), 0~3(POUc) None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7(FG2a), 0~1(GOUa), 0~11(FG2c), 0~3(GOUc) None None None
0~11 None None None
0~7(FG2a), 0~1(GOUa), 0~11(FG2c), 0~3(GOUc) None None None
0~335 None None None
0~31 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~355 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~255 None None None
250~650 None 650 650
6~120 None 16 16
6~120 None 6 6
NotSupport, Support None Support Support
0~9 None 2 2
0~9 None 2 2
0~250 characters None None None
1~250 characters None None None
21~65535 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~15 None None None
1~16 None 16 16
IP, HDLC None None None
ETHER, TRUNK None None None
0.1~100.0 (step: 0.1) kVA 125 125
0~1000 None 100 100
0~10, step: 0.2 dB 0 0
0~10, step: 0.2 dB 0 0
POWER_48_24, POWER_240_24 None POWER_48_24 POWER_48_24
220VAC, N48VDC, P24VDCNone 220VAC 220VAC
0~13 None 0 0
80W, 63W, 60W, 55W, 50W, 45W, 40W, 31W, 30W, 27W, 26W, 25W, 24W, 21W, 20W, 19W, 18W, 17W, 16W, 15W, 14W, 13_3W, 13W, 12_5W, 12W, 11_5W, 11W, 10W, 9_5W, 9W, 8_5W, 8W, 7_5W, 7W, 6_5W, 6W, 5_5W, 5W, 4_5W, 4W, 3_7W, 3_1W, 3W, 2_5W, 2W, 200mW, DEFAULT None DEFAULT None
0~100 per cent 10 10
0~100 per cent 5 5
0~499 None None None
0~499 None None None
0~499 None None None
0~15 None None None
Disable, Enable None Disable Disable
0~5 None 2 2
1~255 None 1 1
0~255 None 60 60
0, 3, 4, 5, 6 None 6 6
30~100 per cent 60 60
30~100 per cent 60 72
30~100 per cent 50 50
30~100 per cent 50 65
Prior-1, Prior-2, Prior-3, Prior-4, Prior-5, Prior-6, Prior-7, Prior-8, Prior-9, Prior-10, Prior-11, Prior-12, Prior-13, Prior-14, Prior-15, Prior-16 None Prior-1 Prior-1
0~100 per cent 80 80
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, no use None 2 2
0~99 None 0 0
0~99 None 0 0
HIGH, LOW None None None
TDME1_O, TDME1_1, FE_E, FE_O, IPOE None None None
1, 2 None None None
TDME1_O, TDME1_1, FE_E, FE_O, IPOE None None None
0~200 characters None None None
Q933, ANSI None Q933 Q933
5~300 s 15 15
0~255 min 5 5
60~3600 s 300 300
ALL, SINGLE None None None
OFF, ON None OFF When "Mode Control" is set to "Common User Mode", the recommended value is OFF; when "Mode Control" is set to "Specified User Mode", the recommended value is ON.
OFF, ON None OFF When "Mode Control" is set to "Common User Mode", the recommended value is OFF; when "Mode Control" is set to "Specified User Mode", the recommended value is ON.
0~100 per cent 100 100
0~100 per cent 100 100
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None When the interface type is Abis, the parameter is AF43.
0~7 None None When the interface type is Abis and transmission type is HDLC, the parameter is 1.
0~7 None 4 4
1~16 None 6 6
BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF None None When the interface type is Abis, transmission type is IP, the parameter is AF33.
0~7 None None When the interface type is Abis and transmission type is HDLC, the parameter is 2.
0~7 None 6 6
0~63 None 25 25
-121~-104 dBm -109 -109
-121~-104 dBm -109 -109
10~10000 None 500 500
100~600000 ms 1000 1000
NO, YES None YES For "Power System Type" is "APM30" or "EPS4815", the recommended value is "NO". For other types of Power System, the recommended value is "YES".
0~63 None 35 35
NO, YES None None None
ON, OFF None None None
BOOL, VALUE None None None
123~65534 None None None
0~31. 0 to 30 indicate 20 s to 620 s, and 31 is a reserved value used to redirect the effect of CR0 on C2. None 0 0
B8ZS, HDB3, AMI, AMI_ZCSNone None None
0~15 None None None
FE, GE None None None
APM100, APM200, APM30, EPS4890, EPS4815, SC48200, CUSTOM None None None
0~200 characters None None None
1~50 characters None None None
1~50 characters None None None
1~65535 ms 500 500
0~64 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
6~32 characters None None None
0~31 None None None
BIT0, BIT1, BIT6, BIT7, BIT8, BIT9, BIT14, BIT15, BIT16, BIT17, BIT22, BIT23, BIT24, BIT25, BIT29, BIT30, BIT31 None None None
BIT0, BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4, BIT5, BI16, BIT7, BIT8, BIT9, BIT10, BIT11, BIT12 None None None
0~3 None 1 1
OnlyCurPwrLoc, ALLPwrLocNone ALLPwrLoc ALLPwrLoc
CLASS0, CLASS1, CLASS2 None None None
0~720 min 5 5
DB0, DB2, DB4, DB6, DB8, DB10, DB12, DB14, DB16, DB18, Default None Default Default
0~63 None None None
0~63 None None None
0~63 None None None
0~63 None None None
0~63 None None None
Use_Qsearch_I, Always None Use_Qsearch_I Use_Qsearch_I
NO, YES None NO Set this parameter to YES only in special scenarios such as highways.
1~10 None 3 3
0~255 s 15 15
1~10 None 2 2
-98, -94, -90, -86, -82, -78, -74, (always), -78, -74, -70, -66, -62, -58, -54, Positive infinity(never) None 15 15
TCH:480~15360, step:480; SDCCH:470~15040, step:470 ms 6 6
TCH:480~15360, step:480; SDCCH:470~15040, step:470 ms 2 2
-98, -94, -90, -86, -82, -78, -74, (always), -78, -74, -70, -66, -62, -58, -54, Positive infinity(never) None 15 15
-98, -94, -90, -86, -82, -78, -74, (always), -78, -74, -70, -66, -62, -58, -54, Positive infinity(never) None 15 15
1~16 s 3 3
1~16 s 5 5
3~20 None 6 6
3~20 None 6 6
0~4 dB 2 2
AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7 None AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0 AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0
007C, 010C, 015C None 015C 015C
AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7 None AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0 AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0
007C, 010C, 015C None 015C 015C
AU0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7 None AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0 AU0-0&AU1-0&AU2-0&AU3-0&AU4-0&AU5-0&AU6-0&AU7-0
007C, 010C, 015C None 015C 015C
0~255 None 0 0
0~255 None 0 0
0~255 None 0 None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
0~255 None None None
-121~-104 dBm -109 -109
0~63 dB 16 16
0~65535 None 5000 5000
-121~-104 dBm -109 -109
0~7 None 1 1
0~255 None 225 225
0dB, 2dB, 4dB, 6dB, 8dB, 10dB, 12dB, 14dB, no use dB 2dB 2dB
10M, 100M, AUTO None 100M 100M
1~255 None 4 4
0~249 None None None
0~249 None None None
0~249 None None None
0~100 None 96 96
Same_Band, Diff_Band None Diff_Band Diff_Band
0~70 None 50 50
0~70 None 40 40
0~63 dB 5 5
0~63 dB 30 30
20~99 None 30 30
0~70 None 60 60
YES, NO None None None
0~50 ms 10 10
0~768 None 3 3
0~31 None 0 None
0~31 None None None
0~31 None 0 None
0~31 None 0 None
OFF, ON None OFF None
OFF, ON None OFF None
0~95 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
1~3600 s 600 None
NO, YES None None NO
0~62 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~255 None None None
1~31 characters None None None
1~250 characters None None None
0~1023 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~7 None 5 5
0~63 None 6 6
1~10 s 2 2
1~32 None 10 10
1~32 None 1 1
0~8 None 0 0
0~16 None 2 2
0~65535 min 5 5
1~60 min None None
1~255 None 3 3
1~15 min None None
1~120 s 10 10
NO, YES None NO None
2~5 s 3 3
2~5 s 3 3
Noneed, Manually, Reset, Normally, Correlative, Configuration, Expired None None None
0~86400 s 30 30
0~190 None 0 0
0~21 None 5 5
0~255 s 10 10
1~100 None 1 None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
1920~30720, step: 480 ms 52_Times 52_Times
0~4095 None None None
0~16, 255 None 255 255
0~16 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~200 characters None None None
1~100 None None None
1~100 None None None
0.48sec, 0.96sec, 1.92sec, 3.84sec, 7.68sec, 15.36sec, 30.72sec, 61.44sec s 15.36sec 15.36sec
0.48sec, 0.96sec, 1.92sec, 3.84sec, 7.68sec, 15.36sec, 30.72sec, 61.44sec s 0.96sec 0.96sec
20~99 None 20 20
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
TCH:0~14880, step:480; SDCCH:0~14570, step:470 ms 6 6
0~2047 None None None
SHARE None None None
0~255 s 5 5
0~63 dB 3 3
0~63 dB 30 30
BASIS_OF_B1, BASIS_OF_B2None None None
BASIS_OF_B1, BASIS_OF_B2None None None
MINUS_52db, MINUS_48db, MINUS_44db, MINUS_40db, MINUS_36db, MINUS_32db, MINUS_28db, MINUS_24db, MINUS_20db, MINUS_16db, MINUS_12db, MINUS_10db, MINUS_8db, MINUS_6db, MINUS_4db, MINUS_2db, Zerodb, 2db, 4db, 6db, 8db, 10db, 12db, 16db, 20db, 24db, 28db, 32db, 36db, 40db, 44db, 48db, no use dB MINUS_2db MINUS_2db
0~64 kbit/s None None
0~63 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~64 kbit/s None None
2~4094 None None None
0~96 None 4 4
0~127 dB 68 Set this parameter to about 68 in densely populated urban areas and about 72 in suburban areas.
1~63 character None None None
1~50 characters None None None
1~65535 ms 3000 3000
0~190 None 0 0
OFF, ON None None None
0~4294967295 None None None
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
OFF, ON None None None
0~4294967295 None None None
0~4294967295 None None None
0~4294967295 None None None
0~3 None 2 2
0~4294967295 None 4294967295 4294967295
1~5 per cent 1 1
OFF, ON None ON ON None None None None None None
0~15 None None None
0~100 per cent 12 12
0~100 per cent 25 25
500~60000 ms 1000 1000
500~60000 ms 3000 3000
500~60000 ms 1000 1000
10~80 None 30 30
0~1000 None 5 5
1~100 None 5 5
0~999 None None None
1~3000000 kbit/s None None
0~4000000 kbit/s None None
0~63 None 2 2
0~70 None 5 5
0~63 dB 8 8
NO, YES None NO In dual-band networking mode for densely populated urban areas, the level drops rapidly due to multiple barriers. The propagation loss of the 1800 MHz frequency band is greater than the propagation loss of the 900 MHz frequency band. Considering the preceding factors, you can set this parameter to YES for the DCS1800 cell. Under normal conditions, set this parameter to No.
0~70 None 60 60
0~70 None 42 42
0~70 None 41 41
0~70 None 40 40
0~70 None 50 50
0~70 None 49 49
0~70 None 48 48
0~70 None 47 47
0~70 None 46 46
0~70 None 45 45
0~70 None 44 44
0~70 None 43 43
0~249 None None None
0~249 None None None
0~249 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~6 None None None
1~6 None None None
1~6 None None None
0~15 None None None
0~2 None 1 1
0~4 None 3 3
0~2047 None None None
1~16 None 5 5
0~100 per cent 50 50
1~64 characters None None None
0~30240, step: 480 ms 32 32
NO, YES None None None
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
ADD0dB, ADD10dB, Automatic None ADD0dB ADD0dB
0~63 None 38 38
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 4 4
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~1 None None None
Valid command string, without the ';'at the end of the string. None None None
0~23 None None None
0~511 None None 0
1~2147483646 None 1 1
0~1199 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
7~90 d None None
1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9 None 1.00E-06 1.00E-06
2000-01-01~2050-12-31 None None None
1~31 d None None
1~191 None 1 1
0~10, step:0.1 s 10 10
0~63 dB 6 6
0~70 None 55 55
0~63 dB 6 6
0~70 None 55 55
0~60 s 2 2
0~5 None 1 1
0~255 s 40 40
0~63 dB 30 30
0~63 None 48 48
HIGH, LOW None None None
40~70 degree Celsius 53 53
0~65535 s None None
0~65535 s None None
35.0~55.6 (step: 0.1) V None If "Power System Type" is "SC48200", the recommended value is "460". Otherwise, the recommended value is "430".
1~63 characters None None None
NoPriority, Priority4, Priority3, Priority2, Priority1, Priority0, PriorityB, PriorityA None NoPriority NoPriority
NoPriority, Priority4, Priority3, Priority2, Priority1, Priority0, PriorityB, PriorityA None NoPriority NoPriority
NO, YES None None None
0~6 None None None
1000~65535 None None None
1000~65535 None None None
1~17 characters None None None None None None
TDM, HDLC, IP None None None
0~5 None None None
0~65535 None 1800 1800
1~20 characters None None None
1~10 None 1 1
0~1023 None 0 0
Release 98 or older, Release 99 onwards None 1 1
50~95 per cent 75 75
0~27 None None None
unshielded, shielded None None None
0~12 h 3 3
1~10 None 4 4
0~186 None None None
0~186 None None None
0~15 None None None
0~255 None 100 100
0~255 None 100 100
0~7 None 2 2
1~10 None 5 5
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
0~15 None None None
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
0~65535 ms 3000 3000
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None None None None None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~255 None 255 None None None None
0~35 None None None
B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 None B0000 B0000
1~600 s 300 300
0~3 None None None
2~2000 None 10 10
0~27 None None None
0~3, 8~27 None None None
0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 None None None
0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 None None None
0~27 None None None
{0~27} None None None
0~23 None None None
0~23 None 6 6
0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~27 None None None
0~7 None None None
1~60 min None None
1~16383(BIT14), 1~65535(BIT16), 1~16777215(BIT24) None None None
BIT14, BIT16, BIT24 None None None
1~11 characters None None None
0~65535 None None None
1~12, step: 5 min 12 12
1000M, AUTO None None AUTO
0~63 dB 30 30
0~255 s 40 40
YES, NO None None None
0~4 None None None
SUPPORT, NOT_SUPPORT None NOT_SUPPORT If the version of a GSM base station is BTS3000V100R009 or later, or if the version of a multi-mode 3900 series base station is V100R002 or later, the recommended value of this parameter is SUPPORT. Otherwise, the recommended value of this parameter is NOT_SUPPORT.
SUPPORT, NOT_SUPPORT None None If the software version of the SingleRAN BTS is SRAN3.0 or later, the parameter Is support SRAN mode needs to be set to SUPPORT(Support). If the software version of the SingleRAN BTS is earlier than SRAN3.0, the parameter Is support SRAN mode needs to be set to NOT_SUPPORT(Not Support).
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~2047 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~65535 None None None
1~100 characters None None None
1~4 None None None
1~4 None None None
1~65533, 65535 None None None
1~3 characters None None None
1~1000 None None None
1~3 characters None None None
0~335 None None None
BITS1-2MHZ, BITS2-2MHZ, BITS1-2MBPS, BITS2-2MBPS, GPS, 8KHZ, LINE1_8KHZ, LINE2_8KHZ, BITS1-T1BPS, BITS2-T1BPS None None LINE1_8K and LINE2_8K are most commonly used.
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~11 None None None
1~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~254 None 0 0
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~11 None None None
0 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
1~249 characters None None None
0~5 None None None
MPS, EPS, TCS None None None
DES, ASC None DES None
0~255 None 100 100
0~255 None 100 100
0~63 dB 63 63
20~99 per cent 75 75
30~100 per cent 85 85
20~99 per cent 80 80
30~100 per cent 85 80
TCH:480~15360, step:480; SDCCH:470~15040, step:470 ms 6 6
TCH:480~15360, step:480; SDCCH:470~15040, step:470 ms 2 2
0~7 None None None
0~7 None None None
1~2147483646 None None None
0~63 dB 63 63
HOUR, MIN, SEC None None None
2000-1-1 00:00:00~2037-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
2000-1-1 00:00:00~2037-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
1970-1-1 00:00:00~2538-12-31 23:59:59 None None None
1~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~65535 None None None
1~31 None None None
-99.0~40.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius -100 -100
0, 2, 4, 6 None None None
60~600 s 240 240
00:00~23:59 None None None
8~255 None None None
1~31, step:8 None None None
1~31 None None None
0~65535 None None None
0~62 None None None
2000-1-1~2037-12-31 None None None
1~32 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
60~300 s 120 120
0~23 None None None
HOUR{0~23}, MIN{0~59}, SEC{0~59} None None None
0~23 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~7 None None None
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
1~31 None None None
BTS30, BTS312, BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A, BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900L_GSM, BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM None None None
1~15 None None None
1~15 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
16~1023 byte 352 352
16~1023 byte 352 352
1~50 None None None
1~124, 128~189 None None None
0, 2, 4, 6 None None None
0~65535 None None None
NO, YES None NO None
NO, YES None NO None
T_12, T_15, T_20, T_30, T_41, T_55, T_76, T_109, T_163, T_217 None T_20 T_20 None None None
0~65535 None None None
ON, OFF None None None
CLOSE, OPEN None None None
ON, OFF None None None
SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT None None None
CLOSE, OPEN None None None
ON, OFF None None None
ON, OFF None None None
BFD_OFF, BFD_ON None None None
NO, YES None None None
1~254 None 10 10
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
0~4294967295 None 0 0
3~5 None None None
OFF, ON None ON None
0~2500 None 0 None
SyncCase1, SyncCase2 None None None
1~7 d 1 1
0~23 h 2 2
0~59 min 0 0
1~250 characters None None None
1~250 characters None MBSC None
0, 8~11 None 10 10
1~250 characters None None None
1~250 characters None BSC None
1~250 characters None None None
1000~30000 ms 3000 3000
1~60 s 5 5
30000~60000 ms 60000 60000
800~1500 ms 1500 1500
800~1500 ms 1500 1500
2000~3000 ms 3000 3000
800~1500 ms 1500 1500
800~1200 ms 1200 1200
1000~120000 ms 3000 3000
1~60 s 5 5
60~2400 (step: 10) ms 12 When the transmission quality is good, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 0; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 12; "T203" = 1; and "N200" = 3. When the transmission quality is bad, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 30; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 24; "T203" = 3; and "N200" = 3.
5~1275, step: 5 ms 50 50
5~1275, step: 5 ms 50 50
10~2550, step: 10 ms 200 200
10~2550, step: 10 ms 60 60
10~2550, step: 10 ms 150 150
5~1275, step: 5 ms 60 60
5~1275, step: 5 ms 60 60
1~10 s 1 When the transmission quality is good, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 0; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 12; "T203" = 1; and "N200" = 3. When the transmission quality is bad, the recommended settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" = 30; "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time" = 60; "Ring II Rotating Penalty Time" = 0; "T200" = 24; "T203" = 3; and "N200" = 3.
180000~360000 ms 360000 360000
180000~360000 ms 360000 360000
1400~2000 ms 2000 2000
1000~10000 ms 10000 10000
1~60 s 5 5
0~2550, step:10 ms 7 7
1~255 s 10 10
500ms, 1000ms, 1500ms, 2000ms, 2500ms, 3000ms, 3500ms, 4000ms ms 500ms 500ms
0ms, 80ms, 120ms, 160ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1000ms, 1500ms ms 500ms 500ms
0~1530, step: 6 min 20 20
5~30 s 10 10
800~1200 ms 1200 1200
1000~10000 ms 5000 5000
800~1200 ms 1200 1200
1000~30000 ms 1000 1000
800~1200 ms 1200 1200
1000~10000 ms 3000 3000
1000~10000 ms 3000 3000
800~1200 ms 1200 1200
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 4 4
0~255 bit 0 0
0.5~8, step:0.5 s 1 1
0~255 bit 255 255
0~255 s 0 0
TCH:480~14880, step:480; SDCCH:470~14570, step:470 ms 2 2
0~7 None None None
0.5~0.8, step:0.5 s 1 1
0~255 bit 63 63
0~25 None 10 10
0~25 None 10 10
1~12 None None None
1~12 None None None
30~300 s 90 90
60~300 s 90 90
1~254 None 170 170
1000~10000 ms 4000 4000
0~500 mV 80 80
0~100 per cent 60 60
0~1000 per mill 40 40
0~63 dB 6 6
0~70 None 55 55
0~1000 per mill 40 40
0~63 dB 6 6
0~70 None 55 55
0~60 s 2 2
0~10 None 3 3
1~600 s 60 60
0~100 per cent 60 60
0~100 per cent 70 70
1~15 None 10 10
0~62 None None None
0~335 None None None
0~4095 None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
GTC, UTC, ITC None None None
AUTO, Manual None None None
AUTO, Manual None None None
0~42, step: 6 dB 0 0
Negative infinity, -28~28, step: 4 dB 8 8
0~36, Positive infinity, step: 6 dB 0 0
0~1 None 0 None
0~16383 None 0 0
0~63 None 10 10
0~127 None None None
0~127 None None None
0~1 None None None
0~100 per cent 20 20
0~100 per cent 15 15
0~5 None None None
0~5 None None None
0~127 None 63 63
1~9 characters degree Celsius 45 None
1~9 characters degree Celsius 0 None
-50.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 500 500
-49.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 500 500
-50.0~100.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 0 0
-50.0~99.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius 0 0
0.0~500.0 (step: 0.1) mV 800 800
1~64 characters None None None
1~65535 None None None
32768~65535 None None None
1~64 characters None None None
50~70 degree Celsius 65 65
-40.0~0.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius -100 For EPS4815 boards, the value of this parameter is always "-1". For other types of APMU boards, the recommended value is "-100".
-40.0~0.0 (step: 0.1) degree Celsius -100 -100
1~255 s 30 30
1~615 characters(GB2312, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KOI8, WINDOWS-1251, ASMO_449, WINDOWS-1256, WINDOWS-874, WINDOWS-1253, WINDOWS-1254, WINDOWS-1255, WINDOWS-1257, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1252, UCS2), 1~2462 characters(BINARY), 1~1395 characters(others) None None None
0~1023 h None None
0~65535 None 65535 65535
0~255 None None None None None None None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~11 None None None
5000~60000 ms 5000 5000
220~280 V 264 264
220~280 V 264 264
1~10 None 10 10
1~10 None 6 6
1~10 None 4 4
1~10 None 8 8
1~10 None 4 4
1~10 None 3 3
1~10 None 6 6
1~10 None 3 3
1~10 None 2 2
1~15 min 5 5
0~63 dB 30 30
0~7 None 1 1
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 4 4
0~100 per cent 80 80
0.5~16, step:0.5 s 6 6
0~7 None 3 3
0~63 dB 40 40
3~15 s 5 5
00:00:00~23:59:59 None None None
0, 5~1440 min None None
0~255 s 10 10
0~255 s 10 10
0~255 s 10 10
200~10000 ms 2000 2000
1~65535 ms 3000 3000
1~3 s 2 2
1~10 s 2 2
1~20 ms 2 2
0~255 s 10 10
1~1024 None 4 4
0~255 s 30 30
10~255 s 40 40
1~30 s 8 8
1~15 min 5 5
7~365 d None None
0~4294967295 None None None
-99~70 degree Celsius 45 45
-19~5 degree Celsius -19 If "Power System Type" is "EPS4815", the recommended value is "0". For other types of Power System, the recommended value is "-19".
-99~99 degree Celsius -20 -20
00:00~23:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
00:00~23:59 None None None
14~163 None None None
0~163 None None None
1~120 min None None
NON_FDR, FDR None None None
2~4 s 3 3
0~100 per cent 0 None
0~4294967294 None None None
0~100 per cent 0 None
8000~12000 ms 12000 12000
30000~90000 ms 60000 60000
0~276 None None None
TRRS, SATEL None None None
-120~-1, 1~120 min None None
0~7 None 0 0
0~62 None None None
0~23 None None None
0~254 None None None
0~5 None None None
1~30 s 8 8
30~100 per cent 60 60
30~100 per cent 60 67
30~100 per cent 50 50
30~100 per cent 50 62
1~255 None 5 5
1~255 None 5 5
0~27 None None None
IP None None None
IP, HDLC None None None
IP, HDLC, TDM None None None
IP, HDLC, TDM None None None
HDLC IP None None None
5sec, 10sec, 15sec, 20sec, 30sec, 60sec, 120sec, 300sec, no use s 10sec 10sec
0~100 None 90 90
0~7(FG2a), 0~1(GOUa), 0~11(FG2c), 0~3(GOUc) None None None
0~5, 8~27 None None None
0~7(FG2a), 0~1(GOUa), 0~11(FG2c), 0~3(GOUc) None None None
0~163 None None None
0~199 None 2 2
0~199 None 2 2
10~199 None None None
0~199 None 2 2
0~199 None 2 2
0~199 None 2 2
0~199 None None 0
OFF, ON None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
0~11 None None None
TRXAid_NotAllow, AllowReForbid, AllowReImmed, AllowReCheckRes None AllowReCheckRes AllowReCheckRes
5~10 s None None
0~63, 255 None 255 255
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~3071 None None None
1~120 characters None None None
0~3071 None None None
0~63 None None None
0~71 None None None
0~8 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None None None
8~255 None None None
1~31, step:8 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
2~4294967294 None None None
1~31 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~512 None None None
0~65535 None None None
10~1440 (step: 10) min None None
0~127 None None None
1~50 characters None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 None None None
0~23 None None None
1~31 None None None
0~7 None 0 0
0~50 W 20 If the board is configured with two to four TRXs, the recommended value of this parameter is 20. If the board is configured with five TRXs, the recommended value of this parameter is 50. If the board is configured with six TRXs, the recommended value of this parameter is 48.
0~65535 ms 5000 5000
Close, Open None Open Open
8K, 16K, 32K, 64K kbit/s None None
0~254 None None None
0~31 None None None
PIM None None None
CHAIN, RING None None None
1~255 None 64 64
1~128 s 64 64
0~8 None 6 6
00:00~23:59 None 0:00 None
00:00~23:59 None 0:00 None
0~100 per cent 80 80
40~79 degree Celsius 50 50
-99~99 degree Celsius 68 68
1~60 s 5 5
1~60 s 10 10
1~60 s 5 5
1~60 min 10 10
1~60 min 5 5
1~60 s 5 5
1~60 s 5 5
TX_3, TX_4, TX_5, TX_6, TX_7, TX_8, TX_9, TX_10, TX_11, TX_12, TX_14, TX_16, TX_20, TX_25, TX_32, TX_50 None TX_32 TX_32
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
0~100 (step: 0.01) W 0 0
1~3000000 kbit/s None None
0~4000000 kbit/s None None
200~10000 ms 500 500
T_2, T_3, T_4, T_5, T_6, T_7, T_8, T_9, T_10, T_12, T_14, T_16, T_20, T_25, T_32, T_50 None T_20 T_20
EPS, TCS None None None
GSM900, DCS1800, GSM900_DCS1800, GSM850, PCS1900, GSM850_1800, GSM850_1900 None None None
GSM900, DCS1800, GSM850, PCS1900 None None None
BTS30, BTS312, BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, BTS3002C, BTS3012A, BTS3006A, BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012AE, BTS3012_II, DBS3900_GSM, BTS3900_GSM, BTS3900A_GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A, BTS3900B_GSM, BTS3900E_GSM, BTS3900_GSM_6RFC, BTS3900A_GSM_6RFC, BTS3036_6RFC, BTS3036A_6RFC, APM30, TMC, BBC, APM100, APM200, PS4890, OMB, RFC-6, BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900AL, BTS3900AS, BTS3900B, BTS3900E, VIRTUAL None None None
GSM900, DCS1800 None None None
0~15 None 0 0
NO, YES None None None
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 None None None
0~1, 255 None None None
0~23, 255 None None None
0~53, 255 None None None
0~15 None 0 0
NO, YES None None None
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 None None None
0~1, 255 None None None
0~23, 255 None None None
0~53, 255 None None None
0~15 None 6 6
0~15 None 0 0
0~15 None 1 1
0~15 None 1 1
0~15 None 10 10
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 5 5
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 13 13
0~15 None 13 13
0~15 None 6 6
0~15 None 0 0
0~15 None 1 1
0~15 None 1 1
0~15 None 10 10
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 1 1
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 13 13
0~15 None 13 13
1214~2001, 2005~3783, 3786~4783, 4785~65000 None None None
0~65535 None None None
Administrators, Operators, Users, Guests, Customs None Guests Guests
0~99 None 80 80
0~64 None 64 64
300~1000 ms 1000 1000
0~9 Characters None 90 None
1~8 characters None None None
TCH:480~122400, step:480; SDCCH:470~119850, step:470 ms 3 3
1~30 dB 14 14
1~30 dB 14 14
1~30 dB 16 16
1~30 dB 16 16
0.5~4, step:0.5 s 1 1
0.5~4, step:0.5 s 1 1
1~255 None 5 5
0~240 ms 180 In Abis over TDM transmission, the recommended value is 180; in Abis over IP transmission, the recommended value is 200.
1~64 None 15 15
0~63 dB 10 10
1~64 None 20 20
1~64 None 32 32
1~10 None 3 3
1~30 dB 16 16
1~30 dB 16 16
1~30 dB 18 18
1~30 dB 18 18
0~15 None 2 2
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 3 3
0~15 None 4 4
0~15 None 15 15
0~15 None 2 2
0~15 None 2 2
1~100 None 90 90
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
1~30 dB 6 6
1~30 dB 8 8
1~100 None 100 100
0~3 None 0 0
0~7 None 0 0
0~7 None 3 3
TCH:480~9600, step:480; SDCCH:470~9400, step:470 ms 5 5
0~7 None 3 3
0~63 dB 5 5
0~70 None 55 55
0~70 None 60 60
0~70 None 55 55
0~10 None 3 3
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 3 3
0~63 dB 18 18
0~63 dB 18 18
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 1 1
0~10 None 6 6
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 3 3
TCH:0~9120, step:480; SDCCH:0~8930, step:470 ms 1 1
0~100 None 6 6
0~100 None 75 75
0~63 dB 30 30
0~63 dB 18 18
0~63 dB 15 15
0~63 dB 19 19
0~63 dB 28 28
0~63 dB 23 23
0~63 dB 31 31
0~63 dB 63 63
0~63 dB 21 21
0~63 dB 25 25
1~64 None 32 32
0~255 s 10 10
GSM_PHASE_1, GSM_PHASE_2, GSM_PHASE_2Plus None GSM_PHASE_2 It is recommended that the value of this parameter is the same as that for "A Interface Tag".
NO, YES None None None
1~6 None 3 3
10~3500 mA 40 40
10~3500 mA 40 40
10~3500 mA 40 40
10~3500 mA 60 60
10~3500 mA 60 60
10~3500 mA 60 60
0~2047 None None None
0~2047 None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
BYNAME, BYID None None None
1~64 characters None None None
1~64 characters None None None
0~15 None None None
CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4 None CS1 CS1
10~70 None 20 20
MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6, UAS7, UAS8, UAS9, UAS10, UAS11 None MCS6 MCS6
0~5000 ms 2000 2000
0~70 None 40 40
0~63 dB 30 30
10~255 s 30 30
0~96 None None None
0~2047 None None None
512~1535 None None None
1~16 s 4 4
0.1~1, step:0.1 None 6 6
1~16 s 5 5
0~300 ms 120 120
0~64 per cent 10 10
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 5 5
0~64 per cent 2 2
0~64 per cent 2 2
1~32 characters None None None
1~32 characters None None None
HOUR 0~23 MINUTE 0~59None None None
HOUR 0~23 MINUTE 0~59None None None
-99~99 degree Celsius 50 50
0~8 None 3 3
0~255 s 10 10
0~63 dB 35 35
1~255 s 5 5
1~63 dB 5 5
FDD, TDD None None None
2 characters None None None
0~190, 255 None 255 255
No_Priority, Public_Network_First, VGCS_First None No_Priority No_Priority
0~190 None 0 0
50~95 per cent 95 95
50~95 per cent 90 90
2~4094 None None None
2~4094 None None None
2~4094 None 2 2
2~4094 None None None
2~4094 None None None
2~4094 None None None
0~7 None None None
0~7 None 0 0
Full_rate_Ver1, Full_rate_Ver2, Full_rate_Ver3, Half_rate_Ver1, Half_rate_Ver2, Half_rate_Ver3, Full_rate_Ver5 None FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-1&FULL_RATE_VER3-0&HALF_RATE_VER1-1&HALF_RATE_VER2-0&HALF_RATE_VER3-0&FULL_RATE_VER5-0 FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-1&FULL_RATE_VER3-0&HALF_RATE_VER1-1&HALF_RATE_VER2-0&HALF_RATE_VER3-0&FULL_RATE_VER5-0
1~9 characters V 28 None
1~9 characters V 20 None
1~9 characters V 57 None
1~9 characters V 42 None
0~12 None 2 2
1~30 None 3 3
14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 88 None 20 20
18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 41, 45, 88 None 30 30
0~12 None 2 2
0~999 None None None
4000~33000 ms 27000 27000
3000~34000 ms 34000 34000
3000~34000 ms 26000 26000
0~1000 s 280 280
1~30 s 15 15
0~60 s 4 4
0~1000 s 300 300
East_Longitude, West_Longitude None None None
NO, YES None None None
SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT None None None
0~24 h 22 22
5~1275, step:5 min 12 12
0~24 h 8 8
Active, Standby None Active Active
GO None None None
E1_UNBA, E1_BA, T1, E1 None None None
E1, T1 None E1 E1
1~127 None None 16
30~300 s 90 90
60~300 s 90 90
30~60000 s None 600
GMT-1200(GMT-12:00), GMT-1100(GMT-11:00), GMT-1000(GMT-10:00), GMT-0930(GMT-09:30), GMT-0900(GMT-09:00), GMT-0800(GMT-08:00), GMT-0700(GMT-07:00), GMT-0600(GMT-06:00), GMT-0500(GMT-05:00), GMT-0430(GMT-04:30), GMT-0400(GMT-04:00), GMT-0330(GMT-03:30), GMT-0300(GMT-03:00), GMT-0200(GMT-02:00), GMT-0100(GMT-01:00), GMT(GMT), GMT+0100(GMT+01:00), GMT+0200(GMT+02:00), GMT+0300(GMT+03:00), GMT+0330(GMT+03:30), GMT+0400(GMT+04:00), GMT+0430(GMT+04:30), GMT+0500(GMT+05:00), GMT+0530(GMT+05:30), GMT+0545(GMT+05:45), GMT+0600(GMT+06:00), GMT+0630(GMT+06:30), GMT+0700(GMT+07:00), GMT+0800(GMT+08:00), GMT+0845(GMT+08:45), GMT+0900(GMT+09:00), GMT+0930(GMT+09:30), GMT+1000(GMT+10:00), GMT+1030(GMT+10:30), GMT+1100(GMT+11:00), GMT+1130(GMT+11:30), GMT+1200(GMT+12:00), GMT+1245(GMT+12:45), GMT+1300(GMT+13:00), GMT+1400(GMT+14:00) None GMT+0800 None
Impact Parameter Relationship Service Interrupted After Modification Interruption Scope
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The value of this parameter should be smaller than "AbisFCTimer2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The value of this parameter should be greater than "AbisFCTimer1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The value of this parameter is the same as those of "Um Interface Tag" and "A Interface Tag". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "AC Voltage Upper Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "AC undervoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "AC overvoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "AC Voltage Lower Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Cell
TRX None If the value of this parameter is modified to "Lock", forced handover is triggered to hand the ongoing services on the corresponding TRX to another TRX. Services will be disrupted if the handover fails. If the value of this parameter is modified to "Shutdown", the ongoing services are not affected but new service accesses are not allowed. TRX
Current BFD session None If the value of this parameter is modified to "Lock", forced handover is triggered to hand the ongoing services on the corresponding channel to another channel. Services will be disrupted if the handover fails. If the value of this parameter is modified to "Shutdown", the ongoing services are not affected but new service accesses are not allowed. Channel
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter can be configured only when "BTS Software Version 1" is configured. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board If the number of echo cancellations performed by AEC exceeds "AEC Detect Threshold" within the time specified by "AEC Detect Time", the TFO is closed forcibly. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board If the number of echo cancellations performed by AEC exceeds "AEC Detect Threshold" within the time specified by "AEC Detect Time", the TFO is closed forcibly. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group When "BWMODE" in "ADD RSCGRP" is set to HALF_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;if the "BWMODE" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class and lower class RSCGRP is set to HALF_DUPLEX, the "AllBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "AllBwE" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP;The "AllBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the sum of "TxBw" and "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "ALLOWAMRHALFRATEUSERPERC" <= "ALLOWHALFRATEUSERPERC". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "ALLOWHALFRATEUSERPERC" >= "ALLOWAMRHALFRATEUSERPERC". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBE1T1 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The recommended value of this parameter is greater than twice "Alarm Clear Accumulative Time Threshold" and greater than twice "Flash Alarm Occur Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The recommended value of this parameter is greater than twice "Alarm Clear Times Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2 and "DNPCEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRDLQLTHRED" >= "AMRDLQHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRDLQLTHRED" >= "AMRDLQHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRDLSSHTHRED" >= "AMRDLSSLTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRDLSSHTHRED" >= "AMRDLSSLTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2 and "DNPCEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRULQLOWTHRED" >= "AMRULQHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRULQLOWTHRED" >= "AMRULQHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRULSSHTHRED" >= "AMRULSSLTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "AMRULSSHTHRED" >= "AMRULSSLTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
IP path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter depends on "Board Type". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
SCTP link None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Y Ethernet port
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell In an enhanced concentric cell, if "LOWRXLEVOLFORBIDSWITCH" is set to ON, this parameter and "OTOURECEIVETH" determine whether the current uplink receive level meets the condition for assigning channels of the overlaid subcell during the assignment of the underlaid subcell channels and overlaid subcell channels. In a normal concentric cell, if "LOWRXLEVOLFORBIDSWITCH" is set to ON, this parameter, together with "RECLEVTHRES" and "RECLEVHYST", determines whether the current uplink receive level meets the condition for assigning channels of the overlaid subcell during the assignment of the underlaid subcell channels and overlaid subcell channels. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is used with "T18 -s" in flow control over the A interface. The value of this parameter should be smaller than "T18 -s". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC This parameter is used with "T17 -s" in flow control over the A interface. The value of this parameter should be greater than "T17 -s". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "ATCBHoSwitch" is set to OPEN, "IUOTP" is set to EDB_cell, or "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "ATCBHoSwitch" is set to OPEN, "IUOTP" is set to EDB_cell, or "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC If the resource usage on the Ater interface exceeds the value of "AterCongstRatio" and this parameter is set to Open, the BSC preferentially selects TCHF when assigning traffic channels. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "AterCongHRFlag" is set to OPEN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP group None Y BSC6900
BTS None Y PPP link
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP group None Y BSC6900
BTS This parameter is required only when "Validate protocol type" is set to "PAP_V" or "CHAP_V" with the "ADD PPPLNK" command. Y PPP link
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP group None Y BSC6900
BTS This parameter is required only when "Validate protocol type" is set to "PAP_V" or "CHAP_V" in the "ADD PPPLNK" command. Y PPP link
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP group None Y BSC6900
BTS None Y PPP link
Ethernet port None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Channelized optical port None Y Optical port
BSC Generally, the value of this parameter is equal to "Um Interface Tag" and "Um Interface Tag". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter can work with "BTSPOWEROFFLOCKBCCH" in "SET BTSLOCKBCCH" to determine whether to shut down the TRX that carries the main BCCH. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Float charging voltage" and at least one volt lower than "DC Voltage Upper Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when the ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BETTERCELLHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "BETTERCELLSTATTIME" >= "BETTERCELLLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BETTERCELLHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "BETTERCELLSTATTIME" >= "BETTERCELLLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None Not involved Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 If you set "Switch of stat blinking alarm" to "ENABLE", you need to set "Alarm switch of blinking filter" to "ENABLE". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 If you set "Switch of stat blinking alarm" to "ENABLE", you need to set "Alarm switch of blinking filter" to "ENABLE". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transport channel None Not involved Not involved
Transport channel None Not involved Not involved
Transport channel None Not involved Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid when "BMTCFFLAG" in the "SET BSCFCPARA" command is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than or equal to "Position of Break Point 1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BQHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "BQSTATTIME" >= "BQLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BQHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "BQSTATTIME" >= "BQLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Adjacent node None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The IP address must have been configured. Y BTS
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "BSCPMA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC When "BSCPMA" is set to YES and "BSCQAD" is also set to Yes, high-priority calls try to preempt radio resources of low-priority calls firstly if radio resources are insufficient. If no radio resources of low-priority calls can be preempted, then the high-priority calls are put into the queue. When "BSCPMA" is set to NO and "BSCQAD" is set to Yes, high-priority calls are directly put into the queue if the radio resources are insufficient. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "BSCQAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When configure TC data, for example, select TC for "BM/TC config Flag", or MTP2 for "Application Type", the parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter must be set when "BTSMESRPTPREPROC" is set to BTS_PreprocessingN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
Channelized optical port None Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support different type of boards. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Adjacent node None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The value of BtsLsStartMode should be set when "BssLsGenMode" is set to BTSPRIORITY, BSCPRIORITY, or BTSONLY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell If the value of this parameter is BSC_Preprocessing, the pre-processing is performed on the BSC. In this case, the following parameters are invalid: "PRIMMESPPT", "BSMSPWRLEV", and "MRPREPROCFREQ". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is used to caculate BindWidth of BTSAbisHDLCPath: 1. When Transmission compression ratio is within range of [1, 200], BindWidth=16K*(amount of TRXs) + 64K*(amount of TRXs)*(Transmission compression ratio)/100; 2. When Transmission compression ratio is within range of [200, 250], BindWidth=16K*(amount of TRXs) + 64K*(amount of TRXs)*(200 + (Transmission compression ratio - 200)*12)/100. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port The dynamic bandwidth switch is turned only when the IPPM function is activated through "ACT IPPM". Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group When "GRPT" in "ADD RSCGRP" is set to IP, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter has relations with DCOM, DCBM board. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None Y IP path
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EDGE" in "SET GCELLGPRS" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Float charging voltage" and at least one volt lower than "DC overvoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Float charging voltage" and at least three volts lower than "DC overvoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Even Charging Voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Even Charging Voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "SDDYN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The parameter value corresponds to the power of each passage on the MRRU. If the cell is configured only on one passage of the MRRU, then the power assigned to another passage of the operator must be set to 0. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "DC undervoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Low Temp Alarm Assembled Bat2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Lower Assembled Bat1 TEMP Measure". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None Y IP path
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path When the value of "PATHCHK" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
None None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QTRUPWRSHARE" is not set to NONE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None Y Channel
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ACIC" is BYCICVALUE, the value of CIC needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BTS
BSC6900 None Y BTS
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu and "SUPPORTDTM" is set to SUPPORT. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BSC6900
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "AntiTheftAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "AntiTheftAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support a different number of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support a different number of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BTS
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BTS
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter, together with "BANTIME", limits the handover frequency in the cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "BSCDynSwitchTrxPAAllow" in "SET BSCDSTPA" and "DYNOpenTrxPower" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" are set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (Impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (Impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Specified User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to A or ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Common User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "CHR Output Mode" is set to "Specified User Mode". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to A or ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 none N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
None None Y BSC6900
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support a different number of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support a different number of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Battery power-off voltage", lower than "DC overvoltage alarm threshold", and at least two volts lower than "Float charging voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "DC undervoltage alarm threshold" and at least two volts greater than "Even charging voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Battery power-off voltage", lower than "DC overvoltage alarm threshold", and at least three volts lower than "Float charging voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "DC Voltage Lower Threshold" and at least one volt greater than "Even charging voltage". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC This parameter is required when the Connection Type is Internal RNC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is required when the Connection Type is Internal RNC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is required when the Connection Type is Internal RNC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES or "LOADHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "DLHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHF1" + "DLHYSTF1" < "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2" < "DLTHF3" + "DLHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2" < "DLTHF3" + "DLHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHH1" + "DLHYSTH1" < "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2" < "DLTHH3" + "DLHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2" < "DLTHH3" + "DLHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHWB1" + "DLHYSTWB1" < "DLTHWB2" + "DLHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "DLTHWB1" + "DLHYSTWB1" < "DLTHWB2" + "DLHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2 and "DNPCEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLLTFERLOWTH" < "DLLTFERTGT"; "DLLTFERLOWTH" < "DLLTFERUPTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "LTFERLOWTH" < "DLLTFERTGT" < "LTFERUPTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLLTFERUPTH" > "DLLTFERTGT"; "DLLTFERUPTH" > "DLLTFERLOWTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2 and "DNPCEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "DLQLOWTHRED" >= "DLQHIGHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "DLQLOWTHRED" >= "DLQHIGHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2 and "DNPCEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BQHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLREXLEVHIGHTHRED" >= "DLREXLEVLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "DLREXLEVHIGHTHRED" >= "DLREXLEVLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "DLSSHIGHTHRED" >= "DLSSLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "DLSSHIGHTHRED" >= "DLSSLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHF1" < "DLTHF2"; "DLTHF1" + "DLHYSTF1" < "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHF2" < "DLTHF3"; "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2" < "DLTHF3" + "DLHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHF2" < "DLTHF3"; "DLTHF2" + "DLHYSTF2" < "DLTHF3" + "DLHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHH1" < "DLTHH2"; "DLTHH1" + "DLHYSTH1" < "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHH2" < "DLTHH3"; "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2" < "DLTHH3" + "DLHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHH2" < "DLTHH3"; "DLTHH2" + "DLHYSTH2" < "DLTHH3" + "DLHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHWB1" < "DLTHWB2"; ["DLTHWB1" + "DLHYSTWB1" < "DLTHWB2" + "DLHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "DLTHWB1" < "DLTHWB2"; ["DLTHWB1" + "DLHYSTWB1" < "DLTHWB2" + "DLHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter depends on "Board Type". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter depends on "Board Type". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EGPRS2A" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EGPRS2A" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP When the value of "SPDF" in "ADD N7DPC" is set to DNF, this parameter is valid. Y BSC6900
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC DPX of Iur-g type N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
MP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "IDXTYPE" is set to BYCELL. Y Cell
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP route None Not involved Not involved
Current BFD session None Not involved Not involved
IP route None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP route None Not involved Not involved
IP route None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of DTLOADTHRED must be set when "REASSEN" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to DIRECTRYEN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter depends on "Board Type". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path When the value of "PATHCHK" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell A 3G neighboring cell can be added into the candidate cell queue when the following conditions are met: "INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN" is set to YES; "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES; the Ec/No of the 3G neighboring cell for a period of time is greater than the sun of "HOECNOTH3G" and "ECNOOFF". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. The following condition must be met: "EDBSTATTIME" >= "EDBLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. The following condition must be met: "EDBSTATTIME" >= "EDBLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu or SupportAsExtPcu. Y Cell
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGEADJSTATTIME" >= "EDGEADJLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGEADJSTATTIME" >= "EDGEADJLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGESTAT" >= "EDGELAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGESTAT1" >= "EDGELAST1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGESTAT" >= "EDGELAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "EDGESTAT1" >= "EDGELAST1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ACIC" is BYCICRANGE, the value of ENDCIC needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBCIC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: When "EndMonthDSTPA" and "StartMonthDSTPA" are set to the same value, "EndDayDSTPA" must be later than "StartDayDSTPA". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Heater Startup Temperature". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "EndMonthDSTPA" is the same as or is later than "StartMonthDSTPA". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC When "BSCDynSwitchTrxPAAllow" is set to YES, the value of "EndTimeTACloseTrxPA" must be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ATERE1T1" is BYCICRANGE, the value of ENDTS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK AE1T1" is BYCICRANGE, the value of ENDTS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "UTOOTRAFHOALLOW" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "ENSOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENLOWLDTHRSH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "UTOOTRAFHOALLOW" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "ENSOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENLOWLDTHRSH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "UTOOTRAFHOALLOW" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "ENSOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" > "ENLOWLDTHRSH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
SCCP Negotiation with the peer network element is required. Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell and "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 1" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 2" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 3" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None If "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to VOLTAGE, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4" is V; if "Sensor Type of External Analog 4" is set to CURRENT, the unit of "Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4" is A. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell If "UPEXTTBFINACTDELAY" in the "SET GCELLPRIVATEOPTPARA" command is set to 0, "EXTUTBFNODATA" must be 0. If "UPEXTTBFINACTDELAY" is not set to 0, "EXTUTBFNODATA" can be 0 or 1. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If this parameter is set to "YES", the following condition must be met: The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring II Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring II Try Rotating Duration Time". If this parameter is set to "NO", the following condition must be met: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring I Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring I Try Rotating Duration Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port This index can correspond with any threshold (maximum value of 80) in the six queues. The following condition must be met: threshold x 64 x 1024 x logical port bandwidth < 4294967295(0xFFFFFFFF). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP link None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Even charging voltage" and at least two volts higher than "DC undervoltage alarm threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when the ""INTERRATCELLRESELEN"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FHMODE" in the "SET GCELLHOPTP" command is not set to NO_FH. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "FLTPARAA1" + "FLTPARAA2" + "FLTPARAA3" + "FLTPARAA4" + "FLTPARAA5" + "FLTPARAA6" + "FLTPARAA7" + "FLTPARAA8" = 80. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "RXQCKFALLHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Y Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None Services are disrupted when the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed. Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None The factor table index is configured by setting the value of "FTI" in "ADD FACTORTABLE". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "FULLTOHALFHODURATION" >= "FULLTOHALFHOPERIOD". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "FULLTOHALFHOSTATTIME" >= "FULLTOHALFHOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "MEASURETYPE" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "HALFTOFULLHOSTATTIME" >= "HALFTOFULLHOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "HALFTOFULLHOSTATTIME" >= "HALFTOFULLHOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "HCSSTATTIME" >= "HCSLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "HCSSTATTIME" >= "HCSLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HIGHPRIUSERQUALFIRST" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu and "SUPPORTDTM" is set to SUPPORT. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of this parameter must be the same as that of "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell When parameter ""Quick handover enable"" is configured to "YES",then parameter ""Handover Direction Forecast Enable"" can be configured to "YES".Furthermore,before open "Handover Direction Forecast Enable", parameter ""Chain Neighbour Cell Type"" of cell should be configured correctly. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "Handover Direction Forecast Statistic Times" >= "Handover Direction Forecast Last Times" N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "Handover Direction Forecast Statistic Times" >= "Handover Direction Forecast Last Times" N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTAT3G" >= "HODURT3G". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTAT3GTDD" >= "HODURT3GTDD". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when the following conditions are met: 1. The ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN "" regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. 2. The ""BET3GHOEN"" parameter is set to YES. 3. The ""FDDREP"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" command is set to EcNo. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTATICTIME" >= "HOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOWRXLEVOLFORBIDSWITCH" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when the ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOOPTSEL" is set to Pre_2G_CellThres. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None Not involved Not involved
TRX This parameter depends on "FHMODE" in "SET GCELLHOPTP". This parameter can be set to BaseBand_FH only when "FHMODE" is set to BaseBand_FH or Hybrid_FH. This parameter can be set to RF_FH only when "FHMODE" is set to RF_FH or Hybrid_FH. If traffic handover fails after the modification of the parameter, the service is interrupted. Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when the following conditions are met: 1. The ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN"" regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. 2. The ""BET3GHOEN"" parameter is set to YES. 3. The ""FDDREP"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" command is set to RSCP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN" is set to YES and "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTAT3G" >= "HODURT3G". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN" is set to YES and "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTAT3GTDD" >= "HODURT3GTDD". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "HOSTATICTIME" >= "HOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Y BSC6900
BTS When the BTS or cell is activated,the host type of OPC must be single or primary if the host type of BTS is single. Otherwise, the host type of OPC must be consistent with that of the BTS. Y BTS
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GRADEACCALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "DC Undervoltage Alarm Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FHMODE" in the "SET GCELLHOPTP" command is not set to NO_FH. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Low Temperature Critical Point". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Lower Threshold of Humidity Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "Lower Threshold of Humidity Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Upper Threshold of Humidity Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Upper Threshold of Humidity Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path When the value of "PATHCHK" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is one of the conditions for the dynamic conversion of the TCHF to the SDCCH. In addition to the condition that the number of idle SDCCHs should be smaller than or equal to "IDLESDTHRES", the following three conditions must be met to trigger the conversion from the TCHF to the SDCCH: 1. "SDDYN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. 2. In the cell, the value of (number of idle TCHFs + number of idle TCHHs/2) is greater than four and is greater than the number of TRXs. Idle TCHFs exist in the cell. 3. Number of SDCCHs + 8 < "CELLMAXSD". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Subsystem None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP route None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IMMASSTAALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Subsystem This parameter is valid only when "IDXTYPE" is set to BYIMSI. Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "INTRACELLFHHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "INFHHOSTAT" >= "INFHHOLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "INTRACELLFHHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "INFHHOSTAT" >= "INFHHOLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Set when Allow Info Exchange at Iur-g is set to Yes Y Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "INTRACELLFHHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "INTRACELLFHHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INNLOADHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INNLOADHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "OUTLOADHOENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "SIGCHANHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell Inter-layer HO threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" - "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis". Inter-layer HO threshold of the neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" - 64. The value of "Inter-layer HO threshold" can be set through "SET GCELLHOBASIC". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell When "Current HO Control Algorithm" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM1(Handover algorithm I), "Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" should be set within the range of 64-127.When "Current HO Control Algorithm" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2(Handover algorithm II), "Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" should be set within the range of 0-127. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INTERFHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "INTERFERESTATTIME" >= "INTERFERELASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "INTERFHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "INTERFERESTATTIME" >= "INTERFERELASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES0" > "INTERFTHRES1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES1" > "INTERFTHRES2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES2" > "INTERFTHRES3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES3" > "INTERFTHRES4". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES4" > "INTERFTHRES5". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "INTERFTHRES4" > "INTERFTHRES5". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell When "Inter-RAT In BSC Handover Enable" is set to NO, this parameter must be set to NO. Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when the ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y Ethernet port
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "INTRACELLHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path The "IPADDR" in "ADD IPPATH" can not be at one network segment with the peer IP address of SCTPLNK or IPPATH whose local IP address is device IP address of FG2/GOU in this subrack;"IPADDR" and "PEERIPADDR" in "ADD IPPATH" must be at one network segment;("IPADDR","PEERIPADDR","PEERMASK" in "ADD IPPATH") conflicts with other IPPATH whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The setting of this parameter cannot be duplicate with "Slave Clock Server IP Address". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter cannot be the same as "Master Clock Server IP Address". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "SERVICEMODE" in "MOD BTS" is set to IP. Y BTS
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If the redundancy configuration mode is not supported, only one clock server can be configured. Otherwise, two clock servers can be configured. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If the redundancy configuration mode is not supported, only one clock server can be configured. Otherwise, two clock servers can be configured. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Y Cell
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
IP Path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter can be set to YES only when "BssLsGenMode" in "SET BSSLS" is set to BTSPRIORITY, BSCPRIORITY, or BTSONLY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
IP route None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "MOD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "IUOHOSTATIME" >= "IUOHODURATIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "IUOHOSTATIME" >= "IUOHODURATIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y BSC6900
Board None Y BSC6900
Board None Y BSC6900
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y BSC6900
Board None Y BSC6900
Board None Y BSC6900
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y Optical port
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell There are four network layers, that is, layer 1 to layer 4. A lower layer No. indicates a higher priority. The cell priority is determined by both the network layer and the "PRIOR" parameter. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The parameter is independent of "Load Handover Support" and " Enhanced Load HO Allowed". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Lb Congestion Protection Timer 1<Lb Congestion Protection Timer 2 N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Lb Congestion Protection Timer 1<Lb Congestion Protection Timer 2 N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC If this parameter is not set to CLOSE, it value must not be the same as "LDRSND", "LDRTRD", or "LDRFST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC If this parameter is not set to CLOSE, it value must not be the same as "LDRSND", "LDRTRD", or "LDRFOUH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC If this parameter is not set to CLOSE, it value must not be the same as "LDRFST", "LDRTRD", or "LDRFOUH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "LEVHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "LEVSTAT" >= "LEVLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "LEVHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "LEVSTAT" >= "LEVLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
LAPDLNK None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y BSC6900
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell When the cell is a 2G external cell, this parameter is valid only when the "" OutBscLoadHoEn"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOAD" command is set to YES. When the cell is a 3G external cell, this parameter is valid only when either of the following conditions is met: 1. The ""INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN"" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES and the ""OutSysLoadHoEn "" parameter regarding the "SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB" command is set to YES. 2. The ""InterRatServiceLoadHoSwitch"" parameter is not set to OFF. When the cell is under the BSC, this parameter is valid only when the ""LoadHoEn"" parameter re N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter can be set only when "Load Handover Support" is set to Yes. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The parameter value cannot be larger than the value of "PBGT HO Threshold". The parameter takes effect only when "Enhanced Load HO Allowed" is enabled. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The value of this parameter must be smaller than "LOADOFFSET". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The parameter takes effect only when the enhanced load handover algorithm is enabled. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The parameter is independent of "Load Handover Support" and "Enhanced Load HO Allowed". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The IP address must be in the same network segment as "Peer IP address". Y BTS
BTS The IP address must be in the same network segment as "Peer IP address". Y BTS
NSE None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link When the value of "MODE" in "ADD SCTPLNK" is set to Client, this parameter can be modified. Y SCTP link
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link This parameter determines whether "LOGPORTSN" and "LOGPORTNO" in "ADD SCTPLNK" are valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link When the value of "LOGPORTFLAG" in "ADD SCTPLNK" is set to ON, this parameter is valid. Y SCTP link
SCTP link When the value of "LOGPORTFLAG" in "ADD SCTPLNK" is set to ON, this parameter is valid. Y SCTP link
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Y E1/T1 port
LAPDLNK None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Y E1/T1 port
Loopback optical port None Y BSC6900
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FLEXABISMODE" in the "MOD BTS" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path When the value of "CARRYFLAG" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to IP LGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Y IP path
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
IP path When the value of "CARRYFLAG" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to IP LGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Y IP path
ATM logical port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "DC Undervoltage Alarm Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC If this parameter is not set to CLOSE, it value must not be the same as "LDRSND", "LDRFST", or "LDRFOUH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "High Temperature Critical Point". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "LTFERLOWTH" < "LTFERTGT"; "LTFERLOWTH" < "LTFERUPTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "LTFERLOWTH" < "LTFERTGT"; "LTFERTGT" < "LTFERUPTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "LTFERUPTH" > "LTFERTGT"; "LTFERUPTH" > "LTFERLOWTH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when " MAINBCCHPWRDTEN " in the " SET GCELLOTHEXT " command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when " MAINBCCHPWRDTEN " in the " SET GCELLOTHEXT " command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when " MAINBCCHPWRDTEN " in the " SET GCELLOTHEXT " command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when " MAINBCCHPWRDTEN " in the " SET GCELLOTHEXT " command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IBCAALLOWED" in "SET GCELLCHMGAD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
BTS None Y PPP link
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is required when "MLPPP type" is set to "MCPPP" with the "ADD BTSMPGRP". Y PPP link
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS "BTSTYPE" identifies the value range of this parameter. The number of cabinets supported by the BTS depends on the type of the BTS. For details, see the parameter description of the command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Set when Allow Common Measurement at Iur-g is set to Yes N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is based on "HOCDCMINDWPWR" and "HOCDCMINUPPWR". Different offset can be set for different neighboring cells. The following condition must be met for a neighboring cell to be added into the candidate cell queue: Neighboring cell uplink level >= ("HOCDCMINUPPWR" + "MINOFFSET"); Neighboring cell downlink level >= ("HOCDCMINDWPWR" + "MINOFFSET"). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "SDDYN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell A 3G cell can be added into the candidate cell queue when the following conditions are met: "INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN" is set to YES; "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES; the RSCP of the 3G cell for a period of time is greater than the sum of "HORSCPTH3G" and "RSCPOFF". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
MSP protect group None Y BSC6900
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
BTS This parameter can be set to MODE5_1 or MODE6_1 only when "FLEXABISMODE" is set to FLEX_ABIS. Y BTS
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter must be set when "BTSMESRPTPREPROC" is set to BTS_PreprocessingN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to "PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Y BSC6900
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "TCMUTEDETECTFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "TCMUTEDETECTFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell N200ESTAB must be set when "N200PARASWITCH" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu or SupportAsExtPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsExtPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu or SupportAsExtPcu. Y Cell
Cell None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres1" > "NcellInterFLevelThres0". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres2" > "NcellInterFLevelThres1" > "NcellInterFLevelThres0". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres3" > "NcellInterFLevelThres2" > "NcellInterFLevelThres1". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres4" > "NcellInterFLevelThres3" > "NcellInterFLevelThres2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres5" > "NcellInterFLevelThres4" > "NcellInterFLevelThres3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres6" > "NcellInterFLevelThres5" > "NcellInterFLevelThres4". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres7" > "NcellInterFLevelThres6" > "NcellInterFLevelThres5". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The following condition must be met: "NcellInterFLevelThres7" > "NcellInterFLevelThres6". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "NCHSTARTBLOCK"" <= "NCHOCBLOCKNUM". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "NCHSTARTBLOCK"" <= "NCHOCBLOCKNUM". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
IP route None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP This parameter depends on network planning. Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support a different number of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Adjacent node None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "NODLMRHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOEMG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "NODLMRHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOEMG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be 8C smaller than "Derating TEMP Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "ENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSVC None Not involved Not involved
NSVC None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Y Ethernet port
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Transport channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transport channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBCIC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell and "OPTILAYER" is set to SysOpt. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell and "OPTILAYER" is set to SysOpt. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "TRXPRIALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. The following condition must be met: "OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED" > "OUTGENOVERLDTHRED" > "OUTLOWLOADTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "OUTLOADHOENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "OUTLOADHOENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "OUTLOADHOENABLE" is set to YES and "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. The following condition must be met: "OUTGENOVERLDTHRED" > "OUTLOWLOADTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. The following condition must be met: "OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED" > "OUTGENOVERLDTHRED" > "OUTLOWLOADTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "OUTSYSSERVICEHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be 8C greater than "Normal Work TEMP Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "ALLOWG2FLOWCTRALGL" in the "SET BSCFCPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "ALLOWG2FLOWCTRALGL" in the "SET BSCFCPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "BSCDynSwitchTrxPAAllow" in "SET BSCDSTPA","DYNOpenTrxPower" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" and "CPS" are set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None Not involved Not involved
IP path None Not involved Not involved
IP path None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "PBGTHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "PBGTSTAT" >= "PBGTLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1 and "PBGTHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "PBGTSTAT" >= "PBGTLAST". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBCIC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
PBE1T1 None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsExtPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS The peer IP address and the local IP address specified by "Local IP address" must be on the same network segment. Y PPP link
BTS The peer IP address and the local IP address specified by "Local IP address" must be on the same network segment. Y PPP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
IP path "IPADDR" and "PEERIPADDR" in "ADD IPPATH" must be at one network segment;("IPADDR","PEERIPADDR","PEERMASK" in "ADD IPPATH") conflicts with other IPPATH whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved
IP path ("IPADDR","PEERIPADDR","PEERMASK" in "ADD IPPATH") conflicts with other IPPATH whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path When the value of "PATHCHK" in "ADD IPPATH" is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y PPP link
MP link None Y BSC6900
BTS None Y PPP link
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board The phb of the traffic's transmission path is determined like this: if the phb of this transmission path is QOS, use the traffic's phb from TRMMAP; if the phb of this transmission path is BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF, use the phb of transmission path. Not involved Not involved
IP Path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (Impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y Ethernet port
BSC6900 None Y Ethernet port
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must meet the following requirements: The sum of the value of "Max subframe length" and 8 must be smaller than the value of this parameter. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu or SupportAsExtPcu. Y Cell
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBE1T1 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Loopback optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BSC6900
Board None Not involved Not involved
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port If port 0 or port 4 of the FG2a board is set to the GE port, the port number can only be 0 or 4. Otherwise, the port number ranges from 0 to 7. If only port 0 is set to the GE port, ports 1-3 are unavailable. If port 4 is set to the GE port, ports 5-7 are unavailable. Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
PBSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y BTS
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell If this parameter is BCCHExt,"CCCH Blocks Reserved for AGCH" must be more than 0. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
MP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
MP group None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "PORTPROTYPE" in "ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA" is set to IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter must be set when "BTSMESRPTPREPROC" is set to BTS_Preprocessing. This parameter must be set to NO when "MPMODE" of the BTS that serving this cell is set to MODE4_1 and there are more than two SDCCHs. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter, together with "LAYER", determines the priority of the cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP route None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BC None Y BC
BTS None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
Channelized optical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PS CHR Record Switch" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PS CHR Record Switch" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PS CHR Record Switch" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PS CHR Record Switch" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PS CHR Record Switch" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to ABIS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "PSRCDSW" is set to on. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than "RACH Busy Threshold" in the "SET GCELLCCBASIC" command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Y BSC6900
E1/T1 port None Y BSC6900
E1/T1 port None Y BSC6900
E1/T1 port None Y BSC6900
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Port queue None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QCKMVHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "QCKSTATCNT" >= "QCKTRUECNT". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QCKMVHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QCKMVHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "QCKSTATCNT" >= "QCKTRUECNT". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QTRUPWRSHARE" is not set to NONE. The following condition must be met: "QTRUDNPWRSTATTIME" >= "QTRUDNPWRLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QTRUPWRSHARE" is not set to NONE. The following condition must be met: "QTRUDNPWRSTATTIME" >= "QTRUDNPWRLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be equal to or greater than 0.6x"CHKOFFTIMES" and equal to or less than "CHKOFFTIMES". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be equal to or greater than 0.6x"CHKONTIMES" and equal to or less than "CHKONTIMES". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R0BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R0BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R0BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R1BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R1BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R1BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R2BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R2BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "R2BatAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. Y Cell
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of this parameter must be smaller than "RACH Busy Threshold" in the "SET GCELLCCBASIC" command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "REASSEN" in the "SET GCELLCCBASIC" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell and "ENIUO" is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell and "ENIUO" is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP route None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "REPEATDLFASET" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
Cell This parameter is valid when "DYNOpenTrxPower" in the "SET GCELLBASICPARA" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "ResetAlmDelaySwitch" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Y BSC6900
MP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Set when Allow Common Measurement at Iur-g is set to Yes or Allow Info Exchange at Iur-g is set to Yes N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC RMTTCATERTRANSMODE must be set when "ISTCCENTRAL" in the "ADD SUBRACK" command is set to YES. Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "MEASURETYPE" in "SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS" is set to EnhMeasReport. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
AAL2 path When the value of "ADDTORSCGRP" in "ADD AAL2PATH" is set to YES, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell A 3G cell can be added into the candidate cell queue when the following conditions are met: "INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN" is set to YES; "BET3GHOEN" is set to YES; the RSCP of the 3G cell for a period of time is greater than the sun of "HORSCPTH3G" and "RSCPOFF". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transport channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Transport channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP When the value of "SPCBITS" is set to BIT14 or BIT24, this parameter is valid. Y BSC6900
PPP link None Y BTS
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EMCPRILV" in "SET GCELLCCAD" is not set to 15. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Y BSC6900
SCCP None Y BSC6900
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link The value to be set should be larger than the value of "RTOMIN" in "ADD SCTPLNK" but smaller than the value of "RTOMAX". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link The value to be set should be larger than the value of "RTOMIN" in "ADD SCTPLNK". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link The value to be set should be smaller than the value of "RTOMAX" in "ADD SCTPLNK". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group When "GRPT" in "ADD RSCGRP" is set to ATM or "BWMODE" is set to FULL_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;The sum of "TxBw" and "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "TxBw" and "AllBw" in "ADD RSCGRP"of lower class RSCGRP;The "TxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "TxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP, and the "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM1. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 This parameter is required when "Default DPC" is set to NO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRBCDALLOWD" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "SAICALLOWED" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell 1. This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to ENABLE. 2. The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "SAMECVGCELLLOADSTATTM" >= "SAMECVGCELLLOADLASTTM". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "QUICKHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Y BSC6900
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
MSP protect group None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "DC Voltage Lower Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Y BSC6900
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with "BTS Type". Different types of BTSs support different types of services. Y BTS
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid when "SGSNPOOLALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid when "SGSNPOOLALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BTS None Y Cell
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when the cell parameter "BAKPWRSAVMETHOD" is set to BYPWR and "SDFALG" in "SET GTRXDEV" is set to ENABLE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
NSE None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None The number of CPU usage sampling times is at least twice the size of "Fast judgement window". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None Not involved Not involved
Transmission resource group None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP When the value of "SPDF" is set to WNF, this parameter is valid. Y BSC6900
SCCP This parameter depends on network planning. Y BSC6900
SCCP When the value of "SPDF" is set to DNF, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved
PBE1T1 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP When the value of "SPDF" in "ADD N7DPC" is set to WNF, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Y BSC6900
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 This parameter is required when "Trunking MSC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid only when "TYPE" in "SET BSCPCUTYPE" is set to OUTER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The value of this parameter must be the same as that of "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Current BFD session None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not Invovled Not Invovled
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Control plane link None Y Subrack connection path
BSC6900 None Y Subrack connection path
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ACIC" is BYCICRANGE, the value of STARTTS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBCIC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: When "EndMonthDSTPA" and "StartMonthDSTPA" are set to the same value, "EndDayDSTPA" must be later than "StartDayDSTPA". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Heater shutdown Temperature". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "EndMonthDSTPA" is the same as or is later than "StartMonthDSTPA". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "ENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is set only when "BSCDynSwitchTrxPAAllow" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ATERE1T1" is BYCICRANGE, the value of STARTTS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK AE1T1" is BYCICRANGE, the value of STARTTS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC To ensure that all the frequencies can be measured within 24 hours, the following condition must be met: ("PERIOD" x 15) x (total number of frequencies to be measured/"STEP") < (24 x 60). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "ENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If the added monitoring timeslot works at 64 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 32 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0 or 4. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 16 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from 0, 2, 4, or 6. If the added monitoring timeslot works at 8 kbit/s, the sub-timeslots are numbered from any value among 0 to 7. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If "Work Mode for Auto Download Activation" is "TMUAUTOACT", the BTS type must be consistent with the actual BTS type. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When SUBBSC is selected for "BSC flag", this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When SUBBSC is selected for "BSC flag", this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must meet the following requirements: The sum of the value of "Max Subframe Length" and 8 must be smaller than the value of "Maximum Frame Length". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FLEXABISMODE" in the "MOD BTS" command is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu. If "Cell Extension Type" in the "ADD GCELL" command or "MOD GCELL" command is set to "Double Timeslot Extension Cell" for a cell, the parameter cannot be set to "SUPPORT". Y Cell
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "GPRS" is set to SupportAsInnPcu and "SUPPORTDTM" is set to SUPPORT. Y Cell
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "UTRANCELLTYPE" is set to TDD. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "T203". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be greater than "T200". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to "Time2[S]". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2 and "TAHOEN" is set to YES. The following condition must be met: "TASTATTIME" >= "TALASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TAHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "HOCTRLSWITCH" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TAHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "TASTATTIME" >= "TALASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. The following condition must be met: "TALIMIT" > "TATHRES". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "OMLBKUP" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must meet the following requirements: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring I Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring I Try Rotating Duration Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Y BSC6900
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "TCHTRICBUSYOVERLAYTHR" and "TCHTRIBUSYUNDERLAYTHR" can be set only when "HRIUOLDRATESELALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "TCHTRICBUSYOVERLAYTHR" and "TCHTRIBUSYUNDERLAYTHR" can be set only when "HRIUOLDRATESELALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None Y BSC6900
MTP3 link None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Control plane link None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Control plane link None Not involved Not involved
Control plane link None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Control plane link None Y Subrack connection path
Control plane link None Y Subrack connection path
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 3C greater than "Lower ENV TEMP Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 4C greater than "Lower ENV TEMP Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 3C lower than "Upper ENV TEMP Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 4C lower than "Upper ENV TEMP Alarm". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The maximum length of this parameter is decided by "SCHEME": When "SCHEME" is set to BINARY, the length of this parameter should not extend 2462 bytes; otherwise, the length should not extend 1395 bytes. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. The following condition must be met: "TIGHTBCCHHOSTATTIME" >= "TIGHTBCCHHOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. The following condition must be met: "TIGHTBCCHHOSTATTIME" >= "TIGHTBCCHHOLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TIGHTBCCHSWITCH" in "SET GCELLCHMGBASIC" is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid when "MSCPOOLALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC This parameter is valid when "MSCPOOLALLOW" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Subsystem This parameter is valid only when "IDXTYPE" is set to BYTLLI. Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be at least two degrees smaller than "Temperature Alarm Upper Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
None The TRMMAP index is configured by setting the value of "TMI" in "ADD TRMMAP". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MTP3 link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PBE1T1 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
BSC None Not involved Not involved
IP path None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to IUB, IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 When the value of "ITFT" in "ADD TRMMAP" is set to IUB, IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "LOADHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
None The TRM load threshold parameter must meet the following conditions: forward congestion recovery threshold < logical port bandwidth, backward congestion recovery threshold < logical port bandwidth. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP logical port None Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None If traffic handover fails after the modification of the parameter, the service is interrupted. Cell
TRX None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None Y Cell
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Cell
TRX None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK ATERE1T1" is BYCICVALUE, the value of TS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 link When the value of "OPMODE" of "BLK AE1T1" is BYCICVALUE, the value of TS needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Y Cell
BC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
PPP link None Not involved Not involved
MP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Y PPP link
Cell None Y Cell
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Physical channel None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC The value of "Fast Flux Measurement Period" cannot be greater than that of "Fast Flux Measurement TBF Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS If this parameter is set to "16K", "In-BSC Sub Timeslot No." and "Out-BTS Sub Timeslot No." must be 0, 2, 4, or 6. If this parameter is set to "32K", "In-BSC Sub Timeslot No." and "Out-BTS Sub Timeslot No." must be 0 or 4. If this parameter is set to "64K", "In-BSC Sub Timeslot No." and "Out-BTS Sub Timeslot No." must be 0. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to ENABLE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell When "TURNOFFCELLSTPTIME" < "TURNOFFCELLSTRTIME", it indicates that the Dynamic Cell Power Off feature can be enabled for more than a day. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to ENABLE or SLEEPING. The following condition must be met: "TURNOFFCELLSTPTIME" < "TURNOFFCELLSTRTIME".. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "TURNOFFENABLE" is set to ENABLE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be smaller than "Temperature Alarm Lower Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value of this parameter must be at least two degrees greater than "Temperature Alarm Lower Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Board None. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group When "GRPT" in "ADD RSCGRP" is set to ATM or "BWMODE" is set to FULL_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;The sum of "TxBw" and "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "TxBw" and "AllBw" in "ADD RSCGRP"of lower class RSCGRP;The "TxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "TxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP, and the "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the "RxBw" in "ADD RSCGRP" of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS The value range of this parameter varies with BTS type. Different types of BTSs support different types of cabinets. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
NSE None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULAHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULAHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BETTERCELLHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "ULBQSTATTIME" >= "ULBQLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BETTERCELLHOEN" is set to YES and "HOCTRLSWITCH" is set to HOALGORITHM2. The following condition must be met: "ULBQSTATTIME" >= "ULBQLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "FRINGEHOEN" is set to YES or "RXQCKFALLHOEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULFSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED" >= "ULHSREXQUALLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHF1" + "ULHYSTF1" < "ULTHF2" + "ULHYSTF2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHF2" + "ULHYSTF2" < "ULTHF3" + "ULHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHH1" + "ULHYSTH1" < "ULTHH2" + "ULHYSTH2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHH2" + "ULHYSTH2" < "ULTHH3" + "ULHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHWB1" + "ULHYSTWB1" < "ULTHWB2" + "ULHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following condition: "ULTHWB1" + "ULHYSTWB1" < "ULTHWB2" + "ULHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2 and "UPPCEN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2 and "UPPCEN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "ULQLOWTHRED" >= "ULQHIGHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "ULQLOWTHRED" >= "ULQHIGHTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2 and "UPPCEN" in "SET GCELLBASICPARA" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid when "PWRCTRLSW" in the "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" command is set to PWR2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "BQHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to YES and "NODLMRHOEN" in "SET GCELLHOEMG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULREXLEVHIGHTHRED" >= "ULREXLEVLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. The following condition must be met: "ULREXLEVHIGHTHRED" >= "ULREXLEVLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLOPTIMIZEDEN" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "ULSSHIGHTHRED" >= "ULSSLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "PWRCTRLSW" in "SET GCELLPWRBASIC" is set to PWR2. The following condition must be met: "ULSSHIGHTHRED" >= "ULSSLOWTHRED". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHF1" < "ULTHF2"; "ULTHF1" + "ULHYSTF1" < "ULTHF2" + "ULHYSTF2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHF2" < "ULTHF3"; "ULTHF2" + "ULHYSTF2" < "ULTHF3" + "ULHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHF2" < "ULTHF3"; "ULTHF2" + "ULHYSTF2" < "ULTHF3" + "ULHYSTF3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHH1" < "ULTHH2"; "ULTHH1" + "ULHYSTH1" < "ULTHH2" + "ULHYSTH2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHH2" < "ULTHH3"; "ULTHH2" + "ULHYSTH2" < "ULTHH3" + "ULHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHH2" < "ULTHH3"; "ULTHH2" + "ULHYSTH2" < "ULTHH3" + "ULHYSTH3". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHWB1" < "ULTHWB2"; "ULTHWB1" + "ULHYSTWB1" < "ULTHWB2" + "ULHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The setting of this parameter must meet the following conditions: "ULTHWB1" < "ULTHWB2"; "ULTHWB1" + "ULHYSTWB1" < "ULTHWB2" + "ULHYSTWB2". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Generally, the value of this parameter is equal to "A Interface Tag" and "Abis Interface Tag". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
E1/T1 port None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None Not involved Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EGPRS2A" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "EGPRS2A" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "ENABLE" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Transmission resource group When "ISFIRSTCLASSE" in "ADD RSCGRP" is set to NO, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "UPRXLEVSTATICTIME" >= "UPRXLEVLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell The following condition must be met: "UPRXLEVSTATICTIME" >= "UPRXLEVLASTTIME". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to Concentric_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell This parameter is valid only when "IUOTP" in "ADD GCELL" is set to EDB_cell. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "VGCSRSRVNUM"" <= "VGCSMAXNUM". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell "VGCSRSRVNUM"" + PDTCH Number <= Cell total service Channels N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
IP path None Y IP path
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
SCTP link None Y SCTP link
BSC6900 None Y BSC6900
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "VLANSWITCH" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Ethernet port None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None Y BSC6900
BSC6900 None Y BSC6900
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "VLANSWITCH" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 0.2 smaller than "Serious VSW Alarm TH". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must be at least 0.2 greater than "Standing Wave Radio Alarm Threshold". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Timer of MS Location Response from MS<Timer of MS Location Response from SMLC N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC Timer of MS Location Response from MS<Timer of MS Location Response from SMLC N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
BSC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
SCCP None Not involved Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX This parameter is valid only when "WLNKALMFLAG" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
TRX None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BSC6900 None Not involved Not involved
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
None None Not involved Not involved
E1/T1 port None Y BSC6900
BTS None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
ATERCONSL None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter is valid only when "OMLBKUP" is set to YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
BTS This parameter must meet the following requirements: "FallBack Start Time" > "Ring I Wait Time Before Switch" + "Ring I Try Rotating Duration Time". N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
MSP protect group None Not involved Not involved
BSC6900 None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved
Interruption Duration(Min) Caution Validation of Modification Impact on Radio Network Performance
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The smaller the value of this parameter is, the more MSs select a neighboring cell in directed retry.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The smaller the value of this parameter is, the more MSs select a neighboring cell in directed retry.
Not involved The value of this parameter must be greater than five times the maximum value of the following parameter: "Filter Length for SDCCH Level", "Filter Length for SDCCH Qual", "Filter Length for TCH Level", "Filter Length for TCH Qual", "Filter Length for TA", "TA filter length for SDCCH level". If the parameter "IBCA Allowed" is set to YES, then the value of this parameter must be greater than five times the value of "IBCA Assign Waiting Mr Time". If the parameter Waiting for "MR on SDCCH Switch" is set to YES, then the value of this parameter must be greater than the value of "Duration for Waiting MR on SDCCH". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter affects the access delay of parts of MSs.
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set to ON when the transmission delays of different 64 kbit/s timeslots are different over the Abis interface in TDM transmission mode. Different transmission delays usually occur in the DXX network mode or when the transmission paths of multiple E1 links are different under the same site. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set too high, a normal voice may be considered abnormal. If this parameter is set too low, an abnormal voice may not be considered. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When the access control function is enabled, some MSs are caused to be inaccessible to the network for some time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The throughput is affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "BSSPAGINGCOORDINATION" in "SET GCELLPSBASE" is set to YES. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved ACS is usually set to 0 because system information 7 and 8 messages are seldom used in common cells. ACS should be set to 1 if system information 7 and 8 messages are used in a cell and C2 is used for cell reselection. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The number of the chosen data rates must be from one to four. If this parameter involves only one full rate coding rate, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[F]" can be 0 only; all the adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate make no sense. If this parameter involves two coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[F]" can be 0 or 1; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[F]", and "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F]". If this parameter involves three coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[F]" can be 0, 1, or 2; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[F]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F]", "AMR U The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The ACS may affect the MOS. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use.
Not involved The number of the chosen data rates must be from one to four. If this parameter involves only one half rate coding rate, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[H]" can be 0 only; all the adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate make no sense. If this parameter involves two coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[H]" can be 0 or 1; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[H]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[H]", and "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H]". If this parameter involves three coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[H]" can be 0, 1, or 2; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[H]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[H]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[H]", "AMR U The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The ACS may affect the MOS. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use.
Not involved The number of the chosen data rates must be from one to three. If this parameter involves only one coding rate, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[WB]" can be 0 only; all the adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate make no sense. If this parameter involves two coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[WB]" can be 0 or 1; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB]", and "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB]". If this parameter involves three coding rates, the value of "AMR Starting Mode[WB]" can be 0, 1, or 2; the values of the following parameters make sense while the other adjustable thresholds and hysteresis of AMR coding rate do not: "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[WB]", "AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[WB]", "AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[WB]", "AM The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The ACS may affect the MOS. Modifying the default coding rates will affect speech quality when TrFO or TFO is in use.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The switching from an intra-cell handover procedure to an assignment procedure shortens the duration of the intra-cell handover.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are disrupted until this parameter is set to Unlock. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Services will be disrupted until the value of this parameter is changed to "Unlock". None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Services will be disrupted until the value of this parameter is changed to "Unlock". None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to OPEN, the acoustic echo can be cancelled to improve the speech quality.
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved With a good anti-interference capability, AMR codes can support a lower carrier-to-interference ratio than non-AMR codes in a same FER. When the AMR is enabled, the voice quality improves. In this case, the value of this parameter can be a little larger than that of "Radio Link Timeout". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to higher value, channel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower value, the call drop rate may increase.
Not involved With a good anti-interference capability, AMR codes can support a lower carrier-to-interference ratio than non-AMR codes in a same FER. When the AMR is enabled, the voice quality improves. In this case, the value of this parameter can be a little larger than that of "SACCH Multi-Frames". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to higher value, channel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower value, the call drop rate may increase.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved With a good anti-interference capability, AMR codes can support a lower carrier-to-interference ratio than non-AMR codes in a same FER. When the AMR is enabled, the voice quality improves. In this case, the value of this parameter can be a little larger than that of "Radio Link Timeout". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to higher value, channel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower value, the call drop rate may increase.
Not involved With a good anti-interference capability, AMR codes can support a lower carrier-to-interference ratio than non-AMR codes in a same FER. When the AMR is enabled, the voice quality improves. In this case, the value of this parameter can be a little larger than that of "SACCH Multi-Frames". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to higher value, channel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower value, the call drop rate may increase.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, TRX mutual aid may not be triggered promptly in the case of BCCH TRX failure after a cell has just been initialized. If this parameter is set to smaller value, mutual aid may be decided mistakenly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to OPEN, the voltage level can be adjusted automatically to improve the speech quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "SUPPORTEDA" is set to SUPPORT. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the dynamic power adjustment range for the BTS is decreased. This may cause power waste and increase network interference when the downlink quality is good.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to YES and the value of the downlink threshold is not reasonable, the algorithm can be used to dynamically adjust the AMR downlink rate to increase the downlink speech MOS.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downlink power control may be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, uplink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, uplink power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downlink power control may not be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power control may be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, uplink power control may be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, power control may not be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this switch is turned on, AMR FR calls can be switched into AMR HR calls to relieve the network congestion, but the voice quality is decreased; if this switch is turned off, AMR FR calls cannot be switched into AMR HR calls, that is, network congestion cannot be relieved through the handover from TCHF to TCHH.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover margin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover margin is enlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH handover. Thus, network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only MSs in the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, MSs at the edge of the cell can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover margin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover margin is enlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH handover. Thus, network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs at the edge of the cell can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, only MSs in the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs with poor quality can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, little MSs can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the calls cannot be handed over to TCHH in a short period when the traffic volume is increased greatly. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, calls are handed over to TCHH unnecessarily, thus causing MOS loss of the customer.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only MSs in the center of the cell use the TCHH, thus leading to timeslot waste and the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, MSs at the edge of the cell and with poor quality also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs at the edge of the cell and with poor quality also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, only MSs in the center of the cell use the TCHH, thus leading to timeslot waste and the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handover cannot be triggered even when the quality is poor, thus affecting the voice quality; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover is triggered even when the quality is good, thus the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, calls are handed over to TCHH unnecessarily, thus causing MOS loss of the customer; if this parameter is set to a greater value, TCHF-TCHH handover is performed only when the traffic volume is high, and thus network congestion may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control; if this parameter is set to a greater value, power waste may occur and network interference may be increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, fast power control cannot be realized. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, fast power control cannot be realized. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, fast power control cannot be realized. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control; if this parameter is set to a greater value, power waste may occur and network interference may be increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, power control may not be performed in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, power control may be performed frequently, thus increasing the signaling load.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the algorithm cannot realize fast power control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, cell congestion may not be relieved. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, TCHFs may be assigned unnecessarily, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to YES and the value of the uplink threshold is not reasonable, the algorithm can be used to dynamically adjust the AMR uplink rate to increase the uplink speech MOS.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downlink power control may be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, uplink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, uplink power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, power control may not be performed when the uplink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power control may be performed when the uplink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, uplink power control may be performed when the uplink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, power control may not be performed when the uplink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to OPEN, the noise can be compensated automatically to improve the speech quality.
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to OPEN, the noise can be depressed automatically to improve the speech quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "AqmSwitch" is set to OPEN. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until the correct gateway is set or the port swapping or the changing of IP route is finished. To modify this parameter, run "STP GATEWAYCHK" first and then "STR GATEWAYCHK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To modify this parameter, run "STP GATEWAYCHK" first and then "STR GATEWAYCHK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Before enabling this function, ensure that the parameter "Directed Retry" of the cell is set to YES. To obtain MRs on the SDCCH as many as possible, set the parameters "Waiting for MR on SDCCH Switch" and "IBCA Allowed" to YES. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the voice quality is enhanced and the handover times is reduced, but the call access delay is prolonged. The call access delay is affected by both the setting of "Maximum Assigning Duration" and the duration for waiting MRs on the SDCCH. The maximum delay is the value of "Maximum Assigning Duration". Enabling this function may cause SDCCH congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a higher value, channel resources may be wasted and congestion occurs; if this parameter is set to a lower value, the assignment success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the overlaid subcell range in the algorithm is smaller than the actual range, thus leading to the unbalance between the traffic volume on the overlaid subcell and that on the underlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, TCHFs are preferentially selected even when congestion occur on the Ater interface, thus decreasing the system capacity. If this parameter is set to a lower value, TCHHs are selected when no congestion occur on the Ater interface, thus decreasing the voice quality.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 10 minutes None The BSC should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The ATT must be set to the same value for different cells in a same location area. If not, some MSs after power-on may not act as a called party until they have waited for the period specified by "T3212". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The port can be set to the DOWN or UP state when this parameter is modified. If the negotiation modes on the local and peer end are not consistent, the service can be interrupted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC load is increased early in every morning. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The auto negotiation mode of FE port on the IP-based interface board should be consistent with that of the port on the peer end. Otherwise, this may cause the packet loss and link disconnection. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Each backplane board 8K clock has only one clock source. You are not allowed to turn on the same backplane board 8K clock switch for multiple interface boards. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Each backplane board 8K clock has only one clock source. You are not allowed to turn on the same backplane board 8K clock switch for multiple interface boards. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To modify this parameter, run "STP GATEWAYCHK" first and then "STR GATEWAYCHK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To modify this parameter, run "STP GATEWAYCHK" first and then "STR GATEWAYCHK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The parameter modification should be negotiated with the peer end, and the BSC6900 should be reset after the modification. It is recommended that this parameter should not be modified when the system is running. The BSC6900 should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time, thus the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handovers cannot be performed in time. Thus the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To disable the alarm blink filter function, set this parameter to "0". To enable the alarm blink filter function, set this parameter to a value greater than 0 and turn on the alarm blink filter switch. See "SET ALMBLKSW" for setting the alarm blink filter switch. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To enable the alarm blink filter function, set "Alarm switch of blinking filter" and "Switch of stat blinking alarm" to "ENABLE". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved If the value of this parameter is too small, the SCUs of the TC subrack may remain congested. If the value is too large, the call failure rate may retain a higher value for a longer time. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved When the M900/M1800 BSC is upgraded to BSC6000, this parameter needs to be set to 69. If this parameter is not set to 69 in this case, the handover algorithm supported by this parameter is invalid. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved As defined in the protocol, the value of this parameter cannot be 0 in the following cases: The BSC needs to send system messages over the extended BCHs. CBCHs are configured. When the GSMR is enabled, NCHs are configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter may affect the MS paging response and performance of the system. A greater value may decrease the number of paging blocks, paging capacity, and paging success rate.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If "MR.Preprocessing" is set to BTS_Preprocessing and this parameter is set to NO, the uplink-downlink balance associated traffic statistics is improper. In addition, the handover algorithms that require power compensation are improper, such as PBGT handover, load handover, and concentric cell handover. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved A paging block (four continuous CCCH timeslots) can bear two IMSI paging messages, four TMSI paging messages, or two AGCH immediate assignment message. If the signaling downlink is faulty when an MS is idle, the rule of downlink failure is based on the signaling downlink failure counter DSC. When an MS stays in a cell, the DSC is initialized as an integer the closest to 90/N ("N" is BS_PA_MFRMS, number of multiframes in a cycle on a paging sub-channel, whose value range is 2 to 9.) When the MS tries to encode the messages over its paging sub-channels: Every time the MS succeeds in encoding a message, the DSC increases by 1 but cannot exceed the initially set value; if the MS fails in encoding a message, the DSC decreases by 4. If the DSC is smaller than or equal to 0, a signaling downlink failure occurs, which causes cell reselection. The value of this parameter varies with the BTS types. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the number of paging subchannels in a cell increases and the number of MSs on each paging subchannel decreases. This can prolong the average service life of MS batteries but increase the delay of paging messages and degrade the system performance.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid on a per cell basis and is valid only when "ACOOPERATPAGINGSWITCH" in the "SET BSCPSSOFTPARA" command is set to YES. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If certain link is occupied, conversion from E1 to T1 or from T1 to E1 cannot be performed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If BTS Bar Code is incorrect, the OML between the BTS and the BSC cannot be established. In this case, no alarm or status is displayed. When the BBU or BTS3900E module of a BTS is replaced, you need to set a new BTS bar code for the BTS on the BSC. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved This parameter cannot contain #. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be set to BTS_Preprocessing only when the BTS supports the configured power control algorithm. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to BTS_Preprocessing, signaling on the Abis interface and BSC load are decreased, thus enhancing the response speed and the network performance.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is required only by BTSs in IP transmission mode. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the range of BTS dynamic power adjustment is decreased, and thus network interference is difficult to be reduced.
Not involved For a double-transceiver BTS or an NGBTS, the initial value is ON. For a BTS of any other type, the initial value is OFF and unconfigurable. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Call reestablishment can decrease the call drop rate but waste channel resources.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not Involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved If the value of "Cell Bar Access" is YES and the value of "Cell Bar Qualify" is NO, new call access is prohibited but handover access is allowed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the value of "Cell Bar Access" is YES and the value of "Cell Bar Qualify" is NO, new call access is prohibited but handover access is allowed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the status of RF resources is reported too frequently, thus burdening the BSC6900. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the status of RF resources cannot be updated in time; therefore, the BSC6900 cannot handle the interference to the BTS, thus causing unreasonable channel allocation.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to smaller value, the signaling flow over the Abis interface increases, thus burdening the BSC6900. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BSC6900 cannot handle the exceptions on the BTS in time, thus causing network congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter applies to only the EDGE trx. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC supports processing assignment complete messages containing cell lists, set this parameter to YES; otherwise, set this parameter to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, dynamic adjustment may not be triggered when there are insufficient SDCCHs in the cell, this affects the access success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, traffic volume on the TCH is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This feature only applies to the areas covered by both the GSM network and the UMTS network. The UMTS network is preferentially used to perform the data services, and the GSM network is preferentially used to perform the speech services. When a user is handed over to the GSM network during a call, the user must return to the UMTS network immediately after the call is complete. Thus, a location update is avoided.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set too small, the congestion control duration is too long, and thus the transmission capability of signaling links cannot be fully used. If the difference between the values of "CSTARTTHD" and "CENDTHD" is small, the signaling link is unstable and congestion control is performed frequently. In this case, the paging messages may be abandoned.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The congestion start threshold must be greater than the congestion end threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The congestion start threshold must be greater than the congestion end threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The congestion start threshold must be greater than the congestion end threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The congestion start threshold must be greater than the congestion end threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The congestion start threshold must be greater than the congestion end threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter depends on the actual physical location of the chain neighboring cell. Otherwise, fast PBGT handover may fail.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This function can be activated only when the "Switch for Abis Timeslot Detection" is "ON". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The purpose of setting this parameter is to avoid call connection failure when an MS supporting the full rate channel only requests a half rate channel or an MS supporting the half rate channel only requests a full rate channel. In this way, the BSC can easily interconnect with an MSC of another vendor. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the network status is poor, the check count should not be too small. Otherwise, the path state is affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The checksum mode need the negotiation with the peer. According to the RFC4960, the value should be set to CRC32. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The checksum mode need the negotiation with the peer. According to the RFC4960, the value should be set to CRC32. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC supports processing assignment complete messages containing the Chosen Channel, set this parameter to YES; otherwise, set this parameter to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC supports processing handover performed messages containing the Chosen Channel, set this parameter to YES; otherwise, set this parameter to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC supports processing HO REQ ACK messages containing the Chosen Channel, set this parameter to YES; otherwise, set this parameter to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process encryption complete messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process handover performed messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process assignment complete messages correctly. An assignment complete message contains the Chosen Encryption Algorithm only when the encryption algorithm used by an MS in two cells changes before and after a direct retry and the value of this parameter is YES. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. SENDING: The HO REQ ACK message contains the Chosen Encryption Algorithm. NOSENDING: The HO REQ ACK message does not contain the Chosen Encryption Algorithm. SYSTEMOPT: If the encryption algorithm used by an MS in two cells changes before and after a handover, the HO REQ ACK message contains the Chosen Encryption Algorithm; otherwise, the message does not. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The smaller the value of this parameter is, the more sensitively the BSC controls the arrival rate of channel request messages, and vice versa. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The CI can be input in hexadecimal format. The hexadecimal format is H'****, for example, H'1214. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process assignment complete messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process HO FAIL messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process assignment failure messages correctly. NOSENDING: The assignment failure message does not contain the Circuit Pool List. SENDINGPRO: If the cause value of assignment failure is "Circuit pool mismatch" or "Switch circuit pool", the assignment failure message contains the Circuit Pool List; otherwise, the message does not. SENDING: The assignment failure message contains the Circuit Pool List without restriction. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process HO FAIL messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC does not support process assignment complete messages containing the Circuit Pool, the value YES of this parameter makes no sense. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. If the MSC does not support process assignment complete messages containing the Circuit Pool, the value YES of this parameter makes no sense. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 10 minutes If you want to modify the value of "Clock board type" from "GCGa" to "GCUa", the board must not be configured with GPS. The board should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter cannot be changed. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set "Upper count threshold of raised fault" and "Lower count threshold of raised fault" to "0", the accumulated number of blink times for the alarm is counted but not reported. 2. If "Upper count threshold of raised fault" is not "0", the value of "Lower count threshold of raised fault" cannot be "0" and you must ensure that "Upper count threshold of raised fault" is greater than "Lower count threshold of raised fault". 3. When "Upper count threshold of raised fault" is not "0" and "Alarm switch of blinking filter" and "Switch of stat blinking alarm" are "ENABLE", you cannot set "Alarm blink threshold" to "0". Otherwise, blink statistics of the alarm is not performed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set "Upper count threshold of raised fault" and "Lower count threshold of raised fault" to "0", the accumulated number of blink times for the alarm is counted but not reported. 2. If "Lower count threshold of raised fault" is not 0, the value of "Upper count threshold of raised fault" cannot be 0 and you must ensure that "Lower count threshold of raised fault" is smaller than "Upper count threshold of raised fault". 3. When "Upper count threshold of raised fault" is not "0" and "Alarm switch of blinking filter" and "Switch of stat blinking alarm" are "ENABLE", you cannot set "Alarm blink threshold" to "0". Otherwise, blink statistics of the alarm is not performed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter can be used to limit the user access type to control the network load; however, some users may be adversely affected. Therefore, it is recommended that this parameter be disabled.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handovers may be performed frequently; if this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers may not be performed in time and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handovers may be performed frequently; if this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers may not be performed in time and call drops may occur.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter cannot be set to YES for the TRX that carries the main BCCH. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is not supported by the BTS3001C and BTS3001CP. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The MS cannot respond to the paging during the location update, thus decreasing the call completion rate in the system. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, pingpong location update may occur, thus increasing the signaling load on the SDCCH. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the MS may not camp on an optimum cell for a long time after entering a new location area.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The settings of RXLEV-ACCESS-MIN and CRO should guarantee that cells with same priority have the same cell reselect offset. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter is related to practical networking. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The larger the value of this parameter, the higher the proportion of discarded messages during congestion. Therefore, the priority value of a more important service must be less than that of a less important service. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the value of this parameter is too high, the congestion control is delayed, which leads to deteriorated performance on the signaling link and certain messages may be lost. If the difference between the values of "CSTARTTHD" and "CENDTHD" is small, the signaling link is unstable and congestion control is performed frequently. In this case, the paging messages may be abandoned.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The larger the value of this parameter, the higher the proportion of discarded messages during congestion. Therefore, the priority value of a more important service must be less than that of a less important service. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes If this parameter of an activated BTS is modified, the entire BTS chain is reset. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes If this parameter of an activated BTS is modified, the entire BTS chain is reset. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the opposite network element MSC. In this way, the MSC can process HO RQD messages correctly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
None None
Less than 10 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not Involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When running this command, the source IP address and the destination IP address cannot be the local IP address and the peer IP address configured for the IPPATH. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter takes effect only when the SDCCH exists on the TRXs on different frequency bands. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this function is enabled, number of signaling channel handovers is increased and the access speed is decreased, but the congestion on the BCCH-compatible SDCCH can be relieved and the access success rate is enhanced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter needs negotiation with the MSC of the opposite network element. If the MSC supports processing assignment failure messages containing the cause value of direct retry, set this parameter to YES; otherwise, set this parameter to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the value of this parameter is YES, the intra-BSC handovers (including intra-cell handovers) in which the cell is the source or destination cell are processed as asynchronous handovers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to 15, this protection is disabled. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter applies to only the double-transceiver BTS and the corresponding distributed BTS. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter applies to only the double-transceiver BTS and the corresponding distributed BTS. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter is related to the actual physical connection of the BC. This parameter is modified only when the NSVC service is faulty. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a small value, the detection of service type is sensitive and may lead to ping-pong handover between different services. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed handover; if this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handover may be performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the downlink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the downlink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the downlink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the downlink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The throughput of the GPRS service is affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the downlink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the downlink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the downlink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the downlink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter does not need adjustment. It is the lower limit for adjusting the value of DLLongTermFERTarget. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used for the adaptive adjustment function of AMR downlink threshold. When the voice is in poor performance not being affected by the channel quality: If the low rate mode is more used in the adaptation, you can increase the value of this parameter; if the high rate mode is more used in the adaptation, you can decrease the value of this parameter. The adjustment range is from 4 to 20 and the adjustment step is 2. The target FER with the discontinuous transmission (DTX) enabled is a little higher than the one without the DTX enabled. It is recommended that you set the value of this parameter to 14 when the DTX is enabled. Based on this value, you can make adjustments in the above mentioned principle according to actual test results. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter does not need adjustment. It is the upper limit for adjusting the value of DLLongTermFERTarget. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter is fixed to 2, with no need of adjustment. The value of this parameter decides only the adjustment value or the adjusting frequency of the threshold. That is, the greater the value of this parameter is, the more frequently the threshold is adjusted. The setting of this parameter, however, does not affect the up or down adjustment of the threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the fast power control on the downlink cannot be implemented. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, the power control may be performed excessively on the downlink, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control in the downlink. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, the power control may be performed excessively on the downlink, thus leading to ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downlink power control may be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, uplink power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, uplink power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handover may not be performed when the downlink voice quality is bad, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus decreasing the user experience and network traffic load.
Not involved The setting of this parameter affects the triggering of a handover for poor quality in an AMR full rate call. The smaller the value of this parameter is, the easier a downlink handover due to a poor quality occurs. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handovers due to bad downlink quality may increase, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers due to bad downlink quality are less possible to occur, thus increasing the call drop rate.
Not involved The setting of this parameter affects the triggering of a handover for poor quality in an AMR half rate call. The smaller the value of this parameter is, the easier a downlink handover due to a poor quality occurs. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handovers due to bad downlink quality may increase, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers due to bad downlink quality are less possible to occur, thus increasing the call drop rate.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, decrease power control may not be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, decrease power control may be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, increase power control may be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, increase power control may not be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, decrease power control may not be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, decrease power control may be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, increase power control may be performed when the downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, increase power control may not be performed when the downlink power is low, in this way, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set improperly to a small value, the downlink assignment procedure may fail. Therefore, it is recommended that this parameter be greater than 80 ms.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The downlink power control (at the BTS side) can support up to 15 levels, in each of which the power of 2 dB is dynamically controlled. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved During upgrade, pay more attention to the setting of this parameter. Be sure to check it. If an area is allowed for receiving short messages, set this parameter to NO. If the value of this parameter is YES, the MS in either idle or connected mode cannot occupy radio channel resources to send short messages. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If you do not use a dual-antenna to receive signals, set this parameter to 0. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. As the double antenna gain increases, the downlink power increases; as the double antenna gain decreases, the downlink power decreases.
Less than 10 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The priority of the signaling link should be the highest. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The existing networking can be affected when the relation between the VLAN and the DSCP are reset. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The address must exist and respond to the PING request. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the corresponding neighboring 3G cell may be difficult to become the candidate neighboring cell of the serving cell. In this way, call drops may occur because the handovers may not be performed timely. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, a call may be handed over to a neighboring 3G cell with low signal strength, thus affecting voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved It is recommended that this parameter be set to Yes on a multiband cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set the start date or end date of daylight saving time (DST) to a day of the week after a specific date, the specific date must be six days or more days prior to the last day of the month. For example, the last day of October is the 31st day. Then, the specific date cannot be later than the 25th (31 6) day. If you set the specific date to Tuesday after 26 October, this date is not included in the November of 2005. Therefore, the specific date is invalid. This date in 2006, however, is October 31, which is valid. As a result, you must follow this principle to ensure that a specific data is always valid. 2. You are not allowed to set the start date or end date of DST to February 29. This is because that the local time changes between the start date and end date of DST. In a non-leap year, February 29 does not exist. Therefore, the local time cannot change between DST and non-DST.3. The start month and end month of DST cannot be the same. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater or a smaller value, the balance between the traffic volume on the overlaid subcell and that on the underlaid subcell may not be achieved.
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For the modification of the parameter, See the ITU-T Q704. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter must be the same at both the BSS side and the NSS side. Whether the BSC6900 is encrypted and the chosen encryption algorithm type must be described in the MAP function process of the MSC. When setting the encryption algorithm type of the BSC6900, you must refer to the data configuration function of the BSC6900 and the functions of the MS. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. The difference between the end CIC and the start CIC is smaller than 256. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the AE1T1 of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell.
Less than 10 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The number of block retransmissions is decreased and the throughput is increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion in the overlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the overlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, traffic load on the underlaid subcell is increased, and thus congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, traffic load on the overlaid subcell is increased, and thus congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the congestion relieving speed in the underlaid subcell is decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, traffic load on the overlaid subcell is increased, and thus congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to NO, the forced handover and call delay caused by timeslot arrangement can be avoided, but this may cause some TCHF-only calls to fail. If this parameter is set to Yes, calls may fail when the timeslot arrangement fails and when the MS does not select the TCHF in the concentric cell.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion in the underlaid subcell may not be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, many calls may be handed over from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell in a shot period, thus causing network congestion in the overlaid subcell and handover failure.
Not involved None The radio link should be re-established after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to OPEN, the speech quality can be improved when the signal strength is low on the air interface.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion. If this timer is set to a smaller value, the success rate of immediate assignment may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effectiveness of power control is reduced, and thus the network interference can not be reduced effectively. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to excessive power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the effectiveness of power control is reduced, and thus the network interference can not be reduced effectively. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to excessive power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the value of this parameter is too small, extension measurement reports are sent frequently. If the value is too large, feedback information may not be sent promptly in fewer extension measurement reports. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur due to no suitable neighboring cell for handover. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The board should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation fails if this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation fails if this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value ranges of frequency numbers vary with corresponding band reporting. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter affects only the statistical result of the counter "FER I (I = 0-7) Quality Level N".
Less than 5 minutes You must deactivate the cell before modifying this parameter and activate the cell after modifying this parameter. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a small value, error is likely to occur during the detection of the burst packets. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The default value of "MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH" in the GSM900 and GSM850 cells is 5; the default value of "MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH" in the DCS1800 and PCS1900 cells is 0. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved In "EXP ELABEL", the "FN" parameter cannot be a space or any of the following characters: '@', '#', '!', '%', '^', '&', '*', '[', ']', '\'', '\\'. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When this parameter is set to YES, during the channel activation of the BSC6900, if the allocated channel speech version is full rate speech version 1 whereas the MS supports full rate speech version 2, the BSC6900 changes the speech version to full rate speech version 2 and sends it to the BTS. For the MSC, however, this change is shielded. The speech version viewed at the MSC side is still full rate speech version 1. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the speech quality is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved No_HC: disable the header compression function; RTP/UDP/IP_HC: enable the RTP/UDP/IP/PPP function The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For a BTS of the BTS3X series, the value of this parameter is invalid. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This technology prevents the loss of measurement reports caused by the BSIC that cannot be decoded, improves the system performance, and ensures the radio handover success rate of the BSC6900.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The discontinuous transmission (DTX) function allows a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of no voice transfer. This function has the following benefits: In the uplink: decreasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interference In the downlink: decreasing power consumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS From the network perspective, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network quality is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute The value range of this parameter depends on the frequency range of the cell band. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes If the BCCH frequency of a cell is changed, the BSC6900 forcibly hands over the calls in this cell to another cell and then resets this cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with the actual frequency reuse pattern of the TRX. Otherwise, the speech quality will be bad.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid in only the cells in the coverage area of the BTS3X. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The discontinuous transmission (DTX) function allows a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of no voice transfer. This function has the following benefits: In the uplink: decreasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interference In the downlink: decreasing power consumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS From the network perspective, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network quality is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The FACTORTABLE must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the voice quality may be decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the congestion relieving capability may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the duration of an AMR TCHF-TCHH handover is short after the handover is triggered. Thus, few MSs can be handed over from TCHF to TCHH, and the congestion relieving capability is decreased. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the duration of an AMR TCHF-TCHH handover is long after the handover is triggered. Thus, even the MSs on the edge of the cell are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, and the voice quality deteriorates.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and network congestion may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, network congestion may occur because the handover may not be performed timely. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the voice quality may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover zone is enlarged in a short time, and thus many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover zone is enlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH handover. Thus, and the congestion relieving capability is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, network congestion may occur because the handover may not be performed timely.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter determines whether to load data from the OMU or the FLASH when the BSC6900 or the board is restarted. The equipment is affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter is valid only for the BTSs of the double-transceiver series and the distributed BTSs. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
PS service of the cell will be interrupt until this parameter is set to "SupportAsInnPcu" or "SupportAsExtPcu. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 10 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only an MS close to the overlaid subcell can be assigned TCHHs. Thus, timeslots are wasted. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an MS of bad quality on the edge of the overlaid subcell cannot be handed over from TCHH to TCHF. Thus, the voice quality of the call is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the TCHH-to-TCHF handover cannot be performed in time, thus the voice quality is decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only MSs in the center area of the overlaid subcell can be assigned TCHHs. Thus, timeslots are wasted and the congestion relieving capability is decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, MSs on the edge of the overlaid subcell also use the TCHH. Thus, the voice quality of the call is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time, and thus the voice quality is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the MS takes a longer time to meet the conditions for triggering the handover and the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, call drops may occur or more handovers are triggered. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS takes a shorter time to meet the conditions for triggering the handover, and thus network congestion may occur on the macro cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the macro cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, call drops may occur or more handovers are triggered.
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3002C. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3002C. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the TRXs in a cell under this BSC6900 are at a frequency on DCS1800, this parameter cannot be set to PCS1900, and vice versa. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved When this parameter is set to No, Highest Priority cannot be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter limits the number of candidate cells. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become the candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures or call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter limits the number of candidate cells. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become the candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures or call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the probability of MS handover to the cell in the direction opposite to the moving direction during fast handover is reduced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a great value, there are strict restrictions on the judgement of the MS moving direction.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a great value, there are strict restrictions on the judgement of the MS moving direction.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a too great value, the handover cannot be performed timely, and the speech quality is deteriorated or call drop occurs. If this parameter is set to a too small value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handovers may occur.
Not involved The value of this parameter cannot be changed. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute The value of this parameter must be the same as the attribute value of the TRX frequency hopping of this frequency hopping group. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the probability that the BTS transmits at full power increases. This increases the interference but the handover success rate also increases.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 1 minute After this parameter is modified, the services in the cell are handed over forcedly. The cell is reset after all the handover succeeds or after ten seconds. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to "NO_FH", the anti-interference capability of the TRX is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a too great value, the handover cannot be performed timely, and the speech quality is deteriorated or call drop occurs. If this parameter is set to a too small value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely.
The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. Before the modification, the cell mapping table bound to the signaling point must be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved Set this parameter properly to ensure that hierarchical handover and load-based handover can function properly. During hierarchical handover and load-based handover, the downlink received level of the target cell must be greater than this threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely.
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The discontinuous transmission (DTX) function allows a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of no voice transfer. This function has the following benefits: In the uplink: decreasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interference In the downlink: decreasing power consumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS From the network perspective, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network quality is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The discontinuous transmission (DTX) function allows a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of no voice transfer. This function has the following benefits: In the uplink: decreasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interference In the downlink: decreasing power consumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS From the network perspective, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network quality is improved.
Less than 1 minute HSNs are optional for the cells with frequency hopping enabled. The cells in the same frequency group must use different HSNs. The HSNs of all the channels in a cell must be the same. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For details of the timer, see ITU-T Q.714. The modification is not recommended. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For details of the timer, see ITU-T Q.714. The modification is not recommended. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the network interference is increased; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the network interference is increased; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call duration is prolonged; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the IBCA estimation accuracy is reduced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover duration is prolonged and thus the handover cannot be performed in time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the IBCA estimation accuracy is reduced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the network interference is increased; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover duration is prolonged and thus the handover cannot be performed in time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the IBCA estimation accuracy is reduced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the network interference is increased; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the accuracy of interference assessment in the IBCA algorithm may be reduced; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the CPU occupancy for IBCA algorithm is increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter IBCA Allowed of the serving cell and the neighbor cell should be set to Yes before the configuration of this parameter. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover duration is prolonged and thus the handover cannot be performed in time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the IBCA estimation accuracy is reduced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the accuracy of interference assessment in the IBCA algorithm may be reduced; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, the CPU occupancy for IBCA algorithm is increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, cell congestion may occur when the interference is strong.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the network interference is increased; if this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the network status is poor, the packet length should not be too large. Otherwise, the path state is affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value and consequently there is a small number of requests for SDCCHs, the SDCCHs of a cell are in idle state and the TCH traffic volume during busy time is decreased. if this parameter is set to a smaller value and consequently there is a large number of requests for SDCCHs, the requests cannot be met and the access success rate is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call-completion rate of MS increases but the BSC6900 load may also increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the increase of the call completion rate is not obvious.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call-completion rate of MS increases but the BSC6900 load may also increase. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the increase of the call completion rate is not obvious.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the call completion rate of the MS increases but the BSC6900 load also increases.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the channel load may increase and the access success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the traffic volume during busy time may be decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the voice quality may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the traffic volume during busy time may be decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the voice quality may be decreased.
Not involved This parameter must be equal to or less than "OUTHOPWROVERLOADTHRESHOLD" to protect the other timeslots/cells from overload and underpower. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the value of this parameter is set too high, the power load of other timeslots or cells is burdened.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter affects the MOS. When the C/I ratio is satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended; otherwise, the coding scheme of lower rate is recommended.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter affects the MOS. When the C/I ratio is satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended; otherwise, the coding scheme of lower rate is recommended.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter affects the MOS. When the C/I ratio is satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended; otherwise, the coding scheme of lower rate is recommended.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the overlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover may be performed frequently and the signaling load in the cell is increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time. Thus, the voice quality is decreased and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time, thus the voice quality is decreased or call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. Interference band 0 is not counted in the traffic statistics. 2. In the following BTSs, the value range of this parameter is 115 to 85: BTS2X of all the versions, BTS3X 03.1130 of the earlier versions, 3001C07.0301 of the earlier versions, and 3002C02.0820 of the earlier versions. If this parameter is set to a value beyond the range, the concerned cells cannot work. 3. In the following BTSs, the value range is 115 to 48: BTS3X 03.1130 and its later versions, 3001c 07.0301 and its later versions, 3002c 02.0820 and its later versions, and double-transceiver BTSs. 4. If the value of this parameter is too great, the averaging result cannot accurately reflect changes. If the value is too small, frequent averaging of interference levels causes a waste of resources. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not Involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the calls with low receive level are handed over to other cells. Thus, the handover success rate is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, congestion occurs to inter-RAT neighboring cells in a short time. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the congestion in the current cell cannot be solved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, congestion occurs to inter-RAT neighboring cells in a short time. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the congestion in the current cell cannot be solved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the calls with low receive level are handed over to other cells. Thus, the handover success rate is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The loopback keeps interrupting the services until the loopback is cancelled. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion. If this timer is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion. If this timer is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, the congestion in the current cell cannot be solved. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the calls with low receive level are handed over to other cells. Thus, the handover success rate is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Services are interrupted unless the NSVL configuration is the same as the SGSN configuration at the BSC. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved No_HC: disable the header compression function; RTP/UDP/IP_HC: enable the RTP/UDP/IP/PPP function The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter depends on the type of the actual physical IP transport cable of the BTS. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter must be set according to the medium type of the actual IP transmission cable used by the BTS. The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute Each cell can be configured with only one TRX that carries the main BCCH. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter IPPATH must be configured in advance. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. This command is applicable to the boards AOUa, POUa, AOUc, POUc, and OIUa. 2. It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. This command is applicable to the boards AOUa and POUa. 2. It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved. None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter adjusts traffic distribution.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the macro subcell; If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased and ping-pong handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased and ping-pong handover may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the macro subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved This parameter must be less than "UHUMTHD". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved According to the MTP3 load sharing principle, the link selection mask must be set properly. If the value is not set properly, the load sharing between MTP3 links may fail. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The mask is calculated according to the link set to a destination entity. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a too small value, the corresponding cell may reject some handover requests; thus the traffic congestion on the neighboring cells with heavy traffic cannot be relieved. If this parameter is set to a too great value, the corresponding cell may be overloaded.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "NC2LoadResel" is set to SUPPORT. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved. None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter adjusts traffic distribution.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter adjusts traffic distribution.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the serving cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the serving cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the serving cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the serving cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the neighboring cells in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the serving cell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved. The reciprocal of the parameter value is the ratio of the MSs to perform a load handover. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter adjusts traffic distribution.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The function of cell load reselection is valid only when "NC2LoadResel" in "SET BSCPSSOFTPARA" is set to Support and "LOADRESELALLOW"is set to Permit. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved. None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter adjusts traffic distribution.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The local IP address and peer IP must be configured in the same network segment. The peer IP address cannot be the same with the local IP address of the BSC6900. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The both end address of the SCTP is the parameter for the interconnection. The value can be modified after the negotiation with the peer system. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The both end address of the SCTP is the parameter for the interconnection. The value can be modified after the negotiation with the peer system. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The parameter can be modified when "MODE" in the command "ADD SCTPLNK" is set to Client. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. It is valid when "LOGPORTFLAG[/PARA in the command "ADD SCTPLNK" is ON. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. It is valid when "LOGPORTFLAG[/PARA in the command "ADD SCTPLNK" is ON. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
When the peer end unconditionally changes the bits in the check message, the services will not resume unless the switch is set to OFF. 1. When the peer end unconditionally changes the bits in the check message, the services are disrupted if the switch is set to ON. 2. When the switch is set to OFF, the alarm "Inconsistent Configurations at the Two Ends of the Link over the Ater Interface" will not be reported. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The loopback keeps interrupting the services until it is cancelled. If this parameter is set to REMOTE_LOOP and LOCAL_LOOP, the service on this link is affected until the loopback is cancelled. When the upper layer bearer is IMAGRP, IMAGRP is reset after the loopback is canceled. Otherwise, the state of the IMAGRP is abnormal and upper layer service cannot be established. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The loopback keeps interrupting the services until it is cancelled. When the loopback type is changed to REMOTE_LOOP or LOCAL_LOOP, the service is affected. The service becomes normal when the loopback test is canceled. When the loopback type is set to LOCAL_LOOP, you cannot directly change it to REMOTE_LOOP. You must change it to NO_LOOP first and then to REMOTE_LOOP. You can change the loopback type from REMOTE_LOOP to LOCAL_LOOP in the similar way. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For the BTS3002C, if each cell is configured with two TRXs (O2 or S2) and the value of this parameter is YES, the radio frequency (RF) connection supports the configuration of the main diversity antennas. Only the BTS3002C has this parameter. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to "ON" and the level of the channel request received by the BSC6900 is low, the BSC6900 assigns only an underlaid channel to the MS. In the case of heavy traffic, this may lead to congestion in the underlaid subcell but can prevent call drops due to the excessively low level when the MS accesses an overlaid channel.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter must be less than "UTEMTHD". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter does not need adjustment. It is the lower limit for adjusting the value of LongTermFERTarget. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter decides whether the threshold is adjusted upwards or downwards. When the voice is in poor performance (excluding the cause of poor channel quality: If the low rate mode is more used in the adaptation, you can increase the value of this parameter; if the high rate mode is more used in the adaptation (excluding the cause of good channel quality), you can decrease the value of this parameter. If the DTX function is enabled, the value of this parameter must be a little greater than the value when the DTX function is disabled. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter does not need adjustment. It is the upper limit for adjusting the value of LongTermFERTarget. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Generally, the value of this parameter is fixed to 2, with no need of adjustment. The value of this parameter decides only the adjustment value or the adjusting frequency of the threshold. That is, the greater the value of this parameter is, the more frequently the threshold is adjusted. The setting of this parameter, however, does not affect the up or down adjustment of the threshold. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Services are disrupted until the cells are re-distributed successfully. The adjustment of the parameter setting changes the service distribution on the DSPs. The DSPs without LVDS links do not carry services. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The parameter modification should be negotiated with the peer end, and the BSC6900 should be reset after the modification. It is recommended that this parameter should not be modified when the system is running. The BSC6900 should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved If there are fewer frequencies in a frequency hopping group, the mode of Frequency List can decrease the length of an assignment or handover command to facilitate the access of an MS. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to YES, the network KPIs may be deteriorated.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to YES, the network KPIs may be deteriorated.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control; if this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to ping-pong power control.
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the sensitivity of the SCTP link detection. The larger the value is, the longer the link detection time is. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur or voice quality may be decreased due to delayed handover; if this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handover may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. In the earlier versions of BSC6000V900R008C01B060SP06 and BSC6000V900R0086C01B060SP06, a maximum of 50 BTSs can be downloaded simultaneously on one BSC through the M2000 client. In BSC6000V900R008C01B060SP06 and BSC6000V900R0086C01B060SP06 and its later versions, a maximum of 100 BTSs can be downloaded simultaneously on one BSC through the M2000 client. Therefore, the number of BTSs to be downloaded should take the intersection of the value of this parameter and the number of BTSs supported by the M2000 client. 2. If the BTS software versions downloaded simultaneously are excessive, the CPU usage of the OMU increases. In this case, the services are likely to be affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter cannot be smaller than the maximum PPPMUX sub-frame length. The number sub-frame must be larger than 2 to enable the PPPMUX. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the sensitivity of the SCTP link detection. The larger the value is, the longer the link detection time is. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved You can increase this value when the handovers are slow or the handover success ratio is low due to bad clock or transmission quality. For the handovers of an MS to succeed, the following condition must be met: "Physical information MAX Retrans" x "Radio link invalid count" > Interval between the EST IND message and the HO DETECT message (120 to 180 ms); otherwise the handovers will fail for sure. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the PPP frame length is larger than this value, PPPMUX multiplexing cannot be performed. The value of this parameter cannot be larger than the maximum multiplexing frame length wMuxMfl and the number sub-frame must be larger than 2 as the enabling condition of PPPMUX (the relation between the maximum sub-frame length and the maximum multiplexing frame length is: MuxMaxSfL<=(wMuxMfl-8)/2 ). The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the algorithm cannot realize fast power control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control..
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the algorithm cannot realize fast power control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control..
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the algorithm cannot realize fast power control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control..
Not involved If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may be affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the call drop rate may increase; if this parameter is set to a greater value, the speech quality may be affected.
Not involved Before performing single-point positioning, you need to remove GPS configuration history records. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control; if this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. In a multi-band network, this parameter can be set on the basis of the traffic volume on each frequency band. If this parameter is set to 0, the MS reports the measurement results of six neighboring cells known and permitted by the NCC at the bands with the best signal regardless of the band at which the neighboring cell is located. If this parameter is set to 1, the MS reports the measurement result of a neighboring cell known and permitted by the NCC at each band with the best signal (the band serving the current cell not included). The MS reports the measurement result of the neighboring cell at the band serving the current cell in the redundant position. If the redundant position is still available, the MS reports the measurement results of other neighboring cells regardless of the bands at which the neighboring cells are located. If this parameter is set to 2, the MS reports the measurement results of two neighboring cell known and permitted by the NCC at each band with the best signal (the band servi
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when the MCPA algorithm is enabled. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. In scenarios with heavy traffic, the network performance can be improved if this switch is turned on.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The Enhanced Measurement Report supports the measurement of 3G neighboring cells to implement the interoperability between the 2G system and 3G system, and thus ensures the service continuity. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter is used to limit the number of candidate cells for handovers. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become a candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the idle state of the current SDCCHs cannot be indicated correctly and consequently the rollback of SDCCHs immediately triggers adjustment and affects the access success rate. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the channel allocation algorithm becomes less sensitive and consequently the SDCCHs stay in idle state and cannot be rolled back for a long period of time, thus affecting the TCH traffic volume.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become a candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved To modify this parameter, run "STP GATEWAYCHK" first and then "STR GATEWAYCHK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The local end of the SCTP link is the server and the application type is NBAP, the working mode should not be modified as the client. For the SCTP link of the M3UA application, the working mode can be modified only when the upper layer application is deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
None None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. If the value of this parameter is set too high, the RSL congestion is likely to occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Because the measurement reports may not always be correctly decoded when the quality of a serving cell is poor, handovers may fail when the number of the lost measurement reports exceeds the value set by this parameter. You can set a relatively larger value for this parameter, thus enabling emergency handovers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When this parameter is set to Noreport, the BTSs do not submit measurement reports to the BSC, which disables handovers and power control, and greatly impacts on the speech quality. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the MSC pool function is enabled, and the value of this parameter is not NORMAL, the DPC is not selected for call access. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the GSM BSC is connected to the GSM MSC, it is recommended that you set this parameter to R98_or_below. If the GSM BSC is connected to the UMTS MSC, it is recommended that you set this parameter to R99_or_above. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this timer is set to a greater value, the radio resources are occupied for a too long time, thus affecting the channel resource usage. If this timer is set to a smaller value, the call reestablishment success rate decreases.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter should be set as required: In the areas where the traffic volume is low, this parameter can be set to 4 or 7 to improve the success rate of MS access. In the areas where congestion occurs or in the micro cells where the traffic volume is high, it is recommended this parameter be set to 1.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter limits the number of candidate cells. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become the candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures or call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The interconnection may be affected if this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved If the value of this parameter is increased, the cell congestion rate increases. If the value of this parameter is decreased, one-way audio may persist after the handover. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to YES, the call drop rate may increase. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Only the BTS3X in G3BTS32.30000.04.1130 or later and the double-transceiver BTSs support the LAPDm N200 parameter. If this parameter is set to Yes, the BSC6900 sends the LAPDm N200 parameter. If this parameter is set to OFF, the BSC6900 does not send the LAPDm N200 parameter. If a BTS does not support this parameter, the parameter should be set to No. Otherwise, the BTS cannot be initialized.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to ENABLE, the MOS can be increased in a call between MSs.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only when "NC2SPT" in "SET GCELLGPRS" is set to YES and "NCO" in "SET GCELLPSBASE" is set to NC2. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The most significant three bits of BSIC for all cells map with the NCC. NCC Permitted should be set properly to avoid too many call drops. The MS does not report the information on the neighboring cells in the network whose corresponding NCC bit is set to 0. Thus, this parameter should be set properly. Otherwise, an MS during an ongoing call cannot perform normal handover and a cross-coverage call drop occurs. For details, see GSM Rec. 05. 08. During an ongoing call, the MS reports to the BTS the signal information on neighboring cells. A report covers a maximum of six cells. Thus, the MS should report those possible target cells, rather than selecting cells only based on the signal level. Generally, the MS does not report the information on the cells belonging to other GSM PLMNs. This function enables the MS to measure only those specified cells. This parameter specifies the codes of the NCCs to be measured by the MS. On the SCH, the system constantly transmits the BSIC, the first three bits of which indicat
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 10 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handovers are performed frequently; if this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers cannot be performed timely, thus leading to call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, FR calls can be switched into HR calls to relieve the network congestion, but the voice quality is decreased; if this parameter is set to NO, FR calls cannot be switched into HR calls, that is, network congestion cannot be relieved through the handover from TCHF to TCHH.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover margin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover margin is enlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH handover. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only MSs in the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, MSs at the edge of the cell can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover margin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover margin is enlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH handover. Thus, network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs at the edge of the cell can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, only MSs in the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs with poor quality can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, little MSs can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the calls cannot be handed over to TCHH in a short period when the traffic volume is increased greatly. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, calls are handed over to TCHH unnecessarily, thus causing MOS loss of the customer.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, only MSs in the center of the cell use the TCHH, thus leading to timeslot waste and the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, MSs at the edge of the cell and with poor quality also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, MSs at the edge of the cell and with poor quality also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, only MSs in the center of the cell use the TCHH, thus leading to timeslot waste and the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handover cannot be triggered even when the quality is poor, thus affecting the voice quality; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover is triggered even when the quality is good, thus the network congestion cannot be relieved in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, calls are handed over to TCHH unnecessarily, thus causing MOS loss of the customer; if this parameter is set to a greater value, TCHF-TCHH handover is performed only when the traffic volume is high, thus network congestion may occur.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The handover decision is allowed only when the uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. Therefore, if this parameter is set to a greater value, the handovers due to no-downlink measurement report cannot be triggered.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following dual-density BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter should be set to a small value because the signaling channel seizure duration is shorter than the traffic channel seizure duration for the MS.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the value is too big, will interrupt service until it is set to the normal value. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the bandwidth of the service is smaller. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the parameter value is set relatively small, the sensitivity for detecting the OML when it is broken is improved. When the parameter value is set too small and if the link is intermittently disconnected, misjudgements may occur to the testing results. If the parameter value is set relatively large, the sensitivity for detecting the OML when it is broken is reduced. The testing results are reliable, though. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Before modifying this parameter, you must deactivate the cells bound to the OPC. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved Primary operator index must be 0. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the AE1T1 of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, assignment success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, assignment success rate may be decreased; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The setting of this parameter must be consistent with that on the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, too many channel resources are occupied and the congestion occurs. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may fall. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, too many channel resources are occupied and the congestion occurs. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may fall. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the value of this parameter is set too small, frequent handovers are likely to occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the underlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion in the underlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell in a short time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the underlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the BTS frequently reports overload indication messages to the BSC6900. As a result, the BSC6900 frequently reports overload indication messages to the MSC and thus the MSC may initiate flow control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BTS sends overload indication messages to the BSC6900 only when a large number of MSs access the network and when the system resources are insufficient. Therefore, the access requests on the RACH and all the messages on the PCH are discarded.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the CPU may be overloaded. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the call loss rate is high. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the CPU may be overloaded. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the call loss rate is high. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the CPU may be overloaded. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the call loss rate is high. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the CPU may be overloaded. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the call loss rate is high. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Properly setting this parameter can increase the paging success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, paging overload may occur and the paging success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, handovers may not be performed in time and call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 15 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The local IP address and peer IP must be configured in the same network segment. The peer IP address cannot be the same with the local IP address of the BSC6900. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The both end address of the SCTP is the parameter for the interconnection. The value can be modified after the negotiation with the peer system. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The both end address of the SCTP is the parameter for the interconnection. The value can be modified after the negotiation with the peer system. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The SCTP port number is the parameter for the negotiation. The value can be modified after the negotiation with the peer system. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the target cell for the previous handover will not be selected for the next handover, but the probability of call drop increases. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the probability of handover failure increases.
Not involved When the network status is poor, the check period should not be too small. Otherwise, the path state is affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation fails if this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation fails if this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes The SIGBVC must be reset after this switch is turned on. The BSC supports the PFC when the SGSN supports the PFC. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to "YES", the user with high QoS requirement may occupy a great number of PS resources. In this case, the remaining resources for other users reduce. As a result, the KPIs for these users become bad.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, more paging messages are processed. When the BSC6900 is overloaded, the control on the arrival rate of paging messages does not take effect. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, some paging messages that can be processed by the BSC6900 are discarded, thus affecting the call success rate. If the value of Pg State Period(ms) is changed, you need to change the value of this parameter accordingly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a higher value, more PS paging messages can be processed, thus increasing the BSC load. As a result, the control on the message arrival rate may fail to protect the BSC. If this parameter is set to a lower value, more PS paging messages are discarded, thus affecting the paging success rate. It is recommended that this parameter be set according to the actual PS paging volume and the CPU usage of the BSC. The setting of this parameter is closely related to that of "Paging Statistical Period". When the value of "Paging Statistical Period" is changed, the value of this parameter must be adjusted accordingly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a lower value, the paging success rate may decrease.
Not involved If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the control of the arrival rate of paging messages is sensitive. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the control is insensitive. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The MS calculates C1 and C2 of the serving cell at a minimum interval of 5s. When necessary, the MS re-calculates C1 and C2 of all non-serving cells (neighboring cells). The MS constantly checks whether a cell reselection is required by checking following conditions: Whether the path loss (C1) of the current serving cell drops below 0 within 5s. If yes, the path loss is too large. C2 of an appropriate non-serving cell exceeds that of the serving cell in 5s and the following conditions are met: The C2 of a new cell in another LAC minus CRH (broadcast in the system information 3 and 4 of the serving cell) exceeds C2 of the serving cell in 5s. A cell reselection is performed in the last 15s, and the C2 of the new cell minus 5 dB constantly exceeds the C2 of the serving cell in 5s. A better cell exists if the above conditions are met. If a better cell exists, the MS reselects a cell, and does not select the previous cell within 5s.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The loopback keeps interrupting the services until the loopback is cancelled. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The loopback keeps interrupting the services until the loopback is cancelled. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid for the EDGE TRX only. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid for the EDGE TRX only. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is valid only for EDGE TRXs and is invalid for ordinary TRXs. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If "Play switch" is set, the normal calls may be affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the loopback type is changed to REMOTE_LOOP or LOCAL_LOOP, the service is affected. The service becomes normal when the loopback test is canceled. When the loopback type is set to LOCAL_LOOP, you cannot directly change it to REMOTE_LOOP. You must change it to NO_LOOP first and then to REMOTE_LOOP. You can change the loopback type from REMOTE_LOOP to LOCAL_LOOP in the similar way. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. This command is applicable to the boards AOUa and POUa. 2. It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the error is small. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved This parameter can be added and modified. It cannot be deleted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved ENABLE: the multiplexing frame function of the PPP link is enabled. DISABLE: the multiplexing frame function of the PPP link is disabled. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the sampling rate of pre-processed measurement reports is set to 1, the frequency of submitting pre-processed measurement reports should be set to one report per two seconds or one report per four seconds. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Each layer has 16 priorities, numbered 1-16 respectively. If the number of the priority is small, the priority is high. This parameter along with Layer of the Cell determines the priority of a cell. The priority affects the sequence of neighboring cells for handover. It also affects handover algorithms, such as PBGT handover algorithm and inter-layer handover algorithm. For example, PBGT handovers can be performed only between the cells at the same layer and hierarchy. If a 1800 MHz cell and a 900 MHz cell are at different layers, a PBGT handover cannot be performed from the 1800 MHz cell to the 900 MHz cell. Consequently, handovers are performed slowly even if the speech quality is good. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The routing priority is modified. In the case of multiple routes to the same signaling point, the route priority is affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Services are interrupted until the parameter is consistent with the SGSN at the peer end. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. This command is applicable to the boards AOUa and POUa. 2. It is used for interworking with products of other manufacturers. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node that is configured with the factor table. After the successful modification, the parameter takes effect in the following two cases: 1. New access subscriber. 2. Bandwidth modification of the existing subscriber The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes The SIGBVC must be reset after this switch is turned on. The BSC supports the PS HO when the SGSN supports the PS HO. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. If this parameter is set to "YES", the delay caused by cell reselection decreases.
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a larger value, more packets are discarded when the congestion occurs. Thus, the priority value of the major service should be smaller than that of the minor service. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modification of the parameter affects the adjacent node configured with the TRMMAP. After the successful modification, it is valid in the case of the new access of a subscriber and the bandwidth modification of an existing subscriber. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a larger value, more packets are discarded when the congestion occurs. Thus, the priority value of the major service should be smaller than that of the minor service. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the actual receiver sensitivity of the BTS and the minimum access level of the MS to avoid the situation where a call cannot be made even though there are signals detected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call drop rate decreases but the traffic volume and paging success rate are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The setting of this parameter affects the GSM Phase II MS.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The line code must be consistent with that on the interconnected side. HDB3 (HDB3 code) and AMI (AMI code) are used for E1 ports. B8ZS (B8ZS code) and AMI_ZCS (AMI code) are used for T1 ports. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The frame structure must be consistent with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The frame structure must be consistent with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The frame structure must be consistent with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the value of this parameter is set inappropriately high or small, the BTS cabinet top output power is inconsistent with the TRX output power.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The transmission priority of the service is affected if the queue DSCP value of the port is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers between micro cells are performed, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in macro cells.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers between micro cells are performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downlink power insufficiency may not be solved in time, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downlink power insufficiency may not be solved in time, thus leading to call drops.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the algorithm cannot realize fast power control. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the power control may be performed excessively, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the actual receiver sensitivity of the BTS and the minimum access level of the MS to avoid the situation where a call cannot be made even though there are signals detected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call drop rate decreases but the traffic volume and paging success rate are affected.
Not involved For the BTS3X series and double-transceiver BTSs, this parameter does not affect MS access but affects the reporting of CCCH_LOAD_IND. If the level received by the BCCH on the network side is greater than the RACH Busy Threshold, the CCCH_LOAD_IND is counted once whether the decoding is successful. The RACH whose level is lower than the RACH Busy Threshold and whose decoding is successful is also counted. The measurement period is the Average RACH Load Timeslot Number. If the value of this parameter is too low, the BTS easily considers that the RACH timeslot is busy and reports overload messages to the BSC6900. If the value is too high, the BTS cannot determine the status of the RACH timeslot correctly. The settings of the BTS312, BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, BTS3002C, and double-transceiver BTS must be consistent with the meaning and requirement of the BTS30. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the random access success rate may decrease.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the BTS frequently sends the overload messages to the BSC6900. Thus, the system resource usage decreases and MSs are difficult to access the network. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BTS sends an overload message to the BSC6900 at a long interval. Thus, system faults may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the allowable error rate for the random access signal is high and an MS can easily access the network; however, the error report rate is high. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the error report rate of the MS is low but the MS cannot easily access the network.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to Algorithm I, the BTS performs AMR rate adaptation according to the C/I value. If this parameter is set to Algorithm II, the BTS performs AMR rate adaptation according to the BER value. Algorithm II is valid only for the EMR. If this parameter is set to None, the AMR rate adaptation algorithm is not enabled, and a fixed coding rate is used. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to on, the MOS of a MS-initiated and MS-terminated call is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 initiates a reassignment when receiving an assignment failure message over the Um interface. This helps increase the call completion rate and improve the QoS of the network. The successful reassignment, however, results in an increase in the access delay of MSs and the load of the BSC6900.
Not involved To improve the success rate of reassignment, it is recommended that you use the default value Different Band. That is, the frequency band of the preferentially reassigned channel is different from what is used in the original assignment. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter must be set to a value smaller than the number of TCHs available on the BCCH TRX to prevent the frequent enabling and disabling of the power amplifier of a TRX. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The setting of this parameter requires negotiation with the MSC, so that the MSC can correctly process HO RQD messages. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Negotiation can succeed only when the configuration is consistent on the local and peer ends. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The range of this parameter is determined by the cell configuration. The lower limit is 0, and the upper limit is sum of TCHF, TCHH and Dynamic PDCH configured in the cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, too many channels may be reserved for the users with high priority, and the users with low priority may be failed to access channels. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, channels reserved for the users with high priority may be insufficient.
Not involved If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BTS power decreases too much. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the BTS power decreases insignificantly and thus the power decrease effect is unsatisfactory. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the radio resource status is reported too frequently, thus increasing the load of the BSC6900. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the radio resource status is not immediately reported and thus the BSC6900 cannot handle the interference to the BTS in time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes The SIGBVC must be reset after this switch is turned on. The BSC supports the RIM when the SGSN supports the RIM. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the radio link is vulnerable to failure, thus call drops are likely to occur. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the MS may not release the connection for a long time, thus decreasing the resource usage. The parameter is valid in the downlink.
Less than 5 minutes None The BSC should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The resource group must exist. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur due to no suitable neighboring cell for handover. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, some desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, an unwanted cell may become a candidate cell, thus leading to handover failures.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. The switch is off in the case of a signaling point to the single link. After the link to a signaling point is disconnected, the restart procedure is performed. See the ITU-T Q704. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 1. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 10. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 2. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 3. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 4. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 5. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 6. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 7. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 8. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 9. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the M3DE is available. The routing context must be unique and needs to be negotiated with the peer. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value should be greater than "RTOMIN" and smaller than "RTOMAX" in the command "ADD SCTPLNK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value should be greater than "RTOMIN" in the command "ADD SCTPLNK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value should be smaller than "RTOMAX" in the command "ADD SCTPLNK". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to on, the MOS of a MS-initiated and MS-terminated call is improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For AMR calls, this parameter, together with "Interfere HO Qual Thresh n for Non-AMR FR", is used in interference handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the value of this parameter is too small, the required level of received signals is low. Therefore, many MSs attempt to camp on the cell, thus increasing the load of the cell and the risk of call drops. In such a case, you must set the parameter based on the balance conditions of the uplink and downlink levels. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the call drop rate decreases but the traffic volume and paging success rate are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a too small value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a too small value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a too small value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is used in handover decision. An uplink interference handover is easily triggered if this parameter is set to a smaller value. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the same coverage cell allows the load handover, this parameter should be set to a value lower than "Load HO Threshold" of the same coverage cell. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set the start date or end date of DST to a day of the week after a specific date, the specific date must be six days or more days prior to the last day of the month. For example, the last day of October is the 31st day. Then, the specific date cannot be later than the 25th (31 6) day. If you set the specific date to Tuesday after 26 October, this date is not included in the November of 2005. Therefore, the specific date is invalid. This date in 2006, however, is October 31, which is valid. As a result, you must follow this principle to ensure that a specific data is always valid. 2. You are not allowed to set the start date or end date of DST to February 29. This is because that the local time changes between DST and non-DST. In a non-leap year, February 29 does not exist. Therefore, the local time cannot change between the start date and the end date.3. The start month and end month of DST cannot be the same. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the parameter "IBCA Allowed" is set to YES, the BSC waits for MRs on the SDCCH for the duration specified by the parameter "IBCA Assign Waiting Mr Time". This parameter takes effect when the parameter "IBCA Allowed" is set to NO. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this switch is set to ON, the call access delay may be prolonged, but the performance of the algorithms in which the SDCCH MRs are used are enhanced.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The greater the value of this parameter is, the longer the call access duration is, the MRs are filtered more completely. Generally, you are advised to set this parameter to a value smaller than 20.
Not involved The level values 0 through 63 map to -110 dBm to -47 dBm. A smaller value indicates a lower receive level. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter value corresponds to RQ (quality level: 0 to 7) multiplied by 10. A greater value indicates a poorer receive quality. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The level values 0 through 63 map to -110 dBm to -47 dBm. A smaller value indicates a lower receive level. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter value corresponds to RQ (quality level: 0 to 7) multiplied by 10. A greater value indicates a poorer receive quality. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The SDCCH dynamic adjustment converts the TCHs to the SDCCHs, this reduces the available TCHs and decreases the TCH traffic bearing capability. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The setting of this parameter must be negotiated with that on the interconnected side. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this function is enabled after encryption is enabled, the network security can be improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The TRX is shut down automatically, and the capacity of the cell is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unexpected handovers may be performed due to incorrect MR when the call is initially set up, thus affecting handover success rate.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover to micro cells becomes difficult, and congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers are performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover to micro cells becomes difficult, and congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers are performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When the neighboring 3G cell is configured and the inter-system cell reselection is enabled, the MS cannot receive the 2Quater message and thus cannot be reselected to the neighboring 3G cell if this parameter is set to NO.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the negotiation with the MSC at the peer end. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 10 minutes None The BSC should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The ratio of the subscribers accessing this SGSN is affected when this parameter is modified. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Services are interrupted until the parameter is set to ALLOW or the cell is configured with a new SGSN. If this SGSN is the last SGSN connecting this cell: 1. When the parameter is set to DENY, the services of all the online subscribers are interrupted and new subscribers cannot access the network. 2. When the parameter is set to UNINSTALL, the services of all the online subscribers are not interrupted and new subscribers cannot access the network. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Services are interrupted until "SIGLW" is not set to 0. The ratio of Gb interface signaling messages sent through NSVLs is affected when this parameter is modified. When this NSVL is the last NSVL of the normal state in the NSE, if "SIGLW" is set to 0, the signaling exchange between the NSE and SGSN is interrupted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The source IP address can be: local IP address of the PPP link (PEUa/POUa/POS), local IP address of the MP group ((PEUa/POUa), IP address of the Ethernet port of the local port (FG2a/GOUa), and IP address of the local board. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The modified parameter takes effect after the BSC6900 is reset. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter cannot be changed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. This parameter can be used to control network load based on the MS access classes, thus preventing some MSs from accessing the network. It is recommended that this parameter be not used.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the negotiation with the MSC at the peer end so that the MSC can process the assignment complete message properly. In the assignment request, if the speech/data indicator in the channel type is data, the assignment complete message does not carry SPEECH_VER regardless of the setting of this parameter. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the negotiation with the MSC at the peer end so that the MSC can process the Handover Perform message properly. For SDCCH handovers, the Handover Perform message does not carry speech_ver even if this parameter is set to Yes. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the negotiation with the MSC at the peer end so that the MSC can process the HO REQ ACK message properly. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set on the basis of the negotiation with the MSC at the peer end. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The port can be set to the DOWN or UP state when this parameter is modified. If the speed modes on the local and peer end are not consistent, the service can be interrupted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover to micro cells becomes difficult, and congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, more handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover to micro cells becomes difficult, and congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, more handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Clock sources and priorities are in one-to-one mapping. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved Clock sources and priorities are in one-to-one mapping. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved Clock sources and priorities are in one-to-one mapping. Each backplane board 8K clock has only one clock source. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification does not impact the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes 1. The command is used for the configuration when the TDM resources exist between two subracks. 2. Each subrack must be the BM subrack or TC subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes 1. The command is used for the configuration when the TDM resources exist between two subracks. 2. Each subrack must be the BM subrack or TC subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the interface board clock source of the MPS/TCS subrack is set, you can set the 8 kHz output clock source. For the MPS and TCS, you can set the backplane board 8K output clock as the clock source of the interface board. For the EPS, you cannot perform the setting. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Services are interrupted until "SRVLW" is not set to 0. The ratio of Gb interface signaling messages sent through local NSVLs is affected when this parameter is modified. When this NSVL is the last NSVL of the normal state in the NSE, if "SRVLW" is set to 0, all the packet services of the local NSE are interrupted. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved In principle, you should not configure the frequencies on the P frequency band and on the E frequency band in one MA group. If the frequencies on the P frequency band and on the E frequency band are configured in one MA group, some MSs may not process calls. In this case, you can set this parameter to No. After that, if some other MSs cannot process calls, set this parameter to Yes and divide the MA group. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the AE1T1 of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When the simple cell broadcast function is enabled, the BSC6900 provides the simple cell broadcast service if the CBC is not provided. The simple cell broadcast function is used to broadcast the messages that are not changed frequently. The simple cell broadcast function and the cell broadcast function provided by the CBC cannot be enabled simultaneously. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The high multislot class function requires the support from the MS. For an MS of a high multislot class 32, 33, or34, the extended dynamic allocation (EDA) function must be used if more than three timeslots are required on the uplink. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The EDA requires the support from the MS. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter should be set according to the requirements of the existing network. If this parameter is set to Yes, the voice signals are encoded only once at the originating MS and decoded only once at the terminating MS. This improves the QoS of the MS-to-MS call. The TFO function is performed only between an MS and another MS, not between a fixed-line phone and an MS. If the TFO function is enabled, a lot of GDPUC resources are occupied. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 1. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 10. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 2. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 3. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 4. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 5. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 6. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 7. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 8. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 9. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If timer T200 is set to a smaller value, the transmit end may mistakenly regard that the link is faulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit end receives a response from the peer end. If timer N200 is set to a smaller value, the number of data retransmissions is reduced and the success rate of transmission is reduced. If timers T200 and N200 are set to greater values, the channels are seized all along when the link is faulty. Thus, resources are wasted.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The physical information is sent over the FACCH. Every four TDMA frames are sent once over the FACCH, which takes 18 ms. If the T3105 timer is set to less than 18 ms, when the T3105 timer expires for the first time, the physical information needs to be retransmitted. But at this time, the previous physical information has not sent over the FACCH (the FACCH period is not reached). The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved It is recommended that you select a greater value, such as 16, 20, or 25, in the area with heavy traffic, but a smaller value, such as 2 or 3, in the area with light traffic. To properly specify the value of this parameter, it is necessary to perform overall and long-term measurement on the entities involved regarding their processing capability and traffic, such as the processing capability of the MSC and BSC, and the load on the A interface, Abis interface, Um interface, HLR, and VLR. The location update period in the MSC must be greater than that in the BSC. In the GSM system, it is possible that a powered-on MS is identified as implicit off-line if the MS sends no location update request within a long period. When the MS reselects another cell (in the same LAC), the MS is restarted through T3212 timeout if the T3212 of the new cell differs from that of the original cell. When this parameter differs in the cells of the same LAC, it is possible that the MS is identified as implicit off-line if the MS send The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the paging success rate increases but the load on the SDCCH also increases, thus causing congestion on the SDCCH.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the coverage area of the cell is reduced, and the traffic volume on the cell may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved According to the GSM protocols, the BSC6900 performs CRC on each TRAU frame. If the CRC of a certain TRAU frame fails, the TRAU frame is regarded as an invalid one. Then, the BSC6900 performs smoothing on the invalid frame, thus eliminating the noise caused by the errors in parameter transmission. The CRC should be performed on the TRAU frames of all speech services except the FR service. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, network congestion may occur in the cell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, TCHHs are allocated even when the traffic volume on the cell is light, this affects the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (DL FER) and TCH call drops (UL FER and DL FER) are reduced. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are increased. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (DL receive level) and TCH call drops (UL receive level) are increased. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are reduced. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (DL receive quality) and TCH call drops (UL receive quality and DL receive quality) are reduced. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are increased. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (UL FER) and TCH call drops (UL FER and DL FER) are reduced. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are increased. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (UL receive level) and TCH call drops (UL receive level and DL receive level) are increased. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are reduced. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is set to a large value, the values of the new counters TCH call drops (UL receive quality) and TCH call drops (UL receive quality and DL receive quality) are reduced. When this parameter is set to a small value, the values of the two counters are increased. The overall number of call drops, however, remains unchanged and the performance of other counters is not affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unexpected handovers may be performed due to incorrect MR when the call is initially set up, thus affecting handover success rate.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover frequency is higher.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to ON, the calls are handed over on schedule. This increases the load of the BSC6900 but improves the network security.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of underlaid subcell is very high. Insufficient half-rate channels can be assigned to the MS. Thus, the capacity of the BSC is reduced. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of underlaid subcell is very low. The calls use the half-rate channel even if there are enough full-rate channels, which influences the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is very high. Insufficient half-rate channels can be assigned to the MS. Thus, the capacity of the BSC is reduced. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is very low. The calls use the half-rate channel even if there are enough full-rate channels, which influences the voice quality.
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Before switched on, please insure that all the TRXs in this cell are suitable version. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes 1. The command is used for the configuration when the TDM resources exist between two subracks. 2. Each subrack must be the BM subrack or TC subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes 1. The command is used for the configuration when the TDM resources exist between two subracks. 2. Each subrack must be the BM subrack or TC subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the PBSL is working normally. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The radio link should be reestablished after the parameter modification. If both TFO and AEC functions are enabled and the acoustic echo is detected, the TFO is disabled to cancel the echo so that the speech quality can be improved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved For the BTS3001C, BTS3001CP, and BTS3002C, this parameter is invalid. For other BTSs, this parameter is valid. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The IP address of the TGW cannot use the configured IP address of another TGW . The IP address of TGW cannot be the same as the IP address configured in the BSC6900. Otherwise, operation and maintenance channel for TGW fails. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The IP address of the TGW cannot use the configured IP address of another TGW. The IP address of TGW cannot be the same as the IP address configured in the BSC6900. Otherwise, operation and maintenance channel for TGW fails. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The IP address of the TGW cannot use the configured IP address of another TGW . The IP address of TGW cannot be the same as the IP address configured in the BSC6900. Otherwise, operation and maintenance channel for TGW fails. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the BTS3012A and BTS3006A. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BCCH may idle while non-BCCHs are congested, thus affecting the traffic volume during busy times. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the assignment of the BCCH may fail, and thus the access success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the assignment of the BCCH may fail, and thus the handover success rate may be decreased. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the BCCH may idle while non-BCCHs are congested, thus affecting the traffic volume during busy times.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the BCCH may idle while non-BCCHs are congested, thus affecting the traffic volume during busy times and the access success rate. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved Multi-band networks cannot use the TIGHT BCCH algorithm. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not Involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, cell congestion may be difficult to be relieved, thus affecting the traffic volume during busy times and the access success rate. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drop rate may be increased and congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, it is difficult for the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-pong handovers.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The TRMMAP must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set "Upper time threshold of raised fault" and "Lower time threshold of raised fault" to "0", the accumulated alarm blink duration is counted but not reported. 2. If "Upper time threshold of raised fault" is not "0", the value of "Lower time threshold of raised fault" cannot be "0" and you must ensure that "Upper time threshold of raised fault" is greater than "Lower time threshold of raised fault". 3. When "Upper time threshold of raised fault" is not "0" and "Alarm switch of blinking filter" and "Switch of stat blinking alarm" are "ENABLE", you cannot set "Alarm blink threshold" to "0". Otherwise, blink statistics of the alarm is not performed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. If you set "Upper time threshold of raised fault" and "Lower time threshold of raised fault" to "0", the accumulated alarm blink duration is counted but not reported. 2. If "Upper time threshold of raised fault" is not "0", the value of "Lower time threshold of raised fault" cannot be "0" and you must ensure that "Lower time threshold of raised fault" is smaller than or equal to "Upper time threshold of raised fault". 3. When "Lower time threshold of raised fault" is not "0" and "Alarm switch of blinking filter" and "Switch of stat blinking alarm" are "ENABLE", you cannot set "Alarm blink threshold" to "0". Otherwise, blink statistics of the alarm is not performed. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The BTS should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The TRM load threshold must be configured already. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The TRM load threshold must be configured already. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The TRM load threshold must be configured already. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved After TRX aiding (BCCH aiding or baseband FH aiding) or switchback occurs, the cell is re-initialized. For any types of BTS, no aiding is performed within a period specified by "Aiding Delay Protect Time" after the cell is initialized. "Aiding Delay Protect Time" can be set by using the "SET GCELLSOFT" command. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute After this parameter is modified, the services in the cell are handed over forcedly. The cell is reset after all the handover succeeds or after ten seconds. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 1 minute After this parameter is modified, the services in the cell are handed over forcedly. The cell is reset after all the handover succeeds or after ten seconds. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved 1. The block of Ater interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the ATERTS of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved 1. The block of A interface must be configured. 2. If the BSC is configured to the integrated BMTC or A over IP is configured, the configuration does not support the operation. 3. If the block operation is applicable to only the AE1T1 of the BM subrack. You are not allowed to perform the block operation from the primary BM subrack to the secondary BM subrack. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes Loopback test, which cause the service interruption on this link The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes The modification of the PPP link that is between the BTS and the BSC will affect the services. The modification of the PPP link that is between the BTS and the lower-level BTSs will lead to intermittent services carried by the lower-level BTSs. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Less than 1 minute None The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the PBSL is working normally. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a great value, the PS DSP load will be heavy. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When this parameter is enabled, the fast flux monitoing frequency is increased, and the channel allocation can be adjusted more quickly to adapt to the service type. Thus, the terminal throughput and BSC PS resource usage can be increased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the number of RACH conflicts in a cell is small, T should be set to a great value. If the number of RACH conflicts in a cell is large, T should be set to a small value. The increase in T and S prolongs the access time of an MS, thus affecting the access performance of the whole network. Therefore, appropriate values should be selected for T and S. When the network traffic is heavy, the success rate of immediate assignment is low if the sum of S and T is low. Thus, the value of T should be properly adjusted to make the sum of S and T great.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The parameter modification impacts the covered range of cell.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The value of this parameter cannot be changed. The cell should be activated after the parameter modification. None
Less than 30 minutes The modified parameter takes effect after the BSC is reset. The BSC should be reset to validate the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to 0, the emergency call may be affected. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved When RAI alarms occur on the E1 link, services cannot be assigned again by default. After the switch is enabled, services can be assigned, but single-pass may occur on the ongoing services. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The adjacent node ID must be configured. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Services are interrupted unless the NSVL configuration is the same as the SGSN configuration at the BSC. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter must be greater than "LHUMTHD". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur.
Not involved If this parameter is set to a small value, the detection of service type is sensitive and may lead to ping-pong switching between different services. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, call drops may occur due to delayed handover; if this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handover may be performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, down power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, down power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If the parameter is set to a relatively great value, up power adjustment may be performed when the uplink quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, up power adjustment may not be performed when the uplink quality is poor. In this case, call drops may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, the fast power control on the uplink cannot be implemented. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, the power control may be performed excessively on the uplink, thus leading to poor quality, low level, and ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a relatively small value, call drops may occur due to delayed power control in the uplink. If this parameter is set to a relatively great value, the power control may be performed excessively on the uplink, thus leading to ping-pong power control.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downward power control is not performed when the signal quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downward power control is performed even though the signal quality is bad, thus affecting the speech quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, upward power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, upward power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handover may not be performed when the uplink voice quality is bad, thus leading to call drops. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved The setting of this parameter affects the triggering of BQ(Bad Quality) handover of AMR FR calls. If it is set to a smaller value, the uplink BQ handover is easily triggered. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handovers due to bad uplink quality may increase, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers due to bad uplink quality are less possible to occur, thus increasing the call drop rate.
Not involved The setting of this parameter affects the triggering of BQ handover of AMR HR calls. If it is set to a smaller value, the uplink BQ handover is easily triggered. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handovers due to bad uplink quality may increase, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers due to bad uplink quality are less possible to occur, thus increasing the call drop rate.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downward power control may not be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downward power control may be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, upward power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, upward power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, downward power control may not be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, downward power control may be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, upward power control may be performed when the voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing the interference. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, upward power control may not be performed when the voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. The coding rate and MOS are affected.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur due to no suitable neighboring cell for handover. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, handover success rate may be decreased.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes This parameter can be modified only when the BTS is deactivated. The transport path should be re-established after the parameter modification. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved This parameter is supported only by the following types of BTSs: BTS3012, BTS3006C, BTS3012AE, BTS3012 II, and BTS3002E. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved In a GSM900 cell, the power control level of the MS ranges from 0 to 19. Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level 5 (mapping to 33 dBm). The minimum transmit power supported by an MS is level 19 (mapping to 5 dBm). Other transmit power levels are reserved for high-power MSs. In a GSM1800 or GSM1900 cell, the power control level of the MS ranges from 0 to 31. Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level 0 (mapping to 30 dBm). The minimum transmit power supported by an MS is level 15 (mapping to 2 dBm). Other transmit power levels are reserved for high-power MSs. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus affecting the voice quality.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus affecting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur.
Not involved Pay special attention to the setting of this parameter during an upgrade. If sending short messages is allowed, this parameter must be set to No. If this parameter is set to Yes, radio channels cannot be used to send short messages regardless of whether an MS is busy or not. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The setting of this parameter must be greater than "LTEMTHD". The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handovers may occur.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion in the underlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell in a short time.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell in a short time; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, congestion in the underlaid subcell is difficult to be relieved.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a high value and the VGCS has priority, public network services are likely to suffer from insufficient channels. Thus, this parameter needs to be set according to the actual service requirements.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When preemption conditions are met, public network services can preempt channels of the VGCS if this parameter is set to Public Network First; the VGCS can preempt channels of public network services if this parameter is set to VGCS First.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a high value and the VGCS has priority, public network services are likely to suffer from insufficient channels. Thus, this parameter needs to be set according to the actual service requirements.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not set back, will interrupt service until it is set back. Incorrect setting of this parameter can lead to access failure to the target IP address. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved
If the mode is not set back, will interrupt service until it is set back. Incorrect setting of this parameter can lead to access failure to the target IP address. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
If the mode is not set back, will interrupt service until it is set back. Incorrect setting of this parameter can lead to access failure to the target IP address. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The existing networking can be affected when the relation between the VLAN and the DSCP are reset. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the error is smaller. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. If this parameter is set to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved If the timer is set to a greater value, the time of reserving channel resources for an emergency call is long. In this case, the channel usage for ordinary calls is affected. If the timer is set to a smaller value, reserved channel resources may not be assigned to an emergency call. In this case, the call fails. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Less than 5 minutes The conversion from E1 to T1 or from T1 to E1 takes effect after the board is reset. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Not involved None
Not involved None The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. None
Introduced in Version Attribute
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
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Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
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BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Radio
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Transport
Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Equipment

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