Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime
10175 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the C!be"c"i#e
P"e$ention Act o% &'1&(.
SEC. &. eclaration of Policy. The State "eco)ni*es the $ital "ole o%
in%o"#ation an+ co##,nications in+,st"ies s,ch as content -"o+,ction.
teleco##,nications. b"oa+castin) elect"onic co##e"ce. an+ +ata
-"ocessin). in the nation/s o$e"all social an+ econo#ic +e$elo-#ent. The
State also "eco)ni*es the i#-o"tance o% -"o$i+in) an en$i"on#ent
con+,ci$e to the +e$elo-#ent. accele"ation. an+ "ational a--lication
an+ e0-loitation o% in%o"#ation an+ co##,nications technolo)! 1ICT2 to
attain %"ee. eas!. an+ intelli)ible access to e0chan)e an+3o" +eli$e"! o%
in%o"#ation4 an+ the nee+ to -"otect an+ sa%e),a"+ the inte)"it! o%
co#-,te". co#-,te" an+ co##,nications s!ste#s. netwo"ks. an+ +atabases.
an+ the con%i+entialit!. inte)"it!. an+ a$ailabilit! o% in%o"#ation an+ +ata
sto"e+ the"ein. %"o# all %o"#s o% #is,se. ab,se. an+ ille)al access b!
#akin) -,nishable ,n+e" the law s,ch con+,ct o" con+,cts. In this li)ht. the
State shall a+o-t s,%%icient -owe"s to e%%ecti$el! -"e$ent an+ co#bat s,ch
o%%enses b! %acilitatin) thei" +etection. in$esti)ation. an+ -"osec,tion at
both the +o#estic an+ inte"national le$els. an+ b! -"o$i+in) a""an)e#ents
%o" %ast an+ "eliable inte"national coo-e"ation.
SEC. 5. efinition of Terms. 6 7o" -,"-oses o% this Act. the %ollowin)
te"#s a"e he"eb! +e%ine+ as %ollows8
1a2 !ccess "e%e"s to the inst",ction. co##,nication with. sto"in) +ata in.
"et"ie$in) +ata %"o#. o" othe"wise #akin) ,se o% an! "eso,"ces o% a
co#-,te" s!ste# o" co##,nication netwo"k.
1b2 !lteration "e%e"s to the #o+i%ication o" chan)e. in %o"# o" s,bstance. o%
an e0istin) co#-,te" +ata o" -"o)"a#.
1c2 Communication "e%e"s to the t"ans#ission o% in%o"#ation th"o,)h ICT
#e+ia. incl,+in) $oice. $i+eo an+ othe" %o"#s o% +ata.
1+2 Computer "e%e"s to an elect"onic. #a)netic. o-tical. elect"oche#ical. o"
othe" +ata -"ocessin) o" co##,nications +e$ice. o" )"o,-in) o% s,ch
+e$ices. ca-able o% -e"%o"#in) lo)ical. a"ith#etic. "o,tin). o" sto"a)e
%,nctions an+ which incl,+es an! sto"a)e %acilit! o" e9,i-#ent o"
co##,nications %acilit! o" e9,i-#ent +i"ectl! "elate+ to o" o-e"atin) in
con:,nction with s,ch +e$ice. It co$e"s an! t!-e o% co#-,te" +e$ice
incl,+in) +e$ices with +ata -"ocessin) ca-abilities like #obile -hones.
s#a"t -hones. co#-,te" netwo"ks an+ othe" +e$ices connecte+ to the
1e2 Computer data "e%e"s to an! "e-"esentation o% %acts. in%o"#ation. o"
conce-ts in a %o"# s,itable %o" -"ocessin) in a co#-,te" s!ste# incl,+in) a
-"o)"a# s,itable to ca,se a co#-,te" s!ste# to -e"%o"# a %,nction an+
incl,+es elect"onic +oc,#ents an+3o" elect"onic +ata #essa)es whethe"
sto"e+ in local co#-,te" s!ste#s o" online.
1%2 Computer program "e%e"s to a set o% inst",ctions e0ec,te+ b! the
co#-,te" to achie$e inten+e+ "es,lts.
1)2 Computer system "e%e"s to an! +e$ice o" )"o,- o% inte"connecte+ o"
"elate+ +e$ices. one o" #o"e o% which. -,"s,ant to a -"o)"a#.
-e"%o"#s a,to#ate+ -"ocessin) o% +ata. It co$e"s an! t!-e o% +e$ice with
+ata -"ocessin) ca-abilities incl,+in). b,t not li#ite+ to. co#-,te"s an+
#obile -hones. The +e$ice consistin) o% ha"+wa"e an+ so%twa"e #a!
incl,+e in-,t. o,t-,t an+ sto"a)e co#-onents which #a! stan+ alone o" be
connecte+ in a netwo"k o" othe" si#ila" +e$ices. It also incl,+es co#-,te"
+ata sto"a)e +e$ices o" #e+ia.
1h2 "ithout right "e%e"s to eithe"8 1i2 con+,ct ,n+e"taken witho,t o" in
e0cess o% a,tho"it!4 o" 1ii2 con+,ct not co$e"e+ b! establishe+ le)al
+e%enses. e0c,ses. co,"t o"+e"s. :,sti%ications. o" "ele$ant -"inci-les ,n+e"
the law.
1i2 Cyber "e%e"s to a co#-,te" o" a co#-,te" netwo"k. the elect"onic
#e+i,# in which online co##,nication takes -lace.
1:2 Critical infrastructure "e%e"s to the co#-,te" s!ste#s. an+3o" netwo"ks.
whethe" -h!sical o" $i"t,al. an+3o" the co#-,te" -"o)"a#s. co#-,te" +ata
an+3o" t"a%%ic +ata so $ital to this co,nt"! that the inca-acit! o" +est",ction
o% o" inte"%e"ence with s,ch s!ste# an+ assets wo,l+ ha$e a +ebilitatin)
i#-act on sec,"it!. national o" econo#ic sec,"it!. national -,blic health
an+ sa%et!. o" an! co#bination o% those #atte"s.
1k2 Cybersecurity "e%e"s to the collection o% tools. -olicies. "isk
#ana)e#ent a--"oaches. actions. t"ainin). best -"actices. ass,"ance an+
technolo)ies that can be ,se+ to -"otect the c!be" en$i"on#ent an+
o")ani*ation an+ ,se"/s assets.
1l2 atabase "e%e"s to a "e-"esentation o% in%o"#ation. knowle+)e. %acts.
conce-ts. o" inst",ctions which a"e bein) -"e-a"e+. -"ocesse+ o" sto"e+ o"
ha$e been -"e-a"e+. -"ocesse+ o" sto"e+ in a %o"#ali*e+ #anne" an+ which
a"e inten+e+ %o" ,se in a co#-,te" s!ste#.
1#2 #nterception "e%e"s to listenin) to. "eco"+in). #onito"in) o" s,"$eillance
o% the content o% co##,nications. incl,+in) -"oc,"in) o% the content o%
+ata. eithe" +i"ectl!. th"o,)h access an+ ,se o% a co#-,te" s!ste# o"
in+i"ectl!. th"o,)h the ,se o% elect"onic ea$es+"o--in) o" ta--in) +e$ices.
at the sa#e ti#e that the co##,nication is occ,""in).
1n2 Service provider "e%e"s to8
112 An! -,blic o" -"i$ate entit! that -"o$i+es to ,se"s o% its se"$ice the
abilit! to co##,nicate b! #eans o% a co#-,te" s!ste#4 an+
1&2 An! othe" entit! that -"ocesses o" sto"es co#-,te" +ata on behal% o%
s,ch co##,nication se"$ice o" ,se"s o% s,ch se"$ice.
1o2 Subscriber$s information "e%e"s to an! in%o"#ation containe+ in the %o"#
o% co#-,te" +ata o" an! othe" %o"# that is hel+ b! a se"$ice -"o$i+e".
"elatin) to s,bsc"ibe"s o% its se"$ices othe" than t"a%%ic o" content +ata an+
b! which i+entit! can be establishe+8
112 The t!-e o% co##,nication se"$ice ,se+. the technical -"o$isions taken
the"eto an+ the -e"io+ o% se"$ice4
1&2 The s,bsc"ibe"/s i+entit!. -ostal o" )eo)"a-hic a++"ess. tele-hone an+
othe" access n,#be"s. an! assi)ne+ netwo"k a++"ess. billin) an+ -a!#ent
in%o"#ation. a$ailable on the basis o% the se"$ice a)"ee#ent o" a""an)e#ent4
152 An! othe" a$ailable in%o"#ation on the site o% the installation o%
co##,nication e9,i-#ent. a$ailable on the basis o% the se"$ice a)"ee#ent
o" a""an)e#ent.
1-2 Traffic data o" non%content data "e%e"s to an! co#-,te" +ata othe" than
the content o% the co##,nication incl,+in). b,t not li#ite+ to. the
co##,nication/s o"i)in. +estination. "o,te. ti#e. +ate. si*e. +,"ation. o"
t!-e o% ,n+e"l!in) se"$ice.
SEC. =. Cybercrime &ffenses. The %ollowin) acts constit,te
the o%%ense o% c!be"c"i#e -,nishable ,n+e" this Act8
1a2 O%%enses a)ainst the con%i+entialit!. inte)"it! an+ a$ailabilit! o%
co#-,te" +ata an+ s!ste#s8
112 Ille)al Access. > The access to the whole o" an! -a"t o% a co#-,te"
s!ste# witho,t "i)ht.
1&2 Ille)al Inte"ce-tion. > The inte"ce-tion #a+e b! technical #eans witho,t
"i)ht o% an! non?-,blic t"ans#ission o% co#-,te" +ata to. %"o#. o" within a
co#-,te" s!ste# incl,+in) elect"o#a)netic e#issions %"o# a co#-,te"
s!ste# ca""!in) s,ch co#-,te" +ata.
152 @ata Inte"%e"ence. 6 The intentional o" "eckless alte"ation. +a#a)in).
+eletion o" +ete"io"ation o% co#-,te" +ata. elect"onic +oc,#ent. o"
elect"onic +ata #essa)e. witho,t "i)ht. incl,+in) the int"o+,ction o"
t"ans#ission o% $i",ses.
1=2 S!ste# Inte"%e"ence. 6 The intentional alte"ation o" "eckless hin+e"in)
o" inte"%e"ence with the %,nctionin) o% a co#-,te" o" co#-,te" netwo"k b!
in-,ttin). t"ans#ittin). +a#a)in). +eletin). +ete"io"atin). alte"in) o"
s,--"essin) co#-,te" +ata o" -"o)"a#. elect"onic +oc,#ent. o" elect"onic
+ata #essa)e. witho,t "i)ht o" a,tho"it!. incl,+in) the int"o+,ction o"
t"ans#ission o% $i",ses.
1A2 Mis,se o% @e$ices.
1i2 The ,se. -"o+,ction. sale. -"oc,"e#ent. i#-o"tation. +ist"ib,tion. o"
othe"wise #akin) a$ailable. witho,t "i)ht. o%8
1aa2 A +e$ice. incl,+in) a co#-,te" -"o)"a#. +esi)ne+ o" a+a-te+ -"i#a"il!
%o" the -,"-ose o% co##ittin) an! o% the o%%enses ,n+e" this Act4 o"
1bb2 A co#-,te" -asswo"+. access co+e. o" si#ila" +ata b! which the whole
o" an! -a"t o% a co#-,te" s!ste# is ca-able o% bein) accesse+ with intent
that it be ,se+ %o" the -,"-ose o% co##ittin) an! o% the o%%enses ,n+e" this
1ii2 The -ossession o% an ite# "e%e""e+ to in -a"a)"a-hs A1i21aa2 o" 1bb2
abo$e with intent to ,se sai+ +e$ices %o" the -,"-ose o% co##ittin) an! o%
the o%%enses ,n+e" this section.
1B2 C!be"?s9,attin). > The ac9,isition o% a +o#ain na#e o$e" the inte"net in
ba+ %aith to -"o%it. #islea+. +est"o! "e-,tation. an+ +e-"i$e othe"s %"o#
"e)iste"in) the sa#e. i% s,ch a +o#ain na#e is8
1i2 Si#ila". i+entical. o" con%,sin)l! si#ila" to an e0istin) t"a+e#a"k
"e)iste"e+ with the a--"o-"iate )o$e"n#ent a)enc! at the ti#e o% the
+o#ain na#e "e)ist"ation8
1ii2 I+entical o" in an! wa! si#ila" with the na#e o% a -e"son othe" than the
"e)ist"ant. in case o% a -e"sonal na#e4 an+
1iii2 Ac9,i"e+ witho,t "i)ht o" with intellect,al -"o-e"t! inte"ests in it.
1b2 Co#-,te"?"elate+ O%%enses8
112 Co#-,te"?"elate+ 7o")e"!. 6
1i2 The in-,t. alte"ation. o" +eletion o% an! co#-,te" +ata witho,t "i)ht
"es,ltin) in ina,thentic +ata with the intent that it be consi+e"e+ o" acte+
,-on %o" le)al -,"-oses as i% it we"e a,thentic. "e)a"+less whethe" o" not the
+ata is +i"ectl! "ea+able an+ intelli)ible4 o"
1ii2 The act o% knowin)l! ,sin) co#-,te" +ata which is the -"o+,ct o%
co#-,te"?"elate+ %o")e"! as +e%ine+ he"ein. %o" the -,"-ose o% -e"-et,atin)
a %"a,+,lent o" +ishonest +esi)n.
1&2 Co#-,te"?"elate+ 7"a,+. 6 The ,na,tho"i*e+ in-,t. alte"ation. o"
+eletion o% co#-,te" +ata o" -"o)"a# o" inte"%e"ence in the %,nctionin) o% a
co#-,te" s!ste#. ca,sin) +a#a)e the"eb! with %"a,+,lent
intent8 Provided' That i% no
+a#a)e has !et been ca,se+. the -enalt! i#-osable shall be one 112 +e)"ee
152 Co#-,te"?"elate+ I+entit! The%t. > The intentional ac9,isition. ,se.
#is,se. t"ans%e". -ossession. alte"ation o" +eletion o% i+enti%!in)
in%o"#ation belon)in) to anothe". whethe" nat,"al o" :,"i+ical. witho,t
"i)ht8 Provided' That i% no +a#a)e has !et been ca,se+. the -enalt!
i#-osable shall be one 112 +e)"ee lowe".
1c2 Content?"elate+ O%%enses8
112 C!be"se0. 6 The will%,l en)a)e#ent. #aintenance. cont"ol. o"
o-e"ation. +i"ectl! o" in+i"ectl!. o% an! lasci$io,s e0hibition o% se0,al
o")ans o" se0,al acti$it!. with the ai+ o% a co#-,te" s!ste#. %o" %a$o" o"
1&2 Chil+ Po"no)"a-h!. 6 The ,nlaw%,l o" -"ohibite+ acts +e%ine+ an+
-,nishable b! Re-,blic Act No. CDDA o" the Anti?Chil+ Po"no)"a-h! Act o%
&''C. co##itte+ th"o,)h a co#-,te" s!ste#8 Provided' That the -enalt! to
be i#-ose+ shall be 112 one +e)"ee hi)he" than that -"o$i+e+ %o" in Re-,blic
Act No. CDDA.
152 ;nsolicite+ Co##e"cial Co##,nications. 6 The t"ans#ission o%
co##e"cial elect"onic co##,nication with the ,se o% co#-,te" s!ste#
which seek to a+$e"tise. sell. o" o%%e" %o" sale -"o+,cts an+ se"$ices a"e
-"ohibite+ ,nless8
1i2 The"e is -"io" a%%i"#ati$e consent %"o# the "eci-ient4 o"
1ii2 The -"i#a"! intent o% the co##,nication is %o" se"$ice an+3o"
a+#inist"ati$e anno,nce#ents %"o# the sen+e" to its e0istin) ,se"s.
s,bsc"ibe"s o" c,sto#e"s4 o"
1iii2 The %ollowin) con+itions a"e -"esent8
1aa2 The co##e"cial elect"onic co##,nication contains a si#-le. $ali+.
an+ "eliable wa! %o" the "eci-ient to "e:ect. "ecei-t o% %,"the" co##e"cial
elect"onic #essa)es 1o-t?o,t2 %"o# the sa#e so,"ce4
1bb2 The co##e"cial elect"onic co##,nication +oes not -,"-osel! +is),ise
the so,"ce o% the elect"onic #essa)e4 an+
1cc2 The co##e"cial elect"onic co##,nication +oes not -,"-osel! incl,+e
#islea+in) in%o"#ation in an! -a"t o% the #essa)e in o"+e" to in+,ce the
"eci-ients to "ea+ the #essa)e.
1=2 Libel. 6 The ,nlaw%,l o" -"ohibite+ acts o% libel as +e%ine+ in A"ticle
5AA o% the Re$ise+ Penal Co+e. as a#en+e+. co##itte+ th"o,)h a co#-,te"
s!ste# o" an! othe" si#ila" #eans which #a! be +e$ise+ in the %,t,"e.
SEC. A. &ther &ffenses. The %ollowin) acts shall also constit,te an
1a2 Ai+in) o" Abettin) in the Co##ission o% C!be"c"i#e. > An! -e"son
who will%,ll! abets o" ai+s in the co##ission o% an! o% the o%%enses
en,#e"ate+ in this Act shall be hel+ liable.
1b2 Atte#-t in the Co##ission o% C!be"c"i#e. 6 An! -e"son who
will%,ll! atte#-ts to co##it an! o% the o%%enses en,#e"ate+ in this Act
shall be hel+ liable.
SEC. B. All c"i#es +e%ine+ an+ -enali*e+ b! the Re$ise+ Penal Co+e. as
a#en+e+. an+ s-ecial laws. i% co##itte+ b!. th"o,)h an+ with the ,se o%
in%o"#ation an+ co##,nications technolo)ies shall be co$e"e+ b! the
"ele$ant -"o$isions o% this Act8 Provided' That the -enalt! to be i#-ose+
shall be one 112 +e)"ee hi)he" than that -"o$i+e+ %o" b! the Re$ise+ Penal
Co+e. as a#en+e+. an+ s-ecial laws. as the case #a! be.
SEC. D. (iability under &ther (a)s. A -"osec,tion ,n+e" this Act shall
be witho,t -"e:,+ice to an! liabilit! %o" $iolation o% an! -"o$ision o% the
Re$ise+ Penal Co+e. as a#en+e+. o" s-ecial laws.
SEC. E. Penalties. 6 An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% an! o% the -,nishable acts
en,#e"ate+ in Sections =1a2 an+ =1b2 o% this Act shall be -,nishe+ with
i#-"ison#ent o% prision mayor o" a %ine o% at least Two h,n+"e+ tho,san+
-esos 1PhP&''.'''.''2 ,- to a #a0i#,# a#o,nt co##ens,"ate to the
+a#a)e inc,""e+ o" both.
An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% the -,nishable act ,n+e" Section =1a21A2 shall be
-,nishe+ with i#-"ison#ent o% prision mayor o" a %ine o% not #o"e than
7i$e h,n+"e+ tho,san+ -esos 1PhPA''.'''.''2 o" both.
I% -,nishable acts in Section =1a2 a"e co##itte+ a)ainst c"itical
in%"ast",ct,"e. the -enalt! o% reclusion temporal o" a %ine o% at least 7i$e
h,n+"e+ tho,san+ -esos 1PhPA''.'''.''2 ,- to #a0i#,# a#o,nt
co##ens,"ate to the +a#a)e inc,""e+ o" both. shall be i#-ose+.
An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% an! o% the -,nishable acts en,#e"ate+ in
Section =1c2112 o% this Act shall be -,nishe+ with i#-"ison#ent o% prision
mayor o" a %ine o% at least Two h,n+"e+ tho,san+ -esos 1PhP&''.'''.''2
b,t not e0cee+in) One #illion -esos 1PhP1.'''.'''.''2 o" both.
An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% an! o% the -,nishable acts en,#e"ate+ in
Section =1c21&2 o% this Act shall be -,nishe+ with the -enalties as
en,#e"ate+ in Re-,blic Act No. CDDA o" the Anti?Chil+ Po"no)"a-h! Act
o% &''C(8 Provided.That the -enalt! to be i#-ose+ shall be one 112 +e)"ee
hi)he" than that -"o$i+e+ %o" in Re-,blic Act No. CDDA. i% co##itte+
th"o,)h a co#-,te" s!ste#.
An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% an! o% the -,nishable acts en,#e"ate+ in
Section =1c2152 shall be -,nishe+ with i#-"ison#ent o% arresto mayor o" a
%ine o% at least 7i%t! tho,san+ -esos 1PhPA'.'''.''2 b,t not e0cee+in) Two
h,n+"e+ %i%t! tho,san+ -esos 1PhP&A'.'''.''2 o" both.
An! -e"son %o,n+ ),ilt! o% an! o% the -,nishable acts en,#e"ate+ in
Section A shall be -,nishe+ with i#-"ison#ent one 112 +e)"ee lowe" than
that o% the -"esc"ibe+ -enalt! %o" the o%%ense o" a %ine o% at least One
h,n+"e+ tho,san+ -esos 1PhP1''.'''.''2 b,t not e0cee+in) 7i$e h,n+"e+
tho,san+ -esos 1PhPA''.'''.''2 o" both.
SEC. C. Corporate (iability. 6 Fhen an! o% the -,nishable acts he"ein
+e%ine+ a"e knowin)l! co##itte+ on behal% o% o" %o" the bene%it o% a
:,"i+ical -e"son. b! a nat,"al -e"son actin) eithe" in+i$i+,all! o" as -a"t o%
an o")an o% the :,"i+ical -e"son. who has a lea+in) -osition within. base+
on8 1a2 a -owe" o% "e-"esentation o% the :,"i+ical -e"son -"o$i+e+ the act
co##itte+ %alls within the sco-e o% s,ch a,tho"it!4 1b2 an a,tho"it! to take
+ecisions on behal% o% the :,"i+ical -e"son8 Provided' That the act
co##itte+ %alls within the sco-e o% s,ch a,tho"it!4 o" 1c2 an a,tho"it! to
e0e"cise cont"ol within the :,"i+ical -e"son. the :,"i+ical -e"son shall be
hel+ liable %o" a %ine e9,i$alent to at least +o,ble the %ines i#-osable in
Section D ,- to a #a0i#,# o% Ten #illion -esos 1PhP1'.'''.'''.''2.
I% the co##ission o% an! o% the -,nishable acts he"ein +e%ine+ was #a+e
-ossible +,e to the lack o% s,-e"$ision o" cont"ol b! a nat,"al -e"son
"e%e""e+ to an+ +esc"ibe+ in the -"ece+in) -a"a)"a-h. %o" the bene%it o% that
:,"i+ical -e"son b! a nat,"al -e"son actin) ,n+e" its a,tho"it!. the :,"i+ical
-e"son shall be hel+ liable %o" a %ine e9,i$alent to at least +o,ble the %ines
i#-osable in Section D ,- to a #a0i#,# o% 7i$e #illion -esos
The liabilit! i#-ose+ on the :,"i+ical -e"son shall be witho,t -"e:,+ice to
the c"i#inal liabilit! o% the nat,"al -e"son who has co##itte+ the o%%ense.
SEC. 1'. (a) *nforcement !uthorities. The National <,"ea, o%
In$esti)ation 1N<I2 an+ the Phili--ine National Police 1PNP2 shall be
"es-onsible %o" the e%%icient an+ e%%ecti$e law en%o"ce#ent o% the -"o$isions
o% this Act. The N<I an+ the PNP shall o")ani*e a c!be"c"i#e ,nit o" cente"
#anne+ b! s-ecial in$esti)ato"s to e0cl,si$el! han+le cases in$ol$in)
$iolations o% this Act.
SEC. 11. uties of (a) *nforcement !uthorities. To ens,"e that the
technical nat,"e o% c!be"c"i#e an+ its -"e$ention is )i$en %oc,s an+
consi+e"in) the -"oce+,"es in$ol$e+ %o" inte"national coo-e"ation. law
en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities s-eci%icall! the co#-,te" o" technolo)! c"i#e
+i$isions o" ,nits "es-onsible %o" the in$esti)ation o% c!be"c"i#es a"e
"e9,i"e+ to s,b#it ti#el! an+ "e),la" "e-o"ts incl,+in) -"e?o-e"ation. -ost?
o-e"ation an+ in$esti)ation "es,lts an+ s,ch othe" +oc,#ents as #a! be
"e9,i"e+ to the @e-a"t#ent o% G,stice 1@OG2 %o" "e$iew an+ #onito"in).
SEC. 1&. Real%Time Collection of Traffic ata. Law en%o"ce#ent
a,tho"ities. with +,e ca,se. shall be a,tho"i*e+ to collect o" "eco"+ b!
technical o" elect"onic #eans t"a%%ic +ata in "eal?ti#e associate+ with
s-eci%ie+ co##,nications t"ans#itte+ b! #eans o% a co#-,te" s!ste#.
T"a%%ic +ata "e%e" onl! to the co##,nication/s o"i)in. +estination. "o,te.
ti#e. +ate. si*e. +,"ation. o" t!-e o% ,n+e"l!in) se"$ice. b,t not content. no"
All othe" +ata to be collecte+ o" sei*e+ o" +isclose+ will "e9,i"e
a co,"t wa""ant.
Se"$ice -"o$i+e"s a"e "e9,i"e+ to coo-e"ate an+ assist law en%o"ce#ent
a,tho"ities in the collection o" "eco"+in) o% the abo$e?state+ in%o"#ation.
The co,"t wa""ant "e9,i"e+ ,n+e" this section shall onl! be iss,e+ o" )"ante+
,-on w"itten a--lication an+ the e0a#ination ,n+e" oath o" a%%i"#ation o%
the a--licant an+ the witnesses he #a! -"o+,ce an+ the showin)8 112 that
the"e a"e "easonable )"o,n+s to belie$e that an! o% the c"i#es en,#e"ate+
he"einabo$e has been co##itte+. o" is bein) co##itte+. o" is abo,t to be
co##itte+8 1&2 that the"e a"e "easonable )"o,n+s to belie$e that e$i+ence
that will be obtaine+ is essential to the con$iction o% an! -e"son %o". o" to
the sol,tion o%. o" to the -"e$ention o%. an! s,ch c"i#es4 an+ 152 that the"e
a"e no othe" #eans "ea+il! a$ailable %o" obtainin) s,ch e$i+ence.
SEC. 15. Preservation of Computer ata. The inte)"it! o% t"a%%ic +ata
an+ s,bsc"ibe" in%o"#ation "elatin) to co##,nication se"$ices -"o$i+e+ b!
a se"$ice -"o$i+e" shall be -"ese"$e+ %o" a #ini#,# -e"io+ o% si0 1B2
#onths %"o# the +ate o% the t"ansaction. Content +ata shall be si#ila"l!
-"ese"$e+ %o" si0 1B2 #onths %"o# the +ate o% "ecei-t o% the o"+e" %"o# law
en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities "e9,i"in) its -"ese"$ation.
Law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities #a! o"+e" a one?ti#e e0tension %o" anothe" si0
1B2 #onths8 Provided' That once co#-,te" +ata -"ese"$e+. t"ans#itte+ o"
sto"e+ b! a se"$ice -"o$i+e" is ,se+ as e$i+ence in a case. the #e"e
%,"nishin) to s,ch se"$ice -"o$i+e" o% the t"ans#ittal +oc,#ent to the O%%ice
o% the P"osec,to" shall be +ee#e+ a noti%ication to -"ese"$e the co#-,te"
+ata ,ntil the te"#ination o% the case.
The se"$ice -"o$i+e" o"+e"e+ to -"ese"$e co#-,te" +ata shall kee-
con%i+ential the o"+e" an+ its co#-liance.
SEC. 1=. isclosure of Computer ata. Law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities.
,-on sec,"in) a co,"t wa""ant. shall iss,e an o"+e" "e9,i"in) an! -e"son o"
se"$ice -"o$i+e" to +isclose o" s,b#it s,bsc"ibe"/s in%o"#ation. t"a%%ic +ata
o" "ele$ant +ata in his3its -ossession o" cont"ol within se$ent!?two 1D&2
ho,"s %"o# "ecei-t o% the o"+e" in "elation to a $ali+ co#-laint o%%iciall!
+ockete+ an+ assi)ne+ %o" in$esti)ation an+ the +isclos,"e is necessa"! an+
"ele$ant %o" the -,"-ose o% in$esti)ation.
SEC. 1A. Search' Sei+ure and *,amination of Computer ata. 6 Fhe"e a
sea"ch an+ sei*,"e wa""ant is -"o-e"l! iss,e+. the law en%o"ce#ent
a,tho"ities shall likewise ha$e the %ollowin) -owe"s an+ +,ties.
Fithin the ti#e -e"io+ s-eci%ie+ in the wa""ant. to con+,ct inte"ce-tion. as
+e%ine+ in this Act. an+8
1a2 To sec,"e a co#-,te" s!ste# o" a co#-,te" +ata sto"a)e #e+i,#4
1b2 To #ake an+ "etain a co-! o% those co#-,te" +ata sec,"e+4
1c2 To #aintain the inte)"it! o% the "ele$ant sto"e+ co#-,te" +ata4
1+2 To con+,ct %o"ensic anal!sis o" e0a#ination o% the co#-,te" +ata
sto"a)e #e+i,#4 an+
1e2 To "en+e" inaccessible o" "e#o$e those co#-,te" +ata in the accesse+
co#-,te" o" co#-,te" an+ co##,nications netwo"k.
P,"s,ant the"eo%. the law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities #a! o"+e" an! -e"son
who has knowle+)e abo,t the %,nctionin) o% the co#-,te" s!ste# an+ the
#eas,"es to -"otect an+ -"ese"$e the co#-,te" +ata the"ein to -"o$i+e. as is
"easonable. the necessa"! in%o"#ation. to enable the ,n+e"takin) o% the
sea"ch. sei*,"e an+ e0a#ination.
Law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities #a! "e9,est %o" an e0tension o% ti#e to
co#-lete the e0a#ination o% the co#-,te" +ata sto"a)e #e+i,# an+ to
#ake a "et,"n the"eon b,t in no case %o" a -e"io+ lon)e" than thi"t! 15'2
+a!s %"o# +ate o% a--"o$al b! the co,"t.
SEC. 1B. Custody of Computer ata. All co#-,te" +ata. incl,+in)
content an+ t"a%%ic +ata. e0a#ine+ ,n+e" a -"o-e" wa""ant shall. within
%o"t!?ei)ht 1=E2 ho,"s a%te" the e0-i"ation o% the -e"io+ %i0e+ the"ein. be
+e-osite+ with the co,"t in a seale+ -acka)e. an+ shall be acco#-anie+ b!
an a%%i+a$it o% the law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"it! e0ec,tin) it statin) the +ates
an+ ti#es co$e"e+ b! the e0a#ination. an+ the law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"it!
who #a! access the +e-osit. a#on) othe" "ele$ant +ata. The law
en%o"ce#ent a,tho"it! shall also ce"ti%! that no +,-licates o" co-ies o% the
whole o" an! -a"t the"eo% ha$e been #a+e. o" i% #a+e. that all s,ch
+,-licates o" co-ies a"e incl,+e+ in the -acka)e +e-osite+ with the co,"t.
The -acka)e so +e-osite+ shall not be o-ene+. o" the "eco"+in)s "e-la!e+.
o" ,se+ in e$i+ence. o" then contents "e$eale+. e0ce-t ,-on o"+e" o% the
co,"t. which shall not be )"ante+ e0ce-t ,-on #otion. with +,e notice an+
o--o"t,nit! to be hea"+ to the -e"son o" -e"sons whose con$e"sation o"
co##,nications ha$e been "eco"+e+.
SEC. 1D. estruction of Computer ata. 6 ;-on e0-i"ation o% the -e"io+s
as -"o$i+e+ in Sections 15 an+ 1A. se"$ice -"o$i+e"s an+ law en%o"ce#ent
a,tho"ities. as the case #a! be. shall i##e+iatel! an+ co#-letel! +est"o!
the co#-,te" +ata s,b:ect o% a -"ese"$ation an+ e0a#ination.
SEC. 1E. *,clusionary Rule. An! e$i+ence -"oc,"e+ witho,t a $ali+
wa""ant o" be!on+ the a,tho"it! o% the sa#e shall be ina+#issible %o" an!
-"ocee+in) be%o"e an! co,"t o" t"ib,nal.
SEC. 1C. Restricting or Bloc-ing !ccess to Computer ata. Fhen a
co#-,te" +ata is prima facie %o,n+ to be in $iolation o% the -"o$isions o%
this Act. the @OG shall iss,e an o"+e" to "est"ict o" block access to s,ch
co#-,te" +ata.
SEC. &'. .oncompliance. 6 7ail,"e to co#-l! with the -"o$isions o%
Cha-te" IV he"eo% s-eci%icall! the o"+e"s %"o# law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities
shall be -,nishe+ as a $iolation o% P"esi+ential @ec"ee No. 1E&C with
i#-"ison#ent o%prision correctional in its #a0i#,# -e"io+ o" a %ine o% One
h,n+"e+ tho,san+ -esos 1Ph-1''.'''.''2 o" both. %o" each an+ e$e"!
nonco#-liance with an o"+e" iss,e+ b! law en%o"ce#ent a,tho"ities.
SEC. &1. /urisdiction. 6 The Re)ional T"ial Co,"t shall ha$e :,"is+iction
o$e" an! $iolation o% the -"o$isions o% this Act. incl,+in) an! $iolation
co##itte+ b! a 7ili-ino national "e)a"+less o% the -lace o% co##ission.
G,"is+iction shall lie i% an! o% the ele#ents was co##itte+ within the
Phili--ines o" co##itte+ with the ,se o% an! co#-,te" s!ste# wholl! o"
-a"tl! sit,ate+ in the co,nt"!. o" when b! s,ch co##ission an! +a#a)e is
ca,se+ to a nat,"al o" :,"i+ical -e"son who. at the ti#e the o%%ense was
co##itte+. was in the Phili--ines.
The"e shall be +esi)nate+ s-ecial c!be"c"i#e co,"ts #anne+ b! s-eciall!
t"aine+ :,+)es to han+le c!be"c"i#e cases.
Sec. &&. 0eneral Principles Relating to #nternational Cooperation 6 All
"ele$ant inte"national inst",#ents on inte"national coo-e"ation in c"i#inal
#atte"s. a""an)e#ents a)"ee+ on the basis o% ,ni%o"# o" "eci-"ocal
le)islation. an+ +o#estic laws. to the wi+est e0tent -ossible %o" the -,"-oses
o% in$esti)ations o" -"ocee+in)s conce"nin) c"i#inal o%%enses "elate+ to
co#-,te" s!ste#s an+ +ata. o" %o" the collection o% e$i+ence in elect"onic
%o"# o% a c"i#inal. o%%ense shall be )i$en %,ll %o"ce an+ e%%ect.
SEC &5. epartment of /ustice 1&/2. 6 The"e is he"eb! c"eate+ an O%%ice
o% C!be"c"i#e within the @OG +esi)nate+ as the cent"al a,tho"it! in all
#atte"s "elate+ to inte"national #,t,al assistance an+ e0t"a+ition.
SEC. &=. Cybercrime #nvestigation and Coordinating Center. The"e is
he"eb! c"eate+. within thi"t! 15'2 +a!s %"o# the e%%ecti$it! o% this Act. an
inte"?a)enc! bo+! to be known as the C!be"c"i#e In$esti)ation an+
Coo"+inatin) Cente" 1CICC2. ,n+e" the a+#inist"ati$e s,-e"$ision o% the
O%%ice o% the P"esi+ent. %o" -olic! coo"+ination a#on) conce"ne+ a)encies
an+ %o" the %o"#,lation an+ en%o"ce#ent o% the national c!be"sec,"it! -lan.
SEC. &A. Composition. 6 The CICC shall be hea+e+ b! the E0ec,ti$e
@i"ecto" o% the In%o"#ation an+ Co##,nications Technolo)! O%%ice ,n+e"
the @e-a"t#ent o% Science an+ Technolo)! 1ICTO?@OST2 as Chai"-e"son
with the @i"ecto" o% the N<I as Vice Chai"-e"son4 the Chie% o% the PNP4
Hea+ o% the @OG O%%ice o% C!be"c"i#e4 an+ one 112 "e-"esentati$e %"o# the
-"i$ate secto" an+ aca+e#e. as #e#be"s. The CICC shall be #anne+ b! a
sec"eta"iat o% selecte+ e0istin) -e"sonnel an+ "e-"esentati$es %"o# the
+i%%e"ent -a"tici-atin) a)encies.
SEC. &B. Po)ers and 3unctions. The CICC shall ha$e the %ollowin)
-owe"s an+ %,nctions8
1a2 To %o"#,late a national c!be"sec,"it! -lan an+ e0ten+ i##e+iate
assistance %o" the s,--"ession o% "eal?ti#e co##ission o% c!be"c"i#e
o%%enses th"o,)h a co#-,te" e#e")enc! "es-onse tea# 1CERT24
1b2 To coo"+inate the -"e-a"ation o% a--"o-"iate an+ e%%ecti$e #eas,"es to
-"e$ent an+ s,--"ess c!be"c"i#e acti$ities as -"o$i+e+ %o" in this Act4
1c2 To #onito" c!be"c"i#e cases bein) ban+ie+ b! -a"tici-atin) law
en%o"ce#ent an+ -"osec,tion a)encies4
1+2 To %acilitate inte"national coo-e"ation on intelli)ence. in$esti)ations.
t"ainin) an+ ca-acit! b,il+in) "elate+ to c!be"c"i#e -"e$ention. s,--"ession
an+ -"osec,tion4
1e2 To coo"+inate the s,--o"t an+ -a"tici-ation o% the b,siness secto". local
)o$e"n#ent ,nits an+ non)o$e"n#ent o")ani*ations in c!be"c"i#e
-"e$ention -"o)"a#s an+ othe"
"elate+ -"o:ects4
1%2 To "eco##en+ the enact#ent o% a--"o-"iate laws. iss,ances. #eas,"es
an+ -olicies4
1)2 To call ,-on an! )o$e"n#ent a)enc! to "en+e" assistance in the
acco#-lish#ent o% the CICC/s #an+ate+ tasks an+ %,nctions4 an+
1h2 To -e"%o"# all othe" #atte"s "elate+ to c!be"c"i#e -"e$ention an+
s,--"ession. incl,+in) ca-acit! b,il+in) an+ s,ch othe" %,nctions an+ +,ties
as #a! be necessa"! %o" the -"o-e" i#-le#entation o% this Act.
SEC. &D. !ppropriations. The a#o,nt o% 7i%t! #illion -esos
1PhPA'.'''.'''.''2 shall be a--"o-"iate+ ann,all! %o" the i#-le#entation
o% this Act.
SEC. &E. #mplementing Rules and Regulations. The ICTO?@OST. the
@OG an+ the @e-a"t#ent o% the Inte"io" an+ Local Ho$e"n#ent 1@ILH2
shall :ointl! %o"#,late the necessa"! ",les an+ "e),lations within ninet! 1C'2
+a!s %"o# a--"o$al o% this Act. %o" its e%%ecti$e i#-le#entation.
SEC. &C. Separability Clause I% an! -"o$ision o% this Act is hel+ in$ali+.
the othe" -"o$isions not a%%ecte+ shall "e#ain in %,ll %o"ce an+ e%%ect.
SEC. 5'. Repealing Clause. All laws. +ec"ees o" ",les inconsistent with
this Act a"e he"eb! "e-eale+ o" #o+i%ie+ acco"+in)l!. Section 551a2 o%
Re-,blic Act No. EDC& o" the Elect"onic Co##e"ce ActI is he"eb!
#o+i%ie+ acco"+in)l!.
Section 1. Habeas @ata. ? The w"it o% habeas +ata is a "e#e+!
a$ailable to an! -e"son whose "i)ht to -"i$ac! in li%e. libe"t! o"
sec,"it! is $iolate+ o" th"eatene+ b! an ,nlaw%,l act o" o#ission o% a
-,blic o%%icial o" e#-lo!ee. o" o% a -"i$ate in+i$i+,al o" entit!
en)a)e+ in the )athe"in). collectin) o" sto"in) o% +ata o" in%o"#ation
"e)a"+in) the -e"son. %a#il!. ho#e an+ co""es-on+ence o% the
a))"ie$e+ -a"t!.
Sec. &. Fho Ma! 7ile. ? An! a))"ie$e+ -a"t! #a! %ile a -etition %o"
the w"it o% habeas +ata. Howe$e". in cases o% e0t"ale)al killin)s an+
en%o"ce+ +isa--ea"ances. the -etition #a! be %ile+ b!8 chan"obles
$i"t,al law lib"a"!
1a2 An! #e#be" o% the i##e+iate %a#il! o% the a))"ie$e+ -a"t!.
na#el!8 the s-o,se. chil+"en an+ -a"ents4 o" chan"obles $i"t,al law
1b2 An! ascen+ant. +escen+ant o" collate"al "elati$e o% the a))"ie$e+
-a"t! within the %o,"th ci$il +e)"ee o% consan),init! o" a%%init!. in
+e%a,lt o% those #entione+ in the -"ece+in) -a"a)"a-h4 o" chan"obles
$i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. 5. Fhe"e to 7ile. ? The -etition #a! be %ile+ with the
Re)ional T"ial Co,"twhe"e the -etitione" o" "es-on+ent "esi+es. o"
that which has :,"is+iction o$e" the -lace whe"e the +ata o"
in%o"#ation is )athe"e+. collecte+ o" sto"e+. at the o-tion o% the
-etitione". chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
The -etition #a! also be %ile+ with the S,-"e#e Co,"t o" the Co,"t
o% A--eals o" the San+i)anba!an when the action conce"ns -,blic
+ata %iles o% )o$e"n#ent o%%ices.
Sec. =. Fhe"e Ret,"nable4 En%o"ceable. ? Fhen the w"it is iss,e+ b!
a Re)ional T"ial Co,"t o" an! :,+)e the"eo%. it shall be "et,"nable
be%o"e s,ch co,"t o" :,+)e.
Fhen iss,e+ b! the Co,"t o% A--eals o" the San+i)anba!an o" an! o%
its :,stices. it #a! be "et,"nable be%o"e s,ch co,"t o" an! :,stice
the"eo%. o" to an! Re)ional T"ial Co,"t o% the -lace whe"e the
-etitione" o" "es-on+ent "esi+es. o" that which has :,"is+iction o$e"
the -lace whe"e the +ata o" in%o"#ation is )athe"e+. collecte+ o"
Fhen iss,e+ b! the S,-"e#e Co,"t o" an! o% its :,stices. it #a! be
"et,"nable be%o"e s,ch Co,"t o" an! :,stice the"eo%. o" be%o"e the
Co,"t o% A--eals o" the San+i)anba!an o" an! o% its :,stices. o" to
an! Re)ional T"ial Co,"t o% the -lace whe"e the -etitione" o"
"es-on+ent "esi+es. o" that which has :,"is+iction o$e" the -lace
whe"e the +ata o" in%o"#ation is )athe"e+. collecte+ o" sto"e+.
The w"it o% habeas +ata shall be en%o"ceable an!whe"e in the
Sec. A. @ocket 7ees. ? No +ocket an+ othe" law%,l %ees shall be
"e9,i"e+ %"o# an in+i)ent -etitione". The -etition o% the in+i)ent
shall be +ocke+ an+ acte+ ,-on i##e+iatel!. witho,t -"e:,+ice to
s,bse9,ent s,b#ission o% -"oo% o% in+i)enc! not late" than %i%teen
11A2 +a!s %"o# the %ilin) o% the -etition. chan"obles $i"t,al law
Sec. B. Petition. ? A $e"i%ie+ w"itten -etition %o" a w"it o% habeas +ata
sho,l+ contain8
1a2 The -e"sonal ci"c,#stances o% the -etitione" an+ the "es-on+ent4
1b2 The #anne" the "i)ht to -"i$ac! is $iolate+ o" th"eatene+ an+ how
it a%%ects the "i)ht to li%e. libe"t! o" sec,"it! o% the a))"ie$e+
-a"t!4 chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
1c2 The actions an+ "eco,"ses taken b! the -etitione" to sec,"e the
+ata o" in%o"#ation4
1+2 The location o% the %iles. "e)iste"s o" +atabases. the )o$e"n#ent
o%%ice. an+ the -e"son in cha")e. in -ossession o" in cont"ol o% the
+ata o" in%o"#ation. i% known4
1e2 The "elie%s -"a!e+ %o". which #a! incl,+e the ,-+atin).
"ecti%ication. s,--"ession o" +est",ction o% the +atabase o"
in%o"#ation o" %iles ke-t b! the "es-on+ent.
In case o% th"eats. the "elie% #a! incl,+e a -"a!e" %o" an o"+e"
en:oinin) the act co#-laine+ o%4 an+
1%2 S,ch othe" "ele$ant "elie%s as a"e :,st an+ e9,itable.
Sec. D. Iss,ance o% the F"it. ? ;-on the %ilin) o% the -etition. the
co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e shall i##e+iatel! o"+e" the iss,ance o% the
w"it i% on its %ace it o,)ht to iss,e. The cle"k o% co,"t shall iss,e the
w"it ,n+e" the seal o% the co,"t an+ ca,se it to be se"$e+ within th"ee
152 +a!s %"o# the iss,ance4 o". in case o% ,")ent necessit!. the :,stice
o" :,+)e #a! iss,e the w"it ,n+e" his o" he" own han+. an+ #a!
+e-,ti*e an! o%%ice" o" -e"son se"$e it.
The w"it shall also set the +ate an+ ti#e %o" s,##a"! hea"in) o% the
-etition which shall not be late" than ten 11'2 wo"k +a!s %"o# the
+ate o% its iss,ance.chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. E. Penalt! %o" Re%,sin) to Iss,e o" Se"$e the F"it. ? A cle"k o%
co,"t who "e%,ses to iss,e the w"it a%te" its allowance. o" a +e-,ti*e+
-e"son who "e%,ses to se"$e the sa#e. shall be -,nishe+ b! the co,"t.
:,stice o" :,+)e %o" conte#-t witho,t -"e:,+ice to othe" +isci-lina"!
actions. chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. C. How the F"it is Se"$e+. ? The w"it shall be se"$e+ ,-on the
"es-on+ent b! a :,+icial o%%ice" o" b! a -e"son +e-,ti*e+ b! the
co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e who shall "etain a co-! on which to #ake
a "et,"n o% se"$ice. In case the w"it cannot be se"$e+ -e"sonall! on
the "es-on+ent. the ",les on s,bstit,te+ se"$ice shall a--l!.
Sec. 1'. Ret,"n4 Contents. ? The "es-on+ent shall %ile a $e"i%ie+
w"itten "et,"n to)ethe" with s,--o"tin) a%%i+a$its within %i$e 1A2
wo"kin) +a!s %"o# se"$ice o% the w"it. which -e"io+ #a! be
"easonabl! e0ten+e+ b! the Co,"t %o" :,sti%iable "easons. The "et,"n
shall. a#on) othe" thin)s. contain the %ollowin)8
1a2 The law%,l +e%enses s,ch as national sec,"it!. state sec"ets.
-"i$ile)e+ co##,nications. con%i+entialit! o% the so,"ce o%
in%o"#ation o% #e+ia an+ othe"s4
1b2 In case o% "es-on+ent in cha")e. in -ossession o" in cont"ol o% the
+ata o" in%o"#ation s,b:ect o% the -etition4
1i2 a +isclos,"e o% the +ata o" in%o"#ation abo,t the -etitione". the
nat,"e o% s,ch +ata o" in%o"#ation. an+ the -,"-ose %o" its collection4
1ii2 the ste-s o" actions taken b! the "es-on+ent to ens,"e the sec,"it!
an+ con%i+entialit! o% the +ata o" in%o"#ation4 an+ chan"obles $i"t,al
law lib"a"!
1iii2 the c,""enc! an+ acc,"ac! o% the +ata o" in%o"#ation hel+4 an+.
1c2 Othe" alle)ations "ele$ant to the "esol,tion o% the -"ocee+in).
A )ene"al +enial o% the alle)ations in the -etition shall not be
Sec. 11. Conte#-t. ? The co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e #a! -,nish with
i#-"ison#ent o" %ine a "es-on+ent who co##its conte#-t b!
#akin) a %alse "et,"n. o" "e%,sin) to #ake a "et,"n4 o" an! -e"son
who othe"wise +isobe!s o" "esist a law%,l -"ocess o" o"+e" o% the
Sec. 1&. Fhen @e%enses Ma! be Hea"+ in Cha#be"s. ? A hea"in) in
cha#be"s #a! be con+,cte+ whe"e the "es-on+ent in$okes the
+e%ense that the "elease o% the +ata o" in%o"#ation in 9,estion shall
co#-"o#ise national sec,"it! o" state sec"ets. o" when the +ata o"
in%o"#ation cannot be +i$,l)e+ to the -,blic +,e to its nat,"e o"
-"i$ile)e+ cha"acte".
Sec. 15. P"ohibite+ Plea+in)s an+ Motions. ? The %ollowin)
-lea+in)s an+ #otions a"e -"ohibite+8
1a2 Motion to +is#iss4
1b2 Motion %o" e0tension o% ti#e to %ile "et,"n. o--osition. a%%i+a$it.
-osition -a-e" an+ othe" -lea+in)s4 chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
1c2 @ilato"! #otion %o" -ost-one#ent4
1+2 Motion %o" a bill o% -a"tic,la"s4
1e2 Co,nte"clai# o" c"oss?clai#4
1%2 Thi"+?-a"t! co#-laint4
1)2 Re-l!4
1h2 Motion to +ecla"e "es-on+ent in +e%a,lt4
1i2 Inte"$ention4
1:2 Me#o"an+,#4
1k2 Motion %o" "econsi+e"ation o% inte"loc,to"! o"+e"s o" inte"i#
"elie% o"+e"s4 an+
1l2 Petition %o" ce"tio"a"i. #an+a#,s o" -"ohibition a)ainst an!
inte"loc,to"! o"+e".
Sec. 1=. Ret,"n4 7ilin). ? In case the "es-on+ent %ails to %ile a "et,"n.
the co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e shall -"ocee+ to hea" the -etition e0 -a"te.
)"antin) the -etitione" s,ch "elie% as the -etition #a! wa""ant ,nless
the co,"t in its +isc"etion "e9,i"es the -etitione" to s,b#it
e$i+ence. chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. 1A. S,##a"! Hea"in). ? The hea"in) on the -etition shall be
s,##a"!. Howe$e". the co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e #a! call %o" a
-"eli#ina"! con%e"ence to si#-li%! the iss,es an+ +ete"#ine the
-ossibilit! o% obtainin) sti-,lations an+ a+#issions %"o# the
-a"ties. chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. 1B. G,+)#ent. ? The co,"t shall "en+e" :,+)#ent within ten 11'2
+a!s %"o# the ti#e the -etition is s,b#itte+ %o" +ecision. I% the
alle)ations in the -etition a"e -"o$en b! s,bstantial e$i+ence. the
co,"t shall en:oin the act co#-laine+ o%. o" o"+e" the +eletion.
+est",ction. o" "ecti%ication o% the e""oneo,s +ata o" in%o"#ation an+
)"ant othe" "ele$ant "elie%s as #a! be :,st an+ e9,itable4 othe"wise.
the -"i$ile)e o% the w"it shall be +enie+.
;-on its %inalit!. the :,+)#ent shall be en%o"ce+ b! the she"i%% o" an!
law%,l o%%ice"s as #a! be +esi)nate+ b! the co,"t. :,stice o" :,+)e
within %i$e 1A2 wo"kin) +a!s.
Sec. 1D. Ret,"n o% Se"$ice. ? The o%%ice" who e0ec,te+ the %inal
:,+)#ent shall. within th"ee 152 +a!s %"o# its en%o"ce#ent. #ake a
$e"i%ie+ "et,"n to the co,"t. The "et,"n shall contain a %,ll state#ent
o% the -"ocee+in)s ,n+e" the w"it an+ a co#-lete in$ento"! o% the
+atabase o" in%o"#ation. o" +oc,#ents an+ a"ticles ins-ecte+.
,-+ate+. "ecti%ie+. o" +elete+. with co-ies se"$e+ on the -etitione"
an+ the "es-on+ent.
The o%%ice" shall state in the "et,"n how the :,+)#ent was en%o"ce+
an+ co#-lie+ with b! the "es-on+ent. as well as all ob:ections o% the
-a"ties "e)a"+in) the #anne" an+ "e),la"it! o% the se"$ice o% the w"it.
Sec. 1E. Hea"in) on O%%ice"?s Ret,"n. ? The co,"t shall set the "et,"n
%o" hea"in) with +,e notice to the -a"ties an+ act
acco"+in)l!. chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
Sec. 1C. A--eal. ? An! -a"t! #a! a--eal %"o# the %inal :,+)#ent o"
o"+e" to the S,-"e#e Co,"t ,n+e" R,le =A. The a--eal #a! "aise
9,estions o% %act o" law o" both. chan"obles $i"t,al law lib"a"!
The -e"io+ o% a--eal shall be %i$e 1A2 wo"kin) +a!s %"o# the +ate o%
notice o% the :,+)#ent o" %inal o"+e".
The a--eal shall be )i$en the sa#e -"io"it! as in habeas co"-,s an+
a#-a"o cases.
Sec. &'. Instit,tion o% Se-a"ate Actions. ? The %ilin) o% a -etition %o"
the w"it o% habeas +ata shall not -"ecl,+e the %ilin) o% se-a"ate
c"i#inal. ci$il o" a+#inist"ati$e actions.
Sec. &1. Consoli+ation. ? Fhen a c"i#inal action is %ile+ s,bse9,ent
to the %ilin) o% a -etition %o" the w"it. the latte" shall be consoli+ate+
with the c"i#inal action.
Fhen a c"i#inal action an+ a se-a"ate ci$il action a"e %ile+
s,bse9,ent to a -etition %o" a w"it o% habeas +ata. the -etition shall be
consoli+ate+ with the c"i#inal action.
A%te" consoli+ation. the -"oce+,"e ,n+e" this R,le shall contin,e to
)o$e"n the +is-osition o% the "elie%s in the -etition.
Sec. &&. E%%ect o% 7ilin) o% a C"i#inal Action. ? Fhen a c"i#inal
action has been co##ence+. no se-a"ate -etition %o" the w"it shall be
%ile+. The "elie% ,n+e" the w"it shall be a$ailable to an a))"ie$e+
-a"t! b! #otion in the c"i#inal case.
The -"oce+,"e ,n+e" this R,le shall )o$e"n the +is-osition o% the
"elie%s a$ailable ,n+e" the w"it o% habeas +ata.
Sec. &5. S,bstanti$e Ri)hts. ? This R,le shall not +i#inish. inc"ease
o" #o+i%! s,bstanti$e "i)hts.
Sec. &=. S,--leto"! A--lication o% the R,les o% Co,"t. ? The R,les o%
Co,"t shall a--l! s,--leto"il! inso%a" as it is not inconsistent with
this R,le.