Chaotics Kotler

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Change is the new status quo in a global economy dominated by interlocking fragility.
Organizations must have systems designed to deal with risk, which is measurable,
and uncertainty, which is immeasurable.
Coping with turbulence requires a pragmatic, highly disciplined approach.
Hurried solutions in search of cash ow generate costly strategic mistakes.
Closely track consumer behavior; respond swiftly in your strategy, marketing and sales.
Constant change renders the traditional three-year strategic plan useless. Make
short-, medium-, and long-range plans, and be prepared to change them.
Unknowable events, like the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, obscure any
connection between cause and effect. The world can be remade in an instant.
In lean times, talent is worth more than capital.
Constantly re-evaluate your products, brands, strategies, people, marketing, sales,
nances and other basics. To thrive amid chaos, save the strong; lose the weak.
Stay true to your fundamentals.
8 8 6 7
The Business of Managing and Marketing in the Age of Turbulence
by Philip Kotler and John A. Caslione
Copyright 2009 AMACOM, a division of American Management Association
224 pages
Leadership & Management
Sales & Marketing
Human Resources
IT, Production & Logistics
Career Development
Small Business
Economics & Politics
Global Business
Concepts & Trends
This summary is restricted to the personal use of Alina Marcu (
Chaotics Copyright 2011 getAbstract 2 of 5
What You Will Learn
In this Abstract, you will learn: 1) How todays turbulent times differ from previous business
eras, 2) What strategies work in the face of chaos and 3) How to prot despite uncertainty.
The world is uncertain and growing more so. Businesses must react to new and constant
uidity. Remaining calm and clear-eyed in the face of chaos takes nerve and perception.
Marketing guru Philip Kotler and business adviser John A. Caslione offer a rock of
judgment to stand on amid these tossing seas. Their knowledgeable, organized approach
proves scholarly enough to offer illuminating historical background and forward-looking
enough to present a clear if general set of guidelines for managing, marketing and
selling in a future where change is constant. They identify obstacles and offer strategies
to help leaders cope with the unknown and stay exible when the going is chaotic.
getAbstract recommends this readable prescription for thriving in troubled times to
anyone who intends to earn a living today, next week or 10 years hence.
Turbulence and Chaos
When the pilot turns on the seat belt sign and the plane shakes and shudders, you grip the
armrests and wait for the turbulence to end. You cant control what the pilot does. Patience
is your only recourse. The opposite is true in todays turbulent business climate. Patience
and passivity will kill your prots and your rm. Uncertainty is, and will continue to be,
the enduring market condition. The usual knee-jerk response to heightened uncertainty
is to cut back in every area. Thats as unproductive and thoughtless as doing nothing.
New times demand new strategies. To nd them, embrace the unknown. Dont move
blindly, but know that with discipline and common sense, you can guard against chaos
and nd a route to protability when others founder.
Technology and global markets interconnect in todays business world. This integration
generates an unknown level of interlocking fragility; that is, the actions of one rm, market
or nation affect many, many others. Leaders cannot predict how their actions will inuence
every other market participant, but the executives of sound companies should at least know
how their actions are going to affect their own businesses. Organizations need systems
designed to cope with turbulence with risk (which is measurable) and uncertainty (which
is unmeasurable). Such systems should include early-warning alarms to alert leaders to
upcoming turbulence, a scenario construction program for creating appropriate reactions,
and a quick response system that provides a fast-track strategy for responding to market
changes. These systems all come under the rubric of chaotics.
Most companies operate on the assumption of a built-in self-restoring equilibrium, a
cycle of good and bad times that returns to balance. Given the past 100 years of business,
that might seem valid, considering the idea of cyclical markets: years-long upswings of
expansion and innovation followed inevitably by years-long downturns when businesses
retrench and await the next surge. The new interconnected economy makes those cycles
obsolete; they will never return. Turbulence, the new normality, produces vulnerability,
which requires rms to protect themselves, and opportunity, which companies must
instantly exploit, whether it comes from taking a market from their competitors, seizing
The fact is we
are entering a new
age of turbulence
and, moreover,
turbulence creates
the same impact
on us as turbulence
in nature.
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a segment that rivals dont recognize or absorbing a faltering competitor. Opportunity
also exists if you do not make companywide cuts while others do.
Constantly Changing Change
Change is the new status quo, leaving managers without rm ground from which to gaze
at the onrushing future as markets, technologies, governments, consumers and products
undergo constant change with blinding rapidity. Faster shifts create new, more powerful
shocks. The interconnected fragility of corporations, markets, banking systems and
nations means that turbulence in one sector creates shocks or changes in another. This
is the buttery effect. A single ap of a butterys wings may create a minuscule shift
in global winds and weather systems, but that tiny change might affect the trajectory of
a tornado half a world away. Astute leaders must be alert to the uttering of buttery
wings in their industries. Managers and marketers should watch for seven factors that are
likely to generate severe turbulence:
1. Technological advances and the information revolution If youre older than
30, youre a digital immigrant; if younger, youre a digital native. People and
markets suffer information overload, and discerning which data have value is
increasingly hard. Local market downturns now have global effects, so your rm
must mimic the Internet and be more adaptableinterwoven andspecialized.
Business faces a new pervasive paradigm: Information and communication are no
longer separate entities or functions; all information contains communication, and
all communication contains information. This means everyone in the rm, not just
marketers, carries out work that can affect consumers perceptions of the company.
2. Disruptive technologies and innovations New technologies are, by their
nature, disruptive to business and to previous generations of technology. When the
technological norm proves almost instantly out of date for instance, the way the web
is challenging print media advertising market chaos ensues. Disrupters almost always
prevail. Recognize how they might affect your market share and react appropriately.
3. The rise of the rest The Easts emerging industrialized nations will come to
dominate the world economy as the US and Europe have for the past two centuries.
The world is facing an enormous shift in power, equal to the 15th-century emergence
of Europe and the 19th-century rise of the US as economic juggernauts.
4. Hypercompetition The speed and chaos of competitive high-tech advances
generate technologies or offerings (notably the Internet) so radically unfamiliar that
no standards or rules exist to judge or regulate them. The constant evolution of new
modes means long-term competitive advantage is dead. Innovative products and rms
sow chaos in markets, make money, and either move on or surrender their segment
to copycat rivals who replicate their new goods more cheaply thus shortening the
innovators return on investment. Chaotic market shifts occur when rms waste
resources staving off narrowcasting upstarts who prot from the tiniest market edge.
5. Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) These state-owned investment funds might hold
stocks, bonds, property, precious metals or other nancial instruments. They wield
enormous global might. China, for example, invested heavily in the US during the 2008
nancial crisis, bolstering the dollar, the US economy and the idea of interconnected
fragility. The nancial wherewithal of China and the oil states means that the US and
Europe will nd their inuence diminished. Singapore, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and China
have assets nearing $4 trillion, and they invest in nancial markets around the globe.
6. The environment With carbon emissions becoming ever more important to national
economies and private businesses, ecological concerns remain a wild card. How much
Expect more big
shocks and many
painful disruptions,
causing heightened
levels of overall
risk and
for business.
is occurring
at a blistering
pace, leaving
many businesses
unprepared and
vulnerable to the
chaos it brings.
Business leaders
need a new view
of the world and a
new framework for
dealing with it
change is occurring
all the time.
Entering this
new era is a time
of tremendous
but also one of
substantial risk.
Chaotics Copyright 2011 getAbstract 4 of 5
will nations and rms spend to operate under new regulations? What industries will rise
or fall? How will rapid climate change affect shing, mining, agriculture or water use?
7. Customer and stakeholder empowerment Consumers dominate brands now.
Advertising must seek and hold shoppers attention. Firms must respond to increasingly
demanding customer feedback. Poor goods or services cannot endure; users will
destroy them online. The web creates astonishing levels of word-of-mouth turbulence.
What Not to Do
In times of turbulence, the worst thing you can do is to follow your instincts and become
cautious. Most leaders cut costs too broadly, avoid risk, stop investing in IT and neglect
new product development. This leads to some common fear-based mistakes: diverting
resources from your core strategy; cost cutting in all departments instead of focused
paring of weak divisions; endangering stakeholders by pursuing short-term cash;
spending less on brand development, marketing, and new products; discounting prices;
and neglecting your distributors and suppliers.
When guring out where to allocate resources, leaders must calculate how well the rm
did in the previous recession and what lessons that taught. Does performance then offer
any guide to future actions? Firms must really know their liquid assets, like ready-to-
sell goods, since quick xes to gain cash are almost always expensive in the long term.
Across-the-board cuts reduce your dynamism. As rms globally cut deadwood, talent
will become far more valuable than capital. Think carefully before you decimate your
staff. Before you skip payments to suppliers and distributors, realize how crucial they
are to you as long-term allies not as short-term costs. Seek partner-oriented suppliers.
Stay true to your core values, ethics and the nancial fundamentals.
Market share depends on marketing; if you reduce your market presence, how will
consumers nd or value your product? Address well-dened markets based on customer
segments, not products, and focus on intangible assets such as brands, customer
equity, channel loyalty and intellectual property. Use marketing to build long-range,
far-reaching, stakeholder-oriented connections. Look at less costly digital marketing
campaigns. In a crisis, re-evaluate your clients, locations, products, ads and brands, and
drop the nonperformers. Do your market and sales research so you can save the strong
and lose the weak. In sales, cut lackluster people and promotions, nd new opportunities,
and link deeply with marketing. Sales managers must enrich client relations, foster
motivated team spirit, oppose discounting, and set rigorous but realistic goals.
Chaotics Management Systems
Companies need chaotics management systems. Old-school three-year plans are now
worthless; no one knows what a market will be like in three years. Engage in triple
planning for current, mid-range and long-range time frames. Opportunities and dangers
now appear instantly. Leaders must be on the cutting edge to exploit openings and go
where change is happening. Stay alert to the web, meet young people in your eld
and watch your industrys outliers. If you hear of an outrageous new development that
everyone says will fail, learn all about it. Make sure that you hear all the company news,
good and bad, and that your subordinates dont censor anything.
Unltered information crucially offers warning signs of failing business tactics. Those
below the executive level know when strategies are faltering or working. They might
have kept such information to themselves in the past; now they must report upward
so their leaders can act. Executives need to recognize that any strategy has a built-in
In this new
chapter in
economic history,
the perennial
drivers of
globalization over
the past 50 years
will no longer
play their former
dominant roles.
are intimately
linked and
Commerce is
conducted with
information ows
moving at the
speed of light over
the Internet and
mobile phones.
The electronic
marketplace [is] a
way for companies
to deepen
with customers,
suppliers and
actually rules
the web. More
trust strengthens
In tough times,
dont compromise
your recruiting
standards in fact,
elevate them.
Chaotics Copyright 2011 getAbstract 5 of 5
half-life. What looks like genius today may look more like stupidity in a year. Ideas and
practices will grow obsolete quickly; be ready with new ones. Even top executives might
not see what is in front of them. They must ask tough questions: Whats new in your
industry that might weaken your business? What developments are your rivals pursuing?
Can you respond swiftly to possible threats? Examine when and how your rm suffered
earlier blind spots, and become newly vigilant in those areas.
Future Scenarios
Part of chaotics management is creating scenarios of viable futures. You will benet from
the time, energy, and research you spend on constructing views of distant possibilities
when that knowledge enables your rm to respond quickly and protably to turbulence
that wrecks others. To create scenarios, identify turbulence drivers in your business
world, levels of uncertainty that might generate chaos. A clear enough future, where
no visible disruptions or immediate chaos threaten your market, means you can create
a future scenario based on current conditions. If you face several possible new business
situations, create an alternative future with scenarios to deal with each development.
A range of potential futures means projecting how multiple variables may operate in
different contexts and developing a few of them as scenarios. However, if you study too
many, you wont fulll any of them adequately. Select the most likely potential futures
and build those workable scenarios. True ambiguity means you face so many variables
you cannot sensibly predict any scenarios. If your rm is in such a state, jettison weaker
divisions or brands, focus on core strengths, build capital and closely monitor events.
The next step after true ambiguity is, of course, chaos: the realm of unknowables,
events so cataclysmic no one can foresee them, like the September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks. When unknowables occur, leaders must recognize them as such and forget past
practices. The world reinvents itself in an instant, demanding new solutions. After 9/11,
the mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, called for order, asked citizens to help one
another and pursued the business of keeping the city running. He understood the events
magnitude and responded in purely functional ways.
Flexible Responses
Of course, change on a far less dramatic level is always ongoing. Some companies and
their marketers have systems in place to deal with such change. When an Ikea furniture
store begins to sell fewer expensive items, the Swedish chain shifts costly products off
its sales oor and gives the space to lower-priced merchandise; when high-end goods
sell well, they get more space. Ikeas managers are ready for shoppers spending patterns
to change constantly. They respond with a pragmatic, highly disciplined approach,
showing exibility, vigilance and willingness to accept uncertainty. By responding with
a clear-headed strategy, Ikea doesnt let the market dictate to it. It remains responsive,
robust and resilient, which is every companys goal amid chaos. To achieve that objective,
make strategic planning more dynamic, facilitate cross-functional decision making
and break large organizations down into smaller, atter groups.
About the Authors
The father of modern marketing, Philip Kotler teaches at the Kellogg School of
Management at Northwestern University. His books include Marketing Management.
Strategist John A. Caslione is the CEO of GCS Business Capital LLC, a mergers and
acquisitions advisory rm.
Marketers need to
master resiliency if
they are to engage
the marketplace
forcefully, break
through the chaos
and connect with
Great marketers
dont just rebound
from crises. They
build the internal
capacity to expect
the unexpected.
Turbulence and
chaos produce the
good, the bad
and the ugly.
Our ultimate
objective is to
provide a guide for
business leaders to
create businesses
that will live on
and thrive despite
the turbulence
and chaos they
may encounter.

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