Chief Complaints, Dental Health Status and Dental Treatment Needs in Elderly Patients
Chief Complaints, Dental Health Status and Dental Treatment Needs in Elderly Patients
Chief Complaints, Dental Health Status and Dental Treatment Needs in Elderly Patients
CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98
Original Article
Objective The aims of this study were to investigate the principal oral complaints, dental health status
and dental treatment needs in elderly patients.
Materials and methods The study sample consisted of 484 dental patients who were 60 years of age
and older. Interviews were conducted to identify the oral complaints whereas the dental health status
and dental treatment needs were assessed by oral examination.
Results There were 17 principal oral complaints identified; and the four leading problems were faulty
prostheses (21.1%), pain or/and swelling (16.3%), tooth loss or inefficient chewing (16.1%), and broken
teeth and restorations (11.6%). There were more edentate subjects in the 70 years and older group
(21.3%) than the other two younger groups (14.6% and 6.4% respectively, p = .001). With reference to
denture wearing status, there were 246 denture wearers, including 62.2% partial denture wearers and
37.8% complete denture wearers. Of the 416 dentate subjects, there were 85.3% subjects who had at
least one carious lesion. The DMF scores were higher in the oldest group (21.16.8) as compared to
those of the two younger groups (19.27.9 and 18.96.8 respectively, p = .038). There were 30.5%
subjects with gingivitis and 65.9% with periodontitis. The incidence of periodontitis increased with age
(p < .001). Prosthetic treatment was the main requirement, applying to 84.5% of the group, followed by
the periodontal treatment (80.8%), and restorative treatment (75.4%).
Conclusion The results of this study shows high incidence of dental diseases in our sample. Therefore
the appropriate dental treatment is a high priority for this group of patients.
(CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98)
Key words: chief complaint; dental health status; dental treatment needs; elderly
190 Jainkittivong A, et al
It has been shown that older adults usually have
poor oral health, visit the dentist infrequently, and rarely
complain of oral problems. Petersen et al1 reported only
43% older Lithuanians visited the dentist within the past
year and the main reasons were related to acute symptoms. Mattin and Smith2 also reported fewer than 15%
of the older Asians attended the dentist on a regular
basis; the remaining subjects reported it was not necessary to do so unless they were in pain or required new
dentures. MacEntee and Scully3 stated oral health
deteriorates with advancing age and the disorders
progress further to the state of more serious neglect in
later years. In older individuals, periodontal disease and
caries become about equally responsible for tooth loss.4
The main risk factor for tooth loss in older adults was
usually associated with a poor oral health status.5-7
Shimazaki et al7 showed that the number of teeth,
number of decayed teeth, periodontal pocket depth, and
plaque index were significant predictors for the number
of teeth lost. Loesche et al8 stated medical health and
oral health are linked. Recent studies have shown a
correlation between dental or periodontal infections and
cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. Pajukosky
et al9 reported edentulousness correlated significantly
with cardiovascular diseases and drugs taken daily.
Epidemiological studies have shown the numbers
of elderly people around the world are increasing. In
addition, the current data suggest that old adults continue to keep more of their teeth longer than previous
generations,10-12 and their dental needs are certain to
increase. Previous studies indicated prosthodontic treatment, periodontal therapy, restorative procedures and
pain relief were the major treatment categories needed
by the elderly.13-16 As the number of old people
increases, more time and effort by the dental profession
should be directed to meet the demands and needs of
the elderly. Thus baseline information regarding their
CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98
The sample included 195 (40.3%) men and 289
(59.7%) women, who were divided into three age ranges:
60-64 years = 156 (32.2%), 65-69 years = 178 (36.8 %)
and 70 years and older = 150 (31%). The average age
for men was 67.85.7 years and for women 67.25.3
Table 1 Frequency distribution of the principal oral complaints by age in 484 elderly subjects
Oral complaints
Faulty prostheses
Pain and/or swelling
Tooth loss/inefficient chewing
Broken teeth/restorations
Mobile teeth
Sensitive teeth
Gum problems
Regular check up
TMJ disorders
Orofacial pain
Food impaction
Bad breath
Dental deposits
Chi-square value = 40.897, p = .135
60-64 yrs
n (%)
65-69 yrs
n (%)
26 (16.7)
28 (17.9)
29 (18.6)
18 (11.5)
7 (4.5)
5 (3.2)
9 (5.8)
9 (5.8)
8 (5.1)
5 (3.2)
5 (3.2)
1 (0.6)
2 (1.3)
3 (1.9)
0 (0.0)
1 (0.6)
0 (0.0)
35 (19.7)
27 (15.2)
24 (13.5)
24 (13.5)
19 (10.7)
11 (6.2)
9 (5.1)
6 (3.4)
10 (5.6)
3 (1.7)
3 (1.7)
3 (1.7)
2 (1.1)
0 (0.0)
2 (1.1)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
n (%)
n (%)
41 (27.3)
24 (16.0)
25 (16.7)
14 (9.3)
6 (4.0)
11 (7.3)
7 (4.7)
7 (4.7)
5 (3.3)
2 (1.3)
0 (0.0)
5 (3.3)
0 (0.0)
1 (0.7)
0 (0.0)
1 (0.7)
1 (0.7)
102 (21.1)
79 (16.3)
78 (16.1)
56 (11.6)
32 (6.6)
27 (5.6)
25 (5.2)
22 (4.5)
23 (4.8)
10 (2.1)
8 (1.7)
9 (1.9)
4 (0.8)
4 (0.8)
2 (0.4)
2 (0.4)
1 (0.2)
192 Jainkittivong A, et al
CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98
Completely edentulous
Subjects with only retained roots remained
Edentulous (total)*
Fully dentate
Teeth remained in both arches
Maxillary edentulous
Mandibular edentulous
Dentate (total)
60-64 yrs
n (%)
65-69 yrs
n (%)
10 (6.4)
0 (0.0)
10 (6.4)
6 (3.8)
6 (3.8)
8 (5.1)
146 (93.5)
23 (12.9)
3 (1.7)
26 (14.6)
9 (5.1)
119 (66.9)
18 (10.1)
6 (3.4)
152 (85.5)
70 yrs
n (%)
n (%)
30 (20.0)
2 (1.3)
32 (21.3)
2 (1.3)
93 (62.0)
16 (10.7)
7 (4.7)
118 (78.7)
63 (13.0)
5 (1.0)
68 (14.0)
17 (3.5)
338 (69.8)
40 (8.3)
21 (4.3)
416 (85.9)
n (%)
86 (34.9)
67 (24.2)
153 (62.2)
53 (22.5)
24 (4.7)
13 (5.2)
3 (1.2)
93 (37.8)
Table 4 Mean number of remaining teeth, sound, decayed (D), missing (M), filled (F), DMF scores, filled teeth with recurrent
caries by age in 416 dentate subjects
60-64 yrs
Mean (SD)
65-69 yrs
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
18.5 (7.6)
12.4 (6.9)
3.0 (2.6)
12.8 (7.3)
3.1 (3.3)
18.9 (6.8)
17.0 (8.2)
12.2 (8.0)
2.8 (3.1)
14.4 (8.1)
2.0 (2.8)
19.2 (7.9)
15.2 (7.5)
10.0 (6.7)
3.1 (3.1)
15.9 (7.5)
2.1 (3.3)
21.1 (6.8)
17.0 (7.9)
11.6 (7.3)
3.0 (2.9)
14.3 (7.7)
2.4 (3.1)
19.6 (7.2)
11 (1.4)
0.6 (1.2)
0.6 (1.2)
0.8 (1.3)
Remaining teeth*
Sound teeth*
Decayed teeth
Missing teeth*
Filled teeth*
DMF scores*
Filled teeth with
recurrent caries*
* ANOVA, significant differences p < .05
194 Jainkittivong A, et al
CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98
Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of subjects who had a functional dentition of 20 or more teeth in relation to age
(Chi-square value = 24.582, p < .001)
Table 5 Frequency distribution of dental treatment needs in 484 subjects in relation to age
Prosthetic treatment
Periodontal treatment*
Restorative treatment*
Surgical treatment
Endodontic treatment
Oral Medicine*
Treatment of TMD
60-64 yrs
n (%)
65-69 yrs
n (%)
124 (25.6)
135 (27.9)
134 (27.7)
65 (13.4)
32 (6.6)
4 (0.8)
3 (0.6)
151 (31.2)
146 (30.2)
133 (27.5)
72 (14.9)
25 (5.2)
29 (6.0)
3 (0.6)
70 yrs
n (%)
n (%)
134 (27.7)
110 (22.7)
98 (20.2)
62 (12.8)
17 (3.5)
26 (5.4)
0 (0.0)
409 (84.5)
391 (80.8)
365 (75.4)
199 (41.1)
74 (15.3)
59 (12.2)
6 (1.2)
< .001
< .001
The most prevalent principal oral complaints in
our sample were related to denture wearing and pain.
There were only 2.1% subjects who visited the dental
school for a regular check up. These findings correspond with the report by Mattin and Smith2 stated only
a small number of patients visited the dentist on regular
basis and most patients visited the dentist when they
were in pain or required dentures.
The percentage of carious teeth in the present study
was 85.3%. This finding is in agreement with other
studies in that caries is one of the major problems in
the elderly.17,18 The highest incidence of caries was found
in the youngest group. This may be because this group
retained more natural teeth than the two older groups.
196 Jainkittivong A, et al
Our results show a lower percentage of edentulousness (14%) as compared to other studies reporting
25% to 48.8%14,20,21 possibly because our subjects
were younger. Our findings agree with those of other
investigations in that edentulousness increases with
age.21-23 Although the number of dentate subjects in
our study was high, most of them were partially dentate.
In this sample, only 20.6% subjects aged 65
years and older were able to meet the minimum
standard of 20 or more teeth. Therefore, the oral health
goal for the year 2000 (50%) as suggested by the
World Health Organization24 was not met by our sample.
In this study, 27.1% subjects had at least one retained
root. This is lower than the 48% as reported by Altieri
et al.25
Our subjects showed a high frequency of periodontal disease and the incidence of periodontitis
increases with age. This corresponds with other reports
indicating age is a factor in periodontitis.
Prosthetic treatment was the main requirement in
our population. This finding corresponds with other
investigations.16,26,27 Periodontal treatment was required
more often in the two older groups than in the youngest
group. This is further evidence supporting age as a
factor in the development of periodontitis. The need
for restorative treatment was lower in the group of
individuals who were 70 years and older when compared to those in the age range of 60-69 years. This
is because the oldest group retained a lower number
of natural teeth than the two younger groups. Fewer
elderly patients in our study were affected by temperomandibular joint dysfunction. This finding is in
agreement with other studies.20,28 Miyazaki et al22
reported 19% of their subjects had unusual symptoms in
their temperomandibular joint whereas Maupome et al20
reported 9.6% of their subjects had jaw dysfunction.
CU Dent J. 2005;28:189-98
The results of this study indicate high incidence
of dental diseases in our sample. Therefore, appropriate dental treatment is a high priority for this group of
The authors would like to thank Vanida Thongtha
and Mayurate Prasomthong for their help in clinical
assistance and data collection.
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198 Jainkittivong A, et al
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Department of Dental Diagnostic Science, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
60 484
17 4
21.1 16.5
16.3 11.6 70
21.3 ( 14.6 6.4 p = .001)
246 67.2 37.8
416 85.3
70 21.16.8 (19.27.9 18.96.8 p = .038)
30.5 65.9
(p < .001)
84.5 80.8 75.4
( 2548;28:189-98)
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