160 points
building data
Building Access:
Any number of models may enter,
leave, or move between floors each
turn, at one level per turn.
A single support weapon may deploy
on the roof, but cannot be moved
during the game.
Up to 10 models may occupy each
floor, and up to 8 may occupy the
The Bastion is armed with a Heavy Bolters each with a !0" field of fire to a side. The Bastion has no crew
as such, so these weapons must be fired by models placed inside.
Fire arcs:
#odels on the roof may fire using the normal rules. #odels inside may fire through the vision slits, though
no more than one model may fire out of each vision slit.
D6 Location Front Armour Rear Armour
1 Vision Slit See Below See Below
2 Door* 20 20
3 Heavy Bolter 1 1
! " 6 Bastion 2 2
* #nly i$ t%e &oor is visi'le to t%e attac(er) *$ it isn+t count t%is as a Bastion %it instea&)
D6 Bastion Dama,e -a'le
1 " ! The Bastion roc$s violently. Any models inside or on the roof are $noc$ed off their feet
and may not move or shoot in their ne%t turn. They may fight normally if engaged in
hand&to&hand combat. Add '1 to all future damage rolls against this Bastion from now
" 6 The Bastion collapses into a pile of rubble. Any models inside or on the roof must ma$e
their armour save or be slain by falling debris. (urvivors may not shoot in their ne%t
turn. )f they are engaged in hand&to&hand combat they are separated immediately.
Door Dama,e -a'le
1 The door is badly buc$led and *ammed shut. +o models may enter or leave until the
door is blown off its hinges.
2 " The door is blown off, leaving a large door&shaped hole. Any future hits on this location
will pass through with the same effect as a ,ision (lit hit.
6 The door is totally obliterated and part of the bastion has gone with it- #a$e a roll on
the Bastion .amage Table to see what effect this additional damage has.
Heavy Bolter Dama,e -a'le
1 The /eavy Bolter is damaged and may only be fired if you first roll ' on a .0.
2 " The /eavy Bolter is destroyed and may not be fired for the rest of the game.
6 The /eavy Bolter is destroyed as above, but a flashbac$ causes ammunition to e%plode.
1oll on the Bastion damage table to see what effect this damage has.
Vision Slit Dama,e
The attac$ goes through the ,ision (lit hitting a random model inside.
a2 (pecial rules apply in confined spaces to blast mar$ers and flamers. Blast mar$er weapons get '1
strength and &1 save modifier. 3lamers and gas weapons get '1 to their dice roll to affect models in a
confined space i.e. models which are partially covered by the template will be hit on a 4', and those not
$illed will ignite on a 4'. 5ruleboo$ p. 8!2
b2 Because the Bastion is large and immobile it is hit automatically, both for shooting and hand&to&hand.
5ruleboo$ p.!12
#odels inside may not be targeted separately. #odels on the roof may be, with a &6 to hit.
c2 The Bastion may be attac$ed in hand&to&hand. 1emember that the attac$er can use any grenade or
weapon that isn7t 7move or fire7, and that he gets to choose the location hit. 5ruleboo$ p.862 )f a model is
powerful enough it may try to smash through the wall. )n this case don7t roll on the damage table. Any
penetration roll that beats the armour value will $noc$ a hole in the wall as big as the attac$er7s base
5ruleboo$ p.!62
d2 As a stationary target an attac$er gets a bonus '1 .0 for penetration in hand&to&hand 5ruleboo$ p.862