Tabernacle Lesson 5

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Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 1

An In Depth Study of The Tabernacle!

I now invite you to enter with me into a detailed study concerning the meaning
and the typical teachings of all the various parts their construction and their
arrangement. Every part, and detail, of this Tabernacle is designed and patterned to
present Jesus Christ!

Its structure, materials, furniture, as well, as the ministry in the Tabernacle,
reveals some particular aspect of the infinite graces, virtues, attributes, personality and
work of our Savior, Jesus Christ See Hebrew 9:2.

As we survey the furnishings of the Tabernacle, we see that they are arranged in
the form of a cross. If we draw a straight line from the Brazen Altar, near the gate, to the
Ark of the covenant, in the Holy of Holies, bisecting the Altar of Incense, and then draw
a line at right angles to this line from the Table of Shewbread to the Candlestick, we see
the form a perfect figure of a cross. It is as if the cross of Calvary stands at the beginning
of the New Testament and casts its shadow back through the rent veil until it lies
plain to view and can be clearly traced across the pages of Exodus and Leviticus, as
indeed it can be seen across every page of the Old Testament.
[See diagram on the next page]

This Tabernacle in the wilderness has been the only building ever constructed on
this earth that was perfect in every aspect from it beginning - never needing attention,
addition, or alteration!

The Tabernacle, and its furnishings, speaks of one thing, namely, the salvation
provided by Jesus Christ and the work of Christ performed for us upon the cross of
Calvary. Almighty God designed every detail every part had a prophetic, redemptive,
and typical significance. No portion of Scripture is richer in meaning or more perfect in
it teaching of the plan of redemption then the description of this divinely designed
building the Tabernacle!

Gods The Architect of Grace
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of
Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly
with his heart ye shall take my offeringAnd let them make me a
sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew
thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the
instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it (Exodus 251-2; :8-9).

The blueprint, the pattern, the plan, the design and all of its specification were
minutely made in Heaven, and were committed unto Moses on Mount Sinai for the
children of Israel shortly after their deliverance from Egypt.

God gave every detail of the Tabernacle, not one single detail did He leave to
Moses choice or judgment. Why? Because every detail had a heavenly significance and
was a type of Christ See Hebrews 9.
Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 2

Jesus Christ is the perfect, eternal, dwelling place of God. It was after the pattern
of the Lord Jesus that every part and detail of the Tabernacle was designed.

The Tabernacle was enclosed by a wall, or hanging of fine twined linen 75 feet
wide and 150 feet long. It was 7 and feet high, supported by 60 brass pillars having
hooks of silver (Exodus 27:16-
The Gate
The gate, 30 feet wide,
was on the East side of the court
yard and was beautifully
wrought with needlework of
blue, purpose and scarlet of fine
twined linen,

Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 3
In this gate we see Christ, whom the New Testament reveals as, The door who
provides a way into the presence of God for all mankind
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me
(John 14:6).

[Also read J ohn 3:14-16; Titus 2:11;1 J ohn 1:2 & Hebrews 2:9]
There was no color in the wall that formed the courtyard, however, the gate was
brightly colored blue, purple and scarlet of fine twined linen wrought with needle work.
1. Blue is the color of heaven and speaks of Christs divinity. Christ was the
Heavenly One, veiled in flesh, living among men
(John 1:1, 14, 18; 1 Timothy 3:16).

2, Purple is the color of royalty (Judges 8:26) and speaks of Christs kingly
power and dignity (Philippians 2:9-11; 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 11:15; and 19:11
through 20:5).

3. Scarlet is the color ob blood and speaks of Christs sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19-20;
Acts 2:23 & 4:38).
The Pillars of the Gate
There were four pillars of the gate to uphold, that which represented Christ Jesus
as the Door, the Way to God and there are four Gospels setting forth Christ in His
four-fold character.
MATTHEW Presents Christ as King, the son of David, son of Abraham
MARK Presents Christ as the faithful Servant of God (Mark 10:45)
LUKE Presents Christ as the Son of man (Luke 19:10 revealing Christs
humanity as the son of Adam (Luke 3:38)
JOHN Presents Christ as the Son of God revealing His Deity (John 1:1-10)

There was only one gate, speaking of the only way of access unto God and so it
is today only ONE way and that is through Jesus Christ, Gods Son (John 14:6 and
Acts 4:12)
Viewed From The Outside
One might live a good life, however, if he was outside, he was considered, afar
off from God according to Ephesians 2:12-13. As one steps close to the white hangings
of the courtyard that speak of Christs righteousness, he see that his righteousness is as
filthy rags.
The Wall or - Hangings
Surrounding the Tabernacle was a rectangular shaped courtyard, with only one
entrance (Exodus 27:9-18 & 38:9-20).
Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 4

These hangings created a
curtain-wall around a courtyard,
150 feet by 75 feet, and were made
of made of fine twined linen hung
on pillars of brass, that were set in
sockets of brass. The hooks at the
top of the pillars were made of
silver, from thee hooks the white
linen hangings were fastened. -
[See diagram on page 11] - There
were 60 of these pillars, and they
were 7 feet high.

There was absolutely no way
to enter the courtyard except
through the gate!

These linen hangings were
a type of the righteousness of
Christ and speak of His sinless,
spotless, life (Revelation 19:8). It is
the lack of righteousness that
shuts man from the presence of
God (Romans 3:10 & 23). Except
through the gate (Jesus Christ)
Gods presence is surrounded by
this white curtain of fine twined
linen, with only one opening (the
gate) and it was too high for man
to see over.

The penalty was death to all who might seek to enter by some other way than
the way of Gods provision (Numbers 3:38).

THE HIGHT OF THE WALL was so high that none could see over, speaking of
mans being unable to understand the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-16). Natural
man is blind to the things of God.

THE PILLARS AND SOCKETS were of brass. Brass speaks of the judgment of
God (Numbers 21:9 & John 3:14). Judgment falls upon sinners however Jesus Christ
bore our judgment for sin (as we will see in the Brazen Altar).

As the while linen hangings, reminding us of the righteousness of Christ, were
held up by the brazen pillars, so, apart from Calvary - (where sin was judged) - there
can be no righteousness for man. Gods righteousness to man rests upon Christs
finished work of redemption.
Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 5

THE HOOKS WERE OF SILVER and were symbolic of Christs atonement. The
pillars were ornamented with silver. Silver was a part of the redemption money given
by the children of Israel (Exodus 30:11-16 & 38:25-29). Before an Israelite could be a
soldier for God, he had to present unto the Lord a ransom for his soul. Before we can
become a soldier of the Cross, we must be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. The
Israelite looked up to the beautiful tops of the pillars surrounding the courtyard and
saw what would have reminded him of the atonement money. We look up unto Jesus
and see the costly price as a ransom for our souls (1 Peter 1:18-19).

What a sight it must have been. It must have been impressive to behold
those pillars of brass, the white linen hangings fastened to hooks of silver, and the
ornamental silver crowns on top of those pillars all glistening in the sunlight!
However, how much
more impressive is
Christ our
Righteousness, our
Sin-Bear, and our
The Brazen Altar
[Exodus 27:1-8 & 38:1-7]

Passing through the
gate and entering the
courtyard, the first piece
of furniture that
confronts us (also the
largest piece of furniture
of the Tabernacle) is
the Brazen Altar. The
Hebrew word that is translated as altar in our Bibles is translated from mizbrech
meaning, slaughter place, and thats exactly what the Brazen Altar was for. It was here
close to the entrance of the Tabernacle courtyard. At this alter the animals were
slaughtered and their blood put on the horns of the altar. No doubt millions of animals
were sacrificed over the centuries. Why were all these animals killed? Would it not have
been better to give the food to the poor?

Without understanding the spiritual significance and prophetic meaning of the
Brazen Altar all this slaughtering of animals seems like a vast waste. But, lets consider .

The Brazen Altar was 7 feet square and 4 feet high. It was made of acacia
wood and covered with brass. God was very particular with this altar, just as He was
with every detail of the Tabernacle. He said to Moses in Exodus 27:8 concerning the
Brazen Altar, as it was showed thee in the mount, so shall they make it.

Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 6
This massive, strong, altar standing at the entrance of the courtyard was used
more often than any other furniture of the Tabernacle. For instance, the high priest
would go into the Holy of Holies only once a year to make atonement, other priests
would go into the Holy Place each morning and evening, but at the Brazen Altar people
came anytime throughout the day to offer their sacrifices.

This whole idea of slaughter, blood, and sacrifice seems morbid, even gruesome,
to our modern way of thinking, mainly because it seems natural to our culture to want a
religion that doesnt demand a sacrifice. But the penalty for sin is awesome requiring
the shedding of blood! However, sacrifice has always been the only way to God, and
should be prominent in the preaching and teaching of the Gospel message.

The New Testament makes it very clear that this Brazen
Altar of the Tabernacle foreshadowed the Cross of J esus Christ.

Exodus 20:24-25 states, An altar of earth thou shalt make unto Me, and shalt sacrifice
thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places
where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee. And if thou wilt make me an
altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it,
thou hast polluted itshowing that the place of sacrifice was prepared by God, not
tooled by man. The sacrifice could not be made on anything that was tooled by man.

In 1 Corinthians 2:2 Paul, the great apostle, states, I resolved to know nothing while
I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. When the sacrifice of Christ on the
cross is left out of our preaching and teaching, the Gospel has been gutted, diluted and
watered down. Much of todays preaching and teaching never mentions the crucifixion,
and when that is omitted, everything is lost. There is no forgiveness of sin apart from
sacrifice. We must never forget that! A gospel without the sacrifice made at the cross is no
gospel at all.

Two materials went into the making of this alter of burnt offering a very
durable hard wood called, acacia, and a complete covering of brass. These brass-
covered boards formed a hollow box open at the top and the bottom. This Brazen Altar
was outside the Tabernacle proper, and located in the open courtyard visible to all
who entered the gate, reminding them that the wages of sin is death and without the
shedding of blood there is no remission for sin.
The hard wood of acacia was completely
encased with brass, sealed in, airtight, by the
surrounding brass. It was subjected to the
intense hear of continual sacrifices, however, it
was not consumed because, of the fact, that it
was protected in brass. In the same manner, we
are subjected to the intense hear of Gods wrath
upon our sins BUT - The Lord hath laid on
Him [J esus Christ] the iniquity of us all (Isaiah
Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 7
The Brazen Altar was completely square, offering equal opportunity to all. God
is no respecter of persons. It rested on the ground within reach of all only 4 feet

At each corner of the altar there was a horn, or projection, that was to be one
piece with the altar (Exodus 27:2), in order that the innocent victim could be bound
(Psalm 118:27). Just as Christs cross was stained with blood, these horns were sprinkled
with blood. It was also to these same horns of the Brazen Altar that God provided a
means that the guilty person, fearing for his life, could flee for refuse (1 Kings 1:50-53
and 2 Samuel 22:3).

Exodus 29:10-12 states, And thou shalt cause a bullock to be
brought before the tabernacle of the congregation: and Aaron and his
sons shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock. And thou
shalt kill the bullock before the LORD, by the door of the tabernacle of
the congregation. And thou shalt take of the blood of the bullock, and
put it upon the horns of the altar with thy finger, and pour all the
blood beside the bottom of the altar. [Also see Leviticus 8:15].

At the offering of the sacrifice at the Brazen Altar an Israelite would bring a
designated animal to die for his sin - taking his place. He would lay his hands on the
head of the animal and confess his sins, thus transferring his sin to the animal (Leviticus
5:5). Then the animal laden, not with any wrong that he had done but rather, with the
persons sin was killed. The priest then caught the blood, sprinkling some of the blood
on the four horns, and pouring the remaining blood at the base of the altar.

All of this was only a shadow of the ultimate sacrifice to come. There is no doubt
that after the Last Supper as Jesus walked to the Garden of Gethsemane to be betrayed,
He knew that He was about to be sacrificed, and that all the sacrifices on the Brazen
Altar were only a picture of His death on the cross. As horrible and nauseating as the
sacrifices of the animals in the Tabernacle seem to us, they were all mid compared to the
brutal scourging and the agonizing sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

There were brazen rings in the four corners of the Brazen Altar through which
the staves (poles) of acacia wood, overlaid with brass, were put through to carry the altar
whenever the altar was being transported (Numbers 4:13-15).

Staves, or poles, that went through rings on the furniture, carried all of the
furniture of the Tabernacle. The rings on the furniture in the courtyard wee made of
brass, or bronze, and the poles were covered with brass. The rings on the furniture
inside the Tabernacle proper were made of gold like the furniture; also the poles were
covered with gold. Before the furniture was moved the priests would cover it. Everyone
who entered the courtyard was able to see the Brazen Altar and the laver, however,
only the priests ever saw the vessels in the Holy Place, and only the high priest ever saw
the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies and then only once a year on the day of
Passover. Why? The answer is because God was teaching the Israelites to worship the
One of Whom these sacred objects spoke and not the objects themselves.

Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 8
Interestingly, the height of the grate of the Brazen Altar was exactly the same
height as that of the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies, showing a beautiful truth stated
in Psalm 85:10, Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace have kissed each
other. Gods justice demanded the shedding of blood to pay for sin, however, His
mercy provided the sacrifice to put sin away.

No Blood No Access To God!
Any Israelite had to sacrifice on this Brazen Altar before he could enter any
farther into the courtyard, or the Tabernacle. So it is today, it is only by the blood of
Jesus Christ that one is entitled to approach the dwelling place of God (Hebrews 9:22).

At this Brazen Altar, the innocent bore the judgment of the guilty So, today, the
innocent (Jesus Christ) bore the judgment of the guilty (you and me) at the altar of
Calvary (Romans 4:25 & Isaiah 53:3-6). At the Brazen Alter God met with man (Exodus
29:42-43) so, it is that today, we meet God only at the cross (John 14:6; Acts 4:12 and
Ephesians 2:12-18.

The Brazen Altar was to be continually burning (Leviticus 6:13). God was
teaching Israel that He was always ready to accept their offering. He will never turn a
penitent sinner away. Interestingly, there was no chair anywhere in the Tabernacle,
showing that the priests work was never done. His was a continues job, however,
Christ finished the work of redemption, and sat down at the right hand of His Father
(Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 1:3 and 10:18).

Another interesting fact concerning the Brazen Altar is the fact the
light for the Golden Candlestick and the fire for the Altar of
Incense, was taken from this Brazen Altar, thus showing, in type,
that, before one can know Christ as the Light of the world and the
Bread of Life he must, first, meet Him at the foot of the cross.

This Brazen Altar cries out about the cross outrage of sin in the eyes of God. As
the Israelites walked into the courtyard smelling blood, burning flesh, and death -
knowing it was the only way to get right with God - God was showing them - (and us)
- that no one should ever take sin lightly!

Until one realizes just how horrible all sin is, he will never appreciate Gods
provision for forgiveness. However, not only does the Brazen Altar reveal that sin is
morbid and is hated by God, but also there is another truth that must not be missed.
Leviticus 6:12-13 state, There fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every
morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offeringThe firs must be kept
burning on the altar continuously, it must not go out.

The was to burn day and night, teaching that God was always ready to accept
their offering for sins, that He was always ready and anxious to forgive, and that He
would never turn away a repentant sinner. Christians today have those same
Study of the Tabernacle Lesson 5 9
assurances found in the promises of 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Now that we have considered the brazen Altar itself, lets look at . . .
The Accessories of the Brazen Altar
There were several articles that went with the brazen Altar. Exodus 27:3 states,
And thou shalt make his - [referring to the Brazen Altar as if it had personality] - pans to
receive his ashes, and his shovels, and his basons, and his flesh-hooks, and his fire-pans: all the
vessels thereof thou shalt make of brass.
Five accessories were used to serve at the Brazen Altar All made of brass o0r
1. The pans were used to carry out the ashes
2. The shovels were used for picking up the ashes and for tending the fire
3. The basons held the blood of the sacrificial animal
4. The flesh-hooks were for keeping the sacrifices in the middle of the fire so it
would be totally consumed
5. The fire-pans, or censers, were used to carry fire from the Brazen Alta to the
Alter of Altar of Incense in the Holy Place. The fire for the gold-covered Altar
of Incense could only be taken from this one source and brought to the veil
before the presence of the Lord.
[In Leviticus 10:1-3 we find an account of Nadab and Abihu
who failed to follow this procedure.]

Before the death of Christ on the cross, God refused to be approached other than
by the means of the Brazen Alter of sacrifice. Likewise, today He refuses to be
approached except by the way of the cross. Leviticus 17:11 states, For the life of a
creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar
[the Brazen Altar] - it is the blood that makes atonement for ones lie. The New Testament
equivalent of this truth states in Hebrews 9:22, Without the shedding of blood there is no

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