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Red de Revistas Cientficas de Amrica Latina, el Caribe, Espaa y Portugal
Sistema de Informacin Cientfica
C. Hernndez-Morales, A. Hernndez-Montes, A. Villegas-de Gante
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica, vol. 6, nm. 2, 2007, pp. 203-209,
Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica,
ISSN (Printed Version): 1665-2738
Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Unidad
Non-Profit Academic Project, developed under the Open Acces Initiative

* Autor para la correspondencia: E-mail:
tel.: +52-595-952-1687; fax: +52-595-952-1687

Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigacin y Docencia en Ingeniera Qumica A.C.


C. Hernndez-Morales, A. Hernndez-Montes
and A. Villegas-de Gante

Universidad Autnoma Chapingo. Departamento de Ingeniera Agroindustrial. km. 38.5 carretera Mxico-
Veracruz, 56230 Chapingo, Mxico.

Received 29 March 2007; Accepted 4 July 2007

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the partial substitution of sucrose by neotame on the sensory
and physical characteristics of plain yogurt. Yogurts consisted of a 100 % sucrose control and 3 formulations with
25, 37.5, and 50 % of the sucrose substituted by neotame. Sweetness of all treatments was evaluated using time-
intensity (TI) techniques. Yogurts with 37.5 and 50 % sucrose substituted by neotame were perceived as sweeter
and of longer sweetness duration. The sweetness profile of 25 % sucrose substituted by neotame yogurt was
comparable to that of the sucrose sweetened control. During TI evaluations, differences in metallic aftertaste were
identified, however, 3-AFC tests (n = 36) showed similar d values for all yogurts. Consumers (n = 100) did not
express preference for any of the yogurts. All treatments presented a similar behavior for pH, water activity,
consistency, and titratable acidity.

Keywords: sensory evaluation, neotame, yogurt, time-intensity.


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la sustitucin parcial de sacarosa por neotame en las
caractersticas sensoriales y fsicas de yogur natural. Los yogures consistieron de un control con 100 % sacarosa y 3
formulaciones con 25, 37.5 y 50 % de la sacarosa sustituida por neotame. La dulzura de todos los tratamientos fue
evaluada con el uso de tcnicas de tiempo-intensidad (TI). Los yogures con 37.5 y 50 % de la sacarosa sustituida
por neotame fueron percibidos como ms dulces y de una dulzura de mayor duracin. El perfil de dulzura del yogur
con 25 % de la sacarosa sustituida por neotame fue comparable al del control edulcorado con sacarosa. Se
identificaron diferencias en el sabor metlico residual durante las evaluaciones, sin embargo, las pruebas 3-AFC
(n=36) mostraron valores similares de d para todos los yogures. Los consumidores (n=100) no expresaron
preferencia por ninguno de los yogures. Todos los tratamientos presentaron un comportamiento similar de pH,
actividad acuosa, consistencia y acidez titulable.

Palabras clave: evaluacin sensorial, neotame, yogur, tiempo-intensidad.

1. Introduction

Neotame is a relatively new alternative
sweetener approved by the FDA in 2002. It is a high
potency nonnutritive sweetener, which is considered
as the potential successor of aspartame. As a close
derivate of aspartame, it has intrinsic qualities such
as a clean sweet taste, close to sucrose. It offers
additional advantages, such as: a status of a no-
calorie sweetener, greater stability in the neutral pH
range, when compared to that of its predecessor
aspartame, allowing its application in baked goods,
and a chemical inertness towards reducing sugars,
without the possibility of undesirable Maillard-type
reactions, and towards aldehydic derivates, without
the possibility of Schiff base formation, allowing its
association with reducing sugars and flavoring
agents based on aldehydic constituents. Furthermore,
it generates a relatively competitive cost as a result
of its high sweetness potency (Nofre and Tinti,
It produces an insignificant release of
methanol and phenylalanine into the organism after
intake, for example, the neotame hydrate releases
8.08 % of MeOH on a weight basis, the potential
MeOH content of a beverage formulated with 17 mg
of neotame (corresponding to the sweetness of a
10 % sucrose solution) is 1.37 mg L
; this amount is
approximately 220 times lower than that of 1 L of
tomato juice. In the case of phenylalanine, using the
same concentration, 17 mg L
, its content is 7.08 mg
, and the amount released through metabolic
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

pathways from 17 mg of neotame is below 0.7 mg,
approximately 90 to 5700 times less than the
phenylalanine content of fruits, the food with the
lowest phenylalanine content (Nofre and Tinti,
Perception of sweetness is a dynamic process
which requires temporal evaluation for complete
characterization (Noble et al., 1991). In the study of
intense artificial sweeteners, the temporal
characteristics of the taste response, taste onset and
lingering aftertaste, is a crucial aspect for their
general acceptability (Ott et al., 1991). The temporal
properties of various nutritive and nonnutritive
sweeteners have been assessed in model solutions
and beverages by time-intensity (TI) techniques
(Matysiak and Noble, 1991; Larson-Powers and
Pangborn, 1978).
Neotame and sucrose have been assessed at
comparable levels of sweetness in water, sweetness
augmented with increasing concentration of neotame
in water, although other attributes such as bitterness,
sourness, and metallic taste, generally associated to
artificial sweeteners, were insignificant (Prakash et
al., 2002). In a similar study with a cola beverage,
the increase in neotame concentration improved
desirable attributes, such as cola flavor, sweet taste
and mouthfeel, without increasing the non-desirable
attributes licorice, bitter, sour and metallic (Prakash
et al., 2002).
The optimum pH for maximum stability of
neotame is about 4.5, very close to the pH present in
yogurt. Sensory results have shown neotame has
excellent functionality (sweetness) in yogurt, no
more than 75 % of the panelists rated the sweetness
as not quite sweet enough; and after a 6 week period,
the typical shelf life of the product, about 98 % of
the initial neotame remained (Prakash et al., 2002).
Sweetness has been directly correlated with
the general acceptability of plain (Barnes et al.,
1991a), and raspberry and strawberry flavored
yogurts (Barnes et al., 1991b). Keating and White
(1990) found a constant preference for plain and fruit
flavored yogurts sweetened with sorbitol and
aspartame over a 42 day evaluation period, when
compared to those sweetened with sucrose, sucrose
plus monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, acesulfame-K,
fructose, sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, high
fructose corn syrup plus monoammonium
glycyrrhizinate, and dihydrochalcone. McGregor and
White (1986, 1987) showed yogurt made with 90 %
high fructose corn syrup was preferred over yogurts
sweetened with sucrose, and 42 and 55 % high
fructose corn syrup.
Response bias is a problem encountered in
sensory difference testing, and can be dealt with by
two experimental strategies, the first is to use forced
choice procedures such as 2-AFC or 3-AFC tests and
the second is the adoption of multiple criterions such
as the R-index. The latter, may also be used for the
analysis of ranked preference data. The utilization of
the R-index presents certain advantages; it gives a
measure of the probability of a sample being
preferred over others, and eliminates the differences
in the distances between numbers or categories of
hedonic scales found among individuals (OMahony,
The use of nonnutritive sweeteners in the
dairy industry is widely accepted. However, little
information is available regarding the use of neotame
in dairy and other food systems. The purpose of this
study was to evaluate the effect of the partial
substitution of sucrose by neotame on the sensory
and physical characteristics of plain yogurt.

2. Materials and methods.

2.1 Yogurt preparation

The yogurt treatments were made as 1.6-kg batches
consisting of 2 % fat raw milk from the university
farm (Universidad Autnoma Chapingo), 10 % w/w
of solids non fat (SNF) adjusted with skim milk
powder (La Suiza; Pasteurizadora Jersey del
Noroeste, S.A., Tijuana, BC), 1 % w/w of stabilizer
CC-76223 (modified starch, Kosher gelatin, pectin
and calcium sulfate; Continental Custom
Ingredients, Chicago, IL), and sweeteners. Four
treatments (Table 1) with a sweetness equivalency of
5 % sucrose, the sweetness level commonly used for
plain yogurt (The Nutrasweet Co., 2006), were
elaborated. Fat content and solids non fat (SNF) of
raw milk were determined using an Ekomilk-M milk
analyzer (Bultheh 2000 Ltd., Bulgaria), and
standardized to the values mentioned. Milk
standardized in fat and SNF was heated to 65 C,
and stabilizer and sucrose were added and mixed
using an industrial blender. The mixes were then
heated in a water bath to 85 C and held for 30 min.

Table 1. Neotame and sucrose concentrations used
for the elaboration of yogurts with a sweetness
equivalent to 5 % sucrose.
Neotame Sucrose
Partial substitution
of sucrose by
neotame (%)
% as formulated*
0 0.0 5.00
25 0.00014375 3.75
37.5 0.000215625 3.125
50 0.0002875 2.50
*Estimated use levels and sweetness contribution for
a blend of sucrose and neotame (The Nutrasweet
Co., 2006).

The base mixes were inoculated with 3 % w/w of a
lyophilized culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp.
bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius ssp.
thermophilus (MY800, Ezal; Rhodia Food, France)
and incubated at 42 C to the desired acidity of 6.5
of lactic acid. Reduction in the total solids
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

content of yogurt treatments by the decrease in the
percentage of sucrose used to partially sweeten them
was not compensated. Neotame was added to yogurt
cooled to 12 C and stirred. Yogurts were stored at
12 C.

2.2 Time-intensity measurements

A 5 member panel consisting of 3 male and 2
female students and employees of the department of
Agroindustrial Engineering at Universidad
Autnoma Chapingo, between the ages of 23 and 50
years, and with experience in sensory testing
received 24 h of training, 4 h a week during a 6 week
period, in the TI technique described by Swartz
(1980), and Swartz and Furia (1977) with the
following variation: sweetness intensity was
recorded on stationary graph paper at 4 s intervals. A
sweetness scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 is no
perception and 10 is extremely strong, was used.
Recording time was orally marked every 4 s by the
panel leader. Panelists introduced half a teaspoon of
product into their mouth for each evaluation. Yogurt
was kept whole inside the mouth during the first
three measurements (4, 8 and 12 s), and gel rupture
and disintegration initiated at 12 s by pressing the
sample with the tongue against the palate. At 20 s the
sample had been completely swallowed by all panel
members. The recording graph paper presented
marks at 12 and 20 s to remind panelists of the
instructions for these specific times. Panelists
developed TI curves for each treatment. All
treatments were evaluated in triplicate at 12 C on
the third day after yogurt elaboration. Several TI
indices were determined: the maximum intensity of
the TI response (IMAX), the total time or duration of
the TI response from ingestion to extinction (TTOT),
the time to reach maximum intensity (TMAX), the
total area under the TI curve (AREA), the area under
the TI curve before the maximum intensity (ABEF),
the area under the TI curve after the maximum
intensity (AAFT), and the ratio of the area after the
maximum intensity to the area before the maximum
intensity (RATIO). All TI indices were measured in
triplicate. Time-intensity curve profiles of each
yogurt were determined by calculating means of the
4 s intensity values for the responses given by the
five judges. Mean values were plotted versus time to
give a visual representation of the TI properties of
each treatment.

2.3 Difference Test

Throughout TI evaluations, judges identified a
metallic aftertaste in some samples; therefore a 3
alternative forced choice (3-AFC) test, a directional
triangle test where the panelists receive three
samples simultaneously, two of them are identical,
and are asked to indicate the sample that is higher or
lower in a specified sensory attribute (OMahony et
al., 1994), was conducted with the purpose of
evaluating if consumers could identify differences
among yogurts for metallic aftertaste. All 4
treatments were evaluated by a group of consumers
(n = 36) comprising students, staff and faculty from
Universidad Autnoma Chapingo. Completely
randomized and balanced samples were presented in
coded plastic cups at 12 C.
According to Thurstonian modeling, each
time a product is tasted, it will vary in its flavor
intensity. Such variation can be represented by a
continuous frequency distribution, commonly a
normal distribution, along a flavor intensity axis
whereby the height of the distribution represents how
commonly each intensity will occur. When
evaluating two food samples, a measure of the
overlap of the two distributions, the distance between
the two means of the flavor intensity, measured in
units of standard deviation will be given by d
(OMahony et al., 1994). Therefore, values of d
were obtained for each pair of comparisons from the
tables provided by Ennis (1993), and variance
between samples was calculated in order to
determine differences among them (Bi and Ennis,

2.4 Preference Test

A preference test was conducted with a group
of consumers (n = 100) comprising students, staff
and faculty from Universidad Autnoma Chapingo,
of ages between 17 and 70 years. They were
presented with 4 coded randomized yogurt samples
(0, 25, 37.5 and 50 % sucrose substituted by
neotame), and asked to rank the samples according to
their preference. Data was analyzed using the R-
index (OMahony, 1992; Bi and OMahony, 1995)
and by a Friedman analysis (Meilgaard et al., 1999).

2.5 Consistency

Yogurt consistencies were measured in
triplicate every 48 h during 6 days using a TA-XT2i
texture analyzer (Stable Micro Systems; Surrey,
England) in 100 g samples at 12 C. Uniaxial
compression force was measured using a 0.035 m
diameter back extrusion acrylic disc (A/BE35) with
pre-test, test, and post-test crosshead velocities of 1
mm/s, and penetrating a distance of 30 mm in a
cylindrical container of 0.075 m of height and a 0.06
m diameter. A 5-kg load cell was used.

2.6 Analytical Measurements

Acidity, pH and water activity of yogurts were
measured in triplicate every 48 h during 6 days. For
pH, a Corning 430 pH meter (Corning, NY)
calibrated with pH 7 buffer was used (Sigma de
Mxico, Mexico), acidity was determined by titration
with 0.1 N NaOH and reported as mgmL
of lactic
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

acid, and an Aqualab water activity meter adjusted to
25 C (Decagon, WA) was used for water activity.

2.7 Statistical Analysis

2.7.1 Analysis of sensory data

Analysis of variance for a randomized
complete block design with four treatments in five
blocks, where blocks were panelists, according to the
model: index = yogurt treatment + panelist, was
applied to all TI indices to determine if they were
statistically different (P < 0.05). Differences between
means were determined using least significant
difference procedures. Data were analyzed by SAS
version 8.02 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).
A randomized complete block design, where
blocks were consumers, was used for the preference
test, and data were analyzed using the Friedman

2.7.2 Analysis of instrumental data

Analysis of variance (completely randomized
design with 3 replications) was performed on
instrumental data (consistency, pH, water activity
and acidity) for each date, in order to identify
statistical differences (P < 0.05). Least significant
difference procedures were used for pairwise
comparisons. Data were analyzed by SAS version
8.02 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). To represent
statistical values in the graphics, standard error bars
were used.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Time-intensity measurements

TI curves for sweetness of yogurts with 0, 25,
37.5 and 50 % sucrose substituted by neotame are
shown in Fig. 1. Treatments with 0 and 25 % sucrose
substituted by neotame presented similar TI profiles,
while 37.5 and 50 % sucrose substituted by neotame
yogurts showed larger TI curves, suggesting an
increase in sweeteness and duration of the stimulus
for treatments with a greater content of neotame.
Analysis of variance of TI indices (Table 2)
indicated that yogurts were different in terms of
sweetness intensities over time (P < 0.001). Yogurts
formulated with 100 % sucrose and 25 % sucrose
substituted by neotame presented a lower IMAX than
those formulated with a 37.5 and 50 % neotame
substitution. This suggests that despite the use of the
equisweetness levels of neotame recommended by
the manufacturer, the sweetener should be first tested
to determine the concentration of each synthetic
sweetener in combination with sucrose equal in
initial sweetness intensity to 5 % sucrose plain
yogurt at 12 C. The sweetness potency of neotame
when compared with sucrose varies; it is about 6000
to 10,000 times that of sucrose on a weight basis
(Nofre and Tinti, 2000). Differences in initial
sweetness perception due to the proportions used to
partially substitute sucrose were probably due to the
variation in the sweetness potency of neotame at
different concentrations.

time (s)
0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 1. TI sweetness profiles of yogurts with a
sweetness equivalent to 5 % sucrose and sweetened
with 100 % sucrose (), 25 % neotame and 75 %
sucrose (), 37.5 % neotame and 62.5 % sucrose
(), and 50 % neotame and 50 % sucrose ().A
sweetness scale ranging from 0 to 10 was used,
where 0 is no perception and 10 is extremely strong.

Table 2. Mean values of TI indices for 5 % sucrose
equivalent sweetness of yogurts sweetened with
sucrose and neotame-sucrose blends.
Substitution of sucrose by neotame (%)
0 25 37.5 50 SEM
IMAX 4.57
TMAX 9.87
TTOT 40.00
AREA 117.27
ABEF 31.80
AAFT 85.47
RATIO 5.29
Means within a row with different superscripts
differ (P < 0.05).
Indices: IMAX = maximum intensity of the TI
response; TTOT = total time (s) or duration of the TI
response from ingestion to extinction; TMAX = time
(s) to reach maximum intensity; AREA = total area
under the TI curve; ABEF = area under the TI curve
before the maximum intensity; AAFT = area under
the TI curve after the maximum intensity; RATIO =
ratio of the area after the maximum intensity to the
area before the maximum intensity.
SEM = Standard error of the mean.

Yogurts formulated with 100 % sucrose and
25 % sucrose substituted by neotame presented a
shorter TMAX (10 s), than those substituted by 37.5
and 50 % neotame (avg 14.5 s). Ott et al. (1991)
found that sucrose perceived intensity in deionized
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

water at 22 C peaked within 10 s, a finding similar
to our data regardless of the media and temperature
difference. The perceived sweet impact of 37.5 and
50 % neotame treatments was slower, but of a
greater perceived sweetness intensity. This was
consistent with Birch (1986) who stated that
intensely sweet substances seemed to have a slow
reaction time.
The sweet intensities of yogurts formulated
with 37.5 and 50 % sucrose substituted by neotame
were of longer duration than the other two
formulations. Prakash et al. (2002) reported that
neotame requires a longer time to reach maximum
intensity than sucrose, in addition to the fact that
neotame has a greater sweetness duration. This is
consistent with the results obtained for all yogurt
treatments; as the proportion of neotame increased,
so did the TTOT. Swartz (1980) found sweet
intensity of a 4 % sucrose solution in deionized
water, declined over a 36 s period, similar results
were observed in our study for sucrose in yogurt (40
s) at a 5 % sweetness intensity. Differences in
aftertaste can be observed in the areas under the
curve; 0 and 25 % sucrose substituted by neotame
treatments had a very similar profile. Total time,
AREA, ABEF, and AAFT were always greater for
50 % sucrose substituted by neotame yogurt. Results
indicate that as greater concentrations of neotame
were used to partially substitute sucrose in a 5 %
sucrose equivalent sweetness yogurt, sweetness
intensity and duration increased.

3.2 Difference test

The proportions of correct 3-AFC tests
performed by subjects for metallic aftertaste of
yogurts were used to determine values of d (Ennis,
1993). Yogurts with 25 and 37.5 % sucrose
substituted by neotame were perceived as identical to
the control sweetened with sucrose (d = 0).
Differences between treatments with 0 and 50 %
sucrose substituted by neotame were not significant
(d = 0.46). The election of the triadic test, 3-AFC,
was based on the criterion used. This criterion was
the intensity of metallic aftertaste required for a
subject to report the stimulus as being strong, a
criterion. The criterion is the degree of difference
required by a subject to report stimuli as different
(OMahony, 1995). Furthermore, the 3-AFC test
chosen uses triads with strong stimuli as odd
samples, this presentation gives higher d values and
thus greater power than tests with the weaker
stimulus as odd (Tedja et al., 1994).
Metallic aftertaste is a characteristic of high
intensity nonnutritive sweeteners; however, unless
subjects were familiar with these sensations, they
might have confused the residual taste of sucrose
sweetened yogurts with that of neotame partially
sweetened ones. The use of the traditional 3-AFC
instructions, asking subjects to identify the stronger
or more intense stimulus, could have contributed to
such errors. Dessirier and OMahony (1999)
modified the instructions of 3-AFC tests; after using
a warm up to identify the sensations elicited by
distilled water and NaCl, subjects were asked to
identify the salty stimulus. This approach is
suggested in future works, so that the task for the
subjects is changed to deciding which stimulus is
metallic aftertaste. In addition, it has been
demonstrated that trained panels exhibit a higher
sensitivity than consumers (OMahony and
Rousseau, 2003), possibly accounting for the
differences perceived by the trained panel, which
consumers were not able to detect in the metallic
aftertaste of yogurts.

3.3 Preference test

The R-index is commonly used in signal
detection trials by categorization; however, it is also
possible to use it with preference data. In this study,
the R-index was defined as the probability of
choosing any of the four yogurts evaluated as the
most preferred sample when presented
simultaneously with the other three. The critical R-
index value was 59.66 % (P < 0.05; Bi and
OMahony, 1995). This means the R-index can
deviate from a nondetection value (50 %) in 9.66 %
by chance, hence R-indices for yogurt comparisons
were not significant (Table 3). Friedman analysis did
not evidence differences in preference of yogurts
either. Neotame, a close derivate of aspartame, was
found to have comparable results with the findings of
Keating and White (1990), who demonstrated
sucrose and aspartame sweetened yogurts were
preferred to those sweetened with sorbitol, sucrose
plus monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, acesulfame-K,
fructose, sodium saccharin, calcium saccharin, high
fructose corn syrup plus monoammonium
glycyrrhizinate, and dihydrochalcone. Overall liking
has been correlated to sweetness of yogurts (Barnes
et al., 1991a). However, our results indicate that
sweetener modification did not influence the overall
preference of yogurts.

Table 3. R-indices for comparisons among yogurts
sweetened with sucrose and neotame-sucrose blends
and with a sweetness equivalent to 5 % sucrose.
Compared concentrations (% sucrose
substituted by neotame)
50-0 37.5-0 25-0 50-25 50-37.5
R-index 58.38 57.85 50.76 58.14 50.49

3.4 Consistency

Differences in consistency of yogurt
treatments did not exist during the first 4 days of
storage (Table 4). However, a significant difference
among treatments was found on the sixth day of
storage, yogurt sweetened with 50 % sucrose and 50
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

% neotame presented a greater consistency. The
consistency of yogurt is affected by the distribution
of protein-protein bonds over the gel network
(Tamime and Robinson, 1999), the slight decrease in
sucrose content of 50 % sucrose sweetened yogurt
could have contributed to stronger protein bonds, and
therefore a greater consistency. Although differences
after 6 days of storage were significant, values only
varied by less than a tenth of a Newton, indicating
that consistency was not greatly affected by
sweeteners. The increase in the total mass, by the
addition of 5 % sucrose, is insignificant; additionally
the quantities of neotame used were very small (<
600 g). Consistency of yogurts increased with time
(Fig. 2). Similar results have been found (ONeil et
al., 1979; Salvador and Fiszman, 2004); at greater
storage times an increase in yogurt consistency was
observed. During the acidification of yogurt, casein
micelles are partially disintegrated, and afterwards
rearranged and aggregated to form a protein matrix
consisting of micellar chains and clusters (Tamime
and Robinson, 1999). During refrigerated storage,
microbial activity is reduced by temperature;
however the remaining activity allows the
continuous acidification of yogurt. As acidity
increases with storage time, so does yogurt
consistency, due to the rearrangement and
strengthening of protein bonds. The shapes of the
consistency curves of all yogurt treatments were
Storage time (d)
0 2 4 6


Fig. 2. Consistency values as a function of storage
time for yogurts with a sweetness equivalent to 5 %
sucrose and sweetened with 100 % sucrose (), 25
% neotame and 75 % sucrose (), 37.5 % neotame
and 62.5 % sucrose (), and 50 % neotame and 50
% sucrose ().
3.5 Analytical measurements

The pH, titratable acidity and water activity of
yogurts showed little variation between treatments,
from date of elaboration to the end of storage time.
On day 0, no significant differences were found for
pH and acidity, values ranged from 4.60 to 4.64, and
from 0.68 to 0.71 mgmL
of lactic acid,
respectively; while yogurts with 37.5 and 50 %
sucrose substituted by neotame presented the greatest
value for water activity (0.993), followed by 25 %
neotame yogurt (0.991) and 100 % sucrose yogurt
(0.988). After two days of storage, pH and acidity of
yogurt, ranged from 4.50 to 4.52, and from 0.73 to
0.74 mgmL
of lactic acid, respectively, without
showing significant differences; and water activities
ranged from 0.990 to 0.992. On day 4, pH, water
activity and acidity of treatments ranged from 4.41 to
4.43, 0.990 to 0.993 and 0.74 to 0.78 mgmL
lactic acid, respectively; and on day 6, values for pH
were in the range of 4.38 to 4.40, acidity varied from
0.77 to 0.80 mgmL
of lactic acid and water activity
ranged from 0.990 to 0.993. Yogurt acidification
developed as expected, Tamime and Deeth (1980)
mention that the addition of sweeteners does not
significantly affect lactose fermentation, and
therefore the increase in yogurt acidity. Water
activity remained constant, unlike pH and titratable
acidity, which slightly decreased and increased,
respectively, during storage. Similar results have
been found for pH (Keating and White, 1990) and
titratable acidity (ONeil et al., 1979; Salvador and
Fiszman, 2004) during longer storage periods.


Time-intensity profiles of 100 % sucrose and
25 % sucrose substituted by neotame sweetened
yogurts were very similar and of less sweetness
intensity and duration than 37.5 and 50 % sucrose
substituted by neotame yogurts. Differences in
metallic aftertaste, although identified by judges
during TI evaluations, were not detected by
consumers, who equally preferred sucrose and
neotame-sucrose sweetened yogurts. Partial
substitution of sucrose by neotame did not greatly
affect the consistency, pH, titratable acidity, and
water activity of yogurt.

Table 4. Mean consistency values and standard errors of yogurts sweetened with sucrose and neotame-sucrose
blends evaluated during refrigerated storage.

Consistency (N)
Storage time (d)
Partial substitution
of sucrose by
neotame (%) 0 2 4 6
0 0.46
0.03 0.45
0.01 0.45
0.01 0.47
25 0.45
0.01 0.45
0.00 0.46
0.00 0.48
37.5 0.44
0.01 0.44
0.01 0.46
0.01 0.47
50 0.50
0.01 0.47
0.01 0.49
0.00 0.54
Means within a column with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
C. Hernndez-Morales et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Qumica Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) 203-209

The authors would like to thank The Nutrasweet Co.
Mexico for a sample of neotame, Mnica Guzmn
for her valuable comments, and the members of the
sensory panel for their enthusiastic participation.


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