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The Registrars of Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunal, Andhra Pradesh Human Rights
Commission, Andhra Pradesh Lokayukta
The Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Information Commission
The Secretary, Legislature
The Secretary of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
The Principal Accountant General (A&E) and the Principal Auditor Generals of Andhra
Pradesh , Hyderabad
All District Collectors
1. The following guidelines are being issued to ensure seamless reorganisation of the
existing State of Andhra Pradesh and establishment of the State Governments of Andhra
Pradesh and Telangana on June 02, 2014. These guidelines will come into force immediately.
This Transition Plan (TP) will be executed under the direct supervision and guidance of the
Chief Secretary to the Government until the Appointed Day and thereafter under the joint
supervision and guidance of the Chief Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States.
Compliance reports shall be furnished to the respective Chief Secretaries and the State
Reorganisation Cell with copy marked to Governor's Office on a weekly basis.
2. The principal objectives of the Transition Plan are to:
i) ensure smooth reorganization of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh in accordance
with the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act provisions;
ii) establish functioning Secretariat and Head of Department offices/Corporations/
Societies/Training Institutions, etc. to serve the Governments of Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh effective June 02, 2014; and
iii) address issues likely to arise in both States, especially during the period of one to three
months after the Appointed Day and undertake preparatory/remedial measures.
Transition Committee &Team
3. There shall be a Transition Committee at Secretariat/HoD/Company/Corporation
/Training Institution level with composition specified below to address various aspects of
transition from the combined State of Andhra Pradesh to the two successor States of Telangana
and Andhra Pradesh and facilitate smooth transition with the division of personnel, files, assets,
liabilities, etc., organisation of office space, record room, security, grievances redressal
mechanism, etc. The Transition Committee will remain in place until completion of the
transition process and the Chief Secretaries of the successor Governments are fully satisfied that
the process of handing over and taking over is completed in all aspects and certified. Each
Committee will be supported by a Nodal/Coordinating Officer of the department of the
concerned State Government who will be the single point contact for employees in all
transition-related matters, including redressal of grievances against allocation.
Transition Committee at Secretariat Level:
1) Special Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary to the present combined State of
Andhra Pradesh handling the particular department or subject: Lead-Facilitator (even
after the two states come into being)
2) Special Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of the State of Telangana posted
to deal with the particular department or subject - Member; and
3) Special Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of the residuary State of Andhra
Pradesh posted to deal with the particular department or subject - Member-Convenor.
Transition Committee at Head of Departments Level:
1) Head of Department in the present combined State of Andhra Pradesh handling the
particular department or subject: Lead-Facilitator (even after the two states come to
2) Head of Department of the State of Telangana dealing with the particular department or
subject - Member; and
3) Head of Department of the residuary State of Andhra Pradesh dealing with the
particular department or subject - Member-Convenor.
Transition Committee at Company/Corporation/Institution Level:
1) MD/Executive Head of Corporation/Institution in the present combined State of
Andhra Pradesh handling particular company/corporation/institution: Lead Facilitator
(even after the two states come into being);
2) MD/Joint MD of Corporation/Executive Head of Institution/Designated Officer of the
State of Telangana dealing with the particular company/corporation/institution -
Member; and
3) MD/Joint MD/Executive Head of Institution/Designated Officer of the residuary State
of Andhra Pradesh dealing with the particular company/corporation/institution -
4. The Special Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of the existing State of
Andhra Pradesh shall be responsible for coordinating with other members of the Transition
Committee at Secretariat level in all transition-related activities, including establishment of
offices/desks, smooth transfer of files, assets, liabilities, personnel and residual activities to the
successor States. Similarly, the current Head of the Department shall coordinate with the
Transition Committee at the HOD level and shall be responsible for the establishment of two
fully functional and operationally effective departments by June 02, 2014. In the case of
Companies/Corporations/Societies, efforts will be made to establish two operational units or
mechanisms to provide common services of same quality to the two States until demerger takes
5. The Secretary/HOD/Head of Institutional shall constitute a Core Transition Team
(CTT) comprising of the senior-most functionary of the department/institution (preferably) who
is being provisionally ordered to serve the State of Telangana and his / her counterpart in the
successor State of Andhra Pradesh, who together shall be responsible for coordinating all
transition-related matters. As regards Secretariat and HOD, pending issuance of provisional
orders to serve the State of Telangana by Government of India, the two senior-most
functionaries of the department whose local area is Telangana / Andhra Pradesh shall
constitute the CTT along with the Secretary / HoD concerned in the Secretariat and HOD
office respectively. The officer currently in charge of OP section in the Secretariat department
and administration section in the HOD office shall assist the CTT. The CTT shall maintain two
physical registers and digital equivalents one for Andhra Pradesh and another of Telangana,
wherein details of all assets, liabilities, files, reports, records, etc., that are being handed over
and taken over are maintained signed and certified by the current Secretary / HOD and their
successor officers. The Secretary / HOD may assign specific responsibilities for the transition
process to other senior functionaries of his / her department as considered appropriate.
6. Some of the principal transition-related tasks to be performed by the departments are
summarised in the following paragraphs. These, however, are indicative and each
Secretary/HOD/Nodal Officer is requested to innovate and improvise as required in order to
realise the objectives outlined at para-2 above and in accordance with the provisions of the
Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014.
A. Organisation of Office Space
7. The Secretaries of the departments / HODs/ Institutional Heads shall take possession of
the office space allocated to the respective departments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Governments and allocate work areas to the officers, staff, registry (inward-outward), record
room, etc. The Transition Committees should assess the need for minor modifications to office
space, if any required, and procurement of furniture, if any, may be undertaken in consultation
with the Roads & Buildings and General Administration (SR) Departments subject to
ratification by the successor Governments.
8. The Secretaries of the new States shall ensure that appropriate organograms are prepared
for Secretariat and HOD offices, allocating work to officers (designations to be specified) and
that groups of officers handling similar subjects are located in the same area. The Transition
Committee shall ensure that various offices of the two States are organised by 9th June 2014 so
that regular office works are not hampered and the public are not put into inconvenience.
B. Management of Files
9. Detailed instructions for the management of files have already been issued, vide ref. 5
cited above. Al Current Files relating exclusively to Telangana / Andhra Pradesh State along
with a copy / original file common to both States shall be transferred to the new office premises
allocated to the department. The Secretary / HoD concerned will issue specific orders detailing
the process for transfer of files and other assets duly assigning well-defined responsibilities to the
head of sections / units. Similarly, the disposed files have to be relocated to the new record
room and organised subject-wise and year-wise. The lists of files in the record room will be
computerised and stored with plans approved by the concerned Secretary/HOD.
10. Each department will make two copies of all Government Orders, laws, rules and
regulations, court rulings, etc.; stock file containing Government Orders, guidelines,
instructions, etc.; Register containing the inventory of files (current and disposed) as entered in
the central database; updated Personal Register (PR) of every section, and all other statutory
and non-statutory registers, including the Attendance Register as of June 01, 2014, and hand
over one copy each to the Secretary / HoD of the successor States. New Registers shall be
opened for the two new States on June 02, 2014.
11. The original files of the common category, may be handed over to the State for which it
is most appropriate in terms of scope/quantum of work, and the other State may be given a
print out of the scanned file, as decided by Secretary or the Head of Department as the case may
be. Similarly, the original disposals of the common category, may be handed over to the State
for which it is most appropriate in terms of scope/quantum of work and soft copy of common
disposals shall be given to the other State as decided by Secretary or the Head of Department as
the case may be.
C. Management of Movable Assets
12. The furniture, air-conditioners, generators, phones, etc., fixed to the present offices
would not be physically shifted from one location to another, unless inevitable. The computers,
laptops, printers, vehicles, mobile phones, assigned to a specific officer would move along with
the officer under proper acknowledgement and record. Other movable assets, such as unfixed
furniture, general pool vehicles, computer hardware, and other paraphernalia, would be
apportioned in the population ratio (AP 58.32; T 41.68). Hired vehicles whose contract is
expiring on or before June 01, 2014 would be renewed only till 30th June, 2014 to avoid
inconvenience to officers - with approval by the Secretary concerned and the decision would be
left to the successor government for continuation of contract beyond that date. Hired vehicle
with subsisting contract extending beyond June 02, 2014, would be distributed on population
ratio, if it is part of the vehicle pool of the department, and would go with the officer if it is
attached to a specific officer.
13. Updated logbooks with service record, AMC contract documents, etc., would be signed
and certified by the OP / Administration Head before handover. A copy of all official
documents saved on the hard disk of computers / laptops would be transferred to a central
database and the same would be handed over to both States. The inventory of all movable assets
shall be handed over to the successor Secretaries / HOD of both Governments.
IV. Management of Legal Matters
14. The Secretary / HOD shall handover a compendium of all laws, rules and regulations,
government orders and instructions that currently guide the conduct of business of the
department to both Governments. Each department shall compile the list of notifications that
might have to be issued under the statute by the successor Governments and place them before
the successor government for consideration. The Secretary / HOD shall handover computerised
details of all court cases pending in different legal forums involving officials of the department at
all operational levels, indicating the action to be taken by the successor State. They shall ensure
that files relating to contempt cases, if any, are handed over personally to the successor officers.
15. All Government Orders applicable to the present combined state may be applied to the
two states unless they are rescinded/modified. The Secretaries concerned may initiate action for
issue of new orders/modified orders with approval of the competent authority in due course.
V. Management of Contracts
16. The present department Secretary shall issue a general order detailing the contracts that
would devolve to the successor states based on geographical location of the works and services.
The Secretary concerned shall issue specific orders detailing apportionment of contracts that are
common to both States in consultation with the Law and General Administration (SR)
departments. All related documents and the detailed inventory should be handed over to the
successor governments.
VI. Personnel Management
17. The Government of India will issue provisional orders to certain All India Service
Officers and State employees to serve the State of Telangana under section 76 & 77 (1)of the
Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014, in respect of regular employees. Separate work
allocation orders shall be issued by the Government to tide over the transition period until final
allocation is done. Such of those officers who have been ordered to serve the state of Telangana
shall hand over charge to the Officers nominated by the new state of Andhra Pradesh and be
responsible for matters and materials vested to him in the State of Telangana. The Secretary /
HOD is requested to initiate measures to implement these orders effective June 02, 2014. The
department shall ensure that a detailed list of officers on long leave of any nature, those under
long-term training, deputation, other duty, foreign service, work order deployment, suspension,
unauthorised absence, etc., is furnished to the successor officers of both Governments. The
department will issue orders separately regarding those personnel employed on outsourcing and
contract basis. The Secretary / HOD concerned shall ensure that all employees working under
their control hand over work responsibilities, registers, etc., to the successor officers through a
formal handover-takeover process duly affirmed and certified in a register to be maintained for
this purpose.
18. Based on the exercise done by the existing department under the aegis of the
Restructuring Committee and based on the recommendations of the Apex Committee in this
regard, the Secretaries of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Governments will make appropriate
proposals to the respective Governments for a decision on the structure of the department at all
operational levels in the light of reduced staff strength. Such a proposal could include proposals
for amalgamation, right-positioning, right-sizing, and any other option that merit consideration
in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and improved responsiveness, however, with due regard for
service rules and staff management. To start with they may take the structure worked out and
endorsed by the Governor-in-Council for the purpose of grouping Secretariat departments,
HODS, Companies and Corporations. This is only to guide the respective Governments to
arrive at an appropriate structure.
VII. Management of Schemes, Programmes etc.
19. The Secretary of the department shall submit a detailed self-contained report detailing
the present status and future contours of each of the schemes, programmes and projects under
implementation, taking suggestions from the SR Committee concerned. A status report on the
funds received from GOI and the State Government in this financial year, funds released to the
executing agencies, funds utilised as of May 31, 2014, Utilisation Certificates sent to the
concerned authority, and the financial commitment (including liabilities) during the remaining
ten months of the financial year or any other matter which is relevant in the context of
reorganization have to be submitted to both successor Governments. Secretaries of Departments
are also requested to pay due attention to schemes which have financial implications for both
states such as scholarships, residential schools, flagship programs. etc. in the interest of ensuring
uninterrupted continuity. A stock file of key policies, Government of India Guidelines, State
Government Orders, instructions, guidelines, etc., that are essential for effective implementation
of ongoing schemes, programmes and projects shall be handed over to the successors of both
VIII. Management of Corporations/Societies/ Institutions etc.
20. As regards management structures of companies and corporations working under the
control/supervision of departments till they are divided, there shall be two operational divisions,
each headed by the an officer posted from the respective States, functioning as Joint MDs. An
Expert Committee, comprising of one member from Telangana, one from Andhra Pradesh and
one eminent person mutually acceptable to both States with expertise in public enterprise
management and financial management will review and recommend the draft demerger plans.
The secretariat for the Expert Committee will be located in the Office of Principal
Secretary/Secretary, Industry & Commerce Department of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
21. As regards research/training institutions, mechanisms shall be evolved to ensure that
they are managed professionally and they provide the same level of services to both the states. It
is suggested that if the Director General/Director of an institution is posted by one state, the
other state may depute the second in command. In respect of national institutions like CGG,
NIUM, EPTRI which are self-financing and which do not depend on Government for salaries
and which depend on consultancy support on their own strength, are autonomous and expected
to provide common services to the two states as well as nationally, there may be an appropriate
Governing Council constituted by the competent authority and a structure to facilitate
professional management. Till the new structures are put in place, the existing arrangements
based on government orders/memos issued earlier will continue.
VIII. Coordination and Management
22. The Transition Committee and Core Transition Team will implement all the above
activities and such other activities that might be essential to ensure smooth transition. The
Nodal Officer/Coordinator of the Transition Team in each State Government will ensure that
all transition-related matters relating to his / her department are successfully handled and
handed over to the successor officers of both States. They will ensure that the affairs of the
successor governments are carried on with utmost effectiveness from June 02, 2014 and provide
sustained support until the successor officers assume complete responsibilities. The Secretary
concerned will submit a detailed report summarising the key activities that would require
immediate attention of the successor governments, with specific focus on the matters to be
placed before the new Council of Ministers in their first meeting. The progress of SR-related
matter should be presented before the Cabinet along with pending matters that require approval
from the Cabinet.
Apex Coordination Committee
23. The State Government established an Apex Committee to provide strategic and
operational guidance and support to the state reorganisation process until the Appointed Day.
However, several issues relating to the state reorganisation would linger for a long while after
the Appointed Day and several other matters would require close collaboration and
coordination between the two States. Therefore, an Apex Coordination Committee (ACC) on
State Reorganisation matters is hereby established with the following members:
Chief Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana -Co-Chairpersons
Planning Secretary/State Development Commissioners of Andhra Pradesh and
Home Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Finance Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Irrigation Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Energy Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Higher Education Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Secretaries of Industry and Public Enterprises of both States
Secretaries of Finance (Revenue - Taxation) of both States
Secretary of the Department of Andhra Pradesh dealing with State Reorganisation/specially
nominated by Chief Secretary to Government of Andhra Pradesh shall be the Member-Secretary
of the Committee.
24. The Apex Coordination Committee will meet every week on a designated
day/periodically to review all issues relating to state reorganisation, with specific reference to
allocation of staff, assets and liabilities, files, etc. Its main responsibility will be to ensure close
coordination and collaboration between the two States on all matters relating to governance and
resolution of contentious issues, if any, amicably.
State Reorganisation Cell/Committee (SRC)
25. On the advice of Government of India, a State Reorganisation Cell (SRC) was
established to provide effective support to the Advisory Committee for allocation of state cadre
employees. Since the principal responsibility for final allocation of state cadre employees will
devolve to the residual State of Andhra Pradesh with the Committee chaired by Sri C.R.
Kamalanathan being housed in the Andhra Pradesh Government, the State Reorganisation Cell
may have the Chief Secretaries of the two State Government, replacing the Chief Secretary of
the combined State of Andhra Pradesh. The new Government of Andhra Pradesh will nominate
the Member-Secretary of the Cell/Committee - Secretary dealing with State Reorganisation or a
specially designated Secretary. Similarly the State of Telangana shall nominate a Department
and Secretary for State Reorganization which shall coordinate with the AP State reorganization
Committee and the State Advisory Committee. The SR Departments in the two states will need
to have competent and responsible supporting staff to ensure that reorganisation works are
coordinated and carried out with utmost efficiency and in a time-bound manner. The Chief
Secretaries concerned may issue orders in matter accordingly.
Grievances Redressal
26. All the grievances from employees issued with provisional 'order to serve' by
Government of India and other aspects of state reorganisation will be received by the Principal
Secretary/Secretary in charge of the concerned department who will refer the same to State
Reorganisation Cell in the residuary state of Andhra Pradesh. Thereafter, they will be referred to
the Apex Coordination Committee s for redressal - through the Secretary in charge of State
Reorganisation. The Apex Coordination Committee shall liase with the State Reorganisation
Departments of both states. The state of Telanagna may also constitute a state reorganisation
unit which will examine / analyse the issues that need to be put up to the Apex Coordination
Committee for consideration.
Technical Support Group & Dispute Resolution
27. The Centre for Good Governance (CGG) will provide technical and analytical support
in matters relating to state reorganisatiion, especially departmental restructuring, human
resource management, financial management, and governance reforms and for any unresolved
inter-State matter requiring in-depth research and examination. Matters that remain unresolved
at the level of two states will be referred to the Disputes Resolution Committee established by
the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
28. In case of disputes that may arise from time to time, the same may be referred to the
Transition Committee at the first instance and then to the Apex Coordination Committee
through the SRC, if not resolved at department/institution level. It disputes are still not
resolved, the matter will be referred to Government of India/Dispute Resolution Committee
which will be assisted by the Technical Support Group at the Centre for Good Governance and
Centre-State Division in the Home Ministry.
Follow-up Action
29. All Secretaries/HODS and Heads of Corporations, Societies, Institutions, Autonomous
Bodies,Training Centres, etc., that are being apportioned between the two States on the
Appointed Day are requested to adopt the above guidelines for the purpose of reorganising the
departments/institutions under their control. They are requested to liaise with the present
Secretaries of the concerned departments, Chairmen of the 22 Committees and Special Chief
Secretary, General Administration (SR) Department in whatever capacity they are after 2nd
June to ensure seamless reorganisation or effective continuation, as the case may be, in
accordance with the provisions of the State Reorganisation Act and the decisions of the
30. All Secretaries to Government are requested to closely monitor the implementation of
the activities and submit performance report to the Chief Secretary every day by 5 PM with a
copy to the General Administration (SR) Department until June 02, 2014 and to the successor
Chief Secretaries thereafter.