Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting: Contents
Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting: Contents
Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting: Contents
SAP AG 2004
Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting
Roles in E-Recruiting
Assignment of roles in E-Recruiting
SAP AG HR316 9-1
SAP AG 2004
Roles and Authorizations: Unit Objectives
After comleting this unit! "ou #ill be able to:
$escribe roles in E-Recruiting
SAP AG HR316 9-2
SAP AG 2004
Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting
% Course Overvie#
& Product Overvie#
' Re(uisition )anagement
* Administration of Alication Processes
+ Alication )anagement
, -alent Relationshi )anagement .-R)/
0 Reorting in SAP E-Recruiting
1 -echnical Settings and 2asic Settings
3 Roles and Authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting
Aendi4 % Recruitment versus E-Recruiting
Aendi4 & E-Recruiting S"stem Architecture
SAP AG HR316 9-3
SAP AG 2004
Roles and Authorizations: 2usiness Scenario
5ou are a recruiter at the -raining 6nternational coman"7
8or9ing closel" #ith the relevant deartments! "our tas9s
include generating and lanning the recruitment rocess7
5ou define the user roles that are used in E-Recruiting7
-hese roles contain authorization rofiles for users7
SAP AG HR316 9-4
SAP AG 2004
Access to start ages!
alications! objects
and data overvie#s
SAP user
Roles in SAP E-Recruiting
User Roles
SU:%: Role assignment
Transaction for role maintenance: PFCG
Transaction for ser maintenance: S!"1
Transaction for mass c#an$es to sers: S!1"
For $eneral information a%ot at#ori&ations' see t#e corse HR94" At#ori&ations in HR(
SAP AG HR316 9-)
SAP AG 2004
)ost authorizations in SAP E-Recruiting are assigned using authorization
objects7 -here are! ho#ever! some conte4t-secific restrictions7 E4amle:
Candidates ma" disla" and change onl" their o#n rofiles7 -his
authorization is not chec9ed using authorization objects! but in the relevant
Authorization Chec9s
Authorization chec9s are erformed #hen the user:
Accesses a start age
<ogs on
Accesses a job alication
An at#ori&ation o%*ect can #a+e , to ten at#ori&ation fiel-s t#at are c#ec.e- sin$ an A/0
SAP AG HR316 9-6
SAP AG 2004
Some 6mortant Authorization Objects
Create candidates S=USER=>RP
$isla" data overvie#s P=RC?=@6E8
)aintain objects and status P=RC?=S-A-US
$irect access to -alent Pool .access! change! dulicate
2asic authorizations for 2usiness Partner .manages
ersonal data in 2usiness Partner area/
Authorization chec9 re(uired for Bualis PPA P=-CO$E
Objects and infot"esC ;ote: P@AR :% onl" P<O>
Access start ages and alications P=RC?=APP<
1o can -is,la2 t#e -ocmentation for an at#ori&ation o%*ect %2$ t#e o%*ect( T#e
-ocmentation e3,lains #o4 to maintain t#e +ales for t#e o%*ect(
1o can -is,la2 an- maintain at#ori&ation o%*ects t#ro$# t#e ,rofiles( T#is is also ,ossi%le %2
callin$ transaction SE80 an- c#oosin$ Workbench -> Edit Object. T#en' on t#e ta% ,a$e More...,
select Authorization Object an- c#oose Continue (Enter) to -is,la2 a s,ecific at#ori&ation o%*ect(
Ho4e+er' 4e recommen- t#at 2o -o not se t#is ,roce-re for maintainin$ at#ori&ation o%*ects(
SAP AG HR316 9-5
SAP AG 2004
SAP=RC?=)A;A>ER .obsolete! do not use/
SAP=RC?=)A;A>ER=ASS6S-A;- .obsolete! do not use/
User Roles
SA!"C#!$%S&'ESS!A(M&'&S)"A)O" * Ad+ini,trator
SA!"C#!CO')E')!SE"-E" * Search en.ine acce,,
SA!"C#!(A)A!)/&S) * (ata entr0 c1erk
SA!"C#!(EC&S&O'!MA2E" * (eci,ion +aker
(3or e4a+51e, 6ho i, 3or6arded a ,hort1i,t to decide 6hich a551icant i, +o,t intere,tin.)
SA!"C#!E7)E"'A8!CA'(&(A)E * E4terna1 candidate
SA!"C#!E7)E"'A8!CA'(&(A)E * &nterna1 candidate
SA!"C#!"EC"%&)E" * "ecruiter
SA!"C#!"E9%&S&)&O'!"E9%ES)E" * "e:ue,ter
(3or e4a+51e, 6ho create, a re:ui,ition and 3or6ard, it to a recruiter)
SA!"C#!"ES)"&C)E(!"EC"%&)E" * "e,tricted recruiter
(3or e4a+51e, recruiter i, not authorized to re1ea,e a re:ui,ition;5o,tin.)
SA!"C#!%'"E<&S)E"E(!CA'(&(A)E * 'on-re.i,tered candidate (,er=ice u,er)
T#e a%o+e roles are -eli+ere- in t#e stan-ar- s2stem an- can %e im,lemente- -irectl2(
1o can se t#ese roles as tem,lates from 4#ic# to co,2 cstomer ser roles( 1o ma2 not create
cstomer roles in t#e SAP name ran$e( 1o nee- to create cstomer ser roles' for e3am,le' if it is
necessar2 to a-*st t#e at#ori&ation ,rofiles(
C#oose )echnica1 Settin., -> %,er Ad+ini,tration -> Create %,er ro3i1e, to -is,la2 or co,2
in-i+i-al ser roles(
SAP AG HR316 9-6
SAP AG 2004
$efine Roles
5ou can create "our o#n roles and assign reference users to roles in
the 6)> under -echnical Settings User Administration $efine
Roles in E-Recruiting
5ou ma" change but not delete the follo#ing roles:
% Candidate .internal/
& )anager
+ Candidate .e4ternal/
0 Recruiter
3 $ata entr" cler9
%: Re(uester
%% $ecision ma9er
A reference ser mst %e assi$ne- to a role( 7f 2o re8ire a--itional at#ori&ations for a role' 2o
can a,,en- t#em to t#e ser -irectl2 or' if se+eral sers are affecte-' 2o can create a se,arate
reference ser for t#is ,r,ose(
1o can create a reference ser or ser+ice ser in Cstomi&in$ %2 c#oosin$ )echnica1 Settin., ->
%,er Ad+ini,tration -> Create S5ecia1 %,er,(
!ser t2,e Ser=ice: A ser of t#e t2,e Ser=ice is a -ialo$ ser t#at is ,ro+i-e- for a lar$er'
anon2mos ser $ro,( As a $eneral rle' 2o s#ol- strictl2 limit t#e at#ori&ations 2o assi$n to
t#is ser t2,e( Ser+ice sers are se-' for e3am,le' for anon2mos s2stem access t#ro$# an 7TS
ser+ice( A session t#at 4as starte- sin$ an anon2mos ser+ice ser can %e contine- after
in-i+i-al at#entication as a ,erson-s,ecific session sin$ a -ialo$ ser( T#ere is no c#ec. for
initial or e3,ire- ,ass4or-s at lo$on( Pass4or-s can onl2 %e c#an$e- %2 t#e ser a-ministrator(
9lti,le lo$ons are allo4e-(
!ser t2,e "e3erence: :i.e t#e ser+ice ser' a re3erence u,er is a $eneral' non ,erson-s,ecific ser(
1o cannot lo$ on sin$ a reference ser( T#e ,r,ose of a reference ser is onl2 as a means of
assi$nin$ a--itional at#ori&ations( Reference sers are se- to assi$n i-entical at#ori&ations to
7nternet sers(
;n t#e "o1e, ta% ,a$e' 2o can assi$n -ialo$ sers a reference ser if 2o 4ant to ,ro+i-e t#em 4it#
a--itional at#ori&ations( T#e a,,lication controls assi$nment of reference sers( T#e name of t#e
reference ser can %e assi$ne- sin$ +aria%les( <aria%les s#ol- start 4it# =>=( 1o assi$n +aria%les
to reference sers in transaction S!?R@F!S@R<AR7AA:@(
SAP AG HR316 9-9
SAP AG 2004
E4amle for Authorization Object: P=RC?=S-A-US
)aintenance of
objects #ith
resective status
At#ori&ation o%*ect: @lement of t#e at#ori&ation conce,t(
At#ori&ation o%*ects ena%le 2o to -efine com,le3 at#ori&ations( An at#ori&ation o%*ect can #a+e
, to ten at#ori&ation fiel-s t#at are c#ec.e- sin$ an A/0 o,eration( T#is -etermines 4#et#er a
ser is allo4e- to ,erform a s,ecific action( To e3ecte t#e at#ori&ation c#ec. sccessfll2' t#e
ser mst ,ass t#e c#ec. for eac# fiel- containe- in t#e o%*ect(
At#ori&ation o%*ects are $ro,e- to$et#er or$ani&ationall2 in at#ori&ation classes(
Definition P_RCF_STATUS
At#ori&ation o%*ect t#at is c#ec.e- in @-Recritin$ eac# time t#ere is a stats c#an$e for t#e
can-i-ate' a,,lication' a,,lication selection' ,ostin$' re8isition' or 8estionnaire(
Objet t!"e
T#is fiel- -efines t#e o%*ect t2,es for 4#ic# t#e ser is ,ermitte- to ma.e a stats c#an$e(
T#e follo4in$ o%*ect t2,es are c#ec.e-:
1( Can-i-ate B/AC
2( A,,lication B/0C
3( Can-i-ac2 B/@C
4( Re8isition B/AC
)( Postin$ B/CC
6( Destionnaire B<AC
5( Destion B<AC
SAP AG HR316 9-1"
SAP AG 2004
E4amle for Authorization Object: P=RC?=S-A-US
)aintenance of
objects #ith
resective status
#ene$i objet %t&t'%
T#is fiel- -etermines t#e stats t#at t#e ser is ,ermitte- to set for a $i+en o%*ect t2,e(
T#e follo4in$ statses are c#ec.e- for eac# o%*ect t2,e:
1( Can-i-ate B/AC
aC " E :oc.e-
%C 1 E Release-
2( A,,lication B/0C
aC " E 0raft
%C 1 E 7n Process
cC 2 E Fit#-ra4n
-C 3 E Re*ecte-
3( Can-i-ac2 B/@C
aC " E 7n Process
%C 1 E Fit#-ra4n
cC 2 E Re*ecte-
-C 3 E To Ae Hire-
eC 4 E 0raft
4( Re8isition B/AC
SAP AG HR316 9-11
aC " E 0raft
%C 1 E Release-
cC 2 E Close-
-C 3 E To Ae 0elete-
eC 4 E ;n Hol-
)( Postin$ B/CC
aC " E 0raft
%C 1 E Release-
cC 2 E Com,lete-
-C 3 E To Ae 0elete-
6( Destionnaire B<AC
aC " E 0raft
%C 1 E Release-
cC 2 E To Ae 0elete-
5( Destion B<AC
aC " E 0raft
%C 1 E Release-
cC 2 E To Ae 0elete-
SAP AG HR316 9-12
SAP AG 2004
E4amle for Authorization Object: P=RC?=APP<
Access to Start
Pages and
At#ori&ation c#ec. 4#en callin$ @-Recritin$ a,,lications
T#e lo$ical name of t#e a,,lication or t#e 70 of t#e start ,a$e is c#ec.e- in t#is fiel-(
SAP AG HR316 9-13
SAP AG 2004
Users Re(uired
$ialog User
?or the various actors in SAP E-Recruiting!
such as e4ternal candidate! internal candidate! recruiter
Service User
?or anon"mous users! such as e4ternal ersons that are not "et
registered in the -alent Pool and are searching for a jobC -REE access
Corresonds to a ossible role in SAP E-Recruiting7 Each role re(uires
a reference user7 6s re(uired to start the alication that corresonds to
the role of the reference user before the actual user can log on to the
S"stem User
User for bac9ground rocessing! for e4amle! 8?-2atch .authorization
re(uired to create re(uisitions and to change the status/7 E-mail address
re(uired for corresondence7
Reference sers are re8ire- as sers can %e create- -2namicall2 in @-Recritin$ Bre$istrations an-
non-re$istere- a,,licationsC( Reference sers are se- as a screen for t#e assi$nment of
at#ori&ations for sc# sers(
@3am,les of reference sers Bstan-ar-C: RCF?CA/0?@GT an- RCF?CA/0?7/T(
A ser+ice ser in @-Recritin$ is a commnication ser( T#e ser+ice ser ena%les access to
-ocments in HPR; Bsc# as RCF?C;/TS@R<C sin$ Fe% ser+ices BASPsC( A ser+ice ser also
re8ires a ,ass4or-(
T#e ,%lic ser+ice ser ena%les sers 4it#ot ser names to access t#e s2stem( 7n @-Recritin$' t#is
ser is se- for non-re$istere- can-i-ates Bsc# as RCF?!/R@GS@RC(
T#e s2stem ser is se- in @-Recritin$ as a 4or.flo4 ser( T#e s2stem ser is re8ire- for t#e
4or.flo4 Bfor e3am,le' FF-AATCHC an- mst %e confi$re- 4#en settin$ , t#e 4or.flo4( T#e
4or.flo4 ser mst %e an @-Recritin$ ser B4it# re,ort RCF?CR@AT@?!S@RC(
SAP AG HR316 9-14
SAP AG 2004
Create User - Otions .6/
Assistant Manager
Data Entry Cer!
Decisi"n Ma!er
#$nterna% Candidate
&aent C"nsutant
'ser (a)e
Pers"nne (".
*irst (a)e
+ast (a)e
Sa-e Cance
SAP E-Recruiting runs on its o#n instance
-ransfer of emlo"ees from SAP FC) to E-Recruiting using A<E
)anual creation using the administrator function User )aintenance
)anual creation using reort RC?=CREA-E=USER
F#en an em,lo2ee is transferre- from SAP HC9 sin$ A:@' t#e Candidate (&nterna1) role is
al4a2s assi$ne- to t#e ne4 ser atomaticall2( 7f an em,lo2ee is t#e mana$er of an or$ani&ational
nit accor-in$ to t#e or$ani&ational strctre' t#e role is atomaticall2 assi$ne- to t#is
T#e fnction incl-es %ot# t#e initial ,loa-in$ an- t#e ,loa-in$ of c#an$es B-elta ,loa-C(
After t#e em,lo2ee #as %een transferre-' more role assi$nments ma2 #a+e to %e ma-e manall2' for
e3am,le' assi$nment of t#e =Recriter= role if t#e em,lo2ee is a mem%er of t#e s,,ort team(
F#en create- manall2 sin$ t#e $i+en a-ministrator fnction or sin$ t#e re,ort
RCF?CR@AT@?!S@R' all information mst %e maintaine- manall2' for e3am,le' ser name' e-
mail a--ress' an- so on(
SAP AG HR316 9-1)
SAP AG 2004
Create User - Otions .66/
Set '. $ntegrati"n /ith SAP 0rgani1ati"na Manage)ent
S"2t/are Runs "n 0ne $nstance
Set '. Synchr"ni1ati"n "2 E)."yee and Candidate Data
Deter)ine Rues 2"r Data Synchr"ni1ati"n
&rigger 2"r Data Synchr"ni1ati"n
S"2t/are Runs "n Di22erent $nstances
SAP E-Recruiting runs #ith SAP FC) on one instance .ERP&::*/:
)anual creation using the administrator function User )aintenance
Service ERP=EE=-O=6;-=CA;$
T#e ser+ice @RP?@@?T;?7/T?CA/0 is tri$$ere- 4#en c#an$es occr in t#e em,lo2ee -ata( T#e
,ro$ram s2nc#roni&es t#e em,lo2ee -ata 4it# t#e can-i-ate -ata or creates a ne4 can-i-ate in t#e
case of a ne4 em,lo2ee(
An initial ,loa- of t#e em,lo2ee -ata to SAP @-Recritin$ is atomaticall2 ,erforme- t#e first time
t#e ,erio-ic ser+ice @RP?@@?T;?7/T?CA/0 is calle-( T#e s2nc#roni&ation of em,lo2ee an-
can-i-ate -ata s#ol- %e sc#e-le- as an acti+e ,erio-ic ser+ice(
SAP AG HR316 9-16
SAP AG 2004
Roles and Authorizations: Summar"
5ou should no# be able to:
$escribe roles in E-Recruiting
SAP AG HR316 9-15