Renal - Pathology
Renal - Pathology
Renal - Pathology
Diseases of the Tubulo-Interstitium
Some basic points:
Diseases affecting tubulointerstitium = commonest causes of
acute renal failure
Tubules & interstitium closely related
Diseases of arteries, arterioles, glomeruli can affect downstream
Normal: interconnected Osmotic Injury: very Flattened cells, gaps in EM: Loss of brush border &
epithelium, PAS + brush swollen but still have PAS + epithelium (arrowhead), blebbing in lumen
border & more brush border, some lacking apical blebbing of cytoplasm
mitochondria in PT (vs DT) mitochondria into lumen
Intracellular Events in Acute Tubular Injury
Generally just what happens when cells get injured:
Oxidative metabolism messed up, ATP depleted
Intracellular [Ca ] ↑ phospholipases / proteases activated
Free radicals generated (direct toxicity, esp in reflow post-ischemia)
Cell membranes injured, cytoskeleton disrupted
Cell adhesion & polarization messed up
o Lose the normal zona adherens (tight
junctions & adhesion molecules that keep
apical & basolateral sides separate)
o Can’t generate gradients & now more
permeable (leak stuff out into urine)
Lethal Injury
Cellular Subcellular
Coagulative necrosis Major disruptions in Ca / electrolytes / ATP
Apoptosis Proteins / organelles disrupted / dysfunctional
Cell detachment Cell membrane disrupted
o Can see dead cells in tubules (drifted down Nuclear breakdown (karyorrhexis)
from upstream site of injury) and in urine
Normal: interconnected Necrotic cells inside a Necrotic tubules: lots of Apoptotic figures in two
epithelium, PAS + brush relatively intact tubule: dead tubule cells, disruption tubular cells
border & more drifted down from & clogging of tubules
mitochondria in PT (vs DT) upstream
Regeneration / Repair
Epithelial cells transdifferentiate & assume a more mesenchyemal pattern: transition
back & forth along spectrum
Trying to regenerate & proliferate from this more primitive cell type
Not good: worse cell junctions, simplified surfaces without brush border, bad
polarization, pro-fibrotic
Cellular manifestations: flatter cells, heterogeneous cells / nuclei (↑N/C ratio, almost Arrowhead: flatter cells,
spread out, mesenchymal
like neoplasia) , mitotic figures with apoptosis
Inflammation plays a role too: marker of ischemic injury Endothelial dysfunction too:
See RBC & WBC in vasa recta Edema from lack of endothelial integrity; NO
Probably attracted by chemotactic substances lost, so less vasodilation
released from injured tubule cells & capillary Capillary “sludging” (RBC & WBC stuck in
endothelium capillary b/c ↑adhesion molecules &
Creates congestion & low flow (ischemia can ↑constriction)
result) o Procoagulant state (loss of protective
surface factors too) ischemia etc
How does this cause renal dysfunction?
Hemodynamic abnormalities
Vasoconstriction – tubuloglomerular feedback (& maybe RAAS,
etc) afferent arteriole constriction
o Not absorbing & secreting normally shut down glomerulus of
affected nephron!
Back-leak of filtrate into blood with disruption of tubule integrity
No net filtration! Putting it right back into capillaries
Obstruction of tubule
↑tubular pressure ↑ Bowman’s space pressure GFR
Interstitial Disease
Interstitial nephritis: an inflammatory infiltrate in interstitium CAUSES OF INTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS / FIBROSIS
Responsible for 15% acute RF, 25% chronic RF Infection
o Direct (incl. pyelonephritis)
Can be 1° (± 2° tubule injury), or 2° to tubule injury – hard to tell o Indirect (systemic inflammatory reaction – to
which came first if you see them both drugs, parasites, viruses, etc.)
o If huge inflammatory infiltrate (or if PMNs, eos, Immune-mediated (Ab or cell-mediated)
granulomas present) probably interstitial first Obstruction / reflux
Secondary (to glomerulonephritis or vasculitis)
2. Hematogenous: with big time bacteremia, can enter via glomerular capillaries
o Glomerularcentric (coming in through glomerulus!)
Risk Factors:
Instrumentation (catheters, etc.)
Renal calculi (kidney stones, place for bacteria to hang out)
Virulence factors (capsular Ag ↓phagocytosis & C’, fimbriae to keep from being
swept away in urine)
Females (anatomy) & pregnancy
Vesiculouretral reflux (see below)
Gross: cortical abscesses Bigger cortical abscess PMNs in a cast inside of a Cast with WBC and bacteria
(pyelonephritis) & tubule, also in wall & (in urine, seen here on EM)
streaking (pus in tubules), interstitium (bacterial – can help with Dx
some hemorrhage too infection)
Note that viruses can cause kidney infection too (big mononuclear infiltrate,)
Immune-mediated AIN
Anti-basement membrane antibodies:
LINEAR deposits on IF
Ab against structural Ag that’s uniformly expressed on TBM (tubular BM)
Goodpasture’s syndrome (also glomerular BM), renal allografts, membranous nephropathy
Sarcoidosis, some drug rxns, TB infection, allograft rejection
T-cell mediated injury
1. Causes: infection (direct, indirect), hypersensitivity reactions to drugs, immune-mediated processes (immune
complexes, anti-TBM antibodies, cell-mediated).
2. Histologic hallmarks are edema and inflammation, often lymphocytic/monocytic;
3. The presence of neutrophils suggests infection; eosinophils suggest hypersensitivity reaction; granulomas may be
seen with certain infections and drug reactions;
4. Causes renal failure by damaging tubules, interfering with blood supply - cytokines may play a role.
Obstructive Nephropathy
Alterations to kidney / collecting system from obstruction
o usually chronic obstruction fibrosis
Can be unilateral or bilateral (how low is obstruction?)
Can be component of infection or not (increases infection risk)
MANY causes (uretropelvic: extrinsic, intrinsic, congenital, or vesicourethral: prostate
enlargement, spinal cord probs, etc.)
Vesicouretral Reflux (VUR)
Retrograde propulsion of bladder urine into ureters
Most often from abnormal implantation of ureters into bladder
o more perpendicular angle between bladder wall & ureter
o orifice doesn’t close right during micturition – usually squeezed shut on contraction
Renal injury can happen early (need to recognize) but present as adult
o NEED EARLY REPAIR (or damage / scarring can result)
Unilateral or bilateral
Can see reflux (little jets) with increased pressure (images to right)
simple compound
Nephrotic Syndrome
Normal glomerulus
(review: fenestrated endothelium, podocyte feet, etc.)
Basement Membrane:
has lamina densa (dark on EM, middle zone; blocks based on size) & 2
x lamina rara (interna & externa, heparin sulfate, blocks by charge)
Nephrosis vs Nephritis
Urine Inflammation & proliferation in glomeruli In general
Proteinuria, not hematuria,
-osis / -otic Cellular casts
Nope Nephrosis is COOL
Hematuria ± renal failure Yes – inflammation / complement cause capillary injury
-itis / -itic Cellular casts with blood, cells getting across GBM
Nephritis is HOT
What’s going on in the Nephrotic Syndrome?
A few main points:
Glomerulus is leaky & you’re losing proteins:
Hormones, vitamins, minerals deficiencies
Coagulation factor balances altered
Proteins as nutrients malnutrition
Igs infections (turnover too fast)
LM: normal! No glomerular changes!
EM: effacement of foot processes with
loss of negative charge
Need EM to make diagnosis
(see pic –arrows)
Smooth instead of nice foot
negatively charged surface proteoglycans altered
lymphokines & T-cells may play a role; cationic factor neutralizes negative charge,
thromboxane hemodynamic changes?
can be secondary to drugs (NSAIDs), lymphoma, venom/toxins, viral infection
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Name tells you what it is: focal(<50% glomeruli involved), segmental (only part of glomerulus), -sclerosis = hard
Morphology: different variants. All possible in primary, * = can be seen in secondary / post-adaptive FSGS
Early / recurrent: EM changes only
Collapsing glomerulopathy: Left: Arrow: giant
Capillaries collapse & large podocyte!
hypertrophic podocytes seen
(dedifferentiating?) Right: note big
space on EM
Podocyte loses its grip: detach from
capillary loops; no structural support
podocyte & GBM
Esp in HIV pts; parvovirus B19 / viral
“Tip” lesions
Foam cells & solidification in segment
of capillary tuft opposite the hilum
May be more benign
Membranous Glomerulopathy
Diabetic Nephropathy
Patient: Diabetics (40% of patients!), associated with poor glucose control
Remember: type I = no insulin, type II = insulin resistance, CHO / fat / protein metabolism messed up
Urine: Microalbuminemia at first gradual increase to nephrotic range proteinuria
Course: Five clinical stages (see box: hyperfiltration ERSD). HTN can complicate
Diabetic Nephropathy
Hemodynamic alterations (increased glomerular
Stage I Early Increased GFR
pressures, hyperfiltration damage)
Stage II Latent Asymptomatic
Glycosylated collagen (↓degradation ↑ECM, Stage III Incipient Microalbuminuria
↓heparan sulfate ↑anion loss) Stage IV Overt Proteinuria, decreasing GFR
Genetic predisposition Stage V End stage Fibrosis, Sclerosis
Pathology of Diabetic Nephropathy:
Can have nodular sclerosis ± hyalinosis
o Increased amounts of matrix /
membrane form nodules called
Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions
A really basic summary table (from our small group; not exhaustive but main points)
Minimal Change Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis Membranous
Age Kids Adults Adults
Presentation Nephrotic Nephrotic
Foamy urine
Autoimmune Dz
Lung / colon cancer
Associations Post-infection Infection (esp. HBV, HCV, malaria)
Heroin, HIV, Sickle Cell
Drugs (NSAIDs)
Cancer (esp. lung / colon)
LM Nothing Focal, segmental, sclerosis Thick capillary loops
IF Nothing IgG & C3
(+/- secondary protein deposits)
“Fusion” – simplification Thick basement membrane
– of foot processes Subepithelial deposits
Excellent response to
Treatment Most no response to steroids
Terminology: diffuse vs focal, segmental vs global; also:
Exudative: GN where PMNs are significant Hematuria (can have RBC casts)
proportion of glomerulus Decreased renal function
(↑BUN & ↑serum creatinine)
Crescentic: extracapillary cell / matrix Proteinuria (variable, <3.5g/day)
proliferation (crescents) Edema
RBC casts: recapitulate inside of tubule (see on U/A) Decreased urine output
Immune complex-related Pauci-immune Anti-GBM
Post-infectious Associated with ANCA:
IgA nephropathy anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Membranoproliferative Renal-limited Goodpasture’s Syndrome
(e.g. cryoglobulinemia) (“idiopathic” crescentic GN) (pulmonary involvement too)
Lupus nephritis Systemic vasculitis
Other uncommon forms (Wegener’s, microscopic polyangitis)
Post-Infectious Glomerulonephritis
Clinical presentation:
Group A, β-hemolytic STREP infection is #1
o Present 1-2wk after recovery from pharyngitis
o Gross hematuria (dark urine) common, low serum C3
Diffuse proliferative & Granular IgG & C3 Subepithelial HUMPS
exudative GN (in capillary loops, characteristic (with
mesangium) abnormal podocytes
± Crescents surrounding them)
(poor prognosis if many) C3 lasts longer
Subendothelial &
mesangial deposits too
IgA Nephropathy
Microscopic hematuria ± proteinuria on routine exam or
Gross hematuria post-URI
Focal, mesangial proliferative GN Granular IgA & C3 Mesangial deposits
(in capillary loops, mesangium)
Diffuse / crescentic: worse prognosis (Subendothelial too in ~25%)
IgG/M possible but ≪ IgA
Normal-looking: good prognosis
No C1q (lupus)
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Epidemiology: Uncommon, 3 types but forms other than type I very rare
Presentation: Mixed nephrotic / nephritic, low C3
Diffuse, proliferative GN & hyperlobular glomeruli Granular IgG & C3 (± IgM, C1q) Subendothelial & mesangial
(in capillary loops, mesangium) deposits
Double contours / TRAM TRACKS (PAS / silver)
Cryoglobulin coagula: IgG/IgM “duplication” of GBM
Cryoglobulinemia: Intracapillary pseudothrombi (separated because of deposits!)
MPGN: pathology
NOT specific for a given disease: indication of SEVERE GLOMERULAR INJURY
DDx of Crescentic GN
1. Immune-complex mediated
a. lupus, MPGN, post-infectious GN, IgA nephropathy
b. Crescents = bad prognosis
c. Dx: show immune-complex deposits (IF or EM)
2. Pauci-immune
a. Don’t see deposits on IF or EM
b. Triggering of pathogenesis: PMNS activated azurophilic granules
exposed Ab bind PMNs start degranulating vasculitis (see
picture to right – can see acute lesions of small vessels)
c. 90% are ANCA positive (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies)
Ab against PMN Staining Diseases
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
C-ANCA Pr3 Cytoplasmic
(more often, rarely P-ANCA)
3. Anti-GBM Nephritis
a. Least common of 3 causes of crescentic GN
b. Auto-Ab to portion of type IV collagen α3 chain (“Goodpasture antigen)
i. Confirm: ELISA (pt serum vs Goodpasture Ag)
ii. No deposits by EM
iii. 20-30% also ANCA positive
d. Ab can cross-react with pulmonary alveolar BM
Renal Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Remember that other systemic diseases with kidney manifestations are in other lectures:
Wegner’s, microscopic polyangiitis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, HIV, diabetes, etc.
Key idea: Lupus can present in a LOT of different ways in the kidney. Path pics on next few pages.
↑ Lupus Nephritis TYPE II: mesangial proliferative ↑
↑ Lupus Nephritis TYPE V (membranous)↑
Note that this looks like “Membranous Glomerulopathy” (page 12) from the nephrotic syndrome lecture
Summary table
Activity > 9 = ↑ renal failure; chronicity >4 = worse progression (more eventual renal failure)
Helps you decide how aggressive to be in treatment
Light Chain Cast Nephropathy “myeloma kidney”
Most common renal manifestation of light chain disease
o Can be 1st presenting symptom of myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy
Usually presents as acute renal failure
Light chains (EITHER κ OR λ) + acidic urine + Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein large CASTS
o Casts obstruct tubules
o Casts have FRACTURED appearance (artifact of fixing) – if you hear “fractured cast,” think light chain cast
o Cast often surrounded by cells in tubule, including multinucleated giant cells
IF: either κ OR λ (light chain restriction)
Two major types
AL (“primary”) amyloid AA (“secondary”) amyloid
Light chains, λ > κ Plasma protein SAA
Amyloid protein derived from…
(L is for “light”) (Type AA is SAA)
Conditions that overproduce light chains
Chronic inflammatory conditions
85-90% monoclonal production
In setting of… (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, TB,
47% have myeloma
osteomyelitis, Sub-Q-injection drug users)
Most common > 50yo
LM findings EM findings
Mesangial expansion by :
Extracellular, randomly-oriented,
Eosinophilic, CONGO RED POSITIVE, acellular material
thin, non-branching FIBRILS
Blood vessels also frequently involved
Amyloid (arrow): fluffy, pink, Left: Congo red positive IF: positive for lambda light
acellular. Glomerulus looks Right: Congo-red-stained amyloid turns green chain (primary / AL amyloid)
hypocellular under polarized light (both AL & AA, only amyloid
has this birefringence)
Light Chain Deposition Disease
Least common of 3 renal manifestations
o 60% pts have multiple myeloma Clinical presentation & course
Renal insufficiency & proteinuria
κ > λ (opposite of AL-amyloid) Poor renal survival (35% @ 5yrs)
Left: Nodular glomerular appearance. Need to ddx from diabetic nodular granulosclerosis using silver stain
(center: material is silver NEGATIVE in LCDD, right: silver positive in diabetic glomerulopathy)
Far left: IF
positive for κ-
light chain in
MEMBRANE continuous,
granular, dense
near left: deposits in
negative for λ- SUBENDOTHELIAL
light chain GBM
Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Not a specific disease but a type of lesion
Endothelial cell injury in capillaries, arterioles, and/or small arteries
o Swelling of endothelial cells with detachment from BM
Subendothelial accumulation: fluid, fibrin cell debris
Intraluminal fibrin/platelet thrombi
Trauma to circulating RBCs – microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
o fragmented and distorted RBCs (“schistocytes”) – see picture
Symptoms of HUS
One of main causes of ARF in children microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
See box for symptoms thrombocytopenia
renal failure
occasional CNS involvement
(cause of mortality in childhood HUS)
Most often adults < 40 yo, women > men “Classic” TTP clinical syndrome
Classic syndrome: see text box Fever
Significant renal insufficiency: only 50% pts Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Pathogenesis: vWF cleavage implicated Thrombocytopenic purpura
80% survival of acute dz with plasma exchange Neurologic manifestations
(formerly uniformly fatal) Renal failure
Pathology of TTP & HUS
Fibrin/platelet thrombi in glomerular capillaries / arterioles (> arteries)
Glomeruli: RBC fragments, RBC stasis, or “bloodless” (due to endothelial swelling )
Separation of endothelial cell from GBM and production of new GBM – “Double contours”
Loss of mesangial cells and matrix (“mesangiolysis”)
RBC and RBC fragments within arterioles; may show focal fibrinoid necrosis
Best prognosis: glomerular involvement only (involvement of arteries = poor prognosis)
Glomerulus: diffusely simplified tuft Focal loss of foot processes; EM: widened subendothelial space with
with fragmented RBC swollen endothelial cells with electrolucent material (double arrow),
subendothelial deposits RBC (arrow)
Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)
Characterized by excessive collagen deposition at multiple sites
Skin, GI tract, kidney, blood vessels, musculoskeletal involvement common
Limited & more indolent forms exist
Etiology: unknown (abnormal T-cell activation, cytokine release, 1° injury to endothelium unknown)
Lab findings: ANA positive usually; <50% have anti-DNA-topo-I Ab (specific if present)
Small arteries: major findings here Arterioles: commonly involved Glomeruli: variable involvement
Mucoid intimal hyperplasia Endothelial swelling Ischemia-related changes (e.g.
(concentric proliferation of cells in Focal fibrinoid necrosis capillary collapse)
intima “onionskin lesion”) Luminal thrombi Can have HUS-like changes (capillary
Intima often has fibrin / RBC RBC/RBC fragments in vessel wall thrombi, fragmented RBCs)
fragments too
Tumors of Bladder & Kidney
Urothelial (transitional cell) Cancer of the Bladder
Epidemiology: 70k cases, 14k deaths in 2008 (USA)
Male > Female (3:1) – esp. older males like most GU tumors
o Majority present in localized stages (early stage good tx options)
Big health care cost burden – starts superficially, keep recurring, progress more aggressive
o We don’t know who’s going to progress – keep monitoring! $$$ ($4B/yr)
o Most expensive cancer per patient
Risk factors
Carcinogen exposure: carcinogens in urine, not via bloodstream
o Smoking: up to 2/3 M bladder ca, pack-years is big risk, slow acetylators ↑ smoking related risk (40%)
o Occupational exposure: up to 25% UrCa (aromatic amines, rubber, petroleum, paint, textile dye, etc)
o Iatrogenic cancers: chemo, phenacetin, X-ray Rx, cyclophos
o Arsenic in chlorinated water (China, Chile)
Familial: only 8% (not as much as some other cancers). Muir-Torre syndrome is one example
Schistosomes in Egypt
CIS: enlarged cells with ↑ N/C ratio,
CIS in bladder – dark spots Dyscohesion: structure falling apart
no maturation, ↓ organization,
(flat lesions)
arrows = mitotic figures
40-83% progress to muscle invasion with resection only
Variable course (protracted rapid invasion)
With tx (BCG): 80% initial response, 50% 4-yr response, 30% dz-free @ 10yrs
If refractory: 30% have muscle invasion @ cystectomy
Papillary structure: finger-like Lower-grade lesion: cytology Higher-grade: still have fibrovascular core; some ugly
projections somewhat more regular; epithelial nuclei, ↑ N/C ratio, abnormal hyperchromatic
on outside; fibrovascular core chromatin
Lots of yellowy necrosis here Bundles of smooth muscle with invading urothelial
(invading muscle layers) carcinoma cells pushing into this deep muscular layer
RCC: types
Type % all RCC Picture Prognosis Other
Cell mutations interfere with H1F1α
(oxygen sensor in cell) – fools cell
into thinking that it’s hypoxic!
Clear cell Intermediate
carcinoma (stage dependent) Sends out all kinds of vascular
proliferation factors (VEGF, etc)
very vascular tumor
Yellow fat – clear cells filled with fat & glucagon
Very good
Papillary RCC 10-18%
Chromophobe 2-6% Cure if confined to
RCC: Prognosis & Treatment
Age & gender of patient
Anatomy: pTNM staging (where is it?)
Histology: type (table above) & Furhman grade (cytology)
5 year survival
Localized: 70-90%
Regional: 40-50%
Distant metastasis: < 5%
o Most often to lung & bones
o but predilection for unusual sites
o Can metastasize many years post-resection
Local disease Advanced disease
Radical or partial nephrectomy Immunotherapy
Wedge resection Anti-angiogenic agents
In-vivo ablation Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Pediatric Renal and Bladder Tumors
Carcinomas ↓ in kids (don’t have chronic exposure of adults)
Most common pediatric cancers: lymphoma,
Most common pediatric…
leukemia, brain, sarcomas, neuroblastomas, etc.
Kidney tumor: WILMS’ TUMOR (nephroblastoma)
o Kidneys: 6% of pediatric cancers
Wilms’ Tumor
Embryonal tumors: microscopic appearance recapitulates the normal developmental histology of their organ
“-blastomas” – neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, hepatoblastoma, etc.
Nephroblastoma = Wilms’ tumor
Wilms’ tumor: morphology
Classic Wilms’ tumor is TRIPHASIC
Tumor Element Recapitulates… Looks like…
Blastema Metanephric blastema Deep blue nuclei, scant cytoplasm
Like they’re trying to form structures but not quite getting there
Epithelium Glomerular / tubular epithelium Glomeruli & tubules
Stroma Surrounding renal mesenchyme Spindle cells, bunches, few nuclei
Can also differentiate other tissues (blastema = primitive cell line!)
o Skeletal muscle, cartilage, squamous / mucous differentiation, etc.
Tumor % Prognosis Picture Other
Sheets of cells with pink
cytoplasm & eccentric nuclei
Grape-like projections into bladder lumen Projections into lumen, Arrows: rhabdomyoblasts
on gross pathology actual location of tumor is (can even see some
more interior (arrow) striations sometimes)
Pathology of Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis
Primary / Essential HTN (no one specific cause) Secondary HTN: results from specific abnormality
Renal parenchymal dz (Glomerulonephritis, FSGS)
Genetic & environmental factors Renal artery stenosis
Most adult HTN is essential HTN Tumors (pheochromocytoma, adrenal cortical adenoma)
AA > Caucasians for incidence Pregnancy-related (e.g. pre-eclampsia)
Drugs (e.g. oral contraceptives)
Benign Nephrosclerosis
Gross Path Arteries Arterioles
↓ kidney size intimal thickening
cortical narrowing narrowing of lumen
Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
granular surface (untreated scars) duplication of internal elastic lamina
sometimes small cortical cysts (± mild medial hypertrophy)
Glomeruli Tubules & Interstitium
↑ # globally sclerotic glomeruli (esp. subcapsular cortex)
Tubular atrophy
periglomerular fibrosis
Interstitial fibrosis
sometimes mild ↑ mesangial matrix
Above: Globally sclerotic glomeruli (left Above: Mesangial proliferation (like DM, but w/o
center), replaced by collagen; tubules & thickened BM), hyaline replacing wall in arteriole
interstitium OK in some places (lower L) (arrow), would be very PAS positive
shrunken / absent in others (lower R)
Malignant Hypertension
Pathophysiology: poorly understood (probably RAAS is important)
Malignant (accelerated) HTN:
↑ renin (ischemic kidney produces), prominent JGA in ischemic kidney DBP ≥ 130-140 mm Hg
Return to normal BP after unclipping (surgery) Associated retinal hemorrhages,
exudates, papilledema
Earliest renal sx: proteinuria ± hematuria Can be 1° or 2
Systemic symptoms: Can be ± previous HTN Hx
Visual disturbances Yearly incidence: 1-2/100k
Transient loss of consciousness
Can cause rapid & irreversible renal damage ESRD (if not treated)
POTENTIALLY FATAL (prior to antiHTN Rx, majority died within months; much more uncommon today)
Malignant Nephrosclerosis: Pathology
Lots of small hemorrhages (dark areas) on surface Would want to treat this patient to ↓ edema
open lumen before damage becomes permanent
Thrombi / fibrin on damaged wall of small vessel (arrow), More onion skinning
ONION SKINNING (arrowhead)