MOSHELL Command Database

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AAL2 Path ETE Loop Back

AAL5 Path ETE Loop Back

Alarm and event logs
Analyse logs in offline mode
AtmCrossConnections Status
Atmport Bandwidth usage
Cab print
Call Path Trace - Full
Change a restricted attribute
Change pdiff timer
Check AAL2 Paths
Check counters over time
Check device rejects on all MeSCs
Check E1 physical
Check ET-C41 board overload
Check every reject-fail-unsucc etc
Check IPB rejects - local or remote
Check ipinterfaces
Check MOShell version
Check MSPG config
Check SCB or SXB issues
Check Sctp-Mtp3b on a VMGw
Check SP and EP processor ID
Check TsTone segmentinfo1<>255
Check User Variables in MOSHELL
Collect logs for CSR
Create EMAS scripts from node
Decoding a PMD
Define scanners w nonpm counters
Action name
Del MOs down to IpAccessHostGpb
Device Status
Exec multiple cmds on one line
Force RPU switch
Lazy Moshell Command Sequence
License key check
Locate moshell file on server
Locating Faulty MSBs
Modifying a Struct datatype
MTP2 Processor
NTP Configuration
Obtain the resourceid (FRO) of a MO
OPC - RPU relation
Print defined scanners and counters
Print ET locations in node
Print GCP attributes
Print GCP nums and EP nums
Print GRA Device Set List
Printing a Struct datatype
Print only the GCP errors
Print TDM-DS0-KLM info
Print TDM Stats for rejected TDM
Print the 3 states of AAL2paths
Print the AAL2routes a2eaNusrlab
Print the transmitted Cells ATM
Selective printing of MO names
Software Inventory
To print disk usage
Translate Load Module Name
Action name
Update License Key File
User Variables - pm_wait
Action name

MOSHELL Commands:
mr loop_aal2
mr loop_aal2vcl
lma loop_aal2 aal2ap=... tplist
lma loop_aal2vcl loop_aal2 vcltp
lacc loop_aal2vcl eteloopback
Software Level: All
These commands will allow you to perform a VCI loopback test for all the AAL2 Paths for a specific AAL2 AP.
NOTE: if you want to do a loopback test for all AAL2 Paths then simply exchange the line:
lma loop_aal2 aal2ap=... tplist
lma loop_aal2 aal2pathvcctp
and perform all the other commands as specified.
MOSHELL Commands:
mr loop_sl
mr loop_nni
mr loop_aal5
mr loop_vcltp
lma loop_sl mtp3bsls=... tpid nnisaaltp
lma loop_nni loop_sl tpid
lma loop_aal5 loop_nni aal5tp
lma loop_vcltp loop_aal5 vcltp
lacc loop_vcltp eteloopback
Software Level: All
These commands will allow you to perform a VCI loopback test for all the Signalling Links in a specific Signalling Link Set.
NOTE: if you want to do a loopback test for all signalling links then simply exchange the line:
lma loop_sl mtp3bsls=... tpid nnisaaltp
lma loop_sl mtp3bslitu
and perform all the other commands as specified.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
Alarm and event logs
a- alarm log, e- event log, v- availability, s- system, u- upgrade log, o- command log, y- security event, l- coli log, h- Hw log, m- merge logs together,
based in chronological order,i- inverse chronological order, r- refetch (like refresh will get the files anew from the node), c- output to file (.csv), d- downtime, can only be used with r eg lgd or lgdr
MOSHELL Commands:
lgf /home/userid
(In offline mode)
lg -l <filename>
Software Level:
lgf downloads all log files (in /c/logfiles directory) into the directory you specify in the command.
In offline mode, you can use the command "lg -l" to print the logfile to screen.
grep can also be used to pipe specific phrases.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: All
Display state and configuration of AtmCrossConnections
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level:
Prints the defined bandwidth (traffic descriptor)the bandwidth usage, VPI/VCI, VclTp and the user.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
x=H/W, s=S/W, r=board restarts, l=CPU Load, g=errors, d=disk usage, m=total usage (space), e=traces*
*e is only available with MOSHELL Ver 7.0z
MOSHELL Commands:
facc Vmgw=... callpathtrace
facc Vmgw=... gettraceresult
Software Level: All
The EMAS and Telnet call path traces are extremely limited and show very little information, often it is enough,
however if you want to see everything including, IP Userplane addresses, Port Numbers, AAL2 Path ID's, CEP ID's, etc. You can use some hidden actions in the MGw to perform this.
See comments in example for more information
NOTE: This should also be possible via NCLI, however I have not tried this.
MOSHELL Commands:
rset mo_name|proxy(s) restricted_attribute [new_value]
Software Level: All
A restricted attribute can only be set when its MO is created. The 'rset' command sets the new value for the restricted attribute .
by automatically deleting the MO and all other MOs that reserve it, and re-creating all deleted MOs with the new value set for the restricted attribute
MOSHELL Commands:
uv pm_wait
uv pm_wait=30
uv pm_wait=360
Software Level: ALL
When doing the command pdiff to check the difference in a certain counter over a period of time, it is possible to change the timer with this command. .
Generally the timer is set to 25 seconds
It is not currently known what the maximum value for pm_wait is, 360 seconds (6 minutes) has been tried successfully.
Time indicated is in seconds.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget aal2path state|owner|pathid|reserved
Software Level: All
Prints the state of the aal2 paths, including the remote blocking state, the path owner, path id and the Aal2Ap using this path.
This print is ideal for identifying when the aal2PathOwner is incorrectly set or identifying when paths are remotely blocked,
which may be due to an incorrect aal2PathId setting
MOSHELL Commands:
pmx[hfdn] [<mofilter>|<mogroup>] [<counter-filter>] [-l <PMfiles-directory>] [-m <minushours>] [-p <plushours>] [-s <startdate>[.<starttime>]]
[-e <enddate>[.<endtime>]]
eg. pmx TdmTermGrp=PcmNr424351_MOD3-24-3-51 rej -m 24
Software Level:
Prints the counter at 15 minute intervals over the period of time you specify.
This is useful if you want to check if there were any changes in counters over a period of time. In the example below you can check
if the TDM Termination group has had any rejections over the last 24 hours and you can see the counter values at 15 minute time intervals. .
You can see that the last time there was an increase in rejections was between 15:00 and 15:15 (from 31887 to 31950)
Type "h pmx" for more information.
MOSHELL Commands:
lh mesc mesc_counters_device 2 |grep Reject
Software Level: ALL
Prints all device REJECT counters on all mescs
MOSHELL Commands:
pmomc exchangeterm
Software Level: ALL
This command checks the number of Errored Seconds (pmEs), Severely Errored Seconds (pmSes), Unavailable seconds (Uas),
Transmission Background Block Errors (Bbe), good for checking the quality of the physical layer.
MOSHELL Commands:
lh mesc mesc_command_aal1Delay -etBoard
Software Level: MGW R4.2.3 above
This command is only for ET-C41 board, when the board is facing overload situation, the rejCounter will start to increase. .
All the MESC board showed same prinout, this command has not been verified in the real overload situation
MOSHELL Commands:
lh mesc mesc_command_aal1Delay -etBoard
Software Level: MGW R4.2.3 above
This command is only for ET-C41 board, when the board is facing overload situation, the rejCounter will start to increase.
All the MESC board showed same prinout, this command has not been verified in the real overload situation.
MOSHELL Commands:
pdiff all forced|fail|unsucc|rej|rele|err|overflow|down|unavail|lost|missing|conges !^0|-1
Software Level: ALL
This command will print out every reject, failure, release, error, overflow, state down, unavailable, lost, missing,
congestion or force rel on the node in a ~20 sec period. Any counter that is not 0 or -1, is good to capture current signalling faults on the node etc.
Is from the health check document, however they say to check manually by doing pget twice, which would take forever.
MOSHELL Commands:
lh mesc mesc_counters_device all |grep -i "IPB Reject"
lh mesc mesc_counters_ip |grep "nrRej"
Software Level: ALL
These commands will print only the IPB device reject numbers and also the reject types showing whether they are local or remote rejects.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget ipinterface ownipaddressactive|defaultrouter0|rps|vid|operationalState
Software Level: ALL
This command gives a good summary very quickly of the status and important information of the Ipinterface MO.
Note that the example has been truncated to make ease of viewing in this tool.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level:
Use this command to find out the MOShell version if you are not using your local MOShell.
MOSHELL Commands:
get os155 reservedby$
Software Level: all
There can be issues if the MSPG is not defined on all ports on the card.
This command is a very quick way to check the config
MOSHELL Commands:
all spaspccinfo|grep Total
lh scx spashwinfo all |grep ": Error"
lh scx spastopologyinfo
lh scx spasislledinfo
Software Level: ALL
These commands will print out the total ordered plane changes executed, and which ports on which SCB/SXB boards have errors.
spastopologyinfo prints out the ISL mapping, so you can see which board/slot/port on each subrack is connected
to the corresponding slot/port on the MAIN ubrack.
spasislledinfo prints the LED status of each ISL port. Flickering indicates the link is active, slow indicates the link is standby.
MOSHELL Commands:
Execute the command on the board containing upcf_stc:
Software Level: All
The command "stc_info " is executed on the board containing upcf_stc.
If the given vmgw is used for Sigtran, Sctp state & its related info will be printed; if it is used for MTP3b, MTP3b state & info will be printed.
For GMP V3.0, upcf_stc is on the board 12 (active) and 9 (passive) in subrack 1.
For GMP V2.1, upcf_stc is on the board 25 (active) and 27 (passive) in subrack 1.
It should always be checked to find out which board is active at the time.
MOSHELL Commands:
get sctp= reservedby|rpuid
hget Mtp3bSpItu= rpuid
Software Level: ALL
In a dual stack scenario it is possible that 1 or more Mtp3bSpItu is running on a different board to the SCTP processor for the
M3UA associations associated with that Mtp3bSpItu.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget TsTone segmentInfo1|toneName
Software Level: ALL
It is incorrect configuration to have a silent tone define in the MGw with segment 1 set to don't play. This will cause GCP 452 in MFD at location 5.
This is an easy command to check this.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
This command will print out the user variable values for the settings for MOSHELL.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: All
To collect log for CSR input.
- m: mandatory data
- e: subset of the mandatory data which can be taken in case of emergency, before doing board/node restart.
- s: data for SS7 issues
- i: data for Iu/Iur issues in RNC
e.g. dcgmes
This will take a long time
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
When using undo command u+ an undo file is automatically generated as the MOs are del/rdel/set/bl/deb.
Simulated mode u+s is where the undo file is still generated but the MOs are not actually del/rdel/set/bl/deb.
Using the simulated mode u+s, in conjunction with the EMAS conversion command u! , it is possible to generate
EMAS style scripts from the node directly without altering the state of the node's configuration.
MOSHELL Commands:
dump -i /c/pmd/XX/XXXXXX/0x000000xx.pmd
Software Level: All
This command prints the decoded post mortem dump
MOSHELL Commands:
uv include_nonpm=1
pcr vpltp vpltp
Software Level: All
This is used to include non PM counters in scanners that has pm and non pm counters, and to be able to define only
nonpm counters scanners like MSdevicepool using PCR moshell command.
MOSHELL Commands:
u+ /home/epamull/EHK/MGw6_SP-EPalign.mos
lma sr_m3ua mtp3bsr= linkset .*m3ua
del sr_m3ua
del m3ua
del sctp=
bl IpAccessHostGpb=
del IpAccessHostGpb=
Software Level: All
Sometimes it is necessary to change the configuration at certain MO levels but it is difficult to remember what MOs to remove above
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: All
Prints the status of all devices in the M-MGw
MOSHELL Commands:
eg. lhsh 000200 te log read ; llog -l ; vii ;
Software Level:
By using a semicolon in between commands, you can execute multiple commands on the same line. This only works for telnet commands.
MOSHELL Commands:
facc reliableprogramuniter=xxx switch
Software Level: ALL
This command will switch the RPU from the currently active board to the standby board.
To determine what board is currently active, either telent to the board and perform the command: lhsh sma -all
or print out the ReliableProgramUniter MO and if the operationalMode is set to AS_CONFIGURED then it means the ActiveSlot is currently active,
otherwise if it is SWITCHED_OVER then it means the PassiveSlot is currently active.
MOSHELL Commands:
h 5
Software Level: All
To display some frequently uesed command sequences.
eg: Software upgrade, health check
MOSHELL Commands:
lhsh 000300 license server
lhsh 000300 fro_lici_data_list
Software Level: all
This is used to check the license feature installed after the license key loading & also you can check on what
date last license key was installed; whether emergency capacity is used or not.
MOSHELL Commands:
find / -name moshell -print
Software Level:
This is a unix command, not an MOShell command - use this on the server that MOShell is installed. When you are trying to connect
to a MGw via a server and you aren't given the directory where MOShell is installed, use this command to find the directory where the moshell executable file is.
The output may take a long time to print as it searches through every directory.
When you find a directory that you can access, trying running MOShell from this directory.
MOSHELL Commands:
acc MsDevicePool getPoolDetails
acc MsDeviceGroup getBoardDetails
Software Level: All
When printing out the status of the devices with the std command it can sometimes be hard to identify what board has the faulty devices.
Using the above MOShell commands you can identify what pools have what percentage of failed and locked devices and also what MSB has faulty devices
MOSHELL Commands:
set MO struct attribute=value,attribute=value
i.e. set mtp3bspttc=0-42620 spTimerM3ua timerM3uaTack=20,timerM3uaTassocack=65
Software Level: All
When needing to modify a datatype of struct, like a lot of the mtp3bsp attributes, you can use MOShell with the format listed.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget mtp2tp plugin|reserve
Software Level: All
To print a list of all the MTP2 links, the pluginunit they are being terminated on and the signalling links using them.
This is ideal for determining if proper processor redundancy has been configured on the MTP2 links
MOSHELL Commands:
commands sequence
get ManagedElementData ntp;
acl 1;
acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true;
set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone <LocalTimeZone>;
set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true;
ntpconfig info;
cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
Software Level: All
This commands sequence can be used to define the NTP in the CPP nodes.
If you need mobatch to use several nodes NTP Configuration at once, below method can be used.
P/S: Before define the NTP, set the clock, if node having default Date and Time
mtn@oss3g> pwd
mtn@oss3g> ./mobatch <Ip Address List File> 'lt all; readclock; rbs; setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; prox; get ManagedElementData ntp; acl 1; acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true; set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone IST; set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true; ntpconfig info; cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
After NTP synchronization complete, following output is displayed
UCM078_Nugegoda_West> ntpconfig info
081208-15:05:29 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_17 stopfile=/tmp/2695
$ ntpconfig info
Server 0:
Result = 3: No secondary server found
Result = 3: No tertiary server found
NTP synchronized 2008-12-08 09:18:28
NTP changed server 2008-12-08 09:00:16
NTP clock stepped 2008-12-08 08:55:59 2008-12-08 08:55:59.582->2008-12-08 08:55:59.601
P/S: You may can defined one or two other NTP configuration also.
MOSHELL Commands:
fget xxxxxx resourceid
Software Level: All
Using the fro command to get the resource id of an MO will load the SQL LM and this is not recommended. In fact the RNC group do not use it at all.
The better option is to use a forced get as this information is actually store in the MO.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget mtp3bsp network|PointCode|rpuId
Software Level: all
This command will print out the relation as to which OPC is running on which RPU for the mtp3bsp.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
This command will print the scanner name, the counters defined in that scanner, the number of counters in each scanner,
the state of the scanner, and also the total number of scanners defined.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget exchan desc@type
Software Level: ALL
This command will print the location and type of exchange terminals in the node.
MOSHELL Commands:
facc gcp getattributes
Software Level: ALL
When printing out the GCP MO, no attributes can be seen. This is due to the attributes being removed from the MOM doocument,
however the hidden action (an action that isn't listed in the MOM document) getattributes will print the all the attributes.
MOSHELL Commands:
mom vmgw profile
Software Level:
Getting confused by that very strange product number for what EP you are using ? like what is the profile for Ericsson_FAY112163_1/1 ?
If you are onsite and are already connected to the MGw just do the following print on the node to confirm.
Note the following print is take on R5.1 MGw so the default is set to EP6.
MOSHELL Commands:
lh gra gradsl
where device type can be mfd, inm(ar), up, gsm, fax, dig, mod, mpc, ipet, cdm(a)
Software Level:
Prints out the Device Set List that is owned by each GRA. Useful for checking which board is used for the particular device,
gives you the DSP ID for that device, the number of available and idle resourses and the status of the device set.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget @
eg. hget upg data@info
eg. hget mtp3bsp spTimer@timerM3uaTack
Software Level:
If you only want to print out a particular datatype from a Struct attribute, you can use hget and the "2" symbol.
eg. If you want to see what software levels are loaded on the MGw,
hget upg data@info
Or if you want to check a timer in the mtp3bsp MO,
hget mtp3bsp spTimer@timerM3uaTack
MOSHELL Commands:
lh mesc mesc_counters_gcp 0 |grep with
Software Level: ALL
This will only print out the GCP errors that have occurred on every board.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
Display state and user of Physical Ports and Ds0Bundles, including KLM numbers.
Printout format:
- PUI: the first digit represents the state of the PhysicalPort/Ds0Bundle. The second digit (if present) represents the state of the User. The third digit (if present) represents the state of the ImaGroup. L=locked, 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
- CG/K.L.M: circuit group and K.L.M (for channelised STM-1)
- r: to refresh the data (ie. re-read from node).
- the first argument matches on the whole line
- the second argument matches only the state field ("VU")
MOSHELL Commands:
R4: hpget TdmTermGrp all . !^0
R5: hpget TdmTermGrp all . . !^0
Software Level: All
These commands will print out the busy, requested and rejected TDM statistics for any TDM that has had at least 1 rejection.
This is especially good after node restarts as any rejection initially may indicate a more serious issue.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget aal2path state
or only on certain ports
hget Aal2PathVccTp=ATM-(5|6|7)-2 state
Software Level: all
With this command it is very quick to get all the states of the aal2paths on the node.
MOSHELL Commands:
hget aal2r number|user
Software Level:
A quick way to get the userlabel and number direction for the AAL2 routing.
MOSHELL Commands:
pmx atmport=(ATM-9-2|ATM-8-1)$ AtmCells -m 0.5
Software Level: all
This command will print the AtmCells transmitted and recieved over 2 reporting periods (1/2 an hour).
MOSHELL Commands:
st tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108)
pget tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108)
pr =MOD1-.[^7]
pr SA.*[12]$
get tdmterm userlabel .*TNUK
Software Level: ALL
When there are enormous amounts of MOs and you only want to print a certain number of them, either because you are monitoring
the MO states etc it is useful to print only the MOs you are interested in.
st tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108) (prints the state of only 52531106,52531107,52531108)
pget tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108) (as above but gets the counters for only those TDMs)
pr =MOD1-.[^7] (prints all MOD1 UDPs but leaves out board 17)
pr SA.*[12]$ (prints any string starting with SA, ending with _1 or _2)
get tdmterm userlabel .*TNUK (prints all TDM's that contain the letters TNUK in the userlabel)
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: ALL
This command is very useful, and will show what loadmodules are running on what boards, what features are enabled and licensed on the node, the capacity of relevant features, active and passive boards for the loadmodule ids and under what conditions the switch will be done to the passive board, the name of the loadmodule, the RPU MOid, and a lot of other useful information.
Also, if you only want to print the details of a particular load module or board type you can include this after the inv command as a filter.
eg. inv CXC1327798
eg. inv msb3
MOSHELL Commands:
mgw9> cabd
Software Level: All
This command prints the disk usage. Disks that are getting over a certain limit will appear in color. The limit can be defined in cabview file.
MOSHELL Commands:
Software Level: All
To translate load module name to cxc number and via versa.
MOSHELL Commands:
acc licensing updatelicensekeyfile
Software Level: ALL
This command will allow the user to update the License on the node by MOSHELL.
MOSHELL Commands:
cr swmanagement=1,upgradepackage=....
ftp IP:
ucf location:
acc UpgradePackage=... nonBlockingInstall - Soft Install
acc UpgradePackage=... nonBlockingForcedInstall - Hard Install
acc UpgradePackage=... upgrade - Soft Upgrade
acc UpgradePackage=... rebootNodeUpgrade - Hard Upgrade
acc UpgradePackage=... confirmUpgrade - Confirm Upgrade
To check the status of the upgrade use the command:
hget UpgradePackage=... prog|stat
Software Level: All
To perform a M-MGw upgrade via MOShell, use the above commands.
Note: Ensure the correct upgrade type is used according to the upgrade guide, i.e. soft or hard install and soft or hard upgrade.
Also replace the ... with the MO Name.
After the upgrade you will also need to change the userlabel of the upgrade to show up in EMAS with:
set UpgradePackage=... userlabel ...
MOSHELL Commands:
uv pm_wait
uv pm_wait=30
uv pm_wait=360
Software Level: all
In MOSHELL it is possible to change certain settings with the user variables.
We can print out all the user variables with command uv.
However in this example we can change only the timer for the pm counters for pdiff command.
When doing the command pdiff to check the difference in a certain counter over a period of time, it is possible to change the timer with this command. Generally the timer is set to 25 seconds.
It is not currently known what the maximum value for pm_wait is, 360 seconds (6 minutes) has been tried successfully.
Time indicated is in seconds.
These commands will allow you to perform a VCI loopback test for all the AAL2 Paths for a specific AAL2 AP.
NOTE: if you want to do a loopback test for all AAL2 Paths then simply exchange the line:
These commands will allow you to perform a VCI loopback test for all the Signalling Links in a specific Signalling Link Set.
NOTE: if you want to do a loopback test for all signalling links then simply exchange the line:
a- alarm log, e- event log, v- availability, s- system, u- upgrade log, o- command log, y- security event, l- coli log, h- Hw log, m- merge logs together,
based in chronological order,i- inverse chronological order, r- refetch (like refresh will get the files anew from the node), c- output to file (.csv), d- downtime, can only be used with r eg lgd or lgdr
lgf downloads all log files (in /c/logfiles directory) into the directory you specify in the command.
Prints the defined bandwidth (traffic descriptor)the bandwidth usage, VPI/VCI, VclTp and the user.
x=H/W, s=S/W, r=board restarts, l=CPU Load, g=errors, d=disk usage, m=total usage (space), e=traces*
The EMAS and Telnet call path traces are extremely limited and show very little information, often it is enough,
however if you want to see everything including, IP Userplane addresses, Port Numbers, AAL2 Path ID's, CEP ID's, etc. You can use some hidden actions in the MGw to perform this.
A restricted attribute can only be set when its MO is created. The 'rset' command sets the new value for the restricted attribute .
by automatically deleting the MO and all other MOs that reserve it, and re-creating all deleted MOs with the new value set for the restricted attribute
When doing the command pdiff to check the difference in a certain counter over a period of time, it is possible to change the timer with this command. .
It is not currently known what the maximum value for pm_wait is, 360 seconds (6 minutes) has been tried successfully.
Prints the state of the aal2 paths, including the remote blocking state, the path owner, path id and the Aal2Ap using this path.
This print is ideal for identifying when the aal2PathOwner is incorrectly set or identifying when paths are remotely blocked,
pmx[hfdn] [<mofilter>|<mogroup>] [<counter-filter>] [-l <PMfiles-directory>] [-m <minushours>] [-p <plushours>] [-s <startdate>[.<starttime>]]
This is useful if you want to check if there were any changes in counters over a period of time. In the example below you can check
if the TDM Termination group has had any rejections over the last 24 hours and you can see the counter values at 15 minute time intervals. .
You can see that the last time there was an increase in rejections was between 15:00 and 15:15 (from 31887 to 31950)
This command checks the number of Errored Seconds (pmEs), Severely Errored Seconds (pmSes), Unavailable seconds (Uas),
This command is only for ET-C41 board, when the board is facing overload situation, the rejCounter will start to increase. .
This command is only for ET-C41 board, when the board is facing overload situation, the rejCounter will start to increase.
pdiff all forced|fail|unsucc|rej|rele|err|overflow|down|unavail|lost|missing|conges !^0|-1
This command will print out every reject, failure, release, error, overflow, state down, unavailable, lost, missing,
congestion or force rel on the node in a ~20 sec period. Any counter that is not 0 or -1, is good to capture current signalling faults on the node etc.
Is from the health check document, however they say to check manually by doing pget twice, which would take forever.
These commands will print only the IPB device reject numbers and also the reject types showing whether they are local or remote rejects.
This command gives a good summary very quickly of the status and important information of the Ipinterface MO.
Use this command to find out the MOShell version if you are not using your local MOShell.
These commands will print out the total ordered plane changes executed, and which ports on which SCB/SXB boards have errors.
spastopologyinfo prints out the ISL mapping, so you can see which board/slot/port on each subrack is connected
spasislledinfo prints the LED status of each ISL port. Flickering indicates the link is active, slow indicates the link is standby.
If the given vmgw is used for Sigtran, Sctp state & its related info will be printed; if it is used for MTP3b, MTP3b state & info will be printed.
In a dual stack scenario it is possible that 1 or more Mtp3bSpItu is running on a different board to the SCTP processor for the
It is incorrect configuration to have a silent tone define in the MGw with segment 1 set to don't play. This will cause GCP 452 in MFD at location 5.
- e: subset of the mandatory data which can be taken in case of emergency, before doing board/node restart.
When using undo command u+ an undo file is automatically generated as the MOs are del/rdel/set/bl/deb.
Simulated mode u+s is where the undo file is still generated but the MOs are not actually del/rdel/set/bl/deb.
Using the simulated mode u+s, in conjunction with the EMAS conversion command u! , it is possible to generate
This is used to include non PM counters in scanners that has pm and non pm counters, and to be able to define only
Sometimes it is necessary to change the configuration at certain MO levels but it is difficult to remember what MOs to remove above
By using a semicolon in between commands, you can execute multiple commands on the same line. This only works for telnet commands.
This command will switch the RPU from the currently active board to the standby board.
To determine what board is currently active, either telent to the board and perform the command: lhsh sma -all
or print out the ReliableProgramUniter MO and if the operationalMode is set to AS_CONFIGURED then it means the ActiveSlot is currently active,
This is used to check the license feature installed after the license key loading & also you can check on what
This is a unix command, not an MOShell command - use this on the server that MOShell is installed. When you are trying to connect
to a MGw via a server and you aren't given the directory where MOShell is installed, use this command to find the directory where the moshell executable file is.
When you find a directory that you can access, trying running MOShell from this directory.
When printing out the status of the devices with the std command it can sometimes be hard to identify what board has the faulty devices.
Using the above MOShell commands you can identify what pools have what percentage of failed and locked devices and also what MSB has faulty devices
When needing to modify a datatype of struct, like a lot of the mtp3bsp attributes, you can use MOShell with the format listed.
To print a list of all the MTP2 links, the pluginunit they are being terminated on and the signalling links using them.
This is ideal for determining if proper processor redundancy has been configured on the MTP2 links
If you need mobatch to use several nodes NTP Configuration at once, below method can be used.
mtn@oss3g> ./mobatch <Ip Address List File> 'lt all; readclock; rbs; setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; prox; get ManagedElementData ntp; acl 1; acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true; set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone IST; set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true; ntpconfig info; cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
NTP clock stepped 2008-12-08 08:55:59 2008-12-08 08:55:59.582->2008-12-08 08:55:59.601
Using the fro command to get the resource id of an MO will load the SQL LM and this is not recommended. In fact the RNC group do not use it at all.
This command will print out the relation as to which OPC is running on which RPU for the mtp3bsp.
This command will print the scanner name, the counters defined in that scanner, the number of counters in each scanner,
When printing out the GCP MO, no attributes can be seen. This is due to the attributes being removed from the MOM doocument,
however the hidden action (an action that isn't listed in the MOM document) getattributes will print the all the attributes.
Getting confused by that very strange product number for what EP you are using ? like what is the profile for Ericsson_FAY112163_1/1 ?
If you are onsite and are already connected to the MGw just do the following print on the node to confirm.
Prints out the Device Set List that is owned by each GRA. Useful for checking which board is used for the particular device,
If you only want to print out a particular datatype from a Struct attribute, you can use hget and the "2" symbol.
- PUI: the first digit represents the state of the PhysicalPort/Ds0Bundle. The second digit (if present) represents the state of the User. The third digit (if present) represents the state of the ImaGroup. L=locked, 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
These commands will print out the busy, requested and rejected TDM statistics for any TDM that has had at least 1 rejection.
With this command it is very quick to get all the states of the aal2paths on the node.
This command will print the AtmCells transmitted and recieved over 2 reporting periods (1/2 an hour).
When there are enormous amounts of MOs and you only want to print a certain number of them, either because you are monitoring
st tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108) (prints the state of only 52531106,52531107,52531108)
pget tdmtermgrp=525(31106|31107|31108) (as above but gets the counters for only those TDMs)
get tdmterm userlabel .*TNUK (prints all TDM's that contain the letters TNUK in the userlabel)
This command is very useful, and will show what loadmodules are running on what boards, what features are enabled and licensed on the node, the capacity of relevant features, active and passive boards for the loadmodule ids and under what conditions the switch will be done to the passive board, the name of the loadmodule, the RPU MOid, and a lot of other useful information.
Also, if you only want to print the details of a particular load module or board type you can include this after the inv command as a filter.
This command prints the disk usage. Disks that are getting over a certain limit will appear in color. The limit can be defined in cabview file.
Note: Ensure the correct upgrade type is used according to the upgrade guide, i.e. soft or hard install and soft or hard upgrade.
After the upgrade you will also need to change the userlabel of the upgrade to show up in EMAS with:
However in this example we can change only the timer for the pm counters for pdiff command.
When doing the command pdiff to check the difference in a certain counter over a period of time, it is possible to change the timer with this command. Generally the timer is set to 25 seconds.
It is not currently known what the maximum value for pm_wait is, 360 seconds (6 minutes) has been tried successfully.
mtn@oss3g> ./mobatch <Ip Address List File> 'lt all; readclock; rbs; setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; prox; get ManagedElementData ntp; acl 1; acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true; set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone IST; set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true; ntpconfig info; cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
- PUI: the first digit represents the state of the PhysicalPort/Ds0Bundle. The second digit (if present) represents the state of the User. The third digit (if present) represents the state of the ImaGroup. L=locked, 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
This command is very useful, and will show what loadmodules are running on what boards, what features are enabled and licensed on the node, the capacity of relevant features, active and passive boards for the loadmodule ids and under what conditions the switch will be done to the passive board, the name of the loadmodule, the RPU MOid, and a lot of other useful information.
When doing the command pdiff to check the difference in a certain counter over a period of time, it is possible to change the timer with this command. Generally the timer is set to 25 seconds.
mtn@oss3g> ./mobatch <Ip Address List File> 'lt all; readclock; rbs; setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; prox; get ManagedElementData ntp; acl 1; acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true; set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone IST; set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true; ntpconfig info; cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
- PUI: the first digit represents the state of the PhysicalPort/Ds0Bundle. The second digit (if present) represents the state of the User. The third digit (if present) represents the state of the ImaGroup. L=locked, 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
This command is very useful, and will show what loadmodules are running on what boards, what features are enabled and licensed on the node, the capacity of relevant features, active and passive boards for the loadmodule ids and under what conditions the switch will be done to the passive board, the name of the loadmodule, the RPU MOid, and a lot of other useful information.
mtn@oss3g> ./mobatch <Ip Address List File> 'lt all; readclock; rbs; setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; prox; get ManagedElementData ntp; acl 1; acc 1 createNtpPrimary; <NTP server Ip>; 64; 1024; false; true; set ManagedElementData nodeLocalTimeZone IST; set ManagedElementData daylightSavingTime true; ntpconfig info; cvms <CV Name> <Operator> <Comment>
This command is very useful, and will show what loadmodules are running on what boards, what features are enabled and licensed on the node, the capacity of relevant features, active and passive boards for the loadmodule ids and under what conditions the switch will be done to the passive board, the name of the loadmodule, the RPU MOid, and a lot of other useful information.

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