Diagnosing Rhinitis: Allergic vs. Nonallergic: David M. Quillen, M.D., and David B. Feller, M.D
Diagnosing Rhinitis: Allergic vs. Nonallergic: David M. Quillen, M.D., and David B. Feller, M.D
Diagnosing Rhinitis: Allergic vs. Nonallergic: David M. Quillen, M.D., and David B. Feller, M.D
May 1, 2006
comorbidities. The AHRQ report noted that
the treatment conclusions may have been
biased because pharmaceutical companies
supported many of the trials.
Although few studies exist on how to dif-
ferentiate among types of rhinitis, a thor-
ough and comprehensive history usually
suggests the correct diagnosis. Physicians
should focus on symptoms (i.e., duration,
exposures, magnitude of reaction, patterns,
and chronicity); triggers; seasonal variation;
environmental influences; allergies; medical
history (i.e., trauma, family, and treatment
histories); and current treatments (Table 2
and Figure 1). An acute onset of one week
or less has a limited differential and usually
suggests a viral etiology; an acute exacerba-
tion of allergic rhinitis; or, less commonly,
a foreign body (more common in children,
particularly when symptoms are unilateral
with purulent discharge). The differential
diagnosis for chronic symptoms is broader.
Clinical recommendation
An allergy test should be performed if the patient has severe
symptoms or an unclear diagnosis or if he or she is a potential
candidate for allergen avoidance treatment or immunotherapy.
C 7
A comprehensive history and physical examination should be
used to help diagnose the cause of rhinitis.
C 4
An allergen-specific Immunoglobulin E antibody test (radioallergo-
sorbent test) is recommended when percutaneous testing is not
practical or available or when patients are taking medications
that interfere with skin testing.
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented
evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information
about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1495 or http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml.
Differential Diagnosis of Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis
Episodic rhinitis
Occupational rhinitis
Perennial rhinitis
Seasonal rhinitis
Nonallergic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis
Chemical- or irritant-induced
Drug-induced rhinitis
Antihypertensive medications
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Oral contraceptives
Rhinitis medicamentosa
Emotional rhinitis
Exercise-induced rhinitis
Information from reference 1.
Conditions that may mimic
symptoms of rhinitis
Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea
Inflammatory or immunologic
Midline granuloma
Nasal polyposis
Sjgrens syndrome
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Wegeners granulomatosis
Relapsing polychondritis
Structural or mechanical conditions
Choanal atresia
Deviated septum
Enlarged adenoids
Foreign bodies
Hypertrophic turbinates
Nasal tumors
Nonallergic rhinitis (continued)
Gustatory rhinitis
Hormone-induced rhinitis
Menstrual cycle
Oral contraceptives
Infectious rhinitis
Acute (usually viral)
Chronic (rhinosinusitis)
Nonallergic rhinitis with
eosinophilia syndrome
Occupational rhinitis (irritant)
Perennial nonallergic rhinitis
Vasomotor rhinitis
Postural reflexes
Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Reflux-induced rhinitis or
gastroesophageal reflux disease
May 1, 2006
May 1, 2006
symptoms; that diagnostic tests may be
appropriate if severe symptoms or an
unclear diagnosis is present, or if the patient
is a potential candidate for allergen avoid-
ance treatment or immunotherapy; and that
observation may be appropriate for patients
with mild symptoms or an unclear history.
Diagnostic Testing
The most common diagnostic tests for aller-
gic rhinitis are the percutaneous skin test
and the allergen-specific immunoglobulin E
(IgE) antibody test. Less common diagnostic
tools include nasal provocation testing, nasal
cytology (e.g., blown secretions, scraping,
lavage, biopsy), nasolaryngoscopy, and intra-
dermal skin testing. The WHO report
limited recommendations on when to use
these tests but notes that they generally are
used by subspecialists or in research and do
not play a role in the routine evaluation of
rhinitis. The AHRQ report
did not include
the less common tests, and the authors could
not make a conclusion regarding the mini-
mum amount of testing needed to achieve a
diagnosis. The AAAAI report
included the
less common tests but noted that many are
unproved or inappropriate.
Evaluating Patients with Suspected Rhinitis
Figure 1. Algorithm for evaluating patients with suspected rhinitis.
Patient presents with rhinitis
Acute symptoms (one week or less)?
Chronic symptoms
(seasonal or perennial)?
Symptoms are unclear
Will testing change treatment?
Attempt treatment
(e.g., nasal spray,
steroids, antihistamines).
Positive response?
Test for allergies.
History and physical
examination to
exclude sinusitis
allergic rhinitis.
Diagnose nonallergic
rhinitis. Consider
other causes (Table 2).
allergic rhinitis.
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
allergic rhinitis.
Diagnose nonallergic
rhinitis. Consider
other causes (Table 2).
No Yes
No Yes
Viral history?
After managing as viral
condition, symptoms last
longer than one week.
Evaluate for
sinusitis and
treat if present.
Common diagnosis:
acute exacerbation
of allergic rhinitis.
Check history.
Uncommon diagnosis:
obstruction, especially
in children.
No Yes
No Yes
Return to A
Go to B
May 1, 2006
May 1, 2006
demonstrated that percutane-
ous skin testing is appropriate
for children three years and
older and that RAST testing
is appropriate at any age. The
authors recommend that phy-
sicians base testing decisions
on clinical history and, similar to the adult
recommendations, perform tests only when
needed to change therapy or to clarify a
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis can be categorized into
three basic subgroups: seasonal, perennial,
and occupational. IgE mediates seasonal,
perennial, and occupational responses to
different allergens. Tree, grass, and weed
pollens generally cause seasonal symptoms.
Mold spores may cause seasonal and peren-
nial symptoms. Indoor allergens such as
dust mites, pet dander, and molds usually
cause perennial symptoms.
Occupational rhinitis is triggered by
exposure to irritants and allergens. Aller-
gen-related occupational rhinitis clearly is
in the allergic rhinitis category, whereas irri-
tant-related occupational rhinitis is better
categorized as nonallergic rhinitis. Causes of
the allergen subtype include laboratory ani-
mals (e.g., rats, mice, guinea pigs), grains,
coffee beans, and wood dust. Causes of the
irritant subtype include tobacco smoke, cold
air, formaldehyde, and hair spray.
Allergic rhinitis symptoms include early
and late responses similar to those of aller-
gic response to skin testing. Early and late
allergic rhinitis present as sneezing, con-
gestion, and rhinorrhea; however, the late
response tends to include more conges-
tion. Seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis
can be associated with systemic symptoms
including malaise, weakness, and fatigue.
Patients with seasonal and perennial allergic
rhinitis also may have allergic conjunctivitis,
asthma, and eczema.
Nonallergic Rhinitis
The diagnosis of nonallergic rhinitis is
made after eliminating allergic or IgE-medi-
ated causes. The most common cause of
nonallergic rhinitis is an acute viral infec-
tion. Less common chronic causes include
vasomotor rhinitis, hormonal rhinitis, non-
allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome,
occupational rhinitis (irritant subtype), gus-
tatory rhinitis, rhinitis medicamentosa, and
drug-induced rhinitis.
Controversy surrounds nonallergic rhini-
tis because the epidemiology and diagnostic
criteria are confusing. The main controversy
is how to differentiate allergic rhinitis from
nonallergic rhinitis. Furthermore, current
research appears to delineate a third category
that includes characteristics of both allergic
and nonallergic rhinitis. Research shows
that the prevalence of pure allergic rhinitis
in the adult population with symptoms is
43 percent, combination allergic rhinitis and
nonallergic rhinitis is 34 percent, and pure
nonallergic rhinitis is 23 percent.
ment of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis is
slightly different; therefore, as more clinical
data become available, determining the dif-
ference between the two types will become
more important.
A patient-administered screening tool
(Patient Rhinitis Screen) to help physicians
identify patients with combination rhini-
tis is not commonly discussed in the lit-
Because of the lack of published
research, the tools use beyond gathering
demographic data is unclear.
Viral URIs are the leading cause of acute
rhinitis. Viruses known to cause acute viral
rhinitis include rhinoviruses, respiratory
syncytial virus, parainfluenza, influenza,
and adenoviruses. In most patients, viral
infections are self-limited and require only
symptomatic treatment. Occasionally, a bac-
terial superinfection exists or the patient
develops rhinosinusitis. In these patients,
symptoms generally worsen (e.g., facial pain,
nasal obstruction, fever). Sinusitis is best
diagnosed through history, physical exami-
nation, and prediction rules, and not through
computed tomography.
Common bacte-
ria include Streptococcus pneumoniae, group
A beta-hemolytic streptococci, and Hae-
mophilus influenzae.
The most common diagnos-
tic tests for rhinitis are the
percutaneous skin test and
the allergen-specific immu-
nogobulin E antibody test.
May 1, 2006
May 1, 2006
Address correspondence to David M. Quillen, M.D.,
University of Florida College of Medicine, Department
of Community Health and Family Medicine, Family
Medicine Residency Program, 625 SW Fourth Ave.,
Gainesville, FL 32601. Reprints are not available from
the authors.
Author disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
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