This document provides setup guidelines for Castle Creations brushless power systems for 1/10th scale cars and trucks. It includes gearing recommendations based on motor KV and battery type, instructions for programming the ESC, recommended motor types, and voltage cutoff settings for different battery types. Safety tips are provided like monitoring motor temperature and reducing gearing or voltage if the motor gets too hot.
This document provides setup guidelines for Castle Creations brushless power systems for 1/10th scale cars and trucks. It includes gearing recommendations based on motor KV and battery type, instructions for programming the ESC, recommended motor types, and voltage cutoff settings for different battery types. Safety tips are provided like monitoring motor temperature and reducing gearing or voltage if the motor gets too hot.
This document provides setup guidelines for Castle Creations brushless power systems for 1/10th scale cars and trucks. It includes gearing recommendations based on motor KV and battery type, instructions for programming the ESC, recommended motor types, and voltage cutoff settings for different battery types. Safety tips are provided like monitoring motor temperature and reducing gearing or voltage if the motor gets too hot.
This document provides setup guidelines for Castle Creations brushless power systems for 1/10th scale cars and trucks. It includes gearing recommendations based on motor KV and battery type, instructions for programming the ESC, recommended motor types, and voltage cutoff settings for different battery types. Safety tips are provided like monitoring motor temperature and reducing gearing or voltage if the motor gets too hot.
Truck Brushless Power Systems SET-UP GUIDE Gearing/Speed Chart Color Key : Sidewinder set-ups are yellow Mamba Max applies to entire chart 6 Cell NiMh 8 Cell NiMh/2s LiPo 12 Cell NiMh/3s LiPo 4 6 0 0 5 7 0 0 6 9 0 0 7 7 0 0 Motor geari ng i s a recommended start i ng poi nt ONLY; Always start with the smal l est pi ni on and l argest spur avai l abl e for your application. Pinion and spur gear sizes refer to tooth count. The pinion is the small gear on the motor and the spur is the large one attached to the car; all gears refer to 48 pitch. Always check your motor temperature frequently on the first run after changing the gearing, motor or battery! Never l et the motor get above 200F. If you cant touch the motor for 2 seconds, its too hot. If the motor gets too hot, reduce the pinion size, increase the spur size, or reduce the pack voltage. Speeds are est i mates only. Actual speeds for your model may vary, depending on a variety of factors, including tire size, the cars internal gear ratio, and the battery quality. QUICK STArT GUIDE 1. Solder a high quality battery connector to the ESC. 2. Mount the ESC and motor into the car. 3. Plug in the 3 motor wires to the 3 motor wires on the ESC. 4. Plug in the ESC rx lead to CH2 on your receiver. 5. Make sure the ESCs switch is off. 6. Plug in a battery. 7. Holding full throttle on your transmitter, turn the switch ON. A. After a few seconds youll hear multiple tones and the red LED will come on. B. Now hold full brake and after a few seconds youll hear multiple tones and the yellow LED will come on. C. Now relax to neutral and after a few seconds youll hear multiple tones and ALL the LEDs will light up. D. A few seconds later the ESC will arm with a double tone and youre ready to go! 1 : Brake/reverse Type Option 1 : reverse Lockout (D)* Option 2: Forward/Brake Only Option 3: Forward/Brake/reverse 2 : Brake Amount Option 1 : 25% Option 2: 50% (D)* Option 3: 75% Option 4: 100% 3 : reverse Amount Option 1 : 25% Option 2: 50% (D)* Option 3: 75% Option 4: 100% 4 : Punch Control Option 1 : High Option 2: Medium Option 3: Low Option 4: Lowest Option 5: Disabled (D)* 5 : Drag Brake Option 1 : Disabled (D)* Option 2: 10% Option 3: 20% Option 4: 30% Option 5: 40% 6 : Throttle Dead Band Setting 1 : Large - 0.1500 ms Setting 2: Normal - 0.1000 ms (D)* Setting 3: Small - 0.0750 ms Setting 4: Very Small - 0.0500 ms Setting 5: Smallest - 0.0250 ms CASTLE CAr ESC PrOGrAMMING rEFErENCE 7 : Voltage Cutoff Option 1 : None (D)* Option 2: Auto-Lipo Option 3: 5 Option 4: 6 Option 5 : 9 Option 6: 12 8: Motor Timing Option 1 : Lowest Option 2 : Normal (D)* Option 3: Highest 9 : Motor Type Option 1 : Brushless (D)* Option 2 : Brushed reversing Option 3: Brushed High Power *Denotes Default Setting MOTOr TYPES Brushed and brushless. Please see the manual for detai ls on the wiring required to run in BrUSHED modes.
BrUSHLESS Castle: Castle brushless 4600 with 3s lipo or 5700 with 2s LiPo Other Manufacturers: Motors must have Kv (rPMs per volt) same or lower than ours and the motor must be run within motor manufacturers specs. BrUSHED Forward only: Any 540 sized motor Forward/reverse : 540 sized - 19T limit (covers rOAr 1 9T modified and 2 7T stock) MOTOr TYPES Brushed and brushless. Please see the manual for detai ls on the wiring required to run in BrUSHED modes.
BrUSHLESS 3s: 4600 or 5700 2s: 6900 or 7700 BrUSHED No limit on brushed motors in either mode. SIDEwINDEr 1/10TH SCALE ESC MOTOr rECOMMENDATIONS MAMBA MAX 1/10TH SCALE ESC MOTOr rECOMMENDATIONS recommended Cut-off Voltage Settings NiMh: None 2s LiPo: 6v 3s LiPo: 9v