A-amylase activity in whole saliva of two groups of infants was investigated from birth to 5 months at monthly intervals. A-Amylase activity was found to increase rapidly from low values at birth to approximately two-thirds of adult values by 3 months. Introduction of starch-containing food before 3 months of age would likely lead to inadequate hydrolization of starch in some infants.
A-amylase activity in whole saliva of two groups of infants was investigated from birth to 5 months at monthly intervals. A-Amylase activity was found to increase rapidly from low values at birth to approximately two-thirds of adult values by 3 months. Introduction of starch-containing food before 3 months of age would likely lead to inadequate hydrolization of starch in some infants.
A-amylase activity in whole saliva of two groups of infants was investigated from birth to 5 months at monthly intervals. A-Amylase activity was found to increase rapidly from low values at birth to approximately two-thirds of adult values by 3 months. Introduction of starch-containing food before 3 months of age would likely lead to inadequate hydrolization of starch in some infants.
A-amylase activity in whole saliva of two groups of infants was investigated from birth to 5 months at monthly intervals. A-Amylase activity was found to increase rapidly from low values at birth to approximately two-thirds of adult values by 3 months. Introduction of starch-containing food before 3 months of age would likely lead to inadequate hydrolization of starch in some infants.
(GPS, CH) and Oral Biology (CD), University of M an-
itoba, W innipeg, M anitoba, Canada. 2Supported by M anitoba M edical Services Founda- tion and M edical Research Council of Canada. 3Address reprint requests to: Dr Gustaaf P Seven- huysen, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of M anitoba, W innipeg, M anitoba, Canada R3T 2N2. Present address: Kellogg Salada Canada, 6700 Finch Street, Rexdale, Ontario, M gW 5P2. Received July 15, 1983. Accepted for publication November 15, 1983. The American Journa/ of C/inica/ Nutrition 39: APRIL 1984, pp 584-588. Printed in USA 1984 American Society for Clinical Nutrition 584 Development of salivary a-amylase in infants from birth to 5 months1-3 Gustaaf P Sevenhuysen, P/iD, Christine Holodinsky,4 M SC, and Cohn Dawes, BSC, BDS, PhD ABSTRACT The a-amylase activity in whole saliva of two groups of infants was investigated from birth to 5 months at monthly intervals. Foods used in infant feeding as well as height and weight were recorded at each monthly collection period. a-Amylase activity was found to increase rapidly from low values at birth to approximately two-thirds of adult values by 3 months. Large variation in a-amylase activity, either per ml of saliva or per mg of protein, was recorded. No significant relationships of a-amylase activity with weight, weight for height, growth rate, or presence of starch-containing foods in the diet were found. Introduction of starch-containing food before 3 months of age would likely lead to inadequate hydrolization of starch in some infants. Am J C/in Nuir 1984;39:584-588. KEY W ORDS a-Amylase, infant, saliva, growth, infant diet Introduction Starch and other complex carbohydrates are hydrolyzed by a-amylase, end-products of this hydrolysis being maltose, glucose, maltotriose, and dextrins. a-Amylase (1,4- a-D-glucan glucanohydrolase, EC, which is found in both saliva and pancreatic secretion, ensures complete hydrolysis of starch in the alimentary canal in most indi- viduals. Incomplete hydrolysis will reduce the energy available from ingested starch and may result in bacterial fermentation of undigested carbohydrate in the colon, caus- ing decreased absorption of other nutrients (1). Inadequate hydrolysis can occur when activity levels of salivary and pancreatic am- ylase are insufficient. In the newborn infant a-amylase activity levels in saliva are very low compared with those of adults and a-amylase activity levels in pancreatic secretion are negligible (2, 3, 3a). a-Amylase activity in both secretions has been found to be significant by 6 months of age (4). Infants have been found to main- tain gastric pH and pepsin concentration at levels insufficient for protein hydrolysis, for longer periods of time than adults (5-7). Gastric pH of 4.0 and above allows salivary a-amylase to remain active in the small in- testine (2, 7) and it has been postulated that for infants salivary a-amylase has an impor- tant role in starch hydrolysis in the duo- denum (8). A similar role has been suggested for mammary a-amylase (6). The first solid food introduced into the infants diet is most commonly cereal (9), in which starch is the major constituent. Sali- vary a-amylase activity level is an important indicator of the ability to hydrolyze starch in infancy. The rate of development of a- amylase activity in saliva may be relevant to recommendations made to parents regard- ing the introduction of starch-containing foods to infants, in view of the complications recorded with inadequate carbohydrate digestion (1, 9a). Assays for a-amylase activity in human
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4 5 AGE I MONThS SALIVARY a-AM YLASE IN INFANTS 585 FIG 1. Salivary a-amylase activity from birth to 5 months. saliva have used a variety of methods, the results ofwhich are not always directly corn- parable. The method chosen for this study allows data to be expressed in ways compa- rable with a number of previous studies. M ethods A total of 29 infants was investigated. Observations on 10 of these were made at birth, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 months, 7 days (group I). Observations on the re- maining 19 were made at 3, 4, and 5 months (group II), 7 days. All infants were born at the Health Sciences Centre in W innipeg, M anitoba, Canada, and were considered healthy after routine medical exami- nation. Subjects investigated were all infants for whom consent from physicians and parents was obtained, providing a nonrandom sample. To control for the circadian rhythms in saliva flow rate and composition (10) associated with the various sleep-wake patterns of the infants, all collections of saliva were taken at the adult peak flow time of between 1 and 6 PM . All samples were collected 1#{189} to 2 h past feeding to ensure that samples were collected at periods ofresting flowrate and composition. Dawes (10) concluded that in adults collection of saliva should take place 2 h after feeding. The contribution of different salivary glands to the volume of saliva changes with the level of oral stimu- lation. Oral stimulation will also cause the concentra- tions of protein and a-amylase in the secretions to change by varying amounts between different salivary glands (10). All sample collections were made from unstimulated saliva to avoid these changes in concen- trations. No chemical stimulants were used, nor was the oral cavity intentionally mechanically stimulated. W hole saliva was collected by suction catheter (Argle De Lee Suction Catheter, size IOFR, trap size 10 ml, Sherwood M edical Industries, St Louis, M O). The trap attached to the catheter was not used. Saliva was drawn up by suction from the floor of the mouth. Saliva samples were stored in plastic microcentrifuge tubes and refrigerated to 4#{176}C within 1 or 2 h. a-Amylase activity was assayed within 24 h of refrigeration. On completion of the assay samples were frozen and sub- sequently analyzed for total protein. Height and weight were recorded each month at the time of saliva collection. Height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm using an Infantometer (Grafco Infanto- meter, no 2867-1334, Graham-Field Surgical Co Inc, New Hyde Park, NY). The mean of two measurements was recorded. W eight was measured to the nearest g with a portable beam balance. W eight of diapers was accounted for. Procedures for height and weight meas- urements were those described by Jelliffe (11). An interview with the mother provided a list of foods, including breast milk or formula, fed to the infant at the time measurements were taken. All measurements, interviews, and saliva collection took place in the home. All procedures were approved by the University of M anitoba Ethical Review Committee. Assays of a-amylase activity were carried out using the method of Bernfeld (12). A unit of activity was expressed as 1 mg of maltose released per minute at 30#{176}C, pH 6.9 from starch solution. The starch solution was modified as described by Strumeyer (13). The phosphate buffer contained 0.06 M NaC1. Absorbance was read at 540 nm on a SP6-300 Pye Unicam Spectro- photometer. Estimation of the protein content of saliva samples was carried out according to the method of Lowry et al (14). Absorbance was read at 600 nm and values were expressed as mg of protein per 100 ml of saliva. Specific activity of infant saliva was defined as the a-amylase activity recorded per mg of total protein. Activity per ml of saliva and activity per mg of protein were recorded for each observation. Results Development of a-amylase activity per ml of whole saliva varied considerably between infants as shown in Figure 1 . At birth the majority of infants had negligible a-amylase activity in saliva as shown in Table 1. By 2 months the majority of infants had appre- ciable levels of a-amylase and by 3 months several individuals had reached 90 or more of a-amylase activity U/mI. It would seem that 90 U/ml is equivalent to adult levels, which range from 70 to 300 U/ml (15, 16). Figure 1 demonstrates the great variability in a-amylase content. At 5 months the ma- -J Cl) F- z I- > I - 0 4 Li Cl) 4 -J > -
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TABLE 1 M ean values (SD) for protein content and cv-amylase activity by age-group I Age Amylase activity Protein Specific activity no U/mi sal i va mg//CO mi U/mg proiein Birth 1 1 9.9 9.2 7 294.0 70.9 7* 4 5 5.03 1 11 28.327.3 9 240.498.9 9 14.3 11.1 2 1 1 48.7 46.4 10 143.3 76.6 10 34.5 26.0 3 1 1 57.2 40.7 10 140.2 45.5 10 43.0 26.6 4 10 52.6 37.4 10 1 12.5 34.9 10 50. 1 40.8 5 10 58.128.3 10 138.558.0 10 51.129.8 a Numbers of subjects. TABLE 2 M ean values (SD) for a-amylase activity and protein content by age-group II Age Amyiase activity Protein Specific activity U/mi sal i va mg/HX.I ml U/mg prolein 3 19* 31.322.0 11 75.428.2 11 35.022.2 4 18 41.028.8 11 90.825.9 18 44.426.8 5 19 59.2 39.7 19 106.2 62.0 19 59.9 35.9 a Numbers of subjects. TABLE 3 M ean wt (SD) and growth rate at each collection period wt Age Groupi G r ou p li Growth#{176} NCHS standard G r ou p i G r ou p li F M no g g g/da, g/da; mean g Birth 3627 567 3230 3270 1 5 2 2 1 8 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 9 8 0 4 2 9 0 2 5 7 5 4 8 1 8 3 0 1 5 4 7 0 0 5 3 0 0 3 6 2 9 9 8 8 2 6 1 0 8 1 0 3 4 2 5 8 2 1 1 1 5 4 0 0 5 9 8 0 4 7 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 6 9 7 4 1 0 4 7 2 3 8 2 2 2 0 6 0 3 0 6 8 0 0 . 5 7 6 4 4 9 7 7 7 4 0 1 1 2 5 7 2 0 7 9 2 0 6 6 3 0 7 3 0 0 TABLE 4 Linear regression analysis for group I S Growth rates: the wt at the previous month subtracted from the wt at the current month divided by the number ofdays between the two measurements. TABLE 5 Linear regression analysis for group II 586 SEVENHUYSEN ET AL Independent De pe nde nt variables Amylase activity Specific activity variable (U/mi s a liva ) (U/mg protein) r p r p Age (days) 0. 16 0.0008 0.24 0.0001 W t (g) 0.26 0.0001 0.27 0.001 Growth (g/day) 0.00 0.8 1 5 0.003 0.70 jority of infants had achieved 85% or more of adult levels (Table 2). None of the variability in salivary a-am- ylase observed between infants could be ex- plained by variation in growth indicators or the presence in the diet of foods containing starch. Neither growth rates nor absolute increases in weight, shown in Table 3, cor- Independent Dependen t variables Amylase activity Specific activity variable (U/mi saliva) (U /m g pro te in) r p r p Age (days) 0.42 0.001 0.05 0.10 W t(g) 0.27 0.001 0.002 0.71 Growth (g/day) 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.28 related with either a-amylase activity per ml of saliva or per mg of total protein (specific activity) in either of the groups studied. In- creases in weight divided by increases in height between monthly observations did not correlate with absolute changes in a- amylase activity. Regression of a-amylase activity values over all 5 months simultane-
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SALIVARY a-AM YLASE IN INFANTS 587 ously with age, weight, and growth rate showed significant relationships with both age and weight as shown in Tables 4 and 5. In addition, significant relationships were found between age and weight and amylase specific activities for the 0- to 5-month group (Table 4). The presence of starch in infant diets was not associated with higher values of salivary a-amylase activity than were found in infants without starch in the diet. Starch-containing foods were fed as early as 1 month of age. In both groups I and II 36% ofinfants consumed cereal at 3 months (four and seven infants, respectively). At 5 months approximately 72% consumed cer- cal in the two groups (eight and 14 infants, respectively). Only three of 29 infants con- sumed food items other than cereal as their first solid food. The proportion of group I infants breast-fed at 3 and 5 months was 80% . For group II infants proportions were 63 and 52% at 3 and 5 months, respectively. Activities were not consistently higher dur- ing the months after the first introduction o f starch-containing foods. I n t h e g r o u p of children investigated, no significant effect on growth rate could be observed from the introduction of starch- containing foods into the diets of chil- dren with low salivary a-amylase. Neither changes in growth rate nor estimated varia- tion with expected growth rates were found to be different between children with high or low levels of a-amylase. No effects were observed wh e t h e r t h e s a mp l e wa s grouped a c c o r d i n g t o h i g h o r l o w l e v e l s o f s a l i - v a r y a - a my l a s e a b o v e a n d b e l o w 5 0 , 3 0 , o r 20 U/ml. Fishers exact test and M ann W hit- ney U test were used wi t h e a c h o f t h e t h r e e g r o u p s s e p a r a t e l y . Discussion Th e f i n d i n g s are characterized by large variations in the a-amylase activity of the saliva in infants. The activity levels show that some individuals have developed adult levels by 3 months. The rate of increase in a-amylase activity appeared t o s l o w down f r o m t h e 3 r d mo n t h o n . Ro s s i t e r e t a l ( 1 7 ) found a similar relationship between the activity levels of stimulated saliva at the 3rd a n d 6 t h mo n t h . Al t h o u g h Rossiter e t a l ( 1 7 ) used a different method for enzyme assay, it appears that after conversion, the mean ac- tivities reported are of comparable magni- tude to those found in this study for those 2 months and for values at birth. A wide variation of salivary a-amylase levels between individuals has been found for adults as well as for infants (15, 17, 18). Understanding this variation could be useful in formulating advice on the introduction of starch-containing foods into the infant diet. Only two relationships explained variations in a-amylase activity in infants. Activities were higher in older children and activities were higher in children with higher body weights. However, age and weight would be highly correlated in any healthy group of infants and the effect of either is difficult to separate. In the group studied, age accounted for 42% of variation observed, whereas weight accounted for 27% . Furthermore no significant relationship was found between a-amylase activity and either absolute weight of the infant or monthly increase in weight. Age therefore appears to be the only factor closely related to the development of a-amylase. However, the relationship is not strong enough to use age as a reliable mdi- cator of salivary a-amylase levels. Influence of dietary carbohydrate on the a-amylase content of saliva in adults is un- c l e a r . Hi g h carbohydrate diets were associ- ated with increased amylolytic activity in some studies (19, 20) but not in others (2!, 21a). The infants investigated in this study did not show any significant positive rela- tionship between salivary a-amylase activity a n d starch-containing food in the diet. This s t u d y wo u l d s u p p o r t t h e c o n c l u s i o n o f Dawes ( 2 2 ) t h a t t h e r e is little evidence to suggest that salivary a-amylase levels change in response to dietary components. Inadequate digestion o f dietary carbohy- d r a t e h a s been f o u n d t o b e a c a u s e o f failure to thrive and severe diarrhea in infants (1). Su c h response is in all cases a f u n c t i o n o f the total amount of carbohydrate fed. Dev- izia et al (23) reported that 10 to 23 g of starch was absorbed by 1- and 3-month-old infants when served as cooked flours. Starch in the amounts of 40 g/day or 25 tablespoons has been reported to cause fermentative diarrhea (23). The amount of starch fed daily
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588 SEVENHUYSEN ET AL to the infant with severe growth failure re- ported by Lillibridge and Townes (1) was 9, l7,and70gfor0tol, lto2,and2to4 months, respectively. The highest level of starch fed in the present study was approxi- mately 32 g/day to a 5-month-old infant. Since the introduction of starch-containing foods had no measurable effect on growth, it seems that the feeding practices of mothers in this study supplied amounts ofstarch that can be tolerated by most infants. It has been suggested that mammary amylase may be important in carbohydrate digestion of breast-fed infants (6) and may have contrib- uted to the tolerance shown by the infants investigated. Since some infants do not tolerate amounts of starch recorded herein it is pru- dent to delay the introduction of starch- containing foods in the diet. Current rec- ommendations, stating that infants should not receive weaning foods before 4 months old, would appear to be appropriate for most infants. It seems likely that infants of 3 months or less do not produce sufficient amounts of salivary a-amylase to digest even small amounts of starch. a References 1. Lillibridge CB, Townes PL. Physiologic deficiency of pancreatic amylase in infancy: a factor in iatro- gonic diarrhea. J Pediatr 1973;82:279-82. 2. Guyton AC, ed. Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. In: Textbook of medical phys- iology. Toronto: W B Saunders Co. 1976:816-19. 3. Zoppi G, Andreotti G, Pajno-Ferrara F, Njai DM , Gaburro D. Exocrine pancreas function in prema- ture and full term neonates. Pediatr Res 1972; 6:880-6. 3a. Husband J, Husband P. Malhinson CN. Gastric emptying of starch meals in the newborn. Lanuet 1970;2:290-2. 4. Hadorn B, Zoppi G, Shmerling DH, Prader A, M cIntyre I, Anderson CM . Quantitative assessment of exocrine pancreatic function in infants and chil- dren. J Pediatr 1968;73:39. 5. Agunod M , Yamaguchi N, Lopez R, Luhby AL, Glass GBJ. Correlative study of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and intrinsic factor secretion in newborns and infants. Am J Dig Dis 1969;l4:400-14. 6. Heitlinger LA, Lee PC, Dillon W P, Lebenthal E. M ammary amylase: a possible alternate pathway of carbohydrate digestion in infancy. Pediatr Res l983;17:15-18. 7. M ason S. Some aspects of gastric function in the newborn. Arch Dis Child l962;37:387-9 1. 8. Younoszai M K. Gastrointestinal function during infancy. In: Fomon SJ, ed. Infant nutrition. To- ronto: W B Saunders Co. 1974:95-108. 9. Nutrition Canada. National survey. Ottawa: Health Protection Branch, Health and W elfare Canada, 1970. 9a. Devizia B, Ciccimarra F, Decicco N, Aurricchio S. Digestibility of starches in infants and children. J Pediatr 1975;86:50-5. 10. Dawes C. The chemistry and physiology of saliva. In: Shaw JH, Sweeney EA, Cappucino CC, M eller SM , eds. Textbook of oral biology. Toronto: W B Saunders Co. 1978:593-616. 1 1. Jelliffe DB. The assessment ofthe nutritional status ofthe community. Geneva: W HO, 1966. 12. Bernfeld P. Amylases, a and fi In: Colowick SD, Kaplan NO, eds. M ethods of enzymology. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1955:149-58. 13. Strumeyer DH. A modified starch for use in amy- lase assays. Anal Biochem 1967;l9:61-71. 14. Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL Randall RJ. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol re- agent. J Biol Chem 195 1;193:265-75. 15. Bellavia SL, M oreno J, Sanz E, Picas EJ, Blanco A. ct-Amylase activity of human neonate and adult saliva.Arch Oral Biol l979;24: 117-21. 16. Dahlqvist A. A method for the determination of amylase in intestinal content. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1962;14:145-51. 17. Rossiter M A, Barrowman JA, Dand A, W harton BA. Amylase content of mixed saliva in children. Acta Paediatr Scand 1974;63:389-92. 18. Asset PJ, Taylor F. A normal paediatric amylase range. Arch Dis Child l979;55:236-8. 19. Squires BT. Human salivary amylase secretion in relation to diet. J Physiol 1952; 119:153-6. 20. Wesley-Hadajia B, Pignon H. Effect of the diet in W est Africa on human salivary amylase activity. Arch Oral Biol 1972;17:l4l5-20. 21. Lieberman IS, Gahagan H, Yalich G, Walden B. Salivary amylase activityin Samoan migrants. Ecol Food Nutr 1977;6:107. 2la. Behall KM. Kelsay JK, Holden JM, Clark WM. Amylase and protein in saliva after load doses of different dietary carbohydrates. Am J Clin Nutr l973;26: 17-22. 22. Dawes C. Effects of diet on salivary secretion and composition. J Dent Res l970;49: 1263-72.
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