This project report summarizes research on social media marketing strategies. It acknowledges the contributions of the project guide, Professor S.K. Jain. The report focuses on four key components of social media marketing: search engine optimization, social media platforms, email marketing, and content marketing. For each component, the report provides definitions and discusses industry standards and best practices. It aims to give readers an overview of these digital marketing strategies.
This project report summarizes research on social media marketing strategies. It acknowledges the contributions of the project guide, Professor S.K. Jain. The report focuses on four key components of social media marketing: search engine optimization, social media platforms, email marketing, and content marketing. For each component, the report provides definitions and discusses industry standards and best practices. It aims to give readers an overview of these digital marketing strategies.
This project report summarizes research on social media marketing strategies. It acknowledges the contributions of the project guide, Professor S.K. Jain. The report focuses on four key components of social media marketing: search engine optimization, social media platforms, email marketing, and content marketing. For each component, the report provides definitions and discusses industry standards and best practices. It aims to give readers an overview of these digital marketing strategies.
This project report summarizes research on social media marketing strategies. It acknowledges the contributions of the project guide, Professor S.K. Jain. The report focuses on four key components of social media marketing: search engine optimization, social media platforms, email marketing, and content marketing. For each component, the report provides definitions and discusses industry standards and best practices. It aims to give readers an overview of these digital marketing strategies.
Submitted to: - Submitted By:- Prof S K Jain Piyush Bagga (Group Leader) Professor Amit Sharma Department of Commere Shu!hranshu She"har De#hi Shoo# of $onomis %ohan &srani 'ohit Sharma
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (ith our sinere regards) *e *ish to a"no*#edge our gratitude to the ontri!utions of peop#e *ho he#ped us at e+ery stage of the pro,et- (e *ou#d #i"e to our gratitude and profoundest than"s to our pro,et guide S K Jain(Professor) Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics for his sustained guidane) in+a#ua!#e suggestions and onstant enouragement *ithout *hih it *ou#d not ha+e !een possi!#e for us to omp#ete this pro,et- 2
CO!E!S &ntrodution///////////////////////////-01 Searh $ngine 2ptimi3ation////////////////////---04 Soia# 'edia 'ar"eting//////////////////////--50 $mai# mar"eting/////////////////////////--65 Content mar"eting////////////////////////--75 8indings and reommendations///////////////////15 Appendi.////////////////////////////11 List of %eferenes:////////////////////////-14 3
INTRODUCTION 9he gro*th of soia# media is nothing !ut e.traordinary and in a #itt#e o+er : years 8ae!oo" has gone from a sma## *e!site set up !y 1 ;ar+ard students) to the most fre<uent#y used *e!site on the p#anet- &n para##e#) 9*itter has gro*n from a means of ommuniation for emp#oyees *or"ing *ithin a pod-asting ompany !a" in 600=) to generating o+er 40 mi##ion t*eets e+ery sing#e day in 6056- Just reent#y) soia# media made !ig ne*s *hen it surpassed emai# in terms of the num!er one on#ine ati+ity- Soia# 'edia 'ar"eting is a!out reogni3ing that your e.isting ustomers are your !est assets and tehno#ogy no* ena!#es us to inf#uene onsumer !eha+ior !oth !efore and after the sa#e- (ith #o*-ost and easy-to-use too#s #i"e soia# media and emai#) one no #onger has to hope that ustomers ome !a" and !ring their friends *ith them- >o* *e an reah out to our e.isting ustomers to remind them to ome !a") and ma"e *ord-of-mouth as easy as #i"ing the share) #i"e) or t*eet !uttons- "ere let us set the focus on understandin# Social $edia, "o% it %or&s' (hat are its components, its fundamentals' "o% it is connected %ith traditional mar&etin# %ays' (hat future does the mar&etin# #uru)s see in this prospect of mar&etin#'' *et)s focus upon four components of Social $edia $ar&etin# and their fundamentals Search En#ine Optimi+ation Social $edia Platforms E,$ail $ar&etin# Content $ar&etin# 4
Searc Engine O!ti"i#ation -ntroduction (or#d (ide (e! has mi##ions of *e!sites -;o* do onsumer find the *e!site of a re<uired ompany? 9hey simp#y Goog#e &t@@@@-9his fat under#ines the importane of searh engine mar"eting A2ptimi3ation- SEO Definition Searh engine optimi3ation (S$2) is the proess of impro+ing the +o#ume and <ua#ity of traffi to a *e! site from searh engines +ia Bnatura#B (BorganiB or Ba#gorithmiB) searh resu#ts- Csua##y) the ear#ier a site is presented in the searh resu#ts or the higher it Bran"sB) the more searhers *i## +isit that site- S$2 an a#so target different "inds of searh) in#uding image searh) #oa# searh) and industry-speifi +ertia# searh engines- S$2 is not neessari#y an appropriate strategy for e+ery *e!site) and other &nternet mar"eting strategies an !e muh more effeti+e) depending on the site operatorDs goa#s- A suessfu# &nternet mar"eting ampaign may dri+e organi searh resu#ts to pages) !ut it a#so may in+o#+e the use of paid ad+ertising on searh engines and other pages) !ui#ding high <ua#ity *e! pages to engage and persuade) addressing tehnia# issues that may "eep searh engines from ra*#ing and those sites) setting up ana#ytis programs to ena!#e site o*ners to measure their suesses) and impro+ing a siteDs on+ersion rate- SE$ Definition Searh $ngine 'ar"eting) or S$') is a form of &nternet 'ar"eting that see"s to promote *e!sites !y inreasing their +isi!i#ity in the Searh $ngine resu#ts pages (S$%Ps) and has a pro+en %2& (%eturn on &n+estment)- Aording to the Searh $ngine 'ar"eting Professiona#s 2rgani3ation) S$' methods in#ude: Searh $ngine 2ptimi3ation (or S$2)) paid p#aement) and paid in#usion- 2ther soures) in#uding the >e* Eor" 9imes define S$' as the pratie of !uying paid searh #istings) different from S$2 *hih see"s to o!tain !etter free searh #istings- 5
-ndustry Standards 9he searh industry is a#*ays hanging) updating and re-in+enting itse#f) and as industry standards and trends hange) e+a#uation riteria must !e updated to get !est o+era## information possi!#e- 9he goa# is to pro+ide reports that *i## a##o* to see 'eta and "ey*ord data) so that the information a!out your (e!site to !egin e+a#uating your S$2 needs is there -&tFs important to #earn as muh a!out S$2 as possi!#e and app#y it) therefore) *e are pro+iding !asi information to at as a #aunh point for those *ho *ant to pursue it further- 'uh S$2 data is open to de!ate and opinion) e+en among respeted e.perts in the fie#dG therefore) *e *i## ta"e a safe) moderate and genera# approah to gi+e our users the !est possi!#e o+er+ie* for use o+er the greatest num!er of app#iations- SEO .s/ SE$ Searh engine mar"eting in+o#+es #i" osts- Searh engine optimi3ation *or"s through free traffi- 9hose t*o fats are the !asis of a popu#ar myth: that itFs easier to get good %2& through S$2 than it is to get the same %2& through S$'- &n S$') you deide the #anding page your +isitors see- &n S$2) a searh engine spider deides on the #anding page +isitors see- 9hatFs a differene in ontro#) and that differene ma"es a## the differene- 0 !a#s >e.t *e ta#" a!out 7 different tags- 9he 9it#e tag) the Desription tag and the Key*ord tag- 9hese HtagsF are housed in the soure ode and if you right #i" on any *e!site and H+ie* soureF you *i## see these tags to*ards the top of the doument-
9it#e 9ags 9it#e tags are *hat the user *i## see at the top of the !ro*ser *indo* a!o+e the (8i#e $dit Iie*) et)- 8or e.amp#e) go to ***-rimro"auto-om and you *i## see %imro" Auto Group J >e* and Csed Cars in Bi##ings 'ontana- Searh engines *i## gra! any or a## of those *ords and inde. them- (hen a person types in H>e* Cars Bi##ingsF a searh engine *i## "no* that rimro"auto-om has those *ords inde.ed and it *i## atapu#t your searh engine ran"ings to*ards the top !ased on 6
re#e+ane- %e#e+ane meaning: a## of those *ords *ere in the tit#e tag- 9his is o+er#y genera#i3ed) !ut a nie i##ustration- 9it#e tags are urrent#y onsidered the most important 'eta tag from a searh engine perspeti+e) the 9it#e tag is a 'CS9- Getting it right an ta"e a #itt#e time and researh) !ut it is *orth the effort- And) as *ith a## 'eta tags) p#ae the most important "ey*ords at the start and the #esser ones at the end of the tag- %eommended #ength +aries !y searh engine and diretory- 9he a+erage aepted #ength is a!out K0 haraters (this in#udes #etters and spaes)- 2ne ma,or engine onsiders =0 the right #ength) *here se+era# of the other ma,or p#ayers prefer K0 haraters- Some #arger and more moderate si3e engines and diretories a##o* up to 570 haraters- (hat if your tag is too #ong? 'ost engines *i## simp#y trunate (or hop off) *hate+er haraters go o+er their #imits) *hih is *hy it is +ery important to p#ae the !est "ey*ords at the front of the tag- &f you su!mit your site to a #arge +ariety of searh and engines) remem!er that anything o+er =0- K0 haraters ou#d !e remo+ed) and p#an aording#y- Best *ay to start? 8igure out the !est "ey*ords for your (e! page- Go through and #ist searh terms you *ou#d #i"e ne* +isitors to use to find your page) he" the searh popu#arity of the *ordsAterms) and #oo" at your ompetitorDs sites and see *hat their tags say) and ho* they ran" in the searh engines- 9his *i## a## he#p you !ui#d a short #ist of high#y re#e+ant "ey*ords and searh phrases- 2ne you ha+e the #ist) prioriti3e them !y importane) *hether it is your importane or !y searh popu#arity is up to you- Cse the +ery !est ones in your tit#e tag- Eou no #onger need to in#ude your (e!site name or domain in a tit#e tag) un#ess you ha+e a high#y reogni3a!#e name or domain- Eou *ant to fous on desri!ing the page and its produts in your 9it#e tag- (rite it #i"e a tit#e) *ith eah *ord apita#i3ed) !ut do not *rite the tit#e in a## aps- &t is a#so not reommended to use puntuation in the 9it#e tag-
Desription 9ags >ot onsidered as important as it used to !e) the desription tag sti## has a +a#id purpose- $+en though it has #ess +a#ue to a spider or B!ootB dri+en searh engine these days) it is sti## high#y usefu# for searh diretories and +arious on#ine #istings- 9hin" of it as a short) "ey*ord-rih B#assified adB &n ,ust a fe* *ords you *ant to on+ey your (e! pageDs message and do it *ith as many rih "ey*ords as possi!#e- (rite it in a !asi sentene struture) !eginning *ith a apita# #etter and ending *ith a period- (A oup#e short sentenes are fine) too) as #ong as the harater ount stays good-) 7
%eommended #ength +aries !y searh engine and diretory- 9he a+erage aepted #ength is a!out 600 haraters (this in#udes #etters and spaes)- 2ne ma,or engine onsiders 5K0 the right #ength) *here se+era# of the other ma,or p#ayers prefer 600 haraters- Some #arger and more moderate si3e engines and diretories a##o* up to 640 haraters) *ith one ha+ing no #imits- Keep in mind that there are a gro*ing num!er of searh engines that do not use Desription tags) and it is most#y +a#ued !y searh and diretories- Key*ord 9ags Current#y onsidered #ess important than the 9it#e and Desription 'eta tags) it is de!ated *hether Key*ord tags are of muh use at a## anymore- ;o*e+er) right no* it does not hurt to ha+e them) and there are sti## some engines and diretories that do ta"e them into aount to some degree- %eommended #ength +aries !y searh engine and diretory- 9he a+erage aepted #ength is appro.imate#y :00 - L00 haraters (this in#udes #etters and spaes)- Some a##o* 5000 haraters) *here others prefer under :00- &t is !est to use the right "ey*ords) not o+er use them) and stay re#e+ant for the page- &f on#y t*o or three *ords fit that guide#ine) then use them- Do not *orry a!out trying to fi## the Key*ords tag to ma"e it #onger- 9he "ey is re#e+ane) not #ength- Eou do not *ant to *aste any opportunity to use re#e+ant "ey*ords) !ut if you do not need the spae) you *i## not !e pena#i3ed for it-
(hat is the !est *ay to format this tag? 9here are t*o aepted *ays to format the "ey*ords- 9hey !oth agree to separate eah "ey*ord and "ey*ord phrase *ith a omma- (here they differ is) some ad+oate to use a omma and spae ("ey*ord) *ord) *ord6)) and others prefer ommas and no spaes ("ey*ord) *ord) *ord6)- $ither format is aepted !y the ma,ority of searh engines that use Key*ord tags- (hy are Key*ord tags #osing their +a#ue? Searh engines are a#*ays ad,usting and hanging their a#gorithms) methodo#ogy and riteria) a#*ays see"ing to impro+e searh tehno#ogy and e#iminate unfair ran"ing and heating- 9he urrent trend is #eaning a*ay from a Key*ords 'eta tag and putting higher +a#ue on "ey*ords used in the opy*riting of a (e! pageDs te.tua# ontent- 9he desire of the searh industry is to !ring a #oser math to *hat the site +isitor sees and *hat a searh engine uses to ran" a site) a## in the goa# of ma"ing the searh e.periene more preise for the &nternet user- 8
(hite hat .ersus blac& hat S$2 tehni<ues are #assified !y some into t*o !road ategories: tehni<ues that searh engines reommend as part of good design) and those tehni<ues that searh engines do not appro+e of an attempt to minimi3e the effet of) referred to as Some industry ommentators #assify these methods) and the pratitioners *ho emp#oy them) as either *hite hat S$2) or !#a" hat S$2- (hite hats tend to produe resu#ts that #ast a #ong time) *hereas !#a" hats antiipate that their sites *i## e+entua##y !e !anned one the searh engines diso+er *hat they are doing- A S$2 tati) tehni<ue or method is onsidered *hite hat if it onforms to the searh enginesD guide#ines and in+o#+es no deeption- As the searh engine guide#ines are not *ritten as a series of ru#es or ommandments) this is an important distintion to note- (hite hat S$2 is not ,ust a!out fo##o*ing guide#ines) !ut is a!out ensuring that the ontent a searh engine and su!se<uent#y ran"s is the same ontent a user *i## see- (hite hat ad+ie is genera##y summed up as reating ontent for users) not for searh engines) and then ma"ing that ontent easi#y aessi!#e to the spiders) rather than attempting to game the a#gorithm- (hite hat S$2 is in many *ays simi#ar to *e! de+e#opment that promotes aessi!i#ity) a#though the t*o are not identia#- B#a" hat S$2 attempts to impro+e ran"ings in *ays that are disappro+ed of !y the searh engines) or in+o#+e deeption- 2ne !#a" hat tehni<ue uses te.t that is hidden) either as te.t o#ored simi#ar to the !a"ground) in region in+isi!#e to the user #i"e an in+isi!#e di+ or positioned off sreen- Another method gi+es a different page depending on *hether the page is !eing re<uested !y a human +isitor or a searh engine) a tehni<ue "no*n as #oa"ing- Searh engines may pena#i3e sites they diso+er using !#a" hat methods) either !y reduing their ran"ings or e#iminating their #istings from their data!ases a#together- Suh pena#ties an !e app#ied either automatia##y !y the searh enginesD a#gorithms) or !y a manua# site re+ie*- 2ne infamous e.amp#e *as the 8e!ruary 600= Goog#e remo+a# of !oth B'( Germany and %ioh Germany for use of deepti+e praties- Both ompanies) ho*e+er) <ui"#y apo#ogi3ed) fi.ed the offending pages) and *ere restored to Goog#eDs #ist- 9
Social Media Marketing INTRODUCTION 1 Social media mar&etin# refers to the proess of gaining *e!site traffi or attention through soia# media sites- Soia# media mar"eting programs usua##y enter on efforts to reate ontent that attrats attention and enourages readers to share it *ith their soia# net*or"s- 9he resu#ting e#etroni *ord of mouth (e(o') refers to any statement onsumers share +ia the &nternet (e-g-) *e! sites) soia# net*or"s) instant messages) ne*s feeds) a!out an e+ent) produt) ser+ie) !rand or ompany- (hen the under#ying message spreads from user to user and presuma!#y resonates !eause it appears to ome from a trusted) third-party soure) as opposed to the !rand or ompany itse#f ) this form of mar"eting resu#ts in Hearned mediaF rather than Hpaid mediaF- Social net%or&in# %ebsites and blo#s 2 Soia# net*or"ing *e!sites a##o* indi+idua#s to interat *ith one another and !ui#d re#ationships- (hen ompanies ,oin the soia# hanne#s) onsumers an interat *ith them- 9hat interation fee#s persona# to users !eause of their pre+ious e.perienes *ith soia# net*or"ing site interations- Soia# net*or"ing sites and !#ogs a##o* indi+idua# fo##o*ers to Mret*eetN or MrepostN omments made !y the produt !eing promoted- By repeating the message) a## of the usersF onnetions are a!#e to see the message) therefore reahing more peop#e- Soia# net*or"ing sites at as *ord of 1 Trattner, C., Kappe, F. (2013). !"#$a% !trea& 'ar(et$n) "n Fa#e*""(+ , Ca-e !t./0. Internat$"na% 1".rna% "2 !"#$a% an/ 3.&an$-t$# C"&p.t$n) (I1!3C) 2 (142 2 !#5$6$n-($, 7r.n"8 D9*r":-($, D. (2013). ,pr$% 2013 T5e I&pa#t "2 7ran/ C"&&.n$#at$"n "n 7ran/ ;<.$t0 D$&en-$"n- an/ 7ran/ =.r#5a-e Intent$"n T5r".)5 Fa#e*""(. >"r($n) =aper !er$e- ,, ?/an-( Un$6er-$t0 "2 Te#5n"%")0, Fa#.%t0 "2 'ana)e&ent an/ ;#"n"&$#- 4 (4)+ 2@23 10
mouth- Beause the information a!out the produt is !eing put out there and is getting repeated) more traffi is !rought to the produtAompany- &n 600L) !#oggers had an enormous impat on fashion) affeting e+erything from print pu!#ishing to ho* !rands mar"et themse#+es on#ine- 9here are thousands of sty#e-re#ated !#ogs on the *e! these days) and those dediated to their raft ha+e earned industry reognition- A num!er of un"no*ns earned reognition from Do#e O Ga!!ana) Bur!erry) A#e.ander 'Pueen and #eading pu!#iations suh as Iogue- 9hey partiipated in fashion design o##etion o##a!orations and reei+ed front-ro*) internationa# 8ashion (ee" seats ne.t to some of the most nota!#e figures in the outure *or#d- A reent 8inania# 9imes arti#e notes that !eing a sty#e !#ogger is a perfet#y respeta!#e areer for someone in the fashion industry- 9he soia# *e! has remo+ed the gate"eepers of an industry that *as notorious#y hard to penetrate and !ui#d a name in- 9hese sites ha+e sueeded !eause of the <ua#ity of their ontent- (hi#e eah is uni<ue) theyF+e !ui#t a u#t fo##o*ing around their areas of e.pertise and passion- 9hrough soia# net*or"ing sites) ompanies an interat *ith indi+idua# fo##o*ers- 9his persona# interation an infuse a fee#ing of #oya#ty into fo##o*ers and potentia# ustomers- A#so) !y hoosing *hom to fo##o* on these sites) produts an reah a +ery narro* target audiene- Soia# net*or"ing sites a#so in#ude a +ast amount of information a!out *hat produts and ser+ies prospeti+e #ients might !e interested in- 9hrough the use of ne* Semanti Ana#ysis tehno#ogies) mar"eters an detet !uying signa#s) suh as ontent shared !y peop#e and <uestions posted on#ine- Cnderstanding of !uying signa#s an he#p sa#es peop#e target re#e+ant prospets and mar"eters run miro-targeted ampaigns- $obile phones 0 'o!i#e phone usage has a#so !eome !enefiia# for soia# media mar"eting- 9oday) many e## phones ha+e soia# net*or"ing apa!i#ities: indi+idua#s are notified of any happenings on soia# 3 '.%Aa/$, =a.%. D$)$ta% 'ar(et$n) 3an/B*""( . =a.% '.%Aa/$. pp. 342B358 11
net*or"ing sites through their e## phones) in rea#-time- 9his onstant onnetion to soia# net*or"ing sites means produts and ompanies an onstant#y remind and update fo##o*ers a!out their apa!i#ities) uses) importane) et- Beause e## phones are onneted to soia# net*or"ing sites) ad+ertisements are a#*ays in sight- A#so many ompanies are no* putting P% odes a#ong *ith produts for indi+idua#s to aess the ompany *e!site or on#ine ser+ies *ith their smart- phones- En#a#ement 3 &n the onte.t of the soia# *e!) en#a#ement means that ustomers and sta"eho#ders are partiipants rather than +ie*ers- Soia# media in !usiness a##o*s anyone and e+eryone to and share an opinion or an idea some*here a#ong the !usinessFs path to mar"et- $ah partiipating ustomer !eomes part of the mar"eting department) as other ustomers read their omments or re+ie*s- 9he engagement proess is then fundamenta# to suessfu# soia# media mar"eting - Campai#ns Betty (hite 4 Soia# net*or"ing sites an ha+e a #arge impat on the outome of e+ents- &n 6050) a 8ae!oo" ampaign surfaed in the form of a petition- Csers +irtua##y signed a petition as"ing >BC Cni+ersa# to ha+e atress Betty (hite host Saturday >ight Li+e- 2ne signed) users for*arded the petition to a## of their fo##o*ers- 9he petition *ent +ira# and on 'ay :) 6050) Betty (hite hosted S>L- 4 ;6an-, Da6e (16 !epte&*er 2010). !"#$a% 'e/$a 'ar(et$n)+ T5e NeCt ?enerat$"n "2 7.-$ne-- ;n)a)e&ent. 1"5n >$%e0 D !"n-. pp. 15@29 5 ItE("22, Da6e (2010B05B10). 7ett0 >5$te 3e%p- 7""-t Rat$n)- "2 F!NGH. T5e Ne: I"r( T$&e- 12
2556 7S presidential election 9he 600: CS presidentia# ampaign had a huge presene on soia# net*or"ing sites- Bara" 2!ama) a Demorati andidate for CS President) used 9*itter and 8ae!oo" to differentiate his ampaign- ;is soia# net*or"ing profi#e pages *ere onstant#y !eing updated and interating *ith fo##o*ers- 9he use of soia# net*or"ing sites ga+e Bara" 2!amaFs ampaign aess to e- mai# addresses) as posted on soia# net*or" profi#e pages- 9his a##o*ed the Demorati Party to #aunh e-mai# ampaigns as"ing for +otes and ampaign donations- *ocal businesses Sma## !usinesses a#so use soia# net*or"ing sites as a promotiona# tehni<ue- Businesses an fo##o* indi+idua#s soia# net*or"ing site uses in the #oa# area and ad+ertise speia#s and dea#s- 9hese an !e e.#usi+e and in the form of Mget a free drin" *ith a opy of this t*eetN- 9his type of message enourages other #oa#s to fo##o* the !usiness on the sites in order to o!tain the promotiona# dea#- &n the proess) the !usiness is getting seen and promoting itse#f (!rand +isi!i#ity)- Kony 2512 8 A short fi#m re#eased on 'arh 4) 6056) !y humanitarian group &n+isi!#e Chi#dren) &n- 9his 6L minute +ideo aimed at ma"ing Joseph Kony) an &nternationa# Crimina# Court fugiti+e) famous *or#d*ide in order to ha+e support for his arrest !y Deem!er 6056G the time *hen the ampaign ends- 9he +ideo *ent +ira# *ithin the first si. days after its #aunh) reahing 500 mi##ion +ie*s on !oth Eou9u!e and Iimeo- Aording to researh done !y Iisi!#e 'easures) the Kony 6056 short fi#m !eame the fastest gro*ing +ideo ampaign) and most +ira# +ideo) to reah 500 mi##ion +ie*s in = days fo##o*ed !y Susan Boy#eperformane on BritainFs Got 9a#ent that reahed K0 mi##ion +ie*s in = days- Platforms for Social $edia $ar&etin# !%itter 9*itter a##o*s ompanies to promote their produts on an indi+idua# #e+e#- 9he use of a produt an !e e.p#ained in short messages that fo##o*ers are more #i"e#y to read- 9hese messages appear on fo##o*ersF home pages- 'essages an #in" to the produtFs *e!site) 8ae!oo" profi#e) photos) +ideos) et- 9his #in" pro+ides fo##o*ers the opportunity to spend more time interating *ith the 6 1"ne-, 'e%an$e (12 'ar#5 2012). 1"-ep5 K"n0 2012 Ca&pa$)n N": '"-t !.##e--2.% J$ra% J$/e" In 3$-t"r0. Internat$"na% 7.-$ne-- T$&e-. Retr$e6e/ 29 'ar#5 2012 13
produt on#ine- 9his interation an reate a #oya# onnetion !et*een produt and indi+idua# and an a#so #ead to #arger ad+ertising opportunities- 9*itter promotes a produt in rea#-time and !rings ustomers in- 9aceboo& 8ae!oo" profi#es are far more detai#ed than 9*itter aounts- 9hey a##o* a produt to pro+ide +ideos) photos) and #onger desriptions- Iideos an sho* *hen a produt an !e used as *e## as ho* to use it- 9hese a#so an in#ude testimonia#s as other fo##o*ers an omment on the produt pages for others to see- 8ae!oo" an #in" !a" to the produtFs 9*itter page as *e## as send out e+ent reminders- 8ae!oo" promotes a produt in rea#-time and !rings ustomers in- As mar"eters see more +a#ue in soia# media mar"eting) ad+ertisers ontinue to inrease se<uentia# ad spend in soia# !y 64Q- Strategies to e.tend the reah *ith Sponsored Stories and a<uire ne* fans *ith 8ae!oo" ads ontri!ute to an upti" in spending aross the site- 9he study attri!utes :1Q of BengagementB or #i"s to Li"es that #in" !a" to 8ae!oo" ad+ertising- 9oday) !rands inrease fan ounts on a+erage of LQ month#y) inreasing their fan !ase !y t*o-times the amount annua##y- 9ours:uare 8ours<uare is a #oation !ased soia# net*or"ing *e!site) *here users an he" into #oations +ia their Smartphone- 8ours<uare a##o*s !usinesses to reate a page or reate a ne*A#aim an e.isting +enue- A good mar"eting strategy for !usinesses to inrease footfa## or retain #oya# ustomers in#udes offering inenti+es suh as disounts or free foodA!e+erages for peop#e he"ing into their #oation or speia# pri+i#eges for the mayor of that #oation- ;oo#le< 14
Goog#eR) in addition to pro+iding the profi#es and features of 8ae!oo") is a#so a!#e to integrate *ith the Goog#e searh engine- 2ther Goog#e produts are a#so integrated) suh as Goog#e Ad *ords and Goog#e 'aps- (ith the de+e#opment of Goog#e Persona#i3ed Searh and other #oation- !ased searh ser+ies) Goog#eR a##o*s for targeted ad+ertising methods) na+igation ser+ies) and other forms of #oation-!ased mar"eting and promotion- -nsta#ram &nstagram is a free photo and +ideo-sharing program and soia# net*or" that *as #aunhed in 2to!er 6050- 9he ser+ie ena!#es users to ta"e a photo or +ideo) app#y a digita# fi#ter to it) and then share it *ith other &nstagram users they are onneted to on the soia# net*or" as *e## as on a +ariety of soia# net*or"ing ser+ies- &nstagram de!uted as a photo sharing net*or" !ut imp#emented support for +ideo on June 6057- As of June 6057) &nstagram had 570 mi##ion month#y ati+e users- Blo#s $+eryday there are more reasons for ompanies to use !#ogging p#atforms for their soia# media repertoire- P#atforms #i"e Lin"ed&n reate an en+ironment for ompanies and #ients to onnet on#ine- Companies that reogni3e the need for information) origina#ity) and aessi!i#ity emp#oy !#ogs to ma"e their produts popu#ar and uni<ue) and u#timate#y reah out to onsumers *ho are pri+y to soia# media- B#ogs a##o* a produt or ompany to pro+ide #onger desriptions of produts or ser+ies- 9he #onger desription an in#ude reasoning and uses- &t an a#so in#ude testimonia#s and an #in" to and from 8ae!oo") 9*itter and many soia# net*or" and !#og pages- B#ogs an !e updated fre<uent#y and are promotiona# tehni<ues for "eeping ustomers- 2ther promotiona# uses are a<uiring fo##o*ers and su!sri!ers and diret them to your soia# net*or" pages- &n a simi#ar fashion) on#ine ommunities !enefit !usinesses !eause the on#ine ommunities ena!#e the !usinesses to reah the #ients of other !usinesses using the p#atform- 9hese on#ine en+ironments an !e aessed !y +irtua##y anyoneG therefore onsumers are in+ited to !e a part of the reati+e proess- 9o a##o* firms to measure their standing in the orporate *or#d) G#assdoor is a site *here emp#oyees an p#ae e+a#uations of their ompanies- Some !usinesses opt out of integrating soia# media p#atforms into their traditiona# mar"eting regimen !eause their emp#oyees dis#i"e suh iso#ated on#ine en+ironments- 9here are a#so speifi orporate standards that app#y *hen interating on#ine- 2ther orporations fear that the genera# pu!#i has too muh po*er o+er ho* their mar"eting is perei+ed) due to the aessi!i#ity of &nternet-retrie+ed information- 9o ensure ha+ing the ad+antage in a !usiness-onsumer 15
re#ationship) !usinesses ha+e to !e a*are of four "ey assets that onsumers maintain: information) in+o#+ement) ommunity) and ontro#- *in&ed-n = Lin"ed&n) a professiona# !usiness-re#ated net*or"ing site) a##o*s ompanies to reate professiona# profi#es for themse#+es as *e## as their !usiness to net*or" and meet others- 9hrough the use of *idgets) mem!ers an promote their +arious soia# net*or"ing ati+ities) suh as 9*itter stream or !#og entries of their produt pages) onto their Lin"ed&n profi#e page- Lin"ed&n pro+ides its mem!ers the opportunity to generate sa#es #eads and !usiness partners- 'em!ers an use MCompany PagesN simi#ar to 8ae!oo" pages to reate an area that *i## a##o* !usiness o*ners to promote their produts or ser+ies and !e a!#e to interat *ith their ustomers- Due to spread of spam mai# sent to ,o! see"er) #eading ompanies prefer to use Lin"ed&n for emp#oyeeDs reruitment instead using different ,o! porta#s- Additiona##y) ompanies ha+e +oied a preferene for the amount of information that an !e g#eaned from Lin"ed&n profi#e) +ersus a #imited emai#- >elp Ee#p onsists of a omprehensi+e on#ine inde. of !usiness profi#es- Businesses are searha!#e !y #oation) simi#ar to Ee##o* Pages- 9he *e!site is operationa# in se+en different ountries) in#uding the Cnited States and Canada- Business aount ho#ders are a##o*ed to reate) share) and edit !usiness profi#es- 9hey may post information suh as the !usiness #oation) ontat information) pitures) and ser+ie information- 9he *e!site further a##o*s indi+idua#s to *rite post re+ie*s a!out !usinesses and rate them on a fi+e-point sa#e- 'essaging and ta#" features are further made a+ai#a!#e for genera# mem!ers of the *e!site) ser+ing to guide thoughts and opinions- >ou!ube Eou9u!e is another popu#ar a+enueG ad+ertisements are done in a *ay to suit the target audiene- 9he type of #anguage used in the ommeria#s and the ideas used to promote the produt ref#et the audieneDs sty#e and taste- A#so) the ads on this p#atform are usua##y in syn *ith the ontent of the +ideo re<uestedG this is another ad+antage Eou9u!e !rings for ad+ertisers- Certain ads are presented *ith ertain +ideos sine the ontent is re#e+ant- Promotiona# opportunities suh as sponsoring a +ideo is a#so possi!#e on Eou9u!e) Mfor e.amp#e) a user *ho searhes for a Eou9u!e +ideo on dog training may !e presented *ith a sponsored +ideo from a dog toy ompany in resu#ts a#ong *ith other +ideosN- Eou9u!e a#so ena!#e pu!#ishers to earn money through Eou9u!e Partner Program- Delicious ? Di## 7 ;6an-, 'er0%. 33 >a0- t" U-e G$n(e/In 2"r 7.-$ne--. ?$)a"&. Retr$e6e/ 28 'ar#5 2012. 16
De#iious and Digg are a#so popu#ar soia# mar"eting sites used unsoia# media promotion- 9hey are hea+i#y used !y the soia# media mar"eters to promote their *e!sites due to their a!i#ity to share #in"s- $ar&etin# techni:ues 6 !ar#etin#, COB@As, and e(O$ Soia# media mar"eting in+o#+es the use of soia# net*or"s) C2B%As and e(2' to suessfu##y ad+ertise on#ine- Soia# net*or"s suh as 8ae!oo" and 9*itter pro+ide ad+ertisers *ith information a!out the #i"es and dis#i"es of their onsumers- 9his tehni<ue is ruia#) as it pro+ides the !usinesses *ith a Mtarget audieneN- (ith soia# net*or"s) information re#e+ant to the userFs #i"es is a+ai#a!#e to !usinessesG *ho then ad+ertise aording#y- ConsumerFs on#ine !rand re#ated ati+ities (C2B%As) is another method used !y ad+ertisers to promote their produts- Ati+ities suh as up#oading a piture of your Mne* Con+erse snea"ers to 8ae!oo" N is an e.amp#e of a C2B%A- Another tehni<ue for soia# media mar"eting is e#etroni *ord of mouth (e(2')- $#etroni reommendations and appraisa#s are a on+enient manner to ha+e a produt promoted +ia Monsumer-to-onsumer interationsN- An e.amp#e of e(2' *ou#d !e an on#ine hote# re+ie*G the hote# ompany an ha+e t*o possi!#e outomes !ased on their ser+ie- A good ser+ie *ou#d resu#t in a positi+e re+ie* *hih gets the hote# free ad+ertisement +ia soia# mediaG ho*e+er a poor ser+ie *i## resu#t in a negati+e onsumer re+ie* *hih an potentia##y ruin the ompanyDs reputation- Social media mar&etin# tools B Besides researh too#s) +arious ompanies pro+ide speia#i3ed p#atforms and too#s for soia# media mar"eting: Soia# media measurement Soia# net*or" aggregation 8 '.nt$n)a, Dan$e%8 '""r&an, '.8 !&$t, ;. (2011). Intr"/.#$n) CO7R,- eCp%"r$n) &"t$6at$"n- 2"r *ran/B re%ate/ -"#$a% &e/$a .-e. Internat$"na% 1".rna% "2 ,/6ert$-$n) 30 (1)+ 13@46. 9 Ca&*r$a, ;r$(8 ?ra--$, 'ar#"8 3.--a$n, ,&$r8 3a6a-$, Cat5er$ne (2011). !ent$# C"&p.t$n) 2"r !"#$a% 'e/$a 'ar(et$n). '.%t$&e/$a T""%- an/ ,pp%$#at$"n- 59 (2)+pp 557B592 17
Soia# !oo"mar"ing Soia# ana#ytis Automation Soia# media B#og mar"eting Ia#idation Brand am!assador &mp#iations on traditiona# ad+ertising $inimi+in# use 9raditiona# ad+ertising tehni<ues in#ude print and te#e+ision ad+ertising- 9he &nternet had a#ready o+erta"en te#e+ision as the #argest ad+ertising mar"et- (e!sites often in#ude !anner or pop-up ads- Soia# net*or"ing sites donFt a#*ays ha+e ads- &n e.hange) produts ha+e entire pages and are a!#e to interat *ith users- 9e#e+ision ommeria#s often end *ith a spo"esperson as"ing +ie*ers to he" out the produt *e!site for more information- Print ads are a#so starting to in#ude P% Codes on them- 9hese P% odes an !e sanned !y e## phones and omputers) sending +ie*ers to the produt *e!site- Ad+ertising is !eginning to mo+e +ie*ers from the traditiona# out#ets to the e#etroni ones- *ea&s 15 &nternet and soia# net*or"ing #ea"s are one of the issues faing traditiona# ad+ertising- Iideo and print ads are often #ea"ed to the *or#d +ia the &nternet ear#ier than they are shedu#ed to premiere- Soia# net*or"ing sites a##o* those #ea"s to go +ira#) and !e seen !y many users more <ui"#y- 9ime differene is a#so a pro!#em faing traditiona# ad+ertisers- (hen soia# e+ents our and are !roadast on te#e+ision) there is often a time de#ay !et*een airings on the east oast and *est oast of the Cnited States- Soia# net*or"ing sites ha+e !eome a hu! of omment and interation onerning the e+ent- 9his a##o*s indi+idua#s *athing the e+ent on the *est oast (time-de#ayed) to "no* the outome !efore it airs- 9he 6055 Grammy A*ards high#ighted this pro!#em-Iie*ers on the *est oast #earned *ho *on different a*ards !ased on omments made on soia# net*or"ing sites !y indi+idua#s *athing #i+e on the east oast- Sine +ie*ers "ne* *ho 10 !"#$a% 'e/$a '$-5ap- C"-t F$r&- K4 '$%%$"n $n 2010. In2"r&at$"n 'ana)e&ent 1".rna% 45 (6)+ 18. N"6e&*er 2011 18
*on a#ready) many tuned out and ratings *ere #o*er- A## the ad+ertisement and promotion put into the e+ent *as #ost !eause +ie*ers didnFt ha+e a reason to *ath- Disad.anta#es of Social media mar&etin# Soia# media mar"eting pro+ides organi3ations *ith a *ay to onnet *ith their ustomers- ;o*e+er) organi3ations must protet their information as *e## as #ose#y *ath omments and onerns on the soia# media they use- A f#ash po## done on 5664 &9 e.euti+es from 77 ountries re+ea#ed that soia# media mishaps aused organi3ations a om!ined S1-7 mi##ion in damages in 6050- 9he top three soia# media inidents an organi3ation faed during the pre+ious year in#uded emp#oyees sharing too muh information in pu!#i forums) #oss or e.posure of onfidentia# information) and inreased e.posure to #itigation- Due to the +ira# nature of the internet) a mista"e !y a sing#e emp#oyee has in some ases sho*n to resu#t in de+astating onse<uenes for organi3ations- An e.amp#e of a soia# media mishap in#udes designer Kenneth Co#eDs 9*itter mishap in 6055- (hen Kenneth Co#e t*eeted) B'i##ions are in uproar in TCairo- %umor is they heard our ne* spring o##etion is no* a+ai#a!#e on#ine at UKenneth Co#eDs *e!siteVB- 9his referene to the 6055 $gyptian %e+o#ution dre* o!,etion from the pu!#iG it *as *ide#y o!,eted to on the &nternet- Kenneth Co#e rea#i3ed his mista"e short#y after and responded *ith a statement apo#ogi3ing for the t*eet- >umerous additiona# on#ine mar"eting mishap e.amp#es $.amp#es in#ude a Eou9u!e +ideo of a DominoDs Pi33a emp#oyee doing unspea"a!#e things to pi33a ingredients) *hih *ent +ira# on the internet- A 9*itter hash tag posted !y 'Dona#dDs in 6056 attrating attention due to numerous omp#aints and negati+e e+ents ustomers e.periened at the hain storeG and a 6055 t*eet posted !y a Chrys#er Group emp#oyee that no one in Detroit "no*s ho* to dri+e 55 - (hen the Lin" %$&9 opened a 8ae!oo" page to reommend o#d-sty#e restaurants) the page *as f#ooded !y furious omments ritii3ing the %$&9 for ha+ing fored a #ot of restaurants and stores to shut do*nG it had to terminate its ampaign ear#y amid further deterioration of its orporate image- 11 3$)5 pr$#e t" *e pa$/ 2"r #"ntr"6er-$a% -"#$a%B&e/$a &$-5ap- !an Fran#$-#" C5r"n$#%e 'ar#5 17, 2011, retr$e6e/ ,pr$% 4, 2012 19
E"ail "arketing -ntroduction $mai# mar"eting is a perfet medium to pi" up *here other mar"eting #ea+es off- $mai# mar"eting is sti## one of the most ost effeti+e *ays to ontat prospets and ustomers- &tFs far heaper than traditiona# !u#" postage mai# and in many ases an ha+e a muh #arger impat on immediate sa#es and #ong -term re#ationship strength than traditiona# ad+ertising- (hen done orret#y) emai# mar"eting an !e an e.treme#y po*erfu# and effeti+e mar"eting tehni<ue- &tFs a medium that a##o*s a !uyer and se##er to free#y ommuniate *ith one another and !ui#d a re#ationship !ased on +a#ue and trust- (hen done inorret#y) ho*e+er) emai# mar"eting an !e destruti+e) erode !rand e<uity) and turn happy #ients into #itigious f#amers- 20
$mai# mar"eting and soia# media mar"eting shou#d omp#ement eah other in gro*ing !usiness presene and generating #eads and ustomers- !he $ost -mportant !ips for Email $ar&eters #etFs !egin *ith the most important information first- ;ere is *hat *e fee# are the most important tips for anyone managing the emai# mar"eting proess- 5- 2n#y send emai#s to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to reei+e them- 6- 2n#y in#ude ontent re#e+ant to the type of ontent the person has re<uested- 7- !e onsistent *ith sending fre<ueny- Pi" a shedu#e) *hether it is *ee"#y) !i *ee"#y) or month#y and as often as you an sti" to that shedu#e- 1- &n most ases it is !est to send !usiness to !usiness emai#s 9uesday through 9hursday- (eF+e found that the !est times of the day to send are ,ust after the start of the day around L:70am or ,ust after #unh around 5:70pm- &t is !est to a+oid sending !usiness to !usiness emai#s after 1pm or on *ee"ends- 4- &n most ases it is !est to send !usiness to onsumer emai#s either !et*een 4pm and :pm 9uesday through 9hursday or !et*een 8riday e+ening and Sunday afternoon- =- 'a"e the 8rom >ame for messages either the ompany name or the name of a person at the ompany- After hoosing a 8rom >ame) "eep it onsistent- During the sp#it seond deision su!sri!ers ma"e *hether to open emai#) the most important fator in their deision is *hether the 8rom >ame is fami#iar to them- K- DonFt use a## aps or mu#tip#e e.#amation mar"s *ithin your su!,et #ine or !ody- Doing this *i## trigger spam fi#ter- Permission ,Based Email $ar&etin# &t is important to note that there are t*o types of emai# mar"eting- 2ne an either send unso#iited emai# promotions or send out emai#s on#y to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to reei+e them- Cnso#iited emai# is) of ourse) a##ed spam- Sending spam *i## ruin any #egitimate organi3ationFs reputation and !rand +a#ue faster than mo#d gro*s on !read that is #eft outside in the midd#e of summer- %u#e num!er one of !eoming an inte##igent emai# mar"eter is to not send unso#iited emai#- 21
Permission-!ased emai# mar"eting) on the other hand) is used effeti+e#y e+eryday !y hundreds of thousands of organi3ations to !ui#d the +a#ue of their !rands) inrease sa#es) and strengthen the re#ationships they ha+e *ith their #ients and su!sri!ers- 9he "ey differene) of ourse) is that these senders are on#y sending messages to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to reei+e them- Email $ar&etin# Best Practices LetFs ta"e a #oser #oo" at some of the tehni<ues and praties that the most e.periened emai# mar"eters use- 9hese !est praties an ma"e the differene !et*een rapid#y gro*ing your #ist through *ord of mouth) inreasing sa#es) and !ui#ding strong re#ationships and #osing su!sri!ers to #ist attrition) aggra+ating ustomers) and getting messages !#o"ed !efore they e+en reah your reipients- From Names & Subject Lines 8or most peop#e) a ma,ority of emai#s reei+ed are ,un" emai#- As a resu#t) eah of us has de+e#oped a #itt#e ritua# *e fo##o* *hen he"ing our emai#- &nitia##y) most peop#e #oo"ed first at the su!,et #ines to determine *hether to read a message- 9oday) ho*e+er) reipients a#so g#ane at the M8romN fie#d to see if they reogni3e the senderFs name or emai# address- 9hen) on#y if they reogni3e the 8rom >ame do they #oo" at the MSu!,etN fie#d to see if itFs of interest to them- 9his is *hy *e reommend using a 8rom >ame that is either your organi3ationFs name or a *e##- "no*n person *ithin the organi3ationWand to "eep that name onsistent *ith e+ery mai#ing- %egarding su!,et #ines) *e ha+e found a good strategy to !e ha+ing one part of the su!,et #ine !e onsistent) and the other is +aria!#e- 9his *ay reipients an reogni3e your ne*s#etter *hen it omes in as *e## as get a sma## taste as to *hat type of information might !e featured for that issue Personalization 'essage persona#i3ation an !e done !y inserting *hat is "no*n as mai# -merge fie#ds into the message- 8or e.amp#e) if *e *anted to insert the first name of a su!sri!er into a message su!,et or !ody *e *ou#d ,ust type in UfameV- 9his gi+es a persona# touh to e+ery target ustomer and it gets more attention of the target ustomer- List Segmentation 9here are no dou!t that speifia##y targeted emai#s *ith +a#ua!#e and re#e+ant ontent *or" the !est- By di+iding the data!ase either !y interest or demographi) *e *i## !e a!#e to appea# to the needs and *ants of our onsumer and impro+e our sa#es resu#ts- An effeti+e segmentation 22
strategy) ho*e+er) !egins *ith the sign up form- 'a"e sure *e need to o##et the information during the initia# signup that *e an !e segmented #ater- Email $ar&etin# $etrics 9o assess the emai# mar"eting performane) *e must ondut on-going trend ana#ysis of se+era# "ey metris- 9hat *ay) *e an ompare eah ampaignFs performane against our o*n a+erages to "no* *hether a speifi ampaign outperformed or underperformed your interna# emai# !enhmar"s- 2ur emai# ser+ie pro+ider ($sp-) shou#d pro+ide a *ea#th of reporting on eah ampaign and on our on-going emai# performane- (e *i## o+er the most important emai# metris to measure and ho* you an use them to impro+e the performane of your emai# mar"eting program o+era##- Boune %ate 9he perentage of tota# emai#s sent that ou#d not !e de#i+ered to the reipientFs in!o.) "no*n as a M!oune-N 9his metri an !e used to uno+er potentia# pro!#ems *ith your emai# #ist- 9here are t*o "inds of !ounes to tra": MhardN !ounes and MsoftN !ounes- Soft !ounes are the resu#t of a temporary pro!#em *ith a +a#id emai# address) suh as a fu## in!o. or a pro!#em *ith the reipientFs ser+e- 9he reipientFs ser+er may ho#d these emai#s for de#i+ery one the pro!#em #ears up) or *e may try re-sending the emai# message to soft !ounes- ;ard !ounes are the resu#t of an in+a#id) #osed- 2r non-e.istent emai# address and these emai#s *i## ne+er !e suessfu##y de#i+ered- De#i+ery %ate 9he perentage of emai#s that *ere atua##y de#i+ered to reipientsF in! a#u#ated !y su!trating hard and soft !ounes from the gross num!er of emai#s sent) then di+iding that num!er !y gross emai#s sent- 9he de#i+ery rate sets the stage for emai# suess or fai#ure- 9o ha+e any hane of engaging a ustomer or prospet *ith an emai# ampaign) that message has to get de#i+ered to their in!o.- List Gro*th %ate 23
A measurement of ho* fast the emai# #ist is gro*ing- Ca#u#ate the gro*th rate !y su!trating opt- outs and hard !ounes from the num!er of ne* emai# su!sri!ers gained in a gi+en month- 9hen) di+ide that num!er !y the origina# #ist si3e- $mai# #ist gro*th rate is important !eause a hea#thy emai# mar"eting program needs to !e ontinua##y refreshed *ith ne* names- 'any of the addresses on your emai# #ist *i## natura##y Mgo !adN o+er time) as peop#e hange ,o!s) s*ith &sps or emai# programs) or ,ust forget their pass*ords and reate ne* aounts- C9% 9he proportion of the audiene *ho #i"ed on one more #in"s ontained in an emai# message- 2rgani3ations an a#u#ate C9% either !y di+iding uni<ue #i"s !y the num!er of emai#s de#i+ered) or !y di+iding tota# #i"s) in#uding mu#tip#e #i"s !y the same reipient) !y the num!er of emai#s de#i+ered- 'onitoring emai# tr is a ornerstone of emai# mar"eting ana#ytis) !eause the tr indiates *hether the message *as re#e+ant and the offer ompe##ing enough to enourage reipients to ation) !ut tr an +ary *ide#y !y the type of message sent- 8or e.amp#e) emai# ne*s#etters often ha+e higher trs than promotiona# messages) and transationa# messages X suh as emai#ed purhase reeipts X often ha+e the highest tr of a## the messages your !usiness sends- 8or that reason) itFs !est to !enhmar" the trs aording to the different types of emai#s *e send- $mai# Sharing 9he perentage of reipients *ho #i"ed on a Mshare thisN !utton to post emai# ontent to a soia# net*or" andAor *ho #i"ed on the Mfor*ard to a friendN !utton- Sharing rates are another indiator of the +a#ue and re#e+ane of the emai# messages- $mai# offers that get shared or for*arded outside of our o*n house #ist an end up !eing your !est performing ampaigns) !eause *eF+e drastia##y inreased the reah of that message !y tapping into the +ira# nature of our su!sri!ersF soia# net*or"s- (ath our sharing rates arefu##y to diso+er *hih types of arti#es and offers tend to get shared the most) and use that "no*#edge *hen p#anning future ampaigns- Con+ersion %ate 9he perentage of reipients *ho #i"ed on a #in" *ithin an emai# and omp#eted a desired ation) suh as fi##ing out a #ead generation form or purhasing a produt- Con+ersion rate is the u#timate measure of an emai# ampaignFs effeti+eness- 9he higher your 24
on+ersion rate) the more re#e+ant and ompe##ing the offer *as for the audiene- ;o*e+er) on+ersion rates are dependent on fators !eyond the origina# emai# message) suh as the <ua#ity of the #anding page- 'easuring on+ersion rate re<uires integration !et*een the emai# p#atform and the *e! ana#ytis- (e an perform this integration !y reating uni<ue tra"ing ur#s for your emai# #in"s that identify the soure of the #i" as oming from a speifi emai# ampaign- %e+enue Per $mai# Sent A measure of the %2& of a partiu#ar emai# ampaign) a#u#ated !y di+iding the tota# re+enue generated from the ampaign !y the num!er of emai#s sent- 9his metri is idea# for eommere mar"eters *ho generate a #ot of diret sa#es from emai# ampaigns- Again) it re<uires integration !et*een the $sp- and the eommere or *e! ana#ytis p#atform- &f *e are a#ready tra"ing on+ersion rates) *e an a#so o##et the order +a#ue for eah on+ersion to perform this a#u#ation- $mai# 'ar"eting and Soia# 'edia 9here are se+era# *ays to integrate these t*o omp#ementary mar"eting hanne#s to he#p gro* our audiene- ;ere are a fe* ideas: Share >our Email on >our Social et%or& 2ne you ha+e sent the emai#) *e shou#d use our soia# net*or"s to share the ne*s a!out our emai# messages- (e an a#so use 8ae!oo" to share our message ,ust !y posting a #in" to it to our 8ae!oo" *a##- 2ne one of our soia# media fo##o*ers #i"s on the #in" to +ie* one of our messages) they an share our message *ith their soia# net*or"s !y #i"ing the soia# share !ar at the top of the message- 25
Soure: http:AA***-amu#-omAprodutsAmi#"-php Com!ining our emai# and soia# media mar"eting e.tends our !rand !eyond our net*or" to 9;$ net*or"- 9he i##ustration !e#o* aptures the +ira# nature of soia# media: 26
Soure: iontat-om 9ypia##y) *hen emai# mar"eters thin" a!out inreasing the re#e+any of their emai#s) they immediate#y ,ump to segmentation ideas- 9he rea#ity is that !y e.tending the #ife of the emai# and ma"ing it a+ai#a!#e to a !roader soia# media audiene) *e are ma"ing the emai# more re#e+ant- Adding Soia# Sharing to the $mai# Csing simp#e Mshare *ith your net*or"N #in"s) your su!sri!ers an share *ith their friendFs speifi #in"s or piees of ontent from your emai#- Amerian $ag#e 2utfitters a##o*s its emai# su!sri!ers to #i"e its emai# and to spread the *ord a!out its ontent- ;ere is ho* it #oo"s *hen someone #i"es the emai#: 27
(hen someone #i"s this 8ae!oo" post #in") they are ta"en to a *e! +ersion of the emai#- 8rom there) they an !egin the purhase proess or share the emai# *ith their net*or"- Soure: iontat-om Another *ay to dri+e soia# sharing is to ma"e sure your *e!site has #i"e !uttons on pages that are #in"ed from the emai#- Doing so gi+es those emai# su!sri!ers or *e!page +isitors an opportunity to share the *e!site ontent- 9he emai# is a great opportunity to e.pand our soia# net*or"ing presene- Adding Li"e and 9*eet !uttons to our emai# gi+es our emai# su!sri!ers the a!i#ity to share our emai# *ith their soia# net*or"s- %emem!er) no* that your emai# has e.tended its #ife !eyond the in!o.) it !eomes your Mam!assadorN in the soia# media *or#d- Csing the $mai# to Gro* and $ngage the 8ae!oo" 8ans and 9*itter 8o##o*ers 28
Csing our emai# as a *ay to enourage our su!sri!ers to fo##o* us on soia# net*or"s is +ery easy to do) and it gi+es your emai# su!sri!ers additiona# touh points *ith your !rand- 9his is espeia##y important if *e differentiate our soia# media promotions and ontent from our emai# ontent- 'any peop#e fo##o* !rands on soia# net*or"s to get speia# offers- Cse the emai# to enourage that !eha+ior- ;ereFs an e.amp#e Sa"s 8ifth A+enue Soure: http:AA***-sa"sfiftha+enue-om >ote that Sa"s 8ifth A+enue p#aes its soia# media Lin"s at the top of its emai#s- Gap p#aes its soia# media #in"s at the !ottom of its emai#s- As *e an see from these e.amp#es) there are mu#tip#e *ays to design our emai# to attrat fo##o*ers on soia# media sites- (hih soia# media sites *e *ant to in#ude and *here in our emai# to in#ude those #in"s is entire#y up to us- 'any emai# temp#ates a#ready ha+e 8ae!oo" and 9*itter ions that *e an insert and point to your 8ae!oo" and 9*itter pages- 2ne *e emai# su!sri!er (or anyone) rea##y) #i"s those #in"s) they *i## !e ta"en to your 8ae!oo" and 9*itter pages- 8rom there) they an !egin fo##o*ing our !rand- Csing Eour Soia# 'edia to $nourage $mai# Sign-Cps 29
(ith so muh time on#ine !eing spent on soia# media sites) itFs important to #et the soia# media audiene "no* that *e ha+e an emai# #ist and to entie them to engage *ith our !rand through emai# mar"eting- 2ne tehni<ue is to put a sign-up form on your !randFs 8ae!oo" Page- 8or e.amp#e: Soure: iontat-om 30
Content "arketing Content mar&etin# is any mar"eting format that in+o#+es the reation and sharing of media and pu!#ishing ontent in order to a<uire ustomers- 9his information an !e presented in a +ariety of formats) in#uding ne*s) +ideo) *hite papers) e-!oo"s) info graphis) ase studies) ho*-to guides) <uestion and ans*er arti#es) photos) et- Content mar"eting is foused not on se##ing) !ut on simp#y ommuniating *ith ustomers and prospets- 9he idea is to inspire !usiness and #oya#ty from !uyers !y de#i+ering Bonsistent) ongoing +a#ua!#e informationB- "istory C1D E 9he fo##o*ing e.amp#es demonstrate ear#y use of ontent to disseminate information a!out a !rand) and !ui#d a !randDs reputation: 5:L4: John Deere #aunhed the maga3ine The Furrow) pro+iding information to farmers on ho* to !eome more profita!#e- 9he maga3ine) onsidered the first ustom pu!#iation) is sti## in iru#ation) reahing 5-4 mi##ion readers in 10 ountries in 56 different #anguages- 5L00: 'ihe#in de+e#oped the 'ihe#in Guide) offering dri+ers information on auto maintenane) aommodations) and other tra+e# tips- 74)000 opies *ere distri!uted for free in this first edition- A#though 'ihe#in e+entua##y !egan se##ing these !oo"s) the pu!#iation sti## set a preedent for !oth informati+e guides and ontent mar"eting distri!ution- - 5L01: Je##-2 sa#esmen *ent door-to-door) distri!uting their oo"!oo" for free- 9outing the dessert as a +ersati#e food) the ompany sa* its sa#es rise to o+er S5 mi##ion !y 5L0=- 9he phrase Bontent mar"etingB *as used as ear#y as 5LL=) *hen %i" Doy#e #ed a roundta!#e for ,ourna#ists at the Amerian Soiety for >e*spaper $ditors- &n 5LL:) Jerre## Jimerson he#d the tit#e 31
of Bdiretor of on#ine and ontent mar"etingB at >etsape- &n 56 5LLL) author Jeff Cannon *rote) M&n ontent mar"eting) ontent is reated to pro+ide onsumers *ith the information they see"-N (ho is usin# content mar&etin#' Content mar"eting is !eing used !y some of the greatest mar"eting organi3ations in the *or#d) in#uding POG) 'irosoft) Ciso Systems and John Deere- &tFs a#so de+e#oped and e.euted !y sma## !usinesses and one-person shops around the g#o!e- Aording to the 6057 B6B Content 'ar"eting Benhmar"s) Budgets and 9rends researh) L out of 50 B6B mar"eters are using ontent mar"eting X regard#ess of ompany si3e or industry- And they are doing *hat it ta"es to !ring a!out desired resu#ts: 2n a+erage) B6B mar"eters emp#oy eight different ontent mar"eting tatis to ahie+e their mar"eting goa#s- =0 perent report that they p#an to inrease their spending on ontent mar"eting o+er the ne.t 56 months- 'ar"eters) on a+erage) spend o+er a <uarter of their mar"eting !udget on ontent mar"eting- Content $ar&etin# .s/ Social $edia $ar&etin#E (hat)s the Difference C10D ' &n soia# media mar"eting) the enter of gra+ity W the fous of the mar"eting ati+ity W is #oated *ithin the soia# net*or"s themse#+es- (hen mar"eters operate soia# media ampaigns) they are operating inside of 8ae!oo") inside of 9*itter) inside of Goog#eR) et- As they produe ontent) they p#ae it inside of these net*or"s- 12 Re2erre/ 2r"& >$($pe/$a 13 Re2erre/ 2r"& C"ntent 'ar(et$n) In-t$t.te 32
&n ontrast) the enter of gra+ity for ontent mar"eting is a !rand *e!site W *hether it is a !randed C%L #i"e Amerian$.press-om or a miro site for a !randFs speifi produt) #i"e Ame.Fs 2pen 8orum- Soia# net*or"s are +ita# to the suess of ontent mar"eting efforts) !ut here) 8ae!oo") 9*itter) and Goog#eR are used primari#y as a distri!utor of #in"s !a" to the ontent on the !randFs *e!site W not as ontainers of the ontent itse#f- !ypes of content &n soia# media mar"eting) ontent is !ui#t to fit the onte.t of the hosen soia# p#atform: short messages in the 510 haraters range for 9*itterG ontests) <ui33es) and games for 8ae!oo") et- "ere, brands model their beha.ior after that of the indi.iduals usin# the social net%or&s- 2n the other hand) in ontent mar"eting) the onte.t of *e!sites permits muh #onger forms of ontent- Brands an pu!#ish !#og posts) +ideos) info graphis) and eBoo"s) ,ust to name a fe* formats- "ere, brands model their beha.ior after that of media publishers- (hi#e !oth soia# media mar"eting and ontent mar"eting an !e used for a mu#titude of purposes) soia# media mar"eting genera##y tends to fous on t*o main o!,eti+es- 8irst) it is used for !rand a*areness W generating ati+ity and disussion around the !rand- Seond#y) it is used for ustomer retentionA satisfation W !rands an use soia# hanne#s as an open forum for diret dia#ogues *ith ustomers) often around issues or <uestions that onsumers ha+e- &n ontrast) ontent mar"etingFs *e!site-!ased enter of gra+ity ena!#es it to fous more on demand generation- As <ua#ity ontent !rings prospets to a !randFs site) !rands an de+e#op a re#ationship *ith the prospets and nurture them to*ards a #ead on+ersion or purhase- E.olution of online mar&etin# 33
Soia# media mar"eting is top-of-mind for most e+ery mar"eting department) *hi#e ontent mar"eting is a (re#ati+e#y) ne* term) and a ne* pratie for many- 9he internet has un#eashed a re+o#utionary a!i#ity for e+ery !rand to ommuniate diret#y *ith its ustomers W *ithout the need for a media industry intermediary- Soia# media mar"eting is the natura# first step in this proess: Aess to users is diret (users spend tons of time on soia# net*or"s)) and ontent is genera##y formatted into shorter hun"s) *hih ma"es the pu!#ishing proess re#ati+e#y easy- But as !rands !eome more fami#iar *ith their ne* ro#e as pu!#isher) the natura# progression *i## !e to mo+e to*ard ontent mar"eting- Ees) the !ar here is higher: &n ontent mar"eting) !rands must produe #onger-form) higher-<ua#ity ontent and !ui#d audienes on their o*n site W they must !eome true media pu!#ishers- But the re*ards and resu#ts are) argua!#y) more po*erfu#- Brands an engage more deep#y *ith their ustomers through ontent mar"eting efforts- And !y dri+ing onsumers to its o*n *e!site) the !rand has a greater opportunity to gain #eads and mo+e them do*n the on+ersion funne#- !he = Business ;oals of Content $ar&etin#E -nbound $ar&etin# -sn)t Enou#h C13D (hat is inbound mar&etin#' Inbound Marketing is about getting ound online! through search engines and on sites like Facebook and "ouTube and Twitter#$ &n!ound mar"eting is a ritia# omponent of the ne* ru#es of mar"eting- Creating ompe##ing and +a#ua!#e ontent and distri!uting that ontent through a +ariety of on#ine hanne#s) as *e## as getting ati+e in on#ine ommunities) are essentia# for a## ompanies today- !hat said, if you only focus on inbound mar&etin#, you %ill fail as a mar&etin# professional/ 14 Re2erre/ 2r"& C"ntent 'ar(et$n) In-t$t.te 34
(hy you need a content mar&etin# mindset Content mar"eting is the pratie of reating re#e+ant and ompe##ing ontent in a onsistent fashion to a targeted !uyer) fousing on a## stages of the !uying proess) from !rand a*areness through to !rand e+ange#ism- Content mar"eting) un#i"e in!ound mar"eting) has been around for hundreds of years) most nota!#y starting in 5:L4 !y John Deere *ith The Furrow maga3ine (a#though & argue that the a+e peop#e *ere dra*ing stories on *a##s to se## produt)- 35
(hi#e in!ound mar"eting (as opposed to out!ound mar"eting) and getting found on#ine !y prospets are ritia#) %hat do you do %ith your story once they find you' &f ontent mar"eting *ere a foot!a## fie#d) in!ound mar"eting *ou#d get you to the 74-yard #ine- Definitely critical, but hard to score from that distance/ After in!ound mar"eting) you need #ead nurturing- 2ne the #ead is nurtured and !eomes a ustomer at some point) you need ustomer ser+ie ontent- (hat if you *ant to up se## or ross se## to the ustomer? (e##) thatFs a *ho#e set of different ontent- (hat if your goa# is ustomer retention and #oya#ty? (e## thatFs another ontent strategy as *e##- Lots of +a#ua!#e ontent spread out around the *e! *i## he#p you reah a fe* of your ontent mar"eting goa#s) !ut not a## of them- N%T&' Some will argue that lead nurturing is (art o inbound marketing) &*en i that is true! it still means +ou ha*e to throw a ,ail Mar+ to score a touchdown) Content mar"eting must in#ude strategi p#anning) ontent reation) distri!ution) and metris for mu#tip#e stages of the !uying y#e to mu#tip#e ustomer personas- &n my +ie*) that means a omp#ete ontent mar"eting strategy *ou#d inorporate in!ound mar"eting prinip#es) !ut it *ou#d a#so ta"e a more ho#isti approah to meeting a !usinessFs o+era## mar"eting goa#s- 7h, print' $+en more important#y) ontent mar"eting is hanne#-agnosti- 9hat means that ontent mar"eters shou#d !e #oo"ing at ALL a+ai#a!#e hanne#s to engage *ith ustomers/ print) in-person) and on#ine (in#uding mo!i#e)- 9he outstanding %it3 Car#ton maga3ine) p#aed in hote# rooms) does not ha+e anything to do *ith !eing foundG neither does the ama3ing L$G2 C#u! maga3ine) *hih has !een produed in print for o+er 70 years- L&-% .lub magazine is not inbound marketing) !he business #oals of content mar&etin#E (ith ontent mar"eting) there are a num!er of o+era## !usiness goa#s you ou#d ha+e: Brand a%areness or reinforcement this is a#most a#*ays the first thing that is thought of *hen you #oo" at ontent mar"eting- 9he goa# may !e that you are ,ust trying to find a more effeti+e *ay than ad+ertising to reate a*areness for your produt or ser+ie- 9his is the #ong-tai# strategy- Content mar"eting is a great +ehi#e for that) as itFs organi) authenti) and a great *ay for you to start dri+ing engagement *ith your !rand- Content mar"eting and in!ound mar"eting o+er#ap in this area- 36
*ead con.ersion and nurturin# 9he most !asi part of in!ound mar"eting is the on+ersion metri- ;o* you define a #ead *i## +ary W !ut from a ontent mar"eting perspeti+e) this is *here you ha+e (through the e.hange of engaging ontent) enouraged someone to gi+e up enough information a!out themse#+es that you no* ha+e permission to Mmar"etN to them- 9his an in#ude signing up for a MdemoN) registering for an e+ent) su!sri!ing to your e-ne*s#etter) or gaining aess to your %esoure Center- 2ne you ha+e the prospetFs permission) you an use ontent to he#p mo+e them through the !uying y#e- Customer con.ersion &n many ases) you a#ready ha+e a ton of ontent in this area- 9his is *here) as mar"eters) *e ha+e traditiona##y foused W the Mproof pointsN to the sa#e- $.amp#es in#ude ase studies you send to your prospets that i##ustrate ho* youF+e so#+ed the pro!#em !efore W or the Mtestimonia#sN setion on your #ient page- C#timate#y) this is the ontent youF+e reated as a mar"eter to i##ustrate to the hot prospet *hy your so#ution is !etter or *i## uni<ue#y meet his or her needs- Customer this is *here ontent mar"eting an rea##y earn itFs Msu!sri!eN stripes- ;o* *e## are you using ontent to reate +a#ue or reinfore the ustomerFs deision A89$% the sa#e? 9his goes *e## !eyond the user manua#) the doumented proess for suess) and the 8AP on your *e!site- 9hese are the !est praties for ho* to use your produt or ser+ie- ;o* an ustomers get the '2S9 out of your produt or ser+ie? (hat are the suessfu#) inno+ati+e *ays that youF+e seen your produt or ser+ie get e.tended into other so#utions? Customer loyaltyGretention Just #i"e you ha+e a p#anned #ead nurturing proess to turn prospets into ustomers) you a#so need a p#anned ustomer retention strategy- &f youFre u#timate goa# is to turn ustomers into passionate su!sri!ers *ho share your stories) this area needs ma,or attention- 2ptions may !e a ustomer e- ne*s#etter or printed ne*s#etter) a print or ta!#et maga3ine) or possi!#y a user e+ent or *e!inar series- Customer up sell 'ar"eting doesnFt stop at the Mhe"outN !utton any #onger- &f youFre partiu#ar#y good at using ontent to ser+ie the ustomer in a su!sri!e mode#) you a#so ha+e the opportunity to !e effeti+e at reating ongoing engagement for the other produts and ser+ies you offer- (hy stop ommuniating *ith prospets one they !eome ustomers? &nstead) ommuniate *ith them 37
more fre<uent#y (ertain#y not in a reepy *ay) and engage them *ith additiona# +a#ue- Customer up se## and ustomer retention goa#s an *or" hand-in-hand- Passionate subscribers if you an suessfu##y mo+e ustomers to this stage) you ha+e rea##y aomp#ished something- Content W and espeia##y ontent generated !y satisfied ustomers W an !e one of the most po*erfu# *ays for us to reah any !usiness goa#- 9his is *hen ontent mar"eting starts to *or" for you e.ponentia##y- App#e Computer is the <uintessentia# e.amp#e of this- As" yourse#f *hat their ontent mar"eting strategy is- 9hey ha+e no soia# media presene- 9hey ha+e no !#og- But they ha+e suessfu##y !ui#t their passionate su!sri!er !ase W and these peop#e reate fan sites) *rite) share) and e+ange#i3e the App#e !rand- Eour u#timate goa# shou#d !e to reate a ommunity of e+ange#ists *ho are prepared to fight for your !rand- So *hih of these goa#s ma"es sense for your ontent mar"eting? 'ay!e itFs on#y an in!ound mar"eting initiati+e and youFre ,ust trying to he#p dri+e more #eads into the sa#es and mar"eting proess- 'ay!e youFre trying to reate a program that inreases a*areness) dri+es do*n the ost of organi traffi to your *e!site) and inreases your position *ith searh engines- 'ay!e you are *or"ing to impro+e your ustomer retention rate- Content mar&etin# H Do you ha.e a content mar&etin# plan' C14D $+er sine the ineption of the (or#d (ide (e! thereFs one thing thatFs !een at the ore of many a suessfu# di#ital mar&etin# effort and thatFs #ood, rele.ant, fresh content- $+ery time a prospeti+e #ient see"s information on#ine) they are #oo"ing for speedy ans*ers to <uestions or so#utions to a pro!#em- (hatFs more they are #oo"ing for ans*ers or so#utions that are #ear and onise- 9his is *here great ontent mar"eting omes in- (ith the meteori gro*th in soia# media) so#id content marketing !eomes e+en more important and as a resu#t) needs to !e at the forefront of a## your on#ine mar"eting p#ans- 15 Re2erre/ 2r"& e=re-en#e 38
So %hy is this' &n essene shoppers ha+e !eome e.treme#y sa++y@ >o*) prior to ma"ing a purhasing deision) more and more peop#e are searhing for information) re+ie*s and produt detai#s on#ine !efore parting *ith their hard earned ash- 9his means that more than e+er !efore there are no*//- &nreased hanne#s *here you need to esta!#ish a presene and pro+ide <ua#ity information &nreased ompetition that are on#y too *i##ing to get your prospetsF attention &nreased aess to speedy and up to date information
So %hat)s the future for online mar&etin# and %hat should you do' 9he insatia!#e need for great ontent isnFt going to go a*ay and as suh informati+e and engaging ontent is) and a#*ays *i## !e) "ing- A## !usinesses need a #ear and onise content mar&etin# strate#y and therefore you need to #oo" at/- Eour content marketing goa#s and *hat you hope to ahie+e 9he type of information you *ant or need to pu!#ish ;o* often youFre going to pu!#ish your ontent? (here are you going to pu!#ish and *hih hanne#s are you going to use to promote it? ;o* are you going to measure your suess?
9he pro!#em is that Content marketing isnFt as simp#e as *riting a !#og post or arti#e and sitting !a" and *aiting for the traffi to start ro##ing in- &nstead you need to ha+e a #ear idea a!out *hat you are #oo"ing to ommuniate and *here or *ho you are going to ommuniate it to- &t a#so needs to !e strutured so that you get the ma.imum effet from e+ery piee of ontent you generate- 9herefore ha+ing the right mi. of soia# media) S$2) emai# mar"eting or arti#eA!#og mar"eting is the "ey- 39
A.era#e !ime spent -nternet isE 0/84 "rs /igital Marketing Sur*e+00000 Y %e<uired Can %e ha.e your A$E Please I 9his is a re<uired <uestion Can %e ha.e your A;E please I Can %e &no% ho% much time you spend on -nternet DailyJJJ I Do you use search en#ines to search for products and ser.ices I o Ees o >o Do you find ad.ertisements on %ebsites rele.ant to you I %ate !et*een 5 to 4 5 !eing not re#e+ant and 4 !eing +ery re#e+ant 5 6 7 1 4 not rele*ant Select a *alue rom a range o 1! not rele*ant! to 2! *er+ rele*ant! *er+ rele*ant Do you ha.e .arious products feed in your Social $edia feeds I Do you #i"e pages of produts on fae!oo") fo##o* +arious produts on t*itter o Ees o >o 41
"o% many spam mails related to offers do you recei.e e.ery day I 5 6 7 1 4 Not Much Select a *alue rom a range o 1! Not Much! to 2! 3lot! 3 lot Do you find rele.ant offers on emails'''''' I o Ees o >o >ou find rele.ant offers for you at %hich places I o 8ae!oo" o 9e#e+ision o Eou9u!e o $mai# o Ad+ertisements on (e!sites o Goog#e searh 500Q: Eou made it- Po*ered !y
8o##o*ing %esu#ts *ere reei+ed 45645 said the+ use search engines to search or (roducts and ser*ices) 74645 said the+ ind ad*ertisements on websites rele*ant to them) 8Score o 4 or more on scale o 29 1: 645 Peo(le are connected with ;rands on Social Media Platorms 42
77645 Peo(le recei*e S(am &mails and onl+ <645 ind rele*ant inormation rom such Mails =ele*ant ads are ound in ollowing ratio at ollowing Places Place =atio Facebook 1>645 -oogle Search 1>645 3d*ertisements on ?ebsites <645 Tele*ision 1:645 %thers :645 Key 8indings and reommendations Search En#ine $ar&etin# is a .ery crucial function in Di#ital $ar&etin# as almost 155K people use search en#ines to find products and ser.ices/ -t is an imperati.e tool for e.ery product and Social $edia Platforms offer more connecti.ity to the consumers as almost 45 K consumers are connected %ith the brands they appreciate/ -t should be used %hen communication has to be done %ith consumers E mail mar&etin# ineffecti.e as compared to other tools of Di#ital $edia mar&etin# as it is considered as sellin# rather than mar&etin# as most of emails are mar&ed spam and is irrele.ant to consumers/ -t should be used Fudiciously/ 9aceboo& and ;oo#le search ha.e become as important place as a tele.ision for promotion as they enFoy a similar ratio %ith tele.ision/ !hey should be utili+ed to tar#et specific audience/ A!!endi& Definitions or ;lossary of !ermsE Paid placement: or Pay per #i" (PPC) is an ad+ertising mode# used on searh engines) ad+ertising net*or"s) and ontent *e!sites) *here ad+ertisers on#y pay *hen a user atua##y #i"s on an ad to +isit the ad+ertiserDs *e!site- 43
Paid inclusion is a searh engine mar"eting produt *here the searh engine ompany harges fees re#ated to in#usion of *e!sites in their searh inde.- Paid in#usion produts are pro+ided !y most searh engine ompanies) the most nota!#e e.eption !eing Goog#e- An or#anic search is a proess !y *hih (or#d (ide (e! users find *e! sites ha+ing unpaid searh engine #istings) as opposed to using the pay per #i" ad+ertisement #istings disp#ayed among the searh resu#ts - @eturn on in.estment- 9his is often used to desri!e in S$' ho* many peop#e ha+e +isited your site from the amount of time and money in+ested- A search en#ine results pa#e) or SE@P) is the #isting of *e! pages returned !y a searh engine in response to a "ey*ord <uery- 9he resu#ts norma##y in#ude a #ist of *e! pages *ith tit#es) a #in" to the page) and a short desription sho*ing *here the "ey*ords ha+e mathed ontent *ithin the page- A S$%P may refer to a sing#e page of #in"s returned) or to the set of a## #in"s returned for a searh <uery- SpamdeLin# is any of +arious methods to manipu#ate the re#e+any or prominene of resoures inde.ed !y a searh engine) usua##y in a manner inonsistent *ith the purpose of the system- 'ethods in#ude #in" farms and "ey*ord stuffing- Spiderin# is a *e! ra*#er (a#so "no*n as a (e! spider or (e! ro!ot) is a program or automated sript *hih !ro*ses the (or#d (ide (e! in a methodia#) automated manner to pro+ide up-to- date data- Li%t o' Re'erence%( Boo"s: 1. $ffeti+e $-'ai# 'ar"eting: 9he Comp#ete Guide to Creating Suessfu# Campaigns !y ;ershe## Gordon Le*is 6- %o!ert %ose) Joe Pu#i33i) Managing .ontent Marketing 44
7- %e!ea Lie!) .ontent Marketing' Think like a (ublisher (e!sites: http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iASearhZengineZoptimi3ation http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iASearhZ$ngineZ'ar"eting http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iAContentZmar"eting http:AA***-epresene-ieAser+iesAontent-mar"etingA ***-ontentmar"etinginstitute-om 45
Facebook Marketing: Social Media Strategy Guide for Optimizing Your Facebook Advertising Page, Getting Lots of Likes and Creating Ads That Produce Powerful Results for Your Business