The document summarizes 10 multiple choice questions from a GK quiz. It provides the questions, possible answers, and a short explanation for each answer. The questions cover topics like international engineering accreditation agreements, famous singers from Assam, large dams in India, committees on ease of doing business, CEO appointments at Infosys, and other current affairs topics.
The document summarizes 10 multiple choice questions from a GK quiz. It provides the questions, possible answers, and a short explanation for each answer. The questions cover topics like international engineering accreditation agreements, famous singers from Assam, large dams in India, committees on ease of doing business, CEO appointments at Infosys, and other current affairs topics.
The document summarizes 10 multiple choice questions from a GK quiz. It provides the questions, possible answers, and a short explanation for each answer. The questions cover topics like international engineering accreditation agreements, famous singers from Assam, large dams in India, committees on ease of doing business, CEO appointments at Infosys, and other current affairs topics.
The document summarizes 10 multiple choice questions from a GK quiz. It provides the questions, possible answers, and a short explanation for each answer. The questions cover topics like international engineering accreditation agreements, famous singers from Assam, large dams in India, committees on ease of doing business, CEO appointments at Infosys, and other current affairs topics.
2014- 06- 17 20:06:59 GKToday 1. Recent ly, India has become t he permanent signat ory of t he Washingt on Accord. This accord is an int ernat ional accredit at ion agreement f or which among t he f ollowing t ypes of educat ional degrees? [A]Art s and Humanit ies [B]Medical Science [C]Engineering [D]Social Sciences Engineering Washingt on Accord is an int ernat ional accredit at ion agreement f or prof essional engineering academic degrees, bet ween t he bodies responsible f or accredit at ion in it s signat ory count ries. Est ablished in 1989, t he signat ories as of 2014 are Aust ralia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Sout h Af rica, Sri Lanka, Turkey, t he Unit ed Kingdom and t he Unit ed St at es. (f rom Wikipedia) Show Answer 2. Khagen Mahant a was a f amous music composer and singer of which among t he f ollowing languages? [A]Bengali [B]Assamese [C]Manipuri [D]Bhojpuri Assamese Khagen Mahant a, who recent ly died was an Assamese singer and musician; and was known as "Bihu Samrat " or "King of Bihu". He picked up Bihu songs f rom t he rural areas and present ed t hem t o t he modern st age in his own inimit able way. Bhupen Hazarika called him Bihu-samrat . Khagen's posit ion in Assamese music is t hought t o be only next t o t he legendary Bhupen Hazarika. Show Answer 3. Which among t he f ollowing dams of India is world's second largest concret e gravit y dam (by volume) ? [A]Tehri Dam [B]Met t ur Dam [C]Sardar Sarovar Dam [D]Polavaram Project Sardar Sarovar Dam Sardar Sarovar Dam near Nevagram in Gujarat is world's second largest concret e gravit y dam (by volume) af t er Grand Coulee Dam in t he US and has world's t hird largest spillway discharging capacit y. Gujarat Government recent ly got f inal approval t o raise by about 17 met res t he height of Sardar Sarovar dam t o 138 met ers. The dam, whose f oundat ion st one was laid by Jawaharlal Nehru on April 5, 1961, was marred by cont roversies and agit at ions. Show Answer 4. In 2013, which among t he f ollowing commit t ees had submit t ed a report on "ease of doing business"? [A] M Damodaran Commit t ee [B]K V Kamat h Commit t ee [C]Anand Mahindra Commit t ee [D]Y C Deveshwar Commit t ee M Damodaran Committee Show Answer 5. The Unif ied Command was const it ut ed t o __: [A]Prot ect t he land borders [B]Prot ect t he coast al borders [C]Cont rol t he Lef t Wing Ext remism [D]Cont rol Money Laundering Control the Lef t Wing Extremism Show Answer 6. Who among t he f ollowing is t he new CEO of Inf osys? [A]N. S. Raghavan [B]K Dinesh [C]Ashok Arora [D]Vishal Sikka Vishal Sikka Vishal Sikka, a f ormer SAP AG execut ive board member was on June 11 appoint ed as Inf osys' Chief Execut ive Of f icer and MD. Wit h his appoint ment , Sikka becomes t he f irst non-f ounder CEO of Inf osys. Sikka will t ake over f rom S D Shibulal on August 1, 2014. Show Answer 7. Which among t he f ollowing sport smen is not relat ed t o shoot ing? [A]Jit u Rai [B]Abhinav Bindra [C]Pooja Ghat kar [D]Jayant a Talukdar Jayanta Talukdar Jayant a Talukdar is an archer. Rest t hree recent ly part icipat ed in World Cup Shoot ing. Show Answer 8. The Kholongchu Hydropower Project is a joint vent ure project bet ween t he t wo companies of India and __? [A]Nepal [B]Bhut an [C]Bangladesh [D]Myanmar Bhutan In t he recent journey t o Bhut an, India's Prime Minist er Narendra Modi laid t he f oundat ion st one of t he 600 mw Kholongchu Hydropower Project , which is a joint vent ure project bet ween t he Indian and Bhut anese public sect or unit s SJVNL and Druk Green Power Corporat ion. The const ruct ion of t he project , which is locat ed in Trashiyangt se in east ern Bhut an, will commence lat er in 2014. Show Answer 9. The All India coordinat ed Cot t on Improvement Project (AICCIP) of Indian Council of Agricult ural Research is locat ed at __? [A]Ahmadabad [B]Nagpur [C]Coimbat ore [D]Bangalore Coimbatore Cent ral Inst it ut e f or Cot t on Research (CICR) is at Nagpur and All India coordinat ed Cot t on Improvement Project (AICCIP) is at Coimbat ore. Show Answer 10. Which among t he f ollowing is world's largest Coconut producing count ry? [A]India [B]Malaysia [C]Sri Lanka [D]Philippines India Share of India in world product ion of coconut is 26.34% and is highest . Show Answer