Leg Ulcers

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Causes, investigation and treatment of leg ulceration

Departments of Dermatology and *Pathology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Accepted for publication 30 September 2002
Summary Chronic ulceration of the lower leg is a frequent condition, with a prevalence of 35% in the
population over 65 years of age. The incidence of ulceration is rising as a result of the ageing
population and increased risk factors for atherosclerotic occlusion such as smoking, obesity and
diabetes. Ulcers can be dened as wounds with a full thickness depth and a slow healing ten-
dency. In general, the slow healing tendency is not simply explained by depth and size, but caused
by an underlying pathogenetic factor that needs to be removed to induce healing. The main causes
are venous valve insufciency, lower extremity arterial disease and diabetes. Less frequent condi-
tions are infection, vasculitis, skin malignancies and ulcerating skin diseases such as pyoderma
gangrenosum. But even rarer conditions exist, such as the recently discovered combination of
vasculitis and hypercoagulability. For a proper treatment of patients with leg ulcers, it is important
to be aware of the large differential diagnosis of leg ulceration.
Key words: aetiology, differential diagnosis, leg ulcer, treatment
Chronic ulceration of the lower leg including the foot is
a frequent condition, causing pain, social discomfort,
and generating considerable costs. Prevalence numbers
(all ulcers) range from 1% in the adult population to
35% in the population over 65 years of age.
In a
recent study, the prevalence of venous leg ulcers only
in the over 65 years of age population in the U.K. was
estimated to be 12%.
In Western countries, the
incidence of ulceration is rising as a result of the ageing
and increased risk factors for atheroscler-
otic occlusion such as smoking, obesity and diabe-
Various denitions of the term ulcer exist but the two
main criteria are full thickness depth, which implies
that there are no sources for re-epithelialization left in
the centre of the ulcer, and a slow healing tendency.
In most denitions, slow healing is further specied by
dening a time frame (present for more than 4 weeks)
to separate chronic ulcers from acute wounds. In
general, the slow healing tendency is not simply
explained by depth and size, but caused by an
underlying pathogenetic factor that needs to be
removed to induce healing.
Although most leg ulcers are caused by venous
insufciency (approximately 4560%), arterial insuf-
ciency (1020%), diabetes (1525%) or combinations
of these well known aetiological factors (1015%),
rare underlying disorders may exist.
For a rational approach towards patients with leg
ulcers, it is important to have detailed knowledge of the
clinical picture, pathogenesis, diagnostic possibilities
and treatment modalities of the common causes, but at
the same time to be aware of the large differential
diagnosis of leg ulceration. Because an incorrect
diagnosis usually leads to incorrect treatment (a classic
example is pyoderma gangrenosum treated with anti-
biotics), which may cause serious harm to patients,
early careful assessment is crucial.
It is convenient to make a distinction between
common causes and rare causes. The more common
causes of leg ulceration (e.g. venous insufciency,
lower extremity arterial disease, diabetes) are listed in
Table 1 and discussed below in some detail, with
attention to the pathogenesis, diagnosis and (new)
treatment modalities. Table 2 provides an overview of
all causes of leg ulceration, including rare causes,
Correspondence: J.R.Mekkes.
E-mail: j.r.mekkes@amc.uva.nl
British Journal of Dermatology 2003; 148: 388401.
388 2003 British Association of Dermatologists
grouped according to their main pathogenetic mech-
anism. Some of these entities will be discussed.
Common causes
Venous insufciency
Venous ulceration is caused by increased pressure in
the venous system. The main cause of venous hyper-
tension is insufciency of the valves in the deep venous
system and the lower perforating veins. These veins
and good functioning of their valves are necessary for
the return of venous blood to the heart at each
contraction of the calf muscles (the muscle pump).
Intact valves but absent muscle contraction (immobil-
ity, paresis) may also cause oedema and ulceration, a
condition known as dependency syndrome. Valve
insufciency may be acquired as in post-thrombotic
syndrome or caused by congenital weakness of valves
or vessels. The exact pathogenetic cascade leading from
valve insufciency to ulceration is still not fully
The clinical symptoms of venous insuf-
ciency are oedema, lipodermatosclerosis, hyperpigmen-
tation, hyperkeratosis, and atrophie blanche preceding
On a microvascular level, the observations
are microlymphangiopathy, dilatation of larger lymph
dilatation and elongation of capillaries,
occlusion of capillaries by microthrombi
or white
reduction of the number of functional capillar-
increased capillary passage, leakage of plasma
proteins and even erythrocytes, leading to iron accu-
mulation in the interstitium, partly in siderophages,
brin deposition, and ingrowth of broblasts along the
brin brils.
The functional alterations are reduction,
reversion and stagnation of blood ow in the capillaries
of prenecrotic skin, increased pressure in the capillar-
ies, increased blood ow in the deeper stratum retic-
ulare capillary network, increased blood ow and
arteriovenous shunting near ulcers, and decreased
skin oxygen pressure in areas at risk.
results can indicate anaemia, elevated erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, iron deciency, zinc deciency,
decreased brinolytic activity, increased plasma and
full blood viscosity,
or clotting disorders predisposing
to thrombosis.
In the past, some of these observed phenomena, such
as shunting of blood near ulcers, the brin cuff, iron
accumulation, white cell accumulation, decreased
brinolytic activity, binding of transforming growth
factor-b and other growth factors by macromolecules
such as brin or a-macroglobulin,
and various
inammatory responses to the vascular damage, were
believed to be the nal cause of venous ulceration.
To date, it is still not clear whether they represent
causative factors or epiphenomena. Most authors
believe that the haemodynamic changes on the micro-
vascular level are sufcient to explain venous ulcer-
The capillaries, originally designed
as a low-pressure system, are malformed by the
increased tension in the venous system, and especially
by the retrograde pressure waves during calf muscle
contractions in deep venous insufciency. The capillary
changes (dilatation and elongation) lead to reduction of
blood ow, disturbed rheological conditions,
and aggregation of cells, and nally to microthrombi
formation and occlusion of capillaries.
In addition,
increased pressure in the venous system increases
transendothelial and interendothelial capillary passage,
resulting in a protein-rich oedema. Oedema in itself
may contribute to tissue hypoxia because it simply
increases the diffusion distance for oxygen around the
nourishing capillaries.
In the end, this results in a
brotic and oedematous skin area where a considerable
number of capillaries are missing, while those remain-
ing are malformed and dysfunctional. The slightest
trauma or infection in these areas disturbs the balance
between oxygen supply and demand and a chronic
nonhealing ulcer develops.
The relative frequency of venous leg ulcers is
diminishing as a result of improved community care,
improved prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
thrombosis, and an increase in arterial ulcers.
Still, the costs associated with venous leg ulcers are
considerable, approximately 200 million yearly in the
and $1 billion in the U.S.A.,
where the
yearly costs for hard-to-heal ulcers may be up to
$27 500 per patient.
The mainstay of treatment (and prevention of new
ulcers) is the control of oedema by adequate compres-
sion therapy. Provided that the patients are bandaged
by experienced personnel, there are no differences
between nonelastic, short stretch, two-layer or multi-
layer compression bandages.
Because many
patients have ulcers of combined aetiology, e.g. venous
Table 1. Common causes of leg ulceration
Venous insufciency (post-thrombotic syndrome)
Peripheral arterial disease (arteriosclerosis)
Diabetes (neuropathy and or arterial occlusion)
Decubitus (pressure)
Infection (mostly Streptococcus haemolyticus)
Vasculitis (small vessel leucocytoclastic vasculitis)
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
Table 2. Causes of leg ulceration
Venous insufciency and dependency
Venous valve insufciency in the deep (usually post-thrombotic) or supercial venous system
Venae communicantes insufciency
Congenital hypoplasia aplasia of venous valves
Weakness of the venous wall (collagen disorders)
Arteriovenous anastomosis, angiodysplasia
Compression or obstruction of veins (tumours, enlarged lymph nodes, pelvic vein thrombosis)
Ulcerating thrombophlebitis, ruptured varices
Dependency syndrome (immobility, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, paresis, paralysis, orthopaedic malformations)
Arterial occlusion
Peripheral arterial disease (arteriosclerosis)
Arterial thrombosis macrothromboembolism and microthromboembolism (brin, platelets)
Fat embolism (hypercholesterolaemia, hyperlipidaemia)
Detachment of cholesterol containing plaques from aorta, aneurysm or atrium (atrial brillation)
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger disease)
Arteriovenous anastomosis (congenital traumatic)
Trauma, rupture, infection, vascular procedures
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Microcirculatory disorders
Raynaud phenomenon, scleroderma
Hypertension: ulcus hypertensivum (Martorell ulcer)
Increased blood viscosity (increased brinogen level, paraneoplastic, paraproteinaemia, leukaemia)
Blood transfusion reactions
Physical or chemical injury
Pressure (decubitus), pressure by shoes, plaster of Paris, orthopaedic appliances, compression bandages
Trauma, burn wounds, freezing, electricity
Rontgen damage, intra-articular injection of Yttrium-90
Chemical (corrosive agents), sclerotherapy
Articial (automutilation)
Infectious diseases
Erysipelas (bullosa), ecthyma, fasciitis necroticans (Streptococcus haemolyticus), ulcerating pyoderma (S. aureus), gas gangrene (Clostridium),
ecthyma gangrenosum (Pseudomonas), septic embolism (Meningococcus and others), bacterial endocarditis, anthrax (Bacillus anthracis),
Diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphteriae)
Osteomyelitis (several microorganisms)
Complications by secondary wound infections
Toeweb infection
Herpes, cytomegalovirus, lues maligna (lues III, gummata)
Leprosy, framboesia (yaws), ulcerating cutaneous tuberculosis, lupus vulgaris, atypical mycobacteria, Buruli ulcus (Mycobacterium ulcerans),
papulonecrotic tuberculid
Tularaemia (Franciscella tularensis)
Tropical ulcer (Bacteroides, Borrelia vincenti and other bacteria)
Madura foot, Maduramycosis (eumycetoma mycetoma), chromoblastomycosis, coccidiomycosis, sporotrichosis, granuloma trichophyticum
Bacillary angiomatosis
Neuropathic diseases
Diabetes, leprosy, alcohol neuropathy, tabes dorsalis, syringomyelia, spina bida, paraplegia, paresis, multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis
Small vessel: small vessel-leucocytoclastic vasculitis, microscopic polyangiitis, Wegener granulomatosis, allergic granulomatosis (Churg
Strauss), HenochSchonlein purpura, essential cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis, erythema induratum Bazin, livedo reticularis, livedo vasculitis
and Sneddon syndrome
Medium-sized: polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease
Large vessel: giant cell arteritis (polymyalgia rheumatica, Takayasu arteritis)
Haematological disorders
Sickle cell anaemia, other forms of anaemia, thalassaemia, hereditary spherocytosis, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deciency, essential
thrombocythaemia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, granulocytopenia, polycythaemia, leukaemia, monoclonal dysproteinaemia
(Waldenstrom disease, myeloma), polyclonal dysproteinaemia (cryobrinogenaemia, purpura,hyperglobulinaemia, cold agglutinins)
390 J . R. MEKKES et al.
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
and diabetic, or venous and arterial, it is recommen-
ded that arterial insufciency be ruled out before
applying a compression bandage, especially when
elastic bandages are used. This can be done by
measuring the anklebrachial pressure index (ABPI,
see below), which should be over 08.
Especially in
diabetic patients, who may have combined neuropathy
and arterial insufciency, compression therapy should
be applied with caution. Simple reliance on the ABPI
can produce a false sense of security as a result of non-
compressible arteries due to calcication in diabetes
Surgical restoration or replacement of destroyed deep
venous valves is still not a routine option.
cial incompetent veins can be ligated and or
removed, or embolized by sclerocompression therapy,
but their role in the aetiology of venous leg ulcers is
limited. Insufcient perforating veins, especially the
lower Cockett veins are of haemodynamic importance
because they transmit the high pressure to the over-
lying skin, and they can be ligated by (multiple)
incisions or new subfascial endoscopic techniques,
but the value of this procedure in the presence of deep
venous insufciency is doubtful.
With the possible
exception of pentoxifylline,
there is insufcient
evidence that systemic drugs are benecial.
tients with resistant or large ulcers may require
hospitalization, additional wound bed preparation and
skin grafting. An old-fashioned but efcient method is
full-thickness autologous skin grafting, using punch
biopsy grafts.
Commercially cultured allogeneic skin
grafts such as Apligraf

(Novartis, East Hanover, NJ,

U.S.A.) have also been reported to accelerate heal-
especially in a subgroup of ulcers of long
but more data are needed on cost-effect-
iveness, long-term results and recurrence rates.
transplanted allogeneic cells do not survive; eventually
they are replaced by the patients own broblasts and
keratinocytes, but the cell-seeded skin equivalents
induce a healing tendency, probably through cytokine
For about a decade now it has been
possible to culture an autologous dermalepidermal
skin equivalent from a small tissue specimen from the
patients upper leg, within 1421 days.
These grafts
will not be rejected, but the procedure is logistically
complicated and expensive.
Table 2. (Continued)
Clotting disorders
Factor V Leiden, lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin (antiphospholipid syndrome), disturbed brinolysis, factor XIII deciency
(may be associated with colitis ulcerosa), antithrombin III deciency, protein C or S deciency, Marcoumar necrosis, large haematoma,
purpura fulminans, diffuse intravasal coagulation
Metabolic diseases
Diabetes mellitus, necrobiosis lipoidica, porphyria cutanea tarda, gout, calciphylaxis, calcinosis cutis, homocysteinuria, prolidase deciency,
Ulcerating tumours
Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, metastasis, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, epithelioma (Marjolin
ulcer), lymphoma, leukaemia, cutaneous T-cell and B-cell lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, sarcoma, lymphosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma,
haemangiosarcoma, lymphangiosarcoma, Kaposi and pseudo-Kaposi sarcoma
Ulcerating skin diseases
Pyoderma gangrenosum, pemphigoid and other bullous diseases, panniculitis, periarteritis nodosa, erythema induratum (Bazin), malignant
atrophic papulosis (Degos), erythema exudativum multiforme, sarcoidosis, erythema elevatum diutinum, Behcet disease, cutaneous discoid
and systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, lichen planus, keratosis actinica, contact dermatitis, fat necrosis pancreatic fat necrosis,
trench foot, insect bites, lymphoedema, lipoedema, myxoedema, erythermalgia erythromelalgia, perniosis (chilblains), haemangioma,
StewartBluefarb syndrome
Drug reactions
Steroid ulcus (intralesional injection), vaccination ulcer (BCG), halogens, ergotamin, methotrexate, hydroxyureum, paravasal injection of
cytostatic and other drugs, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor
Corpus alienum, orthopaedic xation materials
Klinefelter syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis, Felty syndrome
Ulcus phagedenicum
Acro-osteopathia ulceromutilans (BureauBarrie`re)
Complement C3 deciency
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
TAP 1 mutation
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
Lower extremity arterial disease
The incidence of critical leg ischaemia is increas-
Risk factors for arteriosclerotic occlusion are
diabetes (four- to vefold increase of incidence of
peripheral vascular disease), smoking, hyperlipidaemia,
hypertension, obesity and age. Some inuencing of risk
factors is possible by education of the public, or by drug
therapy (antihypertensive drugs, antilipaemic agents,
transdermal nicotine, low-dose aspirin).
sclerotic occlusion usually affects the entire femoropo-
pliteal trajectory including important distal branches
(arteria peronea, tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior),
and may lead to extensive distal damage. It may also
affect only small-sized branches, leading to limited
infarction of skin and subcutaneous tissue with a
relatively good prognosis. The latter variant is not
detected by a routine vascular examination. Large
occlusions require surgical interventions, which may be
revascularization by means of bypasses using the
patients own veins or articial vein grafts, or by means
of intravascular procedures such as balloon dilatation
(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty), sometimes
combined with thrombolysis and the placement of
The average costs of a surgical intervention
for critical leg ischaemia, including all necessary meas-
ures to secure graft maintenance during a 5-year
follow-up period are US$35 00047 000.
ropopliteal vein grafts have higher patency rates than
femorocrural procedures.
Ideally, necrotic tissue can
be excised in the same operation session, and in some
cases, vascularized aps can be used to close the defects.
The efcacy of pharmacological treatment of existing
disease with vasoactive or anticoagulative drugs is
disappointing; antilipaemic agents are under investiga-
tion and may be useful. A future development, although
still in the experimental phase, may be intravascular
gene therapy with vascular endothelial growth factor,
which may induce collateral neovascularization in
inoperable ischaemic legs.
Among diabetic patients, 23% will develop a foot ulcer
each year, 15% will develop a foot ulcer during their
The average costs per case from ulcer
presentation to complete resolution may be 4730
10 930, and up to 20 80031 800 when amputation
is required.
In the classic diabetic foot, distal sensorimotor and
autonomic neuropathy is the major cause, often
combined with arterial insufciency caused by athero-
sclerotic occlusion of the tibioperoneal arteries, with
sparing of the pedal arteries.
6070% have neuropathy only, 1520% have periph-
eral vascular disease only, and 1520% have a mixture
of both.
The contribution of occlusive microvascular
disease in the aetiology of diabetic foot ulcers has not
been conrmed by histology, vascular casting or
vascular resistance studies and therefore seems to be
a misconception.
The frequency and severity of
wound infection is increased in diabetes, which may
be related to high glucose levels or impairment of
granulocytic function and chemotaxis.
In addition,
there seems to be prolonged inammation, impaired
neovascularization, decreased synthesis of collagen, an
abnormal pattern of synthesis of extracellular matrix
proteins, and decreased broblast proliferation.
The main principles of treatment are relief of any
pressure at the wound site, aggressive surgical debri-
dement, adequate control of infection (beware of
osteomyelitis), arterial reconstruction if necessary,
and strict control of glucose levels. Pressure relief
may be accomplished by total contact casting, which is
the most extensively studied technique,
shoes or bed rest. Debridement of devitalized tissue at
frequent intervals has been shown to heal neuropathic
ulcers more rapidly.
There are few data to support
the use of enzymatic or other non-surgical debridement
strategies. Mild infections can be treated with oral
antibiotics (e.g. ucloxacillin, clindamycin, amoxicil-
linclavulanate, cefalexin, ciprooxacin, or combina-
tions, such as clindamycin + ciprooxacin). Severe
infections may require high-dose intravenous antibiot-
ics (e.g. ceftazidime, imipenemcilastatin, piperacillin
tazobactam, vancomycin, ucloxacillin + gentamicin,
and many other combinations).
If the standard measures fail, some benet may be
derived from new therapeutic options such as recom-
binant human growth factors, bioengineered skin
dressings made of extracellular matrix
molecules such as collagen or hyaluronic acid, and a
variety of synthetic dressings.
Although there is no
evidence that any specic dressing type accelerates the
healing process,
the benecial effect of a moist wound
environment has been well established. Randomized
controlled clinical trials with growth factors in diabetic
ulcers have shown efcacy of topically applied platelet-
derived growth factor BB,
and granulocyte-colony
stimulating factor.
The main effect of biological skin
substitutes is to promote wound healing by stimulating
the host to produce various cytokines. Dermagraft

392 J . R. MEKKES et al.

2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
(Smith & Nephew, York, U.K.), a bioabsorbable polygl-
actin mesh seeded with cultured neonatal dermal
broblasts, induced healing in 50% of diabetic ulcers
after 8 weeks of treatment, vs. 77% in the control
however, no signicant differences in ulcer
recurrence rates were noted.

(Novartis), an
allogeneic bilayered cultured skin equivalent, applied
for 4 weeks, achieved complete wound healing at
12 weeks in 56% of patients with diabetic foot ulcers,
vs. 38% in the control group.
Recent research indicates that the incidence of both
vascular and neurological complications of diabetes
can be signicantly reduced when intensied insulin
therapy maintains blood glucose concentrations at
near-normal levels.
Signicant steps are underta-
ken towards fully automatic control of glucose levels by
an implantable articial pancreas.
Management of
dyslipidaemia also deserves attention, and nally,
patient education increases awareness of potential
hazards (pressure, minor skin trauma) and reduces
infection and ulcer recurrence.
Pressure ulcers develop when soft tissue is compressed
between a bony prominence and an external surface
for a prolonged period of time. Risk sites are the heel
and malleoli, followed by the sacral and trochanter
areas. It usually occurs in hospitalized patients that are
temporarily or permanently unable to change their
position due to circumstances such as general anaes-
thesia, sedation, coma, paresis spinal injury or frac-
tures. Additional risk factors are incontinence, bad
nutritional state, increased body temperature, diabetes,
peripheral arterial diseases and age.
Decubitus can
be divided into four stages, depending on the extent of
tissue damage: stage I, nonblanchable erythema; stage
II, partial thickness loss of skin layers (blister, abra-
sion); stage III, full thickness loss exposing subcuta-
neous fat (supercial ulcer); stage IV, exposed muscle
or bone (deep ulcer or necrosis).
The prevalence of pressure ulcers ranges from 68
146% in home care settings and 51156% in general
hospitals, to 2541% in geriatric nursing homes.
The costs generated by decubitus ulcers are enormous.
Rough estimates indicate that the annual costs of
pressure sore treatment in the U.K. are about 150
Obviously, maximum attention should be
given to preventive measures. It is generally recommen-
ded to have a decubitus protocol available to all staff
which contains a validated scale for risk assessment.
Depending on the risk assessment, preventive measures
can be taken varying from frequent inspection, general
measures to diminish pressure (spreading the body
weight over an area as large as possible), frequent
changes of position, and the use of special foam or air
chamber mattresses, low-air-loss systems or air-uid-
ized mattresses.
Ulcer treatment consists of surgical
removal of necrotic tissue, followed by the repeated
application of dressings (saline soaked gauzes, hydro-
gels, hydrocolloids and many others) that further
remove debris and induce granulation tissue formation.
Infectious diseases
Some microorganisms can cause tissue necrosis, such
as the notorious b-haemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes.
This bacteria causes a range of severe clinical symp-
toms varying from erysipelas, punched-out ulcers
(ecthyma), deep cellulitis, to fasciitis necroticans, sepsis
and multiorgan failure. Immediate high-dose antibiotic
treatment is necessary, with special attention to the
possibility of combined infections with Staphylococcus
aureus and anaerobic species.
All chronic wounds are secondarily contaminated
with bacteria, but in most cases, with the exception of
the microorganisms listed in Table 2, they are not of
pathogenetic importance. Wound cultures are often
routinely performed, but give only information about
the bacterial ora in the supercial layers. The decision
to prescribe systemic antibiotics should be based on the
combination of culture results and clinical criteria,
such as signs of infection (fever, erythema, calor). In
osteomyelitis, a common complication of neuropathic
ulcers, efforts should be made to obtain representative
cultures from the bone or deepest tissue layers, prior
to antibiotic treatment, which should be given in
high doses, preferably parenterally, and for at least
6 weeks.
The diagnosis has become easier after the
introduction of labelled leucocyte scanning and espe-
cially, magnetic resonance imaging.
Acquired immune deciency due to human immu-
nodeciency virus (HIV)-infection reintroduced ulcera-
tive conditions that were thought to be eradicated,
such as tertiary lues and ulcerating tuberculosis, and
may be associated with atypical, large ulcers caused by
herpes simplex or cytomegalovirus. In addition, bacil-
lary angiomatosis, caused by Rochalimae species, and
histoplasmosis must be included in the differential
diagnosis of ulcerations occurring in HIV disease.
Increased world travel has brought tropical ulcer-
ating infections to Western countries, especially
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
Leishmaniasis, but also atypical mycobacteria, ulcus
and deep mycotic infections.
Vasculitis denotes a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by inammatory vessel damage. Several
subdivisions can be made, based on vessel size (large
vessel, medium-sized, small vessel), inltrate type
(polymorphonuclear, mononuclear, granulomatous)
or clinical presentation.
Cutaneous vasculitis may
present as purpura, erythema, urticaria, noduli, bullae,
or skin infarction leading to ulceration. Cutaneous
ulceration is usually caused by medium-sized to small
vessel leucocytoclastic vasculitis.
Persistent or pro-
gressive ulceration due to histologically conrmed
vasculitis is an indication for immunosuppressive
Ulcerating vasculitis may be caused by antineutro-
phil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), autoantibodies
against antigens in neutrophils, such as myeloperoxi-
dase and proteinase 3 (PR3). Using indirect immuno-
uorescence techniques, ANCA can be detected in a
perinuclear pattern (often antimyeloperoxidase) or a
cytoplasmic pattern (often anti-PR3). They were rst
identied in Wegener granulomatosis, later also in
other types of small vessel vasculitis, now classied as
ANCA-associated vasculitides (Wegener disease, micro-
scopic polyarteritis, idiopathic glomerulonephritis and
ChurgStrauss syndrome).
Rare causes
Hypertension and ulcus hypertensivum Martorell
Hypertension is a known risk factor for atherosclerotic
occlusion. In addition, antihypertensive drugs (beta-
blockers) may interfere with wound healing due to
peripheral vasoconstriction.
A rare condition exists
called Martorell ulcer (Fig. 1), seen in patients with
prolonged, severe or suboptimally controlled hyper-
The ulceration is secondary to tissue
ischaemia caused by increased vascular resistance.
The ulcers are usually located at the lower limb,
above the ankle region, contain black necrosis and are
extremely painful. By denition, the distal arterial
pulsations are normal, and the diagnosis is made by
histological examination, which shows concentric
intima thickening and marked hypertrophy of the
media of small-sized and medium-sized arteries, and
by exclusion of other conditions that may cause
ulceration in this area. The differential diagnosis
consists of arteriosclerotic occlusion of small-sized
arteries, diabetic angiopathy, vasculitis, thromboem-
bolic occlusion (e.g. in atrial brillation) and pyoder-
ma gangrenosum. Treatment consists of reducing
hypertension, avoiding beta-blockers, adequate control
of pain, and local wound care.
Felty syndrome
Felty syndrome (Fig. 2), dened by the triad of rheu-
matoid arthritis, splenomegaly and neutropenia, is
associated with skin ulcers, probably caused by vascu-
litis. In general, the incidence of leg ulcers in rheuma-
toid arthritis is slightly increased.
In a minority of
patients the ulceration is caused by vasculitis; other
explanations are venous insufciency and dependency
(impairment of the venous pump caused by immobility
and ankle joint dysfunction), deformities, trauma,
ill-ttingshoes(pressure), neuropathy, coexistingarterial
insufciency or pyoderma gangrenosum.
If vasculitis
Figure 1. (a) Ulcus hypertensium (Martorell). (b) Histology: narrow
lumen and hypertrophy of the media of a small-sized artery (Elastica
van Gieson stain, original magnication 40).
394 J . R. MEKKES et al.
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
can be conrmed histologically, immunosuppressants
are indicated.
Raynaud phenomenon and scleroderma
Patients with Raynaud phenomenon or scleroderma
may develop painful ulcerations at the acra of the
ngers and toes. The exact pathogenesis is unknown,
but microvascular damage, associated with increased
serum levels of endothelial adhesion molecules and
endothelium-associated cytokines plays an important
In scleroderma, ulceration is more severe
(sometimes leading to gangrene and amputation of
digits) and may occur at other regions of the body.
Infection and osteomyelitis are common complications.
Treatment consists of preventive measures, local
wound care, antibiotics if necessary, and vasodilating
drugs such as nifedipine, angiotensin-converting en-
zyme inhibitors, or intravenous prostacyclin may be
Haematological disorders
Several forms of anaemia (sickle cell anaemia, thalas-
saemia, hereditary spherocytosis, glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deciency) have been associated with
lower leg ulceration. In sickle cell anaemia, an
increased number of activated endothelial cells has
been found in the circulation, and it is hypothesized
that an interaction between sickle cells and endothelial
cells causes increased expression of endothelial cell
adhesion molecules, which promotes thrombotic vaso-
In addition, in the other haematological
conditions (e.g. essential thrombocythaemia, throm-
botic thrombocytopenic purpura, polycythaemia, leuk-
aemia, dysproteinaemia), microvascular thrombosis is
the most likely pathogenetic factor.
Clotting disorders
Hypercoagulable disorders may cause ulceration, either
indirectly as a consequence of venous thrombosis, or
directly by thrombus formation in small arteries,
arterioles, capillaries or venules.
A growing num-
ber of hereditary or acquired conditions predisposing to
thrombosis have been identied (Table 2), such as the
antiphospholipid syndrome, deciency of antithrombin
III, protein C or protein S,
or abnormal clotting
factors (factor V Leiden, factor II mutant).
is not the laboratory abnormalities, but the specic
clinical picture that determines whether a patient
should be treated with anticoagulant drugs.
Combinations of vasculitis and clotting disorders
This combination (Figs 3 and 4) may be more frequent
than the current literature suggests. The two rare
conditions together predispose for necrosis. Vasculitis
damages the vascular wall, but does not always lead to
ulceration. An additional hypercoagulable state may
lead to extensive microvascular thrombi formation. For
factor V Leiden such a sequence of events is likely. The
vascular damage initiates the coagulation cascade,
prothrombin is converted to thrombin, and thrombin
activates factors V and VII. Coagulation is normally
controlled by circulating antithrombin III, and locally
by thrombomodulin, which is present on endothelial
cells and binds thrombin (Fig. 5). The thrombin
thrombomodulin complex activates protein C. Activa-
ted protein C (and protein S) inactivates factors Va and
VIIa, but the mutant factor V Leiden (
Q) is
resistant to inactivation by protein C. As a conse-
quence, the local protection mechanism against throm-
bosis does not work adequately.
Hydroxyurea ulcer
Hydroxyurea is a cytostatic drug used in chronic
myeloproliferative disorders. A rare complication is the
development of painful ulcers (Fig. 6), usually localized
on the malleoli.
The ulcers do not develop immedi-
ately; there may be an interval of 215 years between
the start of hydroxyurea treatment and the rst
ulceration. The ulcers are very therapy resistant, and
often it is necessary to discontinue hydroxyurea
Figure 2. Vasculitis ulcer in a patient with Felty syndrome.
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
Antiphospholipid syndrome
This rare syndrome is characterized by the presence of
circulating autoantibodies against phospholipid com-
pounds. It is associated with an increased risk for
venous or arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia and
habitual abortus. The cutaneous symptoms (ulceration,
livedo reticularis, acrocyanosis, Raynaud phenom-
enon, capillaritis and thrombophlebitis) can all be
explained by vascular thrombosis. The two most
frequently found antibodies are lupus anticoagulant
and anticardiolipin. The presence of lupus anticoagu-
lant (Fig. 7) is often accompanied by a prolonged
prothrombin time and activated partial thrombo-
plastin time, hence the confusing term anticoagulant,
but it is associated with an increased risk for throm-
Antiphospholipids have been found in a
growing number of diseases, especially autoimmune
diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune
thrombocytic purpura and haemolytic anaemia, rheu-
matoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, giant cell arteritis,
dermatomyositis, Behcet disease, polyarteritis nodosa),
malignancies, haematological disorders (myelobrosis,
von Willebrand disease, paraproteinaemia), infections
(lues, lepra, tuberculosis, mycoplasma, borreliosis, HIV,
endocarditis, hepatitis) and neurological disorders
(Sneddon syndrome, myasthenia gravis, multiple scler-
Many tumour types (Table 2), including metastases,
may present with skin ulceration as the rst symptom.
The two most frequent ulcerating tumours of the skin
are basal cell carcinoma (ulcus rodens) and squamous
cell carcinoma, which may occur anywhere on the
body, with a preference for sun-exposed skin. Malig-
nancies (predominantly squamous cell carcinoma,
sometimes brosarcoma) can also develop secondarily
in chronic leg ulcers, especially in ulcers of longer
Figure 3. (a) Leucocytoclastic vasculitis in combination with factor V
Leiden. (b) Histology: microvascular occlusion by platelet-rich
thrombi (CD61 staining for thrombocytes, original magnication
Figure 4. (a) Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody(myeloperoxidase)-
associated vasculitis combined with factor V Leiden. (b) Histology:
iron deposition and reactive angioendotheliomatosis (haematoxylin
and eosin, original magnication 40).
396 J . R. MEKKES et al.
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
duration, probably as a consequence of the continu-
ously increased cell division in and around the ulcer.
Ulcerating skin diseases
Several skin disorders present with ulceration as the
rst symptom (Table 2). The most impressive ulcer-
ating dermatosis is pyoderma gangrenosum, which is
often not recognized.
Pyoderma gangrenosum causes
deep necrotic ulcers, usually with an elevated viola-
ceous border, and the ulceration is progressive if left
untreated. It may be provoked by wounding the skin,
hence its occurrence around scars, anus praeter, and
donor sites used for grafting the original lesions. The
diagnosis is made on the clinical picture. The aetiology
is unknown; it is associated with colitis ulcerosa and
morbus Crohn, and many other internal diseases (arth-
ritis, paraproteinaemia, myeloma, leukaemia, polycyth-
aemia vera, paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria,
lupus erythematosus, malignancies, hepatitis, Wegener
granulomatosis, diabetes, SneddonWilkinson disease,
Behcet syndrome). Only treatment with sulphasalazine,
prednisone, ciclosporin or other immunomodulatory
drugs will stop the process.
In some skin diseases ulceration is a common
feature, e.g. vasculitis, panniculitis, periarteritis nodosa,
erythema induratum (Bazin),
malignant atrophic
in other conditions ulcer-
ation may occur, e.g. scleroderma, lichen planus,
necrobiosis lipoidica, insect bites, lymphoedema, lip-
oedema, erythromelalgia,
perniosis (chilblains), hae-
mangioma, StewartBluefarb syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY karyotype) is associated with
lower leg ulceration, mostly of venous origin. Recent
studies suggest that an increased level of plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 is involved in the pathogenesis.
Diagnostic approach in patients with leg ulcers
The localization may give the rst clue; venous leg
ulcers predominantly occur in the gaiter area, above
Figure 5. Schematic representation of the role of factor V Leiden in
vascular thrombosis. In leucocytoclastic vasculitis, endothelial cells
are damaged by leucocytes. The vascular damage initiates the co-
agulation cascade; prothrombin is converted to thrombin. Thrombin
activates factors V and VII. Activated factors V and VII further ac-
celerate the coagulation cascade, and a blood clot is formed. Coagu-
lation is normally controlled by circulating antithrombin III, and
locally by thrombomodulin, which is present in endothelial cells and
binds thrombin. The thrombinthrombomodulin complex activates
protein C. Activated protein C (APC) is able to inactivate factor V,
which will inhibit blood clot formation, but the mutant factor V
Leiden (
Q) is resistant to inactivation by protein C (APC
resistant) and will further induce the coagulation cascade. Conse-
quently, the local protection mechanism against thrombosis is not
working adequately.
Figure 7. Ulcers caused by lupus anticoagulant.
Figure 6. Necrotic ulcer on the medial malleolus caused by hydrea
2003 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 148, 388401
the malleoli, arterial ulcers at the toes, on the shin and
over pressure points, diabetic ulcers over pressure
points, especially the distal metatarsal joints.
insufciency can often be diagnosed without additional
vascular investigations, on the presence of typical skin
signs such as oedema, haemosiderin pigmentation,
hyperkeratosis and atrophie blanche.
Suspicion of arterial disease requires a routine
vascular work-up, starting with clinical examination,
palpation of arteries, assessment of skin colour and
temperature, and calculation of the ABPI for the
arteria dorsalis pedis and tibialis posterior. In healthy
subjects, the ABPI is around or above 10, but an
ABPI above 08 is still considered normal, and a safe
threshold to apply compression therapy in venous leg
ulcer patients.
An ABPI below 05 indicates
arterial insufciency.
If high systolic pressures are
measured, one should consider the possibility that
the arteries are difcult to compress due to calcium
deposits. This can make the ABPI unreliable.
Toe pressure and transcutaneous oxygen pressure
measurement, Duplex scanning and nally, diagnostic
angiography, can complete the vascular work-up. A
new diagnostic method is magnetic resonance angi-
Diabetes is readily detected by routine laboratory
investigations, which in the case of ulcer patients
should include serum glucose (and, if elevated,
), cholesterol andtriglycerides, iron, haemoglobin,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and differential leu-
cocyte counts. In the case of diabetes, neuropathy
may be assessed by measuring the thresholds for
perception of vibration (using a biothesiometer) and
light touch (using SemmesWeinstein monola-
ments). And, although not as sensitive as MRI, plain
radiography of bones suspected for osteomyelitis is
An irregular border, black necrosis, erythema or
bluish or purple discoloration of adjacent skin are
suggestive for vasculitis. Histological examination of a
skin specimen, taken from vital skin adjacent to the
ulcer can conrm the diagnosis. Numerous specialized
staining techniques are available to detect vascular
pathology, microorganisms, malignancies, dermatolog-
ical disorders or (metabolic) storage diseases. Therefore
the pathologist should receive detailed information
about the clinical problem and the differential options
that are still open. If vasculitis is suspected, additional
laboratory investigations (Table 3) should be per-
formed to identify underlying disorders associated with
Clinical signs of a hypercoagulable state, such as
repeated thrombophlebitis or unexplained thrombosis
at young age, are an indication for screening for
clotting disorders (Table 4). Whether all patients with
skin necrosis caused by vasculitis should be screened
routinely for hypercoagulability needs to be further
documented in larger patient series. It seems wise to
consider the possibility of its existence, and this also
pertains to the other relatively rare conditions listed in
Table 2.
In interpreting Table 2, one should realize that the
majority (9095%) of ulcers are venous, arterial,
diabetic, or of mixed aetiology, and that the other
conditions are rare. They should be taken into
consideration only if an ulcer cannot be categorized
under one of the common causes (Table 1), or fails to
respond to adequate treatment, or in case of addi-
tional suggestive clinical signs or laboratory abnor-
With good knowledge of the large differential
diagnosis of leg ulceration, and with the efforts and
the specialized skills of all specialities involved, the
expanding diagnostic and technical possibilities, and
the enormous arsenal of wound care products
available to us, including the new biotechnology-
based products such as cultured skin and growth
factors, it should be possible to overcome or at least
control the burden of leg ulceration in our ageing
Table 3. Laboratory screening tests for vasculitis
Urine analysis for proteinuria, haematuria, cylindruria
Routine and immunohistopathology of skin biopsies
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, haemoglobin, differential blood
count, kidney and liver function
Antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor
Complement C4, circulating immune complexes
Paraproteins, immunoglobulin fractions
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
Serological tests and cultures for underlying infections
Table 4. Laboratory screening tests for clotting disorders
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Prothrombin time
Thrombin time
Factor V (Leiden) mutation (
Factor II (prothrombin) mutation (
Antithrombin III
Protein C and protein S
Lupus anticoagulant
398 J . R. MEKKES et al.
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