Metal spinning has evolved from ancient pottery techniques using manually powered wheels into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing process. Modern metal spinning machines can be programmed in playback or CNC mode to produce complex parts out of various materials. The document discusses the history and various methods of metal spinning, including multi-pass spinning, reducing, and shear forming. It outlines the benefits such as flexibility, automation, and cost reductions that metal spinning provides over other forming methods.
Metal spinning has evolved from ancient pottery techniques using manually powered wheels into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing process. Modern metal spinning machines can be programmed in playback or CNC mode to produce complex parts out of various materials. The document discusses the history and various methods of metal spinning, including multi-pass spinning, reducing, and shear forming. It outlines the benefits such as flexibility, automation, and cost reductions that metal spinning provides over other forming methods.
Original Description:
Rapidly rotated, metal forming process can produce a wide variety of shapes.
Metal spinning has evolved from ancient pottery techniques using manually powered wheels into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing process. Modern metal spinning machines can be programmed in playback or CNC mode to produce complex parts out of various materials. The document discusses the history and various methods of metal spinning, including multi-pass spinning, reducing, and shear forming. It outlines the benefits such as flexibility, automation, and cost reductions that metal spinning provides over other forming methods.
Metal spinning has evolved from ancient pottery techniques using manually powered wheels into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing process. Modern metal spinning machines can be programmed in playback or CNC mode to produce complex parts out of various materials. The document discusses the history and various methods of metal spinning, including multi-pass spinning, reducing, and shear forming. It outlines the benefits such as flexibility, automation, and cost reductions that metal spinning provides over other forming methods.
ning encompasses some of the ol dest known methods of reshaping materials, derived from the ancient Egyptian art of potting on a wheel. The rapidly rotating, manually powered potters wheel, in use some 3000 years before the birth of Christ, provided the basis for the art of spin- ning. Metal-spinning machines have been bui l t for more than 75 years. Development led from hand spinning in thick-walled workpieces. To com- plete this range of work, the machinery must provide high spindle-drive capac- ities, large longitudinal and transverse slide thrust and high forming speeds. In addition, such machinery must be sim- ple to handle and capable of changeover within a short period of time. Top-of-the-line spinning machines go further. They must be programma- ble in playback mode, online or offline CNC mode, or even in combination playback with CNC subroutine. In playback mode, the first part in a run is manually spun by the operator via joystick and potentiometer. Since human bei ngs show a ti me del ay between optical perception and manu- Metal spinning and its spinoffs have evolved into high-tech computerized manufacturing processes. Hans Palten is president and Dirk Palten is vice president of Leifeld USA Metal Spinning, Inc.Machinery Manu- facturer, San Pedro, CA; tel. 310/832- 8183; BY HANS PALTEN AND DI RK PALTEN From Ancient Art to High-Tech Industry M ETAL S PINNING lathes, to hydraulic spinning machines, to template-controlled machines and, fi nally, to todays modern playback/ CNC-controlled heavy-duty spinform- ing machines. Now, for example, metal- spi nni ng machi nes wi th combi ned playback and CNC controls (Fig. 1), may cost effectively produce one-off parts out of platinum or huge quantities of aluminum reflectors. Hardier & More Sophisticated A reliable, modern spinning machine must possess a certain mass in order to guarantee stability. This mass ensures vibration-free operation when produc- ing light-gauge parts at high speed, and enables very tight repeatable tolerances 3 0 METALFORMI NG / SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 2 www.metal formi ngmagazi al reaction, the first part can be spun at relatively small feed-rate speeds. The cont rol stores numerous machi ne movements, i ncludi ng all necessary additional functions such as profiling, machi ni ng and cutti ng, duri ng pro- duction of that first part. If the part meets all requirements, the stored-program speed of the part can be increased to the maximum speed allowed by the materi al bei ng used. Program opti mi zati on i s performed either onlinedirectly on the machine or with offline software. A Cost-Effective Process Metal spinning and shear forming (single-forward-pass spinning) boast cost effectiveness through combination of the two techni ques (Fi g. 2) and through the range of secondary forming or machining operations that can be carried out in the same setup. Com- pared to methods such as pressing and deep drawing, spinning and shear form- ing involve lower forces and require less power. As a result, equipment is cost-effectively engineered. In contrast to punches and dies, spinning tools usually only a mandrel with the contour of the inside of the final partare inex- pensive. Metal spinning also boasts flexibili- ty. Changes in job processing are made through online or offline program edit- ing. In addition, the simplicity of mod- ern spinning equipment ensures that operators can modify tooling simply and rapidly at a minimum cost. The process can produce a wide vari- ety of shapes, providing virtually unlim- ited opportunities for part designers as well as for new applications. Especially where re-entrant shapes are involved, the desi gner has many opti ons that would be impossible to duplicate with other competitive methods. And equip- ment manufacturers, through ongoing work to opti mi ze equi pment and processes, are achi evi ng ever hi gher quality standards for spun parts. Benefits available to users of modern Fig. 1 A modern playback/CNC- controlled spinforming machine can produce parts of various materials in varying volumes. Such machines cost-effectively produce prototypes or huge quantities of parts. Fig. 2 This part was produced using two processes: shear forming for the conical section and spinning for the cylindrical section. Fig. 3 I n multi-pass spinning, a disc blank or preform is clamped against a chuck by the machine tailstock and rotated by the drive motor. The spinning roller, on a two-axis compound slide, makes a series of sweeping motions, progressively forming the metal onto the chuck. www.metal formi ngmagazi METALFORMI NG / SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 2 3 1 spin-forming equipment include: high flexibility, increased level of automation, optimum grain flow, very low risk of crack propagation, high mechanical strength and hard- ness, cost reductions through high mate- rial yield, variety of operations possible in one setup and favorable cycle times. Whatever the application, spinning and shear forming offer attractive cost benefits. These benefits apply to pro- duction of one-offs and prototypes as well as to small to medium runs and, for certain part applications, high-volume manufacturing. Spinning Methods Multi-pass spinning. Here, a disc blank or pre-form is clamped against a chuck by the machi ne tai lstock and rotated by the drive motor (Fig. 3). The spi nni ng roller, on a two-axi s com- pound slide, is programmed to make a series of sweeping motions, progres- sively forming the metal onto the chuck. Auxiliary slides and/or tool changers carry out finishing operations such as profiling, machining, edge trimming, curling, beading and flanging. Reducing (Necking).Often referred to as spi nni ng on ai r because i t requi res no i nternal support, thi s process involves re-entrant shapes where form and finish are secondary (see Fig. 4). For hi gher part quali ty or when Fig. 5 With shear forming, conical, concave and convex parts are produced in a single pass. The diameter of the open end of the cone corresponds to the initial diameter of the disc blank, and deliberate wall thinning takes place as a direct function of the angle of the cone. This process features extremely short cycle times. Fig. 4 Reducing, or necking, is a process often referred to as spinning on air because most of the time it requires no internal support. I n the case of the diagram at the top left, the preform is clamped externally in a retaining chuck. Metal Spinning 3 2 METALFORMI NG / SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 2 www.metal formi ngmagazi using internal segmented tooling, the process can employ an eccentrically mounted internal roller. Shear forming. I n thi s metal - forming variant, metal is volumetri- cally displaced in an axial plane (Fig. 5). In a single pass, conical, concave and convex parts are produced where- by the diameter of the open end of the cone corresponds to the initial di ameter of the di sc bl ank. Thi s process features extremely short cycle times (Fig. 6). Deliberate wall thinning occurs as a direct function of the angle of the cone. The reduction in wall thick- ness follows the formula: S1 = So x sine where S1 = wall thickness of finished part So = blank thickness = shear angle (see Fig. 7). Shear forming is ideal for conical, concave and convex hollow parts with symmetri cal contours wi thi n shear angles from 12 to 80 deg. Shear forming offers a remarkable increase in part strength due to cold working. During forming the material displaces axially. Knowledge of the plas- tic behavior, therefore, is an elemen- tary requi rement i n shear formi ng. Material strength resulting from plastic deformation often is seen as a design improvement. For example, when shear forming a part with a 30-deg. angle, cold-work hardening is responsible for strengthening 16-gauge mild steel mate- ri al the same structural strength of 11-gauge mild steel. In this example, about 50 percent of material can be saved in the shear-formed cone area. Besides such material savings, shear- formed parts can be produced within rapid cycle times and with ideal surface finishes. Designers early on should determine if a part will be produced through multi-pass spinning or shear forming. Flexible Production and Rapid Setup Times Over the past three decades, spin- ning, with its use of playback/CNC spinning machines, has become high- ly competitive with pressing and deep drawi ng. Advantages of spi nni ng include flexible production, relatively low tooling costs, rapid and economical adjustments to tooling and programs, and short set-up times. By selecting from a range of auxi l i ar y machi ne attachments, the latest-generation spin- ning machine becomes a versatile spin- ning center. Modern machi nes are si mpl e to operate and can carry out, in a single cycle, multi ple operati ons i ncludi ng planishing, profiling, curling, beading, seaming, trimming and machining. When desi gni ng new producti on parts, keep in mind the different spin- ning methods, especially shear forming, which offers cold-work-hardening advan- tages, material savings, ideal surface fin- ishes and rapid cycle times. MF P P' So S 1 So P' P So So S 1 P P' So So P' P Fig. 7 I n shear forming, the reduction in wall thickness follows the following formula: S1 = So x sine ; where S1 = wall thickness of finished part, So = blank thickness and = shear angle. P and P show how the material shifts in the process. Shear forming is ideal for conical, concave and convex hollow parts with symmetrical contours within shear angles from 1 2 to 8 0 deg. Fig. 6 This 1 5 -in. -dia. 9 -in. -deep copper cone was produced, via shear forming, in 4 8 sec. from a flat blank. Forming of the cylindrical area and the beading operation occurred in the same cycle. Multi-pass spinning this part would require a cycle time of 2 min. Metal Spinning 3 4 METALFORMI NG / SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 2 www.metal formi ngmagazi