On Monday When It Rained

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The document discusses using the book 'On Monday When It Rained' to talk about feelings and emotions with children. It provides several activity ideas to engage children in discussions about feelings and promote their social and emotional development.

Some activities suggested include having children talk about how the events in the story make them feel, sharing times they felt certain emotions, making a feelings collage, acting out the story's emotions, and more.

'On Monday When It Rained' is a book that addresses feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, pride, fear, anger, excitement and loneliness through the experiences of a boy over the course of a week.

On Monday When It Rained

By Cherryl Kachenmeister
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989
On Monday When It Rained is a great book for talking about feel-
ings and emotions. The story is about a boy and what happens to
him every day for a week. Each day, based on what happens, the
boy talks about how it makes him feel. The pictures are very
expressive and label a range of feelings and emotions (disap-
pointed, embarrassed, proud, scared, angry, excited, lonely).
(Ages 3-8)
Examples of activities that can be used while reading On Monday When it Rained
and throughout the day to promote social and emotional development:
While reading the story, pause after each of the days events and ask the children how they
think they would feel if that happened to them.
While reading the story, have children talk about times that they felt disappointed, embar-
rassed, proud, scared, angry, excited or lonely. Also talk about times when you felt disappoint-
ed, embarrassed, proud, scared, angry, excited or lonely.
Give each child a small hand held mirror and have them make faces representing the feelings
as the little boy expresses different emotions in the story.
Make a feelings collage by cutting pictures of different faces out of magazines and gluing
them and other items such as sequins, glitter, etc.
Since the story is about one child, the pictures of the feeling faces are not very diverse. Take
pictures of all the children in the classroom making faces that show different feelings (disap-
pointed, proud, embarrassed, scared, angry, excited and lonely). Make a new On Monday
When it Rained bookwith the pictures showing the children in the classroom.
Use the same idea as above (taking pictures of children making faces to show different feel-
ings), but have the children make up their own story. They can expand and add pictures show-
ing more emotions and feelings than those in the story.
Have the children make a mural of things that make them feel disappointed, proud, embar-
rassed, scared, angry, excited and lonely.
Reading the same book for several days in a row is a great way to provide opportunities for
infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to develop a sense of competence and confidence, which is
an important part of social and emotional development. They become able to turn pages, point
at and label pictures, talk about the story, predict what will happen next, learn new vocabulary
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Using Books to Support Social Emotional Development
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Child Care
Office of
Head Start
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words, talk about their own experiences in relation to the story and even make up their own
story! Try reading On Monday When it Rained for several days in a row and use some of the
ideas, activities, and teaching opportunities listed below to enhance social and emotional skills.
Ask if anyone remembers what happened to the little boy in the book when it rained. How did it
make him feel when it rained? Ask how they feel when it rains. What do they like to do when it
rains? Have there been times when they felt happy when it rained or disappointed or sad? What was
happening when they felt this way Sometimes rain can make you happy or sad! What does it sound
like when it rains? Have a coffee can (with a lid) that has been filled with rice or rice on a pie tin.
Shake the can or tin and ask if it sounds like rain. Have other instruments so children can make rain
sounds (cymbals or cookie sheets for thunder, or wood blocks and stickscan also tap fingers on the
floor to sound like rain, rub hands together, pat legs, stomp feet for thunder). Children can chant:
Rain, rain go away.
Come again another day
We want to go outside and play.
Rain, rain go away!
Art: Let each child color coffee filters with magic markers. Place the filters on newspaper. Use a
spray bottle containing clear water and have each child gently spray (rain on) the coffee filter.
Watch how the colors blend together and form new colors. Allow filters to dry. As the children are
making their filters, ask how they think the boy in the book would feel if he got to make rain filters.
Remind them that he was disappointed when it rained- do you think this would make him happy or
would he still be disappointed because he couldnt go outside?
Make-Believe: Put 4 or 5 items in a paper sack that are related to rain. Possible items might
include an umbrella, a sponge, a towel, a raincoat, boots, and a toy boat. Tell the children that they
are going to create a story about rain (using all of the items in the bag) and how rain makes them
feel. Let a child pull an item out of the sack and have everyone label the item. After all of the items
have been removed and labeled, brainstorm as a group how the rain story should begin. If needed
provide some suggestions for beginning the story that the children can choose from or modify. Write
the beginning sentence on a piece of chart paper. Then take turns letting each child add a sentence
to the story that includes something about one of the items that was pulled from the bag, what they
might do with that item in the rain and how it might make them feel. After each child has had a
chance to contribute at least one sentence, read the story aloud.
Science: Have materials for children to make a daily weather log. Children can draw rain, sun, snow,
etc.. for the log. There should also be a space on the weather log to report how the weather makes
you feel. Children can draw faces (happy, sad, excited, etc...) for the log. As children are making the
weather log, have conversations about the little boy in the book and how he felt when it was raining
outside. Ask the children how they think he would feel if it was snowing outside? When the weather
chart is finished, it can be used on a daily basis during large group time to discuss the weather as
well as how the weather makes everyone feel!
Ask the children if they remember what happened when the
boy went to his cousin Janies house (she wouldnt let him play with her new dump truck!). How
did that make him feel? Ask the children what it mean to share? Discuss sharing and ask how they
feel when friends wont share with them. Ask for examples of when they have shared with their
friends. Provide a snack such as a graham cracker square that can easily be broken into two pieces.
Give a graham cracker square to every other child. Discuss how some children do not have a gra-ham
cracker and how the child with the graham cracker can share with the child next to him. Then
have the child with the graham cracker break it into two pieces and share it with the child next to
Sing the Sharing Song to the tune of Skip To My Lou. They can continue to sing this song through-out
the day as they share toys, crayons, etc during the day just change the word for cracker to
match whatever they are sharing!
Share, share, share your crackers
Share, share, share your crackers
Share, share, share your crackers
Share your crackers today!
Or use the sharing rhyme (Spark, 2001) or make up your own song/rhyme!
If you dont want to give what you have to a bear!
Just look for a friend and share, share, share
Sharing with a friend lets them know that you care,
So look for a friend and share, share, share!
Music/Movement: Share space. Use carpet squares, hula-hoops, or make circles or squares on the floor
with masking tape. There should be fewer carpet squares than children. Explain that the chil-dren will
move around to music but when the music stops - everyone will find a carpet square to stand on and
share with other children. Show the children how several people can be on one carpet square together
at the same time. They will share the carpet square. Play music and encourage the children to move to
the music (they can also sing share, share, share your square as they move to the music!). Stop the
music and tell the children to find a carpet square to stand on. Remind them that more than one child
will be on a square, they will need to share the space! Remove one of the carpet squares and again play
a segment of music. When the music is stopped, each child shares a carpet square. Continue to remove
a carpet square each time until there is only one carpet square (if you have a big enough space to have
a huge square!) or 2 or 3 carpet squares left and all of the chil-dren share the same space. Make sure
the squares are big enough to hold all of the children!
Art: Have several cardboard boxes for the children to make a train together. They can decorate the
boxes and then put them together like a train (or any other object that might be interesting to them).
You could also tie this back to the story when the boy talks about a zoo. They could put stuffed zoo ani-
mals in their train and ride them around the room. Have limited supplies available to support children
in sharing the materials as they make their train together. Talk about sharing while the chil-dren are
building and decorating their train. Provide specific comments or praise when children share. Ask how it
makes them feel when they have to wait to use the object that they want. What are some other things
they can do while they wait their turn and share the materials (work on anoth-er part of the box, use
crayons while they wait for the markers, make streamers for the train, etc.)? Talk about how sometimes
it is really hard to share!!
Book Nook
Sand (water) Table: Have sand in the water table and dump trucks or any materials where the chil-
dren can scoop the sand and dump it out. Explain that they are going to play dumping sand like Janie
did in the story. Have limited items so children have to share. Talk about the story and how the boy
felt when his cousin didnt share. Ask why they think she didnt share her new dump truck. Explain
that it is sometimes hard to share new toys when you havent had a chance to play with them yet.
Ask what they think they might have done. Would they have shared their new toy with the boy?
Ask children if they remember what happened to the little boy when he drank his milk really fast
before he ate his cookies (he burped and was embarrassed!).
Share a time when you did something that embarrassed you. Ask if there have been times when they
felt embarrassedwhat was happening? What kinds of cookies do they think the boy liked best?
What are their favorite cookies? Ask the children if they feel sad, disappointed, angry or happy when
they get to eat cookies.
Have the children sit in a circle on the floor (some cookies are shaped like a circle too!). Play an
adaptation of the "Hot Potato" game. As music plays, pass a cookie (not a real cookieplay cookie
from housekeeping or round construction paper cookie) from child to child around the circle. Stop the
music and the child holding the cookie when the music stops names her favorite cookie. Repeat until
all the children have at least one opportunity to name their favorite cookies.
Everyone can sing this song as they pass the cookie around to the tune of Skip to My Lou. As
each child says their favorite cookiechange the last verse of the song (chocolate chip, peanut but-
ter, oatmeal, oreos, etc.)
Cookies. cookies, make me happy!
Cookies. cookies, make me happy!
Cookies. cookies, make me happy!
I like chocolate chip!
Art: Make cookies out of play dough. Provide scissors, cookie cutters, and tools to make imprints in
the play dough. Encourage the children to decorate their cookies with different feeling faces by mak-
ing imprints in the dough or adding small pieces of play dough to the top of the cookie. Talk about
the book and the boy as they make their feeling faces. Ask what feelings they are making and why.
Make-believe: Make no-bake cookies and share (remind them when you talked about sharing yes-ter-
day!) them with everyone in the class (No-Bake Oatmeal Cookies, Butterscotch Haystacks, Peanut
Butter Balls, Cathedral Windows). Add sprinkles or other candies to make feeling faces on the cook-
ies. Talk about feelings as children mix cookies, etc. Ask how it makes them feel to make cookies? To
eat cookies? To share their cookies?
Ask the children if they remember what the movie was about that the boy watched with his sister
(big monster ate a whole buildingthe monster was green and had a long tail and scales!). Remind
them that his sister tried to tell him that monsters arent really realbut how did the monsters
make him feel (scared!)? Ask how stories or movies about monsters make them feel? Have children
share movies or stories that they have read about monsters and how it made them feel. Refer back to
any books that you have read in class that had a monster. Talk about being scared and what that feels
like. What kinds of things are scary to them? What do they do when they are scared?
Book Nook
Music/Movement: (Walk like monsters). Have the children create a name for 2 or 3 different mon-
sters using feeling words (Hank the Happy Monster, Allie the Angry Monster, Lulu the Lonely
Monster, etc.). Then brainstorm together how each monster might move. For example, Hank the
Happy Monster might skip around and jump for joy, while Allie the Angry monster might move by
stomping her feet and raising her arms above her head! Then create a game by saying that the chil-
dren will move like the monsters you name. When you call out the name of one of the monsters, the
children will move like that monster. Change the way the children move by calling out the name of a
different monster. Give verbal reminders as needed to help them remember how to move for each
monster. You might want to play "monster" background music while the game is played.
Art: (Create a feeling monster). Let each child make a monster by using a paper cup or
toilet/paper towel tubes and attaching various items to it such as yarn, buttons, pipe cleaner, dried
beans, pom poms, pieces of paper, ribbon, rick rack, etc. Have children make feeling faces on their
monsters disappointed, embarrassed, proud, scared, angry, excited, lonely. Children can give their
monsters a feeling name!
The children may be able to tell the story or act out the story (different children make faces to show
how the boy was feel-ing and see if the other children can guess). You could also have them read
their books if they made books with pictures of everyone in the class! Ask the children if they
remember the different feelings that the boy felt as things happened to him during the week. Talk
about the fact that feelings change all the time! We might come to school feeling a little lonely
because we really didnt want Dad to leave to go to work that day, but then someone might share a
favorite toy with us and we wouldnt be lonely any more we would be excited! How did they feel
when they came to school /childcare this morning? Do they still feel the same way or have their feel-
ings changed. Sing, If Youre Happy and You Know It with all the different emotion and feeling
words that you have talked about during the week (ex. if youre proud and you know it, stand up
tall!, if youre scared and you know it, get some help, HEEELLLPPP!)
Art: Make a feelings collage by cutting pictures of different faces out of magazines and gluing
them and other items such as sequins, glitter, etc., or make a mural of things that make them feel
disappointed, proud, embarrassed, scared, angry, excited and lonely.
Music/Movement: Play a game like musical chairs only no one is eliminated. Place chairs in a cir-
cle. Make animal tags using pictures of zoo animals that children can hang around their neck (refer
back to the book when the boy drew pictures of animals in the zoo his teacher said his picture
looked just like the elephant she saw at the zoo last summer and that made him feel proud!). For
each animal tag have an identical tag to place on a chair. Allow children to select the animal tag
they want to wear. Be sure each tag selected also has a tag (picture of the animal) taped to the seat
or back of a chair. Have the children move around the chairs to music. When the music stops, each
child sits on the chair that has a picture of a zoo animal that matches the zoo animal on the tag they
are wearing. Have the children name the animals. Continue to play the game encouraging children
to switch tags so they have an opportunity to match various animals. Encourage children to move
like various animals (crawl or wiggle like a snake, walk tall and move like a giraffe, move fast (on
four legs) like a lion, move like a elephant swaying your arms back and forth, hop like a kangaroo,
etc.). Play music that sounds happy, sad, etc and get them to move to the music based on the
sound. Talk about feelings as they move. Ask why they are moving like they are to happy music, sad
music, lonely music, etc
This book nook was developed by Tweety Yates
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