This document discusses monitoring carryover at brownstock washers in pulp mills. It begins by explaining that brownstock washers recover cooking chemicals and optimize their performance affects both financial and environmental success. The target carryover of saltcake from washers to the bleach plant is typically 5 to 15 kg per tonne of pulp. While carryover of dissolved organics is more detrimental, saltcake is usually measured instead due to lack of sensors. The document then examines using conductivity to monitor carryover online and control washers more effectively. It reviews research on developing control strategies to minimize carryover and implementing multi-variable control improved cleanliness and stability. Overall, increasing the last brownstock washer's dilution factor from 2.3 to 4
This document discusses monitoring carryover at brownstock washers in pulp mills. It begins by explaining that brownstock washers recover cooking chemicals and optimize their performance affects both financial and environmental success. The target carryover of saltcake from washers to the bleach plant is typically 5 to 15 kg per tonne of pulp. While carryover of dissolved organics is more detrimental, saltcake is usually measured instead due to lack of sensors. The document then examines using conductivity to monitor carryover online and control washers more effectively. It reviews research on developing control strategies to minimize carryover and implementing multi-variable control improved cleanliness and stability. Overall, increasing the last brownstock washer's dilution factor from 2.3 to 4
This document discusses monitoring carryover at brownstock washers in pulp mills. It begins by explaining that brownstock washers recover cooking chemicals and optimize their performance affects both financial and environmental success. The target carryover of saltcake from washers to the bleach plant is typically 5 to 15 kg per tonne of pulp. While carryover of dissolved organics is more detrimental, saltcake is usually measured instead due to lack of sensors. The document then examines using conductivity to monitor carryover online and control washers more effectively. It reviews research on developing control strategies to minimize carryover and implementing multi-variable control improved cleanliness and stability. Overall, increasing the last brownstock washer's dilution factor from 2.3 to 4
This document discusses monitoring carryover at brownstock washers in pulp mills. It begins by explaining that brownstock washers recover cooking chemicals and optimize their performance affects both financial and environmental success. The target carryover of saltcake from washers to the bleach plant is typically 5 to 15 kg per tonne of pulp. While carryover of dissolved organics is more detrimental, saltcake is usually measured instead due to lack of sensors. The document then examines using conductivity to monitor carryover online and control washers more effectively. It reviews research on developing control strategies to minimize carryover and implementing multi-variable control improved cleanliness and stability. Overall, increasing the last brownstock washer's dilution factor from 2.3 to 4
By B. Richardson BROWNSTOCK WASHI NG Pulp & Paper Canada T 144 106:6 (2005) 43 ROWNSTOCK washers are used to recov- er cooking chemicals from the prod- uct pulp. They constitute an important operation in the kraft chemical-recov- ery system as optimization of washer performance affects both the financial and envi- ronmental success of a pulp mill. Minimization of carry-over to the bleach plant reduces both bleach- ing chemical costs and organic material in the bleach plant effluent. Brownstock washing effi- ciency is usually measured by measuring soda or saltcake loss or the COD carryover into the bleach plant. The operating target for saltcake carryover in most kraft mills is 5 to 15 kg of washable saltcake per tonne of pulp from the last brownstock wash- ing stage to the bleach plant, regardless of whether or not the mill operates an oxygen delignification reactor. The correlation between black liquor solids (BLS) loss and saltcake losses in a conven- tional mill is 1.5 to 1.75 kg BLS/kg of saltcake loss from the brownstock washers [1]. This relation- ship is reduced to 1.0 to 1.25 kg BLS/kg saltcake following an oxygen stage [1]. Targets for washing efficiency are generally based on saltcake losses rather than on carryover of dissolved organics, even though the detrimen- tal effects of organic carryover on viscosity, delig- nification efficiency, chemical consumption and organochlorine formation in the bleach plant are well recognized [2]. This practice is historical. It continues because simple, robust sensors are not available to monitor the carryover of dissolved organics [3]. A means to monitor such variables as TOC or COD, carried in the filtrate leaving with the pulp mat from a washer, or some other parameter that would predict bleach plant chem- ical consumption, is necessary for effective wash- ing control in modern mills with generally good washing efficiency. To address environmental impacts, BOD5, COD, and colour are the impor- tant parameters to consider or monitor. From a bleaching chemical demand perspective, COD, BLS and soda loss are most important. From a chemical recovery perspective, BLS and soda loss are most important. The last two variables can be measured indirectly using the conductivity of the filtrate carried with the washed pulp stock. Con- ductivity can, therefore, be used to control brownstock washer efficiency. Conductivity is a simple, quick test to perform manually. It can also be measured in real time with an in-line sensor, and the collected data stored and analyzed in the mills control system. Several researchers have simulated the dynamic behaviour of a brownstock-washing system in order to develop automatic process control strategies that minimize the carryover of dissolved organics and inorganics to the bleach plant [4-7]. Implementa- tion of a multi-variable control strategy for filtrate tank level control on a series of brownstock washers improved the cleanliness of the washed pulp and reduced variations in carryover [8]. This strategy was implemented using cascade feed-forward con- trollers on shower flows to eliminate interactions between filtrate tanks and new tuning rules for shower and tank level controllers [8]. The new tun- ing rules for the PI controllers were particularly successful in eliminating process oscillations and improving process stability. For effective washing control, it is necessary to analyse the filtrate carried in the washed pulp mat in order to eliminate the long lag times associat- ed with seal tanks. A simple filtrate sampler insert- ed below the repulping screw has been used to obtain filtrate samples [3], but it has also been found to be inadequate when washed pulp dis- charge consistencies are higher than 10-12%. We have identified, therefore, a commercial sampler capable of handling high-consistency pulp (up to 15%), while still extracting a representative fil- trate sample from the pulp mat. This report looks at the economic impacts that brownstock washing has on the other areas of the mill using a case study for one mill. The approach and analyses used are based on a paper by Compton [9]. MILL DATA FOR CASE STUDY The procedure outlined in the paper by Comp- ton [9] was incorporated into a spreadsheet pro- gram that performed all the calculations and pro- duced the necessary graphs to determine the optimum dilution factor for the brownstock wash- ers. Comptons method analyses the effects of varying the shower water flowrate on the last brownstock washer to determine the economic effects on mill operations. The amount of shower water applied on the last washer is used to calcu- B. RICHARDSON, Paprican, Prince George, BC B Abstract: Brownstock-washing efficiency affects bleach plant chemical consumption as well as the load to the chemical recovery area. We investigated the effects of the dilution factor on mill oper- ating costs with the aid of spreadsheet calculations to identify the optimum dilution factor. A study of one mills washing operation showed that increasing the dilution factor on the last brownstock washer from 2.3 to 4.2 yields a saving of about $1 million/yr for a 700-tpd kraft pulp mill. late the amount of steam required to raise the filtrate tempera- ture and for evaporation in the multiple effect evaporators. From a curve of washing efficiency versus dilution factor, one can determine black liquor solids lost to bleach plant sewers. The loss of black liquor solids to the bleach plant is then used to calculate the amount of chemicals required for make-up and bleaching, the additional BOD load on the effluent treatment system and the fuel value of the lost organics for the production of steam. Table I lists the data provided by a Canadian mill, which allowed an economic analysis of the brownstock system. A generic Cadsim model of the fibreline was used to determine the current dilution factor1. Table II lists the assumed data used to complete the economic analysis. The case study mills brown fibreline consists of a chip bin, Kamyr digester, atmospheric diffuser, knotters, two brownstock drum washers, an open screen room and a brown decker. The flow of wash liquor is counter-current to the pulp stream, start- ing at the brown decker with a mixture of fresh hot water and condensate. Filtrate from this decker is used on showers of the last brownstock washer and so on to the first brownstock drum washer, and then to the atmospheric diffuser. The computer model determined that the case study mill is currently operating the last brownstock washer at a dilution factor of about 2.3. RESULTS, DISCUSSION Effect of Increasing the Dilution Factor: Costs: Changing the dilution factor not only affects brown- stock washer efficiency, but also has a major impact on evapora- tor loading. For a mill that has additional evaporator capacity, the cost of increasing the dilution factor is equivalent to the cost of additional steam required at the evaporators and a slight increase in pumping horsepower [9]. Dilution factor is the weight of wash liquor applied minus the weight of liquor leaving with the pulp mat divided by the weight of pulp and is based on the shower liquor flow rate and discharge mat consistency (kg water/kg pulp) [10]. Figure 1 shows the evaporation steam costs versus dilution factor for the case study mill. Two assumptions were made in developing this curve. First, the digester blow con- sistency was set equal to the pulp discharge consistency for the last brownstock washer. We also assumed that the evaporator sys- tem had extra capacity. If there is no extra capacity at the evap- orators, then evaporation capacity can be increased by adding external heaters, evaporator bodies, or reconfiguring the bodies to operate with lower steam economies [9]. These modifications all have capital and/or operating costs associated with them. For a counter-current washing system, increasing the shower flow rate on the last washer will increase the hydraulic flow of filtrate throughout the washing line, thereby increasing the electric power requirements for the filtrate pumps at each stage of washing. Shower water temperature influences brownstock-washing efficiency, which increases as the water/filtrate temperature increases. However, the temperature must not be so high as to cause the filtrate to flash in the washers drop leg. The maxi- mum operating temperature is normally between 70 and 80C for drum washers [9]. The temperature of the incoming pulp and the shower on the last stage of washing, and the heat loss from the washers and filtrate tanks, determine the operating temperature of the washer line. One way of optimizing the wash- ing operation is to control the shower water temperature. The case study mill currently operates its showers at 55C. Figure 2 shows the cost associated with heating the shower water from 15 to 55C as a function of the dilution factor used in the brown- stock washing line. Increasing the shower water temperature will lower its vis- cosity and enable greater diffusion into the sheet for better washing [10]. At temperatures above 60C, hemicellulose becomes soft, opening the fibre structure and improving the flow of washing liquor through the pulp mat [12]. Low wash water temperatures, and those above 77C, generally result in poor washing [13]. Mill experience has shown that the optimum wash water temperature is typically close to 70C [14]. The increase in washing efficiency and savings in bleach plant chem- icals that would result from an increase in shower water tem- perature can, however, only be estimated by a mill trial, as there are no known calculations to determine how washing efficiency varies with increasing shower water temperature. Benefits: On the positive side, increasing the dilution factor decreases the amount of black liquor solids lost to the bleach plant sewer, thereby reducing chemical make-up costs and organic loading on the effluent-treatment system. Additional savings result from decreased black liquor solids losses because these solids are kept within the chemical recovery system and now become fuel, which is used in the recovery boiler to gener- ate steam. Pulp mills require a specific amount of steam to oper- ate. The required amount of steam is generated by the recovery and power boilers. Returning black liquor solids to the recovery system decreases the demand for hog fuel by the power boiler. Figure 3 shows the equivalent fuel savings for hog fuel that result from returning more black liquor solids to the recovery system as a function of the brownstock washer dilution factor. BROWNSTOCK WASHI NG 44 106:6 (2005) T 145 Pulp & Paper Canada Item Value Units Chlorine dioxide use 0.6 kg ClO 2 /kg equiv. saltcake [9] Caustic use 1.0 kg NaOH/kg equiv. saltcake [9] Black liquor fuel value 12,780 kJ/kg of dry BLS Hog fuel cost $2.11 $/kJ Recovery boiler thermal efficiency 70 % Recovery & hog boiler efficiency* 75 % Impact of BL losses kg BOD / kg of black on effluent treatment 0.175 liquor solids [11] * Weighted average based on steam production TABLE II. Assumed data. Item Value Units Multiple Effect Evaporators: Number of effects 6 Steam economy 4.9 kg H 2 O removed/kg steam used Black liquor solids 1,680 kg/odt pulp Evaporator product solids 43 % Steam cost $8.82 $/1,000 kg Last Brownstock Washer: Mat discharge consistency 11 % Shower water temperature 55 C Incoming water temp 15 C White Liquor Characterization: EA 81.6 g/L as Na 2 O AA 96.0 g/L as Na 2 O TTA 112.0 g/L as Na 2 O Digester Operations: Pulp yield 45.0 % by wt. Active alkali charge 16.0 % on pulp Other Parameters Required: Equivalent saltcake makeup cost* $0.00 Chlorine dioxide cost %1.10 $/kg Caustic cost $0.35 $/kg Nutrient cost $8.60 $/1000 kg BOD *Excess sodium sesquisulphate from the chlorine dioxide generator is avail- able for make-up and the saltcake make-up cost is, therefore, negligible. TABLE I. Data provided by the mill. Decreasing the discharge of black liquor solids decreases the load on the effluent-treatment system. Saving in waste treatment costs can, thus, be achieved when there is a decrease in the concentra- tion of black liquor solids discharged from the mill to the effluent-treatment system, Fig. 4. The calculated savings are based on the predicted reduction in required nutri- ent chemicals. A reduction in black liquor losses may also affect the number of aera- tors operating in the lagoon. As this is site- specific, no allowance for a reduction in aeration horsepower has been incorporat- ed in this analysis. The brownstock-washing efficiency has a major impact on operating costs for a bleached mill as it affects the consumption of oxygen in the delignification system, chlorine dioxide in the first bleaching stage and caustic in the second stage [9, 15]. The cost of the case study mills bleaching chem- icals per tonne of pulp varies as a function of the dilution factor, Fig. 5. Over-all Cost / Benefit Analysis: Figure 6 is reproduced from the Compton paper [9]. This graph can be developed for a specific mill by obtaining a pulp sample from the vat of the last brown washer. In the lab, the pulp sample is washed with various amounts of water (simulating vary- ing dilution factor), and the amount of remaining saltcake and black liquor solids in the resulting washed pulp mat is mea- sured. Alternately, the data for the graph can be obtained from the mills washer by varying the shower flow rate. The shape of the curve in Fig. 6 greatly influences the over-all economics and the final optimum dilution factor. The calculated effects of varying the dilution factor on chemical makeup, hog fuel (or equivalent fuel val- ue of black liquor), effluent treatment and bleaching chemical costs are directly affected by this figure. The various costs and benefits that result from varying the dilution factor (as illustrated in Figs. 1 to 5) are summed and plotted in Fig. 7, disregarding any impact that improved brownstock washing might have on the aeration requirements in the effluent treatment system. Operating the brownstock washers at the optimum value given by Fig. 7 will minimize the operating costs. Figure 7 shows that the optimum operating point for the brownstock wash- ers at this mill is with a dilution factor of about 4. There is very little to gain with higher dilution factors. The case mill is currently operating at a dilution factor of about 2.3. Compton [9] and Korhonen [13] calculated similar optimum operat- ing values, 4.5 and 4.0, respectively for bleached kraft mills. Figure 8 shows the incremental savings per oven-dry tonne of pulp in the case study mill as a function of the dilution fac- tor. Maximum savings are achieved at a dilution factor of 4.4, which produces over-all savings of $5 per oven-dry tonne of pulp when compared to current opera- tions at a dilution factor of 2.3. Maintain- ing a dilution factor above 4 would be sat- isfactory, as there is very little to gain at higher dilution factors. However, in order to operate at the optimum dilution factor, the current evaporator system must be able to handle the extra evaporation load and weak black liquor flow. Economics of Brownstock Washing Con- trol: Brownstock washing is operated to supply the bleach plant with clean pulp and to separate the cooking chemicals from the pulp, while minimizing the amount of wash water used. At most mills, the last brownstock washer typically oper- ates with a fixed shower flowrate, while the incoming pulp mass flowrate, as well as the amount of black liquor solids carried with it, can vary. Simply controlling the shower flow rate with pulp production provides a significant improvement towards minimiz- ing mill-operating costs. The measure- ment of filtrate conductivity provides the operator with an indication of the cleanli- ness of the pulp mat, and allows for a bet- BROWNSTOCK WASHI NG Pulp & Paper Canada T 146 106:6 (2005) 45 FIG. 1. The cost of steam for the evaporation of black liquor as a function of the dilution factor. FIG. 2. The cost of heating BSW shower water from 15 to 55C as a function of the dilution factor. FIG. 3. The fuel value of incremental recovered black liquor solids as a function of the dilution factor. FIG. 4. The effect of reduced black liquor losses on effluent treatment costs. ter or more elaborate control strategy for the brownstock-washing system and addi- tional benefits relative to filtrate tank level control [8]. Installation of a simple filtrate sampler and a flow controller would enable a mill to optimize the shower flow rate and minimize the carryover of black liquor solids to the bleach plant. A Canadian mill has successfully tested such a system. Use of a filtrate sampler could also help the mill avoid possible over-use of shower water, thereby mini- mizing the volumetric flow of weak black liquor to the evaporators and maximizing black liquor density. Trials at another Canadian mill have also shown that the conductivity of the filtrate carried with the pulp mat can be used to minimize defoamer use. Based on the $5/odt of pulp savings estimated for the case study mill, a filtrate sampler, conductivity sensor and a control package should pay for itself in less than one month. Washing control might also be applied beneficially to bleach plant washing stages such as D0; it might be possible to moni- tor the washing efficiency of this stage by measuring the UV absorbance of the fil- trate from the pulp mat and use that mea- surement to minimize COD load to sub- sequent stages [15, 16]. This technique might also be extended to monitor the purity of contaminated condensates used for pulp washing and the COD and colour loading resulting from the sewering of extraction stage filtrates [16]. CONCLUSIONS Brownstock-washing efficiency has signifi- cant impacts on a kraft mills operating costs, as it affects bleaching chemical costs, the loading on multiple effect evap- orators and effluent treatment system, and chemical make-up costs. The effect of the brownstock dilution factor on mill operating costs was investigated using a laboratory-developed washing curve, mill operating data and a series of spreadsheet calculations. Calculations based on the case study mill data, indicate that increas- ing the dilution factor on the last stage of brownstock washing from 2.3 to 4.2 would yield over-all savings of $5/odt or about $1 million/year for a 700-tpd kraft pulp mill. A complete brownstock washing con- trol package would, therefore, have an expected payback period of less than one month. Operating a washing system at its optimum dilution factor will minimize operating costs, but it is only practical if the resulting volume of black liquor can be handled at the evaporators and pulp cleanliness meets the mills specifications. LITERATURE 1. SHACKFORD, L.D., OSWALD, J.M. Flexible brown- stock washing eases implementing oxygen delignifica- tion. Pulp and Paper 61(6): 136-141 (June 1987). 2. SHACKFORD, L.D. Unravelling the mystery of wash- ing efficiency determination. Proc., Tappi Pulping Conference, San Francisco, CA 77-89 (October 1997). 3. TURNER, P.A., LIVINGSTONE, L. A method to monitor the cleanliness of washed pulp directly. Pulp Paper Can. 96(6): 71-75 (June 1995). 4. NASE, T., SJOBERG, K.-E. Advanced control of a drum washing plant. P& Pulp Paper Can. 90(9): 108- 111 (September 1989). 5. EDWARDS, L., PEYRON, M., MINTON, M. Models for cross-flow pulp washing calculations. Pulp Paper Can. 87(1): 67-70 (January 1986). 6. HAN, Y., EDWARDS, L. Optimization of filter wash- er operation and control. Tappi J. 71(6): 101-4 (June 1988). 7. TURNER, P.A., ROCHE, A.A., MCDONALD, J.D., VAN HEININGEN, A.R.P. Dynamic behaviour of a brown stock washing plant. Pulp Paper Can. 94(9): 37- 42 (September 1993). 8. TURNER, P.A., ALLISON, B.J., OEI, J.K. Brown stock washer control, Part II: Filtrate tank level con- trol. Pulp Paper Can. 94(11): 45-48 (November 1993). 9. COMPTON, R. Economic analysis of brown stock washing systems. Proc., Tappi Pulping Conference, San Francisco, CA 257-272 (October 1997). 10. LEDDY, J.E. Evaluating the performance of rotary drum vacuum washers. Appita J. 51(6): 315-322 (November 1998). 11. WONG, A., WEARING, J.T., ULOTH, V.C. Toxici- ty of brownstock filtrates is related to the degree of washing. Pulp & Paper 53(10): 96-100 (September 1979). BROWNSTOCK WASHI NG 46 106:6 (2005) T 147 Pulp & Paper Canada FIG. 5. The cost of bleaching chemicals required as a result of increased carryover of black liquor solids as a function of dilution factor. FIG. 6. Typical washing efficiency curve for the last brown stock washer [9]. FIG. 7. The effect of dilution factor on total operating costs for the case study bleached kraft pulp mill. FIG. 8. Incremental saving per oven-dry tonne of pulp ver- sus dilution factor. 12. GREN, U. Washing of Cellulose Fibres. Goteburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology (1973). 13. McSWEENEY, J.M. Control and Instrumentation. Tappi Brown Stock Washing Short Course, City, 17-20 (October 1982). 14. KORHONEN, O. Brown stock washer operating variables. Proc., CPPA, TS, Pacific Coast and Western Branch Spring Conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 46- 50 (May 1979). 15. VIIRIMAA, M., DAHL, O., NIINIMKI, J. ALA- KAILA, K., PERMKI, P. Identification of the wash loss compounds affecting the ECF bleaching of soft- wood kraft pulp. Appita J. 55(6): 484-8 (November 2002). 16. VAN HEEK, R., DICK, D. An International report. A spectrophotometric method for the monitoring of chemical oxygen demand in chlorine dioxide bleach- ing stage filtrates. Paprican Report No. PPR 1399. Montreal Paprican (December 1998). BROWNSTOCK WASHI NG Pulp & Paper Canada T 148 106:6 (2005) 47 Reference: RICHARDSON, B. Monitoring carryover at the brownstock washers. Pulp & Paper Canada 106(6): T144-148 (June, 2005). Paper presented at the 90th Annual Meeting in Montre- al, QC, on January 26 to 29, 2004. Not to be reproduced without permission of PAPTAC. Manuscript received on October 16, 2003. Revised manuscript approved for publication by the Review Panel on October 28, 2004. Keywords: UNBLEACHED PULPS, KRAFT PULPS, ENTRAINMENT, WASHERS, MONI- TORING, DILUTION, EFFICIENCY, OPTIMIZATION, ENERGY CONSERVATION, CHEMICAL CONSUMPTION, BLEACH PLANTS, COST CONTROL, PROCESS CONTROL Rsum: Lefficacit du lavage de la pte brune a une incidence sur la consommation de pro- duits chimiques latelier de blanchiment ainsi que sur la charge la zone de rcupration des produits chimiques. Nous avons valu les effets du facteur de dilution sur le cot dexploitation de lusine laide dun tableur, afin de dterminer le facteur optimal pour la dilution. Ltude des oprations de lavage dune usine a indiqu que laccroissement du facteur de dilution de 2,3 4,2 la dernire pile laveuse de pte brune permet dconomiser denviron 1 million $ pour une usine produisant 700 tonnes de pte kraft par jour.