Calendar of Events - June 22, 2014

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, along with supplemental
updates of information, during the week now are available at

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Summer 2014
Calendar of Events
for Children, Individuals and Families

UPDATED June 22, 2014

Helping to Bridge the Gap Between the Wealth of Available Resources
and the Poverty Associated With People Not Knowing About Them

In an attempt to aid reader information searches, new items added each week are high-
lighting in yellow. As always, we are interested in receiving feedback in regard to how we
might improve our publications, content and convenience of use.

E-Update periodically reports ways in which subscribers use our publications to aid their
families or organizations. If you have a short description that might be helpful to others and
their uses, we would like to hear about them. Please forward two or three sentences that
provide specific uses of benefit to

Calendar of Events Sections Listed Below:
UPDATED THIS WEEK: Special Activities: Upcoming primarily free activities listed by day
over the next several months.
Ongoing Scheduled Activities: Primarily free activities held regularly each week or month.
Area Ministries for Those Who Are Struggling: GriefShare, DivorceCare, Celebrate Recovery,
Mending Hearts.
Day Trip Destination Sites: Free admission opportunities for individual and family outings.
E-Update Resources
: Over 40 pages of information about Government and Community Ser-
vices, including Employment Resources, for individuals and families.

Activities are believed correct at the time of insertion but are subject to change without notice.
Participants are encouraged
to use contact information to confirm times and dates to avoid disappointment.

Information on submission of events is provided on the last page of this Calendar.
E-mail submissions to

Page 2
Special Activities
Multi-Day Activities in Progress
Late June Mid-August
Science in the Summer. Various area librar-
ies. Different times and locations.
Annual Science in the Summer initiative by
GlaxoSmithKline and The Franklin Institute
exposes elementary school students to various
aspects of science, including this years offer-
ings of physical science and electricity in Bucks
County, oceanography in Chester County, ge-
netics in Delaware County, chemistry in Mont-
gomery County and simple machines in Phila-
delphia County.
Free activity, with further information and
required advance registration for limited par-
ticipation and times available at
ndex.html or local libraries.

Through June 28 (Saturday)
Human Trafficking Awareness Exhibit.
Chester County Libraries. Various library
An 11-week travelling exhibit to Chester
County libraries is designed to raise awareness
about human trafficking and what can be done
to prevent it.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
df or local libraries.

Through August 17 (Wednesdays-Sundays)
Summer Music Festival. Rose Tree Park,
1671 North Providence Road, Upper Provi-
dence. 7:30 p.m., except for 10 a.m. children
performances on July 3 and 16.
Over 40 nights of musical performances will
be held at the Delaware County Summer Festi-
Free activity, with further information and a
full schedule at
ivalSchedulecolor2014.pdf or (610) 891-4455.

Through September 26 (Weekdays)
Wood Works Exhibit. Henry Gallery, Penn
State Great Valley, 30 East Swedesford Road,
Malvern. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
Work by mid-century master craftsman,
Emil Milan (1922-1985), whose "functional
sculptures" in wood combined sleek modern
designs and organic shapes, will be displayed.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at, or (610) 648-3219.

Ongoing Seasonal
Look Good Feel Better for Women. Various
Hospitals throughout the area will host a se-
ries of Fall Look Good Feel Better beauty tech-
nique workshops by the American Cancer Soci-
ety for women coping with cancer treatments.
Free activity, including a makeup kit, with
further information as to dates and sites and
registration available at
detail.aspx?resourceId=32260 or (800) 227-

Ongoing - Weekly
Summer Reading and Children Programs.
Local area libraries. Various times.
Summer reading and other programs for
children of all ages, adults and families are
underway or scheduled at many local libraries
throughout the area.
Many have kickoff parties and provide prizes,
special activities and other incentives to par-
Primarily free activities, with further informa-
tion and schedules available through various li-
brary websites and calendars at:
Berks County:
Chester County:
Delaware County:
Lancaster County:
Montgomery County:

Daily Activities in Progress
June 23-27 (Monday-Friday)
Police Summer Camp. Picnic Pavilion, Wilson
Farm Park, 500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook.
9 a.m. to noon.
Tredyffrin Township youth ages nine
through 14 will take part in a series of police
and emergency responder demonstration, along
with educational presentations and physical
Free activity, with required registration for
limited enrollment. Further information is
available at
recreation/camps-recreation/police-camp, or (610) 408-3641.

June 23 (Monday)
Parkinsons Resources. Village Square Board
Room, Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer
Avenue, New Holland. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Parkinsons Support Group will discuss ser-
vices and resources available to individuals
with Parkinsons and their families.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able from Judy Shaffer at or (717) 355-
Page 3
June 23 (Monday)
Womens Self Defense. YWCA Tri-County
Area, 315 King Street, Pottstown. 6 p.m. to
7 p.m.
Sifu Jose A. Knight of Red Cloud Kung Fu,
Pottstown, will demonstrate to open and girls of
all ages how to defend oneself and defer at-
Free activity, with furthr information avail-
able at (610) 323-1888.

June 23 (Monday)
Racism Book and Film. Henrietta Hankin
Branch Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester
Springs (Ludwigs Corner). 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Stuart Connelly will discuss his book, Be-
hind the Dream, and movie, The Suspect, that
was filmed in Chester and Berks counties, both
pieces tied together by a theme of racism.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 321-

June 23 (Monday)
Meet the Congregations. Chapel, Garden
Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New
Holland. 7 p.m.
Father Phil Rodgers, of St. Benedicts Roman
Catholic Church in Mohnton will discuss his
congregation composition and history during
this Monday night series on Reformation con-
gregations running through July 21.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (717)

June 23 (Monday)
Sun Safety and Skin Cancer. Phoenixville
Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenix-
ville. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Lindsay Smith, Chester County public
health educator, will discuss sun safety and
skin cancer awareness, including how to keep
your family sun safe this summer, how to
check your body for skin cancer along with
damage from previous exposure, and alterna-
tives to tanning.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 933-3013

June 23 (Monday)
Philadelphia During World War I. Struble
Room, Chester County Library, 450 Exton
Square Parkway, Exton. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Author Peter John Williams, Philadelphia
attorney and amateur historian, will discusss
Philadelphia: The World War I Years in which
the third largest city at that time mobilized
during The Great War.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 280-2642.

June 24 (Tuesday)
Community Luncheon. West Grove United
Methodist Church, 300 North Guernsey Road,
West Grove. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hawaiian luau will be featured during this
final community caf luncheon until fall.
Free activity, with further information at or (610) 869-9334.

June 24 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton (Eagleview). 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Honey Island Swamp Band and Glenn David
Andrews will perform in this Tuesday night
Summer Concerts on the Square event, con-
tinuing through August 26, except for July 1.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

June 25 (Wednesday)
Hospital to Home Transitions. Kennett Area
Senior Center, 427 South Walnut Street, Ken-
nett Square. 10 a.m.
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resource
Centers will provide information to assist sen-
iors in making the transition from a hospital or
rehab facility to independent living and possi-
bly avoid a re-admission.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 444-4819.

June 25 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
First in a series of Wednesday night summer
science presentations for kindergarten through
grade will feature Animals with Bad Repu-
tations with the Academy of Natural Sciences.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

June 25 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Alligator Zydeco Band will perform music
from Louisiana in this first weekly summer
Page 4
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

June 26 (Thursday)
Bugs and Butterflies. Paoli Public Library,
18 Darby Road, Paoli. 11 a.m. to noon.
Tyler Arboretum will explore life cycles and
the roles insects play in the food web with
models and specimens for children ages five
through 12.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 296-7996.

June 26 (Thursday)
PA CareerLink/Financial Stability Center.
Suite 500, Oaklands Corporate Center,
479 Thomas Jones Way, Exton. 2:30 p.m. to
5 p.m.
PA CareerLink-Chester County and the
United Way Financial Stability Center will pro-
vide information about their new one-stop fa-
cility for unemployed and underemployed ser-
vices, along with financial stability initiatives
for those in need.
Free activity, with further information in re-
gard to the overall move available at
8.623317604400161&type=1&theater or (610)
280-1010; information about PA CareerLink
and additional employment-related services at
8.623317604400161&type=1&theater; and In-
formation on the Financial Stability Center ser-
vices at

June 26 (Thursday)
Redcoats and Raincoats Town Tour. His-
toric Yellow Springs, 685 Art School Road,
Chester Springs. 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in 15-
minute starting intervals for a one-hour tour.
The site where General George Washington
set up headquarters for the night due to tor-
rential rains during the American Revolution
Battle of the Clouds, along with later estab-
lishment of the first military hospital in Amer-
ica, will highlight this weekly Chester County
Town Tours and Village Walks series through
August 21, except July 3.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.
June 26 (Thursday)
Family Playgroup. The Family Center,
1976 East High Street, Pottstown. 5:30 p.m. to
7 p.m. Next session is Tuesday, July 15.
Summer series for families with children up
to age five, alternating between mornings at the
Spray Park and evenings at the Pottstown
Family Center, provides parent discussion top-
ics, childcare for ages up to five, and snacks.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at (610) 326-1610

June 26 (Thursday)
Womens Employment. Struble Room, Ches-
ter County Library, 450 Exton Square Parkway,
Exton. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The Interview and Beyond: The Total Pack-
age workshop for women will discuss projecting
confidence, looking the part, acing the inter-
view and succeeding on the job.
Free activity, including refreshments, with
further information and required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 280-2624.

June 26 (Thursday)
Summer Concert Series. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m.
Almost Fab will open this years Tredyffrin
Township-hosted weekly concert series, except
for a special Friday, July 4 Independence Day
Free activity, with further information at
concert-series, or (610)

June 26 (Thursday)
Family Movie Night. Asbury Hall, Grove
United Methodist Church, 490 West Boot Road,
West Chester. 7 p.m.
The Fox and the Hound Disney classic will
be shown during this monthly summer event.
Free activity, including popcorn, with fur-
ther information available at or (610) 696-2663.

June 26 (Thursday)
Freckleton Disaster. Easttown Library & In-
formation Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Local author Jim Hedtke will discuss the
Freckleton, England, disaster of August 23,
1944, in which an American B-24 Liberator
crashed into the village in a severe thunder-
storm, demolishing Holy Trinity grade school,
three houses, and a snack bar, and killing 61
civilians, including 38 children.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
Page 5
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138.

June 27 (Friday)
Movies Under the Stars. Limerick Commu-
nity Park, 646 West Ridge Pike, Limerick.
Monsters U. will be shown in this last Friday
of the month summer event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
5797516433764&type=1&relevant_count=1, or (610) 495-6432.

June 28 (Saturday)
Ranger Academy. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 10:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m.
Emergency Management and Response for
all ages is the topic for this segment of the
Ranger Academy that explains various duties of
the park ranger profession.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

June 28 (Saturday)
Great American Backyard Campout. Back-
yards, neighborhoods, communities and parks.
Annual overnight camping event, promoted
by the National Wildlife Federation, to encour-
age all generations to get outside and connect
with nature.
Free activity, with further information
available at
Backyard-Campout.aspx, or
(800) 822-9919.

June 29 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 6 p.m.
Barbone Street Jazz Band will perform in
this Lower Pottsgrove Township Sunday night
series event.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

June 29 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. West Goshen Com-
munity Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West Ches-
ter. 6:30 p.m. Rain location is Fuggett Middle
School, 500 Ellis Lane, West Chester.
Greaseband will perform party favorites.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
k_Rec.cfm, or or (610)

June 30 (Monday)
Job Fair. Washington Crossing United Meth-
odist Church, 1895 Wrightstown Road, New-
town. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Annual NJ/PA Job/Career Fair, hosted by
the A.C.T.S. Job Support Group, will feature a
range of local and national employers.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at or
(215) 200-9035.

June 30 (Monday)
Engineering for Kids. Paoli Public Library,
18 Darby Road, Paoli. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Marshall Steam Engine Museum will explore
with seven to 12-year-old how to Engineer It!,
with participants designing and building a
model car using recycled materials.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 296-7996.

June 30 (Monday)
Meet the Congregations. Chapel, Garden
Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New
Holland. 7 p.m.
Father John Colin Obenchain of St. Johns
Episcopal Church in Gap will discuss his congre-
gation composition and history during this
Monday night series on Reformation congrega-
tions running through July 21, except for the
July 4 weekend.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (717)

July 1 (Tuesday)
Medicare Fraud Prevention. Kennett Area
Senior Center, 427 South Walnut Street, Ken-
nett Square. 12:30 p.m.
U.S. Administration on Aging Senior Medi-
care Patrol will discuss Medicare fraud, in-
cluding what it is, how to recognize it and what
to do about it.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 444-4819.

July 2 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Page 6
Fur, Feathers and Scales with the Academy
of Natural Sciences will be featured during a
Wednesday night summer science presentation
series for kindergarten through 12
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

July 2 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Mark Unruh & Friends will perform Roots
Americana in bluegrass in this weekly summer
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

July 3 (Thursday)
Poetry in the Park. Veterans Paviolion, East
Goshen Farmers Market, East Goshen Town-
ship Park, 1661 Paoli Pike, West Chester.
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Market open from 3 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
East Goshen Poet Laureate Ginnie Newlin
will host the townships first Poetry in the Park
Reading, with attendees able to listen or read
original work.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 692-7171.

July 3 (Thursday)
Yankee Doodle Dandy. Chapel, Garden Spot
Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Hol-
land. 7 p.m. Repeated Friday, July 11.
Servant Stage Company will present a patri-
otic tribute to Broadway and barbershop, stan-
dards and swing, gospel spirituals and more
through music and dance.
Free activity, with donations accepted. Fur-
ther information is available at or (717) 355-6000.

July 3 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Lukens Concert Band will be featured in this
Independence Day Eve event, part of the Bran-
dywine Valley Associations weekly Thursday
night Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

July 4 (Friday)
Fish-for-Free Day. Pennsylvania Waterways.
Pennsylvania residents and non-residents
can fish without a fishing license, with all other
fishing regulations applying.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at

July 4 (Friday)
Good Neighbor Day. Kerr Park, 1 Park Lane,
Downingtown. 6:30 a.m. to Dark.
Annual event features runs, walks, duck
and canoe races, wife-carrying and other com-
petitions, entertainment and other events, con-
cluding with fireworks.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at, or (610) 285-1119.

July 4 (Friday)
Picnic in the Park. Valley Forge National
Historical Park, 1400 North Outer Line Drive,
King of Prussia. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Picnic is
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Independence Day celebration will include
learning about the meaning of the American
Flag and the pivotal role the Valley Forge en-
campment played in securing Americas free-
dom from Great Britain, special readings of the
Declaration of Independence by a Thomas Jef-
ferson re-enactor with an 1840s anastatic copy
of the Declaration of Independence -- one of
only two copies known to exist -- on display,
ranger walks, and living history and artillery
demonstrations at the Muhlenberg Brigade
huts, will highlight this annual event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
community-picnic.htm or (610) 783-1013.

July 4 (Friday)
Concert and Fireworks. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
West Chester Community Concert Band will
perform, followed by fireworks.
Free activity, with further information at
celebration, or (610)

July 5 (Saturday)
Freedom Fest. Nottingham County Park,
150 Park Road, Nottingham. 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Rain date is Sunday, July 6.
Page 7
Annual celebration includes music, enter-
tainment, food and fireworks.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items and a $10 parking fee. Further in-
formation is available at http://pa-
387 or (610) 932-2589.

July 6-10 (Sunday-Thursday)
Vacation Bible School. Lutheran Church of
the Good Shepherd, 107 South 17th Avenue,
Coatesville. 5:15 p.m. to 8 p.m.
SonRise National Park will be explored by
children ages three to having completed fifth
grade, with older children serving as helpers,
as they learn through Bible stories, games,
crafts and music the most important life sur-
vival skill of depending on Jesus and His
Free activity, including dinner, with further
information and registration at or (610) 384-2035.

July 6-10 (Sunday-Thursday)
Vacation Bible School. Sandy Hill Commu-
nity Church, 420 South Sandy Hill Road,
Coatesville. 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Children ages three through fifth grade will
participate in island games, create colorful
crafts, receive tropical snacks and discover the
treasure of Gods love through the life of Jesus
in this years SonTreasure Island Vacation Bible
School, with a youth program also being pro-
vided for youth in grades six through 12.
Free activity, with further information and
registration available at
vbs-info-page or (610) 857-3959.

July 6 (Sunday)
Summer Concert and Fireworks. Gazebo,
Miller Park, 220 Miller Way, Exton. 6:30 p.m.
Blue Route Blues and the Chester County
Concert Band, will perform, leading up to fire-
works, in this bi-weekly summer concert series
through August 16.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
or (610) 363-9525 x3217.

July 8 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Steven Courtney and The Splashing Pearls
will perform in this Tuesday night Summer
Concerts on the Square event, continuing
through August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

July 9 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Human Body with the Franklin Institute
will be featured during a Wednesday night
summer science presentation series for kinder-
garten through 12
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

July 9 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
The Melton Brothers will perform during this
weekly summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

July 10 (Thursday)
Birchrun Mills Town Tour. Birchrun Caf,
1403 Hollow Road, Chester Springs. 5:30 p.m.
to 7 p.m., in 15-minute starting intervals for a
one-hour tour.
A microcosm of the 19th century rural vil-
lage of Birchrun and its mills will highlight this
weekly Chester County Town Tours and Village
Walks series through August 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

July 10 (Thursday)
Swingin Summer Thursday. Gay Street,
between High and Matlack Streets, West
Chester. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Repeated Au-
gust 7 and September 4.
Live music, clowns, dancers, food and more
highlight this event.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at
.php?id=47, or (610)

July 10 (Thursday)
Summer Concert Series. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m.
Chicos Vibe will perform in this Tredyffrin
Township-hosted weekly concert series.
Page 8
Free activity, with further information at
concert-series, or (610)

July 10 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Bill Penn Burger Band will be featured in
this soft rock and soul event, part of the Bran-
dywine Valley Associations weekly Thursday
night Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

July 10 (Thursday)
Shakespeare in the Park. Kimberton Park,
2202 Kimberton Road, Phoenixville. 7 p.m.
Repeated Saturday, July 12, in West Chester.
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 11 (Friday)
Yankee Doodle Dandy. Chapel, Garden Spot
Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Hol-
land. 7 p.m. Repeated Friday, July 11.
Servant Stage Company will present a patri-
otic tribute to Broadway and barbershop, stan-
dards and swing, gospel spirituals and more
through music and dance.
Free activity, with donations accepted. Fur-
ther information is available at or (717) 355-6000.

July 12 (Saturday)
Birding at Black Rock. Black Rock Sanctu-
ary, 953 Black Rock Road, Phoenixville. 8 a.m.
to 10 a.m.
Morning bird walk will explore the meadows
and wetlands of this unique site along the At-
lantic Flyway, with techniques presented on
how to identify birds by color, shape, song and
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

July 12-13 (Saturday-Sunday)
Vacation Bible School. Paoli Baptist Church,
33 East Lancaster Avenue, Paoli. 9:30 a.m. to
Bible stories, music, crafts and other activi-
ties will help children four years to fifth grade
explore Gods love in this Blast Off edition of
Vacation Bible School.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at treasurer or (610) -647-1612

July 12 (Saturday)
Ranger Academy. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 10:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m.
Patrol Hike for all ages is the topic for this
segment of the Ranger Academy that explains
various duties of the park ranger profession.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required
registration at http://pa-

July 12 (Saturday)
Community Day. Ira Hicks Pavilion, East
Goshen Township Park, 1661 Paoli Pike, West
Chester. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Free Market exchange of household items,
food, resource information and games will
highlight this annual event, hosted by Pennsyl-
vania Rep. Dan Truitt.
Free activity, with further information and
registration at, or (610) 696-4990.

July 12 (Saturday)
Music Festival. Amphitheater, East Goshen
Park, 1661 Paoli Pike, West Chester). 1 p.m. to
5 p.m.
AIR (All-Inclusive Recreation) Music Festival
will feature Greg Harr, The Jason Ager Trio and
The Nodd.
Free activity, with donations accepted to
benefit future township special needs pro-
gramming. Further information is available at
(610) 692-7171.

July 12 (Saturday)
Shakespeare in the Park. Everhart Park,
100 South Brandywine Street, West Chester.
7 p.m. Repeated Thursday, July 17, in Radnor.
Page 9
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 12 (Saturday)
Bats in the Night Sky. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 8 p.m. to
9:30 p.m.
Participants will learn about the benefits of
bats as bug zappers through an interactive
presentation, followed by a short walk to ex-
plore the parks bat boxes.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

July 13 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. West Goshen Com-
munity Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West Ches-
ter. 6:30 p.m. Rain location is East High
School, 450 Ellis Lane, West Chester.
Loves Magic will perform Motown favorites.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
k_Rec.cfm, or or (610)

July 14 (Monday)
Meet the Congregations. Chapel, Garden
Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New
Holland. 7 p.m.
Father Bill Kenney of Christ Our Savior
Anglican Church in New Holland will discuss
his congregation composition and history dur-
ing this Monday night series on Reformation
congregations running through July 21.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (717)

July 15 (Tuesday)
Family Playgroup. Spray Park, King and
Manatawny Streets, Pottstown. 10 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Next session is Thursday, July 31.
Summer series for families with children up
to age five, alternating between mornings at the
Spray Park and evenings at the Pottstown
Family Center, provides parent discussion top-
ics, childcare for ages up to five, and snacks.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at (610) 326-1610

July 15 (Tuesday)
Shakespeare in the Park. The Willows Es-
tate, 490 Darby Paoli Road, Radnor. 7 p.m.
Repeated Wednesday, July 16, in West Chester
(East Goshen Towship).
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 15 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Lawsuits, Katie Frank and The Phero-
mones and Up the Chain will perform in this
Tuesday night Summer Concerts on the Square
event, continuing through August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

July 15 (Tuesday)
Sundaes in the Park. Limerick Community
Park, 646 West Ridge Pike, Limerick. 5 p.m.
Ice cream and a magic show will highlight
this summer family Limerick Township-hosted
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
/2014/Summer%20Guide%202014.pdf, or (610) 495-6432.

July 16 (Wednesday)
Night in the Park. Bandstand, Manatawny
Park, Manatawny and King Streets, Pottstown.
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Boggie Dogs will perform 60s through 80s
selections of classic rock music.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or
(610) 970-6500.

July 16 (Wednesday)
Shakespeare in the Park. Amphitheatre.
East Goshen Township Park, 1661 Paoli Pike,
West Chester. 7 p.m. Repeated Saturday,
July 19, in West Chester (West Goshen Tow-
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Page 10
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 16 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
LaserScience with Wondergy will be featured
during a Wednesday night, except July 23,
summer science presentation series for kinder-
garten through 12
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

July 16 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Songwriters Lizanne Knott, Tom Hampton &
Jesse Terry will perform during this weekly
summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

July 17 (Thursday)
Fricks Locks Town Tour. Route 724 and
Lower Fricks Lock Road, Pottstown. 5:30 p.m.
to 7 p.m., in 15-minute starting intervals for a
one-hour tour.
The history of a family farm that developed
into a small commercial village as a result of
construction of Schuylkill Canal locks will
highlight this weekly Chester County Town
Tours and Village Walks series through Au-
gust 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

July 17 (Thursday)
Summer Concert and Picnic. Marshall Street
Park, 200 East Marshall Street, West Chester.
6:30 p.m., with picnic at 6 p.m.
Monthly summer concert, with the
Back2Life band, will be preceded by a con-
sumers choice of dish-to-pass or fee-based
Free activity, with further information and
picnic registration at or
July 17 (Thursday)
Summer Concert Series. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m.
Sofa Kings will perform in this Tredyffrin
Township-hosted weekly concert series.
Free activity, with further information at
concert-series, or (610)

July 17 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Mainliner Barbershop Chorus will be fea-
tured as part of the Brandywine Valley Asso-
ciations weekly Thursday night Summer Music
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

July 19 (Saturday)
Obsesrving Odonata. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 9 a.m. to
11 a.m.
An interactive session will discuss dragonfly
and damselfly watching, followed by a walk
along French Creek and surrounding wetlands
to observe the living fossils in action.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

July 19 (Saturday)
Document Translation. New Life in Christ
Church, 1 South 5
Avenue, Coatesville.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mi Destino Latino will provide Spanish
translation services and document completion
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at Melanie Baber at (610) 384-3344x104.

July 19 (Saturday)
Feria Latina. Reeves Park, South Main Street
and Third Avenue, Phoenixville. 1 p.m. to
5 p.m. Rain date is Saturday, July 26.
Annual Latino community festival, hosted by
Alianzas, will include entertainment, children
games, guest speakers, community resources
and businesses, giveaways and food.
Page 11
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at
(610) 933-9200.

July 19 (Saturday)
Shakespeare in the Park. West Goshen
Community Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West
Chester. 7 p.m. Repeated Thursday, July 22,
in Lansdale.
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 19 (Saturday)
Concert in the Park. East Goshen Park,
1661 Paoli Pike, West Chester). 7 p.m. to
8 p.m.
The 80-piece Chester County Concert Band
will perform.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 692-7171.

July 20 (Sunday)
Turks Head Music Festival. Everhart Park,
100 South Brandywine Avenue, West Chester.
Noon to 8 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 27.
Two stages with 11 bands, along with some
70 artists and crafts people, will highlight this
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ptions.pdf, parksandrecreation@west- or (610) 436-9010.

July 20 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 6 p.m.
The Mango Men will perform in this Lower
Pottsgrove Township Sunday night series event.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

July 20-July 24 (Sunday-Thursday)
Vacation Bible School. Church of the Open
Bible, 101 East 1st Avenue, Parkesburg.
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Agency D3! will investigate the truth about
Jesus, with children entering kindergarten
through seventh grades gaining access to the
Agency Headquarters with proper identification
and then heading to the Evidence Vault for Bi-
ble study, along with stops at the break room
for snacks, training ground for recreation, map
room for daily mission assignments and the lab
for crafts, with a family and friends time at
8:30 p.m. the final night.
Free activity, with further information and
direct registration available at
-vbs-registration or (610) 857-3887.

July 20 (Sunday)
Summer Concert. Gazebo, Miller Park,
220 Miller Way, Exton. 6:30 p.m.
The Diamond Project, a Neil Diamond trib-
ute, will perform in this bi-weekly summer con-
cert series through August 16.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
or (610) 363-9525 x3217.

July 21 (Monday)
Medicare 101. Struble Room, Chester County
Library, 450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton.
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
An APPRISE volunteer counselor, will dis-
cuss various available Medicare plans and
what individuals to be or already eligible
should consider in choosing one.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
ndar.asp, or (610) 280-2642.

July 21 (Monday)
Meet the Congregations. Chapel, Garden
Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New
Holland. 7 p.m.
Father Stephen Vernak, of Christ the Savior
Orthodox Church in Harrisburg will discuss his
congregation composition and history during
this final Monday night series on Reformation
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (717)

July 22 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Driftwood and The Barefoot Movement will
perform in this Tuesday night Summer Con-
certs on the Square event, continuing through
August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

Page 12
July 23 (Wednesday)
Pardons and Expungements. Coatesville
Center for Community Health, 1001 East Lin-
coln Highway, Coatesville. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Repeated Wednesday, July 23.
An attorney for Legal Aid of Southeastern
Pennsylvania will explain the process for job-
seekers and others to obtain pardons or ex-
pungements of prior criminal records.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at or (610) 383-

July 23 (Wednesday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 7 p.m.
The 78
Army Band will perform in this
Lower Pottsgrove Township concert series event
at a different time and day of week.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

July 23 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Sin City Band will perform during this
weekly summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

July 24 (Thursday)
Phoenixville Town Tour. Foundry Building,
Schuylkill River Heritage Center, 2 Main Street,
Phoenixville. 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in 15-minute
starting intervals for a one-hour tour.
Foundry Building historical exhibits, fol-
lowed by a visit to part of the Schuylkill River
Trail and unique architecture in the Boroughs
Historic District will highlight this weekly
Chester County Town Tours and Village Walks
series through August 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

July 24 (Thursday)
Summer Concert Series. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m.
Crows Feet will perform in this Tredyffrin
Township-hosted weekly concert series.
Free activity, with further information at
concert-series, or (610)

July 24 (Thursday)
Family Movie Night. Asbury Hall, Grove
United Methodist Church, 490 West Boot Road,
West Chester. 7 p.m.
Pinocchio Disney classic will be shown dur-
ing this monthly summer event.
Free activity, including popcorn, with fur-
ther information available at or (610) 696-2663.

July 24 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Mark Unruh will be featured in bluegrass,
blues and swing event, part of the Brandywine
Valley Associations weekly Thursday night
Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

July 24 (Thursday)
Shakespeare in the Park. Whites Road Park,
400 Whites Road, Lansdale. 7:30 p.m. Re-
peated Thursday, July 25, in Chester Springs.
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 25 (Friday)
Shakespeare in the Park. West Pikeland
Cultural Center, 1645 Art School Road, Ches-
ter Springs. 7 p.m. Repeated Saturday,
July 26, in Lansdowne.
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

Page 13
July 25 (Friday)
Movies Under the Stars. Limerick Commu-
nity Park, 646 West Ridge Pike, Limerick.
Rio 2 will be shown in this last Friday of the
month summer event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
5797516433764&type=1&relevant_count=1, or (610) 495-6432.

July 26 (Saturday)
Ranger Academy. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 10:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m.
Education and Interpretation for all ages is
the topic for this segment of the Ranger Acad-
emy that explains various duties of the park
ranger profession.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
638 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

July 26 (Saturday)
Shakespeare in the Park. 20
Century Club,
84 South Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne.
7 p.m.
William Shakespeare Twelfth Night, or What
You Will will be performed by the Common-
wealth ClassicTheatre Company.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ree-theatre-in-the-parks.html, or
(610) 202-7878.

July 27 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 6 p.m.
Blue Moon will perform in this Lower Potts-
grove Township Sunday night series event.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

July 27 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. West Goshen Com-
munity Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West Ches-
ter. 6:30 p.m. Rain location is East High
School, 450 Ellis Lane, West Chester.
Caf con Pan will provide a musical tour of
Latin America.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
k_Rec.cfm, or or (610)

July 29 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Christine Havrilla & Gypsy Fuzz and The
Lovebirds will perform in this Tuesday night
Summer Concerts on the Square event, con-
tinuing through August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

July 30 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Eye to the Sky with The Franklin Institute
will be featured during a Wednesday night
summer science presentation series for kinder-
garten through 12
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

July 30 (Wednesday)
Night in the Park. Bandstand, Manatawny
Park, Manatawny and King Streets, Pottstown.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Two of a Kind will combine love for music
and kids for a family music event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or
(610) 970-6500.

July 30 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Rolling Thunder Blues Review will perform
during this weekly summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

July 31 (Thursday)
Nantmeal Village Walk. Camphill Soltane,
224 Nantmeal Road, Glenmoore. 5:30 p.m. to
7 p.m., in 15-minute starting intervals for a
one-hour tour.
Page 14
A stroll through Nantmeal Village, Welsh for
sweet water, a 1700s Quaker settlement con-
venient to nearby forges will highlight this
weekly Chester County Town Tours and Village
Walks series through August 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

July 31 (Thursday)
Family Playgroup. The Family Center,
1976 East High Street, Pottstown. 5:30 p.m. to
7 p.m. Next session is Tuesday, August 12.
Summer series for families with children up
to age five, alternating between mornings at the
Spray Park and evenings at the Pottstown
Family Center, provides parent discussion top-
ics, childcare for ages up to five, and snacks.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at (610) 326-1610

July 31 (Thursday)
Summer Concert Series. Wilson Farm Park,
500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook. 7 p.m.
The OFenders will perform in this final Tre-
dyffrin Township-hosted weekly concert series.
Free activity, with further information at
concert-series, or (610)

July 31 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Rob Dickenson Band will be featured in this
folk rock and poetry event, part of the Brandy-
wine Valley Associations weekly Thursday
night Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

August 2 (Saturday)
Iron Hill Twilight Race Series. Various Lo-
cations, West Chester. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Pro, amateur and kids bike races, a block
party, kids zone, a stunt team and more will
highlight this event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at, or (610) 696-4046.

August 2 (Saturday)
Family Night Hike. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 8 p.m. to
9:30 p.m.
Guided night walk will explore the night
creatures and critters of the park.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
324 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

August 3 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 6 p.m.
Makin Music Gilbertsville will perform in
this Lower Pottsgrove Township Sunday night
series event with a pre-school age focus.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

August 3 (Sunday)
Summer Concert. Gazebo, Miller Park,
220 Miller Way, Exton. 6:30 p.m.
The Bulldogs will perform in this bi-weekly
summer concert series that ends August 16
with a Saturday night concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
or (610) 363-9525 x3217.

August 5 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Lera Lynn and The Wallace Brothers will
perform in this Tuesday night Summer Con-
certs on the Square event, continuing through
August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

July 30 (Wednesday)
Children Science Series. Easttown Library &
Information Center, 720 First Avenue, Berwyn.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Flash! Fizz! Kaboom! Chemistry with The
Franklin Institute will be featured during the
final in a Wednesday night summer science
presentation series for kindergarten through
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp, or (610) 644-0138

Page 15
August 6 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Red Alert Band will perform during this
weekly summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

August 7 (Thursday)
Malvern History by Trolly. First Baptist
Church, 146 Channing Avenue, Malvern.
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in 20-minute trolley start-
ing intervals for a one-hour tour.
History of formation of Malvern Borough, the
Battle of Paoli, and historical artifacts will
highlight this weekly Chester County Town
Tours and Village Walks series through Au-
gust 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.
Trolley reservations are required at (610) 644-
2602 to avoid an extended tour time.

August 7 (Thursday)
Swingin Summer Thursday. Gay Street,
between High and Darlington Streets, West
Chester. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Repeated
September 4.
Live music, clowns, dancers, food and more
highlight this event.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at
.php?id=47, or (610)

August 7 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
One Alternative will be featured in this
acoustic fusion and jazz event, part of the
Brandywine Valley Associations weekly Thurs-
day night Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

August 9 (Saturday)
Old Fiddlers Picnic. Hibernia County Park,
1 Park Road, Coatesville (Wagontown. 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Rain date is 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun-
day, August 10.
Annual festival in the woodland of Fiddlers
Field will incude musicians, dancing, food and
arts and crafts vendors, kids activities and
Free activity, with a $5 parking fee. Further
information is available at http://pa-
220 or (610) 383-3812.

August 9 (Saturday)
No Light Night Hike. Warwick County Park,
382 County Park Road, Pottstown. 8 p.m. to
9:30 p.m.
Guided night walk, without flashlights, for
ages 12 and older will explore the parks dark
Free activity, with further information avail-
able http://pa-
324 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

August 10 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. Band Shell, Sana-
toga Park, 223 South Sanatoga Road, Potts-
town. 6 p.m.
Pottsgrove Community Band will perform in
this final Lower Pottsgrove Township Sunday
night series event.
Free activity, with further information and
required pre-registration at
htm, or (610)

August 10 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. West Goshen Com-
munity Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West Ches-
ter. 6:30 p.m. Rain location is East High
School, 450 Ellis Lane, West Chester.
The Big Big Jazz Band will perform.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
k_Rec.cfm, or or (610)

August 12 (Tuesday)
Family Playgroup. Spray Park, King and
Manatawny Streets, Pottstown. 10 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Next session is Wednesday, Au-
gust 27.
Summer series for families with children up
to age five, alternating between mornings at the
Spray Park and evenings at the Pottstown
Family Center, provides parent discussion top-
ics, childcare for ages up to five, and snacks.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at (610) 326-1610.
Page 16
August 12 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Parsonfield and Honey Child will perform in
this Tuesday night Summer Concerts on the
Square event, continuing through August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

August 13 (Wednesday)
Concert Series. Anson B. Nixon Park,
100 Waterway Drive, Kennett Square. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Real Diamond Tribute Band will perform
during this final weekly summer concert.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
series.html, or
(610) 444-1416.

August 14 (Thursday)
Oxford Town Tour. Locust and Third Streets,
Oxford. 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in 15-minute
starting intervals for a one-hour tour.
Early Victorian architecture, history of
growth resulting from the railroad, men and
women associated with founding of Lincoln
University, the second oldest library in Penn-
sylvania and snack flavors of Oxford from the
past and today will highlight this weekly Ches-
ter County Town Tours and Village Walks series
through August 21
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

August 14 (Thursday)
Sounds Under the Stars. Myrick Conserva-
tion Center, 1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road,
West Chester. 7:30 p.m.
Pennsylvania Flute Choir will be featured in
this pops and contemporary event, the final
concert of the Brandywine Valley Associations
weekly Thursday night Summer Music Series.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
mer%20Music%20Series%202014.pdf, or (610) 793-1090.

August 16 (Saturday)
Summer Concert. Gazebo, Miller Park,
220 Miller Way, Exton. 6:30 p.m.
Chicos Vibe will perform in this final sum-
mer concert of the season.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
or (610) 363-9525 x3217.

August 19 (Tuesday)
Willistown Country Fair. Greentree Park, 21
Grubb Road, Malvern. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Rain date is Thursday, August 21.
End of summer party will feature live acous-
tic bluegrass music by Raven Hill, pony rides
and petting zoo, face painting, Center on Cen-
trals music circle, and interactive local
community group tables in this Willistown
Parks and Recreative event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
370 or (610) 647-5300 x224.

August 19 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square. Wellington
Square, Exton. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Rivers Rockability Trio and Jordie Lane
will perform in this Tuesday night Summer
Concerts on the Square event, continuing
through August 26.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

August 21 (Thursday)
John Romans Village Tour. Romansville
Meeting House, 1890 Shadyside Road, Coates-
ville (Romansville). 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in
15-minute starting intervals for a one-hour
Many trades such as a plumber, carpenters,
a tinsmith, small stores, a lead pipe shop, a
blacksmith who made carriages and sleighs, a
cabinetmaker, three inns, the Romansville
Methodist Church, said to have been the first
land in Chester County owned by the Method-
ist faith, and the nearly 165-year-old Romans-
ville Quaker Meetinghouse, will be highlighted
in this final in a series of weekly Chester
County summer Town Tours and Village Walks.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
, or (610) 344-6923.

August 21 (Thursday)
Summer Concert and Picnic. Marshall Street
Park, 200 East Marshall Street, West Chester.
6:30 p.m., with picnic at 6 p.m.
Monthly summer concert, with Free Rein,
will be preceded by a consumers choice of
dish-to-pass or fee-based picnic.
Free activity, with further information and
picnic registration at or

Page 17
August 21 (Thursday)
Family Movie Night. Asbury Hall, Grove
United Methodist Church, 490 West Boot Road,
West Chester. 7 p.m.
Dumbo Disney classic will be shown during
this final monthly summer event.
Free activity, including popcorn, with fur-
ther information available at or (610) 696-2663.

August 22 (Friday)
Back-to-School Fair. Scott Middle School,
800 Olive Street, Coatesville. 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Several organizations will join together for
the second annual Coatesville Back-to-School
Event: Prepare for Success, to include an in-
formation fair, book bag giveaway for kinder-
garten through grade 12, food and activities.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or
(610) 380-0200 x202.

August 22 (Friday)
Sunset Hike and Campfire. Lower Parking
Lot, Springton Manor Farm, 860 Springton
Road, Glenmoore. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Repeated
Saturday, August 23, at Coatesville.
A sunset hike through the park will be
followed by an evening around the campfire
with BYOS (bring your own smores).
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
324 or (610) 469-1916 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

August 23 (Saturday)
Family Fest. Reeves Park, Main Street and
Second Avenue, Phoenixville. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Music, games, crafts, rock climbing wall,
Smokey the Bear, food and more will highlight
this multi-organization end-of-summer event.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at
(610) 933-7728.

August 23 (Saturday)
Sunset Hike and Campfire. Hibernia County
Park, 1 Park Road, Coatesville (Wagontown).
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
A sunset hike through the park will be
followed by an evening around the campfire
with BYOS (bring your own smores).
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at http://pa-
324 or (610) 383-3812 and required registra-
tion at http://pa-

August 23 (Saturday)
Movie in the Park. East Goshen Park,
1661 Paoli Pike, West Chester). 8 p.m.
Disney movie, Frozen, will be shown.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 692-7171.

August 24 (Sunday)
Summer Concert Series. West Goshen Com-
munity Park, 1019 Fern Hill Road, West Ches-
ter. 6:30 p.m. Rain location is East High
School, 450 Ellis Lane, West Chester.
Blackthorn Celtic Rockers will perform in
this final event of the season.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
k_Rec.cfm, or or (610)

August 26 (Tuesday)
Summer Concert on the Square and
Fireworks. Wellington Square, Exton. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. Rain date is Thursday, August 28.
A.J. Ghent will perform in this final Tuesday
night Summer Concerts on the Square event,
followed by fireworks.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (800)

August 27 (Wednesday)
Family Playgroup. The Family Center,
1976 East High Street, Pottstown. 5:30 p.m. to
7 p.m.
Final session in a summer series for fami-
lies with children up to age five that provides
parent discussion topics, childcare for ages up
to five, and snacks.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at (610) 326-1610

August 29 (Friday)
End of Summer Celebration. East Goshen
Park, 1661 Paoli Pike, West Chester).
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Blue Sky Band will perform.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 692-7171.

Page 18
August 29 (Friday)
Movies Under the Stars. Limerick Commu-
nity Park, 646 West Ridge Pike, Limerick.
Frozen will be shown in final last Friday of
the month summer event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
5797516433764&type=1&relevant_count=1, or (610) 495-6432.

September 4 (Thursday)
Swingin Summer Thursday. Gay Street,
between High and Matlack Streets, West
Chester. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Repeated Au-
gust 7 and September 4.
Live music, clowns, dancers, food and more
highlight this event.
Free activity, with charges for some individ-
ual items. Further information is available at
.php?id=47, or (610)

Ongoing Weekly and Monthly Activities

Various Days/Times
Morning Birding Walk. Bucktoe Creek Pre-
serve, 432 Sharp Road, Avondale. 8 a.m. to
10 a.m., except when precipitating. Activity
also held at the same time on Mondays.
Delaware Nature Society staff will lead this
activity as walkers experience the diverse bird-
life of a private nature preserve during a stroll
through meadows, forests, thickets, and
marsh. Walk is particularly focused on begin-
ning birders but all skill levels are welcome.
Free activity, with further information about
the Preserve available at

Wild Wanders. Parking Area, Lenfest Center,
ChesLen Preserve, 1199 Cannery Road,
Coatesville (Embreville). 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Local naturalist, educator, and Natural
Lands Trust volunteer William Ryan will lead a
guided walk around the preserve, with the
route varying each week to reflect what is hap-
pening at 1,263-acre tract.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
wanders-at-cheslen-preserve/2014-03-30 or
(610) 353-5587.

Sports Fellowship. Youth With a Mission
(YWAM) Community Center, 752 East Lincoln
Highway, Coatesville. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Game of the Week television viewing and a
meal for the homeless and boarding house
community, together with a worship service for
the community following the fellowship.

Free activity hosted by Breakout Restoration
Ministries. Ministries wishing to participate
with donations or volunteers may contact Pas-
tors Allen Smith at (484) 356-6434 or Sharon
Comfort at (484) 467-4938.

(First Sunday of Month)
Spectrum Kids Can! Annex, Henrietta Hankin
Branch Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester
Springs (Ludwigs Corner). 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Support group for families with autistic chil-
dren enables young people to play with peers
and use and improve their social skills and
parents an opportunity to review librarys au-
tism resources.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 321-1724.

Rejoicing Spirits, a ministry that reaches out
to enrich the spiritual lives of persons with de-
velopmental disabilities, together with their
families, friends and other supportive commu-
nity members, holds special Sunday worship
services at various locations.
The ministry is designed to acquaint and
educate congregations about individuals with
developmental disabilities, resulting in an ac-
cepting atmosphere. Services typically include
lots of music and joyous singing, along with
brief, meaningful messages conducted in a
shush-free environment.
Services are held once a month at the follow-
ing times and locations:
Exton St. Pauls Lutheran Church, 104
South Village Avenue, (610) 363-6264, 4 p.m.
on the second Sunday of each month.
Media Reformation Evangelical Lutheran
Church, 102 West Rose Tree Road, (610) 891-
0600, 4 p.m. on the second Sunday of each
Pottstown St. James Lutheran Church,
1101 East High Street, (610) 326-2810, 7 p.m.
on the second Wednesday of each month.
Gilbertsville New Hanover Lutheran
Church, 2941 Lutheran Road, (610) 326-1335,
3 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month.
West Chester Calvary Lutheran Church,
730 South New Street, (610) 696-2475, 4 p.m.
on the 3
Sunday of each month.
Page 19
Attendees are encouraged to call churches in
advance to confirm dates and times. Further
information about Rejoicing Spirits and other
sites may be obtained at, or (610) 363-6264.

Morning Birding Walk. Bucktoe Creek Pre-
serve, 432 Sharp Road, Avondale. 8 a.m. to
10 a.m., except when precipitating. Activity
also held at the same time on Sundays.
Delaware Nature Society staff will lead this
activity as walkers experience the diverse bird-
life of a private nature preserve during a stroll
through meadows, forests, thickets, and
marsh. Walk is particularly focused on begin-
ning birders but all skill levels are welcome.
Free activity, with further information about
the Preserve available at

Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance.
Phoenixville Public Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. Hours by registration; also
available Tuesdays.
Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion (OVR) will provide assistance to qualifying
individuals with disabilities in finding work,
maintaining employment and supplemental
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
unity/vocational_rehabilitation/10356 and re-
quired registration at (484) 250-4340.

Through June 23
Tech Group. Community Education Room,
Phoenixville Public Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. 10 a.m. to noon
Phoenixville Tech Group brings together
technology users to share knowledge and ex-
perience, including helping those who have
limited or no experience with computers.
Free activity, with further information in-
cluding meeting topics available at, or (610) 933-
3013 x132.

Chess Club. Coatesville Area Public Library,
501 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville. 4 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
Ages five to 18 can learn to play tournament
Free activity with no registration required.
Further information is available at (610) 384-

Indoor Walking Group. Romansville United
Methodist Church, 1859 Strasburg Road, Ro-
mansville (Coatesville). 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Community residents of all fitness levels
walk to music for one to four miles. Also held
on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610)

(First Mondays)
Whats Cooking in Coatesville? Episcopal
Church of the Trinity, 323 East Lincoln High-
way, Coatesville. 6 p.m.
A healthy meal, along with a cooking
demonstration will be provided by the Chester
County Food Bank and the County Department
of Health
Free activity, with further information is
available at the church at (610) 384-4771.

(Fourth Mondays)
Yarn Caf. Spring City Library, 2 Riverside
Drive, Spring City. 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Teens and adults involved in all fiber arts
relax and work on projects over tea and coffee.
Free activity, with further information and
requested registration at
ndar.asp, , or (610) 948-4130.

Adult Board Games. Harrop Room, Phoenix-
ville Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoe-
nixville. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Informal gathering of Phoenixville Board
Gamers share games that can be played in a
single setting.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able from Nick Lamicela at

(First Mondays)
Girls Night Out. Henrietta Hankin Branch Li-
brary, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). 6:30 p.m.
Girls nine-years-old and above and their
mothers or other older female friends read, en-
joy activities and snack.
Free activity, with further information and
optional registration available at
g=CCL,, or (610)

(Fourth Mondays)
Open Knitting. Parkesburg Library, 105 West
Street, Parkesburg. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
A gathering for beginners to professionals.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
Page 20
g=CCL&curKey1=Parkesburg%20Library, or (610) 857-5165.

(First Mondays)
Conservation Book Club. Board Room,
Chester County Library, 450 Exton Square
Parkway, Exton. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Participants will learn what they can do to
help the environment through book discus-
sions dedicated to conservation and environ-
Free activity, with further information and
registration available at
g=CCL,, or (610) 280-2645.

Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance.
Phoenixville Public Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. Hours by registration; also
available Mondays.
Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion (OVR) will provide assistance to qualifying
individuals with disabilities in finding work,
maintaining employment and supplemental
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
unity/vocational_rehabilitation/10356 and re-
quired registration at (484) 250-4340.

(Fourth Tuesdays)
Community Caf. West Grove United Meth-
odist Church, 300 North Guernsey Road, West
Grove. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hot lunch, fellowship time, free health
screenings and associated health tips, and an
open prayer room highlight this monthly event.
Free activity, with further information and
suggested reservations available at (610) 869-
9334 or

Book a Librarian. Henrietta Hankin Branch
Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Individuals with computer questions, need-
ing assistance with research, desiring better
search techniques for online catalogs or other
information can receive a half-hour assistance
session with a librarian.
Free activity with required reservations at
least 24 hours in advance at (610) 321-1710.
Research assistance also is available at all
times for Pennsylvania residents through Ask
Here PA chat at

(Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Afterschool Gaming for Teens. Phoenixville
Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenix-
ville. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Teens can play afterschool games on a big
screen with a big sound system, along with
doing online researching and networking on a
state-of-the-art graphics-capable computers,
homework, or just hang out.
Free activity, including snacks and soda.
Further information is available at
chool Gaming Flyer Fall2010 YS8-25-10.pdf or
at (610) 933-3013 x24.

Youth Chess Club. Henrietta Hankin Branch
Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Ages six and up, accompanied by a parent,
can learn chess.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 321-

T.I.M.S. New Life in Christ Fellowship,
1 South 5
Avenue, Coatesville. 6 p.m. to
8 p.m.
Training Introspection Mentoring Service
(T.I.M.S.) provides youth ages five through 18
with positive peer group involvement, hands-on
skill development, knowledge of African-Ameri-
can culture, and a relationship with Christian
men and women as role models.
It teaches youth what it means to be men
and women spiritually, culturally, socially and
physically, addresses goal-setting, etiquette,
career planning and community service, and
acknowledges and honors a young mans or
womans growth and changes.
Students must participate on a regular basis
and parents or guardians must complete an
Free activity, including dinner. Further in-
formation is available from Alphonso Newsuan
at or Roberta Showell at or (610) 384-3344 x109.

(Second Tuesdays)
Adult Gaming Night. Community Education
Room, Phoenixville Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Participants can chose from the Librarys
selection of board or Wii games, or bring their
own, as they play games and meet friends.
Free activity, with beverages provided. Fur-
ther information is available from Chris Knupp
at (610) 805-4603.

Page 21
(Second Tuesdays)
Guys Read. Henrietta Hankin Branch Library,
215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs (Ludwigs
Corner). 6:30 p.m.
Third through sixth grade boys and their
dads or other older male friends read, enjoy
activities and snack.
Free activity, with further information and
optional registration available at
g=CCL,, or (610)

(Fourth Tuesdays)
Computer Basics for Job-Seekers. Phoenix-
ville Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoe-
nixville. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Repeated
2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesdays.
Adult Services Director Mark Pinto and com-
puter tutor Ann Roehm provide classes to as-
sist the unemployed and underemployed in
learning job-seeker tasks such as using Micro-
soft Word to create and format a resume, sav-
ing a resume file and e-mailing it as an at-
tachment, uploading and copying/pasting a
resume to a job application, basic Web naviga-
tion, completing an online application, and
using Indeed to find job listings and apply for
employment. Participants must be able to use
a computer keyboard and mouse.
Further information and required registra-
tion for limited seating are available at
ndar.asp, or (610) 933-3013

Bilingual Family Storytime. Second Floor
Childrens Department, Norristown Public Li-
brary, 1001 Powell Street, Norristown. 7 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
Bilingual English/Spanish family storytime
features stories, songs, fingerplays, and an in-
troduction to American Sign Language.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
#Sleepytime or (610) 278-5100.

(Third Tuesday)
Writing Group. Community Education Room,
Phoenixville Public Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also meets
the second Thursday.
Phoenix Writers, a group for adult writers
offers writer education, empowerment, and cri-
tiques, with an opportunity to ask questions
about the writing process, read work aloud,
and obtain and offer input on material read.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able from Eric Parmer at

Brandywine Query. Caf Lindo, 109 South
Broad Street, Kennett Square. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Network of adult singles over 35 years of age
designed to create community.
Further information is available at

Parent Support Group. Main Choir Room,
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 10 West
Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester. 7 p.m. to
9 p.m.
Sessions are designed to give support to area
parents whose children have been impacted by
Further information is available from Joi
Honer at (800) 678-2332 x6156 or

Hibernia Wednesday Hiking Club. Hat-
field House, Hibernia Park, 119 Hatfield House
Road, Coatesville. 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Hikers can enjoy a three-mile hike along a
mostly-wooded gravel path, with plant identifi-
cation included. Participants should bring
water and wear comfortable clothing and
shoes. Walks also are held on Saturdays.
Free activity, with registration required at or at (610) 344-6415.

Warwick Walkers. Upper Parking Lot,
Warwick County Park, 382 County Park Road,
Pottstown. 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Hikers walk a portion of the Horse-Shoe
Free activity, with registration required at or at (610) 469-1916.

(Second Wednesdays)
Free Seniors Legal Clinic. Room 130, Gov-
ernment Services Center, 601 Westtown Road,
West Chester. 9 a.m. to noon.
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
(LASP) provides assistance to seniors for a vari-
ety of matters, including public and private
housing, consumer issues, bankruptcy, public
welfare, Social Security Disability (SSD) and
Social Security Income (SSI), unemployment
compensation, simple estate planning, living
wills, durable power of attorney for healthcare,
general power of attorney, and other matters.
Further information and appointments are
available at (610) 344-6350.
LASP also operates a toll-free legal helpline
for income-eligible Chester, Montgomery, Dela-
ware and Bucks counties residents from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. weekdays. Information is available at
(877) 429-5994.

Page 22
(Third Wednesday)
Nursing Mothers Group. Henrietta Hankin
Branch Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester
Springs (Ludwigs Corner). 9:45 a.m. to
10:45 a.m.
Janet Graczyk, IBCLC (Internationally Board
Certified Lactation Consultant) facilitates group
of nursing mothers who share ideas and weigh
their babies.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
ndar.asp or

(Second and Fourth Wednesdays)
Adult Book Bingo. Henrietta Hankin Branch
Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Adults 18-years and older can play bingo to
win book prizes, from recent to older editions.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 321-1710.

(Fourth Wednesdays)
Playgroups. Community Room, Rolling Hills
Apartments, 2120 Buchert Road, Pottstown.
10:30 a.m. to noon.
Playgroups, hosted by the Apartments and
Pottstown Family Center, are designed to pro-
vide parents with children up to age five an op-
portunity to play with their children, meet
other parents with small children and talk
about the joys and hardships of parenting.
Free activity, with further information and
requested reservations at (610) 326-1610.

(Second Wednesdays)
Circle of Friends. Healthy Start,
723 Wheatland Street, Phoenixville. 11 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Support group, hosted by Healthy Start and
The Womens Resource Center, assists com-
munity mothers.
Free activity, with further information and
registration available at (610) 917-1360.

(May-June and September-October)
Walking Wednesdays. Brandywine YMCA,
295 Hurley Road, Coatesville. Noon to 2 p.m.
Outdoor track will be open, weather permit-
ting, to individuals, families and co-workers,
with a three-day pass to use YMCA facilities
provided at sign-up in this multi-community
agency event.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 380-
9622 x2430.

(Fourth Wednesdays)
Computer Basics for Job-Seekers. Phoenix-
ville Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoe-
nixville. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Repeated 6:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesdays.
Adult Services Director Mark Pinto and com-
puter tutor Ann Roehm provide classes to as-
sist the unemployed and underemployed in
learning job-seeker tasks such as using Micro-
soft Word to create and format a resume, sav-
ing a resume file and e-mailing it as an at-
tachment, uploading and copying/pasting a
resume to a job application, basic Web naviga-
tion, completing an online application, and
using Indeed to find job listings and apply for
employment. Participants must be able to use
a computer keyboard and mouse.
Further information and required registra-
tion for limited seating are available at
ndar.asp, or (610) 933-3013

Community Walk. Genesis Health Care
Building, Union and State Streets, Kennett
Square. Noon.
Any individual can join a walk to Anson B.
Nixon Park as part of the Activate Kennett
Square health initiative.
Free activity, with further information availa-
ble from

(Through October)
Walking Program. Brandywine YMCA,
295 Hurley Road, Coatesville. Noon to 2 p.m.
Walking Wednesdays, an initiative of Coates-
ville on the Move, part of Activate Chester
County, enables walkers to use the YMCA out-
door track through October, with individuals
receiving a three-day YMCA pass to use other
facilities with the first walk sign-in.
Further information is available at or (610) 380-9622

Bridge Playing. Henrietta Hankin Branch Li-
brary, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). Noon to 3 p.m.
Bridge players gather for cards on most
Free activity, with further information about
this no-registration event available at
ary or (610) 321-1710.

(First Wednesdays)
Job Searching Online. Phoenixville Public
Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville.
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Also presented at 10 a.m.
on the first Friday of the month.
Workshop acquaints job-seekers with avail-
able online resources that provide self-assess-
ment, job profiles, local job openings, company
Page 23
research, networking, and resume and inter-
view preparation assistance.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available with Mark Pinto,
adult services director, at or
(610) 933-3013 x32.

(Second Wednesdays)
Download! eBooks & eAudiobooks. Phoe-
nixville Public Library, 183 Second Avenue,
Phoenixville. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Also presented
at 10 a.m. on second Friday of the month.
Workshop acquaints participants with how
to browse, check-out, and download digital
media from the Chester County Library Sys-
tems Overdrive service.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available with Mark Pinto,
adult services director, at or
(610) 933-3013 x32.

Freedom from Smoking

Clinics. Phoenix-
ville Hospital, 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville.
4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Also held bi-monthly on
American Lung Associations eight-session
smoking cessation program, including nicotine
replacement therapy, is held bi-monthly,
starting in February, April, June, August and
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available at (610) 983-

Indoor Walking Group. Romansville United
Methodist Church, 1859 Strasburg Road, Ro-
mansville (Coatesville). 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Community residents of all fitness levels
walk to music for one to four miles. Also held
on Mondays and Fridays.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610)

(Second and Fourth Wednesdays)
Crochet One, Knit Too! Henrietta Hankin
Branch Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester
Springs (Ludwigs Corner). 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Knitting and crocheting group meets for all
skill levels.
Free activity, with further information about
this no-registration event available at
ary or (610) 321-1710.

(First Wednesdays)
YoungLives Club for Teen Moms. Reformed
Presbyterian Church, 312 West Union Street,
West Chester. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., except
YoungLives Club for teenage mothers in
West Chester, an initiative of Young Life of
Chester County, provides a dinner, mentoring,
parenting information, recreation, childcare
and baby items for teen moms up to 21 years of
Free activity, with additional information
available from Roxann Koren at (484) 459-
4141,, or

(Second Wednesdays)
Caregiver Support Group. West Grove United
Methodist Church, 300 North Guernsey Road,
West Grove. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The Peacemaker Center facilitates support
for those giving care to spouses, parents or
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or
(610) 444-3898.

(Fourth Thursdays)
Medicare Counseling. Bard Complex, Petra
Community Housing, 201 South Main Street,
Spring City. By appointment
An APPRISE counselor will be available to
seniors to review health care needs, insurance
coverages, co-pays, prescriptions and supple-
mental insurances.
Free activity, with further information and
appointments with Beverly Sarduy at (484)

(Second and Fourth Thursdays)
Career Guidance Over Coffee. Gryphon
Caf, 105 West Lancaster Avenue, Wayne.
9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Womens Resource Network coordinates
this informal group for women, led by a hu-
man resources professional, to hone net-
working skills and meet other persons in the
$5 suggested donation. Further information
and registration is available at (610) 687-6391.

(Second Thursdays)
Blood Pressure Screenings. Kennett Area
Senior Center, 427 East Walnut Street, Kennett
Square. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Neighborhood Health Agencies conducts
blood pressure screenings for individuals age
60 and up.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 444-4819.

Community Coffee Klatch. The Market at
Liberty Place, 148 West State Street, Kennett
Square. 11 a.m. to noon.
Page 24
Coffee and conversation to help develop and
maintain community vibrancy through inter-
generational connections is an initiative of the
Kennett Inter Gen Coalition.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 717-2180.

(Third Thursdays)
Mystery Book Club. Henrietta Hankin Branch
Library, 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
(Ludwigs Corner). 1 p.m.
A variety of titles in the mystery, thriller or
suspense genre will be discussed.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 321-1710.

(Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Afterschool Gaming for Teens. Phoenixville
Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenix-
ville. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Teens can play afterschool games on a big
screen with a big sound system, along with
doing online researching and networking on a
state-of-the-art graphics-capable computers,
homework, or just hang out.
Free activity, including snacks and soda.
Further information is available at
chool Gaming Flyer Fall2010 YS8-25-10.pdf or
at (610) 933-3013 x24.

Mr. Jacks Kid's Club. Camp at Old Mill,
Brandamore (Honey Brook). 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Bus picks up Coatesville area children,
Pre-K to 12
grades, at 4 p.m. at various loca-
tions and transports them to the Camp for Bi-
ble study, snacks and fun in their own age
groups. They are returned to the same loca-
tions by 6 p.m.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration at
programs.aspx,, or
(610) 466-9505.

(First and Third Thursdays)
Youth LEGO Club. Henrietta Hankin Library,
215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs (Ludwigs
Corner. 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Ages six and up, accompanied by a parent,
can work with supplied LEGOs.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 321-

(First Thursday)
Soup and Sandwiches. Honey Brook Pres-
byterian Church, 4331 Horseshoe Pike, Honey
Brook. 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Church provides hot soup, sandwiches and
other meal items to the community.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 273-2848 or

(Third Thursdays)
Parents with Children with Special Needs.
Devereux Community Services, 1041 West
Bridge Street, Phoenixville. 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Parents Helping Parents will provide support
for one another in raising children with special
Free activity, including dinner, with further
information and required registration at or (610) 933-8110

(Second and Fourth Thursdays)
Ballroom Dancing for Teens and Adults.
Community Room, Coatesville Area Public Li-
brary, 501 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville.
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. for teens and 7 p.m. to 7:45
p.m. for adults.
Participants will learn skills of ballroom
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 384-4115.

Fatherhood Program. American African
Youth Leadership Foundation, 203 East Lin-
coln Highway, Coatesville. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Fathers Know group, using the National Fa-
therhood Initiative 24/7 Dad curriculum,
challenges fathers to be a positive force within
their families and communities.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration for limited seating avail-
able with Jarrett Jackson, program coordina-
tor, at (484) 356-8935 or

Pajamarama. Henrietta Hankin Library,
215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs (Ludwigs
Corner). 6:30 p.m.
Children can wear their pajamas and bring
their favorite cuddly toy as they listen to sto-
ries, rhymes and music with the whole family.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 321-

Chess Club for Kids. Chester County Library,
450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton. 6:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
Youth ages six and up can learn to play
chess, join in a pick-up game, or receive
coaching. Use personal boards or the Library
will have a few available.
Free activity. No registration or regular at-
tendance required. Further information is
available at (610) 280-2630.

Page 25
(Second Thursday)
Writing Group. Community Education Room,
Phoenixville Public Library, 183 Second Ave-
nue, Phoenixville. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also meets
the third Tuesday.
Phoenix Writers, a group for adult writers
offers writer education, empowerment, and cri-
tiques, with an opportunity to ask questions
about the writing process, read work aloud,
and obtain and offer input on material read.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able from Eric Parmer at

(First Thursdays, Except July and August)
Families with Members in the Justice
System. New Life in Christ Fellowship,
1 South 5
Avenue, Coatesville. 7 p.m.
A family support group for those who have
loved ones in the juvenile, county, state or fed-
eral justice systems will meet for the first time
to learn about supports available to families
and ways in which they can cope with circum-
stances being experienced.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
Pa/326328557464276, or (484) 238-

Freedom from Smoking

Clinics. Phoenix-
ville Hospital, 140 Nutt Road, Phoenixville. 7
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Also available bi-monthly on
American Lung Associations eight-session
smoking cessation program, including nicotine
replacement therapy, is held from 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. starting in January, March, May,
July, September and November.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration is available at (610) 983-

Young Life Teen Night. Bridge Academy
Community Center (BACC), 570 Olive Street,
Coatesville. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
High schoolers have games, skits, a devo-
tional and fun time with friends. Includes a
short Bible study and a focus on developing a
mentoring relationship.
Free activity. Further information and regis-
tration available from Josh and Jordan Crans,
BACC directors, at (610) 466-9505 or at

(Third Thursdays)
Individual Career Consultations. Womens
Resource Center, 113 West Wayne Avenue,
Wayne. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Women can meet one-on-one for a half hour
with a career counselor to help choose a career,
review a resume, obtain a mock interview, or
receive other career assistance.
Free activity. Further information and regis-
tration is available at (610) 687-6391.

Civil Air Patrol - Chester County Composite
Squadron. Coatesville area locations. 7 p.m.
9 p.m.
An official auxiliary of the United State Air
Force. Provides rescue/relief, leadership and
aerospace education opportunities, including
flying, at local, regional and national levels for
youth 12 to 18 years of age and adults.
Fees for membership and some activities.
For further information contact Capt. C. Gerth
at or at (484) 919-7783, or or

Hibernia Hiking Club. Norwood Road
Parking Lot, Struble Trail, Downingtown.
9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Hikers can enjoy a hike along the Struble
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at
asp?a=1552&q=621757 and registration re-
quired at or (610)

(First Friday)
Job Searching Online. Phoenixville Public
Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenixville.
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Also presented at 2 p.m.
on the first Wednesday of the month.
Workshop acquaints job-seekers with avail-
able online resources that provide self-assess-
ment, job profiles, local job openings, company
research, networking, and resume and inter-
view preparation assistance.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available with Mark Pinto,
adult services director, at or
(610) 933-3013 x32.

(Second Fridays)
Download! eBooks & eAudiobooks. Phoe-
nixville Public Library, 183 Second Avenue,
Phoenixville. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Also pre-
sented at 2 p.m. on the second Wednesday of
the month.
Workshop acquaints participants with how
to browse, check-out, and download digital
media from the Chester County Library Sys-
tems Overdrive service.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available with Mark Pinto,
Page 26
adult services director, at or
(610) 933-3013 x32.

(Second Fridays)
Lunch and Program for Retired Active
People. West Grove United Methodist Church,
300 North Guernsey Road, West Grove. Noon.
Non-denominational group for persons 55
years and older meets for lunch and a program.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or 610) 869-9334.

(Third Fridays)
Child Car Seat Checks. Limerick Fire Sta-
tion, 390 West Ridge Pike, Limerick.
Montgomery County Health Department cer-
tified car seat technicians will provide inspec-
tions of child safety seats, along with education
on the proper way to install one to ensure pro-
per restraint. A 2009 report by the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates
as many as seven out of 10 car seats may be
installed improperly.
Free activity for Montgomery County resi-
dents, with required appointments available at or (610) 278-5119. Fur-
ther information, including clinics in Norris-
town and Montgomeryville, is available at,

Indoor Walking Group. Romansville United
Methodist Church, 1859 Strasburg Road, Ro-
mansville (Coatesville). 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Community residents of all fitness levels
walk to music for one to four miles. Also held
on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610)

Single Moms and Children Support. New
Life in Christ Fellowship, 1 South 5
Coatesville. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Single Women in Fellowship Together
(SWIFT) and their children meet for dinner,
fellowship, discussion of life issues, worship
and prayer.
Free activity, including childcare, with fur-
ther information available at (610) 384-3344
x153, Lisa Gallimore at or
Tori Fisher at

First Friday Family Film (F4). Easttown Li-
brary & Information Center, 720 First Avenue,
Berwyn. 7 p.m.
A monthly family movie will be shown.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or (610) 644-0138.

Community Walk. Community Garden,
North Third Avenue and Lincoln Highway,
Coatesville. 9 a.m.
A Coatesville on the Move one to two mile
activity for all ages.
Further information is available at

(Last Saturdays)
Children's Monthly Bird Walk. Bucktoe
Creek Preserve, 432 Sharp Road, Avondale.
9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Holly Merker of the Delaware Nature Society
Birding Team, will introduce three to 12-year-
olds to birding as this look, listen for and iden-
tify bird species at Bucktoe.
Free activity, including a light, healthy
snack, with required registration at (302) 239-

(Fourth Saturday)
Free Employment Counseling. Phoenixville
Public Library, 183 Second Avenue, Phoenix-
ville. 10 a.m. to noon.
Ernie Tidball, the Librarys computer in-
structor and a senior information technology
audit consultant for Susquehanna Bancshares,
will provide assistance with resume writing,
developing a career plan, making more effective
decisions about a career, assessing best job
options through career assessments and other
tools, developing job search skills, finding
work-life balance, resolving personal conflicts
with bosses and coworkers, and navigating job
stress, career transitions and other difficult
employment issues in individual half-hour em-
ployment counseling sessions.
Free activity, with further information and
required registration available through the
Adult Events Calendar at or (610) 933-3013

Spinners & Needlework Group. Reeves
Park, Main Street and Second Avenue,
Phoenixville. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., weather
Phoenixville Public Librarys Phoenixville
Spinners & Needlework Group will work on
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at or with Win-
nie Spoonts at (610) 933-1375.

Children and Youth Art Classes. The Gar-
age Community and Youth Center,
115 South Union Street, Kennett Square.
Page 27
Chester County Art Association is pro-
viding art classes for youth ages three
through 12 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
and from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. for ages
seven to 10 and Teen Anime.
Free activity, with further information avail-
able at (610) 444-6464.

(Third Saturdays)
Reading Time for Children and Youth.
Coatesville Area Public Library, 501 East Lin-
coln Highway, Coatesville. Various times
Extended story and reading times for chil-
dren and youth of all ages, including open sto-
rytime for all ages from 11 to 11:30 a.m.; tween
time for ages eight to 12 from noon to 1 p.m.
and The Banned teen book club from ages 13
to 18 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Free activity, with further information and
required registration for limited space, at (610)

"No Shushing" Worship Service. Avondale
Presbyterian Church, 420 Pennsylvania Avenue
(Route 41), Avondale. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
EPIC (Experience Personal Intimacy with
Christ) service will include the EPIC PRAISE
band and is designed particularly for individu-
als with disabilities, caregivers, youth, young
adults, families and others.
Additional information is available or (610) 268-

Area Ministries for Those Who Are Struggling
GriefShare Weekly video/support group for
those Struggling with the death of a loved one,
even years later. Each session is self-contained
so individuals can join the group at any time.
Exton/Lionville Seminar Room 2, Calvary
Fellowship of Downingtown, 95 West Devon
Drive at Route 113. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays,
except Memorial Day, through August 11.
Further information and registration is avail-
able at,, (610) 707-1494.
Kennett Square Willowdale Chapel,
675 Unionville Road. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tues-
days year around. Further information is
available at or from
Denny Dunagan at
Further information and other local and
national locations may be found at

DivorceCare Weekly video/support group for
those struggling with separation or divorce,
even years later. . Each session is self-con-
tained so individuals can join the group at any
Exton/Lionville Seminar Room 2, Calvary
Fellowship of Downingtown, 95 West Devon
Drive at Route 113. 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Mon-
days, except Memorial Day, through August 4.
Further information and registration is avail-
able at, or (610) 363-
7171 x2154.

Further information and other local and
national locations may be found at

Celebrate Recovery (Year Around) Support
for Those Struggling with Any Type of Hurt,
Habit or Hangup, Including Addictions.
Downingtown (Guthrieville) Hopewell
United Methodist Church, 825 Hopewell Road.
6 p.m. dinner and 6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. pro-
gram Tuesdays, except for Christmas. Child-
care available. Further information is available
from John Neider, outreach pastor, at or (610) 269-1545.
Exton Marsh Creek Church holds Cele-
brate Recovery from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays,
at its new facility at 101 Crump Road, Exton.
An optional pizza dinner is available at
6:15 p.m. Childcare available. Free-will offer-
ing. Further information is available from Ryan
Smith at
Gilbertsville Room 205-207, New Hanover
United Methodist Church, 2211 Swamp Pike.
7 p.m. Thursdays. Free-will offering. Babysit-
ting available. Further information is available
from Ralph B. Freed at (610) 323-2017.

Kennett Square Willowdale Chapel,
675 Unionville Road. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-
days. Childrens Celebration Station (Pre-Cov-
ery) Program for ages birth through fifth grade.
Further information is available at or
from Nance Weber at or (610) 444-
Parkesburg Playground Entrance, Gate-
way Church, 160 Cowan Road (formerly at
Kingsway Church, Sadsburyville). 6:15 p.m.
family meal, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Childcare avail-
able for two-year-olds to fifth grade. Free-will
offering. Further information is available from

Page 28
Bill or Shirley Gensel, Coatesville-Gap Area
Simple Church, sponsor, at
Further information and other local and
national locations may be found at

Celebrate Recovery for Teens (Year Around)
A multi-media DVD and activities series for
middle and high school students, called The
Landing, that mirrors the sequence of the adult
Kennett Square Willowdale Chapel,
111 Marshall Street. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-
days. No fee. Further information is available
or from Justin Stefanosky at or (610) 444-

Christ-Centered Recovery (Year Around)
Support for Those Struggling with Any Type of
Habits, Compulsions or Addictions or Having
Lived in a Family with Addictive Traits.
Kennett Square Church of the Open Door,
210 South Broad Street, from 6:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. Thursdays, except Thanksgiving and
Holy Thursday. Further information is avail-
able from Rev. Susan Worrell at (610) 444-

Mending Hearts Support group for those
saddened and hurt by disrespectful and defiant
teenagers or young adults whose behaviors,
including substance abuse, create conflict and
chaos in the family.
Downingtown (Lionville/Exton) - Calvary
Fellowship Church, 95 West Devon Drive at
Route 113 Room 103. 7 p.m. on the second
and fourth Tuesdays of the month from Sep-
tember 25 through June 11, with no meeting
the last Tuesday in December. No cost. Fur-
ther information is available from Cindy Wana-
maker at or at (484)

Unemployment and Underemployment - Sev-
eral networking/support are available at area
churches for persons who are unemployed or
unemployed, with each providing its own vari-
ety of specific services in support of those who
Downingtown (Exton/Lionville) -- Barnabas
(Son of Encouragement) Group meets from
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at Calvary Fellow-
ship Church, 95 West Devon Drive (rear en-
trance) at Route 113. Further information and
requested registration is available at or (610)
Kennett Square Career Crossroads meets
from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the second and fourth
Mondays at Willowdale Chapel, 675 Unionville
Road. Further information is available at or
Perry Walker at
Wayne A one-on-one Employment Guid-
ance Ministry, along with periodic special em-
ployment related events to aid jobseekers is
available at St. Davids Episcopal Church, 763
South Valley Forge Road, Malvern. Further in-
formation is available from George Vosburgh at or (610) 688-7947.
West Chester Unemployment support
group meets bi-weekly from 5:45 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 130 West
Miner Street, West Chester, to learn tips and
techniques related to job searches. Further in-
formation is available from Elisabeth Hartwell
at or (610) 696-
Joseph's People Six area affiliates meet
during the month:
Downingtown -- 7:30 p.m. on the sec-
ond and fourth Tuesdays, at St. Jo-
seph's Parish, 338 Manor Avenue
(Route 322), in the parish meeting room
behind the school at the back of the
property. Further information about
the affiliate is available by leaving a
message at (610) 873-7117.
Berwyn/Main Line 7 p.m. to 8:20
p.m. on the first and third Thursdays at
the Haggenbach Room, St. Monicas
Parish Center, 601 First Avenue. Fur-
ther information is available from Bob
Schubert at (610) 755-2398 or
Media -- 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the first
and third Tuesdays for GetWorks, alter-
nating between Hassler Chapel, Media
Presbyterian Church, 30 East Baltimore
Pike, and the St. Francis Room at St.
Mary Magdalen Church, 2400 North
Providence Road. Further information
is available at (610) 566-3944.
Upper Uwchlan Township - 7 p.m. on
the first and third Mondays at the
School Education Center, St. Elizabeths
Catholic Church, 100 Fellowship Road,
Chester Springs. Further information is
available at (610) 321-1200 or at
Reading 7 p.m. to 8:30 pm. on the
first and third Wednesdays at St Catha-
rine's of Siena Parish Center. 2427
Perkiomen Avenue, Reading. Further
information is available from John
Senick, facilitator, at (610) 779-4005.
West Grove 7 p.m. on the fourth
Wednesday at the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary Church at 290
State Road, West Grove. Further infor-

Page 29
mation is available from John Colgan at
Additional information on all St. Josephs
People chapters is available at

Free Admission Opportunities for Family Day Trips
Pack a lunch, load the family in the car, and
take a free admission day trip to these or a
combination of sites. Information is compiled
from a range of resources and is believed to be
accurate at the time of posting. It is subject to
change without notice. Participants are en-
couraged to use contact data provided to con-
firm current information. Many sites, although
free, appreciate donations.
Various sites also have special events at
various times during the year that may be
posted on their websites.

Chester County Parks - Five Chester County
Parks provide a wealth of opportunities for
families, many of them free. Over 5,000 acres
of parkland include areas for bicycling, birding,
camping, boating, visits to historic buildings,
gardens, farm animals, fishing, equestrian ring
and trails, hiking, fitness and interpretive
trails, picnic pavilions and playgrounds in-
cluding horse shoe pits, softball and volleyball,
and educational programs. Parks include:
Black Rock Sanctuary, 953 Black Rock
Road, Phoenixville.
Hibernia, 1 Park Road, Wagontown.
Nottingham. 150 Park Road, Nottingham.
Springton Manor Farm, 860 Springton
Road, Glenmoore
Warwick, 382 County Park Road, Potts-
Wolfs Hollow County Park, 150 Wolfs Hol-
low Drive, Atglen.
Park events information is available at
=1551&q=640601 or at (610) 344-6415.

Struble Trail. Parking Lot entrance at Nor-
wood Road, off State Route 282 at Downing-
town. The Struble Trail, a work in progress,
will travel through Lyndell, Cornog and Glen-
moore, passing near Springton Manor Farm
and Struble Lake before ending near Honey
Brook Borough, for a total length of sixteen (16)
miles. It currently is a 2.6 mile paved, multi-
use recreational trail for nature enthusiasts,
picnickers and other recreational users. Addi-
tional information, including a full-color map,
is available at

Parks Fishing Tackle Loaner Program. Hi-
bernia and Nottingham County Parks daily and
Springton Manor on weekends. All ages can
borrow rods, reels and tackle boxes on a first-
come, first-serve basis through the Pennsylva-
nia Fish and Boat Commissions (PFBC) Fish-
ing Tackle Loaner Program. Equipment may be
borrowed April through November, with check-
outs in the park office between 8:30 a.m. to
4:00 p.m, Lures and bait are not provided,
with valid identification and a Pennsylvania
fishing license for anglers 16 years and older
required. Each user must be aware of fishing
regulations and license requirements before
fishing in a specific body of water. Information
on additional loaner sites is available at

Local Parks Nearly 100 municipal parks,
along with location maps, are listed in the
guide, Municipal Parks of Chester County,
available at

Pennsylvania State Parks Pennsylvania
Department of Natural Resources and Conser-
vation maintains 13 state parks, a preserve
and a nature center in the Greater Philadelphia
area. Admission is free, with charges for some
(888) PA-PARKS (727-2752). Calendar of

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Park
Hopewell Road and Shed Road, Douglassville
(Elverson). Use directions on website at due to road con-
struction. Hopewell Furnace is an early Ameri-
can industrial community that operated from
1771 to 1883. The cold-blast iron furnace and
accompanying community has been restored to
the way it looked during the 1830s and 1840s,
when the furnace was at its height of activity.
History includes the Bethesda Church, the ap-
ple orchard, charcoal, the Furnaces water
wheel and iron ore mines, its role in the Ameri-
can Revolution, and African-Americans, miners
and women at the Furnace. The site is open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through September
11 with demonstrations and living history pro-
grams. Check the website for information
about other times of the year and other activi-
ties. (610) 582-8773.

Page 30
Valley Forge National Historic Park Route
23, Valley Forge. Valley Forge was the site of
the 1777-78 American Revolution winter en-
campment of the Continental Army. Eighteen
miles of trails, including six miles of paved
multi-purpose trail, winds through the park, in
addition to a ten-mile, self-guided automobile
tour. Buildings are open different hours. (610) 783-1099.

Other National Parks Many national parks
and historic sites are maintained by the Na-
tional Parks Service in Pennsylvania and ad-
joining states, with some providing free admis-
Free lifetime admission to recreation areas
managed by five federal agencies also is avail-
able to all persons with permanent disabilities.
Further information on Access Pass is available

Nature Preserves Natural Lands Trust
maintains 18 nature preserves in Chester and
adjoining counties that include agriculture, for-
est and other natural landscapes properties.
They are open from sunrise to sunset. (610) 353-5587.

Chester County-Related Sites
Chester County Historical Society 225
North High Street, West Chester. Tour the mu-
seum, library and kids activities free from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the first Friday of every
month. (610)

Okehocking Nature Center - 5316 W Chester
Pike, Newtown Square. A180-acre property,
including some the Garrett Farmhouse, five
miles of mown and wooded walking trails, ma-
ture woods, meadow lands, uplands, wetlands
and riparian areas along Delchester Run and
Ridley Creek. Grounds open from dawn to
dusk., with
self-guided trail map at
Self-Guided%20Trail%20Map.pdf. (610) 647-

Historic Yellow Springs - 1685 Art School
Road, Chester Springs. The history of Yellow
Springs village spans nearly 300 years, with
archaeological evidence suggesting that Native
Americans first used the iron rich "yellow"
spring water thousands of years ago. In the
century, the fashionable spa village at-
tracted visitors seeking healing waters and so-
cial interaction and, during the American Rev-
olution, George Washington commissioned the
first military hospital in North America in the
village. The village later became home to the
Chester Springs Soldiers' Orphan School for
children of Civil War soldiers, the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts Country School and
headquarters of Good News Productions, a film
studio in Yellow Springs that created over 400
films including the sci-fi original The Blob. To-
day, Historic Yellow Springs, Inc., has pre-
served many of these original structures and
educates visitors about its unique past. Open
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, with the grounds
open from dawn to dusk every day. (610) 827-7414.

Herrs Factory Tours - 20 Herr Drive, Not-
tingham. One-hour snack food factory tours
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday - Thursday and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Fri-
day (production may not be occurring on Fri-
days). By appointment.
Tour.html. (800) 637-6225.

Panoramic View Picnic Area - Lanchester
Sanitary Landfill Overlook, 7224 Division
Highway, Narvon. Rising 80 feet above the
highest point of the Welsh Mountains, two bin-
ocular stations help provide a 360-degree pano-
ramic view of the Conestoga and Brandywine
Valleys. Picnicking, bird watching, kite and
radio-controlled glider flying, and other activi-
ties available. Open 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays
only from May through October.
(610) 273-3771.

Wendell August Forge Tours Main Street at
Exton, 103 Woodcutter Street, Exton. Artisans
handcraft metal giftware in the historic Ash-
bridge barn, with guests able to witness first
hand how each piece of the companys metal
giftware is created one-at-a-time by hand. As-
piring craftsmen, young and old, can take a
turn at being an artisan in the interactive hand
hammering room. Workshop tours are availa-
ble from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through
(610) 363-2426.

Underground Railroad Exhibit - Chester
County Visitors Center, 300 Greenwood Road,
Kennett Square. Located in the Chester
County Visitors Center at the entrance of
Longwood Gardens, visitors can see the Under-
ground Railroad exhibit, including a replica of
Henry Box Browns box and the slave dress
that helps preserve some of the history of one
of the greatest concentrations of Underground
Railroad stations in the nation. Box was a
19th century Virginia slave who escaped to
freedom by arranging to have himself mailed to

Page 31
Philadelphia abolitionists in a dry goods con-
tainer. The display also tells the history of the
former Longwood Progressive Meeting of
Friends. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Sundays
noon to 5 p.m. Kennett Underground Heritage
Tours also available for a fee. (610) 347-

Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens 631 Berwyn
Baptist Road, Devon. Over a mile of paved
walkways go through native woodland with la-
beled trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in
different garden areas. Open from 8 a.m. to
sunset, with the John J. Willaman Education
Center open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (610) 647-8870.

Nearby Counties
Christian C. Sanderson Museum 1755
Creek Road (Old Route 100), Chadds Ford.
Collection of items represents a mans life and
a nations history from Chadds Ford, including
American Revolution history to Civil War mem-
orabilia. Open noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and
Sundays from March through November. (610) 388-6545.

Daniel Boone Homestead 400 Daniel Boone
Road, Birdsboro. State historic site preserves
579 acres of open space and passive recreation
areas, along with a number of structures at the
legendary figures place of birth, Daniel
Boone's parents first settled the site in 1730,
with the region populated by many diverse
people - English, Welsh, Scots-Irish, Germans,
Swedes, Huguenots and Lenape Indians.
Daniel was born in 1734, spending his first 16
years there before his family migrated to North
Carolina. The grounds are open from 9 a.m. to
4:45 p.m. Tuesdays through Sunday, with
weekend guided tours of the buildings. Free
admission to grounds, with fees for admittance
to historic areas. Further information is avail-
able at,, or (610) 582-

Historic Newtown Square - Over 100 histori-
cal sites are scattered throughout Newtown
Township, some dating back over 300 years,
with 42 of them having markers. Two are open
to the public from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday af-
ternoons in July and August. The Paper Mill
House Museum at 2 Paper Mill Road, a resi-
dence to workers of numerous local mills along
the Darby Creek, is home to the archives and
historical documents of Newtown Township.
Square Tavern, located at Goshen and New-
town Street Roads, was home to America's first
internationally known artist, Benjamin West
(1738-1820), who lived there during part of his
childhood. Other sites includes the 1715 Old
St. Davids Church, burial place of American
Revolution Gen. Mad Anthony Wayne, the
1797 Federal School House, the 1842 Octogo-
nal Schoolhouse, and the 1860 Bartram
(610) 975-0290.

Landscape Arboretum at Temple University-
Ambler - 580 Meetinghouse Road, Ambler.
Established as the Pennsylvania School of Hor-
ticulture for Women in 1910, the 187-acre
campus provides a mix of natural and designed
landscapes. Self-guided tours are available
from dawn to dusk daily.
m. (267) 468-8400.

Newlin Grist Mill 219 South Cheyney Road,
Glen Mills. 8 a.m. to dusk. The only operating
18th century grist mill in Pennsylvania, other
historic buildings, and the 150-acre park that
is a refuge for plants, animals, and birds, is
dedicated to environmental appreciation and
historical preservation. Free admission to
park; fee for tours of historic structures. Fur-
ther information is available at (610) 459-2359,
at or at

Pennsylvania Veterans Museum - Media Ar-
mory, 12 East State Street, Media. Exhibits,
documentary films and lesson plans educate
the public about the experiences of United
States veterans and the sacrifices they made
during times of war. Open noon to 5 p.m.
Thursdays through Sundays. (610) 566-0788.

Philadelphia Museum of Art - 26th Street
and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia
(main Building); or the Perelman Building,
Fairmount and Pennsylvania Avenues. Exhib-
its and collections of more than 225,000 ob-
jects from throughout the world. First Sunday
of the month is Pay Whatever You Want Day
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(215) 763-8100.

River of Revolutions Interpretive Center -
Schuylkill River Heritage Area building at 140
College Drive, Pottstown. Destination details
the role the Schuylkill River region played in
the American, Industrial and Environmental
Revolutions, including a table relief map of the
Heritage Area and touch screen monitors with
narrated tours of tourist sites related to the
three revolutions, and multi-media about the

Page 32
Philadelphia Campaign during the American
Revolution; the regions coal mining and
manufacturing history, and the environmental
cleanup that saved the river in the mid-20th
century. has opened in Pottstown. Open
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.
(484) 945-0200.

Scott Arboretum 500 College Avenue,
Swarthmore. More than 110 acres, 5,000 dif-
ferent ornamental plants, walking trails and a
horticultural library are available on the
Swarthmore College campus grounds. The li-
brary contains over 1,300 garden-related
books; hundreds of magazines, catalogs,
newsletter; and a collection of brochures from
gardens worldwide. The Arboretum is open
from dawn to dusk daily and the offices and
library are open from 8:30 a.m. to noon and
1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. (610)-328-8025.

Thomas Massey House (1696) Springhouse
and Lawrence Roads, Broomall. Home of an
originally indentured servant. Restored from
demolition to much of its original fabric, the
house is furnished with appropriate late 17th
and 18th century furniture. Open from 1 p.m.
to 4 p.m. Sundays from May through October,
except holiday weekends. (610) 353-

Villanova University Arboretum and Art
Gallery 800 East Lancaster Avenue, Villa-
nova. The campus has been designated an ar-
boretum with the public welcome to enjoy two,
one-mile self-guided walking tours. The Gal-
lery of Art, located in the Connelly Center, gen-
erally is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays
during the summer. Hours can be checked by
telephone. (610)

Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum 1155
Easton Road, Horsham. The Delaware Valley
Historical Aircraft Association restores and dis-
plays old aircraft and maintains a museum and
library. Open 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday
through Friday and 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat-
urday and Sunday. or (610) 267-

Delaware State
Delaware Art Museum - 2301 Kentmere
Parkway, Wilmington, DE. A private, non-
profit museum best known for its large collec-
tion of British Pre-Raphaelite art, works by
Wilmington-native Howard Pyle and fellow
American illustrators, and urban landscapes by
John Sloan and his circle. Free admission on
Sundays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
(866) 232-3714.

Delaware Center for Horticulture 1810
North Dupont Street, Wilmington, DE. Gar-
dens are accessible during daylight hours and
the horticulture library and gallery are open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Military Families
Blue Star Families, the National Endowment
for the Arts, and more than 850 museums
throughout the nation are offering free admis-
sion to military personnel and their families
from Memorial Day through Labor Day 2010.

2009-2014 Casey Jones, Transformation Initiative for Building Healthy Communities Through Healthy Families.
Permission is granted to reproduce for personal or non-commercial uses only.
Information is designed to highlight activities within the broader community that can help enhance Christian
principles relative to development of healthy child, individual and family relationships.
Recipients are encouraged to print and post this Calendar to employee and public bulletin boards for benefit of
Activities included in this publication are gathered from various submissions and other sources. No representa-
tion is made as to their accuracy or value.
Persons wishing to be included in future e-mailings of updates, should request inclusion by e-mailing

General Guidelines for Information Submission:
Submission up to two to three months prior to the event is encouraged to increase exposure for new subscribers,
persons who don't read the list every week, and for other organizations that want to avoid scheduling opposite an
event or might want to collaborate with another in the area. For annual events, longer lead times may be appro-
priate. Our deadline generally is the Friday before the week of publication.

Page 33
A general idea of the information needed (many submit too little for the consumer to understand what actually is
occurring and why they might like to attend) can be obtained by perusing the publications or using the following

Please use full names followed, if appropriate, by acronyms in parenthesis.
Name of Event:
Date(s) - Include both day(s) of week and actual dates:
Times (Starting and ending):
Location (Including any applicable room number, particularly in a large facility, and a MapQuest or Google
Maps searchable address:
Sponsoring Organization(s), if not part of the location address:
Participant Eligibility (Ages, gender, etc.):
Description of Activities and, as applicable, the presenter and the purpose of the event (Two to three
descriptive sentences with the most appealing information; please avoid superfluous words such as
"wonderful", "great", etc.):
Any Fees, including free-will offerings:
Contact name, e-mail, telephone, along with any web page that is focused primarily on the specific activity:
Any registration requirements:

We generally use only free activities of a non-commercial nature or those in which a very small materials fee is
Fund-raising activities generally are not published unless there is a good mixture of free activities also avail-
able, including free admission, and a participant has the choice of purchasing incidental items, such as
food or crafts.
Church events generally are published only if they are separate from normal weekly worship services.

Due to the wide variety of activities available, decisions on publication ultimately are determined on a case-by-
case basis in context with focus of the publications.

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