This document outlines a course on developing oral communication skills in English. The course aims to enhance students' spoken English abilities, build confidence in speaking, and prepare students for an oral exam. It will be taught over two semesters, covering topics like family, education, jobs, travel, entertainment, sports, health, environment, politics, and consumerism. Classes involve discussion, media, and presentations. Students will be assessed on classroom participation and an oral presentation arguing one side of a debate on a social issue related to the topics. The course schedule details the topics and social issues to be covered each week in the first semester.
This document outlines a course on developing oral communication skills in English. The course aims to enhance students' spoken English abilities, build confidence in speaking, and prepare students for an oral exam. It will be taught over two semesters, covering topics like family, education, jobs, travel, entertainment, sports, health, environment, politics, and consumerism. Classes involve discussion, media, and presentations. Students will be assessed on classroom participation and an oral presentation arguing one side of a debate on a social issue related to the topics. The course schedule details the topics and social issues to be covered each week in the first semester.
This document outlines a course on developing oral communication skills in English. The course aims to enhance students' spoken English abilities, build confidence in speaking, and prepare students for an oral exam. It will be taught over two semesters, covering topics like family, education, jobs, travel, entertainment, sports, health, environment, politics, and consumerism. Classes involve discussion, media, and presentations. Students will be assessed on classroom participation and an oral presentation arguing one side of a debate on a social issue related to the topics. The course schedule details the topics and social issues to be covered each week in the first semester.
This document outlines a course on developing oral communication skills in English. The course aims to enhance students' spoken English abilities, build confidence in speaking, and prepare students for an oral exam. It will be taught over two semesters, covering topics like family, education, jobs, travel, entertainment, sports, health, environment, politics, and consumerism. Classes involve discussion, media, and presentations. Students will be assessed on classroom participation and an oral presentation arguing one side of a debate on a social issue related to the topics. The course schedule details the topics and social issues to be covered each week in the first semester.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Course Outline Course Aims This seminar course focuses on learning English for academic, professional and social purposes, and aims: to refresh and enhance your communicative competence in spoken and written English; to practise and extend your knowledge, use and range of English vocabulary and grammar in the contexts of academic, professional and social life; to build your confidence in speaking English, so that you will be more ready to dialogue with other speakers of English; to equip you to be able to discuss relevant social issues in English; to prepare you for the Oral Filter Examination at the end of Semester 2; to promote an interest in the life and culture of English-speaking countries.
Methodology The methodology is grounded on a theme-based approach and relies on the use of audio and visual media to enhance clarity, stimulate interest and instil motivation in learning. These media (CD, DVD, YouTube and computergenerated images) provide the opportunity for projecting the modelling of native-speaker language, grammatical patterns and vocabulary. The course will concentrate on spoken language, which, by its nature is flexible and dynamic, and lends itself to discussion, negotiating, questioning and clarifying. Spoken language cannot be taught and learned in isolation from the other skills of writing, reading, listening, so most lessons will integrate all four skills. Training in pronunciation and non-verbal language will also form an integral part of the course. Discussions on news and current affairs are presented to inform and stimulate discussion on up-to-date topics and to learn and use English idioms. Songs are an integral part of the methodology and are used to help build vocabulary, improve pronunciation and promote cultural awareness.
Course Structure The course comprises 2 x 45 minute contact hours per week over 5 weeks.
Course Schedule The 2 semesters have been scheduled to cover all 11 Oral Filter Examination Topics. The first semester is organised as follows:
ANB1009 ANB1009L Week Week Topic Description 1-2 1 1 Family 3-4 1 2 Education 5-6 2 3 Jobs 7 2 4 Travelling and Holidays 8 3 5 Entertainment and Social Life 9 3 6 Sports 10-11 4 7 Health and Eating 12-14 5 Oral Presentations
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Semester 1
Topic 1: Family 1.1 Family Roles 1.2 Divorce 1.3 Youth Problems 1.4 Homelessness
Topic 2: Education 2.1 School Types 2.2 Language Learning 2.3 Education in English-speaking Countries 2.4 Rights of Students
Topic 3: Jobs 3.1 Working in the European Union 3.2 Job Satisfaction 3.3 Priorities in Life 3.4 Unemployment
Topic 4: Travelling and Holidays 4.1 Travelling by Car, Train, Ship, Plane 4.2 Accommodation 4.3 Crossing Borders, Travelling Abroad 4.4 Organising a Holiday
Topic 5: Entertainment and Social Life 5.1 Types of Entertainment 5.2 Computers 5.3 Media 5.4 Mobile Phones
Topic 11: The Consumer Society 11.1 Globalisation 11.2 Shopping 11.3 Advertisements 11.4 Consumerism
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Assessment Your assessment will incorporate classroom participation (20%), and an oral presentation (80%). For the classroom participation component, you will be required to be actively involved in the class and contribute to discussion and debate. The oral presentation components are described below.
Oral Presentations You will be required to participate in a debate on the social issues (see pages 3-4) pertaining to set topics (see p.2). This requires you to prepare and deliver a presentation supporting your point of view on your chosen topic. The list of social issues for semester 1 is as follows:
1. Family 1.1 More women should be in leadership positions in the workforce?
1.2 Marriage is no longer regarded as important.
1.3 The high unemployment rate in Hungary is causing hopelessness among young people.
1.4 There are more and more homeless people dying on the streets, especially at winter time.
2. Education 2.1 The subjects being taught in schools are not relevant to the requirements of employers?
2.2 The decrease in the number of births among Hungarian families is causing a decrease in the demand for teachers, which means a reduction in teacher training courses.
2.3 The education system in Hungary needs to be aligned with other EU countries.
2.4 Even though students have basic rights, the power of the teacher is still very prevalent in the Hungarian education system, and teachers exploit this to their advantage.
3. Jobs 3.1 There is a growing concern in EU countries regarding the exploitation of workers and getting them to work illegally.
3.2 Workers in Hungary are working for much less that they should, so that they can keep their jobs.
3.3 In Hungary there is a marked increase in the incidence of alcoholism and depression, especially among men, because of unrealised life goals and expectations.
3.4 The high unemployment rate and lack of prospects is breeding a sense of hopelessness for the future among the young people in Hungary today.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
4. Travelling and Holidays 4.1 The amount of ground and air traffic is causing major environment problems.
4.2 Hospitality employees are paid very little and have to work very long hours.
4.3 The main Budapest airport has reduced staff to save money, so there are not enough customs officials to control and detect the entry of illegal passengers.
5. Entertainment and Social Life 5.1 TV has become the most influential media in our society and has become the most problematic in regard to the promotion of addiction to pornography.
5.2 Computers have become a necessary part of life, but they have become an addiction for many who have forgotten what it is like to live in the real world and to have real personal contact.
5.3 There is a growing opinion that there needs to be more censorship of the mass media.
5.4 Mobiles in public places, such as in the theatre, the classroom, the restaurant, are a menace, because they disturb others with their ring tones, and people speak loudly on their phones so that everyone can hear their conversations.
6. Sports 6.1 Sport is not an integral part of the school curriculum in Hungary. This situation needs to change if Hungary is to become a healthy nation and if it is produce more world class sports people.
6.2 Hungarys medal tally of 17 (9 th position) in the 2012 games was a big improvement on that of the 2008 games (10). This perhaps is an indication that the priority given to sport in schools is on the increase.
6.3 Too many young people are being injured or killed while doing extreme sports, so there needs to be some sort of tighter regulation of their limits of safety.
6.4 There is a growing concern among the sporting world in Hungary about the number of young athletes who are taking drugs to enhance their performance.
7. Health and Eating 7.1 It has been proven that people who use solariums have double the risk of getting skin cancer before the age of 40. As such, solariums should be banned.
7.2/3 The depressed economic and social environments in Hungary have caused a lack of hope for many Hungarians who resort to addictions to escape reality.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
7.3 As a result of the unhealthy lifestyle and eating and cooking habits of the Hungarians, the Hungarian health system is struggling to cope with the related costs due to these problems.
The Oral Filter Examination Topics and associated social issues will be covered generally in the course and vocabulary and ideas pertaining to them will be discussed in class. However, you will need to research the topic outside class time to prepare your argument. You will be required to speak on your topic for at least ten minutes, without the aid of the full script. Only short notes in point form will be permitted during your presentation. You are encouraged to be as creative as possible in your presentation, so make use of the technology which will be made available (i.e. laptop, internet access, CD/CVD player).
Assessment Criteria The following list outlines the criteria on which you will be assessed: Knowledge of Topic Vocabulary Accuracy Fluency Pronunciation Non-verbal Communication Confidence Argument Creativity
Readings There are no set readings, as all the course material is contained in the course manual and handouts.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 1:
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
1.1 Family Roles: Q-AND-A Focus Question: How have family roles changed in the past decades?
Sketch answers: Family patterns a century ago Only the father was the breadwinner. There were usually many more children. The mothers were housewives and did not work. There were three or four generations living under the same roof. There were less divorces divorce was shunned in society. Family patterns now Normally both parents work. Divorce is more common. Usually only one or two generations living under the same roof. There are fewer children. Housework is shared by the parents and, in some cases, the children.
Questions Which type of family do you prefer? Why? Who is the breadwinner in your family? How does Hungary encourage families to have more children? Is the mothers place only in the home? Can a working mother fulfil the duty of a wife, mother and a career woman?
Vocabulary: breadwinner household chores closely-knit community independent to make ends meet to be in charge of...something household devices obsolete unimaginable encourage career woman blue-collar worker
Social Issue to consider: More women should be in leadership positions in the workforce? Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
1.2 Divorce: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What is the reason for the high number of divorces nowadays?
Sketch answers: There is a distinct lack of communication between husband and wife. There is a lack of companionship within the marriage bond. There is a tendency towards Infidelity (adultery) because of the lack of morals. There is a feeling of false hopes between married couples. Financial problems cause a lot of stress within the marriage relationship. Unemployment plays a considerable role in marriage breakdown. We live in a use-by society if it is not working, then throw it away. Not being able to have children can cause marriage breakup. Children can cause problems and lead to a breakdown of relationships. Some people are not able to carry out the responsibilities of marriage.
Questions Are divorced parents judged fairly in Hungary? What problems can arise after divorce? What do you think a child experiences when the parents get divorced? Do you think a prenuptial agreement should be signed between a couple intending to marry? Is living together (cohabitating) before marriage important? What are the pros and cons of getting married at an early age?
Vocabulary communication relationship companionship tendency false hopes infidelity prenuptial agreement marriage dissolution co-habit counsellor infertility marriage breakdown Social Issue to consider: Marriage is no longer regarded as important. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
1.3 Youth Problems: Q-AND-A Focus Question. What are some of the problems young people experience in Hungary?
Sketch answers: Young people do not have a good relationship with their parents Some parents are too strict some parents are not strict enough. They lack parental guidance They have little interest in school and learning. They have no perspective on being punctual, tidy and responsible. They are overburdened at school. They have no money and are not able to get part-time work. They do not see a hope for the future regarding employment and security. They are involved in alcohol and drug abuse and hang around with the wrong people. They have too much time on their hands (idle) and get into trouble. They watch too much television and are too influenced by the media. They have little respect for their elders and the rule of law. Questions Are parents too strict/lenient with their children? Is the education system good enough in Hungary? What changes would you like to see in the school system? Does the community offer enough facilities to cater for young people? Do you think that young people today have too much freedom in making choices? Is it too easy for young people to purchase alcohol? Do you think that drug abuse is a growing problem among teenagers in Hungary? Vocabulary strict lenient parental guidance respect rule of law influenced idle behaviour punctual perspective overburdened Social issue to consider: The high unemployment rate in Hungary is causing hopelessness among young people. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
1.4 Homelessness: Q-AND-A Q. What are the major reasons for the increasing number of homeless people in Hungary?
Sketch answers: There is a high unemployment rate and no job prospects. Some are too old to hold down a normal job. Some have become bankrupt and cannot pay off their debts. Family breakup and high rate of divorce. There is a need by some to opt out of mainstream society. Alcohol and drug abuse. Young people being abused at home feel safer on the streets. There are more and more people not wanting the responsibilities of life. There is a lack of housing available. There is an expanding city population. No hope of earning money to pay rent. There are fewer charity organisations to fall back on. The government are not addressing the fundamental issues which cause homelessness. Questions Do you have sympathy for homeless people? What is the general attitude toward homeless people? Are the local and national governments doing enough to address the homeless problem? Why is the homeless rate higher in the cities that in the small towns and villages? Why is there a low percentage of homeless people from the Roma communities? What is your experience with a homeless person? What measure would you introduce to try and reduce the number of homeless people?
Vocabulary job prospects family breakup become bankrupt to opt out to address a problem to hold down a job mainstream society sympathy homeless rate to be abused Social issue to consider: There are more and more homeless people dying on the streets, especially at winter time. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Family Man by Andrew Peterson
I am a family man I traded in my mustang for a minivan This is not what I was headed for when I began This was not my plan I am a family man
But everything I had to lose Came back a thousand times in you And you fill me up with love Fill me up with love And you help me stand 'cause I am a family man
And life is good That's something I always knew But I just never understood If you'd asked me then you know I'd say I never would Settle down in a neighbourhood I never thought I could
But I don't remember anymore Who I even was before You filled me up with love Filled me up with love And you help me stand
So come on with the thunder clouds Let the cold wind rail against us, let the rain come down We can build a roof above us with the love we've found We can stand our ground So let the rain come down
Because love binds up what breaks in two So keep my heart so close to you And I'll fill you up with love Fill you up with love And I'll help you stand 'Cause I am a family man
I'm saving my vacation time For Disneyland This is not what I was headed for when I began This was not my plan It's so much better than
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Family Portrait by Pink
Momma please stop cryin, I can't stand the sound Your pain is painful and its tearin' me down I hear glasses breakin as I sit up in my bed I told dad you didn't mean those nasty things you said
You fight about money, bout me and my brother And this I come home to, this is my shelter It ain't easy growin up in World War III Never knowin what love could be, you'll see I don't want love to destroy me like it has done my family
Can we work it out? Can we be a family? I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do anything Can we work it out? Can we be a family? I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't leave
Daddy please stop yellin, I can't stand the sound Make mama stop cryin, cuz I need you around My mama she loves you, no matter what she says its true I know that she hurts you, but remember I love you, too
I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away Don't wanna go back to that place, but don't have no choice, no way
It ain't easy growin up in World War III Never knowin what love could be, well I've seen I don't want love to destroy me like it did my family
Can we work it out? Can we be a family? I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do anything Can we work it out? Can we be a family? I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't leave
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy Let's play pretend, let's act like it comes naturally I don't wanna have to split the holidays I don't want two addresses Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
I don't want a step-brother anyways And I don't want my mom to have to change her last name In our family portrait we look pretty happy We look pretty normal, let's go back to that In our family portrait we look pretty happy Let's play pretend, act like it goes naturally
In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be a family?) We look pretty normal, let's go back to that (I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do anything)
In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be a family?) Let's play pretend act and like it comes so naturally (I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't leave)
In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be a family?) We look pretty normal, let's go back to that (I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't leave)
Daddy don't leave Daddy don't leave Daddy don't leave Turn around please Remember that the night you left You took my shining star? Daddy don't leave Daddy don't leave Daddy don't leave Don't leave us here alone
Mom will be nicer I'll be so much better, I'll tell my brother Oh, I won't spill the milk at dinner I'll be so much better, I'll do everything right I'll be your little girl forever I'll go to sleep at night
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
The Streets of London by Ralph McTell
Have you seen the old man In the closed-down market Kicking up the paper, with his worn out shoes? In his eyes you see no pride Hand held loosely at his side Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news
Chorus So how can you tell me you're lonely, And say for you that the sun don't shine? Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London I'll show you something to make you change your mind
Have you seen the old girl Who walks the streets of London Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags? She's no time for talking, She just keeps right on walking Carrying her home in two carrier bags.
In the all night cafe At a quarter past eleven, Same old man is sitting there on his own Looking at the world Over the rim of his tea-cup, Each tea last an hour Then he wanders home alone
And have you seen the old man Outside the seaman's mission Memory fading with The medal ribbons that he wears. In our winter city, The rain cries a little pity For one more forgotten hero And a world that doesn't care
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Heart Touching Video
Song: Family Man by Andrew Petersen
Song: Family Portrait by Pink
Song: The Streets of London by Ralph McTell
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 2
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
2.1 School Types: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What are the different school types in Hungary?
Sketch answers: Compulsory education begins at the age of 6 when children start elementary school. Children attend the kindergarten or nursery school between 3 and 6 years. In the first 4 years of elementary school, students acquire the basic knowledge. There are three school types in secondary education: vocational schools, secondary technical schools and secondary grammar schools. There are three types of grammar schools: 8 years, 6 years or 4 years of study. There are bilingual schools where most of the subjects are taught in the target language. After secondary school, most students continue their studies in colleges or universities.
Questions Do you think that children should start elementary earlier/later than 6 years old? What do you think about the amount of learning the children have to do in elementary school? What are some of the recent changes in the education system? What is the traditional Prussian type of education like? What do you think about bilingual education, and how appropriate is it for the Hungarian context? What is more important? Preparing them for life or cramming their heads with facts?
Vocabulary: compulsory kindergarten community to acquire Prussian bilingual school target language cramming
Social Issue to consider: The subjects being taught in Hungarian schools are not relevant to the requirements of employers?
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
2.2 Language Learning: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Why is it so important for foreign languages to be taught in schools?
Sketch answers: Language learning is important to be able to communicate with people of the target language. Language learning should be a priority in the school curriculum. Learning languages is difficult and many students dont persevere with them. Hungarian students in general do not see the importance of learning a foreign language. In foreign language learning, the most important language skill is speaking. Modern approaches and techniques need to be introduced to make language learning more interesting and effective.
Questions At what age should children start to learn a language? Why? Which foreign languages should be taught in Hungarian schools? Why? How important are computers and multimedia in learning a language? What kind of discipline problems do teachers have to face in the schools? What do you think about the use of music in learning a language? What do you think about the use of drama in learning a language? Are the language teaching methods used today in Hungary too antiquated? How important is it to be taught a foreign language by a native-speaking teacher?
Vocabulary target language priority curriculum discipline to get bored multimedia approaches techniques antiquated native speaker
Social Issue to consider: The decrease in the number of births among Hungarian families is causing a decrease in the demand for teachers, which means a reduction in teacher training courses.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
2.3 Education in English-speaking Countries: Q-AND-A Focus Question. What are some of the differences in education between Hungary and English-speaking countries?
Sketch answers: In England, children begin primary school at the age of 5 They attend pre-school before primary school There are many private schools in England, which are quite expensive to attend. There is a National Curriculum, with the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. The children take achievement tests at the ages of 7, 11 and 14. At 16 students they take exams for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) There are more discipline problems in the schools in England. In USA the schools are maintained and funded by the local governments. There are many different school types. Students attend a college (2 years) then a university (4 years).
Questions Is the education system good enough in Hungary? How does the English education system differ from the Hungarian system? How does the American system differ from it? What English-speaking TV channels are available in Hungary? What changes would you like to see in the Hungarian school system? What is the relationship between the EU and the Bologna process? What do you know of the Erasmus exchange programme for students in the EU?
Vocabulary national curriculum core subject achievement test relationship to maintain to fund differ aligned Erasmus
Social issue to consider: The education system in Hungary needs to be aligned with other EU countries. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
2.4 Rights of Students: Q-AND-A Q. What are the rights of students in Hungary?
Sketch answers Students are not informed about their basic rights. They do not know how to go about making a complaint. Most students think that they are at the mercy of the system and have no recourse. Students are scared to make a complaint for fear of retribution. Students have the right to question the marks of an assignment, exam or test. Students with disabilities are treated appropriately and are given the proper help. Sexual harassment is very much a part of college/university culture. Some students are discriminated against because of their ethnic/cultural background.
Questions In Hungarian culture, is it unusual for a student to insist on his/her rights? Have you ever had to make an official complaint about your rights as a student? Do you know the procedure to follow? Do you fear by making a complaint against a teacher you will be marked down in your test or exam? What do you know about the rights of students in other countries? Do you find evidence of sexual/ethnic/cultural/religious discrimination on this campus? Do you think that this college provides the basic needs of the students? What do you know about the rights of teachers?
Vocabulary basic rights at the mercy of... recourse retribution marked down ethnic/cultural background appropriately discriminated against to insist on context prevalent to exploit Social issue to consider: Even though students have basic rights, the power of the teacher is still very prevalent in the Hungarian education system, and teachers exploit this to their advantage. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Teach Your Children by Crosby, Stills and Nash
You who are on the road Must have a code that you can live by And so become yourself Because the past is just a good bye.
Teach your children well, Their father's hell did slowly go by, And feed them on your dreams The one they picked, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry, So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
And you, of tender years, Can't know the fears that your elders grew by, And so please help them with your youth, They seek the truth before they can die.
Counter Melody To Above Verse: Can you hear and do you care and Cant you see we must be free to Teach your children what you believe in. Make a world that we can live in.
Teach your parents well, Their children's hell will slowly go by, And feed them on your dreams The one they picked, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry, So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 3:
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
3.1 Working in the European Union (EU): Q-AND-A Focus Question: What job opportunities do Hungarians have in the EU?
Sketch answers: There are some EU countries (e.g. UK) with open access to jobs for Hungarians. There are quite a few EU countries which have restricted access to employment and which require Hungarians to have a work permit. Overall, the number of available jobs in EU countries has decreased substantially because of the economic downturn. Being able to speak the language of the host country is a must for Hungarians wishing to work in other EU countries. There are jobs in various sectors of the work force in EU countries, especially in the hospitality, medical, construction, cleaning and au pair sectors. There are a limited number of jobs in the tourism, retail and education.
Questions: Are Hungarians allowed to take up a job anywhere in the EU? Why do Hungarians want to work in other countries? What kind of education will give the best opportunities for getting a job in an EU country? Why do employers in EU countries exploit workers from the poorer EU countries? Is there any particular job you would like in an EU country? Do you know of the availability of jobs in EU countries? What are the unemployment rates in the various EU countries? Do you want to leave Hungary to work in another country? Why? Why not?
Vocabulary: open access restricted access work permit economic downturn hospitality to take up a job exploit availability employment rates
Social Issue to consider: There is a growing concern in EU countries regarding the exploitation of workers and getting them to work illegally.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
3.2 Job Satisfaction: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What aspects of employment do you think are important when you look for a job?
Sketch answers: Working in a profession which develops my skills and interests is the most important thing for me. So long as the job pays well, I am not too choosy about the work I do. It is important that my workplace is reasonably near where I live. Access to public transport is very important for me when looking for a job. It is important that the company I work for is a multinational company, so that I have better opportunities to travel overseas. I would much prefer to work in my home town rather than have to go to Budapest or another large city. I would look for good conditions of employment and a fair salary, rather than a high salary and bad conditions. It is important that the term and conditions of my employment are stipulated so that I have some sort of job security and I know up front what is expected of me and of my employer.
Questions: What job opportunities do fresh Hungarian graduates have after leaving college or university? What are the pros and cons of having a lot of multinational companies in Hungary? What do you think about the problem of the exploitation of young employees by companies who do not keep to the conditions of employment? What do you know about illegal work in Hungary? How important is it to pay tax on all of the work you do? What do you think of the tax system in Hungary?
Vocabulary: choosy reasonably access conditions of employment fair salary to stipulate to know up front
Social Issue to consider: Workers in Hungary are working for much less that they should, so that they can keep their jobs. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
3.3 Priorities in Life: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What do you place as priorities in your life?
Sketch answers: I think that my relationship with family/friends is the most important aspect of my life. A job with security is a top priority for me. My number one priority is to have a good job so that I can provide for my family. One of the goals in my life is to settle down and have children with the woman/man of my dreams. A good education which will get me the best job is one of my main priorities in life. Contentment in making do with what I have is my main priority in life. Finding a wife/husband to love and who will love me is my deepest desire in life. Money and job security are my main priorities in life. My relationship with God is my number one priority in life.
Questions: What must you do at this time in order to ensure that you realise your future goals in life? Should you go back to study to ensure that you have a secure future? How important is money in your life? Are a bigger home/more money/a better job more important than being content with what you now have? How important is your relationships with friends and family in realising your future goals? If you had to choose between a safe job in Hungary or the chance of earning more money overseas in a job which may not be secure, which would you choose? Vocabulary: priority job security to settle down contentment desire relationship to realise to be content to earn Social issue to consider: In Hungary there is a marked increase in the incidence of alcoholism and depression, especially among men, because of unrealised life goals and expectations. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
3.4 Unemployment: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Is the high unemployment rate the most pressing problem in Hungary today?
Sketch answers: High unemployment is by far the biggest problem in Hungary today. Many of the social problems we have are the cause of high unemployment. The high unemployment rate is because of the global financial crisis. It is because of bad decisions made by the government that we have high unemployment. Hungary is overburdened with high social benefits and not enough tax revenue. The solution to the unemployment problem is to promote investment from foreign companies. People are not saving enough to ensure that they have security when times are tough. There is high unemployment among young people because older people will not retire to make way for the younger generation in the work force. The requirement of more technological and language skills make it difficult for older people to keep their jobs. Questions: Do you know the extent of the unemployment rate in Hungary? What country has the highest unemployment rate in the EU? (see EU statistics) What do you think are the reasons for the relatively high unemployment rate in Hungary? What parts of Hungary are stricken with the highest unemployment? What are the best paid jobs in Hungary today? What sort of feeling and emotions do you think are experienced by the unemployed? In what ways do you think that we could reduce our unemployment rate? Besides unemployment, what are some of the other problems Hungary is facing today? Vocabulary: pressing problem global financial crisis to overburden tax revenue to promote technological skills to be stricken to breed Social issue to consider: The high unemployment rate and lack of prospects is breeding a sense of hopelessness for the future among the young people in Hungary today. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:29-31)
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be.
You raise me up... To more than I can be.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 4:
Travelling & Holidays
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
4.1 Travelling by Coach, Car, Train, Ship, Plane: Q-AND-A Focus Question: How do you like to travel when you go on holiday?
Sketch answers: I prefer to travel by train. The train is always reliable and it is mostly punctual. Some trains are very dirty and smelly. I always try to travel on the Intercity trains. The Intercity trains are faster, more comfortable and are not smelly. I never travel by ship because I get sea sick. Ship travel is very expensive and is very slow. My preferred mode of travel is the aeroplane, because it is fast and reliable. Travelling by air is relatively cheap compared with 10 years ago. I do not like to travel long distances by car. Car travel is very tiring, and much slower than plane travel. Travelling long distances by coach is exhausting and uncomfortable. Coach travel can be dangerous.
Questions: When is the last time you travelled abroad? How did you travel? What problems did you encounter in booking your trip and/or during your trip? What do you think about the safety of air travel? What are the advantages and disadvantages of flying? Which do you think is the safest mode of travel?
Vocabulary: reliable punctual smelly preferred mode relatively cheap tiring exhausting to encounter a problem safest mode
Social Issue to consider: The amount of ground and air traffic is causing major environment problems. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
4.2 Accommodation: Q-AND-A Focus Question: When you go on holiday, what kind of accommodation do you prefer?
Sketch answers: I like staying in hotels or resorts. I do like to stay in hotels that are in walking distance of the city centre. I prefer to stay outside the city centre because it is cheaper and quieter. When I stay in hotels, I insist on a room with a view. I prefer a room with en-suite, rather than having to share a bathroom. I like to camp with a caravan. I like the outdoors so I prefer to go on camping holidays with my tent. Camping is much healthier and cheaper than staying in a hotel. Sometimes I like to stay in a holiday farm where I can experience the country life. A Bed and Breakfast (B & B) is the best for me, because it is cheaper. I like to travel a lot see as much as possible, so short stays in a B & B is my preference. Questions: What hotels have you stayed in Hungary and abroad? Do you think that Hungarian hotels offer the same standard as hotels abroad? Why do some people prefer to rough it by camping, instead of staying in the comfort of a hotel? Have you every camped with a tent? What advantages does camping have over staying in a hotel? Do you feel safe from crime when you go on holiday? Vocabulary: prefer resort en-suite caravan outdoors to experience camping holiday country life Bread and Breakfast preference hospitality Social Issue to consider: Hospitality employees are paid very little and have to work very long hours. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
4.3/4.4 Travelling Abroad Organising a Holiday Q-AND-A Focus Question: How do you prepare for your holiday?
Sketch answers: I have to save very hard to have enough money for my holiday. I find out as much as I can about the different countries and special offers. I have to make up my mind about where to go. I have to plan to take leave from my workplace. It is important to have the correct documentation. I apply for a visa and make sure my passport is valid. I then decide which route I will take and how I will travel. I book the travel tickets and make reservations for accommodation. It is important to take out travel insurance and exchange money for the foreign currency. When crossing borders, I ensure that I have the right travel documents Questions: How long does it normally take you to organise your holiday? What do think about people going to the same place for a holiday every year? Do you prefer to go to a travel agent to do all your bookings, or do you prefer doing it through internet. What countries are your favourite destinations? If you could afford to do it, which exotic country would you visit for a holiday. In which countries do you think most Hungarians like to holiday? What is your worst fear when you are about to cross the border into a foreign country? Have you experienced corrupt customs officials when crossing a border? Have you ever been refused entry into a foreign country? Why?
Vocabulary: special offers to make up my mind take leave valid exotic to make reservations to take out travel insurance to detect Social issue to consider: The main Budapest airport has reduced staff to save money, so there are not enough customs officials to control and detect the entry of illegal passengers. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Leaving on a Jet Plane by John Denver
All my bags are packed I'm ready to go I'm standin' here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye But the dawn is breakin' it's early morn The taxi's waitin' he's blowin' his horn Already I'm so lonesome I could die
So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane Don't know when I'll be back again Oh baby, I hate to go
There's so many times I've let you down So many times I've played around I tell you now, they don't mean a thing Every place I go, I'll think of you Every song I sing, I'll sing for you When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane Don't know when I'll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you One more time let me kiss you Close your eyes I'll be on my way Dream about the days to come When I won't have to leave alone About the times, I won't have to say
So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane Don't know when I'll be back again Oh baby, I hate to go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane Don't know when I'll be back again Oh baby, I hate to go
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 5:
Entertainment and Social Life
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
5.1 Types of Entertainment: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What types of entertainment are available in Hungary?
Sketch answers: Theatre plays a big part in Hungarian culture. Hungary is world renowned for its rich classical music excellence. Hungary has a very vibrant pop music scene. There are many clubs offering a wide variety of entertainment for young people. Hungary has retained its national folk music and dance traditions. Hungarian radio and TV are popular means of entertainment. Computers have become a massive influence on life in Hungary. Mobile phones are a necessary part of our lives. Both Hungarian and English movies are a very popular form of entertainment.
Questions: Which types of entertainment do you enjoy? Why Do you know of any famous musicians, composers, choirs in Hungary? Who do you think is the most famous Hungarian composer? For what music is he/she known best? What do you think of the standard of entertainment in the local clubs? Is there enough variety in the available types of entertainment in your city/town/village? Do you know any famous Hungarian folk musician/dancer/choir? Do you think that TV has changed the way we live? Why? Has TV a good or bad influence on society? How much do you depend on your computer? Could you live without your mobile phone?
Vocabulary: world renowned vibrant variety retained influence problematic Social Issue to consider: TV has become the most influential media in our society and has become the most problematic in regard to the promotion of, and addiction to pornography. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
5.2 Computers: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of computers?
Sketch answers: Computers have made a very positive influence in our lives. Our lives and societies have become more efficient because of computers. Computers had changed the way we think about life. The scientific advances of today have only been made possible by the computer. Computers have made an inestimable change to how we learn. The internet has opened up the whole world to each individual who owns a computer. Life without a computer is unthinkable. Computers have caused a big problem in the lives of many young people. Children spend many hours playing violent games on the computer. Young people have ready access to pornography via the computer. Because of computers, young people live in an unreal world through social networks. Tablets are quickly becoming more popular than the laptop. Questions: Do you have or have access to a computer? What do you use the computer for? What are the advantages/disadvantages of a laptop computer? How much do you use/depend on a computer? What are some of the dangers of using a computer? What kind of websites do you visit? Do you think there should be filters on the internet? Do you think that social networks are a good way of communicating? Why? Why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the internet? What do you think of Skype? Vocabulary: scientific advances inestimable unthinkable ready access pornography Social Issue to consider: Computers have become a necessary part of life, but they have become a an addiction for many who have forgotten what it is like to live in the real world and to have real personal contact. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
5.3 Media: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What is the purpose of the mass media in Hungary?
Sketch answers: The mass media includes: radio, television, newspapers/magazines and the internet. The mass media is concerned about reporting important news/events/ to the public. It is a channel through which advertisers hope to sell their products and services. It is a political tool for people to persuade the public to agree with their policies and views. It is a way that politicians can bias public opinion. The mass media is controlled by money and is not unbiased. The mass media is a way in which the government tries to generate support. The purpose of the mass media is to keep people abreast of important issues. It is used to report on famous and influential people. Questions: What is your opinion of the mass media in Hungary? Do you think it is biased or unbiased? Who do you think controls the mass media in Hungary? Why do you think scandals and sensationalism sells newspapers or TV programmes. Do we have a media overload? Do you think our lives are ruled/dictated by the mass media? How can we be discerning when it comes to choosing what we should read or watch? What do you think of commercials on the TV? Vocabulary: concerned channel political tool bias public opinion not unbiased to generate support keep people abreast scandal sensationalism discerning Social issue to consider: There is a growing opinion that there needs to be more censorship of the mass media. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
5.4 Mobile Phones Focus Question: Have we become too dependent on mobile phones?
Sketch answers: Life without a mobile phone would be unthinkable. We spend a lot of time on our mobiles. The smart phone has revolutionised our home and business lives. Possessing a smart phone is a status symbol in Hungary. It is not a must, but it makes people feel important. Many people have become addicted to their mobile phones. Smart phones with cameras have become a real menace, regarding the safeguarding of privacy. Too many children have a smart phone and those who dont are ostracised. Questions: How much do you use your mobile? Do you think it is a necessary part of life? Is it too expensive to have a mobile? What is a smart phone? Do you think that using text messages has affected our language use? What are the main advantages/disadvantages of mobile phones over conventional phones? What phone companies are the most popular in Hungary? Vocabulary: unthinkable gadget revolutionised not a must necessary part of life menace safeguarding privacy ostracised conventional disturb Social issue to consider: Mobiles in public places, such as at the theatre, the classroom, the restaurant, are a menace, because they disturb others with their ring tones, and people speak loudly on their phones so that everyone can hear their conversations.
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 6:
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
6.1 Traditional Sports: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Why do Sport?
Sketch answers: Sport is important for a healthy body. Doing sports helps you to lose weight. Regular exercise helps you cope with stress. Sport helps you to relax and unwind. Joining a sports club gives the opportunity to meet people. Being a member of a sports club helps you become part of the community. If you take sports seriously, it is a possible career path. A physically healthy nation means an economically healthy nation.
Questions: What do you do/do not do sports? What sports do you do? What are advantages for you in doing sports? How many sports can you think of? In what way can you categorise sports? Is Hungary a sporty nation? Why? Why Not? What sports is Hungary best known for? What sports facilities are available in your area? Do you think that the state should support sporting clubs, teams and other sports organisations? What are the traditional British sports? What are the traditional USA sports? What do you think of the high salaries paid to top professional football players? What must Hungary do to ensure that its football team once again plays in the World Cup? Vocabulary: Cope with stress unwind career path physically healthy economically healthy categorise integral part Social Issue to consider: Sport is not an integral part of the school curriculum in Hungary. This situation needs to change if Hungary is to become a healthy nation and if it is produce more world class sports people. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
6.2 Olympics: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What do you know about the Olympic Games?
Sketch answers: The Olympic Summer games are held every four years (on a leap year divisible by 4). The Olympic Winter games are held every four years, two years before the Summer Olympics. A different country is chosen 8 years in advance to host the Olympic Games. The Summer Olympics was held in 2012 in London. A total of 10,500 athletes from 204 countries competed in 26 sports in 32 disciplines. The last Winter Olympics was held in 2010 in Vancouver, Canada. Approximately 2,600 athletes from 82 nations participated in 86 events in fifteen disciplines. The next Summer Olympics will be held in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The next Winter Olympics will be held in 2014 in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. There is a Paralympic Games for athletes with physical disabilities. The next one will be held in Rio-de-Janeiro in 2016 after the Summer Games. Questions: What is the purpose of the Olympic Games? When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? Do you know the names of any Hungarian athletes who have won Olympic medals? Can you give names and events of medal winners in the 2012 Olympics? ( Why do you think Hungary is so good at water polo and not so good in its most popular sport: soccer? What sports do you think should be included in the Olympics? Who is the most famous Hungarian Olympic athlete? Vocabulary: to host physical disabilities intellectual disabilities medal tally indication Social Issue to consider: Hungarys medal tally of 17 (9 th position) in the 2012 games was a big improvement on that of the 2008 games (10). This perhaps is an indication that the priority given to sport in schools is on the increase. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
6.3 Extreme Sports: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Do people endanger their lives by doing extreme sports?
Sketch answers: Extreme sports are a challenge for people who like to take risks. Extreme sports demand skills and talents which only a relative few people have. Extreme sports push the body to its very limits of capability. People who do extreme sports are obsessed with the adrenalin rush which only such sports can give. Those who do extreme sports do so because they are no longer satisfied with their achievements in traditional sports. Extreme sports give people status and prestige within the sporting world. There are much fewer athletes involved in extreme sports than in traditional sports, because of the risks involved and the lack of available facilities to train. There is a lot of money to be earned by good athletes of extreme sports.
Questions: How would you describe the term extreme sports? What are some of the extreme sports? Do you know of any extreme sports which are available in Hungary? Do you know the name of any athletes who do extreme sports? What do you think about the idea of having an Extreme Sports Olympics? What are some of the sports you think should be included? What do you think of the statement: extreme sports are for men only? Do you think that women should participate with men on the same level? Would you like to become an extreme sports athletes? Which extreme sports would you like to do? Vocabulary: challenge take risks limits of capability obsessed adrenalin rush achievements Social issue to consider: Too many young people are being injured or killed while doing extreme sports, so there needs to be some sort of tighter regulation of their limits of safety. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
6.4 Doping: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Why do athletes continue to take drugs, when the tests nowadays are so accurate in discovering most drugs?
Sketch answers: Athletes are willing to risk their careers, and their lives, to win. Some athletes take drugs because they stand to gain a lot of money if they win. Many athletes are not aware of just how accurate and effective the tests are. There are athletes who think they will never be caught, because they think that they have taken a drug that cannot be discovered by testing. Some athletes are unaware of the drugs that are banned by the Olympics authorities. Athletes are sometimes persuaded to take performance enhancing drugs by their trainers or their fellow athletes. Athletes take drugs because they have become dependent on them. Many athletes take drugs because their friends or fellow athletes do, so there must not be anything wrong in it. Questions: How much are you aware of drug taking in the sporting world? Do you agree or disagree with athletes taking drugs to gain the advantage? What do you know about the testing of athletes at high profile sporting events? Should athletes win at all costs? If you were an athlete, would you take performance enhancing drugs? Why? Why not? What do you think should happen to those athletes who have been found guilty of taking performance- enhancing drugs? How do you think that young athletes should be educated regarding the taking of drugs? In what sports do you think that performance-enhancing drugs are most common? What about giving drugs to animals, such as horses, so that they can perform better? Vocabulary: stand to gain performance-enhancing to be found guilty high profile growing concern sporting world Social issue to consider: There is a growing concern among the sporting world in Hungary about the number of young athletes who are taking drugs to enhance their performance. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
You and Me by Sarah Brightman and Liu Huan
Theme Song Of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
You and me from one world we are family Travel dream a thousand miles meeting in beijing
Come together put your hand in mine You and me from one world we are family
You and me from one world we are family meeting in Beijing
You and me from one world we are family
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
Topic 7:
Health and Eating
Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
7.1 Diseases: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What can you say about diseases and their and their causes?
Sketch answers: HIV/AIDS is relatively low in Hungary, but still very prevalent in some parts of the world. Diseases are caused by many different things, but are preventable. Heart disease is the biggest killer in Hungary. Cancer is killing more and more people in Hungary, and in many parts of the world. The incidence of lung cancer is very high in Hungary. Skin diseases and skin cancer are also common in Hungary. Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases in Hungary. In the last 20 years, women have become more susceptible to breast cancer. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a disease common in Central Europe in summer. The incidence of meningitis is relatively high in Hungary. There are over 200 infectious diseases endemic to Hungary. Scarlet Fever, chickenpox, tuberculosis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B are infectious common in Hungary. Questions: What do HIV and AIDS mean? What kind of diseases are they? What is wrong with Hungarys health system? Why do we not have enough doctors and facilities? What needs to be done to put the health system right? What is the main cause of heart disease? What is the main cause of lung disease? Why do so many people contract cancer? What diseases have you had? What do you think has caused the increase in mental illnesses and depression in Hungary? Vocabulary: epidemic preventable incidence susceptible endemic Social Issue to consider: It has been proven that people who use solariums have double the risk of getting skin cancer before the age of 40. As such, solariums should be banned. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
7.2/7.3 Addictions: Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol: Q-AND-A Focus Question: What are some of the most common addictions in Hungary?
Sketch answers: The number of addicts has risen sharply over the last 10 years in Hungary. There are over 1 million Hungarians addicted to alcohol. Addiction to illicit drugs has also increased sharply. There has been a major increase in smoking, especially among young people. Many people are addicted to sedatives and sleeping tablets. Gambling has become a major addiction in Hungary. Addiction to shopping is also causing many social problems. Addiction to internet pornography, among men and women, has become a major problem. The health system does not have enough resources to cope with the addiction problems. There are many non-government organisations working to help rehabilitate addicts. Questions: Why do people become addicted to drugs, alcohol or smoking, when we know they are harmful? (see Why do you think smoking is harmful? What are the reasons young people smoke? Do you think that smoking should be banned in public places? Why? Why Not? Why shouldnt smokers be free to smoke anywhere they want? What do you think of the open advertising of alcohol and cigarettes at sporting events? How can we stop teenagers from being able to buy cigarettes and alcohol? Do you think there is a link between addiction and homelessness? What are the consequences of taking illicit drugs. (see Are the police doing enough to counteract the drug problem in Hungary? Vocabulary: illicit addiction resources dependence prescription Social Issue to consider: The depressed economic and social environments in Hungary have caused a lack of hope for many Hungarians who resort to addictions to escape reality. Developing Oral Communication Skills ANB1009 and ANB1009L Dr Granville Pillar
7.4 Healthy Diet, Keeping Fit: Q-AND-A Focus Question: Why is a healthy diet and regular exercise so important?
Sketch answers: We live in a consumer society and are surrounded by many things that are not healthy. Fast food has been one of the main causes of overweight and obesity. There are so many processed foods with harmful preservatives. There is a wide availability of instant foods which require minimal preparation. Healthy foods cost more money, so poorer people eat more unhealthy food. Hungarians still eat many unhealthy foods and cook with fat instead of vegetable oil. This is the major cause why Hungary has such a high rate of heart-related disease. Most Hungarian men prefer large portions of food, and are thus overweight. Regular exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. Hungarians, generally speaking, are not heath conscious and do not do regular exercise. Children are not taught in the schools about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. Questions: How many times a week do you eat fast food? Do you think that Hungary is a healthy nation? What types of food do you like to eat? What do you think about cooking in fat, rather than in oil? How much regular exercise do you do? What causes obesity? Which country do you think has the highest rate of obesity? What diseases are the result of being obese? Vocabulary: obesity processed food preservatives minimal health conscious Social issue to consider: As a result of the unhealthy lifestyle and eating and cooking habits of the Hungarians, the Hungarian health system is struggling to cope with the related costs due to these problems.