Performance Management System Philosophy
Performance Management System Philosophy
Performance Management System Philosophy
Types of Measure
PMS in organization
Purpose of PMS is
To create an environment
To aid every manager promoting the most effective use of human resources.
To ensure that...
* Helps self & team members to get high degree of job satisfaction.
An objective analysis.
To promote shared understanding of task and relationship between
supervisors & sub ordinates.
Comparative approach
Attribute approach
Behavioral approach
Results approach
Quality approach
Means-based approach
Regular feedback
Transparency in ratings
Types of Measures
Problems of Rating
Central Tendency
Halo Error
Perceptual Set
Spillover Effect
Performance Calendar
Conversation By When?
What we cover
– 10-11 competencies
- People Management
o working across Practices; may or may not be working with your People
Manager during the year
- Feedback is solicited from people you work with and is always multiple
o October-September Cycle
Rating Scale
Career Movements
• Movement are based on performance and potential to fit role in next band
• Years of service/tenure, which “batch” I am from, etc are not factors which
are considered
• There is no fixed “number of years that one spends at each level before I
• Payout
• Eligibility: