Comparison of Different Solvents and Extraction Methods For Isolation of Phenolic Compounds From Horseradish Roots (Armoracia Rusticana)

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AbstractHorseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial herb

belonging to the Brassicaceae family and contains biologically active

substances. The aim of the current research was to determine best
method for extraction of phenolic compounds from horseradish roots
showing high antiradical activity. Three genotypes (No. 105; No. 106
and variety Turku) of horseradish roots were extracted with eight
different solvents: n-hexane, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, 2-propanol,
acetone, ethanol (95%), ethanol / water / acetic acid (80/20/1 v/v/v)
and ethanol / water (80/20 by volume) using two extraction methods
(conventional and Soxhlet). As the best solvents ethanol and ethanol
/ water solutions can be chosen. Although in Soxhlet extracts TPC
was higher, scavenging activity of DPPH radicals did not increase. It
can be concluded that using Soxhlet extraction method more
compounds that are not effective antioxidants.

KeywordsDPPH, extraction, solvent, Soxhlet, TPC
LANTS provide abundant natural antioxidants, which are
vitally important for human health [1]. Phenolic
compounds commonly found in plants are biologically active
substances having antiseptic, vitamin activity etc. [2], [3]. It is
known that phenolic compounds are very effective
antioxidants [4], [5], [6]. Based on these statements, it can be
concluded that it is very important to develop the best method
for extraction of these compounds from plants.
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial herb
belonging to the Brassicaceae family and cultivated in
temperate regions of the world mainly for the culinary value of
its roots. Since horseradish has long been used as a spice for
meat and fish products, the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) approved it as seasoning, spice, and flavoring and
affirmed it as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) [7].
Scientists are interested in horseradish because it is a rich
source of peroxidase, a heme-containing enzyme that utilizes
hydrogen peroxide to oxidize a wide variety of organic and
inorganic compounds [8]. Also horseradish is rich in other
valuable substances vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds
and also isothiocyanates [9].

Lolita Tomsone, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food
Technology, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia (phone: 0037163005644; fax:
0037163022829; e-mail:
Zanda Kruma Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food
Technology, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia (phone: 0037163005644; fax:
0037163022829; e-mail:
Ruta Galoburda Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food
Technology, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia (phone: 0037163005644; fax:
0037163022829; e-mail:

Several authors reported that horseradish has a high
antioxidant activity compared to butylated hydroxyanisole
(BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and -tocophero
[10], [11].
Many researchers reported influence of different extraction
solvents, techniques on the content of natural antioxidants in
extracts [12], [13]. Efficiency of solvents and methods are
strongly dependent on plant matrix used [14], [15], [13].
Solvents, such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, propanol and
ethyl acetate have been commonly used for the extraction of
phenolics from fresh product [16], [17]. The properties of
extracting solvents significantly affected the measured total
phenolics content (25% variation) and antioxidant capacity
(up to 30% variation) in fruits and vegetables [13]. Very
important parameter is solvent polarity higher the polarity,
better the solubility of phenolic compounds [1]. The highest
extract yields (up to 22.8%) were obtained with polar alcohol
based solvents [12]. Addition of water to ethanol improves
extraction rate, but too high water content brought an
increased concomitant extraction of other compounds, and,
then to lower phenols concentrations in the extracts [15]. For
wheat, 50% acetone extracts contained the highest level of
total phenolics, whereas ethanol is the least effective solvent
for extracting phenolics from wheat bran samples [14].
Literature data shows that extraction efficiency of solvents is
strongly dependent on food matrix and the aim of current
research was to determine best method for extraction of
phenolic compounds from horseradish roots showing high
antiradical activity.
A. Materials
Three genotypes (No. 105; No. 106 and variety Turku) of
horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana) were collected in
Pure (latitude 57 03 N, longitude 22 91 E) during the
period from September to November, 2011. For analyses the
average sample of 300 grams was taken from 3 roots. Fresh
roots were washed, peeled and homogenized (for 5 minutes).
All samples of one type of horseradish were homogenized
together in order to obtain representative sample.
B. Chemicals
Gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent was purchased
from Sigma-Aldrich (Switzerland). All other chemicals used in
the research were obtained from Acros Organic (USA). Eight
different solvents were used: n-hexane (HE), ethyl acetate
Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
Comparison of Different Solvents and
Extraction Methods for Isolation of Phenolic
Compounds from Horseradish Roots
(Armoracia rusticana)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012

(EA), diethyl ether (DI), 2-propanol (PR), acetone (AC),
ethanol (95%) (ET), ethanol / water / acetic acid (80/20/1
v/v/v) (EWA), and ethanol / water (80/20 v/v) (EW).
C. Extraction procedure
For extraction of phenolic compounds the conventional
extraction and Soxhlet extraction was used.
1. Conventional extraction (CONVE)
Five grams of homogenized sample were extracted with
50 ml of an appropriate solvent in a conical flask with
magnetic stirrer (magnet size 4.0 x 0.5 cm) at 700 rpm for 1 h
at room temperature (201 C). The root extracts were then
filtered (paper No. 89). The extraction process was done in
2. Soxhlet extraction (SOXE)
Three grams of the sample were placed in the filter cartridge
(paper No. 89) in a classical Soxhlet apparatus and extracted
with 170 ml of an appropriate solvent for 2 h. Extracts were
cooled to room temperature. The extraction process was
performed in triplicate.
D. Analytical methods
For all extracts total phenolic content and DPPH radical
scavenging activity were determined.
1. Determination of total phenolic content (TPC)
The TPC of the roots extract was determined according to
the Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method [18] with some
modifications. To 0.5 ml of extract 2.5 ml of FolinCiocalteu
reagent (diluted 10 times with water) was added and, after
3 minutes 2 ml of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (75 g/L) was
added. The sample was mixed. The control sample contained
all the reaction reagents except the extract. After 2 h of
incubation at room temperature, the absorbance was measured
at 765 nm using a spectrophotometer JENWAY 6300
(Baroworld Scientifid Ltd., UK). Total phenols were
expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g

dry weight
(DW) of the horseradish.
2. Determination of DPPH radical scavenging activity
Antioxidant activity of the plant extracts was measured on
the basis of scavenging activities of the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydraziyl (DPPH) radical as outlined by Yu et al. [19].
The antioxidant reaction was initiated by transferring 0.5 ml of
plant extract into a sample cavity containing 3.5 ml of freshly
prepared DPPH methanol solution (0.004 g DPPH to 100 ml
methanol). After 30 min of incubation in the dark at room
temperature, the absorbance was measured at 517 nm using a
spectrophotometer JENWAY 6300. Inhibition of DPPH in
percent (I%) of each extract sample was calculated from the
decrease of absorbance according to the formula:

sample blank
I ,
- absorbance of control (methanol-water with DPPH);
- absorbance of the tested samples.

Lower absorbance of the reaction mixture indicates higher
free radical scavenging activity [20].
Additionally for all horseradish roots moisture content was
determined according to standard ISO 6496:1999 and all
results are expressed to dry basis.
E. Statistical methods
Experimental results were means of three parallel
measurements and were analyzed by Microsoft Excel 2010 and
SPSS 17.00 for Windows. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
differences among samples were tested by post hoc Dunnett
test, Independent samples t-test was used to compare any
significant differences between one genotype roots of the two
types of extraction. A linear correlation analysis was
performed in order to determine relationship between TPC and
antiradical activity. Differences were considered significant at
p < 0.05.
A. Total phenolic content (TPC)
Phenolic composition of plants extracts is affected by
different factors variety, climate, storage, processing etc.
Extracts of horseradish roots were prepared using conventional
and Soxhlet extraction, and TPC was determined using Folin-
Ciocalteu reagent, that reacts nonspecifically with phenolic
compounds; it can also be reduced by a number of non-
phenolic compounds, e.g., vitamin C, Cu(II), etc. The TPC
determined in different solvent extracts of horseradish roots is
shown in Fig. 1.and Fig. 2. For horseradish root No. 106, TPC
determined in extracts made by conventional and Soxhlet
extraction depending on used solvent ranged from 20.73 to
307.52 mg GAE/100 g DW and from 169.77 to 985.87 mg
GAE/100 g DW, respectively. In the case of horseradish root
Turku, TPC ranged from 23.02 to 334.29 mg GAE/100 g
DW using conventional extraction and from 68.68 to
743.49 mg GAE/100 g DW using Soxhlet extraction. While
TPC of horseradish root No. 105 TPC ranged from 19.21 to
327.49 mg GAE/100 g DW. Results of multivariate dispersion
analyses showed that both used solvent and extraction method
are significant factors affecting TPC (p < 0.05). Mainly, results
of TPC obtained using a Soxhlet extraction is higher compared
to a conventional extraction. TPC in plants grown over the
world differ significantly. Malaysian researchers reported that
in dates TPC ranged from 2.89 to 141.35 mg GAE/100 g DW
[21], and Italian researchers reported that in ginger flour TPC
ranged from 14.30 to 71.00 mg GAE/100 g DW [22]. It can be
concluded that in some plants content of phenolics is similar or
slightly lower compared to horseradish. But also many
investigations showed higher TPC in plants, compared to
horseradish. kerget et al. [23] in their studies found that plant
material contains different amount of total phenols: laurel
9970 mg GAE/100 g, oregano 18600 mg GAE/100 g, olive
tree leaves 14400 mg GAE/100 g. While other researchers
found that TPC leaves of Crithmum maritimum L., Eryngium
maritimum L. and Cakile maritima Scop. ranged from 1644 to
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012

3193 mg GAE/100 g DW [24], but TPC in the 13 dry spice
extracts analyzed ranged from 1970 mg GAE/100 g for
dahurian angelica root up to 7950 mg GAE/100 g DW for
clove [25]. Algerian researchers reported, that TPC varied in
some Algerian medicinal plants and ranged from 310 to
3230 mg GAE/100 g of dry material [26]. In fresh pistachios
TPC ranged from 801 mg GAE/100 g DW to 1620 mg
GAE/100 g DW [27].





106. 105. Turku

Fig. 1 TPC in horseradish depending on solvent using conventional

The recovery of polyphenols from plant materials is
influenced by the solubility of the phenolic compounds in the
solvent used for the extraction process [28]. In the current
research eight solvents with different polarity were used, and
they can be arranged as follows (starting from more unpolar
solvents): HE < EA < DI < PR < AC < ET < EWA < EW.
From selected solvents the lowest polarity is for hexane, but
the highest for EWA and EW.
, m

106. Turku

Fig. 2 TPC in horseradish depending on solvent using Soxhlet

Solvent polarity plays a key role in increasing phenolic
solubility [1]. Obtained results showed that TPC generally
increased by increasing a polarity of solvents, and a tendency
is more pronounced in the conventional extraction. Results of
Tukeys test showed that using Soxhlet extraction all solvents
can be classified in two groups that differ significantly
(p < 0.05) the first HE and EA (with lower TPC), and the
second with solvents DI, PR, AC, ET, EWA, EW. Polarity of
phenolic compounds differs therefore; it is hard to develop a
standard extraction procedure suitable for the extraction of all
plant phenols.
In a conventional extraction influence of solvent is more
significant, and there are no significant differences (p < 0.05)
only between EW, AC, EWA and AC, EWA and PR. The
results of analyses showed that the highest TPC of horseradish
was extracted using 95% ethanol by both extraction methods.
Ethanol and water mixtures are commonly used for the
extraction of phenols from plant materials [16], [17].
Niiforovi, [28] studied Soxhlet extraction, where the highest
TPC was found in H. sendtneri (Boiss.) extracted using 96%
ethanol, which agrees with horseradish results. This is due to
the wide range of phenols that the aqueous ethanol mixtures
can dissolve. Furthermore, ethanolic mixtures have
acceptability for human consumption models [17]. Contrary
results can be found in literature. Fresh leaves of C. siliqua
extracts presented the best TPC with solvents hexane and ethyl
acetate [29]. Literature data shows that acetonewater
mixtures are good solvent systems for the extraction of polar
antioxidants [30], [31], [32]. Results of the current research
show that acetone comparing to other solvents is good solvent
but it is not the best. Literature describes that acetone and
water extracts of fresh lychee (L. chinenesis Sonn.) flowers
presented the best total phenolic content [33]. Malaysia
researchers reported that the highest TPC was in 70% ethanol
honey pineapple extract, 90% acetone banana pisang mas
extract and 90% acetone guava extract, respectively [17].
Whereas for Spanish white onions 100% acetone showed the
lowest results [34].
B Radical scavenging activity (DPPH)
The scavenging activity of DPPH radicals has been widely
used to determine the free radical-scavenging activity. DPPH
is a stable free radical that is dissolved in methanol and its
colour shows a characteristic absorption at 517 nm.
Antioxidant molecules scavenge the free radical by hydrogen
donation and the color from the DPPH assay solution
becomes light yellow resulting in a decrease in absorbance.
Free radical-scavenging is one of the known mechanisms by
which antioxidants inhibit lipid oxidation [35].
There are variations of antioxidants contained in horseradish
roots. The results showed differences in DPPH scavenging
activity between horseradish roots obtained using conventional
extraction (Fig. 3) and Soxhlet extraction
(Fig. 4).
Results of multivariate dispersion analyzes showed that
solvent significantly (p < 0.05) influence DPPH scavenging
activity, but extraction methods does not have significant
(p > 0.05) influence.
For horseradish root No. 106, DPPH determined by
conventional extraction and Soxhlet extraction ranged from
8.46 to 20.56% and from 3.16 to 14.72%, respectively. In the
case of horseradish root Turku, DPPH scavenging activity
ranged from 1.98 to 6.99% and from 1.84 to 13.28%,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012

respectively. While horseradish roots No. 105 DPPH
scavenging activity ranged from 1.16 to 12.07%.
Literature data showed that DPPH scavenging activity
differs depending on used solvent and food matrix.
Researchers studied selected tropical fruits from Malaysia and
stated that DPPH scavenging activity of pineapple ranged
from 12.7% to 93.7%, banana ranged from 32.8% to 79.1%,
but guava ranged from 67.5% to 94.6% [17].
106. 105. Turku

Fig. 3 Scavenging activity of DPPH radicals of horseradish
depending on solvent using conventional extraction

Also antiradical activity of horseradish differed significantly
depending on solvents used and the highest activity was
determined in EWA (Fig. 3) and EW extracts of horseradish
root type No. 106 (Fig. 4).

106. Turku

Fig. 4 Scavenging activity of DPPH radicals of horseradish
depending on solvent using Soxhlet extraction

Using both extraction methods it is possible to see increase
in DPPH scavenging activity by an increased polarity of
solvent. Lpez [36] reported that the highest activity was
observed in the aqueous algae extract. The selected tropical
fruits from Malaysia showed the highest DPPH scavenging
activity for pineapple and guava 90% acetone extract [17].
Whereas Alothman [17] reported that the highest DPPH
antiradical activity for bananas showed 70% ethanol extract.
C Correlation between total phenolic content and radical
scavenging activity
Phenolic compounds have radical scavenging activity.
Regression and correlation analysis were performed to
determine relationship between these parameters (Fig. 5,
Fig. 6). Stronger correlation was found in TPC of extracts
obtained from roots No. 106 and Turku using a conventional
y = 24.529x - 153.09
R = 0.6973
5 10 15 20 25






I, %

Fig. 5 Correlation between TPC and DPPH scavenging activity of
horseradish roots No. 106 extracted with conventional extraction
(n = 8)

There was no correlation between TPC and DPPH
antioxidant activity, since the estimated coefficient of
determination, R
values were less than 0.5 at p < 0.05.
y = 67.653x - 133.55
R = 0.6451
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5





I, %
Fig. 6 Correlation between TPC and DPPH scavenging activity of
horseradish root Turku extracted with conventional extraction (n =

Results of our study showed that there was a medium and
weak correlation between TPC and antioxidant activity of the
tested extracts (Table 1). High correlation was observed in
extracts of Turku and No. 106. horseradish root using
conventional extraction, allowing the determination of a single
indicator, quite accurately predict the other variable parameter
Moderate correlation was determined for horseradish root
No. 105. Generally conventional extraction has better positive
correlation between these parameters comparing to Soxhlet
extraction where weak positive and weak negative correlation
was observed depending on the used horseradish type. Totally
taking into account all samples no correlation was observed
between TPC and DPPH scavening

These results suggest that the antioxidant activity of some
tested extracts might be attributed to the presence of non-
phenolic compounds. Even more, simple phenols, although
they are not effective antioxidants, react with FolinCiocalteu
reagent [37]. Also, it should be taken into consideration that
different phenolic compounds may show different antioxidant
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012

activities, depending on their structure, as well as synergistic
or antagonistic effect of other compounds, which are present in
the crude extract [28]. Thus, the total phenolic content can be
used to predict their antioxidant activity with reasonable
accuracy [25].

Kubola [38] studied bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
leaf, stem and fruit fraction and referred that correlation
between TPC and antioxidant activity was 0.711 (p < 0.01,
n = 12). Statistical correlations between TPC and antioxidant
activity of litchi seed extract were determined (R
= 0.9773)

Analysis of the TPC and free radical scavenging activity of
horseradish extracts showed differences depending on
extraction method and solvent used. As the best solvents
ethanol and ethanol / water solutions can be chosen. Although
in Soxhlet extracts TPC was higher, scavenging activity of
DPPH radicals did not increase. It can be concluded that
using Soxhlet extraction method more compounds that are not
effective antioxidants, but react with FolinCiocalteu reagent,
are extracted.
Authors acknowledge Pure Horticultural Research Centre
for supply of horseradish roots.
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Extracts R

2 B
2 C

106 0.83 -0.391 -0.43
105 0.56 - -
Turku 0.79 0.49 0.71
Conventional extraction
(106, 105, Turku)
- - 0.42
Soxhlet extraction
(106, Turku)
- - -0.14
Total - - 0.09
Correlation coefficient between GAE and DPPH scavenging

activity for
conventional extraction
Correlation coefficient between GAE and DPPH scavenging

activity for
Soxhlet extraction
Correlation coefficient between GAE and DPPH scavenging

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activities of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) leaf, stem and fruit
fraction extracts in vitro Food Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 110, Issue 4, pp.
[39] K. Nagendra Prasad, B. Yang, S. Yang, Y. Chen, M. Zhao, M. Ashraf,
Y. Jiang, Identification of phenolic compounds and appraisal of
antioxidant and antityrosinase activities from litchi (Litchi sinensis
Sonn.) seeds Food Chemistry, 2009,Volume 116, Issue 1, pp. 1-7.

Lolita Tomsone, PhD student in Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty
of Food Technology, was born in Latvia, Bauska in 1974. Main topics of
research: biologically active substances and natural antioxidants in
Zanda Kruma,, leader researcher at the Latvia University of
Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, was born in Latvia, Aizpute in
1980. In 2008 she defended PhD thesis and obtained docoral degree in
engineering sciences (Food science). Main topics of research: biologically
active substances in foodstuffs, food aroma analysis. She has 22 scientific
publications and participated in 6 different projects.
Ruta Galoburda, Dr. sc. ing., professor at the Latvia University of
Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, was born in Latvia, Vainode in
1959. Scientific interests effect of processing technologies on food quality,
development of new food products. She has 64 scientific publications and
participated in 10 different projects. At present R. Galoburda is a leader of the
project Sustainable use of local agricultural resources for development of
high nutritive value food products (Food) within the National Research
Programme Sustainable use of local resources (earth, food, and transport)
new products and technologies (NatRes) (2010.-2013.)

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012

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