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The Intelligent Network or I.N., as it is The basic promise of the Intelligent

more commonly referred to, is network Network is to separate the core
architecture for both fixed and mobile intelligence and databases for controlling
telecommunication networks. It allows services from the switching elements. This
operators to differentiate themselves by separation results in the optimization of
providing value-added services in addition software, database and hardware
to the standard telecoms services such as architectures, permitting developers and
GSM services on mobile phones. It can operators to implement value-added
also be regarded as an overlay on the core network and subscriber services, such as
network. optimal routing, satellite-cellular roaming,
voice mail, single number service,
alternate billing, call forwarding, call
IN has become one of the most critical barring and conference calling. These
technologies in the information industry services translate into expanded network
because of its promise of quick service capacity and revenue while increasing
deployment, efficient network resource subscriber-base and customer satisfaction.
utilization, vendor independence through
standardization, and the separation of
intelligence and switching functionality.
This essay gives a general description of
IN technology and application.

Intelligent Network systems enable service

providers to differentiate themselves from
their competitors, increase revenue, and
enhance the quality and scope of services
to their subscribers. Services may be
customized for each user, and end users
can control their service through
reconfiguration via the telephone or PC
workstation. Because Intelligent Network
systems often comply with standard
interfaces, service providers are less likely
to find themselves locked into their

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The main concepts surrounding IN • Service Data Function (SDF) or

services or architecture are: Service Data Point (SDP)

• Service Switching Function This is a database that contains

(SSF) or Service Switching Point additional subscriber data, or other
(SSP) data required to process a call. For
example, the subscribers prepaid credit
This is co-located with the telephone which is remaining may be an item
exchange itself, and acts as the trigger stored in the SDF to be queried in real
point for further services to be invoked time during the call. The SDF may be
during a call. The SSP implements the a separate platform, or is sometimes
Basic Call State Machine (BCSM) which co-located with the SCP.
is a Finite state machine that represents an
abstract view of a call from beginning to • Service Creation Environment
end (off hook; dialling; answer; no (SCE)
answer; busy; hang up etc). As each state
is traversed, the exchange encounters This is the development environment
Detection Points (DPs) at which the SSP used to create the services present on
may invoke a query to the SCP to wait for the SCP. Although the standards
further instructions on how to proceed. permit any type of environment, it is
This query is usually called a trigger. fairly rare to see low level languages
Trigger criteria are defined by the operator like C used. Instead, proprietary
and might include the subscriber calling graphical languages have been used to
number or the dialled number. enable telecom engineers to create
services directly.
• Service Control Function (SCF)
or Service Control Point (SCP) • Specialized Resource Function
(SRF) or Intelligent Peripheral
This is a separate set of platforms that (IP)
receive queries from the SSP. The SCP
contains service logic which implements This is a node which can connect to
the behavior desired by the operator. both the SSP and the SCP and delivers
During service logic processing, additional additional special resources into the
data required to process the call may be call, for example play voice
obtained from the SDF. The logic on the announcements or collect DTMF tones
SCP is created using the SCE. from the user.IP is not a database;
connection to exchange not via SS7,
instead via digital TDM channels.

3 Email:

software to create the applications required

by service providers.

Create Open Interfaces-

Open interfaces allow service providers to

introduce network elements quickly for
individualized customer services. The
software must interface with other
Fig: Schematic diagram of intelligence network vendors' products while still maintaining
stringent network operations standards.
BENEFITS OF IN : Service providers are no longer relying on
one or two vendors to provide equipment
The main benefit of intelligent networks is and software to meet customer
the ability to improve existing services and requirements.
develop new sources of revenue. To meet
these objectives, providers require the
In classic AIN Model, Signal System 7 is
Introduce New Services Rapidly- used in one of two ways. If the call is an
ordinary one, SS7 maps out and then
IN provides the capability to provision initiates the necessary connections via
new services or modify existing services established out-of-band procedures. But if
throughout the network with physical the call entails an enhanced service like
intervention. voice-activated dialing, a more elaborate
process is triggered. Here SS7 intervenes
Provide Service Customization- to divert the mainstream POTS call to
especially dedicated databases called
Service providers require the ability to Intelligent Peripherals where the enhanced
change the service logic rapidly and service resides. The call begins as any call
efficiently. Customers are also demanding would, its set-up signal directed to a
control of their own services to meet their service switching point (SSP), a multi-port
individual needs. network-server installed next to a matrix
switch housed at a Class 5 Central Office
Establish Vendor Independence- Switching Station. The SSP reads the
incoming signal first and realizes from its
A major criterion for service providers is coding that special treatment is required.
that the software must be developed
quickly and inexpensively. To accomplish
this, suppliers have to integrate
commercially available

4 Email:

administrative changes by a third party.

All service providers have equal access to
local number portability data.

Local number portability is the process by

which a customer who changes local
telephone service providers and does not
move outside its current local calling zone
Fig: Architecture of IN
can keep the same telephone number. This
form of Local Number Portability is
At this point, SS7 takes on the added
known as Service Provider Portability. In
responsibilities. It temporarily suspends
the future, Local Number Portability may
call completion and queries a companion
include geographic portability also known
database server called a service control
as Location Portability. This would enable
point (SCP) about where to reroute the
a customer to take their telephone number
incoming call. The SCP rapidly scans the
with them when they change location.
service logic and associated addresses to
However, geographic portability is still at
intelligent peripherals (IPs) contained
the planning stages, and the development
either in its resident hard drives or in a
of industry architecture and standards for
remote host system. An answer in hand,
this type of portability have not yet been
the SCP then signals the correct
forwarding address back to the SSP. The
call, still idling at the SSP, is then released
and transported through the in-band trunk
to its updated destination.


Local Number Portability

Intelligent networking seems tailor-made

for local number portability deployment. It
can be used to centrally deploy local
number portability from one or more
service control points (SCPs) that act as
the network "brain," providing the service
ubiquitously and immediately to all
service switching points over an SS7
The SCP centralizes local number
portability service data, allowing for quick
and relatively inexpensive

5 Email:

Freephone The Need

This was the first type of IN service Current Prepaid systems are built on
offered and is usually used by companies legacy systems with old and expensive
who want to advertise their services by technology. Moreover, present wireless
offering their customers the advantage of Prepaid technology lacks mobility and
calling for free. In practice this means that roaming capabilities. Prepaid data services
the costs are paid by the receiving are fast gaining ground with the
company. An important feature of this introduction of GPRS networks and
service is the 'voice prompt' which means services, but there is a lack of standards
that a recorded message asks the customer and mechanisms for data billing.
to (by pushing a tone button on the
telephone) choose to which department
he/she wants to become connected. This A few typical applications include:
simplifies and speeds up the handling of
calls. Another feature is the possibility of With CS1 interface
queing calls if all lines are busy.
 Call Center solutions requiring
handling of special service
numbers (800 & 900
 Local Number Portability
 Calling Card registration and
authentication including
charging and
fraud management capabilities.
 Interactive Voice Response
(IVR) systems for small and
large business segment.
 Calling Name delivery.
 Service Management systems
Fig: Depicting Prepaid Freephone for study of traffic patterns as
well as generating call
Prepaid services are infiltrating the market reports and billing records at
through the following service offerings: central administration and
billing center.
 Calling Card
 Wireless Prepaid & Roaming
 Wireline Prepaid
 Internet services
 Prepaid Mobile Data & GPRS

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2.With CS2 interface:

 Support for evolving Prepaid Technology

ISDN supplementary services utilizing
Intelligent Network capabilities for database
query and response purposes. Prepaid systems today are largely based on
what are known as point solutions, a
 Enhancements in concept that all calls must pass through a
prevailing SCP-resident applications for specific "point" that handles the prepaid
provisioning SCP-initiated trigger applications. However, deploying a point
mechanisms. based solution entails adding an adjunct
piece of hardware equipment that involves
additional costs such as acquisition and
 Network support for maintenance cost, not to mention pulling
execution of distributed service logic and expensive SS7 links across the "point".
distributed data functions between logically
separate SCPs, thus enabling more flexible
network planning.

Current Prepaid systems

Since their introduction, prepaid services have
been the lifeline of both travelers and students Prepaid data services are fast gaining
alike. However, with new service offerings ground with the introduction of GPRS
and features, prepaid is emerging as an networks and services, but there is a lack
inexpensive and portable contender to post- of standards and mechanisms for data
paid services. Phone cards and PIN numbers billing. Current systems for Prepaid are
have become the mantra of the masses, as built on legacy systems with old and
more and more consumers are beginning to expensive technology, and hence lack
appreciate the economic and usage benefits of mobility and roaming capabilities.
prepaid services.

IntelliNet's expertise and knowledge of the

prepaid application domain come from a track
record of successfully building and deploying
prepaid applications and services. IntelliNet's
prepaid solutions ensure that prepaid systems
are built with the latest technology as well as
being economically viable to service
providers. In addition, IntelliNet's products
offer a billing interface for application layer
transactions – an additional value for prepaid
data services. Voice Portal:

Voice portals are the telephone-driven

alternative to gain information access as opposed to web
7 Email:

browsers. A voice portal is built on a voice recognition

mechanism that provides an audio interface to users to
give short commands to obtain information.
While most voice portals rely on ISUP
technology for inbound call handling with the retrieval of
the called/calling party number from the ISUP message, As a leading edge vendor, Convero
the lookup for information posed a greater challenge with Signaling Gateways are one of the
these implementations. Calls were trombone through the first to provide transmission of ISUP
voice portal, which though workable, is an inefficient messages through IP networks using
solution. While mechanisms such as release-link attempt the industry standard SCTP
to solve this problem, the use of IN offers better options. protocol. Further more, the CSG
implements an innovative scheme to
route SCTP messages based on any
Fig: Schematic Diagram Of Voice Portal combination of the Originating
Address (OPC), Destination Address
(DPC) and Circuit Identifier (CIC).
This not only allows using the CSG
as a SS7 concentrator among
multiple distributed CAs saving
cost, it preserves critical network
resources like Point Codes. The
routing tables can be configured
remotely via an operator interface or
programmatically through the
IntelliNet ADE. The latter allows for
auto-configuration of the signaling

IN Services

To meet competitive pressures and

government mandates, the next
generation Soft switches must
support enhanced services like 800,
LNP etc. Since these services are
implemented in the Telco SCP
environment it will be necessary to
interoperate with the PSTN. The
platform supports multiple variants
of the TCAP and SCCP protocols
used as the basis for transporting IN
messages. Global Title Translation
(GTT), commonly used for routing
TCAP messages is available both for
incoming and outgoing messages.

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IntelliNet is a premier provider

of IN solutions including
Software Application Tools
APIs, and signaling solutions for
building wireless, fixed and
internet telephony applications.
Since 1992, we have deployed
IN enhanced service-enabling
infrastructure software in
partnership with application
developers, system integrators,
telecommunications equipment
manufacturers, and service
Fig:Schematic Diagram Of Softswitching providers.

Enhanced Services:
IN Enhanced Services
An Intelligent Network is a network Technology
design that, using APIs and other software,
provides a means by which several different Intelligent Network (IN)
proprietary network components are able to applications and services are
communicate with one another and create a primarily based on Service
single, constant network entity. This gives Control Points (SCPs). SCPs
rise to the possibility of creating numerous are computers that enable
value added services for users. Some of carriers to offer enhanced
these IN Services in use today are: services by:

 Toll free Dialing & 1. acting on the format,

Freephone content, code, protocol or
 Local Number Portability similar aspects of transmitted
 Virtual Private Network information,
(VPN) 2. providing additional or
 Selective Call Screening, restructured information, or
Forwarding 3. involving subscriber
 Conference Calling interaction with stored data.
 Prepaid, Premium Rate
& Third Party Billing

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In order to build Intelligent Network

(IN) applications such as SCP based
enhanced services, application
developers require the following:
AIN/IN services
 Intelligent Networks APIs
(Application There is a list of what types of
Programming Interfaces) services that have been developed for the
and communication use within AINs is here. These are some
protocol stacks upon typical examples:
which the service
provider shall develop • Freephone
the applications, and This was the first type of IN
 Software that controls an service offered and is usually used
IN network by searching by companies who want to
for specific triggers that advertise their services by offering
tell the network what their customers the advantage of
services are being calling for free. In practice this
subscribed to and how to means that the costs are paid by the
access specific database receiving company. An important
information. feature of this service is the 'voice
prompt' which means that a
recorded message asks the
customer to (by pushing a tone
button on the telephone) choose to
which department he/she wants to
become connected. This simplifies
and speeds up the handling of calls.
Another feature is the possibility of
queuing calls if all lines are busy.

• Universal Access Number

With this service customers who
dial this number are automatically
routed to the nearest open office or
to an office with free lines. The
difference between this service and
the previous one is that the
Fig:Schematic Diagram Of Enhanced Services
customer pays for the call.

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company can define and manage

its own private numbering plan.

• Premium Rate Service

The calls are charged at a rate Other Services:
higher than for normal calls. This
service is used in connection with Other services that have been created and
information services offered by might be on the more curious side are, for
service providers and could be for example: Calling Party Pays (where the
example, sports results, dating calling party is notified that it is trying to
services, weather forecasts, reach a cellular number); Inmate Service
horoscopes, etc. (routes prisoners' calls, tracks the call
information, blocks certain numbers etc.);
• Credit or Account Card Service Work-at-Home (where an individual can
The user pays for the call using a be reached at home by dialing an office
normal credit card in a public number as well as allowing the employee
telephone instead of using coins. to have calls billed and tracked to a
business phone number); Advertising
• Universal Personal Effectiveness Service (which collects
Telecommunication (UPT) information on incoming calls which is
This service makes it possible for a then used by advertisers to determine the
subscriber to be reached on any demographics of their customers) and
telephone via the same number Inbound Call Restriction (which allows
wherever he/she is located. Also, a customer to restrict some calls from
the subscriber can be charged on coming into his location and is able to
his/her own account from ANY restrict calls by area code or particular
phone he/she uses. phone numbers )and so on.

• Televoting
This is a service where e.g. TV-
viewers are asked to call in and
register their opinion on an issue
by calling to either one of two
numbers (where one can mean
'YES' and the other one 'NO').

• Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPN allows Private Network
services to be provided in the
public network. As an example, a

11 Email:

Conclusion : References:

What is the future of AINs? What things

will a customer be able to do with the 1. Magedanz, T., and Popescu-
AIN? Probably, anything you can imagine. Zeletin, R.. Intelligent Networks:
You could do interactive home shopping, Basic Technology, Standards and
have music on demand, have the Internet Evolution, Thompson Computer
on TV, have video links that allow Press, 1996.
complex images to be displayed hundreds
of kilometers away. What is very probable 2.
is that SS7 together with IN functions will
take over more and more of the service 3.
and traffic handling in the whole
telecommuncations network. 4. Ramachendra P.Batni, The
intelligent network's new role,
November 11, 1996

Further,the impossible task of the

validation of a particular number all over
the country in the present era can be made
possible with the use of Intelligent
Networks.The mighty discovery of
Intelligent Networks have made the earth
the best place for a human being to survive
in for!We,have great prospectives for the
cellular and mobile industry as well as for
the wireline industry when dealt with these
Intelligent Networks.

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