An Inquiring Mind (Chapter 1)

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The book discusses intellectual virtues and virtue epistemology, outlining different conceptions and examining virtues like open-mindedness and intellectual courage.

Some intellectual virtues discussed include carefulness, thoroughness, creativity, originality, and conscientiousness.

The four varieties outlined are weak doxastic VE, strong doxastic VE, weak autonomous VE, and strong autonomous VE.


On Intellectual Virtues and Virtue Epistemology

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Intellectual virtue: some examples 3
1.2 Virtue epistemology 6
1.2.1 A very brief history 6
1.2.2 Four varieties of character-based virtue epistemology 9
1.3 An overview of the book 13
2 Intellectual Virtues 17
2.1 Some natural groupings of intellectual virtues 17
2.2 Virtues, faculties, talents, temperaments, and skills 22
2.2.1 Faculties 22
2.2.2 Talents 25
2.2.3 Temperaments 26
2.2.4 Skills 29
2.3 Conclusion 32
3 Knowledge and Intellectual Virtue 33
3.1 Zagzebskis account of knowledge 34
3.2 Are intellectual virtues (plus true belief) sufcient for knowledge? 36
3.3 Are intellectual virtues necessary for knowledge? 39
3.3.1 Low-grade knowledge is not genuine knowledge 40
3.3.2 Mimicking an intellectually virtuous agent 40
3.3.3 Low-level virtuous motives and actions 41
3.3.4 Conclusion 44
3.4 Prospects for Strong Conservative VE 45
4 Virtue and Character in Reliabilism 47
4.1 The exclusion of character virtues within reliabilist epistemology 49
4.2 Character virtues as reliabilist knowledge-makers 52
4.3 Theoretical reverberations 60
4.4 Conclusion 67
5 Evidentialism, Vice, and Virtue 68
5.1 Problem cases 69
5.1.1 Cases of defective inquiry 70
5.1.2 Cases of defective doxastic handling of evidence 75
5.2 Modifying evidentialism 79
5.3 BonJours evidentialism 83
5.4 Conclusion 86
6 A Personal Worth Conception of Intellectual Virtue 88
6.1 Preliminaries 89
6.2 Personal worth and intellectual virtue 91
6.2.1 Personal intellectual worth 92
6.2.2 Clarications 94
6.2.3 The basis of personal worth simpliciter 96
6.2.4 The basis of personal intellectual worth 100
6.2.5 The account summarized 102
6.2.6 The broad structure of an intellectual virtue 102
6.3 Assessing the account 104
6.3.1 Intellectual carefulness and thoroughness 105
6.3.2 Creativity and originality 106
6.3.3 Intellectual conscientiousness 108
6.3.4 Intellectual generosity 110
6.3.5 Conclusion 111
7 The Personal Worth Conception and Its Rivals 112
7.1 Similar conceptions 113
7.1.1 Hurkas recursive conception 113
7.1.2 Adams and excellence in being for the good 118
7.2 Dissimilar conceptions 123
7.2.1 Drivers consequentialist account 123
7.2.2 Hursthouses naturalism 127
7.2.3 Zagzebskis motivational account 132
7.3 Conclusion 138
8 Open-Mindedness 140
8.1 Some initial characterizations of open-mindedness 141
8.2 Open-mindedness: a unied account 148
8.2.1 The conceptual core of open-mindedness 148
8.2.2 A denition of open-mindedness 152
8.3 Open-mindedness and other cognitive excellences 155
8.4 When to be open-minded? 157
8.5 Conclusion 162
9 Intellectual Courage 163
9.1 Intellectual courage vs. moral courage 163
9.2 Some examples 164
9.3 The context of intellectual courage 169
9.4 The substance of intellectual courage 172
9.5 Intellectual courage: a denition 177
9.6 Challenging cases 179
9.6.1 Ill-motivated courage? 179
9.6.2 Easy courage? 183
9.7 When to be intellectually courageous? 186
10 The Status and Future of Character-Based
Virtue Epistemology 191
10.1 Four varieties of character-based virtue epistemology 192
10.2 Assessing the alternatives 193
10.2.1 Strong Conservative VE 193
10.2.2 Weak Conservative VE 193
10.2.3 Strong Autonomous VE 194
10.2.4 Weak Autonomous VE 199
10.2.5 A nal objection 202
Appendix: On the Distinction between Intellectual
and Moral Virtues 206
A.1 Belief vs. action 207
A.2 A unifying principle for intellectual virtues 208
A.3 A teleological account 209
A.4 An alternative proposal 214
A.5 Implications 218
A.6 Driver on intellectual and moral virtue 220
References 223
Index 231
Chapter 1
One remarkable feature of our species is its propensity for inquiry. We humans
are neither oblivious to nor indifferent about our surroundings. Nor is our
interest in our surroundings purely practical. Rather, as beings that are both
reective and rational, we often nd ourselves fascinated and puzzled by
the world around us. We desire to know, to understand how things are, were,
or might someday be. As a result, we make intentional and sustained efforts to
gure things out. We inquire.
Yet inquiry can go well or it can go poorly. Sometimes the difference is
attributable to a relatively mechanical factor, as when a person fails to reach
the truth on account of a defective cognitive faculty, for example, poor vision,
weak hearing, or a faulty memory. Often, however, the success or failure of an
inquiry has a more personal source. This is due to the fact that inquiry has a
robustly active dimension. It involves observing, imagining, reading, interpret-
ing, reecting, analyzing, assessing, formulating, and articulating. Success in
these activities is hardly guaranteed by the possession of sharp vision, sensitive
hearing, or an impeccable memory. Rather, it requires an exercise of certain
intellectual character traits. It can require, for instance, that one engage in
attentive observation, thoughtful or open-minded imagination, patient reection,
careful and thorough analysis, or fair-minded interpretation and assessment.
this suggests, inquiry makes substantial personal demands on inquirers. It
demands an exercise of a range of intellectual character virtues.
Typically, when we think or speak of character or virtues, we have
something distinctively moral in mind. We think of a virtuous person as one
who is appropriately moved or motivated by ends like social justice or the
alleviation of human suffering. Such a person is fair, respectful, benevolent,
See Hookway (2000; 2001; 2003) for more on the structure and demands of inquiry, and on
the importance of intellectual virtues for meeting these demands.
compassionate, and generous. As we have just seen, however, and as we will
explore in much greater detail in the pages that follow, personal character is not
exhausted by moral character. It also has an epistemic or intellectual dimen-
sion: a fully or broadly virtuous person can also be counted on to care deeply
about ends like truth, knowledge, evidence, rationality, and understanding;
and out of this fundamental concern will emerge other traits like inquisitive-
ness, attentiveness, carefulness and thoroughness in inquiry, fair-mindedness,
open-mindedness, and intellectual patience, honesty, courage, humility, and
These virtues are the central subject matter of the present book. One aim of
the book is to provide a reasonably deep and illuminating account of what
intellectual virtues amount toof their underlying nature, structure, and role
in the cognitive economy. A second aim is more abstract: it is to evaluate the
role that reection on intellectual virtues should play within epistemology,
which (broadly construed) is the philosophical study of knowledge and related
intellectual goods.
Accordingly, the book is intended as a contribution to the
growing literature in virtue epistemology, which is a recent collection of
approaches to epistemology that give the concept of intellectual virtue a central
and fundamental role.
As this brief preview suggests, my objective in the book is largely theoretical
in nature. It is not primarily to inspire change in the intellectual conduct or
character of my readers; nor is it to specify the practical steps a person might
take to become intellectually virtuous. Nevertheless, I hope it is not outrageous
to suppose that something like the present inquiry might have at least a modest
effect in this regard. For, as Aristotle noted long ago, one expedient to becoming
good is getting clear on the nature and structure of the good itself.
And a major
This dimension of personal character may still be part of moral character on a sufciently
broad conception of morality. For more on the distinction between the intellectual and moral
realms, and for a corresponding distinction between intellectual and moral virtues, see the
Intellectual, in the preceding sentence, is intended to modify, not just patience, but
also the immediately subsequent virtue terms. I employ this construction throughout the book
so as to avoid repeated use of intellectual when referring to several of the traits in question
(e.g. intellectual courage, intellectual honesty, intellectual integrity, intellectual rigor, and so
This is a broad but apt conception of the eld. See Alston (2005: 23) and Roberts and
Wood (2007: 3) for more on this conception.
For overviews of the eld, see Wood (1998), Zagzebski (1998), my (2004) and (2008), and
Battaly (2008), Greco and Turri (2009).
Of the chief good, Aristotle famously says: Surely, then, knowledge of the good must be
very important for our lives? And if, like archers, we have a target, are we not more likely to hit the
the inquiring mind
part of what I shall attempt to do here is uncover the nature and structure of one
important dimension of personal worth.
In the remainder of this introductory chapter, I undertake three main tasks.
First, I develop three extended illustrations of intellectual virtue so as to better
x the referent of the discussion. Second, I offer a brief account of the history
and present landscape of virtue epistemology. Third, I offer an overview of the
rest of the book.
1.1 Intellectual virtue: some examples
To get a better sense of what intellectual virtue amounts to, it is helpful to
consider a few concrete instances of it.
The rst example is taken from a
recent account (Miller 2002) of Abraham Lincolns well-known efforts at self-
Lincolns life would be punctuated by intense projects in self-education and
research, starting with his picking up somehow reading and writing. Surely
it is a little unusual for a twenty-three-year-old man, now on his own and
making his way in the world, to go to some trouble to borrow a textbook on
grammarwalking six miles to borrow itand then on his own (asking for
some assistance) to teach himself that rudimentary subject. Lincoln himself, in
his longer autobiographical piece, included two of the more striking of his
grown-up personal educational projects . . . The rst of these was his studying
grammar. . . The second of his remarkable projects in adult self-educationthis
one perhaps still more impressivefurther along in life and reported now to the
world by himself, was this: He studied and nearly mastered the six books of
Euclid, since he was a member of Congress . . . Lincoln left out of his account his
teaching himself surveying in order to take a job as a deputy surveyor. He had to
learn the practical application of the principles of trigonometry, and got two
right mark? If so, we must try at least roughly to comprehend what it is . . . (NE 2000, 1094a
2230, trans. Crisp). A concern with inspiring intellectual change on the part of philosophical
readers is not entirely foreign to epistemology. In his Discourse on Method (1968), for instance,
Descartes extols a wide range of intellectual character traits with an eye toward improving the
intellectual practices and habits of his reader (see especially Discourse II, pp. 3544). A similar
point bolds for certain segments of Lockes Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1996) (see
especially BK. IV. chs. 1220). For a recent philosophical treatment of intellectual virtues aimed
explicitly at inspiring growth in these traits, see Roberts and Wood (2007: esp. ch. 1).
Here and elsewhere I alternate between the use of virtues (plural) and virtue (singular).
We can think of virtue as an overall state or condition of character consisting in the posses-
sion of several individual virtues.
books on the subject of surveying, and learned enough to do the job. . . More
important, he studied the law. He borrowed books from John T. Stuart, read and
studied Blackstone, taught himself to be a lawyer. (52)
This impression of Lincoln as an unrelenting autodidact is conrmed by the
following account of his reading habits:
[I]t would be quite a study to go through the available record to identify all the
places, times, and postures in which those who had known Abraham in Indiana
and in NewSalemremembered himreading a book: reading while the horse rests
at the end of a row, reading while walking on the street, reading under a tree,
reading while others went to dances, reading with his legs up as high as his head,
reading between customers in the post ofce, reading stretched at length on the
counter of the store. In Lord Charnwoods classic biography an employer says:
I found him. . . cocked on a haystack with a book. (48)
A related example, also from nineteenth-century American history, is the
self-education of Frederick Douglass. A Maryland slave, Douglass was prevented
by his master from learning to read on the grounds that it would make him
useless and unhappy. In his autobiography, Douglass explains that what was to
his master a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good, to be
diligently sought; and the argument which he so warmly urged, against my
learning to read, only served to inspire me with a desire and determination to
learn (2001: 32). So Douglass took his education into his own hands:
The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that
of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. As many
of these as I could, I converted into teachers. With their kindly aid, obtained at
different times and in different places, I nally succeeded in learning to read.
When I was sent on errands, I always took my book with me, and by going on
part of my errand quickly, I found time to get a lesson before my return. I used
also to carry bread with me, enough of which was always in the house, and to
which I was always welcome; for I was much better off in this regard than
many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. This bread I used to
bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more
valuable bread of knowledge. (34)
Douglasss plan was successful indeed, for within a couple of years he was
voraciously consuming whatever literature he could get his hands on, from
the Bible to newspapers to political treatises.
The cases of Lincoln and Douglass illustrate the point that intellectual
virtue is fundamentally rooted in a deep and abiding desire for knowledge
the inquiring mind
and understandinga desire for cognitive contact with reality, as Linda
Zagzebski (1996) has described it. They also suggest that this fundamental
motivation tends to spawn a range of more specic characteristics or virtues,
including intellectual courage, diligence, determination, perseverance, ingenu-
ity, and resourcefulness. Finally, the cases illustrate the fact that the aim or goal
of intellectual virtue is relatively broad in scope, that is, that an intellectually
virtuous person is characteristically curious about a rather wide range of ideas
and subject matters.
A third and somewhat different example is drawn from C. P. Snows 1934
novel The Search, which chronicles the rise and fall of a talented and ambitious
young scientist named Arthur Miles. In the passage that follows, Miles describes
his admiration for his good friend and colleague Constantine:
[Constantine] recalled and concentrated all the ecstatic moments I had found in
science. Here was a man of the greatest powers who spent his time doing rather
dull experiments very accurately. He did not pretend that he would not like
something more exciting; but that might come his way; meanwhile, he went
happily on, doing his own work, reading everyone elses, tting it all into a great
cosmic scheme. His research was not as well-known as mine. He had not gone as
far. He was content with it. He lived in something like poverty. He was the
secretary of one or two international editorial bodies, which did valuable, hum-
ble, completely unrewarded work.
I had met many other scientists who would have claimed to do what
Constantine did, working with intelligent devotion, not caring over-much
how knowledge was obtained as long as it duly came. But, in moments of
doubt, I had never been satised with their intelligence or their devotion. To
question either in Constantines case would have not been worldly-wise but
merely absurd. I did not know a more remarkable mind; nor anyone who
wanted so little for himself. (174)
Like Lincoln and Douglass, Constantine is driven by a rmdesire for knowledge
and understandinga desire that reveals something signicant about his per-
sonal character or about who he is as a person. And here as well the desire in
question gives rise to a range of other virtuous traits, for example, to intellectual
carefulness, diligence, and perseverance. Finally, the passage suggests that intel-
lectual virtues involve an intelligent devotion to epistemic goods that over-
rides or outranks various other desires and concerns. Constantine places greater
value, for instance, on the advancement of scientic knowledge than he does
on goods like professional status, honor, and wealth. In this respect, he also
exemplies virtues like intellectual humility and generosity.
Examples of better and worse intellectual character are legion in literature
and real life.
I offer this small sampling mainly to illustrate the idea that there
is in fact an intellectual or epistemically oriented dimension of personal char-
acter and to provide some indication of its substance. The examples also are
intended to provide some sense of the underlying psychological structure of
intellectual virtue, specically, of the fact that individual intellectual virtues
tend to ow from something like a desire for truth or knowledgea desire
that outweighs and subordinates various competing desires.
1.2 Virtue epistemology
With an initial idea of what intellectual virtues amount to before us, I turn now
to a very brief history and overview of the eld of virtue epistemology, which
again is an approach to the philosophical study of knowledge and related
intellectual goods that gives a central and fundamental role to the concept of
intellectual virtue.
1.2.1 A very brief history
Aristotle is widely regarded as the rst philosopher to identify a class of intel-
lectual virtues distinct fromthe class of moral virtues and to give them a central
role in an account of human knowing. He dened intellectual virtues as states
by virtue of which the soul possesses truth by way of afrmation or denial;
and he identied art (techne), scientic knowledge (episteme), practical
wisdom (phronesis), philosophic wisdom (sophia), and intuitive reason
(nous) as the ve central intellectual virtues (NE 1139b). As this list suggests,
Aristotle did not think of intellectual virtues as character traits, but rather as
cognitive capacities or powers.
In the centuries following Aristotle, a limited number of philosophers (most
notably Thomas Aquinas) continued to focus on intellectual virtues in their
discussions of knowledge. By the modern period, however, the attention of
philosophers writing about knowledge began to shift away from the character-
istics of excellent cognitive agents and onto the status and properties of certain
For discussions of some intellectual vices, see Frankfurt (1988), Battaly (2010), and my
See Montmarquet (1993: 1920). The character model of intellectual virtue that I am
concerned with here instead resembles Aristotles account of moral virtue (see Zagzebski 1996:
13757 for a helpful discussion of Aristotles distinction between moral and intellectual virtues).
the inquiring mind
beliefs (e.g. belief in an external or material world).
As a result, ensuing
centuries witnessed increasingly fewer treatments of intellectual virtue; and
by the middle of the twentieth century, talk of intellectual virtue had all but
vanished from mainstream philosophical discussions of knowledge.
The modern period also witnessed a general philosophical drift from an
ancient and medieval preoccupation with moral virtue. Virtue-oriented ac-
counts of the moral life began to give wayowing largely to the inuence of
Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Millto discussions about the nature of mor-
ally right action, for example, about whether a morally right action is better
understood as one that conforms to the moral law (Kant) or one that max-
imizes utility (Mill). Here as well the notions of virtue and character began to
fade into the background.
By the middle of the twentieth century, however, a number of moral philo-
sophers, inspired in part by Elizabeth Anscombes paper Modern Moral Philos-
ophy (1958), began returning to a more ancient, character-based approach to
ethics in an effort to avoid aws which they regarded as endemic to modern
moral philosophy. In the decades that followed, this migration gained consid-
erable momentum, with virtue ethics being regarded by many today as a
veritable third force (alongside Kantianism and consequentialism) within
normative ethics.
It was not until 1980 that a return to virtue began to take hold in the
neighboring eld of epistemology. That year, Ernest Sosa argued in The Raft
and the Pyramid that the concept of an intellectual virtue provides a way of
dealing with various longstanding debates in mainstream epistemology. Like
Aristotle, Sosa did not conceive of intellectual virtues as traits of character;
instead, he thought of them as (roughly) reliable or truth-conducive cognitive
faculties or abilities like memory, vision, hearing, reason, and introspection.
This shift was not complete, however. For instance, works by Descartes (1968: 3844),
Locke (1996: 1725, 29235), and Hume (1997: 1023, 11112) contain fairly extensive treat-
ments of some of the more volitional or characterological aspects of the intellectual life, often
mentioning various intellectual virtues and vices by name.
As Guy Axtell (1998; 2000) and others have noted, what contemporary virtue epistemologists
regard as intellectual character virtues were at the heart of some of the (broadly epistemological)
work of American pragmatists like John Dewey in the rst half of the twentieth century.
For an instructive account of the relation between virtue ethics and virtue epistemology,
see Solomon (2003). For a recent overview of virtue ethics, see Copp and Sobel (2004).
This is not to say that Aristotles and Sosas positive accounts of intellectual virtue are very
similar; indeed they are not. Again, Aristotle does not treat cognitive faculties like vision or
memory as intellectual virtues; and Sosas conception of intellectual virtue does not include
states like techne, phronesis, or sophia. It would, however, be worth exploring how exactly the
two groups of qualities are related.
Finally, in 1984, Lorraine Code, receiving some inspiration from virtue ethics
and Sosas view in epistemology, proposed a distinctively character-based ver-
sion of epistemology. Her primary interest was epistemic responsibility,
which she identied as the chief intellectual character virtuea virtue from
which other virtues radiate (1987: 44). Distinguishing it from Sosas faculty-
based virtue reliabilism, Code dubbed her approach virtue responsibilism
on the grounds that the traits in question are the dening qualities of a
responsible thinker or inquirer.
As this quick overview suggests, contemporary virtue epistemology has,
since its early days, been comprised of two notably different approaches: a
faculty-based or reliabilist approach and a character-based or responsibilist
approach. Each camp has continued to attract its share of converts. John Greco
(2000a; 2010) and Alvin Goldman (1992; 2001) have given the notion of an
intellectual virtue conceived as a reliable ability or faculty a central role in their
accounts of knowledge. Jonathan Kvanvig (1992), James Montmarquet (1993),
Linda Zagzebski (1996), Christopher Hookway (2000; 2003), and several others
have followed Code in making matters of intellectual character a primary
focus. Of special note in the latter domain is Zagzebskis book Virtues of the
Mind (1996), which provided the rst comprehensive and systematic virtue-
theoretical approach to epistemology. More than any other work in the eld,
Zagzebskis book is responsible for putting character-based virtue epistemology
on the philosophical map.
While I shall have some occasion to address faculty-based or reliabilist
varieties of virtue epistemology in the course of the book, and while (as we will
see in Chapter 4) the distinction between these and character-based approaches
is considerably less sharp than it might initially appear, my primary focus will
be responsibilist or character-based forms of virtue epistemologyfor again
I am most interested in the nature and epistemological signicance of the
relevant excellences of intellectual character.
Axtell (1997) helped codify these labels. See that paper and Chapter 4 of this book for
extended discussions of the distinction between virtue reliabilism and virtue responsibilism.
Some philosophers today (e.g. Harman 1999 and 2000 and Doris 1998 and 2002) object to
the very concept of character or virtue in light of certain experimental data suggesting that
human behavior is often inuenced more by arbitrary situational factors than by any personal
or characterological qualities like virtues or vices. These situationist objections to virtue ethics
have been met with no shortage of critical replies in recent years. For a sampling of these replies,
see Merritt (2000), Sreenivasan (2002), Miller (2003), Kamtekar (2004), Sabini and Silver
(2005), Adams (2006), and Snow (2009). While I nd the situationist literature fascinating
and challenging in various ways, I think the critical response succeeds at showing that it does
not present a mortal threat to many reasonably traditional conceptions of virtue. Nonetheless,
the inquiring mind
1.2.2 Four varieties of character-based virtue epistemology
Inlight of this focus, it will be helpful to take anevencloser look at the theoretical
terrain of character-based virtue epistemology and to mark some distinctions
between the different approaches that have emerged in recent years.
forth, for ease of discussion, I shall use the term virtue epistemology to refer
I offer here a very brief outline of my own six-part perspective on the topic and its relevance to
the present inquiry. (1) The experimental data in question concern the possession of moral
virtues. As such, they do not immediately bear on the possession of intellectual virtues, and
thus do not immediately threaten standard ways of thinking about intellectual virtues. (2) I
make very few claims in the book concerning any persisting or broadly efcacious aspects of
intellectual virtue. Rather, my characterization of the relevant traits focuses mainly on the
particular desires, beliefs, and other psychological states that constitute themstates that need
not be thought of in the globalist terms that situationists nd objectionable. (3) I think
standard views of the minimal or basic requirements for (moral or intellectual) virtue are more
attenuated and situation-specic than situationist critiques of them tend to suggest (see e.g.
Doriss globalist target on pp. 226 in 2002). Consequently, I think they are considerably less
threatened by the relevant experimental data than many situationists would have us think. (4)
Similarly, I think full or complete intellectual virtue is not very widely distributed and thus
that we should not expect it to make a very strong showing in the relevant experimental
contexts. (5) Some situationists may see (4) as an indication that the concept of (at least full
or complete) virtue is useless or irrelevant. My own take on this matter, however, is that many
accounts of moral and intellectual virtue are intended as accounts of a particular (moral or
intellectual) ideal. As such, I think the accounts in question have considerable regulative or
action-guiding power, and thus are not at all useless or irrelevant (see Roberts and Wood 2007 for
a prime example). (6) That said, I do not think that an account of, say, ideal epistemic character
is the only source of information that might be helpful for regulating our intellectual lives. In
fact, were situationists to provide empirical data concerning the factors that tend to inuence
our intellectual (vs. our moral) development and activities, I think this data could also play an
important regulative role. It might, for instance, shed signicant light on our present intellectual
situation in a way that would be helpful vis-a`-vis our attempts to move beyond this situation
and closer to the intellectual ideal. In this way, I am inclined to regard traditional and many
situationist portrayals of character and virtue as complementary. This irenic picture does not
appear to occur to Doris, who seems to think (2002: 14952) that one must choose between
thinking of virtue as a kind of action-guiding ideal, on the one hand, and giving serious
attention to what situationist experimental data (allegedly) suggest concerning the rather less
than ideal state of human character, on the other. This brief sketch of my response to situation-
ism obviously is no substitute for an elaboration or defense of it; but it is all I have the space for
A further motivation for the classication that follows is the remarkable theoretical
heterogeneity of the published work in this area. As William Alston (2005) observed, What
is nowadays called virtue epistemology is a sprawling, diverse, even chaotic territory. There is
not even a rough commonality as to what counts as an intellectual virtue, much less how it
functions in belief formation or how this bears on epistemic status (153). For more on this
point, and for an elaboration of (something very much like) the classication I articulate here,
see my (2008).
specically to character-based approaches and intellectual virtues to refer to
intellectual character virtues.)
One important and salient difference among the various authors working in
this area is how they conceive of the relationship between (1) the concept of an
intellectual virtue and (2) the problems and questions of traditional epistemol-
For some, an appeal to intellectual virtue promises a solution to many
of the most difcult and longstanding problems in traditional epistemology.
Zagzebski (1996), for instance, argues that giving the concept of intellectual
virtue a central role in an account of knowledge yields a satisfactory account of
the nature of knowledge, a rebuttal to skepticism, a solution to the Gettier
problem, and a way of resolving the debate between internalists and external-
ists. She sees an appeal to intellectual virtue as having a kind of salvic and
transformative effect on traditional epistemology.
Others, however, see reec-
tion on matters of intellectual virtue as motivating fundamentally new direc-
tions and inquiries in epistemologydirections and inquiries that are largely
independent of traditional concerns about the nature, structure, limits, or
sources of knowledge.
Hookway (2000; 2003), for instance, commends an
approach to epistemology that focuses on the domain of inquiry rather than on
individual beliefs or items of knowledge; and because intellectual character
virtues like carefulness and thoroughness, sensitivity to detail, intellectual
perseverance, honesty, and adaptability often play a critical role in successful
inquiry, he contends that such an approach will be virtue-based. Robert Roberts
and Jay Wood (2007) have recently defended an approach to virtue epistemo-
logy that focuses on individual intellectual virtues and makes little attempt to
address or solve the problems of traditional epistemology in virtue-theoretic
By traditional epistemology, I mean (roughly) epistemology in the Cartesian tradition,
the central focus of which is the nature, structure, limits, and sources of knowledge. Some of the
topics and debates that have been or are central to this tradition include global and local
skepticism, the nature of perception, rationalism vs. empiricism, the problem of induction,
the analysis of knowledge, foundationalism vs. coherentism, internalism vs. externalism, and
the Gettier problem. For an overview and representative sample, see BonJour (2002).
See, for example, pp. 27981, 2915, or 32934. Fairweather (2001), Axtell (2007; 2008;
2010), and Napier (2009) also support giving the concept of intellectual virtue a signicant role
in an account of knowledge. Axtell, however, does not limit his conception of intellectual virtue
to the relevant character traits; instead he endorses a thinner conception of intellectual
virtue which incorporates both character virtues and faculty virtues.
These two approaches are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, even Zagzebski (1996), who
again is the leading proponent of the former approach, sees important connections between
intellectual virtue and certain epistemic concepts that have been neglected by traditional
epistemologists, for instance, wisdom and understanding. Moreover, her extensive work on
the nature and structure of an intellectual virtue ts squarely in this second category.
the inquiring mind
terms. Their aim is rather to provide something like a conceptual map of the
domain of excellent intellectual character. Accordingly, they offer chapter-
length analyses of several individual virtues, including love of knowledge,
intellectual rmness, courage and caution, humility, autonomy, generosity,
and practical wisdom.
There are, then, two general approaches to character-based virtue epistemol-
ogy: conservative approaches that appeal to the concept of intellectual virtue
as a way of engaging or addressing traditional epistemological problems and
questions; and autonomous approaches that focus on matters of intellectual
virtue in ways that are largely independent of traditional questions, but that are
still broadly epistemological in nature.
Each of these main varieties admits of two sub-varieties. Conservative
approaches to virtue epistemology can be either strong or weak, depending
on how substantial they think the connection is between the concept of
intellectual virtue and the problems and questions of traditional epistemol-
ogy. Zagzebskis approach is a clear instance of what I shall refer to as Strong
Conservative VE, since again, she envisions the concept of intellectual virtue
playing a major and central role within traditional epistemology. But a weaker
variety of conservative virtue epistemology is also possible. In recent years,
for instance, I have argued (and will argue again in subsequent chapters) that
the concept of an intellectual virtue cannot form the basis of an adequate
analysis of knowledge (2006a; Ch. 3), but that it does merit a kind of secondary
or background role in both reliabilist (2006b; Ch. 4) and evidentialist (2009;
Ch. 5) accounts of knowledge. While supporting the idea that there is some
theoretical connection between intellectual virtue and traditional epistemol-
ogy, the suggestion is that this connection is considerably more modest and
less extensive than Zagzebski and others have thought. Thus I refer to the
view that the concept of intellectual virtue might play a weak or minimal
or secondary role in connection with traditional epistemology as Weak Con-
servative VE.
Autonomous varieties of virtue epistemology also come in stronger and
weaker forms. The guiding assumption in this area is that matters of intellec-
tual virtue have epistemological traction or signicance independent of
more traditional epistemological concerns. According to what I shall call
Strong Autonomous VE, an autonomous virtue-based approach should
supplant or replace traditional approaches. In this vein, Kvanvig (1992) argues
that there is no signicant role for the concept of intellectual virtue to
play within traditional epistemology, but that this concept is nonetheless
central to epistemology proper; consequently, he goes on to claim that the
traditional, Cartesian approach to epistemology should be jettisoned in favor
of a virtue-based approach. Other proponents of an autonomous virtue epis-
temology have staked out a less ambitious position, claiming instead that
their approaches are a proper complement toand thus can exist peaceably
alongsidemore traditional approaches to epistemology. Code, for instance,
makes clear that her approach is not aimed at replacing traditional epistemo-
logy, but rather at shedding light on areas that traditional epistemology has
tended to neglect (1987: 634; 253). Roberts and Wood adopt a similar line
(2007: ch. 1). I shall refer to this less radical perspective on autonomous virtue
epistemology as Weak Autonomous VE.
We have seen that virtue epistemology as a whole is comprised of two main
approaches: a faculty-based or reliabilist approach and a character-based or
responsibilist approach. The latter, again, is my main concern in the present
work. We have seen furthermore that the domain of character-based virtue
epistemology itself admits of two varietiesone conservative and the other
autonomousand that each of these varieties can take either a weaker or
stronger form. For a more detailed reiteration of the structure of character-based
virtue epistemology, see Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Varieties of character-based virtue epistemology
Conservative VE:
the concept of intellectual virtue
is useful for addressing one or
more problems in traditional
Autonomous VE:
the concept of intellectual virtue can
form the basis of an approach to
epistemology that is independent of
traditional epistemology
Strong Conservative
VE: the concept of
intellectual virtue
merits a central and
fundamental role
within traditional
Weak Conservative
VE: the concept of
intellectual virtue
merits a secondary
or background role
within traditional
Weak Autonomous
VE: an independent
focus on intellectual
character and virtues
Strong Autonomous
VE: an
independent focus
on intellectual
character and
virtues should
replace traditional
This is but one possible way of carving up the territory in virtue epistemology. It is inspired
mainly by the particular way in which the literature in this area has evolved over the past
decade or so. Thus it is aimed primarily at providing an illuminating account of the eld in its
present state (not in a state that it merely might have taken or that it might take some time in the
the inquiring mind
1.3 An overview of the book
We are now in a position to consider the central project and claims of the book.
In Chapter 2, I extend the present introduction to intellectual character virtues.
I do so by undertaking two main tasks. First, I identify six natural groupings
of these traits based on the role they play in the context of inquiry. Second,
I distinguish intellectual character virtues from a range of other intellectual
excellences, including intellectual faculties, talents, temperaments, and skills.
I argue that while intellectual virtues are often closely related to these other
excellences, they nonetheless are distinct from them. This chapter, together
with the present one, is aimed at providing an overview of the intellectual
virtues for the relatively uninitiated, that is, for readers who presently lack a
very rm or robust conception of the traits in question. (Those already well-
acquainted with the intellectual virtues and virtue epistemology may wish to
skip ahead to Chapter 3).
InChapter 3, I turnto a discussionof Strong Conservative VE, focusing mainly
on Zagzebskis virtue-based account of knowledge. I begin by arguing that an
exercise of intellectual character virtues (or anything similar) is not, when added
to true belief, sufcient for knowledge. I go on to argue that neither is an exercise
of intellectual virtues necessary for knowledge. The immediate conclusion is that
the concept of intellectual virtue (where an intellectual virtue is understood as a
trait of character) is unlikely to play a central role in a plausible analysis of
knowledge. But this in turn entails, or so I argue, that the concept of intellectual
virtue is unlikely to play a central role within traditional epistemology at large.
I conclude that the prospects of Strong Conservative VE are poor.
In the two chapters that follow, I turn to a defense of Weak Conservative VE,
that is, of the thesis that reection on the intellectual virtues merits a secondary
or background role in connection with one or more issues in traditional episte-
mology. In Chapter 4, I argue that intellectual character virtues satisfy the con-
ditions for reliabilist knowledge-makers or justiers, and that consequently
reliabilists of any stripe must give greater attention to matters of intellectual
character. I also show how this expansion of the focus of reliabilism generates
new theoretical questions and challenges for any reliabilist epistemology.
In Chapter 5, I consider the signicance of intellectual virtue for evidenti-
alism, that is, for the view that a belief is epistemically justied at a given time
just in case it is supported by the believers evidence at that time. I begin by
identifying cases in which a belief satises the evidentialists central condition
for epistemic justication but intuitively is unjustied. I proceed to argue that
the solution for evidentialism is to adopt a further condition according to
which (within a certain range of cases) justication also requires conducting
oneself in a minimally intellectually virtuous way. The conclusion of Chapters
4 and 5 is that while the concept of intellectual virtue may not have a central
or transforming role to play within traditional epistemology, neither is it
wholly irrelevant. Weak Conservative VE therefore prevails.
The three chapters just described (Chs. 35) are the most straightforwardly
epistemological chapters in the book and thus are likely to be of special interest
to more traditionally minded epistemologists. In Chapter 6, the focus of
the book shifts in ways that are, I hope, still likely to engage the interest of
traditional epistemologists, but that are also likely to be appealing to many
other philosophers, including (but not limited to) moral philosophers. The
overarching question in Chapters 69 is whether reection on the intellectual
virtues considered more or less in their own right (or apart from the issues
of traditional epistemology) can form the basis of an independent, broadly
epistemological research program; and, provided that it can, just what such a
program might amount to.
In Chapters 6 and 7, I develop an account of the nature and basic structure of
an intellectual virtue. Chapter 6 is a defense of what I call a personal worth
conception of intellectual virtue, according to which the traits in question
are intellectual virtues because they contribute to their possessors personal
intellectual worth, that is, to their possessors intellectual goodness or badness
qua person. According to the account, the primary basis of personal intellectual
worth, and thus of intellectual virtue, is a positive psychological orientation
toward or love of epistemic goods like knowledge and understanding.
I elaborate on the content of this orientation and respond to a range of poten-
tial objections.
In Chapter 7, I situate this conception of intellectual virtue vis-a`-vis several
accounts of intellectual and moral virtue in the literature. Here I give special
attention to the views of Linda Zagzebski (1996), Rosalind Hursthouse (1999),
Julia Driver (2000), Thomas Hurka (2001), and Robert Adams (2006). In addi-
tion to identifying several similarities and differences between my account and
these others, I also develop a number of substantive criticisms of the latter.
Chapters 8 and 9 examine the nature and structure of two individual intellec-
tual virtues: namely, open-mindedness and intellectual courage. These chapters
are aimed mainly at specifying the characteristic psychology of the virtues
in question. In Chapter 8, I begin by considering an initially plausible account
of open-mindedness according to which this virtue consists primarily of a
disposition to temporarily set aside ones viewpoint about an issue in order
the inquiring mind
to give a fair and impartial hearing to an opposing viewpoint. I argue against
this view, opting instead for a broader account which allows, rst, that open-
mindedness can be manifested outside the context of intellectual opposition or
conict, and second, that an exercise of open-mindedness need not involve any
kind of rational assessment. I also consider the question of when, or with respect
to which ideas or viewpoints, one ought to be open-minded.
In Chapter 9, my focus turns to intellectual courage. Here I defend the view
that intellectual courage is a disposition to persist in a doxastic state (e.g. belief)
or course of action (e.g. inquiry) aimed at an epistemic good despite the fact
that doing so involves an apparent threat to ones well-being. In the course of
this defense, I explore a number of issues, including the signicance of fear and
danger relative to the essential context of intellectual courage, the sorts of
states and activities in which intellectual courage can be manifested, the possi-
bility of ill-motivated intellectual courage, and when an exercise of intellectual
courage is appropriate or virtuous.
Chapter 10 draws together several elements of the preceding chapters by
considering their implications for the viability of the four main varieties of
character-based virtue epistemology outlined in Chapter 1. The central focus
here is Strong Autonomous VE and Weak Autonomous VE (the prospects of the
other two varieties will already have been made clear by this point). I argue that
the central challenge for Strong Autonomous VE is to make good on the claim
that an autonomous, virtue-based approach to epistemology ought to replace
more traditional approaches to the discipline. I examine the only extant
defense of Strong Autonomous VE (Kvanvig 1992) and argue that it falls short.
While I reject Strong Autonomous VE, I go on to argue that Weak Autonomous
VE has considerable promise, and indeed, that it likely represents the way of the
future in character-based virtue epistemology. I also offer an overview, based
mainly on the discussion in Chapters 69, of the theoretical substance of such
an approach. Finally, I explain why an approach of this sort is indeed proper
to epistemology (broadly construed), rather than to ethics or any other philo-
sophical discipline.
In the Appendix, I consider the relation between intellectual virtues and
moral virtues. I begin by delineating three possible views of this relation:
(1) what we call intellectual virtues just are moral virtues; (2) intellectual
virtues are a proper subset of moral virtues; and (3) intellectual virtues are
fundamentally distinct from moral virtues. I defend a position according to
which a traits being an intellectual virtue depends on its being oriented toward
distinctively epistemic goods, while a traits being a moral virtue depends on its
being others-regarding. The result is that there is substantial overlap between
the class of intellectual virtues and the class of moral virtues, and that conse-
quently a position somewhere between (2) and (3) is correct.
As this overview makes clear, the book proceeds on two main tracks. On the
one hand, it is intended to shed substantial light on the nature and structure of
an intellectual virtue (Chs. 6 and 7), the dening character of two individual
virtues (Chs. 8 and 9), and the relation between intellectual virtues and other
intellectual and moral excellences (Ch. 2 and the Appendix). It is also, however,
intended to support the following three meta-epistemological claims: (1) the
concept of intellectual virtue does not merit a prominent or central role within
traditional epistemology (Ch. 3); (2) it does, however, merit a secondary or
background role (Chs. 4 and 5); and (3) apart fromany concern with traditional
epistemology, philosophical reection on intellectual virtues can formthe basis
of a more or less autonomous epistemological researchprogram(Chs. 610). My
hope is that the book will advance the discussion within virtue epistemology
both by providing a lens through which to understand what has gone on in the
eld over the past couple of decades and by identifying several new and
promising lines of inquiry.
the inquiring mind

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