The Canopy Effect
The Canopy Effect
The Canopy Effect
mastodons found with green food still in their mouths and preserved for thousands
of years in the ice. Well, in the past this earth was tropical from pole to pole.
Palm trees once grew in Alaska. Giant herbivores once grazed on lush green
tropical growth around the Arctic Circle. And for certain it was the age of the
dinosaurs. But when exactly did this happen and why did it end so quickly? The
evolutionist has a problem with this one. Those who believe that change took
millions of years just cannot resolve the problem of green plants being found in
the ice. This phenomenon illustrates rapid not slow evolutionary change. Sometime
in the past the earth was overtaken by rapid disastrous change. The giant animals
were caught in flight and frozen where they fell or stood. The green plants in the
polar regions did not have time to die and decay. They were frozen rapidly and
instantaneously. Well, there may be an explanation offered in the word of God. The
scriptures do not offer scientific explanations. As the bible will not tell how
but why the earth was made by the one true God. Still, the word may show forth
some interesting facts that may be of help in explaining some of the scientific
details and provide some answers as to why there were green palm branches in
Alaska. The key may be in an ancient Hebrew word that the Bible translates as
firmament (Genesis 1:6). (The word can be translated as expanse.) The Hebrew word
is ‘raqiya. It can mean to compress, pound out as in thin metal sheets. The word
is used 8 times in the first chapter of the Bible. The question is, ‘what was
being compressed or pounded into thin sheets? The answer is water.
First. In this model, there would most likely have been greater atmospheric
pressure. Today, at sea level, air pressure is 14.7 psi (pounds per square inch).
With the firmament as described the air pressure could have easily been double
that a 32.05 psi. Second. There would have been greater oxygen (O2) and greater
carbon dioxide (C02) in the atmosphere. Today O2 stands at about 22%, it could
have been much higher. C02 currently occupies .003% and could have been easily .
008%. It has been speculated that under these conditions a person could run over
200 miles without suffering fatigue. Also, open wounds would heal in as little as
24 hours. Plants would also grow to greater sizes. Third. Little or no ultra-
violet or harmful radiation would reach the surface of the earth. This fact would
add to the preservation of everything on earth including humans. Fourth. There
would possibly be fewer harmful bacteria. Consider the health implications of
this. Fifth. Due to the fiber optic nature of the canopy, the effect of the light
from the sun and moon would be equally dissipated from pole to pole on the
affected side of the planet. The light would be softer and the earth would never
experience a completely dark period as it does now. Also the light would most
likely be soft pink in color. The Bible record seems to indicate that this was the
case. "God made two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the
lesser to govern the night." (Gen. 1:16) It could be assumed that the lesser light
that governed the night was the moon. However, the moon is not always visible so
perhaps this does not fulfil this requirement while the soft transfer of light to
the dark side of the planet due to the fiber optic nature of the canopy would.
Also, it is well known that pink light is the most beneficial for plants, animals
and humans. For plants it is the most important light in the spectrum. For humans
it has a calming effect. Under the right spectrum of pink light, the brain
secretes norepinephrine which is a natural tranquillizer and neuro-transmitter.
This would allow human minds to work at maximum efficiency in a tranquil
environment. Sixth. The stars would be enhanced as they shone through the
firmament. "....He also made the stars. And God set them in the firmament of the
heaven to give light upon the earth. (Genesis 1:17) NASA has found that when a red
filter is used in space, the stars appear in beautiful, enhanced color. With the
firmament to act as a filter, the stars would be vivid and visible day and night.
We have long been able to tell times and seasons by the position of the stars. In
this model of creation mankind would have no need for a Timex or a Rolex. Time
would be immediately obvious by just looking up at the stars. Seventh. Scientists
have concluded in recent years that many stars give off music. This would be
enhanced as it passed through the firmament and could have been audible at the
surface of the earth. Is this what the ancients had in mind when they wrote of the
primal creation. The account in the book of Job records this statement from God.
"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?" ..while the morning
stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7) The Bible
account suggests another significant difference in the primal creation model. "But
there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."
(Genesis 2:6) There was no rain. There would then be no clouds. This would enhance
the suggestion about the stars made above. It would also indicate there were vast
pools of water under the surface of the ground that rose and fell through the sand
silicate layer covering the earth and a perfect hydroponic system. The rising and
falling of the water could have been helped by the greater magnetic field on the
earth at that time. The structure of the earth was very different, including the
earth's magnetic field. Today, it has been calculated that the earth is loosing
1/2 of its magnetic field every 1,400 years. The field of 5,000 to 6,000 years ago
would have been considerably stronger. It may also be true that the earth was a
great, controlled thermonuclear reactor controlled by under ground reservoirs of
water to regulate temperature and to supply the roots of the plants with a
constant, controlled supply of warm water. The heating of the environment did not
come from above; instead, there would have been a gentle thermal blanket within
the earth, probably surrounded by a layer of asphalt inside the earth called the
"swaddling band" in Job 38:9. (Carl E. Baugh, PH.D; Panorarma of Creation)