This document provides an executive summary of a student project on inventory management and control conducted at Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. over a two month period. The project aims to study inventory management techniques to help control costs and maximize profits. It introduces the company and reasons for choosing this topic. The objectives are to understand inventory management procedures and how to efficiently control inventory levels.
This document provides an executive summary of a student project on inventory management and control conducted at Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. over a two month period. The project aims to study inventory management techniques to help control costs and maximize profits. It introduces the company and reasons for choosing this topic. The objectives are to understand inventory management procedures and how to efficiently control inventory levels.
This document provides an executive summary of a student project on inventory management and control conducted at Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. over a two month period. The project aims to study inventory management techniques to help control costs and maximize profits. It introduces the company and reasons for choosing this topic. The objectives are to understand inventory management procedures and how to efficiently control inventory levels.
This document provides an executive summary of a student project on inventory management and control conducted at Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. over a two month period. The project aims to study inventory management techniques to help control costs and maximize profits. It introduces the company and reasons for choosing this topic. The objectives are to understand inventory management procedures and how to efficiently control inventory levels.
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As per the rules of University of Pune each MBA student has to undergo twomonths summer project in a company and needs to prepare project report of it. I havecompleted my project in INVENTORY MANAGEMENT & CONTROL inFleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. Situated at Nandur, Pune.The project primarily focuses on study of inventory management and controlto attain competitive advantage in global market. The topic covers one of theimportant elements of the cost in any company and to control this cost, means toachieve goals of finance i.e. Wealth Maximization and Profit Maximization.Inventory is the basic requirement of any organization may be manufacturingor service providing. Inventories are materials and supplies that a business or institution carries either for sale or to provide inputs or supplies to the production process. Financially inventories are very important to manufacturing companies. Onthe balance sheet, they usually represent from 20% to 60% of total assets. Asinventories are used, their value is converted into cash, which increases operatingcosts and decreases profits. Good inventory management is essential. Stock control, otherwise known as inventory control, is used to show howmuch stock you have at any one time, and how you keep track of it. Efficientinventory control allows you to have the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time. It ensures that capital is not tied up unnecessarily, and protects productionif problems arise with the supply chain. Inventory management and control is important concern to the FinanceManager because too many finance related things are attached with inventory.Inventory carries huge cost and if there is improper inventory management andcontrol in any company, the company may face huge loss in the form of cost of capital. If a manager is able to control and manage its inventory cost directly it willlead to proper management of money and optimum utilization of time. In simplewords we can say that proper Inventory management and control helps in effectiveutilization of money, and other additional resources in each and every organization.
(A) COMPANY: a. Manufacturring Compnay: As Fleetguard Filters Pvt Ltd, Nandur is a manufacturing company, various practical activities takes place. Therefore, there are various chances of learningdifferent financial activities. This company can give better practical and financialexperience of transactions carried out from the purchasing of raw material to thedispatch of the finished goods to the customers. b. Company Profile: As the brand gives the identity of the organization, the brand Fleetguard isvery popular in both domestic as well as international filtration markets. The brandname itself attracts me for choosing this organization. c. Huge Turnover: The huge turnover of about Rs.2500 million itself shows that differentfinancial activities takes place on a large scale which can provide me to learn differentfinancial activities.
(B) PROJECT: Inventory in the company involves huge cost in it. It becomes the major activity to manage and control the inventory. Due to this reason, InventoryManagement & Control is the most suitable topic under project to be studied inFinance.
DURATION OF THIS PROJECT: As per the syllabus of University of Pune, it is compulsory to undergo twomonths summer training project in any company. I have done project from 20th Mayto 20th July.The experience of working in Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. was really a valueaddition for me. It was a great opportunity for me to work with my guide and hiscolleagues. They were very helpful. They helped me in solving every problem despitetheir busy schedule. With their help it was very easy for me to carry out my projectsmoothly within the given span of time. As the various studies shows that 80-90% of working capital is tied up in inventory, it is very important to utilize resource withoptimum inventory management and control.
To study and understand the meaning of Inventory Management.
To know in depth the Inventory Management & Control procedure inFleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd.
To study & understand different methods & procedure of inventorymanagement & control.
To know how to prepare the purchase order for timely delivery to the concern party (Customers). To know the procedure of checking the bills and passingthe invoices.
To understand process right from procurement of material to consumption of material.
SCOPE (A) Area of Operation: In every department of an organization finance plays a vital role. Withoutfinance not a single department can function. Right from purchase of material, financeis needed. Thats why Inventory is to be controlled and managed properly for efficientoperations of every department.As Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturing unit, controlling andmanaging of inventory level is important. Else the expenses will increase; wastagewill be more. It may also delay the date of commercial production of the organization. (B) Location and area covered: Nandur Plant: It is situated in village Nandur, about 40 Kms. From Pune with a built-up areaof about 5000 square feet area on four acres of land and employing about 100 peoplein various departments. Manufacturing of Air and Spin on Filters is carried out in this plant.
SLOGAN ULTIMATE PROTECTION: INCREASES ENGINE LIFE MISSION STATEMENT Fleet guard is not the business of manufacturing filters. It is the business of helping diesel engine manufacturers to build improved reliability and longer life into their engines / equipments, leading to better vehicle / equipment performance throughout its intented product life cycle. VISION To be a World Class Filter Company known for caring and delighting the customers with high quality products and innovative services across domestic and international markets with aggresive growth and delivering superior financial performance. The company will be a mode of excellence in meeting social commitment, environment health and safety norms and in employee welfare and relations.
PRODUCTS Air Intake System Air Cleaners Assemblies Air Filters-Primary & Safety Lube Oil Filters-Spin On and Catridge By-pass Filters for Lube Filtration Fuel Filters- Spin On and Catridge Fuel Water Separators Combo Filters Hydraulic Filters Fuel Strainers Filtration Accesories Coolant Filters: Water Filters Coolants Design Services VOLVO FILTER TATA FILTER INDICA FILTER CDSS AIR FILTER 4980 FUEL FILTER 5522 AIR FILTER 25200 FUEL SPERATION FILTER FUEL FILTER 5074