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CV Versi LN
CV Versi LN
Jeremy R. Cooperstock
Background 2
Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Awards and Distinctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Work Experience 3
Academic Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Industrial and Consulting Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Research 5
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Non-refereed Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Public Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Active Collaborations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Funding Awarded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Teaching 35
Courses Taught . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Undergraduate Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Service 38
University Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Professional Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Jeremy R. Cooperstock
Nationality Canadian
Languages English, French and Hebrew
Address Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McGill University
3480 University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2A7, Canada
Telephone (514) 398-5992
Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 1996.
Thesis: Reactive Environments and Augmented Media Spaces.
(Nominated for NSERC Doctoral Dissertation Award)
Advisors: Prof. K.C. Smith and Prof. W. Buxton
M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Toronto, 1992.
Thesis: Neural Network Operated Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Arm
for Docking and Reaching.
Advisor: Prof. E. Milios.
B.Ap.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering Option, University of
British Columbia, 1990 (Honours)
Awards and Distinctions
2009 Nominee, NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Re-
search in Science and Engineering Award
2005 ACM/IEEE Supercomputing, International Conference for High Per-
formance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Award for
Most Innovative Use of New Technology
2001 Audio Engineering Society Distinction Award
2000 ExCESS award for Best Technological Innovator, ECE department,
McGill University
1999 Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
1996 Departmental Selection for NSERC Doctoral Dissertation Award, Uni-
versity of Toronto
1995 Information Technology Research Center of Ontario (now CITO), In-
novation Award for Increasing Awareness in Leading Edge Technology
Work Experience
Academic Experience
Bang & Olufsen, Denmark
Visiting Professor, World Opera Project
Jan 2009
Bielefeld University, Germany
Virtual Member, Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology
June 2003
McGill University, Montreal, QC
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Supervising 5 research associates, 4 post-doctoral fellows, 4 Ph.D. stu-
dents, 3 M.Eng. students
Sep. 2004
Aug. 2005
Universite de Paris VI, Paris France
Invited Professor, Laboratoire des Instruments et Systemes dIle-de-
Apr. 2000
McGill University, Montreal, QC
Associate Member, Faculty of Music, Department of Theory.
Founding member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology. Actively participated in preparation of the CFI
and VRQ grant applications that brought in a total $8.7M. Developed
technology for use in distance music teaching trials. Advised the faculty
on networks issues for the new Music building. Served on three thesis
Nov. 1997
May 2003
McGill University, Montreal, QC
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Supervised 6 M.Eng. students and 3 research sta. Instructed courses in
human-computer interaction, articial intelligence, operating systems,
and supervised the computer architecture laboratory. Conducted origi-
nal research in the areas of high-bandwidth communication, augmented
reality, and intelligent environments. Developed the technology behind
the Intelligent Classrooms and maintained these rooms since their de-
ployment. Served on nine thesis committees and numerous department
and university committees.
Industrial and Consulting Experience WORK EXPERIENCE
Industrial and Consulting Experience
May Nov.
Boucher Harper
Analysis and expert testimony in intellectual property case (software-
Feb. Oct.
Crawford Adjusters Canada
Analysis of artifacts in high denition video
May 2002
Nov. 2003
Solicitor General of Canada
Media streaming conguration and user interface design.
May 2001 National Research Council
Instructor of short course in Soft Computing, Institut des Materiaux
Jan. Sep.
Audio Engineering Society
Technical leader of a demonstration of multichannel and multimedia
audio distribution, sponsored by the Audio Engineering Societys Tech-
nical Committee for Network Audio Systems
Jan. Aug.
Ontario Science Center
Scientic Director of Timescape Millenium Exhibit
July 1998 Nortel
Instructor of short course in videoconferencing systems for the Nortel
International SL-1 Users Association (ISLUA), Long Beach
Sep. 1996
Oct. 1997
Sony Computer Science Laboratory
Visiting Researcher at the Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Tokyo,
Developed speech-interface controlled VCR with visual tape database
functionality. Wrote two patent applications, one led. Supervised a
research intern.
June Aug.
Fibronics Research
Visiting Researcher at the Fibronics Advanced Research Center, Haifa,
Developed and tested an FDDI-to-token ring bridge, reverse engineer-
ing the control protocol used for a LAN manager.
May Aug.
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Research Intern at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY.
Developed a VLIW architecture simulator.
Note that in the following listings, authors whose names are underlined were under my supervision
at the time of writing.
Book Chapters
B1 Wozniewski, M. Settel, Z., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2011, to appear). Sonic Interaction via
Spatial Arrangement in Mixed Reality Environments. Sonic Interaction Design, K. Franinovic
and S. Seran, eds. MIT Press.
B2 Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Human-Computer Interaction. Chapter in Wiley Encyclopedia of
Computer Science and Engineering, ISBN 978-0-471-38393-2, Benjamin W. Wah, ed., Vol. 3,
Journal Articles
J1 Blum, J., Olmos, A., Sun, H. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: TOMCCAP-2010-0144) End-
User Viewpoint Control of Live Video from a Medical Camera Array. ACM Transactions on
J2 Giordano, B.L, Visell, Y., Yao, H.-Y., Hayward, V., Cooperstock, J.R., and McAdams, S.
(in review: MS 10-09611). Audiohaptic identication of ground materials while walking.
Acoustical Society of America.
J3 Olmos, A., Bouillot, N., Knight, T., Mabire, N. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review) Open Or-
chestra: a high-delity orchestra simulator, Computer Music Journal.
J4 Qi, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: TIP-06954-2010). Towards Dynamic Image Mosaic
Generation With Robustness to Parallax. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
J5 Dansereau, D., Brock, N., and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: MM-003442). A Particle Filter
for Predicting an Orchestral Conductors Baton Movements. IEEE Transactions on Multime-
J6 Pelletier, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: TIP-06592-2010). Preconditioning for Edge-
Preserving Image Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
J7 To, L., Thompson, B., Blum, J.R., Maehara, G., Hess, R., and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review:
TNSRE-2010-00139) A game platform for treatment of amblyopia, IEEE Transactions on
Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
J8 Benovoy, M., Salimpoor, V.N., Longo, G., Zatorre, R.J., and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review:
TAFFC-2010-07-0053). Pleasurable Aective State Recognition Using Non-Linear Feature
Transformation, IEEE Transactions on Aective Computing
Publications RESEARCH
J9 Bouillot, N. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: TOMCCAP-2010-0134) Quality of Experience-
Based Evaluation of Distributed Mobile Audio Applications. ACM Transactions on Multime-
J10 Benovoy, M., Cooperstock, J.R., Xiao, Q., and Levine, M. (in review: TIP-06385-2010), Real-
Time Multiple Video Face Recognition Using Adaptive Probe Update, IEEE Transactions on
Image Processing.
J11 Cooperstock, J.R. (2011). Multimodal Telepresence Systems: Supporting Demanding Col-
laborative Human Activities, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, special issue on Immersive
Communications, 28(1), 77-86.
J12 Pellerin, R., Bouillot, N., Pietkiewicz, T., Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z., Gressier-Soudan E., and
Cooperstock, J.R. (2010). SoundPark: Exploring Ubiquitous Computing through a Mixed
Reality Multi-player Game Experiment, Studia Informatica Universalis, 8(3), Hermann, 21
J13 Bouillot, N., Cohen, E., Cooperstock, J.R., Floros, A., Fonseca, N., Foss, R., Goodman, M.,
Grant, J., Gross, K., Harris, S., Harshbarger, B., Heyraud, J., Jonsson, L., Narus, J., Page, M.,
Snook, T., Tanaka, A., Trieger, J. Zanghieri, U. (2009). AES White Paper AESTD1003V1:
Best Practices in Network Audio, Jeremy R. Cooperstock, ed., Audio Engineering Society
57(9), September, 729-741.
J14 Visell, Y., Law, A. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Touch Is Everywhere: Floor Surfaces as
Ambient Haptic Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2(3), JulySeptember, 148159.
J15 Salimpoor, V., Benovoy, M., Longo, G., Cooperstock, J.R., and Zatorre, R.J. (2009). The
Rewarding Aspects of Music Listening are Related to Degree of Emotional Arousal, PLoS
ONE, 4(10): e7487, June, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007487.
J16 Sun, W. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). Dont Count Your Pixels Until Theyre Calibrated:
An Empirical Evaluation of Factors Inuencing Camera Calibration Accuracy, Machine Vision
and Applications Journal, 17(1), 5167, February.
J17 Woszczyk, W., Cooperstock, J., Roston, J., Martens, W. (2005). Shake, Rattle, and Roll:
Getting Immersed in Multisensory, Interactive Music via Broadband Networks, Audio Engi-
neering Society, 53(4), April, 336344.
J18 Yin, J. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2004). Color Correction Methods with Applications to Digital
Projection Environments. Winter School of Computer Graphics, 12, No. 3, 499506.
J19 Winer, L. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2002). The Intelligent Classroom: Changing teaching and
learning with an evolving technological environment. Computers and Education, 38, 253266.
J20 Xu, A., Woszczyk, W., Settel, Z., Pennycook, B., Rowe, R., Galanter, P., Bary, J., Martin,
G., Corey, J., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2000). Real-Time Streaming of Multichannel Audio
Data over Internet. Audio Engineering Society, 48(7/8), July-August, 627641.
Publications RESEARCH
J21 Cooperstock, J.R., Fels, S.S., Buxton, W. and Smith, K.C. (1997). Reactive Environments:
Throwing Away Your Keyboard and Mouse. Communications of the ACM, 40(9), 6573.
J22 Cooperstock, J.R. and Milios, E. (1993). Self-supervised learning for docking and target
reaching. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 11, 243260.
Refereed Conference Publications
C1 Dorado, I.G. and Cooperstock, J.R. (in review: paper 688) Automatic multi-projector cali-
bration with an uncalibrated camera, CVPR.
C2 Olmos, A., Lachapelle, K., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010) Multiple Angle Viewer for Remote
Medical Training. Second ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Dis-
tance Leaning, October 25-29, Florence, Italy.
C3 Ellaway, R., Cooperstock, J.R., and Spencer, B. (2010) Simulation Integration for Healthcare
Education, Training and Assessment. Fifth International Conference on Digital Information
Management, July 5-8, Thunder Bay, ON.
C4 Rajalingham, R., Visell, Y. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010) Probabilistic Tracking of Pedestrian
Movements via In-Floor Force Sensing. Seventh Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot
Vision, May 31-June 2, Ottawa, ON.
C5 Benovoy, M. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010) Psychophysiological signal analysis and classica-
tion. CHI 2010 Brain Body and Bytes Workshop, April 10-15, Atlanta, GA.
C6 Visell, Y. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010). Optimized Design of a Vibrotactile Device via a
Rigid Surface. IEEE Haptics Symposium, March 25-26, Waltham, MA. Best Paper Award
C7 Visell, Y., Law, A., Ip, J., Smith, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010). Interaction Capture in
Immersive Virtual Environments via an Intelligent Floor Surface, IEEE Virtual Reality, March
20-24, Waltham, MA.
C8 Visell, Y., Smith, S., Law, A., Rajalingham, R. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010). Contact Sens-
ing and Interaction Techniques for a Distributed, Multimodal Floor Display, IEEE 3D User
Interfaces, March 20-21, Waltham, MA.
C9 Olmos, A, Brule, M., Bouillot, N., Benovoy, M., Blum, J., Sun, H., Lund, N.W., and Coop-
erstock, J.R. (2009). Exploring the role of latency and orchestra placement on the networked
performance of a distributed opera, 12th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Los
Angeles, Nov. 1113.
C10 Bouillot, N., Brule, M., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Performance metrics for network au-
dio systems: Methodology and a preliminary comparison. Audio Engineering Society 127th
Convention, New York, Oct. 912.
C11 Anlau, J., Hermann, T., Grosshauser, T., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Modular tacTiles
for Sonic Interactions with Smart Environments, Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, Dres-
den, Germany, September 1011.
Publications RESEARCH
C12 Berard, F., Ip, J., Benovoy, M., El-Shimy, D., Blum, J. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Did
Minority Report Get it Wrong? Superiority of the Mouse over 3D Input Devices for a 3D
Placement Task, IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Up-
psala, Sweden, August 2428.
C13 Settel, Z., Wozniewski, M., Bouillot, N. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Audio Grati: A
location based audio-tagging and remixing environment, International Computer Music Con-
ference, Montreal, Aug. 1621.
C14 Law, A., Ip, J., Peck, B. Visell, Y., Kry, P., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Multimodal oor
for immersive environments, ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, New Orleans, August
C15 Pellerin, R., Bouillot, N., Pietkiewicz, T., Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z., Gressier-Soudan E., and
Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). SoundPark: Exploring Ubiquitous Computing through a Mixed Re-
ality Multi-player Game Experiment, 9e Conference Internationale sur Les Nouvelles Tech-
nologies de la Repartition (NOTERE), Montreal, June 29July 3.
C16 Pellerin, R., Bouillot, N., Pietkiewicz, T., Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z., Gressier-Soudan E.,
and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). SoundPark: Towards Highly Collaborative Game Support
in a Ubiquitous Computing Architecture, 9th IFIP International Conference on Distributed
Applications and Interoperable Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, June 912.
C17 Bouillot, N. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009) Challenges and Performance of High-Fidelity Au-
dio Streaming for Interactive Performances, New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME),
Pittsburgh, June 46.
C18 Visell, Y., Law, A.W., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). Toward Iconic Vibrotactile Information
Display Using Floor Surfaces, Third Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic
Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Salt Lake City, UT, March
C19 El-Shimy, D., Marentakis, G., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009) Multimodal Feedback in 3D
Target Acquisition, IEEE 3D User Interfaces, Lafayette, Louisiana, March 1415.
C20 Ellaway, R.H., Topps, D., Lachapelle, K., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009) Integrating Simu-
lation Devices and Systems. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) Medical Education
Conference, Long Beach, Jan. 1922.
C21 Wang, G., Mercier, L, Collins, D.L, and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). A Comparative Study of
Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Display for a Probe-Positioning Task. Medicine Meets Virtual
Reality (MMVR) Medical Education Conference, Long Beach, Jan. 1922.
C22 Cooperstock, J.R. and Wang, G. (2009). Stereoscopic Display Technologies, Interaction Paradigms,
and Rendering Approaches for Neurosurgical Visualization. Stereoscopic Displays and Appli-
cations, San Jose, Jan. 1822.
Publications RESEARCH
C23 Qi, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Depth-based Image Mosaicing for Both Static and
Dynamic Scenes. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, Dec.
C24 Law, A.W., Peck, B.V., Visell, Y., Kry, P., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008) A Multi-modal
Floor-space for Experiencing Material Deformation Underfoot in Virtual Reality. IEEE In-
ternational Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games, Ottawa, October
C25 Benovoy, M., Zadel, M., Absar, R., Wozniewski, M., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Towards
immersive multimodal gameplay. GAMEON-NA, Montreal, Aug. 1315.
C26 Pelletier, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Fast image restoration with the Huber-Markov
prior model, International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, Oct. 1215.
C27 Cupellini, E., Rizzuti, C., Bilotta, E., Pantano, P., Wozniewski, M., and Cooperstock, J.R.
(2008). Exploring Musical Mappings and Generating Accompaniment with Chaotic Systems,
International Computer Music Conference, Belfast, Aug. 2429.
C28 Giordano, B.L, McAdams, S., Visell, Y., Cooperstock, J.R., Yao, H.-Y., and Hayward, V.
(2008). Non-visual identication of walking grounds. Acoustics08, Paris, June 29July 4.
C29 Salimpoor V.N., Benovoy M., Longo G., Cooperstock J.R., and Zatorre R.J. (2008). Mu-
sic and the Reward System: Characterizing Intensely Pleasurable Responses to Music, The
Neurosciences and Music III, Montreal, June 2628.
C30 Visell, Y., Giordano, B., Cooperstock, J.R., Franinovic, K., Law, A., McAdams, S., Jathal, K.,
and Fontana, F. (2008). A Vibrotactile Device for Display of Virtual Ground Materials in
Walking, EuroHaptics, Madrid, Spain, June 1113.
C31 Bouillot, N., Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). A Mobile Wireless
Platform for Augmented Instruments, New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), June
57, Genova, Italy.
C32 Wozniewski, M., Bouillot, N., Settel, Z., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Large-Scale Mobile
Audio Environments for Collaborative Musical Interaction, New Interfaces for Musical Ex-
pression (NIME), June 57, Genova, Italy.
C33 Wozniewski, M., Bouillot, N., Settel, Z., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). An Augmented Real-
ity Framework for Wireless Mobile Performance, Mobile Music Workshop, May 1315, Vienna,
C34 Benovoy, M., Deitcher, J., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2008). Biosignals Analysis and its Appli-
cation in a Performance Setting: Towards the development of an Emotional-Imaging Genera-
tor, IEEE International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIG-
NALS), Jan. 2831, Madeira, Portugal.
Publications RESEARCH
C35 Visell, Y., Cooperstock, J.R., and Franinovic, K. (2007). Toward an Architectural Platform
for Audio-Haptic Simulation in Walking. Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE07), Nov. 1925,
Grenoble, France.
C36 Visell, Y. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Enabling Gestural Interaction by Means of Tracking
Dynamical Systems Models and Assistive Feedback. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Montreal, Oct. 710.
C37 Qi, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Automated Change Detection in an Undersea Environ-
ment using a Statistical Background Model. Oceans 07, Vancouver, Sept. 29Oct. 4.
C38 Pelletier, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Fast super-resolution for rational magnication
factors. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, TX, Sept. 1619.
C39 Qi, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Overcoming Parallax and Sampling Density Issues
in Image Mosaicing of Non-Planar Scenes. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
Warwick, Sept. 1013.
C40 Cooperstock, J.R., Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. (2007). Towards mobile spatial audio for dis-
tributed musical systems and multi-user virtual environments. Spatial Audio for Mobile De-
vices, Workshop in conjunction with International Conference on Human Interaction with
Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), Singapore, Sept. 9.
C41 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). AudioScape: A Pure Data library for
management of virtual environments and spatial audio. PureData Convention, Montreal,
Aug. 2126.
C42 Audet, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Shadow Removal in Front Projection Environments
using Object Tracking, IEEE Projector-Camera Systems (ProCams), Minneapolis, June 18.
C43 Visell, Y. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Modeling and Continuous Sonication of Aordances
for Gesture-Based Interfaces. International Conference on Auditory Display, Montreal, June
C44 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). User-specic audio rendering and
steerable sound for distributed virtual environments. International Conference on Auditory
Display, Montreal, June 2629.
C45 Kinoe, Y. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Peripheral Telecommunications: Supporting Dis-
tributed Awareness and Seamless Transitions to the Foreground. International Conference
On Smart homes and health Telematics, Nara, Japan, June 2123.
C46 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). An Improved Representation of Junctions through
Asymmetric Tensor Diusion. International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe,
Nevada, Nov. 68.
C47 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). A Paradigm for Physical Interaction
with Sound in 3-D Audio Space. International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans,
Nov. 611.
Publications RESEARCH
C48 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). A Spatial Interface for Audio and
Music Production. International Conference on Digital Audio Eects (DAFx), Montreal,
Sept. 1820.
C49 Pelletier, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). Preconditioning for temporal video superresolu-
tion. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Edinburgh, Sept. 47.
C50 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). An Asymmetrical Diusion Framework for Junc-
tion Analysis. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Edinburgh, Sept. 47.
C51 Qi, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). Wide-Baseline Image Mosaicing for Indoor Environ-
ments, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, Aug. 2024.
C52 Cayouette, F. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). Generic Real-Time Tracking Method on Semi-
Dynamic Scenes. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, pp.
711-714, Aug. 2024.
C53 Rudzicz, F. (2006). Clavius: Bi-Directional Parsing for Generic Multimodal Interaction. Joint
Conference of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics and the Association
for Computational Linguistics (COLING/ACL-06 SRW), Sydney, Australia, July 1721.
C54 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). A framework for immersive spatial
audio performance. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Paris, June 57.
C55 Rudzicz, F. (2006). Put a Grammar Here: Bi-Directional Parsing in Multimodal Interac-
tion. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) Work-in-progress,
Montreal, April 2227.
C56 Cooperstock, J.R. (2005). Interacting in Shared Reality. HCI International, Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, July 2227.
C57 Yin, J. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2005) A New Photo Consistency Test for Voxel Coloring.
Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Victoria, May 911.
C58 Pelletier, S., Spackman, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2005). High-Resolution Video Synthesis
from Mixed-Resolution Video Based on the Estimate-and-Correct Method. IEEE Workshop
on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Breckenridge, January 57.
C59 Sun, W. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2005). Requirements for Camera Calibration: Must Accuracy
Come with a High Price? IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
Breckenridge, January 57.
C60 Boussemart, Y., Rioux, F., Rudzicz, F., Wozniewski, M. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2004). A
Framework for Collaborative 3D Visualization and Manipulation in an Immersive Space using
an Untethered Bimanual Gestural Interface. ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology,
Hong Kong, November 1012.
C61 Woszczyk, W., Cooperstock, J., Roston, J., Martens, W. (2004) Environment for immersive
multi-sensory communication of music using broadband networks. 23rd Tonmeistertagung
VDT International Audio Convention, Leipzig, November 58.
Publications RESEARCH
C62 Aube, F. and Shield, R. (2004). Modeling the Eect of Leadership on Crowd Flow Dynamics.
International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry. Amsterdam, Oc-
tober 2527 (also appears in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag Heidlerberg,
ISSN: 0302-9743, 601611).
C63 Rioux, F., Rudzicz, F., and Wozniewski, M. (2004). The Modellers Apprentice The Tool-
glass Metaphor in an Immersive Environment. British HCI Group Annual Conference. Leeds,
September 610.
C64 Usher, J., Cooperstock, J.R., and Woszczyk, W. (2004) A multi-lter approach to acoustic
echo cancellation for teleconferencing. 75th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New
York, May 2428.
C65 Hilario, M. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2004). Occlusion Detection for Front-Projected Interactive
Displays. Pervasive Computing Vienna, April 2123 (also appears in Advances in Pervasive
Computing, Austrian Computer Society, ISBN 3-85403-176-9).
C66 Yin, J. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2004). Improving Depth Maps by Nonlinear Diusion. 12th
International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Plzen,
February, pp. 305311.
C67 Cooperstock, J.R. (2003). Intelligent Classrooms need Intelligent Interfaces: How to Build a
High-Tech Teaching Environment that Teachers can use? American Society for Engineering
Education, Nashville, June.
C68 Cohen, E., Cooperstock, J.R., Kyriakakis, C. (2002). The Challenges of Archiving Networked
Based Multimedia Performances. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, December.
C69 Yao, J. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2002). Arm Gesture Detection in a Classroom Environment.
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Orlando, December.
C70 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2002). Automated Feature Registration for Robust
Tracking Methods, IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, Au-
C71 Cooperstock, J.R. and Spackman, S. (2001). The Recording Studio that Spanned a Conti-
nent. IEEE International Conference on Web Delivering of Music (WEDELMUSIC), Flo-
rence, November, pp. 161167.
C72 Arseneau, S., Sun, W., Zhao, C., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2000). Inter-layer Learning Towards
Emergent Cooperative Behavior. American Association of Articial Intelligence 17th Annual
Conference, Austin, Texas, pp. 38.
C73 Hochstein, L., Lerner, S., Clark, J.J and Cooperstock, J.R. (2000). Soccer-Swarm: A Graph-
ical Framework for Soccer-Player Design. International Symposium on Robotics. Montreal,
QC, pp. 108113.
Publications RESEARCH
C74 Xu, A. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2000). Real Time Streaming of Multi-Channel Audio through
Internet. 108th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Paris, France. [14 pages in CD-ROM
C75 Blatter, J. Cooperstock, J.R., and Harris, R. (1999). Designing Tools, Designing Learning
Opportunities: Issues in Developing a CSCL System for the Technical Communication Class-
room. Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, Stanford, CA, December.
C76 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (1999). Presenter Tracking in a Classroom Environment.
IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON99), Session on Cooperative Environments, Vol. 1, pp.
C77 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (1999). Real-Time Image Segmentation for Action Recog-
nition. IEEE Pacic Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
(PACRIM99), Victoria, B.C., Canada, pp. 8689.
C78 Cooperstock, J.R. (1997). Rethinking the Remote Control. HCI International, Conference
on Human-Computer Interaction, San Francisco, pp. 116.
C79 Cooperstock, J.R. (1997). From the Flashing 12:00 to a Usable Machine: Applying UbiComp
to the VCR. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Atlanta, pp.
C80 Yamaashi, K, Cooperstock, J.R., Narine, T., and Buxton, W. (1996). Beating the Limitations
of Camera-Monitor Mediated Telepresence with Extra Eyes. ACM Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Vancouver, pp. 5057.
C81 Cooperstock, J.R. and Kotsopoulos, S. (1996). Why Use a Fishing Line When You Have a
Net? An Adaptive Multicast Data Distribution Protocol. USENIX. San Diego, pp. 343352.
C82 Tsotsos, J.K., Dickinson, S., Jenkin, M., Milios, E., Jepson, A., Down, B., Amdur, E., Steven-
son, S., Black, M., Metaxas, D., Cooperstock, J., Culhane, S., Nuo, F., Verghese, G., Wai,
W., Wilkes, D., and Ye, Y. (1995). The PLAYBOT Project. IJCAI Workshop on AI Appli-
cations for Disabled People, Montreal.
C83 Cooperstock, J.R., Tanikoshi, K., Beirne, G., Narine, T., and Buxton, W. (1995). Evolution
of a Reactive Environment. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Denver, pp.
C84 Cooperstock, J.R. (1995). Making the User Interface Disappear: The Reactive Room. IBM
Center for Advanced Studies (CASCON), Toronto, pp. 241250.
C85 Gujar, A., Daya, S., Cooperstock, J.R., Tanikoshi, K., and Buxton, W. (1995). Talking Your
Way Around a Conference: A speech interface for remote equipment control, IBM Center for
Advanced Studies (CASCON), Toronto, pp. 289.
C86 Cooperstock, J.R., Tanikoshi, K., and Buxton, W. (1995). Turning Your Video Monitor into
a Virtual Window. IEEE Pacic Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, Visual-
ization and Signal Processing (PACRIM), Victoria, May 1719.
Publications RESEARCH
C87 Cooperstock, J.R. and Kotsopoulos, S. (1995). Exploiting Group Communications for Re-
liable High Volume Data Distribution. IEEE Pacic Rim Conference on Communications,
Computers, Visualization and Signal Processing (PACRIM), Victoria, May 1719.
C88 Chou, A., Cooperstock, J.R., El-Yaniv, R., Klugerman, M., and Leighton, T. (1995). The
Statistical Adversary Allows Optimal Money-Making Trading Strategies. ACM-SIAM Sym-
posium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 467476.
C89 Cooperstock, J.R. and Milios, E. (1993). An Eciently Trainable Neural Network Based
Vision-Guided Robot Arm. IEEE Robotics and Automation, Atlanta, Vol. 2, pp. 738743.
C90 Cooperstock, J.R. and Milios, E. (1993). Self-Supervised Learning for Docking and Target
Reaching. Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Pittsburgh, pp. 582591.
C91 Cooperstock, J.R. and Milios, E. (1992). Adaptive Neural Networks for Vision-Guided Posi-
tion Control of a Robot Arm. IEEE Intelligent Control, Glasgow, pp. 397403.
C92 Cooperstock, J.R. and Milios, E. (1992). Neural Network Control for a Vision-Guided Mobile
Robot Arm. IASTED Control and Robotics, Vancouver pp. 278281.
P1 Floor-based haptic communication system. Cooperstock, J.R., Visell, Y., Law, A., and Frani-
novic, K. United States Provisional Patent Application Number US 61/184015 submitted on
June 4, 2009, US Patent Application Number 12/794,045 led June 4, 2010.
P2 Binocular vision assessment and/or therapy. Cooperstock, J.R., To, L., and Hess, R. United
States Patent Application 12/772,162, led April 30, 2010.
P3 Remote Sign Language Interpretation. Roston, J., Cooperstock, J.R., MacDougall, J., and
Spackman, S., Report of Invention submitted to Oce of Technology Transfer, McGill Uni-
versity, February 2003; US patent 7395200 subsequently issued to Roston J.
P4 Method and Apparatus for Coding Spatial Data. Cooperstock, J.R., Zhang, Y., and Spackman, S.
Provisional patent application led Dec. 17, 2001 (subsequently abandoned)
P5 High-resolution Video Synthesis. Canadian patent application 2,435,791 led July 24, 2003.
Spackman, S., Pelletier, S., and Cooperstock, J.R. (subsequently abandoned)
P6 A robust person tracking method and system. U.S. Provisional patent application led Sept.
20, 2000. Cooperstock, J.R. and Arseneau, S.
P7 Universal Remote Control. (Orientation-sensitive control with speech recognition). Patent
application submitted by Sony Corp., Japan. Cooperstock, J.R.
P8 Pixel Count-Sensitive PDA Tool Mechanism with Cut/Paste and/or Copy/Paste Function.
P09-022797. Patent led in Japan by Sony Corp., Japan. Feb. 5, 1997. Cooperstock, J.R.
Non-refereed Contributions RESEARCH
Other Refereed Contributions
O1 Visell, Y., Millet, G. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2010). Haptic Display via a Vibrating, Rigid
Surface, Demonstration in IEEE Haptics Symposium, March 25-26, Waltham, MA.
O2 Law, A. Ip, J., Peck, B., Visell, Y., Kry, P. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2009). A Multimodal
Floor for Virtual Environments, SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, Aug. 37.
O3 Salimpoor, V.N., Benovoy, M., Longo, G., Larcher, K., Dagher, A., Cooperstock, J.R., and
Zatorre, R.J. (2009). The Rewarding Aspects of Music Listening Involve the Dopaminergic
Striatal Reward Systems of the Brain: An Investigation with [C
]Raclopride PET and fMRI,
Poster presentation in 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping,
San Francisco, June, 1823.
O4 Salimpoor V.N., Benovoy M., Longo G., Cooperstock, J.R., and Zatorre R.J. (2008) Qualify-
ing the Chills Response: Dierences between Transient and Prolonged Chills in Response to
Music. Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting, Chicago.
O5 Wozniewski, M., Settel, Z. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007). Menagerie Imaginaire. Artwork
Performance in New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New York, June 610.
O6 Cooperstock, J.R. (2005). Novel Video Encoding Algorithms for Remote Monitoring and Dis-
tributed Human-Human Interaction. 8th International Symposium on Articial Intelligence,
Robotics and Automation in Space, Munich, September 58.
O7 Cote C., Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2001). Telepresence with no Strings Attached:
An Architecture for a Shared Reality Environment. International Symposium on Mixed Re-
ality, Yokohama, March.
O8 Winer, L.R. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2001). The Intelligent Classroom: Changing teaching
and learning with an evolving technological environment. Computers and Learning, Coventry,
UK, April.
O9 Arseneau, S. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2000). Automated Camera Tracking in a Real-World
Environment. Graphics Interface, Montreal.
O10 Saroyan, A., Harris, R., and Cooperstock, J. (2000). Applying pedagogical principles to
teaching and learning with technology. Multi-cultural perspectives on the use of technology in
education, Montreal.
Non-refereed Contributions
N1 Benovoy, M., Cooperstock, J.R., and Levine, M. (2010) Real-Time Facial Recognition. Phase
II Project Report for Department of National Defence.
N2 Levine, M., Cooperstock, J.R., and Benovoy, M. (2009) An Automatic Real-Time Facial
Recognition System. Phase I Project Report for Department of National Defence.
Public Awareness RESEARCH
N3 Roston, J., Bradley, C., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2007) Underwater Window: High Denition
Video on VENUS and NEPTUNE. Oceans 2007, Vancouver, Sept. 29Oct. 4. (Invited.)
N4 Cooperstock, J.R. (2006). Plus de largeur du bande, sil vous plat. Oral presentation in
session on Linterdiscplinarite dans les sciences et technologies de la musique. Association
francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montreal, May 17.
N5 Cooperstock, J.R. (2005). Integrating Communication with Interaction: Computer Vision
Challenges for Interactive and Intelligent Environments. Workshop on Computer Vision for
Interactive and Intelligent Environments (CV4IIE), Lexington, KY, November 1718. (In-
N6 Cooperstock, J.R., Roston, J., Woszczyk (2004). Broadband Networked Audio: Entering the
Era of Multisensory Data Distribution. 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto,
April 49. (Invited.)
N7 Cayouette, F., Sud, D., Patel, K., Sarikaya, D., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2002). McGill Red-
dogs RoboCup 2002 Final Report.
N8 Cooperstock, J.R., (2001). Classroom of the Future: Enhancing Education through Aug-
mented Reality. HCI International, Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, New Or-
leans. (Invited.)
N9 Sud, D., Cayouette, F., Gu, J., and Cooperstock, J.R. (2001). McGill Reddogs RoboCup 2001
Final Report.
Public Awareness
Research Demonstrations
D1 Distributed Musical Practice and Performance, I Medici di McGill, Oscar Peterson Hall,
Montreal, April 28, 2008.
D2 Wide Screen Window on the World: Life Size HD Videoconferencing. Supercomputing 2005,
Bandwidth Challenge, Seattle, November 16, 2005.
D3 Streaming DSD Audio comes to the AES. Audio Engineering Society 117th Convention, San
Francisco, October 31, 2004.
D4 Cross-continental low-latency ultra-videoconferencing. McGill-Stanford jazz jam, June 13,
D5 Remote masters class using SDI video and multichannel audio. McGill-National Research
Council session with Pinchas Zukerman, March 25, 2002.
D6 SDI video and multichannel audio. CANARIEs 7th Advanced Networks Workshop, Toronto,
November 28, 2001.
Public Awareness RESEARCH
D7 Low-latency distributed violin duet in full-frame video. RISQ 2001 Conference, Montreal,
November 5, 2001.
The Globe and Mail noted that Cooperstocks demonstration was a watershed event for
the elite club of the worlds computer network engineers. No one had ever before been able
to demonstrate that, under the right conditions, it is possible for natural, normal human
interaction to occur over the Internet.
D8 The Recording Studio that Spans a Continent. Audio Engineering Society 109th Convention,
Los Angeles, September 23, 2000.
The Audio Engineering Society noted that this Landmark demonstration shows cost eec-
tive and high performance transmission systems for high quality 24-bit, 96kHz uncompressed
mulitchannel audio are on horizon
D9 Dolby Digital 5.1 audio with MPEG-2 video around the world. Internet Global Summit INET
2000 Conference, Yokohama, July 20, 2000.
CBC Radio noted that McGill University in Montreal has made Internet history by setting
up the rst intercontinental netcast of a live concert in surround sound and full-screen video.
D10 Dolby Digital 5.1 audio with MPEG-2 video. CANARIEs 5th Advanced Networks Workshop,
Toronto, November 29, 1999.
D11 First real-time Multichannel Audio Internet demo. Audio Engineering Society 107th Conven-
tion, New York, September 26, 1999.
The Learning Technologies Networked noted that The performance marked the rst real time
multichannel audio Internet transmission, a feat made possible by software developed at McGill
University by a team under the leadership of Professor Jeremy Cooperstock.
Invited Talks
T1 Around the World in 80 ms. Panel presentation in Workshop of the Audio Engineering
Society Convention, San Francisco, November 5, 2010.
T2 UltraVideo and Virtual Presence: A Video Perspective. Presentation on Teaching in Dis-
tributed Performance, Troms, Norway, October 15, 2010.
T3 Future Interfaces for Audio. Panel presentation in Workshop of the Audio Engineering
Society Convention, New York, October 10, 2009.
T4 World Opera Technologies and Tests, Danish Sound Technology Network, Aalborg Univer-
sity, June 8, 2009.
T5 This is your brain on Shared Reality: Toward perceptually convincing computed-mediated
environments, Simula Lab, Oslo, May 15, 2009.
T6 The Montreal World Opera Experiments. Presentation at the World Opera Symposium,
Struer, Denmark, May 12, 2009.
Public Awareness RESEARCH
T7 Audio-Visual-Haptic-Tactile: Putting them all together for an engaging immersive experi-
ence. Panel presentation in Workshop of the Audio Engineering Society Convention, Munich,
Germany, May 10, 2009.
T8 New Technologies for Audio over IP. Panel presentation in Workshop of the Audio Engi-
neering Society Convention, Munich, Germany, May 10, 2009.
T9 This is your brain on Shared Reality: Toward perceptually convincing computed-mediated
environments, Ambient Intelligence Group, CITEC, Bielefeld University, May 6, 2009.
T10 Distributed and Multimodal Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments,
McGill University, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, November 25, 2008.
T11 A Platform to Create and Support Ocean Science Virtual Organizations (Oceans 2.0) and
HSVO Health Services Virtual Organization, RISQ 2008 Colloquium, Montreal, November
14, 2008.
T12 Shared Reality: Eective Interaction for (Demanding) Distributed Tasks, University of
Victoria, September 16, 2008.
T13 The Future of VC: Music Teaching and High Fidelity Video, Elevate 2008: Reaching New
Heights in Educational Video-conferencing, Ban, August 2728, 2008.
T14 Bidirectional video communication for real-time applications, Institut f ur Telematik, Uni-
versity of L ubeck, Germany, May 15, 2008.
T15 Shared Reality: Eective Interaction for (Demanding) Distributed Tasks, Aalborg Univer-
sity, Esbjerg, Denmark, May 14, 2008.
T16 Distributed Multimodal Interaction, Bang & Olufsen, Struer, Denmark, May 13, 2008.
T17 Creating an immersive video space, International Symposium on The World Opera: When
the Opera stage becomes worldwide, Troms, Norway, May 9, 2008.
T18 Distributed Musical Practice and Performance, Biology and Music Lecture, I Medici di
McGill, April 28, 2008.
T19 Multimodal Streaming and Distributed Audio Interaction, High Quality Audio over Net-
works (ANET II) Summit, Ban Centre, April 12, 2008.
T20 Shared Reality: Eective Interaction for (Demanding) Distributed Tasks, Arts, Media and
Engineering, Arizona State University, February 29, 2008
T21 Music and Games: How Fun Applications Stimulate Core Technologies, Canadian Univer-
sity Software Engineering Conference, January 19, 2008.
T22 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, University of British Columbia, October 4, 2007.
Public Awareness RESEARCH
T23 From Teleoperation to Teleimmersion: Design Challenges for Distributed Interaction, Cana-
dian University Software Engineering Conference, January 19, 2007.
T24 CANARIE sur UCLP et ROADM, deux technologies qui changent le monde des telecoms,
Round Table panel, RISQ Annual Conference, Quebec City, October 16, 2006.
T25 La recherche sur en ultra-videoconference, Panel on Vitrine technopedagogique sur la
videoconference, RISQ Annual Conference, Quebec City, October 16, 2006.
T26 Video Processing Challenges for Intelligent Interactive Environments, Workshop on Com-
puter Vision for Intelligent Interactive Environments, Lexington, Kentucky, November 1718,
T27 Broadband transmission of multimodal content at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), RISQ-CA*net4 Advanced Networking Day,
Montreal, October 24, 2005.
T28 Low-Latency Ultra-Videoconferencing and Shared Reality. Interfaces Montreal, Rencontre
du Genie numerique et des Aaires. Montreal, October 11, 2005.
T29 Shared Spaces. Asia-Pacic Advanced Networks (APAN) Conference, Taipei Aug. 2227,
T30 Engaging Technolog(ies) for Eective Interaction. Keynote speaker. World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal, June 29, 2005.
T31 Broadband Distance Education in 2007: Views from the Demand Side. Invited Panelist.
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Mon-
treal, June 29, 2005.
T32 Ultra-Videoconferencing and Intelligent Classrooms. Keynote speaker. Canadian Higher
Education and Information Technology Conference, Montreal, June 28, 2005.
T33 Engaging Technolog(ies) for Eective Interaction. Department of Computer Science, He-
brew University of Jerusalem, April 19, 2005.
T34 Engaging Technolog(ies) for Eective Interaction. Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group,
University of Southampton, UK, March 7, 2005.
T35 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. lInstitut de Recherche et Coordination Acous-
tique/Musique (IRCAM), Paris, November 25, 2004.
T36 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Bell University Laboratories Annual Confer-
ence, Toronto, November 3, 2004.
T37 History of Internet Audio Experiments at McGill. High Quality Audio over Networks
(ANET) Summit, Ban Centre, August 2022, 2004.
T38 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Taiyuan University, Taiyuan, China, April 18,
Public Awareness RESEARCH
T39 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Tsighua University, Beijing, China, April 14,
T40 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Beijing University, Beijing, China, April 14,
T41 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Beihan University, Beijing, China, April 12,
T42 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR),
Nara, Japan, April 9, 2004.
T43 From Videoconferencing to Shared Reality. Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Musashi Insti-
tute of Technology, April 5, 2004.
T44 Advanced Video Applications: Developments in Extreme Video. Southeastern Universities
Research Association Video Development Initiative (SURA/ViDe) 6th Annual Digital Video
Workshop. Indianapolis, March 24, 2004.
T45 High-delity telepresence. Graphics and Geometric Computing Seminar Series, Technion
Israel Institute of Technology, January 1, 2003.
T46 The Democratic Revolutions Peer to Peer Meets Open Source: Design, Philosophy, Engi-
neering. Intimate Technologies/Dangerous Zones. Ban New Media Institute, Ban Centre,
April 27, 2002.
T47 The Development of Ultra VC Applications and Technology. Southeastern Universities
Research Association Video Development Initative (SURA/ViDe) 4th Annual Digital Video
Workshop. University of Alabama at Birmingham, April 25, 2002.
T48 The Virtual Studio. Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, February 25, 2002.
T49 Building a Shared Reality. Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Febru-
ary 25, 2002.
T50 Distributed Concerts and Shared Reality: Just how much streamed data and computation
do we need to support eective interaction? Department of Computer Science, Clarkson
University, November 1, 2001.
T51 High quality wide-screen SDI video and multichannel audio over CA*net3. CANARIEs
7th Advanced Networks Workshop, Toronto, November 28, 2001.
T52 Low-latency comes to videoconferencing: The Fr`eres Jacques duet at a distance. RISQ
2001 Conference, Montreal, November 5, 2001.
T53 Advanced Networking and the Arts: Innovations in Outreach, Collaboration, and Perfor-
mance. Panel Discussion at Internet Global Summit INET 2001 Conference, Stockholm, June
6, 2001.
Public Awareness RESEARCH
T54 The McGill - Calgary Advanced Learnware Network. CANARIEs 6th Advanced Networks
Workshop, Montreal, November 29, 2000.
T55 Networks and Music Instruction. Panel Discussion with Pinchas Zukerman and Wieslaw
Woszczyk, CANARIEs 6th Advanced Networks Workshop, Montreal, November 29, 2000.
T56 Tools for Distributed VR. Canadian Working Group on Virtualized Reality Systems, Mon-
treal, November 28, 2000.
T57 Evolution of the Intelligent Classroom. Multicultural Perspectives on the use of Technology
in Education. Montreal, October 2, 2000.
T58 The Brave New World of Ubiquitous Bandwidth. Internet Global Summit INET 2000 Con-
ference, Yokohama, July 20, 2000.
T59 Multichannel Audio over the Internet: The Next Phase. RISQ 2000 Conference, May 31,
T60 Robotics and Design. Round Table Panel, Centre Design UQAM, February 9, 2000.
T61 Multichannel Audio over the Internet. CANARIEs 5th Advanced NetworksWorkshop,
Toronto, November 29, 1999.
T62 The Shared Reality Environment. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, May 28, 1999.
T63 When Telemedicine feels like Regular Medicine. Communications and Information Tech-
nology Ontario (CITO) Healthcare for the Future:Telemedicine, February 18, 1999.
Media Exposure
M1 Global TV (National), Jan. 29, 2009
M2 Global TV (Montreal), Jan. 27, 2009
M3 CBC Radio, As it Happens, Jan. 27, 2009
M4 National Post, Jan. 27, 2009
M5 Montreal Gazette, Jan. 27, 2009
M6 Montreal Gazette, Feb. 20, 2009
M7 Inside Higher Education, Sept. 3, 2008
M8 CBC Radio (Daybreak), Sept. 3, 2008
M9 CJAD radio, Sept. 2, 2008
M10 Cabling Networing Systems, Jan. 2006
M11 McGill Reporter, Nov. 24, 2005
M12 CTV Quebec, Global News, Dec. 23, 2002
M13 New York Times, Technology Section, Dec. 19, 2002
Public Awareness RESEARCH
M14 Discovery Channel, Daily Planet, Oct. 30, 2002
M15 CFCF (CTV Quebec) Global News, June 19, 2002
M16 National Post, June 15, 2002
M17 CBC Television, The National, May 3, 2002
M18 McGill Reporter, Learning the Strings, April 11, 2002
M19 Ottawa Citizen, March 29, 2002
M20 Montreal Gazette, March 27, 2002
M21 Globe & Mail, Dec. 1, 2001
M22 Canal Z, La Revanche des Nerdz, Nov. 13, 2001
M23 Montreal Gazette, Nov. 10, 2001
M24 CJAD Radio, The World Today, July 31, 2001
M25 McGill Reporter, April 5, 2001
M26 Globe & Mail Report on Business, Oct. 28, 2000
M27 TQS Double Clic!, Oct. 7, 2000
M28 McGill Reporter, Sept. 21, 2000
M29, Vol 40, 2000
M30 CBC (Montreal) Home Run, Aug. 22, 2000
M31 Montreal Gazette, Aug. 22, 2000
M32 CFCF (CTV Quebec) Pulse News, Aug. 21, 2000
M33 CBC Radio The Arts Report, July 20, 2000
M34 Elle Quebec, June 2000
M35 Journal Le Monde des Aaires, May 2000
M36 Canal Z, Technofolie, May 3, 2000
M37 TQS Double Click, April 29, 2000
M38 McGill Reporter, April 6, 2000
M39 Brieng Digital, April 2000
M40 Interface: La Revue de la Recherche, Vol. 21, No. 2, March-April 2000
M41 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Advantage, Vol 9, No 3, March 2000
M42 Canal Z, La Revanche des Nerdz, Feb. 2000
M43 CFCF (CTV Quebec) Pulse News, Feb. 29, 2000
M44 Canal Vox: CityMag, Jan. 15, 2000
M45 Montreal Mirror, Jan. 6, 2000
M46 Plan Mega: La revue du genie quebecois, Ordre des ingenieurs du Quebec. Vol 1, Jan. 2000
M47 Radio Corporation of Singapore: Science and Technology Watch, Dec. 1999
Public Awareness RESEARCH
M48 Radio Canada (CBC French) Les Annees lumiere, Nov. 28, 1999
M49 Financial Times Life/Technology, Nov. 25, 1999
M50 CBC Radio: As it Happens, Nov. 22, 1999
M51 Journal de Montreal, Nov. 19, 1999
M52 Le Devoir, Nov. 18, 1999
M53 TVA CyberClub, Nov. 13, 1999
M54 La Presse, Sept. 26, 1999
M55 CJAD Radio, April 11, 1999
M56 Montreal Mirror, April 8, 1999
M57 McGill Reporter, Jan. 14, 1999
M58 High-Tech Shower International, Nov. 26, 1997
M59 CBC Newsworld Futureworld, Oct. 5, 1996
M60 Discovery Channel, Sept. 18, 1996
M61 Toronto Star, Sept. 15, 1996
M62 University of Toronto Varsity, Sept. 3, 1996
M63 TV Ontario Studio Two, June 26, 1995
Supervision RESEARCH
Research Professionals
Name Period Tasks Present Position
Chen, Guangyi Jan. 2010
Jul. 2010
research associate under Canarie NEP
Dansereau, Don June 2009
Jan. 2010
research associate under FQRNT grant Ph.D. student,
UNSW, Australia
To, Long Jan. 2009
research associate under NSERC I2I
Blum, Je Oct. 2008
research assistant under MSG project
Olmos, Adriana Sept. 2008
user interface engineer under Canarie
Sun, Haijian Sept. 2008
Oct. 2010
computer engineer under Canarie NEP programmer, Des-
Soukhodolski, I. Oct. 2005
Dec. 2007
web services programmer under Canarie
Kiewe, Howard Oct. 2005
Dec. 2007
user interface developer under Canarie
Spackman, S. 2000 2006 research associate on Canarie and VRQ
Quantum Corpora-
tion, San Jose
Sarikaya, Deniz 2003 2004 research assistant on VRQ projects deceased
Soucy, Gilbert 1999 research associate on CFI project Imaging Special-
ist, 36pix Inc.,
Supervision RESEARCH
Post-doctoral Fellows
Name Period Tasks (Funding Program) Present Position
Pelletier, S. Jan. 2011
Parallax Barrier Display rendering soft-
ware optimization (NSERC ENGAGE)
Otis, Martin Jan. 2010
Dec. 2010
Natural Interactive Walking Asst. Professor,
U. Quebec ` a
Millet, G. Nov. 2009
Natural Interactive Walking
Bouillot, Nicolas Oct. 2009
Open Orchestra (Canarie NEP-2
Pelletier, S. Nov. 2009
Jun. 2010
Real-time Image-based Rendering (Ca-
narie NEP)
(see above)
Darolti, Cristina Jan. Dec.
Real-time Image-based Rendering (Ca-
narie NEP)
Patent Examiner,
EPO, The Hague
Bouillot, Nicolas 2007 2009 Mobile Audio Interaction (NSERC New
Media Initiative)
(see above)
Wang, Guangyu 2007
Neurosurgical Visualization (NSERC
Strategic Grant)
Wang, Yan 2002 2003 Channel and spatial view allocation for
videoconferencing (VRQ)
V.P. Marketing,
AMH Canada
Supervision RESEARCH
Ph.D. Students
Name Period Thesis title Present Position
Ghourchian, N. Jan. 2010
Aective Evaluation (McGill Engineer-
ing Doctoral Award Student)
El-Shimy, D. Jan. 2009
Gestural interaction for complex tasks
(NSERC PGSD Scholarship Student)
Benovoy, M. Oct. 2007
Aug. 2010
Biosignals analysis and pattern recog-
nition (NSERC PGSD Scholarship Stu-
transferred to an-
other group
Visell, Yon Sept. 2005
Walking on virtual ground: physics,
perception, and interface design
Qi, Zhi Jan. 2004
Dec. 2008
Towards dynamic mosaic generation
with robustness to parallax eects
Assistant Professor
(EE), Southeast
University, China
Pelletier, S. Jan. 2003
Oct. 2009
Acceleration methods for image super-
Yin, Jianfeng Sept. 2000
Aug. 2008
Toward an Alternative Approach to
Multi-Camera Scene Reconstruction
Component design
engineer, Intel
Sun, Wei 2002 2006 Multi-camera Object Segmentation in
Dynamically Textured Scenes Using
Disparity Contours
Intel Corporation,
Santa Clara
Cayouette, F. 2003 2006 (NSERC Scholarship withdrew from
Programmer, Arti-
cial Mind & Move-
ment, Montreal
Arseneau, S. 2000 2006 Representing Junctions through Asym-
metric Tensor Diusion
Chief Engineer for
R&D, Laser Shot,
Additional Ph.D. Supervisory Service
I co-supervised a portion of the thesis work of the following students:
Grond, F.. (Jul.-Dec. 2010), visiting student from Bielefeld University, Germany
Zambon, S.. (Jul.-Oct. 2010), visiting student from Verona University, Italy
Cirio, G. (Jun.-Aug. 2010), visiting student from INRIA-IRISA, France
Rizutti, C. (Sep.-Oct. 2008), visiting student from Universit`a della Calabria, Italy
Bossi, E. (Sep.-Oct. 2008), visiting student from Universit` a della Calabria, Italy
Pellerin, R. (Jun.-Sep. 2008), visiting student from Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et
Metiers, France
Cupellini, E. (Jul.-Aug. 2007), visiting student from Universit` a della Calabria, Italy
Usher, J. (2003-2004), Ph.D. student, Faculty of Music, McGill University
Mohammadi, M. (Feb.-Aug. 2004). visiting student from Sharif University, Iran
Supervision RESEARCH
I served as external reviewer of the following theses:
Alexandre Plouzniko,
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (2009)
Xiaoyong Sun, School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa
Nicolas Bouillot, Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Metiers, France (2006)
Harold Okai-Tettey, Computer Science, Rhodes University, South Africa (2006)
I served on the supervisory and/or examination committees of the following students:
Andrew Phan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cory McKay, Faculty of Music
Vanessa Yarmechuk, Faculty of Music
Dante De Nigris Moreno, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mark Zadel, Faculty of Music
Sean Olive, Faculty of Music
Marc Boule, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Charles-Antoine Julien, Grad. School of Library and Information Studies
Adam Finkelstein, Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling
Zahir Albadawi, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Paul Haroun, School of Computer Science
Jason Corey, Faculty of Music
Dale Stammen, Faculty of Music
Carmen Au, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jun Ouyang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wei Chu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vincent Levesque, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jerome Pasquero, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rui Ma, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dingrong Yi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ala Qumsieh, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Harkirat Sahambi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Muhua Li, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yick Kei Wong, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Oliver Astley, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Edouard Antoniou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wei Sun, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Supervision RESEARCH
Masters Students
Name Period Thesis title Present Position
Viswanathan, R. Jan. 2010
Gesture Prediction for Video Encoding
Knight, Trevor Jan. 2010
Signal Analysis for Open Orchestra
Li, Weizhong Sept. 2008
May 2009
(recommended alternative supervision)
Ip, Jessica Sept. 2008
An Augmented Reality Prototype for
Interactive Play in a Virtual and Phys-
ical Environment
El-Shimy, D. Sept. 2007
Dec. 2008
Gestural interaction for complex tasks (reclassied as
Ph.D. student)
Law, A. Sept. 2007
Sept. 2010
A Vibrotactile Floor for Enabling Inter-
action through Virtual Walking Spaces
Applications Engi-
neer, Lumerical So-
lutions, Vancouver
Benovoy, M. Sept. 2006
Oct. 2007
Biosignals analysis and its application
in a performance setting
(reclassied as
Ph.D. student)
Audet, Samuel 2005-2007 Shadow Removal from Multi-Projector
Displays via Three-Dimensional Mod-
eling and Object Tracking (NSERC
Scholarship student)
Ph.D. student,
Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan
Wozniewski, M. 2003-2006 A framework for interactive three-
dimensional sound and spatial audio
processing in a virtual environment
research engineer
at la Societe des
arts technologiques,
Rudzicz, Frank 2004-2006 CLAVIUS: Understanding Language
Understaing in Multimodal Interaction
(FQRNT Scholarship student)
Ph.D. student, Uni-
versity of Toronto
Rioux, Francois 2003-2005 Software Framework for Parsing and
Interpreting Gestures in a Multimodal
Virtual Reality Context (NSERC Schol-
arship student)
Ph.D. student,
Laval University
Chan, Siu-Chi 2002-2005 Hand and Fingertip Tracking for Ges-
ture Recognition
Software Developer,
IBM Toronto Soft-
ware Laboratory
Hilario, Nadia 2002-2005 Occlusion Detecion in Front Projec-
tion Environments based on Camera-
Projector Calibration (FCAR Scholar-
ship student)
Software Developer,
Perez, Michael 2002-2005 A Study of Multimodal Human-
Computer Interaction for a Public
Kiosk System
Programmer, Medi-
cal Industry
Sud, Daniel 2002-2005 Design of a Multi-Projector Display
Programmer, Arti-
cial Mind & Move-
ment, Montreal
Supervision RESEARCH
Masters Students (cont.)
Name Period Thesis title Present Position
Boussemart, Y. 2002-2005 Design and Implementation of Frame-
work for Immersive Environments in a
Shared Context
Ph.D. student, MIT
Pelletier, S. 2001-2003 High-Resolution Video Synthesis from
Mixed-Resolution Video Based on the
Estimate-and-Correct Method
(see above)
Gu, Jinhua 2000-2002 A distributed software architecture for
the Shared Reality Environment.
Assistant VP, Ra-
dian Asset Assur-
ance Inc., NY
Yao, Jie 2000-2002 Human Arm Gesture Detection and
Recognition in a Classroom Environ-
Ph.D. student,
Concordia Univer-
Zhang, Yuan 2000-2002 An ecient coding method for spatial
data: the rotating, hierarchical, over-
lapping representation.
Ph.D. student, Uni-
versity of Delaware
Doutriaux, S. 1998-1999 (withdrew in 1999 to launch start-up company)
Arseneau, S. 1998-2000 Robust Image Segmentation Towards
an Action Recognition Algorithm.
(see above)
Xu, Aoxiang 1998-2000 A High-Performance Audiovisual Com-
munication System.
Software engineer,
Lumenera Corpora-
tion, Ottawa
Additional Masters Supervisory Service
I co-supervised a portion of the thesis work of the following students:
Mabire, N. (Apr-Sep. 2010). visiting student from Supelec, Metz, France
Brule, M. (Feb.-Aug. 2009). visiting student from Universite de Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg,
Anlau, J. (Dec. 2008-Mar. 2009). visiting student from Bielefeld University, Germany
Delattre, G. (Apr.-Aug. 2007). visiting student from Universite Paris VI, France
I served on the supervisory and/or examination committees of the following students:
Anne-Marie Burns, Faculty of Music, McGill University
Frank Riggi, Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University
Eric Benzacar, Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University
Oles Protsiym, Faculty of Music, McGill University
Active Collaborations RESEARCH
Active Collaborations
Name Aliation Project Dates
Hess, Robert Dept. of Ophthalmology,
amblyopia treatment device 2009present
Thompson, Ben Dept. of Optometry and Vi-
sion Science, Auckland
amblyopia treatment device 2009present
Levine, Martin Dept. of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering, McGill
video-based facial recogni-
Berard, Francois Laboratoire dInformatique
de Grenoble
evaluation of 3D input de-
Giordano, Bruno Faculty of Music, McGill perception of ground sur-
Marentakis, G. Faculty of Music, McGill feedback inuences in target
McAdams, Stephen Faculty of Music, McGill Perception and Emotion
Sha, Xin-Wei Dept. of Computer Science,
Concordia University
Virtual Presence and Perfor-
Roston, John Instructional Media Ser-
vices, McGill
Open Orchestra 2002present
Woszczyk, Wieslaw Faculty of Music, McGill Open Orchestra 2000present
Settel, Zack Societe des Arts Tech-
In-Situ Audio Services 2000present
Funding Awarded RESEARCH
Funding Awarded
Individual Research Grants and Contracts
Date Agency Amount Title/Description
2011 NSERC $25,000 Improved Parallax Barrier Autostereoscopic Display Soft-
ware Engage Grants Program (SPI) with Industrial Parnter,
Holoptick Technologies Inc.
2010 Google $50,000 A Spatialized Audio Map System for Mobile Blind Users. Google
Research Awards.
2010 Honda $30,000 Facial Expression Recognition for Machines. Honda Research
2010 UVic $8,000 NEPTUNE Pleora streamer. University of Victoria software li-
MDEIE $367,195 Natural Interactive Walking. Support for International Re-
search and Innovation Initiatives, Minist`ere du Developpement
economique, de lInnovation et de lExportation; for Canadian
participation in EU FP-7 program with partners in France, Italy,
and Denmark.
MDEIE $15,000 Un environment virtual pour la creation de musique et de son
`a partir de syst`emes chaotiques. Support for International Re-
search and Innovation Initiatives, Minist`ere du Developpement
economique, de lInnovation et de lExportation.
NSERC $317,785 A pervasive multi-user augmented space for mobile immersive
interaction with sound and music. New Media Initative STPGP
337999-06. (matching funding for artist collaborator received
from Canada Council for the Arts)
NSERC $100,000 Enhanced video for shared reality environments. Discovery
NSERC $136,600 Soundscape performance works via interactive environment for
immersive audiovisual scene generation. (matching funding for
artist collaborator received from Canada Council for the Arts)
New Media Initative NMIPJ 307934-04.
NSERC $100,000 Shared Reality Interaction over High Bandwidth Connectivity.
Discovery grant.
2000 LUB $100,000 Distributed Visualization Environment. Laboratoire universi-
taire Bell Equipment Grant.
Funding Awarded RESEARCH
Individual Research Grants and Contracts (cont.)
Date Agency Amount Title/Description
$20,500 Interactive Web Tools for Critique of Presentation Skills and
Evaluation of Student Learning. Young Innovator Award.
FCAR $45,000 Augmenting an Electronic Classroom for Improved Instructor-
Student Interaction. New Researchers Award.
1999 FCAR $15,700 Augmenting an Electronic Classroom for Improved Instructor-
Student Interaction. Equipment Grant.
1999 AES $25,000 Multichannel audio over Internet. Audio Engineering Society.
1999 OSC $15,000 Timespace Exhibit. Ontario Science Center contract.
1999 Mgmt. $10,000 Intelligent Classroom tools. McGill Faculty of Management.
NSERC $76,000 Reactive Hospital Environment. Discovery research grant.
1998 FGSR $20,000 McGill Graduate Studies and Research Development Fund
Funding Awarded RESEARCH
Team Research Grants and Contracts (percentages refer to my portion)
Date Agency Amount Title/Description
NSERC $49,815
Topics in Vision and
Undergraduate course in human-
computer interaction with emphasis on
new interface paradigms
Winter 2000
Computer Architecture
Undergraduate laboratory course Fall 1999
present, Sum-
mer 20002002
Operating Systems
Undergraduate course (core for Com-
puter Engineering students)
Fall 1998
Introduction to Modelling
and Optimization
Computer Science undergraduate course,
University of Toronto
CEE 1714Y
Digital Systems and
Continuing Engineering Education
course for the Association of Professional
Engineers of Ontario
File Structures and Data
Computer Science undergraduate course,
University of Toronto
File Structures and Data
Computer Science undergraduate course,
York University 1992
Note that in 2003, this course is being oered under the designation of ECSE-688 Recent
Advances in Electrical Engineering.
Undergraduate Supervision TEACHING
Undergraduate Supervision
Honors Undergraduate Projects (2 semesters)
Name Year Research topic
Waraich, Shahjahan 2010 Natural Interactive Walking
Lin, Nan 2008 Location sensing for mobile apps.
Wang, Letao 2007 Interactive Agent
Charlebois, Pierre-Olivier 20042005 Sound Objects in a Soundscape
Myer, Sam 2003 Automated Music Transcription
El-Refaei, Sameh 19981999 Shared Reality simulator
Undergraduate Projects (2 semesters)
Savchenko, Eugene 2010 3D interaction
Undergraduate Projects (1 semester)
Name Year
Himmelman, Tristan 2009
Ephraim, Theo 2009
Peck, Benjamin 2008
Mankarios, Daniel 2007
Konstantinidis, Alex 2007
Pufahl, David 2005
Zhu, Ming-Zhang 2005
Chan, Keng Chi 2005
Phan, Andrew 2004
Saifee, Ali-Akber 2004
Shield, Robert 2004
Aube, Francois 2004
Rudzicz, Frank 2003
Sarikaya, Deniz 2002
Vallianatos, K. 2002
Hassaine, Soane 2002
Wyse, Marisa 2001
Name Year
Bancroft, David 2001
Glass, Emily 2001
Asselin, Ramy 2001
Sud, Daniel 2001
Gapakov, Timofei 2001
Rosenblatt, Avi 2001
Pekofsky, Gregory 2001
Kitisa, Anousack 2000
Vial, Thibaut 2000
Bernier, Martin 2000
Agha, Khurram Z. 2000
Bhattacharya S. 2000
Lavery, William 2000
Yeung, Jason 2000
Liao, Yuan Mei 1999
Yee, Amy 1999
Pereira, David 1999
Ciambella, Gary 1999
Kassouf, Nadim 1999
Name Year
Lee, Garvin, 1999
Li, (Shao-Gi) Chris 1999
El-Sharif, Osama 1999
Nasereddin, Hazem 1999
Virdi, Gurpratap 1999
Shah, Ali 1999
Djihanian, Sylvie 1999
Moussaoui, Khaled 1999
Dib Youssef 1999
Tam, H. 1999
Gagnon, Gabriel 1999
Tjhin, P. 1999
Luong, Mai 1999
Lau, Sau 1999
Tsai, Wanti 1999
Lerner, Sorin
Hochstein, Lorin
Pollack, Jonathan 1998
Nguyen, Bau 1998