Reading: The That Not
Reading: The That Not
Reading: The That Not
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from the past wOuld be the sight Of cOmputers in
thOSe Same ctassroOms.They are fast becoming the
main sOurce Of information as wett as the main 15
means Of presentation of information during tess6ns.
Computers are,indeed,the ctassrooms of the future.
While that witi suti cOnunue,mOst Of the
curricutum witt, in fact, be fol10wed ontine. This is
due to various factors. As access t0 0ntine materiats 20
increases and many sch00is face shortages Of
teacher,, it makes sense to take advantage of the
tatest technO10gy. 25
he basic skilis needed tO ptay interactive
computer games wilt also be used tO encOurage
chitdren to explore and cOllect educationat
informarion. hreedimensiOnal views Of cities, for
exampl(, tOgether with the tatest software, witi 30
make it possible to walk through Paris in the
company of a professiOnal guid
he curricutum of the future willinctude sharing
of projects between schoOts both nationally and
internationatty as well as ontine ctasses. 35