This document contains 10 multiple choice questions about electronics and communications topics. Each question includes 4 possible answers and the contributor's answer and solution. The contributor is an instructor from Bulacan State University who is endorsed by another professor as a subject matter expert.
This document contains 10 multiple choice questions about electronics and communications topics. Each question includes 4 possible answers and the contributor's answer and solution. The contributor is an instructor from Bulacan State University who is endorsed by another professor as a subject matter expert.
This document contains 10 multiple choice questions about electronics and communications topics. Each question includes 4 possible answers and the contributor's answer and solution. The contributor is an instructor from Bulacan State University who is endorsed by another professor as a subject matter expert.
This document contains 10 multiple choice questions about electronics and communications topics. Each question includes 4 possible answers and the contributor's answer and solution. The contributor is an instructor from Bulacan State University who is endorsed by another professor as a subject matter expert.
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Name of School Bulacan State University
Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ In pulse-code modulation, it translates the quantized samples into digital code words. Choices+ a. ADC b. DAC c. encoder d. decoder ANS2ER+ c. encoder SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Communication Systems" An Introuction to Si!nal an Noise in Electrical Communications 4 r eition )y A# Bruce Carlson" 'a!e# 546 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ It is an error detection technique in which a redundant bit is appended to every data unit so that the total number of 1s in the unit (including the parity bit) becomes even. Choices+ a. vertical redundancy check b. longitudinal redundancy check c. cyclic redundancy check d. checksu ANS2ER+ a. vertical redundancy check SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ 7ata Communications an Net8or&in! 6 n eition )y Behrou( A# Forou(an" 'a!e 699 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ local area networ! topology in which the individual terminal, microcomputers or wor!stations are connected directly to a central computer. Choices+ a. Star b. Ring c. !us d. Mesh ANS2ER+ a. Star SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems 6 n eition )y Bla&e" 'a!e 4:; Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ "he only way to achieve high data rates with a narrowband channel is to increase the number of bits per symbol, the most reliable way to do this is to use a combination of amplitude and phase modulation !nown as #########. Choices+ a. "uadrature aplitude odulation b. phase shi#t keying c. #re"uency shi#t keying d. #re"uency odulation ANS2ER+ a. "uadrature aplitude odulation SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems 6 n eition )y Bla&e" 'a!e 5<6 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ $ind the ma%imum dynamic range for a linear &'( system using 1)- bit quantizing. Choices+ a. $.%& d! b. &'.%$ d! c. '(.)% d! d. *%.+% d! ANS2ER+ d. *%.+% d! SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- 7R = <#9: > :#?6m@ B 7R = <#9: > :#?6,<:- 7R = A;#?; B Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems 6 n eition )y Bla&e" 'a!e 6A6 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 'ompute the baud rate for a *+,,, bps )--.( signal. Choices+ a. (&+++ baud b. (&++ baud c. (&++++ baud d. (& baud ANS2ER+ a. (&+++ baud SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- A :5$1A% si!nal means that there are : )its 'er si!nal element since 6 : = :5# Therefore" )au rate = 96???/: )au rate = <6??? )au Reference+ 7ata Communications an Net8or&in! 6 n eition )y Behrou( A# Forou(an" 'a!e <6? Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ telephone signal ta!es +ms to reach its destination. 'alculate the via net loss required for an acceptable amount of echo. Choices+ a.+.) d! b. ( d! c. +.$ d! d. +.% d! ANS2ER+ d. +.% d! SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- 3NL = ?#6t > ?#5B 3NL = ?#6 ,6ms- > ?#5 B 3NL = ?#; B Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems )y Bla&e" 'a!e 464 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ "elephone switch that connects only to other switches, and not to individual customers. Choices+ a.central o##ice b. toll station c. tande o##ice d. PS,- ANS2ER+ c. tande o##ice SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronics Communications System )y Bla&e" 'a!e 44; Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ It is a form of digital modulation similar to &/0 e%cept the digital information is contained in both amplitude and the phase of the transmitted carrier. Choices+ a. .S/ b. AS/ c. 0AM d.!PS/ ANS2ER+ c. 0AM SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems )y 2ayne Tomasi" 'a!e 499 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ "he most common circuit used for demodulating binary $/0 signals. Choices+ a. s"uarer b. P11 c. bandpass #ilter d.#re"uency divider ANS2ER+ b. P11 SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems )y 2ayne Tomasi" 'a!e 4B9 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR -ae o# School Address Signature over Printed -ae2 Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area o# Speciali3ation Please indicate the sub4ect: 5 6 7eneral Engineering and Applied Science 586 Electronics Syste 9 ,echnologies 0:ES,I;-: <e have an audio signal =ith a band=idth o# $/>3.<hat is the band=idth needed i# =e odulate the signal using AM? Ignore .CC regulations #or no=. C>;ICES: a. $ />3 b. % 7>3 c. % />3 d. $ 7>3 A-S<ER: b. % />3 S;1:,I;- 5I. PR;!1EM @ S;1AI-76 !< B & C $ />3 B % />3 RE.ERE-CE: Data Counication: !ehrou3 A. .oro3an2 page (&& Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila IECEP$%anila Form < S#6?<< TEST 1UESTIONS <# Please Use One Pa!e 'er 1uestion# 6# Fill$out all neee information# 4# Su)missions 8ith incom'lete ata 8ill not )e consiere# PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 2e have an auio si!nal 8ith a )an8ith of 5 %D(# 8hat is the )an8ith if 8e moulate the si!nal usin! F%E I!nore FCC re!ulations# Choices+ a# ; )# : c# 4: # 5? ANS2ER+ 7 SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- An F% si!nal reFuires <? times the )an8ith of the ori!inal si!nal# B2=<?G5 = 5? %D( Reference+ 7ata communications an net8or&in! , 6 n e-" Forou(an an '! <6B Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 2e have an auio si!nal 8ith a )an8ith of 5 %D(# 8hat is the )an8ith if 8e moulate the si!nal usin! F%E I!nore FCC re!ulations# Choices+ a# ; )# : c# 4: # 5? ANS2ER+ 7 SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- An F% si!nal reFuires <? times the )an8ith of the ori!inal si!nal# B2=<?G5 = 5? %D( Reference+ 7ata communications an net8or&in! , 6 n e-" Forou(an an '! <6B Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ For PC% system 8ith the follo8in! 'arameters etermine the minimum num)er of )its use# %aGimum analo! freFuency= 5 &h(" maGimum ecoe volta!e=H6#BB" %inimum ynamic ran!e= <AA#B Choices+ a# 9 )# : c# ; # A ANS2ER+ C SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- = 9#:4 = ; Reference+ Electronics Communication Systems ,Funamentals throu!h Anace-" 2ayne Thomasi an 'a!e 56? Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , / - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ A net8or& to'olo!y in 8hich ata circulates from one com'uter to the neGt in seFuence# Choices+ a# rin! )# star c# )us # mesh ANS2ER+ a# rin! SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems secon eition" Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 4<; Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , / - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Fin the maGimum ynamic ran!e for linear PC% system usin! ;$)it Fuanti(in! Choices+ a# 6#?< B )# 6?#< B c# 5A#A6 B # 5#AA6 B ANS2ER+ c# 5A#A6 B SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- 7R = <#9: > :#?6,m- 7R = <#9: > :#?6,;- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems secon eition" Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 6A6 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , / - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 2hat freFuencies 8oul )e !enerate )y a tele'hone usin! 7T%F si!nallin!" 8hen the num)er ; is 'resseE Choices+ a# :A9 D( an <599 D( )# A5< D( an <:44 D( c# ;B6 D( an <44: D( # 99? D( an <6?A D( ANS2ER+ c# ;B6 D( an <44: D( SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems secon eition" Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 4<; Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ It is a means of transmittin! ata )y shiftin! the 'hase an!le of the transmitte si!nal# Choices+ a# FSI )# PSI c# ASI # 1A% ANS2ER+ )# PSI SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems ,6 n Eition-" Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 546 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ The name !iven for a set of stanars for communicatin! amon! com'uters in 8hich the 'rimary 'ur'ose is to serve as a structural !uieline for eGchan!in! information )et8een com'uters" 8or&stations an net8or&s# Choices+ a# OSI )# TCP/IP c# P7U # LAN ANS2ER+ a# OSI SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ 7ata Communication an Net8or&in!" 2ayne Tomasi" 'a!e <4 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Any transmission system 8hich conveys more than one si!nal simultaneously can eG'erience this ty'e of interference ue to the rece'tion of 'ortions of a si!nal from one channel in another channel# Choices+ a# 7istortion )# Noise c# Crosstal& # Echo ANS2ER+ c# Crosstal& SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communications Systems ,5 th Eition-" Ienney/7avis" 'a!e B44 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 2hat ty'e of i!ital moulation scheme uses t8o or more ifferent out'ut freFuenciesE Choices+ a# PSI )# FSI c# 1A% # 1PSI ANS2ER+ )# FSI SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems, 6 n Eition -"Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 546 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ It is an error$correctin! coe use for correctin! transmission errors in synchronous ata streams# Choices+ a# Dammin! coe )# %orse Coe c# ASCII coe # Bauot coe ANS2ER+ a# Dammin! Coe SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ 7ata Communications an Net8or&in!" 2ayne Tomasi" 'a!e 4AB Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Aress Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ A suite of 'rotocols that allo8s a 8ie variety of com'uters to share the same net8or&# Choices+ a# TCP/IP )# DTTP c# FTP # S%TP ANS2ER+ a# TCP/IP SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems, 6 n Eition -"Roy Bla&e" 'a!e 4AA Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , G- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies Noise that is 'rimarily cause )y li!htnin!# Often calle as Static Noise# Choices+ a# eGternal noise )# eFui'ment noise c# atmos'heric noise # s'ace noise ANS2ER+ c# atmos'heric noise SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Re#erence: Electronic Coinication Systes & nd edition by Roy !lake2 pp.(D Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , G- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies A moulation techniFue in 8hich the freFuency of the moulate si!nal varies 8ith the am'litue of the moulatin! si!nal Choices+ )# A% )# F% c# P% # D% ANS2ER+ a# A% SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Re#erence: Electronic Coinication Systes & nd edition by Roy !lake2 pp.(E) Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Is a form of constant Jam'litue an!le moulation similar to stanar freFuency moulation eGce't the moulatin! si!nal is a )inary si!nal that varies )et8een t8o iscrete volta!e levels rather than a continuously chan!in! analo! 8aveform# Choices+ a# ASI )# FSI c# CP$FSI # BPSI ANS2ER+ )# FSI SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communications Systems Funamental throu!h Avance B th Eition" 2ayne Tomasi" '! 4B< Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ The hi!hest layer in the hierarchy an is analo!ous to the !eneral mana!er of the net8or& )y 'roviin! access to the OSI environment# Choices+ a# A''lication layer )# Presentation Layer c# Trans'ort layer # Session Layer ANS2ER+ a# A''lication layer SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communications Systems Funamental throu!h Avance B th Eition" 2ayne Tomasi" '! ;B? Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/ - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 2hat is the eFuation for DartleyKs La8E Choices+ a# I=&tB )# C=6Blo!6% c# fa=fs$fm # N=6Lm ANS2ER+ a# SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication System )y Bla&e# Pa!e 6;4 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/ - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Net8or& to'olo!y 8herein iniviual terminals" microcom'uters an 8or&stations are connecte irectly to a central com'uter# Choices+ a# %esh )# Bus c# Rin! # Star ANS2ER+ # SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication System )y Bla&e# Pa!e 4:A Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/ - Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ The loss of ata that occurs 8hen t8o stations transmit at the same time on a net8or& Choices+ a# multitas&in! )# cross$over c# collision # traffic ANS2ER+ c# SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication System )y Bla&e# Pa!e 49< Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress City of %alolos" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation ECE Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ A term use to escri)e a tele'hone instrument 8hose hanset is on its crale" reay to receive a rin! si!nal Choices+ a# On hoo& )# Off hoo& c# crosstal& # sietone ANS2ER+ a# On hoo& SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronics Communication Systems 6 n eition" Roy Bla&e 'a!e 44; Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress City of %alolos" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation ECE Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ The most commonly use i!ital moulation scheme# Choices+ a# PCU% )# PP% c# P7% # PC% ANS2ER+ # PC% SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronics Communication Systems 6 n eition" Roy Bla&e 'a!e 6A< Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Sim'le form of reunancy error chec&in! 8here each character has a numerical value assi!ne to it# The characters 8ithin a messa!e are com)ine to!ether to 'rouce an error chec&in! character# Choices+ a# CRC )# LRC c# Chec&sum # 3RC ANS2ER+ c# Chec&sum SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems Funamentals throu!h Avance B th eition" 2ayne Tomasi" '!# ;;5 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Is an ei!ht$)it fiGe len!th character set evelo'e in <A:6 )y the International Business %achines Cor'oration# Choices+ a# ASCII coe )# Bauot Coe c EBC7IC coe # Coe 4A ANS2ER+ c# EBC7IC coe SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication Systems Funamentals throu!h Avance B th eition" 2ayne Tomasi" '!# ;94 Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSITC Aress City of %alolos" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation ECE Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ The most commonly use i!ital moulation scheme# Choices+ a# PCU% )# PP% c# P7% # PC% ANS2ER+ # PC% SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronics Communication Systems 6 n eition" Roy Bla&e 'a!e 6A< Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSIC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ ,- .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ An attem't is mae to transmit )ase )an freFuency of 4?&h( usin! a i!ital auio system 8ith a sam'lin! rate of 55#<&h(# 2hat aui)le freFuency 8oul resultE Choices+ a# <5#<ID( )# 95#<ID( c# <5#<%D( # 9#?BID( ANS2ER+ A SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- fa = fs J fm = 55#<ID( J 4?ID( = <5#< ID( Reference+ Electronic Communication System 6 n Eition )y BLAIE 'a!e 6;A Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSIC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ ,- .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ Calculate the ca'acity of a tele'hone channel that has a S/N of <?64E Choices+ a# <:"??? )/s )# 4?"??? )/s c# 6B"???)/s # 4??? )/s ANS2ER+ B SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- The tele'hone channel has a )an8ith of a)out 4ID( C= B2 lo!6 ,<> S/N- = 4 G <? 4 lo!6 ,<> <?64- =4???? )/s Reference+ %oern Electronic Communication 5 th eition )y .ary %# %iller Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School BULACAN STATE UNI3ERSIC Aress %ALOLOS CITC" BULACAN Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation Please inicate the su)*ect+ ,- .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science , /- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ 7esi!ne to sen characters of the messa!e 8ith the s'ecifie )it rate )ut 8ithout any fiGe timin! relationshi' from one character to the neGt# Choices+ a# asynchronous )# synchronous c# error etection # error corection ANS2ER+ A SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Electronic Communication System )y 2illiam Sh8e)er 'a!e 4:: Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila PROFILE OF CONTRIBUTOR Name of School Bulacan State University Aress %alolos City" Bulacan Si!nature over Printe Name " Position En!r# Levy$Paul S# %alan!sa&ay" Instructor Area of S'eciali(ation ECE Please inicate the su)*ect+ , - .eneral En!ineerin! an A''lie Science ,/- Electronics System 0 Technolo!ies 1UESTION+ To&en Rin! Stanar Choices+ a# ;?6#6 )# ;?6#4 c# ;?6#5 # ;?6#B ANS2ER+ # ;?6#B SOLUTION , IF PROBLE% $SOL3IN.- Reference+ Unerstanin! 7ata Comm# Thir Eition" .il)ert Del" '# 6:: Endorsed by: En!r# Oliver %ariano School Representative IECEP Manila