The Food of Malaysia

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The book provides an overview of Malaysian cuisine and its diversity, influenced by different ethnic groups in the region. It includes 68 recipes representing Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian and other cuisines.

The book covers Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian, Nonya and other cuisines of Malaysia.

The book discusses cooking utensils and methods used in Malaysian cuisine such as stir-frying, curries, soups and noodles.


Authentic Recipes from

the Crossroads of Asia
Authentic Recipes from the Crossroads ofAsia
Introdudion and editing by Wendy Hutton
Recipes by the cooks ofBon Ton Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur
andJonkers Restaurant, Malacca
Food photography by Luca Invemizzi Tettoni
Penguin Books Australia Ltd
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First published by Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd 1994
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Cataloguing-in-Publication data
Hutton, Wendy
The food of malaysia.
ISBN 0 670 90683 2.
1. Cookery, Malaysian. 1. Title.
The publishers would like to thank all those people
who assisted in the preparation of this book. Particular
thanks are due to the following Malacca stores for the
loan of antiques and artifacts: Abdul Company,
Fatimah Antik Stor, Malacca Junk Store and Ringo
Classics & Antiques. Our sincere thanks also to Inche
Mushlim Musa of Kampung Paku, Alor Gajah, and to
"Madame Fatso" of Malacca's New Bunga Raya
Restaurant. Thanks also to various people in Singapore
who assisted by lending plates and props: Mrs Wee
Kim Wee, Mrs Julie Albers and Mrs Gloria Tok. For
help in the preparation of food we are also indebted to
Mrs Ong Kiat Kim and Ms Christina Ong.
Photo and illustration Credits
All photos by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni except: pages 12,
13, 20 (R. Moh'd Noh Salleh), pages 4-5, 8, 14, 22
(Jill Gocher), and page 25 (R. Ian Lloyd). The
illustration on page 15 from Kampung Boy- Yesterday
and Today is by Lat.
Introduction 7
A Land Where Nature Smiles 8
Malay Food: The Golden Khersonese 11
Chinese Food: Celestial Cuisine in Nanyang 17
Indian Food: Spicy Soul Mates 19
Borneo Food: Feasts from the Jungles 23
Nonya Cooking: The Food of Love 24
Eurasian Food: When East Meets West 27
Utensils 31
Cooking Methods 33
Malaysian Ingredients 34
Basic Recipes 41
Measurements 41
Snacks 46
Soups 52
Noodles 56
Main Meal Dishes 68
Desserts 122
Index 130
Part One: Food in Malaysia
Where Asia's greatest cuisines
meet and mingle
The Asian continent, encompassing the world's
1 highest mountains, vast sandy deserts, millions
of hectares of fertile rice fields, massive river
deltas and tangled jungles, comes to its end in the
peninsula known poetically to the ancient Greeks
as the Golden Khersonese.
This golden land, the Malay peninsula, lies
where the monsoons meet, and over the centuries,
saw sailing ships arriving from the west from Arab-
ia, India and, much later on, from Europe. Fromthe
east came Chinese junks, Siamese vessels and the
inter-island sailing craft of Buginese and Javanese
from the Indonesian archipelago.
The original people of the peninsula-known
collectively as Orang Asli and now numbering less
than 100,OOO-consist of about twenty different
tribes belonging to two distinct linguistic groups.
Later arrivals, who spread south from Yunan in
southern China and began settling in Malaysia
around 4,000 years ago, were the ancestors of
today's dominant group, the Malays.
The Malay kingdom of Malacca was the greatest
port in the east during its heyday in the 15th cen-
tury. By then, Malacca's sultan had embraced Islam,
brought by Indian Muslim traders, and the new
religion gradually spread throughout the peninsula.
The lives of the Muslim Malays were to change
during the 19th century when the Britishbegan, first
in Penang, then in Malacca, to gain control over the
Malay states. The Britishbrought in huge numbers
of Chinese and Indian workers, dramaticallyalter-
ing not only the ethnic andsocial structure of the
country but its eating habits as well.
In 1963, the Federation of Malaysia was formed,
with the states of the peninsula combining with the
Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak. Malaysia's
cuisines are as varied as its people. The Malays, Chi-
nese and Indians continue to create their traditional
foods, while cross-cultural borrowing in the kitchen
has led to a number ofuniquely "Malaysian" dishes.
Then there is the food of the Straits-born Chin-
ese, whose culture and cuisine combine Malay and
Chinese elements. Their so-called Nonya cuisine is
arguably the most creative and delicious to be found
in the country.
The Eurasians, too-especially those of Portu-
guese origin in Malacca-have developed their
own dishes, while the peoples ofMalaysian Borneo
add even more variety to the culinary scene.
Whatever their background, Malaysians love
food, whether its enjoyed at home with family and
friends, eaten out at foodstalls or restaurants, or is
part of a festive celebration. We invite you to join
the feast: selamat makan!
Pages 4-5:
Viewing tl-fe .coast-
line at sunset, it's
easy to understand
why the ancient
Greeks caUed the
Malay Peninsula
"The Golden
The best ofthree
major cultures-
Malay, Chinese
and Indian-com-
bine with the food
of many other
ethnic groups to
promise constant
A Land Where Nature Smiles
Offertile fields and teeming seas,
ofdairies and durian orchards
Rice fields, an
indelible part of
the Malaysian
landscape, nestle
at the base of
sabah's Mount
Kinabalu, the
highest peak in
Southeast Asia.
alaysia seems to have been blessed by nature,
which saves its volcanic erruptions, its typh-
oons and lashing monsoon rains and floods for other
parts ofAsia.
Covering both the tip of the Asian peninsula
and the northwestern part of Borneo, Malaysia, not
surprisingly, varies in
terrain and climate. The
"typical" lush tropical land-
scape- emerald green rice
paddies, golden beaches
fringed by groves of coco-
nut palms-exists, but it is
only part of the picture.
To the far north of the
peninsula, near the Thai
border, the climate is often
dry and the landscape of
endless paddy fields (for this is the "rice bowl" of
Malaysia) relieved by abrupt limestone hills.
Much of the lush alluvial plain of the peninsu-
la's west coast is planted with oil palm and rubber.
This is ideal land for orchards too, and luscious
tropical fruits such as the highly prized (and
powerful smelling) durian,furry red rambutans,
mangosteen, star fruit, langsat and other delights
are grown here.
Contrasting with this, high on the main moun-
tain range, the Banjaran Titiwangsa, the temper-
ate climate of the Cameron Highlands makes it
perfect not only for holiday makers but for the tea
plantations and market gardens which provide
much of the fresh produce that reaches the penin-
sula's markets. Malaysians
can thus vary typical tropi-
cal vegetables (such as
water spinach or kangkung,
bamboo shoot, aubergine,
okra, sweet potato and taro
yam) with temperate-
climate vegetables like cab-
bage, carrots, broccoli and
The generally muddy
coastal waters of the
Malacca Straits on the west coast are ideal for crabs
and shellfish, the mangrove swamps providing an
important breeding ground for prawns and other
marine life. The east coast, washed by the South
China Sea, provides not only postcard-perfect
beaches but ideal fishing grounds, and countless
small kampung (villages) along the coast make their
livelihood from the sea.
Some 500 kilometres or so across this sea lie

Indian Ocean
Sarawak and Sabah, characterised by traditional
lifestyles and limited roads, especially in Sarawak,
where rivers are still the major highways. Market
produce is grown locally on a limited scale in
Sarawak, where many inland peoples still rely
largely on wild edible plants.
Although most of the populated areas ofSarawak
are low lying, Sabah, by contrast, has a mountain
range that culminates in Southeast Asia's tallest
peak, Mount Kinabalu
(4,101 metres). The local
Dusun people living here
grow "hill" (non-irrigated)
rice, pineapples and bana-
nas on the steep slopes of
the Crocker Range, while
dozens of market gardens
around Kundasang (ap-
proximately 1,500 metres)
grow a tremendous range
of temperate-climate pro-
duce, including asparagus
and mushrooms. Nearby, a
dairy farm of contented
Friesian's produces a large
percentage of the state's milk, while there is also
a tea plantation.
With such a variety of locally produced vegeta-
bles, fruits, seafood and poultry to choose from,
Malaysians have few limits as to what they can
create in the kitchen. The exception to this is that
pork is forbidden to Muslims so it is never eaten
by Malays and Indian Muslims.
A number of hotel restaurants, in deference to
Muslim customers, substitute "turkey ham" or
"beef bacon" for the real thing, and omit all pork
dishes from their menu.
Seafood is very popular, and not just among the
Malays and other coastal people. There is a superb
array of fresh fish, prawns, squid, crabs, lobsters and
a variety of shellfish, not forgetting small dried
anchovies, dried prawns and salted fish.
Most of the beef and mutton consumed local1y
is imported (often "Dn the
hooP' so that it can be
slaughtered according to
Muslim dietary laws),
while the Chinese raise
pork, their favourite meat.
Eac;h ethnic group in
Malaysia has its own Wqy
of transforming nature's
bounty, which can come
slathered with spices or
subtly simple, rich in
coconut milk gravy or
bathed in a piquant sauce.
Malaysians are so varied
that it is often difficult to.
make generalisations.
For example, everyone's staple food is rice. But
then again, noodles are widely eaten at breakfast,
lunch and dinner! Perhaps the only universal
quality is Malaysian food's irresistible flavour,
whether it is a stick of sizzling Malay satay, pun-
gent Indian mutton soup, Nonya chicken curry fra-
grant with lime leaves, Chinese pepper crab or
Eurasian saltfish and pineapple curry.
The Golden Khersonese
Malayfood: coconuts and spice
and all things nice
obody who has sat under the stars on a warm
tropical night and smelled the tantalising
fragrance ofsatay-tiny spiced kebabs-sizzling over
charcoal at a nearby food stall can resist Malay food.
For generations, the Malays lived a life relatively
undisturbed by outside traders and invaders, apart
from the heady days of the
Malacca Sultanate. Dwelling
along the coasts or river
banks, the Malays enjoyed
a largely peaceable exis-
tence, untroubled by the
wars, famines and plagues
that beset many other coun-
tries ofthe Asian continent.
Fish were abundant, rice
grew in the paddies, wild
and cultivated fruits and
vegetables were available year-round in the constant
climate. Fragrant herbs grew effortlessly, as did the
indispensible coconut. Traditional meals were
based on rice, with fish, vegetables and chilli-based
sambals to add extra zing.
Travelling along today's highways that cross the
peninsula from north to south and east to west, it
comes as a sUTIJrise to learn that until well into the
twentieth century, travel through what was a
largely jungle-covered land was very limited. As a
result, regional styles of cuisine developed in differ-
ent parts of the Malay peninsula.
The northern states of Kedah, Perlis and Kelan-
tan, all of which border on Thailand, and Treng-
ganu, which rubs shoulders with Kelantan, show dis-
tinct Thai influences in
their cuisine. So too, does
Penang. A tangy and frag-
rant sourness is often added
by the use of tamarind,
sour carambola and limes,
while fiery hot chillies so
often present in Thai food
are also popular in the
northern Malaysian states.
Fresh herbs often give a
special touch to northern
dishes. In addition to the herbs commonly used
throughout Malaysia-lemon grass, pandan leaf, the
fragrant leaf of the kaffir lime and the pungent poly-
gonum or daun kesum-they include a type ofbasil
popular in Thailand (daun kemangi), leaves of a
number of rhizomes such as turmeric and zedoary
(known locally as cekur), and the wonderfully
fragrant wild ginger bud.
A popular northern dish, Nasi Warn or Kerabu,
Traditionally built
of wood and attap
(thatch), Malay
houses show subtle
differences in
design throughout
the Malay Penin-
sula. Malaccan
'homes often
feature beautiful
Malay weddings,
where the bride
and groom are
treated as 'king
and queen for a
day', are the
occasion for
splendid costumes
and sumptuous
Food stalls
throughout the
country are popu-
lar for inexpensive,
home-cooked food.
Nasi Campur
(mixed rice) allows
diners to pick and
choose from a
variety of cooked
Malay-style dishes
which are eaten
with rice.
Local markets are
filledwith a
bewildering variety
offresh and dried
produce. The
Central Market in
the northeastern
Bahru is renowned
for its wide variety
offresh herbs,
often used to make
Nasi Ulam or
consists of rice mixed with as many fresh herbs as
can be found in the garden or market. A platter of
fresh herbs or ulam is sometimes served with a spicy
chilli sauce, rice and other cooked dishes.
Settled largely by the Minangkabau people from
West Sumatra, the central state of Negri Sembilan
reflects its history in its food,
with richly spiced dishes cook-
ed in lashings of rich coconut
milk, Rendang being a perfect
example. The Malay cuisine of
Johore, in the far south, in-
cludes a number ofJavanese in-
fluences, as groups ofJavanese
settled here over the past
couple of centuries.
Largely isolated from the
rest of the peninsula until well
into the twentieth century, the
state ofPahang, with its drama-
tic jungled mountains and gor-
geous sandy beaches, offers a
relatively simple cuisine, with
fish from the ocean or the rivers
Other states of Peninsular Malaysia tend to be
more multi-racial in character, and the indigenous
Malay food is less distinctive than that ofother areas.
Despite regional differences, Malay food can be
descnbed as spicy and flavourful, although this does
not necessarily mean chilli-hot. But you can rest
assure that even if the main dishes are not hot,
there'll be a chilli-based sambal on hand.
Traditional Southeast Asian spices have been
joined over the centuries by Indian, Middle Eastern
and Chinese spices, so the partnership of coriander
and cumin (the basis of many Malay "curries") is
joined by pepper, cardamom, star anise, and fenu-
greek-just to name a few of the many spices in the
Malay cook's store cupboard.
Food without seasoning is
unthinkable-even a simple
slice of fried fish is rubbed with
turmeric powder and salt before
cooking. Many of the season-
ings that enhance Malay food
are not dried spices but rhizo-
mes such as fresh turmeric and
lengkuas (galangal), and other
"wet" ingredients like chillies,
onions and garlic.
Fresh seasonings and dried
spices are normally pounded to
a fine paste and cooked gently
in oil before liquid-either
creamy coconut milk or a sour
broth-is added, together with
the vegetables, meat or fish.
Food for the barbecue is also
marinated or simmered in spices before cooking,
and left-over rice will be turned into a tasty Nasi
Gorengby first frying pounded onions and chillies.
With fish having always played such an impor-
tant part in the Malay diet, it's not surprising that
even today, tiny dried anchovies (ikon bilis) and
dried shrimps are added to many dishes for flavour.
And then there is dried shrimp paste or belacan,
which, despite its pungent odour when raw and
Rice, the staple
food throughout
the country,
comes in many
different varieties
, and colours, .
ranging from
white to reddish
brown and black.
Malaysia's much-
loved cartoonist,
Lat, remembers
his childhood
(and food) in the.
during cooking, gives an irresistIble extra flavour to
countless dishes.
The traditional kampung (village) house set in a
cleanly swept yard shaded by coconuts, bananas and
other fruit trees, with chickens pecking their way
around a of kitchen herbs and vegetables,
is increasingly something of the past.
11alaysia is modernising rapidly, and more and
more ofits people are moving into terraced or semi-
detached houses with minimal

little time for gardening or
preparing complex dishes, and
a number of 11alay dishes are
now prepared mainly for spe-
cial festivals or weddings.
The kenduri or feast is one
time when 11alay cuisine comes
into its own. All the women of
the family or village take out
their giant cooking pots and
work virtually through the
night, scraping and squeezing
coconuts for milk, pounding
mountains of shallots, garlic,
chillies and spices, cutting and
chopping, simmering and stir-
ring, until they have created an
impressive array of fish cur-
ries, gulais (curries) of vegeta-
bles bathed in coconut milk
and seasoned perhaps with
fresh prawns, coconut-rich ren-
dang ofbeefor chicken, tingling
hot prawn sambals, and a colourful array of desserts.
With their innate courtesy and the
11alays consider it an honour to be able to invite any
fortunate passer-by to join in the kenduri. Women
sit separately from the men, while babies crawl
about or swing in a sarong cradle nearby. Children
either peek shyly at the guest or race about happily
-after, of course, enjoying the sumptuous feast that
shows 11alay cuisine at its best.
Celestial Cuisine in Nanyang
Chinesefood: a two-way exchange of
ingredients and culinary styles
as jets spurt like fire-breathing dragons,
engulfing huge cast-iron woks where a mass
of noodles is being tossed, seasoned and scooped
by a perspiring Chinese chef. This scene is re-en-
acted at food stalls and restaurants throughout
Malaysia, where Chinese cuisine has become an
inseparable part of the
magical Malaysian mix.
When Chinese mer-
chants sailed their junks
across the South China Sea,
visiting the ports of north
Borneo before lengthy trad-
ing sessions in Malacca,
they set in train a process
that was to have a profound
influence on the region.
"Nanyang", the lands
across the Great Southern Ocean, became renowned
as a source of exotic ingredients and wealth. A few
of these Chinese traders stayed on in the Malay
peninsula, often marrying local women and form-
ing the beginings of Peranakan or Straits-Chinese
culture. However, it was not until the arrival of the
British colonials in Singapore in 1819 that the stage
was set for a huge wave of migration.
Thousands of Chinese workers poured into
Singapore, and as tin was discovered in the Malay
peninsula, many moved north to areas like Penang,
Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Taiping. Others headed
straight for the goldmines and coal fields of Sarawak,
or moved to British North Borneo (now Sabah}to
work on the land. More came later to labour in rub-
ber plantations that soon
altered the landscape and
economy of the country.
The Chinese brought with
them the cooking styles of
their homeland, mostly the
southern provinces ofKwan-
tung and Fukien, introduc-
ing the indigenous people
of the Malay peninsula and
northern Borneo to a range
of ingredients now used by
every ethnic group in Malaysia today: noodles,
beansprouts, beancurd and soy sauce. Their tech-
nique of stir frying small portions'offood in a little
oil over very high heat in a conical frying pan or wok
was also widely adopted. In tum, Malaysia'S Chinese
developed a penchant for spices and chilli. Any local
coffee Chinese shop or restaurant will offer pickl-
ed green chillies or red chilli sambal to enliven noo-
dles and rice-based meals. The Chinese borrow
Opposite: .
When wandering
spirits get hungry,
they can be down-
right malicious.
Fortunately, they
can be appeased
with offerings of
food, incense and
street opera during
the Feast of the
Hungry Ghosts.
Eating is consid-
ered one of/ife's
most pleasurable
pastimes, espe-
. cially by
Malaysia's Chinese
Food stalls
serve not only
customers who
perch on often
rickety stools to
enjoy an al fresco
meal, but also
those buy take
away food to
enjoy at home
or work.
curry leaves from the Indians, use English condi-
ments such as Worcestershire and tomato sauce,
and add Indian and Malay spices to the cooking pot.
Almost any self-respecting Chinese cook can whip
up a tasty Malay-style chicken or fish curry, and most
versions of Laksa (a spicy noodle soup) are prepared
by the Chinese. They're not averse to enjoying a
number ofIndian dishes too, especially some of the
pungent fish curries and Indian breads such as roti
canai and murtabak.
Chinese food is widely
accepted as one of the
world's greatest cuisines.
One of its hallmarks is the
ingenious use of ingredi-
ents-the Chinese cook's
ability to transform "spare
parts" into something that
tastes like an exotic luxury
is virtually legendary. The
Chinese also place great
importance on the contrast
of colours, textures and
flavours, both within a dish
and the overall meal.
The light, clean, non-greasy food ofthe Cantonese,
and the pungent, chilli-hot cuisine of Szechuan are
well known abroad, with northern cuisine from
Peking also attracting a following. Although the
dominant dialect group in Malaysia overall is Can-
tonese, there are large numbers of Hokkiens, Teo-
chews, Hockchews from Foochow, Hakkas, Haina-
nese and Henghua, often concentrated in a particular
town or region, each with its own style of cooking.
All this means that although Chinese cuisine in
Malaysia seems somehow familiar, it's also full of
delicious surprises. Like the fiery punch of crabs
fried with black pepper, chillies, salted soya bean
paste and curry leaves, or the creamy texture of
fresh rice-flour noodles or kway teow fried with
prawns, egg and bean sprouts. Malaysian Chinese,
who enjoy their food so enthusiastically that one
might almost wonder if they live to eat rather than
eat to live, dine out fre-
quently, at roadside stalls
and in simple open-fronted
coffee shops as well as
more formal restaurants.
As many visitors have
noted, Malaysia's Chinese
always seem to be eating.
After a light breakfast
(maybe Western-style toast
or perhaps noodles or
steamed tit-bits known as
dim sum), there's room for
a mid-morning snack (an
Indian curry puff or sweet
Malay cake). Lunch could
be any type of noodles or rice with Chinese, Malay
or Indian side-dishes. Dinner might be a formal
Cantonese meal, a vast spread ofseafood at a restau-
rant, a family meal of rice, soup, vegetables and
meat or seafood, or even Western fast-food. And
before bed, there's probably room for just one more
bowl of noodles or perhaps some fried bananas.
With so many good things to eat, who can possibly
limit themselves to just three meals a day?
Spicy Soul Mates
Indian food: banana leaf curry andflying bread: .
Malaysia's Indians make their mark
isitors to Malaysia, noting the proliferation of
Indian Muslim food stalls, ofIndian restaurants
advertising "Banana Leaf Curry", and the universal
popularity of the pancake-like Indian bread, roti
canai, might be surprised to learn that the Indian
community makes up around only 10% of the na-
tion's population.
Indian cuisines--espe-
cially those from the south,
where most of Malaysia's
Indians originated-share
some similarities with Malay
cuisine in their generous
use of spices and coconut,
so it took little encourage-
ment for Indian food to
catch on. And it's not just
the easy-to-love flavours
of Indian food that make it widely popular; Malay
Muslims can rest assure that Muslim dietary laws
will be observed in Indian Muslim restaurants.
Like their Chinese counterparts, Indian traders
have been recorded in the region for more than a
thousand years, but it was only in the 19th century
that they came to Malaya in large numbers.
Most were brought in as contract labourers to
work on the rubber estates, where miniature Indian
villages complete with temples, schools and toddy
shops grew up. Others came to work on the railways
or in setting up the telecommunications network,
while many Indian Muslims opened restaurants,
textile shops or small sundry shops.
Although Malaysia has small communities of
Sikhs from the Punjab
region in India and Malay-
alees from Kerala, in the
southwest, the overwhelm-
ing majority are Tamils
from the southeastern
state of Tamil Nadu (once
Madras). Indian vegetarian
food is justifiably popular
in Malaysia. Southern vege-
tarian dishes are cleverly
spiced (a popular combina-
tion is brown mustard seeds, blackgram dhal, curry
leaves and dried chillies), often combined with coco-
nut milk or freshly grated coconut for extra flavour.
Steamed bread (idlr) and the finest, crispiest pancake
imaginable (dosay) are made from ground black-
gram dhal and rice.
Traditionally, Hindu vegetarian meals with a
mound of rice, some dhal, several spicy vegetable
dishes, a glass of thin spicy soup (rasam), hot sour
Watching the
preparation of
Roti Canai, a
Malaysian adapta-
tion of an Indian
bread, is almost as
good as eating it
Provision shops
catering to
southern Indians
sell everything
from betel nut to
spices, garlands
ofjasmine to
posters of the
latest Tamil
movie heart
Indians have used
spices to flavour
food for
thousands of
years; Ayurvedic
or traditional
medicine also
makes use of an
astonishing range
of dried roots,
spices and herbs.
pickle and yoghurt are served on the ultimate
disposable plate: a square piece of freshly washed
banana leaf. Indian Muslim restaurants offering
more robust fare, with spicy dry mutton, crab curry,
prawns, fried fish and other dishes as well as veg-
etables caught up with the idea, offering a spread
of such dishes served on a banana leaf. Today, many
restaurants simply advertise "banana leaf curry",
meaning, of course, you eat what's spread on the
leaf rather than the leaf itself.
India's most spectacular contribution to the
Malaysian culinary
scene is the roti canai
(literally "flattened
bread''). This is an adap-
tation of roti paratha,
traditionally made with
a mixture of white and
wholemeal flour. The
Malaysian version com-
bines pure white flour,
ghee and- the secret
touch-a little evapo-
rated or condensed
milk for an extra light
dough, which is kneaded and rolled into balls and
left to stand.
Then comes the dramatic part, as the ball of
dough is punched flat and then grasped at the edge
and swung around in ever increasing circles to
make a paper-thin pancake. This is then flattened,
shaped and fried golden brown in ghee. Some
theatrical yoti makers will even throw the cooked
bread into the air with a flourish before chopping
it, karate fashion, with the edge of the hands.
Finally, the yoti canai arrives crisp and crunchy,
with bowls of curry gravy or dhal that normally
accompany it. If the dough is filled with chopped
onion and minced mutton or chicken before being
fried, the resulting stuffed pancake, known as
murtabal<:, is a meal in itself.
Malaysia'S Indian hawkers have created unique
versions of several local dishes, preparing foods
you'd never find in India. Indian Mee Goreng, for
example, combines fresh yellow Chinese noodles,
beancurd, beansprouts
and dried shrimp
paste. Another noodle
dish is the Indian ver-
sion ofMee Siam (itself
a Malay version of
Thai-style noodles).
And then there's In-
dian Rojak, vegetables
and deep-fried fritters
with a sweet sauce,
totally different from
the Malay and Nonya
Indian curry puffs-pastry with a spicy potato
filling-have been adopted enthusiastically by the
Malays and Chinese, who create their own versions,
sometimes adding pieces ofcooked egg and chicken
and creating a superb shortcrust pastry that is deep-
fried to a melt-in-the-mouth texture.
Rich Indian mutton or lamb soup is a universal
food-stall favourite, while Indian curries featuring
chicken or fish are popular throughout Malaysia.
Feasts from the Jungle
Borneofood: ingenious ways with the
abundant resources ofBorneo
moked wild boar stir fried with freshly cut
bamboo shoot, braised fern tips plucked from
the jungle, sweet juicy clams fried with a slather-
ing ofchillies and herbs and raw fish salad drenched
with lime juice are just some of the delights that
come out of the kitchens of Malaysian Borneo.
Sabah and Sarawak are peopled by a bewilder-
ing range of ethnic groups, each with their own
culinary specialities. The influx of Chinese immi-
grants during the 19th and early 20th centuries led
to the adoption of certain Chinese cooking styles,
especially stir frying, with seasonings such as soy
sauce now found in almost every kitchen.
More recently, since the formation of Malaysia
in 1963, the arrival of Indians, Malays and Chinese
from Peninsular Malaysia have further influenced
local styles so that today, traditional Borneo dishes
are generally found only in the longhouses arid
remote villages ofthe interior, or in isolated coastal
Naturally, the diet of people living along the
estuaries and coastline is dominated by seafood, and
as the majority of coastal people are Muslim, pork
is never eaten. Inland folk, predominantly non-Mus-
lim, enjoy whatever can be caught in the rivers or
forest, such as wild pig, deer and other jungle game.
Rice, especially "hill" ric:;e grown in non-irrigated
fields, is the favourite staple, although in some areas,
a starchy porridge made from the sago palm is
still enjoyed on occasion. The semi-nomadic Penan
ofSarawak are renowned for their regular harvest-
ing ofthe sago palm, as are the Bisaya in southwest
Sabah, while some hill tribes such as Sabah's
Muruts make a similar porridge from tapioca roots.
In many remote regions, the people ofSabah and
Sarawak have developed methods of preserving
food, an essential art in the absence ofrefrigeration.
Although smoking is common, another speciality
involves packing chunks of raw pork or fish into a
wide bamboo or a glazed jar with salt and cooked
rice. The flavour of this delicacy, which is left for
several months to cure, is, to say the least, challen-
ging to the uninitiated.
Lengths of fresh bamboo-the ubiquitous uten-
sil of the jungle-are also packed with raw rice or
meat and placed near a fire to steam.
Although cooking styles vary, the general trend
is for coastal cuisines to be more "Malay" in their
use ofspices and coconut milk. Interior cooks make
use of the abundance of wild vegetables (including
several types of edible fern), herbs and sour fruits.
Dried fish, dried prawns and dried shrimp paste are
popular seasonings throughout Sabah and Sarawak,
as they are in Peninsular Malaysia.
Wild bamboos
make a readily
available cooking
utensil in the
jungle. Just fill .
with soaked sticky
rice, roast over a
fire and enjoy!
The Food of Love
Nonya cooking: a happy marriage
of Chinese and Malay cuisines
These Straits
Chinese or Nonya
ladies, enjoying a
game of cards,
typify the fusion
of Malay and
Chinese elements
which makes this
culture and its .
cuisine so
ntil about a decade ago, Malaysia's unique and
arguably most delicious cuisine was in danger
of disappearing. Fortunately for lovers of fine food,
increasing consciousness of Malaysia'S diverse heri-
tage and a desire to preserve it seem to have saved
the cuisine of the Nonyas. An increasing number
ofrestaurants now feature Nonya cuisine, and the
printing of Nonya recipes in books and magazines
now means that enthusiastic cooks of any ethnic
background can reproduce this cuisine at home.
The so-called Straits-born Chinese, descendants
of early settlers in Penang and Malacca, combine
elements ofboth Chinese and Malay culture, quite
unlike the mass of Chinese migrants who arrived
around the tum of this century and up until the
1930s. These pioneering Chinese traders, many of
whom became wealthy men, took Malay wives,
although as time went on, children of these early
mixed marriages generally married pure Chinese
or the children of other Straits Chinese, thus greatly
diluting any Malay blood they may have had.
The women, known as Nonyas, and the men,
Babas, generally spoke a mixture ofMalay and Chi-
nese dialect, dressed in modified Malay style, and
combined the best of both cuisines in the kitchen.
Typical Chinese ingredients (such as beancurd,
soy sauce, preserved soya beans, black prawn
paste, sesame seeds, dried mushrooms and dried
lily buds) blended beautifully with Malay herbs,
spices and fragrant roots. Being non-Muslim, the
Straits Chinese cooked pork dishes Malay style, and
added distinctive local ingredients (coconut milk,
spices and sour tamarind juice) to basic Chinese
recipes. The Nonya pork satay, served with a spicy
pineapple sauce, demonstrates perfectly this felici-
tous blending of styles.
Straits-Chinese or Nonya cuisine often requires
painstaking effort, and in increasingly modemhouse-
holds, there is little time to spend preparing complex
dishes for everyday meals. In old-style households,
the Nonya wife devoted all her time to running the
home and supervising the kitchen, assisted by a small
army of servants-a luxury few modem Malaysian
women can indulge in. Another reason leading to the
near-demise of Nonya cuisine is that today, many
Nonya girls marry non-8traits-bom Chinese, and
therefore tend to cook the kind of food their
Cantonese or Hokkien husbands are familiar with.
Distinct differences evolved between the cuisine
of the Penang Nonyas and that of Malacca. In
Penang, geographically much closer to Thailand, the
Nonyas developed a passion for sour food (using lots
of lime and tamarind juice), fiery hot chillies,
fragrant herbs and pungent black prawn paste.
A spread of
which is often
time-consuming to
prepare but well
worth the effort
Malacca Nonyas prepare food that is generally
rich in coconut milk and Malay spices (such as co-
riander and cumin), and usually add more sugar
than their northern counterparts.
Many simple and-in the days when every Malay-
sian house had its own garden-easily available
fruits and vegetables were prepared in imaginative
ways by the Nonyas. Unripe jackfruit, the heart of
the banana bud, sweet potato leaves and tiny sour
carambola or belimbing fruits were all transformed
in the kitchen. The back garden also yielded the herbs
that make Nonya food so aromatic: the kaffir lime
leaf, pungent polygonum or laksa leaf, the camphor-
smelling leaf of the rhizome, zedoary (cekur or ken-
cur), fresh turmeric leaves and fragrant pandan.
One of the most popular Nonya dishes among
Malaysians ofanybackground is laksa, a rice-noodle
soup which blends Malay seasonings with Chinese
noodles. The Malacca Nonya version is rich in coco-
nut milk, its basic spice paste made from dried
prawns, fresh turmeric, chillies, dried shrimp paste,
lemon grass and galangal (lengkuas).
Just one look and whiff of its fragrance will mark
a Penang Nonya Laksa, which uses almost all the
spice paste ingredients of the Malacca version, then
adds the fragrant bud of the wild pink ginger, laksa
leaf, pungent black prawn paste, shredded pine-
apple and raw onion, and drenches the lot with a
tamarind-sour gravy with no coconut milk added.
Nonya cakes are renowned for their richness and
variety. Most are based on Malay recipes, using in-
expensive and easily available freshly grated tapi-
oca root, sweet potato, agar agar gelatine, glutinous
rice, palm sugar and coconut milk, with additional

flavouring from the pandan leaf.

Little touches often transform an already deli-
cious dish, such as the Malay favourite made with
glutinous "black" rice, coconut milk, palm sugar and
flavoured with pandan. Nonya cooks usually add a
few "dragon's eyes", dried longan fruits, for an
elusive smoky flavour.
As any Nonya cook would confirm, it's the little
things that mean a lot.
When East Meets West
Eurasian food: a blending ofstyles,
decidedly on the spicy side
"\V {hat sort of food would you expect from a
W Christian cook living in Malaysia, whose
ancestors were Portuguese, Malay, Javanese and
Indian? To find the answer, head for Malacca, the
historic town on Peninsular Malaysia's west coast,
just 150 kilometres from the capital, Kuala Lumpur.
When the sultanate of
Malacca fell to Portuguese
invaders in 1511, the new
rulers sought to establish
control by encouraging Por-
tuguese soldiers to marry
local girls, and by bringing
a number of Portuguese
girls to marry local men.
Portuguese rule ended
more than 350 years ago,
yet in the so-called Portu-
guese Settlement of Malacca, families have names
such as Da Silva, Dias and Sequeira, and many of
the people speak Cristao, a Portuguese-based dialect.
The only things Portuguese about Malacca's
Eurasian community today are the Catholic faith and
the names, and many of the people living here are
often a mixture of several different Asian races.
The children of cross-cultural marriages during ..
the 19th and 20th centuries, where one parent was
most commorily English or Dutch, blend into Malay-
sian society today, and there are no enclaves of
these Eurasians such as the one in Malacca.
Naturally, the mixed heritage of Malaysia's Eura-
sians has produced a fascinating cuisine with many
excellent dishes. Cooks of Portuguese descent are
renowned for their gene-
rous spicing, particularly in
such dishes as Devil Curry,
an adaptation of. Goanese
Vindaloo where vinegar and
chillies vie for attention.
Perhaps the most strik-
ing characteristic of Eura-
sian cooks is their readiness
to borrow ingredients from
many cultures. Malay herbs
combine with a favourite
Chinese cut, belly pork, Indian brown mustard, vine-
gar and a paste of freshly pounded chillies. English
or Dutch-style dishes are transformed from inno-
cuous stews to distinctly Eurasian dishes with the ad-
dition of a splash of oyster or soy sauce, a handful
ofspices, a few green chillies or sour tamarindjuice.
With so many culinary traditions to choose from,
it's not surprising that Malaysia's Eurasians have pro-
duced such a repertoire of unusual dishes.
Dancers, tracing
their descent from
the Portuguese
who ruled Malacca
during the 16th
century entertain
in the so-called
Part Two: The Malaysian Kitchen
From the mortar andpestle to thefood processor: the
kitchen modemises whileflavours remain traditional
OU don't need a range of exotic implements to
cook Malaysian food. Most of the utensils
found in the average Western kitchen can be
adapted, although there are several items which will
make preparation and cooking a great deal easier.
First and foremost is something to grind or crush
the rempah or spice paste, the mixture of season-
ings such as chillies, shallots and spices used to
season many dishes. The rhythmic thump,
thump, thump of a granite mortar and
pestle is a familiar sound throughout
the country, yet it requires effort, time
and expertise to produce a beautifully
smooth rempah, and the proper type
of mortar and pestle is difficult to
find abroad.
Many modern Malaysian cooks use a
small strong blender, coffee grinder or
food processor to deal with large amounts of
ingredients, although the faithful old batu lesong is
still kept for simple grinding tasks. (See Cooking
Methods for details on how to prepare rempah.)
A large, solid wooden chopping board-in
Malaysia, a cross section cut from a tree trunk-is
used for a multitude of tasks, together with a solid
cleaver with a blade about 8-10 cm (3-4 in) deep.
Any Asian supplies store should stock this type of
cleaver, which is far more effective at chopping up
poultry, fish and crabs and mincing meat than a
normal kitchen knife.
For all types of Malaysian cooking, particularly
Chinese, a wok is essential. The shape of the
conical wok (kuali) distributes the heat evenly, while
its sloping sides ensure that when you're stir frying,
food falls back into the pan and not out over the
edge. It's also more practical for deep frying,
requiring less oil, and allows the right amount of
evaporation for many dishes which begin
with lots of liquid and finish with a
trace of very thick sauce.
Choose a heavy wok (it's safer as
it's less likely to tip over) in cast iron
or specially treated steel. It's now
possible to get woks with a non-stick
surface which can be scraped with metal
frying "shovels", unlike delicate Teflon-
covered surfaces. If you are using an electric
cooker, try to find a wok that has a flattened
bottom, or failing that, use a special ring that holds
the wok securely.
To season a new wok before using it, rub the
inside with a cut onion, then heat a little oil and fry
the onion gently for a few minutes. Tip out the oil,
rinse thoroughly with hot water and wipe the wok
Pages 28-211:
A mouth-watering
variety offresh
produce gives
Malaysian cooks
'an endless array
of options.
kitchens may look
romantic, but
most Malaysian
cooks prefer
today's modem
Mortar and
dry. Do not use abrasives and scourers on your wok;
hot soapy water and a sponge should be sufficient.
Along-handled frying spatula for stir frying, as
well as a circular perforated ladle for lifting out
deep-fried food, are essential partners to your wok.
While on the subject of woks, it should be noted that
extremely high heat is needed when stir frying food.
Many electric cookers cannot achieve the ideal heat,
and Malaysian cooks-especially Chinese -insist on
at least one gas fire, often with a double ring of gas
jets. If you are using an old-style electric cooker
which will not reach a very high heat and which
cannot be quickly reduced in temperature, you
might consider investing in a gas-fired ring for using
with your wok.
Although by no means
essential, a c1aypot or
earthenware belangah is an
attractive addition to your
pots and pans. The first time
you use it, you might like to try the Malaysian trick
of gently frying a grated coconut until it turns
brown. Discard the coconut, wipe the pot with a
cloth and store. These pots are designed to go
directly over a naked flame, and can also be used
in an oven.
Steaming is a popular method of cooking.
Chinese cooks traditionally used a bamboo steaIIler
with a plaited cover, placed inside a wok where it
sits a few centimetres above boiling water. Bamboo
is an ideal material, as it absorbs any moisture that
condenses on the cover.
If using multi-tiered metal steamer (which
many Malaysian cooks now do), put a kitchen towel
under the lid to prevent moisture from dripping
back onto the food.
Stores selling woks usually have perforated
metal disks which sit above the water level inside
a wok and can be used instead of a single-tiered
steamer. You can put wrapped parcels of food
directly on this, or, in the case of unwrapped food,
on a plate set over the perforated disk. Cover the
wok with a large domed lid and keep the water level
topped up and at a gentle simmer during steaming.
An electric rice cooker is a great boon if you're
eating rice fairly often. It's foolproof, producing dry
fluffY rice every time, and also keeps rice warm for
late-comers. Alternatively, use a heavy saucepan
with a firm-fitting lid.
Fresh banana leaves are often used to wrap
bundles of food for steaming or grilling, the leaf
holding in the moisture and seasonings and adding
its subtle flavour to the food. Alayer ofgreaseproof
(not waxed) paper and another layer of aluminium
foil or, if you prefer, just the foil-will make an
adequate substitute.
A few less common kitchen tools are used for
special dishes, although a little imagination will
always produce substitutes.
The four-spouted cup for
making lacy roti jala pancakes
can be replaced by a sauce dis-
penser; a heavy frying pan
subsitutes for the metal griddle
or tawa used for Indian breads,
and large ladles will do the task of
spe'cial flat mesh baskets used to remove noodles
from boiling water.
Cooking Methods
Mastering afew basic techniques
makes all the difference
alaysian cooks use a wide range of cooking
methods-shallow and deep frying, stir fry-
ing, braising, boiling, steaming and grilling over
charcoal or under a grill.
It's essential to knowhow to prepare the rempah
or basic seasoning paste required for many dishes.
Before beginning, all the ingredients should be
finely chopped. The principle is to grind or blend
the toughest ingredients first, adding softer and
wetter ingredients towards the end. Whether using
a mortar and pestle, a blender or food processor, the
order is the same. First grind any dried spices or
nuts until fine, then add hard ingredients such as
lemon grass, and galangal (already sliced or chop-
ped in small pieces). Pound or process until fine
then add softer rhizomes such as fresh turmeric and
ginger, soaked dried chillies and sliced fresh
chillies. When these are fine, add the ingredients
that are full of such as chopped shallots
and garlic, as well as soft shrimp paste.
If you are using a food processor or blender, you
will probably need to add just a little liquid to keep
the blades turning. If the rempah is to be fried, add
a little of the specified amount of cooking oil, while
if it is to be cooked in coconut milk, add some of
this. While processing, you will probably need to
stop the machine frequently to scrape down the
sides. Continue until you have a fine paste.
Some cooks add water rather than the cooking
medium to the blender; this means that the rempah
will need to be cooked for a longer period of time
before adding the other ingredients, to allow the
water to evaporate and the rempah to eventually fry
rather than just stew.
The spice paste is generally gently fried before
any other liquid is added. Malaysian cooks will tell
you to cook the rempah "until it smells fragrant" or
"until the oil comes out", both accurate descriptions
of what happens after 3-5 minutes of frying over
gentle heat, stirring frequently. The spice paste
must be thoroughly cooked at this stage or. the
resulting dish will have a raw taste to it.
Coconut milk is often added to the basic spice
paste, generally in two stages. The thinner coconut
milk is added, a little at a time, to the cooked spice
paste, (often after pieces of meat or chicken have
also been browned) and is stirred frequently, lifted
with a ladle and poured back into the pan, until it
comes to the boil. This process ensures the coconut
milk does not curdle. The coconut gravy is then
simmered gently, with the pan uncovered. The
thick coconut milk or cream is added just before
serving, heated through but not boiled, to enrich and
thicken the gravy or sauce.
Malaysian Ingredients
A cornucopia ofbasic items, rangingfrom
thefamiliar to thefrankly exotic
Most Malaysian ingredients will already be known
to those familiar with Chinese, Malay and Indian
food. These ingredients are descnbed in the follow-
ing pages, and a range of substitutes suggested.
Where local names may be ofhelp in identification,
these are provided in brackets. (M: Malay; C: Can-
tonese; T: Tamil; H: Hindi).
AGAR AGAR: a setting agent made from seaweed
which hardens without refrigeration, used for
cakes and desserts. Most Malaysian cooks prefer
to use powdered agar agar rather than strands.
One teaspoon will set 1-1Yz cups of liquid.
ANCHOVIES, DRIED: see lkanBilis.
ASAM GELUGOR: dried slices of a sour fruit
(Garcinia atnoviridis) used instead of
tamarind pulp in some Malay and
Nonya dishes; the latter can be used
as a substitute. (see Tamarind)
BAMBOO SHOOTS: the fresh variety must be
peeled, sliced and simmered in water for about
30 minutes. Boil canned bamboo shoots for 5
minutes to reduce any metallic flavour.
BELIMBING: known by its Malay name locally,
though sometimes referred to as carambola
elsewhere, this pale green acidic
fruit about 5-8 em (2-3 in) in length
is added to curries, soups and pick-
les. A related plant with a large, five-
edged sweet fruit, star fruit, is also
known as belimbing or belimbing manis.
BEANCURD: several types of soya bean curd are
used in Malaysia: hard beancurd squares
(C: tau kwa); soft beancurd (C: tau faa); and
dried, deep-fried beancurd (C: tau faa pok),
used in laksa and some other vegetable dishes.
Sheets ofdried beancurd skin (C: tau faa juk) are
used as a wrapping, while long strips of dried
beancurd skin (C: tau foo kee) are added to meat
or vegetable dishes. Small squares offermented
bean curd (C: namyee), sold in jars, are used to
flavour some Chinese dishes.
BEANSPROUTS: sprouted green mung peas-are
known locally as taugeh. Store in fridge covered
with water for 2-3 days, changing water daily.
BLACK CHINESE VINEGAR: has a distinctive
fragrance somewhat similar to balsamic vinegar
and is used sparingly as a seasoning. Sometimes
known as Tientsin vinegar.
BLACK SAUCE, SWEET: a thick, treacle-like
being pounded. Chilli powder (M: serbuk cill) is
made from finely ground dried chillies; do not
confuse it with American chilli powder which is
a blend of several seasonings as well as chilli.
Chilli oil, available in small bottles, is used to
enliven some Szechuan dishes.
CHIVES: "Chinese" or "coarse"
chives, flat leaves about 30 cm (12
in) long, are used as a vegetable and
seasoning. (C: koo choy).
CINNAMON: the thick, fragrant brown bark ofa
type ofcassia (M: kayu manis) is used rather than
true cinnamon. The latter, a native of Sri Lanka,
is much finer in texture with a more delicate in
flavour. Chunks ofcassia bark, often used in meat
and rice dishes, are preferable to powdered
CLOVES: a dark brown nail-shaped spice always
used whole and not in powdered form.
COCONUT MILK: In Malaysia, the grated flesh
ofthe mature coconut is squeezed with water to
obtain coconut milk. Normally, I;z cup of water
is added to 1 coconut and squeezed to obtain
thick milk or coconut "cream"; the flesh is then
kneaded with another 2
cups of water and
CLOUD EAR FUNGUS: a shrivelled greyish-
brown fungus also known as wood fungus
(C: mok yee), this should be soaked in
warm water before use. The wrin-
kled, ear-like pieces swell to at least
four times their dried size.
sauce used in fresh spring rolls (popiah) and some
other dishes (C: tim cheong).
BROWN MUSTARD SEED: a small reddish-
brown seed used mainly in southern Indian cook-
ing (M: l:!iji sawi; T: kardugoo).
CANDLENUT: a round, cream-coloured waxy nut
(M: buah keras) pounded and added to Malay and
Nonya dishes for flavour and texture. As they do
not keep well, store in a jar in a freezer. Substi-
tute macadamia nuts or almonds.
CARDAMOM: the tiny black seeds of this
intensely fragrant spice are encased in fibrous,
straw-coloured pods; smash the pod with a
cleaver or pestle before using whole. Decortica-
ted cardamom seeds can be used as a substitute.
(M: buah pelaga; T: elakai; H:
CELERY: local or "Chinese" celery (M: daun
saderi, daun sop) is very different
to the normal western va-
riety, being much smaller
with very slender stems
and particularly pungent
leaves. Used as a herb in
soups and some other dishes. Substitute
with the leaves of regular celery.
CHILLI: three main types of chilli (M: cabai, lada,
cill) are used: the normal finger-length red (ripe)
or green (immature) chilli; tiny fiery hot bird's-
eye chillies (M: cili and dried red chill-
ies (M: cili keYing). The latter must be broken in
several pieces and soaked in warm water before
squeezed to obtain thin coconut milk. The best
substitutes are either powdered coconut (some-
times soldby the Malay name, santan) or canned
coconut cream, both of which should ~ diluted
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
CORIANDER: small beige-coloured seeds
(M: ketumbar) which are a vital ingredient in
most spice mixtures. Fresh coriander leaf,
sometimes known as cilantro or Chinese parsley
abroad, is widely used as a garnish.
CUMIN: frequently used in conjunction with co-
riander in curries, cumin (M: jintanputeh) is some-
what similar to the caraway seed in appearance.
CURRY LEAF: an important ingredient in south-
ern Indian cuisine and also used in some
Malay fish curries, this small, dark green
leaf (M: daun kari; T: karuvapillat) can be
found dried in some specialty stores
abroad. No substitute.
DAUN KESUM: sold under its Malay name, and
sometimes also referred to as daun
laksa (literally "laksa leaf') be-
cause It is traditionally added to
that dish. This particularly
pungent herb (Polygonum hy-
dropiper) is sometimes known
as Vietnamese mint abroad, although it
bears no resemblance to mint in either
taste or appearance.
FENNEL: an important curry spice, slightly fatter
and whitter than cumin and with a sweet
fragrance (M: jintan manis). This is sometimes
mistakenly called anise in Malaysia.
FENUGREEK: hard yellowiSh-brown seeds often
used in fish curries. (M: halba).
FIVE-SPICE POWDER: as the name implies, this
is a mixture of spices (star anise, fennel, cloves,
cinnamon and Szechuan pepper). Used in some
Chinese dishes (C: ng heong fun).
GALANGAL: known in Malaysia as lengkuas (laos
in Indonesia), this ginger-like rhizome imparts
a distinctive flavour to many dishes. Try
to use young pinkish galangal as it is
more tender. Always chop galangal
before pounding or blending, as it is often
tough. Slices of dried galangal must be
soaked in boiling water for 20-30 minutes before
use; a better s u ~ t i t u t is the water-packed jars
of sliced galangal exported from Thailand (where
it is called kha).
GARLIC: an important seasoning in all Malaysian
kitchens, the size oflocal garlic cloves is gener-
ally smaller than that of garlic sold in western
countries. Use your own J'udgement when
following the recipes.
GINGER: fresh ginger (M: halia) is used by all
ethnic groups in Malaysia. Scrape the skin off
with a knife before using. Do not substitute with
powdered ginger; any Chinese store overseas
should stock this vital ingredient.
IKAN BILlS: known locally by the Malay name,
these small salted dried anchovies are used to
NOODLES: many types offresh and dried noodles
are popular. Packs of dried noodles include
wheat flour noodles (C: mien); dried rice vermi-
celli (C: meehoon), and mung pea noodles (C: so-
hoon), known as "cellophane" or transparent noo-
dles. The main types of fresh noodles are thick
round yellow noodles made from wheat flour and
egg; thin round or narrow flat beige-coloured noo-
dles made from wheat flour; wide, flat, white rice-
flour noodles (C: kway teow), and round rice-flour
noodles (laksa noodles).
NUTMEG: used in some savoury dishes and soups
by Malay cooks. Try to buy the whole nut
rooms, either dark black or deep brown in
colour, should be soaked in warm water for 20
minutes before use, and the stems discarded.
LIME LEAF, FRAGRANT: also known as kaf-
fir lime leaf and widely used in Thai
cuisine, this adds an intense fragrance
to some Malay and Nonya dishes (M:
daun limau purut). Dried leaves can be used
as a substitute in cooked dishes.
Slightly less acidic and more
fragrant, the small round lime
(M: limau kestun) is sometimes
known by its Filipino name, cala-
mansi, abroad. Lemonjuice can be
substituted for large limes,. while a
mixture of lemon and orange juice (2 parts to 1)
approximates the acidity and flavour of the
smaller lime.
KRUPUK: dried wafers made from tapioca flour
and prawns or fish; one Indonesian variety is
made from a bitter nut, melinjo (krupuk emping).
Make sure they are thoroughly dry before deep
frying in oil for a few seconds, when they puff
up spectacularly. Used as a garnish or snack.
LEMON GRASS: This fragrant lemony herb,
which resembles a miniature leek, is used whole
in soups or curries, or pounded as part of the
basic spice mix. When pounding
lemon grass (M: sera!), slice off the
root end and use only the tender bot-
tom portion (about 10 cm!4 in); slice before
pounding or blending. Dried or powdered lemon
grass (often sold under the Indonesian name,
sereh) can be used as a substitute. About 1 tea-
spoon powder equals 1 stalk oflemon grass.
LILY BUDS, DRIED: the Chinese aptly call these
dried flowers "golden needles" (C: khim chiam).
They are usually knotted for a neater appearance
before being added to soups or vegetable dishes.
No substitute.
season some dishes and also fried to make a
crunchy side dish or appetiser. Chinese stores sell
a much smaller, thinner variety no more than 2.5
cm (1 in) long, which has a slightly different
flavour to the common variety; this is sometimes
sold as "silver fish".
LIME: two types oflime are used in Malaysia. The
larger lime is slightly smaller and less pointed
than the average lemon, and changes from
green to yellow when ripe (M: limau nipis).
(M: buahpala) and grate just before using as the
powdered spice quickly loses its fragrance.
OYSTER SAUCE: frequently added to stir-fried
vegetable dishes and meat, this sauce must be
refrigerated after the bottle is opened. If you do
not like monosodium glutamate, choose your
brand carefully, as most are laden with this
.controversial addititive.
PALM SUGAR: generally sold in Malaysia as gula
melaka (Malacca sugar), made from either the
aren or coconut palmis available in hard golden-
brown cylinders. Substitute with soft brown
sugar and, ifyou have it, a touch of maple syrup.
P ANDAN LEAF: see Screwpine Leaf
POLYGONUM: see Daun Kesum
PRAWNS, DRIED: Soak in warm water for about
5 minutes to soften before use, and discard any
~ t of hard shell. (M: udang keYing; C: hay bee).
RICE: many types of rice are used, the most
popular for daily meals being fragrant long-grain
white rice; some Indian recipes require the
nutty-flavoured basmati rice. Two types ofgluti-
nous rice are used in a number of sweet and
savoury dishes: the cloudy white grain (M: bems
pulot) and the brownish-black grain (pulot hitam).
All rice should be thoroughly washed in several
changes of water before using.
RICE WINE: a seasoning used in Chinese cuisine;
available in small bottles. Substitute dry sherry.
ROSE ESSENCE: a heady fragrance from the
Middle East, used in Malay desserts, drinks and
some Indian rice dishes.
SALTED CABBAGE: this should be soaked in
several changes of water for about I hour to
remove excess saltiness. Used in some Chinese
and Nonya dishes (C: ham choy).
SALTED DUCK EGG: a popular accompaniment
to rice and savoury Malay dishes (M: telor
masin). Wash off any black coating (often added
to protect the egg), boilIO minutes, then cut in
half while still in the shell.
SALTED SOYA BEANS: usually sold injars, with
the soft soya beans in a brownish sauce (C: tau
cheong). Mash slightly before using.
SCREWPINE (PANDAN) LEAF: imparts a dis-
tinct yet subtle flavour to a range of Malay and
Nonya dishes, both savoury
and sweet. The leaf (M:
daun pandan) is either
raked with the tines of a fork to
release the fragrance and tiedbefore being
added to the pot, or pounded to extract the juice
for desserts. Bottled essence canbe substituted in
desserts, but if fresh or dried pandan leaves are
not available, omit from savoury dishes.
SESAME OIL: roasted sesame seeds are ground
to make this oil, used only as a seasoning, not a
frying medium, by Chinese cooks (C: rna yau).
SHALLOTS: tiny round red onions (M:
bawangmerah), usually pounded as
part of a basic seasoning mix and
TAMARIND: dried tamarind fruits are generally
sold in pulp form in Malaysia, with the stones and
some other fibrous matter still intact (M: asam).
The juice, used to give acidity and fragrance to
many dishes, is obtained-by soaking the pulp in
warm water for about 5 minutes, then squeezing
to extract the juice which should be sieved
before use. If using cleaned t m r n ~ pulp
without stones, halve the amounts specified in
these recipes.
TURMERIC: a rhizome similar to ginger in
appearance but with vivid yellow interior. Fresh
turmeric (M: kunyit) is generally preferred in
Malaysia, although 1 teaspoon of powdered
turmeric can be used as a substitute for about
1 cm (I;z in) fresh turmeric.
WILD GINGER BUD: the beautiful pink waxy
flower from a variety of ginger sometimes
known as torch ginger (botan-
ical name has changed from
Phaeomeria speciosa to Etling-
era elatior). This flower, used
in bud form, gives an inimi-
table flavour to some Malay and Nonya
dishes. No substitute. (M: bunga siantan or
bunga kantan).
YAM BEAN: native to tropical Amer-
ica, where it is known as jicama,
the yam bean is a tuber with a
-beige skin and crisp white interior.
Yam bean (M: bengkuang) is fre-
quently mis-named turnip in Malaysia.
often finely sliced and crisp fried in oil over
moderate heat to provide a garnish. If shallots
are not available, try to use red or brown onion
(1 medium onion equals about 6-8 shallots).
SHRIMP ~ ASTE: shrimp paste varies in colour
and moisture content. Dried shrimp paste (M:
belacan), varies in colour and texture from
purplish pink and rather moist to crumbly beige
cakes or hard brownish-black squares. Belacan
(pronounced "blachan"), which is some-
times sold overseas under the
Indonesian name, tram, must be
cooked before eating; the
easiest method is to wrap in a
square offoil and grill or cook in a dry pan for a
couple of minutes on each side, until dry and
crumbly with a fragrant smell. Belacan must not
be confused with the completely different black
shrimp paste (M: petis; C: hay koh), a black
treacly seasoning used by Nonya cooks.
SOY SAUCE: two types are used in Malaysian
cooking; light soy sauce, (M: kicap soya masin)
which is thinner, lighter in colour and saltier than
black soy sauce (M: kicap soya pekat), which is
generally used during long slow cooking or to
give a dark colouring to a dish.
SPRING ONION: known also as scallion, green
onion or most misleading, as shallot, the spring
onion has slender stalks
which are white at the
base with dark green
leaves (M: daun bawang).
Part Three: The Recipes
Basic recipesfor condiments, sauces andpickles precede
those for--main recipes, which begin on page 46
Malaysians generally present several dishes at
each meal, allowing diners to serve themselves to
whatever they want. As a general rule, these
recipes will serve 4-6 people as part of a meal with
rice and 2-3 other dishes.
12 large red chillies, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons dried shrimp paste, roasted
150 m1 (5 oz) water
4 tablespoons lime juice
Blend the chillies and shrimp paste with the water.
Season to taste with lime juice.
1 medium cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced
%pineapple, peeled and diced
1 red chilli, finely sliced
1 medium red onion, peeled and sliced
%teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons lime juice
Combine all ingredients in salad bowl and mix
Measurements in this book are given in volume
as far as possible: 1 measuring cup contains
250 ml (roughly 8 oz); 1 teaspoon contains 5
ml, while 1 tablespoon contains 15 ml or the
equivalent of 3 teaspoons. Australian readers
please note that the standard Australian
measuring spoon is larger, containing 20 ml
or 4 teaspoons, so use only 3/t tablespoon when
following the recipes. Where metric measure-
ments are given, approximate imperial con-
versions follow in brackets.
Time Estimates
Time estimates for preparation only (exclud-
ing cooking) are based on the assumption that
a food processor or blender will be used.
Q) quick and very easy to prepare
Q) Q) relatively easy; less than 15 min-
utes preparation
Q) Q) Q) takes more than 15 minutes to
from top) Pickled
Papaya, Stuffed
Chilli Pickle and
Dried Cucumber
Mango Kerabu
(left) and
Cucumber &
Pineapple Sambal
1 under-ripe papaya (750 g/1
100 ml (3 fl oz) distilled white vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
%teaspoon salt
5 bird's-eye chillies, left whole
Peel the papaya, cut in half1engthwise and remove
the seeds. Cut into very thin slices. Wash and dry
the papaya. Bring the vinegar, sugar and salt to the
boil. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Mix well
with the chillies and papaya and keep overnight.
Store in a covered container in the refrigerator up
to I month.
2 cucumbers (750 gil %lb)
1 large carrot
% cup distilled white vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
%teaspoon salt
pinch of turmeric powder
2 shallots, sliced
1 cm (% in) ginger, julienned
1 clove garlic, peeled and shredded
2 tablespoons raisins
Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and remove
the seeds. Cut into matchstick pieces 3 em (1 %in)
in length. Peel the carrot and cut the same size as
the cucumber. Dry the cucumber and carrot in the
hot sun for 2 hours. Combine the vinegar, sugar, salt
and turmeric and bring to the boil. Remove imme-
diately from the heat and allow to cool. Add the
shallot, ginger, garlic and raisins and mix with the
cucumber and carrot. Store in the refrigerator up to
I month.
2-3 green unripe mangoes (500 glllb)
Spice Paste:
6 shallots
5 cloves garlic
2 em (%in) ginger
3 red chillies
%teaspoon white poppy seeds
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon fennel
1 teaspoon coriander
teaspoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoons oil
lVhole Spices:
3 cloves
4 cm (2% in) cinnamon stick
3 star anise
1 cardamom pod, lightly bruised
4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
cup distilled white vinegar
1 heaped tablespoon raisins
Peel the mangoes and cut the flesh into I cm
(%in) dice.
To prepare spice paste, chop shallots, garlic,
ginger ana. chillies finely andblend with spice seeds
until fine, adding a little oil to keep the blades
turning. Heat remaining oil in pan, add the blended
ingredients and whole spices and cook gently for
20 minutes. Combine dressing ingredients and add,
together with the mangoes, to the pan. Reduce to low
heat and cook for about %hour until mangoes are
soft. Can be kept in the refrigerator for 1 month.
Add more sugar (l %-2 tablespoons) if mango is
very sour.
4 red chillies
1 shallot
1 tablespoon oil
%teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
100 g (3% oz) roasted peanuts with skin
30 g (1 oz) anchovies (ikan bilis), heads and
intestinal tract removed and fried till crisp
Blend the chillies and shallot together. Heat the oil
and gently fry the blended mixture with the salt and
sugar for 1 minute. Add the peanuts and anchovies.
Stir fry for 3 minutes and remove from heat. Keep
in a bottle in the fridge up to 3 weeks.
1 large ripe mango (500 glllb), peeled
4 mint leaves, roughly chopped
4 coriander leaves, roughly chopped
5 red chillies
150 ml (5 fl oz) water
3 tablespoons sugar
150 ml (5 fl oz) distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Make dressing byblending chillies with water. Add
the remaining dressing ingredients and bring to the
boil. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Dice the
mango and combine with mint, coriander and dress-
ing. Serve immediately.
5 red chillies, roughly chopped
150 ml (5 fl oz) water
3 tablespoons sugar
150 ml (5 fl oz) distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Blend chillies with water. Add the remaining
ingredients andbring to the boil. Remove from heat
and allow to cool.
6 red chillies, roughly chopped
3 cm (1
in) ginger, chopped
4 cloves garlic
150 ml (5 fl oz) water
2 teaspoons salt
5 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Blend together the chilli, ginger, garlic and water.
Season to taste with the salt, sugar, lime juice and
sesame oil.
200 g (7% oz) shallots
1 litre (4 cupS) oil
Soak shallots in salted water for 5 minutes. Peel the
skin and slice thinly. Drain the shallots and dry
thoroughly on a cloth. Heat oil in wok and fry
shallots over moderate heat until golden brown.
Remove, drain and leave until cold. Store in
airtight container. Do not add salt or the shallots
will soften.
%small green unripe papaya or 1 small white
1 teaspoon salt
8 green beans, slashed lengthwise halfway
13 cm (5 in) cucumber, halved crosswise then
cut in coarse pieces
16 shallots, pricked all over with a fork
%cup cauliflower Horets, broken very small
%cup cabbage, coarsely cut
5 cm (2 in) ginger, finely shredded
5 cloves garlic, very thinly sliced
1 teaspoon brown mustard seed
2 heaped tablespoon dried prawns, soaked in
warm water
15 cm (6 in) fresh turmeric
2 teaspoons dried shrimp paste
2 tablespoons oil
2 cups white vinegar
%cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 green chillies
If using papaya, begin 2-3 days in advance by shred-
ding the peeled papaya as finely as possible. Sprin-
kle with 1 teaspoon salt, mix well and sun dry until
completely dried up. Alternatively, finely shred the
white radish, salt and dry for about %day in the sun.
When the papaya or radish are almost dry,
prepare the beans, cucumber, shallots, cauliflower
and cabbage, sprinkle with about 1 teaspoon salt and
leave in sun for 2-3 hours. Salt the ginger and
garlic and sun dry separately for 2-3 hours.
Blend the mustard seed until fine, add dried
prawns and blend until fine, then add turmeric,
garlic and shrimp paste and blend, adding a little of
the oil if necessary. Heat the remaining oil and fry
blended ingredients until fragrant, then mix in
vinegar, sugar and salt, stirring until dissolved.
Remove from heat.
Choose straight chillies with the stalk still on.
Slit each chilli lengthwise, leaving 0.5 cm in) at
both ends still intact. Use a sharp knife to carefully
remove the seeds and membrane from inside the
chillies. Stuff each chilli with a little of the dried
papaya, then mix with the prepared vegetables and
Pack carefully inti:> jars. Pour over the vinegar
mix and close tightly. Leave 3 days before serving.
Will keep at least 1 month without refrigeration.
The Nonya version of a popular Chinese snack
using fresh wrappers is very substantial and suitable
as a lunch dish with something sweet and sinful to
follow. @!)@/H2l>
cup oil
3 eggs
8 shallots
8 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons salted soya bean paste
500 g (lIb) yam bean (bengkuimg), shredded
2 hard beancurd, fried and shredded
1 teaspoon black soy sauce
100 g (3% oz) peeled prawns
70 g (2% oz) cabbage, shredded
100 g (3% oz) green beans, shredded
4 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
For Serving:
20 large fresh popiah skins
sweet black sauce (tim cheong) to taste
10 cloves garlic, blended to make garlic paste
6 red chillies, blended to a paste
long-leafed lettuce
100 g (3% oz) beansprouts, blanched
50 g (1% oz) dry roasted peanuts, skinned and
coarsely ground
3 tablespoons fried shallots
Beat the eggs lightly, grease an omelette pan with
%teaspoon oil and make 3 very thin omelettes.
When cooked, shred finely and set aside.
To make the filling, crush the shallots and
garlic together with the salted soyabean paste. Heat
II.t cup oil and fry until fragrant. Reserve 3 teaspoons
of this. Leave the remaining fried paste in the pan
and add the yam bean.Cook for 5 minutes until
softened, then add the fried beancurd and cook until
very soft. Season with black soy sauce.
Use 1 teaspoon of the reserved seasoning and put
in a separate pan to fry the. prawns until cooked;
repeat with the cabbage, then with the beans. Mix
into the cooked yam bean and add sugar and salt.
Leave to cool.
To serve, put all prepared ingredients on the
table. Place a popiah skin on a flat surface and
spread with a little sweet black sauce, garlic paste
and chilli paste. Place one lettuce leaf on top, put
on a spoonful of the cooked filling, a few prawns,
some cabbage, beans, beansprouts, peanuts and
shallots. Fold in the sides, roll up and serve imme-
Helpful hints: Popiah wrappers are similar to the
fresh wrappers used for Filipino lumpia. If neither
are available, use egg roll wrappers.
A perennial favourite originally created by Indian
cooks and enjoyed by every Malaysian. <i).
5 tablespoons oil
1 medium red or brown onion, finely chopped
1%teaspoons kunna powder or chicken curry
2 teaspoons meat or chicken curry powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder
%teaspoon turmeric powder
200 gm (7% oz) cooked chicken, finely diced
2 large potatoes, boiled and finely diced
teaspoons sugar
.%teaspoon black pepper
%teaspoon salt
500 g (1 lb) plain flour
150 g (5 oz) butter or Plantamargarine
200 ml (just over %cup) water
%teaspoon salt
Make the filling first. Heat oil and fry the onion
gently until golden brown. Add the curry powders,
chilli, tunneric and fry gently. Add the chicken,
potatoes, sugar, pepper and salt and cook for 5 min-
utes. Mix well and leave aside to cool.
To make pastry, mix flour with margarine,
water and salt and knead well. Let it rest for 1
hour. Cut the dough into circles 8 cm (3 in) in
diameter. Take a tablespoon of filling and place in
centre. Fold pastry over to make a half circle and
crimp at edges. Deep fry in hot oil until golden.
Hclpfiil hints: Not all margarines are suitable for
pastry, owing to their high moisture content. The
Malaysian brand, Planta, is recommended; Crisco
is a suitable substitute.
Kuih Pie Tee
Delightfully crisp little cases with a vegetable
. filling are a Nonya teatime treat. With a rim on the
cases, they resemble "top hats". f&) <t (!)
Top Hat Cases:
I mould (see photograph opposite)
100 g (3
0z) plain flour
%teaspoon rice flour
I egg, beaten
I cup (8 fl oz) water
a pinch of salt
oil for deep frying
Top Hat Filling:
I tablespoon oil
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
90 g (3 oz) peeled prawns, chopped
500 g (lIb) yam bean (bengkuang), shredded
200 g (7%oz) carrot, shredded
pepper to taste
teaspoon salt
I teaspoon sugar
shredded omelette made with I beaten egg
finely chopped spring onion
I red chilli, finely sliced
Make the cases first. Put both flours in mixing bowl,
add egg, water and salt and mix well. Whisk the
batter until smooth and then put through a sieve.
Pour into a glass.
Heat oil in saucepan with the mould in the oil.
Turn down the heat to medium. Dip mould into
batter so that it is thoroughly coated. The mould
must not be too hot; the batter should not sizzle
when the mould is placed in. Allow the excess
batter to dip off and plunge the mould into oil.
To make the batter separate from the mould
while frying, start jiggling it lightly up and down as
soon as it is placed in the oil. The batter should open
and slip away from the mould with slight shaking.
Let the case cook until light brown. Store in airtight
To make the filling, heat the oil in a saucepan
and fry the garlic and prawn until lightlybrown. Add
the yam bean and carrot and season with the
pepper, salt and sugar. Cook for 5 minutes.
To serve, put a little ofthe filling in top hat cases.
. Garnish and serve with chilli sauce.
Helpful hints: It may take a few tries to successfully
create the "top hat" cases. It is essential that the oil
is the right temperature and that the mould is
sufficiently hot so that when it is dipped into the
glass of batter, the batter clings to the mould until
the batter-covered mould is put back into the hot
oil. Ifyou cannot make the batter form a rim to the
"top hat", don't worry; many cooks just make
straight-sided cases which are easier to achieve.
Stuffed ravioli-like dumplings or won ton in SOl,lp
are found in Chinese restaurants throughout the
world, but this version is definitely a cut above,
thanks to the excellent stock made with dried
scallops, chicken and anchovies. @j)
200 g (7% oz) prawns, peeled and deveined
15 won ton skins
litres (6 cups) basic stock (see below)
100 g (3% oz) snow peas, blanched for a few
6 dried black mushroom, soaked, boiled until
soft, thinly sliced
salt and pepper
Basic Stock:
3 dried scallops
300 g (10 oz) boneless chicken
cup very fine dried Chinese anchovies
3 litres (12 cups) water
2 cloves garlic, smashed
1 cm (% in) ginger, sliced
teaspoon white peppercorns
200 g (7% oz) carrot
300 g (10 oz) celery
200 g (7% oz) prawns, peeled
150 g (5 oz) boneless chicken or pork
100 g (3
oz) water chestnuts, peeled
50 g (1%oz) dried 'black fungus or 2 dried
mushrooms, soaked
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
teaspoon salt
a dash of sesame oil
2 tablespoons sugar
a dash of Chinese wine
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons contflour
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
Prepare the stock first by putting all the ingredients
in a pot and bringing to the boil. Remove the scum
from the surface, lower heat and simmer covered
for 2 hours. Strain thoroughly before using.
To make the filling, chop the prawns, chkken,
water chestnuts and fungus together with a cleaver
until fine. Mix in all gther filling ingredients.
Put 1 small spoonful of the filling in the centre
ofa won ton wrapper and squeeze the edges together
in the centre. Repeat until all the filling is used.
Bring the cooked stock to the boil, add the won
ton and simmer for 3-5 minutes or until they rise
to the top. Add the snow peas, mushrooms, salt and
pepper and serve immediately.
Helpful hints.' If you are unable to find dried scal-
lops (which are very expensive), 500 g (lIb) of pork
bones can substituted to make the stock.
Indian Mutton Soup
from top) Sop
Kambing,.. Rasam
am;/, pappadum.
Recipe forRasam is
Hawkers throughout Malaysia offer Sop Kambing,
a rich, meaty stew, which is popular as a substan-
tial breakfast or late-night supper. Serve with Roti
Canai or chunks of crusty French bread. @) @)
250 g (8 oz) shallots
10 cloves garlic
3 cm (11/4 in) ginger
1 cup ghee or oil
750 g (1%Ib) lamb chops
6 large onions, sliced
150 g (5 oz) kurma spice powder or chicken
curry powder
5 cm (2 in) cinnamon stick
1 cardamom pod
2 star anise
3litres (12 cups) water or lamb stock
1 cup green peas
1 large carrot, cubed
3 sprigs fresh coriander
6 spring onions, roughly chopped
6 Chinese celery leaves, roughy chopped
2 tablespoons salt
%teaspoon white pepper
fried shallots
fresh coriander leaves
Blend the shallots, garlic and ginger to a paste.
Remove the meat from the bones and cut meat into
small cubes. Roast the bones in a hot oven until
Heat ghee and fry the sliced onions until golden,
then add ground ingredients and fry for about 30
seconds before adding spice powder, turmeric,
cinnamon, cardamom and star anise. Stir fry for I
minute then add water, roastedbones, cubed lamb,
peas, carrot, fresh coriander, spring onions and
celery leaves. Simmer uncovered until the lamb is
cooked then add salt, sugar and pepper to taste.
Garnish with fried shallots and sprigs of corian-
der when serving.
Helpful hints: Roasting the bones, while not
essential, gives a richer flavour to the soup.
Spicy Crab Gaw Soup &. Fried Rice-Flour Noodles
Fried KwayTeow.
Photo ofRasam is
on page 55.
A version of Southern Indian Rasam, believed to be
an aid to digestion. 00
2 whole crabs
3 shallots, coarsely pounded
5 cloves garlic, skin left on, roughly smashed
2.5 em (1 in) ginger, roughly smashed
3 tablespoons oll
5 dried chillies, torn in half
%teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons black peppercorns, finely ground
1 tablespoon coriander, finely ground
teaspoons fennel, finely ground
1%teaspoons cumin, finely ground
1 teaspoon fenugreek, finely ground
2 sprigs curry leaves
100 g (3% oz) tamarind pulp
1 litre (4 cups) water
1%teaspoons salt
2 large ripe tomatoes, halved
Remove the legs and claws from the crabs and keep
the body aside for another dish.
Pound or blend the shallots, garlic and ginger.
Heat oil and fry pounded mixture together with
chillies for 2 minutes. Add turmeric, ground spices
and curry leaves. Fry for another minute.
Soak the tamarind in the water for 10 minutes.
Squeeze and strain to obtain juice. Addjuice to the
pot and bring to boil. Add the crab claws and salt
and squeeze in the pulp from the tomatoes. Add
squeezed skin of the tomato and simmer for 5
minutes. Serve with rice and vegetable dishes.
A great hawker or foodstall favourite using fresh
rice-flour noodles. 00
%cup oll
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 whole chicken breast, shredded
6-8 prawns, peeled
50 g cackles (see hum) or mussels
300 g (10 oz) dried chillies, soaked and
blended to a paste
500 g (1 lb) flat rice-flour noodles (kway teow)
%cup chopped garlic chives
200 g (7% oz) beansprouts
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons black soy sauce
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 eggs, beaten
Heat the oil in the wok. Saute the garlic for a few
seconds then add chicken breast, prawns and
cockles. Stir for a few moments then add 5 table-
spoons of the chilli paste. Cook for 5 minutes. Add
noodles, chives, beansprouts and egg, season with
salt and soy sauces and stir fry until the noodles are
thoroughly heated. Serve immediately.
This version of a Cantonese-style dish, deep-fried
coils of crisp, light brown noodles bathed in a
delicate but delicious sauce, is named after the chef
who created it. Packets of yee mien noodles should
be available in any Chinese provision shop.
150 g (5 oz) dry brown noodles (yee mien)
150 g (5 oz) mustard greens or spinach
oil for frying
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
150 g (5 oz) peeled prawns
150 g (5 oz) chicken or pork, shredded
3 cups water
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
teaspoon black soy sauce
teaspoon sesame oil
%teaspoon white pepper
1 heaped tablespoon cornflour, blended in
3 tablespoons water
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Put the noodles in a colander, sprinkle with a little
cold water and leave aside to soften.
Discard hard ends of the vegetable and cut in 4
cm (l %in) lengths. Heat about 5 cm (2 in) oil in a
wok and fry the noodles, a handful at a time,
turning over until crisp and golden (about 1 min-
ute). Drain and set aside. Repeat with remaining
noodles. Arrange noodles in a large wide bowl OF
deep serving platter.
Leave about 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok and
fry the garlic for a few seconds, then add prawns
and chicken or pork. Stir fry until they are cooked,
then add water and all seasonings. Bring to the boil,
add vegetables and simmer for a minute. Add
the cornflour mixture and cook, stirring, until
the sauce thickens and clears. Pour in the beaten
egg, stir and pour over the noodles and serve
Helpful hints: The noodles should have a firm
although not crisp and crunchy texture after
cooking. The distinctive flavour of this type ofnoo-
dIe makes this simple-sounding dish well worth
Spicy Noodles
This dish, prepared by Nonya and Malay cooks, is
an interpretation of Thai-style noodles. Fine rice-
flour noodles are served in a spicy gravy penneated
with the fragrance of salted soya beans and
tamarind. @) @)
2 cups oil
4 tablespoons salted soya beans, crushed
1 cup tamarind pulp, soaked in 1 cup water
for juice
5 cups water
6 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
%teaspoon black soy sauce
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
Spice Paste:
25-30 large dried red chillies, cut and soaked
40 shallots
. 12 candlenuts
8 cloves garlic
For Serving:
500 g (1 lb) rice vermicelli, soaked in cold
water until soft
500 g (1 lb) beansprouts, tails removed
500 g (1 lb) prawns, peeled and fried in a
little oil
3 eggs, beaten, cooked in thin omelettes and
1 large or 2 small cucumbers, peeled and
cut in matchsticks
150 g (5 oz) garlic chives, cut in 2.5 cm
(1 in) lengths
3 hard beancurd, deep-fried and slivered
3 tablespoons fried shallots
2 fresh red chillies, sliced
6 small limes or lemon wedges
Set aside 1 cup of oil. Chop spice paste ingredients
finely thenblend. Keep half the blended ingredients
aside for frying the noodles.
Put 1 cup of oil in a wok and fry the blended
paste over low heat for 10 minutes. Add the salted
soya beans, fry for a few seconds then add the
tamarind juice, 5 cups water, sugar, salt and sim-
mer for 5 minutes. Taste and add more sugar if
liked. Remove from heat.
Heat the second cup of oil and fry the reserved
blended ingredients over low heat for 10 minutes.
Add 1 teaspoon salt, both lots of soy sauce, drained
noodles and beansprouts. Stir thoroughly, sprinkle
with a little water and remove from heat.
To serve the Mee Siam, divide the noodle mix-
ture between 6 large bowls. Top with the prawns,
omelette, beancurd, cucumbers and chives. Pour
over the gravy and garnish each portion with some
fried shallots, sliced chilli and a small lime.
Helpful hints. To reduce the heat of the gravy,
discard the seeds that fall to the bottom of the bowl
when you soak the chillies.
Indian Fried Noodles
Although noodles were brought to Malaysia by the
Chinese, all other ethnic groups have enthusiasti-
cally adapted them to suit their tastes. This version
is a dish you certainly couldn't find in India.
10 dried chillies; soaked in hot water
I;z cup oil
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
150 g (5 oz) prawns, peeled and deveined
150 g (5 oz) boneless chicken, shredded
400 g (13 oz) fresh yellow noodles
100 g (3I;z oz) mustard greens
100 g (3I;z oz) beansprouts
2 hard beancurd, deep fried and sliced
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 red chilli, sliced
1 green chilli, sliced
sprig of coriander leaves, roughly chopped
sprig of Chinese celery leaves, roughly
2 spring onions, sliced
2 tablespoons fried shallots
6 small fresh limes, halved
Blend softened chillies to a paste, adding a little oil
ifnecessary. Keep aside 2 tablespoons ofoil and heat
the remainder over medium heat, add dried shrimp
paste and fry for 1 minute. Add chilli paste, reduce
heat to low and cook, stirring from time to time, for
30 minutes. Remove from pan.
Heat the 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok. Add
garlic, cooked chilli paste, prawns and chicken and
fry for 3 minutes. Add noodles and fry over med-
ium heat for 3 minutes. Add mustard greens and
beansprouts. Fry for 2 minutes then add beancurd
and stir fry for 3 minutes. Lastly add soy sauce and
salt mixed together. Stir fry for 1 minute.
Garnish with fresh chillies, coriander, celery leaf,
spring onions, fried shallots and fresh lime and serve
Helpftd hints: Cabbage or spinach can be used
instead of mustard greens if preferred.
Noodles in Spicy Coconut-milk Gravy
This Nonya version of Laksa, a spicy noodle dish,
comes from Malacql. Although it takes some time
to prepare, it is well worth the effort. @i) (D
cup oil
6. sprigs polygonum (daun kesum)
2 wild ginger buds, finely sliced
6 cups water
1%cups thick coconut milk
1 heaped tablespoon sugar
salt to taste
500 g (lib) thin fresh yellow noodles, or dried
noodles, cooked and drained
150 g (5 oz) beansprouts, blanched
1 chicken breaSt, steamed and shredded
100 g (3% oz) peeled prawns, steamed
Spice Paste:
8 red chillies
10 shallots
1 lemon grass
2 em (%in) ga1angal
0.5 em e/4 in) fresh turmeric
%teaspoon dried shrimp paste
Garnish: .
3 sprigs polygonum (daun kesum), sliced
1 wild ginger bud, finely sliced
1 cucumber, in matchstick shreds
3 eggs, beaten, made into thin omelettes and
2 red chillies, sliced
2 spring onions, finely sliced
6 tablespoons sambal Belacan (see page 41)
6 small round limes or lemon wedges
Chop and blend all the spice paste ingredients
finely, adding a little ofthe oil if necessary to keep
the blades turning. Heat remaining oil and gently
fry the blended ingredients for 10 minutes, stirring
from time to time. Add the polygonum, ginger buds
and water and bring to the boil. Add thick coconut
milk, sugar and salt. Reduce heat and simmer very
gently, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes.
To serve, plunge noodles in boiling water for
a few seconds, to heat through. Divide the noodles,
chicken, beansprouts and prawns between 6 indi-
vidual noodle bowls and top with the shredded
polygonum and ginger bud. Pour gravy on top and
add a little cucumber, omelette, chillies and spring
onion. Serve with the Sambal Belacan and cut limes
in a separate dish.
Helpful hints: The gravy can be prepared in adv-
ance, and the garnishing ingredients readied al-
though not sliced to ensure maximum fragrance and
freshness. If fresh noodles are not available, use
dried rice vermicelli (meehoon) or any dried Chinese
wheat-flour noodles.
Sour Penang Noodle Soup
There are two definite groups within Malaysia:
those whose favourite is Laksa Lemak, a spicy noo-
dle soup bathed in coconut milk gravy, and those
who prefer the sour, fragrant Penang version,
which has a pronounced fishy flavour. Tryboth and
see which group you fall into. @j)@j)@j)
600 g (1
Ib) small Chubb mackerel
(ikan kembong)
1.5 litres (6 cups) water
5 tablespoons tamarind pulp, soaked and
squeezed for juice
2 wild ginger buds, sliced
3 sprigs polygonum (daun kesum), sliced
%-1 tablespoon sugar, to taste
600 g (1
Ib) fresh coarse rice noodles (laksa)
Spice Paste:
5 shallots
2 lemon grass
2.5 cm (1 in) fresh turmeric
3 dried red chillies, soaked in warm water
6 fresh red chillies
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste
1 cucumber, peeled and shredded
6 sprigs polygonum (daun kesum), sliced
few sprigs mint, torn
3 large red onions, sliced
3 red chillies, sliced
%fresh pineapple, cut in shreds
small bowl of black prawn paste (hay koh),
diluted in a little warm water
Simmer the cleaned whole fish in water until
cooked. Remove fish, cool, and remove the flesh
from the bones. Break up the flesh. Strain the stock
carefully and return to a large pan with the fish,
tamarind juice, ginger bud, polygonum and sugar.
Blend the spice paste ingredients finely and add
to the fish stock. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Prepare all garnish ingredients. Blanch the
noodles in boiling water, drain and divide between
6bowls. Pour over the fish stock and garnish the top
of each bowl. Allow diners to add the black prawn
paste themselves, as the taste is rather pungent.
Helpful hints: If Chubb mackerel is not available,
choose another well-flavoured fish to ensure the
soup has its characteristic fishy taste.
Rice with Fresh Herbs
The wonderfully fragrant herbs normally found in
a kitchen garden are combined with rice to make
this popular Kelantan dish, traditionally served with
Ayam Percik, either coconut or beef Serunding
and a chilli sambal. (Rice with lots of fresh herbs is
known as Nasi Ulam in other northern states of
Peninsular Malaysia.) As many ofthese herbs do not
have a common English name and are not available
outside Malaysia, suggested substitutes are given
below. @)@)
1 cup rice
1I;z cups water
2 stalks of lemon grass, smashed
2 em C% in) galangal, smashed
2 screwpine leaves
2 fragrant lime leaves
2 tablespoons thick coconut milk
I;z teaspoon salt
. 2 daun nuu1uk
1 cekur Czedoary) leaf
2 fragrant lime leaves
1 sprig daun kemangi (basil)
-I daun kunyit (turmeric leaf)
1 sprig daun kesum (polygonum)
1 stalk daun renganga
3 daun salam
1 sprig daun selum
1 lemon grass
1 shallot
1 bunga kantan (wild ginger bud)
1 cucumber
Wash the rice well and place in the rice cooker or
pan together with the water, lemon grass, galangal,
screwpine leaf, fragrant lime leaf, coconut milk and
salt. Bring to boil and cook, stirring once or twice.
Slice all the accompaniment ingredients very
finely and arrange on a large platter. Pile the
cooked rice in the centre and allow each diner ta
mix through the herbs according to taste. serve with
Coconut Serunding (page 112) and Ayam Percik
(page 96).
Helpfiil hints: Alternative herbs and accompani-
ments include raw green beans, any type of basil,
pennywort ar kottu kala (known in Malaysia as daun
pegaga), coriander leaf, nasturtium leaf, mint,
watercress, celery leaves, cabbage or lettuce etc. In
some Malaysian markets, bundles of mixed herbs
are sold under the name ulam, specially for use in
this dish.
Spicy Rice with Chicken
Arab and Indian influences are evident in this
richly flavoured rice, similar to a pilau or biryani.
It is particularly popular in the northeastern states
. of Peninsular Malaysia. 0
%chicken, cut into serving pieces
2 tablespoons tomato paste
%cup evaporated miIk
1 tablespoon liriJ.e juice
3 tablespoons fried shallots
salt to taste
3 tablespoons ghee
2 cups long grain rice (preferably Basmati)
Spice Paste for Marinade.
3. tablespoons coriander
2 tablespoons fennel
1 tablespoon cumin
2 cm (% in) cinnamon stick
2 cloves
2 cardamom pods, husk discarded
2 star anise
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon white poppy seeds (optional)
5 shallots
2 cloves garlic
2 cm (% in) ginger
6 almonds
%cup water
Spice Paste for Rice:
2 shallots
2 cloves garlic
2.5 cm (1 in)ginger
1 tablespoon ghee
2 cm (%in) cinnamon stick
1 clove
1 star anise
1 cardamom pod
2 tablespoons evaporated milk
%cup raisins
3 tablespoons fried shallots
1 tablespoon roasted flaked almonds
Grind dry spices first, then grind remaining
marinade spice paste ingredients and combine.
Marinate chicken with the spices, tomato paste,
milk, shallots and salt and keep overnight.
Heat ghee in a saucepan and fry chicken over
low heat, adding water if it threatens to burn. Saute
for 1/
hour or until the chicken is cooked. Separate
the chicken from the gravy and set chicken aside.
To cook the rice, puree the shallots, garlic,
ginger and %cup water. Saute in ghee and add
the remaining spices. Cook until brown with the
chicken gravy and milk, stirring occasionally. When
the rice is dried and cooked, add raisins, fried
shallots, almonds and chicken and stir well.
Lacy Pancakes and Prawn Sambal
These lovely lacy pancakes are an ideal accompa-
niment to any dish with lots of rich gravy and are
particularly popular during the Muslim fasting
month and on special occasions.
500 g (1 Ib) plain Hour
2 cups fresh milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
%teaspoon turmeric powder
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon ghee or butter
Sift the flour into a large bowl. Beat the milk and
eggs together and mix with the flour, salt and
turmeric. Stir until the batter becomes smooth then
put through a sieve. Add oil and set aside.
Heat a non-stick pan and brush surface with
ghee or butter. Pour a ladleful ofbatter into a special
Roti Jala funnel or substitute (see below) and
make quick circular movements over the pan to
form a lacy pattern. When the pancake is cooked,
remove and fold into a triangular shape. Repeat the
method until all the batter is finished.
Helpfiil hints: The Roti Jala funnel is a cup with
four spouts; an alternative is a plastic sauce dispen-
ser with a reasonably wide hole.
This piquant Malay prawn dish is a firm favourite
throughout the country. Take care not to overcook
the prawns or they will become tough. @
%cup oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons thick coconut milk
4 tablespoons lime juice
500 g (lIb) medium-sized prawns, peeled and
Spice Paste:
10 red chillies
3 medium red onions
2.5 cm (1 in) galangal
10 cloves garlic
3 candlenuts
Chop all the spice paste ingredients then blend until
fine, adding a little of the oil if necessary to keep
the blades turning.
Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the blended
ingredients fOr'about 10 minutes until fragrant. Add
brown sugar, salt and coconut milk andbring to the
boil. Add lime juice and prawns and simmer for 5
minutes or until the prawns are cooked.
Aubergine with Basil &. Nonya Wedding Rice
Sambal Terong
~ e f t and Nasi
Kemuli (right)
This Nonya recipe, using the small Asian auber-
gines, adds basil for extra flavour. (i
500 g (lIb) small aubergines
2 cups oil
%cup basil sprigs
salt aud sugar to taste
Spice Paste:
3 red chillies
5 shallots
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon dried prawns, soaked
1 tablespoon s ~ t e soya beau paste
Wash the aubergines but do not peel. Halve length-
wise and cut into 4 cm (11'2 in) pieces. Chop and
blend the spice paste ingredients finely and set
Reserve 4 tablespoons oil and heat the rest in a
wok. When the oil is very hot, deep fry the auber-
gine pieces until brown. Drain and set aside. Drain
out the oil, wipe the wok and add the reserved oil.
Gently fry the blended ingredients for 5 minutes,
then add fried aubergines,basil, salt and sugar.
Cook, stirring frequently, for 2-3 minutes, then
Simple but tasty, Nasi Kemuli is a must at Nonya
weddings. (i
1 cup coriauder seeds
5 cm (2 in) cinnamon stick
2 whole star anise
2 cloves
1 cardamom pod
4 cups water
1 tablespoon ghee
cups long-grain rice, washed aud drained
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons raisins
Spice Paste:
3 shallots
1 cm (%in) ginger
2 cloves garlic
Combine all the wholes spices with water and sim-
mer uncovered until the liquid is reduced to 2 cups.
Pound or blend the spice paste then gently fry
in the ghee. Remove from the heat and add rice,
soy sauce and salt. Mix well and add the 2 cups of
liqUid together with all the whole spices. Stir well,
cover and cook until the rice is done. Add the raisins
just before serving.
Flaky Fried Indian Bread
A really good Roti Canai is feather-light, crisp, non-
greasy and, some would say, the Indian commu-
nity's greatest culinary contribution to Malaysia.
Roti CanaLis a much lighter, flakier version of an
Indian bread known as Roti Paratha. @
1 kg (2 Ib) plain flour
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
23 tablespoons sugar
100 g (3
oz) butter or ghee, melted
2 cups water
2 tablespoons condensed milk
cup ghee or oil for frying
Sift flour into a mixing bowl, add eggs, salt, sugar
and meltedbutter. Combine water with the conden-
sed milk and add to the mixture. Mix well to make
a soft dough. Roll dough into a ball and cover with
a damp cloth. Leave to rest in a warm place for 30
Divide dough into 12 small balls. Coat in ghee or
oil, cover and leave to rest for a minimum 20 min-
utes or up to 4 hours.
Heat an iron griddle or heavy pan, and coat with
oil. flatten dough balls and stretch out as far as
possible. Fold edges inward, continue until you have
a round shape IS cm (6 in) in diameter. This is
required to give the bread a layered texture. Fry the
rati individually until crisp and golden, adding more
ghee or oil as necessary.
Helpfiil hints: It takes great skill to swing out the
dough in circles to stretch it paper thin, as the "Roti
man" does with a theatrical flOUrish. Most home
cooks use the bottom of a very large cooking pan
and with oiled hands, slowly stretch and push the
dough out.
Contrasting flavours and textures bring excitement
to this combination of vegetables, prawns, sweet
sauce, herbs and crunchy prawn crackers. It makes
a delicious starter to any meal. (i
1 long-leaf 9r Romaine lettuce, torn in long
2 sinall carrots, cut in matchsticks
2 sinall white radishes, cut in matchsticks
2 sinall cucuInbers, halved lengthwise, seeded
and sliced
1 starfruit, halved lengthwise and sliced
3 tomatoes, cut in wedges
500 g (lIb) prawns, steatned and peeled
15 red chillies
6-8 cloves garlic
1 cup bottled Chinese plum sauce
1 cup sweet red sauce or 1 cup light palm
sugar syrup
cup lime juice
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon 8Csatne oil
%cup peanuts, fried, skins removed and coarsely
deep-fried prawn crackers
fresh coriander leaves
fried shallots
Put chillies and garlic in blender and grind, adding
a little of the plum sauce to keep blades turning.
When finely ground, add rest of dressing ingredients
except peanuts, blendjust to combine and set aside.
Add the peanuts only just before serving.
Prepare all remaining ingredients. Divide bet-
ween 6 plates, starting with the lettuce and finish-
ing with the prawns. Pour on the dressing and top
with garnish.
Helpful hints: Different brands of plum sauce and
sweet red Chinese sauce vary in their sugar content,
so take care to adjust the dressing to your taste. If
using palm sugar syrup, boil 200 g (71,12 oz) palm
sugar with 1liz cups water until dissolved.
Pineapple and Prawn Curry &. Hot Sour Fish Curry
Nanas Lernak
and Ikan
(right) shown here
with Dned
Recipe for Dried
Cucumber Acar is
Pineapples are a perfect partner to fish and prawns,
as this piquant curry proves. @(1)
%fresh just-ripe pineapple
2 cups water
4 tablespoons oil
200 g (7% oz) medium sized prawns, peeled
and deveined
1%cups thick coconut milk
salt to taste
Spice Paste:
6 red chillies
8 shallots
2 lemon grass
%teaspoon dried shrimp paste
teaspoon turmeric powder
2 cloves garlic
Peel the pineapple, remove the eyes and cut
lengthwise into quarters. Remove core, wash and
cut into small triangular pieces.
Blend spice paste ingredients with Yz cup water.
Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the blended ingre-
dients for 5 minutes. Add pineapple, stir fry for
another 5 minutes then add remaining I Yz cups
water. When pineapple is soft, add the prawns, co-
conut milk and salt. Stir well, lower heat and sim-
mer uncovered for 10 minutes.
Fragrant and spicy, this curry is enriched by a touch
of coconut milk @)
%cup oil
1 cm (%in) galangal, smashed
2 slices asam gelugor, or 1 heaped tablespoon
tamarind pulp, soaked in water for juice
cups water
6 thick fish fillets or cutlets
4 sprigs polgonum (daun kesum), chopped
salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
3 thick coconut milk
Spice Paste:
15 dried chillies, soaked in hot water
2 candlenuts
4 cloves garlic
10 shallots
%teaspoon turmeric powder
1 cup water
Chop and blend spice paste ingredients finely. Heat
oil in a saucepan then fry the galangal andblended
ingredients for 5 minutes. Add the asamgelugor or
tamarind pulp. Add l/Z cup of water and cook for
another 5 minutes. Add the rest of the water and
bring to boil. Add the fish, polygonum, salt and sugar
and coconut milk and simmer, uncovered, for
another 5 minutes.
Spicy Prawns in a
Sarong shown
here with Nasi
Bokhari. Recipe
[or Nasi Bokhari
is on page 70,
A "sarong" of fragrant screwpine or banana leaf
adds both a decorative touch and a subtle fragrance
to the prawns; it can, however, be omitted if not
available. @
500 g (1 Ib) large prawns, shelled and deveined
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon lime juice
%cup thick coconut milk
1 tablespoon palm sugar syrup
pandan leaves or 4 cm (1%in) wide strips of
banana leaf
Spice Paste:
8 shallots
5 cloves garlic
2 candlenuts
2 em (%in) galangal
6 red chillies
1 teaspooon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste
Season the prawns with salt, pepper and lime juice.
Chop and ~ l n the spice paste ingredients until
fine. Combine the blended ingredients, coconut
milk, palm sugar syrup and prawns. Marinate for
4-6 hours.
Wrap the centre ofeach prawn with a screwpine
leaf or strip ofbanana leaf and secure with a tooth-
pick. Barbecue over very hot charcoal or cook under
a grill for about 2-3 minutes on each side, taking
care not to overcook.
Helpful hints: Make palm sugar syrup by simmer-
ing 1/
tablespoon chopped palm sugar in 2 table-
spoons water until liquid is reduced by half.
Butter Prawns
(top left) and
Black Pepper
Crab (bottom
Arelatively recent Malaysian creation, this combines
traditionally Malay, Chinese, Indian and Western
ingredients. <I <I
600 g (l
Ib) large prawns
oil for deep frying
2-3 tablespoons butter
15 bird's-eye chillies, roughly chopped
10-15 sprigs curry leaves
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
teaspoon salt
2 tablespoonS sugar
teaspoon light soy sauce
%teaspoon Chinese wine
%grated coconut, dry fried until golden
Remove heads from the prawns but leave on
shells. Slit down the back to remove intestinal tract,
trim feelers and legs and dry prawns thoroughly.
Heat the oil and deep fry the prawns. Drain and
Melt the butter, add chillies, curry leaves, garlic
and salt and fry for 2 minutes. Add prawns, sugar,
soy sauce, wine and grated coconut. Cook over high
heat for 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve im-
Helpful hints: Do not use frozen prawns as the
texture after thawing is not suitable for this recipe.
This is a real Malaysian dish, starting with mud
crabs and Chinese seasonings, addtng Indian black
pepper and curry leaves, enriching the flavour with
butter and then tossing in Malay bird's-eye chillies
for a knock-out result. <I <I
3 fresh mud crabs (about 500 glllb each)
oil for deep frying
2 tablespoons butter
2 shallots, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, very finely chopped
1 tablespoon salted soya beans, mashed
2 tablespoons dried prawns, roasted and
2 tablespoons black pepper, ground coarsely
%cup curry leaves
10 red or green bird's-eye chillies, chopped
2 tablespoons black soy sauce
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
Clean the crabs and cut in half, discarding the
spongy "dead man's fingers". Smash the claws with
a cleaver to allow the seasonings in. Deep fry the
crabs until half cooked, drain and set aside.
Heat a wok, melt butter and put in shallots, gar-
lic, salted soya beans, dried prawns, black pepper,
curry leaves and chillies. Saute until fragrant then
add crab and the remaining ingredients. Cook for
5-10 minutes until the crab is done.
IndianPish Curry
shown here with
ghee rice (top left).
Many Indian fish curries include aubergines and
okra, vegetables which seem to have a particular
affinity with spices and fish. (:!)
%cup oil
l/Z teaspoon fenugreek seeds
3 pieces of cinnamon stick, each
4 cm (%in) long
5 cardamom pods, bruised
7 dried chillies, left wholed
9 shallots, sliced
4 large onions sliced
8 cloves garlic, sliced
2.5 cm (1 in) ginger, sliced
10 tablespoons fish curry powder
1 tablespoon chilli powder
1%teaspoons turmeric powder
150 g (5 oz) tamarind pulp
6 cups water
2 small aubergines, halved lengthwise then
cut in 3 and deep fried
7 small okra (ladies' fingers), stalks and tips
1 large tomato, cut into 6 wedges
2 sprigs curry leaves
oil for frying
6 fillets of fish (250 g/8 oz each), seasoned
with salt and turmeric powder
3 tablespoons sugar
3 teaspoons salt
Heat oil in a saucepan, and fry fenugreek, cinnamon
and cardamom for 2 minutes. Add dried chillies,
shallots, onions, garlic and ginger and fry for about
10 minutes until golden brown and fragrant. Add
the curry, chilli and turmeric powders and
continue to stir fry for about :3 minutes, until the oil
separates from the mixture.
Add 1 cup of the water to the tamarind, squeeze
and strain to obtain the juice. Stir into the saucepan
and add the remaining water. Bring to the boil and
add the deep-fried aubergines, okra, tomato and the
curry leaves. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10
Heat oil and quickly deep fry the fish until golden.
Drain then add to the curry and simmer for 5 min-
utes. Add sugar and salt and serve immediately.
Helpful hints: The curry sauce and vegetables can
be cooked in advance, and the fish fried and set
aside. Combine the two and simmer just before
Salted fish is popular in Malaysia, and not just as a
standby for times when fresh fish may be unavail-
able owing to monsoon storms. This Eurasian curry
uses good quality dried fish cut in 1 cm (1
in) thick
slices. ~
1 just-ripe pineapple
125 g (4 oz) salted fish, cut in large cubes
cup oil
cup water
1%cups thick coconut milk.
salt to taste
Spice Paste:
-6 shallots
3 red chillies
2.5 em (1 in) fresh turmeric
2.5 cm (1 in) galangal
2 lemon grass
%teaspoon dried shrimp paste
teaspoon salt
Peel the pineapple, clean and quarter, remove cores,
wash and cut into triangular pieces. Blend half the
pineapple with about %cup water to make a pulp
and keep aside.
Soak the fish in water for about 10 minutes, then
drain and dry well.
Chop spice paste ingredients then blend until
fine. Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the blended
spice paste and stir fry gently for 5 minutes. Add
pineapple cubes and stir fry until well coated with
spices. Put in salted fish, the pineapple pulp, water
and coconut milk. Reduce heat and simmer gently
for about 10-15 minutes until pineapple is tender.
Add salt to taste.
Helpful hints: Blending half the pineapple gives a
lovely sweet flavour to the curry gravy. You can
substitute prawns for the salted fish.
Borneo Fish ~ f t
and Sabah
Vegetable (right).
Spanking fresh fish marinated with lemonjuice and
spiced up with lashings of ginger, shallots and
chillies is a favourite among Sarawak's Melanau
people, who call their version Umai, and Sabah's
Kadazans. who call it Hinava. @j) @j)
500 g (lIb) very fresh white fish
(Spanish mackerel preferred)
%cup freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
2-3 red chillies
1 teaspoon salt
6-8 shallots, thiriIy sliced
5 cm (2 in) ginger, very fin:eIy shredded
2 sprigs fresh coriander leaves, roughly
;lsprigs Chinese celery, roughly chopped
Remove all skin and bones fromthe fish and cut it
in thin slices. Keep aside 2 tablespoons oflime juice
then soak the fish in the remainingjuice for at least
30 minutes, stirring once or twice, until the fish
turns white. Drain and discard lime juice.
While the fish is marinating, pound the chillies
with salt until fine. When fish is ready, mix it with
.the chillies, shallots, ginger, fresh herbs and reserved
lime juice. Taste and add more salt if desired. Serve
immediately as part of a rice-based meal.
Cekuk manis (Sauropus a/bieans), a shrub with edi-
ble leaves, grows wild throughout Southeast Asia.
Avegetable grower in Lahad Datu, Sabah, discover-
ed a method to make it grow quickly so that the
stems are edible, earning it the name Sabah vege-
table or even Sabah asparagus. Any leafY green
vegetable can be cooked in this way. @j)
250 g (% Ib) Sabah vegetable or leafy greens
%teaspoon dried shrimp paste
2 red chillies
2 shallots
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon oil
salt to taste
Pinch off any tough stems at the the end of the
Sabah vegetable and cut in 5 cm (2 in) lengths.
Alternatively, wash, dry and coarsely chop leafY
greens such as water convolvulus (kangkung) or
Pound or blend shrimp paste, chopped chillies,
sliced shallots and garlic until coarse. Heat oil in a
wok and fry the pounded mixture for 2-3 minutes,
then add vegetables and stir fry quickly until just
cooked. Add salt to taste and serve.
Despite the name, there's nothing Iberian about this
well known fish creation from Malacca's Portuguese
Settlement, which blends Malay spices and herbs
with Chinese soy sauce for a unique taste.
2' teaspoons chilli powder
%cup oil
5 fragrant lime leaves, very finely sliced
1 teaspoon sesame oil
%teaspoon soy sauce
teaspoon salt
teaspoon sugar
banana leaf
aluminium foil
1 whole fish, weighing about 750 g (1I;z lb) or
6 white fish fillets
Spice Paste:
3 onions
6 red chillies
1 scant teaspoon dried shrimp paste
1 em e/2 in) galangal
2 lemon grass
5 candlenuts
1 cup water
Chop spice paste ingredients then blend finely
with the water. Mix in the chilli powder and lime
leaves, then fry gently in the oil for about 5 min-
utes. Combine with the sesame oil, soy sauce,"salt
and sugar. Mix well and leave to cool.
Cut a large rectangle of banana leaf and brush
with oil. If using a whole fish, remove scales, gills
and stomach. Cut down the underneath side of the
fish from the tail to head and flatten fish with your
hand. Slash down either side of the backbone from
head to tail, to release the fish flesh from the bones
and allow the spice paste to penetrate. Rub the
cooked spice paste all over the fish, pushing it well
into the slits. if using fish fillets, coat generously on
either side with the paste.
Fold the fish in a package in banana leaf and
wrap again in foil to secure it. If using fillets, wrap
each individually and fasten with a toothpick.
Bake, grill or barbecue until cooked.
Helpful hints: The spice paste can be prepared
several hours in advance, and rubbed into the fish
just before cooking.
Spicy Barbecued Chicken
shown here with
Nasi Kerabu.
Recipe for Nasi
Kerabu is on
page 68.
It's not surprising that this beautifully seasoned
chicken, barbecued over a charcoal fire, is so popu-
lar, sold at roadside food stalls and markets all over
the northeastern state of Kelantan. <I <I <I
5 whole chicken legs
4 tablespoons cooking oil
1 slice asam gelugor or 2 teaspoons tamarind
4 lemon grass, bruised
1 cup water
1 cup thick coconut milk
1%tablespoons sugar
salt to taste
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon sugar
l/Z teaspoon salt
Spice Paste:
3 red chillies
6 cloves garlic
5 shallots
4 candlenuts
2 cm C% in) ginger
9 dried chillies, soaked in hot water
Mix the marinade, combine with the chicken and
set aside for 1 hour.
Chop the spice paste ingredients and blend
finely. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the spice paste,
tamarind and lemon grass for 5 minutes. Add water
and cook another 3 minutes. Put in coconut milk,
sugar and salt and simmer over a medium fire for
5 minutes.
Barbecue the chicken over a low charcoal fire or
under a grill, basting frequently with the gravy, until
the chicken is cooked.
Chicken Wings
(left) and Special
Fried Rice (right).
There must be hundreds ofversions of fried rice in
Malaysia. This one, from a Nonya kitchen, gets its
distinctive flavour from the tiny dried salted fish
used by Chinese cooks. Smaller than the usual
.. Malay ikan bilis, they are sometimes called silver fish
in English. ~ ~
4 cups cold cooked rice
%cup very small dried anchovies
%cup oil
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
150 g (5 oz) chicken breast, diced
150 g (5 oz) peeled prawns
3 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
%teaspoon sesame oil
150 g (5 oz) beansprouts
2 spring onions, finely sliced
Break up the rice with a fork and set aside. Heat
enough oil to fry the dried anchovies until crisp.
Drain and keep aside. Discard oil.
Heat %cup oil and gently fry the garlic for a few
seconds, then add chicken and prawns and stir fry
for 3-4 minutes. Raise heat and add egg, stirring
until set. Add rice and continue cooking over max-
imum heat, stirring constantly, until rice is heated
through. Add seasonings, beansprouts and spring
onions, stir well, add anchovies and stir again. Serve
Helpful hints: Rice left overnight is preferred for
any fried rice dish, as it is drier and firmer and will
result in a better texture.
Although often overlooked upon in the West,
chicken wings are highly regarded in Asia for their
slightly gelatinous texture. In Malaysia, you will
often find thembeingbarbecued, especially at road-
side stalls in the evenings, in a special rack that
holds a number of wings at a time. @
6 large chicken wings
l/Z teaspoon Chinese wine
%teaspoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 tablespoons black soy sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauqe
2 tablespoons honey .
salt and pepper,to taste
Combine" all the ingredients and marinate the
chicken wings for 6 hours. Cook over a barbecue pit
or under a grill, turning until cooked and golden
'Dry Mutton
Curry (top left)
and Chicken
Curry (bottom
Mutton is popular with both Indians and Malays,
who sometimes substitute it with goat. This is a
typical Southern Indian curry, with potatoes adding
a pleasant soothing flavour and a contrasting
texture. 0 (!)
500 g (lIb) boneless lamb or mutton leg,
5 cups water
4 tablespons chilli powder
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
4 potatoes, peeled and cubed
%cup oil
25 shallots, sliced
1 cm (% in) ginger, sliced
7 cloves garlic, sliced
2 sprigs curry leaves
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
, Bring the lamb, water, chilli and turmeric powder
to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes. Add potato-
es and continue to cook until they are tender and
liquid has reduced by half.
. Ina separate saucepan, heat oil and fry the shall-
ots, ginger and garlic until golden brown. Drain and
add to the lamb with the curry leaves and cook until
the sauce thickens. Add salt and sugar to taste.
The use of cinnamon and star anise gives a robust
flavour to this Indian chicken curry. ~ @
%cup ghee
10-15 dried chillies, soaked and ground to a
1 cup meat curry powder
5 cinnamon sticks, each about 5 cm (2 in) long
3 star anise
1 handful curry leaves
10 potatoes, peeled and quartered
1 chicken, cut into small pieces
2% cups coconut milk
salt to taste
1-2 teaspoons sugar
Spice Paste:
15 shallots
4 cloves garlic
2.5 cm (1 in) ginger
Blend the spice paste ingredients until fine. Melt the
ghee in a large pot, saute the blended items, then
add chilli paste and curry powder, mixed with a
little water to m ~ a paste. Continue frying until
fragrant, then add cinnamon, star anise, curryleaves
and potato. Put in chicken and saute until the
chicken is half cooked. Add coconut milk, season
with salt and sugar.
The large amount of chillies make the fiery name
entirely appropriate for this Eurasian curry, which
is similar to Indian Vindaloo with its blending of
spices and vinegar. The Malaysian touch is given
with fresh lemon grass, galangal and dried shrimp
cup oil
2 onions, quartered
5 cm (2 in) ginger, shredded
5 cloves garlic, sliced
2 red c1Iillies, halved lengthwise
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon light soy sauce
4 tablespons sugar
4 potatoes, peeled and quartered
%chicken, cut into serving pieces
%cup distilled white vinegar
3-4 cups water
Spice Paste:
30 shallots
30 dried chillies, soaked and de-seeded
3 cm (l%in) fresh turmeric
2.5 cm (1 in) galangal
2 lemon grass
1 teaspoon brown mustard seed, soaked in
water 5 minutes
Chop spice paste ingredients and blend with a
little ofthe oil until fine. Set aside.
Heat remaining oil and fry the onions, ginger,
garlic and chillies for 2 minutes. Drain off the oil and
set mixture aside.
Fry the blended ingredients with 4 tablespoons
oil for 10 minutes, adding the salt and soy sauce.
Add sugar, stir well, then put in the potatoes,
chicken, vinegar and water. Simmer uncovered
until chicken is cooked. Taste and adjust seasonings,
adding a little more vinegar for a sourer taste ifliked.
Add the reserved fried ingredients, stir well and
serve with rice.
Helpful hints: Cut the chillies into pieces before
soaking, and discard the seeds-which will fall to the
bottom of the bowl-to help reduce the heat.
Chicken Rice
Nasi Ayam
shown here with
(clockwise) chilli
sauce, ginger and
dark soya sauce.
Chicken served with rice, chilli sauce and cucum-
ber is one of the most popular coffee shop and
hawker dishes in Malaysia. The Chinese version
normally uses chicken simmered in stock, while this
Malay recipe uses roast chicken. @ @ @
Roast Chicken:
liz fresh chicken
3 cloves garlic
4 shallots
5 cm (2 in) ginger
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon black soy sauce
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon tomato sauce
1 tablespoon chilli sauce
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups rice, washed thoroughly
2.5 cm (1 in) ginger
3 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons butter
2 pandan leaves
pinch salt
3 tablespoons fried shallots
Chilli Sauce
5 red chillies
4 cloves garlic
2.5 cm (1 in) ginger
3 tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon sesame oil
salt and sugar to taste
1 cucumber, sliced
Prepare the chicken well in advance. Prick the
chicken with a fork to allow seasonings to penetrate.
Blend or pound garlic, shallots and ginger then mix
with all other ingredients and rub into chicken.
Marinate 4 hours or overnight if possible. Roast
chicken in a hot oven for about 20 minutes. Cut into
serving pieces and put on a platter garnished with
sliced cucumber.
Wash the rice, drain and put in a saucepan or
rice cooker. Pound the ginger and garlic together
and add to rice together with butter, pandan leaves,
salt and sufficient water to cook the rice. When the
rice is cooked, fluff up with a fork, put in a serving
bowl and decorate with fried shallots.
Blend all the chilli sauce ingredients together
until fine.
Serve the rice with the chicken, cucumber and
chilli sauce, with a bowl of clear chicken soup to
accompany it ifliked.
Chicken with Lime Leaf&. Vegetables in Coconut Milk
Purut (left) and
Stiyur Lemak
The chann of this Nonya curry comes from its
aromatic fresh herbs and seasonings. 0
%cup oil
%chicken, cut in serving pieces
%cup water
1 slice asam gelugor or lime juice to taste
1 cup thick coconut milk
4 fragrant lime leaves
salt to taste
Spice Paste.
2 medium red or brown onions
8 red chillies
3 cloves garlic
1 lemon grass
3 cm (1%in) galangal
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
Chop and blend the spice paste ingredients, adding
a little of the oil if necessary to keep the blades
turning. Heat oil and fry the blended ingredients for
about 5 minutes, until fragrant.
Add the chicken, asam gelugor and water and
simmer until the chicken is half cooked. Add the
coconut milk and lime leaves and simmer uncover-
ed until the chicken is tender. Add salt and, ifusing,
lime juice to taste.
A Nonya adaptation of Malay-style vegetables
simmered in seasoned coconut milk.
3 tablespoons oil
1%cups water
1%cups thick coconut milk
1 carrot, cut-in 4 cm (11/
in) matchsticks
1 small aubergine, cut in 4 cm (1%in)
3 long beans, cut in 4 cm (1
in) lengths
%cabbage, coarsely shredded
1 hard beancurd, deep fried and quartered
salt to taste
Spice paste:
2 red chillies
3 candlenuts
5 shallots
%teaspoon turmeric powder
%teaspoon dried shrimp paste
1 teaspoons dried prawns, soaked 5 minutes
in warm water
qlOP the spice paste ingredients and blend finely,
adding a little oil if necessary to keep the blades
turning. Heat the oil and fry the blended ingredi-
ents for 5 minutes, then add the water and coconut
milk and bring slowly to the boil.
Add the prepared vegetables, beancurd and salt
and simmer uncovered until the vegetables are just
Rich Coconut Beef
No festive occasion is complete without this rich
Malay dish where beef is cooked to melting tender-
ness in a fragrant, coconut gravy. Q) Q) Q)
%cup oil
3 em (1
in) cinnamon stick
2 cloves
4 star anise
2 cardamom pods
500 g (lIb) topside beef, cubed
I cup thick coconut milk
I slice asam gelugOY, or 2 teaspoons dried
tamarind pulp soaked in warm water for
2 fragrant lime leaves, very finely sliced
I turmeric leaf, very finely sliced
2 tablespoons keristk (see below)
I %teaspoons sugar
salt to taste
Spice Paste:
2 shallots
2 cm (% in) galangal
3 lemon grass
2 cloves garlic
2 cm (% in) ginger
10 dried chillies, soaked in hot water
Chop the spice paste ingredients then puree in a
blender until fine. Heat the oil, add the spice paste,
cinnamon, cloves, star anise and cardamom and fry
for 5 minutes.
Add the beef, coconut milk and asam gelugor or
tamarind juice. Simmer uncovered, stirring fre-
quently, until the meat is almost cooked. Add the
lime and turmeric leaves, kerisik, sugar and salt.
Lower the heat and simmer until the meat is really
tender and the gravy has dried up. Approximate
cooking time 1 to 1
Helpful hints: To prepare the kerisik, roast 300 g
(10 oz) grated fresh coconut in a slow oven until
brown. Alternatively, cook in a dry wok, stirring
constantly. Let the coconut cool, then grind finely
until the oil comes out.
Lashings of freshly ground black pepper combined
with other pungent Indian spices plus Chinese soy
and oyster sauce make this Eurasian dish a real
3 tablespoons oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
6 level freshly ground black
6 tablespoons black soy sauce
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 kg (2 lb) lamb ribs or cutlets
6 cardamom pods, bruised
6 cloves
10 cm (4 in) cinnamon stick
2 cups water
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 onions, sliced
1%cups frozen peas, defrosted
Heat oil in saucepan. Add garlic, pepper, soy and
oyster sauce and saute for 1 minute over medium
heat. Add the nbs, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon
and 1 cup of water. Cook uncovered over gentle
heat, stirring from time to time, until tender. If the
meat threatens to dry up, add more of the remain-
ing cup of water, a little at a time, taring cooking.
When the meat is tender, add su ar, salt, onions
and green peas. Stir to mix well a d serve imme-
Helpful hints: Be sure not to use high heat during
cooking or the spices will bumand make the flavour
" t:- .
Kerabu (left) aYul
Coconut Serunding
This salad from the northern states of Peninsular
Malaysia an excellent accompaniment to rich or
spicy dishes. Q;) @)
4 tablespoons fresWy grated coconut
500 g (1 lb) beansprouts
4 tablespoons oil
salt to taste
Spice Paste:
8 red chillies
6 shallots
Z tablespoons dried prawns, washed and
3 cloves garlic
Fry the coconut over low heat in a wok, stirring
constantly, until golden brown. Set aside to cool.
Blanch the beansprouts in boiling water for just
a few seconds, drain, plunge into cold water and
drain again then set aside.
Chop and puree the spice paste ingredients
finely. Heat oil in a pan and fry the blended
ingredients for 10 minutes, adding a little water if
the mixture becomes dry. Season and add the
roasted coconut. Fry until the mixture is dried.
Allow to cool.
Combine with the beansprouts and serve.
This is traditionally served with Nasi Kerabu. Q)
1 fresh coconut, grated
8 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon fennel powder
Z slices asam gelugor or 1teaspoon lime juice
salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
1 turmeric leaf, sliced
4 fragrant lime leaves, sliced
Spice Paste:
15 dried chillies, soaked in hot water
Z lemon grass
Z cm C%in) galangal
1 cm (I;z in) turmeric
3 shallots
3 cloves garlic
Chop and blend the spice paste ingredients. Roast
the grated coconut in the oven until light golden.
Heat the oil and fry spice paste together with the
fennel powder and asamgelugor slices for 5 minutes.
Add the salt, sugar, lime juice (if using) and roasted
coconut. Fry over lowheat until the coconut is crisp
and dry. Add the turmeric and fragrant lime leaves
and cook for another 3 minutes. Leave to cool
before serving.
Stir-fried Peas
~ f t and New
Year salad
A firm family favourite during the New Year's Eve
reunion dinner, when many other rich dishes are
1 large yam bean (bengkuang)
1 medium sized carrot
1 dried squid, about 10 cm (4 in) long
2 tablespoons oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
5 medium-sized prawns, peeled and diced
%cup chicken stock
white pepper
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
long leafedlettuce
hoisin sauce (optional)
Peel the yam bean and carrot and cut both into
matchstick pieces. Shred dried squid finely (or buy
it already shredded) and soak with boiling water to
cover for about IO minutes. Drain well.
Heat oil in a wok and stir fry the garlic for a few
seconds. Add the prawns and cook until they
change colour, then add the squid. Mix thoroughly
then add the yam bean and carrot and cook until
the yam bean starts to soften. Add chicken stock
and simmer, turning from time to time, until the
vegetables are soft. Add soy sauce, mix well and
serve at room temperature together with a plate of
lettuce leaves. Each dinner puts some of the vege-
table inside a leaf and rolls it up to eat, adding a
smear of hoisin sauce ifliked.
Tender sugar snap peas contrast beautifully in
colour and texture with the white garlic and pink
250 g (%lb) sugar snap peas
%teaspoon Chinese rice wine
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1%tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon oil
8 cloves garlic, skins left on and lightly bruised
%cup water or fresh chicken stock
1 heaped teaspoon cornflour, blended in a
little water .
100 g (3% oz) peeled prawns
%teaspoon salt
Blanch the peas in boiling water for no more than
5 seconds then drain thoroughly. Mix rice wine, soy
sauce and oyster sauce and set aside.
Heat oil until very hot and stir fry garlic for a few
seconds, then add the prawns and fry until they
change colour. Add the peas and mixed seasonings
and stir fry for about half a minute, then add water
and bring to the boil. Thicken with cornflour, add
salt and serve.
Snake Gourd
(left) cmd Spicy
Pumpkin (right).
Colours and textures contrast beautifully in this
southern Indian dish.
1 cup yellow lentils
%teaspoon turmeric powder
2 cups water
1 snake gourd
4 shallots, sliced
1 clove garlic, sliced
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon brown mustard seed
1 teaspoon salt
1 sprig curry leaves
2 red chillies, seeds removed, sliced
Wash lentils thoroughly, combine with turmeric and
water and simmer until soft.
While the lentils are cooking, prepare the gourd.
For a more decorative appearance, scrape the skin
deeply lengthwise with a fork and cut in halflength-
wise. Remove the pulpy centre and cut across in 0.5
cm (Yzin) slices. Alternative, peel the gourd, remove
the centre and cut in circles 0.5 cm (Yz in) thick.
Fry the shallots and garlic in oil until soft, then
add mustard seeds and cook until theybegin to pop.
Add cooked lentils, gourd and salt, and cook until
tender. Just before removing from heat, add curry
leaf and chilli. Toss and serve.
Helpful hints: If snake gourd is not available, sub-
stitute 500 g (lIb) oflongbeans, or slices of any type
of marrow or summer squash.
Gourds are very popular among Malaysians of
Southern Indian origin, especially sweet-tasting
pumpkin which goes well with spices.
750 g (1%Ib) pumpkin, peeled and cut in 2.5
cm (1 in) pieces
3 tablespoons oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 tablespoon brown mustard seed
2 sprigs curry leaves
1 tablespoon fish or chicken curry powder
2-3 teaspoons chilli powder
%teaspoon turmeric powder
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
sugar to taste
Prepare the pumpkin and set aside. Heat the oil and
fry the onion until golden, then add mustard seed
and curry leaves and fry until mustard seeds pop.
Add the spice powders and fry for 30 seconds, then
put in pumpkin and stir for a minute or two, until
well coated with spices. Slowly add the water, stir-
ring, then add salt and simmer uncovered until ten-
der and dry.
Banana Bud Salad
No Malaysian with bananas growing in the garden
would waste the bud of the banana flower, which
is also sold in local markets. It tastes surprisingly
similar to artichokes. This version of the popular
banana bud salad comes from the Portuguese
community in Malacca. 'I.
1 banana bud
100 g (3%oz) prawns, steamed and peeled
2 tablespoons oil
2 teaspoons finely pounded dried prawns
%cup thick coconut milk
% teaspoon salt
5 em (2 in) piece of cucumber, shredded in
6 small sour carambola (belimbing), very finely
sliced lengthwise
1 fresh red chilli, finely sliced
4 shallots, sliced
2 small limes, halved
Spice Paste:
3 fresh red chillies
2 cloves garlic
6 shallots
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste
Remove the outer red leaves ofthe banana bud and
simmer the heart in lightly salted water for 20
minutes. Drain, cool, then discard away any hard
portion of the boiled banana bud. Cut in half
lengthwise then cut crosswise in coarse slices. Set
aside with the cooked prawns.
Chop the spice paste ingredients and blend with
I;z cup water. Fry dried prawns gently in oil over
moderate heat for half a minute, then add the
blended ingredients and cook for about 2-3 minutes,
until fragrant. Add coconut milk and salt and leave
to cool.
To serve, put banana bud in the centre of a plate,
add cucumber, carambola, chilli and shallots. Top
with prawns and pour over the cooled sauce.
Helpftil hints: If banana bud is not available, sub-
stitute with 250 g (8 oz) cooked shredded chicken
Aubergine and Prawn Curry
This mild,fragrant dish from Malacca's Portuguese
Settlement is traditionally offered by the bride-
groom's family for all his relatives the night before
the wedding, when only fish and vegetable dishes
may be served. <D @
6 small thin aubergines, about 15-20 cm
(6-8 in) long
1 cup oil
1 tablespoon powdered fennel
2 teaspoons powdered cumin
3 teaspoons powdered black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
300 g (10 oz) prawns, peeled but tail left on
1 cup toasted grated coconut, blended until
slightly oily
1%cups thick coconut milk
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
4 cloves garlic, finely sliced and fried for
Spice Paste:
6 red chillies
18 shallots
3 cm (1%in) fresh turmeric
4 stalks lemon grass
6 candlenuts
1%teaspoons dried shrimp paste
1 cup water
Slice off! cm Wz in) of end of each aubergine, but
leave on stem. Cut a cross lengthwise to about
halfway down each aubergine and soak in water
while preparing other ingredients.
Chop the spice paste ingredients then blend with
water until fine. Mix in the powdered fennel,
cumin and pepper and set aside.
Drain and dry the aubergines. Heat enough oil
to deep fry the aubergines and cook for about 5 min-
utes. Drain and set aside. Tip out all but %cup of
oil and gently fry the spice mixture and salt for
about 5 minutes. Add the prawns and pounded
coconut and stir fry until the prawns change
colour. Add the coconut milk a little at a time, then
add vinegar. Simmer a minute or two then return
aubergine to the pan and simmer gently uncovered
for 5 minutes.
Helpftd hints: The aubergines and sauce can be
prepared in advance, then combined and cooked
for 5 minutes just before serving. If liked, extra
chillies can be added to the spice paste for a more
fiery taste.
Bananas in Coconut Milk &. Fried Bananas
Pengat Pisang
(left) and Pisang
Goreng (right).
Coconuts, fragrant palm sugar and easily available
fruits and tubers such as bananas, jackfruit, cempe-
dak, young coconut flesh, tapioca, sweet potato and
yam are combined to make various types of
Pengat. This version has a particularly pleasing,
velvety texture as a result of the sago. @l)
10 ripe finger bananas (pisang emas)
2 tablespoons pearl sago
1 litre (4 cups) water
4 pandan leaves
1 cup thick coconut milk
100 g (3
0Z) palm sugar, boiled with %cup
water to obtain syrup
a pinch of salt
Peel bananas and halve crosswise. Wash sago and
Bring the water to the boil with screwpine leaf,
then add the sago, stirring constantly. Simmer until
the sago balls tum transparent, then add the bana-
nas, thick coconut milk, palm sugar syrup and salt
according to taste.
Bring back to tht:: boil and immediately remove
from heat. Serve at room temperature.
A popular snack sold at food stalls all over the
country. Sweet potato or yam can be used instead
of bananas if preferred. @l)@l)
10 large finn bananas
200 g (7% oz) rice flour
%teaspon salt
1 eggwhite, beaten
%teaspoon slaked lime (kapor)
%cup water
oil for deep frying
Peel the bananas and halve lengthwise. Mix rice
flour, salt, egg, slaked lime and water. Stir until the
batter is smooth, adding more water if necessary to
get the consistency ofa thick cream. Sieve then fold
in the beaten egg white.
Heat oil in wok. Coat pieces ofbanana in batter
and fry, turning frequently until golden brown and
cooked. Adjust the heat so that banana does not
bum. Remove, drain on paper towel.
Helpful hints: The slaked lime is added to ensure
a crisp texture to the batter, but can be omitted if
not available.
sago Honeydew
(left) and Gula
Melaka (right).
Chinese desserts are not commonly served in the
home, although elaborate restaurant meals often
finish with a refreshing dessert such as this.
cup pearl sago
7 cups water
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup sugar
%cup water
%honeydew melon
Soak sago with 2 cups water for 30 minutes then
drain. Bring the remaining 5 cups water to the boil
and add sago. Cook until transparent. Drain in a
sieve and wash under cold running water. Leave
aside until cool.
Boil together sugar and 1/
cup water together to
make a syrup and allow to cool.
Peel the honeydew; cut in half and discard seeds.
Blend half the honeydew to make juice and cut
the other half into small cubes, or make small balls
with a melon baller. Mix the sago, coconut milk,
honeydewjuice, honeydew cubes and sugar syrup
to taste. Serve chilled.
Smooth sago with creamy coconut milk and golden-
brown palm sugar syrup make this one ofMalaysia's
best-loved desserts. The name literally means
"Malacca Sugar", although palm sugar (also known
as gula merah or "red sugar") is made throughout the
3 litres (12 cups) water
3 pandan leaves
300 g (10 oz) pearl sago
1 cup thick coconut milk
100 g (3% oz) palm sugar, boiled with
%cupwater to make syrup
Bring. the water to boil with the pandan leaves.
Meanwhile, wash the sago in a sieve,' soak in cold
water to cover for 3 minutes and drain. When water
is boiling, add the sago and simmer for about 15
minutes until it becomes transparent.
Pour the sago into a sieve and wash under cold
running water. Place sago into small moulds and
refrigerate until set.
To serve, unmolfld the sago in individual
serving dishes. Serve with coconut milk and palm
sugar syrup.
Shaved Ice with Red Beans
A delicious way to beat the heat, Ais (Ice) Kacang
is a mound of shaved ice piled onto a mixture of
jellies, red beans and sweet corn. Add a dollop of
brightly coloured syrup and a generous splash of
evaporated milk and it's a treat that not only the chil-
dren will enjoy. The following amounts are for each
individual serving. i) i)
1 heaped tablespoon red (azukr) beans, boiled
until soft
1 heaped tablespoon sweet corn kernels
1 heaped tablespoon finely diced jelly
1 heaped tablespoon cerulol (optional)
1 tablespoon chopped peanuts
1 teaspoon chopped preserved nutmeg fruit
large bowl of shaved ice
1 tablespoon palm. sugar syrup
1 tablespoon red cordial or coloured sugar
syrup cooked with a pandan leaf
2 tablespoons evaporated milk
Measure the beans, corn, jelly, cendol, peanuts and
nutmeg fruit into a bowl. Top with a cone of shaved
ice, then pour over the palm sugar syrup, cordial
and milk. Serve immediately.
Helpful hints: Ice must be very finely shaved for
this dish; try processing it in a food processor or
A Nonya version of the Malay stuffed pancake,
Kuih Dadar, is served with a coconut sauce as a
teatime treat or snack, rather than a dessert, in
Malaysia. f2l)
10 pandan leaves
1 cup water
150 g (5 oz) plain flour
1 egg
scant %cup fresh milk
%teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons melted butter
2 cups grated coconut
cups water
3 pandan leaves
%teaspoon salt
150 g (5 oz) palm sugar, chopped
Coconut Sauce:
%cup thick coconut milk
%cup water
3 pandan leaves
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cornflour
pinch of salt
Prepare the batter by blending the pandan leaves
with water and straining to obtain the juice. Sift the
flour into a bowl and add egg, milk, salt and pan-
dan juice. Stir until smooth, adding more water if
necessary to obtain a thin consistency. Set aside
while preparing the filling and sauce.
Combine all filling ingredients in a saucepan
and simmer over very lowheat, stirring occasional-.
ly, for about 45 minutes, until thick and dry. Set
aside to cool.
Combine all the coconut sauce ingredients in
a saucepan and stir continuously over lowheat until
the sauce thickens and clears. Sieve and serve warm
or at room temperature.
Cook the pancakes. Grease a non-stick pan with
a little butter and pour in enough batter to make a
pancake about 15-20 em (6-8 in) in diameter. Cook
gently on both sides and reserve. Repeat until all the
batter is used.
To serve, put 2-3 tablespoonsful of the filling
in the centre of a pancake. Tuck in the edges and
roll up cigar fashion. Serve the pancakes, preferably
still warm or at room temperature, with the coconut
The following is an alphabetical list-
ing ofingredients and recipes appear-
ing in this book. Recipe names are
capitalised. Indigenous ingredient
names are in italics.
agar agar 26, 34
Ais Kacang (Shaved Ice) 126
anchovies 34
Asam Laksa Penang (Sour Penang
Noodle Soup) 66
asam (tamarind) 39
asam geZugor 34
- Aubergine and Prawn Curry
(Muliu) 120
- Aubergine with Basil (Sambal
Terong) 74
Ayam Limau Purut (Chicken with
Lime Leaf) 106
Ayam Percik (Spicy Barbecued
Chicken) 96
bamboo shoots 34
- Banana Bud Salad 118
- Bananas in Coconut Milk 122
- Fried Bananas 122
beancurd 34
beansprouts 34
Beansprout Kerabu 112
Beef, Rich Coconut 108
belacan (shrimp paste) 12, 39
belimbing 26,34
bird's-eye chillies 35
black Chinese vinegar 34
black sauce, sweet 34
Bread, Flaky Fried 76
candlenut 35
cardamom 35
celery 35
- (Barbecued) Chicken Wings 98
- Barbecued Chicken, Spicy 96
- Chicken Rice 104
- Chicken with Lime Leaf 106
- Chicken satay 94
- Devil Chicken Curry 102
- (Indian) Chicken Curry 100
chilli 35, 44
- Chilli Ginger Sauce 44
- Chilli Peanuts with
Anchovies 44
- Chilli Pickle, Stuffed 45
chives 35
cinnamon 35
cloud ear fungus 35
cloves 35
- Bananas in Coconut Milk 122
- milk 24,35
- Noodles in Spicy Coconut-milk
gravy 64
- Rich Coconut Beef 108
- Coconut Serunding 112
coriander 26,36
- Black Pepper Crab 84
- Crab Claw Soup, Spicy 56
- Cucumber and Pineapple
Sambal 41
- Dried Cucumber Acar 42
cumin 26,36
- Chicken Curry, Devil 102
- Chicken Curry, Indian 100
- Fish Curry, Hot Sour 80
- Fish Curry, Indian 86
- Mutton Curry, Dry 100
- Pineapple and Prawn Curry 80
- salted Fish and Pineapple
Curry 88
curry leaf 36
Curry PUffs 48
daun kesum (polygonum) 36
daun pandan (screwpine leaf) 38
dim sum 18
fennel 36
fenugreek 36
- Borneo (Marinated) Fish 90
- Hot Sour Fish Curry 80
- Indian Fish Curry 86
- Portuguese Baked Fish 92
- Salted Fish and Pineapple
Curry 88
five-spice powder 36
galangal 12, 26, 36
garlic 36
ginger 36
- Chilli Ginger sauce 44
- ginger bud, wild 39
Gula Melaka 39, 124
Ice, Shaved (Ais Kacang) 126
Ikan Asam Pedas (Hot Sour Fish
Curry) 80
ikan bilis 12, 34, 36
kaffir lime leaf 37
kenduri 14
krupuk 37
Kuih Pie Tee (Top Hats) 50
Kway Teow, Fried 18,56
Laksa Lemak (Noodles in Spicy
Coconut-milk gravy) 64
Lamb Ribs with Black Pepper II 0
lemon grass 37
lily buds, dried 37
lime leaf, fragrant (kaffir) 37
- Chicken with Lime Leaf 106
Mango Chutney 42
Mango Kerabu 44
Mee Goreng (Indian Fried
Noodles) 62
Mee Siam (Spicy Noodles) 60
Muliu (Aubergine and Prawn
Curry) 120
mushrooms, dried black 37
mustard seed, brown 35
Mutton Curry, Dry 100
Mutton Soup, Indian 54
Nanas Lemak (Pineapple and
Prawn Curry) 80
Nasi Ayam (Chicken Rice) 104
Nasi Bokhari (Spicy Rice with
Chicken) 70
Nasi Goreng 12
Nasi Kemuli (Nonya Wedding
Rice) 74
Nasi Kerabu (RIce with Fresh
Herbs) 11,68
New Year Salad 114
Nonya Pancake 128
Nonya Prawn Salad 78
Nonya Wedding Rice 74
noodles 37
- Brown Noodles, Yen's 58
- Fried Rice-Flour Noodles 56
- Indian Fried Noodles 62
- Noodles in Spicy Coconut-milk
gravy 64
- Sour Penang Noodle Soup 66
- Spicy Noodles 60
nutmeg 37
oyster sauce 38
palm sugar (gula melaka) 38
Pancakes, Lacy 72
pandanleaf 11,26,38
Papaya,Pickled 42
Peas, Stir-fried 114
Pengat Pisang (Bananas in Coconut
Milk) 122
- Black Pepper Crab 84
- Lamb Ribs with Black
Pepper 110
Pineapple and Prawn Curry 80
Pisang Goreng (Fried Bananas) 122
polygonum 38
Popiah 35, 46
Portuguese Baked Fish 92
- Butter Prawns 84
- dried 38
- Nonya Prawn Salad 78
- Pineapple and Prawn Curry 80
- Prawn Sambal 72
- Spicy Prawns in a Sarong 82
Pumpkin, Spicy 116
Rasam (Spicy Crab Claw Soup) 19,
rempah 31,33
Rendang Daging 14, 108
rice 38
- Chicken Rice 104
- Nonya Wedding Rice 74
- Special Fried Rice 98
- Spicy Rice with Chicken 70
rice wine 38
rose essence 38
Roti Canai (Flaky Fried Indian
Bread) 76
Sago Honeydew 124
Sambal Belacan 41
Sambal Terong (Aubergine with
Basil) 74
Sambal Udang 72
Satay Ayam 94
Sayur Lemak (Vegetables in
Coconut Milk) 106
screwpine (pandan) leaf 38
Serunding, Coconut 112
sesame oil 38
shallots 38
- fried 45
shrimp paste 39
Snake Gourd 116
Sop Kambing (Indian Mutton
Soup) 54
- Indian Mutton Soup 54
- Sour Penang Noodle Soup 66
- Spicy Crab Claw Soup 56
- Superior Won Ton Soup 52
spring onion 39
tamarind 39
Top Hats 50
turmeric 39
- Aubergine with Basil 74
- Beansprout Kerabu 112
- New Year Salad 114
- Sabah Vegetable 90
- Snake Gourd 116
- Spicy Pumpkin 116
- Stir-fried Peas 114
- Vegetables in Coconut Milk 106
Won Ton Soup, Superior 52
yam bean 39
List of Recipes by Ethnic Origin
This is a comprehensive listing of
recipes appearing in this book,
organised according to ethnic origin.
Chinese dishes
(Barbecued) Chicken Wings 98
Fried Kway Teow (Fried Rice-Flour
Noodles) 56
New Year Salad 114
Sago Honeydew 124
Stir-fried Peas 114
Superior Won Ton Soup 52
Yen's Brown Noodles 58
Eurasian dishes
Banana Bud Salad 118
Devil Chicken Curry 102
Lamb Ribs with Black Pepper 110
Muliu (Aubergine and Prawn
Curry) 120
, Portuguese Baked Fish 92
Salted Fish and Pineapple Curry 88
Indian dishes
Curry Puffs 48
Dry Mutton Curry 100
(Indian) Chicken Curry 100
Indian Fish Curry 86
Indian Mee Goreng (Indian Fried
Noodles) 62
Nasi Bokhari (Spicy Rice with
Chicken) 70
Rasam (Spicy Crab Claw Soup) 56
Roti Canai (Flaky Fried Indian
Bread) 76
Snake Gourd 116
Spicy Pumpkin 116
Sop Kambing (Indian Mutton
Soup) 54
Malay dishes
Ais Kacang (Shaved Ice with Red
Beans) 126
Ayam Percik (Spicy Barbecued
Chicken) 96
Beansprout Kerabu 112
(Coconut) Serunding 112
Gula Melaka 124
Ikan Asam Pedas (Hot Sour Fish
Curry) 80
Nanas Lemak (Pineapple and
Prawn Curry) 80
Nasi Ayam (Chicken Rice) 104
Nasi Kerabu (Rice with Fresh
Herbs) 68
Pengat Pisang (Bananas in Coconut
Milk) 122
Pisang Goreng (Fried Bananas) 122
Rendang Daging (Rich Coconut
Beef) 108
Roti Jala (Lacy Pancakes) 72
Sambal Udang (Prawn Sambal) 72
Satay Ayam (Chicken Satay) 94
Nonya dishes
Asam Laksa Penang (Sour Penang
Noodle Soup) 66
Ayam Limau Purut (Chicken with
Lime Leaf) 106
Laksa Lemak (Noodles in Spicy
Coconut-milk gravy) 64
Mee Siam(Spicy Noodles) 60
Nasi Kemuli (Nonya Wedding
Rice) 74
Nonya Pancake 128
Nonya Prawn Salad 78
Popiah 35, 46
Sambal Terong (Aubergine with
Basil) 74
Sayur Lemak (Vegetables in
Coconut Milk) 106
Special Fried Rice 98
Spicy Prawns in a Sarong 82
Top Hats (Kuih Pie Tee) 50
Black Pepper Crab 84
Borneo (Marinated) Fish 90
Butter Prawns 84
Sabah Vegetable 90
Chilli Pickle &. Acar-page 40
Indian Mee Goreng-page 63
Nasi Kerabu-page 69
AUST. $18.95
The Food of Malaysia
e remarkable diversity of Malaysia and
its exciting cuisines are brought to life in
this unique collection of 68 lavishly
illustrated recipes. Much more than a cookbook,
The Food of Malaysia provides an in-depth look
at the ethnic origins and cross-cultural influences
that have produced exotic dishes like Salted
Fish and Pineapple Curry, Black Pepper Crab,
Mutton Soup, Aubergine with Basil, Raw Fish
Salad and Portuguese Baked Fish. Stunning
photos and detailed information on ingredients
and cooking techniques make The Food of
Malaysia an ideal introduction to the food and
culinary lore of the Crossroads of Asia.
WENDY HUTTON, author of the Introduction
and editor of the collection, is a writer and
editor with a particular interest in the
cuisines of Southeast Asia.
ISBN 0-670-90683-2
9 780670906833
Kemuli &. Sambal Terong-page 75
Nonya Prawn Salad-page 79

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