Extracting Data From Hyperion Essbase
Extracting Data From Hyperion Essbase
Extracting Data From Hyperion Essbase
Steps to extract data from hyperion essbase and load it into relational
There are three methods to be able to extract data from essbase; these are using either a Calc script (9.3
onwards), Report script of an MDX query. If your essbase db is BSO then you will be able to use all of the
methods, if it is ASO then you will only be able to use the report script or MDX query.
You first have to create a calc script using the DATAEXPORT function that will extract to a text file.
The DATAEXPORT function writes a dense dimension as the columns so you have to decide how you
want your data to look, as it will need to be matched against how you reverse the essbase database in
ODI. I am using the Sample. Basic db and have decided to use the Scenario as the dense dimension for
the columns.
It is important to use :- DataExportDimHeader On;
As ODI will consider the first 2 records to be header information, the extract file will also have to write
to location which will be accessible by ODI, this is not so bad if ODI is on the same server as essbase but
becomes more of an issue if they are separate, one of the reasons I am not so seen on this method.
Running the calc script produces the following output :-
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Now, you have to set up the connection to essbase in the topology manager
Data Server:-
Physical schema:-
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Logical Schema:-
New Project:-
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Import Knowledge Modules:-
Insert New model:-
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In the reverse section, select the context and the logical agent, the KM to use is RKM Hyperion
To be able to return the correct data columns the KM options have to be updated.
MULTIPLE_DATA_COLUMNS Set to Yes as our exported data has multiple columns.
DATA_COLUMN_DIMENSION Set to Scenario as this data dimension in the exported data file
DATA_COLUMN_MEMBERS Set to Actual, Budget as these are the members in the exported data
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Reversing the cube produces
You will notice the members Actual & Budget have been generated in the data DataStore.
Establish target connection.
Create data server:-
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Physical schema:-
Logical Schema:-
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Target Model:-
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Reverse engineer produces following output:-
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Within the flow area the LKM to use is LKM Hyperion Essbase DATA to SQL
The Options are important to get correct.
EXTRACTION_QUERY_TYPE :- Three possible types CalcScript, MDXQuery or ReportScript, you will need
to manually enter the type if you are not using the default ReportScript.
In this lesson set it to Calcscript.
EXTRACTION_QUERY_FILE :- This is the location of the file that will be run to extract the data from
essbase, so obviously three file types. For the CalcScript you can enter the fully qualified location of the
file or if it resides in the essbase app directory you can just type the name of it without the file type
In this lesson, set it to ESSTEST ( name of calculation script ESSTEST.csc)
EXT_COL_DELIMITER :- this is the columns delimiter that is being used, in my example the calc script is
creating a comma delimited file so I just enter ,
EXTRACT_DATA_FILE_IN_CALC_SCRIPT This only applies if you are using the query type of CalcScript, it
is the location of the file created by the calc script., this file must be accessible by ODI.
The other options are self-explanator.
The IKM I used was IKM SQL Incremental Update with the options
Insert - true
Update - false
Flow control - false
Delete All - true
Create target table - true
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See below screen shots for more info.
Run interface.
Open operator to see the execution status.
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View data in odi itself.
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