BluBond - Purchase With A Purpose
BluBond - Purchase With A Purpose
BluBond - Purchase With A Purpose
Nargis Mithaiwala
1 (!"# 1"$1"1"
Th* BluBond Mo+*)*nt Is In Full E,,*(t
San Fran(is(o- Cali,ornia- .ul/ 1- !011 $ BluBond2s *$(o))*r(* 3lat,or) has gon* li+*' A rarit/
o, its 4ind- BluBond2s &usin*ss )od*l is &uilt on &rands and (*l*&riti*s (oll*(ti+*l/ wor4ing
tog*th*r to rais* awar*n*ss ,or u3$and$(o)ing d*sign*rs and +arious (hariti*s worldwid*'
5ith a ,o(us on *6(lusi+*- li)it*d *dition ,ashion and li,*st/l* 3rodu(ts )ad* through *thi(al
and sustaina&l*- d*sign and )anu,a(turing 3ro(*ss*s- *a(h 3rodu(t has th* o33ortunit/ o, &*ing
3ro)ot*d &/ a s*l*(t*d (*l*&rit/' I, (hos*n- a 3ortion o, all th* 3ro,its will go to th* (harit/ o,
th* (*l*&rit/2s (hoosing' For th* r*st o, th* 3rodu(ts- a 3ortion o, th* 3ro,its will go to a (harit/
o, BluBond2s (hoosing'
BluBond2s trans3ar*n(/ with its &usin*ss 3ra(ti(*s- *s3*(iall/ r*garding its asso(iation with
(hariti*s- )a4*s it 3ossi&l* to d*tail th* *6a(t dollar a)ount that will &* donat*d to th*
(orr*s3onding (harit/ on th* 3rodu(t 3ag* o, all )*r(handis*'
At BluBond- wh*n a (onsu)*r )a4*s a 3ur(has*- th*/ ar* si)ultan*ousl/ h*l3ing out an u3$and$
(o)ing d*sign*r7&rand- and (ontri&uting to a BluBond +*ri,i*d- trustworth/ organi8ation in n**d
o, r*(ognition and ,inan(ial aid'
BluBond has 9ust laun(h*d with a rang* o, 3rodu(ts within th* ,ashion and li,*st/l* r*al)s' Th*
(urr*nt (*l*&rit/ and (harit/ ,*atur*d is :ill :ar3*r and his ,oundation- Mani,*st ;our D*stin/< a
non$3ro,it organi8ation ,o(us*d on h*l3ing at$ris4 t**ns &/ )*ntoring th*) to a &*tt*r li,*
through *du(ation and th*ir annual Su))*r E)3ow*r)*nt A(ad*)/'
To ,urth*r 4i(4$start BluBond and g*t th* (on+*rsation going a&out its 3hiloso3h/- BluBond will
&* gi+ing awa/ o+*r 1-000 li)it*d *dition shirts ,ro) th* BluBond La&*l2s So((*r = Fri*nds
Coll*(tion- to or3hanag*s and 5orld Cu3 *nthusiasts o+*r th* n*6t w**4' BluBond is not 9ust
a&out r*(*i+ing- &ut it is also a&out gi+ing< and through th*ir in$hous* la&*l- BluBond is a&l* to
donat* a high*r 3ortion o, sal*s- as w*ll as 3rodu(ts- at a )o)*nt2s noti(*'
Th* (urr*nt &rands ,*atur*d on BluBond ar*: E+l*o- Mila- Fr*n(h >i(4- T' Arrigoni- Flor
A)a8ona- ?uar$T@t*- Lu(iana- Lo+* Nail Tr**- M*lani* A33l*- Ao/ag* Et Ci*- Th* Bas*&all
Dr*ss &/ >ari and th* BluBond La&*l und*r th* BluBond &rand'
At this ti)*- BluBond is int*r+i*wing a nu)&*r o, *ligi&l* &rands that )**t th*ir standards and
r*Buir*)*nts to add to th*ir &rand 3ort,olio- and will s** an in(r*as* in 3rodu(t- (*l*&riti*s and
(hariti*s within th* n*6t C )onths'
For )or* in,or)ation on th* sit* and what is &*ing o,,*r*d- +isit th* sit* at BluBond'(o)'
Nargis Mithaiwala