Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) play an important role in Bangladesh's financial system by providing financing options that banks are unable to offer. NBFIs provide loans, invest in stocks and bonds, and engage in lease financing and other activities. Major NBFI products and services include lease financing, term lending, housing finance, and various investment options. NBFIs offer financing to numerous sectors such as textiles, power, transportation, and real estate. While banks dominate Bangladesh's financial system, NBFIs fill important gaps by providing long-term financing and innovative financial products.
Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) play an important role in Bangladesh's financial system by providing financing options that banks are unable to offer. NBFIs provide loans, invest in stocks and bonds, and engage in lease financing and other activities. Major NBFI products and services include lease financing, term lending, housing finance, and various investment options. NBFIs offer financing to numerous sectors such as textiles, power, transportation, and real estate. While banks dominate Bangladesh's financial system, NBFIs fill important gaps by providing long-term financing and innovative financial products.
Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) play an important role in Bangladesh's financial system by providing financing options that banks are unable to offer. NBFIs provide loans, invest in stocks and bonds, and engage in lease financing and other activities. Major NBFI products and services include lease financing, term lending, housing finance, and various investment options. NBFIs offer financing to numerous sectors such as textiles, power, transportation, and real estate. While banks dominate Bangladesh's financial system, NBFIs fill important gaps by providing long-term financing and innovative financial products.
Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) play an important role in Bangladesh's financial system by providing financing options that banks are unable to offer. NBFIs provide loans, invest in stocks and bonds, and engage in lease financing and other activities. Major NBFI products and services include lease financing, term lending, housing finance, and various investment options. NBFIs offer financing to numerous sectors such as textiles, power, transportation, and real estate. While banks dominate Bangladesh's financial system, NBFIs fill important gaps by providing long-term financing and innovative financial products.
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Islamic Finance and Investment Limited
Non Bank Financial Institution &
Lease Process Submitted by WWW.ASSIGNMENTPOINT.COM Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) play a significant role in meeting the diverse financial needs of various sectors of an economy and thus contribute to 1 the economic development of the country as well as to the deepening of the countrys financial system !s the development process proceeds" NBFIs become prominent alongside the banking sector Both can play significant roles in influencing and mobili#ing savings for investment $heir involvement in the process generally makes them competitors as they try to cater to the same needs %owever" they are also complementary to each other as each can develop its own niche" and thus may venture into an area where the other may not" which ultimately strengthens the financial mobility of both In relatively advanced economies there are different types of non-bank financial institutions namely insurance companies" finance companies" investment banks and those dealing with pension and mutual funds" though financial innovation is blurring the distinction between different institutions In some countries financial institutions have adopted both banking and non-banking financial service packages to meet the changing re&uirements of the customers In the Bangladesh conte't" NBFIs are those institutions that are licensed and controlled by the Financial Institutions !ct of ())* (FI! )*) NBFIs give loans and advances for industry" commerce" agriculture" housing and real estate" carry on underwriting or ac&uisition business or the investment and re-investment in shares" stocks" bonds" debentures or debenture stock or securities issued by the government or any local authority+ carry on the business of hire purchase transactions including leasing of machinery or e&uipment" and use their capital to invest in companies $he importance of NBFIs can be emphasi#ed from the structure of the financial system In the financial system of Bangladesh" commercial banks have emerged in a dominant role in mobili#ing funds and using these resources for investment ,ue to their structural limitations and rigidity of different regulations" banks could not e'pand their operations in all e'pected areas and were confined to a relatively limited sphere of financial services -oreover" their efforts to meet long term financing with 2 short term resources may result in asset-liability mismatch" which can create pressure on their financial base $hey also could not broaden their operational hori#on appreciably by offering new and innovative financial products $hese drawbacks led to the emergence of NBFIs in Bangladesh for supporting industriali#ation and economic growth of the country ( .b/ectives of the study0 .b/ectives are to highlight different features and product base of Islamic Finance and Investment Limited" the effects of banks entry into the non-bank financing area" identifying the challenges faced by NBFIs in Bangladesh 1 2ationale of choosing the topic0 Non-bank financial institutions usually lease out capital machinery to various economic sectors" allows home loans to individuals" etc .btaining loans from such NBFIs is easy and &uicker than banks $here is no hassle and less time consuming in obtaining such loans 3ecurity and loan documentation process are also easy !ll of above helped a lot in industriali#ation of Bangladesh as well as making the dream of individuals true having own property under home loans 3uch home loans in turn help growth of another economic sector !s such we have chosen this topic to highlight few issues 4 most strong positioning of NBFIs in Bangladesh * -ethods 0 a 3ource of data $he analyses have been conducted on the basis of the secondary data obtained from different sources like 2eview of Banking and Financial Institution .f Bangladesh" Bangladesh Bank !nnual 3 2eport" Bangladesh 5easing and Finance 6ompanies !ssociation (B5F6!) 7ear Book !nd Bangladesh Bank (1889)" :Financial 3ector 2eview; Bangladesh Bank<s NBFIs =uide 5ine !nd IFI5 company rules and frame work b Basic parameters $he basic >arameter of the Non Banking Financial Institution is annual growth rate" their types and sector of investments and target market against each type of investment or finance Financing process c !nalytical techni&ues ? tools ,irect observe vision and work with related activities and Focus =roup ,iscussion Basic institution(s) / issue / industry Initially" NBFIs were incorporated in Bangladesh under the 6ompanies !ct" ()(* and were regulated by the provision relating to Non-Banking Institutions as contained in 6hapter @ of the Bangladesh Bank .rder" ()A1 But this regulatory framework was not ade&uate and NBFIs had the scope of carrying out their 4 business in the line of banking 5ater" Bangladesh Bank promulgated an order titled <Non Banking Financial Institutions .rder" ()9) to promote better regulation and also to remove the ambiguity relating to the permissible areas of operation of NBFIs But the order did not cover the whole range of NBFI activities It also did not mention anything about the statutory li&uidity re&uirement to be maintained with the central bank $o remove the regulatory deficiency and also to define a wide range of activities to be covered by NBFIs" a new act titled <Financial Institution !ct" ())* was enacted in ())* (Barai et al ()))) Industrial >romotion and ,evelopment 6ompany (I>,6) was the first private sector NBFI in Bangladesh" which started its operation in ()9( 3ince then the number has been increasing and n ,ecember 188B it reached 1) ( .f these" one is government owned" (C are local (private) and the other (* are established under /oint venture with foreign participation $he ma/or business of most NBFIs in Bangladesh is leasing" though some are also diversifying into other lines of business like term lending" housing finance" merchant banking" e&uity financing" venture capital financing etc 5ease financing" term lending and housing finance constituted )D percent of the total financing activities of all NBFIs up to Eune 188B ! break-up of their financing activities reveals that the share of leasing and housing finance in the total investment portfolio of NBFIs has gradually decreased from C) and (C percent" respectively" in 1881 to DB and (D percent in Eune 188B $he share of term loans" on the other hand" has increased from 18 percent to *D percent during the same period implying increased focus on the former $he evolvement of NBFI business activity is observed in Figure ( It can also be seen from the figure that the portfolio mi' of NBFIs has become &uite stable from 188D 5 NBFIs offer services to various sectors such as te'tile" chemicals" services" pharmaceuticals" transport" food and beverage" leather products" construction and engineering etc $he percentage of the sector-wise distribution of NBFIs investment in 188C is given in Figure 1 !lthough an individual NBFI may have a different portfolio as per its business strategy" the aggregated data shows that NBFIs mainly focus on real estate 4 housing ((*F)" power 4 energy ((1F)" te'tile (((F) and transport sector ()F) 3ervice (finance and business) is another area of importance for NBFIs From the perspective of broad economic sectors" investment in the industrial sector (D1F) dominated that in the service sector (**F) in 188C NBFIs are also e'ploring other sectors namely <pharmaceuticals 4 chemicals" <iron" steel 4 engineering" <garments 4 accessories" <food 4 beverage and <agro industries 4 e&uipment $he weight of these sectors is 1* percent of the total portfolio 6 Figure 2: Sector-wise Distribution of Outstanding Investments of 2005 3ource0 B5F6! 7ear Book-188C Products and Services Offered by NBFIs Non-Bank Financial Institutions play a key role in fulfilling the gap of financial services that are not generally provided by the banking sector $he competition among NBFIs is increasing over the years" which is forcing them to diversify to a wider range of products and services and to provide innovative investment solutions NBFIs appear to offer fle'ible options and highly competitive products to help customers meet their operational and financial goals $he table below provides a summary of the product range offered by e'isting NBFIs of Bangladesh 7 Different Products and Services of !FIs "#$e of Activit# %e# Features "arget &ar'et (ease Financing Finance/Capital Lease Operational Lease Hire !rc"ase Levera#ed Leases rovide a lon#$term sol!tion t"at allo%s c!stomers to &ree !p %or'in# capital (n operational lease entails t"e client rentin# an asset over a time period t"at is s!)stantiall* less t"an t"e asset+s economic li&e, It o&&ers s"ort$term &le-i)ilit*. %"ic" ma* allo% t"e c!stomer to ta'e advanta#e o& o&&$)alance s"eet acco!ntin# treatment, ( "ire p!rc"ase is an alternative to a lendin# transaction &or t"e e/!ipment p!rc"ase, It is !s!all* emplo*ed &or retail or individ!al &inancin# o& smaller items. s!c" as cons!mer prod!cts, Ho%ever. "ire p!rc"ase option is also s!ita)le &or )!siness "o!ses dependin# on ta- practices, Leases #enerall* &or lar#e transactions involvin# t"ree parties0 a lessee. a lessor and a &!ndin# so!rce, 1"ese leases in&!se t"ird$part* non$reco!rse de)t !nder%ritten )* t"e c!stomer2s a)ilit* to raise capital in t"e p!)lic and private capital mar'ets &or a si#ni&icant portion o& t"e cost, Corporate. 345s . Individ!al )!siness enterprises, Corporate. 345s. individ!al )!siness enterprises, Clients t"at "ave an esta)lis"ed credit "istor* %it" t"e instit!tion can mana#e t"e do%n pa*ment and ass!me a sta'e in t"e leasin# a#reement, Securities Services 6ro'era#e 3ervices C76L 3ervices as &!ll service 7epositor* articipant 879 4ostl* corporate "o!ses : "#$e of Activit# %e# Features "arget &ar'et 3*nt"etic Leases 3ale/Lease)ac's 3*nt"etic lease str!ct!re is #enerall* provided &or propert* t"at retains val!e over an e-tended period o& time s!c" as aircra&t. railroad rollin# stoc'. man!&act!rin# e/!ipment and certain t*pes o& real estate, Ideal &or c!stomers loo'in# to #enerate li/!idit* &rom t"eir e-istin# e/!ipment and reinvest t"e proceeds )ac' into t"e )!siness, 4ostl* corporate "o!ses Corporate. 345s . individ!al )!siness enterprises )ome (oan and *ea+ ,state Financing Ho!se loan and real estate &inancin# is e-tended &or p!rc"ase o& apartment and "o!se. constr!ction o& residential "o!se. p!rc"ase o& c"am)er and o&&ice space &or pro&essionals. p!rc"ase o& o&&ice space and displa* center. p!rc"ase and constr!ction o& commercial )!ildin#. real estate developer &or constr!ction o& apartment pro;ect, 4ostl* mid to lon# term in nat!re, Individ!als. ro&essionals. < Corporate 6odies = S-ort "erm (oans Factorin# o& (cco!nts >eceiva)les ?or' Order Financin# Financin# a#ainst invoices raised )* t"e s!pplier a&ter ma'in# t"e deliver* s!ccess&!ll*, 4a;or Feat!res are >evolvin# 3"ort 1erm Facilit*. ermanent (ssi#nment o& a*ment. Financin# a#ainst invoices. ost$ deliver* Financin# Finance a#ainst t"e assi#nment o& )ill arisin# o!t o& %or' orders on a revolvin# )asis, 1"e compan* s"all ta'e assi#nment o& s!ita)le %or' orders and / or invoices and &inance t"e client a#ainst t"ose, 3mall and medi!m si@e companies "avin# re#!lar s!pplies to corporate )odies 4edi!m and lar#e clients %it" contin!o!s &lo% o& %or' orders &rom c!stomers .or$orate Finance 6rid#e Finance 3*ndication o& Lar#e Loans (dvisor* 3ervices 6rid#e Finance is a 'ind o& 3"ort 1erm Finance e-tended in anticipation o& immediate lon# term &inancin# s!c" as p!)lic iss!e. private placement. loan s*ndication. lease s*ndication. loan. lease < de)ent!re, 4a'in# availa)le a lar#e &inancin# &or a corporate client, (rran#e s*ndicated &inancin# in t"e mode o& loan. lease. e/!it*. %or'in# capital. or an* com)ination t"ereo&, artic!larl* !se&!l &or lar#e pro;ects re/!irin# lar#e scale investment and no sin#le &inancier %ants to ta'e t"e %"ole ris', 5-ample0 Areen&ield pro;ect, (dvisor* services are Compan* #oin# &or an IO or e-pectin# to avail a lon# term loan or ?or'in# Capital %it"in one *ear or so,, Financin# ne% lar#e pro;ectB Financin# 64>5 86alancin#. 4oderni@ation. >eplacement and 5-pansion9B >e&inancin# a lar#e pro;ect, (ll lar#e corporate "o!ses 1C 4er#er and (c/!isition 3ec!riti@ation compre"ensive &inancial. economic and strate#ic advice to companies &or #ro%t". pro&ita)ilit*. and s!staina)ilit*, 1"is incl!des providin# %ide ran#e o& services. s!c" as corporate co!nselin#. pro;ect co!nselin#. capital restr!ct!rin#. &inancial en#ineerin#. dia#nosin# &inancial pro)lems, Help &ind appropriate or#ani@ation &or )est possi)le s*ner#*. cond!ct val!ation o& companies and select s!ita)le mer#er and ac/!isition met"ods. ne#otiate and e-ec!te deal )ene&icial &or all t"e parties involved, 3ec!riti@ation is t"e iss!ance o& &inancial instr!ments )ac'ed )* assets and/or cas" &lo%s, 1"is is one o& t"e modern &inancial services. %"ic" solves speci&ic t*pe o& &inancial needs o& )!siness or#ani@ations, 4edi!m and lar#e corporate )odies (ll corporate )odies 11 "#$e of Activit# %e# Features "arget &ar'et &erc-ant !an'ing Iss!e 4ana#ement Dnder%ritin# ort&olio 4ana#ement Corporate (dvisin# 1"e Iss!e 4ana#ement #ro!p is capa)le o& devisin# innovative sol!tion &or raisin# capital E de)t e,#, placement o& )onds and de)ent!res. and raisin# e/!it* t"ro!#" private and p!)lic placement E &rom t"e mar'et s!itin# t"e !ni/!e needs and constraints o& t"e corporate clients, Dnder%ritin# re&ers to t"e #!arantee )* t"e !nder%riters t"at in t"e event o& !nder$s!)scription. t"e !nder%riter %ill ta'e !p t"e !nder$s!)scri)ed amo!nt on pro$ rata )asis !pon pa*ment o& price o& t"at option
4erc"ant )an's allo% small investors to open investor acco!nt %it" merc"ant )an's and provide s!pport &or t"e p!rc"ase and sales o& s"ares , Clients s"all "ave a)sol!te discretionar* po%er to ma'e investment decisions, 1"ro!#" corporate advisin#. t"e merc"ant )an' "elps t"e iss!er anal*@e its &inancin# needs and s!##est vario!s %a*s to raise needed &!nds, (ll corporate )odies (ll corporate )odies Individ!als. ro&essionals. < Corporate 6odies (ll corporate )odies Securities Services 6ro'era#e 3ervices C76L 3ervices as &!ll service 7epositor* articipant 879 rovide services &or 1rade 5-ec!tion 87"a'a and C"itta#on# 3toc' 5-c"an#es9. re $IO private placement. (sset allocation advice. Opport!nities &or tradin# in di&&erent &inancial instr!ments, (part &rom t"e )ro'era#e services. sec!rities services also provide t"e services li'e 6O 86ene&icial O%ner9 acco!nts openin# and maintenance. 7emateriali@ation. >e$materiali@ation. 1rans&ers and m!ltiple acco!nts movement. Lendin# and )orro%in# etc, (ll corporate )odies Individ!als. ro&essionals. < Corporate 6odies 12 Company Profile and Bac!round $he government of Bangladesh in ())( decided to allow private capital investment to take initiative concerning the formation of new and dynamic financial institution $his company is a public limited company within the meaning of clause of section 1(() of companies act" ())D in Bangladesh fully owned by Bangladeshi nationals 13 Islamic Finance and Investment 5imited (IFI5) was incorporated on February 1A" 188( as a >ublic 5imited 6ompany with the 2egistrar of Eoint 3tock 6ompanies (2E36) under the 6ompanies !ct ())D with the following 6apital 3tructure0- !uthori#ed 6apital 0 $k(88 .fficerre 3hare %olders G&uity 0 $k*B8CC .fficerre >aid Hp - $k1ADA9 .fficerre 3tatutory 2eserve - $k*A))C .fficerre 2etained Garnings - $kDAAAB .fficerre $he Bangladesh Bank (BB) issued license to IFI5 to operate as NBFI on !pril (1" 188( IFI5 started its commercial operation (Investment) on !pril ()" 188( with establishment of its registered at Noakhali $ower" CC" >urana >altan" ,haka- (888" Bangladesh by 1* Bangladeshi businessman In !ugust 188( IFI5 shifted its registered .ffice to the present address at 6hand -ansion" BB" ,ilkusha 6?!" ,haka-(888 From the very beginning of its operation" IFI5 is playing an important role in private sector leasing and real estate business !s a full fledged financial institution it receives deposits and e'tend Investments through better counseling and effective services to the client for the socio-economic development of the country $he company continued to be a ma/or financier to Industrial sector and has also supported sectors like 2eal Gstate" $rading and other sectors IFIL Investment Products" !s the market and client demand may dictate" IFI5s principal activities remain focused on the followings0 Lease Finance 14 5easing is the core business of the IFI5 $he IFI5 is carrying on business of lease financing transactions of capital goods" plants and e&uipment" etc for large to 3mall and -edium si#ed industries both corporate and retail in nature 3ome of the preferred terms and conditions are as follows0- 2unning pro/ects having business prospect and profitability for at least last 1 years Investment amount - !s per credit worthiness of the customer $enure - D9 to B8 months >rofit rate - (AF-()F depending upon the inherent risk of the pro/ect #eal $state Financin! (%ire Purc&ase S&iratul 'el(%PS') %>3- is the another core product of the IFI5IFI5 provides real estate financing under %>3- to its customers which includes %ouse building construction" finishing and renovation" Flat purchase" Factory construction" 6ommercial space and shops purchase 3ome of the preferred terms and conditions are as follows0- >ro/ects at development stage+ for Flats and 3hops" we prefer ready flat?shop financing Investment amount - !s per credit worthiness of the customer $enure - -a'imum B8 months >rofit rate - (AF-()F depending upon the cash flow of the customer Bai 'ua))al Financin! (B*I')" IFI5 provides Bai -ua//al Financing ($rade Finance) by way of purchasing products for its clients for the ultimate sale by the client to their customers In nature it is $rading finance which buying of cloths" 2aw -aterials" >apers" 15 =eneral items for shops etc 3ome of the preferred terms and conditions are as follows0- Business having good prospects and cash flow as well as profitability Investment amount - !s per credit worthiness of the customer $enure - -a'imum *B months >rofit rate - (AF-()F depending upon the cash flow of the customer S'$ Finance" IFI5 e'tends 3mall and -edium Gnterprise (3-G) Financing to cater their business needs 3-G is an investment scheme for the purpose of raw materials?goods?commodities and?or fi'ed asset purchase to the small and medium si#ed trading" manufacturing" service" agriculture" non-farm activities" agro based industries etc 3ome of the preferred terms and conditions are as follows0- Business having good prospects and cash flow as well as profitability Investment amount - !s per credit worthiness of the customer $enure - -a'imum D9 months >rofit rate - (9F-()F depending upon the cash flow of the customer Pro)ect Finance" $he 6ompany provides" or arrange financing" for specific pro/ects of any si#e It assist its clients" also" in the planning and implementation of such pro/ects IFIL +eposit Products" IFI5 being a licensed Financial Institution operating under Bangladesh Bank is also authori#ed to take deposits from =eneral >ublic" 6orporate bodies" =overnments and 3emi-=overnments institutions $he Board of ,irectors in its 16 9Dth meeting approved actual profit rate of (8()F for ( weightage.n the basis of this actual rate provisional rates of profit on different dispost products are determined to be as follows0 Product Name" ,-'.+ (-udaraba $erm ,eposit)!t maturity /-'.+ (-udaraba $erm ,eposit) -onthly Basic rules for -$, -udaraba $erm ,eposits can be opened by che&ue" pay order or bank draft from individuals (single and /oint)" firms (propietorship?partnership)" limited companies" autonomous bodies" charitable institutions" association" educational institution" local bodies" trusts" etc $he account holder is not allowed to withdraw the amount before maturity date But on obtaining the IFI5Is prior consent the depositor(s) may withdraw the deposit before maturity without any profit ie no profit no loss basis If the profit amount is not withdrawn it will automatically be added to the principal amount annually and the entire amount will earn profit?loss -atured deposit if not encashed within one month of maturity" the deposit shall automatically be renewed for the period one year ,epositors can avail Juard up to A8F of their deposit amount for -$,(!t maturity) ( year"1 years"* years 4 above $he IFI5 retains the right of refusing to accept any deposit from any person in -$, account without assigning any reason $he IFI5 reserves the right to add or alter any or all the rules 17 Sc&emes" ,-'udaraba Pension +eposit Sc&eme
2-'udaraba %i!&er $ducation 3 'arria!e +eposit Sc&eme Ot&er attractive sc&emes" 'udaraba Special +eposit Sc&eme 'udaraba 'arria!e Savin! Sc&eme 'udaraba 'o&or +eposit Sc&eme 'udaraba $ducation Savin! Sc&eme Basic rules for Sc&emes" !ny desirous person may open the !?6" deposited on monthly basis -onthly installments have to be deposited by (Cth of each month !ny depositor may open one or more account in the same name in the same branch $!K" @!$" G'cise ,uty as applicable by =overnment will have to be borne by the depositor IFI5 has the authority to change?amend the rules and regulations regarding the scheme as and when re&uired and the depositor must abide by the rules 1: In case of ,eath of the depositor the amount payable will be paid to the nominee If there is no nominee by submitting 3uccession certificate the amount will be paid to legal successor of the depositor A$$rova+ Process of (ease /)PS&/!AI&/S&, Basic *ppraisal of lease/%PS'/BI*'/S'$ 1= Business or pro/ect appraisal is a techni&ue of evaluating and analy#ing Business from various aspects" primarily the risks associated with that business enterprise !t the time of appraisal of any manufacturing" trading or service related organi#ation" factory or industry+ one has to perform a feasibility study on the different aspects $hese are0 a -anagement and >ersonal !spects b $echnical !spects c -arketing !spects d Financial !spects e 3ocial Gconomic !spects f 3ecurity !spect a- 'ana!ement and personal aspects" ,uring the appraisal prosecute the .fficer should endeavor to obtain details about the prospective borrowers" some of which are0 i Business related information ii 6redit %istory iii 5i&uidity Information iv -anagement Background In considering the above" one should look at the business is managed $he .fficer should also consider clients previous credit history like facilitates sought and availed" loan repayment an overdue record" if any .ne should also check the client bank account and amount of balance maintained -anagements &ualification" e'perience" successor and maintenance of records should provided insight in to the business b- .ec&nical *spects" From a business perspective" this aspects deals with design of the system in place" the operation of the business" the different type of physical resources used" the technology used" the capacity to handle business and all other inputs (labor" raw materials" utilities etc) 2C !mong the technical factors to be investigated during an appraisal are0 $he si#e of pro/ect $he process" materials" e&uipment" and reliability of technical systems to be used 5ocation of pro/ects 3ustainability of the plans" layout and design used $otal &uantity of the goods ?3ervice produced?$raded monthly Gnvironment of the business and its surrounding areas !vailability to various factors of production" both physical and human 2aw materials availability" price level and its variation to be considered c- 'aretin! *spects" ! Investment .fficer should consider the following factors of a business before making any loan commitment with a customer0 $otal demand and supply of the products in the market that the business operates in growth of sales and ma/or marketing threats that the business may face d- Financial *spects" $his aspects allows us to check the financial health of a business" $hrough an analysis of the profit and loss account" balance sheet" cash flows" ratios and re&uirement of working capital If the collection of the financial data can be done properly" then it may be able to make a somewhat realistic picture of the business financial position %ow ever" all the data collected must be .fficerss-checked as much as possible with the physical features of business $he following things are to be considered and determined at the time of verifying the financial feasibility of the business0 6urrent years profit?5oss of the business and probable profitability of business after taking the loan 21 ,etermination of assets" liabilities and net worth of the manufacturing? trading ? service institution before and after taking loan >resent net cash flow of the business after disbursement of loan should be determined" $o know the cash position of the institution $o know the source of income" production and other e'penditure of the business probable financial risks of the business e- Socio $conomic *spects" %ere the analyst like to observe the contribution of the business to the countrys =,>" the employment generated" the sort of adverse impact of the business on the environment" if an other benefit to the country f- Security *spects" !long with observation of different aspects and views of the pro/ects" the .fficer should also see closely the aspects of the pro/ects and ensure about the reliability to the mortgaged property?assets Gnsure proper survey or verification of the security offered Gnsure attachment of survey report Or!ani4ational layout of IFIL S'$ loan ( !ccount ,ivision 1 Investment ,ivision * I$ ,ivision
#eason of S'$ pro!ram from t&e vie0 point of IFIL $he main focus of IFIL is to develop human and economic position of a country Its function is not limited only to providing and recovering of loan But also try to 22 develop economy of a country 3o reason for this program from the viewpoint of IFIL are0 a Support Small $nterprise" $he small enterprise which re&uires 1 to *8 lacks taka loan" but these has no easy access to the banks?financial institutions For e'ample0 In the of * to 9 lacs amount of loans is provided without any kind of mortgage b $conomic +evelopment" Gconomic development of a country largely depends on the small and medium seal enterprises 3uch as" if we analy#e the development history of Eapan" the development of small 4 medium scale enterprises e'pedite the development of that country c $mployment 5eneration" $he bank gearing employment opportunities by two ways0 Firstly" by providing loan to the small enterprises e'panding" these business re&uires more workers 3econdly" 3mall 4 -edium Gnterprise (3-G) program re&uires educated and energetic people to provide savories to entrepreneurs d Profit 'arin!" 3-G program is a new dimensional banking system in the banking world -ost of the .fficers are providing door to door services to the entrepreneurs $he entrepreneurs are satisfied by the service of this bank and the bank also makes more profit e $ncoura!e 'anufacturin!" ! focus of IFI5 is to encourage manufacturing by the entrepreneurs who are producing by purchasing various types of materials .fficers try to educate them to produce material if possible because if they can produce in line of purchase profits will be high 23 f Spread t&e e6perience" !nother reason of IFI5 is to spread the knowledge of regarding various businesses $he customer services officer get knowledge from various businesses is and try to help the entrepreneurs who have shortage of the gathered knowledge by .fficers $he .fficers who are the driving force of Investment division of IFI5 also gather knowledge about various businesses and make stronger knowledge base Security and +ocumentation *!ainst Lease/BI*'/SPS'/ S'$ ! document is a written statement of facts and a proof or evidence of particular transaction between parties involved Lhile allowing any disbursements against credit facilities to borrowers" it should be ensured that prior to any disbursements+ security documentation is fully and properly completed Purpose of +ecorate +ocumentation and its Importance ,ocumentation is necessary for the acknowledgement of a debt and its terms and conditions by the borrower and the creation of charge on the securities in favor of the IFI5 by the borrower 6orrect and proper documentation allows a bank to take legal measures against the borrowers in the of non-payment of the debt If filing a suit with the courts against a default borrower becomes necessary" the court will first review all documents If any of the documents is found to be defect or incomplete" the very purpose of security documentation will be defeated and a court ruling in favor the bank can not e'pected >roper care should" therefore" be taken while completing security documentation .ype of Securities $he following listed securities may be obtained from borrower against loan to enterprises" either individually or in a combination It is really up to the bank what 24 they would like to accept as security from the borrower as not all the securities stated below are suitable0 -ortgage of loan and other immovable property with power of attorney to sell 5ien of Fi'ed ,eposits receipts with banks and other non-banking financial institutions" lined" these have to confirmed by the issuer ( Now these are rarely accepted) 5ien of >ratirakshay sanchay patra" Bangladesh sanchay patra" I6B unit certificates and wage earner development bond" all considered Juasi or Near cash items !ll these instruments" one liend" have to be confirm by the 5ien of shares &uoted in the stock e'change ( $his is rarely accepted) >ledge of goods (Banks are akin to stay away from such securities now a days) %ypothecation of =oods" Book ,ebt 4 2eceivables" >lant 4 -achineries 6harge on fi'ed assets of a manufacturing enterprise 5ien of che&ue" ,rafts and order 5ien of work orders" payment to be routed through the bank and confirmed by the issuer 3hipping documents of imported goods Land related securities documentation process Gach 3-G unit office will lilies with at least two local lawyers who will work on behalf of the bank $hese always will be employed whenever a loan sanction is accepted by a borrower and where the security will be landed and immovable property !ny one of the lawyers will be provided with photocopies of all the relevant land related documents and while handing over show the original documents to them" 25 $he lawyers will carry out checks of the originals and if satisfied returned to the borrower $he documents generally provided are0 $itle ,eeds or ,eed of conveyance otherwise known as <Eomeer ,alil which signifies ownership of a particular land Baya ,alil or 6hain of ,ocuments which signifies that the conveyance of titles has been proper and legal -utation 6ertificate if Mhatian which signifies that the title if the land has been duly registered in the =overnment?3ub-registerars records ,uplicate 6arbon 2eceipt or ,62 5atest Mha/na or land rent receipt >urchase such as 63 Mhatian" 3! Mhatian and B3 Mhatian -ou/a -ap -unicipal rent receipts if the land falls within a municipal area $he lawyer will then carry out a search at the 3ub-registrar of lands office to check if the proffered land is actually registered in the name of the proposed mortgagor and whether the said land is free from any encumbrances $he 3ub- registers office" which means that the land or immovable property can be mortgaged to the bank" then the lower" will provide his own opinion on the acceptability of the property" whether it is legally held and e'plain the chain of ownership If all is acceptable" the lawyer will draw up the -ortgage ,eed that will be registered" the irrevocable power if attorney to sell the land and the -emorandum of ,eposit of $itle ,eed $he lawyer will have the borrower or the -ortgagor" if different or * rd party" sign the documents in front of the 3ub-registrar of land to register the mortgage" $he .fficer must ensure that the receipt for the original -ortgage deed must be signed off (,ischarged) at the back of the receipt so that the bank may obtain the originals in the future $he borrower will bear all the charges and will pay directly at the 3ub-2egistrars office including the cost of the stamp paper re&uired 26 $he cost of the lawyer will also be reali#ed from the borrower be an account payee che&ue in favor of the lawyer and handed over to the lawyer straight away $he charges related to the creation of mortgagee and other associated costs are incorporated in a separated sheet and are attached herewith $he .fficer will have all other security documents" as sent by 3-G %." signed by the borrower and hand carry all the security documents including all the original land documents and deliver those to the credit administration officer who will check the list of documents and receive those through a check list in writing $he credit administration officer once satisfied will prepare the disbursement memo to disburse the loan .&ere are t0o type of mort!a!ee7s t&at are popular and usually accepted in Ban!lades& : i) $8uitable 'ort!a!e or 'emorandum of +eposit of .itle +eeds It is created by a simple deposit of title deeds supported by a -emorandum of ,eposit of $itle ,eeds along with all the relevant land documents !ll the searches and verification of documents as stated above must be carried out to validate the correct ownership of the property $his deed also provides the bank power to register the property in favor of the bank for further security" if needed ii) #e!istered 'ort!a!e It is created by an e'ecution of a -ortgage ,eed registered irrevocably in favor of the bank at the 3ub-2egistrar of lands office $his virtually gives the bank the right to posses and self if accompanied with a registered irrevocable power of attorney to sell the property e'ecuted by the owner of the property" in case of default Basic C&ar!e +ocuments Sanction Letter 27 .nce a loan is approved" the borrower is advised by a <3anction or offer letter which states the terms and condition s under which all credit facilities are offered and which forms an integral part of there security documentation If the borrower accepts" then a contract between the IFI5 and the borrower is formed and which both party are obligated to perform !ccordingly" all other charge documents and securities are drawn up and obtained ! standard sanction letter is attached herewith !ll documents shall be stamped correctly and ade&uately before or at the time of e'ecution !n un-stamped or insufficiently stamped document will not form basis of suit 3tamps are of D (Four) kinds $hese are Eudicial" Non /udicial" !dhesive and Gmbossed impressed ,ocuments to be e'ecuted (3igned) by the borrowers concerned must be competent to do so in official capacity Following precautions should be taken at the time of e'ecution of the security documents0 $he signature on the documents should be made in the presence of the .fficer $he .fficer should sign as witness on all charge documents $he document are to be filled in with permanent ink or typed If the document consist more than I page" the borrower should sign on each page If the signature of any third party is re&uired to be obtained whose specimen signature is not available" then the main applicant should verity the specimen signature of the third party No document or column in any document should remain blank !s far as possible there should be no erasure" cancellation or alternation in the document If" however" there is any correction" overwriting or alteration" then that must be authenticated by a full signature of the signatory !fter stamping and e'ecution of documents" the &uestion of registration comes up %owever" not all documents are re&uired to be registered 2: For the e'tension of any type of credit?loan facility" the following loan documents" which are considered basic" should be obtained from all borrowers0 ,emand >romissory Note 5etter of 6ontinuity ( $his is not always taken if there is only loan disbursement) 5etter of !rrangement =eneral 5ease? %>3-?B!I- ?3-G 5oan !greement 5etter of ,isbursement =eneral 5oan !greement 5etter of ,isbursement+ Basically a letter re&uesting disbursement of the loan 5etter of Installment" in case the facility is to be repaid in installment Ot&er Basic C&ar!e +ocuments i) +emand Promissory Note (+P Note) It is a written promise by a borrower to pay the whole amount of e'isting or future loans?credit facilities on demand It also gives the banks power to ask the borrower to repay the loan amount with interest without any prior notice 3ection D of the Negotiable Instrument !ct (99( defines a promissory note as an instrument in writing" signed by the maker" to pay a certain sum of money only to" or the order of" a certain person" or to the bearer of the instrument" following precautions are to be taken while preparing a promissory note $ype the amount of the credit facility?loan in words and in figures $ype the rate of interest for the loan which the borrower will sub/ect to verify the signature of the borrower ii) Letter of Continuity 2= $his instrument is used in con/unction with the demand promissory note $his is to secure rights of recovery for e'isting and future credit facility" which are advanced in parts or on a recovery basis 5oan accounts may from time to time be reduced or even the balance in the said loan account may be in credit so this instrument" validates the said ,> Note" for making further drawings under the facility continuously possible iii) Letter of *rran!ement $his is a right given by the borrower to the bank to cancel the facility at any time without having to assign any reason $his is also an acknowledgement by the borrower that the credit facility has been approved in his favor and the borrower has to e'ecute all necessary documents to avail credit facility I9) 5eneral Lease *!reement ! loan agreement is an agreement of contract stating the general terms for the e'tension of a loan or credit facilities $he =eneral loan agreement sets out the general standard terms and conditions governing the e'isting or future e'tension of loan or erudite facilities to the borrower v) Letter of +isbursement $his is simple a letter re&uesting disbursement of the loan?credit facilities at the agreed rate of interest Ot&er Security +ocuments i) Letter of :ndertain! $his is a ,eed of agreement e'ecuted by the borrower agreeing to commit to carry out any or a particular obligation to avail of loan?credit facility ii) Letter of %ypot&ecation of 5oods 3 Stocs and Boo +ebt and #eceivable" 3C $hese letters %ypothecation are actually two different sets of documents but because of their similarity" these are being e'plained together $hese documents create an e&uitable or floating charge in favor of the bank over the goods and services and? or book debts and receivables that are being financed where neither the ownership nor the possession is passed to the bank Hnder this agreement" the borrower undertakes to keep the percent stock of goods and that which may increase from time to time in future in good condition $his hypothecation gives the bank the power to possesses and sell the mentioned goods and stocks or claims the book debts directly from the debars in order to settle the borrowers dues to the bank iii) Letter of %ypot&ecation of Plant 3 'ac&inery Hnder this agreement" the Borrower undertakes to keep the present plant and machinery at the present location in good condition and which gives the bank the power to posses and sell the mentioned plant and machinery to meet the borrowers dues to the bank In case of limited company" both private and public" these 5etters of %ypothecation with schedules are usually registered with the 2egistrar of Eoint 3tock of 6ompanies (2E36) which provide more security to the banks lv)Letter of Lien ! lien the right of one person to retain property in his hands belonging to another until certain legal demands against the owner of the property by the person in possession are satisfied $hus a bank or a creditor who has in its possession a lien over the goods in respect of the money due by the borrower" as a general rule has the right to e'ercise certain powers to hold on to the security In addition" if the bank has right to set off the value of the said goods or instrument in its possession" then the bank can sell the goods or encase the instrument to li&uidate the dues by the borrower 31 v) #i!&t of Set Off $his deed of agreement gives the bank the right to offset the value of the goods or financial instrument in its possession and which has been discharged by the owner of that asset" against dues owned by the borrower vi) Letter of +isbursement $his agreement gives the bank the right to possess goods and other assets in a rented or leased premises of the borrower despite the fact that owner or the premises may be unable to reali#e dues from the borrower himself vii) Personal 5uarantees $his is a guarantee of a person or third who is not the direct beneficiary of the loan?credit facility" but is e&ually liable for the loan $he involvement of a * rd party creates additional pressure on the borrower to minimi#e the risk $he guarantor is the has to pay the entire outstanding loan and interest if the borrower fails to pay for any reason Selection of Potential $nterprise for S'$ $nterprise Selection Criteria $he success of 3-G will largely depend on the selection of a business and man behind it In terms of the business (Gnterprise)" the following attributes should be sought0 ( $he business must be in operation for at least one year 1 $he business should be environment friendly" no narcotics or tobacco business * $he business should be legally registered" ie" valid trade license" income ta' or @!$ registration" wherever applicable 32 D $he business should be in legal trade" ie+ smuggling will not be allowed or socially unacceptable business will not be entertained C $he business must have a defined market with a clear potential growth B $he business must be located ideally close to the market and the source of its raw materials?suppliers It should have access to all the utilities" skilled manpowers that are re&uired A !ny risk assessed by the management in turn will become a credit risk for the bank 3o effort should make to understand the risk faced by the business $ntrepreneur Selection Criteria In order to understand the capability of the management behind the business" the following should be assessed0 ( $he entrepreneur should be physically able and in good health" preferably between the age of 1C-C8 If he?she is an elderly person closer to C8" it should be seen what the succession process will be and whether it is clearly defined or not 1 $he entrepreneur must have the necessary technical skill to run the business" ie academic background or vocational training" relevant work e'perience in another institution or years of e'perience in this line of business * $he entrepreneur must have and acceptable social standing in the community (>eople should speak highly of him)" he should possess a high level of integrity (,oes not cheat anyone" generally helps people)" and morally sound (>articipates in community building) 33 D $he entrepreneur must possess a high level of enthusiasm and should demonstrate that he is in control of his business ( 6onfidently replies to all &ueries ) and has the ability to take up new and fresh challenges to take the business forward C 3uppliers or creditors should corroborate that he pays on time and is general in nature B 6lear-cut indication of source of income and reasonable ability to save 5uarantor Selection Criteria G&ually important is the selection of a guarantor $he same attribute applicable for an entrepreneur is applicable to a guarantor In addition he should posses the followings0 ( $he guarantor must have the ability to repay the entire loan and is economically solvent ( 6heck his net worth) 1 $he guarantor should be aware about all the aspect of 3G,F loan and his responsibility * =ovt and semi-govt officials can be selected as a =uarantor such as schoolteacher" college teacher" doctor etc D >olice" B,2 and !rmy persons" political leaders and workers" and Imam of mos&ue can not be selected as a guarantor C $he guarantor should know the entrepreneur reasonable well and should preferably live in the same community .erms and Conditions of Lease ;%PS'; B*I'/S'$ Loan $he 3-G department of IFIL will provide small loans to potential borrower under the following terms and condition0 $he potential borrowers and enterprises have to fulfill the selection criteria $he 5ease?3>3-?B!I-?3-G amount is between tk ( lac to (888 lacs 3-G will impose loan processing fees for evaluation ? processing a loan proposal as following+ ( 3ervice fee is 81CF of total 34 1 ,ocumentation fee is 8C8F of total Lease; B*I';%PS' and S'$ can be repaid in t0o 0ays" a) In e&ual monthly loan installment with monthly interest payment" or b) By one single payment at maturity" with interest repayable a &uarter end residual on maturity 5ease? 3>3-?3-G 5oan may have various validates" such as" * months" D months" B months" ) months" (1 months" (C months" (9 months" 1D months" *8 months and *B months $he borrower must open a bank account with the same bank and branch where the 3-G has its account 5oan that approved will be disbursed to the client through that account by account payee che&ue in the following manner0 Borrower name" !ccount name" Banks name and Branchs name $he loan will be reali#ed by ( st every months" starting from the very ne't months whatever the date of disbursement" through account payee che&ue in favor of IFIL !?6 Lith Banks named and branches name $he borrower has to issue an account payable blank che&ue in favor of IFIL before any loan disbursement along with all other security $he borrower will install a signboard in a visible place of business of manufacturing unit mentioned that financed by :IFIL; $he borrower has to give necessary and ade&uate collateral and other securities as per banks re&uirement and procedures 3-G" IFIL may provide (88F of the Net 2e&uired Lorking 6apital but not e'ceeding ACF of the aggregate value of the Inventory and !ccount 2eceivables 3uch loan may be given for periods not e'ceeding D9 months 5oan could also be considered for shorter 35 periods including one time principal repayment facility" as stated in loan product sheet In case of fi'ed asset Financing C8F of the ac&uisition cost of the fi'ed asset may be considered Lhile evaluating loans against fi'ed asset" ade&uate grace period may be considered depending on the cash generation after the installation of the fi'ed assets -a'imum period to be considered including grace period may be for *B months 'onitorin! -onitoring is a system by which a bank can keep track of its clients and their operations 3o monitoring is an essential task for a .fficer to know the borrowers activities after the loan disbursement $hese also facilitate the build up of an information base for future reference Important of 'onitorin! $hrough monitoring a .fficer can see whether the enterprise invested the sanctioned amount in the pre-specified area of his business" how well the business is running" the attitude of the entrepreneur" cash credit sales and purchase" inventory position" work in process and finished goods etc" $his information will help the .fficer?IFI5 to recover the loan accruing to the schedule and to take the necessary decisions for repeat loans -oreover" monitoring will also help to reduce delin&uency 6onstant visit over the client ?borrower ensures fidelity between the bank and the borrower and tends to foster a report between them *rea of 'onitorin! 36 $he purpose is to know the entire business condition and all aspects of the borrowers so that mishap can be avoided a- Business Condition" $he most important task of the .fficer to monitor the business fre&uently" it will help him to understand whether the business is running well or not" and accordingly advice the borrower" whenever necessary $he fre&uency of monitoring should be at least once month if all things are in order b- Production" $he .fficer will monitor the production activities of the business and if there is any problem in the production process" the .FFI6G2 will try to help the entrepreneur to solve the problem .n the other hand the .FFI6G2 can also stop the misuse of the loan other than for the purpose for which the loan was disbursed c- Sales" -onitoring sales proceed is another important task of the .FFI6G2 it will help him to forecast the monthly sales revenue" credit sales etc which will ensure the recovery of the monthly loan repayments from the enterprise as well as to take necessary steps for future loans d- Investment" It is very important to ensure that the entire loan has been invested in the manner invented If the money is utili#ed in other areas" than it may not be possible to recover the loan e- 'ana!ement of ra0 materials" In case of a manufacturing enterprise" management of raw materials is another important area for monitoring If more money is blocked in raw materials then necessary" then the enterprise may face a fund crisis .n the other hand the production will suffer if there is not enough raw materials 37 'onitorin! System a- .&e Officer can consider t&e follo0in! t&in!s for monitorin!" $he .fficer will monitor each business at least once a month %e will make a monitoring plan? schedule at beginning of the month ,uring monitoring the .ffice must use the prescribed monitoring from and preserve in the client file and forward a copy of the report to the head office immediately b- * branc& 0ill maintain t&e follo0in! files" $he file will contain >urchase 2eceipt" ,elivery -emos" Juotations and !ll other papers related to furniture and fi'ture procurement c- Ot&er fi6ed assets and refurbis&ment !ll fi'ed assets and refurbishment related papers such as purchase receipt" ,elivery memos" Juotation" =uarantee and Larrantee papers" 3ervicing related papers and any other paper related to fi'ed assets are refurbishment will be in this file d- Lease a!reement file $his file will contain all papers related to lease agreement between the office and owners of the leased premises e- Individual client file Individual files are to be maintained for each borrower and will hold loan application" 5oan >roposal" 6opies of 5oan 3anction 5etter" ,isbursement -emo" -onitoring 2eport" 6IB application and 2eport" 6redit report from other bank and all other correspondents including bank receipt f- Statement file !ll types of statement sent to %ead office will be kept in this file chronologically 3: !- Office instruction file !ll kind of office instruction regarding administration should be kept in this file &- Operatin! instruction and !uideline files !ll kind office instruction and guidelines related to operating should be kept in this file i- Ne0 forms introduction file !ll minutes of meeting" whenever held" should be kept in this file )- Security documents and le!al aspect file .ne set of security documents and lawyers opinions and suggestions regarding issue will be kept in this file $he original should be send to 3-G head office on a weekly basis - Survey form file !fter conducting survey" all survey will be kept in this file chronological Customer %andlin! In our country there are about C1 banks and 1) financial institutions working with the people with varieties of their attractive products and services and there is a high level amongst competition each other For sustaining" they offering various types of innovation for better service for the clients" so" to reach the closer best to the clients direct marketing gaining momentum in the country In terms of 5ease" %>3-" B!I- and 3-G its targeted entrepreneurs are the sub/ect of dealings to achieve the ob/ectives of IFI5 and its policy is to contact with clients directly with a confident manner 3ome key activities of a .fficer0 6onducting 3urvey >roperly Individual contact with entrepreneur for selecting potential borrower ,eliver IFI5s products and other services 3= Meeping in close touch with clients to develop mutually beneficial long term relationship $here are two types of dealings which customer services officer do as follows0 #e!ular " $he main duty of a .fficer is to search new potential customer by providing door to door services $hey talk with clients and monitor their manners" activities of their business and then provide the loan of the potential customers :ni8ue" $hey also handle some uni&ue customers who come to their unit offices to get the loan Gspecially these clients demand (8-18 lacs for their business In this case" clients have to provide collateral securities in favor of IFI5 $he securities may be land or fi'ed deposits It takes little bit of time to disburse the loan for an .fficer C&allen!in! Issues for NBFIs in Ban!lades& (a) Sources of u!ds NBFIs collect funds from a wide range of sources including financial instruments" loans from banks" financial institutions" insurance companies and international agencies as well as deposits from institutions and the public 5ine of credit from banks constitutes the ma/or portion of total funds for NBFIs ,eposit from public is another important source of fund for NBFIs" which has been increasing over the years NBFIs are allowed to take deposits directly from the public as well as institutions !ccording to the central bank regulation" NBFIs has the restriction to collect public deposits for less than one year" which creates uneven competition with banks as banks are also e'ploring the business opportunities created by NBFIs with their lower cost of fund !lthough recent reduction of the minimum tenure of the term deposit from one year to si' months for institutional investor has had a positive impact on their deposit mobili#ation capacity NBFIs can develop attractive term deposit products of different maturities to have access to public deposits as these are one significant source of their funds 4C (b) Cost of u!d $he structure of cost of fund for NBFIs does not follow any uni&ue trend Baner/ee and -amun (188*) showed that weighted average cost of fund for the leasing companies is always positioned much higher than that of banks !ccording to their study" cost of funds for leasing companies varied between (1C to (CC percent while that of banks was between 9C to )C percent 6houdhury (188() mentioned that about (C percent of the deposit of the banking sector was reported to be demand deposits" which are interest free while *C percent constituted low cost saving deposits having an average of D to C percent interest rate and the rest were fi'ed deposits bearing an average of ) percent interest rate $hus the weighted average cost of fund for banks would be at best A to 9 percent" which is almost half of that of IFI5 (c) Asset"#iabi$ity Mismatc% !sset-liability mismatch is another cause of concern for NBFIs ,emand for funds to meet the increasing lending re&uirements has increased many times But the availability of funds has become inade&uate as NBFIs are mostly dependent on loan from commercial banks International Finance 6orporation (())B) observed that leasing companies are in a great dilemma while managing the mismatch between their asset and liability !ccording to IF6" the average weighted life of the companys business portfolio should be less than the average weighted life of its deposits and borrowing in its operating guidelines for a leasing company .nly one company in Bangladesh was successful in maintaining the above guideline (Baner/ee and -amun (188*)) $herefore" NBFIs have to e'plore alternative ways for raising funds (d) I!&estme!t i! 'i(% )is* Portfo$io It is already mentioned that cost of funds for NBFIs are higher than that of banks In order to sustain the high cost of borrowing" NBFIs may be inclined to invest in the high return segments" which can e'pose them to commensurately higher risks -oreover" fierce competition among competitors may also force many NBFIs to reduce the margin at the e'pense of &uality of the asset portfolio $his 41 strategy may eventually create the possibility of an increase in the non- performing accounts Hnless ade&uate risk management capabilities are developed" the growth prospects of NBFIs would not only be hindered but it might also be misapprehended (3arker" 188D) (e) Product +i&ersificatio! NBFIs emerged primarily to fill in the gaps in the supply of financial services which were not generally provided by the banking sector" and also to complement the banking sector in meeting the financing re&uirements of the evolving economy Lith regard to deployment of funds" the total outstanding lease" loan and investment by NBFIs stood over B,$ *D billion" B,$ 1B billion and B,$ *billion respectively by the end of 3eptember" 188B NBFIs are permitted to undertake a wide array of activities and should therefore not confine themselves to a limited number of products only 5easing" no doubt" presents a good alternative form of term financing Gven in leasing" investments were not always made in the real sector and non-conventional manufacturing sector !lmost all the leasing companies concentrated on e&uipment leases to B-2G (Balancing" -oderni#ation" 2eplacement and G'pansion) units only New industrial units were hardly brought under the purview of leasing facilities $his implies that the new customer base has not been created and the growth of industrial entrepreneurship could not be facilitated through NBFI financing packages ,iversifying the product range is a strategic challenge for NBFIs in order to become competitive in the rapidly growing market (f) Com,etitio! -it% .a!*s Lith the advent of new NBFIs" the market share is being spread over the competing firms and the demand facing each firm is becoming more elastic !ctive participation of commercial banks in the non-bank financing activities has further increased the level of competition in the industry 5easing was considered 42 as a non-bank financing activity until recently But a large number of banks has also shown their interest in the leasing business and has already penetrated the market For banks" public deposit is one ma/or source of funds which they can collect with relatively lower cost $hus the business environment for NBFIs has become more challenging as they have to face uneven competition with banks in terms of collecting funds (() #ac* of 'uma! )esource 3killed and trained human resource is considered as an important component for the development of any institution ,ue to the recent growth of NBFIs" availability of e'perienced manpower is a challenge for this industry $he supply shortage of efficient resource personnel has been leading to a significant increase in the compensation package" which is also a cause of concern for NBFIs $he industry e'perts believe that although there e'ist enormous growth opportunity the market is still &uite small and scope of work for skilled personnel is very limited compared to that of banks $his makes the competent personnel to switch from NBFIs to other institutions after a certain period implying low retention rate of skilled human resource (%) Wea* #e(a$ System !lthough the default culture has not yet infected NBFIs to any ma/or e'tent" they face difficulties in recovering the leased assets in case of a default -oreover delays in court procedures create another cause of concern $he situation cannot be improved only by making the legal system stronger through enactment of new laws rather ensuring proper implementation e'isting ones is more of concern (i) #ac* of a Seco!dary Mar*et Gven in cases when the defaulted asset is recovered" the disposal of the same becomes difficult because of lack of an established secondary market For the promotion of a secondary market" NBFIs may consider initiating the concept of operating lease instead of the prevalent mode of finance lease incase of these recovered assets to create a demand for second hand or used machinery and e&uipment Su!!ested *lternatives 43 (a) E/,$ori!( A$ter!ati&e Sources of u!ds $he finance and leasing companies a.fficerss the world are using different sources for collecting funds NBFIs in Bangladesh may also e'plore the possibilities of gaining access to new sources of funds like issuance of commercial paper and discounting or sale of lease receivables %owever" in releasing such new products" some regulatory changes have to be made !nother innovative and promising source of funds may be the securiti#ation of assets In this connection" I>,6 launched first asset backed securities in 188D as an alternative source of funding $his new instrument emerged as an important tool and added a new dimension in the financial market $he core attraction of this scheme was the ta' benefit made available to investors at the rate of (8 percent at the time of credit of such interest or at the time of payment thereof" whichever is earlier" and this deduction was deemed to be final ,ischarge of ta' liability (6howdhury" 188C) But changes in ta'ation policy in 188C by the government have made the future of this instrument less attractive for the concerned financial institutions (b) Com,etitio! a!d Product +i&ersificatio! NBFIs in Bangladesh are operating in a highly competitive environment $he competition for NBFIs is even more challenging as they have to compete with banks =iven the changes in the business environment" the need for product diversification is very important !t present" lease financing constitutes CC percent of the total long term assets of NBFIs $he remaining part concentrates mainly on term financing and housing finance 3ome of NBFIs are primarily engaged in leasing" some are also diversifying into other lines of business like merchant banking" e&uity financing etc 6urrently" 11 NBFIs (out of 1)) speciali#e in lease financing NBFIs are permitted to undertake a wide array of activities and therefore should not confine themselves to one or two types of product only 5easing" no doubt" presents a good alternative form of term financing but NBFIs should also venture into diversified use of their funds such as merchant banking" venture capital financing" factoring" etc for a healthy growth of the capital market 44 (c) E!%a!ci!( Ca,ita$ Mar*et Acti&ities NBFIs around the world carry out a significant role in the development of the capital market 3trong institutional support is necessary for a vibrant capital market which is the core of economic development in any market based economic system NBFIs through their merchant banking wing can act in this regard ! total of *8 companies are now listed as merchant banks in Bangladesh" of which 1* are full-fledged" B are issue managers" and only one is a portfolio manager .nly nine NBFIs have registered with 3G6 for performing merchant banking activities But their activities in the capital market are rather limited (Financial Sector Review" Bangladesh Bank" 188B) !ctive participation of merchant banks is essential to accelerate the capital market activities which can e'pedite the economic growth of the country $he success of merchant banking operations is largely linked to the development of the security market 3o NBFIs should concentrate more on their opportunities in the capital market (d) Issues of Ta/atio! $he financing mode of lending and leasing are totally different from one another $he concept and procedure particularly the accounting and ta'ation system are also &uite different 3o it is advisable not to mi' up the two different operations" otherwise it might distort the basic financial norms !s the ta' treatment is totally different in leasing business" mi'ing up of lending and leasing in the same business portfolio might create the possibility of ta' evasion (3arker" 188D) (e) Mar*et Se(me!tatio! It has been discussed earlier that though banks and NBFIs compete with each other they can also perform complementary functions !s suggested by Eamal (188D) and 3arker (188D)" to function as complementary institutions both banks and NBFIs should follow some ethical and technical norms Banks wishing to enter in the leasing business" which is essentially a core operation of NBFIs" should do so through opening subsidiaries so that a level playing field for NBFIs can be maintained $his is needed as banks have access to lower cost funds 45 compared to NBFIs" which puts the former in an advantageous position !lternatively" banks can go for /oint financing under syndication arrangements with leasing companies on any pro/ect proposal !gain" banks can concentrate on working capital finance and foreign e'change operations" which matches more with their asset-liability management 5ong term investment like financing capital machineries can be done by NBFIs and in the event when banks want to engage in such activities they can place their funds with an NBFI to e'tend lease facility for those machineries Eamal (188D) mentioned that this is important for two reasons0 :first" in case of lease facility" the machineries will remain under the ownership of leasing companies" who will have absolute authority and control on their assets 3econd" machineries will be imported in the name of a leasing company and letter of credit will be opened against its name 3o" over invoicing or under invoicing may be averted and thereby more transparency will be ensured and ta' evasion may be plugged; Conclusion 46 Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions are both key elements of a sound and stable financial system Banks usually dominate the financial system in most countries because businesses" households and the public sector all rely on the banking system for a wide range of financial products to meet their financial needs %owever" by providing additional and alternative financial services" NBFIs have already gained considerable popularity both in developed and developing countries In one hand these institutions help to facilitate long-term investment and financing" which is often a challenge to the banking sector and on the other" the growth of NBFIs widens the range of products available for individuals and institutions with resources to invest $hrough their operation NBFIs can mobili#e long-term funds necessary for the development of e&uity and corporate debt markets" leasing" factoring and venture capital !nother important role which NBFIs play in an economy is to act as a buffer" especially in the moments of economic distress !n efficient NBFI sector also acts as a systemic risk mitigator and contributes to the overall goal of financial stability in the economy NBFIs of Bangladesh have already passed more than two and a half decades of operation ,espite several constraints" the industry has performed notably well and their role in the economy should be duly recogni#ed It is important to view NBFIs as a catalyst for economic growth and to provide necessary support for their development ! long term approach by all concerned for the development of NBFIs is necessary =iven appropriate support" NBFIs will be able to play a more significant role in the economic development of the country 47 3tock in Bangladesh has been developing over the passage of time respect to the base" scope product" member and investors $his has two stock e'changes" good number of brokers" sub brokers" listed companies"( depository institution" depository participants"*Dmerchant bankers" underwriters" ,ebenture trustees"(B portfolio managers" banker to Issues" 1 credit rating agencies " and @enture capitalist firm" Number of investors in the stock market has also been increasing $he market is e'periencing increased number of I>.s the primary market and record volume of transaction of securities in the organi#ed stock e'changes 6orporate firms are becoming aware of opportunities for rising from the stock market Besides" they are also coming to know the different alternatives to the collection of funds from the stock market the opportunity of stock market is attracting to huge number institutional investors and individual investors !part from this" this has invited other parties Ne'isting and potential to the stock market for e'ploiting emerging opportunities $his e'pansion of stock markets in Bangladesh e'perienced many ups and down in the stock market in the past Investor lost capital to the market and conse&uently" lost confidence in the stock market Hnder these circumstances" ade&uate and effective risk management system in the stock market is essential in order to protect the interest of all parties involved and thereby ensuring the integrity of the stock market in Bangladesh 3ecurity and G'change 6ommission and stock e'changes have already taken both regulatory and administrative measures for stabling effective risk management system 3tock market in Bangladesh has undergone sea change in technology in order to the make the market modern and thereby giving apace to the risk management system $echnological change in modus operandi of stock market has brought it at par of international stock market community $his change also caused and une'pected degree of systematic risk which calls for effective regulatory and administrative measures in place $ransparent" vibrant and efficient stock market to provide avenue for developments of saving for capital formation and economic growth 4: Investment decisions both are an art and science $o succeed in investing" we must think in term of what is e'pected to happen Le know what has happened" but the past may or may not repeat itself !lthough future is uncertain" it is manageable" and a through understanding of the basic principles of investing will allow investors to cope intelligently Basically share price depends upon0 ( Gconomic ? -arket Factor 1 Industrial Factor * 6ompany Factor $conomic / 'aret Factor" $here are many sub factors are in the economic factor $hese are" ( =lobal Gconomy 1 -acro Gconomic factor of a country * Investment 2ules and 2egulation D G'port import >olicy C >olitical 6ondition B G'change rate A Interest rate
Industrial Factor" In industrial factor $hese are0 ( Business life cycle
Company Factor" 6ompany related ( -anagement 1 New Investment * New >roduct ,evelopment D New -arket ,evelopment 4= Ob)ective of t&e study" Find out time period when the share price go up and go down #eason for c&oosin! t&e topic" It will help the investor to buy or sell share of 3hariah based 6ompany and renowned >harma and 6ement 6ompany Scope of t&e #eport" 6ompanys Financial !nalysis ad 'et&odolo!y" Hsing F=, and trend analysis Source of +ata" ,haka 3tock G'change 5ibrary 5ast C years ,aily and -onthly ,ata 5C Is+ami !an' !ang+ades- (imited <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 C(9C) *898(A (8(*BC )9B 18FB /==> D9ACA 1)A(CC ((1C91 )*1 1CF /==? D9C)D 1))CB( (D88C) AC) (C88" 1CFB /==@ *ACC *((D9 (D1A*B 1189 1CF /==A (A*D Islami Bank Bangladesh 5imited is pioneer bank of Islamic mode in Bangladesh It is ! category share Comments on S&are Price -ost of the year we see that Islami Banks share value increase in before !=- But its not regular 2umor also affect in share value sometime But the elasticity of share price of Islamic Bank is medium 3o investor can invest in Islami Bank for good return $he dividend policy of Islami Bank is capital rising so they prefer to give bonus share as dividend !nd protect their share value by increase number of share 51 8 1888 D888 B888 9888 (8888 3ep-81 Ean-8D -ay-8C .ct-8B Feb-89 Eul-8) Price of S&are <ear Islami Ban Ban!lades& Ltd- IBB5 Socia+ Investment !an' (imited <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 (D**C (CBD)B 9*9B (*B1 /==> 1D88 (CAA9) (*)D BD)D /==? )9C1 1C)81 CAB* (98) /==@ (AB8 (BCAC (C88D 19A) (AF B /==A N?! 3ocial Investment Bank 5imited is an ! category share in market It listed in 1888 Comments on S&are Price Le see that every year its share price increase before !=- 3IB5s >?G ratio are not very good to attract long term investor But Eanuary effect work for this share In Eanuary month 3IB5 3hare price always up on turn 52 Social Investment Ban Limited 8 188 D88 B88 E a n - 8 D E a n - 8 C E a n - 8 B E a n - 8 A E a n - 8 9 <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e 3IB5 Is+amic Finance and Investment (imited Islamic Finance and Investment Limited -188 8 188 D88 B88 3ep- 81 Ean- 8D -ay- 8C .ct- 8B Feb- 89 Eul- 8) <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e IFI5 <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 (1DD ((C9) (919 /==> 1A9D ((11B D)C) BC9 (8 "CF B /==? (99D ((1CA D))A (8C* (1C8 /==@ (9BC (*(1( C(1D ((1( (C88 /==A (B)* Islamic finance and Investment 5imited listed in market in 188C It is an ! category share Comments on S&are Price Basically the 3hare price of IFI5 increases before !=- >?G ratio is very good to attract Investor Eanuary effect works for the share price increase, 53 A+- Arafa- Is+ami !an' !l- !rafah Islami Bank 8 188 D88 B88 !pr-8( Ean-8D .ct-8B Eul-8) <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e !l- !rafah Islami Bank <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 1B*BA (A9C99 (CDAB ((B( (CCFB /==> *9A98 18C)91 1B1)8 CAB 1BFB /==? CC81D 1*1B* DA881 D99 *CFB /==@ *8(1 ()BB) *DA*( (DB1 18FB /==A (BBB !l-!rafah Islami Bank listed in ())9 It is an ! category company >?G ratio is low ,ividend policy is high stable Comment on S&are Price" !l !rafah Islami Banks share price increase in November to Eanuary 54
,0I& !an' (td $BI' B*NC -C88 8 C88 (888 3ep- 81 Ean- 8D -ay- 8C .ct- 8B Feb- 89 Eul-8) <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e GKI- B!NM <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend 188D B891 11*81 *9(98 B1C D8FB 188C B*() 1(AB( CCC*D 989 *8FB"(201 188B D*D9 (9(CA BC81) AAD 1CFB 188A D*DC 1(*A8 )*89D )88 A88"1CFB 1889 9B* GKI- Bank listed in 188D It is an ! category 3hare It follows regular dividend policy Its >?G ratio is low Comment on S&are Price" GKI- Bank share price high in November and ,ecember month 55 S-a-1a+a+ Is+ami !an' (imited S&a&)alal Islami Ban Limited 8 (88 188 *88 D88 - o n t h E u l - 8 D F e b - 3 e p - ! p r - N o v - E u n - E a n - ! u g - <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e 3eries( 3eries1 <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 -18D)( CAC8 *9(98 /==> **B* A)1B CCC*D /==? D)C8 (19AC BC81) /==@ *DCA 1(*A8 )*89D (8C9 18FB /==A ))1 3hah/alal Islami Bank 5imited is an ! category share It listed in 188A >?G ratio is low Comment on S&are Price " 3table share price we can not comment on it 3hare price due to low volume of historical ,ata 56 S2uare P-arma (td 3&uare >harma 8 1888 D888 B888 3ep- 81 Ean-8D -ay- 8C .ct- 8B Feb- 89 Eul-8) <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e 3&uare >harma <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 1B)DB (1)C8D )A88D (BDC A8"18FB /==> 1)8A( (*8D8A (1CC9C (8)A AA"(CFB /==? 1*DBA (199BC ((BC9B )*1 AC"18FB /==@ 1(9B( (19889 (*8*1D ((18 C8"C8FB /==A (*9(9B *C)8 D8"*CFB 3&uare pharma listed in ())C It is * category share >?G ratio is low and dividend policy is constant Comment on s&are price0 Basically the share price increase in before !=-, 57 &eg-na .ement -eghna 6ement 8 188 D88 B88 988 3ep- 81 Ean- 8D -ay- 8C .ct- 8B Feb- 89 Eul- 8) <ear P r i c e
o f
S & a r e -eghna 6ement <ear $PS N*9 Net Profit (million)B+. P/$ +ividend /==2 (C1C 1AA(A *D*( 18B( 1C88 /==> ***9 1)9(C AC(( ABD 1C88 /==? DBA( *18D1 (8C(8 C)1 1C88 /==@ BC9B 1AC18 (D9(9 C*C *888 /==A B( -eghna 6ement listed in ())C It is an ! category share -eghna 6ement usually follow high fi'ed dividend policy Its >?G ratio is low Comment on S&are price0 Basically the share price high on every -ay and Eune due to !=- 5:
Provincial Facilitation for Investment and Trade Index: Measuring Economic Governance for Business Development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic-Second Edition