1. Tijam filed a case against Sionghalanoy for recovery of P1,908 plus interest in a lower court that had jurisdiction over cases with demands not exceeding P2,000. Judgment was issued in favor of Tijam and a writ of execution was issued against Sionghalanoy.
2. Manila Surety and Fidelity Co., who was the surety for Sionghalanoy, questioned the jurisdiction of the lower court for the first time on appeal to the Court of Appeals, over 15 years later.
3. The Supreme Court held that the surety is now barred by laches from invoking this plea, as it failed to question the lower
1. Tijam filed a case against Sionghalanoy for recovery of P1,908 plus interest in a lower court that had jurisdiction over cases with demands not exceeding P2,000. Judgment was issued in favor of Tijam and a writ of execution was issued against Sionghalanoy.
2. Manila Surety and Fidelity Co., who was the surety for Sionghalanoy, questioned the jurisdiction of the lower court for the first time on appeal to the Court of Appeals, over 15 years later.
3. The Supreme Court held that the surety is now barred by laches from invoking this plea, as it failed to question the lower
1. Tijam filed a case against Sionghalanoy for recovery of P1,908 plus interest in a lower court that had jurisdiction over cases with demands not exceeding P2,000. Judgment was issued in favor of Tijam and a writ of execution was issued against Sionghalanoy.
2. Manila Surety and Fidelity Co., who was the surety for Sionghalanoy, questioned the jurisdiction of the lower court for the first time on appeal to the Court of Appeals, over 15 years later.
3. The Supreme Court held that the surety is now barred by laches from invoking this plea, as it failed to question the lower
1. Tijam filed a case against Sionghalanoy for recovery of P1,908 plus interest in a lower court that had jurisdiction over cases with demands not exceeding P2,000. Judgment was issued in favor of Tijam and a writ of execution was issued against Sionghalanoy.
2. Manila Surety and Fidelity Co., who was the surety for Sionghalanoy, questioned the jurisdiction of the lower court for the first time on appeal to the Court of Appeals, over 15 years later.
3. The Supreme Court held that the surety is now barred by laches from invoking this plea, as it failed to question the lower
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FACTS: Tijam filed for recovery of P1,908 + legal interest from Sionga!anoy" #efendants filed a co$nter ond %it! &anila S$rety and Fidelity Co 'S$rety(" )$dgement %as in favo$r of t!e *laintiffs, a %rit of e+ec$tion %as iss$ed against t!e defendant" #efendants moved for %rit of e+ec$tion against s$rety %!ic! %as granted" S$rety moved to ,$as! t!e %rit $t %as denied, a**ealed to CA %it!o$t raising t!e iss$e on lac- of j$risdiction"CA affirmed t!e a**ealed decision" S$rety t!en filed &otion to #ismiss on t!e gro$nd of lac- of j$risdiction against CF. Ce$ in vie% of t!e effectivity of )$diciary Act of 19/8 a mont! efore t!e filing of t!e *etition for recovery" Act *laced original e+cl$sive j$risdiction of inferior co$rts all civil actions for demands not e+ceeding 0,000 e+cl$sive of interest" CA set aside its earlier decision and referred t!e case to SC since it !as e+cl$sive j$risdiction over 1all cases in %!ic! t!e j$risdiction of any inferior co$rt is in iss$e" ISSUE: 234 S$rety ond is esto**ed from ,$estioning t!e j$risdiction of t!e CF. Ce$ for t!e first time $*on a**eal" 56S RATIO: SC elieves t!at t!at t!e S$rety is no% arred y lac!es from invo-ing t!is *lea after a!"st f#ftee$ %ears &ef"re t'eS(ret% f#e) #ts !"t#"$ t" )#s!#ss ra#s#$* t'e +(est#"$ "f a,- "f .(r#s)#,t#"$ f"r t'e f#rst t#!e 7 A *arty may e esto**ed or arred from raising a ,$estion in different %ays and for different reasons" T!$s %e s*ea- of esto**el in *ais, or esto**el y deed or y record, and of esto**el y lac!es" 8ac!es, in a general sense is fail$re or neglect, for an $nreasonale and $ne+*lained lengt! of time, to do t!at %!ic!, y e+ercising d$e diligence, co$ld or s!o$ld !ave een done earlier 7 F$rt!ermore, it !as also een !eld t!at after vol$ntarily s$mitting a ca$se and enco$ntering an adverse decision on t!e merits, it is too late for t!e loser to ,$estion t!e j$risdiction or *o%er of t!e co$rt 71$ndesirale *ractice1 of a *arty s$mitting !is case for decision and t!en acce*ting t!e j$dgment, only if favorale, and attac-ing it for lac- of j$risdiction, %!en adverse": 3t!er merits on t!e a**eal : T!e s$rety insists t!at t!e lo%er co$rt s!o$ld !ave granted its motion to ,$as! t!e %rit of e+ec$tion eca$se t!e same %as iss$ed %it!o$t t!e s$mmary !earing 7 S$mmary !earing is 1not intended to e carried on in t!e formal manner in %!ic! ordinary actions are *rosec$ted1 '89 C")"S" :90(" .t is, rat!er, a *roced$re y %!ic! a ,$estion is resolved 1%it! dis*atc!, %it! t!e least *ossile delay, and in *reference to ordinary legal and reg$lar j$dicial *roceedings1 '.id,*" :90(" 2!at is essential is t!at 1t!e defendant is notified or s$mmoned to a**ear and is given an o**ort$nity to !ear %!at is $rged $*on !im, and to inter*ose a defense, after %!ic! follo%s an adj$dication of t!e rig!ts of t!e *arties 7 .n t!e case at ar,t!e s$rety !ad een notified of t!e *laintiffs; motion for e+ec$tion and of t!e date %!en t!e same %o$ld e s$mitted for consideration" .n fact, t!e s$rety;s co$nsel %as *resent in co$rt %!en t!e motion %as called, and it %as $*on !is re,$est t!at t!e co$rt a ,$o gave !im a *eriod of fo$r days %it!in %!ic! to file an ans%er" 5et !e allo%ed t!at *eriod to la*se %it!o$t filing an ans%er or ojection" T!e s$rety cannot no%, t!erefore, com*lain t!at it %as de*rived of its day in co$rt T!e orders a**ealed from are affirmed"