2 Ideal Diode
1. Describe in your own words the meaning of the word ideal as applied to a
device or system.
2. Describe in your own words the characteristics of the ideal diode and how they
determine the on and off states of the device. That is, describe why the short-circuit and
open-circuit equivalents are appropriate.
3. What is the one important difference between the characteristics of a simple
switch and those of an ideal diode?
1.3 Semiconductor Materials
4. In your own words, define semiconductor, resistivity, bulk resistance, and
ohmic contact resistance.
5. (a) Using Table 1.1, determine the resistance of a silicon sample having an
area of 1 cm2 and a length of 3 cm.
(b) Repeat part (a) if the length is 1 cm and the area 4 cm2.
(c) Repeat part (a) if the length is 8 cm and the area 0.5 cm2.
(d) Repeat part (a) for copper and compare the results.
6. Sketch the atomic structure of copper and discuss why it is a good conductor
and how its structure is different from germanium and silicon.
7. In your own words, define an intrinsic material, a negative temperature
coefficient, and covalent bonding.
8. Consult your reference library and list three materials that have a negative
temperature coefficient and three that have a positive temperature coefficient.
1.4 Energy Levels
9. How much energy in joules is required to move a charge of 6 C through a
difference in potential of 3 V?
10. If 48 eV of energy is required to move a charge through a potential difference
of 12 V, determine the charge involved.
11. Consult your reference library and determine the level of Eg for GaP and
ZnS, two semiconductor materials of practical value. In addition, determine the written
name for each material.
1.5 Extrinsic Materials- n- and p-Type
12. Describe the difference between n-type and p-type semiconductor materials.
13. Describe the difference between donor and acceptor impurities.
14. Describe the difference between majority and minority carriers.
15. Sketch the atomic structure of silicon and insert an impurity of arsenic as
demonstrated for silicon in Fig. 1.9.
16. Repeat Problem 15 but insert an impurity of indium.
17. Consult your reference library and find another explanation of hole versus
electron flow. Using both descriptions, describe in your own words the process of hole
1.6 Semiconductor Diode
18. Describe in your own words the conditions established by forward- and
reverse-bias conditions on a p-n junction diode and how the resulting current is affected.
19. Describe how you will remember the forward- and reverse-bias states of the
p-n junction diode. That is, how you will remember which potential (positive or negative)
is applied to which terminal?
20. Using Eq. (1.4), determine the diode current at 20C for a silicon diode with Is
_ 50 nA and an applied forward bias of 0.6 V.
21. Repeat Problem 20 for T _ 100C (boiling point of water). Assume that Is has
increased to 5.0 A.
22. (a) Using Eq. (1.4), determine the diode current at 20C for a silicon diode
with Is _ 0.1 A at a reverse-bias potential of _10 V.
(b) Is the result expected? Why?
23. (a) Plot the function y _ ex for x from 0 to 5.
(b) What is the value of y _ ex at x _ 0?
(c) Based on the results of part (b), why is the factor _1 important in Eq. (1.4)?
24. In the reverse-bias region the saturation current of a silicon diode is about 0.1
A (T _ 20C). Determine its approximate value if the temperature is increased 40C.
25. Compare the characteristics of a silicon and a germanium diode and
determine which you would prefer to use for most practical applications. Give some
details. Refer to a manufacturers listing and compare the characteristics of a
germanium and a silicon diode of similar maximum ratings.
26. Determine the forward voltage drop across the diode whose characteristics
appear in Fig. 1.24 at temperatures of _75C, 25C, 100C, and 200C and a current of
10 mA. For each temperature, determine the level of saturation current. Compare the
extremes of each and comment on the ratio of the two.
1.8 Diode Equivalent Circuits
36. Find the piecewise-linear equivalent circuit for the diode of Fig. 1.19. Use a
straight line segment that intersects the horizontal axis at 0.7 V and best approximates
the curve for the region greater than 0.7 V.
37. Repeat Problem 36 for the diode of Fig. 1.29.