Estimating Daily Global Radiation From Air Temperature and Rainfall Measurements
Estimating Daily Global Radiation From Air Temperature and Rainfall Measurements
Estimating Daily Global Radiation From Air Temperature and Rainfall Measurements
1991 1
Clim. Res.
I Published April 14
Estimating daily global radiation from air
temperature and rainfall measurements
M. Bindi, F. Miglietta
IATA-CNR. Institute of Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing for Agriculture, P.le delle Cascine 18,I-50144 Florence,
ABSTRACT: Radiation-mediated processes (e.g. photosynthesis, evapotranspiration) can be simulated
on the basis of measured incoming radiation. Since irradiance is measured at very few weather stations
it is often estimated from the duration of bright sunshine or from mean daily cloudiness. In the absence
of both these variables, irradiance can be estimated by means of satellite images, spatial interpolation
techniques or standard meteorological observations. In this paper, a model to estimate daily global
radiation from air temperature and rainfall measurements is presented. The model first assesses days on
wkch the probabilities of clear and overcast skies are maximum and predicts, for these days, the mean
sky transmittance. The mean sky transmittance can then be interpolated for any other day. In the model,
station parameters are directly derived from latitude and ancillary information, so neither historical
climatic records nor calibration parameters are required for the calculations. This simplifies to a large
extent the estlrnation procedure. The model was tested for 22 weather stations in 11 countries by
comparing estimated and measured irradiance data. Measured and estimated records were also
separately used as input of a wheat growth simulation model (NWHEAT) and model results were
compared. This comparison showed that when measured irradiance is substituted by estimates there is
a very small devlance in the grain yield as calculated by the model.
Daily solar radiation data are often required in
agrometeorological calculations, e.g. to compile a
water budget for irrigation or to run a crop growth
simulation model, but these are measured at few
weather stations. When radiation records are not avail-
able, these can be estimated by means of an empirical
relation using the measured duration of bright sun-
shine (Black et al. 1954), or cloudiness (van Keulen &
van Heemst 1986). Other methods to estimate the
global daily solar radiation have been developed on the
basis of satellite remote sensing, of spatial interpolation
techniques and on the basis of correlations found
between incoming irradiance and other commonly
measured weather variables.
Methods that make use of polar orbiting and geo-
stationary satellite data are often very accurate (Tar-
pley 1979, Diak et al. 1982, Rimoczi-Paal 1983, Cano et
al. 1986, Nunez 1987, Frulla et al. 1988, Diabate et al.
1989) but suffer from Limitations. The spatial resolution
of satellite imagery can be insufficient to achieve good
estimates in mountainous regions, the reconstruction of
historical solar radiation data is impossible because
O Intei--Research/Printed in Germany
geostationary and polar orbiting satellites have been
operating only since the late seventies, and the com-
mon use of satellite images is limited by the high costs
of both receiving stations or tapes and image proces-
sing hardware.
Spatial interpolation techniques allow estimation of
solar radation at any given point from nearby stations
records (Hay & Suckling 1979, WMO 1981). The accu-
racy of this method depends on the mean grid size of
the radiation measurement network and on the mean
variability of weather conditions over the studied reg-
ion. Weather variability may depend on many factors,
especially the orography. Suckling (1985) studied the
relationship between the extrapolation distance and
the error in radiation estimates due to extrapolation for
a large number of climatic regions. He noted that, in
central Europe, mean absolute errors due to extrapola-
tion are a Linear function of the extrapolation distance
and are normally greater than 2 MJ m-2 d-l.
Standard meteorological observations have already
been used to estimate solar radiation and models have
been developed for this purpose. Some of these are
based on empirical formulae (Atwater & Ball 1978,
Bristow & Campbell 1984, Hodges et al. 1985, Maracchi
118 Clim. Res. 1 117-124, 1991
et al. 1988, McCaskill 1990), while other models
involve complex numerical calculations (Cengiz et al.
1981, Richardson 1981). Parameters used as input
include air temperature, degree-hours of temperature,
relative humidity and rainfall. Historical data (mean
annual daily solar radiation, amplitude of annual
curves of daily solar radiation, etc.) and geographical
data (intercorrelations between daily max. and min.
temperatures and solar radiation at a geographical
area) are also required.
In this paper a model to estimate daily global radia-
tion on the basis of daily maximum and minimum
temperature and total daily rainfall is presented. The
model first identifies if a particular day has a high
probability of being either completely clear or com-
pletely overcast. This is done on the basis of compari-
son between the daily temperature range (maximum
minzs minirnum) of a given day with the average daily
temperature range of a given period. This probability
is assumed to increase if rainfall is absent and to
decrease if rainfall is present. An estimation of sky
transmittance is then made for both days that are
identified as clear or overcast and, on t he basis of an
interpolation technique, also for any other day. Daily
global solar radiation is finally calculated as a function
of sky transmittance and of calculated extraterrestrial
The model is validated on the basis of a set of
weather data recorded in 11 countries by evaluating
the accuracy of global solar radiation estimates. Finally,
a model application is illustrated: calculated and mea-
sured daily global solar radiation are used separately as
input to a wheat growth simulation model (Groot 1987)
and model calculations of grain yields compared.
The solar radiation that arrives at ground depends
on the day of t he year, t he latitude of t he location, and
on the atmospheric transmittance (K). On reaching the
earth' s surface, the incoming radiation is partly
reflected and partly absorbed. Net radiation, corres-
ponding to the overall balance of absorbed solar radia-
tion and longwave exchange, is converted to the sum
of sensible heat, latent heat and ground heat fluxes.
During daytime the earth' s surface receives radiative
energy and both air and soil temperatures are
expected to increase. At night, the surface loses
energy by emitting radiation, especially during clear
sky conditions. Hence, a clear day is expected to be
generally characterized by an increased difference
between night and day temperature. On overcast
days, the cloudiness reduces the incoming radiation
during daytime and also reduces the outgoing radia-
tion at night. The difference between night and day
temperature is therefore expected to be reduced.
Accordingly, the difference between the thermal
range of 2 consecutive days is expected to be related
to the difference in the mean sky transmittance of the
same 2 days.
Identification of clear and overcast days
Days in whlch the probability of clear or overcast
skies is maximum ar e firstly recognized. Clear days are
identified when the following conditions occur simul-
- maximum temperature increases in respect to the
maximum temperature of the day before;
- minimum temperature decreases in respect to the
minimum temperature of the day before;
- the temperature range (maximum minus mirumum)
is greater than the 30 d moving average of tempera-
ture ranges;
- rainfall is absent.
Overcast days are defined by opposite conditions, that
- maximum temperature decreases in respect to the
maximum temperature of the day before;
- minimum temperature increases in respect to the
minimum temperature of the day before;
- t he temperature range (maximum minus minimum)
is less than the 30 d moving average of temperature
- rainfall is present.
In t he identification of both clear and overcast days the
wind was not considered to have an effect on daily
thermal ranges. This assumption was based on analysis
of t he wind and temperature records of a windy station
(Ustica, Italy). The relationship between mean daily
wind speed and the daily thermal range at that station
is reported in Fig. 1.
Predicting mean sky transmittance of clear days (KC)
The solar radiation that reaches the earth' s surface
on a clear day is a function of t he solar constant, of the
sine of the solar elevation, the relative air mass and the
turbidity factor of the air mass. Turbidity, in turn,
depends on the transmittance due to molecular (Ray-
leigh) scattering, to ozone absorption, to the uniformly
mixed gases, to water vapour and to aerosols (Justus &
Paris 1985).
If a constant air pressure of 1013 hPa at 0 m elevation
is assumed, the relative air mass is approximately cal-
culated for given location, day of the year and time of
day as the reciprocal of the sine of solar height. The
Bindi & Miglietta: Estimatir >g daily global radiation 119
Fig. 1. Relationship between observed mean daily wind speed
(Ws) and the daily thermal range (DT) calculated for 1000 d at
Ustica (Italy) weather station
turbidity factor (TI) is normally calculated from meas-
ured incoming radiation by means of Linke's method
but it can be also estimated on the basis of an existing
correlation between the water content of the atmos-
phere, i.e. its precipitable water ( W) , and the turbidity
coefficient (0) by means of the empirical equation
developed by Dogniaux & Lemoine (1976):
n = ((h + 85)/(39.5ePw+ 47.4) + 0.1) + (16 + 0 . 2 2 ~ ) P
where h = solar elevation (in degrees)
In absence of direct observations, the parameters W
and p of Eq. (1) can be derived from the following
classification of different types of radiation climates by
neglecting the effect on these values of air mass condi-
- polar and desert climates (dry air) W = 0.5 to1
- temperate climates w = 2 t o 4
- tropical climates (humid air) w = 5
- rural site (3 = 0.05
- urban site (3 = 0.1
- industrial site (3 = 0.2
(from Dogniaux & Lemoine 1982)
When the value of 7l is estimated for a given location
for a given day of the year and for a given solar
elevation, the sky transmittance of a clear sky is calcu-
lated, according to t he modified Beer's law equation
(Kasten & Czeplak 1980):
where Kch = the sky transmittance calculated for the
solar elevation h.
Finally, the mean daily values of KC are found by
integrating and averaging Kch over the length of the
day. In the model the Gaussian method of integration is
used (Goudnaan 1986) as it greatly simplifies computa-
tion codes and reduces the computation time.
Predicting mean sky transmittance of overcast days
The sky transmittance on an overcast day mainly
depends on the thickness and type of clouds and on the
sun elevation (Lumb 1964, Tabata 1964). It is known
that high, middle and low clouds attenuate the solar
radiation in different ways (Haurwitz 1948, Bennet
1969, Kimura & Stephenson 1969). A distinction
between the fraction of total sky cover (TSC), that is
often recorded i n synoptic weather stations, and the
fraction of cloud cover (cc), that takes into account the
attenuation effect of different cloud type groups, was
made by Turner & Abdullaziz (1984). The relationship
between these 2 fractions expressed in tenths reported
by these authors is given below:
cc = TSC for low clouds, middle clouds or low and
middle clouds
cc = 0.5 TSC for high clouds
cc = TSC - 0.5 (Amount of high clouds) for mixed
The model that is illustrated here sets the condition that
the 'overcast days' are also rainy days. The rainfall
probability of a given day is to some extent related to
the cloud type being maximum for Low-Family clouds
(Nimbostratus and Stratocumulus) for Middle Clouds
(Altocumulus and Altostratus) and for Vertical Clouds
(Cumulus and Cumulunimbus). Hence, the cloud cover
fraction (cc) on days selected as overcast by the model
is assumed to be equal to t he maximum sky cover
fraction (cc= l ) .
Turner & Abdulaziz (1984) developed an empirical
equation to calculate the sky transmittance of overcast
days as a function of the solar elevation and the cloud
cover fraction. The equation has the following form:
Koh = a + b(cc12 sin h + c (cc)' + d sin h
( 3)
where KO,, is the sky transmittance of an overcast day
calculated for the solar elevation h; a, b, c, d are
regression coefficients calculated for different solar ele-
vation (Table 1). In the model the value of the mean
daily sky transmittance (KO) is calculated by integrat-
ing over the day the calculated values of Koh according
to the Gaussian method.
120 Clim. Res. 1: 117-124, 1991
Table 1. Regression coefficients for different solar heights (Turner & Abdulaziz 1984)
Range of h a b C d
Predicting mean sky transmittance of other days (Ki)
Temperature and rainfall conditions that do not lead
to selection of either a completely clear or a completely
overcast day, identify an 'intermediate' day. Values of
Ki for each intermediate day are calculated on the basis
of the amplitude of the daily air temperature range and
of the sky transmittance of the day before.
The model assumes that the larger the variation in
the temperature range of 2 consecutive days, the
larger the variation in the mean sky transmittance is
expected to be, or, in other words, that the difference
between the sky transmittance of 2 consecutive days
( DK = K, - Kt-1) is directly related to the difference
between the temperature ranges of these days (DDT =
DTt - DTf - l ) .
The value of DK is assumed to be a function of both
DDT and Ktdl according to the response surface illus-
trated in Fig. 2 and to the set of equations show below:
DK, = (KO - Kt-*) for DDT, < DDT,,
DK, = [ ( KO - Kt-1) / DDT,,] DDT,
for DDT,, 5 DDT, 5 0
( 5)
DKf = [(KC - Kt-!) / DDT,,,] DDTt
for 0 C DDT, 5 DDT,,,
( 6)
DK, = (KC- Kt-1) for DDT, > DDT,,,
( 7)
where t = time in days; KO, KC = values of the mean sky
transmittance of respectiveiy an overcast and a dear
day calculated for Day t; DDT,, = the lower value of
DDT at which DK reaches its minimum; DDT,,, = the
upper value of DDT at which DK reaches its maximum.
For each weather station, DDT,, and DDT,,, are
calculated by the model using the mean value of DDT
calculated for the temperature measurements of one, or
possibly, more years, plus or minus 3 times its standard
deviation. These boundary values include 98 O/ O of
cases by excluding only extreme events that may be to
some extent related to extreme weather conditions.
Finally, the mean sky transmittance of Day f is calcu-
lated using:
fit = K,-, + DK,
( 8)
The calculated mean sky transmittance is used, in
the next step, to calculate the sky transmittance of the
next day and this operation is repeated until a day that
was previously identified as clear or overcast is
encountered. When this occurs the value of K is
assumed to coincide respectively with KC or KO.
Calculation of daily global radiation
Fig. 2. Relationship between the difference in the temperature
ranges (DDT), the mean sky transmittance (K, -l) and the
difference between the sky transmittance of 2 subsequent
days (DK,) as calculated by Eqs. ( 4) , (5). (6) and (7)
Daily global radiation (Rs) is calculated on the basis
of extraterrestrial insolation (Q) and of the mean daily
sky transmittance (K) according to the following equa-
K,-, tion:
Rs= Q K ( 9)
In the equation, parameter K has the value of KC or
KO when a day is identified respectively as clear or
overcast and that of Ki on intermediate days. The
extraterrestrial irradiance at a plane parallel to the
earth's surface is calculated according to the procedure
formulated by Goudriaan (1977).
Bindi & Miglietta: Estimating dally global radiation 121
Table 2. Weather stations used for model validation
Station Lat Altitude (m) Years of obs
Bologna, Italy
Bolzano, Italy
Brindisi, Italy
Castana, IA, USA
Gainsville, FL, USA
Gilat, Israel
Los Banos, Philippines
Joydebpur, Bangladesh
Le Rheu Rennes, France
Lethbridge, AL, Canada
Lubbock, TX, USA
Mandan, ND, USA
Manhattan, KS, USA
Nayink, China
Palmaria, Colombia
Quincy, FL, USA
Samaru, Nigeria
Sandhills, NE, USA
Swifterbant, Netherlands
Ustica, Italy
Vigna di Valle, Italy
Wageningen, Netherlands
In this procedure, the sun declination (6) is given by:
6 = -23.45 cos(360(t+ 10)/365)
where t = number of days since 1 January.
Daylength (Dl) is calculated according to the follow-
ing equation:
D1= 12 + 24 arcsin (tan+- tan 6) / 180
where @ = latitude, and the mean sine of solar height
(sinh) is calculated using:
sinh = sin+ sin8 +
(24/n) cos+ cos6 (l - (tan@ tan8l(cos+ c0s6))~)l Dl
and the extraterrestrial irradiance is finally given by:
Q = D10.36 sinh S,, (1 + 0.033 cos(360 ff365)) (13)
where S,, = solar constant (1370 J m-2s-')
The accuracy of estimates varies among the different
stations and seasons. The mean relative error for the 22
stations is 28.5 % and is higher in winter than in sum-
mer (29.7 and 26.0 % respectively).
A comparison of model results with the results
obtained by means of a spatial interpolation technique
(Suckling 1985) is reported in Table 5 for the 6 stations
in Italy and one station in The Netherlands. In the
table, the absolute errors of model estimates are com-
pared with the absolute errors due to extrapolation.
Extrapolation errors were estimated, for each station,
on the basis of the distance from the nearest weather
station in which radiation is routinely measured, by
assuming that the extrapolation error linearly increases
with extrapolation distance (Suckling 1985).
Model errors are consistently lower than errors due
to extrapolation.
The model was validated by comparing solar radia-
tion calculated and measured in 22 weather stations
from 11 different countries (Table 2). Solar radiation
observations were firstly carefully checked and outliers
were removed. The mean difference found between
calculated and observed radiation and the absolute and
relative errors of estimates are given in Table 3. The
same statistics are reported in Table 4 for winter and
summer separately.
Solar radiation records are often used in
agrometeorological and simulation studies. The recent
development of simulation models promises to pro-
mote analysis of agricultural production potential and
to provide the appropriate technology for achieving
this potential over a wide range of conditions (de Wit
Model estimates and direct measurements of daily
global radiation were separately used as input to the
wheat growth simulation model NWHEAT (Groot
122 Clim. Res. 1: 117-124, 1991
Table 3. Mean difference and absolute and relative error computed in the comparison between observed and estimated daily
solar radiation
Station Mean difference Absolute error Relative error
(MJ m-' d-l) (MJ m-' d-' 1 ("h)
Bologna, Italy
Bolzano, Italy
Brindisi, Italy
Castana, IA, USA
Gainsville, FL, USA
Gilat, Israel
Los Baiios, Philippines
Joydebpur, Bangladesh
Le Rheu Rennes, France
Lethbridge, AL, Canada
Lubbock, TX, USA
Mandan, ND, USA
Manhattan, KS, USA
Nayink, China
Palmaria, Colombia
Quincy, FL, USA
Samaru, Nigeria
Sandhills, NE, USA
Swifterbant, Netherlands
Ustica, Italy
Vigna di Valle, Italy
Wageningen, Netherlands
Table 4. Absolute and relative error computed in the comparison between observed and estimated daily solar radiation in summer
and winter periods. ' Stahons at which seasonal data were missing
Summer Winter
Mean Absolute Relative Mean Absolute Relative
difference error error difference error error
(MJ m-' d-' ) (MJ m-' d-') (MJ m-' d-l) (MJ m-2 d-') ("/.l
Bologna, Italy 0.8 4.5 22.4 -0.1 2.2 31.9
Bolzano, Italy 1.3 4.9 25.3 0.4 1.9 27.0
Brindisi, Italy 1.5 5.9 27.2 1.1 3.2 38.5
Castana, IA, USA 0.9 6.0 31.1 1.2 3.1 30.1
Gainsville, FL, USA -1.2 5.3 26.7 0.7 3.5 29.1
Gilat, Israel 2.0 4.0 29.5
Los Baiios, Philippines -1.3 4.3 24.7 -0.8 4.9 29.9
Joydebpur, Bangladesh -1.1 5.3 30.7 -1.1 3.1 26.4
Le Rheu Rennes. France -0.2 4.2 25.6
Lethbridge, AL, Canada 2.0 4.9 27.5 1.2 1.2 20.6
Lubbock, TX, USA -0.4 5.7 26.5 0.1 3.6 32.0
Mandan, ND, USA -0.3 4.3 23.1 1.1 2.0 26.6
Manhattan, KS, USA -0.1 6.1 29.0 0.7 3.2 33.0
Nayink, China -0.9 3.8 21.8
Palmaria, Colombia 1.7 4.0 25.7 - 1.2 3.9 22.3
Quincy, FL, USA -0.3 6.3 30.0 -2.0 4.0 35.7
Samaru, Nigeria -1.1 4. 2 22.2 -1. 7 4.1 21.0
Sandhills, NE, USA 1.4 6.1 29.0 0.7 3.0 29.7
Swifterbant, Netherlands 1.2 3.4 24.4 0.1 1.1 30.6
Ustica, Italy 1.9 5.7 25.4 1.0 3.6 37.6
Vigna di Valle, Italy 1.8 4.4 20.6 0.4 2.5 31.6
Wageningen, Netherlands 0.6 3.7 26.7 0.2 1.1 30.2
Blndi & Miglietta: Estimating daily global radiation 123
Table 5. Absolute errors of model and spatial interpolation
methods. For each station the distance from the nearest
weather station at which radiation is routinely measured is
also given
l @ [ Ih C
8.25 -
Station Absolute error Nearest
(MJ m-' d-l 1 station
Model Spatial lnt. distance (km)
Wageningen (NL) 2.8 3.0 66
Bolzano ( I ) 3.6 4. 4 151
Bologna ( I ) 3.5 3. 7 118
Vigna di Valle (I) 3.8 4. 8 180
Brindisi (I) 4.9 5.2 212
Ustica (I) 4.9 5.2 213
1987). This model is based on existing theory and
models of crop growth (de Wit 1978, Penning de Vries
& Van Laar 1982, van Kulen & Seligman 1987) and
requires, in addition to crop and soil parameters, daily
data of minimum and maximum temperature, total
daily global radiation, daily precipitation, average
daily wind speed and air vapor pressure. It simulates
wheat phenological development on the basis of
degree-days (Porter 1984) and biomass growth as par-
titioned into root, stem, leaf and grain components.
Crop yield, expressed as grain weight, is given as
output at the end of the simulation. In the model, solar
radiation is used as a driving variable in the calculation
of potential evapotranspiration and crop photosyn-
thesis. A sensitivity analysis of model response to
changes in input radiation was conducted. Average
reductions of 10, 20 and 30% in input radiation led
respectively to 8, 16 and 26 O/O decreases in calculated
The model NWHEAT was run twice on the basis of
weather data recorded at each station and year of
observation included in Table 5. In the first run,
observed weather data including daily global radia-
tion were used as input. In the second run, the mea-
sured global radiation was substituted by estimates
calculated using the discussed model. Yield predic-
tions obtained in the 2 runs were then compared as
illustrated in Fig. 3 in the form of a scatter diagram.
Calculated yields were observed to range, in both
cases, from about 3 t ha-' to about 9 t ha-' and the
amplitude of this range is a result of the very high
variability that occurred in the weather conditions at
the different stations and in the different years.
Yields calculated on the basis of the estimated
irradiance do not markedly deviate from those calcu-
lated on the basis of observed values. The correlation
coefficient between yields calculated in the 2 ways is
0.91. The absolute error is 0.45 t ha-' and the relative
error is about 7 O/O.
Despite the very great simplification, the model here
Illustrated appears to be well suited for the estimation
of daily global radiation records. The principal advan-
tages of this model in respect to other estimation
methods are:
- records of daily maximum and minimum tempera-
ture and total rainfall are the only weather data
- although long historical records of temperature and
rainfall can improve the estimation accuracy they are
not required;
- calibration parameters are not required;
- station parameters are directly derived from the
latitude and from ancillary information concerning
the climate of the region and the degree of urbaniza-
tion/industrialization of the surrounding area.
Moreover, the model provides a simple and low cost
system for estimating solar radiation. It does not require
information from neighbouring stations for spatial
interpolation and it does not require expensive hard-
ware for data processing.
The model appears to be suited for most
agrometeorological and simulation studies requiring
solar radiation data and it can extend the effectiveness
of these applications to areas where radiation is not or
is only rarely measured by meteorological networks.
I I I l
3 4. 75 6 . 5 8.25 10
Fig. 3. Scatter diagram of wheat grain yields ( t ha-' ) computed
by the use of observed (C) and estimated radiation (0). A =
Wageningen (NL); B = Bolzano (I); C = Bologna (I); D =
Vigna di Valle (I); E = Brinchsi (I); F = Ustica ( I )
124 Clim. Res. 1. 117-124, 1991
Acknobvledgements. The authors thank D. VanKraalingen, G.
Hoogenboom and R. Reginato for the weather data provided.
J. J. R. Groot for the FORTRAN code of the NWHEAT model.
G. Maracchi and G. Zipoli for discussion and an anonymous
referee for useful suggestions.
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Ed~tor: G. Esser Manuscript first received: June 20, 1990
Revised version accepted: December 18, 1990